Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this...

lE lM l:, T l ' , L " 'II;; \Till ,,( Ihr bll " In Ihr ',1111,,"1. ,"" :' 01' \I h.I't ': .. 'n,' n F,r:,lr of thl : ;1 r(' il' art ;; ,; , .. dnl)' . ':ll,"rahlr , r.' Thr , .. ,tC(l. "'llrr '\ r\\'f011n nlan r., " ,',II ... 'mrn In Ihr \ ' ,('ra,rn on M ,\ 11f SrplrmMr, \I hit'h datr Ihr ,'n"'rrn to rli,l , ,' dnim. of 'rhlrh h.'I'r notier, , · ';1 TolIn', thl' • , . , "'j I :1I<t. :\ 11, I"", $3,000,000 Stolen In Holdup orgllnlzation anti split second timing. Postmaster .' General Regl. na Itl lIevlns cut short vaca· tlon and Immediately oUered a £10,000 ($3,000) reward for In[ormallon IcatUng to the IIrres!. PoUco wllh trn(,ker Rcotlrcd the countryside 8n;\ threw up roadblocks aroum! ('heddington, 40 mlles northwest o[ I.ondon, where the gang 'After fnking a red signal 10 . the 12·car, ?Icscl.pow. errtl train nt a rural Junction. 01 comparable robherles, the biggest cash haUl In North America came from the rob. berv of a Ulllted Slates' mall truck Illst Aug, 14 Ply· mouth, l\lasR. That loot totalled $1.:151,277. EN ROUTE TO LONDON Thc trnln WIIS en routc from Glasgow to LOlldon. It carried only mall and a staff of 7j postal \vorkers. They were 80r\. ing through lellcrs and parcels as the stopped at the Isolated Scars Crossing just nfter 3 R.m. Fireman David Wllltby clam· down from the locomotive to Investlgnte the red slgnnl. Fh'e men. masked hy sloek· Ings puUrd over their hends. wattlng for him. "One 01 thcm pushetl me dllll'lI." Whitby snid. "Anotlte,' put bls halld nver my mouth. lie told lIIe: "If you shnul, I'll kill you." Then thev morcllcd me bad; 10 Ihe engine. 1\1y IIriv.r, en· gineer .lnelt l\1t\ts, was coshed (hlackJacked). and tbe next thing I Imew the gang II'ns IJantleu£fillg us Meanwhile, nnollll'r group' 01 hnndits uncoupled Ihe fronl two conches from the remainder of the tratll. nnd Mills Ihen were ordercd to take the anti Icmling cOllcbes ahont a mile (lown the traelt to n l)rltlge ol'er n country rondo Whitby said he and Mills were made to out of the cab nml lie dowu beside the rails. ;llore I11l1sl<etl men appenred and un· londed Ihemail bags. They took about 10. DIAMONDS IN LOOT? There was a report the 101lt lIIay have included n men! o[ diamonds for Hatton Market, London's gem tradin/! ccntre. 1'08t office worker! In IIw two front coaches said the rohbers bnltered thflr way in, thrratenlng to shoot anYOlle who stood ill their way, As they Imdllted in n corner. thr ban· dits hC/lan hurling tile mati Inlo a waiting truck. expert was the rnld that the post office men ia Ihe rear coaches knew nothing until • guard nolieed that the front of the Irain had disappeared. Arter tbe ganff drove ofl, Whitby, 26. and Mills. 58, stum· hied along Ihe track in d:.rltness unlit they spolted all approaching train. A mati SOf· ter lIagged It down with a flashlight. Local police were agog at the and detail which bad gone inlo the robher,V. A spokes· man saitl the bandits Cllt lele. photle wires over II wille area nround Cheddington Immedia· tely hrlore the robbery. The railway lights al Scars Crossing bad been rigged to 8lgnn\ danger-wilh four ordt· nary flashlight baltedes wired to the red lamp and a glove covering the green that showe:! the track was clear. "It was obvIously a very pro· fessional Job," said Detedive Supt. Malcolm I'ewtrell. "They seemed to know their railway The whole Ol,era· tion, from the time the traIn was stopped to the time the raiders drove away took onl.r "bout 15 minutes." The robhery stirred 811 outer,\' tn the British pl'PSS. :'>/ewspaprr articles called for slronger pro· tection for post office emplov" ees and betler security meth· ods. A post olfice spokesman said "this is prohably the first suc· cessfut robbery of a travelling post office train since Ihey inl1'odueed In Britain 125 ago." lie' satd the haul Included n large quantity of used but sti'l valid paper currency which was heing returned by Scoltls!1 banks 10 the I.ondon mint fur rcpulping. One bank, the Na· tional Provinei?I, officially ad· mltted It had lost more tban £:;00,000 ($1,500.00). l: \ 1\11 thr Goodwill Warrantv \:\ Cars We. Sell - It will t \. 111 Sat isf actIOn After Sale. t,:' t' l ma Nova Motors Ltd. THEDAILYNE All forms ,of Insurance nED CAR LOT -----------.---------------------------- 'Vater !it. Elizabeth Ave. ST. JOHN'S; NEWFOUNDLAND,FHI1JAY, ,WC;tSf H, 19(i3 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS -. " , ' COU111J?ies Will In Nellr Future iKennedy Baby Improving NONV : ' , .' , , By TilE CA:-<AllIAN PRESS Xearly (lnt'·third of the countrirs of the world. including suhscribed to the limited nudenr test ban treaty un Thursday-the first day it was open tn general llil'ltll11ats que ned UI) ill Washington, Lon(lolI nnd Moscow for the honor 01 pledging their J(ovrl'l1mcnts ns associate t'ilartt'r members of the V.S.,British,Sol'icl pact tn outlaw all atomic BUSTO:-'; (.-\P'-An enormuus explosions except thtlse unde\' ground. hrcathing dedec-the only on€ of its kind-\\'as pul to C:lIlallian l'elll'cseniatil'es In all thr rr ('al)itals. Thl1rstl<1y to aid the baby Sell (leorge Drew., Cann(lian high I'ommissiollrr, Jlnt his name to Ihe London copy to lend olr of President and 1';1'1)' 2.1 firsl·tlay signatories in the British cn]lital. ucdy.' "", ._" .. ,---- .------! Altstralian Ambass,ltlor 1I0,,;.l- ..... - --',"" .. -. . Patrick elC Wants I ani Beale headcd 31 signers In ;:aUllng adherence by gOI'ern· hennedy s condlhon \l'as, I Washington, C, A, !litchiI'. raa, Imenl" .which arc not I1nil'ersady II as lInpl'()\'ed hut shll ,lIla:s amlJa>sactor 10 the Unile,l: re('o;nllZed, , Doctors al the children s l11e!l· VO "lce In : Slat('s, registered a short time E ,t GCl'nlall\,: Ical placed the baby, i lalt'I', i ,for" "I; prclI1atur,ely 011 , In 22 C!l!1Il', .,gued III ,:'\clthcl "m., Cdpe Cod mlo ;I C. "IVI"I Servl"ce I tries recorded their approl'al of: ernmcnt. ;s recogmzed hy the, t1l1'ee·eompartment del'Jee 1 the Irealy on opening day, I Ull;te!l stat.r,.,. ,measu:es "! feel I,on g , and elgnt ,\mh:lsS,l(lol' A l' no j d Slnt:h I one JS nOlll1ri hy the: fce.l m !llametel, fhe bahy B "" ,i;(I1cd [or Canada, i treaty. It rloes not. : 1\'cI;:he(1 foul' pounds 10 ounces arg lJllllng I Allowing (01' many (IUfllica. ,effeel until thc lhrec 1I1'1g;I1'II, at huth,. . , . ' U lions, Thllrsdays lotal IIf signa. SlgnatorJes I'<lt.,fy. :\s the ?,g(o.' Press Secrelary PJl1'l'e Illries eaml' 10 making Ii \l'ere gOll1g Oil,. 'preSident told reporters al p,m, .t 1e Ily HOIlElrr HleE ' tntal o[ 3i, counting the uri!!ina., henncdy sent the Senate 1 then sholled mlmcdlate .0'1''1'.\\\',\ ((p) - TIl(' tors 11'11<1 signed In,t l\\nnday, i the Ireilly. accompal11cd hI' ;1 i dlilll Lillln!' has hlt..1 1i2 ilEA])" '10 SIG:\' I asking fur speedy ratio 111 the afkrnoon, thg gOl'ernmenl .It wanls a The U.S, slale dcpnrtme:lt' II calion. ,presJtlent telephoned Ken· III the prcpal'atlOn tlf colledil 'said (;2 of the worltl's 114 Aflel' the trcnl): has he I'll nedy, who IS rccol'ermg from machinery for til!' nations alre,,,ly hal'e by the Three, ,nthcl' caesarean at Oils 'clv,1 ,erl'ICC, ,their inlention to <lntl naltnns, can, In It hy All Force Base !!osPltal, t!11t CLC Presi!IPnt Clnll(le .111Clrlin arc cxpccted to do so e\'e,l· slllJn;,ttmg lI1stl'llmcl:ts of i the was slightly 1m· said in :111 intervicw Thlll's(!:.y lnally. : flcnllOn to any. o,f the thl'le prol'c , . lhe congress plans to presenl it; I The treat)', on en to all state" Ircnty.l;cepers, l"S, stat.r <lc· PI<lns for IhL presldel'! \'iell's 10 lhe eahinet as well is expectcrl to pick lip mo.'e pl1l'tment legal exp"rts SJld, 1 remain III Bo,len ;rhursday ! to the special committee sel signatlll'l's l"dllY amI Satul'd:!'.', CIII:\',\. HL\:\,CE f ,he ;;Id ,by the "ol'crnment to dralt a' The tl'l'i1I)' documcnl is in Xota"l)' absent Irom 1 hu(;· 1110 I .0 Ollm\( le rans er 0 llr" Jlir harl Srl!rn of los bottle,feeds daughter Elena, !lmonlhs, during sit,tlolVD demonstralion ill rroal I'nrr,)' ('nlllllli"i"n o\'flees here August 6th. Slt.down wns due to friml August 6th. annil'crsary of the alomil' II "i!nlhil"". 111111\ ('arl), August 9th, annivcrsary of Nagasaki bomIJing.-(lll'I Photo). : l,iucprillt n [01' collectil'e hargai't. English and !lussi,1Il Each rn. da(s signings ,were Communi,t '< ill" [01' '1I'hilralioil 101 C"IWI(I,l'S I \'Ol' hoth the En"iish and Chllla and l'rance holh of md ,It t.IC mc: s coo· ,,,, , '.. " ' '. fel'l'nce II at " II It In II,P 1411,ODIl federal cidl sen·ants. Hlls,lan I'cnions. \l'hlch h:1\ e sCII."ned Ihe trealY: ,... I., a. a . ..'- cOllnll'i,'s in ":1 and sencr! notice thel' dnlll1llald ileml 111 the hab,l'- lie said lhe CLC hJS three alomie c:lIlit.IIs 10 sl,."" to PI'oceed with thc:r occnrrcd in 3ft· 1PM Seeks Conference T1II,:On New Pension Plan ,lhL' go\'cl'l1ment·s plan to Illstl· lhe ill1lHlI'lance ti101' attach til ent nllcle:lr programs, elnoon. ,Illie (!ollective bnrgaining, bll:' the Ireaty, . , Aftcr Signing for l'allilda 1'1 RESI'I!UTIO:-; I;\TPHO\"ES : at the same lime has slaked ;,! The l'.S" Hl'itain ,lIld Smith sair! Can].]iI The baby's respiration im. ,chum as spokeoman fOl' Soviel [;nio11 figurl' II", nae! wj,] greets the Ireaty not only as 3 III'o\'ed imnwdiatelv and ,<0 '. called he of maximum eifr.rli\'cness If of tory tesls aiso showed 1',lte emplo,ees o[ tlte fetlel.,lllhe maXlll1llm numhel' o[ ILl' III cluntnalmg a source of ment after he was placed in govCi'nment. i lions join, The)' Ihen·["rc i harmful radialion, '"It also <1' a spacious submarine ' like "The prel'"ilin"' ral!' emplo,,·I 11amcd each of lheir {',!pit"ls a<' first Inwards rstablishinr,! pressure ell a m b e r. Salin;!cr arc. for the ';nost part. I for the t.rca,t"·. ,(1: armamcnts con· : said, lie did nol say. ho;\' + f;C':ll\ 'I , irnll1 \'1' By SEI.SON 1:l1t-. Pearson's leller, of i11l'i· I:,! t !','\'.I St OTTAWA I CP I,-Poliey pl'oh· lation, sent to provincial , ,ie :'VI:tt In Icms as well as technical de· I when they were meeting t;.':nallt 1"];'linn.. tails uf the new Canada Pen· in Halifax, was made pub,ie , sinns Plan will be by his office Thursday, P,'N' !llfi· with prol'incial delegations at a Chairman of the . 1 rl11\itl". tl', ' conference opening here Sept. will be Health Judy !,. n I. tllill h t., . . " !t, if the provinces agree. . M, Cr It.'1 the !IiI P , . 't P 'III P t Id t "I • • nme 1I1mls er earson, W.10 r. carson 0 rep or el's , "I, ,t,Pm!,1 ':' rOI e. the inl'italinn last Mon. Thursday that if the premiel's In I :; 'day. says the discussions wi!! wish. the question of unemplo;· , I'lltlrol), I he "rail'l), lechnical." but it IS ment can also be the -:. ","\,.. impossible to separate questions of federal· provincial talks at the , '- of policy from them. same time, The premiers SU]· , lIood i, 1I'l'rl for " :1 ronarl, i .. har. , ,r 1'0 n I ' , .. 0,\1 P ,Ilr\ paper I She Ronna Insists Lied At Hearing n;:h ;0 ' Da, Alm 62 01 I;'; 5R 58 51 56 RI iR 811 it i5 68 72 ' .. 5;49 a,m. 10:54 p,m, llac!t .. Allg, 12 Ih ',Jupiter, 8een tonlcht, "1 ginning a 'lilrd Ih! movement t%ij !lars Iha t Iltt nUt untU ear. . ! 1lIber. l'Ides t11l, \1'32 llQ. ' P,m .5:4\ P,m. RONNA RICARDO but said he lVas afraid to come forward because of the public· ity, Ward. II 50·year·old society osteopath and artist. died last Saturday after having taken d massive overdose of drugs. FOUND UNCONSCIOUS On the last day of his trb I, he was found unconscious from drugs, on the same da'y II jury ruled him guilty of two charges of living on immoral earnings, The case rocked the country with its mixture of sell and famous names. Wade, who IntervieWfd In an Independent television program; said: LONDON (Reuters) - Ronna "If I had been courngeous Ricardo one of the witnesses enough to come forward at : at the Stephen Wart! vice trial, trinl the evidence I' have WOUld 'broke down and cried on II undouhtedly h a v e , television program Thursday Ward." night when she was asked why Wade said the Information be. she had changed her evidence had giVen the police ,proved II at the trial from thnt lending prosecution witness was she gave at the preliminary n perjurer. .. hearing. ' Asked why he was afraid 10 Miss Ricardo, wl.ose give his evidence. Wade snid: name is' Margaret RlchartisllIl, "My wife is an actress and repeated a charge 'she made at we have had more, than 0'11' tho trial Itself-that she had share of sensational pUhlieity. lied at the preliminary hearing We have n young daughter of 'of police pressure. five. and I don't, wish to Miss RIcardo said' "the poUr'! soclate myself with this sort of only took down Ihe . parts scandal where the mud sticks. statements they "Several of \Vard'n very close Joe Wade, husband of' aetr.'5S friends did not appear, H1d Corinne Grey" said on the same 'Ward told me witnesses wel'o program he could have given not coming forward \ woud evidence' that would' have "vir.· have come forward,'" Wade ---__ I dtcated", the' ,society said .. ' I ' resenled hy crart unions such ii- mo (,[ !illi. ,the haby would remam mIt. gested such a discllssion at I ------ - ------ II I 'f f the plumhers Cl1rlJcnlers. m;(· N M h .. a I ax con erence ' , . , , w . . . chumts, elecll'lct:ms and Ot.I· Mr, Pearson said Ihe penslOUS .• I '1 ew ac IDe plan talks pI'obably would 1'1'" ?I'S, I lei 1 m I orc h":c 1 , I I b I 't 'I t m oca \lIuons In'c y c:r· qUIre wo l a),s, U I mig I 1,0, t I I II C I' I I t I ' f ,PITL 'V Ie ,mm IiIn .a 1',1' third day, until Sept, 11, I OII,rcs>" ... Kennedy was heaming broadly he walked out o[ the bui!d· where the chamber Is 10· caled anti talked happily Will), Salini!€I' and then turned bac', I into the main hospital , ' , aga\11. necessary 0 con Ir.ue til' a Ie" .. S L .. If this is ave S lye s 10 the provmces. the prlmc 111 ' 11' To F ght F re isler said. Miss w;'1 I I I., ' , , B k aJ'l'ange ron agenda on the has:s ' . IUHON10 ,'CP1_ ,A reI (IIU' ,trcalment 10 lOO·per·cenl rea s of prol'illcial suggestions, 1 FORT S1' IOU:\' E C rep _: llOnary machlile which shoots and nCBI'll' IO().per·ccnl succe,,"· 1 The pensions plan includes a' 'l d'" f' .. , ,,, I 1 7 ,000 rolls of ('Ieelmlty i ful. 1 gOI'cI'lIment intention to raise I I A an' il OIt ,WI' c I faulty heal'ls is saving liI'cs at I The machine. called the Hot L,·ne ha"ic pensions to $7" a nl(,n;ll- I Jg 1 et', II'J y I'D?" exus.o St, s hospital here. 'Cardiovertel" cures OIl] types of , 0 .. 'try to put out a ruglllg gas well ".' . , from $65 for ever"one age 70 f' . 'I 'I [I' The, eleell'lC Jolt. which last., I abnormal beats I'luch I'cry 1 , , Ire G5 011 cs nort 1 0 lere, 1 400tl f d t' , 'h' . I and over. The govel'l1ment h'lS . loa sCClln , ex tnguls oftcn cause death. cr HELSINKI Fin· said it will not separate tlte .II sJlokesman said Thurs(l3y heart rhYlhr:'s-for'l strokes, It docs nol cure hea!'t' nish construction worker drove increase from the overail plan, the insurancc company with a meurahle or wiltch P'!. diseases, I all excavator through the 11os· The conlributory retirement policy on the well lVon't allow qlll;'ed ,extenSive use 0' drugs, I ,'" ' .. : COIl' Washington "hal line' pensions would start at tbe liP' any attcmpts to cxlir,gui,h I rCI'lOl1S for lhe The. tlOctOI 1\1 (.\1 e othe, 'Thlu'sdav and broke telecom. tion of the pensioncr at any lI'ell fire unless Adair is (,11 ailmcnt bas been only 70·pe,., Canmhan hospitals hare. S.· i hetween 65 anti 70, Payment.s hand, cent effectivc, Drll;(s often in" retldy ordered the maehme, i , would he available II' surviving ,. flirlcd further heart i developed hy a BOi'ton healt' The worker clearing spouses at any age after 65, Tl.'c [Ire JS consllming 250,OOtl Dr., Wi Iso n, hospit11 i expert. Dr. Lown and! a new on During the first 10 years o[ the 1 cullic feet of natural gas a day, Ca!·dlOlogISt. saltl today the nCl'l' valued at $3.000. outskirts of H,elslnkt when plan _ II'hich the gOI'crnment: hiS melal sheed througH hopcs can start next .1:111, 1- the undergronnd cable, conlributions hy indil'idu11s would not exceed two per cent of earnings, Employers won:d pay half [his amount. Contributions would he dedllc, tible for income tax purposes, Miss LaMarsh has said thnt the new hasic pension of S7;; " month, the contrihutory feature would mean that a person' at 70 could receive up to $175 a monlh. Seven Die In Crash Cali!. (AP) - 0\ station wagon earryiug a mrln. and nine children el'ashed inc" a concrete abutment on Ille Sun Bernardino freeway Thul'S' day, killing seven of them . Sgt, Richard C. Chapman 01 the California Highway Patr!!1 said the driver. Forrest Lewi:;, 41. of Los Angeles apparently feU asleep. Lewis was killed outright; along wlth two youngsters who were trapped with' him in front scat. I<our other stcrs died be[nre reaching a hosl'ital. i Dignitaries enjoy champagne toast after signing of nuclear test ban agreement by I He noticed nothing and went on workillg. Finnish post olfke j engineers rushed 10 the spot, The line. which carries both telephone and teleprinter con· neclions. was repaired about four hours after being cut. It is expected to be ready for service as an emergency link between Moscow and Washing. ton next month. THE COUNTRY PARSON the U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Unioll "I the Kremlin's St. Catherine'S lIall August 5th. ! Left to right are Sen. William Fulbright (D,! \; Sen. George Aiken (R·Vt,); Sen. Leverett: , Saltonstall (R.lIlnss.): Sen.' Hubert IIUll1phn,) )·n1lnn,); Adlai Eo Stcvenson, U,S, amhassador "lInPPlness depends not u!lon to the United Nations, UN Secretary General \, l'hant; and Soviet Prcmier Nlkila IUuushehev' j 'Y,e, ! UPI Radiolelephoto). much we re Wllhng to give up, , I, I ': I 'i I ;1 , r ! " " ! I! I' .. .. '. { . , i, , I : I ' I ' , I:.' ! i , i , 1 , , , I I .. , .• ' . I • " i I , i I , . ! 1 I I " I " Il I I " , " ;I , ,I d , i:1 I 1 .1 " I If • I ! 1 h ,i . , . I i 1 : , , , ' , , i , : \ j , ' I · J I I I, il I i I 1 I j I I " I, I I : . I ,! , 1 . '. ' , I I I , I , I i I,

Transcript of Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this...

Page 1: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

lE lM

l:, T l ' , • L "

'II;; '~;-th~ \Till ,,( Ihr 'I~rl'hrr,~n. bll

.. " In Ihr rr~dn(1 ',1111,,"1. ~lrrrhlnl.

,"" rbin1in~ l~ :' 01' \I h~ h.I't

': .. 'n,' n ~, Ilp~n ~: F,r:,lr of thl

: ~ ;1 r(' il' .h'hn·~

lc.~r:t:-('tL art ;; ,; \1~rli\'nI3r'

", .. ,tin~, dnl)' . " ':ll,"rahlr

, r.' Thr , .. ,tC(l. "'llrr · '\ r\\'f011n nlanr., " ,',II .... 'mrn In Ihr \ ' ',('ra,rn on M ,\ 11f SrplrmMr, , \I hit'h datr Ihr , ,'n"'rrn to rli,l :-'~;]Ir harin~ , ',' dnim. of 'rhlrh

h.'I'r notier, , · ';1 TolIn', thl' • , . , "'j

, ,I :1I<t. :\ 11, I"",

$3,000,000 Stolen In Holdup orgllnlzation anti split • second timing.

Postmaster .' General Regl. na Itl lIevlns cut short hl~ vaca· tlon and Immediately oUered a £10,000 ($3,000) reward for In[ormallon IcatUng to the ~ang'~ IIrres!.

PoUco wllh trn(,ker dog~ Rcotlrcd the countryside 8n;\ threw up roadblocks aroum! ('heddington, 40 mlles northwest o[ I.ondon, where the gang ~trl\ek 'After fnking a red signal 10 . ~top the 12·car, ?Icscl.pow. errtl train nt a rural Junction.

01 comparable robherles, the biggest cash haUl In North America came from the rob.

berv of a Ulllted Slates' mall truck Illst Aug, 14 out~lde Ply· mouth, l\lasR. That loot totalled

$1.:151,277. EN ROUTE TO LONDON

Thc trnln WIIS en routc from Glasgow to LOlldon. It carried only mall and a staff of 7j postal \vorkers. They were 80r\. ing through lellcrs and parcels as the expres~ stopped at the Isolated Scars Crossing just nfter 3 R.m.

Fireman David Wllltby clam· b~red down from the locomotive to Investlgnte the red slgnnl.

Fh'e men. masked hy sloek· Ings puUrd over their hends. 'ver~ wattlng for him.

"One 01 thcm pushetl me dllll'lI." Whitby snid. "Anotlte,' put bls halld nver my mouth. lie told lIIe: "If you shnul, I'll kill you."

Then thev morcllcd me bad; 10 Ihe engine. 1\1y IIriv.r, en· gineer .lnelt l\1t\ts, was coshed (hlackJacked). and tbe next thing I Imew the gang II'ns IJantleu£fillg us to~ether."

Meanwhile, nnollll'r group' 01 hnndits uncoupled Ihe fronl two conches from the remainder of the tratll. Whilb~' nnd Mills Ihen were ordercd to take the engil1~ anti Icmling cOllcbes ahont a mile (lown the traelt to n l)rltlge ol'er n country rondo

Whitby said he and Mills were made to ~ct out of the cab nml lie dowu beside the rails. ;llore I11l1sl<etl men appenred and un· londed Ihemail bags. They took about 10.

DIAMONDS IN LOOT? There was a report the 101lt

lIIay have included n consi~n· men! o[ diamonds for Hatton Market, London's gem tradin/! ccntre.

1'08t office worker! In IIw two front coaches said the rohbers bnltered thflr way in, thrratenlng to shoot anYOlle who stood ill their way, As they Imdllted in n corner. thr ban· dits hC/lan hurling tile mati hng~

Inlo a waiting truck. ~;o expert was the rnld that

the post office men ia Ihe rear coaches knew nothing until • guard nolieed that the front of the Irain had disappeared. Arter tbe ganff drove ofl,

Whitby, 26. and Mills. 58, stum· hied along Ihe track in th~ d:.rltness unlit they spolted all approaching train. A mati SOf·

ter lIagged It down with a flashlight. Local police were agog at the

planntn~ and detail which bad gone inlo the robher,V. A spokes· man saitl the bandits Cllt lele. photle wires over II wille area nround Cheddington Immedia·

tely hrlore the robbery. The railway lights al Scars

Crossing bad been rigged to 8lgnn\ danger-wilh four ordt· nary flashlight baltedes wired to the red lamp and a glove covering the green that showe:! the track was clear. "It was obvIously a very pro·

fessional Job," said Detedive Supt. Malcolm I'ewtrell. "They seemed to know their railway signa11in~. The whole Ol,era· tion, from the time the traIn was stopped to the time the raiders drove away took onl.r "bout 15 minutes." The robhery stirred 811 outer,\'

tn the British pl'PSS. :'>/ewspaprr

articles called for slronger pro· tection for post office emplov" ees and betler security meth· ods.

A post olfice spokesman said "this is prohably the first suc· cessfut robbery of a travelling post office train since Ihey wer~ inl1'odueed In Britain 125 year~ ago." lie' satd the haul Included n

large quantity of used but sti'l valid paper currency which was heing returned by Scoltls!1 banks 10 the I.ondon mint fur rcpulping. One bank, the Na· tional Provinei?I, officially ad· mltted It had lost more tban £:;00,000 ($1,500.00).

l: \ 1\11 thr Goodwill Warrantv \:\ ~;~t! Cars We. Sell - It will t \. 111 Sat isf actIOn After Sale. t,:' t' l

ma Nova Motors Ltd. THEDAILYNE All forms ,of


nED CAR LOT -----------.----------------------------

'Vater !it. Elizabeth Ave.


~-- -. " , '

~---~:------------~~--~--------------------------.---I COU111J?ies Will In Nellr Future

iKennedy Baby Improving


~ : ' , .' , ,

By TilE CA:-<AllIAN PRESS Xearly (lnt'·third of the countrirs of the world. including ('all~\(la, suhscribed to the

limited nudenr test ban treaty un Thursday-the first day it was open tn general sigllin~. llil'ltll11ats que ned UI) ill Washington, Lon(lolI nnd Moscow for the honor 01 pledging their

J(ovrl'l1mcnts ns associate t'ilartt'r members of the V.S.,British,Sol'icl pact tn outlaw all atomic BUSTO:-'; (.-\P'-An enormuus explosions except thtlse unde\' ground. hrcathing dedec-the only on€

of its kind-\\'as pul to ~Ise C:lIlallian l'elll'cseniatil'es si,~netl In all thr rr ('al)itals. Thl1rstl<1y to aid the baby Sell (leorge Drew., Cann(lian high I'ommissiollrr, Jlnt his name to Ihe London copy to lend olr of President and ~lrs, 1';1'1)'

2.1 firsl·tlay signatories in the British cn]lital. ucdy.' "", ._" .. ,---- .------! Altstralian Ambass,ltlor 1I0,,;.l- ..... - --',"" .. -. . Onc.da~,.IJ1d Patrick BOl1d~r

elC Wants I ani Beale headcd 31 signers In ~ ;:aUllng adherence by gOI'ern· hennedy s condlhon \l'as, Itst~t1 I Washington, C, A, !litchiI'. raa, Imenl" .which arc not I1nil'ersady II as lInpl'()\'ed hut shll se~'lous.

,lIla:s amlJa>sactor 10 the Unile,l: re('o;nllZed, , Doctors al the children s l11e!l·

VO"lce In : Slat('s, registered a short time l'l)mmllni~t E ~ ,t GCl'nlall\,: Ical ~entre placed the baby, i lalt'I', i a~)(1 M~lIlgol"',. ,for" Jns~a::c,~.: h~rn "I; \\'ec~s prclI1atur,ely 011 , In ~Iusw\\', I\'h'~re 22 C!l!1Il', .,gued III .~ll)scl)\\. ,:'\clthcl "m., Cdpe Cod '\eune,da~., mlo ;I

C."IVI"I Servl"ce I tries recorded their approl'al of: ernmcnt. ;s recogmzed hy the, t1l1'ee·eompartment del'Jee ~nat

1 the Irealy on opening day, I Ull;te!l stat.r,.,. ,measu:es "! feel I,ong, and elgnt ~ ,\mh:lsS,l(lol' A l' no j d Slnt:h I ~o one JS l'c~ nOlll1ri hy the: fce.l m !llametel, fhe bahy

B "" ,i;(I1cd [or Canada, i treaty. hC~illise It rloes not. t~ke : 1\'cI;:he(1 foul' pounds 10 ounces

arglJllllng I Allowing (01' many (IUfllica. ,effeel until thc lhrec 1I1'1g;I1'II, at huth,. . , . ' U lions, Thllrsdays lotal IIf signa. SlgnatorJes I'<lt.,fy. :\s the ?,g(o.' Press Secrelary PJl1'l'e Sal~n.

Illries eaml' 10 3~. making Ii '~lgS \l'ere gOll1g Oil,. 'preSident ~e~' told reporters al ~ p,m, .t 1e Ily HOIlElrr HleE ' tntal o[ 3i, counting the uri!!ina., henncdy sent the l',~, Senate 1 ~il1l(~ then sholled mlmcdlate

.0'1''1'.\\\',\ ((p) - TIl(' l'ail~' tors 11'11<1 signed In,t l\\nnday, i the Ireilly. accompal11cd hI' ;1 i Im~lO\:ement. dlilll Lillln!' CtI~grl'ss has hlt..1 1i2 ilEA])" '10 SIG:\' I mcs~n.!!c asking fur speedy ratio 1"~I'hcr 111 the afkrnoon, thg ~he gOl'ernmenl .It wanls a \'OI~I'! The U.S, slale dcpnrtme:lt' II calion. ,presJtlent telephoned l\~rs. Ken· III the prcpal'atlOn tlf colledil ~ 'said (;2 of the worltl's 114 Aflel' the trcnl): has he I'll nedy, who IS rccol'ermg from b~lrgaining machinery for til!' nations alre,,,ly hal'e announ~rd 1'1I1~fietl by the Bi~ Three, ,nthcl' 'll~~ caesarean del1l'er~ at Oils

'clv,1 ,erl'ICC, ,their inlention to si~n <lntl mo"~ naltnns, can, adher;~ In It hy All Force Base !!osPltal, t!11t CLC Presi!IPnt Clnll(le .111Clrlin arc cxpccted to do so e\'e,l· slllJn;,ttmg lI1stl'llmcl:ts of ra~I' i the 3~?Y was slightly 1m·

said in :111 intervicw Thlll's(!:.y lnally. : flcnllOn to any. o,f the thl'le prol'c , . lhe congress plans to presenl it; I The treat)', on en to all state" Ircnty.l;cepers, l"S, stat.r <lc· PI<lns ~all~tI for IhL presldel'! \'iell's 10 lhe eahinet as well a~ is expectcrl to pick lip mo.'e pl1l'tment legal exp"rts SJld, 1 t~ remain III Bo,len ;rhursday

! to the special committee sel u~, signatlll'l's l"dllY amI Satul'd:!'.', CIII:\',\. HL\:\,CE AIlSE~T, lll~r:' f ~f ,he ;;Id t\\ed~eSd~~ ,by the "ol'crnment to dralt a' The tl'l'i1I)' documcnl is in Xota"l)' absent Irom 1 hu(;· 1110 I .0 Ollm\( le rans er 0

llr" Jlir harl Srl!rn of los Angcle~ bottle,feeds daughter Elena, !lmonlhs, during sit,tlolVD demonstralion ill rroal I'nrr,)' ('nlllllli"i"n o\'flees here August 6th. Slt.down wns due to la~t friml August 6th. annil'crsary of the alomil'

II "i!nlhil"". 111111\ ('arl), August 9th, annivcrsary of Nagasaki bomIJing.-(lll'I Photo).

: l,iucprilltn

[01' collectil'e hargai't. English and !lussi,1Il Each rn. da(s signings ,were Communi,t th~ ~h~d. t~ ,Bo~tonl' '< ill" [01' '1I'hilralioil 101 C"IWI(I,l'S I \'Ol' si~IH't1 hoth the En"iish and Chllla and l'rance holh of Sahn~el. md ,It t.IC mc: s coo· ,,,, , '.. " ' '. fel'l'nce II at " II It In II,P 1411,ODIl federal cidl sen·ants. Hlls,lan I'cnions. \l'hlch h:1\ e sCII."ned Ihe trealY: ,... I., a. a . ..'-

~.lallY cOllnll'i,'s si~II('d in ":1 and sencr! notice thel' illt~lld' dnlll1llald ileml 111 the hab,l'­lie said lhe CLC hJS endol'S~:l, three alomie c:lIlit.IIs 10 sl,."" to PI'oceed with thc:r indcpe~d.: C(~mliti()n': occnrrcd in i~ler 3ft·

1PM Seeks Conference T1II,:On New Pension Plan

,lhL' go\'cl'l1ment·s plan to Illstl· lhe ill1lHlI'lance ti101' attach til ent nllcle:lr programs, elnoon. ,Illie (!ollective bnrgaining, bll:' the Ireaty, . , Aftcr Signing for l'allilda 1'1 RESI'I!UTIO:-; I;\TPHO\"ES : at the same lime has slaked ;,! The l'.S" Hl'itain ,lIld th~ ~[oscO\v, Smith sair! Can].]iI The baby's respiration im. ,chum as spokeoman fOl' m,~lI)'! Soviel [;nio11 figurl' II", nae! wj,] greets the Ireaty not only as 3 III'o\'ed imnwdiatelv and laho:'~. ,o~ .l,~e ,<0 '. called "prel'ml,I~::: he of maximum eifr.rli\'cness If ~tcp of mon~entollS sigllificanc~: tory tesls aiso showed imJlro\'~' 1',lte emplo,ees o[ tlte fetlel.,lllhe maXlll1llm numhel' o[ ILl' III cluntnalmg a source of ment after he was placed in ~h~ govCi'nment. i lions join, The)' Ihen·["rc i harmful radialion, '"It also <1' a spacious submarine ' like hi~.1

"The prel'"ilin"' ral!' emplo,,·I 11amcd each of lheir {',!pit"ls a<' first sl~p Inwards rstablishinr,! pressure ell a m b e r. Salin;!cr ~r.s arc. for the ';nost part. r~r' I ~:eposltor,'es for the t.rca,t"·. ,(1: u~tcrnatl<lnai armamcnts con· : said, lie did nol say. ho;\' ~OJl~

• + f;C':ll\ 'I Thur~.

