CASE. POST S Wllmw^'V LOCAL · The cln«« song, c«inipo«cd I y I'. Y. Cohen, wa* t_ng. folltiwed...

LOCAL MISCELLANY. EXERCISES AT ST. JOHN'8 COLLEGE. DKOBkBO CONPEBRED BT THE CARDINAL ON TEN GRADUATE»».MEETINO OF TH« AI.CMNL The groveo and shaded walks of St. John'« <.oll«tg* at Fortlhani presented an animated appearance yt«terday. when the exercl»c« of tbe thirty-third annual csJ-omeiicement wore held. Ou the lawn at the «Ido of the old study-hall a cnnopy w«a spread between »lie old elm«, for the accommodation or visitor«. At one end .-a« a platform, de«5ora'cd with flag« and urn» of flower« and blooming plan!«, Boon after 1 o'clock. Cardinal Mct'loekey, with Vicar-Qencral Preston, walked from the college buildings to the platforru, fol lowed by over 100 clergymen. The Cnrdltinl took hi« «eat upon a raised dnl«, Imtu.ilialely he- aide the «peakcr». .mon. the other clergymen present were tbe Rev. F. W. Oockeln, preshlent of the college, Vicar-General Quliin, Father Karly, the Rev. James Corrigan, president of Heton Hall College ; !hu Rev. Henry Iluùon, president of the College of 8!. Francis Xavier ; the Rev. Dr. Brann, Fathers Dealy Traiuor, O'Councr, Ftnnegau, She-, liée, l'etlt, Buci- cot and Rynn, ot the Society of Jesus, and Father« Thomas Lviub. Augustine Brady, Mrl).»wall, J. 1'. Mor- n«, Hogan »ml McCready. Among the laymen were Excise Commissioner Morrison. Judtre Slnel». of White Plain« ; Judge T. F. MeCorma««-, Ol New Jersey ; and Thotua« 1>. Eagau. Oration« on "Franco ami tho Exposition" by J«>hn J. Bone. "The Leo-l m Historv" l»y V»'illinm H.Mui phv, iinil .'American Pot-try." by Austin P, O'Malley, opened the «reiche«. The valedictory wa« deliveie-1 oy John W. Steward, his »ubtect being "Liberal Educa!ion." Tho roaater'« oration, given {__.> Joseph a. Maker, A. B., wa» on .«luleriiatlonal Law Defective." The « x«rci»e« were diversified by music. Tho decree« were conferred by tho Cardinal, each graduate ki-xlng the episcopal ring me tbe parchment wa« presented. Following are the raame« «if tbe graduates: Bovle, J. J.. Murphy, Vf. II.. hul'ivsn, W. J., 4*_U_ha_, J. W_ Murray. B. P.. Xavier, II. F. Peane, P. V., O'Malley. A. P., Hendrlck. P. A Steward. J. W- Tlie degree of Master of Arts was conferred on the following : llta-lv, J. J. Flattery. W. J. Rlopel, E. E. CtMgaa, J W. Ijiner, I. P. Van de Veld««, Curren, P. J. Miher, J. a Wan. h a. Myers, A. J. The highest honora of tho gi .iduallng class were won by WilllHiu Heniy Murphy, «if Torrytown. The cold -Dedal for the iw-»t biographical essay wa« won by «.ustiu P. 0*Mall««y, whose «ubtect waa Christopher <'omnibus ; In merit wa« John J. Boyle. The »river of the medal for )he present year wa« the Rev. Jame« J. Morlarty, A. M.. of Chiitbam Villaje, Cías« of '62. William J. Sul¬ livan won the Hughe« gold medal for the liest examina¬ tion in mental philosophy. This medal wa« In¬ tended hy Ike founder to' perp« tuate the memory of Archbishop Hughe«. Tho »liver medals for profi¬ ciency were awarded follow«: In rhetoric, Hubert J. Frawley ; in Indie« lettres, John K. MrMabou ; incla«- a!«Se. Thomas W Kelly. Michael A. Hallohan wa» given the silver medal for good conduct in tbe. senior division. The addresa to the graduât««« wm mod«« by John K. (1. HiiMard, A. M., Clan» of '¦*>.'», upon the " Duties and Re- .poDsibilitles of Young Men lu Public Life." «ar¬ il) ml MoCbiskey then made a brief addree«. Ho .aid It afforded hiin tbe greatest pleasure to be permitted to give the diploma« to the young men at the end of their college course. It was gratify i ok to see tbe attention which llie large aaaomblagv* had given to the orations, it showed tbe great Interest that w»s Uikeo lu M. John's College. The commencement exercises reflected honor and credit on all connected with tbe institution. At a meeting of tbe alumni, held In tbe afternoon, the following officer» were elected : Bishop Rosecran«, of 4'oluuibus. Ohio, -president ; Thornn« B. Conuery, H. II. Dodge and P. J. H. Van D.vke, vice-president«; W. J. lsunoelly, tuamirer; A. J. Cameron, secretary; John R. O. Hanaard, 8. O. A. Murphy, Y. V, Kennedy, ihe Rev. D. X. Men-leu, J. T. Reilly, M. J. O'Brien and P. A. Ken drlck. Executive ConJiuittee. An alumni dinner was eatt-n In the evening at the Metropolitan Hotel. In ihe absence of tbe president, Thomas Connery presided, making the opening address. The toasts anil responses wero aa follow«: "Old Bt. John'« «"ollege." the Kev. Ueorge H. Kenny, 8. J.; " The President of 8t. John'« College," the Rev. O. W. Gockeln, S. J.; *. The Clergy," the Rev. Dr. II. A. Braun : " The B«r," Joseph J. Marnn ; .'P_y«le," ». 0, A. Murphv ; "The Pre««," John K. »i. IIaa«ard; " Commerce," Al|»ln J. Cameron; " CI aas of .78," P. A. Hendrlck ; " The Ladles," Morgan J. O'Brien. ? . CLA8S DAY AT THE CITY COLLEGE. FIN AND FROLIC AFTK.K FOCR YKARrl <JK WoKK. The louu cbapcl of tbe Co11«?k<? of the City of New-York w*a well filled yo»ter_»j afternoon, on tho occasion of ihe cum« day exercise». Tbe student« were In high «plrit« and fuu wa« nfe, over this day tho faculty have no control. Oeorge P. Hotailng pre- ahled. and save tbe opentug addrea«. He characterize«! the last day of college "tbe one thing beautiful, the crowning day," a sentiment that was applauded heartily. William J. Campbell gave au oration, and £. Yancey .Dohen, tbe clauss poet, read a poem. The " ceremonies " began by the appearance of tbe graduate«, clad in loug black gewns, marching into tbe chapel, singing In Lutlu. Till» created genuiue surprise In tbe uudiem-e. In tbe class history, «¿eorge K. Hardy referred to the effort« of tbe class to elevate the college to an equality with Princeton, which brought our much laughter. Iti ?_. <*I_m ~r~i»heey. by Paul Krotc). «ill the niem bera were pilloried, their peculiarltie« «atlrlr-d, and their horoscopes ca»t. The presentation of niedai«, tes¬ timonial« Alia remembrance« wa« another bit of soltar». fun. Medals of leather about a foot in dlametei were presente«! to the "most obstreiK-rous man;" the "ugMe«t man;" the- "ele.I <-<:ti«umptlv« " (a «tout, rubicund, Jolly-looking V"iing Irishman); the "class Inlaut," whose .tature between »Ix und seven feet; the "handsomest man," etc. The best claaMcal scholar »rot a wooden kmbby-horsc, »« he " wa« the best rider of 'poule«'in the college." A graduate of political predilection» re¬ ceived a mock testimonial, signed by prominent citizen« of diver«« political view*. Williams gave the valedictory and presenled gift« to the otoer clause«,._ tov cane to the l«'r»«stiiiicn a p;nr *'t fciige eellar» to the rtophmorc» ; a l»otile of "npper Up tonic" to the ambitious Junior«, anda wootlen ui;int in to tbe Class of '"!).supposed to represent the mantle which fell froiu the «-hi.uldcrtof '7t-« to those ol tln-ir »uc- ce*»on». The cln«« song, c«inipo«cd I y I'. Y. Cohen, wa* t_ng. folltiwed bvthe "Farewell Boat," by Mr. Otulm, and Ihe clas« adjourned 10 plant th<- «lues Ivv on ihe campus. Walter K. Leggat delivered the ivy oration. Tbe clas« dinner and jn[»e ceremonies will taki iil«ce at tbe Hoffman ilon«e to-night, after tbe commencement exercUea. THE IiRAZ.l.IAN LINES FIRST STEAMER. liN OK HI MO I»K JANKIHO.THi. 1A>M s.,1 I; I.I-T. The j»ioneer st«»ainahip of tlie American-Bra- tilian line, the Cily of Klo de Janeiro, which _uiu«l from thl« port for on May <», on her first voyage, ar¬ rived hete last evening, Iwenty day« from Bio de Janeiro, Including «topage« at five other port« ou the route. H«-r appearauoe waa that «f a new vessel, «lore than MO persons were «n the pb rat Robert*' Store», Ilroklvn, to greet her retara. Although the voyage was conipur.i- i'ialii William Weir .ar» there was an taalty "t tesllnglhe vessel'« sea« oi thin« going to Bio Janeiro. After leaving Babia for the latter port the vessel, for tw.-nty-futir hour«, ericoiinlered a «harp, beavv beud gal««, with a bad ___, The vessel behaved nobly, riding the sea» easily aun with very Utile mo¬ tion to the ship. At Rio Janeiro the vessel was in¬ spected br Emperor Don ivrtro II.. the 10mpies«, tbe Prime Minister, and other officers, who spok«- highly of the «asset, rotiatructiou «ud _<cninmod_tl_ü». Tbe et'-uriiBhip «all<-d from Bio de Jaaotra. ou June »J, stopping at Babi«. on Jum; *. I'eru- ambueo, June 10; Para, June 14; H«rha<!oe«, Jnne HI : at. Thomas, June 21. ChieMCngliner Jesse Davis «Cited thai Ihe engines worked better than wa« ted for a in w vessel, ant! her average «peed wa« over twelve knots. The passenger« «puke in the highest tenu« <«f their comfortable voyage, and the attentiou shown io them by the .raw and Or. Wilson »nil tin- other «ifllcer«. Included in her freight were 37,000 beg« Of coffee and 400 Ixixe» of robber. Tbe following is a list of tlie passengers : «ieorgeW. H»rr»»i. wife »nd three children, llnhert Orey. Ji .I.wuan M. Dation, «leo. W. Itlcharda, Pedro Keiiczyu,!, H.-luv II. I.« ..h. (', t\ Miilfli, John Kelly, !.. fine. "A» lei!-. Ilitch, M Connolly. VI». luco.uuil. I»«l». child and nur».-. Wm <¡. llniiitihill, lin h»id M Mauri», W. von Fleet. Wiu. Mr- «.rächen I», « I) Et. Danl« I«, W. I.. K<l»<.n, W. A. Wal¬ ter«. T. h. i»ii... ii K. Kiei.B. j. iiii'iii.i. i:. J«aarma, wir«*. t «.'«« chllilieri and tunee, .Nicola« lance Aimer», Mr«. I.. IL».la . ti'l Mi». I- llohlv, Dr. K Kiinth, «'»ptalu J. F. W'olfe, Captain U.C. Kane, J. linonte, José J. Kitvure, J«. Cubo-, A. Ctiaty and »on, Captain Wm. Cook. FATALLY I'KATh.N WITH A STICK. .Ciiptaiii Lennon, <»f the Fourth PoUee I'r<- Olnct, Jersey City, received information Tuesday that a man waa bleeding to death at Doyte'a liquor «tore, on tbe old Bergen Blank Boud. The man wa« found to bo Buffering from a «calp wound «Ix luche« In length. A irack of blood wu« found which led to the luiuse or Jeremiah Ilarngan. Mi» I n.tlier Timotliy Ilariigan. who wa« the only person at home, wa« found on tbe stoop In a preteudetl slumber Harriguti claimed that he discovered the man, Jamea McDermol!. of Orchard-»!.. Jerney City Heigh!«, In hi« bed, and he «truck Dim with a heavy billet of wood. .tt> injuries are supiHised lo tie fatal. liarrlgan wa« arrestoii. «rid held to await the reaultiof MrDer- aoott'« injurie«. _ rcnio school ______D-_.nou _ai-tc_t_-_. At the ícraduation tUtolm of Gnuumar ftciiool No. C.'J, male deparlmeui, Tuesday, Commls- aioncr« Manierre and Katzeuberg, ex-Coiumi»»ionera Baker and Fuller, and Profeiaor D. B. Scott, were among thoae prreeent Tbe exercises consisted chiefly of cboruM», »leclamattonr«, dhtlogttee, literary «election« and a graduât««' addrea« oy W. M. Taber. Professor I> B. Hcott deliver««! an addreM to the graduating clas«, and I hen awarded the diploma«. A gold medal for ecuolaroblu wa« given to w. M. Tnber ; a «liver medal for ntieii'lniicc to F. B. Ludwig ; m gold pen and holder for tne flneat penman to h. Vf. c. Hill, and m «et of hook« for the student receiving the highcat percentage In the r-olleite, examination to ( . P. Blinu. The exerciae« were «Ronciuded hy uddrcaac« from (kimmlMioners Manierre and Katteuherg, the Bev. A. T. richaufflcr and other«. The following aro tbe graduates : Abo»», OelartiId, Canfteld, William, I.ndwlg, F. B., Badgley, It T, «'oue, Andrew, Ma«-.«--. Alfro.1. Jt., I'aiun Ahram, Deven«. Francia, M«-M»bon. J<>»« »h, Blinn, < Iiowu«. 11. I>. Mnrr»y, T. J., jr.. Fanning, Abraham, «coll. William, Burn«, K.. OUI, W. il.. T«b«-r, W. M., Borra-, J. W., Barden, II. M., T-oruell, I_ T. LAND AT o:,E CENT AN AOKE. A ax\t) ot 360,000 acres of white oak tim¬ kor sud mineral iauds, In McDooga! County, W. Va., took .{place ycetcraay, at tbe Real Batate Kxchauge. The at- tei'dance was large, and was principally composed of .person« who wanted tracta of 100 to 500 acre«. Under the terms of the esJe as arranged by the trustee, A. J. JDowes, of Ctaottfo, the property was to be PAA iu plot» of not less than 1,000 acres. Aftar 60,000 acres bail been sold, tbe remaining 300,000 were sold in a block to B, J. II. Trosk. Among the other purchasers were II. 1). Smith, William Tsfft and W, B. Atterburv. Tbe aver¬ age price received was about one cent an acre. The ap¬ prised valuation before the sale was 10 cents an acre. YACHTS TRYING THEIR SPEED. THE H. H. IIOI.MKS LOSK8 A RACK BY CAPSIZING-- THF. NEW-YORK BAY REGATTA. The Biatcli race between the yachts Addie Taylor ami II. II Holmes, f .r a stake of #.r««H), was sailed Tuesday, the .-ourse Ix-lng from a stake-boat off tbe Idle Hour, it Oreeuville. N. J., to und around Buov No¬ il and return, a distance of twenty miles. The start was made :\t 12:)". the Aildio Taylor crossing-the Hue Orst and followed _.' seconds afterwards by the Holmes, The wind was fresh from northwest and tbe tide the first of tbe flood. The Addle hail a double-reef in ber «namsull aud a reef tu her .lib, the Holmes having a double-reef in her niainssll only, with a storm-jib bent sad ready to set. Going down the course, lbs Addie gained mi the Holmes. When tiiv arrived In the lower bay, the ¦««.a whs found to J>e alimist too heavy to war¬ rant ¡i continu ««ice of the lac*. Just before reaching the buoy, the Holm«» found It necessary to tuke in her ill«. In r.miiiliiiK M buoy from west to east, the Atldte lulled «*;i In the wind and rounded ull ri'.'lit, hm the «plain of the Holmes concluded be would jibe, nnd in doing no capsized his b «¡it. The cueste' steauilxiat run up alongside «tud nttempted to rieht ber, ami finding it iin|>oesit>!n a tin; was employed, which righted Ihe boat and towed her up the, bay. The Addie reached home ot 4*07:50, the actiuil time being VrMcSO. The Committee of Arrangements for the union yacht regatta, to lie sailed in the buy to-morrow, closed tbe eu tries yesterday, the utimber of yachts entered being forty-sli. They are «livid« .1 into five élusses: First, class, '20 to 30 feet lu length ; second class, SB to '-<"> feet third class, 2(1 to 29 feet fourth cIihr, ull under 20 feet; fifth class, catamarans. Th«' course for all except the fourth-class is from otf Hunt's Dock, I.. I., to and around channel buoy off Kobhin's Reef, thence to nnd aronii.l sink«-bout hi (Iravesend Bay, opposite Bath Ilote', thence honie and rei>eat. a distance of twemy miles. The course for the fourth class is the same, ex¬ cept that the boats will round a slskc off Owl's Mead instead ot going to (iriivcnen<l Bay, making n distance of fifteen miles. The start will lie iniide at 1<):30 a. tn. The judges are A Carey Smith, P. W. Ostramler and M. Roosevelt Rchuyier. and the Regatta ('i>iiiinltter,f\)ii)iiio- dore Joseph Nobles, John M. Sawyer, Josepn Rrii»«dugtou, William Bishop, A. I.. Kremever and J. il. Bobbins Befara] entries were received sfter the ImiuIia were closed and ix-fiist-d. The following are the yachts en¬ tered : l-'irst class. Meteor, .lournevnian, Josephine, W. K. Brown, Susie H., Florence, Daie Devil, N. R. Fowler, Annie (ielssel, William Sware ; r«««-0!hI class.Fanuio I>.. Inspector, "icttle, I.. I*. Springer, Mar, Thistle, Clara 8. Martha M J. M. Robblns, Jenny Dllks, No Name ; third class, Lydia T., Faith, Sophia, Kinnia, Ueorge 11. Deine, At).lie Taylor, H. II. Holmes, Marvel, Excelsior, Jscob S.un ders ; fonrtb class, Emma I)., Alice, Fidget, (lussle. May B.. Ida M., Sadie, K. Warren. Brothers. May 1 «.. Cora D , «'(«iniiiirtie, Claro M.¡ fifth (iswi.catamarans.Taran- iiila, Minnie and Bella, Deeeptlnti. The yueht race tor the Barnett Ocean Cball.-nge Prize, which was to have l.ccu «ailed under tbe suspires of tbe New-York Yacht Club, yesterday, from HhikIv Honk, to and ai-i.iiiid Brrnton's Reef, off Newport, and return, was declared ofl, for the lack of entries, by tbe Regatta committee Tucsdsv night. The Tidal Wave and Rambler were the only entries. TRYING TO -flow» «HERSELF. A WOMAN WHO BAVF.8 IN KRRNCII AND CiEKMAN, AND KF.CITES PASSAGES FBOM SIIAKE81-EARE. Before daylight yesterday Officer Ganley, of the First Product, saw a woman cress the Bsttery Park and approach tbe sea wall, as if intendiug to throw ber- b. If Into the water. He ran to her and caught her as »he was about to spring from the wall. She made a desper¬ ate attempt to free herself, and begged him to let her go, declaring wildly that she was determined to drown her¬ self. In the struggle she toro s long strip of flesh from the officer's forehead with her nails, lie shouted for help, as he did not wish to use violence. Another officer soon arrived, and tbe woman was led to the New Street Station. She w.n well drei»s«'d and resiie.-talile in appearance. She acted as if insane. She gave her name as tlnltie Adams and ber age as twenty-eight. When «liiestioued further she UpM-d suddenly into a stupor, which the sergeant believed aas assume«.. All attempts to rouso her were for a time futile. At length she struck a tragic attitude and began to recite some passages from Shakespeare. Then she lell on the floor and screamed. She appeared «to be auflcring from spasms, and as sonn ne ..n ambulance could be summoued »he was taken to the Chambers Street Hospital. Dr. kindlich sjM.iie t.i her, and she replied with violent threats. He endeav¬ ored to soothe her, but she flew at him In a rage, scratched his face and ban«U, and bit bun In the arm. She eoniiutied to be so violent that the attendants were obliged to force her into the straight-Jacket und confine her In t c padde«l cell. Here she continued to rave and shout for over six hours. Sometimes she would talk In «French, at other times In «ierinun, show¬ ing that she was well ivcc'iu.iutrd with both languages. From her ravings It was gathered that «she was a married woman, and that her husband was on the ocean. In mir of her quiet moment« she said that her home wus in lliistnn. but she would not give the names of any of her friends. iMo in t_e day abe was removed to the New- York Hot-pital. ^ COAL BELOW SCHEDULE THICKS. AlCTIo.N «SAU OK «90,000 r*'NS t9W SCKASTi'N COAL. The Bale of GO.OOO tons of Scranton coul yesterday by tbe Delaware, Lackawanua and V*. estero Railroad Company, was largely sttended aud tbe bidding was brisk. There was a slight advane over tbe sale fur June, but the rate« on all grades were lower than by the circulars of tbe other companies for July. The prices obtained vesterday un compared with the laat sale, al¬ as follows : A veía«« A versee Prices price price ¿tyea- Jalv26, May'-!«. terdsy'ssale. Inctcsse. Mesmer.t 47 t'J i'lhs fa 17. 6 cut. i.l.i. mi aA 47 A 4T, 3 '.Hij l.esats F.ttt. 3 «I eAtiT-i 3 6H'j H f.B V cms Stove . 3 IM) S3 87. 3 7S 3 R7'4 -.«¿Mata I li. . 3 'ib S '25 3 '¿.1 The prices received yesterday compare with the Dela¬ ware and Hudson schedule as follow s : D.. L.siHlW. I), and H. aale. schedule. I'lffennre. Steamer. .99 47 $3 ti«) IS. «teats (irate. 3 4M-. 9 iw 11«» easts 3f«8. :i T.'i l«;«-jceiits . 3 87-4 4 'JO B-.e-ata «it. A 2b A CO 'tu cenls To thec differences there must Im« added for Seilten in N. -w-York the tlill« -reiice l«< t ween In« in» port at ion fioin Il»b"kcn and R ndout, which makes the prtOM of ics- lerdav'i sale from «N to ft5 cenls below the scheiluie prices. THE ORAVKHENI) POISONING. THE MQOMT OTOB UBS. UAB14 «_. HinnAiii) ni*(.i s. («iioiiti >iiniiiÄ t»gM tlif* inquest, Tues¬ day afternoon, In the case of Mrs. Maria L Huhbard, ol Uruvesend, whose death last week is supposed to have been cans««! by poison. Before taking any testi¬ mony, the Coroner learned «hat Jacobus Lake, one of the Juror», was a relative of Mr. «1, aud he therefore excused him from acting. The first witness. Miss Elizabeth Lusk, testified that It was Mrs. Hubhard's habit to drink hslf a bottle el b«-er each day. ()n Monday, June 17, she drank half a bottle and the witness put what re¬ mained back In the cellar. Tin s.lay morn¬ ing Mrs. Hubbard said that she felt faint, and ashed the wiine-s tog« into the cellar and fetch the lieer. She did so, and Mrs. Hubbard went into the dtulng-room, poured it «nit into a glass aud drank two swallow«. «losa alter she was taken sick, aud before she died said that she had been poisoned; that "Cotm" Strvker. from the beach, had put ¡nns.iti In her lager. The inquest will he com Lined next Tuesday afternoon. IToflSSOr Faton, who Is making an análisis of Mrs. Ilm.- liiir.!'« stomach, has iiiforined « oroner sinims|y«A«ter«lay that he bad found -Irvclinine both In the stomach and in the beer left In the bottle from whleb Mrs. Hub¬ bard di auk. BOYR RECEIVING PRIZES. The twenfy-fliird animal coininenreiiient exercises of tbe Fort Washington College were held Tues day afternoon, and were well attended by ton friends of the students. Nearly all the. recitations In the pro¬ gramme were In the French language, aud embrace«! a variety of subjects. Irom tbe works of Victor tingo t<> "A <__n>e<ly In Three Acts, by Finest Labiche." The studeuts were addressed by the Rev H. A. llrann, of St. Elizabeth's Church, af¬ ter which the medals viere distributed. The highest honor of the college, a golil medal, for eon- slant mdiixtrv, religion nnd ex.inplary deport ment, was awarded to William Santa Maria, of Cardenas, Cuba. Premium« com prising tin- wo. knot well-known author« were gl\eii to the next in merit.(¡eiirgo Brady, Qaofm Harris, Cano« Moran and Pedro Medina. Sliver meláis for exlraofdluary proflcleticv were given to Rufael Cot«-« and José I'uyaüH. A silver medal for pro motion to the freshman olas« during the y.