Case History Based on Jacked Steel Pipe Piles to Rectify Inclined Buildings.pdf

- 15 -  Architect ural Engineering February 2014, Volume 2, Issue 1, PP.15-19 Case History Based on Jacked Steel Pipe Piles to Rectify Inclined Buildings H aile i Kou # , Mi ngyi Zhang Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao 266033, China # Email: [email protected] Abstract Steel pipe piles are often used as an effective technique for improving the performance of inclined buildings, which derive their load-carrying capacity due to lateral confinement from the surrounding soil and  toe resistance. The traditional steel pipe piles may lead to uncontrollable settlement and instability after rectification. In this paper, an alternative method of enhancing the  performa nce of steel pipe piles with screw devices driven vertically is suggested. The method is developed in a practical engineering and verified feasible. The investigation is carried out by monitoring the cracks on the wall with Electronic Levels during and after rectification. It is indicated that the steel pipe piles with screw devices have much higher stability with a significant reduction in settlement comparing with other methods. Keywords:  I nclined Buildings ; Stee l Pipe Pil e s ; Rectif icati on; Sc rew Device I. INTRODUCTION Among various techniques for improving the performance of inclined buildings, jacked steel pipe piles are considered as one of the most versatile and cost-effective improvement techniques (Guo Tong et al., 2002). Steel  pipe piles,which the end locates on bearing stratum, act as strong and stiff elements that can carry higher bearing capacity (NICOLA,1999).It is well established that jacked steel pipe piles can supply load-carrying capacity in  building rectification (Thorburn,1985).Afte r installation, the steel pipe piles may not derive significant load carrying capacity owing to uncontrollable settlement. In order to enhance the performance of  steel pipe piles when treating weak deposits, it is imperative that the tendency of uncontrollable settlement during rectification should be restricted effectively. Hence, there is a need to identify effective and alternative methods which should be practically feasible to enhance the performance of  steel pipe piles in building rectification. In this paper, an alternative method to enhance the performance of  steel pipe piles in building rectification by special screw device on top of steel pipe piles is suggested. Through the rectification case history in Shanxi province of China, the design and technological process of the screw device are introduced in detail. II. DESIGN PROGRAMME As steel pipe piles are generally used beneath uniformly loaded areas such as buildings, the common method of restraining further settlement fails adequately. A special adjustable screw device is designed to reduce the subsequent settlement after rectification and enhance the stability of buildings, as shown in Figure1.The screw device, which locates on the steel pipe piles, can be adjusted according to engineering needs. As the most important  part of the method, the screw devices need have good self-lock property in order to prevent subsequent settlement. Therefore, triangle screw thread is taken and number 45 carbons steel is chosen as the material. The parameters of the screw device should be chosen according to the largest force of the inclined building and, the strength needs be checked before used. In order to prevent further sink during rectification process, pre-compression screw devices with two single screws are adopted in the side with larger settlement, as shown in Figure 2. After rectification, the jack would be pulled out and only one pair of screw device will be used.

Transcript of Case History Based on Jacked Steel Pipe Piles to Rectify Inclined Buildings.pdf

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 Architectural Engineering

February 2014, Volume 2, Issue 1, PP.15-19

Case History Based on Jacked Steel Pipe Piles to

Rectify Inclined BuildingsHailei Kou 

# , Mingyi Zhang

Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao 266033, China

#Email: [email protected]


Steel pipe piles are often used as an effective technique for improving the performance of inclined buildings, which derive their

load-carrying capacity due to lateral confinement from the surrounding soil and   toe resistance. The traditional steel pipe piles 

may lead to uncontrollable settlement and instability after rectification. In this paper, an alternative method of enhancing the

 performance of steel pipe piles  with screw devices driven vertically is suggested. The method is developed in a practical

engineering and verified feasible. The investigation is carried out by monitoring the cracks on the wall with Electronic Levels

during and after rectification. It is indicated that the steel pipe piles with screw devices have much higher stability  with a

significant reduction in settlement comparing with other methods.

Keywords:  I nclined Buildings; Steel Pipe Pil e s; Rectif icati on; Screw Device

I.  INTRODUCTION Among various techniques for improving the performance of inclined buildings, jacked steel pipe piles  are

considered as one of the most versatile and cost-effective improvement techniques (Guo Tong et al., 2002). Steel

 pipe piles,which the end locates on bearing stratum, act as strong and stiff elements that can carry higher bearing

capacity (NICOLA,1999).It is well established that jacked steel pipe piles  can supply load-carrying capacity in building rectification (Thorburn,1985).After installation, the steel pipe piles may not derive significant load carrying

capacity owing to uncontrollable settlement. In order to enhance the performance of  steel pipe piles when treating

weak deposits, it is imperative that the tendency of uncontrollable settlement during rectification should be restricted

effectively. Hence, there is a need to identify effective and alternative methods which should be practically feasible

to enhance the performance of  steel pipe piles in building rectification.