, ~;;,;tdlr' irnll1 \'1' By .JfI~a:S SEI.SON 1:l1t-. Pearson's leller, of i11l'i· I:,! t !','\'.I St "l~~ OTTAWA I CP I,-Poliey pl'oh· lation, sent to provincial pr~·

, ,ie :'VI:tt In r'~. Icms as well as technical de· I mier~ when they were meeting t;.':nallt 1"];'linn.. tails uf the new Canada Pen· in Halifax, was made pub,ie , sinns Plan will be discuss~d by his office Thursday, ~""h!(nl P,'N' !llfi· with prol'incial delegations at a Chairman of the conferen~e . 1 rl11\itl". :;~kt'(1 tl', ' conference opening here Sept. will be Health ~linister Judy f~ l~c,~, !,. n I. tllill h t., . . " !t, if the provinces agree. La~lars .

M, Cr It.'1 the !IiI P , . 't P 'III P t Id t "I ~ • • nme 1I1mls er earson, W.10 r. carson 0 rep or el's , "I, ,t,Pm!,1 ':' rOI e. is~ued the inl'italinn last Mon. Thursday that if the premiel's

In I :; ·~hln. 'day. says the discussions wi!! wish. the question of unemplo;· , I'lltlrol), I he "rail'l), lechnical." but it IS ment can also be the 5ubje~t

-:. ","\,.. impossible to separate questions of federal· provincial talks at the , '- of policy from them. same time, The premiers SU]· , lIood i, 1I'l'rl for

" :1 ronarl, ~, i .. har. , ,r 1'0 n I ' , .. 0,\1 P ,Ilr\ paper I She Ronna Insists

Lied At Hearing ~'ilh ~lInnl'

n;:h ;0 '

l!m~eralUreS I/I~r,t Da,

Alm ~131

62 01 I;';

5R 58 51 56


RI iR 811 it i5 68 72

' .. 5;49 a,m.

~;IM!r 10:54 p,m, llac!t .. Allg, 12

Ih ',Jupiter, 8een I~t ~on tonlcht, • "1 ginning a

• 'lilrd Ih! movement

t%ij !lars Iha t Iltt nUt untU ear.

. !1lIber. l'Ides t11l, \1'32 llQ. ' P,m

• .5:4\ P,m.


but said he lVas afraid to come forward because of the public· ity,

Ward. II 50·year·old society osteopath and artist. died last Saturday after having taken d

massive overdose of drugs. FOUND UNCONSCIOUS

On the last day of his trb I, he was found unconscious from drugs, on the same da'y II jury ruled him guilty of two charges of living on immoral earnings, The case rocked the country with its mixture of sell and famous names.

Wade, who lVa~ IntervieWfd In an Independent television program; said:

LONDON (Reuters) - Ronna "If I had been courngeous Ricardo one of the witnesses enough to come forward at th~

: at the Stephen Wart! vice trial, trinl the evidence I' have WOUld 'broke down and cried on II undouhtedly h a v e I'indieat~d , television program Thursday Ward." night when she was asked why Wade said the Information be. she had changed her evidence had giVen the police ,proved II at the trial from thnt whi~n lending prosecution witness was she gave at the preliminary n perjurer. .. hearing. ' Asked why he was afraid 10

Miss Ricardo, wl.ose re~1 give his evidence. Wade snid: name is' Margaret RlchartisllIl, "My wife is an actress and repeated a charge 'she made at we have had more, than 0'11' tho trial Itself-that she had share of sensational pUhlieity. lied at the preliminary hearing We have n young daughter of b~callse 'of police pressure. five. and I don't, wish to a~·

Miss RIcardo said' "the poUr'! soclate myself with this sort of only took down Ihe . parts orJh~, scandal where the mud sticks. statements they ~anted." "Several of \Vard'n very close

Joe Wade, husband of' aetr.'5S friends did not appear, H1d Corinne Grey" said on the same 'Ward told me witnesses wel'o program he could have given not coming forward \ woud evidence' that would' have "vir.· have come forward,'" Wade

---__ I dtcated", the' ,society osteopat~ said .. '

I '

resenled hy crart unions such ii- ~et mo I~rl~h= _f~~~c,~ltles (,[ !illi. ,the haby would remam mIt. gested such a discllssion at th~ll' I ------ -------II I'f f the plumhers Cl1rlJcnlers. m;(· N M h .. a I ax con erence ' , . , , w . . . chumts, elecll'lct:ms and Ot.I·

Mr, Pearson said Ihe penslOUS .• I '1 ,,~[' ew ac IDe plan talks pI'obably would 1'1'" ?I'S, I lei sal~, 'da~I' 1m I orc h":c 1

, I I b I 't 'I t m oca \lIuons In'c y c:r· qUIre wo l a),s, U I mig I 1,0, t I I II C I' I I t I' f ,PITL 'V Ie ,mm IiIn .a 1',1'

third day, until Sept, 11, I OII,rcs>" ...

Kennedy was heaming broadly a~ he walked out o[ the bui!d· itl,~ where the chamber Is 10· caled anti talked happily Will), Salini!€I' and then turned bac',

I into the main hospital ~ectiQn , ' , aga\11.

necessary 0 con Ir.ue til' a Ie" .. S L .. If this s~hedlile is a~ccjJtahle • • ave S lye s

10 the provmces. the prlmc 111 ' 11' To F ght F re isler said. Miss La~larsh w;'1 I I I., ' , , B k aJ'l'ange ron agenda on the has:s ' . IUHON10 ,'CP1_ ,A reI (IIU' ,trcalment 10 lOO·per·cenl ~ar(, rea s of prol'illcial suggestions, 1 FORT S1' IOU:\' E C rep _: llOnary machlile which shoots and nCBI'll' IO().per·ccnl succe,,"· 1

The pensions plan includes a' 'l d'" f' .. , ,,, I f~ 1 7,000 rolls of ('Ieelmlty throu~h i ful. 1 gOI'cI'lIment intention to raise I rc~ I A an'il :;rnC~1 OIt ,WI' c I ",~, faulty heal'ls is saving liI'cs at I The machine. called the LII~"I Hot L,·ne ha"ic pensions to $7" a nl(,n;ll- I Jg 1 et', II'J y I'D?" exus.o St, ~Iichael s hospital here. 'Cardiovertel" cures OIl] types of

, 0 • .. 'try to put out a ruglllg gas well ".' • . , from $65 for ever"one age 70 f' . 'I 'I [I' The, eleell'lC Jolt. which last., I abnormal beats I'luch I'cry 1

, , Ire G5 011 cs nort 1 0 lere, 1 400tl f d t' , 'h' . I and over. The govel'l1ment h'lS . loa sCClln , ex tnguls ~s oftcn cause death. par<1IY~ls cr ~ HELSINKI (neuler~)-A Fin· said it will not separate tlte ~IO .II sJlokesman said Thurs(l3y abnOl'm~1 heart rhYlhr:'s-for'l strokes, It docs nol cure hea!'t' nish construction worker drove increase from the overail plan, the insurancc company with a m~rly meurahle or wiltch P'!. diseases, I all excavator through the 11os·

The conlributory retirement policy on the well lVon't allow qlll;'ed ,extenSive use 0' drugs, I ,'" ' .. : COIl' • Washington "hal line' pensions would start at tbe liP' any attcmpts to cxlir,gui,h tlf~ I rCI'lOl1S tr~almellt for lhe The. tlOctOI S~lrl 1\1 (.\1 e othe, 'Thlu'sdav and broke telecom. tion of the pensioncr at any a~e lI'ell fire unless Adair is (,11 ailmcnt bas been only 70·pe,., Canmhan hospitals hare. S.· i municatioll~, hetween 65 anti 70, Payment.s hand, cent effectivc, Drll;(s often in" retldy ordered the maehme, i , would he available II' surviving ,. flirlcd further heart d"ma~e, i developed hy a BOi'ton healt' The worker wa~, clearing spouses at any age after 65, Tl.'c [Ire JS consllming 250,OOtl Dr., .J!ll~1l Wi Iso n, hospit11 i expert. Dr. ~ernard Lown and! ~round fo~' a new hl?h~;ay on

During the first 10 years o[ the 1 cullic feet of natural gas a day, Ca!·dlOlogISt. saltl today the nCl'l' valued at $3.000. t~e outskirts of H,elslnkt when plan _ II'hich the gOI'crnment: hiS melal gr~h sheed througH hopcs can start next .1:111, 1- the undergronnd cable, conlributions hy indil'idu11s would not exceed two per cent of earnings, Employers won:d pay half [his amount.

Contributions would he dedllc, tible for income tax purposes,

Miss LaMarsh has said thnt the new hasic pension of S7;; " month, the contrihutory feature would mean that a person' at a~p. 70 could receive up to $175 a monlh.

Seven Die In Crash ~'ONTANA, Cali!. (AP) - 0\

station wagon earryiug a mrln. and nine children el'ashed inc" a concrete abutment on Ille Sun Bernardino freeway Thul'S' day, killing seven of them .

Sgt, Richard C. Chapman 01 the California Highway Patr!!1 said the driver. Forrest Lewi:;, 41. of Los Angeles apparently feU asleep.

Lewis was killed outright; along wlth two youngsters who were trapped with' him in th~ front scat. I<our other youn:~· stcrs died be[nre reaching a hosl'ital.

i ~IOSCOW: Dignitaries enjoy champagne toast after signing of nuclear test ban agreement by I

He noticed nothing and went on workillg. Finnish post olfke

j engineers rushed 10 the spot,

The line. which carries both telephone and teleprinter con· neclions. was repaired about four hours after being cut.

It is expected to be ready for service as an emergency link between Moscow and Washing. ton next month.


the U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Unioll "I the Kremlin's St. Catherine'S lIall August 5th. ! Left to right are Sen. William Fulbright (D,! \; Sen. George Aiken (R·Vt,); Sen. Leverett: , Saltonstall (R.lIlnss.): Sen.' Hubert IIUll1phn,) )·n1lnn,); Adlai Eo Stcvenson, U,S, amhassador "lInPPlness depends not u!lon to the United Nations, UN Secretary General \, l'hant; and Soviet Prcmier Nlkila IUuushehev' j h~w mu~h 'Y,e, get-h~t ho:~ ! UPI Radiolelephoto). much we re Wllhng to give up, ,


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Page 2: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'


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~~ \ . ~::: it-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NE\Vlo'OUNDLAND, AUGUST 9, 1963 . '.

;~:: The Negroes Say .... " till. a i!i • ij t; JjJ \ "S(!L'Vl [i?l" Q' ~ I,~ fj ~ t

.~ ,rlA 4fl


. _us--------------------------------

.' '

,v .... om . D o .... uy and' Bess" i(A,'~~);"d~;:':hOId.' £ , ! r j • i:::J. woman in when she goes O<Jt.

against racial demonstrations. TAKES COMMANJ) What ·.Is It like 10 be a U.S, Negro to·day in both the North and the South?

Here Is the way R cross· secllons of U,S, Negroes view the small and the large Irrlta· tlons which have culmlnatcd in a year of racIal crisis.

where'will It end? . In Columbia, Dr. Howllrd .E. BaSil Williams, 37, militaal Wright, president of Allen Uni·

head of the Chatham County versity, an all·Negro school, Voters League In Savannah saul: said: "The task of hetping o~r

"We. Negroes weren't born hat· students to face the realities of ing the white man. We have our times Is just as important a3 cultivnted this hatred and nonr· sendin~ them out intI) the world ished it for ycars hoping that qne with an academic education. day he would make us ashamed "The racial tempo here is sucn of ourselves. But he hasn't. . that any incident in a downtow:l

By JULIUS GRIFFIN He has given us pride ... pride restaurant or store can cause our Associated Press Staft Writer to protest and if necrssary to tell students to drop thcir books nnd "We are not something Irorn him to go to hell if he docsn't take to the street.

Porgy Bnd Bess .•• We IVnnt to allow us full nnd equal opportun· It's too bnd that I can't jO'll

"Our demonstrations have sim· C A.M P GAGETOWN, N.B. ply outgrown their usefulness," (CPl-Lt.·Col. Patrick V. B­Dl'. Rann suid. "It is time 11',: Grieve, H, of Toronto, Monday started negotiating with Ihe city took over the command of Can· council. I don't sce what good I ada's senior tank regiment, the we can derive from all ugly inri'] Royat Canadian Dragoons, frum dent which could occur during a; Lt.·Col. Merritt H. Baleman, dcmonstration." commander since January, 190J.

Dr. Rann slands almost alolle Lt.·Col. Bateman, 44, i:; a nq· in Charlotte's Negro communit)'. tive of Quyon, Que.

Steamship Movements share cqual1y with our wh1te ities. them. I can't tell them that brothers-yes brothcrs." "I don't believe in to·morrow. everything will work itself-out. C.S.L.-CLAUKE TERRA I Aug. 15; leaving Charlottetown

These are 'the words of' Her. I I want equal rights fur my pcople This would be n Hc." NO A S"'R"ICI'S PEl A 16 .. SI If I . t d I CASTE DIVIDES NEGROES ,.... \ : .... , ug. ; arrIVIng . bert FIelding, busincssman and n?w.. nec.essary,. m cno .':' S.S .. Novaporl sailing from I John's, Aug. 19; leaving st. • Icnder of the Negrl' comm'.IIl· (hc I~ Geo.rgla. fightmg for whr.t Negroe~ In .Columbla and ChJI" Montreal Aug. 3. Due st. John's i John's, Aug. 10. Ity of Charleston, S.C. I IS rl~ht and 10 Icave Ic?to~ hv.e m a cast~ system IF' N

1 Id I bl I th th Aug. 8. • • ergus leavmg Pictou, .5., An offl'clal of the Nat'lonal AS' ~cy. ,c,' 11 ren an IOnora e eil' WI 10 ell' own race, . A 22 I . Ch 1 t ., ~ S.S .Highliner sailing from lUg. ;. caving ar o .. tetown,

loelation for tile Ad\'anccment of ~. . Negroes who have hght com· 'I t I A 6 D S PEl \ 23 St , 111 Cllal'lesloll Spe"klI1" f tIle I . d' d . f f t1 . "on rca ug. . ue t, .... , ,ug. ; arl'lvlng , Colorcd PocIl1e. Fielding pride.s . ' '.' . ': ".0. p ex tons . are IS am ul 0 lelr J I I J I 'A 26 . Sl dcepemng raCial crisIs FlCldmg d k b II h tl t 01l1'S Aug. 11, 0 In S ug. ; leavmg . himself on being a mQderate. nut; said' . ar er 1'0 leI'S, so muc. S? lJ S.S. Gulfport sailing from I John's, Aug. 26. he sums up the temptation 10 \'10.1 ' .. 'r' • often they do not worship In the Montreal Au b". 13. Due SI. • Fergus leaving Piclou, N.S., I t · Id" th' \\ e at e the bottom, the end same churches, frequent Ih: cnce, 0 express 0 anbcrs at of the rope The onl 'y t~e I b I' 'Il th John's Aug. lB. , Aug. 20; Icaving Charlottetown, man" Amcrican Ncgroes fcel in' . '. y \\11. same c u s, lve I' e same S S N t '1' f PEl All" 31' " 'vl'ng SI tl

' , f' . Il'icgro can go IS up. And If we neighborhoods or cvrn speak til ., ovapor sal mg rom . '. . ~, ,urn . liS summer o. crISIS. ,must fight to get thcre both h th ' Montreal Aug. 17. Due St. John's Sept. 3, leaving St. "The Negro IS mad" he says I· ,eac 0 cr. J h' A 2 J h' S I 3

"not angn' but mad' and liI1~[i i Ir·aces WIll t~earl the hat~,le sca~s E. Cedric Hart, publishcr a'l:j 0 n s ug. 2. 0 n s, ep. . . I I t" h h . I d f 01' gcnera IOns 0 come. d't f 5 th C I" I S.S. Highliner sailing from • Refrigeration.

Wit 1 a la e e. as nouns Ie or SEES "ICTORY e I or 0 ou aro. ma s. 011. y '\ tID N d th " on rea Aug. 22. ue SI.

nhnosl a lIfellme." 'F IT' th . I I egro newspaper, sal IS In· John's Aug. 27. The feeling is echoed In the 't" rom \1V1cre view . e rac,t.3h tl'a·racial color problem hinders

North as a Negro "outh sllddenlv SI 11~1 tll1n . s\CC IUS I emert['.lmg WII.'t the solving of the larger racbl S.S. Gulfport sailing Irom .' , 'a VIC Dry. t m s~c Ie IV 11 e conflict ~tontrcnl Aug. 27. Duc st.


Beechmore leaving Bor-ton Aug 2nd for Saint John, N.B., Hali· fax and St. John's. At Saint John. N.B., Aug 3rd. Leaving

snatches a.l1'llIl.e :\,oman 5 han,l· man going down in deteat. Wi:h .. . . John's Sept. 1. b~~ a~(dl ~hngs It mto the strjc;t. jllst a littlc sincere effort on th~ 'l]\t1Y tailltude~, BI;e .tthO~dC ?; a S.S. N ovapo!'t sailing from

I dl It becans,: I hate IV lite white man's pari we can bol'l mil an person, ,at Sal, Jut Montreal Aug. 31. Due St. people," he explmns. Icave thc battle scene In victory, I ref~~e to use my ~ewspaper l!S John's Scpt. 6.

Vou hear Ihe word "hat~" knowing that we have solved 11 a mlhtant mouthpiece 101' th2 S.S. Highlincr again and again as Negroes' pac:,. century· old problem' through m!l' NAAC and disgruntled pmolls in Montreal Sept. eel inlo t~e ghettos of }!arlcI,) tal erfort." th: Negro community until they John's Scpt. 12. and Washmgton tr\' to arllculale R' I D' N umte for n common good and stop S.S. GlllfpOl·t th ' f I' 'J'S Id e\.. cqll1ncey ewman, b' k . th I " ell' ee lOgs. n avanna 1 an. N,\ \CP t t fi Id ec cta f... IC crmg among emse ves. Al tIS 1 Charleston you hear it once mOl\"I·' . , sac e. s r. ry o.c Charlotte, N,C., has eased ra. 011 rca. cp. BARES DISLIKE se~s a l~ng an~t 11Ittcr fight ahead cial barriers in hotels. restaul" Jodn's Sept. 15.

In Columbia, S.C.. a Negro 101 Ne"rocs 111 Charleston. and ants. schools and recreational fa. S.S. NOl'aport

· . I Halifax Aug. Dth for 51:. John's. ~alhng [rom. Duc St. Jol111's Aug. 12, and 7. Due St. I sailing for Liverpool same day.

· . (R) Herring Rose snllmg from I Liverpol1 Aug, 1st. Duo SI. 11.. J)ue. St. i John's Aug. 7th. Le:lving for

· • i Halifax and Boston Aug. 8th. Sailing from Due Halifax Aug. 10th and Bas 17. Due St. ton Aug. 14th. talks of his "intense dislikc" of othcr parts o~ South Carohna. cilities, but still is plagued woth Montreal Sept.

the white man. . "If thc ~vlllte man h~d an? racial problcms in hospitals ami John's Sept. 22. In Charlotte, N.C., a Negro SIncere deSire ab.out endmg bls in job opporlunities. KILLALOE, Ont. (CPl-Mole

says simply: "We dislike th~ prohlem," he said,. "he would Dr. Reginald A. Hawkins,;] IIARVEY & CO. LTD. than 1,000 persons saw the white man, but he's doing bet· tak? down the bamers of segre· Charlotte dentist and ordain~d • Fcrgus leaving Pictuu N.S." Golden Lakc Indian Park Mil' ter." gallon and allow responsible Nc· Presbyterian minister says: Aug. 1; Icaving Charlottetown, scum opened officially Saturday

North and South, animosity is gro.lcaders to concentrate on pN' "I served in World War 11 P.E.I. Aug. 2: arriving 51. with Indian games and appoint· It palpRblc thinl(. In the Sou '.II pal'lng the pnor and Impr~vcr. and the Korean War and I have John's Aug. 5; leaving 51. ment or an honorary chieftain· because the Negro feels the Ished. Negro for the ,role he ]s to no intention of stopping my peo· John's Aug. 5. ship. Severat hours after he weight of "Jim Crow" laws, writ· play In our new society. pie's fight for cqual rights. w~ • Fergus leaving Pictou, N.S., entered the park as assisbllt ten and unwritten; !n tpe. NO:!.1 "We no longel ask the Ne~ro want those rights now not gr:ld· Aug. B, leaving Charlottetown,. chief, operations branCh, d~· hecause he faces dlscrlmmah~n mnss:s not to hate. We tell 111m ually . , . but now." . P.E.I. Aug. 9; arriving S!. r partmcnt of lands and foresls, when he wanls to !let a job or that If he must hate he should Dr. Emory L. Rann, n Char· I John's Aug. 12' leaving St .. C. V. Wch of Toronto emerged live in ccr.tai~ neil(hb?rhoods. !ry to show a Httle !pe.rcy,. T,~!! lotte physician and leading I\'e·: John's Aug. 12. ' I as Chicf Running Deer of the

Where did It all begm ... and 15 a harsh bllt reahslic vIew. gro moderate, has spoklm I • Fergus leavIng Pictou, N,S .. I Golden Lake band.

Representatives of

Advertising Limited

are now soliciting


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It is now possible for every business and profession to be listed in the' YELLOW PAGES at no cost.

For Further Information

Phone 9~36

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DISCOUNT SAU This is your big chance to save many, many dollars on all TIora! quality Sheets, Towels, Blankets and Bedspreads. All rcgu!ar andise reduced by a big 20% - a great saving for YOH ••• !oJ

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HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPU~ see how much you save ITE~[

LADY REBECCA COTTON SIIEETS I Green label quality, long wearing, easily washed, twin bed. Size 72 x 90. White I

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WABASSO F MULY llllEETS White, standard quality in double Size Bl" x 100".



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1.65 I 1.32 i











una . Bay bll

conceptiOn • determined to g

the most eXI ",n[""'o'"n" rel:Ord.

R. Wight, secretary of the Newfoun,

Association, said Thursday the :

fully supports the high school driver

tbe possil course being intrl the school currici

Wight stated that was ~trict1y extra

those pupils inte will take pal

after school ' , he added.

of the reasons t' favors the cou

will provide an for low paid teach

their incomes. cost of the cmlrs

to roughly $31

Wign.t hoped thi absorbed b\· the •.

and the major in; who are also b

there are 0

taking the COl

to incrcase thi:

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Chri,tmas light . Street promises

01 the most spel grace 51. John's, ac

, I spokesman for Ih Board of Tn

reveal ~.cnlnstlm". Lighting (

the chairmar Price has Ill. progress-all t

When it is

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slight, car.:

BE d~' arrest!

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Page 3: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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una XCI· emen urs a

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_ " linn 11;1)' bllle· i The total tuna taken to date \0,'lrp linrd 10 gi\'e' is 77, and 11 of these were

drlrrl~1P \1\ost excit· landed Thursday by fishers

1963 has already far Ollt·

reached the wliole 1962 6ea· SOli, and from reports receiv­ed, It looks like Conception

Bay is giving the best tuna s/lort In Eastern Canada.

I .

ver Education Bacl{ed by NT A

~. \\,i~ht, sfcrelarr·trea· !! the :-icwfOllndland

, A!socialion, said in an Thursda), the assOC­

f,llr !upports the pro­~:~~ lchool dri\'er edu· fr~gram.

! aboul the posslblilty (om, being introduc.

RiO thl Ichool curriculum Wilhl atated that tht . JlI strictly extra·cur·

ber next year. Only those teachers who take

and pass the course are eligible to teach it , Mr. Wight stated,

Course Director Elgin A. Vader stated the participat· Ing teachers Imve been chosen for their qualifications and the area In which they teach. The course which starts Aug,

12 will end with a graduation luncheon on Aug, 23,

. IhO!! pupil, inlerested ' NBT . \\'ill take part and:

" lfter !cl1oo1 or on ' Still Plans Fourth Part

. h, added, ' Of the frafOnf the a~· ; For

falOr. the cour~c is: : ,l ~il\ pral'ide an oppor· :

f,:r bw pair! te~rhrr5 to; The :\ewfoundland Board of , their inro1l1r~, ! Trade is continuing III plans : Ce;t of Ihe ('OIl1"f lI'ili i for the formation of a fourth

10 [o\l,ll\\' S:1O pCI' ~crtion likely to he known as

11IRST WINl'mn OF nE· VOLVEIl COMPETlTION -Canadian National Railways Police Constable W, G. Clarke of St. John's is pre· sented with tile Austin Steev· e! Trophy fo r compiling the highest Bcore in a recent reo \'01 ver competition.

A report from Halifax says that up to August 7, five tuna were caught off Wedgeport and one off Halifax, The total then stood at six, 'rhe largest tuna of that six was 565 pounds, and it was hooked off Wedgcport.

The biggest tuna landed from Conception Bay 'l'hul'sday was a 584 pounder hooked by .Ierry Murray of Buffalo, New York, Mr, Murray fished from the "Ladv Helena",

'l'he "Shamrock Ill" reo ported 'Thursday that Sir Leonard Outerbrielge caught a 474 pound tuna after a fight of one hour and 45 min· utes. Two were hooked but lost by fishers on the Sham· rock.

CHURCH NEARS COMPLETION-Construc-lion of a new Roman Catholic church for Petty Harbor, a project being done by the people of the community, is nearly finished, Residents of the area have donated free labor and the tra­ditional fishing days to help build the church and have also undertaken to cut a large quan­tity of wood which readily found a local mar­ket at a good price. The old church which It repll1ces (inset) was 128 years old and was torn down last fall so that the new and much

Dower Lost! Gordon Breen of St. .John's

caught a 5.15 pounder fishing I from the "~!iss Towne and Country", From the "Miss Velvet Horn"

Tom Soyles of Ihe Argentia Naval Station caught a 450 pounder in one hour and 45 minutes. With him, another I sen'iceman named Rutledge! caught a 490 pOllnd bluefin in I one hour and fire minutes, \

Bob Fraser from ~Iontl'cal, ' abuard the "Fighting Lady",' caught a 490 pound bluefino in

.. onr hour. i Three were hooked hy

(ishermtn on the "Karen Ann" but these were lost. lIowc\'er, Ewart lIillyard caught two In fairly short flghlA, a 530 pouurler In 35

I minntes lind a 471 pounder in 40 minntes.

larger building could be constructed all the same site, The new church wil! be completcd this fl11! and is expected to opcn before Christ­mas. (News staff photo)

Captain Tom Dower, the lIautical hermit, has again lost contact with Xewfound· land.

£:aptain Dower left St. Johll's harbor more thall a week ago in his keith "Xew, COllndlander II" en route to Ilotwood, lie has 1I0t been heard frol1l, or seen sincc,

