#Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4

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  • 7/30/2019 #Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4


    lol still playing mr whom;s on Kerry's skypelist,. not me i kicked her of 6_months ago, she got you for it, haha poor kerry she allready has enough issues sinceyou added your lowvibe onto her. play play play more. http://theidylwildgroup.wordpress.com/2012/11/09/rakmeister-the-stalker/

    2months 9days and you still..... playing with ya ego lol must be hard to be youyou and poor you.denial leads to delusion creating your own delusional reallity paradigm. stuck unable to see. choice.. intent.. lackoff... read me another story. and add somea ya covering caliboys and girls to it, maybe time for another 7 tornado;s in cali. 7 7 than another 7 when you fail some more....

    how many lives (female) have you destroyed now since 1994? hemmingson, you musthave lost your count... poor boy..

    so log search *worfpoe* #funtime mirror mirror on the wall, your wake of damage is all on your soul..

    gl i wish ya thats about all. no pitty no attention just your bs back to you. and a correction added. for a REALLITY CHECK. as joel morgan kimbal would say as he talks to paul price now on youtube, do check... you wont, only lies followthruth, so lies and silent... it is. till next Art of Deception slice&dice rolls

    out of ones deluded being to play once again... so lost oyu are its kinda silly for your surroundings.

    worfpoe [[email protected]] has quit IRCWorfpoe [[email protected]][[email protected]]21:00 ? worfpoe is now known as PapaHem

    tip for.. PapaHem your daughter is your savior, so WAKE THE F UP for her sake....

    its called HIDING... but you know NH dont you... cover and blamegame, same old same rehash energy recap... enable to slice and redirect circle round loop trigger keywords intent kugh (not to mention the GROUPSKYPECALL if im not forgetting something NH) do say so. in voice directt not mirrored expressed words. and thanon stuff non response..

    01:19 ~NnitehawkK ? read your god damn shype message worfpoe- been tryingto call you for the last 24 hours

    23:56 +worfpoe ? I have seen others' cuss words is what I am saying. Oh well never mind I the for the sake of 23:56 +worfpoe ? we are all one under the mad god of

    23:58 +worfpoe ? where is the love? I ask. The higher consciousness of? Or should we all down our web sites and run away from the madness like Mr. Super Solider has done? http://www.duncanofinioan.com/Home.php23:59 ~NnitehawkK ? kinda like worfpoe23:59 +worfpoe ? a lot of energy and rehtoric is spent, it seems to me,on the interpretation of language23:59 +worfpoe ? and what that language, or certain words, has meaningto each person. In sociology, we call that symbolic interctionism -- the meaning people place on words, things, and ideas

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    06:07 +worfpoe ? help. I am being chased by MKUltra black ops agents dressed as clowns!06:07 +worfpoe ? (T)06:15 +worfpoe ? they MKultra clowns stopped chasing me and are now playing Rush songs via micorwave to control me...and Neil Pert is the leder of theclowns! (P)06:18 @tones ? wonders if Jason and worfpoe are going to attempt topull Seth into a blackhole like they did last night with Vosto...06:26 +worfpoe ? leaches! (8)

    TRY MMS crappoe, might RESOLVE DISSOLVE CLEAR CLEANSE some a ya stench

    09:43 +worfpoe ? any word why Pythagorian was cancelled?09:44 +worfpoe ? Kerry has a lot of psycho stalkers...I know how thatis

    yep you one a them. still are.

    03:15 +Frontiersmen ? worfpoe, LMAO03:16 +worfpoe ? Not a bullet drive per se but a USB drive with data housed inside an EMP proof casing that looks like a necklace charm03:16 +Mothersbow ? Are you kidding Worfpoe? Wow, talk about an Ego!03:17 +worfpoe ? There seems to be a secret group of spooks who have access to power, computers, and chat03:18 +Redux ? worfpoe re your Q http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Resort_(U.S._TV_series)#Episodes03:19 +worfpoe ? Mothersbow, Drake has, before his attention fame, claimed to be some sort of savior, that he stands between the dark beings and humanity and was handed Merlins rainbow swordof yeah he also says he was Merlin in a pa

    st life as well as Jesus.03:20 +worfpoe ? He has lost 90% of his previous listeners03:21 +worfpoe ? Nothing he has predicted has happenedand he always says, well, n another two weeks in a few days Then again, so does Terral and John Mout people still listen to them, hahah.03:22 +worfpoe ? RBN you have taken too much crystal ;)03:23 +worfpoe ? A tin foil aluminum hat skull does not attune to a crystal skull03:23 +worfpoe ? spelled SKULLS, RBN03:25 +worfpoe ? Crystal skulls are quantum computers not bound to linear time and space.03:26 +worfpoe ? I see the crystal people often in dark alleys in downtown Los Angelesaround the corner from the lair of the heroin people.

