CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1....

VOL XIV. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1884. NO 50 THEIBONEMA •VMT laVttiuMf » T FlWLHrlBM *n> PEOraiETOM. OBot M BluknU Itnat nut dwr t« du Iltiual Damliar.. BI.Y IN ADVANCE, Bix MOKTIIS 1.00 THRUK HOXTMB unmui RATU. MID II 001 ID 001 M M in 6<i III oo IT to t« 00 48 00 « 00 . UUWMS, K. D., oEiiut PEACTITIOMB, MD tPEomiiT a Or MILIBUL DtUaSES. OmCI IT HI PARK HOtll, BOVM, ». 1 Oetaal of Bltekmn aaj Mn ita, DOVER. N. J. I. •.JOLLCY, Proprietor. •gtaaainlCatrkaaaloLol. •W-1BL0N PITHEY, 4 T 1 0 U m AT LAW, fUTU II CUX0UV tIDMOTiBf fO»MO, IBQ* ER> UtJILDINJ. I. J. j uTH.« ». BOVBB, H. J. .WUHEa Of OEE» ADD U!inAM, »um;ia or usn. CARRIAGES AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. JOSEPH H7BEACH& SON, BOOKAWAT, 1IAHUFACTUEER8 OF ASDDEALERS IX L. W. THURBER, «jrt«iirrr-NDERT or rrouo MMOOI* amouuBConrrr. arncE AT >. H. BIEBUS BTOE«, DOVEB, H. J. •oacUl one. bout oa Halardua fro" «;»• aMitu »•» OLIVER 3. FREEMAN, Hi n a t a l lo Thnbn'i »<« halHIni.Jn«» Mtnflto Central E«i1.oad in brtlm, HEAg THE OAKAL BASIK. JoWiio« and rapurlM pvompll" t Aleaf, eirwrieim in the liiwt !><»>>"> aw U> >l«uli>. Oooimli taan >m' un»7<M,I«, haiM » allcjwtapara. tHAVIM Ml MIROVTTIMC gAtOOK. SUSSEX STREET, u ronon notMUaiMaa) u. ronon notMUaiMaa.) DOVER, H. NOTICE. ml oitnin OHLLIOTOB win b. >i MorrMa'a,« «•" Bbtrin ofln. on IKMIIIU* SUSSEX St GROCER. GROCERIES —turn- PROVISIONS DONALDSON'S SVAI|TAN|OUS PORTRAITS Rosewood PUno only «60. New Pl«no», $125 up. New OrgMB, «20 np. .aat •( DaVar. piaooa and OT^W V«»<V viA t ^ g - 4. WM. E. WEJOHT. OURFALLandWINTER STOCK --or- MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S •CLOTHING UHOWUUT. •Oar a lar** aaa attocl aMarlaaaal af •imiNEFa al'ITn la »»<*aa»« rMHki at •*. «T, • » . WO, •!, • ! ( . • » . ••«, •aa. «M, •!•», HO amM«. We lavlto ipaclal atleatlaa la aasr rawrUM Ma* ar *Awrr.u iMaf)iM»:Nr>, »r larraw ami «aa«u la M» aaa*a<t la-aar. Wt ara tka ONI.V IIUUHB la Ifea MiaM •>•«•*• aaa lalaaac Ikal Bare •«» aaa IKtaa na trial, la IMKKa MJiTa we .haw OOMKMJHEHn. fi PA 1.1. OVKHCOATS mat as (a ago la a rarlaf r •fc«l«ra ami •• IM ataM laaan. I*ANT» Iraai •I.IO la »7 la all tat aaw Mrian aaa a H i t a m aaa acrract lacat ana at. •a aar Hut* aaa L'llll.DMKVH UKPAHTMEKT wa have a awaaaatlaatmai ikeaawait laaii la katk ataaaa aal aavMa anaMva tacat aaa)caiawara, Me. Kilra paatawltk atearlrererr i. Kntr taraatai aarawa aiaaa aaa warraatai la m ir •Icalar. Me have aal aae arlct laall. aaa wkcai aar altaar. l»racilaa accan wa ataka aar aiekaaga ar rrfaaa Ikaataaar- We l a . lie aa earlr laaaacilaa aaa ceaaaerltea. MCGREGOR & Co. "THE IRON FftONT CLOTHIERS, 850 &852 BROAD STREET, NEWARK, N.J. n r r n DOoii ODTII NP.WIIIB I S D NEW V»III DEPOT. TheMiprices embrace only a few of our leading article*, but our entire stock It proportionately low, and the name over which it is written is a sufficient guarantee of its excellent quality to all who know us HBAGA1V *& Co., OPP. D., L. & W. R. R. DKl'OT, DOVER, N. J. NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on hand and made to order. Our work is all done under our per- sonal supervision, and is fully warranted. Everybody in want of a wagon will profit much by giving us a oall before buying else- where. —*—- REP AIBlNg —*— n all branches done in a manner whioh is bund to give satisfaction. Orders by mail will reoeive prompt attention. J. B. PALMER, (ICCCKMOK TO) BEEMER 4 PALMER NOTICE TO OIL DEALERS. THE McKIRGAN OIL Co., Of NEWARK. N. J., have now open for the delivery of Oil a (Jepot at Dover, where a fUH supply of Oil can be had on MONDAY and FRIDAY of eftqh week, All our patrons who favor us with their orders will be promptly supplied. Our objeot is to save our customers transportation oharges and delays caused by shipping oil from Newark or New York. Or- ders oan be sent to Samuel Hammond, Boon- ton, *9 will be in Dover on Mondays and Fridays) or to our address where they will receive our prompt attention. All orders will be promptly delivered by J. H. Burohell, and empty barrels taken baok. McKIRQAN OIL COMPANY. T H E QOVEB LUMBER •Lumber Worked to Order by maohlnwT »t th« plaee «kera it U purohaaad, gr»»UT laaaraing the ooai of building bj the great aanog in manual labor. Oar etocl alwaji inclndea Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings •rerj particular. I. V. linan. Oaa-I Maaaaat. Come and see the elegant stock, both Piece and Heady-made Goods, for this Fall and^fiiiter, and as n\y custom trade is increasing daily 1 will assure my patrons that the strictest attention will be given to that department in order to meet the re- quirements of the finest class of trade You can also observe some veryfineand ippropriate Shirts for th> campaign. " '' GEORGE FEDER, No. 4 BRICK BLOCK, October 2d, 1884. Dover, N. J. that MtwHkttinai'aa th« literal Ettrauft tkat our fr.tnai all •»tr tht CMMty knt«w «*•• at, that wr excepti'Mlly •«* •rle«« this Fall it n»t icaertlly known. In timei ot tfcprei- *IM il certainly it a duty every Man *mtt ta himtelt *nt family it nikt hit dollar reach t t far at attkible in buyin| tkt MCHtaritt af lift, »•< at laalt, Ikatt ui Rubber* art eltttti ia that ettaitrv, wt tt tht Ita4i«| detlert ha»t felt it iMNmhett utin vt tt Mtkt special tftrt te Induce cuite- mrt li»iai at a flittnct tt fttl that it it their interett, at will at tun, tt willy themitlvtt from ear .lament* ttiort, mini laace will aat permit at ta enumerate the msiiy tar- fiifil wt ara tfftrlnf, hat wt will mentian a few BOOM, • . n ' t Hand-Hade Mining- Booti. tSU •eniiHEOdiided Cowhide Tap tele Booti, - • M 00 • t u t Haad-ilded B*lt Bplit Tap Sole BooU SI 50 Men'e Warranted Calf (ingle tola Fine Boon 11.40 ft (1. W Mtn'i Warranttd GsJf Tap lol. Fine Booti II.50 ft $>.7« •oj'a Brat Double Sole Tap Kip BooU. fllO TtBtba' Beit Doubl* Sole Tan Sip Boot! . - . »180 ana . fell liar MWiMra'., maw.