It was incorI'('ctiy broad, ('ast Thursday l1:~ht that Ihe IlCAI' Search alld Ilcsrllc hOld alerted aircraft in the

~~~~._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~t._..!~~~·s t~ U_ot_\\_'o(_)(~_a~ra_

Eight Drunkenness Cases Heard Before Magistl~ate, An ardent young tuna fisher,

I master Murphy of St, John's, aboard the "Maggie DU, hoo~,· Eight cases of common drunk·, bar charged with being t.!runk in his possession knowing ed a 441 pound fish in three enness were up before ~I agis· : in public, As it was a fil'st of· 1 them to be stolen. hours and 45 minutes. trate Jobn Mulcahy Thursday,l fence she received a suspended! The defendant was remand-

Aboard the "~Ir, In-Between" All were convicted and receiv- I sentence and was put on pro·· ed on bail of S200 and sureties I

to be on tile watch for Duwer. Search and Rescue explained to the DAILY :>IE\\'S that they have sent out no such alert,

The solo sailor slipped in, tu St. John's Jnly ~4 from his South Scas Iravels, and Sllcnt sOllie timc here hciore setting sail for I1otwood, his boat's home port.

Previous to his entry into St. John's captain J)o\\cr was sightcd of{ Cape lIace, but nothing further was seen or heard of him until he Iluiet. h' cntered St. John's, lie had at that time becn blown out to sea by an unexpect· cd storm,

1I1any aelmirers in I.he city flocked to the waterfront to see Dower's little boat. Xow they are anxiously awaiting word that he has arrived in Botwood.

The trophy, donated by former superintendant of the Atlantic region A. F. Steev· es, is awarded to the officer In that region who gets the highest aggregate Bcore duro ing qualification for crossed revolver Insignias, which Rre helcl every second year.

John Nolan and Dave Lush cd the usual fine, 1 balion for a year. of SIOO earh, ! each landed a tuna, The Two people were charged I T~o charges .were levelleel Another St, John's resident: S ff weights of the fish were not with drunk driving and two agamst a reSIdent of St. was charged with unlawfullY I ta immediately available. with impaired rlriving, All had i John's. lie was charged with sellin~ liquor, 1

Is low Closed ThlR \s the first time thnt

the trophy has been up for competition and Const. Clarke is the first winner. lie complied an aggregated ~core of 243 out or a possible 300.

The presentation lV n R made earlier this week by Newfoundland area manager E. K, I1ouse.

One bluefin was hooked by I their cases postponed, 1 having a bottle of alcohol Evidence for the Crown was· a fisherman aboard the "Tina One person was charged : beverage In his possession heard then the defendant was' W d Marie" but this one got away, with assault. His case was dis' lIot having the proller Board : granted a postponement to en- ar

The season's tolal nfter missed due to lack of evJ· of Liquor £:ontl'ol sticker. : able him to oblain witnesses,' Thursday's prolific day stond. dence. . i lie was also char~ecl with . He was relea,er! on hond of at 77 tuna landed, lOne woman came before the 1 having ~oods valued at S50 ; 550. i The third floor of WestBrn

1 \. jlcmorial Hospital in Corner , Brook has been closed because :w t L t Ch i of a lack of staff, , an s ogger S 0 oose lp;;;:;;;;':,J:;'~:::,br:::,h;;:

I ported that the hospital workers

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, 1 the hllsine~s, financial and pro-

Const. Clarke also reeelv· ed a miniature or the Steev· es 'l'rophy, whlciI lIe retains In his permanent possession.

had requested the investiga' liun authorities 10 reconvene in the in:ercsts of Western Mem­adal. , 1

i \\:1'.' IWIICd Ihis ,,",t: feiosiOllal s('ction, :1 1t."Jrb(,\ h\' tIlt' ~(I\wn., It i~ understood that while .l:,i tht nlJ)lIl' ill>l1I'alll'C construction, retail and whole· " . IIno art' n\so lilll'king sale sections actil'ely take care

,\lsu llresent lor tile oc· t'aslon were J. J, Lynch, sllec1al agent In t\l:lrge of C,N. Police for tim New· rouneUand distrid anel E. 'J, I1ealy, operations manager.

!Own Union Representation The hospital lI'orkers rcal, : ,I I \ I '

, . of the specialized interests of ~Ur Iher(' are on I\' 20 ,well OI'er 200 members, many .' labn, Ihe ('Ollr;C, It i more will take ?art in the w,ork I . 10 intlme thi! nllm. 1 of the prospectIve new sectIon,

! The Xewfoulldlalld Federa-I (ion of I,abor will continue its efforts to have the province's \ loggers represented by the union of tbeir choice, a resolu­

"ew Lighting Program May Most Spectacular Yet

. tion passed by the federation said Thursday.

The loggers now are repre· Benled by the International Union of Carpenters and Join· ers CLC. Until" bitter log· gel's strike In 1959, they were represented by the Interna· tional Woodworkers of Amlll-

. (hri,lt~a' li:htlllg on: cred Ihat this is hardly the time and the hooks for the garlands ica CLe. I' b th' k' . t rms will he instaJled 35 soon as reo "ren pwmi;cs to be of year to e III IIlg III e , 'd h B d The provincial government

~! !~! nwt spectacular of Christmas festivity, phes are receIve to t e, o~r ,decertified two locais of the ri:! St. John's, accol'din" Latest development is that of Trade Christmali Llghtmg I'" A t h h ' ht f th t'k

b I Committee's request.' ate elg 0 e s rI e, 'I'K!"',n for the :-icw. the committee Is seek ng per· A government·sponsored New-

, ' Board of Trade, 11IIission from certain owners foundland Brotherhood of . \1; iurther mealed that of buildings between the Woods Workers reprcsented (::;I\:oal l.ig!ltln~ Commit· II Royal stores and Simpsons. Brush Fz· .... e the loggers for three years, t .. n the chairmanship of Sears to Install hooks on , ' then gal'e way to the carp en·

Prite has made trc. which to anchor the 300 odd ters' union which had conduct· ," pro;ms-Olll the more I illuminated decorative gar· T S • 'td cd a vote among the woods·

when it is consid.\ lands to be strung dlagonally.IS Zgll e workers and claimed majority -- ...... _ ___ at'ross Water street. sUllport.

~-------, I Almost half the subscrip.: A minor brllsh fire 011 the Howe\,er" both the I,WA and

N tions according to a commith'e ! WI'st cuast IW3r Corncl' Hl'ouk Iti\(! felieratlon hav~ clam.,ed the

. spok~snHln, from community .. JIIly 30 was the 51st forcst fire ballot W3S UlldcllIocrahc and: ews 'll1indl'Cl £irlns have been reo reported In Nl,wfollnliland, a have continued to press 1'01' I , I dl'llartmcnt of mines and re· auothl'l' vole, : CCI\'f( . Supplies have been ordered sources spokesman said '1'hlil's- Calvin ,",ol'lnure, Wl"tern

day, vice·president of the NF'L, said

S !\IARle ANNIVERSARY He said this brought the 1963 Thursday the situation in the

P t l\lNGSTON, Jamaica CIlc~· season's total to 51 of which log~ing industry is still such

O S tcrs) - Canadian. Ill'itish and manv were of a minor nature that men who supported the ,\mcl'ican ships in Kir-gston ha;. bUI'~ing mainly small areas ~f lWA remain on a blacklist.

. h(1]' Iil'ed a 21.~un saMe M01- I lVortlll,ess ,s('r,uh, ~lolVevcr thIS \ --"IS\), ,.,. . , clay tn mark the first anniver" type. fIre ,IS ~I\'CII Ilnllledlalr. a~. : -

P'II_ .\ \ S \o!HES . ~arv o[ .Iamaica·s inclcpen,1 i tentlOn since the 1960 Dunn s 1

•. \ P'IIl.' • • ear Oil '. enec, Later. thousands of pCI"I River lor cst fire started this 11\1 I\id~e 1\0; I i sons watched a, parade throll.~h lVa~. , . dallla(l Il .•• : th(! strcets of Kmgston at whIch 1 he offICial said that heavy , "C, Prime Minister Sir Alcxand 1r thunderstorms and ahundant , P,m. • . , 105 Bustamante rev I ewe d the night dew have kept the fire

R \ troops.) hazard low this summer.

\ Oa(... \ . (rl'er on fire . . . Nurses

Open • Residence

September In • ~C Newfoundland's tallest' build·

, ,ClDE~ns ing wlll open in September. a,tn ••• Duck,' 'll The new nurses residence at , .. l\' '01.1 the General Hospita I wlll house

. \.'ho-car coIl!- I the new class of stud en.! nUrses ,in ' . S t~ t damage 'in September said Deputy

SlIrance carried Health Minister' Dr. Leonard • '.. " Miller Thursday,

nurses residence which will be \'acated will be used to house the nurses aids and their train· ing facilities,

The new residence standing 14 stories tall is one of the most modern buildings of Its kind In eastern Canada,

toUCE BEAT Equipped with lahol'atories

When completed the resl· and classrooms it will greatly dcneewill accommodate 300 facilitate the training of new

011 student nurses and supervisors, Inurses, 'said the Deputy Minis· It· \I expected that the old ler ••

h arrested c ar~e.

4-11 Meet-Tonight

Newfonndland 4·n dele· gates arriving today for their annual meeting In St. John's will be greeteel by three pro, vlnclal government o[flclals.

P. J. Murray, DCllllty lItini. ster or Agriculture; A. I\lal· oney, Assistant Deputy :l1inl. ster of .'Jsheries, and P. J. Hanley, Deputy Minister of Education; wlJl meet the elelegQtes when they arrive by train.

The 4·H.'r8 will be .staying at the Newfoundland 1I0tel. They represent the districts of Codroy Valley to Bonue 8ay. and Notre Dame' Bay to Jlonavista and Trinity bays.

lie' said If the :-;1<'1, ac('cpts I ,"clition. 'pickct Jincs, iu.ed that there is a seriom the situation as it exists and Other resolutions pas, cd con, A resolution deploring the . intel'ruption in the sen'ices 01 ceases to Cight Cor the right : cerned the vacation with pay· wholesale emplo),mcnt of mar· ; Western lIlemoriai caused b, of the loggers to have the i act, a hire-union-Iabor campaign i ricd women wa, referred back i the departure of professional union of their choice, he I in Cornel' Brook and the right 1 to the o:ol11!llittee for further 1 and non·professional staff mem' would walk out of the con·., of railway worker5 to cross I consideration, bel'S, -------------------------

• In 10 Years Is Biggest Ship Launched at Port aux Basques

, l" :1 I

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The biggest vessel to be launched at Port aux Basques in over a decade slid down the ways at that town Wednesday .

Mr. Lane, lUI'. Hodder and &OIlS on their achievement. I It is expected that the new" : .11

town mayor Joseph Felthem I The dedication ceremony was I vessel will be used ill the e~ast- i ' and others addressed the performed by Rev, Thomas I ing trade when her engmel !,! gathering and congratulated Moulton assistant at St. James have been Installed nnd she ha! 'I' "

The S5-£oot, 102 ton vessel was christened with the tradi· t10nal bottle of champagne by Mrs. George Anderson, wife or master builder Cap· t;lin (ieorge Anderson. The vessel wltl be known as the Sadie and I'~va, slle 15 nallleel after Cnillain Andrrsoll', daughters-in·law .

Captain Anderson and his Anglican parish, had her inspection trial!. .: " ------------------------------------------------~~------ \

'rile vessel's keel was laid in .June, 19tH, two years and just under two months later she took to the water with liOllle as­sistance from a bulldozer and a couple of trucks,

Besides memhers or Ihr. Port 3UX Basques lown council and hundl'eds of townspeoplr, Fish· , cries l\1inister C, Max Lone and I House of Assembly member W. H. Hodder were on hand to watch the proceedings,

Will· Represent Newfoundland

Geor;>:~ M, Yates, past grand· master Atlantic ,Lodge· No, 1, Independent Order of Odd· fellows, will represent New· foundland district 18 at the Order's sessions to b! held in N ova Scotia.

Bro. Yates will leave here August 11 for New Glasgow where the grand lodge sessions will be held August 13 and 14,

The representative was re' ~ cently recommended to the i position of Deputy Grand: Master lor district 18, \


Men'5 Long Sleeve Cotton Broadcloth

SHIRTS JUST ...... · ...... ·97c.

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SPECIAL .......... ~ 1.94

Cool Colorful Hawaiian Print



- For Young , ~Ien 'n' ~len 12 srec\"e~ -

just the shirt for . ,'our vacatio'n

JUST ,· .. · .. '77c.

Men's Cotton Knit


Elastic waist

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JUST .. · ...... ·~~9c.


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Page 4: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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THE DAILY NEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

rEAR"! 11lBSC81PTIUN RATES Canadl .. •. .. S1:!.DO per annum UoUt<! I\lnl~.m Ind IU

lorel,o oo.olrle, $14.00 per .nnum

AUlhorlz.d .. I..,ond el ... mill by Ih. P •• t 0111 ... Oeparlment. on.",. lod lor payment 01 pOJla£1 III e .. b.

Th. DAILY NEWS I. I morn"', , .. per •• labU.hed In 189l Ind published .1 Ih. New. Building 3!!·~9 Ouekwnrlh St.. 61. John'.. Newfoundla.cI, bl Robl.,o. .od ComPID1, Llrtil/d.



III newl dupaleh •• to IhI. paper <redll· .d to \I or to the Alloelated Pr •• , 0'

The CanldlaD Pre.. I. OIelu.l,el, enUUed 10 tbe .11 lor republication 01 Reuter. and allo th. lacal newl ollbU .... .d tberelD '

All Pr •.•• Servlc .. and I .. ture .rtlel .. In thll p.per are copyrl;hted and Ib.1I TeproducUoo II ~ ... hlblt.d.

• alember II." ••

.1 CI,e.IIU.,


Building Up Our Port petitive edge of rival distribut­ing points.

" "

" "

.e.SCUT KOUSi~!G The one imprcssion ab()\'c all others

that onc recch"''; in a tOllr o[ the Olll, skirts of SI. .John's io that houscs ar!' hursling out all liveI'. That is usuallY considered to be u Vl!l .... good thin~, BUI how floes one r(,t'oncl:p it wit II th .. I!I'f'al nllmbel' o[ hOf',.[';' that ar~ 01 f"r' cd fOI salr'! SlIll1ell ,)r::' explain"'l t,~ 'ne that tlo .. rcason so 11I.I'V homes aI',' ai, \I':1I'S on the l11:1r1:et is that people are a!l;'ays tr;]din~ up, Thut sounds a little too [a(,ile [or a ,alis[;]clol')' answet. But \l'ha[('I'cl' the reason. the hOllses are i;ping huilt and grcat ncw areas o[ land art' being ,'el'l'it['d to meet the (tc' mauris of Ihe ncar future, I sometimes ",ond('1' if an,' serious stll'l'!'y has rc' ('"nily Iwen made of hOUSIng rl'~lIirc, mrnls in rc1ution to hou,ing develop' IIwnts in ordcr to sec to \l'hat dcgrre supply and dl'man(l "rc in hal"nce,

'1'1',[' inlrn',ting thing is that in spite of "II this frpnzicd pal'e of nell' COil'

:;trllction. thousands o[ people ill Sf .fohn·s ,If'" still ill,housed "nd ha\'c nol

graduated ascent until the worst o[ Ihe ri·.··

• t., S hOUSing would he I'a tilEd wreckers could go 10 WOrk valuable land that Was h .anl 'II I" efn, f ·use( III SOCial "nil "c ' . ' on~tr' It dIdn't work Ollt I'lal ,Ir . ~al r son \'las that lHll'ch:"c, .. ~,

~ Jr rE~f

on ll1(' better hOllies Iltdlcu'"

high [or Ihos" who needed I Another wns Ihat lI1:uw of b~ . I , ' well·constructed hO\,-e, " . .llte Il(Jmic to people with low '

d ' m~. I ha not mtendcd ~', hen I .,

~I" ('olumn to enler into all the" "'l illy conccrn still is "hether' tic d[ort has been made t :t,

. 0 (~", supply to the [ore,e"ahle ./.!

I (specl to hOlls:ng that '10', to 1)(' subsidized. '

By .JOSEPII \lacSI'.'EEX The Unitcd States has 'n ,

manded that thc Eurorean . ~[ark~t prol'c by n('lions tlt,1 it " outward·looking ('nmmumll " ~eneral impl'Ol'emert in Ir;d!.

That is the interprelatioc :n

"1e decision of the L.S.P.U. to try to demonstrate in an experi­mental period 'of two months that ships now in use can be un­loaded with such despatch as to obdate the introduction of ves­sels with side-loading facilities may pro\'e its point, But it also underlines the fact that the maintenance and increase of waterfront employment depends on maximum economic effici­elll:y.

st. John's has lost much of its riistributing trade to other ports, ~ome of them only a few miles <1 \V a;-' from the capital and serv­ing the A\'l~lon area which this port might be expected to domi­nate. But a sub~tantial tonnage must still come through the :-\ arrows pro\'ided that it will al­low shipping companies to oper­ate at a profit while reducing freight costs to equalize the como .

The steamship company con­tends that it must turn its ves­sels around much faster to make the Montreal run at all profit­able. But the port needs more than that, It wants the carriers to make a profit at freight rates that will help to build up the traffic through st. John's and thereby increase waterfront em­ployment. And failure to achieve that goal could be disastrous to the port unless a subsidy system can be established.


a hopr in il1e 1I'0rlii or h,·jnl! hcttl'r 1I01hC(1 unl,'''' " VCl'y lar:,:" supply of nrll' sul"idizef\ rental apartments IS pl'o','iclc'd, In tl1l' mcanwhile, peoplP wIll! (';<11 ill·"fford it nrc having to pay [ar m''l'p than tile)' should for basrment aparlmcnts and othrt' ]rased aCCOlllmo, dal,on. ThIs Is not neCl',sari\1' I]('callse tl.,' )'('nlab arc them,rll'es too high but raTher th"t pcople in Ihe lower income hr::l'kl'ls ollght to be ahl(' to get Ihelr sheller [Of' not more tl· .. ," twcnty per f'rnl or lI11'if' incomes. That means that a f:"nil,' I"itlt an incollle of S3.000 a )'I':n' shoul,1 tll' ahlr tn get dccent ac'

f.(lllll11odatioll for a rcnt,,1 of not m'lre Ihan !"liOO II'hi"h is a slim that will 1':1),

",,,,. lillie ill rental \·:tluc tll',O da)'s. '1 il,' p"rpose of suh:;idizcd honsing is 10 OI'''1'('omc that prohlelll. !lut far ton littI" of ",,·h housing has heen built allhou"h 'he cost to the cit>, an(1 the I'l'o"inr'" ill rrlalinn to the sh"re horne iI,' the :\atiol1:t1 1l0l1'fI1~ :\['t is almost I"fr,in~, A thousand IIn;l, could he huill ['11' a (·@,bined lIluniripal'prol'in' l'i;Tl Of'Il;,)· of ,,111)1I t ~~I" m:lIion. a slim that 1'.0ulrl ""nel';,tr S10 million of work :1tld wrl'lld hrin~ tn"mcndotls re· lid to a tllol1>'lI1d rit)' [amilies.

of the U.S, threal tn take again"t the six-nati(\11 1 I ,

it reduces lel'ic" 111\ .\mericon in the so·called chicken "",

The U ,S, suspicion i, stron~ that liespite !ihml'I;,e

To Discuss

We have the new and costly harbour development but now the job is to make sure that it has not come too late to give a major boost to the waterfront economy and the employment of those who are directly in­volved in the distributing in­dustry.


l:llC·TV IIERE '1'0 The Editor,

Sir:-iIIay 1 through the mediulll of your paper exr,ress my thought~ in con· nection with a proposed c.r; c. Telcd, sion [or st. .John's. and the satellite ~tations for lhe Northea'i '·ons. Jnd Labrador, II has hecn fjuitc a II'hilt' ~incc a petition with more thau thirty thousand I "mcs on it. rcq!.Il':·til1~ Rll'

flthcr tcJ~I'ision station [01' :\ell'[ound· lund, '.v.lh headquarters in Si. ,Jol'n'~:,

\', as lur",a'dcd 10 the B031'II of B,o:d, c~st Gov~!':t(,rs, at Toronto, II tlh a pl.m for action 011 this matter, but SO far I'rry little has becn done tll salis£:: 1I.e W'oplc's request.

(l.ULiDLY I. ,·thut if 1!lctlccl tbcy would do CI'crythin;( in thcir powcr to [.nd nell' al'rllUCS of cl11plo,'mcnt for the

pcople of tbis Prol'iner."

At the l'1l'c~cnt til11~ ~':I of Olll' "C\\"

r01ll1dlancl rerl'r~rnlatil'cs nrc in the Liberal ['3mp anc\ Ihey cannot hidr under the excuse tbat th(',' ('annol ~<'I the nl'cc1s of thrir Pl'ol'in('c an">s 10

tile GO\·enllnent. hceausl' thc,' thc'!T1' ,clI'Cs, arc a part of that GO\'rrnmrnl.

Tlw estahlishmcnt of a 'I'~':birlll \l'oul(1 "t the samr time Irml to the "sprnpt'i.1tion o[ mlleh of the mis· f"l'll hnd lI'ithin the ('entral rart of the pld cit:; and Ihus P;\I'(' thc \\'a)' for the

Illent, of intention h;' GauIle and Challl'rllor Adcrl':!; community is mol'in~ more a~d to\\'ard an exclusil'c pn~t'lre,

In other word,. France ann . many-along lI'ith the :-;etherla:~,

!!ium. Italy and 1.'lxr:r.hoar;-!', cnscd of IOllkin~ 0111 ,triell,' L: OWll interests at tlTe r'reme. ,f ,ary. of other CfJuntries :0 IJ€ ,. communit)'. CmlPROmSE Ptl~.'Jf,Lf:

The provincial premiers have R g r e c d that unemployment :ohould be discussed at a federal­provincial conference and the federal labour minblcr has wel­comecl the proposal.

productivity by putting more people to work. It is a maller of inc'reasing importance in a world in' which the effects of automa­tion are becoming more obvious and more serioUS. To restrain technological advance is impos­sible if Canada is to be com­petitive in, world markets, That means that more positive solu­tions have to be found.

Duri!'" Ihe Fcdcral elecli~f\ C<lill\lilign " in .rune Cor this year, the iloll. )ICIll'

station at Sl. .John·s h~' C,D.!', Il'ou\11 he a s111311 indu>tl',' in aetiol1, At least onp IlllllcJl'cd pcoplc Iloul(l find direct el11' plo)'lI1cnt in ils operation, apart allo, gether froll1 thc ,,;1rt ti:nr I'l11plo."I1]('nt it 1I'01lid gio:e to 10l'al pCl'fOJ'!I1I'r.'. II'riters atH\ musicians.

':l1!fl'h (l\"'rrifl£' rrh:thilit;]tion. Rut is

~ome cxpcrts see the conflict serious that they can:'ot be:',;! U ~ and the COIr.mon :.Iarkel~;

to reuch a compromise hefore when the Ameri":lIl rCrri!ll! taKe c{[ncl. TI'cq' II'Ilul,1 ir,lo::' rirawini! Si3.000.0CO 1"or!!1 o! cc~sion.s nn COlllnWll 111~:'ket eXVJi'J

That is a good thing, Continu­ing unemployment is the most serious problem confronting Can­ada toda~·. Something has to be clone to find a constructive remedy.

The premiers want a better alTangemcnt for sharing the costs of unemployment assist­ance and this would include em­bracing in the scope of the pres­ent plan those persons who are excluded because they are not in the able-bodied group,

That is desirable. The nation mllst accept some measure of responsibility at federal level for the support of the sick, the dis­abled, and the unemployable de­pendents.

But this is secondary to the main question of how to increase

Opinion in Britain was outrag­ed when unemployment figures reach the level to which Canada is accustomed on a year-round basis. But complacency seems to reign in this dominion. It is a dangerous state of mind which no growing nation can possibly afford. That is particularly the case in the Atlantic provinces where unemployment rates· are highest and in Newfoundland where they are the highest of all.

To be prosperous we must produce and production must be efficient. It is the only strong foundation for a ~rogressively affluent society,

Sales To China , Out of China's need has come l\ major lift to the Canadian gl'ain industry in the form of substantial purchases that have helped greatly to relieve the wheat surplus, The result has been a dependence on sales to China which has given exc£:p­tional importance to the nego­tiations that have recently been concluded at Hong Kong. These have been conducted on the Can­adian side by representatives of the Wheat Board with the De­partment of Trade & Commerce as a participant in the terms of sale. And they have been ob­viously carried on by the Chi­nese with shrewd recognition of their Own trading position,

In the circumstances, the con­tracts that have been made are . -favourable. Sales to the value of about $300 million ov~r a three-

year period have been made on terms of 25 per cent cash and the balance payable over eigh­teen months. At the same time, the Chinese do not appear to have forced the issue at the moment of their desire to push the sale of their own textile products in the Canadian market.

,But helpful as this is, two facts seem to stand out. One is that there appears to be need of a new appraisal of farm output to bring it into better balance with prospective demand. The other is that Canada must con­sider new and large markets in terms of what can be done to develop reciprocal trade. The Chinese sales have grown out of special circumstances but may have to be supported in the fut­ure by Canadian willingness to establish the trade on a firm basis of reasonable reciprocity.

It Was A Good' Regatta A lot 'of good things go into

the making of a successful re­gatta. First, of course, is the weather. The decision to go boldly ahead in the face of somewhat uncertain weather was fully substantiated and the day could hardly have been bet­ter. The races were' often excit­ing even if nobody came any-

where near the challenging rec­ord made in 1901 by the Outer Cove fishermen. But what really makes the day of the races is people. And without the full and enthusiastic participitation of the public, th~ best efforts of the committee and the competitors would be to small avail. There is no doubt at all that the at~

hers e lec! to reprcsent N cw [OIlIlJ· land, were loud in their sPCC~hC5, con, demning unemploymcnt as onc of thl'

worst cvils in our time, and how I':~ht they were. They also stated and


TlllS WONDERFUL AGF. Whnt's going on in (luter spacc? Precisely the same Ihing that has

been going on probably for generations nnd perhaps even lor millions of years. Ali the timepiece~ nml calcndal's in the world cannot' conl'c)' 10 our minds the immensity of the IInil'crse ill whidl we lil'c, Our solar systcm is insignificant. The planet on which we lil'e is so in, significant that on a solar map 5 x 10 fcet it would be no more than a very

dim dot. There arc going to be great dcvelop·

ments in the coming ycars in the mat, tcr of exploring oulcr space-Inas· much BS we can only live under certain atmospheric pres~ures-and we assume that the same is true of beings on other planets. If there are such-we can be sure that earth dwellers will not be taking off to settle on :lIars or Venus and the inhabitants 01 those planets will not be cstablishing colon, ies or sending armies to our planet. But there will probahly be communica· tion if beings exist on other planets. Bnd since the, universe is so vast it is reasonable to suppose thnt we are not thc only rational bcings in that uni·

verse. What an age in which to livc! For

centuries the human race plodded along. Now the time rlrags us hy thc hair of the hend. We wonder each morning as we go out for the news, papers what new discovcry or achieve· ment will he announced.

And all this is having a profound ef· feel on OUI' minds and characters. ._-_ .. _----tendance this year must have constituted a new record. The estimators have variously com­puted the number of visitors to Wednesday's regatta at from 25,000 to 40,000 but it is always difficult to count heads at an event of the kind. What is cer­tain is that by early afternooli there were more people to be seen on the banks of Kitty, Vitty than anyone had ever observed th~re before at one time. And anyone who took the trouble to move among the· crowd could have no doubt that everyone was enjoying the occasion. That is the best reward the hard-work­ing regatta committee could have.

1t is ;urprisin~ tn rear\ IIlc ra~"r,

or li"ten ott!w C,I~,(', 11C'.\'S at :1.1~ rill . and find 0111' S(,l'cn elected rcl'l'C -"11,

tatil'cs SI1 silent on the 111;1l1cl' o[ tili; litlle telcl'ision ind11st.·,', El'cn 0'"' GRE.\T JIR, PICKERSGILL ,ePlilS to he tryini' to choke the "nOG" with hutter. But .Jack !lOI', [ hair In Ihin:: of )'on eontin~ hack to lit;, Prol'ill( f' ill another election call11lnign ii )'011 don't Pllt YOllr sholll(kr to thc wher! and get the trlerision indu,try movine for this prO\'in~e. nOlI' thai you ere the man directly ronncclcd with the C,Il.C .

Pcrhaps wc shouldn't hlame )'Of! (00

much, afler all. therr arc six others in the "amp with you. from thi, 1'1'01',

incl'. ~I;\)'hr. il lI'ould he a good linn;: if \1'1' r,ot anotlwl' petilion ,~!oillg with a ,'ouple of hUllfh'ed th~\"and nanH'S on it. it ilia,' srl'l'e to dl'il'(, hOllw ~() thl' lion, ~lrl1lllPrs frol1l this Pl'ol'in~c

thai we still Il'ant a C, B C. Telel'ision ~(ati()n.

YO\1\'5 I I'll I.". r;EOHGB \\'IJ.':[~:S():\.

TllOl'hnrn Roud, S!. .John·s, All/:, 3rd, 1%3.

TltEAS{;RF. (Ottawa .Journal)

Oh, to be in England .... An Essex farm worker has found a

13th Century silver penny. a I'er~' ra1"\ 'coin, in a blll'kct of pig swill.

A couple of days later a NOl'thal11P' tonshire man ran his hulldozer into one of the biAgrst hoards o[ 3nt Cenllll',' silver and hronze Roman coins 1\1'1'1'

fOllnd in Britain, 'numhering 42,000 alll\ weighing 224 pounds

Pig swill in Canada nrl'er has trra, me trove, hulldozers in Canada IInCOI'rl few coins.

Oh. tD he in England • whcn it rains.

• • • • rORESIGIlTED

(Brantford Expositor)


Probahly one of the likeliest pr,'· pects foJ' assassination is Presirlrn de Gaulle. No wondcr he carries ,wi·!' him whcrever he goes abroad ape. sonal blood supply of a rare type an n refrigerator to keep it in.

Bible Quotation

Uecelvc with meekness the rngl'd! cll wonl.-James 1 :21.

• • • • We must abide in God if wc arc te:

preserl'e in oUl'sclvc" the ,,1J\lll'lant t:i~

created and inspired with His Spirit.

th('J'r :!t I'll' mnment tile kinll of aC('lIr' at" .'Iaii,tit':li infnJ'llwtiOlI on '.I'hidl ,111 h"lIql1~ pl;1I1s. public anrl pl'il'ate. can hI' ,oflnrJl,' I,,',ed',' Th(' last "tI'I'ey, il)

I\pr l'I11)\':]Iod,\('. lI'a' tl1:1t mad" ny th~ l)unfil'ld Town Plannil1~ Coml11iss;r'n llIIlI'P Ih;'11 Iwcnly )'cal's "go. There 11'"\

t:1rn a ilOIH'·to,hOlI,r CCIlSI.S that "1111\'1'

('rl a ('iPar pi('\l1I'e of hqllsin~ COl1ditl"ll~ :11111 IlI'eris to hr est;lhlished. Out of (11" r;'poJ't ~rc'lI' tiw project tong known 35

Ihe "holl,in'" until it I\'as aw,':crd thl' 11'II1'h 11101'(' dist:lIguishrd appellatloll of ('I!dn'hill ParI:, By "nl' name it was nne o( th:- hest Ihi!lgs 1'1'''1' to huppen to st, .I(,hn·, and one rlrc<tds to think of wh"' Ihill\;s would he like today if tlw ('I)lnlllission of (;OI'l'l'I1I11C!lt and the :.Innit'ipal ('olllll'il had not bpcn l'n li\,ht('lIcd enollgh tn l1ndrrt'lh what \l'as thrn II \'1.'1',' sizahle'pr. Tilt· ('()lIlH'il', int'ollJ(' at titr limc I\'as : .. ss th:1I1 hall wit:lt il i, tori;]), hut it acre\'t cd ils obli:!:ltion allhon,~h 11\<' COl11m:', ""ll 1'111 11)1 mo,t or Ihe ,·apit<ll.

Th" prssillli,t, anrl Ihe l'ic\\'cro with "Iarm I\'('nt ahout while Churchill Park wa, :I·hflildin~ talking "bout white ric­phants ami 11I~ul'ies we could not aff'JI'II. Bl1t if this pro,kct 11':lS a luxllt'y, it I'.'''S 0111" \\'r hart to ~rrord, Ho\\" 1'1'('1', allhol1ait plcl'rn anll t\\'ell'~ titollsand dollars srcmrd high at th(· IfillI' fol' Ihc hOI1,es then constructed, th,')' 11'1'1''' 1101 for thc 10ll'er income 21'0UpS. The idea w"s th"t as people llIol'cd into the new hOl1sin~ develop n1l'nt. othl'l's would mOl'e up into tt,e I'acatrcl homes. Thlls as morc n~\V

housin~ w;]s huilt. there would be a

qr.nR\1J~ mnnr'D r.11I r u vw n ~.

