Case study solutions & project reports provided 11




Transcript of Case study solutions & project reports provided 11









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Responsiveness at a Leading European Grocery Retailer

How does a leading European Grocery Retailer with nearly 1000 stores and over 10 million SKU/Store combinations respond when the need to cater to rising consumer incomes, expectations and individualism translates into higher supply chain complexity and costs? The answer: Improve visibility and enhance collaboration between retail stores and central functions in order to replenish stores more efficiently while simultaneously lowering logistics costs.

Working with a leading edge supply chain consulting form, the retailer realized that the increasingly unpredictable nature of consumer behaviour makes planning more and more difficult. So, more time is spent on planning but the results are less valuable because planning involves making assumptions about what will happen rather than reacting to what customers are actually doing. Consequently, the retailer determined that the only way to be responsive to increasing consumer demands was to build processes and define rules that required less day to day planning.

Questions:1. Why is planning so important as per the case study?


As a HRD Manager what steps you will  initiate before dismissing a workman found guilty of Misconduct where  there is the presence of strong employee union.

General mgmt


As with most fast-food restaurant chains, McDonald’s needs more people to fill jobs in its vast empire. Yet McDonald’s executives are finding that recruiting is a tough sell. The industry is taking a beating from an increasingly health-conscious society and the popular film Supersize Me. Equally troublesome is a further decline in the already dreary image of employment in a fast-food restaurant. It doesn’t help that McJob, a slang term closely connected to McDonald’s, was recently added to both Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary as a legitimate concept meaning a low-paying, low-prestige, dead-end, mindless service job in which the employee’s work is highly regulated.

McDonald’s has tried to shore up its employment image in recent years by improving wages and adding some employee benefits. A few years ago it created the “I’m loving it” campaign, which took aim at a positive image of the golden arches for employees as well as customers. The campaign had some effect, but McDonald’s executives realized that a focused effort was needed to battle the McJob image.


1. Discuss McDonald's current situation from a human resource planning perspective.

CASE – 1  S & Z EAST COAST IMPORTERS OVERVIEW Herbie Shapiro has worked as a retail footwear salesman in the New York City area for 20 years. The New York native has always worked for someone else, but he knows the business and its people very well. Shapiro has always felt that the supply side of the retail footwear business is poorly organized and that few if any distributors provide good service to the hundreds of retail outlets in the metropolitan area.

Mei Zhao, a native of China, is a longtime acquaintance of Shapiro, and a manufacturer’s rep for several of the Pacific Rim footwear manufactures. Zhao functions primarily as a foreign agent and freight forwarder for the Asian manufacturers, overseeing the unloading and trucking of container ship cargo.

Zhao shares many of the same views as Shapiro when it comes to the distribution and supply side of the retail footwear business. Both men are at the midpoint of their careers: have built a solid business and personal relationship with one another; and, following several meetings have decided to form a partnership. S & Z East Coast Importers has the opportunity to lease a 60,000-square foot warehouse with a buy option in northern New Jersey for purposes of establishing a distribution center for the metropolitan area retail footwear business.Questions 

1. How can Herbie Shapiro and Mei Zhao use technology to achieve success in their new venture? Be sure to address each of the major categories presented—purchasing, transportation, operations, distribution, and financial management.



How to Proofread like a Pro :

Tips for creating the Perfect Document

You’ve carefully revised and polished your document, and it’s

been sent off to the word-processing department or a designer to

be put into final form. You can breathe a sigh of relief, but only

for the moment : You’ll still be proofreading what comes out of

the printer. To ensure that any document is error-free, always

proofread the final version. Following are some hints to help

make your proofreading more effective.

Multiple passes – Go through the document several times, focusing on a different aspect each time. The first pass might be to look for omissions and errors in content; the second pass could be for layout, spacing, and other aesthetic features; a final pass

Career Applications :

1. What qualities does a person need to be a good

proofreader ? Are such qualities inborn, or can they

be learned ?

SUBJECT: CHARTERED FINANCEQ1) Write down the equation defining a project’s internal rate of return? In practicehow is IRR calculated? Explain in detail.Q2) What is meant by a bond’s yield to maturity and how is it calculated?Q3) What is the difference between a discount rate and a discount factor?Q4) What is meant by limited liability? Do corporations have limited liability? Whatabout a sole proprietorships?Q5) What is meant by dual class equity? Do you think it should be allowed oroutlawed?Q6) Explain why equity can sometimes have a positive value even when companies

file for bankruptcy.

SUBJECT:- CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYMARKS :80N.B: 1) All case studies are compulsory.2) All case studies carry equal marks.CASE STUDY: 1Rancip co. wants to discover and develop a new drug costs $ 800-1000 million and takeslonger than 12 years. Clinical development the most important step prior to a drug enteringthe market takes 7 years. Each day’s delay in completing the drug development and

launching the product in the market means a revenue loss of $ 1 million. So they appointMr. Kate as a project mager and the company expects the company expects the projectmanagement techniques to reduce this increasing cost and time pressure.Questions:-Q.1) What are the important responsibilities of Mr. Kate?Q.2) What are the different stages Mr. Kate will use in the Process to set up the project andrun it?Q.3) On what elements will Mr. Kate focus?

Q.4) What are your Suggestions?

SUB: Clinical ResearchN.B.: 1) All questions carries equal marks.1. While understanding headache what are the sensitive to mechanicalstimulations? Explain Migraine & Tension headaches. State theLimitations of symptoms?2. What are the reasons of the use of animals for clinical research? How theGuinea Pigs, Mice & albino rats, the hamster, rabbits & dogs are usefulin clinical research?3. What are the purpose of Laboratory tests carried out or employ by aclinicians?4. What are the diagnostic errors? State the role or ancillary examinations?

5. How are new therapies introduced? What are the objectives of therapy?

COST & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTINGCASE STUDY : 1J P Ltd manufacturers of a special product, follows the policy of EOQ for one of its components. Thecomponents’s details are as follows.Purchase price per component, Rs 200Cost of an order Rs 100Annual cost of carrying one unit in inventory,10 per cent of purchase priceAnnual usage of components, 4000

The company has been offered a discount of 2 per cent on the price of the component provided the lot size is2000 components at a time.Q1) You are required to compute the EOQ?Q2) Advise whether the quantity discount offer can be accepted (assume that the inventory carrying costdoes not vary according to discount policy).Q3) Would your advise differ if the company is offered 5 per cent discount on a single order?

Q4) Explain the term EOQ?

COST & MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANCYCOURSE: CFM Total Marks: 80N. B.: 1) Attempt any Four Questions2) All questions carries equal mark1. X is the manufacture of Mumbai purchased three chemicals A, B and C from U.P.The billgave the following information:Chemical A: 6000 kgs @ Rs. 4.20 per kg Rs 25,200Chemical B: 10000 kgs @ Rs. 3.80 per kg 38,000Chemical C: 4000 kgs @ Rs. 4.75 per kg 19,000VAT 2,055Railway Freight 1,000Total Cost 85,255A shortage of 100 kgs in chemical A, of 140 Kgs in chemical B and Of 50 kgs in chemical C wasnoticed due to breakages. At Mumbai, the manufacture paid octroi duty @ 0.20 kg. He also paidhamali, Rs 20 for the chemical a, Rs 58.12 for chemical B and Rs 35.75 for chemical C. Calculate thestock rate that you would suggest for pricing issue of chemicals assuming a provision of 4 % towardsfurther deterioration and also show the quantity (kgs) of chemicals available for issue.2. ABC Ltd has collected the following data for its two activities. It calculates activity cost ratesbased on cost driver capacity.Activity Cost driver Capacity CostPower Kilowatt hours 50000 hrs Kilowatt Rs 200000

Quality Inspection Numbers of inspection 10000 inspection Rs 300000


Q 1. Mention major items of expenses or income, which will appear in financial accounts, but will not normally appear in cost accounts.

Q 2. What is standard costing and how would you distinguish it from budgetary control?

Q 3. If a company sells more units than it produces, would the the profits reported by absorption costing tend to be higher or lower than the profits reported by variable costing ?why?

Q 4. Why is operating costing called service costing ? describe in brief the cost accumulating procedure under operating costing.

SUBJECT : COST ACCUNTING MANAGEMENTCOURSE : Total Marks :CASE STUDY : 1Materials X and Y are used as follows :Minimum usage — 50 units each per weekMinimum usage — 150 units each per weekNormal usage — 100 units each per weekOrdering quantities x = 600 unitsY = 1000 unitsDelivery period x = 4 to 6 weeksY = 2 to 4 weeksCalculate for each materiala) Minimum levelb) Maximum levelc) Order level

d) Explain importance of inventory controls?