* ana CblMNn'aucMHIawtralraaiMMaHa I* ic at oat-lia.f Ihn a.wiirr. RUBBERS. Mea'i Waaauwart I'm* UaatBaali *3«O »»U DHII finish «••!. . :i <MI " Stmltltut H«bt»r Baali SSO B»H' Wanawtkcl llaMi Vaatk«> Chlla'* suo I .111 811 Mea'aBett Hackle A rcilei I.W 80 1.OO BlMna'i " " SS Waaaea'a Maaarrt, uX Hna'a Waal Alatkaa tut AMI M>M (araHBh lar. rn.lre lUt. Waa»a'i invlnj; poppet v.lvca. Vf IOM from frlolioa, nowa.fe lo port, by *1KIQ or rut.i maciioa tulrea. Hialient pomlble per opat nr Irea air. •ooaonloil ami durable. Oili iu. oncpptleattDa. (Pally Kcurail by patiiuls.) BOILERS! Horizontal, Tubular, Flue> Yertioal and Portable. Insuranoe policy with each. AIR RECEIVERS. »_^.-.JT to keep a Urn* •••ofi»«nt i II In bit line of trad*. coniiiUnf of COAL AISO WOOD! let-Mow ami Uhifft. of all •!•«$ *Uo bt UmiiuMi OMI for bteclirallhinK- Cmdiwood •«td «ud ipttl rtewlj loc •«« alwtji oa liiud Flag Stones -: Curbtng. Ordm owi«*>d iBil eontrecli tikca Ibr I«J- lag Mdcwi Ik* and Mttlog curb. «oJ all other «crk nqnHluK BlaeHluue will to piowptlj mm MATERIALS I Hard aaii t.U Brill, l.lni. Cemer.1, Cil- alard naaicr, Hnr, rira an.l tmA Steam OirouUr Saw Mill. ta aata mat ltab<r aal Inaar alaa i.J rnilh dcar»d i l i r m oa bind. «» eata, laaaoaad wacd C <ak. Atl £ooniox«.. bofcr.M.J. Heals and Lunoliea I-WINE ADO POOL ROOMS.;. •tt tj-nji open to ?iftton, nd eteiy eflort If MltU to plCMC ill. MRS. GEO. FARR, POUT ARAM, W. J. baa )ul ranlna iu iaimeiiu nock ol ALL MILLINERY. PRIOCa. Ctll anil aia bur a befure barlDR ilw«ben. NEW JERSEY "EMORY'S" RESTAUBANT, WARRiN^t,, MVER. E . a V A N a i L D E R , - - Prop'r. Oysters! Oysters! MrrtdfltMritfte. Ada aoM liy (ha QUART, 100 or 1,000 Hectinrf lrt*h from tb« a AwmllorPETKIt UA|!CKH«Mir.UJ bror. NOTICE! Estate of John Edwin Hnrd P URHUAKT lo tlie onirr ft tlie HiirroRlti of tlie^oanly or Murrii, niHdu nn tin Ristb day »( October, A. D, ouo lli'tnaim. ei»tt liomlred au<l eiglny-foiir, notice i* litntiv ctTfii t*i ail iitimni" liavlnu claimJ •galmi ilw tnttloi>r John XAitio Han>,hiool tin* OunDlTof Morrit,dooei»e;l. In pro*tot llit me, notlfToatli or afflimatioQ, to tliu tub- -iber, on or lie (ore liifl *> My ol Jill] mil. Lelns DIIID moDtlin from th<> dale of tali! oril* 1 r: and ••>; crpdtlnr oeRlii't* intrtobrlnKiu-iidcihibli bis or lirr claim, nmlcf mth or sftirmumn, tritlnn tbc tlmu ilii Umiteii.will be IM-eTur Imrf^'d or lii« or' lier action therefor »s;ain^ t((e SmcDlrlt. D.UJ iWalilliOiV of OcKMr A. D. \M KiccptriK, T64 *. 766 BHOAD 8TIIEET, MBIVARK. N. J. Oaaa. Ifepl. fat OverTOatadanla tlio pmt f*nk HniMrior tnitruotltin. tuition roanon- iUo. Vauloina, lla.lnf" Edicator and •PMlaKB. of penmanihlp free. a T. MILLEU, Principal. L. I- TICKEU. Betttun. DRAKE & KING, t «S..o,«S|.utt,..«~S!" PIANOS! ORGANS! Organs $65. $70, $80, $00 and $100! Pianos, Square, $190, $810! Upright, $210, and $225! Tbe Organ*, arc made of thorou(£li)y M>R- ined Black Walnut, »ra IwautifulljfinUti—* ami in tone cannot In •nrpiuue.i. The PiaiioH are tlio moat «lefiiint u« well.. •utirtnnilal to 1M> limi. Tbo i\t.ittl p^lro* fnr thene l'lmoa ate' (^O tn||Wjk Hefi-B to tio ou niBtiuruolurer'i nrloeit, ' ittrunent warrnutml, Wm. W, Stirlnj, Agent, UOVEIl, N. J. aeon *t my IIOUM on Maun A. TAYLOR « SON, ASH D t i L t l 15 Horse Equipments, fTolf, BalTalo and tapRote*, tlt-mtt, Whlpi, Sc, to, BLACIWELL Sr., DOVER, N. J. (NeiltomillocltttLewid'.) MkSON:-:KND:-:BUILDER, A. L. CROSS, WOULD WEII WHXU0! Wuuld wt- |ji> nillinji, ii'tliL' fiiutiiuuiiH en To ••< this lili', to livr tin; »m OIICC man I Buy jiiiiu und joy. utiJ puvun.v uml winl liuoi] Java uud .lull; IIH.VS, illi.e,,, mid hi new lifejiiHt IIH (lie old one imd Ixiii; To Dmj liki' IrlrhtMiip unit thf vih-r tui'», Anil would il pitj-1' Lili-, likr. ii },Uy, .'I'LHIII'II IIH \vi' ^U. irum <1II,Y lit tiny lint -tii.v ! Ntit liitnl.V it J'ln.v U Wiiriii.V nf ••; Tin- nclora o.n- 1,j ,,. le com., on, uml cm tail! lull; Ami ftlnftinu xi'i'iir^ uml IIIUHU- l..nE uml lira* <!in1.-» on (lie lintWr'- wrurv^ar. I'M here nlwiiy. Auil Ibin mi ninny tliut haw umiv Iteforc, J4IIJ ijirrJed 1H>;M>>I to ii JjjJ^httT #hort; Are.»yiii{i,rouii ! ! TtlOCC IlllMCIlt Illlljl. Wilil IlllX.llllrl (!IIZ<>, WimtileallnniioniK." Woulil wv 1i» will in i; to rt-fimi- t i n i r jmyvr f Alt, mi 1 Nomi> ,l[.y we'll uivrt tliet.t tliore- CiilJfJ b.ick—i);o fellow trim forgot to pny fut 1 liis Jiuiiiir. Tlie bimuud peel nfldi puts it per a oil in MrntglitcuL-d circuuislur A lawyer who i:na wrile tpndir poetry ia not uccessarilj ii legal-1 onJer writer. Czanliac y ole womtii New Jersey Real Estate. Met: 7SBBROAD SfREET, NEWARK. N. J, IUn TUIBIB LtSDr). HOUSESiND LOTS. COCNTaY «EAT8, b.. ts., WANTED ?OH CA8IJ CUSTOMERS. EXCHANOINQ ooonlrj property Tor oily property A SPE0IALTY. BOND eoura me, I sinr; to licr GouJ-hjo sweet A t'oqiicKu would niithu n good pest umtrcss—slic issucti anndt|H ut linod- tlog tbo uinlcs, fDiitHlwiolier, are a KitMt Htnple i don.. Forty ihutisuuil men urc aniil to IJO iil_v PDK a twl in vending Ilii'in. A swell |mrt.v—the dried npple. Fall K'liiiigs—t-'evutor lintfliw,i,>c, Gutii l>liico for a Im11 n.iiiV!