The hnc'kgrollnd i' tli,t the ,\[arket has hegnn to put inlo " common agriculhnal pratet:'! tClll, ha"Nl on l'a"i8hle lel'i" pOl·tCc! foods 1'0 th:!t their . Ellropean farm prodl1dl a

The poultry rase is the [ir;t i! the I'ariahlr ICI'Y h", ,er:ouslr the ['S. which "l'cI'iomly N~rti nu~IlI' about Sj0.00n.rno wort~ ~ en chickens to the ('omrr.on 1110511<' to '\'cst Gcrm1ny. ('('I'T.n ItlT 0:00,\

But the fight is no( mill' tl')'. or.e of Ihe (e'.\, fml

managed to worl; Ollt a rom".':' '[orc sCriOlI~ items iI'~ fear:d include cereal,. where rommllnitl· \\,O'..irl hc srrio,,;:~ fnr the C,g. bllt for rJnadJ

Enrope, hOlrel·cl·. f0el s Ih':! ,hould be a rccomidmtion of .!~l il'ultllral polit'ic<. includ:~t sidies and support ,y,trm,.'o . and rational. as I\,oil " 3 !ib/lll ~ trade 51'stem ['an he ['\ olnd unhapp;' ahout Ih(' I~,t Iracf the U.S. eniot's OIcr \':e,ler~ ,

To the An~erican adn:ini;tral:;: 1I1:)s tile greatc,t collcern i- ~~ sihle fat of the "1\ellllcd~' 10;::,

tariff ncgotialion.'. ,('hedule,I:: carll' next year aflcr " no,natirn meetin~ held thi., ,"mmet',

President KCllnNly', pian fer eral sl~shil1g of tariff,-haur.:r. dangers since it, i ' disaster if the at mo'phrre tween the U,S. and the ket.


)' arbil ration,' 11m! still Ii j"ol~: t world"

I -- .- ... ~ ...



,\ugust 9th.


Album News and Wcather

Harmer and On Ta[lp RendezvoUS

Ob,. Time Signal Rendezvous

It Again ~Ietre Rcadcr News

:rralls-l"anada Matinee Regional News

Roundup In The Air



General Mott Oshawa. Ont

Dear Sirs:

Our to plants, within a 7! we need tr economical Trucks,

OUI miles a ye working L They haul to face s and perro been outs very low, area, pal

TI Chevrole continue from our can hand


Page 5: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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.1 ~. (I' • . .. 6.111I-CllC News

, ti.Oa-Interme7.ZO (,AO-Program Prcl'iew 11,45-0n Parliament Hill 6.5l)-~lusic In The El'cning 7.0lI-CBC News and Wcather 7.15-Studio Trio 7.30-Tops Today ,A;-Doyle Bulletin B.15-Bmincss Barometer H.20-Assignmcnt B,45-lnstrl1lllentally Yours 8.55-Weather For ~Iarincrs !l.tlO-Agellda 9.30-Atlalltic Seacoast Holi·

day I 1O.llIl-Dixicland Holiday

IO.:lO-CBC National News, Roundup and Speaking Pcr,onal\~'

1 [(IO-International Fcstil'nls l~ lIll·-Weather, Neil'S and

Sports 1~.II!l-~lidnight ~Iusic I~A5-~lusil' Program: Halifax J.:lO-~I\1Sic Program: Ottawa

CJON Fill 11.\ Y, August 9th.

l'.~1. l.05-Wcathcr Forecnst U5-News

6.3ll-Ncws nnc! Weather li.:l5-The Bill Allan Show 0.45-W urlel or Spllrl 6.41l·-~lol'l1inl! Meditation (i.51l-The Bill Allan Show 6.55-News

7.00-'1'he Bill AlIBn Show 7.15- World Of Sport 7.20-'1'he Bill Allan Show 7.3tJ-News 7.:JS-'1'ranspurta tion Rcport 7.3B-'I'he Bill AIIBn Show 7.45- World or Spurt

1.35-Don .Jamieson Commenls I lAO-Sports 1.45-Art Baker's Notcbook !

7.51l-'l'he Bill Allan Sholl' 7.:>!i-News B.OO-ReAl' 'I'liwer Torba),

2.00-N ews IIighlights 1

2,Ol-Matinee' '

(Wealhe. /lepor\) B.O:I-News (National) 8.0B-The Bill Allan Show U.l5-Sports Capsule a.OO-News Highlights

3.01-John Nolan's Wcstcrn ,JamlJoree

, 4.00-News ·Ilighlights 4.05-.John Nolan's Ranch·

Party 5.0G-News Highllghb 5.01-Art Andrews Dance

Party B.OO-News llil:hlights r..03-:"\ational News 6.10-Sports li.20-:'\ell's B.aO-Dick Earl Club 9:1 7.00-Nell's IIighlights

, 7.01-Dick Earl Club 93 7.:JO-Ncws B.OO-,J am boroe S.30-National l\' CII'S B.31-Jamboree !l.OO-News Highlights O.Dl-Nfld. Soiree IlA5-NeIVs

1O.00-News Highlights

B.IB-'1'hc IJilI AllIIn Sholl' B.25-News lind Weather B.dO-IIit Tunc (Jf The bay B.:15-World 01 Sport 8.40-The Bill Allan Show B.55-News allli Wellther 9.0tl-Portals Of Praycr 9.03-Thc Bill Allan Show 9.:I<I-l\'cll's Huadhnes

I 9.31-The Bill Allan Sholl' I IO.OO-Ncws and \\'calher 'lO.Ofl-Stol'k Clu h 10.10-Tho Gary Parr Show 10.l5-Allnil'cr,ary and

. llirthday ~ 10.:lO-Ncll's Hcadlines 11O.31-Thc Garv Parr Show IIO.55-Ncws a~d Weather I 11.00-Thc Gary Parr Show 11.30-News Headlines 11.31-Thc Gnry Parr Show 11.55-Ncll's and Wealher 12.00-The l;ary Parr Sholl' - __________ : IO.Ol-Xational Ncws PX

:\ ~l. (;:;0 to !l.Oll-The Hoh Lowis

Show. "CWS, Sports alld \\'l'athl'I' Rcports

~ Ill-~IIl,ie For ~lillions il.:1i1-Top Tunes and

(;olclcn Hits 1I1(1I)-XcII'5 In A :llinulc \ll.OI-lIolI~cwil'es Ohoice IO.311--National News 1Il.:15-lIou5cwil'cs Choice 11.00-i'\ews Highlights

,11.05-Hobin 1I00d Bulletin I J.l5-lIousclI'iI·cs Choice

1 IO.IS-Pick Of Thc Pops IIO.45-Sports 1O.55-Lcttcrs and ~fessages 11.00-NcI\·s Highlights

, 11.01-~llIsin Ir. 'rhe Night 12.00-Ncws Highlh:hts 12.05-Music In Thc Night

; 12.:10-:'\ CII'S

'1'12.33--:l!miC In The Night l.OO-News In A :llinutc Im-Quccn and Sign Off

v 0 C M Dial 590 11.3ll-Xl'II'S I FIUIIAY, August 9th. 11.:1) to l.On-Boh Lewis Town

ancl COlllltr)', ~ews and \\' cather

A.M, 6.2R-Sign On

12.:1U-~cll's al1l1 Weathcr 12.;)j-Thc Gary Pan Show 12.45-Fishcrmcn', Forccast

I 12.4H-The l;nry Parr Show '12.5S-NoII'5 anrl \\'cather

1.00-Ncll's Slim mary 1.1.1.-World Of Sport 1.30-Ncll's 1.35-Tran'port'ltion Report

and '1'1'11\'1'1 Guidc L:JR-Thc (inr)' Parr Show 2.00--Nrws Hcadlines 2.UI-Prb:cs & Problems

On Para ric 2.~n-Nell" Hcadlincs 2.31-Prizcs &. Problcms

On Pal'arlc 2.55-Ncll's and Weather 3.00-Bob Cole Show


"INGSTeN oNTARIO 29S Untvt"Uy Avtnu" " •

r c nada Limited. General Motors Products 0 a • Oshawa. Ontario.

Dear Si rs:

a.30-News Headlines 3.31-11ob Cole Show :t.55-Ncws and Weather ·tUIl·-Bob Calc Shuw 4.30.-Ncws Headlines 4.31-BnlJ Cole Show 4.55-Ncws and Wcather B.OG-Supper Club 5.aO-Ncws Headlincs 5.3l-Supper Club 5.40-Rohcrl Goulct Show 5AS-Fishermen's Forecast 5.4B-Supper Club O.OIJ.-Bullelin Board r..12-~lovie Ncws 6.15-Wurld Of Sport 6.aO-Early Evening News

Houn{\up 7.00-Shillelagh Showlime 7.~O-News lIeadlines 7.31-Baek To 'rhe Bible a.OO-News Hcadlines H.Ol-Cream or The Crop,

News and Wcather , News and Wcathcr I 1O.4!i-WorJd Of Sport , 10.55-N elVs 11.00-HCAF TOlI'cr TorlJay,

Weathcr Heport Il.02-Big Top Tcn 11.:10 -News Hendlines

. 11.31-'1'he Night Show, I Ncws and Weather I \.05-Sign Off

CJON-TV FJUllAY, '\ugu~t 9th.

4.25-1'3stor·s Study 4.30-Scnrlctt Hill r..1I0-Vacation Time 6.00-Ca rtoon Carnil'al -

Vour Feather Falls , Carnil'al­

Birllub.,. Club r..20-Cartoon· Cal'l1ival -

llil'cr )Jan r..30-Tlte World or Sport

I r..41l-:licws C3valr3dr i.OO-Tombstone Territory 7.30-0Ilr Man lIig!:ins S.1I0-Loral XCIVS

R.lfi-:'inlional :'Jell'l S.30-llr. J{llIlal'e

! 9.30-llancork IIO.OO-True 10.30-nruslc Slam! H.eO-Emplre


Capitol To-Morrow

\ Mission Boats Spread Gospel

~JI1g~R~nE GIANT I VANCOUVER (CP) - A f1cet WIFE GOES TOO • • • 01 sturdy mission boats serl'es I His wile Dorothy, who teachr.s

• ., 1 as a sea·going reminder th:!t, Sunday school, often accompa· Edward Small s mammoth, the church hasn't forgotten the! nies her husband on trips th'lt

p_rodll~,tion of ",Jack the ,Gi~nt I men of lonely northern B.C. out· are close to the Scott's hon;e ,!\llIer tomorrow at .lhe Cap~tol, posts. . base at Tahsis. I Thealre tI~rough. Ulllte[t ~rlIsts "The church makcs thorn re "M Tahsis we havf a lair!y I release. Fllmcd In Techmcolor, alizc they are necded," says large membership roll," the Ot­, thc famous adv.cntllrc story fea- Rev. Virgil A. Plager, a 41 . tawa·born pastor saie! but the turcs new speml effects called. year.old navy veteran who cap· visits to the lonely outposts we:-c Fanta~c[)pc, a rcvolutional')' ,tains the t;nited Church missir,n perhaps the Scott's most vitul new .,y,tem of trick photo·: hoal Rohcrt C. Scott. The Scott role. graphy. ~ is one of three craft bringing "Isolation and Irustration are

The $2,500,000 Terhnicolor 1 the Gospel to remole fish in" grcat enemics of the men.'" ,fanlasY, bascd on the world's! logging and mining areas. ,Hc says that if wh'es are III

, most famous folk legcnd, co·! ~tr. Plagcr's parish is 1,0')0: camp the picture for them is stars slI'ashbuckling Kerwin: sqnarc miles of Nootka Sound, 1 el'en worse. Far from friends

, Mathews as the storybook hcro, 1 from stormy Estevan Point t,l and with their children off at , Jack and beautiful ,Jlleli 1\1cre·: thc serene waters of Tahsis ha .. ·1 school in Tahsis or other com·

dith in the role of the princess' hOI'. i munilies. they fight a constant I hc rescncs from the hands of, "Dcnominalion makes no (hI.: baltIc against monotony. Alc0· witches amI de1l1011O. Hcadlinc[1 fel'Cllce in my ministry," savs i hoi and petty arguments q,'~ also is Tarin Thatcher in lhe! ~!r. PI a g I' r .• 'Anyhody thot1olten uscd to compensatc. Tic role 01 Pendragon, el'iI master needs liS can attcnd tho mis· visits of the mission boat, hc sorccrer 11'1'0 bcwitchcs the, sioll's sen'iccs." 'says. fulfil a basic need f'lI'

prim'css in order to capture the, Fivc of thc neal'lI' 20 poi~ts I friendship. thrnnc of l1th·ccntury Corn· I of call for the 40·loot. radii· Travclogues anc! C III t II r 3 J

Willi, England. ,telephone cquippcd Scott a .. ~: films from Ihe Un'l'ersity 01 De\'e1oped sCl'l·ctll· I)\'er thc permanent siles. The rest ai~: British Columllia library enli\'·~n

past two years Ily S~all in con· . primarily logging camrs thJt: many winter cvcnings in com· jUtH'lion witii the 1I0\\'ard A.' shlfl to mcet thc demands of: mnnity centres and camp dIll' Amlersun Company. which did, the lumher iml~lstry. .. . ! ing halls. 'p('cial dfects photography on' ~Ir. Plager tl'les l~ I'ISlt e.a~'I! "T~e people ~l[ l\'ootka Sound '·.lilek 'The (;ianl Killer" the sdllemcnl every SIX lo clg It 'arc mtcreslcc! m some cultur ,I fanta.mlpe proccss c~ntains \\'.ecks. lie usuall;' st~I'S 01'1"'· lhin~s." :'Ir. P.l a g c I' says. innol'alions in color photo., mght to cOllCln.ct. a sen·lce. sho\\', "M?ny of .t h c I r tomcs a.r~ graph\' that illlnart dl'pth di. a film .and \'I~~t With the me,l; eqmpprd With an cn~yclopcdl~. mrnsi~ns 10 n10'1Icl animation. and then' familIes. ,They hm'c a keen. mterest In

The 'l'stCIll alse> featul'cs a mat· f' I .. ---- hroadcnlllq thcll' hol'lZons. reJ,j· , . th." lise 0 spcPla camcras or: ind whcn- city •. dwellers arc ~~. tic rrocess that integrates the: 111m. ,in; cntrrlaincd with tril'ia." lise of stop·arlinn Pll~pcts with Ol'er one hllndr~d of Holly· i Thc mis,ion boals will he Ih'c al'lion, climin.I1ing the wood's lop eh;lractrr 'lctO~·' also: joined shortly hI' ~n aircl'JIt. np['cs,;ity of IIsing miniatures pia;' key role,. In. add,tlOn to, the Gcorge F. Pringle. a CeSS!la nnrl therd".· lendin~ marc rca· 30(1) tl' II I 1 h an(1 " , . cx as S~( II 1110 • 11iO that will he based at AI~l't li,m to al'lioll scenes. Fanta· h ttl a c scencs. 1 Bal' olf thc cast coast of \' Jil' scope aho employs the usc o! Filmcd on location at Santa courer Island. 'Tcehnil'olnr's full apcetllre wide Catalina Island and at Samuel' ser~rn proccss whil'h takes. GoldwYn Studios in Hollywood.: Plcnty o[ fruit and vegetahl£~ :I~inin:'ll!n adnllltage. of n?I'mal, thc multi·million dollar produc·! are qood nourishin~ foods all t:I,J

i ,In 11111hmeter negalll'e \\'lthout . tion boasts some of thc most! year around. especially if many . . _ . _. ._. __ ,elaboratc anc! imaginativc sets: of the \'egetables are eaten raw.

. 12.30-NclI's and Weather ! cI'er eonstrucled for a motion i A \'arict\, of I'egetables used ia 12.35-Movics at jlidnight Part' picture. It also fcatures two i salad will gil'e a delicious chan~e

Two 22·foot·tall Giants. a monstrous' of f1al'or. Diced carrot. turnip, l2.00-Movies at IIlidniglJt Part I

One Pastor's Stully Flying Ilarpie and a 6O·foot·: potato, asparagus anri apple, all Si!!n Ofr. long Sea Serpcnt. I raw, are really special.

'·'1 .~ I .. , ., I < ' • i j;


ji !I

;'jl ;'" ._.

'1 :

24 hour-a-day service . Our business demands nd construction sltes

1 motels hemes \1 th J' ob \0 plants, schoO 5.. • Kin ston. To do e. within a 75-mile rad1US of fgl dependable and te need trucks tha ~ are po:e~a~e' chosen Chevrolet

"We put ur confidence economical. That 15 why w '6 000 7rucKs. . T k travel about. !

Our four Chevrolet ru~ ~ea5t half of. the1r ~iles a year each and sp~n~ ~nd unpaved private roads. ~'orking lives on conce5s10 t f the time and have ihey haul maximum load~ mo~s ~ell. Chevro~e~ '5 P~W~~ to face some steep gra es demanding cond1 hons a and performance under. these costs have alsO be~n been outstanding. MalUtenance go in our opera tlUg very low, and no ma t ~er wh:r:l~:YS easily available. area, parts and serVlce da~ili ty and economy 0& ou: 11

The power, depe~ a to our business. e Wl e Chevrolet Trucks are Vl ~t~ence in Chevrolet, b~C~u~ckS continue to put ou: con e know that Chevrole r from our own expenence. 'WbS can handle the toughest J 0 •

Yours very truly.

~~ Garnet W. Allen . president




Chevr~DletJJ • In Running ma~imum loads over rough roads and up steep hills ... from the 8afidy pickup to the big 80 Series, the Chevrolet fleet of Garnet Allen is proving the remarkable power, dependability and economy of every Chevrolet, right up the line. These are some of the reasons why Chevrolet Trucks are the choice of so many successful businessmen. They know from experience that Chevrolet Trucks playa big part in keeping profits up. There's a Chevrolet Truck engineered for your job, too. See your local authorized Chevrolet Truck dealer - he'll provide you with all the details;


CHEVROLET TRUCKS work harder-last longer-cost Jess!



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Page 6: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

. ! . "


Surprise Flavor 1" Seafood Mold

.i\ nn l.Jan( Answers Your

DcaI' Ann Landers: I'm a 16·Year"II.' ,

On a wnl'm SUIlllllcr day, launch lunch or supper speedily with a cool. make • ahead, molded salad such as Atlautii! n:lI1ks Mousse. This salad ii qukk and easl' to asscmbl~ ;lnd, though cleganee itsclf. it is incxpensi\'e. A surprise fraturc is that the principal fish ingredicnt. loll' cost chic· ken haddie. takcs on the lIal'or o( lobster wh{n a small can of lohstcr paste is comb in cd with it. For an attracti\'e c!(cct lI10ld this salad in the shapp o( a tish ane: garnish thc plattcl' with ~reens and raw I'e~chlble relishes.

. . A f • ~~ . l'Pry g~lIlty con~elencc. CW Ilcel;, agl " home I !'flln a trip. It was an all·n("ht .[.' :

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1 C:1I1 1 j ounccs i chickcn halldic on II~ CUllS flnkes, cooked fish

Sorensen -Flelning Wedding 1 t'nlclopc unfla\'ored ~clalin .,. rnJl cold walcr

~hc bridc·s . dress was ClI" was made up o( nylon rufflcs'l Bridc: ~Iary Cathcrine (I\:OY) ! a.llI .• June 22, 1963; Retcption:' and :>ICII' York Cil)': Noll' Rc,id· qUI~lte, a he.Hutlful floo,r length the colour exaclly matching the i Fleming; Br!de's Parcnts: Mrs .• nidgoods; Toastmasler: Patl'iek: ing: :\elV hOl11e o~ TOI'hay road; .1!O\ln tashlOncd cntll'cl~' of bmlcsmalds. I ~Iary l'lcmmg (mother), :III' Doyle; Honcymoon: Niagilfa: Photographer: Lamel'a :>\iop; french Chantilly lace, scallop. 'l'he ring bearel' wore a llIorn· Edward Fleming (father who i.; Falls. Toronto, )lonntains in Vathcr (;ivcr: '1r. P"tritk '. cnp dairy sonr CI <'am

I Ica~poon prrpat'cd horsc· rnllbh

cd neck line, lapercd slecI'es in~ suit exaelly like those wOI'n! deceased); Bridesmaids: :IIi" lIamilton. Buffalo SITac11se Lal'CI', hridc'~ cou,in. pointcd at the wrist. 'l'he boui· by the male attendants and car· I Elaine Gosse, hridc's (ricnd ..'

~all In taslc Canee of the gown, dramatized ricd the rings on a white satin visiting from Boston for the DC'- [lllllll"""III:IIIIU""'I'I1""IIIIIIIIIII!I':IIIIIII1IIIIII1II1IUln,1111',I:IIIII','III,I, II',' 11I11t1'!IIIIUI".IIII ... ,

" ('UP mayonnai~r b)' satin bows at t!le hem line, cushion ~mbroidcred with lace 1 casion, lIliss ~Iargarce Soren·: • I c.ln 13 oUllcrs) lohstcr paste swept irolll the tmy waist to and f10wmg streamers adorned I scn, groom's sister, ~tiss !\lar· ~=' Soczea l-Re~'So 1~a I ~.;='

form a ~eautiful chapel train. wilh lily o( the valley. I garet Fleming, cousin o[ the • It Tllrn fish into a b01l'1 and She carrlcd a cascade of red The mother of the bridc wore bridc; Maill of Honour: Miss

~eak un lI'ilh a (ol·k. So!t~n roscs and white carnations from a royal bluc dress of chiffon I Thercsa Fleming, sistcr of the i i. gelatin in cold water then dis· which f10wcd streamers adorn· with sabrina ncckline and' bride; Flower Girl: Mis sCI' ~oll'e ol'er low heat. Combin~ cd with sweetheart roses. shcrred bodice. She wore a cor· Marilyn Mahon, bride's cousin; 1 lou m n ~ dail'l' Mur cream and season· The 4 bridesmaids wore mat. sage of pink carnations. Ring Bearcr: Carl Doylc, bridc's i J=

Ints: If using chicken haddie, chl'ng dresses of azalea pl'nk The bride's going away cos· I cousin; Groom: Axel .JOscPh:1 salt is not needed. 1f usin~ lume consisted of a navy blue' Sorensen; Groom's Parents:

hnme . cookerl !ish. arld I~ tea. satin peau with scooped neck 2.piece suit with a white fox fur Axel and ~Iary Sorcnsen (hoth IIIAI~I'Y BIRTIlD'~Y I :llictllgiln on Tu?,day hy p~aJle, spoon salt. Blcnd in mayon. line and cap sleeves. A smooth collar and navy and white nc. dcceascd); I1lale Attendants: Birthday greehngs are ex· aftcr a I'ery onJoyable holiday. naise and lobster paste. A~d Iront panel was surrounded by cessories. She worc a corsage of :Ill'. George Sorcnscn (best I tended to Frede~lCk Hammond, i ... • ", fj,h and dissoll'ed j!elatin. )'lix sherred inscrts to iorm a bouf· pink carnations. man) brother of the groom, ~Ir. Suvla St:cet, City,. \\'ho crle.: CONGR.\1.1I.ATIONS Ihorou~hl~'. Snoon int~ a light fant skirt. Their headdresses Gerald Sorcnsen (brother of I brates Ills. Htll llll'thday to·. Happy Imthtlay to ~h·,. )Iary I,' oiled. 3.cup mold. Chill un· consisted of white pearl stud· Throughout the imprcssive thc groom). ~Ir. Alfl'cd ~[ahon day .. Grcetmgs come from IllS I Hatchel' of 146 jlerrymcc.ttng

Iii firill. rtul101d on scr\'in~ eled rose petals of nylon iI· ccrcmony. Mrs. Lorraine Cahill (hridr's unele), fill' .. Joscph two SlStcrs an(1 hrother. Road, who cclebrates her Imth· plaltcr and garnish with greens. lusion. Thcy carried cascades of was soloist and ~Iiss ~Iarie :lIar. Hickel' (hridc's l'onsin)' lHl'rs': • • • . day on jlonday. '\ugust I~th.

azalea pink and white car· 511:111 lVas organist. ~I~. Patrick Doyle. ~I;" ;,'r~";k' I',\HEWELL 1'.\R'fY 311'. and ~Irs. !!at~hcr. aI'(' also nations. The flolVcr girl's dress The reccption was held at SI. Croix; Church: 1I0h' 'i'1'inilv. A fal'~wel1 pm·t)· I\'a~ hrld f'r!!'I)ratlllg Ihcll' \\ edtlln~ .\nOl·

--.- .. ~-.. -----.-.---------... -_.-- Bid;::ood's where Mickev Mic. 'rorhay; Priest: Hi. Rc~'. ~rSgl':1. ' ."l1gll~t 7 a1 the home of :'lrs. \'CI'Srlry. Best \\'Ishc." arc ex-haels orchestra was in 'atlcn. A. ~1;Il<'r (pcrfol'mcd douhle I ,John lIarl. 127 I~orcs~ !load. [or. tended to them.

Makc~ 4 sC\,\·ings.





J8c~the Giant IiiUer






WInner of 10 Academy Awltrdsl

BEST BEST Diffftlolll, /foHff WI •• • .I.,.,.",. /f"I;bJ,.

BEST •• ,,,,111" Ad,.., .. Ittl, II,,,,., BEST &I~"''f,''r Aiff.r.. 8N." ell,,,,,,. BEST


BEST $~ri., of, HIlIit., f'1e!un

BEST fl/frlff/l,,.,

BEST Cariv/It, DUTil (nJttr) httHtd 1"'N u""lfUl "UStS






dance. : riu~ ceremony); Time: ]O:OIJ' :111'. ~ml ~Ir,. \\ Ill. Struck and: ... . ••• _____________ .... __ ._ .. __ ..... ___ ..... __ .. _ son Pat1'1Ck ·.I'ho Icft I'ciler· 1:,\ IOW:,\

cia), by T.C.A. to return t~ thdr . (;ue.-ts al Ldlarehanl L(JcI~c: homc in Prcston. Ontario aftcr ~Ir. Petcl' Barzil~, Pidoll, a I'cry enjoyablc I'aration. i :'Ii.S: ~Ir. and ~Irs. R. Harring·

• • • 1 ton, Toronto; ~rr.\. II. Palmcr, Moderation


Is Watchword

i For The Sun Worshipers i; :'lonlreal: ~Ir. and ~lr,. l'illaek, RETURN J10~IE Gander; ~Ir. ancl ~Irs. Bisson,

~rrs. R. II. Scnger <lnd h<'r Gantlcr; "Ir. and ~!rs. C. Ryder, two childrcn Hopc and Robin: Bonavista; :111'. and ~Irs. R. who wcre visiting hcr parcnts, I' Crowley, Perth. Ont.; ~Irs. A. :'11'. and ~Irs. H. Grant. Portu· Barncs, Glcn Hal'cn. Halifax; gal COl'e Road, for the past! iIli,s H. M. Obcndorf, lIaJlrax; five wccks, rcturned homc to 1 ~Ir. It Richards. Grand· Falls.




Now Is the season whcn Ihe sun worshipers In our midst get a chance to practice what they preach; namely, that lots of sunshine Is good for you.

But leI', examine Ihe facts. The slln has four dc(inite ef· fects on your skin. Whcn the slln's ultraviolet or actini~ ray~ strike your skin, they stimUlate the production 0 f Vitamin D. This is a good ef· fect, especially in bahieD and growing children.


'l'hc>c rays also calise th~ pigment in the deep layers of the skin to movc toward the slll·face. This produccs tanning which may be considcrcd de· sil'able or undcsirable nccord· in!: to the pre\'ailing IVhim~ of fashion.

1\ Ihird clfce! of thcse rays is to calise thickcning of the skin and it is this thicken in).! rllthcr than Ihe tanning that prntec\s your skin from bllrn· in~. Furthermorc, it is the Ihickening rather than ycars or life that ages YOllr skin, gives it a wcatherbeatcn look. pro· duces II'rinklcs lilld may evcn induce skin canccr. which i ~ almost ncver secn on the uncx· posed area of the skin .

It has becn said that thcre can be no gain without are' lativc lo~s and here wc hal'e a

perfect cxample. 7110 one should complctely al'oid cx· posure to suulight. But. on the othcr hand, it is wise to use

If you like 10 wear pastel shoes during the summer months, your best bet is pat. ent leather. The new patcnt pastels can be wiped free of soil in a jllfy, and look (res:! and prctty for each wearing •. ....... ---.----.::::=--=--= ··----1



While at Parker &

Monroe Limited

be sure and see

their complete se­

lection of Savage

shoes for children.

BOYS SUEDE BOOTS. lIIade of soft suede lcather with foam rub· ber solcs, these boots come In sizes 11 to 6 in black only and are priced at

54.95 B pair .

CIIILDREN'S CANVAS SNEAKERS. Wit h sturdy canvas uppers and rubber snles. They are 'available In colors red, blue, hrown, white, nnd plaid. " to 2 and priced nt

S5e a pair.

modcration and not go al\ out to try to get the decpest tan on the hcach.

The best that can be suid for t hc tan you gct out of a bottle i, that it is harmlcss But. "n thc dehit side, it h.1~ been oh· scrrcd that on some skins thQ ef(cct is n ycllow or orange discoloration rathcr than ~ 1.111 and it may appear strcalic.i 01' mo!l\ed.

As (ar as the physiolo~ic nced (or sunlight is conccrned, thc avcra~c adult can get enough o( thc bcncCicial effed hI' \\'alking barcheadcd in the sim [or h~lf a mile once a day . This is in no way meant to

A lourth effcct o( the sun's ravs is due 10 th~ infrared componcnt. This causes tl·.e wcll·known sunhurn. and it is (oolhardy not to take stcps 1.0 avoirl it. liTany of the sunburn prcventive creall1s and lotions now contai] DHA (dihydroxy· acetone) which is supposcd 10 give you n tan the easy way. The tan it givcs you howe\'cr, is slrictly synthctic. It results from an intcraction betwce1 the DHA and the acids o( Ih2 outer skin laycrs. This Iype of tan, since it docs not thicken the skin. does llot protcct your sld11 from burning.

Thc sunscreen chrmicals in thc protcctil'e lotions will not giVe you complete proteclio.1 either. but they will absorb somc o( the harmful rays and thus give you partial protcc· tion.

. imply that Ihat should be th2 upper limit of your cxpnsure but if \'on lI'ant to slretch Ollt

on Ihe' heach for an hour 0;'

two. I think I'll .iust sil h('r" in 11H' shade and read a gonJ book!

So hc!ore you huy 8 crcam or lotion rlon'! just lislen t 0

thp commcreial-rcilrl Ille la· hrl a~ wcll. Th~ hpst ~un· ~crcpn~ c01ltain p8ra·amillo. benzoic acid. OM of its deril·a· ti\'e~ or di~alloyl Iriolcllie 'I11csc lotiG1I~ should be applird

1 PI'crv Iwo hours if vou are sil· ling '01' I)'in;! in the' sun. II yo.l go in ~wimming it mllst. he rr.· applied when YOII come out 01 the water.

Jllailllers By ;\IILLETT

One way to flatter a ,male: ask his advice.

------------------------------. --.. _ .. ' ...... - -. ~

By Ceeanl! I-----------------------~------~--------li

For Friday, August 9 I


• Present-For You and : Yours ••. Devote the day to : your loved ones. Accept invita­; lions of friends. Radiations 5Ug-1 gest an unusually active day, I but warn of the necessity for I keeping an eye on the children. , Emotions could lead you al>tray, . affecting both your personal life

and your financial affain, so proceed with caution.

Past ... Tn the early '20s, Ger- Future ••• Within the next many's inflati~n ~e to a decade, a new drug is expected where factoncs were paymg. . wage~ two or three tim~ I day to make It pos~ible to grow fruit 10 workers could buy staph~' 1» of greatly Increased size-such fore prices changed. Men ta;sed • the money out of windows to as grapes as big as pluml •. thdr waiting families.

The Day Under Your Sign

AP.If.'. ! Born Marth 21 I. Aprlll91 LIBRA ISopl. 23 I. Oct. 22) C;0011 infllt~ncu rule )'oor ~rn, to ~ke I>nn't give' in to :1 ternpt:it1on to hd Il:!)' while tIle .sun ,hine" whrn c:aretf upt"tt" are .11 favCrlI,ble.

TAURUS (April 20 to Moy 20) SCORPIO (Del. 23 to Nov. 211' 1 D.1)'~ are like identlcdl !uitc.ases-rome An nb~tacle it Mmtlhinl) ,"DU !ee onlt p~ple can p:1tk morc jntl). the:1D than "bm ~.(l1l hh rour ry('! olf your £till.

o<hm. SAGITTARIUS INoy. 2210 Dec. 2\l : . ~E~INI (MaY.21 I. Jun. ~II c.llli,n: II you don', .. 'n' '0 I ... your ;

'lou II he !Utpnse(! ,at 1:he help-iUS you lihirr, keep your .slenru rolltd up. /1 ran l'~3rh by re::m3tnlMr on the le1e1. CANCER (Jun. 22 10 July 21) ~APRICORN COoc, n to J.n. 2~1 I To(f:ty'~ ud:ations warn th~t no:J'''~ will 'lou may ~1\,C ~'Jm~ (h~f,culty !eel'ln~!hMg I I coo;..: YOU. I\M~C {a5trr tllln :'I h'J~ .·ngue. your net Income .. ,Itll jour grO.5 habits.

lEO (Jul., n to Aug. 211 AQUARIUS.(Jan. 21 to Feb •. 191 1 J1e vPetl.mintlcd •• Don't entertain • new ~blf of knowmg what y?u want 11 ~. I thought u an unweicnme ~t5t. lng what )"cu han to iPYC up to get It.

VIRGO (Auq. 22 to S.~t. 221 PISCES IF.b. 20 to March 201 I Yeu m3y h~ right and accom~lilh nothing It', b~tlrr to be alone than in hld toDl· but ctJMstructinly right, you'll ,0 far. p,any, for "ice is :I. conllRiO'Js di1U!C. I

o 1961, Pllbli3h~s ~!"!PlPtt S1ndiCJle

A I'ery good·looking gu)' II'a, .,il1in~ ,IP no. iced him right 3way hut prctended N I

.1 II)

Ill' l'alllC ol'er and asl,ed if hc could ,it :ICX; 1

said, I'O.K." 'J

rill ashamcd to tell you that after ,'j .... fl' '},1 .,

('oll\\'r::Jtion I let him ki?s mc Alto:;eth',·j'; .. ". he I;.,.;ccf me ahout 12 tlllies. lie gol olf r .. ~

. 1 I I' I d . (·e hOllr ~JrI\er t Ian (ll an promlScd to '1 . . • . nte. I ha','cill hcard fl'Ol11 hlll1 .

1 r,m rcally a perfect lady and this i· I' , , 11e , rl'c (Icr donc such a thing. '\o\\' l'(n "ha . . ,df I.Cl'albC he prohahly think,; I'm a ·the:;d.' ~IY girl fricnd says I ,hOllldl1', feel asitanlc1 " " Icry affcctionatc pcrson by ll;,tllrc and thi, .

f . "j . I! t·. of ~il',l1~ I'lcnrlsilip. II lat :Irc ~fJllr .,.in;: ' lilHI E TIL\ "ELLER.

lIear ,'ista: L'sr your ,lfIilIP. I;irl. 'on tl' more than fricll(lshijJ so don't !t.), III kin Old'!! .\lInir. I

. A ;(11'1 who Illits such a dlcap pritr tag Imses thai shc 1I'0uld band them 11111 10 ~ on a Ir:lin can bardly be cousit\errt\ a bdv

• * * • .' DcaI' Ann Landcr,: I'm a ~r0\':n "'i~'.

started to read your column for kkk;. :\·1',\' I ". like so many others, saying, "I neler dr';~~i I''ritin; to Ann Landers."

~!y hushand's older brother \\'a; marr:" , lIlon:lt; ago. We werc nol able to attend t~~' ' .. becausc it was a long distance all'a\ and \\'e '.,. littlc notice. From all we hal'c heard. Hu·.\2r1 .. •. a \)"L'ly woman aurl we are dclighted.

Howard and his hrirlc are l'olllil1~ In \C.,; t.

AlIgu.,t and I'm ashamed to adillil 1'0" hE(n . "hollt-of all thing;-how to grcet her.

~:houlfl I shake h"n<15 and ~"". "\I'o'1'c '0 b·. !l:m' ) (Ill in the family'!" 01' ~h()ll\rl I "" tr:" frl'ii'Jflal<, ki~, on lite dlccl".' .\1,\' hl(,.hand !1'.!

people rlon'l like to be too 1'1111111111\' al fir't .

\l'hat dlJ you say?-:lIRS. K;\O\\, ;i()Tltl:"\C,. Ileal' ~Irs.: DOII't decille until )011 mrtl. .

let) 0111' ieelings guidc YOll.

If shc's a rcserl'ed, sland·offbh tiP!. kn()\v immediatcly that a friendl)' hand shih' sllffil'ient. If she's affectionate and o\ltgoin! be (''1mfortah!c ahout kissing her .

• • • • Dear Ann Landcl's: For third slimmer in I ~l

boss's wifc has gonc to visit her mother lor I w!!1 I as he bas done two ycars prel'iously, he has ,. three bratty kids to the office erery dar b!(l::t can't gel a silter. I'm sure there'.! not !nou,] in thc world to pay a girl to sit with Iho'e ~ara;(! . are 11, D and 8 ycars old and totally l~ndi;ci;itE!

Tne three of thcm run between th rlCIKs into t"pewriter carriages, fighting, icreaming. mail haEkets and using the telephone,. One 01 . tn he taken down the hall to the bathroom hour.

The boss has managed to hook him~c1/ for· lunchcons e\'ery day this wcek and lI'e hal! strllcted to take thcm 10 lunch. It il OJ[

opinion that Ihe boss is nuts, and we. would l:h. adl'ice on what 10 do about this.-t'P TO HERE.

Dear l'p: The IoOS5 may be I'ery well b! but he's stiU Ille boss.

The situatiun sounds hldeoll~ and palh of. has the right to tell him so. fillt he len~'e because this may be the price jOu'\! pay for slleaking oul.

III .". • •

The lcarn the knack of feeling cot:lfomb:, the oppositc sex, scnd for ANN L\XDERS' "How To Be Dale Bail," enclosin~ with yo~r cents in coin and a long, self.addressed enrel:!f.

Ann Lander~ \l'ill be glad to help ~ou 1it~ . problem. Send them to her in care of (mdl Features. 231 SI. James SI. We~t. ~[ontm!. QU!, a ~tamped, self·addressed envelope. ._-._-----_. -,._----- ----- - -- _._.----




HARRY HORNE'S CUSTARD POWDER .......................... ..19'



WAX PAPER-100 ft. roll .......



Jackman & G GROCERS


. .tftrn"~ yon probab rer' II ~. •

II . or a two·limc \1'1'1 5 lOCS

the L That

yORK - (~L\)-\\'I oet for the guy w o .. .)

be has c\·crywHlg.

he plays golf. r~rhap,; of shoes are Hl ord be too. that he' Ih~ ordinary caric:

(irm ha;; come o( loot·weary n

are (ed liP with look all thc eour,e The