SUBJECT : CUSTOMER RELATION MANAGEMENTTotal Marks: 80N.B. :1) All questions carry equal marks.2) All questions are compulsory.Q1) Write short notes (any two) (10 Marks)a) Is CRM Ashley Judd?b) Sales Force Automationc) Communications in CRMQ2) Explain briefly the concept of Enterprise Marketing Management. (10 Marks)Q3) Define customer relationship Management and explain its features (10 Marks)Q4) Distinguish between Supply Chain + Demand Chain (10 Marks)Q5) Discuss the CRM Strategy: First in Plan, First in Implementation (10 Marks)Q6) Implementing CRM is like Dancing to the Music explain this statement in context

with CRM strategy (10 Marks)

SUB: CUSTOMER RELATION MANAGEMENTN. B.: 1) All questions carries equal marks.2) Solve Any Five.1) Electronics market is a booming market, for a given product there are manymanufacturers having different features in their respective products. A customer,who does not have knowledge of intricate features at electronic products andpractical significance as features, may choose wrong product. How this situation iseffectively addressed? What principle of CRM is implemented here & how?2) The difference between physically going to book store & e- shopping is use of awebsite as a link between buyer & seller. How this link is made secure &trustworthy by How does this issue of trustworthiness affectpopularity of company? What steps are taken for customer retention!3) Practically thousands of products, costing & features are advertised These products are viewed, judged & compared by customers fromall over the globe. How is it ensured that every customer gets a personalizedexperience of shopping? Does the difference in cultures of customers from differentcountries affect policy of marketing?4) How is effective marketing achieved at minimum cost? What special effort is takento meet expectations of customers? Are the strategies of company affected by

global experts? How is why?

Customer Relationship Management

Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 4 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. High congruence means a. High probability of success b. Low probability of success c. Zero probability of success d. None

2. Novo Jim’s excellent resource book for Recency, Frequency and Monetary is a. Drilling high

b. Digging the top c. Cutting edges d. Drilling down

3. What stands for ‘R’ in FURPS a. Responsibility b. Resource c. Retention d. Reliability

Caselet 1

Project Energized:

Indian Synthetics Limited was established in the year 1987 by Seth Gopichand, who was an NRI based in Singapore. The company’s main products were blended synthetics, polyester and cotton yarn; which were suitable for readymade garments. The company had achieved an outstanding success with an annual turnover of Rs. 1,500 crores and was awarded the ‘Exporter of the Year Award’ since 1988, for four consecutive years by the Government of India. Encouraged by the profitability of the Jabalpur plant, the company set up another manufacturing plant at Nasik. The company was a typically family run business wherein no outsiders were inducted at the top management positions. Even the Chartered Accountant was from the family. The plant at Jabalpur had 1,300 workers with an average age of 28 years and an educational qualification of either high school or secondary school. 60 percent of the workers were from Bihar and the rest were from Orissa. They were highly paid with reference to the industry average and were provided with residential accommodation on the factory premises. All the employees were men with no woman employee on the plant’s payroll. Among the workers and staff it was common that the management had not initiated the appointment. Since the past 12 years of its existence, the company was functioning in a traditional pattern in spite of the modernization of the plant and had no HR practices whatsoever. With the growing competition in the market, the

1. In what way would multi-skilling help in solving the problems of the plant?

2. Do you think that the company’s policy of entering into term settlement is appropriate? Give reasons.


Case study 1

Internet attorney Reinhardt Buys says a recent court judgment underlines the

importance of IT risk management in companies.

Buys says that notwithstanding the requirements of the King II report, a recent

court case concluded that a person may be held liable for damages or losses

that resulted from a so-called "negligent omission" - the failure and/or refusal to

do something when reasonably required to do so.

He says the risk management duty was established by the Supreme Court in

the judgment of Minister of Safety and Security v Van Duivenboden [2002] 3 All

SA 741 (SCA).

In the judgment, Judge Nugent stated: "A negligent omission is unlawful only if it

occurs in circumstances that the law regards as sufficient to give rise to a legal

duty to avoid negligently causing harm. It is important to keep that concept quite

separate from the concept of fault."

1. CASE NO 1 People are the weak spot in IT security

Risk management and internal control often do not enjoy the same prominence

as other requirements for good corporate governance. Yet these are issues that

the King committee on corporate governance treated with due gravity.

The King 2 report on corporate governance defines risk management as the

identification and evaluation of actual and potential risk areas as they pertain to

the company as a total entity, followed by a process of either termination,

transfer, acceptance (tolerance) or mitigation of each risk.

Issues to be addressed1. Study the case carefully and bring out its salient features2. What do you understand by the Corporate IT risk. Give your views basedon the Case details.

3. What would be your suggestion for better IT security for a company?


Instruction1) All questions carry equal marks.2) All questions are compulsory.Q.1) Write short notes (any two) (10 Marks)a) Privacy on the Netb) Age of Cyber Crimec) Business on the Netd) Cyber crimes against governmentQ.2) Explain the important computer terminology defined in the information technology act 2000?(10 Marks)Q.3) Give an over view of the information technology act 2000? (10 Marks)Q.4) Discuss the World of Electronic Contracts? (10 Marks)Q.5) Discuss the aims and objectives cyber laws in India? (10 Marks)

Q.6) What is digital signature? Explain the procedure for verification

Caselete 1 Superior Medical Equipment Company supplies electrical equipment that is used as components in the assembly of MRI, CAT scanners, PET scanners, and other medical diagnostic equipment. Superior has production facilities in Phoenix, Arizona, and Monterrey, Mexico. Customers for the components are located in selected locations throughout the United States and Canada. Currently, a warehouse, that receives all components from the plants and redistributed them to customers, is located at Kansas City, Kansas. Superior’s management is concerned about location of its warehouse since its sales have declined due to increasing competition and shifting sales levels among the customers. The lease is about to expire on the current warehouse, and management wishes to examine whether it should be renewed or warehouse space at some other location should be leased. The warehouse owner has offered to renew the lease at an attractive rate of $2.75 per sq. ft. per year for the 200,000 sq. ft. facility. It is estimated that any other location would cost $3.25 per q. ft. for a similar-size warehouse. A new or renewed lease will be for five years. Moving the inventory, moving expenses for key personnel, and other location expenses would result in a one-time charge of $3, 00,000. Warehouse operating costs are expected to be similar at any location.

In the most recent year, Superior was able to achieve sale

Questions: 1. Based on information for the current years, is Kansas City the best location for a warehouse? If not, what are the coordinates for a better location>? What cost improvement can be expected from the new location?

2. If by year 5 increases are expected of 25 percent in warehouse outbound transport rates and 15 percent in warehouse inbound rates, would your decision change about the warehouse location?

Business Logistics Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & short note questions. Answer all the questions. Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.

Part One: Multiple Choices: 1. This decision involves mode of selection, shipment size, routing & scheduling a. Inventory decision b. Transport decision c. Distribution decision d. Facility location decision

2. This refers to the activities of gathering the information needed about the products & services desired & formally requesting the products to be purchased a. Order preparation b. Order transmittal c. Observation d. Order entry

3. A very valuable function for the TMS is to suggest the patterns for consolidating small shipments into larger ones. a. Mode selection b. Routing c. Scheduling d. Freight Consolidation Caselete 1 World is a worldwide refiners and distributor of fuel products for a automobiles, aircrafts, trucks, and marine operations, services stations, and bulk facilities as outlets. Keeping more than 1,000 such outlets supplied is a significant operating problem for the company. Maintaining adequate fuel levels at the auto service stations is its major concern, because fuel generates the most revenue for the firm and has the greatest demand for customer service. Being able to forecast usage rates by product at these service stations is one of the key elements of goods distribution operations. In particular, the tanker truck dispatchers need an accurate forecast of fuel usage in order to schedule fuel deliveries at service stations to avoid stock outs. SERVICE STATION OPERATION

Service stations may carry three or four different grades of fuel including 87, 89, and 92 octane gasoline and diesel fuels. These are stored in underground tanks. Due to the variations in the usage rates among the stations and the limited capacities of these tanks, the frequency of replenishment may range from two or three times per day to only several times per week. Each tank is dedicated to one type of fuel. Fuel levels are measured periodically by placing a calibrated stick into a storage tank, although some of the more modern stations have electronic metering devices on their tanks. Tanker trucks, typically having four fuel compartments, are used for replenishment.

Questions: 1. Develop a forecasting procedure for this service station. Why did you select this method?

2. How should promotions, holidays, or other such periods where fuel usage rates deviate form normal patterns be handled in the forecast?


Case : 1GM’s E-Business StrategyINTRODUCTIONUS-based General Motors (GM), the largest automobile company in the world, was in trouble in thelate 1990s. The company’s market share in the US automobile market had been steadily declining froma high of 50% in the late 1960s to a low of 28% by 1999.Analysts pointed out that GM had been in thegrip of a vicious circle.The company faced low demand for its automobiles as they were not developed in line with thechanging customer needs and preferences. However, GM continued producing automobiles which didnot met customer requirements, leading to excess inventories at its factories and dealers.The building up of inventory at the dealers made the company even more desperate, and most often itresorted to higher dealer incentives which reduced the company’s profits significantly. This againforced GM to produce more cars to compensate for the eroded profit margins. Commenting on thedilemma GM faced in the late 1990s, John Paul MacDuffie, Professor, Wharton Business School,explained, “That belief in volume, and doing whatever it takes to keep volume, has driven a lot of theirdecisions.

GM’s labor costs ar

Issues1. What do you understand by the E-Business strategy implementation across an organization’s valuechain?2. What are the rationale and benefits associated with e-commerce initiatives in an automobilecompany?

4. What are the Channel conflict arising from e-business initiative?

SUBJECT : E-COMMERCE MANAGEMENTCOURSE : Total Marks : 80E-CommerceStrategy, Technologies and ApplicationsCASE STUDY : 1

Mrs Geeta Kapoor is a middle aged lady, who is very fond of shopping. Uptill now shealways used the traditional methods of shopping. But one day her shopping activity canstuck up due to unprecedented rains, that is when her neice brought up the idea ofinternet shopping. Mrs Kapoor felt that while internet e-commerce might be a veryattractive facility to many customers, it does not solve all shopping problems for her.Question :1) What do you feel are the reasons for Mrs Kapoor above statement?2) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of ordering the products online.3) Use the Web site Evaluation Model and evaluate a couple of Web sites. Comparethe results of the two evaluations.

