
01/20/22 nuranisah 1 Textus Osseus & Textus Osseus & Textus Cartilagineus Textus Cartilagineus Nur Anisah Bagian Histologi & Biologi Sel Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada

Transcript of Cartilago

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Textus Osseus & Textus Osseus & Textus Cartilagineus Textus Cartilagineus

Nur Anisah

Bagian Histologi & Biologi Sel

Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Tujuan BelajarTujuan Belajar

Mengenali dan membedakan struktur mikroskopis:

- jaringan penyusun tulang dan - jaringan kartilago

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Tissues of the Human Body: An Introduction

Connective Tissues

Fluid Connective Tissues


Connective Tissues Proper

Loose Connective Tissues


Loose Connective Tissues and Inflammation

Adipose Reticular

Dense Connective Tissues

Regular(collagen) Irregular(collagen) Regular(elastic)

Supportive Connective Tissues

Osseous Tissue Compact Cancellous

Cartilage Hyaline Elastic Fibrocartilage

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BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY:Cartilagecells-- chondroblast, chondroclast, chondrocytecartilage-- hyaline, elastic, fibrousisogenous grouplacunaperichondriumterritorial and interterritorial matrixBonecanaliculicanals-- central and Volkmann'scells-- megakaryocyte, osteoblast, osteoclast, osteocyte, and osteoprogenitordiaphysis and epiphysisendosteum and periosteumHaversian system (osteon)Howship's lacunalacunalamellae (circumferential and interstitial)spicule/trabeculum

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Textus Cartilagineus Textus Cartilagineus (CARTILAGE) (CARTILAGE)

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Figure - Simplified representation of the connective tissue cell lineage derived from the multipotential embryonic mesenchyme cell. Dotted arrows indicate that intermediate cell types exist between the examples illustrated. Note that the cells are not drawn in proportion to actual sizes, eg, adipocyte, megakaryocyte, and osteoclast cells are significantly larger than the other cells illustrated.

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Sejenis jaringan ikat: - sel - serabut, - substansi dasar

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- Matriks (bahan intersel): * mempunyai konsistensi keras, kurang resisten terhadap tekanan drpd tulang * mengandung glikosaminoglikan

- Vaskularisasi/inervasi: sangat sedikit → nutrient & O2 → via subst. dasar

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Textus Cartilagineus(Jaringan Cartilago)

• Jaringan Cartilago komponen sistem kerangka tubuh,

Terdiri atas:

1. Komponen sel :

- chondrocytus

2. Komponen matrix :

- serabut kolagen

- substansia dasar

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1. Sel (Chondrocytus)

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■ Sel (chondrocytus): * di dalam lacuna cartilaginea

* bulat, inti eksentrik nukleolus

jelas sitoplasma basophil

ME permukaan chondrocytus tonjolan /lipatan2 → prosesus sitoplasmatis - REG & Golgi

- Tetes lemak dalam sitoplasma * sintesis & sekresi serabut (kolagen) subst. dasar. matriks ekstraseluler * energi anaerobik

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1. Substansia fundamentalis2. Matrix territorialis cellularum3. Matrix interterritorialis

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Types of Cartilage x 577 - 19k

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a. Cartilago hyalinaa. Cartilago hyalina

- Ujung tulang-tulang panjang

(permukaan artikulasi)

- Ujung anterior tulang-tulang iga

- Telinga eksternal

- Rangka janin

- Hidung, laring, trachea, dan


1. Distribusi

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Structure of a bronchusExternal Ear(Auricula or Pinna)

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2. Struktur: - Chondrocytus - Perichondrium

♣ Cartilago hyalina: ● Transparan (segar)

● Komposisi: kolagen II ir ~ subst dasar. hydroxylysine > ● Substansia dasar: * GAG’s * proteoglycans & agregat proteoglycan * glycoprotein * cairan jaringan (ultrafiltrat plasma darah)

Perichondrium:A. Stratum fibrosumB. Stratum chondrogenicum

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Cartilago hyalinaCartilago hyalina

Figure - Photomicrograph of hyaline cartilage. Chondrocytes are located in matrix lacunae, and most belong to isogenous groups.-The upper and lower parts of the figure show the perichondrium stained pink.- Note the gradual differentiation of cells from the perichondrium into chondrocytes. - H&E stain. Low magnification.