    03:28 +worfpoe ? Anyone aware of the John Titor urban legend? I thinkI will do next Weds show about him.03:28 +Mothersbow ? Good story worfpoe, you need to do that one!03:29 +worfpoe ? yez...there have been new things about Titor lately.03:29 +worfpoe ? get index cards, rbn03:31 +worfpoe ? how did you know we were the secret illuminate rich elite, rbn? who spilled the beans?03:35 +worfpoe ? I hope LAST RESORT goes season 2 because my manager sent over a spec script and I got an interview with the showrunner in 2 weeks. Icould dig on working writing team for that one.

  • 7/30/2019 #Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4


    03:36 +worfpoe ? I dream of wing'ed giraffes03:39 +worfpoe ? heard the Former White Hat will be on Kerrys show on AFR, with voice changer, though many know it is really Bill Ryan. Topic: ascension and cloning.03:39 +worfpoe ? Rebecca on acid would be awesome!03:41 +paddyfields ? worfpoe is FWH really BillRyan?03:41 +Redux ? right worfpoe?

    04:17 +worfpoe ? has seen dozens of Chinese drones flying about the US/Mex border in the Imperial/Mexicali desert border, both daytime ad at night withvision goggles.04:19 +worfpoe ? The drones have been crossing into US airspace and Iam surprised that is allowedunless the US and China are in cahoots04:20 +worfpoe ? No Kerry wears a special hat so block the beams, given to her by the Arcturians04:22 +worfpoe ? she is not an alien04:23 +worfpoe ? she used to get info from her MI6 ex-boyfriend04:24 +worfpoe ? that is a poem?04:26 +worfpoe ? ask the Universe and you shall be scanned, rbn04:26 +worfpoe ? a scanner darkly04:27 +worfpoe ? blah blah lizard people in milab astral bodies

    04:27 +worfpoe ? it is all disinfo, redux04:28 +worfpoe ? .me tried DMT twice04:28 +Redux ? worfpoe is your comment to me disinfo?04:28 +worfpoe ? Kerry is in the astral plane right now04:29 +worfpoe ? if a comment on disinfo is disinfo, then it must be the truth,

    slice and dice and create some more a nimwitinfo

    04:45 +worfpoe ? I agree with NHs rant last night about the number of leaches here who sit in this chat room 24/7 and have no lives other than to and cause trouble and heckle hosts but they never donate a dime to help maintain the forum they play in.04:46 +Redux ? worfpoe yes was a great long rant

    you just destroy and leave the bs in your wake,. effecting others... yep you addnothing but ya smell/lowvibe yet do the work @self, nope. #lost DownFluX spiral@

    05:12 ? worfpoe [[email protected]] has

    joined #RevolutionRadio05:12 ? Hal9000 set mode [+v worfpoe]05:16 +Redux ? wonders whether TammyMarsh is neenerneenering worfpoe05:20 ? Removed worfpoe from ignore list.05:26 +Redux ? geeze worfpoe you wanna publicize that?05:29 ? Removed worfpoe from ignore list.05:30 +worfpoe ? I still have not been able to get myself to touch themoney and stocks my dad left after his death last year...only did paperwork onholding account for money he left my kid she cannot touch until she is 18...don't even drive the new trck he left me, or the unfinished Harley...weird...maybe I

  • 7/30/2019 #Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4


    am still in denial about his death05:31 +Redux ? I totally get you worfpoe, been there done that ... sorry to hear

    ReduX DownFluX some old same. intent.. time.. shows... all.. for those that can SEE....

    00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:35:26] super soldier warrior: http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/7/70/Moron.jpg00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:37:53] two graduates of Duncan O'Finioan's supersolider survival course: http://www.google.com.mx/imgres?q=redneck&um=1&hl=es&safe=off&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:es-ES:official&biw=797&bih=308&tbm=isch&tbnid=6X2UeBTTnaL1dM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dba-oracle.com/redneck.htm&docid=fRrQR8ko0Eu1PM&imgurl=http://www.dba-oracle.com/images/redneck_mentor.jpg&w=488&h=352&ei=Z9lzUIrUFu-62gW2yYGADg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=187&vpy=-7&00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:38:07] yikes00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:38:48] reduxe: Duncan O'Finion super solider survival grads: http://www.dba-oracle.com/images/redneck_mentor.jpg00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:39:23] sounds like a keen idea, Dread00:02 &vobear ? [03:40:33] Amora and Worfpoe, I have enjoyed about asmuch of you sniping as I can handle for one day, a timeout is starting to look