4) Compute an overall score to each of the sites along with reasons.

SUBJECT : EFFECTIVE H.R TRAINING& DEV STRATEGYCOURSE : ADHRM Total Marks : 80INSTRUCTIONS :1) Answers must be written in legible handwriting without using abbreviations or SMSlanguage.2) Figures to the right indicate the marks assigned to each question.4) All Questions are compulsory.5) Read the cases carefully and then attempt answers.CASE – 1 (20 Marks)Rajiv Grover clutched his forehead and groaned. A combination of embarrassment and guilt hadworked its way to a stiff neck and a dull pain at the base of his skull. He had complicated hiscondition with quick remedies : an aspirin, neck exercises and a cup of black coffee. Feeling woozy,he stepped out of the taxi warily, hoping the scene, which he had been witness to a little while ago,and which triggered off his condition, had dissipated. It had. The six consultants, who only 45minutes ago had flung angry words around, had withdrawn exhausted, into their cubicles. A strangecalm pervaded the halls of Personnel Consulting Group Ltd (PCGL), punctuated only by keyboardclicks and the drone of the printer.Rajiv declared it was time to get help. He called Rajnish Dogra, a friend of long standing and

an HR Consultant, and said, “We have to talk”. Rajiv was a senior manager at PCGL, a fast growingconsultancy firm in New Delhi. Rajiv, who had been among those who had established PSG in 1988,looked after human relations, recruitment, training, quality control, and client planning andmanagement. Rajiv was not qualified HR person – he had worked for 15 years selling soaps anddetergents, training sales staff and writing manuals. He chose this role until PSG had found its

foothold in the ruthlessly competitive industry.

Question :

Having read the case above, advice the company as a Training Consultant.

Enterprise Resource PlanningSection A: Objective Type (30 marks)This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & Short Answer type questions.Answer all the questions.Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple Choices:1. Enterprise Resource Planning isa. Computer Systemb. Manufacturing organizationc. Method of effective planning of all the resources in an organizationd. None of the above2. Enterprise Resource Panning vendors are those peoplea. Who are experts in administration and management of projectsb. Who have developed the ERP packagesc. Who uses the ERP systemd. None of the above3. Interviewing and cost justification is tool and technique ofa. Design step of ERPb. Implementation step of ERPc. Requirement analysis of ERP

d. Planning step of ERP

Caselet 1Tech Knowledge is a start-up founded in 1997 by Robert Thyer. The company is a distributer ofpresentation technologies, including computer based projection systems, video equipment, anddisplay technologies. The firm has 25 employees and does $5 million in sales. It is growing rapidly.The owner, Robert Thyer, would like to netsource the back-office functions of the firm because thecompany does not have an internal IT capability. The applications to be netsourced would includesales and distribution, financial accounting, and inventory management.TechKnowledge would like to source SAP or another ERP vendor via a hosting arrangement. Itdoes not expect to do much customization, and it does not have any legacy systems.1. What factors should it use to evaluate each of these potential hosts?

2. What controls should be in place to monitor the hosting arrangement?

Entrepreneurship ManagementSection A: Objective Type (30 marks)This section consists of Multiple choices/Fill in the blanks/True-False & Short notes typequestions.Answer all the questions.Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.Part One:1. According to BBC English dictionary ‘Entrepreneur’ refers to……………………………2. Quasi or Ostensible partners are those who have already retired from active participation.(T/F)3. The minimum number of individuals required to form a cooperative society:a. 5b. 10c. 15d. 204. WTO stands for………………………………………………………………......................5. MTNL stands for Metro Telephone Network Limited.(T/F)6. Date of sealing refers to the date when:a. Patent office endorses final approvalb. Patent office rejects the applicationc. Patent office bans the use of the applicationd. None of the above7. The term copyright is associated with:a. Artistic workb. Medicinal workc. Political workd. None of the above8. In SWOT analysis SWOT stands for……………………………………………………….

9. VAT means Value After Tax.(T/F)

Caselet 1Mahesh and Raja met while at a Compaq disc production company. Mahesh was in charge of editorialand production, Raja ran the sales force. Mahesh decided to start his own company and invited Raja tojoin him. Raja would handle sales and administration, while Mahesh managed the clients and directedproduction.MR communications seemed like a perfect partnership. Things seemed to be going well, andthey even landed a major project. As time went by; Raja decided that he wanted a “creative” job too. Hespent most of his time producing Compaq discs rather than looking for new business. Mahesh’s loyalityto Raja made him blind to many things that were obvious to others. Because of their friendship, he trustedthat Raja was taking care of his side of the business. As it turned out, Raja was not very good at the taskshe had taken on. He made mistakes that reduced expected profits. He was not making new salescontracts, which was supposed to be the main part of his job. If that were not enough, the feelings that hewas letting his friend downmade Raja feel even worse. Raja began to avoid talking to Mahesh. Hestopped coming into the office. Finally, he stopped returning phone calls. By the time Mahesh realizedwhat was happening to the business, it was too late. There were no new sales. What Mahesh thought wereprofits was the result of Raja not paying their bills. Mahesh was left with more than Rs 5,50,000 in unpaidbills and other debts. A tearful message on the answering machine from Raja “I’m moving out to Chennaifor a while. Sorry it didn’t work out.”It took Mahesh three years to dig out of the financial mess and get

his new company up and running successfully.

1. How could Mahesh and Raja have avoided the problems that led to the end of their partnership?2. Why is this situation a good example of the difficulty in maintaining partnerships between friends?Caselet 2Reliance Engineering is a manufacturing firm with about 160 employees. The founder of the business,Manoj, is not active now, and his son, Amit, is the person responsible for the business now. One ofAmit’s sisters, Ashwini, runs a small branch distribution office. Her husband, Arun works out of thatoffice as a salesperson. There are two other people in the office. Amit is reorganizing the business andplanning to eliminate the two other office functions by moving them to the home office. Ashwini wants tohire her 21-year-old daughter, who has a degree, to fill the soon-to-be-created position of office assistant.From everything Amit understands, this is not the right thing to do. However, Ashwini cannot understandwhy. Amit has two sons about to leave college. His other sister, Veena, has one son, now out of college,and three daughters still in school. Amit is not yet sure who else might want to join the business, but oneof his sons, who will graduate with an industrial engineering degree next year, has expressed someinterest.Questions:1. Is there a list of do’s and don’ts regarding employment of family members in a family business?

2. Amit has not got down to documenting a family employment policy yet. Help him frame one.

1. Explain the scope of environmental engineering

2. Compare the various types of energy with respect to its suitability for Indian Conditions.

3. Explain the role of producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem.

4. Compare and contrast natural ecosystem with agro ecosystem.

5. Is biotechnology a threat to biodiversity? Substantiate your answer with examples?

6. Discuss the status of Disaster Preparedness in India

7. Explain the working of the following air pollution control equipments mentioning their advantages, disadvantages and applications.

i. Cyclone separatorii. Fabric Filteriii. Electrostatic precipitatoriv. Wet Collector (scrubber)

Subject : EQUITY MANAGEMENTCASE STUDY : 1Company analysis is the final phase of E.I.C. approach to equity valuation. It involves analysis of thefinancial aspects relating to a specific company to arrive at an estimation of the value of the business or itsequity shares.Trend analysis, ratio analysis (EPS, PE, Book Value per share, Return on Networth, Dividend cover

Profitability of shares, debt equity ratio, etc) help us to get a clear understanding of the financial position of acompany.Q1) Define the term Book Value.Q2) Explain the importance of cash flow statement?Q3) Explain the approach is needed while deciding on investing in the stock of company?

Q4) Define the term company analysis?



The Gold Mining Company is a night club venue that is popular during the months of

November, December and January for its Friday night dance events. The staff working

at this venue are all temporary workers and the turnover is high. During a conversation,

two of the staff Jason & Mark, find out that they have both been mugged on their way

home from work in the early hours of the morning, but on different Friday nights. In

both cases, the perpetrators waited in a nearby alley and threatened them with knives.

Jason last his Wallet and $ 200 and mark broke his ankle trying to run away. Candice,

another employee, has been harassed by patrons and was once burned deliberately with

a cigarette by a particularly drunk and obnoxious customer. Management gave her

some cash to get medical attention.

Question :

1) Discuss the occupational safety of the staff concerned?


COURSE : Total Marks :



A group of university students decided to hold a rock concert in the mountains in June

and advertised the concert on the Internet. Three bands attended the three-day concert,

and there was twenty-four hour music. One young girl described the entire situation as

living hell, although why she stayed is unfathomable. “The dance area was in a valley

and to get a drink of water you had to climb a sheep hill. Even then, the water was dirty

and brown. The restrooms were so far away that nobody bothered to use them. The

music pounded all night and the floor in the cabin we were in vibrated so you could not

sleep. My friend got sick and there was no medical help. The organizers did not have a

clue. They just wanted to make a fast buck.

Question :

1) What are some of the things that could go wrong, or have wrong at similar events?

2) List three ways in which the organizers were negligent?

3) List three ways in which the event could have been improved?

4) This event was described to the authorities as a cultural festival. Do you think it

belongs in that category?


You are going to rent a venue for a fashion show. The venue you have in mind is an old

theater that lends itself well to the event, with excellent sight lines for the audience.

