Carrot Applique

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Transcript of Carrot Applique

  • 7/25/2019 Carrot Applique



  • 7/25/2019 Carrot Applique




    Small amounts of any medium weight yarn in orangeand green

    Size 3.50mm (US E) crochet hook

    Yarn needle


    Not important for this pattern

    Finished size will be approximately 1.5 x 3.25

    *tip: play around with different yarn and smaller/larger hook sizes to get a different sized carrot


    ch: chain

    sl st: Slip Stitch

    sc: Single Crochet

    hdc: Half Double Crochet

    dc: Double Crochet

    R: Round

  • 7/25/2019 Carrot Applique




    R1: ch9, sc in 2ndch from hook and in each ch across (9sc)

    R2: TURN, do NOT ch, dc in same st, 2dc in each of next 2 sts, dc in next, hdc in next, sc in next 2, (sc,

    ch3, sl st) in next, now working in back loops only along opposite side of chs, sc in next 3, hdc in next, dc

    in next 2, 2dc in each of next 2, sl st to first dc of R

    R3: do not turn or ch, sc in next, 2 sc in each of next 3, sc next 6, (sc, ch1, sc) in next, sc next 6, 2 sc in

    each of next 4, sc in last, sl st to first st; fasten off

    with green,

    join with sl st in top of carrot where you fastened off orange; *ch5, sc in 2ndch from hook and in next 4

    chs, sl st in same space where you joinedgreen*, repeat from *to* twice more; fasten off and weave

    in ends

    **You may sell finished items made using this pattern**

    Please do not copy or redistribute, in part or whole, the actual pattern