-<h..,-Hi), N. H. I'm in politics this jeur, hut I'll take iheHtnuipull tlioBiinie aatil a tramp goiug tluwp into tlie gutter for a liulf Binokcd c : g«r. A Boslou pir| never calls an icclioig ' a n icitlici'K."! Htm nlwujn sp^ntH of il nn "ii ftimliug s^rcguiioii nt lupgiMe fripiility." IF it he truo tliut "a plcasinp (JITSOUis a coufiuuul Itiltcv of inlmJiU'iioi)," (dun the avcrnip vVRce sooker mns,t Im no nu- ivo alplntbct. Mis* li?o nnu-ricil a lnw.vci 1 . Slio B.iyn civil atiit wiiB begun bv her lmslinnd, cuocsbfi ia tiow a ninrried woinau nud a Leti-yal ono, tou. AD " eipeiiouoej |ibyaiciiMi" is quoted iBiiyipy Ibat there it a giave wuitiiig aat fur abendfarchihheawho are "never mugiy fur bi'utikfitst." 1'tio new rrsorvoir of Iticimioud, Va., ,01,1s 411.000,ItOO eMoua of walcr, while its populutiiin i-ci|uir™ daily for cooking •ml diiutiing 300,000 gnlloui-, Over Sfi.tHW have been rjiwil iu peinij contiibutidiiH lo tlio mouuutent of Peter Cooper. Tlie commi I t<,u imw oall for mo (toot nrlinla nucJ s .•iilptorfi. la the lino of urgiimout whiob we ahull am to dny," tflnurk'Hl tlio luw- he got out tbo Balling (acklts and pickej tbe dried rrctm o[ tbo book, I iieaul tlio oilier d;iy llmt Sailkius engDged iu oriminal practice. Is be r. lawyer V* "No. but he is ntmnHt as bail. He was eaugut stealing a pair of boots." It is fBtimnlcJ Ibat tbe population of tlie United B'atea to dnj ia okout -17,- 000,000. Dr. Liring predicts that ut the close of tbe present century it will be 10U) UU0,0(M). Sunie one bus ill-covered tbat Victor Qugo .tiilidi when he writes. Wo don't \ we pit down. Botneliow our pnntH tliow up belief thai way, as me always write without a coat on. Longfellow wrote, " Mnsio U tbe nni- }miil InDfiimgoof mankind." Everyc^t in the world U entitled to get op its bnck ut tbe anaertioti in an BRoaieed voice ex- claim, "Me, too ?" Tbera ia not a ".ingle lawyer among the one tboUMud convict in tbc Virginia Penitentiary, which surprises an ex- change. Honly provt-s ttiut there nre very able lawji-rs in tbitt Blule. ThefrPDkent lawyer in tbc profenaiop one who advertises ut Cuyilioga Fultn, Ohio, nod he " gets lime to nttr^d to, A limited araouiit of pio/essioEul ^usineaa, to wit—all he cj.n Re,t," "^ idolize Ibpit woHtan'a lovely hair," lid ayotmg Uootl ton sedale cMtc-aoo Jncksoi) ulroel ytnterduy. " Von should ncvor ruo uNer fiilse idols," was Ibe cool reply tbnt set Ibe youug mm to tbink- iug. "No," wrote a Mills Seminary pupil, "(To don't Bet! A man over hero onco a mnnth, Iwt tliorp'n n Fiencli girl just ootno who biiH a detr little mustache, and wo nro traiuing her to aoioko cigar- cites and swear." FreJ.—Ah, Cliirlk 1 , did you nnk her futber for ucr hnud ? Clinrlie—Yes, my denrtoy,I did. Fred-Was it a toot' less ertaai ?—No, I can't say that it ma i id fuct tbe most prominent part of it wufl tlie boot. N.», ElhUU, we have too higli * (or you, both 1^9a pa^tc»d upd a rcflned ludj, 19, print yam- verses ou a who buying ueoomo smitten with a young JournullBt, alluded to him 01 ber papier macbe. A now telephone insirnmont lias been invented by whieb tlio crying of a baby may bo beard at a distance of a hundred mile-, nnd the bachelors are beginning to consider whether it i* better to marry or move ont ol tlie coao,try, cirtiUB otewn wto died ID Gbicag< recently ipoko nil tbe modern European luently.bat dlea poor. Tbo people wbo attend elreuwtt don't cure much for the modern langungen. What they want is • modern joke now and then. onPg mnii in Sluisbjin, 3i. Y,, be* canse n yfWog girl will, wliom he w, us in. love did tot reciprocate, set flr« to he parents hnu«e. "Jliis is n new vartoty ol v.loyu (hftt h n i m " Tbc tljmes wen treated aa tho young mnn been previously nerved, They were put oat. A physician says it is not heolttiy ti walk unless one lias some oliject to wulk for. A mnn wbo started oat a few diivn ago on a collecting tour, nud retnri home with tha outskirts of bine-oat nia tilftled, nnda piooit Litlcn nnt of himielf Uy nobanky-licailod doi, anys sometimes ,* id Dot bealiny to wrtlk even wbeo one h»B»B obj'oL to walk for. A nriierwliu ltcc-nlly visited Culom'l Caab, IIIOUIK-HIW (H. (.'. i diu-lLst, t-ivt-d the pulilie, t'u fli« Atlmi'ii CuttK/Jttttinn, the result of bis interview : Colon.I C^b informed IUU uf u sin- gular cuiiifiiJeiiL't' io tlm liiKt.ivy (*f ilm>l- ^lni'ii JH corttiiiily .i li'iiiukublo fact." 'Ami wliut is tlatV" I uiskcil. 'Well," lie cuuliuiicJ, kno.-kiii^ tln- L'ttfrcDi bisi'igui 1 ! "uu Unit vi'iy iii^ht nut) Onsli Ktuii-rl to Uli> us 11 fin!,-, nni I believe hi; knows, Hint tlurf IIIIH iiol bci-u u Bin^'lL' ihiel fought in l!ie Uuilul Stales, wlii-H! ("illiur uf the priucipulN was killed, v.ltidi btm not U<:t'ii uttciitled in I;UL> piiiljc-ulii)' by DJCMIUD uuiloiu l-L'Blllt." "Au,l vliatwtbut•?" I repeated. "\Viiv,"miid he, "tlio with tin "Doymi ivfi'rtu tiic IIIUU1M;I- uf li>( IKI-S V" I iin|niiud. "Not lo tbc nimibrr <if kttciH," bi replied, "bnl io tlie niiinuerofsylliiblc; iu 1 ho uiiiui'. 'j'linnian biitiuft lliefeuei umber of pj]",ib!^s in liis mime ulwuyi iilw liis nDtn^onist. Culonel Ciiali run give you Ibe liintury ol every one of tlii'ii). lmck lo tbu lime of Bun- aud Kiiuiillun, utn] bcyund tliut. 