-ai was granted to «¡eorge Harris, silver medals for the highest honor« in their various branches of study were awarded to Ixiuls Prévost, Ricani«« «¡il«li-, Antonio Maden snd (ieorge C Micks. Thirty boys were announced ss deserving prizes for proflcien«¦>' As their names were called, the noya step|ie<l forward aud rec«-vcd from Alfred M. Cotte, the president of tin- college, their premiums, which were work« of ancient and modern authors. The exercises closed with an ad¬ dress by the Rev. F. A. Aigueperse. TRAINS TO THE LONG RRANCH JULCE8. The C.Btral Railroad of New-Jersey, witlim the last year, has completed nn Improvement by which New-York people will be ablo to reach the Moiiutouth Park race-course, at Long Branch, in a very short time, and without change of cars. A «connecting track has been laid from the Lone Branch division of the road to the race-coutse, over which trains from Jersey (,'lty will be run on race days. On Saturday next, and M day, July 'J, Thursday. July 4, and Saturday, July «¡, tbe dates fixed for tbe races, a special train will leave the depot, foot of Libertv-st., at l'_:.»0 p. lu., which Will run directly to the rourw«, and return after Ihe races, in m sum tickets will bo 91, or, including admission to the course, t)l 50. CUTTING HIS THROAT AND ARM. A mini about sixty years of ago was found yesterday morning la Prospect Park, near the Klnth-si. entrance, with a severe gash across his throat and a cut ou his left arm above the elbow. A blood-stained razor lav )<v his aide. Tbe man waa not dead, bnt It was ex- Íiecu-d that his death wonld occur before reaching the Island College Hospital, «to which ho was taken in the ambulance. His windpipe waa found to be severed, and tbe principal artery of the arm was also cut. Nothing was found upon his clothing to establish his Identity. Id one pocket was a package of rat poison, none of which bad been used. He was neatly dressed sud wore a silk hat in which was the trade-mark of a Norwalk fl-iu. Wight hopes of his rewvery ara eater« rat-til a END OF THE PIANO CASE. DECKER BROTHER«. VICTORIOUS. ENTRY Of JCDGMI'XT AGAINST MYHON A. OK« KK.ll AM» JOHN C. IIAHNK8. HISTORY OF TBK CASK. Durini? the laut week the action brought by »Ie«srs. Decker Brotheri-of No. 33 Uiilon-«qu«rf>. the well- known piano manufacturer«, against Decker A Barnc», of Tblrdave. and Fourteenth-st-, to restrain them from making use of the name "Decker" or .' The Decker" piano, has been beffire Judge Donohne at Special Term. In the Supreme Court, _nd yesterday eniletl In a com¬ plete victory for Decker Brother«. The complaint allege» thut the plaintiff» have for four teen year« puât Ir-een conllnuously and uninterruptedly engnged in tin; manufacture of piano«, and that their pianos have gained a wide-spread and enviable reputu- Uon for finir atpftiot <|iialltv. That ever tteM they Ibavo been engagcl in the business they hsve been the only person» «onijioilng auy Arm inaiiufacitiring piaiio«. all the member« of winch have borne the nsme of '* Decker." That by reaoo- of their long ronllnuaiice in the buaiue««, and tola last fact, their plane« have for nianv year«past been known lioih to tli« puhlic aid the piano trade ««the "Decker" piano», and were the only ones In the market known »in li. That the celebrity of I heir pianos bna iniliiced evil-iii»p<i«eil peisou« to defraud the public by ret>re*enting that they were the manufacturer» of the «'Docker" pi.ino, and, among others, that the «le- feutlan!« have «o defruiided the public and the plaintif!«. Ttitit the défendant«, to further such fraud, on or abeat the lita day of April, 1876, by m-ana of false affidavit«, procure«! from the Ciunmii- »loii.-r of Patents at Washington, a rerllflcnie of their exclusive right to us« the tenu " lue Decker Piano " a trademark, and al«o, in their circular« ral.rly a»«er!e«l that I hey were the maker« of the only r»-inin;c "Decker'' piano, and with the Idea, '. presumptively," of .t.ciigtheiilng such statement«, falsely as¬ serted that In 1-71 a gold im-dal Inen awarded to their piano». The complaint also Barrates the comic« lion of the defendants with the plan.» trade ; that they first became copartner« in 1870; that prior to that time in,«- «>f them nad not been en¬ gage«! m the piano busiue««, and the coimci-titni of the other (Mr. Myron A. Decker) with It had Itoeu of a very ungular nature, to wit, «ometime« a Journeyman, then a restaurateur, then with a sumll shop, Ihrn lu the firm of Decker <*. Co., formed to profil hy tin» plaintiff«' repu¬ tation, then again a Journeyman, and after that in ihc Arm »_-tn«t which this in tx>n I* brought. Thu answer admit» that the defendant Decker ha«! lu en a restaurateur ami admit« tin taking out of the trademark cci tiflcaie, hut d-atae the piincipul allega¬ tion« of the complaint, Mcssra. Townaeiid ¿c Weed api»enred for Decker Brother« ami Mesar«. Abbett «It Fuller for Decker <r_ Barue«. Mr. John J. Decker waa first culled hy the plaintiff» and sustained the general allegation» of th«' complaint. Commission« which bad beea Ukea on luepart <>f the plaintif!« in Canada. California, (»hin, Michigan and oilier Htatcs w. reinen read bv .Mr. Weed, all »bowing that the only " Decker" piano which «m known in the musical world and to the general public was mniiufi)«-- tmed by Mensra. Decker Brothers, mi No. ,'i:i I'mon- .<|iure. Amuiig otheis who |__0__-__ lo the «ame fací were Mesrtr». William Strinwn.v, of Nteiuway <fc loaa, 1.)« ell Mason, president of the Mason _ llumlin ( Irgau Co., (¡eorge _¦*, Ilsley, N. .!. »I.iiiu «. of Maine« Urolli.i«. .. Steck, of Hieck A; C... «liarle» I*. 1 lelier, ol I. _ C, Kialier, Kdward iVhuhertb, r'rauz Bemmertx, Charle» Trade!, (¡corgi- W. I'olbt, Wi'ltam P. Mill«, l.ottlleo Kederleln. Helmuth KratilK.-h, D.nld II. Dcnhain, Wil llalli A. Pond, Theodore Thoina», limalla») Pritsch. Adolph höhet, John W Ciiambcr«, »ecreiary of tin« Am« rúan Institute, and <»!l« 11. Ii«.i«e. At the rltwe of the {«-«limniiy for the plaintifT. Mr. I -.un Abbill moved lo ilisun»» the cotiiplaltil, which was dented. On the part of the, the fir»! mine»« railed wa« Daniel W. Colon, a itrnggi»t of Jersey <'ity. He tesll- that early l**'" he pur«'h.i«eil a plain, «if MS «lifeiidant M.vion A. «er, mid ttutt «itch upon the name boy. rcker." On «uuMCtaiiiiiiallou by J. W. TowtKiinl. It I » dtOOOtOfO- thai tin» wltti.s« wa« a relative e- Um d«*f«ndaal Decker, and miicli anni ««nient wa-ocasiniicd through the con fusion m »lu, h be wa« ihrown bv the questiooaol eaaasaL In King examined to what relation he was lo tin- «I, fendant Decker he sul.l first, " I think he married a (l.iu.hter of hit wife's graudfalher ;" linn, "No, In- iiimiinl n daughter of my mother'« uncle ;" then, " No. Mr. Dcekrr'« wife'« grandfather wa» an aunt of my ti,, an uncle of my u.other I in«.in mat hi*, wife'» grandfather wa« nu uncle of mv ni..tli« r." The next w line»» wa« Mi ron A. Decker, one of the de¬ fendant». II«' testltl«-«! that he hail Worked at the l.u-i il i.i.ino uianiifacturiiig hIiicc In w routteiii year« of age ; that he went ml" i.urln.*,» for liniihcll In Al¬ bany, in the i-iirinif of 1 * .«», ami In« piano wa» there and around there known th«« Dreker I'lano. In l¦.«;«. i.«- .une to Vow-York, »ml Inr a flin«- iras in the re«taur,nl Imaliii-W lathe Bpnaa el l**»«- he «ioi«_nr_rrri the I plain» Oaal-N-BI lu N.'i-V'i-k, and in.i«l<- hi« rii»t pi.«no In iwt-uiv tiiHi-st.,and h ¦. Decker»" ea the nan»« _e_r_. in 1862 moved la Ifa. B7 Bad Twcaty sesead al., anil tin-it-imnl 1-o.i; !o ab«.ut a piano a week. Iu IM. in- weal wiiii tleorge r. Ilsley, « piano dealer, and it uui.iieil with linn until 1869, Badal Hu name of A (',.. I'i .or lo going Into hiialu«-«« Willi Haley he maiiufa« tut« .1 plan..» lor Ii-I. > aod put lUlev» lililiu ii|i«.ll tliein. In.m IMS to 1-71 he «lid bu-lúe«« for hiui«ei( ai.d Buds i'i.ii"» foi Mi. Barnes (With Whom he «iibsequelllly Mini into biis'.n» »») lo pay a debt he owed him. and pal Banes'« name on lh<- niaiio. Proas l »»71 i«» 1876 he waa oaa of the Bna al Decker A Harne«, und aaa msmBmns MmIboos m hi- ta ¦ naine. liefere the cro»s-ei«n)it)atloti of thl» uiine»» occuired. Mi. Ahhell « l<> the Court that In-had submitted a Croposltloii to ibe couimel forth« plaintiff« on b.-hall of client», Watch, if aii e.ite.l. Would lei t ll> Mr. Town«cn«l, in iin«wer. «aid that aaeh a wti.liiuliou or the mm «lid not »urprise him. Be had in v. t i.- that the defendant*! would hart.« the a««niatice (o coiiir into oui t, and lu--I'"'« !)'regtiited thai he «rot deprive«! of the luxury ,-r t..-« vammliig tin- .1« fendant* ; be MipiN'Ne.l that even al t tn» hour tin .i. fet.liants bad loam««! Hist dlMIWttoa wa« th<* better pari of valor, and Dial tln.«e who run »»«i mltiht lire to ili«lit another day. The piopmuioii emaoatiug from the deteiulanu eentalaad nil that th« plaintiff» had aaketl lor ami eeaM |M>«»ililjr get If the a«, «ho.I cer<l in court tojudgui'nl. In f«ct it.I,-.» in.i. li i,i..i. he «aid. They agree !<> »tlpulatc that tin tmiit'ii of their tratl«-inn !.. which th«-> ri .. ml uleully obtained la WaRhlngliui. «hall be »el ««ule, .md they farther .«.u-e io pa> a l_r_a aateaal <.r aie« » for the purpose) of defraying the expense our« bave ixen pul i«.. Our < lient» are, hot-, i-nr, law-biding citl-cn», and while they have oit.iin. .1 t.-r> thing tti«*y an poks'bly elaiui or ileinund, tu« y I.« thai the public BIm have'lH-iu gt'»>«el.v «ti-.-iiv «|. iioitlit«. ami they pfOBSM I«1 mioiih» ir lo Hi« < ourt whether they oiijht imt, m the lattieeUof the public luNtice, t«> pro«.. .1 «na unmask ths iraud of the-.- d-fendant«, 1 here bul one .disagu-eabl. ffatiro, Mr Totti,»end addeil, wliKh 1,-eAitiis the »atisfacliou ouic Iiuis now feel, ami that that such Inas M Chlckerlag á loas «ml Weber could iiave lent theui»elv«e »o la.- MpPOTl of t In »«. defeüdaiit« by fiirnishliig Ihelii wnn «tlidavit«, and thu« pi e.« nting the piaiutlO« from Struahlag them uuire than ayearstace. Judge Dotiohue «aid that li- 11 Hot think tin plaint ill« were called upon to do mon« than protect tin Ir own rieht». After rere«s couii««-l n-turtn-il lo eourl, «nil Mesar«, lownseiid tin«! Wie.I «ubmitted llu- foUowlag jiulgioeiit lo the h lia«l been ««.«cut« «1 t.. i.v lb. ileli-iulanl«. I In, ».»me wa« «iglicd, elit»i.-il and tile«! AlkHr-cci«) 'Irrin of the OapreOM l.iuit «.r th.* Mate uf I*«« Voik. held al th, Chamber« thermf. in th.- curt l|,.,i»e, al the <llv uf .New Turk, un the .01-day uf June, IM7«. I'te-eot.Th« Hon. Charle« Ix.indine, Justice. Jnlin J. Beck« and David Decker agi. Myron A. Decker »ml /«ha Cl Harne« Tin» anilea harmf ttwas ta Irr trial ari th» i»iain»ifr» h«v. lng pre«entr«l etnlcme «natal«!«« tin «¡I. »ail,.in of l«u*ir roiiipialut, ami lb« d.-fen.laut« h«« luir .«I to ___«_.» Uu com pial li l, and «al«) mol ion having hern Mated, »ml I lie del« n. »nl« then bavin* «MMieS* I" tin' « i.try ot Juilgni, lit a_aiu«l tin m lu the nu in (. ill"1» in g New, on mull.m ul low ii»«iid .V Weed, atlorn««»» Inr tlie ulaliilifl», It ordere.I. ».I|i|.iged and il«cr,-e«l th»t ttie defeiidanl», Mrr.iU A Decket and John f Darin s. and each ot Ihem. Ibell »ervantr, lalMiten«, eiiipl.iv«»«, »lioiii'i «, ouii«.bor« and ¦gent«, both in tin» *-utc »ml slMwhere. Oe, »ml nie» an- ml, »ml BV-S] of 11,'-in. leaiiaiiu«! «ml nloliird ( l»«,ili,*.-, .Ilaulayiuit. or In aui wise exl.ibllln« up«,n auy «i«n or »iifn«, plaçant ..« nl*.«!.!«. billhead». «Ir« iilur«, iii-w«|,h|.i-ii, «,r oilier mean« of publi« 11\ in boMDCM, the naine or «le»i(fiut|.iu Decker.** et 6ff_e Deeker.'1 either ««perat«-) ,.r m n juin in,n «nth the weed« "piano" or " puvtototte.' m rthui term to ln.llcatea n)»»lr»l limn nui.-nt. SC aepaiatel« or In ronliimtloii ttlihanv letter« or iii.'_..«-r_ii., ami fi .m, using «he »»nl aeanriiaiiun "Poottt" Ln «tiy way or manlier « al ciliated lo -iiHlraU or induce the publie t.. m »ii|'|Hi»e that the «tefe, «lauta, «r either uf _.__, are the p .«uitifl»', or that tin« eatahll-«htueni, the wares, Koud«, .ml in«triirucnls «old and ..fTrr..i for »ale bv tin- ilet.-ii. ante, or either «if II,ein, «f. the e»i;il.|l»l.nieiit, waies, gSodj, or IikIiiiiu« nl« of the ¡.Ulnii... aii.I tli«l the »¦).' defeiidstit», e»eh of Hum, then «ervant», «ni- fi..«.«, ami lurent«, »ud n«< h »nil every "t Un in. »h.«il .. .- li» t»»uliig. 0 «|il»» Ui«\ and uitua- the »inn«, pi», ar.l«, lull head«, fir««:»r«, »mi oew«|>aper», »ml other« of «rlvln« pu'« ally to th«*u b.iNlii«-«« »» »f.. where»>.» ih>- tarnt denlcnailoii of " 1 lecker," ur .. The Decker.' «eparaii-iy «cIn e_nj«ncU_i »Uli tin* w«.i«l pu«..» ,,i pi;ii.,,f'.il< _l ,.;i,«i luin to lii«II«»te » mu«lc»l liieiru «uei.t, p»tuie«t vi prinle.l, or in »i.v war maile ap- |,_r.-iil. Kii.t Um aald «lilumUiiU ale hereby r.mtlue.1 nl,, ii.-t.-i tin« name or «i>-.i_mtti..ti "Deeker" appear« or used lu their »1«_». plxard«, »lip«, billhead«, circular», uew.paprr», piano«, instrument» or Other iiif»n» of S-VeltM.OC Uieir bu«uu»«, to the tlefeii.)«iit Deck«r*a aaaae of M. a. Deeker « Myroe a i >.-. k.r ur Um défendante' Una name or Deeker .«. HsraM. withuut any iniiiioKraui or utlier devl««- or »laleiiient in nuiiiectmn there- w Uli, whirh m»y lead to mieitail or imliice the public ur any other person »s_f.,icnaul. Ami it rurth. i ordered that the defendant«, «ml cachot llirin. their «ervíiitH, employe« »ml aifi-nl». an- In re by re¬ al tallied, boll» in tins stale ami els« win re; fituu a.«4 ling publmlniiK, m In anv manimr makitiK SBblle, the »ui.-in. nt tliat th'y. or either "f ll.eni, are tin-makei« ,,f t|,. «Hglaaloi Keiiuine lu-ikei |.l»m»or pianoforte, oi making any i-IhIiii «lui »oi'vei to he man ufa« tui eut Hu- [lecket p-iDoorpi_aofort4>,__d floin pulling or plu. ing ii]ioii then wat«*», Im r. Iiainli«,- or planos, the ¦'«-«igiiaiii.ii "'lin- lu. kir llano," trail« mark "Dcekar," "The Deekcr.**or"Decker Plano'1 .,r "Deckel l'i»nuforie,'' or uny like or »mular i.cvlic liitende.i t.. loimy the lmpie.«»lon that Ihey or either of them have . tr»de maik in the word "Deeker-1 eiilni ». parut, ly ur in »iijumiloii will, any other word or word»; «nil from Issuing, publishing, or in »nywlae aaaeriuig lh»i thev ur either of tin in h«ve. any trade-mark or .ZClM'Vc ilicht m an) n_lit to the u«e of 11,.- «,>,>ni oi (lc«ipn.i- tion " lie-, kci " Other than as above |>.-tinilli-d. Notliin-r ia lids oi.I'-r »hall be i..ii»liu«"l to rentr»ln the defemlaiils. CC either of lb« in. limn iiHing Iheir own uaineor name«, oi am firm name of whirl, tiny Be« "t htcuaflcr may be a imiiil.« r lu any adv« rtiteiiieiit. clr« ular or publication, «iron any piam. I,ul«: or uiiiaxal iintriiiinii! m»«l«* by th. in. Of either of ihem, any »ml« III iu. «aid «I« fendant In .kit wluu u»lng hi» own name and not the name of any dru, of win, h he la or may be a member, to urn it n, rounrrtioh with hi« Initial» or Chrlttlan name, ¦. M. A." or ".My run A," said initial« »ml ChrUtlai, name to be of tin-»»me »lie »rid »tyle»»lhe word Denkst Who« im..||<.. get her but t he lefendanl Myron A. De« ki r »liall iu,t, in < a»e uf entering Into a firm with any other perlón or pcrmm«, make use of Iheflin, name Of lie. r Brolbsr«, or Decket and IInit her «,r Ki oilier», or «nj- abhret late.1 fium He n And It further onlen-d «ml ad]mi«¦>-<! that thu plaintiff» r,',"\,r el the ii.-feiKlaul« the SUB Of 01,417 «»»nil fur their damage«, allowance, co«i» aid dUhurtemrnts in thl«action, (»Iguedl Cm»». Do-torn'.,J The following the agreement auihoii/.iiig the «eiting aaido of tiie timbvinark : MUstniUNlu'M or AouuttursT between Mrrnn A. Decker »ml John C. Hirne«, now roiupotlug or furmcrly t<.ni|KMtiig the mil. of Iiecker A flame», »ml John J. Decker and David D«*«'k«r, composing the. m in of I)r«k«r Ilioilu-r» all of *tew York lilt Whereat, The »eld firm of Decker Hrother« have Innntut'd »a action a.auiai «»id flnu of Urcker A llamea, b\ the Mu iireme ouït the Miete ot New York, for _n lnjunclio« »g«ln»t said lMt-inentloned firm, reilraimnr th«m, «aid Decker A Harm» from using a cert-lu tr»dem»rk lo the word» " Decket." "Deiker l*l»oofnr!« "The !)<»cker.'' Ac, whlr.ha._cv urt-enr-dtob«« UieofOce of tiie C«»liitul»»loiier of i'aieulsuu or about the ll't, d»y of April, 1.71, the cerUfl« »t« of w hi. b nuiube.-ed :i 57" ton Whertat, Th* «aid firm of Decker Rarncahatc withdraw n the- d-IOoee to «aid action, a«d the «aid D«u«r UreUiei« __v« screed to lilarontlnne said action and enter a decree therein la s form assented to by the defends«», Now, therefore, It 1s sgreed by and between the psrties hereto, that In consideration of the discontinuance of ssM action, sud the eniry of the decree this day to be entered therein, and of the sum of SI t<« .t- Hunes in iiand ]>_ld by Iiecker Brothers that said Decker A Baines will cause anil procure ssld it glitratlon ol trade-mark as afnresshl to lie cancelled and re aiovetl If possible, fnnn the titea of the «a 1.1 Pstent office and the s«Ud Decker 4 Barnes, and esch of them, hereby authorize said Decker Brother», In their nsnie f.t Decker * Bsrnes, to te-e all measures necea» aarv to obtain a cancellation of tne resist ration of the said trademark, and the removal of the same from (lie flies of the »aid office, »ml for such purpose to make use of these t-resents. , - And the ssld Decker A names, snd esch of them, hereby disclaim all and any right to the use of tbe nano« "Decker" sa s trade-mark, either alone or In «..injunction with any wonl or word* except asill may M used In his own name. M. A. Decker "or" Myron A. Decker, or as a part of anv flrni name of which linn M tuav be or hereafter become a member; and they hereby direct and re¬ nnest that the registration ot the same shall be can. ellc.1. and that no further use of the same aa a trade-mark be made by anv l>er»oii in their liehalf. _____ .. In testimony whereof, sal.1 Decker * Barnes have hereunto sol tli.-lrlirm and l-idlvMual names snd seals, this _«.tti day <«I June, 1H7K. (Signed.) DRiKRa lUKSKs, t«_. a.1 * « *a # UTBOB A. DBBAXB, [L » | JollNC. BAKSM. [L8.J Witness, W. K. «h.iioqi.T, No, '299 Broadway. BOMB NEW8 THERMOMETER YESTERDAY AT HUDNCTS, NO. ¡.18 BROADWAY. . a. m. 73 Noon. 80". 3 o. m.. 9b" Mldnlsht, 70*. lllglieat dnrtnr the «lav. 85". Lowest. 66'. Average. 74«-'. BUB» dar, 1877, 78 V. PROMINENT ARRIVAL«. Hoffman Bo**e-VroteH*or Francis A. Walker, of Ysle «'»liege, and Colonel N. «'. Macrae. C. s. A.Albe- marte Hotel Ituatem Kffeiidl. of the 'Pinkish legation at Waalilbglo:«, ami John Tucker, of Philadelphia.H«.i.l.«.r Hotel Hugh lll.ldle, ITesi.lenl ot the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Rallroa«! ««on-pan v. and II. «*. Putter. Oeuvrai Manager »f the Flint and rere Man-uette Railway.Bre. toort House-Viscount de lia« oiui/ii, of volitan Hotel -HeunUir 8. R, Couover, of Florida, and Perry II ««initti, of Chicago.uihey House- (¡eneral W. I) Whip- pie, C. H. A., and Judire Henrv Chapman, of Pennsylvania.... Rvsunore ¡lotsl-Tbe Rev. «leorg.« Müller, Bristol, EiigUml. .Kierett Home Professor C V. Rlley, t'niled States Kn. tomologist, and ll.-nry 11 Plerson, of Albany.St. Nicho. las Hotel The Hon. William Brett, '«f CllC-gS.Pi/tli Avenue ¡l.Ut «*eustnr I.oren B. Sessions, of Chautanqiia ii.iiiitv, N. V.. ami A B, Buford, of Itlchmond, Va. «raW-TOHl CITY. The Port Royal Railroad bonilholilers yes¬ terday uiiuiiimuu«dv ratilli'd the pint« of reorganization aa previously published In Tue Tu Philip Reilly, of No. 212 Klni-Mt., who ac¬ cidentally shot him« "If in the abdomen on Monday night, died yesterday at Chamber» Street Hospital. Th«' Pleach fiïfiate Victoire, Ailnnral Mun¬ det, arrived at this port, lre.i Mai titiK.n«-, yesterday. She carries sixteen guns, and has a crew of twenty-three officers snd Ü35 men. A ¦Hinting of «SUMMUM wan held at the Mcaftaa House last evemug, when step« were taken to i IT««'! a reorganization of the resident natives of the an¬ cient l'rovmce of !«ilf»ln. i'nut.un psáwstm .V. Ma-anan, of Si'Hr8port, Me., coiiimatidlng the bark <<em. which armed from Matauut* vest, rday, was taken sick with yellow fever on June I b\ »tul Bute on June 'J.'l. It is -t;ii«il that the new Sub-Treasury coin vaults will be completed by August 1. The contract price la f__,000. TIio vaults, win n complet«-d, will have .. ciii.a.ity to hold ." in silver coin. The sU-nches urisiti(- from the o«'lliirs of hmliliug* on the east able of Fiilton-st., between Iront and Watcr-sts., are stifling, nlthnugh the ssswpaats «¡.inn lo have called the attention of the Hoard of Health |a the matter. The Manliiitfaii ('lull re<« ive«l yesleniay, from Speaker Randall, a letter accepting the reception t.'ii'(<ii-<l linn by the club, and appointing Tuesday next as the «lav on which ho would be glad to meet the mem¬ bers of the club. Several hariinj- «Iry -_:->«nl-» firms in Sixth- ave have caused io be pi iteit on the sidewalk befure their dooi* large tank» of Iced water, «'olored ntten.l- SBIsdreaaad In fancy eustumes «leal out the water to t 111 »>t >* [«.'.lctHSUS. At a meetiinf of the fîeriiinii Caliinet- Makers' Cui.iu last night, the freipiciit récurrence of a.« ni« ni« f.«! iin-«l the theiiie of the <ll*cus«loi). At the n.-M meeting a plan of holding a congress of furniture lu,il« is in to in- coiisl.|er«'.L Tin- coin« «t lut\v«en William Sexton, tin- i. ». lit champion at billiards, ami «ieorg« F. .-«Iosmiii, for Ihe D.-Uih-v m.'.lal. the championship, and «»1,000, will tak« place at Tamilian«' Hull this cuniug. The three- ball g nue, «900 point*, will be pl.i.\ '1 The New-York Klcvatcil Railroad Company ha« re.|ii"Mted the l'ark Depai tu «-tit to nl'ow it to build a " Y " on the Mattery. The rennet has been StfhSSd onee. I«ut till» tune tin» ( 'orpot a' iou Conns-1 has been asked wlietuer or not the !.< I'urimciit could grant the pilVll.g.'. .Iiulp- (itlil« iileeve «l«iue«l, yesterday, the nioil.«ii for a new trial In tbe ease of David Marsh. He wssc-nititi.l «if receiving g«n«ds stolen from 11 II. Claf- Itti A « o with knowl-.l." i «ml tlu-y were «toll n. being aa old m.i», ha wasaeatcaaad aaly to our jraai m 11.. - I't-uiii-nlisry. QoOrjN \V. Yoiile. who «li«-«l ye8t«i«i,iv at the ave of sevi-til) -live years. !.. id .n ii'iim «f«'«! with the Me. liant«'-»' aud Tr iders' Nutional llauk of this city, ami ? Inee 1m."i7 he was it* cashier. II- was .jui.'t sod un««b- II «tai v.- lu n;« iiiitiiti. i, «h votiii«- his entire lime to the «lulles inn.««-. «1 upon h m as au ortie.-r of III. li.tlik. The .July interest to lie |iaiil liy the (ioverii- meiil mi It* oiipnti ami reclst'-red iioiiils will amoiint to about rj5.000.0OII. X.inker* claim Unit tin re is little or no speculation in gold at pre-eiit, .uni that the I [>. cent ai-* otan saaatuve ««« the luctaatleas of tin- gold market than un ol lier oiasi of «.<>. eminent m-ciintus Matron Wilil), to wliosi- care many of the yoiiug iinfortiinati'H of the eitv are from lime lo time ci.ntlded. re, eived on Tiies.lav night her ol.l.s! charge I'll'lip q.lil.-Iglltl «ill« ill, licwilibreil by the nnim- »Ik-ln tin; ?ti-.-its, was fourni w.iudernig ,nm- les-lv tfcfSOgh the illy and «',ned for at I'oiice Iliad (-Harter«.. Tin- Panama liailroad I'unipany has not t been p.ii.l Ho« flMyMO for which a demand was m m I. ii|kiii tin- I'li.ifii' Mall RteaaMfcia Caaapaay, several ess» fereneis with tm- bop« of etfrctiug a settlement have been hclil lately wlllinlit SallsfsCtorT result«. Yreter- diiv a pinin.