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Hyaline cartilage

• semi-transparan dan tampak kebiruan-berwarna putih.

• sangat kuat, tapi sangat fleksibel dan elastis.

• terdiri dari sel hidup, kondrosit, yang terletak jauh dalam ruang yang berisi cairan, kekosongan yang adalah jumlah luas dari matriks karet antara sel- sel dan matriks berisi sejumlah serat kolagen.• terjadi pada trakea,                   laring,                   ujung hidung,                   dalam hubungan antara tulang rusuk dan tulang dada                   dan juga ujung tulang di mana mereka membentuk sendi•Tulang rawan pada embrio mamalia sementara juga terdiri dari                 kartilago hialin.

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Functions:• 1. Reduces friction at joints. By virtue of the smooth surface of hyaline cartilage, it provides a sliding area which reduces friction, thus facilitating bone movement. • 2. Movement Hyaline cartilage joins bones firmly together in such a way that a certain amount of movement is still possible between them. • 3. Support The c-shaped cartilagenous rings in the windpipes (trachea and bronchi) assist in keeping those tubes open. •4. Growth Hyaline cartilage is responsible for the longitudinal growth of bone in the neck regions of the long bones.

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Figure - Schematic representation of molecular organization in cartilage matrix. Link proteins noncovalently bind the protein core of proteoglycans to the linear hyaluronic acid molecules. The chondroitin sulfate side chains of the proteoglycan electrostatically bind to the collagen fibrils, forming a cross-linked matrix. The oval outlines the area shown larger in the lower part of the figure.

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ChondrohistogenesisChondrohistogenesis(kejadian histologis kartilago)(kejadian histologis kartilago)

Figure - Histogenesis of hyaline cartilage. A: The mesenchyme is the precursor tissue of all types of cartilage. B: Mitotic proliferation of mesenchymal cells gives rise to a highly cellular tissue. C: Chondroblasts are separated from one another by the formation of a great amount of matrix. D: Multiplication of cartilage cells gives rise to isogenous groups, each surrounded by a condensation of territorial (capsular) matrix.

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3. Pertumbuhan :3. Pertumbuhan :

■ Histogenesis chondrocytus: Chondroblast mesenchymal (precartilago) chondrocytus

a. Pertumbuhan interstitial: * Di bagian dalam kartilago sel-sel


b. Pertumbuhan aposisional: * Diferensiasi chondroblast

chondrocytus di bag dalam perichondrium (bag.

sebelah luar kartilago)

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Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan:

• A. Normal:• B. Calcificatio atau

pengapuran• C. Regeneratio:• D. Transformatio asbestos

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Penyembuhan fraktur kartilago :

Stem sel mesenchymal di perichondrium diferensiasi chondrocytus

Jika celah lebar scar(bekas luka/parut) jar. ikat padat * dibungkus perichondrium; kecuali kartilago (articulatio)

tdk. memiliki perichondrium

Fungsi : * osteogenesis cartilaginea

- lokasi : epiphisis

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b. Fibrocartilagob. Fibrocartilago

■ Jaringan dng sifat pertengahan di antara sifat jaringan ikat padat dan cartilago hialin

1. Distribusi - Tulang pada tengkorak kepala - Simfisis pubis - Diskus intervertebralis2. Struktur - Kondrosit → terbentuk dalam kelompok atau barisan di antara sejumlah berkas serabut kolagen

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Discus IntervertebralisDiscus Intervertebralis Tiap discus intervertebralis

Terdiri atas: 1. Annulus fibrosus 2. Nucleus pulposus

Figure 8—25. Example of a special type of joint. Section of a rat tail showing in the center the intervertebral disk consisting of concentric layers of fibrocartilage (annulus fibrosus) surrounding the nucleus pulposus.The nucleus pulposus is formed by residual cells of the notochord immersed in abundant viscous intercellular matrix. PSH stain. Low magnification.