1 pmuiuc, Iu tbo first duel oil record, winri* l\w. L'(vsyll«l>lftl ebumpiun of tho 1'liil- iies G»lmb, fell ut Uic IIUIKIH of (In Hi fn] Jiivi.l, Audi <Wtt}jJ)ik y.x will Hud 1111 rxcoption tothe III1L<." During tbc interval of uWvncii tbnt M owed, y»»r r«inv|ioiidi>iit oii.iiiivoreil 0 1'CLMII nil Hit; uoluil ilouisj tbut hud ume iiiiJfi Iiia tilfit'iviitfuli, but faittlii u tlnd a Hinglu cxc-eptiiin. As it)» faid, however, tliut there w tio rule iiiude will]out its rxeeptitin, poveliniict! homo if you reiidtTK umy find our. Aud migbl it um be well for tno-e iiitficMh.'d iu the code lo pn»tu tliis iu ibeir tints ? If tlie huileiir'C'l l'urty has the yrwiternniubpr if f-yiluble.s in bigmum 1 , ha will jirciiujillv decline. If less limn lii» u|ipuiu>ut, lie safety chullcu^ i" 1 ' let his iiutiifto- ik-cliut. Tims, bym cumin up, nam^B ud of Bwordw, be cm sM\^ these uf- of honor wit limit ixnoiliiiR to that »t>jDili)id of vunnifit: wh'wh bus ln.'i!D bunded down from feudal ageft. As 11 corollary to tliis. Hliould a duel occur bclwceii two pnrlies whose mimes composed of Ilia EUUIR number of lilcs, ouv, uv'Aiiei would tm ItiJIcj, ir two, both woulil be killed. Tliell.rorr.rallolrtul.riir. Tlia i-eur wiiotls of 11 Weedier etrent Itulituil car jumped Ibe tinck tbuother duy. Tlie doitr in opeuod uiiJ iHcaod Uy a crauk wb.cb thediivur turnn from his ilalform, b;it it Itecame no Drmly wuiig- ill thut be could not muvu it, and only n mrrow spucv mw left to urftuit JUIBHCII- eis. The filuuder purrionH ill tiie car mil lit difficulty iu squeezing throngl), mt u Btont womuii witli a market basket could not furce n pnsHii^e. Hlie wns n determined woinau uud remarked with11 Hcoruful look -it tbi> drivel 1 : "If tins comimny tbini.8 it ia going to lock me up iu u bobtail c;ir it is mintsikcn." Sl'O tv'mtvtl her Ihrongli tho aperture nud sot it down op tbeplutforiu, aud then tried tlio same cneration with herself, but could only get ber bend nnd one Bbouldcr onlsido of tbe door. Hlie grtw red in (tinfuceand breathed beav- ly. Several passengers came to her as- ituuee, and wi'h a desperate effort nlie >rced herself half tbrougb the opeuiug. Then she could get nofurther. When she tried to draw bnok for afresb effort, it was found tbat slie wait thoroughly wedged in, Two pj.sfteoR'ers tagged at the door, tit it wns us firm ns tbe side of a bonae. A crowd of Italians gathered around Die car, and a policeman tried to push tbe mn'i shoulder buck through tie r. A hoolbhok called for a derrick ; maa urged tlie policemiia ((• ftrreat tbe driver. The latter held on to the cush box and looked at theprisoner in dcfipair. " Why don't yon get me out r" slie screamed. " You got me into it." " I can't Uelp it, ro»'am," soit] the 1river. " I'm goioK to faint 1" cried the Bloat woman. " If any one steals my bnsket 'II makothia company pay for it." " I'll have to take you (Q th« Rlablei nud get a Carpenter. vWaw,"»uid tbe driyer. tro ya» tbink Teagoiaff to he takeo Ikrougb tbe street on exhibition ?"cried ib» womnn. Arrab, sland aside there I" said a red-beaded mun ia blue jean overalls, He carried A crowbar, nod placing tbe id of it under tbe obstinate door, gave it a twist and tbe door slid hack iuto its plaee. " Hurrah I" Routed tlie crowd, Tho stout wowjn felt into tbcarm* uf the policemuu aud clung to ber market Uiskel. Hecuriitnibci'to (he sidewalk. Tbe car moved on nnd the crowd sent- •ml—N. Y. Tribune. Fn»b mi Nut«-s Matt-rials are deu-isilie.. uu>l iHL-tliud iiTiiiuiiiiuii^ly jiiluptivp. L:-ni IIIH] Tujloi' U'IU] tbo curmvul of full sljley. Lucu Xviienj it tlit UrtHH tbe iii-w VL-IVL-U with tbu desi^us suuk Stylisb miUfii't' L'OSIJJHH'N nru foruif" uf Vfjlvtst.'iiii tif tlie uotipun.-il Htiimp ii UOIljllUCtiui iH-OL'llCS (if till' MIMIC I'XCl'l lent mill mluittivi'bruiju'. (iaily coWi- biatm I'Mithti in liroki-li plaida are ati'l iVMy vowhiucd silli Gilljirt cloth* ii hi IVih- .Iu Cochuicrc ii im .scdlen t-ii n.l of impair.] Hilk sold ut 11 r' l(,r.u .1.. tiyiire. Tlu> Intcht gloves wiiukli: -so inucb u <tinvc the npp.'iirutmc of but tig tco lurgc. iiiloi 1 (bi.> ktiir to'ilu t!it L iii'ci Amid IL ibouHiiiul iriunued Imln mid lialf 11 limiilrc'd tljuuHiimi iiiitiimmeil c display ut tbe grrit centres, out; cull Mtinjily reeoniiiKtid tiie (-iiapi-uil that i: jest mlapifd to the purflonuel of tlie venrer. Lut'i; appears in Uiegreatest prufu, EiieuriiJn uuil nppfiqucs of tha 1 ibei'dt utanip me (U'.siniMn na tieit itrating tint fiiiiL'icn uf Ilio period, Spiral riic.iiugs uuil«eftordei>n |>leuted ikirlu tiro dimaxesof tin; KCIISOIIH ci'ueU' ricitiiH. OhiUoii nit lilesof Atiiorienn pntiluc ion tiix-iiQid in dtcoiiitiiiy fuuey stove*, iii'lilnci'B, iuiuillc-()it!i!i. i s nnd eveu WUIIM KKI tluorx of liliruriL's, and thtJos, New niceils iu tbis line BIIOWII at Cotiover's in Thirty.!bird Mieet aro tuiuvols or tuuguifiueuct 1 , Al Oiossley'H tbnt Htrnngbobl fnr home lildi-i-s (Hrnmlw-.iy, noar AnUir I'liicc), :bov i! re HI liking " sperialty of tniMwtry iniBso's eurpctti ut 55 touts pur yurd, nod ; leu hum velvet** ut $115. Apart from hu rcguhiliou Biiita in inuhogmij, red rood, 011k, wuliint nnd eliouy, tberenre io?