-i« w«n< güín I. v tin- ««nicer«, of the Pacific Mail BtaaaMhlp üoapaai U_M th<- money should he paid this morning. Ainlrew W. Patten, a tlac-ship messeiifrei*. .-hatgeil I-mis J«ir«la;i. alao a sea^, with robbing him in a lioii-e ft bail charaetei', at No. ¡13 Rayiird-st. l'ait« II ll.llliliil «?t'iO, Inr safe ki- ping, tn Jellliv linker, who placed II las uraah m hu preaeaee, and beaded him the key« Upaa laartac the pramlaes h>- usked for his inoiiey. ami waa litr««riii.-.l that the trunk had tu-, ii bioken oiieii liv J.«rd..ii. .lor.lan ackiiowlidtfed llic rob¬ bery, ami gav up 1850, Mary K. Hahlwin, alia« Oveilin, ali.'iH Pinle, alias Sf-Mial other naim-., WBS unc«lcd jesterilav I. -, 1) «t.-ctives Field and O'Connor, on the «'oinplaiut of In flr-t liusbaml, Heiiiy Clay «iverlln, for bigamy. The in¬ du tin« nl f««iin«l on tin-Kiinpliilnt rests on her mitriirge to ovil im, win. It an employé m th.- Tas oih.-e, August SI, I -<!¦'«. ami bet subs« «iii.-nt inarrliige to 1 honnis M Parto, D.-i.'iiibi r '.'«¡, is.a. It Is stated, however, tkat in rccenl years she has been ¦SSODieted with many iion«- rioil-. erlmtaals, ami Hum li.-.-n their assistant. She Is about thirty-two year.« of age, ami Is attractive la ap- pearuuie. nOOKLTH Albert Jones, a colored hoy, t'ointe«'!i yearn of age, uf No. -17 Miirloii-at while balhiug In n |«ouil at Atlantic ami I'll«',« nv. s MHlcidav, was drowned. Fir«; ('oiiimisHioni'r Qallagher y«'ster«lav ex- aiuii« it tbi- lu the Coin t llotihe foi niaimtac- turlng gas from «MSallBSl Mill lei'ommend Its removal from the building. Two lioys, named Francis BchOMlei and Micliail Hniitli, were aiicsled Tuesday night on the charge of stealing 9-00 «from Valentía« /.liuniermun, a milk dealer, of Wo. 149 Baanms-st. They udmitted the theft and restored |060. THE ARMSTRONG Mr ¡ID Eli TRIAL. IKSIIMONY AH TO WTlttHi: IIINUH WAS US TIIK I \ KMM. «)| Till* Ml III.Kit. Camdkn, N. J., June 36..TIm interest in the Armstrong murder trial waa further heightened this morning by MM testimony of Mrs. Harah V.. J'liiliiilelphia, who test III.-d that on the evening of the fatal dsy, huvlug business down town at the house of Mr. «-miller, No. 1,¡lit) South Tenth-ar.. she got upon a Bat at Tenth nnd I'urish-sls., at about 7:80 o'clock In the ev.-nlug. On the front platform »he »nw the prisoner, uhn alunit three ites later, caiue Into the car and took a seat. Wit i testified I hat she rode down town .is far as leib ni «t., where both she and Hunter got off Ihe car. Hunter was shout to enter his bouse. No. 1,304 South Teeth, when witness secosted hlni, being under the impression hat he was the Mr. Bonde! whom she was about to call upon. Hunter directed tier to No. 1,Ml«), a few door» off. In answer to «-ueattons wit¬ ness stated that she had com«- to ( iim.len to testify, be¬ cause she felt It to be her duty, rhu had not been asked tl. il') ««I. Mi Annie Aiivaclie testified that on the evening of Wednesday. Jauuary .3. the date of tin. murder, she saw two men upon the ferry-bout, ami she now re¬ cognized Hunter aa having been one of them. A must eïliausiiv« «rosa-examlnatlnii failed to elicit any¬ thing leniliiig to break the force of her testimony, ex- e. pt tnat »he tixed the dale bv a note of her visit to Philadelphia m her diary, and thai the t utiy hsppeued t«« bt lb«- Mist . made lu the book. A recess was taken until 9 p. m and noon rras»etn- bluik: .«f the 3:00.the rtelence and prosecution close! tiielri'ust'. The summing up will begin to mor¬ row luolUtUg. A !!IU:\VEUY IlUHNED-LOHS, »dO.OOO. LUNOt-V, 111-, Juno 2(i..Peter Mueller At Rons' brewery was burned this morning. The loss was "H.'MMxi. Insured for «fl ,i,«ioo as follows : I'h«« nix, Hartford.. S'2.;hh> . 4,'Jilü i,I'li-r«', Chicago .. _,000 iitioeis.i nicjgo _,<nm Faneull Hall. 1,-00 I«n|*rlal, London... I2.S00 Hrltish Ameiica... '_,tKI0 Continental. ;i«mi BU l'util. 2,000 ihe iiuildiug, ilia »upyosed, wassUuek by lightning. POST S OJU-PT 3:45 a. m._. LA TMBT FOBEIQ S NE W8. SETTLING THE BULGARIAN QUESTION. MIXED TROOPS TO RKPLACR THF. RUSSIANS. Lordon, Wcdnesdav, June 26,187*. The Vottt dispatch from Herlin report« that In Monday's sitting of the Congress it was decided that the Russians should withdraw from Roumella in six and from Bulgaria in mue months. After their withdrawal, mixed Kuropcan troops will temporarily occupy the previm-es. lUtiala has ordered Montenegro and Servia to arrauae a compromise with Austria relative to their claims. The l ânes's Berlin correaoondent says the Bulgarian question may be regarded as solved. There remain reine points of detail, which, it is believed, will be set¬ tled in the sitting of Wednesday. 'For other Foreign news see First rage.\ HOTBL-EEEPERS i OMBISING. A PROTECTIVE. ASSOCIATION FORMED IN THIS CTTT. At the meeting of hotel proprietors and man¬ agers last evening, at the We-Uimnster Hotel, for the purpose of forming a protective association, sixteen hotels were representeiL Among those present were (Huh Welch, of the St. Nicholas; Hawley D. Clapp. of tl e Rosmiioi'c; A. J. Dam, of the Autor and the Uuion Sijnaie; J. H. Brésil», of the Gl'sey; J. H. Kodgers, of the Cole m an ; K. L Merrifleld, of Ihe Continental; W. H. (iarrlson. «if the lîrend Union: J. L. Truman and George I- PealKxly, of the United State«, and K. L G laon, of the Westiulnster. W. IE Gar¬ rison was elected chairman, and at his request, Mr. Scott. secretary of tho Chicago Association from Its or¬ ganization, read the by-laws of the association and ex¬ plained at length their purposes and operation. He said that one effect of tho system had licen to compel hotels in Cincinnati, 8t. Louis, St. Paul and other places to become members of the Chicago Association In order to protect themselves. The association now num¬ bered fifty members who had clwrge of prop¬ erty of the value of ¡yr.O.OOO.OOO, and employed 10,000 persone. Special assessments were laid at times for specific purposes. " For exatu- pl.-." he sind, " after the burning of the Southern Hotel, there was introducid into the Illinois Legislature a bill to compel lintels to «be provided «in every floor with wire-rope ladders that should reach the ground, to af¬ ford means of escape in caso of Are. Tun bill bad «pasead the Assembly, when the Chicago Association sent a committee to the L-SMstare, uoS tho bill was defeated at a cost of 7«r> cents to euch member.'* " Legis¬ latures ¡«re cheaper lu Illinois than m New-York I" was remarked from tho back of the room. It was decided unsuituoiialy to establish a protective associât!.>u, and the following «.dicers were elected : Uriah Welch, president ; E. L. Gilson, vice-president ; T. J. Ranil, treasurer ; I), b. Walker, secretary. Another meeting will be held in two week-«. charges Against collector thomas. A VIOLATION Of TIIK CIVIL SERVICE ORDER AL- IP.CVAl. [«¦ENEHAL l*a«_HS'DISPATCH.J Washington, June 26..There are intima¬ tions m certain quarters here to the effect that charges have been prepared to present to the Secre¬ tary of the Treasury against Mr. John L Thomes, «Collector of the Port of Baltimore. The st.-iteinenta are that he is Interesting himself in local political matters to an extent that Is entirely at v.irl» anee with the President's Civil Service Reform order. Inquiry at Ihe Treasury this afternoon fail» to show that anything has been formally presented against Mr. Thomas, though there are Intimations elsewhere, that they will be fortneomitig. An Investi¬ gation would depend iiiinn the «liara« ter of affidavits in appealtlOB to that ntlii'ial, un well as upon the motives of those i.rcsi-iitiug them. Mr. Thomas was in this city yestei-nay, and was both at the Treasury aud the Kxeeu- tlve mansion. He did not then seem to be apprehensive of any trouble. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AU'XANDKI' H. -11.I'll OS'S DKMOCRACY. Ai'c.csTA, Ga., June 2(5..Alexander H. «MtffeMM suoke here to-night to an immense audience. Ho vindicated his course on the Potter réso¬ lution b', the logic of aiil)sei|iietit events, and de¬ clared that he could not be ru cd out of the party bv political tricksters. II.« said that, if the com¬ ing I)*'i.'mtlc Convention failed to nominate him, he would appeal to the people lb- also -ití»1 that Haves was doing more for the iwople of the Mouth than Til.ten could have dune ; nud (ti-chircd that Se, himself, would diu In the temple of Jeffersoiilan Democracy, free fiom Un' party lash nn.l caucus lasso. HARVARD DEFEATS YALK AT BASE BALL. The fourth ir.une of the College Chaiupion- sliip ix'twei ii Harvard and Yale University nines, was Ílayad at Boston yestenlay. The game was won by 1.4.1 vard by a score of 9 to '2. Each club has now won two games. _ Professor. Can you multiply toe-ether <«on- erele numbers I" Tin-.- aas ar«- uiu-erivin. Prof..*- What will be. the product of live apples multiplied by nix pota¬ toes I" Fresh, (triumphantly)... HhhIi." MARINE IS TEL LUI ES CE. MIMAIT UK AI M .NAO. TO-1)A T. Sunrises. 4 .101 Han «mm. 7 M Clock fast 2m. 10s. Moon nssa... It«) Moon souths. I) 2A Moon's age, days Vr7 ni.tM «VATSR lOUST -A M. Sandy Hook.. 4 44 Oov. Island.. 5:'-3 Hell Onto. 7:14 «ii.iM wAi-s to-oav.r. a. Sandy Hook.. 6:13 «Jov. Island... 5:48 Hsll Oate. 7:37 FA SS ESO ERS SA II. ED. Foil LlVttBWOOL-Bt Rteamthip Aiger,n.-MT. snd Mrs. P, Adam. W. I). Albutv, K. AMrlch W. Antiib.n. J. Artnss, A. Ii Aims«. J. T. Abbe. Mrs Ashlsnil anil child. T. <) Barter. W. Us) IK ¡In- H.v \ J f. »ehrend, I«, l) Mr. ami Mrs. smt Mi»» 11 in. l-n.f K. »isk«-. Miss A. »lake. It. A. »ogue. M. V, Mis» Y llooth. It. ».inner. Jr., W. II. llra.len. Misse« N. and H. Itrsiien. Iir. s. »rnii.lels, Mr. snd Mrs. i,e llrufoo, Mr. «tnd Mr*. «¡. S, Mruwn, A. Ilniwn. the lion O. K. liruco ami wife, I T. Burr. |r ti.e Itev. J. calnl. Osa, «" Campbell, p, «'amp. lM-ll.Msd.i_ie Csppt-Ul. W. II., «i. I.. Culllns. Uie Itev. J. «V «'.dwell. «I. A «or.ler.n. Mi» \ H. « idler. MIstN. «'. «'ulver, Misses V. sn>1 If. «'ulver snd man servant, (ieo It Car«.«V «i M. Curtis, i) s. Curtí«. J. M li_gn.ll, Fred Davon, toil.« I A. Dick. Mrs. It. I). Dliu'Ims, J. M Duff. Kdward R. fevaaa, P. ». Kwluga, W, W, Farii.vm. J. Il Ferguson, Jr. Mr. an«l Mrs. W S. Kill. J. V. Flvnti. Mrs. I). A. Folaoui. Mrs. I r tin kl] n. twe I'liildreu ami two serv.tut«. M r. Frewi-u Puiiuau, II. ('. Furuian. Mr. and Mis. !.. K. Fuller. W. (iatn- in..|l.Jr, I*. M. «lilinsn. Mrs. A inn! Ml», (loldis, the Hev. K. «¡iM-lrulire, Mr. and Mrs. ».«irac«', Mr. »ml Mrs. S H. «irar .n. Mr«. K. It. «.r.-i-n, Mr», Ursen »n«t child. H. _. .¦riltith l: 11 Hacke Mr. aud Mrs J. F. Ilai.e.» k, II. Herri. man Mr ami Mr» \V. Ilailer. Ml»» I Jndah. Mr. sud Mis. W S. K.-isri', atIs* N. Keyvr, A I K... Ii. Mr. sn.l Mrs. A- kol.lei. Mr. i.u.l Mi»s A. O. I, Mr. and Mr». C. I.auuian, J, i: i.autii. Mr Lseeer. PraLJ, i. Uaea!a, in. c. Unea, H I'. I.l|ii«ill, l.i. in. 1 ». M. Mae.Mi ami wit« ii A.M.«\.t and »un. Mr. and Mr». It. «' Mev.-r, J .'. McDonald J F Miibllitnii, Mr», and Miss Miller. Mi» Mllteiibcrifer and ni'aidj the Hev. 1' M«»«n, F. M. Mow.-, Mr*. Melt, two children. Infant Sad Bane J. « Nlmnni, J P. Parklutisi. !.. I'atso'is. Mr». Pic- t. F I'l.kerglll. Mr anil Mrs. IVarsall. Prof. W. c. Polaud I. ami F. liir»-i'll. Misa l'mssell. Miss M. lUnsoin J Itohb, ji-, Mi» ('. W. Il.ililna.iu, A. Van smitv.a.rd. J. W. Sayre C Krhnlthi'sa, Mr. schnitt, Mr. ami Mr» c Scipp. the Hon I W. aeadder, u. W.Sbsrpless. Mrs K. K. ¦»hupierd, Mist M Shiiler, Mr. siirt Mr». F. Hinipson and intanl, Mrs. J. H. Mmlth Miss A smith. W. P. Suilll«. Mr. ami Mrs. J. Hlruthera. . hil.l Slid muid MTVaati I'spt. A. Su.iu/.ee., S. N., the "tev. K. Sulll- iiitl'. I., riii.inas, Mrs. A t.. i'lii.iu.iti.ii. SI*. Tv>-i>mbly, Miaa Valll. Miau.i Mrs. J. Vslli »ml tlirec clnldren. Prof. Vinton. Mr. walker and nephew. Mis. «'. P. snd Miss V. Wallach, C. 1). and Mi«« M. P. «A ar.1, ». Ware, s u Warreu. It. C. w'sr. «Tea, Harold P, Waterman. T. M Weller, W. I. Westret, F ». Whipp'e, F. l) W'hilü. J. Wilde, Mrt. Wiliard, W. V. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson, Mrs. H A. Hill, Mitt MstUe C, Il heraft, O. McMasi« r, J. I). Flower. SHIP NEWS. PORT OF NKW-YOHK.JUM Cfl. AHRIVFD. sir I'olumbiaiHr«, Young. Loudou June 13, to Henderson Urns. si i State of Pennsylvania'Hrl, siewsi i, (¡Utfow June IS, via lame l&tl«, to Ausliu Ualitwlu A «... su iitruiit'i (»«'. Jenkins, Hull June 7.h vis Ilotton 25th t.««' I, Wright * «'<«. sir«'IH"f lin. lanelr», Wter, Rio Janeiro Jane 5. Pains 8th, I'sr.isiiiiii!«'«« loth, ilridgeiiiwn, liatbiuloes, and si Thoiuaa Jl»t lo < II M«i'urv «t Co. str i'i.ii.riunii\ iiulger, «ialvetton June 10 and Kev West '.".'.1. l«>«' 11 Mall.ilv .- « «>. ht«- Richmond, Kellev, Nortolk, old Dominion 8s Co. Sir Albenmrle, iiibb», I.ewes, Old tiomlnlon 8s Co. str Flcoiiora, Johnson, Poitlaml, Me. J F Aine«. Hteain-fiigsle Victoire (Fr), A.lniir-I Maiulet. Martinique 9 dsvs. Mi.unls Hi guns and has a crew of J-l ottl.-er» and bib III,- ship Atlas Noil. I.arseu. Hoiitlisinnton 32 days, In ballast to Punch, Bdvs * < '«>. Hark MnaiAiist) scoponleh, Trletlo 87 days, with empty pi troli inn hnrn-ls in J «' Seairer. Hark Hem (of Fall Ittver). Filmier (late Mossmsn), M atan tat l.'i», with su^tr to order; ve»>»l siSSIST. Italk In »¡m» Hi'.liiinllil «of I««««(.ml, Klllott. MSUntSS 10 dsys, with sntfsr to outer; vassal to Parson» A Loud Rtrk i'an««lj. Luut, sagua 8 dayt. with sugar to ordsr- vea. tel to I.«int »rot. Balk Lavlula, Kston. Cow Ilty, C H. 10 dsvt. with coal to Perkmt A Job. vestel to Brstt. Hon Ä «n, ^ W ° Hark said (Autt), Ralderich. Marseilles 70 dsvs In ballast to master. '* omumn ii-rk sommern (Nor), Pcrertou, Southampton 99 d_vs tn ballatt to I uucti, F.ilfi- A C... v w*-r**' ,n »ark Franklin (Non, Cletnentsen, Dunkirk 31 days, lu bal. Hark lirugl Oubrovackl (Aust), Pestich, London 31 dsvt In ballast to ordsr. .*». «u . B-"_* «ernMsl (Nor), Troy, Rotterdam 34 days, in ballast to Fulll'h I'.dVe 4 Co. vm^mmnvu »ark Pswashlck (of Uverpool), I'rv, Clsnfusgos 20 dsvs. with tugar o M Ttyior A Co. vessel to .1 F Whitney A Co »trs Ad.'lls csrlton, Pai-kard. Cow Hay, c U, with coal to Perklnt * Job vestel to Parsons A Loud W Brig Stsrllght, Tln.inptou, of aud from Now.Haven, In hsl. last to W'A P Armstrong. »rig ll.i-cllaainltti (of Windsor, N 9), McCulloch. Hull 34 days, in ballast to Flinch, Y.ajv A < ... * «Trail rle. Doudon, Canleuas 8 dsys. with turar to order, vessel to master. * *" scnr J p »isk.» (of I'arrsboro. N Si, oMnaley. Arroyo. P It Whit ne \C mu]ttte* lv <-"-lw'»-' * »'atad-i vessel to J F sehr Kaiiei Hanger (of New-Usven), Hurdy, Barsoua 10 days, with Irait t.. W Douglass. *"-i. i»-rso«ia lu scnr IthiHln Holmes, Algrru, Baltimore. .«-i in i s alimare, Baila, Virginia. hclir Samuel Hart, llolhrook, »ruutwicki, Oa. 8 day« with lumber loonier "-v». «"« iSchrJ B Atkinson (of Phlladsluhlal, lluhhard Matauaaa June 14, will. ..mar lo order, vessel t. masiar -*.-**."»" -.________.I »ehr Ricardo Baracoa. Newton, Baracoa 10 .»»« ____ e-,,. :<> «¡orne. Peanall; v««e-l *í-»ff. W___5rL V i»I* ltt f"J'* *-)<hr John Brill. Roger«, Wllmw^'V c «___ _-.». l«v«l »tore» to *. Milla. ..¦.»¦. -o »., « «u«-«, -,,._ r^r-»hlp Hrenierlebe tG-*rl, Ramio, trou _oa_»-_ __a ». Annie Hurrlll (HD, Blau vet, from -trdàev c IL w___ ÏU aoc'ioietl bclow, came tbecltv _»itb. "*** W IN U-Hiiuaet.At Handy Hoc'-, light. SB W: verr_axr At Uty !._.__. l__t,W; -lear. . T_-_»_y. CLEARED. 8ti- r tipia (Br), for London; Alrerla inri, for Uven-ooi- C»n»diMr'r). for Harr«; Rotterdam (Dutchl, for Ro'tenhun- state, of Nevada (Br», for i»la»gow r«r Kiogevna »nd Jarirrel; Niagara, for Havana: 1.1%<««raton, toy Sava.i.nh; «»eorge W Clyde, for Charleston, E C Diddle, tot Philadelphia. shipa liorna (Br). W»dlt»y. Yokohama, Bn«_ _ J«von«; Re¬ ben«, Ilia», Cork or Faluio'iih for orders, Thomas Daabaat'e Nephew A Co; Jame« Fo«ter,Jr, Aheel, Liverpool, chante H Marshall Co. Harks Carlo K (Amt), (Jolnborrlch, Plymouth, Eng. «loco. vích A-»o; II er»ill_ (Poil), Netto, I.islmn. 0 Amslnck _ Co- l'anllue Davis («lei ), Kmnh. Antwerp, lull A ludm«_n-, Haa- viiiul (Nor). Clone««, Dunkirk, Frunce, Fundí, Edve a Coi Colon bl».. nil-kelson. flarbadoe*. H Tmw brin te'* t-Ucin«. Vlt- torla Hal), De Martin«), Marseille», Lann», Stoiey At Co-, Koyal Alind (Hr., Kislier, I.ivei-pool, Arkell, Tuft» A Co; Hoke (Nor), Michel»««, Ain«ter«lam, Hockiuaiin, tterleio Co; Mid« (Nor), Orumrimlseu. Barcelona, Fuucb. Kdve A C_ Vaaa (Nor). RenOorltr. A-lbonr, Den, Punch. I.dre _ Co-, Proteo« Harrimnn, Bombay and Kurr«cble, H K I, J E Wart * Ce-, X Trti.iiisseppKIlai). Kepuetto, Cork for order«, Slecovlch _ Co: Musai, s Hlsisdell, (llikey. Bombay. Howe, «loodwin 4k Co-, Cerere(An»t), c«»«armlch, Dublin, J C Heager; J««on (Oer), Orlmrr), Roltcrdam, T Brig» Ruby, Rice. Port Spain, D Trowbridge AY Co; Q«B_, Pierce. D Trowbrldire * Co. Hchrs Knchanti-e«». Phillip», savannah. Evan«, Bait A Co; Ooodwill iBr), Robert«. Harbor Ulaurt. W Doii-rlaaa; C B Pain« Ililrard. I'-int-a-Pitr«..«, Dwight A Platt; I. A Iratwarda, Mil« 1er. i'ei. amlma, A Abbott; VNIi (Br). Palmer. Dorcheeter. N II. r I Nevlu» _ Sou; Arnou (Hr), Leonord, HI John, N B, P I Nevn.f A Mon; A 11 Weeks. Parr, Paaeagee, »pain, Rarer Bro« Coi Nelly Potter, llonaro, «Jcorgetown, S C, W K lllnm.n: »has li Reara. Turner, Boston. Jed Fry« 4. Co; B«il_ R_MeIl. Smith, Fernandina, Warren Bay. MISCELLANEOUS. Lóanos«, Jnne26.~The «bip Robert Kerr (Rr) (late Capt Fleming), from Calcutta March '-.*> for li. »ton, put into Cap« Town on the -ih lnat for «uppliea. The matter kid eotninitted suicide. FOREIGN FORTH. RoiTHAMPTOH, June 26.-Hailed »tr Wyoming (C f»), for New York. Ut'ev..\»TowR, June 26..Balled «tr Coltie (Br). for N«w. York. ¡.«'M»«in, Jane 26..Sailed _-«1 lust. Jurent«, BMsa, Capt Gleiten; 113- ln»t. Nevada, Jessonda, Bremen, «'apt Hel'mers; 24th lnst, W II Jen-lna, the Utter for .New.York; ' in»t, conietou. «i.«mi Uubrovf. kl; 27th last. Nimrod, Retlgione« Liberte, Divlco, Happy Home, the latter for Delaware Break« water. Arr 13th lnst, Ivanhoe, Capt Klrkpafrlck, M J Brady; 24th lnst. Ralph M Hay wood. Ih« Utter at Ur l«!»»ne; Pet-evnrsaest _f»th laet, Itesolnte, «'»pt Lawrence; Cbiupew», Andrew Lo- vitt. Janet Korbe«. Mirona P.occa, Tre Cognait. S_j-», C«pt Larson; A »ha Ouanlto, Olinlditta D, J B««vd, Kraaa. Ruth Palmar. /i<> Hatlista, Barbaros»«, the Utter off scllly; Daphne, on* Port-mouth; Suuderland-, Ella Vose, Fram, Au¬ gusta, «rapt Beyeriicb; 2flt_ in»«, (ilenola. oi.mpt«. Dolphin, < »pt Forauil; Ounbi.da, «.art Ueorg, the latter orueied and pro. ceeded to Narva- Minerva. The Knox Summer Resort. . Gentlemen un«ter»und the importance of keeping the bead ooal Jut at thl« «e»«on of the year, and It U retiuUtte, to ««re.pll-h thl«. to «eenre one ot Knox'« beautiful bit«. Purchase« can be made either «A 212 Broadway, er bla Fifth A vean« Hotel «.** l_-____oa_ -tm- Pomkroy's Elaotic Rupture IMt is the best trnaa, without naeul «prlng«. Price 04. 746 B roed way. -*~*~ The Stin«;inc. Sensation in tiif. Ocllf.t Called heartburn, »nx-oed» from acidity in l-e»4«_«««h, and ta remedied by M ilk or Ma«-M_-ia. AU drugg)»t-, There is no adulteratiou of inferior fish in the "XI.CK Dóneles» Codflah." They are »«Iceted from (leorgea Bank fish. STRICTURK, lmrjotenc«-, and DiOHMt of tha <lener»tive Organ« radically and »nee.iilv cure- Honra «to- andt»lo7. HKN KY A. DANIELS,-t D. 141 UumIon »T. SILVER-PLATED WARE, Manufactured by the Meriden Britannia Comi-ant, No 46 EAST FOCRTEENTH-Vr., « Union-tSquare, N. Y. R.H.MACYw-O. 14TH-8T. AND «T1I-AVB. HA'K JtST RECTEIVRD, AND WII.I, OFFER AT A VERY MCKillT ADVANCE, IN c iN-KQC KNCE OF THEIR DATE ARRIVAL, TO CLEAR BEFORE TAU» INU INVENTORY, 3 CASES VIENNA NOVELTIES, COMPRIOING IN FART CARD TRAYS, IN METALAND LINEN, WITH __U»Vfl-JM f»AI»T. INtiH IN JAPANESE STVLEH, AND OTHER U_J-D.N__ Writing Portfolios, IN LINEN, TAINTED. , ELEGANT NOVELTIES, IN LEATHER, BIIAHS, ORMALC, NH'KEL, ÖILT, ETUIS, IN M'iM-li MOROCCO, INLAIDlWITH I>__l-N.«j IS BRASS CANDLESTICKS, SCONCE». d_c. A!.»". i\ IHK »AME INVOICE, A CHOICE COLLEO TION OF Cipr Cases ai Meersclianiu Pipes. THE DKSIUNM OK THESE OOODS ARK ENTIRELY mr,AMD HAVE NEVER 11EK.N SIlil-H I.N NE<A"« YOltK. .1X1' IHK «'OLLEi'TKiN IS W'oRi BY TIIE AT- TKNTION Of EVERY ADMIRER Of « HOIOJt GOODS. B.H.MÀCY & CO. ANOTHER REDUCTION STONINGTON LINE. SI 50 TO NEWPORT, K1HST-CLASS, APQLLINARIS NATURAL highly iirrxi&vssoaxrT. A I'i'lioVEI) bj tb« _t«*-«4«n«u «fe Xr.le.un of Fram*»», «a4 it« »»I« in Fr-iic« autburized by epei'ial nnler of tb« Fr«_cb Oovern nient. Rt-t-oiiiiuemle- by th«hifbe»t MEDICAL AUTHORlTIEi In New-York "A irreal relief for «rMick-«««." "A «leli-flitt-l b«ver«*tr." " Far »ii|>erl«)r to Vtobr, s«lt»«r, or any other." " M«i»t frrateful and (.efreabln»-." Absolutely "tire and wboleaome auperior all for dally nu iree from all ih« obJecUoo« urje«! «x'.»la»t ligio- tai »riilliiiilly a«-rat«Ml water«." " linpr.-ciiati- only with !U own ga«." " I'm«tu! «ml very «Kreeablo." " Healtblul and well «ulted for Dy«p«p«la «nd c_*M «f «.ul« dine»*« " - Mil.ilv antlarld-, »«roe« well with dy»iiei»tic« and w_«r« there la a.mty dial!.' " Itv far the moat a_re««ble, «lone or uii-n-.l «.ith wla«, «».- tul in («ariarrh» of Hloniach or Blaililer, »ii,l in gout." " Not omy a luxury, but a nt«<-e_tlty." T«»be ha«l of ill Win« Mer« bout«, tiro.« t«. Dni(fjl«t\ «B'l Mlnetal Water Dealer« tbrougbout tbe lint.««! Hum«, tud wholraale of iTRED'K DE BARY à Co., SOLE AllENTM, ^OM. « AND V! WAItKI-N-iTKEET. NEW. YORK. Kv, ry K«u,üne bottl« bear« tb« w__l»r<-l YELLOW pit' _J-I__*N___N COMPANY ILtMITED), LONDON. ROYAL Po« uflLBfli<_>3_iXT*r--J3-i'_r puna. " BOYAL" hat s ¡srcer sale thsu sil other baking powders conibia«)d. be«*n_e of lu un«..íest-one«1 futltT. "}JJ. Strength, llealthfuin.-s. ami Mttesey. Preosred tram OKAPIS CREAM TAMA», !i,.p,..-t..i «»«X^-^.yÄäiS-S powder direct from «bu wine district of France; hss twelve.! ihnlu lorscuicni aud recomiuendstlon ol tnc .**»ew iw» »v~ .t Heslt'i. No family having on.-.-us«-1 the-lloyal liakiua V«wder will ever be without 1U fioid only In tin sans by all grocers.