    real good.. you are both grown men grown me for Pete's sakes!00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:41:52] Amora is Tones00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:42:26] good show Dewd good info00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:44:19] hey dont diss my baby Jesus, I just boughtone today for the Christmas tree (KG)00:02 +worfpoe ? [03:46:25] My damn clones have taken over

    blalbla bla yawn so many games he plays he gets lots when all intermixes haha

    00:11 +worfpoe ? I am a shapeshifting genderless lizard person00:12 +worfpoe ? NH, of course...I have to sell books, I pay rent on three apartments and have a child to feed.

    00:12 %GerrBear ? and create MAterial to write about worfpoe00:12 +worfpoe ? anything wrong wth that?00:13 +worfpoe ? I have been making a living from my writing since 1995...I have not punched a tmecard since

    yep since 1995 stealing and wanking and stealing bookformat/content and destroying many WOMANS life;s isnt it mr crappoe

    http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/ifaq.htmlFAQ8) Where are Natasha Valerie Ivonna Grey*, Byron Ng, Gunhed, Patrick McGinnis, R. Chen, Lee Brown, Michael Hemmingson, Jonathan Meadows, and Bart Prinsen?

    Valerie seems to have retired to being Michael Hemmingson, still eeking outa living making bad "artsy-fartsy" plays. Our very own Stuart Harris, at risk ofviolent illness, still condescends to attend these plays and post reviews herefor our delight. Byron Ng of the Gender Check Now plan has vanished into obscurity. Gunhed recently rediscovered alt.irc, and alt.irc is the worse for it. Patrick McGinnis continues to post under a variety of aliases baffling the killfilesof Crimedogs everywhere. R. Chen (alias Richard Simmons) seems to have been rejuvenated in the persona of the Official Bjorn Borud fanclub: Greg and Kylie. LeeBrown graciously took the job offer he made to himself and has been too busy toreturn. Jonathan Meadows vanished after that same Bjorn Borud received his 1000t

  • 7/30/2019 #Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4


    h sympathy note for having to deal with Mr. Meadows. Bart Prinsen, famous authorof the DREAMSCRIPT, started uppernet and has not been heard of since.

    00:46 +worfpoe ? you runing moonshine, rbn? ;)00:55 +worfpoe ? gerr don't trype anything Rak asks, it is a trick00:58 +worfpoe ? one Luciferian down, more to follow: http://www.duncanofinioan.com/Home.php01:04 +worfpoe ? .me awaits Jason to exercise freedom of expression and speech

    duncan knows your not worth "time' neither, NOT THAN, NOT NOW, NOT TOBE. yet youare DELUDED.... lost lost lostmoonshine lol pinealgland.. crap re:tones. yepz all shows themselfs for the BS them are. selfcreated selfenflicted

    3:20 +worfpoe ? reads about The Idywild Group...


    09:39 +worfpoe ? digs timelines

    09:40 +worfpoe ? What Pamela is talking about re: timelines and changed reality is explained on this blog post: http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/the-timequake-what-it-is-what-it-be/09:47 +worfpoe ? if I call Vo my daughter wll wake up...al quiet in the household, headphones on09:48 +worfpoe ? the Archon AIs Pamela speaks of are also known as theSecond Order of Manrule, hive mind machine men who wish to control humanity09:49 +worfpoe ? Pamela is talking about these cyborgs: http://formerwhitehat.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/the-second-order-of-manrule-from-sirius-8/

    even pamela tried to give you a helping hand. like many, yet lost in the sand grains of time you DownfluX go the vortex......

    next obsession09:36 +worfpoe ? http://watchingthetsa.wordpress.com/

    08:01 +Redux ? kinda slow on that draw worfpoe?!08:01 +worfpoe ? is dragging08:02 +worfpoe ? Oh I got it three times this morning, haha (41)11:49 +Rakmeister ? speak more worfpoe ya lost soul, even patar triessssssssss. yet fails on you11:49 +worfpoe ? Alicia, Seth has server if you wanna come on11:50 +worfpoe ? Amora is Rak in drag11:50 +worfpoe ? (40)11:50 +worfpoe ? didn;t you want to join RT, AA>

    11:50 +worfpoe ? ?11:50 +worfpoe ? Oh11:59 +worfpoe ? no12:06 +AliciaArkansas ? well worfpoe is pretty cool!

    poor girl. with your Art of dreaming/Deception and "techniques" games .....