However, the décor and lighting planned by your artistic director for your fashion

parade may compromise safety. Drapes over the ceiling area will obscure the normal

lighting and will prevent the fire sensors and sprinklers from working correctly. Also,

there are a number of props that may hinder access into and out of the venue. On the

Entrepreneurship managementSection A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)This section consists of Multiple Choice & Short Note type questions.Answer all the questions.Part One carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple Choices:1. These entrepreneurs are very much sceptical in their approach in adopting or innovating newtechnology in their enterprise.

a. Adoptive or imitative entrepreneursb. Fabian entrepreneursc. Both (a) & (b)d. None2. These entrepreneurs are conservative or orthodox in outlooka. Innovative entrepreneurs.b. Drone entrepreneursc. Imitative entrepreneursd. None3. Entrepreneurs primarily involve themselves in Research & Development activities.a. Active Partnersb. Solo Operatorsc. Inventorsd. None4. SWOT stands for_____________5. Which of the following comes under negotiable instruments?a. Promissory Noteb. Bills of Exchangec. Chequed. All of the above6. Industrial Dispute Act passed in____________a. 1948b. 1947c. 1920

d. 1950

Caselet 1Mahesh and Raja met while at a Compaq disc production company. Mahesh was in charge of editorial andproduction, Raja ran the sales force. Mahesh decided to start his own company and invited Raja to join him.Raja would handle sales and administration, while Mahesh managed the clients and directed production.MRcommunications seemed like a perfect partnership. Things seemed to be going well, and they even landed amajor project.As time went by; Raja decided that he wanted a “creative” job too. He spent most of his timeproducing Compaq discs rather than looking for new business. Mahesh‟s loyality to Raja made him blind tomany things that were obvious to others. Because of their friendship, he trusted that Raja was taking care ofhis side of the business. As it turned out, Raja was not very good at the taskshe had taken on. He mademistakes that reduced expected profits. He was not making new sales contacts, which was supposed to bethe main part of his job. If that were not enough, the feelings that he was letting his friend downmade Rajafeel even worse. Raja began to avoid talking to Mahesh. He stopped coming into the office. Finally, heEND OF SECTION AExamination Paper of Entrepreneurship Management3IIBM Institute of Business Managementstopped returning phone calls. By the time Mahesh realised what was happening to the business, it wastoo late. There were no new sales. What Mahesh thought were profits was the result of Raja not paying their

bills. Mahesh was left with more than Rs 5,50,000 in unpaid bills and other debts. A tearful message on theanswering machine from Raja “I‟m moving out to Chennai for a while. Sorry it didn‟t work out.” It tookMahesh three years to dig out of the financial mess and get his new company up and running successfully.Questions:1. How could Mahesh and Raja have avoided the problems that led to the end of their partnership?

2. Why is this situation a good example of the difficulty in maintaining partnerships between friends?

E-CommerceSection A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)This section consists of Multiple Choice and Short Note type questions.Answer all the questions.Part One carries1 mark each and Part two carries 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple Choices:1. Which of the following comes under Global Information Distribution Networks?a. Fibre optic long distance networksb. Satellitsc. Both (a) & (b)d. None2. ___________is a software program loaded on a PC which allows to access or read informationstored on the internet.a. Serverb. Browserc. URLd. None3. URL stands for____________4. HTTP stands for____________5. HTML stands for ____________

6. It can be defined as convergence

Caselet 1Entities like giving PR interviews, print ads, local campaigns, FM-ads, posters, etc. The presentscenario of the IT industry was that there was a huge demand in the IT industry with 200% manpowergrowth for the year 2006-2007. Therefore, all IT industries were in the hiring phase. Big companieswere looking for new hunting grounds and poaching was common from mid-size companies. Averageindustry attrition rate was 14-16%. Lateral hiring had become Titus Technologies was established in theUS in the year 1996, by a young engineering graduate, Nitesh Khare, from India who had come topursue his Masters‟ degree in Computer Science. After obtaining his Masters‟ degree from MichiganUniversity, he served there in a couple of organizations like Scientific Computing Associates, Lindaand 4D Corporation before the idea of Titus Technologies germinated. Before coming to the US, he had

founded Titus Infotech in the year 1991, just at the age of 21, at Bhopal, his hometown from

Questions:1. Critically evaluate the Human Resources Policies of “Titus Infotech”.

2. What other strategies would you suggest to reduce the attrition rate at the lower and middle levels?

Retail Management Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 2 marks each & Part Two questions carry 4 marks each.

Part One: Multiple Choices: 1. The minimum value of Conversion ratio is, a. 0 b. 0.5 c. 2 d. 1

2. The law of retail gravitation is also called, a. Huff’s law. b. Belly’s law. c. Philip Kotler’s law. d. Relly’s law.

3. In Huff’s probability model of retail store location, the exponential ‘alpha’ denotes, a. The attractiveness of the store. b. Power of the store in terms of potential customer located farthest. c. It is simply a power over the attractiveness of the store. d. None.

4. If the market has low level of retail saturation then the chances of success in the market is, a. Higher. b. Lower. c. Unpredictable. d. Extremely lower

5. If the original price be ‘a’ and the reduce price be

Caselet 1 The Branded Jewellery Market in India: An Overview

Brands are built over decades, more so in high-value markets like gold jewellery .The total jewellery market in India is around Rs.60, 000 crore, out of which the estimated size of the diamond jewellery market is Rs.8,000 crore, and that of branded diamond jewellery is about Rs.600 crore. For a brand to become firmly established it must deal with several tangible and intangible factors. It requires focused advertising, customer confidence, name-recognition, display and astute salesmanship to compete with traditional jewellers. Success hinges upon how a particular brand can differentiate itself from the clutter. Most important, affordability and quality are the elements in sustaining a brand. The growth of a jewellery brand depends on the confidence it can instil in buyers about the purity of the gold, be it 14, 18, or 22-carat. It also depends on the mark-up in price. The cost includes making (labour) charges on top of value of the

Mumbai – is the only company to have added an ethnic touch to the usual collection with nose studs. 1. Do you think that an exclusive brand retail store would work in India? Or a mix of formats for a brand? Discuss.

2. Will the franchisee route to a faster roll-out of retail outlets work for these jewellery brands? What are the pros and cons?

Caselet 2

Consumer Behaviour

Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

„h This section consists of Multiple choice questions & Short Answer type questions.

„h Answer all the questions.

„h Part One questions carries 2 marks each & Part Two questions carry 4 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. The Yellow color is related with personality links like

a. Caution, warmth

b. Power, informality

c. Passion, excitement

d. Purity, innocence

2. Consumers having high ethnocentric value in CETSCALE for foreign made products are likely to feel that

a. It is worthy to purchase the foreign products.

b. It is wrong to purchase foreign made products.

c. Only foreign made products should be purchased.

d. They should remain neutral.

3. If the OSL(optimum stimulation level) score of a person is greater than the lifestyle he/she is living then he/she likely to

a. Take rest

b. Appear quite satisfied

c. Seem bored

d. Can not be predicted.

4. The psychologists who disagree with the Freud¡¦s theory of personality are usually referred as

a. Non Freudians

b. Freudians

c. Neo Freudians

d. C-Freudians

5. According to Sigmund Freud, the human personality consists of 3 interacting systems viz the id, the superego and the ego. What actually ¡¥id¡¦ refers to

a. Its role is to see the individual¡¦s needs in a socially acceptable fashion.

b. Its role is to drive impulsions for the needs to be satisfied immediately.

priced; and Allwyn, medium-priced. From the dealers’ survey it has been found out that the ideal capacity is 165 liter; and the ideal price Rs. 7,000-8,000.

1. Due to the emergence of new industrial giants like BPL and Videocon, consumer

behavior has undergone a sea-change. In what ways?

2. Discuss which will be the most effective strategy according to you that will make

Consumer brand loyal in the refrigerator industry.

Caselet 2

Aviation Management

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)

This section consists of Multiple Choice and Short Note type Questions Answer all the questions Part one carries 1 mark each and Part two carries 5 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

4. Which of the following is comes under „Air safety topic‟? a. Lightning b. Ice & snow c. Fire

d. All of the above

5. JATO stands for _______

6. Beam movement, location of beam related to airport and loser stability comes under which of the following of analyzing the hazard? a. Situational factor b. Operational factor c. Laser/bright factor d. Pilot/aircraft factor

7. Which of the following-is not the aviation standard? a. ARINC 429 b. ARIN 424 c. ARINC 653 d. ARINC 444.

8. The total weight of the passengers,: their luggage, and cargo is known as: a. Payload b. Ramp weight c. Brake release weight d. Landing weight

9. Which of the following are not the primary areas of concern? a. Eye damage b. Temporary flash blindness c. Glare & disruption d. none of these

10. STOL stands for_______

Caselet 1

In relation to Aus Airlines, the scenario of airline industry is understood as a highly competitive industry. Commercial air transport is considered to be important for personal mobility, commerce and national security reasons. It facilitates growth, world trade, international investments and tourism and is thus considered to be very significant to the globalization taking place in many industries. The demand for airline service is income elastic. As real income increases, passengers spend more money on air travel. Conversely, as fares rise, passengers spend less on air travel. An airline is one service sector which is subject to various price controls and capacity restrictions. In this sector, prices are generally needed to be approved by government.Airlines are expected to provide safe and timely transportation to air passengers. It should provide certain intangible elements like transportation itself, service frequency, pre-flight, in-flight and post flight service. Tangible elements like the aircraft and food and drinks served are also included. The profitability of airlines depends on the quality service it offers to the air-passengers.

2IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Aviation Management

In airline industry, technological improvements will have an impact on airfares. Advances in aircraft design, construction, aircraft engines and operating procedures increases productivity. Increase in productivity led to reductions in per-seat-costs and permitted reduction in airfares. Value-added services are significant in a highly competitive industry like airlines. Passengers inspect friendliness, efficiency, creativity of announcements made and willingness of crew members to help.Airline industry invariably encounters problems related to marinating labor relations. There is a constant struggle to improve efficiency and reduce costs.Aus Airlines consistent profitable business was because of its low costs and customer loyalty. It offers simple approach customers. It did subscribe to the big reservation computers used by travel agents. The airline operated only Boeing 737, which minimized training and maintenance costs. Moreover, the employees at Aus Airlines are hard working.Aus Airlines competitive advantage lies in its low cost maintenance and its loyal customers. Due to its low cost structure, Aus Airlines offered its customers with low price+s, this helped the company to gain customer‟s loyalty.Aus Airlines may lose its advantage, it faces price war from its competitors, necessitating to reduce the airfares. If the industry experiences overcapacity of flights, it may affect the stablePosition of the airlines, moreover, the airlines, should also maintain standards to maintain quality of services, which enable it to retain the customers.


1. Identify the challenges faced by the Aus Airlines in a run to survive.

2. What type of strategy helps in increasing the revenues of the Aviation Industry? Aviation Maintenance Management

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)

This section consists of Multiple Choice & Short Note type questions. Answer all the questions. Part one carries1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

1. A maintenance check performed approximately every month is known as: a. “C” check b. “A” check c. Visual check d. None of these

2. JAA stands for ___________

3. Establish the rules and procedure for auditing maintenance & engineering facilities for adherence to safety policy is the responsibility of: a. Supervisor b. Safety manager c. Employee d. Company

4. Several visual inspection tasks performed in a specific area of the aircraft is: a. Zonal inspection b. Non-destructive inspection c. destructive inspection d. General visual inspection

5. The probability that an item will perform a required function under specified condition without failure is known as: a. Reliability b. Reliability programme c. Redundancy programme d. None of these

6. FAA stands for ____________

7. Which of the following is the type of documentation? a. Regulatory documentation b. Airline generated documentation c. Manufacturer‟s documentation d. All of the above

Caselet 1

The government nationalized the airlines in 1953, with enactment of Air Corporation Act. Assets of nine existing air companies were transferred to the two new corporations Air India International and the Indian Airlines. After 40 years, in 1994 Air Corporations Act was repealed ending the monopoly of the national air corporation and enabling entry of private operators.The liberalization in civil aviation industry began in 1986 with the introduction of Air Taxi system to boost development of tourism. Though there were several restrictions relating to seat capacity, airports, timing and fare, the scheme was liberalized over a period of time. Even the fare was totally deregulated, allowing air operators to change any fare.

7IIBM Institute of Business Management

Examination Paper of Aviation Management

With Open Sky Policy many private operators began operations in the domestic sector. The carriage increased from a modest 15,000 passengers in 1990 to more than 0.4 million in 1992.Of the total of 12.23 million passengers carried on the domestic sector, private carriers accounted for about 5.7 million passengers. The civil aviation industry got a major boost with the announcement of airport Infrastructure Policy in November, 1997 which envisaged development of international hubs and regional hubs to provide a hub and spoke arrangement connecting all airports. Infrastructure development of airport was opened up for public and private participation. It allowed 74% foreign equity participation in the airport infrastructure with automatic approval and 100% equity on a case-to-case basis.On the side of infrastructure, the Airports Authority of India was formed in 1995 by merging International Airports Authority of India and National airports Authority to accelerate the integrated development expansion and modernization of the operational, terminal and cargo facilities at the international and domestic airports and also at civil enclaves.There were 450 Airports in the country. Of these, 120 airports were managed by airports Authority of India (AAI), which included 12 international airports.80 civil airports and 28 civil enclaves at the Defence airports. The existing airports at Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmadabad, Goa, Amritsar, Guwahati and Cochin airport at Nedumbassary had been recently declared as international airports. Government had also permitted construction of new airports on joint venture basis at Bangalore, Hyderabad and Goa.Further AAI had identified nine airports for expansion/up gradation. These airports were Bombay, Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, Ahmadabad, Goa and Bangalore. A number of airports of international standard were coming up in various places including Amritsar, Calicut, Jaipur and Srinagar.The AAI had drawn ambitious long term plans to meet challenges posed by ever increasing air traffic and advancement in aircraft technology. Some of the major plans for implementation were:

Replacement of ground-based communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) with satellite based CNS system.

Establishment of differential Global Positioning system (DGPS). Automation in the Air Traffic control Services, and Establishment of Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS).


1. What are the major plans for implementation to meet challenges of increasing air traffic and advancement in technology?

2. Which types of restrictions were present in the development of tourism in the beginning of liberalization?

3. What is the current status of available total airports in India?

4. Which airports had recently been declared as international airport and also state the name of airports that had been identified for expansion.

Information System

Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

11. Stationary device related to the mouse is a. Trackball b. Pointing Stick c. Electronic mouse d. None of the above

12. Assembler language is also called a. First generation languages b. Second generation languages c. Fourth generation languages d. None of the above

13. HTML stands for a. Hypertext Markup Language b. Hypertext Multimedia Language c. Hypertext Media Language d. None of the above

14. Telecommunications networks covering a large geographic area is called a. Local area networks b. Broad band c. Wide area networks d. Virtual private network

15. Customer focused marketing process that is based on using the Internet, Intranet & Extranet to establish two-way transactions between a business and its customers or potential customers a. Target marketing b. Focused marketing c. General marketing d. Interactive marketing

16. Caselet 117.18. Most companies store reams of data about their customers. The IT challenge has been how to

integrate and massage that information so the business units can respond immediately to changes in sales and customer preferences.19.

20. Hency Schein Inc. ( has it figured out. The $2.8 billion distributor of health care products designed and built a data warehouse with an in-house team of six IS professionals. CIO Jim Harding says he knew that having the right skills was critical to the data warehouse project, yet at the time, Schein had zero warehousing experience in its IT shop. So he

and Grace Monahan, vice president of business systems, hired people for what they call “Team Schein.”

1. What are some of the key requirements for building a good data warehouse? Use Henry Schein Inc. as an example.

2. What are the key software tools needed to construct and use a data warehouse?

Production Planning & Control

Section A: Objective Type (30 marks)

This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.

Part One:

Multiple Choices:

21. Buffer inventory is also called a. Inventory stock b. Safety stock c. Transit stock d. Buffer stock

22. Qualitative forecasting is a. Intrinsic forecast b. Forecasts that are generated from information that does not have a well defined analytic

structure c. Based on random pattern d. None of the above

23. Approach of Cycle counting in Inventory management in which the inventory item likely to be low when new items are received a. Zone system b. Transaction system c. Receiver system d. Negative system

24. Total needed quality on week by basis is a. Net requirements b. Gross requirement c. Master Schedule d. None of the above

25. Transit inventory is a. Inventory that is purposely placed between operations to allow them to operate independently

of one another b. Safety stock c. Inventory in motion from one activity to another d. None of the above

Caselet 1

A company has a central warehouse in Chicago that supplies the demand of three branch warehouse: one in Baltimore, one in New Orleans, and one in Cleveland. The following tables provide the relevant data:

Warehouse Safety Stock Lead Time Order Quantity On-hand

Baltimore 50 2 periods 350 250New Orleans 100 1 period 200 150Cleveland 80 2 periods 500 200Chicago 200 2 periods 1500 750

Gross requirements on the branch warehouses:

Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Baltimore 100 80 150 90 100 85 110 120 100New Orleans 70 65 75 50 90 80 75 80 55Cleveland 110 90 65 135 85 70 140 100 60

1. Determine DRP records for all four warehouses?

2. What will be the DRP structure for the above four warehouses?

Export Import Management

Section A: Objective Type (30 Marks)

„h This section consists of Multiple Choice Questions with single response and Short questions

„h Answer all the questions

„h Part one carries 1 mark each and Part 2 questions carry 4 marks each.

Part One

Multiple Choices

1. In case of goods being rejected or wrong shipments which section of customer act provides drawback facility on the customer¡¦s duty?

a. Section 47

b. Section 88

c. Section 74

d. Section 40

2. Risks arising out of foreign law due to________________.

a. Lack of knowledge about foreign market

b. Expensive and complex litigation

c. A & B both

d. None of these

3. Import LC is also known as ______________________.

a. Letter of Debt

b. Bills of exchange

c. Open account

d. Letter of credit

4. How much digits are there in IEC number?

a. 8

b. 10

c. 12

d. 15

5. What is the full form of RFID?

a. Rural fund information development

b. Request for international development

c. Radio frequency identification system

Case let 1

“Large Package Meal” is a full-package meals service company, a large hotel by the Shanghai Li Yang couple of laid-off workers, was founded in 1994 and now has developed into a small Suxichang and Hangjiahu area famous food service businesses.“Popular Package Meal” service is divided into two categories: lunch and package delivery services. Lunch mainly by the meat dish, vegetables, Lu Cai, popular soup and fruit composition of normal. Available for customers to choose menu: six kinds of meat dish, vegetables, 10 species of Lu Cai 4, three kinds of soup and the general public three kinds of fruit can also be adorned with custom-made drinks. Despite little change in the menu, but the annual report on the point of view, the overall level of demand for this service fairly stable, the old customers will call to order a day usually. However, as facilities and equipment reasons, the “public packet meals” will ask the customers at 10 am before the telephone booking, in order to ensure that the day of delivery in place.