Transcript of CASE. POST S Wllmw^'V LOCAL · The cln«« song, c«inipo«cd I y I'. Y. Cohen, wa* t_ng. folltiwed...

Page 1: CASE. POST S Wllmw^'V LOCAL · The cln«« song, c«inipo«cd I y I'. Y. Cohen, wa* t_ng. folltiwed bvthe "FarewellBoat," by Mr. Otulm, and Ihe clas« adjourned 10 plant th




The groveo and shaded walks of St. John'«<.oll«tg* at Fortlhani presented an animated appearanceyt«terday. when the exercl»c« of tbe thirty-third annual

csJ-omeiicement wore held. Ou the lawn at the «Ido of

the old study-hall a cnnopy w«a spread between »lie old

elm«, for the accommodation or visitor«. At one end

.-a« a platform, de«5ora'cd with flag« and urn» of flower«and blooming plan!«, Boon after 1 o'clock. CardinalMct'loekey, with Vicar-Qencral Preston, walkedfrom the college buildings to the platforru, followed by over 100 clergymen. The Cnrdltinl tookhi« «eat upon a raised dnl«, Imtu.ilialely he-

aide the «peakcr». .mon. the other clergymen

present were tbe Rev. F. W. Oockeln, preshlent of the

college, Vicar-General Quliin, Father Karly, the Rev.James Corrigan, president of Heton Hall College ; !huRev. Henry Iluùon, president of the College of 8!.