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Komposisi & organisasi - kolagen tipe I (kasar) - tersusun berlapis-lapis - arah tiap lapisan tidak sejajar - tidak memiliki perichondrium Fungsi : - ketahanan terhadap perubahan bentuk/posisi dan tekanan

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Figure - Photomicrograph of fibrocartilage. Note the rows of chondrocytes separated by collagen fibers. Fibrocartilage is frequently found in the insertion of tendons on the epiphyseal hyaline cartilage. Picrosirius-hematoxylin stain. Medium magnification.

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Slide Fibrous cartilage appears to be a transition between dense connective tissue and hyaline cartilage. It is usually not very well demonstrated. Slide #9, is not the same slide in all slide boxes! If the predominant color on your slide is pink, find the hyaline cartilage, then find some dense C.T. In between, you should see a region where there are lacunae surrounded by collagen fibers (pink).

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Fibrokartilago putih adalah jaringan sangat sulit.

Bundel tergantung pada tekanan yang bekerja pada tulang rawan.

Bundel kolagen mengambil arah sejajar dengan tulang rawan.

Fibrocartilago ditemukan sebagai cakram antara vertebra antara tulang kemaluan di depan korset panggul dan sekitar tepi rongga artikular seperti rongga glenoid di sendi bahu.

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Peredam kejut (Shock absorbers)               Tulang rawan antara berdekatan                vertebra menyerap guncangan yang akan                jika kerusakan dan jar tulang                sementara kita berlari atau berjalan.

Menyediakan kokoh tanpa menghambat gerakan.

                  Para fibrocartilage putih membentuk perusahaan

patungan antara tulang tetapi masih memungkinkan untuk

wajar tingkat gerakan.

Memperdalam soket (Deepens sockets)                  Dalam rongga artikular (seperti bola-socket dan-                  sendi di pinggul dan daerah bahu) putih                  fibrokartilago memperdalam soket untuk membuat                  dislokasi kurang mungkin.


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Chondrocytus sintesis matriks (GAG’s)

● Thyroxine & testosteron

memacu sintesis GAG’s

● Cortisone, hydrocortisone & estradiol

menghambat sintesis

* somatotropin somatomedin C (GH hipophysis) (hepar)

pertumbuhan cartilago

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c. Cartilago elasticac. Cartilago elastica

1. Distribusi - di dalam daun telinga - ddg dlm kanalis auditorius eksternum - tuba auditorius (Eustachii) - Epiglottis - laring

2. Struktur - identik dengan struktur kartilago hialin (serabut kolagen); dan serabut elastik yang bercabang banyak ( Orcein → elastin)

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Cartilago elastica

Komposisi & organisasi ~ hyalin * serabut elastis dalam massa matriks;

fibril collagen II + elastik (elastin) * perichondrium

Fungsi: - fleksibilitas

Lokasi: - auricula - epiglottis.

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Figure - Photomicrograph of elastic cartilage, stained for elastic fibers. Cells are not stained. This flexible cartilage is present, for example, in the auricle of the ear and in the epiglottis. Resorcin stain. Medium magnification.

Serabut elastik (Weigert)

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Slide #8, (Epiglottis) The elastic fibers have been stained dark purple. Elastic cartilage looks a lot like hyaline cartilage unless the elastic fibers in the matrix are specially stained.

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Elastic Elastic cartilagecartilage

• Basically elastic cartilage is similar to hyaline cartilage, but in addition to the collagenous fibres, the matrix of the elastic also contains an abundant network of branched yellow elastic fibres.

• They run through the matrix in all directions.

• This type of cartilage is found in the lobe of the ear, the epiglottis and in parts of the larynx.

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Functions:1. Maintain shape. In the ear, for example, Elastic cartilage helps to maintain the shape and flexibility of the organ. 2. Support Elastic cartilage also strengthens and supports these structures.

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Craigmyle, MBL. (1990). Atlas Berwarna HISTOLOGI. Alih Bahasa: Jan tambajong. Edisi ke 2. EGC, Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. Jakarta. pp. 164-167.

Kuehnel, Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology, and Microscopic Anatomy © 2003 Thieme

Basic Tisue Copyright ©1999 The McGraw-Hill Companies.

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