Questions 1. The public package meal companies implement service-time availability of difficulties, please explain?

2. The introduction of third-party logistics services to the public packet meals would you put forward any firm recommendations?

Case let 2 UPS is a large international express delivery company, has hundreds of planes in addition to its own cargo planes, he also rented hundreds of aircraft cargo aircraft, the transport capacity of more than 1,000 a day. UPS in this world has established more than 10 air transport transit center in more than 200 countries and regions of the tens of thousands of delivery centers. UPS’s employees to reach hundreds of thousands. Annual turnover of the amount could reach tens of billions of dollars; express delivery companies in the world enjoy a high reputation. UPS Company is engaged in correspondence, documents and parcel delivery business, the company quickly. It is the world’s countries and regions have made access to the air traffic rights. In the China, which established a number of delivery centers. A company to take advantage of high-tech means to achieve rapid and safe, is a wide range of logistics services, image perfect. Questions 1. Why do we say UPS is an international logistics business, and general transport logistics



1. Please Explain the Various Steps in Corporate Facility Procedure. (60)

2. Short Notes onAnnual operating planCapital budgeting planLong Range Plan3. What are the basis and criteria for Space Utilization.4. Explain space and furnishing standards to verify all the aspects.

Section 21. What is Integrated Assets Management. (40)2. What is complete role of financial reporting and control.3. What are the various concerns in case of build to svil?4. What are the various site evaluation criteria. Also comments on environmental and dueDiligence issues .

Subject: Financel ManagementMarks: 80N.B.1) Answer to each question must be started on a fresh page.2) Every Question carries 10 marks.3) There are in all eight questions, all questions are compulsory.Q-1) What are the techniques of Capital Budgeting? Explain in brief.Q-2) What are the approaches (models) of Dividend Policy.Q-3) Write a note on Stock Markets in India.Q-4) Explain Inventory Management, which is a part of Working CapitalManagement.Q-5) What are the techniques of analyzing financial statements.

Q-6) Explain the concept of budget. Describe any 5 types of budgets.

Financial Management

Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) This section consists of Multiple choice & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple choices:1. Foreign exchange market in India is relatively verya. Bigb. Smallc. Mediumd. None of the above2. Balance of payment is a systematic record of all _______ during a given period of time.a. Political transactionsb. Social transactionsc. Economic transactionsd. None of the above3. Merchandise trade balance, services balance & balance on unilateral transfer are the part of________ accounta. Current accountb. Capital accountc. Official accountd. None of the above4. Interest rate swaps can be explained as an agreement between _________ partiesa. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. None of the above5. Capital account convertibility in India evolved in Augusta. 1996b. 1995c. 1994

d. None of the above

Case let 1

Managing Exchange Rate Risk

Mahindra International (India) imported spares of an engine from a US manufacturer for $ 5,000 per

annum at a price of $ 2.5 per piece. The average exchange rate during 2001-02 was Rs. 47.70/$. The

Indian company imported the spares also from a British manufacturer. In fact, it had diversified its

import in view of reducing the risk associated with the supply. The import from the USA was

competitive in view of the fact the same spares imported from the UK was slightly costlier. The

American spares cost Rs. 119.25 per piece, while the British spares cost Rs. 120.00 per piece. In

2002-03, US dollar appreciated to Rs. 48.40 with the result that the cost of American spares turned

higher than the British spares. In the sequel of the appreciation of US dollar, the Indian importer cut

its demand from 2,000 pieces to 500 pieces. The loss to the US exporter was colossal. But at the same

time, the Indian Importer suffered a lot. It had to pay a higher price for the US spares in terms of

rupee. And also, it had to divert its import from the USA to the UK insofar as the pound sterling did

not appreciate during this period. All this happened in the wake of the exchange rate changes.


1. Mention the loss borne by the US exporter in the sequel of appreciation of dollar.

2. What strategy the Indian importer needs to follow to hedge the exchange rate risk?

Case let 2

ABN Amro Bank and Correspondent Banking in India

ABN AMRO bank has emerged as a major correspondent bank owing to a large network. In

India, it operates in six major cities, viz. Baroda, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi and

Pune. Being a correspondence bank, its product offerings are found primarily in the area of

trade and clearing. It is doing well in these owing to strong tie-up with local Indian banks

reaching 350 centres across the country. As a result, payments are effected speedily and


Cash Management

The customized products in the ar

SUBJECT: Finance Management (spz.)

1. ”The modern approach is an improvement over the traditional approach of financialmanagement.”Do you agree?2. A company has Rs.200000 as EBIT .It has Rs.1000000,10% debentures .The equity capitalizationrate (Ke)of the company is 12.5%.Find out the value of the firm under Net Income Approach. Alsoprove the NI approach.3. A company earns Rs.5 per share ;it is capitalized at a rate of 10% and has a rate of return oninvestments of 16%. According to Walter’s model what should be the price per share at 50%dividend pay out ratio? Is this the optimum pay out ratio according to Walter?4. ”The principal focus of finance is on decisions and actions which affect the value of the firm.”Howcan financial management help to maximize it?5. Sales Rs.2000000, Variable cost Rs.600000, Fixed costs Rs.100000, Interest Rs.5000i) Using the concept of operating leverage, by what percentage will EBIT increase,if there is a 10%increase in sales?ii) Using the concept of financial leverage, by what percentage will EBT increase,if there is a 6%increase in EBIT?iii) Using the concept of combined leverage, by what percentage will EBT increase,if there is a 6%increase in sales?

earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)\

FINANCE MANAGEMENTAttempt any 8 questions (10 marks each )Marks 80a) What is meant by financing decisions? Mention two limitations of accounting rate of return.b) Explain Financial Risk.c) Mention the utility of public deposits as a source of fund.D) Explain operating Lease.e) Discuss the relation between debt financing and financial leverage.F) What is a letter of creditg) Differentiate between Bonus issue and stock split.H) Define the term 'take over.'i) What is Capital Asset pricing model?

j) How cost of preference share capital is calculated?



N.B.: 1) Attempt any Four Questions

2) All questions carries equal marks.

(A). (1).Mr. Nimish holds the following portfolio. (10 marks)

Share Beta Investment

Alpha 0.9 Rs.12, 00,000

Beta 1.5 Rs. 3, 50,000

Carrot 1.0 Rs. 1, 00,000

What is the expected rate of return on his portfolio, if the risk rate is 7 per cent and the

expected return on the market portfolio is 16 per cent?

(A). (2). A share is selling for Rs.60 on which a dividend of Rs.4 per share is expected at the end

of the year. The expected market price after dividend declaration is to be Rs.70. Compute the

following: - (10 marks)

(i) The return on investment ® in shares.

(ii) Dividend yield

(iii) Capital Gain Yield

(B) DIC Ltd. provides the following data: (20 marks)

Comparative trial balance

March 31 year 2 March 31 year 1 Increase(Decrease)

Debit Balance 20 10 10

Cash Rs.190 Rs. 90 Rs.100

Working capital (other than cash) 100 200 (100)

Investment (Long term) 500 400 100

Building and equipment 40 50 (10)

Total 850 750 100


Accumulated Depreciation 200 160 40

Bonds 150 100 50

Reserves 350 350 ---

Equity Shares 150 140 10


Total 850 750 100

Income Statement

For the period ending March 31, year 2

(Amount in Rs lakh)

Sales Rs.1000

Cost of Goods Sold 500

Selling Expense Rs.50

Administrative Expenses 50 100

Operating Income 400

Other charges

Gain on sale of building and equipment Rs 5

Loss on sale of investments (10)

Interest (6)

Taxes (189) (200)

Net Income after taxes 200

Notes: (a) The depreciation charged for the year was Rs.60 Lakh

(b) The Book value of the building and equipment disposed was Rs 10 Lakh


Prepare a Cash Flow Statement (Based on AS-3)

(C). (1). A. Ltd. produces a product which has a monthly demand of 4,000 units. The product

requires a component X which is purchased at Rs.20. For every finished product one unit of

component is required. The ordering cost is Rs.120 per order and the holding cost is 10 per

cent per annum. (10 marks)

You are required to calculate:

(i) Economic order quantity

(ii) If the minimum lot size to be supplied is 4, 000 units, what is the extra cost, the

company has to incur?

(iii) What is the minimum carrying cost, the company has to incur?

Financial & Cost AccountingPage 1 Out of 1

1. Differentiate between idle cost and standard cost?2. What is a trial balance? Explain its objective.3. Distinguish between Accrual basis of accounting and cash basis of accounting.4. Standard costing is a valuable aid to management discuss. State in brief limitation ofstandard costing?

5. Define Budgetary Control and explain the pre-requisites for its successful introduction andimplementation?6. How the total cost, variable cost and marginal cost differ from each other?7. What are the advantages of cost audit?