Francis Xavier ; the Rev. Dr. Brann, Fathers DealyTraiuor, O'Councr, Ftnnegau, She-, liée, l'etlt, Buci-

cot and Rynn, ot the Society of Jesus, and Father«Thomas Lviub. Augustine Brady, Mrl).»wall, J. 1'. Mor-n«, Hogan »ml McCready. Among the laymen were

Excise Commissioner Morrison. Judtre Slnel». of WhitePlain« ; Judge T. F. MeCorma««-, Ol New Jersey ; andThotua« 1>. Eagau.Oration« on "Franco ami tho Exposition" by J«>hn J.

Bone. "The Leo-l m Historv" l»y V»'illinm H.Mui phv, iinil.'American Pot-try." by Austin P, O'Malley, opened the«reiche«. The valedictory wa« deliveie-1 oy John W.Steward, his »ubtect being "Liberal Educa!ion." Thoroaater'« oration, given {__.> Joseph a. Maker, A. B., wa»

on .«luleriiatlonal Law Defective." The « x«rci»e« were

diversified by music. Tho decree« were conferred bytho Cardinal, each graduate ki-xlng the episcopal ringme tbe parchment wa« presented. Following are theraame« «if tbe graduates:Bovle, J. J.. Murphy, Vf. II.. hul'ivsn, W. J.,4*_U_ha_, J. W_ Murray. B. P.. Xavier, II. F.Peane, P. V., O'Malley. A. P.,Hendrlck. P. A Steward. J. W-

Tlie degree of Master of Arts was conferred on thefollowing :

llta-lv, J. J. Flattery. W. J. Rlopel, E. E.CtMgaa, J W. Ijiner, I. P. Van de Veld««,Curren, P. J. Miher, J. a Wan. h a.

Myers, A. J.The highest honora of tho gi .iduallng class were won

by WilllHiu Heniy Murphy, «if Torrytown. The cold-Dedal for the iw-»t biographical essay wa« won by «.ustiuP. 0*Mall««y, whose «ubtect waa Christopher <'omnibus ; In merit wa« John J. Boyle. The »river of the medalfor )he present year wa« the Rev. Jame« J. Morlarty,A. M.. of Chiitbam Villaje, Cías« of '62. William J. Sul¬

livan won the Hughe« gold medal for the liest examina¬tion in mental philosophy. This medal wa« In¬tended hy Ike founder to' perp« tuate the memoryof Archbishop Hughe«. Tho »liver medals for profi¬ciency were awarded a« follow«: In rhetoric, HubertJ. Frawley ; in Indie« lettres, John K. MrMabou ; incla«-a!«Se. Thomas W Kelly. Michael A. Hallohan wa» giventhe silver medal for good conduct in tbe. senior division.The addresa to the graduât««« wm mod«« by John K. (1.

HiiMard, A. M., Clan» of '¦*>.'», upon the " Duties and Re-.poDsibilitles of Young Men lu Public Life." «ar¬il) ml MoCbiskey then made a brief addree«. Ho.aid It afforded hiin tbe greatest pleasure to

be permitted to give the diploma« to theyoung men at the end of their collegecourse. It was gratify iok to see tbe attention which llielarge aaaomblagv* had given to the orations, a« it showedtbe great Interest that w»s Uikeo lu M. John's College.The commencement exercises reflected honor and crediton all connected with tbe institution.At a meeting of tbe alumni, held In tbe afternoon, the

following officer» were elected : Bishop Rosecran«, of4'oluuibus. Ohio, -president ; Thornn« B. Conuery, H. II.Dodge and P. J. H. Van D.vke, vice-president«; W. J.lsunoelly, tuamirer; A. J. Cameron, secretary; John R.O. Hanaard, 8. O. A. Murphy, Y. V, Kennedy, ihe Rev. D.X. Men-leu, J. T. Reilly, M. J. O'Brien and P. A. Kendrlck. Executive ConJiuittee. An alumni dinner waseatt-n In the evening at the Metropolitan Hotel. In iheabsence of tbe president, Thomas Connery presided,making the opening address. The toasts anil responseswero aa follow«: "Old Bt. John'« «"ollege." the Kev.Ueorge H. Kenny, 8. J.; " The President of 8t. John'«College," the Rev. O. W. Gockeln, S. J.; *. The Clergy,"the Rev. Dr. II. A. Braun : " The B«r," Joseph J. Marnn ;

.'P_y«le," ». 0, A. Murphv ; "The Pre««," John K. »i.

IIaa«ard; " Commerce," Al|»ln J. Cameron; " CIaas of.78," P. A. Hendrlck ; " The Ladles," Morgan J. O'Brien.

? .


The louu cbapcl of tbe Co11«?k<? of the Cityof New-York w*a well filled yo»ter_»j afternoon, on tho

occasion of ihe cum« day exercise». Tbe student« were

In high «plrit« and fuu wa« nfe, a« over this day tho

faculty have no control. Oeorge P. Hotailng pre-ahled. and save tbe opentug addrea«. He characterize«!the last day of college a« "tbe one thing beautiful, the

crowning day," a sentiment that was applauded heartily.William J. Campbell gave au oration, and £. Yancey

.Dohen, tbe clauss poet, read a poem. The " ceremonies "

began by the appearance of tbe graduate«, clad in lougblack gewns, marching into tbe chapel, singing In Lutlu.Till» created genuiue surprise In tbe uudiem-e.In tbe class history, «¿eorge K. Hardy referred to the

effort« of tbe class to elevate the college to an equalitywith Princeton, which brought our much laughter. Iti?_. <*I_m ~r~i»heey. by Paul Krotc). «ill the niem

bera were pilloried, their peculiarltie« «atlrlr-d, andtheir horoscopes ca»t. The presentation of niedai«, tes¬timonial« Alia remembrance« wa« another bit of soltar».fun. Medals of leather about a foot in dlametei were

presente«! to the "most obstreiK-rous man;" the "ugMe«tman;" the- "ele.I <-<:ti«umptlv« " (a «tout, rubicund,Jolly-looking V"iing Irishman); the "class Inlaut," whose.tature i» between »Ix und seven feet; the "handsomestman," etc. The best claaMcal scholar »rot a woodenkmbby-horsc, »« he " wa« the best rider of 'poule«'inthe college." A graduate of political predilection» re¬

ceived a mock testimonial, signed by prominent citizen«of diver«« political view*.

Williams gave the valedictory and presenled gift«to the otoer clause«,._ tov cane to the l«'r»«stiiiicn a p;nr*'t fciige eellar» to the rtophmorc» ; a l»otile of "npperUp tonic" to the ambitious Junior«, anda wootlen ui;int into tbe Class of '"!).supposed to represent the mantlewhich fell froiu the «-hi.uldcrtof '7t-« to those ol tln-ir »uc-

ce*»on». The cln«« song, c«inipo«cd I y I'. Y. Cohen, wa*

t_ng. folltiwed bvthe "Farewell Boat," by Mr. Otulm,and Ihe clas« adjourned 10 plant th<- «lues Ivv on ihecampus. Walter K. Leggat delivered the ivy oration.Tbe clas« dinner and jn[»e ceremonies will taki iil«ce

at tbe Hoffman ilon«e to-night, after tbe commencementexercUea.



The j»ioneer st«»ainahip of tlie American-Bra-tilian line, the Cily of Klo de Janeiro, which _uiu«l from

thl« port for on May <», on her first voyage, ar¬

rived hete last evening, Iwenty day« from Bio de Janeiro,Including «topage« at five other port« ou the route. H«-r

appearauoe waa that «f a new vessel, «lore than MOpersons were «n the pb rat Robert*' Store», Ilroklvn,to greet her retara. Although the voyage was conipur.i-

i'ialii William Weir .ar» there was an

taalty "t tesllnglhe vessel'« sea« oi thin« r« goingto Bio Janeiro. After leaving Babia for the latter portthe vessel, for tw.-nty-futir hour«, ericoiinlered a «harp,beavv beud gal««, with a bad ___, The vessel behavednobly, riding the sea» easily aun with very Utile mo¬

tion to the ship. At Rio Janeiro the vessel was in¬spected br Emperor Don ivrtro II.. the 10mpies«, tbePrime Minister, and other officers, who spok«- highlyof the «asset, rotiatructiou «ud _<cninmod_tl_ü».Tbe et'-uriiBhip «all<-d from Bio de Jaaotra. ou

June »J, stopping at Babi«. on Jum; *. I'eru-ambueo, June 10; Para, June 14; H«rha<!oe«,Jnne HI : at. Thomas, June 21. ChieMCngliner JesseDavis «Cited thai Ihe engines worked better than wa«

ted for a in w vessel, ant! her average «peed wa«

over twelve knots. The passenger« «puke in the highesttenu« <«f their comfortable voyage, and the attentioushown io them by the .raw and Or. Wilson »nil tin-other «ifllcer«. Included in her freight were 37,000 beg«Of coffee and 400 Ixixe» of robber.Tbe following is a list of tlie passengers :

«ieorgeW. H»rr»»i. wife »nd three children, llnhert Orey.Ji .I.wuan M. Dation, «leo. W. Itlcharda, Pedro Keiiczyu,!, H.-luv II. I.« ..h. (', t\ Miilfli, John Kelly, !..

fine. "A» lei!-. Ilitch, M Connolly. VI».luco.uuil. I»«l». child and nur».-. Wm <¡. llniiitihill,

lin h»id M Mauri», W. von Fleet. Wiu. Mr-«.rächen I», « I) Et. Danl« I«, W. I.. K<l»<.n, W. A. Wal¬ter«. T. h. i»ii... ii K. Kiei.B. j. iiii'iii.i. i:. J«aarma, wir«*.t «.'«« chllilieri and tunee, .Nicola« lance Aimer», Mr«. I.. IL».la. ti'l Mi». I- llohlv, Dr. K Kiinth, «'»ptalu J. F.W'olfe, Captain U.C. Kane, J. I» linonte, José J. Kitvure, J«.Cubo-, A. Ctiaty and »on, Captain Wm. Cook.

FATALLY I'KATh.N WITH A STICK..Ciiptaiii Lennon, <»f the Fourth PoUee I'r<-Olnct, Jersey City, received information Tuesday that a

man waa bleeding to death at Doyte'a liquor «tore, ontbe old Bergen Blank Boud. The man wa« found to bo

Buffering from a «calp wound «Ix luche« Inlength. A irack of blood wu« found whichled to the luiuse or Jeremiah Ilarngan. Mi» I n.tlier

Timotliy Ilariigan. who wa« the only personat home, wa« found on tbe stoop In a preteudetl slumberHarriguti claimed that he discovered the man, JameaMcDermol!. of Orchard-»!.. Jerney City Heigh!«, In hi«bed, and he «truck Dim with a heavy billet of wood. M«

.tt> injuries are supiHised lo tie fatal. liarrlganwa« arrestoii. «rid held to await the reaultiof MrDer-aoott'« injurie«. _

rcnio school ______D-_.nou _ai-tc_t_-_.At the ícraduation tUtolm of Gnuumar

ftciiool No. C.'J, male deparlmeui, Tuesday, Commls-aioncr« Manierre and Katzeuberg, ex-Coiumi»»ioneraBaker and Fuller, and Profeiaor D. B. Scott, were amongthoae prreeent Tbe exercises consisted chiefly ofcboruM», »leclamattonr«, dhtlogttee, literary «election«and a graduât««' addrea« oy W. M. Taber. Professor I>B. Hcott deliver««! an addreM to the graduating clas«,and I hen awarded the diploma«. A gold medal forecuolaroblu wa« given to w. M. Tnber ; a «liver medalfor ntieii'lniicc to F. B. Ludwig ; m gold pen and holderfor tne flneat penman to h. Vf. c. Hill, and m «et of hook«for the student receiving the highcat percentage In ther-olleite, examination to ( . P. Blinu. The exerciae« were«Ronciuded hy uddrcaac« from (kimmlMioners Manierreand Katteuherg, the Bev. A. T. richaufflcr and other«.The following aro tbe graduates :

Abo»», OelartiId, Canfteld, William, I.ndwlg, F. B.,Badgley, It T, «'oue, Andrew, Ma«-.«--. Alfro.1. Jt.,I'aiun Ahram, Deven«. Francia, M«-M»bon. J<>»« »h,Blinn, < Iiowu«. 11. I>. Mnrr»y, T. J.,

jr.. Fanning, Abraham, «coll. William,Burn«, K.. OUI, W. il.. T«b«-r, W. M.,Borra-, J. W., Barden, II. M., T-oruell, I_ T.

LAND AT o:,E CENT AN AOKE.A ax\t) ot 360,000 acres of white oak tim¬

kor sud mineral iauds, In McDooga! County, W. Va., took

.{place ycetcraay, at tbe Real Batate Kxchauge. The at-

tei'dance was large, and was principally composed of

.person« who wanted tracta of 100 to 500 acre«. Underthe terms of the esJe as arranged by the trustee, A. J.JDowes, of Ctaottfo, the property was to be PAA iu plot»

of not less than 1,000 acres. Aftar 60,000 acres bailbeen sold, tbe remaining 300,000 were sold in a block toB, J. II. Trosk. Among the other purchasers were II.1). Smith, William Tsfft and W, B. Atterburv. Tbe aver¬age price received was about one cent an acre. The ap¬prised valuation before the sale was 10 cents an acre.


THF. NEW-YORK BAY REGATTA.The Biatcli race between the yachts Addie

Taylor ami II. II Holmes, f .r a stake of #.r««H), was sailedTuesday, the .-ourse Ix-lng from a stake-boat off tbeIdle Hour, it Oreeuville. N. J., to und around Buov No¬il and return, a distance of twenty miles. The start wasmade :\t 12:)". the Aildio Taylor crossing-the Hue Orstand followed _.' seconds afterwards by the Holmes,The wind was fresh from northwest and tbe tide thefirst of tbe flood. The Addle hail a double-reef in ber«namsull aud a reef tu her .lib, the Holmes having adouble-reef in her niainssll only, with a storm-jib bent

sad ready to set. Going down the course, lbs Addiegained mi the Holmes. When tiiv arrived In the lowerbay, the ¦««.a whs found to J>e alimist too heavy to war¬

rant ¡i continu ««ice of the lac*. Just before reaching thebuoy, the Holm«» found It necessary to tuke in her ill«.In r.miiiliiiK M buoy from west to east, theAtldte lulled «*;i In the wind and rounded ullri'.'lit, hm the «plain of the Holmes concluded be wouldjibe, nnd in doing no capsized his b «¡it. The cueste'steauilxiat run up alongside «tud nttempted to rieht ber,ami finding it iin|>oesit>!n a tin; was employed, whichrighted Ihe boat and towed her up the, bay. The Addiereached home ot 4*07:50, the actiuil time being VrMcSO.The Committee of Arrangements for the union yacht

regatta, to lie sailed in the buy to-morrow, closed tbeeu tries yesterday, the utimber of yachts entered beingforty-sli. They are «livid« .1 into five élusses: First, class,'20 to 30 feet lu length ; second class, SB to '-<"> feetthird class, 2(1 to 29 feet fourth cIihr, ull under 20 feet;fifth class, catamarans. Th«' course for all except thefourth-class is from otf Hunt's Dock, I.. I., to andaround channel buoy off Kobhin's Reef, thence to nndaronii.l sink«-bout hi (Iravesend Bay, opposite BathIlote', thence honie and rei>eat. a distance of twemymiles. The course for the fourth class is the same, ex¬

cept that the boats will round a slskc off Owl's Meadinstead ot going to (iriivcnen<l Bay, making n distanceof fifteen miles. The start will lie iniide at 1<):30 a. tn.

The judges are A Carey Smith, P. W. Ostramler and M.Roosevelt Rchuyier. and the Regatta ('i>iiiinltter,f\)ii)iiio-dore Joseph Nobles, John M. Sawyer, Josepn Rrii»«dugtou,William Bishop, A. I.. Kremever and J. il. BobbinsBefara] entries were received sfter the ImiuIia wereclosed and ix-fiist-d. The following are the yachts en¬tered : l-'irst class.Meteor, .lournevnian, Josephine, W.K. Brown, Susie H., Florence, Daie Devil, N.R. Fowler, Annie (ielssel, William Sware ;r«««-0!hI class.Fanuio I>.. Inspector, "icttle, I..I*. Springer, Mar, Thistle, Clara 8. MarthaM J. M. Robblns, Jenny Dllks, No Name ; third class,Lydia T., Faith, Sophia, Kinnia, Ueorge 11. Deine, At).lieTaylor, H. II. Holmes, Marvel, Excelsior, Jscob S.unders ; fonrtb class, Emma I)., Alice, Fidget, (lussle. MayB.. Ida M., Sadie, K. Warren. Brothers. May 1 «.. Cora D ,

«'(«iniiiirtie, Claro M.¡ fifth (iswi.catamarans.Taran-iiila, Minnie and Bella, Deeeptlnti.The yueht race tor the Barnett Ocean Cball.-nge Prize,

which was to have l.ccu «ailed under tbe suspires of tbeNew-York Yacht Club, yesterday, from HhikIv Honk, toand ai-i.iiiid Brrnton's Reef, off Newport, and return,was declared ofl, for the lack of entries, by tbe Regattacommittee Tucsdsv night. The Tidal Wave and Ramblerwere the only entries.



Before daylight yesterday Officer Ganley, ofthe First Product, saw a woman cress the Bsttery Parkand approach tbe sea wall, as if intendiug to throw ber-

b. If Into the water. He ran to her and caught her as »hewas about to spring from the wall. She made a desper¬ate attempt to free herself, and begged him to let her go,declaring wildly that she was determined to drown her¬self. In the struggle she toro s long strip of fleshfrom the officer's forehead with her nails, lieshouted for help, as he did not wish touse violence. Another officer soon arrived, and tbewoman was led to the New Street Station. She w.n welldrei»s«'d and resiie.-talile in appearance. She acted as ifinsane. She gave her name as tlnltie Adams and ber ageas twenty-eight. When «liiestioued further she UpM-dsuddenly into a stupor, which the sergeant believed aas

assume«.. All attempts to rouso her were for a timefutile. At length she struck a tragic attitude and beganto recite some passages from Shakespeare. Then she lellon the floor and screamed.She appeared «to be auflcring from spasms, and as sonn

ne ..n ambulance could be summoued »he was taken tothe Chambers Street Hospital. Dr. kindlich sjM.iie t.i

her, and she replied with violent threats. He endeav¬ored to soothe her, but she flew at him In a rage,scratched his face and ban«U, and bit bun In the arm.

