Case Study on Doordarshan

CASE STUDY ON Group Presentation for the course Principles of Management. Group : L2G7 1 IS DD DEAD?


This is a case study on the decline of Doordarshan which attempts to answer the question, "Is DD dead?".

Transcript of Case Study on Doordarshan

Case Study On

Case Study On

Group Presentation for the course Principles of Management.Group : L2G7



Background of indian media broadcasting industryHistoryHumble beginning in Delhi with Doordarshan on 15th September 1959

Regular daily transmission started in 1965 as part of All India Radio

Service extended to Mumbai and Amritsar in 1972

Television Services were separated from radio in 1976


National Telecasts introduced in 1982. Same year colour T.V introduced.

1991 Liberalisation Era brought Cable T.V. Satellite T.V introduced in 1995.4

Major players


Star TV Network

Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd

Sony Entertainment Television Network

SUN TV etc.


Source:Audience Measurement and Analytics Limited.6



Government regulations

The Broadcasting Code, adopted by the Fourth Asian Broadcasting Conference in 1962 listing certain cardinal principles to be followed by the electronic media:

To ensure the objective presentation of news and fair and unbiased comment

To promote the advancement of education and culture

To raise and maintain high standards of decency and decorum in all programmes

Source: www.legalserviceindia.com8

Government Regulations (Contd)

To provide programmes for the young which, by variety and content, will inculcate the principles of good citizenship

To promote communal harmony, religious tolerance and international understanding

To treat controversial public issues in an impartial and dispassionate manner

To respect human rights and dignity9

DD-The Golden eraHad an absolute monopoly for three decades from its inception in 1959 till 1992.

Three-tier programme service - National, Regional and Local.

National Level: news, current affairs, science, cultural magazines, serials, music, dance, drama and feature films.10

Regional Level: Similar to National Level but in a regional context.

Local Level: DD Metro.

Had a 90% reach near the end of 1990s.

Viewership: 479 mn home sets plus 1.5 mn on community sets.11

21 channels: Two All India channels DD National and DD News. 11 Regional language Satellite Channels (RLSC), four State Networks (SN), an International channel, a Sports Channel DD Sports and two channels Rajya Sabha TV & Lok Sabha TV for live broadcast of parliamentary proceedings.



Decline of doordarshan

DeclineNews channels are meant to report news not become the news

In 2000-01, DD's revenues were projected to grow at 6-15%

Private channels such as Zee TV, Star, and Sony had projected 40-50% revenue growth

Private producers, advertisers and audience had deserted DD

Low TVR.


In 1998-99, DD channels revenues from advertisements were to the tune of Rs 4 bn

In 2000-01, poor TVR of DD, ad revenues go down to 50%

DD asked of Rs 10 mn to broadcast a film. TVR lowered further

Few ads. Only in sports breaks

Commercial viability

Private television channels were allowed in 1991

Doordarshan has seen a steep decline in viewership in homes with cable and satellite television


In 1998, CBI arrested two DD officials for taking bribes from a serial producer

In 2010, as many as 24 candidates out of the 30 selected for the posts of journalists in DoordarshanNews were politically motivated.

Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited (ABCL) was DD's highest debtor with outstanding dues of Rs.330 mn.

Allegation of bias

During Operation Blue Star in 1984. False claims.

Doordarshan does not have an independent editorial control unlike the BBC.

It has been actively used especially during the Emergency for government propaganda.

In 2004, it censored the airing of a controversial documentary on Jayaprakash Narayan, one of the opposition leaders during the Emergency.



Largest in terms of the infrastructure of studios and transmitters

Effective means of national integration and awareness programs

Government broadcasting messages for masses

Special programs for rural areas



Considered a down market channel by upper classes

Machinery for government propaganda

Dull and boring proggrammes


Can easily buy exclusive rights

Reduce prices for advertising

Revamp presentation style


Private channels serve no obligation to meet the goals of national integration, making them present what viewers like

HD quality is preferred

Rigid format and content filtration


Presently operating 35 satellite channels

Vast network of 66 Studios and 1415 transmitters

TV coverage to about 92% population of the country

Free-to-air DTH service.



Fully digital DD network

Provision of HDTV telecasts

Strengthening of DTH service

Global coverage

Optimum utilisation of infrastructural facilities


Vacant posts in all caders to be filled

Requisite posts for new DD stations to be sanctioned and staff recruited Provision for new analogue transmitters (HPTs/LPTs) in border areasFurther expand the capacity to 250 channels

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