(il coupeitfl of every eluss for tbc cccm in Dilution of CerumicH and tbe laiiity brie n-brac RO t'sseiilinl in fasti- \otiiihle furnish'ogn. k HHtliiK Onitiirr. A few eveu ings since, at 11 fashionable :buit'll wedding in tlio Hubnrbs, a brief ail pointed eootermtioa occurred pre- ions to the cereuony betweeu one of iur oldest, best kiiuwii nud mostexpe- meed organists aud a 11" average young mun," tlie Inttei- of whom, milking bis jpHiranco pvobnuly for the iii-nt time as ibor, felt tbe digiiity of biu position to thu fullest extent. It may be proper to state that our friend, tbo or gamut, ia 'ably kuown >u bin profession ua DUG ia>u from (jstt'ptutiou uud pitrticulurly weise to nil I'xIiibiMoua of iiiriuobs', mid fiuiii bis nmtieul uJuptubility to cburcb wcldiug ocL'ueiuiiH, bit: profe^sionai Ber- iccn bavo been freqiittutly culled into requisition, nud through u lung termof ara. The coiivcrsulhit. run a« follows: Usber—Look bete 1 I want to tell you ibout tliu ordev uf musio. gnnist (iu mrpriso}—I begpardon. What did Xtinderstant] yon to say ? Uaher—I want to tell jon about tbc music. I am the master of ceremoniee. Organist—Ah ! Indeed ! Csber—Yts, t want to RIVB youin- BlruetioDa about the miitiic. Organist—But I have my instructions. Unher—Wby, when did foagetlheinr Organist—Before you were bora, yonng mnn. Exit usber (wbo at that moment mid- ilenly perccivei it delegation of wedding guests 'trrive, who require escorting to the rjfiats.)—Boilon ftetald. HP IIMIt UHM. " I never knew Hum Buldwiu to tell 3 truth but uDce," remarked Colonel Foiey to Jim Mittfliell, of tlie Boston fiiob-, tbe latter being ia Foley's More, one duy, •If Sam Baldwin told the truth, it mast have been by accident," responded Mitchell. " You Imve bit it prrcJsclv ; it WM by an accident that)' told tlie train. Sam bad an old sbjt-gun tbat bad been in the tuuiiy forty years, and one day he f ut twn loads into one bom-l, aud wben 1 tired the gun burnt inta a thon'saod >ieees. When Sum was restoitd tocon- isneefl bis be id iras bandaged op, ind tbe doctors were expiating !iim for icticHoftbe hattle. Ibe biggest piece of that gun tbat could be found wai about t»o iuclies laDg, ami was dngout from under bis eollaiboDc. Tben it was tbat Ham told ibe truth." " What did hesnv?" 11 He said • if lie lived tobe 1,000 years old he would never fire ofl thnt gun i,' nnd lie nevni' did, for nobody could flud tbnt gun ngm'i), when there was nothing of it loft to tire off, < the piecr Hambfid bid awuy tinder his jllur-bone." " Just aa I miid. He never told tbe ruth, unless it happened liy accident." thirty— child's. diil le Too many peop.c do not fi.mli tHinfia properly us they go along—aud by and by, when if .3 too Info, %uh tfiey ooutd go back and, tetutnly defects. Any one iodulgcs at all iu dinboucHty and oraft is niifolj mukiug work for repent- ance aud occubiuu for sliunjo. Tbe only way to accomplish a safe and finished life, with no finul vain regret, ixalways to do right. Ei-Oovernor Sejmour, in a speccli tbc other Jay, related, the fol- lowing excellent example: When I wus a young man there lived n our ueighborliooj a farmer wbo usually reported to be a very I literal man aad uncommonly upright in his dealings Wtiea tio lisd any of tho product) uf hit furm to dispose of he mudc it an iuvarin bio rule to give Rood meiinure—rutbei more tbun would be required of him. Otic uf bis fritinds, observing him fro qiicntly doiDg so, questioned dim as U wby he did it. He told him he gave tot rmicli, aud midit wns to hii ndvautuge No>T, mark the inatwer : " CM bas pormitted me but om; jour y through the world, and when I am gone I cannot return to rectify mit takes." The oldformIT'S mistaken were of th sort lie did not wunt to rectify. A Newark manufacturer recently senl a letter to a Inwycr in St. Jjpiiia,. imki nbout a derelict debtor named Fogg, Tlie lawyer (Udn't sco nay wny of Retting any monoy ont of tlio UHFC and to'd Hi Irulh in bis funniest vein : "Vugf; hni gone up tbo river ; left town under clnnd ; bnz»d by bis creditur out i»>frift S^-** *il irut get IDj tiling hj pruning." mi in r yoit complexion uf tbt women in Iphiit—I bjjeak of (bone under •is us bolt, eU'uv nail ro&eute UK n An iiiti-llijiont pbyHtiiiuii hpie. rsiug with HID on tlio subject, mud eunuu (.lint l'liiladulphin woiuitu imudsomcr tliuii tbc wouien of citiuHWiiM i'rimi tte fuct thai they >'» tbe H\tir, no tbat ilH fuuctiuns ;lerauKi:i], mid tins bile, instead of mutely Hiding iligeEiliuii imit should, Iowa iuLn Hit: \-flions circulation, piuihifiug IhoHitlluw compltiiou socoiu- aun nniuiif,' our Aiuorieuu women. The finalt: gunniihts uutl tqiiL'Htrienufcs are loled for their lint 1 , clear couipleKiou, rliicli J8 iiltributublu tu tbe fuct that Ilieir i)ioffs«i(ji) pr^cbulijs lociiig. Again, IP wriitii'ii buro do more walking lhau ;ir^' du in ittuiurit any uLIiur city uu the <>ntiu'>(tt. In thin they renetv}>U- tiw ;>i(jlisu w.»]i]-;n, win. me noted tbc iirkl uv<-r for tiit-ir bountiful cum- Iixiou. Not only ihis, but tbe exercise uf walking rounds tbo form, aud for itour of face, complexion uud figure our women uur mieicclled.—Courier- Jaunt'tt. The OtMNeti-n Dollars. It hunts thandvr wJi«?re my money htin gouo to this week, niy dear," snid a identic income clerk to lm young wife to wliom he was teaching economy. There nre eiptit CJI* faren, forty cents, wulbed four (tines to sure twenty cents; for neWr-puperH, twenty cents ; for IMI» if 1-lucking, ten Cfuh; for mfltiding sburs. fifty ecntn. Timt nuikes 01.20. mo tbe fifteen dollars for our board anil 91 50 for tbe washing ; tbat is #17.