8. Which are the different ways by which the cost c

Financial ManagementSection A: Objective Type (30 marks)This section consists of Multiple Choice questions & Short Notes.Answer all the questions.Part One question carries 1 mark each & Part two carry 4 marks each.Part one:Multiple choices:1. Capital turnover ratio is calculated asa) Sales *Capital employedb) Sales / Capital employedc) Sales /Total Assetsd) Total assets / Owners fund2. In ABC analysis C class consist of ________.a) a very large number of items which are less importantb) a very less number of items which are importantc) quaintly if items which take place after a long timed) that quantity which is fixed in such a way that the total variable cost of managing theinventory can be minimized3. The real owners of the company area) Equity shareholdersb) Dividend holdersc) Preference shareholdersd) Stakeholders4. The Proprietary concern is owned bya) Three personsb) Only one personc) any one but s persons must

d) None of the above

IntroductionPatel Housing finance Corporation (PHFC), the first private sector housing finance company of Indiais the brainchild of D.H. Patel who was doyen of financial world. The company began operations onJuly 18, 1978. In its earlier years, Patel was able to mobilize funds and get support from diversesources namely IEIEI, of which Patel was Chairman at that time, IFC, his Royal Highness, RashidOberoi and most importantly the Indian Government. D.H. Patel was a man ahead of his times;

though he was a product of the system, yet he had a different philosophy. He was a man whoconstantly thought out of the box. A man who never asked the question: Why? But rather, why not?For many years he nurtured the idea of enabling households in India to access housing earlier in theirlife cycle rather than at the end when lumpsum payments were received. The first five years of thiscompany were spent in “Learning by Doing”, a philosophy which had been imbibed by theorganization. From its inception, PHCF had been a pioneer in the activities they had undertaken. Forexample, they began to accept mortgages on deposit of title basis rather than a registered “EnglishMortgage”, thus saving considerable stamp duty for the borrower. They also introduced resourceraising

products like “Certificate of Deposit”. Their efforts got a boost

1. Evaluate the strategies used by the management in the changed scenario.2. Which strategies the company adopt for the future?3. Evaluate the performance of the company financially, using financial ratios and figures.Semester 1 Examination paperIIBM Institute of Business Management

3. Analyze the case using SWOT analysis.


From the following figures given to you calculate material variances.Production for the period, 192 units.Particulars Material X Material YStandard price per tonne Rs. 240 Rs. 320Actual price paid per tonne Rs. 227.50 Rs. 308Actual weights 16 tonnes 13 tonnesThe standard production for the period represented by the above figures is 400 units for which the standard quantity allowance for material are 30 tonnes of X and 25 tonnes of Y.

SUBJECT : General ManagementTotal Marks : 80N.B. : 1) All questions are compulsory2) All questions carry equal marks.1. What is Input & Output model?2. Describe some major kinds of strategies/policies & the hierarchy of strategies?3. What do you mean by reengineering organization & Explain key aspects?4. What is departmentation & Types of departmentation?

5. Distinguish strength of appraisal against verifiable objectives?6. Explain Maslow hierarchy of needs theory?7. Define Leadership with examples?

8. Explain communication flow in the organization?


Managers in pharmaceutical firms face a dynamic and challenging task environment that creates both opportunities and threats. Demand for pharmaceuticals is strong and has been growing steadily for decades. Between 1990 and 2005 there was a 12.5 percent annual increase in spending on prescription drugs in United States. The strong growth was driven by demographics. As people grow older they tend to consume more prescription medicines, and the population in most advance nations has been growing older as the post – World War II baby boom generation ages.

Moreover, successful new prescription drugs can be extraordinarily profitable. Consider Lipitor, the cholesterol-lowering drug sold by Pfizer. Introduced in 1997, by 2005 this drug generated a staggering $12 billion in annual sales for Pfizer. The costs of manufacturing, packaging, and distributing Lipitor amounted to only about 10 percent of revenues, or around $1.2 billion. Pfizer spent close to $400 million on advertising and promoting Lipitor and perhaps as much again on maintaining a sales force to sell the product. That still leaves Pfizer with a gross profit from Lipitor of perhaps $10 billion.

Lipitor is highly profitable because the drug is protected from direct competition by a 20-year patent. This temporary monopoly allows Pfizer to charge a high price. Once the patent expires, other firms will be able to produce generic versions of Lipitor, and the price will fall—typically by 80 percent within a year—but that is some time away.


1. What are the barriers to entry into the pharmaceutical industry? To what extent do you think these entries barriers protect established pharmaceutical companies from new competitors?

Global Marketing Management

Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 Marks)

This section consists of Multi Choice & Short Note type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One carries 1 mark each & Part Two carries 5 marks each.

Part One:

1. All the ethnocentric orientations are collectively called______________

2. Which of the following comes under benefits of Global marketing? a. Endurance b. Sales Promotion c. Diversification d. All of the above

3. The Polycentric orientation is the opposite of ethnocentrism. (T/F)

4. NAFTA stands for____________

5. ______________refers to the ability of the product and the company from that of the competitors a. Positioning b. Differentiation c. Customer value d. None

6. CAT stands for _______________

7. Cave dwellers are______________

8. LIFO stands for life in fire option.(T/F)

9. Starbursts are _______________

10. _____________is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value

Part Two:

1. What are the implications of tariffs in the Global Marketing?

2. Write a short note on “Diffusion Theory”.

3. Discuss the concept of competitive marketing strategies.

Caselet 1

The competitive advantage of nations and the competitiveness of locations have become important topics in economic policy. Competitiveness is productivity; competitiveness is what the world economic forum defines as the set of institutions and policies that determine the level of productivity. There is no single determinant of competitiveness, there‟s no single determinant of productivity.Things that matter for example are the macroeconomic stability of a country, the soundness of institutions whether the judiciary for example is independent or favors particular sectors or businesses, whether the government acts in efficient ways or in sectarian ways, other determinants of competitiveness involve market efficiency, labour market flexibility, and financial market flexibility. The whole growth competitiveness index that is the index that has been used over the least five or six years by the world economic forum captures the three big concepts: macroeconomic stability, government institutions and innovations.

1.What are the indicators of global competitiveness? Discuss the new tools to determine global competitiveness.

1. How to prevent Industrial Accidents?

2. What are the functions of the National Safety Council?

3. List ten functions of safety officer which you would consider most important.

4. What is risk management? Risk management involves the skills and knowledge of many disciplines. Discuss.

5. What part should the union play in safety?

6. Evaluate following statement:“Safety in industry today is largely a matter of complying with government regulation.”


1) List the common models of Public Private Parhaership in Health Sector. Explain contracting in


2) How medical System is responsible in promoting the spread of HIV transmission? Explain.

3) Write short notes on the following :

(u) National policy for empowerment of women

(b) National Commission of Women

4) How do the socio-cultural factors influence the gender health ? Explain.

5) Explain the initiatives taken by United Nations to prevent and control HIV/AIDS in India.

6) Discuss in brief the following strategic themes of National Fopulation Policy :

(i) Decentralized Planning and programme implementation

(ii) Empowering women for improved health and nutrition

7) Why is there an increased attack of Coronary Heart diseases in youth of India? Explain.

8) Why is yoga becoming a popular system of medicine across the world? State reasons

Hospital AdministrationSection A: Objective Type (30 marks)This section consists of Multiple choices questions & Short notes type questions.Answer all the questions.Part One questions carries 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple Choices:1. A method of collaborative work in which visual display of information on flip charts or othermedia to which other group member can use is:a. Decision matricesb. Multivotingc. Boardingd. Brainstorming2. A tool for Data collection which summarize perception of a large sample of people is:a. Surveysb. Interviewsc. Check sheet

d. Data sheets3. Members of Inspection control committee are:a. Microbiologist, O.T. in charge, Medical Superintendentb. Representative from Nursing Service, CSSD in charge, Representative from major clinicaldepartmentc. Both (a) & (b)d. None of the above4. MRD stands for:a. Medical Records Departmentb. Medicine Records Departmentc. Medicine Release Departmentd. None of the above5. Format for appraisal in which rank order is establish of employees based on their relative merit:a. Forced Distribution Techniqueb. Graphic Rating Scalec. Ranking methods

d. Free Written Ratings

Caselet 2The management of a hospital, faced with a resource crunch embarked on a cost containmentprogramme. Instructions were issued to various clinical, supportive and utility services to identify theareas where cost containment could be effectively implemented without compromising with thepatient care facilities.The hospital had both the centralized and the decentralized purchasing system. The officer-inchargeof the Emergency Department of the hospital, Dr. Systematic was a qualified and trainedhospital administrator. He systematically commenced analysis of the various activities and proceduresin vogue in the Emergency Department.Dr. Systematic found out that the Emergency Department in addition to the glass syringespurchased 9000 disposable syringes per annum. The interval of ordering was 30 days. The cost ofExamination Paper: Health and Hospital Management5IIBM Institute of Business Managementeach disposable was Rs. 20/-. The ordering cost per order was Rs. 15/- and the carrying cost were15% of the average inventory per year. He calculated the Economic Order Quantity, lot size ofinventory per month, storage cost and other inventory related costs and analyzed the optimum intervalof ordering. He forwarded these results along with the other cost containment measures of theEmergency Department to the hospital management. The recommendations of Dr. Systematic wereimplemented and used as a model for other departments of the hospital. Dr. Systematic for effectiveanalysis and appraisal was honoured with the Doctor of the year award by the Hospital Management.Questions:1. What are the assumptions made by Dr. Systematic for their inventory model?

2. Do you recommend any further suggestion for inventory costs in a hospital?

Principles of Hospital Administration and PlanningSection A: Objective Type (30 marks)This section consists of Multiple choices and short notes type questions.

