Case study of susie

CASE STUDY OF SUSIE Leigh Freeman Coun. 621

Transcript of Case study of susie

  • 1. CASE STUDY OFSUSIE Leigh Freeman Coun. 621

2. CLIENT DESCRIPTION Susie 21 year old white female Student at the University of Mississippi with 2semesters left Major: Hospitality Management First time enrolled in EDHE (mandated client) Academic issues 3. ASSESSMENTS Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Personalitytype Help me get a better understanding of client andgive the client information she might not be awareof or thought about in this way Career Style Interview (CSI) Opportunityto establish relationship with theclient and get to know her on a different level. Help client gain a new perspective on reasons forchoosing, or not choosing, a specific career path 4. MEDICAL/DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY No serious medical or developmental issues. Never been diagnosed with any psychologicaldisorders. First time the client has seen a counselor andit is not by choice (mandated by EDHE). The client reported no history of her familymembers having any psychiatric issues. 5. SCHOOL/ACADEMIC HISTORY Client loves being a hospitality managementmajor Reports that she has never had academicissues until last semester. Stopped going to class Didnt study as much as she should have Lots of trouble with Accounting 6. HOME BEHAVIOR/SOCIAL Family: Client is very close with her family. Client is the middle child- 1older sister, 1 youngerbrother. Parents have been going through a divorce for thepast 2 years. Parents divorce had a very negative impact on client. Shereports last semester her parents divorce became verynasty and in result, she became kind of depressed.However, client currently reports she is not depressed at allnow and was just going through a hard time last year. Maternal grandfather died last semester 7. HOME BEHAVIOR/SOCIAL Social: Client reports she has a great group of friendsthat are very supportive and has a healthy sociallife. Work: Clientbegan working as a part-time receptionistabout two weeks ago. She loves her job becauseit directly relates to her major. 8. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS CSI: Client was very cooperative and gave more thanenough information. The assessment was more of aconversation, rather than an interview. Admires her mother Enjoys spending time with her family and friends.Loves to play with her dog. Favorite TV shows are Say Yes to the Dress andGlee Liked English, Hated Math Early recollections involved vacations with her family(very happy memories) 9. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS MBTI: ENFJ Places other people as being highest ofimportance and priority and in turn, put ownneeds on the back burner Likes to have things settled and organized; likesstructure Avoids conflict and confrontation Ability to relate to others with empathy Very trustworthy and loyal` 10. DSM DIAGNOSIS Axis I None Axis II None Axis III None Axis IV Parents recently divorcing Maternal grandfather passing away about 1 year ago Academic problems Axis V GAF: 71-80 11. TREATMENT PLAN AND RECOMMENDATIONS Monitor Academic Progress Effective study strategies Check grades Keep up with absences in each class Provide Susie with different tools and resourcesthat she can benefit from in case she goesthrough another difficult time in the future. Triggers (i.e. isolation, loss of appetite, lack of sleep) Counseling Center Discuss careers that would be appropriate for her Careers that involve structure and engaging withpeople 12. REFERENCES Kennedy, B.R. & Kennedy, A.D. (2004). Using the myersbriggs type indicator in career counseling. Journal ofEmployment Counseling, 41, 38-44.