She eoniiutied to be so violent that the attendants were

obliged to force her into the straight-Jacket und confineher In t c padde«l cell. Here she continued to rave

and shout for over six hours. Sometimes shewould talk In «French, at other times In «ierinun, show¬ing that she was well ivcc'iu.iutrd with both languages.From her ravings It was gathered that «she was a marriedwoman, and that her husband was on the ocean. In mir

of her quiet moment« she said that her home wus in

lliistnn. but she would not give the names of any of herfriends. iMo in t_e day abe was removed to the New-York Hot-pital. ^


The Bale of GO.OOO tons of Scranton coulyesterday by tbe Delaware, Lackawanua and V*. estero

Railroad Company, was largely sttended aud tbe biddingwas brisk. There was a slight advane over tbe sale furJune, but the rate« on all grades were lower than by thecirculars of tbe other companies for July. The pricesobtained vesterday un compared with the laat sale, al¬as follows :

A veía«« A verseePrices price price ¿tyea-Jalv26, May'-!«. terdsy'ssale. Inctcsse.

Mesmer.t 47 t'J i'lhs fa 17. 6 cut.i.l.i. mi aA 47 A 4T, 3 '.Hij l.esatsF.ttt. 3 «I eAtiT-i 3 6H'j H f.B V cmsStove . 3 IM) S3 87. 3 7S 3 R7'4 -.«¿MataI li. . 3 'ib S '253 '¿.1The prices received yesterday compare with the Dela¬

ware and Hudson schedule as follow s :

D.. L.siHlW. I), and H.aale. schedule. I'lffennre.

Steamer. .99 47 $3 ti«) IS. «teats(irate. 3 4M-. 9 iw 11«» easts 3f«8. :i T.'i l«;«-jceiits. 3 87-4 4 'JO B-.e-ata

«it. A 2b A CO 'tu cenls

To thec differences there must Im« added for Seiltenin N.-w-York the tlill« -reiice l«< t ween In« in» port at ion fioinIl»b"kcn and R ndout, which makes the prtOM of ics-

lerdav'i sale from «N to ft5 cenls below the scheiluieprices.


(«iioiiti >iiniiiÄ t»gM tlif* inquest, Tues¬day afternoon, In the case of Mrs. Maria L Huhbard, ol

Uruvesend, whose death last week is supposed to

have been cans««! by poison. Before taking any testi¬

mony, the Coroner learned «hat Jacobus Lake, one of theJuror», was a relative of Mr. «1, aud he thereforeexcused him from acting.The first witness. Miss Elizabeth Lusk, testified that

It was Mrs. Hubhard's habit to drink hslf a bottle elb«-er each day. ()n Monday, June 17, she drankhalf a bottle and the witness put what re¬

mained back In the cellar. Tin s.lay morn¬

ing Mrs. Hubbard said that she felt faint, and ashed thewiine-s tog« into the cellar and fetch the lieer. She didso, and Mrs. Hubbard went into the dtulng-room, pouredit «nit into a glass aud drank two swallow«. «losaalter she was taken sick, aud before she diedsaid that she had been poisoned; that "Cotm"Strvker. from the beach, had put ¡nns.iti In her lager.The inquest will he com Lined next Tuesday afternoon.

IToflSSOr Faton, who Is making an análisis of Mrs. Ilm.-liiir.!'« stomach, has iiiforined « oroner sinims|y«A«ter«laythat he bad found -Irvclinine both In the stomachand in the beer left In the bottle from whleb Mrs. Hub¬bard di auk.

BOYR RECEIVING PRIZES.The twenfy-fliird animal coininenreiiient

exercises of tbe Fort Washington College were held Tues

day afternoon, and were well attended by ton friendsof the students. Nearly all the. recitations In the pro¬gramme were In the French language, aud embrace«! a

variety of subjects. Irom tbe works of Victor tingo t<>

"A <__n>e<ly In Three Acts, by Finest Labiche."The studeuts were addressed by the RevH. A. llrann, of St. Elizabeth's Church, af¬ter which the medals viere distributed. Thehighest honor of the college, a golil medal, for eon-slant mdiixtrv, religion nnd ex.inplary deport ment, wasawarded to William Santa Maria, of Cardenas, Cuba.Premium« com prising tin- wo. knot well-known author«were gl\eii to the next in merit.(¡eiirgo Brady, QaofmHarris, Cano« Moran and Pedro Medina. Sliver meláisfor exlraofdluary proflcleticv were given to RufaelCot«-« and José I'uyaüH. A silver medal for promotion to the freshman olas« during the y.-aiwas granted to «¡eorge Harris, silver medals forthe highest honor« in their various branchesof study were awarded to Ixiuls Prévost, Ricani«««¡il«li-, Antonio Maden snd (ieorge C Micks. Thirtyboys were announced ss deserving prizes for proflcien«¦>'As their names were called, the noya step|ie<l forwardaud rec«-vcd from Alfred M. Cotte, the president of tin-college, their premiums, which were work« of ancientand modern authors. The exercises closed with an ad¬dress by the Rev. F. A. Aigueperse.

TRAINS TO THE LONG RRANCH JULCE8.The C.Btral Railroad of New-Jersey, witlim

the last year, has completed nn Improvement by whichNew-York people will be ablo to reach the MoiiutouthPark race-course, at Long Branch, in a very short time,and without change of cars. A «connecting track hasbeen laid from the Lone Branch division of the road tothe race-coutse, over which trains from Jersey (,'lty willbe run on race days. On Saturday next, and Mday, July 'J, Thursday. July 4, and Saturday, July «¡,tbe dates fixed for tbe races, a special train will leavethe depot, foot of Libertv-st., at l'_:.»0 p. lu., which Willrun directly to the rourw«, and return after Ihe races,

inm sum tickets will bo 91, or, including admission tothe course, t)l 50.

CUTTING HIS THROAT AND ARM.A mini about sixty years of ago was found

yesterday morning la Prospect Park, near the Klnth-si.entrance, with a severe gash across his throat and a cutou his left arm above the elbow. A blood-stained razor

lav )<v his aide. Tbe man waa not dead, bnt It was ex-

Íiecu-d that his death wonld occur before reaching Island College Hospital, «to which ho wastaken in the ambulance. His windpipe waa found tobe severed, and tbe principal artery of the arm was alsocut. Nothing was found upon his clothing to establishhis Identity. Id one pocket was a package of rat poison,none of which bad been used. He was neatly dressedsud wore a silk hat in which was the trade-mark of a

Norwalk fl-iu. Wight hopes of his rewvery ara eater«rat-til





Durini? the laut week the action brought by»Ie«srs. Decker Brotheri-of No. 33 Uiilon-«qu«rf>. the well-known piano manufacturer«, against Decker A Barnc»,of Tblrdave. and Fourteenth-st-, to restrain them from

making use of the name "Decker" or .' The Decker"piano, has been beffire Judge Donohne at Special Term.In the Supreme Court, _nd yesterday eniletl In a com¬

plete victory for Decker Brother«.The complaint allege» thut the plaintiff» have for four

teen year« puât Ir-een conllnuously and uninterruptedlyengnged in tin; manufacture of piano«, and that theirpianos have gained a wide-spread and enviable reputu-Uon for finir atpftiot <|iialltv. That ever tteM they

Ibavo been engagcl in the business they hsve been the

only person» «onijioilng auy Arm inaiiufacitiringpiaiio«. all the member« of winch haveborne the nsme of '* Decker." That byreaoo- of their long ronllnuaiice in the buaiue««, andtola last fact, their plane« have for nianv year«past beenknown lioih to tli« puhlic aid the piano trade ««the"Decker" piano», and were the only ones In the marketknown a» »in li. That the celebrity of I heir pianos bnainiliiced evil-iii»p<i«eil peisou« to defraud the public byret>re*enting that they were the manufacturer» of the«'Docker" pi.ino, and, among others, that the «le-feutlan!« have «o defruiided the public andthe plaintif!«. Ttitit the défendant«, to furthersuch fraud, on or abeat the lita day of April, 1876, bym-ana of false affidavit«, procure«! from the Ciunmii-»loii.-r of Patents at Washington, a rerllflcnie of theirexclusive right to us« the tenu " lue Decker Piano " a«a trademark, and al«o, in their circular« ral.rly a»«er!e«lthat I hey were the maker« of the only r»-inin;c"Decker'' piano, and with the Idea, '. presumptively,"of .t.ciigtheiilng such statement«, falsely as¬

serted that In 1-71 a gold im-dal Inenawarded to their piano». The complaintalso Barrates the comic« lion of the defendants with theplan.» trade ; that they first became copartner« in 1870;that prior to that time in,«- «>f them nad not been en¬

gage«! m the piano busiue««, and the coimci-titni of theother (Mr. Myron A. Decker) with It had Itoeu of a veryungular nature, to wit, «ometime« a Journeyman, thena restaurateur, then with a sumll shop, Ihrn lu the firmof Decker <*. Co., formed to profil hy tin» plaintiff«' repu¬tation, then again a Journeyman, and after that in ihcArm »_-tn«t which this in tx>n I* brought.Thu answer admit» that the defendant Decker ha«!

lu en a restaurateur ami admit« tin taking out of thetrademark cci tiflcaie, hut d-atae the piincipul allega¬tion« of the complaint,Mcssra. Townaeiid ¿c Weed api»enred for Decker

Brother« ami Mesar«. Abbett «It Fuller for Decker <r_

Barue«.Mr. John J. Decker waa first culled hy the plaintiff»

and sustained the general allegation» of th«' complaint.Commission« which bad beea Ukea on luepart <>f theplaintif!« in Canada. California, (»hin, Michigan andoilier Htatcs w. reinen read bv .Mr. Weed, all »bowingthat the only " Decker" piano which «m known in themusical world and to the general public was mniiufi)«--tmed by Mensra. Decker Brothers, mi No. ,'i:i I'mon-.<|iure. Amuiig otheis who |__0__-__ lo the «ame facíwere Mesrtr». William Strinwn.v, of Nteiuway <fc loaa,1.)« ell Mason, president of the Mason _ llumlin ( IrgauCo., (¡eorge _¦*, Ilsley, N. .!. »I.iiiu «. of Maine« Urolli.i«.

.. Steck, of Hieck A; C... «liarle» I*. 1 lelier, ol I. _

C, Kialier, Kdward iVhuhertb, r'rauz Bemmertx, Charle»Trade!, (¡corgi- W. I'olbt, Wi'ltam P. Mill«, l.ottlleoKederleln. Helmuth KratilK.-h, D.nld II. Dcnhain, Willlalli A. Pond, Theodore Thoina», limalla») Pritsch.Adolph höhet, John W Ciiambcr«, »ecreiary of tin«Am« rúan Institute, and <»!l« 11. Ii«.i«e.At the rltwe of the {«-«limniiy for the plaintifT. Mr.

I -.un Abbill moved lo ilisun»» the cotiiplaltil, which was

dented.On the part of the, the fir»! mine»« railed wa«

Daniel W. Colon, a itrnggi»t of Jersey <'ity. He that u« early u« l**'" he pur«'h.i«eil a plain, «if MS«lifeiidant M.vion A. «er, mid ttutt «itch platioli.nlupon the name boy. rcker." On «uuMCtaiiiiiiallouby J. W. TowtKiinl. It I » dtOOOtOfO- thai tin» wltti.s«wa« a relative e- Um d«*f«ndaal Decker, and miiclianni ««nient wa-ocasiniicd through the con fusion m »lu, h

be wa« ihrown bv the questiooaol eaaasaL In Kingexamined u« to what relation he was lo tin- «I,fendant Decker he sul.l first, " I think he married a

(l.iu.hter of hit wife's graudfalher ;" linn, "No, In-iiimiinl n daughter of my mother'« uncle ;" then, " No.Mr. Dcekrr'« wife'« grandfather wa» an aunt of myti,, an uncle of my u.other I in«.in mat hi*,wife'» grandfather wa« nu uncle of mv ni..tli« r."The next w line»» wa« Mi ron A. Decker, one of the de¬

fendant». II«' testltl«-«! that he hail Worked at the l.u-iil i.i.ino uianiifacturiiig hIiicc In w .« routteiii year«

of age ; that he went ml" i.urln.*,» for liniihcll In Al¬bany, in the i-iirinif of 1 * .«», ami In« piano wa» there andaround there known a» th«« Dreker I'lano. In l¦.«;«. i.«-

.une to Vow-York, »ml Inr a flin«- iras in the re«taur,nlImaliii-W lathe Bpnaa el l**»«- he «ioi«_nr_rrri the

I plain» Oaal-N-BI lu N.'i-V'i-k, and in.i«l<- hi« rii»t pi.«no Iniwt-uiv tiiHi-st.,and h ¦. Decker»" ea the nan»« 1862 m« moved la Ifa. B7 Bad Twcaty sesead al.,anil tin-it-imnl 1-o.i; !o ab«.ut a pianoa week. Iu IM. in- weal wiiii tleorge r. Ilsley, « pianodealer, and it uui.iieil with linn until 1869, Badal Huname of A (',.. I'i .or lo going Into hiialu«-««Willi Haley he maiiufa« tut« .1 plan..» lor Ii-I. > aod putlUlev» lililiu ii|i«.ll tliein. In.m IMS to 1-71 he «lidbu-lúe«« for hiui«ei( ai.d Buds i'i.ii"» foi Mi. Barnes(With Whom he «iibsequelllly Mini into biis'.n» »») lo paya debt he owed him. and pal Banes'« name on lh<-niaiio. Proas l »»71 i«» 1876 he waa oaa of the Bna alDecker A Harne«, und aaa msmBmns MmIboos m hi- ta ¦naine.

liefere the cro»s-ei«n)it)atloti of thl» uiine»» occuired.Mi. Ahhell « l<> the Court that In-had submitted a

Croposltloii to ibe couimel forth« plaintiff« on b.-hall of1» client», Watch, if aii e.ite.l. Would lei t ll>

Mr. Town«cn«l, in iin«wer. «aid that aaeh a wti.liiuliouor the mm «lid not »urprise him. Be had in v. t i.-

that the defendant*! would hart.« the a««niatice (o coiiir

into oui t, and lu--I'"'« r« !)'regtiited thai he «rotdeprive«! of the luxury ,-r t..-« vammliig tin- .1«fendant* ; be MipiN'Ne.l that even al t tn» hour tin .i.

fet.liants bad loam««! Hist dlMIWttoa wa« th<* better pariof valor, and Dial tln.«e who run »»«i mltiht lireto ili«lit another day. The piopmuioii emaoatiug fromthe deteiulanu eentalaad nil that th« plaintiff» hadaaketl lor ami eeaM |M>«»ililjr get If the a«, «ho.Icer<l in court tojudgui'nl. In f«ct it.I,-.» in.i. li i,i..i.

he «aid. They agree !<> »tlpulatc that tintmiit'ii of their tratl«-inn !.. which th«-> ri .. mluleully obtained la WaRhlngliui. «hall be »el ««ule, .mdthey farther .«.u-e io pa> u« a l_r_a aateaal <.r aie« »

for the purpose) of defraying the expense our«bave ixen pul i«.. Our < lient» are, hot-, i-nr, law-bidingcitl-cn», and while they have oit.iin. .1 t.-r> thing tti«*yan poks'bly elaiui or ileinund, tu« y I.« thai the publicBIm have'lH-iu gt'»>«el.v «ti-.-iiv «|. f« iioitlit«.ami they pfOBSM I«1 mioiih» ir lo Hi« < ourt whether theyoiijht imt, m the lattieeUof the public luNtice, t«> pro«.. .1

«na unmask ths iraud of the-.- d-fendant«, 1 here 1« bulone .disagu-eabl. ffatiro, Mr Totti,»end addeil, wliKh1,-eAitiis the »atisfacliou ouic Iiuis now feel, ami that i«

that such InasM Chlckerlag á loas «ml Weber couldiiave lent theui»elv«e »o la.- MpPOTl of t In »«. defeüdaiit«by fiirnishliig Ihelii wnn «tlidavit«, and thu« pi e.« ntingthe piaiutlO« from Struahlag them uuire than ayearstace.Judge Dotiohue «aid that li- 11 Hot think tin plaint ill«

were called upon to do mon« than protect tin Ir ownrieht». After rere«s couii««-l n-turtn-il lo eourl, «nilMesar«, lownseiid tin«! Wie.I «ubmitted llu- foUowlagjiulgioeiit lo the h lia«l been ««.«cut« «1 t.. i.v lb.ileli-iulanl«. I In, ».»me wa« «iglicd, elit»i.-il and tile«!AlkHr-cci«) 'Irrin of the OapreOM l.iuit «.r th.* Mate uf

I*«« Voik. held al th, Chamber« thermf. in th.- curtl|,.,i»e, al the <llv uf .New Turk, un the .01-day uf June,IM7«.I'te-eot.Th« Hon. Charle« Ix.indine, Justice.

Jnlin J. Beck« and David Decker agi. Myron A. Decker»ml /«ha Cl Harne«Tin» anilea harmf ttwas ta Irr trial ari th» i»iain»ifr» h«v.

lng pre«entr«l etnlcme «natal«!«« tin «¡I. »ail,.in of l«u*irroiiipialut, ami lb« d.-fen.laut« h«« luir .«I to ___«_.» Uucom pial li l, and «al«) mol ion having hern Mated, »ml I lie del« n.