:a pair of shocs (Etf)l. in g·eal'at gold. PI':

$;0. The shoes arc , in pro golf shops-no do

them away [1'0111 l'


COllrsc, cvery m in the moming. B

is thcrc awa\, with 3

or' buzzing off wilh a 51:; cicci firm I l\obln Sh;

N.Y.' thin!' worth at 1

whtt for Iheil' electric

After chcckini! skin beard thic\;n~~s.

and the like. the cutters to suit

there is thai :II of not always lmo time it is in Paris as into a jet. .II Swiss the market I','it\; :l

wrist watch: on of Ihe dial. local

other, h 0 III C

reveale pate

. 'daub] .Cll'cles the .

Page 7: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

" ,. ,

, :11111 rat h or

! \'I~~r ~'ml with ' •. e or r:.'n~~1 : ":1 0;1. QuP.,



II ........ ".


r/TII~lll'~ r"" 11l"h:!i,I\' clOll't lWl'r a pall' o! 14 carnt r· ,111.:-1,,'''' 1I\'j,\ watch lfor telling lime In tll'O . ,~(f' M •

Little Things Count

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,,~; nile

.'11',1: tin:c: :~. I' time.

En'lI if you nevcr tral'cl, Ihink of the cosmopolila:l image you cnn project at the next party! Price of this tick n is about $~20,

• • • Explol'CI' Lester B. Dill ob·

piously is onc o[ thor l ) fcw mcn who do have everything, At iL'llst hc owns 2j leopard· sl;in tuxcdos, whlc he wears whilc esc 0 r tin ~ tourist.s through thc ~Ieramcc Cal" erns, Stanton, illo" which hc owns.

1M Dill Is c1eal'ly In thc m;r.or ]c.lgues when cc 0 m· parcd wilh Times Squarc res· tam'.mtenr ~Iax Ba:1I1 Hc owns !ill suits, 30 Ol'el'coats, 4j pairs o[ shocs, 15 hats and 11 dozen cnp~. Although h c counts 250 tics on his rad:, he nlwa),s wcars a mink bOI\ tic on the job,


Orange is complimentary 10 those o[ you with glowing sun· tnns. H'<dheads, blondes, bru· nettcs and browncttes can wear thc orangc shadcs ir the correct fOllndation and lip· stick shades arc used witl! them, Foundation make - u~ with ycllow toncs will make you look jaundiccd whcn com· biuc(1 with thc orangc.

Beige.rose tones arc b~;t hccause thcy gi\'e II luok o[

SLEEVE' • . . Valley LESS SUEDE: For late 'clay magic Miss

th;evealcd at a press preview of its fall an~s sale turquois~ and brown shift-sheath

circle tOhUble: knit" A mutching . suede belt , S ChIPS, .

The Mature Parent


(EXCERPT 3: "THE WATER BABIES," By Churlp.s Kingsley.

And thcrc came a shoal of basking sharks, some or thcm as long as a boal and Tom was frightened at them. Bul the), were very good·natured fcl­lows,-Thcy came and rubbed thcir great sides against the buoy and lay basking in the sun and winkcd at Tom: but he could never gct them t L

spcak, They had eaten so much hcrring thcy werc quite stupid; and Tom was glad whcn a collier brig came by and frightcned thcm all "way. And then there came by n

beautiful crcature likc a rib­bon of pure silvcr witl, a sharp head and vcry lou~ tecth; hut it scemed sick and sad. Some· timcs it rollcd hcllllcss on its sidc; and then it dashed away glittering like white fil'e: antI and then it lay sick again and motionless.

"Whcre do you comc from?" askcd Tom. "And why arc YO'I so sick amI sad?"

EvcI'yone cnn be sultcII with N,se this fall, Suit fasliions comc in every style from spurUI'e til drcssy. Gold and olive Scottish mohair tneed (Iefti bas semiflUcd Jacket and fun­ncl necldinc, The ~hirl of this !IIonte-Sano and l'rnzan dcsign has front fohl fullncss. Wool, cotton and Orlan nrc blcnded

TIle Shapes Of


In the red bouclc twced of the Haltie Cal'llc~ie ~nit (crllt'~r) Round little bat is of same fahric as Ihe suit. Charcoal ~ray doublc·lmlt Jcrscy of 01'1011 and \\'001 is used for the OIcg Cas· sini snit (right). O\,er·blouse is Is done in orange, gr"y a 1111 white strIpes.

Suits To Come

I;" .• Jt.II'I!,"."r~ .t'", '1 ".".' '''' 1111':' ·,1"11"

"W " e : The ~ f:

-.. , Women r:rmATIVE HOMEMAKING


Homemaking is an oren in which your own pcrsonality can take over, Self· expres· sion can make it fun rather than a chorc,

Furnishing a home Is just a task to the woman who goes in to a furniture store and buy! whatever thc salesman is ahle [0 sell her.

It's a satisfying, creative joo to the 1I'0man who visualizes the kinds of home s~,e wants. works it out in her OWII mIn'! and thcn puts it togetber piece hy piece.

Tt's the ~;ame with enler"­in~. The woman who simply nsl;s hack the people who en· tertain hcr, and offcrs them C:,:lCt!y the kind 01 evcning thc.I· offered her, finds enter­taining a bore.

"I come from the warm Carolinas," said the crcature "and the sand banks fringe.l with pines. But 1 wandered north and nOl'lh \:pon t h ~ tl'cacherous gulf stream unti! I mct with the cold iccbergs ~­floal in mid·ocean. So I g,lt tangled among. the iccbcrgs and chilled with their fl'07.C'1 bl'cath, But the waler·babics helned me from among them and sct me frec a~ain. AmI now 1 am mendin~ c\'cr.v {Ia~': but I am very sick and sad: and perhaps I shall ncver ~ct home again to plav with the owl·ravs and more,"

BY HELEN IIEt\'t\'ESSY "parlies"-Sportivc and Dressy. boon, Cor so oUen ii's difficult the popular fabrics.

The woman who !(cts the crowds to~cther because she enjo)'s them, is pretty surc they'lI enjoy each olhcr, .and t rics to plan an enjoyable evcn­ing, really likes entertaining.

"Oh!" cried Tom, "And ha\'c yon seen waleI' habies? Have yon seen any ncar herc?"

"YCH," said the cl'cnture, "thel' help cd mc Main last nIght or I should havc hce'l eaten by a great black por­poise,"

How vexatious? The water habics so close to him and yet he could not find one And thcn he left the buoy ..

to go along tbc ,ands and round the roell5 and come out in thc night and sit upon 1 noint of rod: amf),nq the shin­ing scaweeds in thc low Octo­her ti{les anrl cry nml crN for the water bahlcs: but hc nC\'cr hcard a \'oice call in rcturn, find at last with his [rettinr, nnrl crying he grew quite lean and tbin,

Bnt onc day among the I'oclls he found a playfcllow. It was nut a wntcr baby, alas! but it was lobstcr: and a very dis­tinguishcd lobslcr he was: [or he had live bamaclc5 on his claws-a great mark of db· tinction and no morc to he bought [or money than n good conscience,

warmth to the c{,mplcxio'l and this goes well with the oranges. Pastcl lipsIicks sm 11

as candy or brandy oraMe completc the color co - ordi-nates, '


Despite constant warnings most of us come up with onc Or morc uncomfortable sun­burns during a scason, If YQ(I feel you arc getting bnrncd hy the sun's rnys, apply a burn ointmcnt or Iirst aid cream antiseptic. Thcn cover up im· mediately and ir there is an umhrella, hidc undcr it,

~EW YORK (:-:lEAl - Fash­ion smaclls of po;itics this fall, And true to American trndition, . the l' arc two



stroll ont on sunny days in a lean sheath with easy·scw pin tucks for top interest, Love· Iy in pink, blue, ycllow or a gay print.

Printcd Pattern 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, Size 16 rcquires 2\8 yards 3S·inch fabric.

FORTY CENTS (In coins' (no stamps, plcasel for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER.

·St. John's to:


to (ind a blOUSe that will com· The Impact of the SPOl'livc plcment a suit rather than de· So you sec, there's sOlTlelhin~

fur both "partics." look brought about this state tract from its good looks, or affairs, Because it's nclV, Black, camel, the gold·to. it has been ballyhoocd to the heige toncs, gray and rcd are II'hat's left on the racks \\'i!l point where many womcn wllO the important colol's. Tweeds, determine the rcsult of thc fa'i like suits feel that they'll have mohairs and double·knits arc fashion election. to give them up 01' look like -. ----------- ~-_::==:" English countrywomcn.

This isn't ~o. There are morc suils stylcs to choose from than In past seasons. And a member of e it her "party" can go into a store and cmcrge with both feet [irm­ly planted on her own platform.

For the sportivc minded thcre arc cas u a I suits in twced, corduroy and lenthe~, all designed to hc worn with menswcar felt, cable·knit stock· ings and flat· heeled walkin,( sho~. .

. Thcre arc low·belted suit Jackets with shirt slccve sty~. lng, teamcd with easy skirts that have sidc pleats for walk· ing freedom, AmI therc ar~ lumber jacket Sllits that hav~ all·around pleated skirts.

On thc other fashion tid,ct wc find sort, front-tie jacket~ and button·down jackets with back-thrust cuffed collnrs that invite jcwclry or silk scarv~~.

Cardigan SI\.i!S, with Jackets longer than last year's, have matching slolcs to drupe as YO!I pleasc.

Other drcssy suit Jackets arc brieflv fitted In front and released in baell. and lenglh.~ go from thc hip·line .iackcts 10 tunics lhat are almost as long as a coal.

Fur is lavishl ~ used nn some suils, with' ;-';orwe~ian blue fox and mink in all shadeS lcading as fa\iorites.

Thc important news In suit fashions right now is lhat many arc designcd with their own blouses. This is a great

Send order to ANNE ADAMS, carc of ST, JOIIt\"S DAIf,\' NEW, Patiern Deparlment, 60 FRONT ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT_

~ .

DistinctIve· marks or this ncw collection of reproductions 01 fine IBth century Bermuda anti qucs are visible in thi~ pictUl·r. :>Iote tlte smooth but high nrrltcd table apron and, in the bacl,·

ground, a glass trensure chcst which combincs display space with the cabinet storagc, '

Good For

Furnitlilre Fewer $ $


Onc of the b I e a k discO',· erics awaiting the you n g homemakcr is the high cost of everything. This was the discouraged comment of a young Iriend of mine who had been hunting [or china, silve:'


and furniture.

Silvcr, she asstlr~d me, \\':15

$100 a placc sctting: china she favorcd was $60 a place setting and, as far [urniture: Well, you cuuldn't get a decent dining table for less than $500. Shc didn't think ii as funny flS

The woman who never cuts h(',: ~nllSel\'0rk d~'.I'r; to thc es· ~,"nti~l, that arc ncer,snry [or 1.;,:' fJmily's comfo!·t feels li!;c a drudge.

But the woman who uses 1

'i~tle im~~ination and plannin ~ h create n ple~c~nt home wi!'1 little unneccss"r\' work ~wl worry clkks orr h~r hous!':.\','or:, in a minimum of time. nnd·h"'; somc time left to enjoy he" home.

The joh of home!1d;in~ ca!, be a creativc C2reer. Il ,I , it's just a .lOb unless a WOI'W.l sets Ollt to express hor own ic\;!ns. bascd on her fomify':' needs.

T!)UR r.o\!'/ ,\ llA OTT.\W·\ rcpI-Twelve cilii.

eel' cadets from ~igel'ia End Trinidad will tour C·rada fl'll'TI Aug. 16 to 30 on cnmoletion nl a one,)'ear course at I'ario:" Canadian Armv schools. 8rn" heailquarters • announcerl \Vn1 nesrlay. The tour will i11clu,if Yancoul'cr, Cal~ar)', Q l' e h n {

City and College Royal ~Ii:i· tail'e de 51. .Tean, Qvc.

I did thaI only two months br· fore she was ycarning to jO!~ thc Peace Corps and ]j\'c in an African junglc.

The point gradual'" h~· came clear: she hal' limitc.l her shopping to the most eK· pensive departments in tti·~ most cxpensive store in the city. At my urging, she shop. ped other stores, talked tn ex· pericnccd saleSWOlncn, S h r had a practical lesson on fil\;~ reproductions which 1\' 0 u I d :;trctch her budget.

A graphic exmnpl~ of fine rep: oduction at mass )lrolh!c' tion prices is a widel;- dis· cussed new collcc!inn ba,r.d on anti'!llc furniture fOlmd in Bermuda homes, m~ny o[ th;~ originals dnting hack to 16:)'1.

The lines arc smeoth·flowing wit h somc unmistakable touchcs: Queen Ann styling with a spoon ieg devcloped bv island craftsmen, t h ~ shaped, 'arched apron that ap· pcars on table bandings.



CHECK THESE ADVANThGES' ____ .. _____ .~~.ft~~,~~aill· __ .. _____ _ • Horwood Lumber Co. Ltd. has everything for the Builder

or Contractor: It's the complete Shopping Centre I Halifax $22.00 •

Port aux Basques $13.00 Corner Brook $11.50 Grand Falls $ 7.30 Gander $ 5.70

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I, ,'m Leduc llallcy S 111' D"II 51, [1r

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3000 83 83 83 -2 Notbeou 1500 43 39 43 +I Lo.~ ponll 3000 7 7 7 NorlnrUo 200U 14 H II + I lImlnl

10625 32 29 29 -I Nnrle. 20500 42 40 42 + I Mill City 200 110 135 140 t\orm.tol .EO 315 m m N no'irs

2500 m. 1m )31,~ N n.rdU 3000 2D 2B 28 -Ill NC 011. 2000 Il IS 15 N Goldert 1000 241\ 24', 241> -I".. NCO II I, 2100 III 10 10 +1 N nank RGOO 25 25 25 +1 NCO pr m~ 83 76 80 t5 t\orlh~al. 4510 340 330 330 -5 Norlheol 1000 7 7 7 Norvnlle 7000 10 0\, 91'.1 [lkaltn 130 $271. 271. 271~ N Denllo 500 30 3p 30 -3 Pnmoll 6j~ $l::!'~ 121,~ 12'~ + 11 Oha!!'\ca 20CO 5 5 5 Permo

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705 900 895 90d +5 Ormfiby e 4a~O 25 ::!j .26 -1 Quonto 1000 15 IS 15 -2 Il'omour 1~00 123 121 123 +4 Ilan~r. -;:;00 17 17 17 Par.\maq 1500 15~1 15 15 Sarcee £000 5 :i 5 , Patino 473 610 620 620 -10 South U ~on 273 27~ 2H -5 ! J'aUno rt! 27~23 6 4 4. -3 Trlml au tH(} Sl614, 2G\'4 2tll4, I ['lax. Inl HOOO 21 20 20 -2 Unispllrr 11fl $,1111:1 5GL~ !iGI a Pa~'ma~t :1000 IJ\1 1:1 1:1 + ~~ Un Oils

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41)(]1' 29 29 29 -11'2 Sherrltt 1900 276 272 274 -1 1011 Hr, Hfi Jolt; -2 Sl~m. 100 550 ItO 510

2noo Isn m 160 -3 SIl\'nloq 11500 23 21 22 ~ I 18jOD 127 lZ-l 124 -2 SII !t.1tIl'r 121> !,9~~ ~9 ~9 -1

500 R 1\ n S~coe 2300 195 190 193 't-l a.101l m 7 7 _ I~ Sioftnlt 3000 all m 81> .

101 3111 3111 310 -5 Sleep R 6025 m r20 ~30 6[111[} lR 17 18 -2 .!-iturgeon :;.OO(} 26 25Y.1 25R

600 94 \14 94 + 1 Suil"'" 300 110 HO 140 -5 :wn 2:10 ,ZJIl 2'm _2 Teck·}[ 4100 177 175 17!i -2

~Ol)O 41~) -II J 4'~- J'2 Tcrrtory l:iOO l1~l H':!l 14~ +1 .iM H''J lin 111:1 -1 Thom I. 7-t~O~!i:a 52 -3

1020 11 14 14 Tombil 2800 68 6A 68 iillO 91 !H!l Tornlont 5095 22 2Jt] 22 +' :;~O 7'~; 7 1'oWili: 1000 9 9 D mOil 3l 3~ 31 _I Trbag 233110 201 :00 wOI -2 !!,~on fll • (,3 6::: -2 Trn Chb 2075 13 13 13 910 (1:\0 820 R~O -10 U Asbestos 100 320 :120 32l) + ~ :iJ'l $~~I:.! 4(11;t ~!jI::_ I~ Un Uuffnd 2700 65 6~ 65 .,.1

f\~nO 3011 Jil 30 lun l(eno i65 :'\95 ~70 ~95 ... 5 3111111 7 , 7. I Un ~Iner. 18000 3211"1 31\\ + " IOO(l 21 :!l :!I + '':I 111PP Can 300n 154 148 IH "f 4 150[1 211 Z, 2fi .. 1,: VaUlt 1700 60 .57 !)7 -3 ::!jOtl 51 ,in 51 -2 ,'c"par 20M 17 17 17 + 11~

llOO $6H~ fI[)~ 6m!J-ll All Cdn Com \.76 :='22 I Falcon 30n S55~~ 55'-l 5W;" - 1, i Inspra5n 20:1 215 215 2]5 t. 5horf' IXI1US1'nlAt.S AU Cdn DI\' 6.fil 7.H Fam Play 200 $l~li 1a i A lR:a - l~ I rllt ilr1ium lr.n 1:;0 !~fI 130 ,.\fil.':te'J- f'

Alunllnl C IIrew

2081 $25:l,~' 25\~ lSI, + J,1o Americiln Grfm1n 8.69 930 Fle~twood :!50 520 20 20 : Inlclpr Or 8000 13 111':' t111,- \~ ~(ead Jnhn 639:) $10~8 10 10v.. + tit n~!!l1hran 3:l.ot.i r6.32 Fndln 100 $9 9 9 + 1~ : .Jubilee .5913 2L5 210 6 110 .. \\'lIn t'IJrp

D Magnes lfIO $71,8 71i. 7t , Canada Growth 5.U5 5 . .11 Fri1ser .'i[}() 528j~ 233 ... ~G:r" - 1;1 I\"ien.l 3n;) U~ 410 4IIJ 1 ~,lt Pet ;~, 1.100 $t1a~ 11~~ 11~... elln Gas nnd El1erJ.!~· 6 M uli G1. Pap~r 200 $191., 19' ... 19'.. I\:ont,k jOn 4 ; J _ It l'aC' Pt'tl" W ;f~l nO~CQ

Gen Hnke Inlan~

ljO $13 13 13 C.tnadian Inv('stment 10,35 11.J6 Ilollln- 9-0 $'61' "'''1" 26' 1 [ b ' P ",cr J .. ," .. II ~, .a M'cept ]45 ~j,~ j'j'. i' 8 I 0\\ Corp 'i'oil 930 n6'iI 6 61' + '.iI Cdn Trll~le·d 4 ti4 .07 Home A 7:15 $III, 11 11 Lac1uboro 401J0]30 12i !:'II) ~.f) I Pr<11t J. 1',\

Inv Syn Inv ~yn Pcmblnl\ \\al en

'1.7 $60 605 co Cilnn!uml 42.~~ ~t31 - r"'~ ~1UP 1013' 101~' 11' r t P t ,• 1"8". ';'/:1', 52 S'.I'. + .L_ Champion ~!utunl " n°, 'm l' II" d JnPe II J' ~.! ~ " "' '1 - "I .am!')n aR A 10~]() !II In -. 1" S re!l nn v 1 I 'l n.,. ,,_ r.l [ •• U a)' u2;, S.57 5611 jl'\2 - 1, I Leland pub1 1M $:; .~ .~ _ ,,, CUIQ 11 flr,1

200 ~7t~ 71,~ 71", - t~ Cnmmon\\raHh Intrr. 011110 O.Fl'i Husky Ull jon 600 fi.OO tiOO J.m::"dc 3lCOO 'i 4 t"l - Sher \\m· 'r'<1 526 S5GIl 561.4 56;~ "t ,~ I Commom\calth Int. Lc\cr 7.50 R.12 Imp Oli IOn s.;n" Hirl 4P-, -;~ ~f('r rhp H000 Ii'll',! 1ft III _ 2 'T"('lw('j" :~l)


Corporate )m'cstors 10 30 ~1.:6 Imp Tob :525 $14 1 \ B I ::'I!errll1 10000:i2 30 'in -2 I Trns I.ux ;, , TolAl salC!'s: 2,l~5,OOO" Diversiflcd Inc A 21.25 Ind l\cc-ep 22:10 $22~~ 221~ 221~ - ~~, )Hdepsa 36(\1) 1;0 Iii 170 ~ to Tr·()mt Iq

Divrslflcd Inc R f. t.n 4.B5 Inland C "r 250 Slg~ 17 t , li~4 -1." I :\II~lant:n =0500 21 2.! ". (It;lh I,j S

~IOSTlmAI, ClOSING ,TOCKS "1 The Canadian J1relll

I Abitibi 43~~ Dom tar Ablt pr 25 Foun~allon A!ibesto!l 2.;1h Fri\ser Buque C N,'\t;4 TIud Day Min Bank Mont 627 j Imp Oll Hank NS M:\~ Int NIck nn"u. PC 50 Int Pap Dcll 5:l~" :'I1n!!s·}o'r.r Brnzll 300 !"Jor .. nda Clc\cland 4 Paudash C Cement 37 Pricc


l SEh<lre~ :l.4~ 3.15 Int Nickel 2065 $.631 .. 63 G3t~ - t'l I ~fonprc 6500 al2 11 "r:~~.;. I,:;: ,\\'r H.ll':

omnon ~quity ~9n') 19.1n lnt Pap 596 SJPs 31% 3 38 -]1 !Iott Plea. 71jj() 10.i 98 Hn -J Drc)'lus Inc. 17,:lj 18.IlG 1nt Vtll 635 ~:!3 23 :'1 - =41 NfJd Li~ht 100 S'IO 110 110 Europcan Growth ti,to i.n CJnlitnrl C ttr 150 S171 '4 171" lit~ -lt4 NW Amulet SjOO 11 JO 10 -1 Federaled Gro\\ th 4,;7 5.21 1nt Nickl!!L 2065 !63~" 63 631." - ! 3 ! Nocana .')00 113 -" J ;, .. -. '~ A FirM Oil and Gn! 4.49 ';.91 ! Int'P<lp 596 S311~ 3P-' JPs- :21 :\'orilc Fln HIlI Sltjl~ 101~ Inl~ _ '2' ftnlnll'lt~ ..... Fonds Collecti! A 6.:io fi 85 lInt um fi2:i $23 23 23 - ~~ I X\ Ash lno 7 I i ~ Fonde Collectlf n 5 4~.~ :5.il3 lilt nil pr 200 !~B:\t 483" 4lP, IOPl:'m Expl liOO U 1Z ljl~ lil. -1 ~10:\TIU. II .. Fond~ Collectil C 6. HI"" 70\ I Inter pl 110 S8134 BP~ BP-I-~' I Pat Sil'!er 0100 22 201'2 ~I)" -J' , g~~~~~h I~~l and Gal ~;~ ~:~~: tnhatt 240 516 16 '6 - 1.i Pmulash 200(} 11~" --11~ ~ Chn<,;tophct (lIdll""'"n." I G

all fm 200p 50 $J1~-l 37;~ 371)~ -Pi Penn" RlHr 30M 3Z:; 32(1 3:!:i .. 111 of The R. m1 "Itnrs m'e!llor!!l ,rowth 6.!'I!'i 'i'.:i6 Lohlaw B 2jO S71a i'JL i'li + 1", Pitt Gold -1000 7 • / 1 \.

;)H'r:l 1n\'e~lOr5 Intl 4 'ii 4,97 :'1m PH 1561 $23 22'18 227,_ ~~ Pnw Cp 2, Pr 213 :S:D 1n 10 - ~~o1th .\mf'rila 4P, ]n~'eslors ;\lutual f2,~i 13 r;ti :\farltlml! i26 $21 21 21 -" QII· Sm,lt 5,'~ 12 12 1_' ' . 'I t I \ I 0, ,O'N apllointmcnl n'. jlr. \. 63 14, 1.1 u Ua t ccumula Inr :i.R:! 4.1A :\1ass,F 1330 $13~-4 13th 131,.-1- I~ .st r. Colum 300 30:) JCi 31'.1 l~A ~lutual Incom~ 1 ,'.3~ :i.3j :\talis 5~ pr 6O$10~1410- 107 1 I St I' D ton II:' :·hillrmJn ::".'

131:0 X American or CnnAdti. 10,1'17 11.30 ~f !JI)O ~91' '~ ;.. - I" .aw v tOI)!l5 fl,) ~.i .. 1 Ii, l ' [lne 1\'llllftm Sireet I ',M, I" ... 10 '·Ior.!!" 6r • 10 !. '3 9 9' - ',~ I Sh'el' Reg 5jOD:l1i ~l 31 -i cuti\'l~ off1eC~' I)f

" '1 </;,;] Iron pr I) J..! 12 12 Sl\'f>r S ,16500 F,!) 60 1)7 4':1 Peovhlf'nt ';.91 :i.:ifi' :\Iolson n 26S !3() :;0 In 1 S1 T ern Paper t·OI',,,.,.,,""

141:1 Putman Growth !I j'j I ;tont tocn 330 513 i:!~~ 13 : '\ S \'~~rault 21~og ~~ i~ 1~1'2 ~2:.,. see. and Rf)\raler,'

r "lorrbon C :'Ilo\her L:on ~e,u~ C('In • ~('hol C Scrthld

• I r Pcnh l::~r~J 3~ :l :I:l -I ~1('n 111 10)0 11 11 II ')11n Corr 110;; ~\lPII IRI.. .', -.~ Violam 3425 19011RS 11 +4

MO(l 7 1i1. fit ~ _ l} WRSnm:lC c 501'1 85 85 liS + 10

731~ Radisson 4.:;~ J 0\ ~ront TrU!lt ;)(J $~ 92 92 ->- 1 j Sp<lrtan 2(\00 4~ U ';5 ;1)H RCJ:'rnt ,j Ii.! fi.ll I' "OUH" Corp 175 $.18'2 .tal~ H~I~ 1 Stan F::;,:p! l!ijO 210 20i 2111 , pot'atioll. Thc..:r are t~~1 C C('mcnt pr 2S Royal Bank

C Stam,blr 48 Shawl.


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1j(1O ~':l n fl - 1../~ :\11 " I'h:ht :!~oo 17 1~12 lfi' ~ -1 )llllti·~'

'lOis Rc~rarch m'p!,tmg In'i] It.5x N'orandll. 7fl5 536"4 36 3fi - l, ''("che 51)00 II 11 II plilp and IM:lel' miP_, PI~ ~9 SavinR:!i In\(!Mment 611'1 6 li7 O;::ilvir. ~75 $12'11 127A 12\~ ".l-"! Tb ExpJ ;300 / fi fi

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2uO,) l!l 19 19 W BI!M'Cr 1:;00 i6 16 16

Ie Imp Dk C fill, Slerl Cdn Brcw 10 Tr Can Cdn Brew pr 51',1 Walker

(; n,,\ Pop r. Rt",court C Sannnrm Cop Corp -------.-------------.- .-.-.--... ----. -_._._-.'

55 1962 E:cc. Fund Cd! 5 :19 5,fi"; Pac PC!'te 350 $11"5 IH-l 1l1~ _ ~ 1 U AshrstM 400 32~ 315 :t~'i -:512

, opel'uteri hy RI)\G:ers Vr.: Ob.lsk 500 51 51 51 -1 SOllthern ,'nileo ~:,Ie; If Prn BOO 2(1 2f1:!(l I


.• Realtors • Registered Appraisers Better Homes at Every Price Level

BETTER HOMES LIMITED is equipped to give you, the home buyer, the most complete service available to enable you to acquire the home of your choice, in both 10cCltion and design. We invite you to call us today at our Topsail Road office. Down payments on new houses start as low as $1,500 with a N.H,A. Mortgage by Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora­tion. .-____ We are confident we can help you, -""';---J

Pllone No. 9·1175 ,-

This week we are featuring the fine Split-level Bungalow pictur­ed below in BAIRD' SUB· DIVISION. Oak floors, fireplace, L.R. wall. Guaranteed forced warm air heating. Built to N.H.A. standards by prominent local builders. Down payment $2,500 with full financing under N.H.A. NO SECOND MORTGAGE.

MORRIS SUB-DIVISION - GLENDALE A few houses still available -Down p.ayment as low as $1,500 Monthly payment-$87.00 N.H.A. Fjnan~ing No Second Mortgage.

Lo'ok at the advantages BETTER HOMES LIMITED can offer you - the prospective home·owner.

• You SELECT THE LOT of your choice from ona of our own sub·divisions or from any approv­ed sub·division in metropolitan St. John's.

• WIDE CHOICE OF HOUSE PLANS. Over 500 different designs available.

.. "QUALlTY·BUILT" HOMES by the foremost St. John's home·builders-members of N.H. B.A.

(. ADEQUATE FINANCING available at best terms-including C,M.H.C. m~rtgages.

G SECON'DARY FINANCING At aHractive rates.

., Full knowledge of C.M.H.C. LENDING REGULATIONS.

.. Existing houses accepted in TRADE.

4. FREE LANDSCAPING PLANS and INTERIOR DECORATING advice with each new home.

• A competent staff carry out regular INSPEC· TIONS during construction.

A truly c01nplete ....

Home Building and Planning Service

QUALITY-BUILT HOMES are available for immediate occupancy in the various metropolitan sub·divisions. Adequate financ­ing available. We also have a wide choice of building lots on which we can arrange to constrllct the home of your choice with C.M.H.C. financiQg.

Watch for This Sign The Symbol of Better Homes



I U 'Io\\n F.I 3:l~ $l.1!l, 151 2 1)~4 I \';1nder H 10M 120 110 111l I Van;:uilrd 2000 (I 1 it I \\'rqr~na 500 :llll JI':' 31' 1 J'

\\'flcc!on lnOo ~lIJ ~1.; ~,~ - I ~, LO~DO:; ! rp i W"steel ~OO ~103, 10 lj lQ~t -lil 'per Corp I.Id (':Ii;'~

89.300. ~lin., on th~ London ,Inti

1 Thursday, , -----

Brinco TORO'\TIl 'I'p -E~':


8y Tht. 1\~:!jDrlatr-d I'nn ;\-1'''' l'ork Stork E:u-hanrr-Aur.. led' ,11 - Ex·dividend. Xl - EX+ RIGHTS ,;!i n a !;~ n

\W-E~·w;}rrant~. Net change is £ro~ IJJ~\·iou! day's close, I ~E\r YOni\' tCP

~.I dO!'ol' (10"" I]J 'I 'I "fork ~alt' lIla:h Low Cln!!t' Ch''', lu II ... " " \Cr Ind 4500 9!l' ~ 08 99'r.: ..... t,~ i terms ot t ~ f1ln,1· \ddr('~!'1 ]2700 j~'~ 51 $4l R 1 J:'I,ij: n.., ,)n.!!l P,III'I.! • .tt,,~~ .\!legan, lOa 9' .... 9~ .... 9'1'1 _ 1,1)' ;1 .. _;/ n . 1 II ~ •• , ~

I ,\lh-; C'h 2200 li'l! 161" 16". _ 1. ' at 52.S01. Anwr:ul;i. Ut;OO 74'" i3\:z i41~ "fl11,

Am Can 431)() ·t5:.'11j, 4j 4.)'1' 0{ 'II' ,Am Cyan (i4110 ji~" :ib~~ j7~~ T 14

I Am ':\fut HEM t7~/O ti'l 17'~8 ... 'OJ lTnited :-;tnlr .. do1l8r J1~ ,\m Smelt JZOO ill·" a1 81 _,.

I Am Std iGOiI IiI" 171~ 1i14'" ': CanndilHl LlIld .. l Am Sugar 37no 2i :':5:;~''''7 -.I~ t SlOi-l 11""

Am Tcl llaDO 1211;.> 120J~ lin;. + I.! a '" .)~ I Am Tob 1fJl()(I 2ijl;;: 13 :.!8 -:tJ I was tlIlI:han':l.'d I Am,led 2"0 381, lJ 3R - '" I ___ _

I Ancnda ';500 48511 .t/~-i 4a'~ _:.~ . I Armco 5t1 2300 571'i 5; 571 a ... 1 i1 : I Armslg Ck BOil 92 91 91 -1~, , Bilbcm::k 900 5j~4 .j~l)l j5:'1.~

netl! Steel 10000 29'. 29'. 29;. l\v I RoeinJ:: 501)0 :H1i.~ 3rl~ 34'~ J, 1,~' Toront(I-- ~)1i11 "ct !(,,~r. I Dorden ]200 6~~::.c 63h 6:1~-I -1 .

BorOf Wllr 3200 H 43:'1 8 41 +~, tnulIng-, I LZo, Edl,on 200 4". 4" 42 1 ' IN" \1 . rl I Bru:1SWk 3-,900 12-',', 12-"'" ,~ " .. ew 'n t,-- afj\ .•

12111 + 'I I t 1" ,. I I • .,.:' Hue\' Erl. 61)0 15~a 15:1~ 15J~ _ IS :\ on rC.1I- lj,ifj\[ .J ..

Budd co 900 ':n;J I]~~ 13'8'" I" ' _______ _

Burl Ind 1600 37h, 367~ .3;1 .. 't :! 1 G g~[:;;,~i 2l~ ;;:: I;"~ ~I,\ I H a rbo!.! r rae! Camp Soup 400 1001.., 100 WP ~ .... , ~ I

I Can Dry 1400 22'(, n~. 22', - '. i P~rsn ... ~_.Is ,Cdn Brew 5200 9(~ !)14- 91" ' ... VU:'"' crn :UOO 281;" 28~!I 2S)III- 1~ I

I Ca!e JI 6000 9-\11 !Jt4 9~", .... :l1j Cater Tr 2900 44~8 13~R 4J:l, ... I. Celanue ~100 ~O, HI ~ ~~~ 'I _ I" : Chr,ysler 73700 .18h j7~. ;)/'\8 _ ~I'I Cihc~ Sv 63{)O 71 70's 703~ - ,~ i ' I I I r ClevJte HOt! 37', 37 3, - .... 1 Da\'J( f) a:11 n. Coca Cola 1400 99'. 991• 99', + '. Oland I', .1 d,lll~hler or CB". 11800 661' <- •

I 0 "nO 66 1 .. " I • . , I l' nn 3

Coml Sotv 40UIO 28',4, 2714 :!fll; ./. "/1 ~Ir. \\·111.ltl: 3"1' Con Ellis 3300 871,,:2 87 871".1" ~':.' ~ Harhor (;1 ,i( (' uh:1 Container 15{)/J :!j~-I :!j'~ ".~, " • -\

I Con Can :l20lJ ~6~'4, 4'i~~ 4~;: -r I i Halifax m.ljl'. ~car~ a~;. I COli Oil 3000 t,O:;R 60' M vo:!" I( Oland clrl J)nlP3mCc .'

Copw SII ~tlO :WA :W4 J~1~ - 1. ",,'. "0'''':'· I Corn Prod 4000 5j:1" .)7t~ 5i',:,:..j... J, I band 10 ~h(' , I Crnne Co ZOO j3111 5!~.I .1:3, - :1,. I recenth' hr1d at 51.

Cr ZeU ]100 4R'.f. 47~8 4v~" - 1., ' oed I Curti" Wr 4!1()1) 19', 191, 19'. I were milch jluprr,-Decrp. 1800 60' -Q' ~~I I" I 1 J_ 14 • ~ - 'JI I' Pforinl'c

< Dome M HiPOO :113" 30~4 31's - 'A

I DI~t S~at .100 47 46~. 47 ",]4 --. J.'

I J)o'.lJ;ias 4700 22; .. 22h 22~~ 'lr a HI ~lrlO lrO~\I" DM .. ' chpm 3<l[)O 601':2 fO f;01.! 'I .. 1. ~I Du Pont 2400 242'" 2~OI':l242': =-I·~ , and dal1~llt('l' I\arcn •• ~

Ii ~~~~n ~~1!T 45(1() 10~:r~ In~J" 1091~ + ''2 i were 111~r ... t" lJ~1 \\H!. "

110 2100 3.1" .... JJ'~ 3~1. - lij ,.. II Pike EI Paso 5000 191, IP." 19 and ~Ir" ~I.)\·.IC . Ford 22100 51 1' .101 50:l~ + 18

,Grn Dyn ;7M :::jl: 2~1~ 20$12 Street. Grn EI~c 9200 79', i9'" 7914, _ 14, ---Gt'n Fd.!! 2"no B"·.'- n'l, ~ 'II (I ol·!~\

., .. v:! n,; .. fl. 'l.l.. J:' .'11'. ,"II,l \lr~, h··~ Gen :\filI8 I07DO 36 ~5'"!l 35 -.. 111 .~.l I GMC 19400 itt, 71 7114" 14 l'hildrcn return!:( to Go Pac Cp 1100 50 493 1, 50 1.' Glidden 200 421" 42'; m; - ,. saturday aflpr a II' Goodrch 5~0fJ 4fP. 4~~1I 4al~_ 1.1.1 with their PJrl'n~~",::t' Goodycar 7500 36 :Jjl';l 36 ... 14 ' ~ i Thc!r h.'" Grand Un laO() 17'~ 17'~1I Ii", - 'R; Harold t~:.l d Uj; Gl A I' 3100 4~', 44', 44', - ".1 ter Su'all returne ,. Gt :-tor Rr JOOO 52:1." 51 ~~ 5"1;, k 1 <1 ~ nie;' Gull Oil 15500 49', 451; 49 I after spell'll1" . IIomstk 6~OO 53:1-1 52~4 5214 - f." her (1randpar{'nt~,

Il!nltl'~r).B.,.M 3(1) :i2','l 52:il 523 " r J ~ I 0 __ -

1\ fi.OO 2";j~ 24 24l1" 1'1 " lilt flu, 62,0 HI\> 431', 410 +~'. Mi's \nila Chap"··.· Iln",t Nllal"~kv J40~ 5531l ~4'" 55~iI I" 'A I ·"1 I ItctO\\n (J

.. 5700 591't, 5(11.2 51!l~ _ 14 ed to C wr 0 d" I Int Pop 6900 29', 2810 29 d it I' 'pen In- j ]nt Tel 1500 2H, 2H~ 2P'1 -I- J, 1 ay a e ' • ~:1d 1.l~, John, II 3900 471, 46;. 471, + I. \'isiting her aulI, ",b K.l!o~g 800 75', 75'/. 75', 1 and ~lr' Harold~' Kcnnceot 4iOO 72''11 71~1I 72tH I.,~' .,;;, ... ---"

1 Korvette -1700 20:'1, 253" 261", _ J~ ---

1 i~~~;~fer l: ;6~\ 12621

; fi:,'-:";; I F'lre Alarl11 I Lh McN L 500 14~8 14 1,2. 14~

fl.ltton A10t! 7Jv. 72 73 ""I -----Loew's 2500 IHi 17~~ 17\~ 'l.: n,t Maratl! 011 6OO!l 53 561; 53 + H. HR. (:RACr, -fill ~I""h Fld 5100 3m 34 3~',; - " I I Icer Martin 17000 181. IS!. IB';, _ ',' Grace Yo 1111 " 'I k !I 10 I'" ,I ere !i600 Io(}'!.i! 9!lt,-:f, 9911.z - I, I rcceh'cd a l':l . ~. 1tI1i. whon 81 10Rb 107 IDS I" + I par,c"

I Mlnn mm 10100 W:." 511'\. 60\. +', Mr Amhrosc dll I Mlnn Ont 2200 2m 20'1\ 211', + "1 Str~et Wcst on lIOln,d'

I ~Iohaseo 5000 9\, 9 9\. + 1\ 0\ erhel ' Mon:'Oanto 14300 51% 51'.~ 51~1iI../. 14 where an bIt Mont Ward 6700 38\ .. 37~4, 3B'~ + l.1 I was cau5in~ tr(l~t 1iat Ca,h 3~00 6n. 6'/ 67'. t '.. Ith Ilith.

I Sat DI,I 3,00 25\\ 25 2j', quickl), dca N~a\,l CG,YnPl!! 800 47~~ 41ji~ 4611- I. ! re~ulting. ./

3!JOO 203 , 20 :!O~" - ~.. ... ~_, .... r Nor Pac 2000 47~1 4G~ 47;4, + ;~ \r.!c!! OUlb Mar 2700 Ill'. m, II~' - "" OTT:\W~ (CPt-· Parke Da 116500 29%, 275., 29 + .'l;~ • ~. "11 13ke Penn RR Deoo 1m 18V. 18', - I; Storrs •. i6. \11, celO: Pepsi COla 1000 531. 53 51\> -~. vembel' 35 M Pfizer 6300 SO'. 49'. 49--"" '\ . f the Phelp. D 2900 62" 6m GIl. +', operatIOns or s' Philip Mor 3400 ,m lHi 75 -1!1 partment II \1-Pit PI.te l500 581. 56'1\ 56" -1 '~ Pro Gam 2000 75 74'.. 75 ,. + Ii Wednesd<l)'. . haS Pullman 3800' 271v:m 26:y. - '. rear admiral. h~. ~ IlCA 11300 cm CBI; 69 I' dil'lSlon nalslon 1100 31 3Hi 32 + '. 01 Ihe SliP braoe) SII 8200 37'\ 36Vo 3m - "" rine sciences at ney Tob 2050l 39 •• 35\lo 30;. -I'.. rtm/nt ,. Rloh Mer 4000 5411 SJI.W 53% t V. mmes ccpa 5 Brl"

I Royal Dut 70300 17;' 4611 m. -1'>1 ceed Capt. E. . Sears R 5100 901, B~" 90 +;t .. Shell 011 6200 H1& 44 141, rebnng.

• 1ger

Steiger du the artist's

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Tea September this

dozen fortunate , will bc bcn~ musical genii

YehUdi Menuhin is opening in

about this in the BBC GE

Service progr: Now', !l!enuhi~

that in due . Would grolV to

which he believed I

lI'as press own musical

at the age of .referred to his In having beeD I

mUsicians. • "I ' into playi

. and conquerir sld.e of mUsic. begInning I was

into its beauti and all it hal, H~ had been

In life and

Page 9: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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• elger !ircnE'S in a new "perspect­

, ;-~.: 0 "1I1'i,\\1~ t:hange of subject are high. .. ,: :\ ,rr:r,: of ~kclt:hes executed here by .... Str:crr during a recent holiday. Top :., ::~e :1rti,\', \'ic\\" of a section of the

"I 1"'1'1 OC Gra\'e. The sheer depth of ;::::; 1\"::11 the ;:\ages clinging to them is ... , i:l :h:, ah,tract. Top right, what start­;; .;:: ;;hm8('t conception of a rock for­

:: ;c\'P.':t'd it;:clf as a mass of stately , :",::.:,;,] ",1111l". This is "Gothic.'l Lower

i:,r <!ll)1'rlilH' at Grate's Cove-planes, . :-.,~ ::'C;:'11(,,' (If color accent this picture.

lNews Staff photos)


In the days of "the Old West" actors who played the part of a villain on stage were run­ning the risk of being mobbed when they got outside the theatre, Audiences would take to heart the sentimental scenes, and stamp, laugh or stampede uncontrolled when the occasion