Answer all the questions.Part One questions carry 1 mark each and Part two questions carry 5 marks each.Part One:Multiple Choices:1. Public Health Services are concerned with the:a. Control of communicable diseasesb. Maternal and child healthc. Occupational health and reduction of health hazardsd. All of the above2. The service of an OPD is affected by the:a. Systemb. Arrival patternc. Appointment Systemd. None of the above3. CSSD stands for:a. Central Sterile Supply Departmentb. Circular Sterile Supply Departmentc. Central Site Survey Departmentd. All of the above4. ICU Incharge responsibility should cover:a. Continuity of careb. Administrative mattersc. Care and maintenance of equipmentsd. All of the above5. According to which method one nurse is assigned to a group of patient to provide total nursingcare:a. Functional Assignment Methodb. Team Nursing Methodc. Group Assignment Method

d. Primary Nursing Method

Caselet 2Outpatient service is one of the rapidly growing services of the hospital. Therefore in many instances,outpatient departments built in the recent past have been found to be too small over the years becauseof increasing demands, growth of new specialties and the desirability of carrying out an increasingrange of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on outpatient basis. The department must, therefore,be planned for a substantial capacity for growth.In the general hospital, the outpatient department will consist of general outpatient clinic as well asspecialty clinics, in the form of a polyclinic. The structural requirement of outpatient departmentincorporating a polyclinic will depend upon the extent of the services provided. The primary aimshould be to provide large floor areas free of structural members to give the maximum adaptabilityfor changing requirements.In many hospitals, poorly planned physical relationship of the OPD are responsible for increasing thework of staff and causing embarrassment and unnecessary movements for patients. On outpatientsvisits, patent flow usually progresses from Enquiry and Registration to Waiting, then to examinationrooms and thereafter to investigation facilities, and lastly the pharmacy. In comparison to the otherdepartments of the hospital, viz. wards, diagnostic and service departments combined, the percentageof space occupied by the outpatient department of most existing public hospitals varies from 12 to 18per cent.The area required for the outpatient department should be adequate to accommodate the reception and

waiting hall, waiting rooms, registration and outpatient medical records, clinics, toilet facilities andthe injection and dressing room, pharmacy, minor OT and circulation routes. Scales of space foroutpatient department can hardly be standardized in view of the varied requirements and range ofservices provided. For planning premises, half square foot for each expected annual outpatient visitsis considered to provide adequate space in case of most general hospitals. A hospital expecting 500outpatients per day over 300 normal working days in a year would thus require upto 75000 squarefeet (6975 sqm) of space for its outpatient department.Questions:1. What will be procedures that could be performed on outpatient basis?

2. Outpatient Services is important in Hospitals. Why?

SUB: HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENTN. B.: 1)Attempt any Four Questions2)All questions carries equal marks.Case Study 1 -- A New Approach to Managing GORD - ALTANA PharmaCOMPANY PROFILEALTANA Pharma is the pharmaceutical division of ALTANA AG. The company concentrates on innovativepharmaceutical products in therapeutics, imaging (contrast media) and OTC medication. Therapeutics, the mostimportant business area, is based on prescription drugs for gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.INTRODUCTIONA new method has been developed for diagnosing gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and assessing treatmentprogress.Until now, assessing the progress of treatment for Gastro-Oesaphageal Reflux Disease (GORD) has reliedprimarily on an assessment of oesophageal healing. Documenting GORD therapy success is a difficult task, asmucosal damage does not always correspond with the severity of symptoms.1 In addition, 70% of all patients withGORD symptoms have endoscopic-negative GORD.

To further complicate the GORD picture, Endoscopy-Negative

ISSUES TO BE DISCUSSED1. Discuss the salient features put up in the case.2. Evaluate the new approach based on your understanding of the case.

3. The case indicates two research studies. Give your insights based on these two studies.

SUB : HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT80 MARKSCase No.1In an effort to build a solid health care workforce for the future,a group of about 30 employees from various departments of aHospital in Georgia spoke to high school students about thedifferent disciplines in health care. The hospital also hasassembled a resource book for high school guidance counselorson the various health care careers, the type of educationrequired, salaries/wages, and availability of jobs. The hospitalprovides partial funding for a permanent staff position to helpmaintain the RN program. The hospital offers clinical rotations tostudents in the nursing and radiology programs and prides itselfon treating the students as though they are valuable employees.As a result, students feel as though they are making a positivedifference in the organization and are more likely to apply for ajob upon graduation.

The hospital's employme

Issues to be Discussed1. Facts of the case.2. By making additional study, Analyse the means to achieve

the major objectives as stated in the case.3. How would you address the workforce problems as given in

the case effectively?

HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENTAny Four Questions(4X 10=40)1. Hospital waste causing environmental pollution and leadingto negative recycling with serious medical and healthconsequences- Discuss at length.2. Keeping the Hospital staff equipped with latest knowledgein the new millennium in clinical, technical and managerialcompetence is the need of the hour. Identify some newmethods to achieve the objective.3. List out the various areas of Hospital Administration. Reviewthem in your own style.4. What do you understand by the term MBO? Apply theconcept to the Hospitals with appropriate examples.5. Based on your study, establish certain Managementtechniques for the administrative Improvement and

Administrative Reforms of Hospitals.

Hospitality management

Case I

Developing the San Diego Waterfront

San Diego, California, has a diversified economic base with tourism as an important

component of the economy. The city hosts about 18 million tourists who spent some $6 billion, and

tourism is steadily expanding each year. Most tourists are domestic, although a fair number of

foreigners also visit the city. The attractions for tourists in San Diego are the mild Mediterranean-type

climate; attractive natural setting; beaches developed with resort and park facilities; and major

attractions including Sea World, the world-famous San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, interesting

and well-preserved historic areas, and picturesque shopping districts. A variety of resort and urban

hotels have been developed, the most notable being the historic Hotel del Coronado. The policy of

government, which is supported by most residents, is for the continued but controlled development of

tourism as a major source of income and employment.

Discussion Questions

1. Why is it considered so desirable to develop public and private amenity features on

the waterfront and preserve public access to the waterfront and water views in

urban area? From the residents’ standpoint? From the standpoint of developing

successful tourism?

2. What approach can San Diego take in properly developing its downtown waterfront

area both to achieve economic development objectives and to preserve access to

and along the waterfront and views of the adjacent bay?

3. If the choice of development of a particular waterfront site lies between developing

the site for a high-rise hotel, for which there is proven market demand, or a

waterfront public park for use by both residents and tourists, which do you think is

the best use of the site? What approaches could be applied to achieve both



1. Hospital waste causing environmental pollution and leading to negative recycling with serious medical and health consequences- Discuss at length.

SUBJECT: Hospitality Management



1. What is the importance of indoor leisure in hospitality?

2. Write a note on bar-attached restaurants.

3. What are the functions of rooms department? ,

4. Outline a typical food service system and its subsystems.

5. What are the problems of food preparation?

6.Define the terms" Hotel" and" Hotel chains".

7. Discuss how a front office in a luxury hotel is administered.

8. Describe the various steps involved in menu planning.

Subject:- HOTEL MANAGEMENTQ1) What are the minor operating departments of a hotel? Explain each.Q2) What are the basic principles in requisitioning guest and cleaning supplies?Q3) Write short notes on the following (Any 2)a) Role of the housekeeping control desk.b) Lost and found procedurec) Responsibilities of the Public area supervisor.Q4) How can we reduce physical stress?Q5) What are the types of notices in a house keeping operation?Q6) How do small hotels survive?Q7) Explain briefly what services dos a franchisor provide to a franchisee?Q8) Explain the role of maintenance (engineering department)?

Q9) Discuss the relationship between management and supervisors

CASE 1:The Waitress with a Nose Ring


At the completion of this case study, students should be able to :

1. Balance humanitarian causes with good business and sanitation principles.2. Identify some sanitation hazards and take effective steps to eliminate them. 3. Recognize that consumers are concerned about sanitation.

Case Study Narrative

Helen was taking a Saturday afternoon trip to the mall with her young daughter, Isabella, and it was taking longer than expected to get everything done. Her daughter needed to eat soon to prevent a meltdown, so they headed to the food court. This would be fun, a meal alone with her little girl.

They scanned the options. Isabella loves baked potatoes, so they headed over that vendor. As they approached, Helen was drawn closer and closer in disbelief.

By the time they got to the counter, Isabella had decided on the cheese with broccoli potato; however, Helen already knew that they weren’t eating there. You see, as they had been approaching, the employee behind the counter was combing her long black hair with her fingers. She saw Helen and Isabella and approached the counter. As she did this, she adjusted her nose ring.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“Yes, do you have a comment card?” is all that Helen could manage to say.

“Right there,” said the employee as she turned and walked away.

“Mommy, did you order?” asked Isabella.

Now Helen’s first problem was to deal with her daughter’s hunger and disappointment. She didn’t want her to fall apart, so she explained as best she could and talked her into eating somewhere else.

While she was eating, Helen filled out the comment card, which was addressed to corporate headquarters. She wondered whether she needed to go that far; maybe contacting the local manager would be enough. She decided that using the card must be the proper route to take since they were provided. She mailed it in later that day.

About a month later, Helen received a call from the owner of the local franchise. He was genuinely concerned. He revealed to Helen that this particular employee is a troubled teen who had been trying to give an extra chance. She has since been fired for lack of improvement.


1. What other ways could have been used by the business owner to give this employee an extra chance?

2. Is the nose ring truly a problem? If so, why?3. Could you legally deny employment to a person with a nose ring?