»nl« then bavin* «MMieS* I" tin' « i.try ot Juilgni, lit a_aiu«ltinm lu the nu in (. ill"1» in g New, on mull.m ul low ii»«iid .VWeed, atlorn««»» Inr tlie ulaliilifl»,

It l« ordere.I. ».I|i|.iged and il«cr,-e«l th»t ttie defeiidanl»,Mrr.iU A Decket and John f Darin s. and each ot Ihem.Ibell »ervantr, lalMiten«, eiiipl.iv«»«, »lioiii'i «, ouii«.bor« and¦gent«, both in tin» *-utc »ml slMwhere. Oe, »ml nie» an-ml, »ml BV-S] of 11,'-in. leaiiaiiu«! «ml nloliird ( l»«,ili,*.-,.Ilaulayiuit. or In aui wise exl.ibllln« up«,n auy «i«n or »iifn«,plaçant ..« nl*.«!.!«. billhead». «Ir« iilur«, iii-w«|,h|.i-ii, «,r

oilier mean« of publi« 11\ in boMDCM, the naine or «le»i(fiut|.iuDecker.** et 6ff_e Deeker.'1 either ««perat«-) ,.r m n

juin in,n «nth the weed« "piano" or " puvtototte.' m rthuiterm to ln.llcatea n)»»lr»l limn nui.-nt. SC aepaiatel« or Inronliimtloii ttlihanv letter« or iii.'_..«-r_ii., ami fi .m, using «he»»nl aeanriiaiiun "Poottt" Ln «tiy way or manlier « alciliated lo -iiHlraU or induce the publie t..m »ii|'|Hi»e that the «tefe, «lauta, «r either uf _.__,are the p .«uitifl»', or that tin« eatahll-«htueni, thewares, Koud«, .ml in«triirucnls «old and ..fTrr..i for »alebv tin- ilet.-ii. ante, or either «if II,ein, «f. the e»i;il.|l»l.nieiit,waies, gSodj, or IikIiiiiu« nl« of the ¡.Ulnii... aii.Itli«l the »¦).' defeiidstit», e»eh of Hum, then «ervant», «ni-

fi..«.«, ami lurent«, »ud n«< h »nil every "t Un in. »h.«il .. .-

li» t»»uliig. 0 «|il»» Ui«\ and uitua- the »inn«, pi», ar.l«, lullhead«, fir««:»r«, »mi oew«|>aper», »ml other« of«rlvln« pu'« ally to th«*u b.iNlii«-«« »» »f..where»>.» ih>- tarnt denlcnailoii of " 1 lecker," ur .. TheDecker.' «eparaii-iy «cIn e_nj«ncU_i »Uli tin* w«.i«l pu«..»,,i pi;ii.,,f'.il< _l ,.;i,«i luin to lii«II«»te » mu«lc»l liieiru«uei.t, I» p»tuie«t vi prinle.l, or in »i.v war maile ap-|,_r.-iil. Kii.t Um aald «lilumUiiU ale hereby r.mtlue.1nl,, ii.-t.-i tin« name or «i>-.i_mtti..ti "Deeker" appear«or I« used lu their »1«_». plxard«, »lip«, billhead«,circular», uew.paprr», piano«, instrument» or Otheriiif»n» of S-VeltM.OC Uieir bu«uu»«, to the tlefeii.)«iitDeck«r*a aaaae of M. a. Deeker« Myroe a i >.-. k.r ur Umdéfendante' Una name or Deeker .«. HsraM. withuut anyiniiiioKraui or utlier devl««- or »laleiiient in nuiiiectmn there-w Uli, whirh m»y lead to mieitail or imliice the public ur anyother person »s_f.,icnaul.Ami it I» rurth. i ordered that the defendant«, «ml cachot

llirin. their «ervíiitH, employe« »ml aifi-nl». an- In reby re¬al tallied, boll» in tins stale ami els« win re; fituu a.«4 lingpublmlniiK, m In anv manimr makitiK SBblle, the »ui.-in. nttliat th'y. or either "f ll.eni, are tin-makei« ,,f t|,. «HglaaloiKeiiuine lu-ikei |.l»m»or pianoforte, oi making any i-IhIiii «lui»oi'vei to he man ufa« tui eut Hu- [lecket p-iDoorpi_aofort4>,__dfloin pulling or plu. ing ii]ioii then wat«*», Im r. Iiainli«,- or

planos, the ¦'«-«igiiaiii.ii "'lin- lu. kir llano," trail« mark"Dcekar," "The Deekcr.**or"Decker Plano'1 .,r "Deckell'i»nuforie,'' or uny like or »mular i.cvlic liitende.i t..loimy the lmpie.«»lon that Ihey or either of themhave . tr»de maik in the word "Deeker-1 eiilni». parut, ly ur in »iijumiloii will, any other word or

word»; «nil from Issuing, publishing, or in »nywlaeaaaeriuig lh»i thev ur either of tin in h«ve. any trade-mark or.ZClM'Vc ilicht m an) n_lit to the u«e of 11,.- «,>,>ni oi (lc«ipn.i-tion " lie-, kci " Other than as above |>.-tinilli-d. Notliin-r ialids oi.I'-r »hall be i..ii»liu«"l to rentr»ln the defemlaiils. CCeither of lb« in. limn iiHing Iheir own uaineor name«, oi amfirm name of whirl, tiny Be« "t htcuaflcr may be a imiiil.« r

lu any adv« rtiteiiieiit. clr« ular or publication, «iron any piam.I,ul«: or uiiiaxal iintriiiinii! m»«l«* by th. in. Of either ofihem, o« any »ml« III iu. «aid «I« fendant In .kit wluuu»lng hi» own name and not the name of any dru,of win, h he la or may be a member, to urn it n,rounrrtioh with hi« Initial» or Chrlttlan name, ¦. M.A." or ".Myrun A," said initial« »ml ChrUtlai, name to be oftin-»»me »lie »rid »tyle»»lhe word Denkst Who« im..||<..get her but t he lefendanl Myron A. De« ki r »liall iu,t, in< a»e uf entering Into a firm with any other perlón or pcrmm«,make use of Iheflin, name Of lie. k« r Brolbsr«, or Decketand IInit her «,r Ki oilier», or «nj- abhret late.1 fium He nAnd It I« further onlen-d «ml ad]mi«¦>-<! that thu plaintiff»

r,',"\,r el the ii.-feiKlaul« the SUB Of 01,417 «»»nil fur theirdamage«, allowance, co«i» aid dUhurtemrnts in thl«action,

(»Iguedl Cm»». Do-torn'.,JThe following 1« the agreement auihoii/.iiig the «eiting

aaido of tiie timbvinark :

MUstniUNlu'M or AouuttursT between Mrrnn A. Decker »mlJohn C. Hirne«, now roiupotlug or furmcrly t<.ni|KMtiigthe mil. of Iiecker A flame», »ml John J. Decker andDavid D«*«'k«r, composing the. m in of I)r«k«r Ilioilu-r» allof *tew York lilt

Whereat, The »eld firm of Decker Hrother« have Innntut'd»a action a.auiai «»id flnu of Urcker A llamea, b\ the Muiireme ouït té the Miete ot New York, for _nlnjunclio« »g«ln»t said lMt-inentloned firm, reilraimnrth«m, «aid Decker A Harm» from using a cert-lutr»dem»rk lo the word» " Decket." "Deiker l*l»oofnr!«"The !)<»cker.'' Ac, whlr.ha._cv urt-enr-dtob««UieofOce of tiie C«»liitul»»loiier of i'aieulsuu or about the ll't,d»y of April, 1.71, the cerUfl« »t« of w hi. b 1» nuiube.-ed :i 57"ton

Whertat, Th* «aid firm of Decker Rarncahatc withdraw nthe- d-IOoee to «aid action, a«d the «aid D«u«r UreUiei« __v«

screed to lilarontlnne said action and enter a decree therein las form assented to by the defends«»,Now, therefore, It 1s sgreed by and between the psrties

hereto, that In consideration of the discontinuance of ssM

action, sud the eniry of the decree this day to

be entered therein, and of the sum of SI t<« .t- Hunes in iiand ]>_ld by Iiecker Brothersthat said Decker A Baines will cause anil procure ssld

it glitratlon ol trade-mark as afnresshl to lie cancelled and re

aiovetl If possible, fnnn the titea of the «a 1.1 Pstent office and

the s«Ud Decker 4 Barnes, and esch of them, herebyauthorize said Decker Brother», In their nsnie

f.t Decker * Bsrnes, to te-e all measures necea»

aarv to obtain a cancellation of tne resist rationof the said trademark, and the removal of the same from (lie

flies of the »aid office, »ml for such purpose to make use of

these t-resents. ,-

And the ssld Decker A names, snd esch of them,

hereby disclaim all and any right to the use of tbe

nano« "Decker" sa s trade-mark, either alone or In

«..injunction with any wonl or word* except asill may M

used In his own name. M. A. Decker "or" Myron A. Decker,or as a part of anv flrni name of which linn M tuav be or

hereafter become a member; and they hereby direct and re¬

nnest that the registration ot the same shall be can. ellc.1. andthat no further use of the same aa a trade-mark be made byanv l>er»oii in their liehalf. _____ ..

In testimony whereof, sal.1 Decker * Barnes have hereuntosol tli.-lrlirm and l-idlvMual names snd seals, this _«.tti day <«I

June, 1H7K. (Signed.) DRiKRa lUKSKs, t«_. a.1* « *a # UTBOB A. DBBAXB, [L » |

JollNC. BAKSM. [L8.JWitness, W. K. «h.iioqi.T, No, '299 Broadway.


¡.18 BROADWAY.. a. m. 73 Noon. 80". 3 o. m.. 9b" Mldnlsht, 70*.

lllglieat dnrtnr the «lav. 85". Lowest. 66'.Average. 74«-'. BUB» dar, 1877, 78V.


Hoffman Bo**e-VroteH*or Francis A. Walker, ofYsle «'»liege, and Colonel N. «'. Macrae. C. s. A.Albe-marte Hotel Ituatem Kffeiidl. of the 'Pinkish legation atWaalilbglo:«, ami John Tucker, of Philadelphia.H«.i.l.«.rHotel Hugh lll.ldle, ITesi.lenl ot the Chicago, Rock Islandand Pacific Rallroa«! ««on-pan v. and II. «*. Putter. OeuvraiManager »f the Flint and rere Man-uette Railway.Bre.toort House-Viscount de lia« oiui/ii, of Hotel -HeunUir 8. R, Couover, of Florida, and PerryII ««initti, of Chicago.uihey House- (¡eneral W. I) Whip-pie, C. H. A., and Judire Henrv Chapman, of Pennsylvania....Rvsunore ¡lotsl-Tbe Rev. «leorg.« Müller, Bristol, EiigUml..Kierett Home Professor C V. Rlley, t'niled States Kn.

tomologist, and ll.-nry 11 Plerson, of Albany.St. Nicho.las Hotel The Hon. William Brett, '«f CllC-gS.Pi/tliAvenue ¡l.Ut «*eustnr I.oren B. Sessions, of Chautanqiiaii.iiiitv, N. V.. ami A B, Buford, of Itlchmond, Va.

«raW-TOHl CITY.The Port Royal Railroad bonilholilers yes¬

terday uiiuiiimuu«dv ratilli'd the pint« of reorganizationaa previously published In Tue

Philip Reilly, of No. 212 Klni-Mt., who ac¬

cidentally shot him« "If in the abdomen on Mondaynight, died yesterday at Chamber» Street Hospital.

Th«' Pleach fiïfiate Victoire, Ailnnral Mun¬det, arrived at this port, lre.i Mai titiK.n«-, yesterday.She carries sixteen guns, and has a crew of twenty-threeofficers snd Ü35 men.

A ¦Hinting of «SUMMUM wan held at theMcaftaa House last evemug, when step« were taken to

i IT««'! a reorganization of the resident natives of the an¬

cient l'rovmce of !«ilf»ln.

i'nut.un psáwstm .V. Ma-anan, of Si'Hr8port,Me., coiiimatidlng the bark <<em. which armed from

Matauut* vest, rday, was taken sick with yellow feveron June I b\ »tul Bute on June 'J.'l.

It is -t;ii«il that the new Sub-Treasury coinvaults will be completed by August 1. The contract

price la f__,000. TIio vaults, win n complet«-d, will have.. ciii.a.ity to hold ." in silver coin.

The sU-nches urisiti(- from the o«'lliirs ofhmliliug* on the east able of Fiilton-st., between Iront

and Watcr-sts., are stifling, nlthnugh the ssswpaats«¡.inn lo have called the attention of the Hoard of Health|a the matter.

The Manliiitfaii ('lull re<« ive«l yesleniay,from Speaker Randall, a letter accepting the receptiont.'ii'(<ii-<l linn by the club, and appointing Tuesday next

as the «lav on which ho would be glad to meet the mem¬bers of the club.Several hariinj- «Iry -_:->«nl-» firms in Sixth-

ave have caused io be pi iteit on the sidewalk befuretheir dooi* large tank» of Iced water, «'olored ntten.l-SBIsdreaaad In fancy eustumes «leal out the water tot 111 »>t >* [«.'.lctHSUS.At a meetiinf of the fîeriiinii Caliinet-

Makers' Cui.iu last night, the freipiciit récurrence ofa.« ni« ni« f.«! iin-«l the theiiie of the <ll*cus«loi). At then.-M meeting a plan of holding a congress of furniturelu,il« is in to in- coiisl.|er«'.LTin- coin« «t lut\v«en William Sexton, tin-

i. ». lit champion at billiards, ami «ieorg« F. .-«Iosmiii, forIhe D.-Uih-v m.'.lal. the championship, and «»1,000, will

tak« place at Tamilian«' Hull this cuniug. The three-ball g nue, «900 point*, will be pl.i.\ '1

The New-York Klcvatcil Railroad Companyha« re.|ii"Mted the l'ark Depai tu «-tit to nl'ow it to build

a " Y " on the Mattery. The rennet has been StfhSSdonee. I«ut till» tune tin» ( 'orpot a' iou Conns-1 has beenasked wlietuer or not the !.< I'urimciit could grant thepilVll.g.'.

.Iiulp- (itlil« iileeve «l«iue«l, yesterday, thenioil.«ii for a new trial In tbe ease of David Marsh. He

wssc-nititi.l «if receiving g«n«ds stolen from 11 II. Claf-Itti A « o with knowl-.l." i «ml tlu-y were «toll n. beingaa old m.i», ha wasaeatcaaad aaly to our jraai m 11. . -

I't-uiii-nlisry.QoOrjN \V. Yoiile. who «li«-«l ye8t«i«i,iv at the

ave of sevi-til) -live years. ! .n ii'iim «f«'«! with the

Me. liant«'-»' aud Tr iders' Nutional llauk of this city, ami? Inee 1m."i7 he was it* cashier. II- was .jui.'t sod un««b-II «tai v.- lu n;« iiiitiiti. i, «h votiii«- his entire lime to the«lulles inn.««-. «1 upon h m as au ortie.-r of III. li.tlik.

The .July interest to lie |iaiil liy the (ioverii-meiil mi It* oiipnti ami reclst'-red iioiiils will amoiint toabout rj5.000.0OII. X.inker* claim Unit tin re is little orno speculation in gold at pre-eiit, .uni that the I [>. ai-* otan saaatuve ««« the luctaatleas of tin- goldmarket than un ol lier oiasi of «.<>. eminent m-ciintus

Matron Wilil), to wliosi- care many of theyoiiug iinfortiinati'H of the eitv are from lime lo timeci.ntlded. re, eived on Tiies.lav night her ol.l.s! chargeI'll'lip q.lil.-Iglltl «ill« ill, licwilibreil by the nnim-

»Ik-ln tin; ?ti-.-its, was fourni w.iudernig ,nm-les-lv tfcfSOgh the illy and «',ned for at I'oiice Iliad(-Harter«..

Tin- Panama liailroad I'unipany has not v« tbeen p.ii.l Ho« flMyMO for which a demand was m m I.

ii|kiii tin- I'li.ifii' Mall RteaaMfcia Caaapaay, several ess»fereneis with tm- bop« of etfrctiug a settlement havebeen hclil lately wlllinlit SallsfsCtorT result«. Yreter-diiv a pinin.-i« w«n< güín I. v tin- ««nicer«, of the PacificMail BtaaaMhlp üoapaai U_M th<- money should hepaid this morning.Ainlrew W. Patten, a tlac-ship messeiifrei*.

.-hatgeil I-mis J«ir«la;i. alao a sea^, with robbing himin a lioii-e ft bail charaetei', at No. ¡13 Rayiird-st.

l'ait« II ll.llliliil «?t'iO, Inr safe ki- ping, tn Jellliv linker,who placed II las uraah m hu preaeaee, and beadedhim the key« Upaa laartac the pramlaes h>- usked forhis inoiiey. ami waa litr««riii.-.l that the trunk had tu-, iibioken oiieii liv J.«rd..ii. .lor.lan ackiiowlidtfed llic rob¬bery, ami gav up 1850,Mary K. Hahlwin, alia« Oveilin, ali.'iH Pinle,

alias Sf-Mial other naim-., WBS unc«lcd jesterilav I. -,

1) «t.-ctives Field and O'Connor, on the «'oinplaiut of Inflr-t liusbaml, Heiiiy Clay «iverlln, for bigamy. The in¬

du tin« nl f««iin«l on tin-Kiinpliilnt rests on her mitriirgeto ovil im, win. It an employé m th.- Tas oih.-e, AugustSI, I -<!¦'«. ami bet subs« «iii.-nt inarrliige to 1 honnis MParto, D.-i.'iiibi r '.'«¡, is.a. It Is stated, however, tkatin rccenl years she has been ¦SSODieted with many iion«-rioil-. erlmtaals, ami Hum li.-.-n their assistant. She Isabout thirty-two year.« of age, ami Is attractive la ap-pearuuie.

nOOKLTHAlbert Jones, a colored hoy, t'ointe«'!i yearn

of age, uf No. -17 Miirloii-at while balhiug In n |«ouilat Atlantic ami I'll«',« nv. s MHlcidav, was drowned.

Fir«; ('oiiimisHioni'r Qallagher y«'ster«lav ex-aiuii« it tbi- lu the Coin t llotihe foi niaimtac-

turlng gas from «MSallBSl b» Mill lei'ommend Itsremoval from the building.Two lioys, named Francis BchOMlei and

Micliail Hniitli, were aiicsled Tuesday night on thecharge of stealing 9-00 «from Valentía« /.liuniermun, amilk dealer, of Wo. 149 Baanms-st. They udmitted thetheft and restored |060.



Camdkn, N. J., June 36..TIm interest inthe Armstrong murder trial waa further heightened thismorning by MM testimony of Mrs. Harah V.. firsfct.fiJ'liiliiilelphia, who test III.-d that on the evening of thefatal dsy, huvlug business down town at the house ofMr. «-miller, No. 1,¡lit) South Tenth-ar.. she got upon aBat at Tenth nnd I'urish-sls., at about 7:80 o'clock In theev.-nlug. On the front platform »he »nw the prisoner,uhn alunit three ites later, caiue Into the car andtook a seat. Wit i testified I hat she rode down far as leibni «t., where both she and Hunter got offIhe car. Hunter was shout to enter his bouse. No.1,304 South Teeth, when witness secosted hlni, beingunder the impression hat he was the Mr. Bonde! whomshe was about to call upon. Hunter directed tier toNo. 1,Ml«), a few door» off. In answer to «-ueattons wit¬ness stated that she had com«- to ( iim.len to testify, be¬cause she felt It to be her duty, rhu had not been askedtl. il') ««I.

Mi Annie Aiivaclie testified that on the evening ofWednesday. Jauuary .3. the date of tin. murder, shesaw two men upon the ferry-bout, ami she now re¬cognized Hunter aa having been one of them. Amust eïliausiiv« «rosa-examlnatlnii failed to elicit any¬thing leniliiig to break the force of her testimony, ex-e. pt tnat »he tixed the dale bv a note of her visit toPhiladelphia m her diary, and thai the t utiy hsppeuedt«« bt lb«- Mist . made lu the book.A recess was taken until 9 p. m and noon rras»etn-

bluik: .«f the 3:00.the rtelence and prosecutionclose! tiielri'ust'. The summing up will begin to mor¬row luolUtUg.

A !!IU:\VEUY IlUHNED-LOHS, »dO.OOO.LUNOt-V, 111-, Juno 2(i..Peter Mueller At

Rons' brewery was burned this morning. The loss was"H.'MMxi. Insured for «fl ,i,«ioo as follows :

I'h«« nix, Hartford.. S'2.;hh>. 4,'Jilü

i,I'li-r«', Chicago .. _,000iitioeis.i nicjgo _,<nmFaneull Hall. 1,-00

I«n|*rlal, London... I2.S00Hrltish Ameiica... '_,tKI0Continental. ;i«miBU l'util. 2,000

ihe iiuildiug, ilia »upyosed, wassUuek by lightning.

POST S OJU-PT3:45 a. m._.



Lordon, Wcdnesdav, June 26,187*.The Vottt dispatch from Herlin report« that

In Monday's sitting of the Congress it was decided that

the Russians should withdraw from Roumella in six andfrom Bulgaria in mue months.After their withdrawal, mixed Kuropcan troops will

temporarily occupy the previm-es.lUtiala has ordered Montenegro and Servia to arrauae

a compromise with Austria relative to their claims.The l ânes's Berlin correaoondent says the Bulgarian

question may be regarded as solved. There remainreine points of detail, which, it is believed, will be set¬tled in the sitting of Wednesday.

'For other Foreign news see First rage.\



At the meeting of hotel proprietors and man¬

agers last evening, at the We-Uimnster Hotel, for the

purpose of forming a protective association, sixteenhotels were representeiL Among those present were

(Huh Welch, of the St. Nicholas; Hawley D. Clapp. oftl e Rosmiioi'c; A. J. Dam, of the Autor and the UuionSijnaie; J. H. Brésil», of the Gl'sey; J. H.Kodgers, of the Coleman ; K. L Merrifleld, of IheContinental; W. H. (iarrlson. «if the lîrend Union:J. L. Truman and George I- PealKxly, of the UnitedState«, and K. L G laon, of the Westiulnster. W. IE Gar¬rison was elected chairman, and at his request, Mr.Scott. secretary of tho Chicago Association from Its or¬

ganization, read the by-laws of the association and ex¬

plained at length their purposes and operation. Hesaid that one effect of tho system had licen to compelhotels in Cincinnati, 8t. Louis, St. Paul and other placesto become members of the Chicago Association In orderto protect themselves. The association now num¬bered fifty members who had clwrge of prop¬erty of the value of ¡yr.O.OOO.OOO, andemployed 10,000 persone. Special assessmentswere laid at times for specific purposes. " For exatu-

pl.-." he sind, " after the burning of the Southern Hotel,there was introducid into the Illinois Legislature a billto compel lintels to «be provided «in every floor withwire-rope ladders that should reach the ground, to af¬ford means of escape in caso of Are. Tun bill bad«pasead the Assembly, when the Chicago Associationsent a committee to the L-SMstare, uoS tho bill was

defeated at a cost of 7«r> cents to euch member.'* " Legis¬latures ¡«re cheaper lu Illinois than m New-York I" wasremarked from tho back of the room.

It was decided unsuituoiialy to establish a protectiveassociât!.>u, and the following «.dicers were elected :

Uriah Welch, president ; E. L. Gilson, vice-president ;T. J. Ranil, treasurer ; I), b. Walker, secretary. Anothermeeting will be held in two week-«.

charges Against collector thomas.