callec!. • That is in the past. That was the way old

theatre-goers of the wild West reacted. While today it is considered rustic and extreme, st. John·s theatre audiences could still learn how to react to various scenes.

"West Side Story," an award winning pro­duction now playing in St. John's gave rise to some of the most ignorant displays of audif;11ce behaviour that have been seen here_ At some of the most crucial parts in the story, the rest· less, heckling sections of the audiences decidc(! it was time to burst out laughing.

While American movies are capable of switching very abruptly from ordinary scenes to excitement and to sentimentalism, it should not be· hard for people to keep track Clf these scenes. The important thing is to keep your head and if the scene does not Clppeal to you, tolerate it ofr the sake of others.

"West Side Story" is a dramatic mode f!iv-I ~ ,~

lng a modern interpretation to Romeo and Jul­iet. It is an outburst of delinquency, passion. drama, mw;ic and sex ... many modes are that way today. but it. should not be difficult for a person to appreciate the a1.m(ls/'~l'e of a stene, anc! tr~' to keep himself from acting out· rageously different from wbat would be ex­pected.

During "\Vest Side Slor~'" some people left the theatre. It was not their choice in movies, 110 of course it is their privilege to lea\'e. But on the other hand many people saw fit to hoot, jeer, roar with laughter and call out remarks which thev no doubt turned over sev­eral times in their minds. Those that were trying to enjoy the musical show eould not help but be disturbed by a heckling mob in their midst.

We. are known for our common courtesy anc! it is a commendable thing. But we could certainly strh'e to attain common considera­tion in displaying our likes or dislikes in the proper perspective.

--- ~-~- _.- -------------_ .. _-

.National Exhibit I '

IFor Monte Painters and ~culptors of alii ier 1Il International Prize for

nationalities al'e invited to slIb· ! Painting, the Prince~s Grace In· mit works for the IVth Salon: ternational Prize for Sculpture

11 I ~ ; Bo,io to he held in X ol'ember i and a prize to be offered by the

O . ea C 1 0 U ng' 11963 in Monte Carlo under the: I\lonaco National Commission

. patronage of S.A.S. Prince' for Unesco will be awarded duro Pierre of :'.Ionaco, honorary ing the Salon. (UNESCO FEA·

ic, .... ,,:\' " 'il:s ),l',\I': good tsings he would like to 1 pre,ident of the 1\1 0 n a co: TUllES)'

ulned Violinist

I :':t~:. :111:\11\:,." ~"Hlllg , hand on to others, He stress. I :-:ational Commission for Unes- ~ ------", ,\,,, 1\1' ""nl'!lling! rd that if a child was to play i co. The exhibition is intended' AIR PJOl'\EER DIES ,., -"':,J: _,'nills of the violin, he must start it __ . ,.-------. ' ---- i 10 offer artists as yet unknown i LONDON ,Reuters) - Ca.13-

,\\(,\,::~\ ll"''':''':1 at a. ~'Olll1g, though it was as weill M . P . 'Cana(j",a a chance of displaying their ldian cidl al'iation pioneer Rich-:t .. l 0prI11t:~ .11 Lon. "to hnl'e sung a bit before ew el4specflves on r. talents, and to confirm the pro-

i anI1!ayson, 69, has died at his

.1.\:; a~"I:! :111; ncw' blown on a recoirder or tried!' mise shown bv artists who have home at Keswick in the 110rth-, ;;', "'" ,;""'" I ' , 'ow ,of" " ]h. pi;",,, I I "",d, m.d". ",m. '"' Ih. m· '" E, ,I'" it w," ",",,,.d • .,.lle,' pf,1'.r.1l11me I I selves. Wednesday. l\!ayson emigrated

I:. ~''','. llt'!lllllln said .Asked how he was selecting ~ B P bl- h d - S t b i to Canada as a hdy and went !:;d Ihal ,11 lille time pupils, ~Ienuhin said that he 0 ' e U IS e In· ep e nl e r 1 The works will be divided in· on to success with an aviation ... ~')1I1~ ~rn\\' 10 meet was choosing them as young i to three categories: abstract company he founded. A laKe in l:.:~ h~ b~ii," ,'d Clwr_ and as gifted as possible (the I painting; figurative painting; northern Saskatchewan was

Ila' prming. youngest is eight). But at this. . By CYRIL FOX I missions and the expiry in 1940 I pictures for the Parliament: s"tay wit h a comparatively: and sculpture. The Prince Rain· named in his honor.

· I.t'"n lIIlI,I,:::1 train. early age their potential was: NEW YORK (CP -New per· of his visitor's permit forc~d Buildings in Ottawa. i happy year lecturing at II'll1t • .1, the a~e of five,. more interesting than their Ispectives on Canada have come the Bl'ilish artist and his wife I As Wllr artist, LelVls was ai' now is Assumption University Season Is Ex~, ended

, ;.'::::rd 10 hi. good I achievement, and potential from the pen of a Nova ScotiJ· to move to Toronto. There they signet! to a Canadim. artillery in Windsor, Onto Back in Brit-.... "I,I:n~ bp!'n langht, could be judged fairly well. born master of modern art 3nd spent three yeat's in II dinr,y unit where he remained nn!i! ain, he prodnced eight mOTe · , .. ,S:tI3n,. "I wasn't I "A ehild is a' good risk If he literature-and Canadians \VIII residence·hotel. the :l1'lnistice. His wor\( among books before his death. per- The heartening audience res· tember,

. inlo 111:t)'tng an . is buoyant and happy, and ter- find most of the perspectives l.ewis's relationship with Can· the Cnnaclians culminDted in a haps the most powerful was a, ponse to the fonr plays current. This extension of the Halifax · Ind ron'lllrring the' ribly interested in music has anything but flattering, ada had begun in 1882 when h~ Ill.lgc oil p~inting, Can~dian Gun ~ol'cl .. Self Condcn;ned. _ PIF1'i l)' being presented at the Nep· Summer season is possiblil be· ,f,!, or n'l\.jr. From. a good car, a good me:nory They are included ir The' Lot- was born on his U.S. father's Pit, now III the Nahonal Ga.-, hshcd by ~1ethuen 111 In"~. It: tunc Theatre has encouraged cause the Neptune Theatre's

. . , '~:,nn!n, I \\'a~ gil'cn . good co.ordination and i~ tel'S of Wyndham Lewis, n i5,). yacht in the harbor of Amhel'st, lel·Y. ottawa. I gave a fictional account of 'h2' the Iheatre's management to ex· I Atlantic Provinces tour will not :nlo iI' heaulje~, it~ 'blessed with parent~ who arc! page collection scheduled fy,· N.S. Brought up chiefly in Brit- When he (irst went to Toronto, author's wartime experience of tend the Summer season well: start until October. · I;~ all it hold; for' understanding." publication. he~e in September ain. he burst upon the literaty in 1!l41J, he t.hough.t it a ci[Y! Canada. pic~~lred a~ "llie ne,,:"r· into September and to add a; This fortuitous circumslance,

0\ .Ie hJrl hccn "iven : by New DIrections and already and artistic scene shortly before where he. might Improve hi,: never land and the genUIne new play to the repertoire. ; plus the encouragement from -.:t! In hfe and these' published in Britain by Methuen the First World War with wr:t· badly sag!(tng fortunes. But the blank·of·blanks." The new play whicb is go. : Halifax audiences makes it pos·

__ ... __ ' CO:,>/SUMPTION RISES and Company, 'fhe controver. ings and paintings of ·stat·t!ing outlook changed qui~kly ~1I1d in~ into rehearsal next week : sible for the Neptune Theatre 1T;: TV OTT~WA <CP)-Rubber C,IO- sial Lewis died in 1957 at th~ originality. Canada became for him. as he No Tra",t' or SJne will havc its premiere dllrin~ . to add the fifth play to its reo n' UJI' . sumphon rose by 13 pet cent In age of 74- During the war. he was ap· wrote in 1942. "a small and the week of September 2 is ' pertoire.

: ~Iay to 27,935,000. pounds from During his stormy 50 _ year pointed a war artist by n com- backward country where I am "DIAL M FOR ~IURDER" by , -----:nmg go\" . ~ 24,704,000 pounds 111 Ma~ ~f last career, Lewis wrote 40 books of mission which, un d e r Lord a buck·and·a-half off the gutter : Frededck Knott.

:):h Ih . on In the. year, the bureau of stahstIcs re.1 fiction philosophy political the Beaverbl'ook, was providing or flophouse." The year before "H?W often do we hear the i "DIAL i\I ~'OR :\IURDER" .- Br'lde's Bouquet I:' :/13n e\'~r beforc. ! ported Wednesday. Most of the ory ~oetry sociology and litcr- he had published a bool< in Tor· lI'orktng mother denounced as, f th' t' . I:~ I 'p'ro~\ral;mlon abound in I increase. was in synthetIc rub. ary' and ar't crl'tl'cism. He als lonto It had' failed t~ sell anel a traitor to her family, though, on.e o. e mtos . engrossmg at nu , , I h h 0 .' I ~npplO" mys enes ever prO( uc· , "It, II h V· t .

c1lhl- me;, and the: ler, II' IC accounted for 16,544,. won fame as a painter but was INSEA M I Lewis remarked to a Canadian several surveys have shown that 0 0 , " • .:. II as. rea y t.e IC onans, h >e programmes! 000 pounds of the total. forced to abandon the palelle eet I correspondent· most wives go out to 1V0rk to ed on the s~aee or I~ mol1~n, WIth theIr obsesslOll for em·

, ::"" 'hOI <h" I ' . .h" h. '?" hi' ,Igbl I, 195'. • "I'm "';. '" "'. b.I", ""I,,· "~doc " h.I, I h. "rn' I C"~"" d II "h' 'J'":" .;' ',;;' ph"I""th. p",l~ ,,' ,~" , e ~o"' matlOn., Rheumatic fever m children Nobel prIZe.wmnlnll poet T, 5 ' acquainted than I am with your ily, not to escape from it. such'l·

m. an. It IS ?pe t at I WI lty of wo~ell, who made white

rll350n rl~ ~:: :~~s~ , ~~~ ~~~~lt ::' ~:~~tiC:;;u~~e~at~ ~~~~t~es~nc~ro~:Ue~ltYlrs~wi~f '::~~ In Montreal ~~~:.~~~iO~~~ t:~~li~~:tif:iho!~I!i ~~~~!~~:ti~~S su:;'~;:de ani~;~!~ ;;l;~:vte ~tt~e a~:~~erll.~~~r a;la~~~~ ~~~('I~ve~~:;s ~~:npUt~~ry I~hit~. ,,:'. """ • ","" ''''~ ,b,," '" ",,,II.d .. ''"'' 'U", " wbn, ]h. C," , ]h. doplh .. th.l, ",,'m., '0' ,b,ot ",.,,,,., ,hlld"" d ,tf]. i "eo,""" """m .. , w' dd "g I; Ih. b,]d.', b", ,,'

<. ,," :"' "" "If". U" "hi ,I,,, I" • ,",g,t", dI"hom Ill"", ",ll. H'gh ,.,1 hi", c," dl", . . . ,,,' I,g "," d ,II "" "'" '" h ,m" i "OJ AL " F (] n "U an ,;n" (] ,, .. '" ,'mp" .. , 'pn, " 'W,,,,,, "d i " "I", I, th. j,; ," '"" ... , K."" h" I"m" him ""' ,,' Tbl,,, th. ".~ '" b. Ih I, ".I,,,.t ",,,,d, ,,, ,'~h ',g d "",",,,, tt ".m" n )1<"',' w," I d';',~~' ,!;; ,th• ;::''' ~~ ",n ". hi "",m ,,' w .. lht 115. in that in, ness, pallor, and loss of' appetite the "shapers of the Engltsh discussed by art educators, appearing here .... If ~011 ean- that responsible mothers more! llIen 0 e I P une . I.ea r. earned by the Saracens as a

Ph rime mo!il'e is' Early treatment by the docto; (vritten language of our time." historians, critics ami artists not break this attitude, you will often work while the feckless I to be o!fered aJ. a (\mdeOlI symbOl of fertility, while the ,: ,'"" I" "". m., h,lp I, '"d of' tho d.", Lowl""'~" '" I, h]d, ."11,, ~I" m"th " ""t """ h"" '" m'" .. 1I,m m'" ,f]" ". Y • t h,m"" ," ".", ~ '" .'"rn wh' Rom.. hold, ",I.h.d .. rn ,I t !" ."",~. '''''' 'h IIdh", '" .. ~ hi' """" ~ "" ,b"t C". re,I" t th' ''''rih .""., "' ,MI", II" c,,,', '" . --<J. n. !t. Greg", R,,'" "I '"'' ",,,?M'" lb. th .. tre~" ,wh... "' • .ym b,1 th.t h" e hl'~, it seems • ada, as nbout most nations, he Assembly of the Internation. ADl\lIRED CALLAGHAN Social Institutions, Bedford I enthusIastIcally so far tillS I; husband's grain bins should al·

assertive age: Pulling all his strength into had opinions of the stropgt'st al Society for Education But Lewis had praise fer College London University, I summer. ways be well filled. By the telling each strenous work and athletics t kind. "This sanctimonious ice- through Art UNSEA), The some artists he encr.untered III speakin'g in the BBC Third! The ca~,t ~f :'DlAL M FOR I time of the Renaissance the

id rather than ex. 1 the weekend while the I' tar box," was how he deserib~d Assembly will study major' what he c a II e d "this m9st programme. MURDER Will Include Bernard ears of corn had become a .... '" w..",.. lib. w". I, ;,,,' .1 d ~ I ' U" .",tlY ,,, • tM I I.t.. to ""ri',I1,,, b.m, m,d. to "ro'''''' """,.11, '" .. "h." ~.hre"" Dm.. G~. '" b .]gh, , 'h "', "d h, ']b. .Igbl",,]h the: our attitude of \ job, doesn'i make ;o~e f~~n:;: the U.S. writer Ed~lmd Wils?n. art education in European Among them were the painter MAGOG, Que. tCP)-Poli"e Ga;y ;(rawford, Davld - Renton century it had become a bou·

hOle texture of If exercise d t' it' ., .. The leiter was written durIng countries, North amI South A. Y .• Jackson and the novelist disclosed civic workmen werc am. Norman Welsh, all well quet of flowers." It We are beeom I to . ke . an ae III les a~c a .four.year wartime stay 111 Ainerica, Africa and Asia. Morley Callaghan. I,ept busy Tuesday cleaning 3G I 1;1::',':11 to IIal.ifax audie_n~e5. -Ailsa Garland, editor of

d 11!1 civilized i . ep a pers<ln healthy, hIS Cannda which saw Lewis close It 11'111 also examine the role For Canada in general. how· municipal signs disfigured dur- . Although It was o1'l!\mally 'Vogue', in a BBC broad· lltOte n· I exercise must be as balanced to" poverty and isolated from of art' education in thl' el'er, Lewis dt'veloped a keen ing the night with the initia!s: ~):annetl, and so announced, cast. lor 5el~~dd mor~ , as his meals, ~roperlY planned art, co\1eagues and friends. "sclentllic age", aversion. In one letter' he "X· "FLQ" and the emhlem of th~ I tliat the Neptune's first Sum- I ---.----

e ath. and evenly deSIgned as to pro- SOUGIIT COMMISSIONS Apart from 'discussions, pressed the belief that the COlin Front de Liberathm Quebecois i~ler season lVould close on TORONTO (CP)-The United .. !.allibt:rt, alltho d gram. He had come to North Amei'- there will be lectures, cleo try_"n sort of worked·out g'J:d ten'orist g l' 0 U p. Police said 1 ,eptember 7 the aUlllencc , Church of Canada announced


In th l' an Ica In 1939 to arrange paintinf( monstrations, film showings, mine"-had litlle future rXCC'Jt parking. speed limit and sign:; ~csponse to. the p!ays already I Wednesday it will send $5,000 \0

OI'Ctseu ; B~C Spruce snd balsam account commissions he hoped wOllld exhibitions und visits to art as n Dart of the United State;;. welcoming visitors 10 ~Iagng n repe:tolle h~s heen so : the overseas relief committee cI 01 Books' el'l'lre (or 84 per cent of the wood used cure his financial difficulti~s schools, etc, (UNESCO FIlA 1 And lie C1nimed that many C'l' Ivere disfigured. ~Iagog is In hcartcn'n:l that it was dedit ,the World Coullcil Co! Churcl!~s

pro. by the Canaodian pulp ani! He firs! t.ried his luck in the TUnES). nadians felt likewise 'the Eastn Townships, 75 miles I cd to extend the season rur' I Cor viqtims or the Skopje, 'Yu-paper mill" United States but a lack of com- Lewis ended his Canadinil southeast of Montreal. ther into tbe montb of Sep· I goslavia, earthquake disaster.

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Page 10: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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Maloney Scores Again; Another F' Pari-Mutual Holy Cross Out Front Another first" hits the spo t

Nfld. Saturday night, when out at ;h~ . Trotting Park 011 the Goulds Road p S.l racing and betting will be held withall. scheduled to be run. 511

Twins Top

Colts 7-4 ,.

Kilbride softball action last night saw the Twins drop the Colts 7-4 with Bob 'Hillier pick, ing up the victory. Ian Peck· ham went the distance for Colts and was charged with the loss.

Noel Dinn was top batter of the game having two hits in three trips while Bob Aylward had the lone Colts hit.

Note:-Saturday lIIorning's tame ha~ been cancelled,

Crusaders Ed ge Gua,rds 1-0 Mike Maloney has scored' four goals for·

Holy Cross in six games of senior soccer so far this season. Three of those markers have bcen mighty important to his squad as they gave the Crusaders }-o victories.


Since the Trotting Park started tw ago they have been going no other,. 0

and they arc still climbing for c1,'ay

Thursday afternoon Mr. Brian tal!l His first came against St. Pat's in the sea­

son's opener. He came through with the lone marker again against United but that g'lme isn't official yet as it was caned with 12 min· utes remaining. Last night he was back again with a first half tally to give Holy Cross a 1-0 win over Guards at Buckmaster's Field to give the Crusaders sole possession of Hrst place.

Browne, Healy of Agriculture, Ottawa and Mr. Ceol side of the US Trotting Association ge the City to give final instructions to the Park staff on Pari-Mutual hetting,

A programme with the history of ticipatin; horses will he availahle at and circulars, telling pu blie huw to also be available. The circulars will distributed in and around the Cih'


nmm ~tALONEY

While Maloney registered the lone goal, young Tom Healey put his cat·like reflexes to work again In the Crusaders' cage to earn hi! fourth shutout of the season, He madc several out· standing saves off a smooth

Soccer working and much improved Guards squad. i A two-game scoring splurge

Leaders SI. Bon's ........ "." .. S 2 1 Feildians .. " .. " ...... 2 3 1 Guards " ............ "." 1 4 t United .... ,,","',,",," 0 4 1

7 5 3 An explanation on Pa)'i-~Illtl\al

be carried in Saturday's Daily ;\cws, ----,---- - --- ----- -----

Likes Penalty Shot But Missed Big One

Guards seem to give Holy, by St. Pat's tricky center for· Cross most trouble. In their I ward Joe Browne has him lead­first round meeting the lllue ing the scoring of the senior and White handed the "west- soccel' league. In five games enders" their only loss in six played Joe has scored in just games and again last night they two but those pair were enough had trouble. Healey's goal·' for seven tallies, three more tending, especially in the scc- than four players tied for sec· and half on tlVO point blank ond place.

Wolfe' s Three~HiUel shots saved the Red and Gold. Joe banged home three goal5 .

Phil Smith, replacing Guards against Guards and the next pet T WI regular goalie ,Yilburn Oakley, I game he ripped ~he twines for aces orne S 0 also came up With a good per-i fOllr markers agamst SI. Bon's. [ormanee and turned the game, Crusader's 16 year.old goal· into a goaltender's batt17: He I tender To~ Healey i~ waging A three· hit pitching perform·. and gave the free pass to three. ' was constant;y kept on h,IS toes a battle With St. Pat s John ance bY Hurley Wolle gal'e 1 Bill Malone brought home the by the husth~g Crusaders a.nd Browne [or the goaltenders Comets a 6-4 victory over RCAF first Comet run in the firs: kept Guards m the g~me WIth honors. In six games Tom has in senior softball at Bannerman inning and they followed with well" execute~ moves ~n goaL allowed four goals against him Park last night. The win mov. two in the third and three in St. Pat's, United Tie 1-1 \\ Ith I,he fll'St hal! lust past while Browne also has fonr cd Comets within two points of the fourth. RCAF got one run

Penalty shots have been: team loop with 11 points fol· was fouled inside the United the 20 ml~ute mark the Crusad· against him but in five games. first place Jays. I across in the third, another in John Phelan's specialty since Ilowe(\ b)' St. Pat's with ninc penalty arc a and Phelan tucked ers or~amzed a 5UC.c~ssf.Uld :~t. To get on even terms John has Wolfe, after getting off to a the eighth and two in the bcin~ mOI'ed into the centre· and United eight. The Irish away the penalty kick. tack wllh Maloney f~mshm" ~L to shutout the next team SI. slow start this season is back sixth. forward slot for St. Pat's junior have played a game more than Top performers for the Irish Halfback Harry En~ls shot t e Pat's play, to his old form that helped Singles by .Tack Tricco and ,oecel' Icam. Last night he the othel' two. Feildians hold wcre fullback Tom Squires. ~al: ~rough t~~ ~Id,~le wher~ TOP SCORERS him burn up the league last Joe Antle brought Malone ~cored his sixth pcnalt)· shot of down fourth position with five half Bob Day and forward ci~cled c:r~UJl~~~~c fO: t~: s~~t. GP G season. In giv~ng up ~hree hits home in ,the fir~t after he also the season for the Irish in the points, Guards four and St. Ed Whelan. The United squad It looked like ,.nother save for .Toe Browne (SP) ......... 1i 7. h~ got the thIrd strike past got on Wlt~ a Single. ~oe. Antle first half to give them a 1.1 tic Bon's one.' got good games from fullback, " :'Ilike :\!aloney (HC) ........ 6 4 i eight RCAF batters. was the bIg gun agam In the with United at SI. Pat's I'ield, Both squads engaged in a close Wince Worthman, half Rupert S~lth, but ;\Ia.on.e) cut from Eldon Drodge (F) " ........ 6 4' J hn Murdock took t the' third when Steve Smith got on

IllS wmg to send It homc. (S ) 4 ,0 0 , T ' With onc minute remaining battle for their eagerness to Dawe and forward ~ob Howell, l\Iinutes later Guards were Peter Brrne B ... "." 6 h~ll. for the losers and was ~he: af,ter an ~rror and J~ek mco

In the game St. Pat's were grab second place they were Referee: Rex Smith. I d or k' k 'th J' n Bernie Bennett (HC) ... , 5 4 victim of seven Comets hits. I With a fielders chOice. Antle awarded another charity kick held to a standstill by United (Lineups) I aW~f( e a \ ~er IC ~VI rt I ,Tack :l1.1rsh.111 (G) .....•. " .. r, 2 two each by Jim Emberlev and came to bat to driVe in both and Phelan had the chance to goalie Bert Windsor and SI. SI. Pat's-Goal, Bud Corbett; An rcws ) aCI~f la d,ea~ 1,1: 'Gr:lham Kelly (SB) "" .• ' 6 2 Joe Antle Murdock fanne'd two I runners with a double, put thc game a\\'a~' for St. Pat's Pat·s eager Bud Corbett. Both fulls, Carl Cluett, Wince Worth. ~~o~~ol~:d li:ee GU~~d~? fi~st ~~~i i T?m :lIurphy (SB) """ .. 2 2 ----.,--------------------but as he approachcd the ball youngstcrs earned more than man; halves, Fred Churchill, but th bi mitts r Healey I Dick :l1aloncy (SP) ",."" 5 2 R d Ends he ~llppcd and it roBed by the their share o[ applause with Rupert Dawe Lewis Mercer' b ~ 't g 0 1 ' r Nels Holloway (F) "" .. " 5!l FI'rst oun toall'o!t. outstanding leather stopping. fonvards, Bob'Eddy, Eldon Butt' , ~rab e f \d to s~nd Ho y Cross; Bernie :l1arshall (SP) " .. 5 2

Bob Howell triggered the lone Windsor was at his best in the' Ron Rol1ings, Bob Howell, AU o~n ~e h dg:~n. d ! Henry Summers (F) ........ 5 2, United goal to give them an second half when SI. Pat's held Johansson. ' uahr sa. tlree goo dShcoll'i ! Goaltenders

Felldians and Guards close out the first round of Junior Baseball at the City Ball Park tonight. They'll clash in a game set to get under way at seven o'clock.

will strengthen their hold on second and drop Guards deep into the cellar while a win by Guards will cause a three way tie for second place between Feild, Guards and Holy Cross.

, i i Bob Sillipson drET I the hottom of t:l1 .. 1 the fit,t ilro),·!

"arll' 1 I unt'l Ph 1 "' th d flU't d G I B t W· d Ing C anccs m Ie secon a . GP GA "·d " . cae I can re"l5- e e ge 0 pay. ? me - ?a, er III .sor; with the closest being Brian i. '»", tered on his pell3lty. The tie Howell beat Corbett at the 1~ fulls, Pat RIce, Tom SqUIres; Wh' , h t ff th t The' fom Healy (HC) .. 6 4 .66 I'ame leavcs SI. Pat's, United minute mark with a high shot halves, Frank Whelan, Bob C IP~ s ,s, ~r~e l\t I~O~y and; John Browne (SP) 5 4 .80, and Holy Cross forming a from just inside the 1S·yard Day, Len Squires; forwards, Brus~ eBls - Itt t'li ad nh t • ff I Dave White (U) .... 5 7 1.40 i

: was followed b,· B'll . , drol'e him home :. , hit. h b I '" ., crme enne ra e s 0 s a I ( 1 '

tree team att e for fust l~ne. It lust got by tbe fmger. Derm Connolly, Jaek Powey, the crossbar in comin" close [or I BI~ck Pcnne I F) .. 6 11 .90 I Felldians have an even 1·1 record to date and bold down second spot In the standings, Guards, who arc the defend· Ing champions, have dropped both games they played.

place. lips of tbe small cagecop. At John Phelan, Ed Whelan, Enc th . d b Wllbnrn Oakley (G) 6 14 2.33 The Crusaders lead tbe six 25 minutes a St. Pat's forward Gregory. ~rlr sqlla f' n f G \ d I Cy McGettiltan (SB) 6 18 3.00

Herb Jenkins is expected to slart on the mound for Bill Campbell's Guards while Bob Dowden Is the probable pitch. er for Frank Knight's Felldi·

COlllel; ,cored i! ed with thm ir, ~ Dal'c Hollett S:Ir.t: free pJSS to fim. man got on wil: choice ;10d l!u:!,y ed. Ilnlictt came sacrifice fir by and Stere Smith man anu lroUe

op per 01'1 er or uar s STANDINGS was halfback Jack . Marshall W L T Pts.

S b D Kel With a strong defenSive game un earns rop I owatts with forwards Brian Whipp and i Holy ~ross ....... ,,' 5 1 0 10 ,Tim Andrews also playing well. St. Pat s ..... "."" .... 4 1 0 8 A Felldlan victory tonlgllt ans.

nA~NEm(AN PARK Sunbeams dropped Kilowatts

3·1 in the first game ycsterd:1Y with Randy Williams picking up the win. Paul Bennett was charged with the loss in going the distance for Kilowatts. Den· nls MacDonald was the top bat­tcr for the winners having two for tll'o.

Pepsics blanked Seagulls 12,0 In the second game behind the pcrf(;l;t pitching of DaVe Pars· ley. liary Tobin took the loss. The final !lamc had Tigers wal· lop Kiwanians 14·1 with Bruce Marlin taking Ihe win and Budd Haynes suffering the loss.


2.00-Bra\·es \·s. Pcpsies. 4.00-Scag~lIs vs. Tigers,

Saturllay 10.30-Kiwanians vs. Jets, 2.30-Bannerman Park All·

Stars vs. Churchill Park AII·Stars,

. CIlURCIIlLL PARK l1.00-J(iwanian~ and Chevys

DETnOIT lAPl-Vic Stasln". a 13·ycar veteran in the N:.· tional Hockey Len g u e, was named Thursday as playing coach of Detroit Red Win"s' , . Amel'lcml Hockey LeagUe far:n club. PiUsbUl'gh lIol'llets.

The left-winger wil! replace ,Tack Stewart. wilo coached th,1 team last year,

of Bannerman Park will play at Churchill Park VICTORIA PARK

Today 10,30-Cokes vs. Rockets 2,OO-TelY5 vs. Lilacs. 4,OO-Kinsmen VB. Dougel'S,

Saturday 10.30-Tclys vs. Dodgers. 2.00-Cokes vs. Telys, 4.00-Rockets vs. Kiunsmen.

Holy Cross got top·notch per­formances from fullback Doug Phelan and halfbacks lIarry Ennis bnd Cyril Kean.

Referee: I,loyd Holoway. Linesmen: Crane, Tobin,

(Lineups) Hoy Cross-Goal, Tom Healey;

fulls, Doug Phelan, Jim Phelan; halves, Bob Woods, Cy Kean,

Last Inning Single Gives St. Bon '8 Win ror anr. Boh

. ried I1im home, and John ~[urdock the two ;ixth rur.:

Ladies Softball

Harry Ennis; forwards, Mike Jim Burke, St. Bon's bespeck­Kinsella, Bernie Bennett, Jim led second sacker, made his Finlay, Pat Hearn, Mike Mal- hit in Junior Baseball at the oney. City Ball Park last night an im·

Guards-Goal, Phil Smith; portant one, His line single fulls, Dave Pollock, Howie Eng· dOlVn the left field line was the

'.' !ish; halves, Jack i\larshall, Alec blow that RBIed the winning TOlIIght s La~lIes Softb~1l Churchill, Bob Abbott; for.; run in the seventh inning for

game at Churchill Park \Ylll. wards, Jim Andrews, Joe :llou'l a 6·5 sf/ueaker over Holy Cross. have ~ockets and Jets meeting I land. Wally Barncs, Brian The win gave the Bluegolds at 7 0 clock. Whipp. Tom Barbour, a perfect 3,0 record on the sea·

son and a secure hold on ilrst place in the junior standings. Feildians, with a 1·1 mark are second while Holy Cross with one win and two dcfeats are third. Guards have, lost both starts to date.

cracked a right fieh! si.ngle.! BOX Holy Cross came back With a ~ . Ncil Flynn double scoring I CO~!ETS: Harry Power who walked and· J. Emilerle,·. c stole sec~nd. ~'hey made it 2·2 i 1:;, 5mil '!. rf in the fifth With Ron ~Iurphy I' B :\la', ,:" " coming home as he singled and J' 'rl:i~:'~ _. Ib Roger Maunder RBIed hi.m, J: An:"'.' c home. K ,ri,,:.'n "b

St. Bon's forged ahead 3·2 in D' Ho·,·,,,·:ib the bottom of th: fifth with G: Ye:'111~~~' If Kev Breen countermg after he H ". If. p walked and Tom Johnson sin., 'Tot ')1 [, ?Ied bu~ thre.e Crusader ta~1ies I RCA: 35

Give. yourself a break: "'take five" for fifty ale!

Lanky Harry Neary pitched his third victory for SI. Bon's as he paced seven Crusader hits, five walks and a hit batter to allow five tallies. Bob Hud· son was the loser as he gave up five safeties to the Bluegolds while issuing six free passes and having two wild pitches,

Hudson struck out nine St. Bon's batters with Neary fann­ing six Crusaders.

m the Sixth Jumped them mto I' W G 'f"n .. a 5-3 spread. Flynn walked, B' ,,,'rlp:OI n' ~-b T J . I d d R I ,,)1111, ,. any esso smg e an on Murphy walked, A free pass to B, Hull;.Jb Kev ]I[alone, an error on Roger I A; ~Ic:; ell, Ie Maunder and Power's hit ,\, ~Ioore, b scored three runs, I R. LeFicur, 11

Today, try Canada's fastest growing ale-Labaft's 50' Ale! More people like it every day. .. -_._.- ... .. . . ..


St. Bon's took a 2-0 lead in the second inning. Gerry Veitch singled and Neary walked and both scored when Joe Picco

HCMP Dro~ UlC 15-7

RCMP walloped UIC 15-7 in Civil Service softball action at Pepperrell last night. Ivan Estey was the winning pitcher with Cec Joy taking the loss.

Colin McPherson with threp. hits in five trips was the top battcr for the winners while Joy was tops for the losers having two safeties in three tries.

TO·NIGHT'S GAMES CNR (H) vs Fisheries-UiC

umpires. Army (H) vs Welfarc-Men­

tal umpires.

Minor Soccer R~ngers dropped Wandcrers

3·1 in the first game of Minor soccer yesterday at Churchill Park. Walter Butler, Pat Dempsey and John McGrath scored for Rangers with Chris Facey scoring the lone loser's tally.

Celtics blanked Hotspurs 3-0 in the second game with Lorne Thompson pacing the winners in scoring a brace and Don Hodder scored the single, his ninth of the season.

It was a 5-5 game after St .. B. Arm:t,rong, cl Bon's batted in the sixth as B. Rolltmer. r! they got two tallies. Neary J. ;.[urdock, p was safe on an error and Picco Total5 walked before Ed O'Brien TOSIGUT'S cracked a two run double. Then Breen walked in the bottom of the seventh, stole second and moved to third on a wild pitch before Burke got his single for the deciding run.

Tom Johnson was on second base when the run scored and continued on home when he collided with Crusader catcher Murphy and a minor scWlfte took place between Johnson and Holy Cross coach Pat Ryall.

Roger Maunder with two sin­gles in four appearances for Holy Cross was the only play· er In the game with more than one hit,

(Box Scores) st. Bon's: B. Walsh, ss K. Breen, rf T. Johnson, If, c J. Burke, 2b T. Stack, 3b G. Veitch, Ib H. Neary, p J, Picco, ?f lf E. O'Brien, cf


Holy Cross: K. Malone, 2b R. Maunder, 3b H. Power, cf J. Rumsey, ss M. Hennessey,