In this paper, an alternative method to enhance the performance of  steel pipe piles in building rectification by special

screw device on top of steel pipe piles is suggested. Through the rectification case history in Shanxi province of

China, the design and technological process of the screw device are introduced in detail.


DESIGN PROGRAMME As steel pipe piles are generally used beneath uniformly loaded areas such as buildings, the common method of

restraining further settlement fails adequately. A special adjustable screw device is designed to reduce the

subsequent settlement after rectification and enhance the stability of buildings, as shown in Figure1.The screw

device, which locates on the steel pipe piles, can be adjusted according to engineering needs. As the most important

 part of the method, the screw devices need have good self-lock property in order to prevent subsequent settlement.

Therefore, triangle screw thread is taken and number 45 carbons steel is chosen as the material. The parameters of

the screw device should be chosen according to the largest force of the inclined building and, the strength needs be

checked before used.

In order to prevent further sink during rectification process, pre-compression screw devices with two single screws

are adopted in the side with larger settlement, as shown in Figure 2. After rectification, the jack would be pulled outand only one pair of screw device will be used.

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screw bolt

screw cap



foundation ring beam


 transmission bar 



foudation ring beam

 precompression screw

device (as tool) jack 

the reserved pisition

 of screw


Before start to rectify, the accurately accommodation amplitude must be calculated to make sure that the building is

safe enough during the process. The calculated principle is shown in Figure 3,where△stands for inclination

magnitude and H is the total height of the building. The theoretical fulcrum should be in the middle of bottom

surface. However, in practical engineering, there may be no pile at that point, the pile nearest to the point is taken as

the fulcrum. s1, s2, s3 and s4 in the Figure 4 stand for the demanded rectification magnitude of piles respectively,

which can be calculated by graphic method or simple proportional relation. The rectification should be done for

several times, and about 1/10 of the total regulation magnitude for each time.


the rectified plane

incline plane



In order to avoid further cracks, it is more effective that lifting-up and forcing-down are carried out simultaneously.

Forcing-down measures, including moving away the excessive remained foundation under the foundation ring beam,

soaking the soil under remained foundation, and loading heavy objects on the floor ,  are necessary in the method.

The up or down extent of screw device can be controlled precisely, that is, corresponding up or down value occurs

when the device turns some angle. Because of good self-lock property of screw device, there is no need to measure

the angle one by one. The magnitude of each rectification should be controlled strictly in order to avoid temporary

twist of building caused by lifting-up. It is generally about 1-3mm or 1/10 of the total magnitude mentioned above.

The upper structure can afford such small deformation through inner force redistribution, and the further cracks can

 be avoided. After every lifting-up, the space on another side will shrink in several hours and repeat that until the

 building is ok. When the rectification is finished, the screw device has to be welded and wrapped with protective



A. Example situation

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The inclined building is a brick -concrete structure with 48.0m of length, 7.8 m in width, and 15.0m in height, which

is located in Yi xing, Shanxi Province, China. It is divided into 4 units, and the total floor area is 2031 m2. Two years

after construction, the building has been inclined because of non-uniform settlement and has big space between

 building and ground (see Figure.4 and Figure.5). At northeast corner, the largest settlement is 17.5 cm, about 1.13 %

of the total height, and the ratio is over 0.7 %. According to Chinese code ‘The identification standard of dangerous

 building’ (CJ13-86), it is termed as dangerous building and there are several cracks through the building. Through

field investigation  before rectification, the main reason is that within 10m under the building ,there exists

non-uniform miscellaneous fill and silty clay which is not treated sufficiently .The ring beams with section of 0.4

m×0.3 m in each floor are integrity and the foundation is made of rubble.





B. Rectif ying constructionIn this engineering, the designed dead load of each unit is 12500KN, and 58 piles are used, which the standard

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 bearing capacity of each pile Rk is 220 kN.The final installation pressure should not be lower than 330 kN (1.5×220

kN).Hence, the biggest load of each screw device is confirmed as 350KN, and M36×3 is chosen according to

mechanics code. The detailed parameters are shown in Figure 6. In addition, the shear stress, bending stress and

 bearing capacity of screw device should be calibrated in laboratory before used.

Before rectification, some remained foundation must be moved away, and then pilot holes with 60cm in width

should be excavated immediately, as shown in Figure7.Steel pipe piles are pressed into the holes sectionally byhydraulic jack, which the section is about 2 meters and joined with sulphide mastic. The total pile with 10.5m in

length can reach the stratum of dense sand through the stratum of silty clay and miscellaneous fill. But in practice

several piles may not follow the procedure exactly because it is mainly controlled by the pressure. Static loading

testing is later carried out to substantiate the piles’ bearing capacity. 

      3      0

      1      4      5

      1      2


      1      0


¦ µ50




      1      2      5      1

      3      5    ~

      1      8      5




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