Case Study

PAGE 1 Civil Rights Case Study Name: Kyle Loeber Partner: Case study: Rosa Parks Bus Incident What happened? summarize the event In December 1955, Rosa Parks boarded a Montgomery City bus to go home from work. On this bus on that day, Rosa Parks made her mark in the history of American quest for freedom and equality. She sat near the middle of the bus, just behind the 10 seats reserved for whites. Soon all of the seats in the bus were filled. When a white man entered the bus, the driver (following the normal segregation laws) insisted that all four blacks sitting just behind the white section give up their seats so that the man could sit there. Mrs. Parks, who was an active member of the local NAACP, quietly refused to give up her seat. Her action was random to the bus driver and the white man, although her previous civil rights involvement and strong sense of justice were obvious influences. "When I made that decision," she said later, “I knew that I had the strength of my ancestors with me.” She was arrested and convicted of violating the laws of segregation, known as “Jim Crow laws.” Mrs. Parks appealed her conviction and thus formally challenged the legality of segregation. As a result Black people boycotted Montgomery buses. Authorities gave in after six months. Why is this a problem? Which human right is being violated? At that time black peoples civil rights were being violated as long as you had an unwilling or unpaid "slave" in your house or if you neglekted them for their color. For example, Rosa was sitting first and the man was not handicapped or injured he was simply being selfish and racist because he was tinking "Oh, im better than you because I am white and you are black." And Rosa Parks had been thrown off that same bus by that same bus driver. Summarize two perspectives on this issue? Perspective 1: When someone would think that they could overpower someone for their color. And the fact that they would tell the police and get her thrown off the bus so she had to go to jail! But it wasn't a long sentence in fact she only spent about an hour in her jail cell.


I studied the Rosa Parks montgomery bus boycott.

Transcript of Case Study

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Civil Rights Case Study    Name:  Kyle  Loeber   Partner:  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐      Case  study:  Rosa  Parks  Bus  Incident    

What  happened?  summarize  the  event  

-­‐In  December  1955,  Rosa  Parks  boarded  a  Montgomery  City  bus  to  go  home  from  work.  On  this  bus  on  that  day,  Rosa  Parks  made  her  mark  in  the  history  of  American  quest  for  freedom  and  equality.  She  sat  near  the  middle  of  the  bus,  just  behind  the  10  seats  reserved  for  whites.  Soon  all  of  the  seats  in  the  bus  were  filled.  When  a  white  man  entered  the  bus,  the  driver  (following  the  normal  segregation  laws)  insisted  that  all  four  blacks  sitting  just  behind  the  white  section  give  up  their  seats  so  that  the  man  could  sit  there.  Mrs.  Parks,  who  was  an  active  member  of  the  local  NAACP,  quietly  refused  to  give  up  her  seat.  Her  action  was  random  to  the  bus  driver  and  the  white  man,  although  her  previous  civil  rights  involvement  and  strong  sense  of  justice  were  obvious  influences.  "When  I  made  that  decision,"  she  said  later,  “I  knew  that  I  had  the  strength  of  my  ancestors  with  me.”  She  was  arrested  and  convicted  of  violating  the  laws  of  segregation,  known  as  “Jim  Crow  laws.”  Mrs.  Parks  appealed  her  conviction  and  thus  formally  challenged  the  legality  of  segregation.  As  a  result  Black  people  boycotted  Montgomery  buses.  Authorities  gave  in  after  six  months.  

Why  is  this  a  problem?    Which  human  right  is  being  violated?  

-­‐At  that  time  black  peoples  civil  rights  were  being  violated  as  long  as  you  had  an  unwilling  or  unpaid  "slave"  in  your  house  or  if  you  neglekted  them  for  their  color.  For  example,  Rosa  was  sitting  first  and  the  man  was  not  handicapped  or  injured  he  was  simply  being  selfish  and  racist  because  he  was  tinking  "Oh,  im  better  than  you  because  I  am  white  and  you  are  black."  And  Rosa  Parks  had  been  thrown  off  that  same  bus  by  that  same  bus  driver.        

Summarize  two  perspectives  on  this  issue?  

Perspective  1:  When  someone  would  think  that  they  could  overpower  someone  for  their  color.  And  the  fact  that  they  would  tell  the  police  and  get  her  thrown  off  the  bus  so  she  had  to  go  to  jail!  But  it  wasn't    a  long  sentence  in  fact  she  only  spent  about  an  hour  in  her  jail  cell.    

  -­‐  PAGE  2  -­‐  

Perspective  2:  The  white  man  was  tired  and  he  wanted  to  sit.  He  was  raised  to  be  rasict  so  he  thought  "Of  course  if  i  ask  ncely  she  would  move,  besides  its  law  that  whites  are  better  than  blacks."  And  he  didn't  think  standing  would  be  that  bad.  White  people  would  pay  more  taxes  and  were  always  bossing  the  black  people  so  he  thought  she  would  politely  move  out  of  the  way  and  just  stand.    

 Civil  Rights  Case  Study  cont.    

Who  made  a  difference?  name  the  person  or  group  

 The  NAACP    Rosa  Parks      

What  did  the  person/group  do?  

NAACP-­‐  In  1909,  the  NAACP  commenced  what  has  become  its  legacy  of  fighting  legal  battles  to  win  social  justice  for  African-­‐Americans  and  indeed,  for  all  Americans.  The  most  significant  of  these  battles  were  fought  and  won  under  the  leadership  of  Charles  Hamilton  Houston  and  his  student  and  protégée,  Thurgood  Marshall.    Rosa  Parks-­‐  Because  she  would  not  give  up  her  seat,  the  bus  driver  called  the  police  and  Rosa  Parks  was  arrested.  News  of  her  arrest  quickly  spread.  The  NAACP  decided  to  use  Rosa  Parks  to  challenge  the  segregation  laws  in  the  courts,  while  the  African-­‐American  community  of  Montgomery,  Alabama  decided  to  create  a  boycott  of  the  buses  in  an  effort  to  make  changes.    

What  type  of  strategy  would  you  call  the  action(s)  of  the  person/group?  

The  NAACP  used  a  peaceful  protest  through  the  boycott-­‐  They  decided  to  force  the  change  on  to  everyone  not  just  ask  them  to  change  their  mind.    Rosa  Parks-­‐  She  stood  up  for  herself  against  the  law  and  she  wasn't  afraid.  She  stood  up  for  her  civil  rights  and  all  people's  civil  rights.      

What  changed  as  a  result  of  this  event?  

People  started  to  see  how  stupid  racism  was  and  they  started  to  treat  black  people  as  equals.  People  all  over  the  world  and  the  United  States  were  noticing  that  its  very  cruel  and  unfair  like  when  Rosa  Parks  was  arrested  just  for  not  moving  out  of  her  seat  for  a  white  man.  It  was  bad  for  buisnessbecause  black  people  weren't  allowed  to  eat  at  "White"  restaurants  and  weren't  allowed  to  drink,  shop  or  even  PEE  at  the  same  place  as  white  people.    

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What  can  we  learn  from  this  event?