AB R H E 4 0 0 0 220 0 3 0 1 1 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 -I 1 0 1 200 2 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 25 6 5 1

2 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 3 1 1 0 4 0 1 1

2 0 0 1

J a I', and .~ct! nighi', game II Park starting al . Withers will be , players from Flren the b;lscs.

----sr. Bo~'i st BOII's senior 'U soccer teams ~1 k

night at Sham[O( ing at 7 o'cl~k !

t allel players mus Portant drill. , • •

G\JARD!~ Guards juni~~

Soccer eleven ~I I • <e The workout IS. '/ . the top pitc~ of ~ . letic Grounds II are requesled 10 • • •

IIOLY (RI).15 'or

Holy Cross iun~ soccer tearns. WI portant practice at the Br, Ega~U at 6.45 sharp, attend this '~nnJ:.r ..-

TO·DA Y'S GAMES 10,OO-Athletics Vs Ramblers 1l.00-Hotspurs vs Rovers 2.30-A1I·Star Practice

N. Flynn, If 2 1 1 0 B. Hudson, P J. Dinn, rf 2 0 T. Jesso, Ib 2 1 R. Murphy, c 2 2

0 1 1

0 1 0

'rotals Umpires: C.

and power.

_.' ..

YORK: Wck( home run into t

i!1llticap of Augusl Y"ll,kc(~S went on


purcha,cd 1'(

baseman :\orm L ~!iI'vaukee Br~;\ cs 1

brought up a handed pilcher fron

League in mu\'p

I1elp the Giani Dodgers' six

League lead pitcher is FI':lIlk

was 14·5 at Ihc ( AA Springfield,

club and had all il earned run al'er.

Hollet1 ( 51:11

Bank Junior GI up with a thumpin:

spree here last ni: defeated l'isiting G

scored first shot in the [)

of the game but led 3·1 at half tin

scored ten 3( mamiWererl goals in t

scoring was Hollett who

si~ markers fl Crocker With fo by "Red" I

~Iay and BiB ~I:I

one game left junior series, Grar

next Tuesda· . are presenlll' .

by 111'0 poinL~ oi'cl

3 he

REASI . a pre. races colum~ . . Regatta as c

be rememl Regatta" b-

this is not feature or

day:' If \' :mblerrl,lh_r the '63 d~ or . anYone feall " It as the "smo(

tbe Alllal~lIr I th~ 1U1Irnilig \I Ultshill raCe at • th -ere waslI't

tveryth' I t mg went o plan with race

In the proPe: President .1

"Th~Qes along v !S was the s

Since I first j( back in U

said foUow presentation on Wednesda.

lVasn't t arounl o hear any.

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ere reason ,eVent •.• the In Which th . eel

J kommittel ae Reard In and 'ou

e Onto the. P, th o.oPtralion . ~howers; lelll lIlo:~Uce fa . - I •• "

uetll, •• c_o,ordin: b_ the I " ... rquee ·d • 'lnd an ~I

.lIe . everl

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Page 11: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

" ,", '.


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3 ·:,!<.'n, II :f 5

:! -., 1 ~ WilU.ftlI. <~ "',~Ir('~; C~ • < :\,,"":.


~ , ........ 't .......... " ... , .M""'''' ....... ,....-'·",..'''~.,·~'.'r,~~r .. ,·;/!::rc8;'ln·\·'??·;r''':~:.":"·,~,·'1?",~'T'Iylll'")l$I~Ji~ \ I Sa 11 to Hom e r s ~ n 1 Ot~

-" .:~ .. ~'. ~:. ... "~"" ,,"

ni]')": \Iillc\' \"_IIl~!t" hack in the N~w Y()~'k Yall~ees' lincup after an absence of 61 games, , .. ':'11' 11111 1111<1 Ihl' kit liPid stands as h,e pmch ,111IS for pItcher Steve Hamiltoll in the seventh inning . :,:"il' I,t .\II~IlSt ·lIh douhlcheader a~alllst Baltnl101'e, Mantle s homer tied the score at 10-10 and \-,.~t"" \\('111 (III to Will ill the 10th inning, 11-10. Orioles' catchc);, is Dick Bro~vn,-UPI Photo),

As Cubs Stop Dodgers lly Tim ASSOCIATED PRESS Buhl retired the first 14 Dod]· I with a double, took third on all KANSAS CITY (AP) - Lell Run Santo and Duke Carmel el'~ hC[Ql'e rookie Al FerraJ'a I infield out and scored on Churk hander Gary Peters recorded

played the giant killer rol·~s hit his first major league homer Hinton's sacrifice fly Jim Khg his sixth straight victory Thur.· Thursday In the N at i 0 Il 1 I in the fifth. Mter a double l,y heat out a hunt but Don Lo~~ day night, getting home run League for Chicago Cubs anJ Johnny Roseboro, Franl! How· popped to second for the final support from Dave Nicholson In New Yurk Mets. ard hit a two·run pinch homer. out. Chicago White Sox' 5-3 victory

Santo's 10th inning homer, hiS Bill Skowron followed with a Tony Kubek's single, Bobhy lover Kansas City. second of the day, gave the pinch homer off relief man Don Richardson'S double and To,n i N' h I h·t h' "th h:' • Cubs a 5·4 victory over Los An· Elston. Tresh's single knocked out RLl.: . IC 0 son I IS II . om.r geles Dodgers, Carmel, a Car· HAUNTS OLD TEA!'.f dolph in the eighth inning. I With a t.eaI!lmate on base m'the dinal until ,July 2.q beat his 0: 1 i Carmel came back to haunt SCORE IN 10rH second mnt?~. . St. Louis mates with an eight h· I his old mates with his first The Ti~ers scored in the lOth, Then tralhng 3·2, the Wh.'e inning homer 3-2. . homer as a Met. It came off when Billy Bruton singled, stlll~, Sox moved ahead to stay on a

As a resnll of the de~nts of loser Bobby Shantz in the second moven to third on a i two·run double by At I,'eis in the Dodgers and Cardinals, illle eighth. Ray Sadecki knocked i'l wild p'iteh and came home 1,01: the sixth. Pete Ward and ~ich· San Francisco Giants cdged intQ the first Card run off Al Jaci,· Colavito's flv to t;I" Rad11z I olson singled before. \\'cis looped second place. Hnd ~ained olle· sl)n in the second with a sin~le with his thirn dcfe';t in SI;(: his ~ame·winning hit 10 left half game on the Dodgc'~, I and Charlil! ,Tames homered in: days. Gal'\, Cci~cr hil two hom· centre. whose lead now mcosilres .j'2: lhe fOllrth. The olets ~ot to s1·1 crs fllr Illlston for the ~ccond The While Sox ancied Ihe': gamcs. The Cards dropped 0111 1 decld for two in the fourth 1n; straight day. final 1'I1n in th~ 'Plollih <In of a second·place tic. i sin~le5 by Rlln Hunt, Frar.~: ,\ ~\\'o • rnn sWHld again,( double; lIy ~Iil;c HCI',hbergcl'

;.ic\\' York Yankec;; clll1lilllll'n, Th(lmas, Carmel and Al ,11- I Pmll' Foylack ~,l\'e the Twir,s anrl Pe(crs. 10 r 0 I I, bca(in~ W.ashington II rail. , <111 lhe\' necded again,t the ~r-again ~-I. on a ~ix·hitlel' hy Terry had to put down;; gels. Earl Battey trinlcrl and PITTSBUIG\1 I.\P, DUlin Ralph Torry. Phil Lil1l ;:("['Ied I Washil1~ton threat in fhe ninth· scored on a single hI' Zoilo \'CI. Clcnnenon rloublcd wilh IIlIe ilut the Yanks on their wn,' with a' when he lost his ~hlltOl1l. Don' salles. \'crsnlles canie home 0!1 in the ninth illnin~, scoring 13:.1 filth inning homer oft Don lIlI'I' Blasingame led off 1112 ninth I a single by Rich lIollin,. ~!"zcl'oski with the onlv nm nl dolph. the ~amc for a 1,0 Pitlsnur'!h RADATZ LOSES I\G,\I:-1 \'idol'\' OI-er TI!ilwaukee Thur.·

Rocl,y Col<lvito's lOth innin~ I da)' n·ighl. , single sent Dick Radatz down I : The run broke un a hrilliant to his third straight defeat ns i I pitching dllel hetwcen the Pi· Detroit topped Boston ~.3. Min. rates' Bob Friend and rookie nesota whipped Los Angeles An. Boh Sadowski of the Braves. gels 3·0 behind Dick Stigman's Sadowski. a 25·year·old rl~H five-hitter, handel', allowed only two PI·

Two night games were sched. it rates to reach second _base ulee.l in the AI.l1erican L.easuc- By TilE CANADI,\N PRESS I before the ninth. CI I K C t d American League The Br::l\'es had ~vell mo~e Cl~I~!\~~d aat B~~~~ore,1 ~n ~~~ II National League W L Pc!. GBL difficulty with Friend. Two run·

SH ORTS' Nat,ional Lea.gue, it. was Cincin. r,OI Angeln. W L Pel, GBI. :-lew York 71 40 .640 - ,ners reached third and l\1i!wau· h I 1 I h I · •• sa 44 .607 - ! kee put two men 'on tll'ice.

Ilait at P I at e P In and I\T"I San Francisco 63 50 .558 51, Chicago 63 48 .568 8 waukee at Pittsburgh. st. Louis 63 51 .553 6 ~linnesota 62 50 .554 9'" i PHILA DEL PHI A (AP) _ SPORTS

: ...... , ',. \ l'!t.'Lm

handed pitcher Gaylord Perry I Linzy, at Springfield, com, wcr,' oplloncd to Tacoma of th~ I plctcd 16 of his 20 starts, hurled Pacific Coast Lellgue, secretary', fi\'c shutouts, struck out 105 " Eddi" Rrntlllit'k announced. ' 169 innings and walkeel only H.

" ;, I "lI'l~ LarkeI', ~2, a 1('1t hal\lll'd 11111· i" . '._':: .';, ", :"'!l\ ',,,' t"I·. l\';IS hitting .Iii with on~ i Ihe. GIants, defending. :-iL

,,', ',." \," ::: l.ark,'r ': '. ".: :;. \ t' ... Th:'I'~·

... _, " ·" .. 11 _ 1,'- Iwnw nlll and t4 runs halted ill:, ha~ heen S!!ckl1ll(. 1I 11\ li:l g.illlCS. ,le~ty fllnch·hlUel' and ear!lCr

\ :,' I,,, \:\(' !'iUI'.

. ',', '\ \" d~\d ri'1'lt

But ;\lilll holhcl'cli Illudl o[ tillS week reportedly almost ott till' YI'm' I;)' an· injured knc~,: t~inert Duke Snider (rom ;.it!\\' lwei onl\' a .36 a\'crage witn' \ork :'Ilcts for. Alou. BlIt Ihe tIl J1 runs batlt'd in (or 51 gam,'s de_al fell through at the last -mllst appcarances heing as n' minute. [linch·hitter. ,

PCIT,' \I'as 1·3 with nil h'lt Ihrec of his pitching cffllrt~ in l'l'lirf roles .


~IQX Hollett Scores Six

LOS AXGELES lAP) -Rill Dailey, the n()n·slll~· ~ini! ~Iinnesota Twins rclief pilcher, had a couple of (hing~ going for him when he hil a ~all1e . winnin~ three . I'nn hOll1er against Los An~cles Angels Wednes, da~' night, . 'Iall, 0.-.


, ~ 'l.' :; '1~' t: jI: 11.: ~l'nl"

,'"' "":"1' :.,~: !ll~ht il"

':'~:"; \ J';:.:;:': {r:ll'nbh

In scnior ch<lmrion,}lip play 011 lI'ednesday \'isiting Burin EaJ.!!es camc lip with a latc secnnd pedod goal ~ edgc nut' Fortune 2·1 in a closclv con·! . , te"tcli game.

He was \Isin~ Boh Alii· ~on's 35,ounce hal and \\'eal" ing II arm 0 n Killebrew's uatting helmet,

:'Ileanwhilc at Lawn the l'isit·1 ," ::: :hl' "!\(,l\in~ ing Grand Bank GeeBees were

,i ., :~t' ' .. ':!\t' 1111: (;r:tlld ,(\\'<lrded the game when plHyer.1

Dailey said Allbon told him to "choke up and swing from your heels," He did, and bit his second home run In 11 years of profes· sional baseball, : .<:.':t't: ~l'n :1ddltion·

", ~(~ ~ll'il~ in th(' ,('c·

;: '\::":l": \\J .. It'd hy ':.l\ E ''::1'" \, lio (':1Ill<'

t·; '.1 .:,:.:~,,:, f,):!o\\'ct! 11\ l: \'~\': "'111 fnll!' :lnd ~; ,"..: ',r:\l !" Fi77~lrd,

\.;.' '".: Ii:!! \1~lth,,\\'.'. '~t :.11'1' kft to p1:!"

~! ..... ·(.:I~ l;r,II~(l HJnk :.'~ il\' T ;~'~d;I\, t:H'

fil'sl ;'., :~' t (1\ i'l" Bunn.

: "nd .pectato·rs pre\'ented a con, tinuation of play at fifteen minutcs of the second period,

(ieeBces werc leading 2·1 at MONTREAL (CpI _ Monl. the time, Howe\'cr the Lawn real Canndiens of the National tealll has entered a protest on Hockey Leagne open their train. the ~ame which \l'ill be heard ing camp Sept. 11 but ice \\,111 at a meeting of the BPAA to be Installed in the fOl'llm Iller.. he held at Burin on Saturday doy, the earlicst date in 2J night, fol\owing the game be· I years, tll'cen Burin and St. Lall'l'cllt'c,! ,

On Friday, St. Lawl'ence willi 1 he early Ice sheet Is t~ ~~. he ,·I.itor5 at Grand Bank and commodate an nmntelll' tl'allllllg Fortune will pia)' at Lawn. 'fhe camp, pl")'off 5eri~s wi\[ get under· Ken Rea I' don, (';1I1,1ellen5' Wa)' nexl week, '\'icl"llrc"ldenl, sai(1 ;;6 pla)'~rs

- . ------.. _----- - - ... ~ --

rfp les by ------------------

number five

963 Derby Day Was Ever he Slnoothest

R[ASONS FOR FOUR MIS SES IN PREDICTIONS 1-·-.;.:3't;:~:: Column I cited, into the '63 Regatta al\ com· ':.tfl' ;«ta alone that' bined to produce a smooth day ·r.,,:·, ;;1 rempmhered ", 'at Quidi Vidi,

cord and, In fact, It's one I feel I can stand on , , • you can be certain that I'll call the shots again next post.Regatta Day, ,:: ... 1 f;atla" bllt I feel, • • •

.~.: thiS il n,'1 Ihe out. ' Now for the four wrong !13Hlre of Wednes., llrC(l\ctions that I made on • • •

Iby" II you want' Tncsday wilen I tailed tile Successful as Wednesday's " ' th,' 'till Ihll' of the; shols for the 16 race prograUl, Regatta was but one thing :: ,i;Y tine Il'allin• Ihcn i First of all, I didn't expect was missing from tbe lIoat,

~: .. " :Ii,' ' ;llllltltlll'st Oil 10 hit a 100 per cent I'ecol'd hou~e allll the shells, . , Levi I I 7• I "Sholly" Uagel's wasn't lu i an I I Ie ., pel' cent I lat 1 got

11., 1111 I SlII'lll'bcll me. It wa~ 1II1wlt ltd. lite Itegutla ••• anti h .. w". .1 rill' 11:1l'1' al Itllss~tI,

~ Ib, ntllrllill~ unlil Ih~ tel' ttulIl I figlll't'lt 1111 making r,l", It I I' hili the idea wltsn't tu get all Muny, lllallY om'smell, rox·

t' ' '" I'll It tl I 'd . I't" . I -I J' tt ,Irt lIa,n't'l hit.1 IP rates corl'cc '" my I 1!3 S\\'UIlIS, 0 ICIa S allu ,ega a . !I!r)lhir.~ lIent' arcortd~ ; \\'as to create interest and Ihis, I~ns were beard to cOlUment on 1111'0 lIith rarr (oil' I fcel, was done, . , at least I hiS absence, Remember that It tit! io fhe prollC ~w'! hcard plcnty of comments 8S I was way back in 1906 that

Prr'll I' 01'( cr. : strolled around the Pond, I "Shotty" first took his spot in a '. i'!' l,e rnt ''''lIle~ n.' Jlut now for my wrong calls boat and over the past 57 years 'b "I'''~~~ 1IIIh this ", I qualified the District he's heen connected with every \~[r ! f :~ ,nloothcst i Race hy saying that st. John's Regatta, This Was his first miss, : ~"k Ir I JOined the I Soulh could pull an npset And he was missed from . 'l:d' in In2n," ~'r.: lind they did just that, • , • Quldl Vldl. Ills Iyplcal Ncw· l:r'rnl'l;lloll'tng the I upsetting my choice or Portll' roundland comments on the rn lI'e I on at the gal Cove as !he winners, that slluatlons, , , his quick analy.

'Itn'l e nc,da), ntl:hl. Is. sis of a crew and a oarsman 10 h around long Canadian Army lost first •• , and his stories from the

u~ nn)' more of place In the Joint Services Race past have become part of the Iblll\_ Ii ut I do h3\'e hy only five feet and that's as Regatta, "Shotty" will be

II~ Ilon~ on! o( my own clo.le as a race can go, This missed, "11 iMr~ to )nn, was one mistake I didn't mind • • •

. \fre rl Ihe smonthest making as the re~lllt was a- real Th~rc arc many othcr aspects tltnt r~a'on.1 fo~ ~his thrilling race, ,Thcn in th~ Gar· or Wednesday's Races that I

in ~hirh' . Ihe rfflclent as:e Race l\IcKtnley's had Jllst R eould go into but NEWS I:lj com t~r Iloathollse little too much ineeslinal forti· Sports Editor Dee JIInrphy

J1tk nuttec, under tude to be denied , limited me to two pages for io a RJardigan, got And wiong choice number this column and so 10 close my nnto ~h Ollt 01 Ule fflllr came about when the "regatta rJpples" for 1963 may

11Ii1~'ut\ r Pond, " Nfld. Hotel girls and cox' I first offer my congratulations l1I~fr on recelvrd Kwal, Albert ,roy turned on to the winners and competilors

the IIOU' general pub, the power. Albert feels that in Ihe '63 Regatta and to the lltoliQc Ce In keeping ,my picking Hygrade Contain· Regatta Committee for the

co' • " er. had something to do with wonderful job in holding the

have been invited t tt d th Santo had tied the score fat I Chicago 59 52 .532 8', Baltimore n~ 5~ .5~3 10'; ; Home runs hy Frank Robinson d. 0 a en .. e, the Cuhs lI'ith his Inth homer I Cincinnati 62,i,1 .:;30 3'2 I Cle\'eland 5fi :in 0487 17 and Tommv Harrer d th

~ana lcns camp Ilfxt m~lOln,1 in the fifth aftcr n Dodger lIOn1l' Philadelpllia 60 55 .522 :)1, Boston '. an a r~e tnclud, tng \'eteran left IVIO;::cr II'UIl harrage Iwd routed BO'I', Piltsbul'~h :ir, 56 .500 12 I :;4 ,,; AS6 17 nm sc\'cnth innin~ ral1v bnilt o k ~I h I ,-: Los Anl!cles :i4 63 .~n2 20 ,around fi\'e strail!ht hii~ car.

IC -Ie • e~ore, .11' n had aTI' 1 Ruhl alHl rolled up a 4-3 ICJd, ~[il\\'aukee :;i ,is .4~r, 12', • Kall;,ls ('itv '001 4'0"1 - d C' . t' nounced hiS retn'ement at the Santo hit 1\'0, 20 off Lar~v Houslon ' Detroit . ' ,.J - rte mcmna I to a 6·3 \'ic!orv e~~~a..s.t _::~s.n..n. _______ ~~~Ierl')' ill the 10th, ____ '_~~~I1: __ \'ItI~k ~_. _~! ;~ :~~~ ;;" . "'",hingl"n !!: ~~ :~~~;: I ~i~h\r Philadelphia Thl11'sd~~'

'.' ... .. '.' ... ,

::.:: ::. :' '.' ... , ..

Super Safety 25·Month Guarantee SIZE 6.40i6,50 x 13 SIZE 5.90i6,OO x 13

FOR: Valiant 60-63 FOR; Falcon 60-63; Comet Buick Special 61-63 61-63; ConsuI5i-62; Corvair 60-63; Yauxhall 55-61; F8;:) 61-63 ~Ietropolitan 5q-61;

Blackwali Tuhcless Chev\' II 6~-6.3

Whilr\\-;;Il Tllbeless· ~xch, '\"hilc\\":tll TlIbele~s

19,88 exch,

, ____ = ______ • ______ ~ __ h_'_~· ______ """,

Silent Cushion 4·Plv Nvlon Tires 30 MONTH GUARANTEE

SIZE 7,50 x 14

IcOR: Ford, Meteor, Dodge, Plymouth, Chevrolet Pontiac 57 - 63

Blackwall Tubeless Whitewall Tubeless

21·88 24·88 exeh, excb.

FREE INSTALLATION with every Allstate tire plll'ehase

SIZE 6,70 x 15 FOR: Ford, \[etCIlI', Dodl~e, Ply., ehev" IJoJ1liac, 49 - ,56

Blaek\\'all TlIue type Blaekwall Tubeless

18·88 c~ch,

..... SIZE 7.60 x .]5

FOR; Buick 53-62 Chrvsler 55-56 Old~mobile 53-56

Bluckwall Tubeless

26·88 exch.

Whitewall Tubeless

29,88 exch,

21·88 nch,

S[ZE .8,00 x 14 FOR; Chrysler 59-63

Chev - Dodge -Pontiac - Station Wagons and. Convertibles

Blaekwall Tubeless

24.88. exch,

Whitewall Tubeless"

27.88 exch,

17 ?;I)



'~rdtnation of' his gals rowing so well. event and may I thank all Ih"luee he Iloathollse I called 16 winners and was those who helped roe in com'j

'. , Ind th and Ihe crash· right on an even dozen. Taking pUing this column over the l!ilrtl thlt e. general sin· into consideration that this was past few months , , , I'll be

ltUIt. t cry member my first Regatta picking win· back. when the crews start to • ommiltee put ners Ihis isn't too bad I re' practice in 1964 • , •


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Page 12: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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The thrift)' homemaker In today's busl' world expects a lot from her modern homo ' .. _____ .. ____________ _ appliances , • . service, de· ,I pendability, simplicit~' of operation, efliciency . , , ijnd good looks, too ! !

Yr~, i1'~ a big order, especl· pIll' when price comes into the picture.

One ~ood example of a qual· iI" home appliance that meets ~il of these requirements is the Thor washer Take a moment to look them over at the Great Enstern Show· room~ and you'l! ~ee what we menno vou get it all . and more .• , with Thor.

Be sure Canada's

to see foremost


Washer • brought to you by THOR to give new eye appeal

combined with proven THOR efficiency and dependability



all wringer washers are backed by 5 year guarantee on the operating mechallism~~


-: :.-. .: .'

fOR TEXACO FUEL DIAL 8.3001 - 8·3007











• QJ 10 ¥AK97 • Q,J3 40964

APR 4 2 ¥Ql0a542 .~

EAST ",AK875 • ,r .9742 "'A5~ .... "') .,.1-

SOUTll ",3

" 63 .AK10Sr. '" KQJ 10 8

North ;,lId South vulnerable Norlll Ea.! SOlltll Wrs! 1¥ 1. at 4", Double Pa,,~ ~) ~ Pass 5. Pass Pass Pass

Opening lcad-~ 2

1 \


West's four spat!es is known' ns a barricade bid, . lIe wanted to make it as hard as possible for his oppoll~nls to tint! their best spot.

North doubled. He had goon defense against spades and no desire to play f(l\' 11 I ricks any· where, but South tool! the dou· ble out. 'fhcn ~iorth ehosc dia· monds for trump.

East won the spade opening with the ace, not Ihe king, and promptly returncd a low, spade. lIe hnd four trumps and high hopes of beating the con· tract if he could persuade

, South to trump that low spade, He would have succcedet! in

his purpose if South had trumped in but internationalist Bobby Nail of Houston, who held the South cards, wcnt into I a iong huddle and elected to discard a low cluh. 1

After \\' cst played a low I spadc Bobb~' won in dummy,l drew trumps ami conceded a, trick to t he ace of cluhs, I Bobby reasoned as follows,

1 "We,t would not jump to four I spades with only three trumps 'so East has five spades only. East would not overcall with a fire card suit headed by ace· nothin~, therefore he must

: hold the king a Iso. O[ course, ,I can trump the spade and make the hand If diamonds

. break 3·2, but West did JUIIlP I to (our 5pades and may I'ery I well hold a singleton diamond, I In that case I can't alford to I use a trulllp." I --I To get your copy of "Fnn at Bridge" just send your name,

I address, and 50 cents to OS, I wald Jacoby Reilller Service, I care Dally News, p,O, 801 4ij!l, I Ilepf., A., RadIo City Station,

New York 19, N.Y,

CARD SENSE Q-The bidding hns been:

East Soulh West North 1+ 1¥ 11.1 2" 4. 5 ¥ 5., Pass Pass ?

You, Smith, hold: .2 'AQJ7Q5 +4 "'AK087

Whal' do YOll do'! A-Double, You ought to lake

I three tricks against them ami ; you arCII'! glling to be ahle to ! I make six hearts, I

1'ODAY'S QUESTION i . Instead oC bidding (irc >padcs . I West jumps to six spades IIvel' ! i yoUr five hearts. What rio YOll :

do now? ' Answer Tomorrow

Made No Change

DETROIT (CP1-For anyone convinced that winning a bIG Irish Sweepstakes prize wou:d change his whole life, taxi I driver .Tohn A. Balch's expcl'i· ence will come as a surprise.

Balch, 61, who won $08,000 on I oct. 2B, 1961, is still a cabby, BUll IVol'ks out of the same taxi stand, still is mal'l'icd to the same girl, and is still playinil pinochle at 15·cent stakes on Frlday nights. ,

He intended to retire nftcr tbe stroke of luck but the next day he became rcslless ao:! went back to work

"he always knnwn I'd get bored not working," he says. I "I tried fishing in ~'lorida for I fiix weeks once and I baven't II

been able to cat fish since.',' Even nnw, his wife remains

unaffeeled, All she wanted fm·1 their 40th wedding anniversary I wa~ a box oE chocolat~~-!!1e same as for .their first,

"r can't gct her to buy n pair of shoes, She says there's noth· ing she wants."

There are some diffcrcne~~, of coursc. Balch has the air of a man who knows h~ can sleop late any day, He can leAve his cab in the driveway and stIli cnt steak. His two grown chI:· dren havc sliccs of what turned out to be a $61,000 pic after i'l' come tax, and his four grand· sons have trust funds,

When the refrigerator gave Ol1t last winter there was mon~'Y in the bank for a new one.

Balch recalls that when a "~. Dorter first called to tell him he had won, he co'uld think M nothing ,but buying his wife a mink coal. lIe Tushed into a fur 5,lon and bou~ht one fol' ~2,ooo'l

~ __ ~_~"",; .... __ ;"";,;;;;,;;,;;,,,,;,;;,;;,;;,;,;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'''';;;;''';;;''';;;;;;;;;;''';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;''' __ I His wi fe wears it on ly t n c h" rc h :~.; on Rundays and still fec:s

strange in it •


",- - ... . __ ._- - . - ,~~.---

CAPTAIN EASY \!r C~D t,I,:,.'.'1'::~'-'"Y'··j, .

IN SP.'\,::~ ~::::e'TL' .. ~::: :,\:::-.C~:::~ £. ~E.r. FK::'.\\ p. c ... ,~r",!·~ ::"~ ... ::1 ;I;:!:~ ;5:3:';







J §!

j ~ ---

i I

I r "41 i. :1(1,104'.

r .... '1 '. ' '1'.0/1,

,.:~~~:';:.!..::."O ... :"::: '-:-____ ,_._

"She's our mess cook-and we COUldn't h .



a better title for her~" III


a= ll-E' A111C.

WONre2RJ!...! WHEC-GVa< DID 'IOD Pt.lT rr ALL-~




, " is a neW" large, .4 1: 1, 'n" room With IV! " '1' k't rool11, bU.l t lnb 1

cast 11'on as lower leve

of 13 land, landscap

',WIIU'- fine h01111

d I'S readY for all '

'. excellent boarding is :~h' 11' bedrooms,


bungalow. Free, Furnace heated,

3 bedroom bungalow. beat, '

bungalow. Fum Freehold,


3 bedroom bungalo' Furnace heated

3 bedroo Freehold land.

dwelling with sto heated,


ROA[ 4 bedroom Ihl

store. Reduci



FO~ '1961KJ

.. (Vc :miles\

tlr '~ ,P~ly:, •

. : .


Page 13: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'


CENlRAL STREET Four bedroom, two storey.

. Seml.detached.

GOWER STREET Three storey, four bedroom dwelling.

I NEW COVE R~:>AD Excellent five bedroom, 11,2 storey. Den. Radiation heat.


EDINBURGH DRIVE, Three bedroom bungalow. Freehold land.

, " t '.' -. • J--~ ~ I· . I


h'" :",. I", .; . . ~ ' .. , i' ~ ,.: '

r ' j !{'," r' ii I - ".1 ,I

•. I" l' I I .' ,;-' , . I I, :.

I ;1' ! II .• " f :. . .' \1' ;: .. ~ I

II ; "

I: i. ':'. , 1; !. II" t I

. Ii· I: Ii I ,.


New three bedroom bun· galow. Suitable for apart· ment.

SUVLA ST. Three bedroom bungalow. Basement garage.

Thre~ storey, five bedroom Three bedroom bungalow.



dwelling. \ Freehold.

GROVES ROAD SlIVLA STREET JERSEY AVENUE Here is a modern bungalow, suited to the small family. This fine home has 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen with built-in cupboards, modern bathroom, full co'ncrete basement, hot water radiation heat, garage, freehold land, fenced and landscaped. This home has been greatly reduced for quick sale. 'Call our office now for appointment to view.

Two bedroom bungalow. Freehold land, 100 x 100.

Excellent three bedroom! bungalow nond large slore. !

Three bedroom bungalow. Garage. Radiation heat. Free. hold.

New three bedroom bun·' calow. Freehold land. 'II' 1'11',"(' .\ hrdl'Oom dwel1inll' with '. ~ l1l I __ I ,~

.~. " 1':111111 wilh angel stone fireplace, 'I\\il~ . k' I II 1 d d


... : h111 \1I. hl1i11 III '\Ie len. . ar~ \~OO an Three bedroom, two !Iorcy. Four bedroom bungalow. Basement garage. ... '1,1 il't1ll hasehoard racliahon heat,

.\\11,.1.. I \. 1'1 .. d ':'/ 1'hl' ltlll'l'1' lel'(' 0 IllS 101ll~ IS sUIte CASHIN AVENUE

Seven apartment building. '1 HARBOUR VIEW AVE.

Six hedroom. three storey. 1 Three hedroom. 1\2 storey. I

}'urnace heated.

SIMMS STREET i PARK AVENUE . ut\1I1'1I1 or lar~l' recreatIOn area. \.\ .11" I' t' Tl" . ,1 \ \.11111. bndscapt'l III mnt. liS IS an

Furnace heated. Freehold. Three hedroom bungalow . New three bedroom hunga·' I

low. Basement garage. Three bedroom bungalow. 'i J'':!L • .'.'t ~ ....... ' .• ,~" ",~ ,. ,'t, '" ~.:., ." . '. ,I

il rilll' hOllle in a new residential

. : \' .. \'1' I,h' lor inll11l'diate occupancy. I' Basement garage. family


I TOPSAIL HILL . store' I Bungalow. Furnace heated.

A!:l 1" I

I FLEMING STREET 4 bedroom, 2 storey, attach· I ed. Furnace heated. Free· hold land.


Two storey. Four bedroom~. ! HOWtEY AVENUE CASHIN AVENUE 1 Four bedroom 111'0 storey.

Two ~partment dwelllng. 1 Radiation heat.

Large !tore and small ware· LARCH PLAI"E home. ~

Three bedroom bungalow. Basement garage. CIRCULAR ROAD

Two storey. Two bedrooms. 1 : LeMAR CHANT ROAD

Three storey, five bedroom.,

Freeholtl land.

Fonr bedroom t\\'o Radiation heat.

~. Freehold land. semi·detached. I Tbree bedroom bungalow.


TOPSAIL Four bedroom tlVO storey.

Freehold land. Three bedroom bungalow.! !<urnace heated. i

,WATERFORD BOG. RD. . , Three bedroom ranch style, PENET ANC7UISHENE

Three bedroom bungalow. Freehold land. i PENNYWELL ROAD

ROOSEVELT AVE. Three bedroom two storey home with radiation heat.

'-1'1" "",' t\\\' Fn"(' I

"~~' i'~I;'~~~'t" hf:1!rd.

Land. on main 130 x 500 .. $3000.

Two storey, two apartment bungalow. Radiation heat. I Two bedroom bungalow. dwclling. Radiation hrat. B t

, f ' ,WEXFORD STREET "semen r,arage.

highway, I CLARK SUB.DIVISION Three bedroom bungalow.: PR,ESCOTT STREET Furnace heated.

ROOSEVELT AVE. "e have a large selection 0 , homes to suit any home buy· I LeMARCHANT ROAD Two apartment three bed· er in this area. Apartment \' FOllr hedroom. two storey.; room bungalow. hOllses, hOllses with waH to Radiation heal. MERRYMEETING ROAD waH carpet. Hot air or radio : WEXFORD STREET New. three bedroom bunga.'


PENET ANGUISHENE Three storey. Five bedrooms.

Three hedroom bungaloW. Radiation hent.

Four' hedroom bllngalolv. Bathroom and powder room.! Radiation heat.


ation heat. LIVERPOOL AVENUE . Two apartment blln~alolV. PENET ANGUISH ENE low. I

COCHRANE STREET Bungalow containing three Freehold land. Three bedroom split le\'el. SECOND STREET , .

Two storey. Two apartments and fully equipped snack bar.

apartments and large store. WEXFORD STREET Furnace h(~ated. Three storey, five bedroom' Three bedroom hungalow.


i EMPIRE AVENUE Two storey home. Contain· I inl: 3 bedrooms. Price' $9500.00.

2 HORWOOD STREET Beautiful 3 bedroom bunga­loW. Landscaped. Fenced. Bargain Price.

dwelling. Licensed tourist LIVERPOOL AVE. Four bedroom, two storey. PINE BUD PLACE Basement garage. home. Two store),. Four bedrooms Radiation heat. Four bedroom two storev.'

COCHRANE STREET ' and store. Freehold land. WEXFORD STREET Large corner lot. Freehold: : SECOND STREET

I I • I Three bedroom bungalow.

I PORTUGAL COVE RD. Three bedroom hungalow .. ROOSEVELT AVE. I Furnace heated. Three storey, seven bedroom 1 1 ld I d 1 attached home. Three bedroom bungalow. l<ree 10 an. Three bedroom bungalow.' CLARKE'S BEACH Freehold land. i SECOND STREET

Bungalow. Tbree bedrooms. Furnace heated.

! BURKE PLACE I Four bedroom bungalow.

Radiation heat. Freehold.

BAIRD SUB·DIVISION . S l~'jht'llm~. 3


COOKSTOWN ROAD MONROE STREET Four bedroom two storey. RICHMOND SREET ! 3 berlroom bungalow. base· Thrce lledroom two storey. 25 acres of land. Illent garage.

"ACANT Two storey, two apartment 11" store),. three hedroom Commercial area This build.. dwelling and !tore. I MORRIS AVENUE i COMMONWEALTH AV. dwelling. Freebold land.

QUEEN'S ROAD \\' e have listed a large selec­tion o[ homes. buugalulVs, two apartment, split levels. three and foul' bedrooms. All priees.

i • '1'\\'0 ap~rtment. Four bed· rooms. Two storey. Garage., inl: could be IIsed for office· L. d I I CRAIGMILLAR AVENUE

' SIX be room two store),. ,. Two bedroom bunga ow. , ROCHE STREET space or any type of com· Radiation heal. mereial busines~. 'fWD storey double dwelling .. MUNDY POND ROAD

BARGAIN. ' Two bedroom bungaloll'. Freehold land. GOWER STREET


I Three bedroom bungalow.

3 storey home. Furnace heat.: DORSET STREET eei. Freehold land. Bargain: Three bedroom bungalow. price. Radiation heat.

: KILBRIDE ROAD DUNDAS STREET 2 bedroom bungalow. Hard· I wood and lil10leum floor!. Three bedroom bungalow.

i Freehold land.


Ii New tbree bedroom



, I Three bedroom bungalow.


Three bedruom with den.



,GOULDS ROAD Four bedroom 111'0 storey.' DUNFIHD STREET (;nra~c. FUl'll3rC healed. Blll1~al()w. C.~I.IH·. ~p2rific-

nlions. Three hedroom split lel'el wilh apartment. Radiation heat. ; iRVING DRIVE

I Three bedroom bungalow. NEW COVE ROAD OSBOURNE PLACE

Three betlroom bun~alow. Gara~e.

Basement garage.


4 hedroom. 2 storey. Fum· :I('e heaterl.

'~~cr~('Im hnn;::a1ow, I

. _ rur~,)\'c heated. Floor furnace. .'rcehold i Freehold land . land. Price only $7900 uk·'

Four bedroom bungalow. \ Three bedroom bungalow.; Suitable for apartment. Furnace heated. SPRINGDALE STREET Three bedroom

wilh apartment. bungalow DARLING STREET

3 hedroom bungalow. I'.'ith dell and gara~e. ing. ELIZABETH AVe.


i FIRST STREET I McNElLY STREET Two storey two apal·tmcnt.




ROSSI ROAD (CLARKE SUB·DIVISION) Large new bungalow. 1t,1, bathrooms. Garage. Radia· tion heat.