Washington, June 26..There are intima¬tions m certain quarters here to the effect that chargeshave been prepared to present to the Secre¬

tary of the Treasury against Mr. John LThomes, «Collector of the Port of Baltimore. Thest.-iteinenta are that he is Interesting himself in localpolitical matters to an extent that Is entirely at v.irl»anee with the President's Civil Service Reform order.Inquiry at Ihe Treasury this afternoon fail» toshow that anything has been formally presentedagainst Mr. Thomas, though there are Intimationselsewhere, that they will be fortneomitig. An Investi¬gation would depend iiiinn the «liara« ter of affidavits in

appealtlOB to that ntlii'ial, un well as upon the motives ofthose i.rcsi-iitiug them. Mr. Thomas was in this cityyestei-nay, and was both at the Treasury aud the Kxeeu-tlve mansion. He did not then seem to be apprehensiveof any trouble.


AU'XANDKI' H. -11.I'll OS'S DKMOCRACY.Ai'c.csTA, Ga., June 2(5..Alexander H.

«MtffeMM suoke here to-night to an immense audience.Ho vindicated his course on the Potter réso¬

lution b', the logic of aiil)sei|iietit events, and de¬clared that he could not be ru cd out of theparty bv political tricksters. II.« said that, if the com¬

ing I)*'i.'mtlc Convention failed to nominate him, hewould appeal to the people lb- also -ití»1 that Haveswas doing more for the iwople of the Mouth than Til.tencould have dune ; nud (ti-chircd that Se, himself, woulddiu In the temple of Jeffersoiilan Democracy, free fiomUn' party lash nn.l caucus lasso.

HARVARD DEFEATS YALK AT BASE BALL.The fourth ir.une of the College Chaiupion-

sliip ix'twei ii Harvard and Yale University nines, was

Ílayad at Boston yestenlay. The game was won by1.4.1 vard by a score of 9 to '2. Each club has now wontwo games. _

Professor. Can you multiply toe-ether <«on-erele numbers I" Tin-.- aas ar«- uiu-erivin. Prof..*- Whatwill be. the product of live apples multiplied by nix pota¬toes I" Fresh, (triumphantly)... HhhIi."


TO-1)A T.Sunrises. 4 .101 Han «mm. 7M Clock fast 2m. 10s.Moon nssa... It«) Moon souths. I) 2A Moon's age, days Vr7

ni.tM «VATSR lOUST -A M.Sandy Hook.. 4 44 Oov. Island.. 5:'-3 Hell Onto. 7:14

«ii.iM wAi-s to-oav.r. a.Sandy Hook.. 6:13 «Jov. Island... 5:48 Hsll Oate. 7:37

FA SSESOERS SA II. ED.Foil LlVttBWOOL-Bt Rteamthip Aiger,n.-MT. snd Mrs.

P, Adam. W. I). Albutv, K. AMrlch W. Antiib.n. J. Artnss,A. Ii Aims«. J. T. Abbe. Mrs Ashlsnil anil child. T. <) Barter.W. Us) IK ¡In- H.v \ J f. »ehrend, I«, l) Mr. ami Mrs. smtMi»» 11 in. l-n.f K. »isk«-. Miss A. »lake. It. A. »ogue. M. V,Mis» Y llooth. It. ».inner. Jr., W. II. llra.len. Misse« N. andH. Itrsiien. Iir. s. »rnii.lels, Mr. snd Mrs. i,e llrufoo, Mr. «tndMr*. «¡. S, Mruwn, A. Ilniwn. the lion O. K. liruco ami wife,I T. Burr. |r ti.e Itev. J. calnl. Osa, «" Campbell, p, «'amp.lM-ll.Msd.i_ie Csppt-Ul. W. II., «i. I.. Culllns. UieItev. J. «V «'.dwell. «I. A «or.ler.n. Mi» \ H. « idler. MIstN.«'. «'ulver, Misses V. sn>1 If. «'ulver snd man servant, (ieo ItCar«.«V «i M. Curtis, i) s. Curtí«. J. M li_gn.ll, Fred Davon,toil.« I A. Dick. Mrs. It. I). Dliu'Ims, J. M Duff. Kdward R.fevaaa, P. ». Kwluga, W, W, Farii.vm. J. Il Ferguson, Jr.«l Mrs. W S. Kill. J. V. Flvnti. Mrs. I). A. Folaoui. Mrs.I r tin kl] n. twe I'liildreu ami two serv.tut«. M r. Frewi-uPuiiuau, II. ('. Furuian. Mr. and Mis. !.. K. Fuller. W. (iatn-in..|l.Jr, I*. M. «lilinsn. Mrs. A inn! Ml», (loldis, the Hev. K.«¡iM-lrulire, Mr. and Mrs. ».«irac«', Mr. »ml Mrs. S H. «irar

.n. Mr«. K. It. «.r.-i-n, Mr», Ursen »n«t child. H. _.

.¦riltith l: 11 Hacke Mr. aud Mrs J. F. Ilai.e.» k, II. Mr ami Mr» \V. Ilailer. Ml»» I Jndah. Mr. sud Mis.W S. K.-isri', atIs* N. Keyvr, A I K... Ii. Mr. sn.l Mrs. A-kol.lei. Mr. i.u.l Mi»s A. O. I, Mr. and Mr». C. I.auuian,J, i: i.autii. Mr Lseeer. PraLJ, i. Uaea!a, in. c. Unea, HI'. I.l|ii«ill, l.i. in. 1 ». M. Mae.Mi ami wit« ii A.M.«\.tand »un. Mr. and Mr». It. «' Mev.-r, J .'. McDonald J FMiibllitnii, Mr», and Miss Miller. Mi» Mllteiibcrifer and ni'aidjthe Hev. 1' M«»«n, F. M. Mow.-, Mr*. Melt, two children. InfantSad Bane J. « Nlmnni, J P. Parklutisi. !.. I'atso'is. Mr». Pic-t. F I'l.kerglll. Mr anil Mrs. IVarsall. Prof. W. c. PolaudI. ami F. liir»-i'll. Misa l'mssell. Miss M. lUnsoin J Itohb,ji-, Mi» ('. W. Il.ililna.iu, A. Van smitv.a.rd. J. W. Sayre CKrhnlthi'sa, Mr. schnitt, Mr. ami Mr» c Scipp. the Hon IW. aeadder, u. W.Sbsrpless. Mrs K. K. ¦»hupierd, Mist MShiiler, Mr. siirt Mr». F. Hinipson and intanl, Mrs. J. H. MmlthMiss A smith. W. P. Suilll«. Mr. ami Mrs. J. Hlruthera. . hil.lSlid muid MTVaati I'spt. A. Su.iu/.ee., S. N., the "tev. K. Sulll-iiitl'. I., riii.inas, Mrs. A t.. i'lii.iu.iti.ii. SI*. Tv>-i>mbly, MiaaValll. Miau.i Mrs. J. Vslli »ml tlirec clnldren. Prof. Vinton.Mr. walker and nephew. Mis. «'. P. snd Miss V. Wallach, C.1). and Mi«« M. P. «A ar.1, ». Ware, s u Warreu. It. C. w'sr.«Tea, Harold P, Waterman. T. M Weller, W. I. Westret, F ».Whipp'e, F. l) W'hilü. J. Wilde, Mrt. Wiliard, W. V. Wilson,Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompson, Mrs. H A. Hill, Mitt MstUeC, Il m« heraft, O. McMasi« r, J. I). Flower.



sir I'olumbiaiHr«, Young. Loudou June 13, to i State of Pennsylvania'Hrl, siewsi i, (¡Utfow June IS,

via lame l&tl«, to Ausliu Ualitwlu A «...

su iitruiit'i (»«'. Jenkins, Hull June 7.h vis Ilotton 25tht.««' I, Wright * «'<«.sir«'IH"f lin. lanelr», Wter, Rio Janeiro Jane 5. Pains 8th,

I'sr.isiiiiii!«'«« loth, ilridgeiiiwn, liatbiuloes, and si ThoiuaaJl»t lo < II M«i'urv «t Co.str i'i.ii.riunii\ iiulger, «ialvetton June 10 and Kev West

'.".'.1. l«>«' 11 Mall.ilv .- « «>.

ht«- Richmond, Kellev, Nortolk, old Dominion 8s Co.Sir Albenmrle, iiibb», I.ewes, Old tiomlnlon 8s Co.str Flcoiiora, Johnson, Poitlaml, Me. J F Aine«.Hteain-fiigsle Victoire (Fr), A.lniir-I Maiulet. Martinique 9

dsvs. Mi.unls Hi guns and has a crew of J-l ottl.-er» and bibIII,-

ship Atlas Noil. I.arseu. Hoiitlisinnton 32 days, In ballastto Punch, Bdvs * < '«>.Hark MnaiAiist) scoponleh, Trletlo 87 days, with empty

pi troli inn hnrn-ls in J «' Seairer.Hark Hem (of Fall Ittver). Filmier (late Mossmsn), M atan tat

l.'i», with su^tr to order; ve»>»l 1« siSSIST.Italk In »¡m» Hi'.liiinllil «of I««««(.ml, Klllott. MSUntSS 10

dsys, with sntfsr to outer; vassal to Parson» A LoudRtrk i'an««lj. Luut, sagua 8 dayt. with sugar to ordsr- vea.

tel to I.«int »rot.Balk Lavlula, Kston. Cow Ilty, C H. 10 dsvt. with coal to

Perkmt A Job. vestel to Brstt. Hon Ä «n,^W °

Hark said (Autt), Ralderich. Marseilles 70 dsvs In ballastto master.

'* omumn

ii-rk sommern (Nor), Pcrertou, Southampton 99 d_vs tnballatt to I uucti, F.ilfi- A C...v w*-r**' ,n

»ark Franklin (Non, Cletnentsen, Dunkirk 31 days, lu bal.Hark lirugl Oubrovackl (Aust), Pestich, London 31 dsvt In

ballast to ordsr. .*». «u

. B-"_* «ernMsl (Nor), Troy, Rotterdam 34 days, in ballast toFulll'h I'.dVe 4 Co.


»ark Pswashlck (of Uverpool), I'rv, Clsnfusgos 20 dsvs.with tugar o M Ttyior A Co. vessel to .1 F Whitney A Co»trs Ad.'lls csrlton, Pai-kard. Cow Hay, c U, with coal to

Perklnt * Job vestel to Parsons A LoudW

Brig Stsrllght, Tln.inptou, of aud from Now.Haven, In hsl.last to W'A P Armstrong.

»rig ll.i-cllaainltti (of Windsor, N 9), McCulloch. Hull 34days, in ballast to Flinch, Y.ajv A < ...

* «Trail a« rle. Doudon, Canleuas 8 dsys. with turar toorder, vessel to master.

* *"

scnr J p »isk.» (of I'arrsboro. N Si, oMnaley. Arroyo. P It

Whit ne \C mu]ttte* lv <-"-lw'»-' * »'atad-i vessel to J Fsehr Kaiiei Hanger (of New-Usven), Hurdy, Barsoua 10

days, with Irait t.. W Douglass. *"-i. i»-rso«ia lu

scnr IthiHln Holmes, Algrru, Baltimore..«-i in i s alimare, Baila, Virginia.hclir Samuel Hart, llolhrook, »ruutwicki, Oa. 8 day« with

lumber loonier "-v». «"«

iSchrJ B Atkinson (of Phlladsluhlal, lluhhard MatauaaaJune 14, will. ..mar lo order, vessel t. masiar



»ehr Ricardo Baracoa. Newton, Baracoa 10 .»»« ____ e-,,.:<> «¡orne. Peanall; v««e-l *í-»ff. W___5rL V i»I* ltt f"J'**-)<hr John Brill. Roger«, Wllmw^'V c «___ _-.».

l«v«l »tore» to *. Milla. ..¦.»¦. -o »., « «u«-«, -,,._

r^r-»hlp Hrenierlebe tG-*rl, Ramio, trou _oa_»-_ __a ».

Annie Hurrlll (HD, Blau vet, from -trdàev c IL w___ ÏUaoc'ioietl bclow, came tbecltv _»itb. "***

W IN U-Hiiuaet.At Handy Hoc'-, light. SB W: verr_axrAt Uty !._.__. l__t,W; -lear.

. T_-_»_y.

CLEARED.8ti- rtipia (Br), for London; Alrerla inri, for Uven-ooi-

C»n»diMr'r). for Harr«; Rotterdam (Dutchl, for Ro'tenhun-state, of Nevada (Br», for i»la»gow r«r Kiogevna»nd Jarirrel; Niagara, for Havana: 1.1%<««raton, toySava.i.nh; «»eorge W Clyde, for Charleston, E C Diddle, totPhiladelphia.shipa liorna (Br). W»dlt»y. Yokohama, Bn«_ _ J«von«; Re¬

ben«, Ilia», Cork or Faluio'iih for orders, Thomas Daabaat'eNephew A Co; Jame« Fo«ter,Jr, Aheel, Liverpool, chante HMarshall Co.Harks Carlo K (Amt), (Jolnborrlch, Plymouth, Eng. «loco.

vích A-»o; II er»ill_ (Poil), Netto, I.islmn. 0 Amslnck _ Co-l'anllue Davis («lei ), Kmnh. Antwerp, lull A ludm«_n-, Haa-viiiul (Nor). Clone««, Dunkirk, Frunce, Fundí, Edve a CoiColon bl».. nil-kelson. flarbadoe*. H Tmw brin te'* t-Ucin«. Vlt-torla Hal), De Martin«), Marseille», Lann», Stoiey At Co-, KoyalAlind (Hr., Kislier, I.ivei-pool, Arkell, Tuft» A Co; Hoke(Nor), Michel»««, Ain«ter«lam, Hockiuaiin, tterleio Co; Mid«(Nor), Orumrimlseu. Barcelona, Fuucb. Kdve A C_ Vaaa(Nor). RenOorltr. A-lbonr, Den, Punch. I.dre _ Co-, Proteo«Harrimnn, Bombay and Kurr«cble, H K I, J E Wart * Ce-, XTrti.iiisseppKIlai). Kepuetto, Cork for order«, Slecovlch _Co: Musai, s Hlsisdell, (llikey. Bombay. Howe, «loodwin 4k Co-,Cerere(An»t), c«»«armlch, Dublin, J C Heager; J««on (Oer),Orlmrr), Roltcrdam, T» Ruby, Rice. Port Spain, D Trowbridge AY Co; Q«B_,

Pierce. D Trowbrldire * Co.Hchrs Knchanti-e«». Phillip», savannah. Evan«, Bait A Co;

Ooodwill iBr), Robert«. Harbor Ulaurt. W Doii-rlaaa; C B Pain«Ililrard. I'-int-a-Pitr«..«, Dwight A Platt; I. A Iratwarda, Mil«1er. i'ei. amlma, A Abbott; VNIi (Br). Palmer. Dorcheeter.N II. r I Nevlu» _ Sou; Arnou (Hr), Leonord, HI John, N B,P I Nevn.f A Mon; A 11 Weeks. Parr, Paaeagee, »pain, RarerBro« Coi Nelly Potter, llonaro, «Jcorgetown, S C, W Klllnm.n: »has li Reara. Turner, Boston. Jed Fry« 4. Co; B«il_R_MeIl. Smith, Fernandina, Warren Bay.

MISCELLANEOUS.Lóanos«, Jnne26.~The «bip Robert Kerr (Rr) (late Capt

Fleming), from Calcutta March '-.*> for li. »ton, put into Cap«Town on the -ih lnat for «uppliea. The matter kid eotninittedsuicide. FOREIGN FORTH.RoiTHAMPTOH, June 26.-Hailed »tr Wyoming (C f»), for

New York.Ut'ev..\»TowR, June 26..Balled «tr Coltie (Br). for N«w.

York.¡.«'M»«in, Jane 26..Sailed _-«1 lust. Jurent«, BMsa, Capt

Gleiten; 113- ln»t. Nevada, Jessonda, Bremen, «'apt Hel'mers;24th lnst, W II Jen-lna, the Utter for .New.York; ' in»t,conietou. «i.«mi Uubrovf. kl; 27th last. Nimrod, Retlgione«Liberte, Divlco, Happy Home, the latter for Delaware Break«water.Arr 13th lnst, Ivanhoe, Capt Klrkpafrlck, M J Brady; 24th

lnst. Ralph M Hay wood. Ih« Utter at Ur l«!»»ne; Pet-evnrsaest_f»th laet, Itesolnte, «'»pt Lawrence; Cbiupew», Andrew Lo-vitt. Janet Korbe«. Mirona P.occa, Tre Cognait. S_j-», C«ptLarson; A »ha Ouanlto, Olinlditta D, J B««vd, Kraaa. RuthPalmar. /i<> Hatlista, Barbaros»«, the Utter off scllly; Daphne,on* Port-mouth; Suuderland-, Ella Vose, Fram, Au¬

gusta, «rapt Beyeriicb; 2flt_ in»«, (ilenola. oi.mpt«. Dolphin,< »pt Forauil; Ounbi.da, «.art Ueorg, the latter orueied and pro.ceeded to Narva- Minerva.

The Knox Summer Resort. . Gentlemenun«ter»und the importance of keeping the bead ooal Jut at

thl« «e»«on of the year, and It U retiuUtte, to ««re.pll-h thl«.to «eenre one ot Knox'« beautiful bit«. Purchase« can be

made either «A 212 Broadway, er bla Fifth Avean« Hotel «.**

l_-____oa_ -tm-

Pomkroy's Elaotic Rupture IMt is the besttrnaa, without naeul «prlng«. Price 04. 746 Broedway.

-*~*~The Stin«;inc. Sensation in tiif. Ocllf.t

Called heartburn, »nx-oed» from acidity in l-e»4«_«««h, and taremedied by M ilk or Ma«-M_-ia. AU drugg)»t-,

There is no adulteratiou of inferior fish inthe "XI.CK Dóneles» Codflah." They are »«Iceted from(leorgea Bank fish.

STRICTURK, lmrjotenc«-, and DiOHMt of tha<lener»tive Organ« radically and »nee.iilv cure- Honra

«to- andt»lo7. HKN KY A. DANIELS,-t D. 141 UumIon »T.

SILVER-PLATED WARE,Manufactured by the

Meriden Britannia Comi-ant,No 46 EAST FOCRTEENTH-Vr., «

Union-tSquare, N. Y.







Writing Portfolios,IN LINEN, TAINTED. ,









highly iirrxi&vssoaxrT.A I'i'lioVEI) bj tb« _t«*-«4«n«u «fe Xr.le.un of Fram*»», «a4

it« »»I« in Fr-iic« autburized by epei'ial nnler of tb« Fr«_cbOovern nient.

Rt-t-oiiiiuemle- by th«hifbe»t MEDICAL AUTHORlTIEiIn New-York a«"A irreal relief for «rMick-«««.""A «leli-flitt-l b«ver«*tr."" Far »ii|>erl«)r to Vtobr, s«lt»«r, or any other."" M«i»t frrateful and (.efreabln»-."Absolutely "tire and wboleaome auperior t» all for dally

nu iree from all ih« obJecUoo« urje«! «x'.»la»t ligio- tai»riilliiiilly a«-rat«Ml water«."

" linpr.-ciiati- only with !U own ga«."" I'm«tu! «ml very «Kreeablo."" Healtblul and well «ulted for Dy«p«p«la «nd c_*M «f «.ul«

dine»*« "

- Mil.ilv antlarld-, »«roe« well with dy»iiei»tic« and w_«r«there la a.mty dial!.'

" Itv far the moat a_re««ble, «lone or uii-n-.l «.ith wla«, «».-tul in («ariarrh» of Hloniach or Blaililer, »ii,l in gout."

" Not omy a luxury, but a nt«<-e_tlty."T«»be ha«l of ill Win« Mer« bout«, tiro.« t«. Dni(fjl«t\ «B'l

Mlnetal Water Dealer« tbrougbout tbe lint.««! Hum«, tudwholraale of



Kv, ry K«u,üne bottl« bear« tb« w__l»r<-l YELLOW pit'


ROYALPo«uflLBfli<_>3_iXT*r--J3-i'_r puna.

" BOYAL" hat s ¡srcer sale thsu sil other baking powders conibia«)d. be«*n_e of lu un«..íest-one«1 futltT. "}JJ.Strength, llealthfuin.-s. ami Mttesey. Preosred tram OKAPIS CREAM TAMA», !i,.p,..-t..i «»«X^-^.yÄäiS-Spowder direct from «bu wine district of France; hss twelve.! ihnlu lorscuicni aud recomiuendstlon ol tnc .**»ew iw» »v~

.t Heslt'i. No family having on.-.-us«-1 the-lloyal liakiua V«wder will ever be without 1Ufioid only In tin sans by all grocers.