- 70n week, out nf g!l!i, andI've Dothiog left to show for it. Have yon been ia my pocket when I wns asleep ?" " WJjy, George !" "I dou'r know but you might have been—at all cvente, I'm out." " But ynu smoke, dear George ?" " Only half a dogca cigura a day." •'And J-OII take u few drinka ?" " Ouly a tew — but I am generally irenteil." '• But you tiro n gentleman, Oeorge, mil don't itecept mnre than you give V" "Certainly not." " Ptirbaps that's where the oi& seven dollars went." I didn't think it, but it mosl be BO." Mutual Toleration. " My dear," paid a wife to her bun] I know that I am dreadfully cross you at tibieH. thnt I nm not as patient ns I should tic, nnd I think tbe sumo can lie nuid of you," "Yes, certninly," he frankly acknowl- edged, "I nm almost, tin lia«. as yon are." " What'-that ?" "I—I say that I am just is much to litame aa you arc-" "1 think," went on tho lady, "tbnt wo ongbt to cultivate a mutual toleration of encti other's laults," and she bent over bim fondly and kissed him. "You art! uot looking well to-uight, iy dear," ho said, stroking Iti't hiiir. Nn," she replied, drc:i<lfully." mj feet pain mo The Srtkfmg Lftw BoviMiiiK Right. Ia tUi» se«t engaged ?" said a rstber bright luvkiug midille aged lady, »t*p- piiig up to a geutleman laeily 1 on a New York Central railroad car m No, luu'atD," said lie. Well, then,. I will occupy it if you please." 11 Certainly," said the gentleman. " But Mote I -it down," said xbe, licrniit me to say tbut the weather is very wurm In-day ; thnt tbe air in close ; tbut I um OQ my viny to Rochester to see my sutler ; that ber mime is Jonea ; tbat ve no otber relatives theco; tbat I expect to return by the Went Shore Bond , tbiU tbe political feeling in onr neighborhood in apparently growing for Blsipe, and if a woman may bo permitted to guess on the subject, I tbink be will be elect ud." As she said the last word -be nettled into her aeat. The gentleman saw Ibe point and didn't speak a word till tbe car reached tbe iiext Btution, Then got ont and bought a cigar. TlmirftttfceBliliiei-wMj "Sly boy, what ore you doing with tbat cigar in ynnr month ? Throwtb« liltliy thing away," Hid a olerical-look- ing mflu to a bootbUek wboatood near tlie Globe hotel puffing a oigar. The urobin looked up at the mar with as injured air, than -.baking biibeail suid: Niiw ycr don't, I'monto that trick. That's what tke kids tells me when 1'n flush end -mokin' two-fer, to thej can pick it np. Bat wbea a lid no't take a imoke without an oldchap like you w.nlin' bim to tbrow it away, tben there's a ease for pity," Benching iuto Us packet, thebenevo. lent boy brnugbt forth three erata, »*?• ing, ns he held them out to (h« abashed gentleman: " Here, take them coppers and buy one for, yctself, but don't ask me again." The duatio cr more men and boys wbo bad oullected around the pair shouted derisively ax the minister tuned and walked *my.—Pt/racti$e Herald. DU>N'T NEEDIT,—Agnentntaoonutry hotel, after vainly trying hi sleep, •urn- moned (he negro waiter and Urmly said ; " litok lieru, what tbc deuce am I go* ing t " do about these njosqoitoei ? Tbey arc ohunt lo eat me up." " Sorry, boss, dnt we had to put yer in dig room, bat it couldn't be helped." 11 Thai's all right. No doubt the iuton- tiontf of tlia establishment are good, but confound it, you don't want mo to ht eaten up alive, do yon." " Oli, no, nab, doao wish to harm yer." Well, why don't jon givs mo a mos- quito bar ? Yon've given one to that mun," pointing to a bed on tbe opposite Hide of the roam. Tics, sail." Why, (ben, can't I have one 1" 'Case dar'a only one 'lowed to end) room, but I'll take tbe one from de gen- ncrman, stilt, and give it lo yer." 1 I don't want to do tbnt. Be will " Ob, no, Bab. Rodoan need it," " Bccnuie he's dead, sab." That H bwiUHO you wear shoes two sizes toQpioull for you." Tben Hie trouble began once more.— Detroit Posh Young Bigger cnllc>\ on Mmleiitie* last rcning nod wns BIIOWU into tbo parlor, wbcro lm found Mnht-l l.;okng at tho uulciiiil biH.ury. H« gmsted lier nitb a " Good ctenlng»ait<sy, bow arc yoa tbis eveuing ?" "Ob, I'm pretty well) say, cm yon giH'Hscouiindt.uroB, Mr. HiRg«r ?" " Well, itometimcs ; whut u it ?" " Oh, it'n one of Lina's ; sbc nuked me why you were like mv bunny rabbit. Can yon tell that ?" 11 No, I'm sure I'll linvp to f>ivi! it up. Why ma I like yonr rjbbit ?" "Coatliu moat'spicioua pnrt is your nrs; lliafs wbnt Liua nay*." AH IJIU:. CAun l lr«Pliiug ilowu the st»ira SLB is ODD SrooKtnas.—"0nrk( stockings 1 Yes, they're all tbe go," said a Cliestuut street hosiery dealer yesterday. "But tbat isn't the latest craze, by any mentis." •' Wliat it; tbu Intent fmfaioii then r" " Vi\iy, i>n Saturday morning I bad three joucg lady customers who o»ae in and bought tlree pair of red and three pnir of hlack hose. I WM flonwwbafc mirprised and asked tho object. In each case I wsu tolJ that it was not considered tie proper uuper to wear two red stock- ings nuw, an.v mon> than it is io wear aWacJiDuej." '• Well, what on earth were they going to do ?" Wear oue of eaoh kind—a MkrleK jlocking on one foot nnd a Haok one on, the other, It's a fact, I asiureyou. Awl the fashion u gaiitinii ground, for llu'i morning I have had several more cus- tomers on tbo earno errand. Black and red, von kuow, am striking and at (her same time becoming contrasts."—Phil- adelphia Timta, A Cincionnti lnwj«r collected ©25(1 bounty money fot an orpbt.Q girl and pocketed every f-evtt of it, and hu thinks It strange that slit* sliould tauke n about i».