, ABRAHAM STREET Three bedroom bungalow. f'reehold land.

,ALBANY STREET FOllr bedrooms. two Rpart­ment Bungalow. furnace heated.

ALDERSHOT STREET Two bedroom bungalow. Freehold lanrl.

BRISTOL STREET Four bedroom bungalow. Radiation heat. Garage.

PEET ., ... , ...... 96971 KENNy .......... 962445

Three bedroom bungalow. Radiation he.t. Freehold.

EMPIRE AVENUE lila ~torey, four bedrooms. Basement gRragl.

TOR BAY ROAD New threl bedroom bun· galow. I


Excellcnt 11,2 storey. Three bedrooms, den, stlnporch. I

FRESHWATER ROAD Four. bedroom, two Itorey,! Radiation beat.


I,arge split level. Four rooms. Radiation heat.

bed· I· Two bedroom two apartment bungalow.


DERBY PLACE Excellent 3 lwdrooll1 ll1lngalow, with large living and dining room. Built in kitchen, bath­room, ample closet and cllphoard space. Ful1 concrete hascment, furnace heated, freehold land, landscaped, large patio in rcaI'. This is an excellent family home in a good resinenlial area, in excellent condition. For appointment to view, call one of our fricndly salesmen.

Four bedroom, two Itorey. Freehold land. ______________ lIe ___ II • ..:~

Large {our bedroom bung;},: low. Radiation heat. .

Seven room SUlllmer HOllie. Bungaluw.

SALMONIER ROAD SMITH AVENUE EXT. I Four room summer cabin.

Three beeroom. tll'O apart· SEAL COVE ment hungalow.


I . !

I Bunga1ow. BasP!tlrnt ~arag(\.

! Furnace heated.

TOPSAIL ROAD Three hedroom hun~alo\\'.


Thl"l'c bedroom rl\\'rllin~. Fully eqllipperl sen'ire sta· tion.


Fonr hedroom hungalow,. Suitahle [or SlIllll1lrr home or ' All year 'round dwelling.

TORBAY ROAD 2 apt. bungalow. furnace heated.


EMERSON STREET 2 apt. 3 bedroom bungalow. Fnrnace heated. Freehold.

FtJJLKlAND STREET Excellent. 3 bedroom hUll· ~alow. Frrchnld land. landscaped. fenced.

GOUI.DS 3 bedroom hungalow. I··urn· ace heaterl. Freehold land, 100' x 100'.

GOWER STREET 1'11'0 storey IJlIilriing. ennl~in.· SPANIARD/S BAY lng offices. warehouse and i Three bedroom bungalow i show rooms. I and store.

4 hedroom~. 3 storey dwel· ling. Furnace heated.

ER~C NOEL ............. 94072

APPRAISERS & VALUATORS Open I t ill0 p.m. daily

70 PORTUGAL COVE ROAD (Cummings & Campbell Building at Argyle Street) ----------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------


(Volkswagen) . 9000 tn'l .

I es, Push button radio .- 'Part tires, Excellent condition.

aw. ~Pply JOHN NICHOLS, ford PIC!ct Phone 96855

Notice -Three weeks after date ap· plication will be made by the undorsigned to The Board of Liquor Control for I licence to I sen liquor, beers and wines In a h()tel situate on Kanmount Road, SI. John's in the district of St. John's North.




DIAL 9.001l-2-3~4



and all the trimmings for Carnivals, Parties. Garden Parties. Fairs, etc. Plush and Stuffed Toys a Spec· ialty. , 11 PATRICK STREET

PHONE 8·4815 jlytolmth

Crystal Palace Night Club


The Crystal Palace gives th~ best Catering Service to

Welllllngs, Private Parties Dinners and Dances.

.. For Inrormation contact

MRS. A. RYAN at 90024


For comfort and relaxation dIne at the BAlImOO GARDENS.


We cater to weddings, Parties, Banquets.


Dial 85815. Open until 1 a.m.

7 days R week.

The Old Mill' Drive In Movie

Tonight at Dusk NORTII TO ALASKA


Starring John Wayne, Ernie Kovacs, Stuart Granger.

,Golf Driving Range and Old Milt Club open daily 12 Noon

Friday The Silhouettes Saturday The Big Dance

The Sahouettes Phone 90026 or 8·7581

FO'R SALE House Trailer

2 hedrooms, full" furnish­ed, appearance like neW. I

'Phone 93831 I dllrill~ business hours or iwritc' to BOX 631 c/o THE DAILY NEWS. augS,D,lO


Novelties for


Ryan Supply Co. 127 Qutf'n'l Road. SI .fnhn'~, Ntld

1',0. UOX 1191, IJIAL JI·2M3.



With 20 Modern Units. Now Accepting Bookings.

For Reservations Dial 9·0051 or Bamboo Gardens.

I . I . I .

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Page 14: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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~t-THE DAILY NEWS, & ... JJI:N'3, I:E,VFCUNj)LA~D, A~Ct'ST n, 1£~3 ...

Acel)·lene and , Electric Welding

HEAP & PARTNERS _____ , __ (NFLD.) Ltd.



Springdale St. Dial 8·203';



Buildin)!; Materials Steel Sraffoldlng, Ornamental

Wiring Itlateriall, Wire and Cables, Motors, Starten,

Lamps, Switche5, I.lghtinz Fixtures, ole


Topsail Rd. lila I 9·5099 We special,ze In Washlnlf,

Simonizing, Greasing. Opcn daily 7.30 n.m.-12 p.m

Wm. Sinnott, Service Station ~lana!!er.

, /Iron Railings, Chain Link Fenc·

TD lng, Re·lnforclng Steel, etc. James R Tucker lt~ CHESTER DA WE L . ' •• Complete serVicing - I,arge sto~ks of acccssories alway.

available. For all )'our Rulldlng 27 Springdale St. Requirements. ALL SALES Open daily from 8 a,m.

to midnight. TOPSAil. RD, - SI1AW ST. EQUIPMENT AND

11,0161 9.1111 CONTRACTING LTD.

Rarher Shop

TilE CENTRAL MRRER SIIOP-We are DOW operat­ing 10 chain, you ~'an be assured of prompt. efficI· ~nt, slIDltary serVlte N'l wailing problem, 2·\ New l;\I\\,cr Slrrrt "PPoslte Adc· Iaide Motors Ltd. R

Bakery --


Best by "Taste Test'~ Baked by.

General Contractors, Engineer" Equipment Rentals. TOPSAIL ROAD.

PI10NES: 9,2000, 9·%009.

Dry Cleaners


For the Fastest most efficient Dry.Clean­in~ and Shirt Service, Ph: 98017·98020

Drug Stores

M. CONNORS Ltd. Prcscriptiolll Pickup IUd

delivery service. PHONE 8·2206

Electrical Fixtures and Suppli~s

Well Drilling Phone 85171



A, G. BARNES LTD. Plnte, Safety, Sheet Glass,

nllrror and Plexiglass. o Blacktnarsh Rd. Dial 9·3690



Water Strett DIAL 8·2658 - 84123

------Pianos and Organs



LeMar!!ltant Road DIAL 8,6056


Representln!; the world's finest, Hardware-Sporting GoodrJ, Pianos and Organs. I

ST .. IOIlN'S nr.. GnACE! HARRIS & HISCOCK Dial 9·Z161 __ Dial 5075 i LTD.

PROPANE GAS ' 169 Water St. Phone 8·'352

Car Radios

CAR RADIO SALES We can imtaU n new radio in nny car [rom $55,00 up


Jack's Radio Shop

Elect. Services INSURANCE ltd. 71 T.onK·s 11i11 PHONE 8·7448


GLADY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE cor. Bond and Prescott Sis. Phone IHII5Hl·789B, Specl· alizing \D cold wal'ing, hair 51~·1ing. cutting and tinting, Dlanicurinl;. facials etc .. 14 operators, no "'lilting.

t-----------City Electrical

Co., Ltd. (Electrical Contractors)

Electric Repairs, to Ranges, etc,

PHONE 8·3767 86 Casey Street



Goods Wheel, Cash Wheel, Chocolate Wheel, Games.

Royal Newfoundland Regiment Band. Teas will be served.

Dance in the Evening.


GARDEN PARTY Sun. August 11

• Skeet Shoot • Side Shows • Pony Ride • Usual Attractions • Delicious Suppers


THE BEACHCOMBERS An enjoyable afternoon and night assured all attending. .


St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

The University is seeking accommodation for new Faculty members who will join Us staff in September.

Aparbnents or houses of one, two or three bedroom capacity will be required from

'- mid.August on.

Room and board for unmarried Faculty members will also be reC!luired. '

Please write or telephonie the Assistant to the President giving particulars.

Leases will be with the ocenpantsand not . the University. , ,


Dependable Fire Insurance, Prompt Claim Settlements.

IIiAL 1·7035 Service Station Radios BLACKMARSH ESSO

CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. SERVICE GREAT EASTERN OIL COt. Blackmal'sh Rd, and i COMPANY, Ltd. Agents for


Albany Street. Phone 9,4880. I REPAIRS '1'0 RADIOS, 'IV Tires. Tubes, Accessories, I' AND ALL ELECTRICAL


Luhrication, Washing. See Pete APPLIANCES for a job comple,(;. DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005




Mount Pearl Lions Club Regatta Special Winning Number 192.

Mount Pearl Lions Club

Money Doll Winning Number 1612

Aug8,9 -------------_._-----


Agents for

Electric Fixtures, Toys, Novelties,

Glassware and Dry Goods. jjly26,aug2.9,16


WANTED-by the Amalgamated Regional High School, Corner Brook, Newfoundland,

ACADEMIC TEACHERS for subject teaching in grades 9, 10 and 11. One physical' instructress for girls and one physical instructor for boys. Apply:

MR. W. C. ROBBINS, Principal. 1I'eds,fris,july

R.C.A. ' p~


R.C. Anthony Insurance Ltd. Imperial Oil Bldg. Elizabeth Avenue

TEL. 9-5079

WANTED A Saleslady


Water Street West

No phone calls pleclse.·


A 3 bell room

Bungalow with self contained Apartment, I

2 bedrooms. living room, kitch. en and hathroom.

Landscaped back and front.

For further information

Phone 94794

Houses, Apartments, Etc.

NEld. Rental Agencies


I 3rd Floor, Office ;l6. : Dial 8·7484 I

: List with us now if you I want to rent or let. f



,.; . e



IlIlC xxx XXXX XXX:C x XX=J x x x x xx xx x x x x x ~xx .X~ ~XX ~xx~ ~ ~ 2

xxxx X' xxxx 11 xl X X X X x lcX ~xxx ~ iXXX lS x • xxxx x ~ i



'" .. -.'.""'--'-- , .... _- -~

Attention Contractors

T.V. Service SERVICE TV Phone 8·6865

Day or night.

For your Building Re· i quirements, Paint and:


For all 1\'



Building Hardware see: us.

Cor. FfI'lhw31!r


FRED SHEPPARD'S TRUCKING Bonaventure Ave., St. John'3

1 Local ard long distance.

Vans, Stake, Dump, Pick.up and Crane Truck~ for hire, I

Dial 8·2109. R~5. 8·60212





" / I ' 9"V'''9 ... '


- SCOTS TAXI-Daily from SI. .John·s to Bonal'isla, Bona,ista to SL John's. St. .John's call 8·2352; Catalina call 5555, 5336. jue19,lmth


EXPERT SHOE REPAIR I' \SSF\CER . We nepair Shoes all ~!akcs and [" J, ,

Sizes, ! COXXEl"[JO:l

Pick·up and Delivery Service Kenmount Road, Dial 93331

Reasonahle Rales. PI.. . WILLIAMS Train'Thei"

51. John'> 12:01 .~

Well DrilIin~ SHOE SERVICE AlIgll'l nth will '; 44 fLOWER lIILL lion via I'b('nli,"·

jne20.1yr Argenti:; 1\'Jlh llY, ------- '[or 1\',,;: Rlln. ::

FO U N D : ('O\'\'E( TI0\' . : SE \I \'In: \1\ .. : Train 'T:le ! 51. ,Iohn·.; 12:01 "" A II !!t1~t flttl will ::~,

t4z •• iij~""iI tion lia Platent:,"':" l.1li : Argcntid "ith 5.5

, for SOllth ('oa,! , ATBedow .. 1

S. W. SHORT R.\SQW a ADELAIDE ST. 8·263; Train "The C;n:~:

Scrap Iron Wanted Immediately Contact ,\1 r. Crollchv personaIlv 9 a,lll. to 6 p,m. at c.~,R. Loading Ramp 100 \'ards west of Freight Shed on Southside Road West of Long Bridge. Cash on delivery $5 per ton. Auto, truck rear ends, front ends, motors O.K., chassis steel over 3 ft. long not acceptahle. For further information pholle 80178 one to 2 p.m. or 72131, Long Pond Exchange after 7 p,m. \ug8,9


1 -% 2

on Debenture BOllds

for 1 year and Over.

Bonds issued in Denominations of $100.00 and Upwards.

For further particulars contact


SAVINGS & INVESTMENT LTD. Incorporated 1936


St. .Jol1!'"." 12:01 ;.:1 AII~\lq gth \lill , lion ill Port '11\ :,'

S.S. Bill' HaHn Ic'1, , Scrrice,

Tnlin "Thr Crr;~'~:· SI, ,Joh,,', i2:01 ,--111h wil m,lc '.:'

, COrtlf"r Bronk ~,\:!h ~S., 'rlillr rn I.rwi;rrr.!

lll'oO k l:irnm,


I Frei,hl SI. JOhl'!'

: Brook .ocrrire per 5 'Ranger or '\Ib~liW , Dark ('oa,lal Shrd ,. : 9th, 9 iI.m. to 5 p!il

I Fl'ei!=ht (or Gem . I is no\\' heing arcEptE:, ! Riliiwal' Freighl 5:,: I a.m. t~ j p.m. bul it

I guarantee mar/m/n: ' ~l. V. Hopedale or

I scheduled for . i freight ml15t be at ' I Freight Shed bY 5 P 1 Augusl 9th.

: Frei"iJt is lCcePltl I Rail\\'a~' Fn'i~hl , un South COl,1 . I aux Ila,qu,;, bllt ,': j gllal';Htlt>t' 11IO\t'!i1t~. , I .' r -; s Bar IllIC' I III' 0 ": "1 , stitute, I;rlght 111"

~r;:=~~~~;;~~;;;;;;:;;;;;;.;;t i Raihl',I' Freight std . 13'l , Tuesday. Augllst . - Frci"ht LCIl " ( ' .lohn·s Sen ire 0, '

via Lewisporl! and. , 'I rnl'ii1e t>r !\lb,UIU.

I R'lllrl! , acceplrrl ~I • u~~~ I Shed Tue!da~·. A ~ from P a.m, 10 l P

Freight :"\orlh vice to Sain for Lewisporte substitute will Railwa)' Freigbt August 121h feo~

,pm "nrlTue;da., .' I ' ." 5 p­

from n a.m. to

I el I

Enjoy the larn , service and . the N




CLAl Consolation Prizi

claim Bingo Phc on the de

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Mr. J. J




'TIL 12 Nj

Po~ch ( In

Gardl First Prize

2nd. Prize


Just -Dl


.' All 'Size • AII"M' , • 04 • No f'cf' • - I I ; Straight " Lowest'

.:])() . - ,.

, "J.;" . ,- -:: I ' .>

Page 15: Cars We. Sell - Warrantv It · "this is prohably the first suc· ... limited nudenr test ban treaty un ... (lol' A l'

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Newspaper BINGO SERIES NO. 77


.II! lI11l,,,1.1Iilll\ Prizl's Havc Been Claimed.

11\ l~;;;-ha"e been claimed.

"aim Bingo Phone 8-7269 by 1 0 p.m. en the day published.

~elp Kin - Help Kiddies

pert Watch Repairs

~I;:\"ll'l, \\'1TII A S~IIJ,E AT


'::ol \.oj" , ,. ,,, ...





POUch Cove Sweep, In Aid of

Garden Party ~irst Prize-4954-Unclaimed lnd.p r i ze-2433-U ncla i med lrd. Prize-4959-Unclaimed

Just Arrived -DUMONT


• All Sizes • All Models : Trad~.i~~ Accepted • No FiCtitiOUS Prices • Straight Honest Transactions

Low~st Prices Ever



• BOX 632 . DIAL 8.5006.7



In vicinity of Nfld. Hotel for a period of 6 months by reputable Nfld. firm. Interested parties please write


PHONE 9-36014



Small Quantity Bakeapples and Squash Berries




Applicants must have some experience and a knowledge of typing is essential as clerical work is part of the job. Fringe benefits and good ,working comli­tions. Salary commensurate with cxperi ence and ability.

Apply BOX 633 c/o THE DAILY NEWS




ROAD RACES 1963 All Athletes wishing to participate in the Road Rnces to be held during August and September must file with the Secretary, four days before the event, a Road Rnce Entry Form, No entry will be accepted after the deadline,

Athlctes may obtain the Form from their respective clubs or from. the Amateur Athletic Union of Can· ada SecretarY, Gcoffrey L, Steele, 19 Long Pond Road, st. John's or at Radio Station V.O.C.M .. McBride's Hill, SI. John's.

SCHEDULE TCII 1I111c Senior Run Sponsored by The Evening Telegram Saturday, August 24th, 10:00 n.m. Three lUile l\1i11get Run Sponsored by Simon Levitz & Son Ud., Wednesday, August 28th, 3,30 p,m, Five lIIile Jllveiliic Run Sponsored by James R. Tucker Ltd., Wedn~sday, August 28th, 4:00 p.m, Twenty.Slx 1I111e (385 Yards) 1I1arathon Sponsored by Newfoundland Margarine Co" Ltd., Saturday, September 28th, 10:00 a.m, Ten 1I111e Senior Walk Sponsored by the Royal Stores Ltd., Saturday September 14th, 10:00 a.m. Five lillIe Juvenile Walk Sponsored by Cross and Company Ltd., Wednesday, September 18th. 10:00 a.m.

, Twenty IIllle Senior Walk Sponsored by Carnell Agencies Saturday, Sep1ember 21st, 10:00 n.m.

Board of Broadcast Governors


Application by Memorial University of Newfoundland for Authority to Enter into A Contract with Newfoundland Television Stations For The Broadcast­ing of Educational Programs Approved By The University.

The Board of Broadcast Governors will hear, at the public hearing opening in Ottawa on August 27, 1963, an application by Memorial University of Newfoundland for authority, under Section 6 (6) of the Radio (TV) Broadcasting Regulations, to enter into a contract with Ncwfoundland Broadcast· Ing Co., Ltd" licensee of Stations CJON-TV, St, John's. CJOX·TV, Argentia and CJCN·TV, Grand Falls, and with the Canadian Brondcasting Corpora­tion, licensee of Station CBYT, Corner Brook, Nfld,. for the broadcasting by the stations of educational programs approved by 'the University,

Persons wishing to oppose the application mus"! file ten (lOr copies of a brief in opposition or a notice of Intention to oppose, sctting out thc grounds of the opposition, with the Secretary, of the Board, 48 Rideau Strcet, ottawa, on or before August: 16, 1963,

Persons' wishing to inspect briefs submitted with respect to the above application may do so at the offices of the Board at ottawa by appointment with the Secretary ofthc Board.


FOR SAI,E-l Elcclrolux 3 Brush Floor Polisher, with 2 set of brushes and buf· fers. Price $60,00, Phone 844633. allx9,10

W ANTED-Comics, magazine, pocket novel~, violins, guit· ats, good shatcs and boots. John D. Snow, 9 Kew Gow· er, Street. jne19,lmth.

SLENDER TABLETS: Aid you to retain a slCnder figure; $2.00 a bottle of 100 tablet,;. Orders mailed c.o.(\, JOHN D. SNOW, 9 New Gower St., SI, John's. (lm)

NOTICE Three weeks after date here·

of application will be made to the Board of Liquor Con. I trol for a license to sell Beers, Wines and Liquors in a 'l'avern On a proposed site be, tween New Harbour Road ,lOd Spaniard's Bay Road,

A, W. SELLARS, Proprietor.

jly 26,nug2,9.

Hamilton Hotel 123 - 125 Hamilton Ave. Catering to Pennancnt and Transients. For re­servations Please dial

8·5636 aug15,lmth

Wm, SINNOTT Serl'ice Station Manager

PALMER'S LTD. Topsail Road



PHONE 9·5099 my17,lmth




• Round Trip for two people to Gloucester, Mass.

:'. "

Value ... "."." ...... ".,,, ...... ,., ............ , .. , ....... ,, ..... , ... $150.00

9 dav trip to Gloucester, :Mass., via 3 Mid, ports-one dav at Gloucester -4 clays back to St. John's. Slop over at Gloucester cou'ld be arranged with sufficient notice.

• One "Mamiya" 8mm Zoom Movie Camera Value .. ,., .... , .... ,.,' ....... ,., .... , ........... , ..... ,',' ............ $

• One 670 x 15, 4 Ply, Firestone Tube Type Tire Value ... , .. ,., .. , .. , ..... ,',.,., .. , .................................. $ 14.95

• Full course Steak Dinners for two people at Bella Vista Value ............................................ $ 10.00



• Taxi Service (O,K. Taxi) Value .......................... $

• Taxi Service (Cabot Cabs) Value ...................... $

Mail your bid (price you will pay) mention the item-Drawing will be on August 15th, to:


If successful delivery will be made to you.

NOTICE Four weeks after date hereof

application will be made to th~ Board of Liquor Control [tlr a permit to keep and sen beers, wines and \icluors at The Buie I Verte Lodge to be situate at Baie Verte in the District of White Bay, Newfoundland.

Dater at SI; Jobn's this 23rd day of July 1963,

R. Ie. n, lIIERCER, Q,C" Solicitor for Baie Verte Lodge, , Address: Cabot Building, SI. John's, Newfoundland, jly26,aug2,9,16,


Ideal working conditions Group medical benefits




"JANTED IMMEDIATELY female Office Clerk

Experience preferred typing essential


MAMMY'S LTD. Official Regatta

Sweepstake augn,lO

ALEXANDER STREET ----- ~- -----~- ----


9015 18301 3'171 865n 14804 19G27 11048 12891 21660 11197 11178 12758 20268 14265 3(;2 12424 3420 19141 1647 18778

13697 31900 10666 41723 11632 19246 137~)8 41853

345 19321 371 15662 10777 20656 3453 14452 10698 11029 11630 1170 4073 592 4092 1924 4499 41861 10788 9423

12601 4117 3527 ,

Prizes can be claimed by presenting winning tickets during regular business hours at The Popular Clothing Store, Water Street. Prizes must he claimed within 30 davs.

aug9,10 '













All Athletes wishing to participate in the Meet must obtain the Entry Form and the Amateur Card Application Form from their resptctive clubs. Un· atlached Athletes Union of Canada Secretary •. Geoffrey L. Steele, 19 Long Pond Road, SI. John's, or at Radio Station V.a.C.M. I1lcBride's Hill, S~. .John's. Both forms, properly completed, must be postmark •

. el ordelivered to the Secretary on or before :1Ion­day, the 26th day of August, at noon. No entry will be accepted after this date. ..


Fourteen·year old Dennis Walsh of St. John's, one of eleven grand award winners in the recent national Pepsi·Cola Contest, is shown above as he receives the keys to his new Renault Caravelle Car from Mr. W. A. Gruchy. General Manager of Browning· Harvey Limited, local Pepsi Bottlers, In addition to the car Dennis won a return trip to Paris for two 'and $1000 in cash. One of a family of seven children this lucky young man is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Walsh of the Southside Road and bUl's his ,Pepsi at Craniford's Store,




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AT THE I I~~~~ SIGN p~ T~FE ~fJl OOK

_~ I

I , I ; , , , ,

: ! 189 Radio, Television. Washers Refrigerators, Deep Freezen

Electric Rangea. Floor. Polishers.

Gramophones Public Address Systems

Tape Recorders


DIAL ~·300l to 8·3005 STRANGE WIVES -


What better way to remember your "two . weeks with play" than with pictures expertly and thoughtfully finished!

Developing 1

Printing .


.. I I . 1 I

! I 1: I

SUMMER WATER Shirley Barker .... 6.50


=~~~~~~~~ Graham Greene .... 3.75:

STRE.ET M·3 Jan28,ly

That's where we come in_ finishing service is second t9Ur t:1\ Newfoundland, in "speed ando r.on! ~


These are the reasons why- .. OUR STUD10S are completely equipped with "Pako Photo Eql1ipment" .

;: i, I. i : I· ,

~ I I , \ I




Daphne A Lhas 7,25 i

Tl-IE,HqUSE i AT. SUr-;SET .

I Norah Lofts ... -.. 4.21i·


in its field! This complicated machinery is always kept at top operating' r~hn~ by "Pako" highly trained technical experts. e 111~t1

NEWEST EQUIPMENT -OF COURSE ! Bul then we go a step f Every print receives individual attention hy an attendant who makes dOll"l) Urt~~ each print is del'eloped according to its own exposure. sUr, tti~

BE EARLY , t ';

Save your Energy Use ELECTRICITY

I :Margarct Page Hood ............ 4.95 i


Your oh so precious prints are handled wil~ white cotton gloves {recommended by I<odakl Your glossy photos will re,tch your hands COI1\:

pletely free hom scratches and Hnger marks,




~~­LIGH' c. POWlI G"" • l' , v 'I N I , I •

Eileen Bassing ... 6.50· J-IEHMAN GORING


Charles Bewley .... 7-50 GARDEN OPEN II TODAY

::::~~==::::::=== i Bcverlev Nichols .... 5.00 DOLPHINS

C.heap Reliable El .. rtricity In alld Around St. John's

Prompt Delivery On


'I LOI'C.l Beavcrbrook .... 5·50 : nm FAn !


HOW ABOUT SPEED? COLOR PR~NTS . Get· your film in at 10.30 A.JI. and it . ", will be ready 4:30 P.~1. the same day. 4 DAY SERVICE ON MOST In just six hOllrs we can hal'e your' glossy prints hack to you. With our COLOR WORK

marvelous "rako" equipment we can offer this six hour speed sen icc with. out risking our reputation as quality

Your films are sent to ""r of Ca~ I' I I t f· . h ·1.11 argest p 10 0 IIlIS er, I,,:, cxpert .. it.l· color prints. q.~ film processors.


• • " SERVICE for people outside

of Sl. John's OR drop your film off at any of OUr dearers located throuehou\



FilMS and



FIL\IS and FHEI': informat:~l

in their u'a~e arailab:! at The,ical C10ri






Send \0\11' films in


E. C. TatH'S 8.,)0 TI~DAY


. 7.50 John P. Parker

-Club Disbon ded Radio Here NEW VEGETABlE~ ; Dicks & (0., Ltd.

~ ••

, . \

II I t

, I

I , . 1-: , .

I, I.


A loral orllanlzation known 1\8 the !'iewfoundland Citizens' Rand Rndlo Club, has heen dlshandcd.

The lUlL\, !'iEWS Was in· formed l'hursda~' night by illlmedlate )last prcsillent hed Holloway, thnl the cluh,

organized In August 1962 ceased to exist as of Aug. 8.

According to :Ur. 1I0lloway, IIH! demise of the club was brought ahout by the exten· sh'e disInterest oC a great majority of members.

"j\lthongh we had a size·

Tourists. Flocking To Tourist

Au aston';shing number of tourists and "Isilors are ap· pearlng at the tourist office In the !'icII'foundland Boanl of Trade rooms on Water Street.

According to a spokesman for the Board, peoille have romc frolll as far away as S~n I'ranclseo. alld almost rl'er~' day sees all Increase in the number of tourists.

There Is also n large lIum· ] ber of local peoille seeking' in{ormalion anti taking ad· "anta~e of Ihe facilities offered.

Oflice the Identifying car stickers and introductory cards that are Issued to ('neh visitor to the Roanl of Trade,

l\Iost of the bllJulrles directed to the tourist office have to do with accommoda. tion, tours, sight. seeing and points of hlslorlcal, geologl· cal, geographical and some· times political Interest.

( .lames Rees, InC ormation .

!' olrieer, said Thursday that

. :, milch use Is be~ng made of ; I

I' ~ !


• ! I 1

,; « 1

,: .' , I

• I

I ~ \ ...

.1 , ,

. J ~

, . , 1 -,

I , I r I t I ( ..

~ " I • • I . l'

I ___ ' _________ _




HOSTESS Hay For Sale . Will Knock at your Door , For sale a quantity of with Gifts and Greetings . Hay at the new areas from Friendly Business ; Bowring Park, Apply Civic and SO:ial Groups : to Mr. 4i. Hamlyn for On the occaSIOn of: , particulars. The Birth of a Baby~

New comer to the City.

PHoNE 8·4664, 9;64761 Phone 95125. . : I .::1 i

, I! I, .

, ... ' I·' :-NOW IN ST. JOHN'S . : i{'.> . ~y.; i ': I:' !' \ t .

" 1\ I' ~\ q.

; t .. !~. "1 1 .' "

. ~ :, ,.' I

, ~ . i' -' :)'f":I< . . . . ,: :: ~ I . : L,-,I!"


~Juctd CANDIES .'

.' Available exclusively from· the following _ . 'Orug Slores:


.. ' .

~:.! :

. .

Pilln Now for Summer Pleasure Anoat ~"'., ~ Boats,

Outbollrd Motors Trailers, and Accessories

Charles R. Bell, Limited ;~ATER ST. WEST. PHONE 8-2131

able membership," comment· ed Jllr. Holloway, "the over· all percentage of active mem· ber participation was very small, It wa~ practically 1m· possible to get more than a handful of members to take a working Interest In club aCfalrs.

"While n great many of n~ hatell to see the cluh dissolve, It was generally agreed by the outgoing cxecutil'e that matters had renehed the point of no return," lIlr. 1I0lloway remarked. -------_._--


SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to content and ad· dressed to the undersigned. will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, on

I'tIONDA Y, August 27111,_ 19r,a

F;;;;;;;;;~;';;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;. I I The Booksellers



"The Courtesy Cabs," ELIZABETII AVE.,

\'OU may 11011' drive to YOUI



for your eye examination and ~:Jasses. JUST DIAL

91091 -91098 jly9, ,

PHONE 8·5001 -- --- ------.- -- ------

"-- .. ----. llEATHS

BURKE-Passel! peacefully. away at her home. 38 Bonavcn· :

,ture· Avenue, Jlargaret, widpw i I oC the lale Senator Vincent P. :

I· Burke. Left to mourn 1 daught- I er. Ursala. also 2 . nephelVs, !

! William F. 1I1ulcahv nOll .Tohn ' : P. Jlulcahy. Funer'al on Satnr- !

day at 8:15 a.m. to the Rasilica i for Requiem )[ass. Interment! at Belvedere Cemetery. '

KIELLEY -Passed aW:lY at St. Clare's :\Iercy Hosllita 1. Thllrs[lay morning. John .J.

. Kielley. Lea\'in'~ to mOllrn llWil' . : sad loss Cour daughters. 1IIRl')', ! ,loan OIl'S. ,J. J. Dodd). Peg : (~Tl's. Bud Kal'ana~h), ],aiJpl

for a topographical sUfl'ey allll ~ D[]'s. Geralci O'Reilly); fOllr test holes for the land assemhly MERC 350 35 HP I son:;. Gilbert, Francis. ,hmr:;,. sIte, Grllnd Falls as well as for MERe 500 ' 50 HP i .Tol~n. l'uncl'al fl'. om .Ilis :;on', . the land assembly .~ite, Gander, , ! rcsilieller. 21 Slilltimlle Cre~.

New Potatoes New Turnips New Onions New Cabbage New Carrots

SPECIAL:-Limited supply of Old Potatoes (last for the season)


PHONES 8·5143, 8-5144 QUEEN mE!! Newfoundland. MERe 650 , 65 HP ! cenl, with Requiem ~rnss at:

Specifications and forms of I MERe 850,85 HP 8.15 a.m. Saturciay to the. ~_~_=_ ~_~_~_~~~_~~~~~:.~~:=~~~~~~~~~~§~~~ lender required enn be olltained MfRCIOOO,IOOHP Ba~ilica. Interment At Bel.!r ---~-- -----at Central Mortgage and HOlls. I vcrlrrc, lng Corporation offices located Trade In yellr rig ,ugn,lO at 91, Elizaheth Avenue East. on a 1963 ,__ _ __ _ WANTED


St. John's, Newfoundland and I ME~,~~Rb~,;;~d. I r--------I the Federal Building, Gander, I Only MERCURY gives you Newfoundland. Each tender whisper·qUle! Jet-Prop exhaust. I

must be accompanied hy a I I security deposit of 10% of the DOMINION BUILDING i contract bW. Such security MATER IALS l TO deposit shalt be retained by the' ., Central Mortgage and Housing Chester Dawe Bldg., CorPoration to ensure due per· P.O. Box 414, st. John's, forma nee of the contract. Cash, Shaw S.trect, a certified cheque, bearer or 1 negotiable Dominion of Canada P lone 8·4152. llonds wiII be accepted as I security. AI) cheques must he Every holiday weekend brings made payable to the order of reports of many deaths by drown­Central :lfortgMe and Housing ing or traffic accidents. Most of Corporation. The lowest or these tragedies could be prevent· any tender not necessarily DC' ed. Reducing speed where advi,· eepted. ' able, or driving with greater

A. VIVIAN, Branch Manager,

Central Mortgage anll lIouslng Corporation,

91 Elizabeth Avenue East, :P. O. Box 338, st. John's, NfId. aug9,12

~. J. N~VILLE Hamilton Avenue Extension

PHONE 9·5300

, One Hll::::UR~' -

mRRlIR!lJnG:' tho .... , 10 IJ'( /\IAJi.. I/!I

care; supervising small children. who play near water or streets. could save lives.



DIAL 8·5181 • 2 • 3


Ladies' Suinmer Dresses (plain) $1 00 ·Cleane.d, Refreshed 'and Pressed • .

\ Hughes~Maynard Cleansers Ltd. BLACKMARSH RD. PHONE }).2186-7

Wanted Reliable

Housekeeper , For small familv where other help is kept. Applicant must be over 25 years of age and ahle to do plain cooking. Salary $100.00 per month. Private apartmcnt provided. Character references requir ed. Will await outport rc· plies .


Box 629,. C/O DAILY NEWS.




PHONE 941?~

Electronic' Centre Ltd.


After hours 'phone 9·6995

~fanufactured in LaFayett~. Indian:.; Tyler, 'rexas; and Horseheads, N.Y . On display everyday

11:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. night 7:00 p.m.-10.30 p.m. lIIovies on consLTuctlon. de· signs, etc. sholVn 9:00 p.m. Location: Pleasantville Sub­division. west of PepperrelL

For informJtion call Ted Gillies Entprprises Ltd.

96026-92325. jly31,lmth

To do light housework and plain cooking. Must be 20 years old or over and able to provide references. Sal· ary $80.00 per month.




. <,....' . - '.' - '11 . , :'" .:'.~ •.• -t·, '.'i~·i.- Jl f· ., .• , -- I

A. H. MUR·RAY & CO." LTD. 51. John/s

We carry a large stock of all MACHINERY SUPPLIES.

'!'Ie specialize in SKF BEARINGS for immediate delivery.






(Not Inserted by Board 01 Liquor Controil


Ask about the ( On Used Gar~ Give You Satis

erra Nova USED (

~o ~O. 180 I •


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for a sulution to '"reatest train 1'01

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maslermind may . left Britain before

bandits halted


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the weekend an detectives

scoured ,the SCI near Cheddingt]

north of London. truck in their poss

. may ha\'e been us

jrd thday

Tel;. <APl-E ·man·made I

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-I 'has kept On Its thirl racked ;up

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