    00:35 +Redux ? worfpoe knows the hotel name I believe

    05:42 +worfpoe ? I live in LA, San Diegi and Tijuana...LA is nt summer

  • 7/30/2019 #Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4


    all year round...it gets cold there and even had rain last week

    rh- negative05:52 +worfpoe ? yours is WH negatuve, WH ;)23:30 +worfpoe ? is an AnnuNaughty

    fun bunch together wanking up jacking up strapping up. yet upable to see the Light

    01:35 +worfpoe ? 's agenda is to help all.all you in ones limited reallity as its your deceptive circle ya stuck in. yourisse WAS IS WILL BE

    01:34 +worfpoe ? I am not in LA01:34 +worfpoe ? Yeah I got the msg when I woke up at 10:55 am haha01:34 +worfpoe ? It is why I am here: to help01:35 +worfpoe ? 's agenda is to help all.01:36 +worfpoe ? http://www.freedomslips.com/forum/discussion/82/oct-17-art-of-dreaming-perpetual-war-in-the-usa-and-the-anglo-saxxon-mission#Item_101:37 +worfpoe ? eh?01:38 +worfpoe ? a diamond bigger than earth? My ex-fiance would havefound a way to get it on her finger01:38 %thisbluemonkey ? omg lol worfpoe

    01:39 +worfpoe ? I paid $17,000 for her engageent ring in 2006 and shedidn't give it back. Women should give back rings if the marriage does not happen, I say.01:40 +worfpoe ? no worroies worfpoe is like Underground: here he comes to save the dayyyyy, you know that worfpoe is on the wayyyy01:41 +worfpoe ? and I have the magic cape01:41 +worfpoe ? Underdog yes\01:41 +worfpoe ? is as ugly as underdog too01:41 ? worfpoe is now known as UnderWorf01:42 &Catt ? worfpoe channeled you angela, he even broke out intosong

    lol you woke up at same timeframe 3 diffrent "times" 5min before.. 3 min before.

    yet had the autoserver before AIR WENT DARK> yepz intent and... time

    sry ya has no cape... you still dont get IT do you. noepe

    11:42 ? worfpoe is now known as OctoberSurprise

    no suprise ahh even Todd ya buttholebuddy deleted his BSuprise site.. nimwits

    20:04 +worfpoe ? it is Worfpoe Wednesday20:05 +worfpoe ? http://www.freedomslips.com/forum/discussion/82/oct-17-art-of-dreaming-perpetual-war-in-the-usa-and-the-anglo-saxxon-mission#Item_1

    20:06 +worfpoe ? Happy 20th Anniversary blue!

    yep you and David black play ... game well not really well for souls in denial and selfreated delusion unable to SEE.06:36 ? worfpoe is now known as Dr_Timelessness

  • 7/30/2019 #Case Was Allready Closed - Michael Hemmingson x4


    more like no hats., just exposed souls with not much light left. so do REDEEM ..choice

    08:23 +worfpoe ? McKinnon: http://theidylwildgroup.wordpress.com/2012/10/25/former-us-space-command-officer-john-barkley-says-gary-mckinnon-did-no-harm/08:24 +worfpoe ? isnt there a tsunami warning on that CA quake?

    play Paul richard Price you do niwmit

    21:20 +worfpoe ? so is Asperger's Disease the new escape goat? Everyoneseems to be using it lately as an excuse for faux pas21:22 +worfpoe ? I blame any use of the word or phrase of masturbationon my Asperger's Disease. ;)21:22 +worfpoe ? Yeoaw, I got friends trapped in Boston. Their flightscanceled tomorrow.

    08:05 +worfpoe ? not me. my only agenda is to have no agenda08:05 %justintime ? exactly, worfpoe08:05 %Lorien ? Saul, worfpoe: I don't want anything to do with dominating the world. I just want to create a safe haven for the Super Soldiers, MindControl survivors and TimeTravelers.

    lol your agenda stinks....

    21:05 +Worfpoe ? a man among men21:06 +Worfpoe ? NH don't sleep21:12 +Worfpoe ? and moi21:12 +Worfpoe ? and Lorein21:12 +Worfpoe ? we will be wearing Rev Radio hats...WHITE hats ;)

    or goto20:08 +worfpoe ? http://www.alchemyevent.com/index.html

    to see all them retards stacked packed together, vibe them created, them will resolve. eitherway.... no escape for that you created. ima call world in action. m




    want full log dumped on web send request to [email protected]