Transcript of CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1....

Page 1: CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1. 6. · NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on




OBot M BluknU Itnat nut dwr t« duIltiual Dam liar..



unmui RATU.

MIDII 001 ID 001 M Min 6<i III oo IT tot« 00 48 00 « 00




Oetaal of Bltekmn aaj M n ita,DOVER. N. J.

I. •.JOLLCY, Proprietor.•gtaaainlCatrkaaaloLol.




j uTH.« ».


»um;ia or usn.




L. W. THURBER,«jrt«iirrr-NDERT or rrouo MMOOI*

amouuBConrrr.arncE AT >. H. B I E B U S BTOE«,

D O V E B , H. J.•oacUl one. bout oa Halardua fro" «;»•

aMitu »•»


Hi n a t a l lo Thnbn'i »<« halHIni.Jn «»Mtnflto Central E«i1.oad i n brtlm,

HEAg THE OAKAL BASIK.JoWiio« and rapurlM pvompll"t A leaf, eirwrieim in the liiwt

!><»>>"> aw U> >l«uli>.Oooimli taan >m'

u n » 7 < M , I « ,haiM » allcjwtapara.


SUSSEX STREET,u ronon notMUaiMaa)u. ronon notMUaiMaa.)


NOTICE.m l o i tn in OHLLIOTOB win b. >i

MorrMa'a,« «•" Bbtrin ofln. on





D O N A L D S O N ' S


Rosewood PUno only «60.

New Pl«no», $125 up.

New OrgMB, «20 np.

.aat • ( DaVar.piaooa and OT^W V«»<V viA t ^ g - 4.





•Oar a lar** aaa attocl aMarlaaaal af •imiNEFa al'ITn la»»<*aa»« r M H k i at • * . «T, •». WO, • ! , • ! ( . • » . • •«,

•aa. «M, •!•», H O am M«. We lavlto ipaclal atleatlaa la aasrrawrUM Ma* ar *Awrr.u iMaf)iM»:Nr>, »r larraw ami «aa«ula M» aaa*a<t la-aar. Wt ara tka ONI.V I IUUHB la Ifea MiaM

•>•«•*• aaa la laaac Ikal Bare • « » aaa IKtaa natrial, la IMKKa MJiTa we .haw OOMKMJHEHn.

fiPA 1.1. OVKHCOATS mat as (a ago la a rarlaf r •fc«l«ra ami

• • IM a t a M laaan. I*ANT» Iraai •I.IO la »7 la all tat aawMrian aaa aHitam aaa acrract la cat ana at.

