Case Report Farina - CTEV1

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  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1


    Idiopathic Right Congenital talipes equinovarus

    Presented by:Farina Dwinanda Faisal C11109887


    dr. Syarif Hidayatullah

    dr. Zuwanda Then


    Dr. M. Ruksal Saleh, Ph.D,Sp.OT

    Orthopedic and TraumatologyDepartment

    Medical Faculty of HasanuddinUniversity

  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1



    Name : Baby. V

    Age : 9 months old

    e! : "emale

    #ate admission : $% &uly $'()

    Address : *alu

    Register Number : +,$-9%

  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1


    H"&TO'% T()"$*

    Chie Complaint: Abnormality shape o right oot

    Anamnesis: it observed since patient /as born0 her right oot loo1abnormal0 it s/ing in/ard and sti2. 3er let leg is in normal condition.No abnormality on her both arm. No abnormality ound on her bac1since she /as born. 4rination and deecation are normal. No complain oshortness o breath and cyanosis. No complain o persistent vomiting.

    3istory o mother pregnancy ANC control every month to obstetrician0 given supplement and vitamins

    No 3istory o trauma during pregnancy

    No 3istory o illness during pregnancy

    No history o smo1ing consumption

  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1


    H"&TO'% T()"$*

    3istory o labor

    5he mother gave birth to patient at age $%. *atient is the 6rst child.*atient /as born by vaginal delivery /ith cephalic presentation0

    gestational age %$ /ee1s0 /ith /eight : $-'' g And height: )9 cm.

    7ilestones development

    Ne/born : grasp re8e! ;0 morro/ re8e! ; 3olds head up unsupported : ) months

    *rone : ) months

    it up : , months

    Cra/ling and standing up : Not yet

  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1


    3istory o serial casting in *alu by orthopedic surgeon0 %

    times0 one every /ee10 /hen patient /as ) months old.5here /as a signi6cant change to normal shape on her rightoot. 5he doctor gave advice to /ear a special shoes0 but it/as unavailable. o0 in the last $ month0 her right oot returnto s/ing in/ard again.

    5here is a history o amily /ith the same disease0 hercousin.

  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1


  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1


    DCA 5A5E

    Right oot region

    o : #eormity ;0 angulation : internal rotation o tibia

    An1le : equinus

    "oreoot : adductus0 cavus and supination

    3eel : varus0 inversion and appear deep crease

    mediallyo ": CR5 F$ seconds0 dorsalis pedis artery is palpable0 tibialis

    posterior artery is palpable. ensibility can not be evaluated.

    o 7 : Active and passive movement on an1le Goint are limited

  • 8/9/2019 Case Report Farina - CTEV1