•a aar Hut* aaa L'llll.DMKVH UKPAHTMEKT wa have aawaaaatlaatmai ikeaawait laaii la katk ataaaa aal aavMa

anaMva tacat aaa)caiawara, Me. Kilra paatawltk atearlrererri. Kntr taraatai aarawa aiaaa aaa warraatai la m i r•Icalar. Me have aal aae arlct la all. aaa wkcai aar altaar.

l»racilaa accan wa ataka aar aiekaaga ar rrfaaa Ika ataaar-We la. lie aa earlr laaaacilaa aaa ceaaaerltea.



TheMiprices embrace only a few of our leadingarticle*, but our entire stock It proportionately low,and the name over which it is written is a sufficientguarantee of its excellent quality to all who know us

HBAGA1V *& Co.,OPP. D., L. & W. R. R. DKl'OT, DOVER, N. J.



All the latest styles on hand and made toorder. Our work is all done under our per-sonal supervision, and is fully warranted.

Everybody in want of a wagon will profitmuch by giving us a oall before buying else-where.

—*—- REP A I B l N g — * —n all branches done in a manner whioh is

bund to give satisfaction. Orders by mailwill reoeive prompt attention.




Of NEWARK. N. J., have now open for thedelivery of Oil a (Jepot at Dover, where a fUHsupply of Oil can be had on MONDAY andFRIDAY of eftqh week, All our patrons whofavor us with their orders will be promptlysupplied. Our objeot is to save our customerstransportation oharges and delays caused byshipping oil from Newark or New York. Or-ders oan be sent to Samuel Hammond, Boon-ton, *9 will be in Dover on Mondays andFridays) or to our address where they willreceive our prompt attention. All orders willbe promptly delivered by J. H. Burohell, andempty barrels taken baok.



•Lumber Worked to Orderby maohlnwT »t th« plaee «kera it U purohaaad, gr»»UT laaaraing the

ooai of building b j the great aanog in manual labor. Oaretocl alwaji inclndea

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings•rerj particular.

I. V. l i n a n . Oaa-I Maaaaat.

Come and see the elegant stock, bothPiece and Heady-made Goods, for thisFall and fiiiter, and as n\y custom tradeis increasing daily 1 will assure my patronsthat the strictest attention will be given tothat department in order to meet the re-quirements of the finest class of tradeYou can also observe some very fine andippropriate Shirts for th> campaign." '' GEORGE FEDER,


October 2d, 1884. Dover, N. J.

that MtwHkttinai'aa th« literal Ettrauft tkat our fr.tnai all•»tr tht CMMty knt«w «*•• at, that wr excepti'Mlly •«*•rle«« this Fall it n»t icaertlly known. In timei ot tfcprei-* I M i l certainly it a duty every Man *mtt ta himtelt *ntfamily i t n ik t hit dollar reach t t far at attkible in buyin|tkt MCHtaritt af lift, »•< at laalt, Ikatt ui Rubber* arte l t t t t i ia that ettaitrv, wt t t tht Ita4i«| detlert ha»t feltit iMNmhett utin vt tt Mtkt special t f tr t te Induce cuite-m r t li»iai at a flittnct tt fttl that it it their interett, atwill at tun, tt wi l ly themitlvtt from ear .lament* ttiort,mini laace will aat permit at ta enumerate the msiiy tar-fiif i l wt ara tfftrlnf, hat wt will mentian a few

BOOM,• . n ' t Hand-Hade Mining-

Booti. t S U•eniiHEOdiided Cowhide

Tap tele Booti, - • M 00• tut Haad-ilded B*lt

Bplit Tap Sole BooU SI 50Men'e Warranted Calf (ingle

tola Fine Boon 11.40 ft (1. WMtn'i Warranttd GsJf Tap

lol . Fine Booti II.50 ft $ >.7«•oj'a Brat Double Sole Tap

Kip BooU. fllOTtBtba' Beit Doubl* Sole Tan

Sip Boot! . - . »180ana . fell liar MWiMra'., maw.* ana

CblMNn'aucMHIawtralraaiMMaHa I*ic at oat-lia.f Ihn a.wiirr.

RUBBERS.Mea'i Waaauwart I'm*

UaatBaali *3«O»»U DHII finish «••! . . :i <MI" Stmltltut H«bt»rBaali SSO

B»H'Wanawtkcl llaMi


suoI .111

811Mea'aBett Hackle A rcilei I.W


BlMna'i " " SSWaaaea'a Maaarrt, uXHna'a Waal Alatkaa tut

AMI M >M (araHBh lar. rn.lre lUt.


invlnj; poppet v.lvca. Vf IOM from frlolioa, nowa.fe lo port, by *1KIQ or rut.imaciioa tulrea. Hialient pomlble per opat nr Irea air. •ooaonloil ami durable. Oili

iu. on cpptleattDa. (Pally Kcurail by patiiuls.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue> Yertioal andPortable. Insuranoe policy with each.


»_^ . - . JT to keep a Urn* •••ofi»«nt iII In bit line of trad*. coniiiUnf of

COAL AISO WOOD!let-Mow ami Uhifft. of all •!•«$ *Uo bt

UmiiuMi OMI for bteclirallhinK- Cmdiwood•«td «ud ipttl rtewlj loc •«« alwtji oa liiud

Flag Stones -: Curbtng.Ordm • owi«*>d iBil eontrecli tikca Ibr I«J-

lag Mdcwi Ik* and Mttlog curb. «oJ all other«crk nqnHluK BlaeHluue will to piowptlj

mm MATERIALS IHard aaii t.U Brill, l.lni. Cemer.1, Cil-

alard naaicr, Hnr, rira an.l tmA


Saw Mill.ta aata mat ltab<r aal In aar alaa i.J

rnilh dcar»d i l i rm oa bind.«» eata, laaaoaad wacd C <ak.


Heals and Lunoliea

I-WINE ADO POOL ROOMS.;.•tt tj-nji open to ?iftton, nd eteiy eflort

If MltU to plCMC ill.


baa )ul ranlna iu iaimeiiu nock ol


PRIOCa. Ctll anil aia bur abefure barlDR ilw«ben.




E.aVANaiLDER,-- Prop'r.

Oysters! Oysters!MrrtdfltMritfte. Ada aoM liy (ha

QUART, 100 or 1,000Hectinrf lrt*h from tb« a

AwmllorPETKIt UA|!CKH«Mir.UJ bror.


Estate of John Edwin Hnrd

PURHUAKT lo tlie onirr ft tlie HiirroRltiof tlie^oanly or Murrii, niHdu nn tin

Ristb day »( October, A. D, ouo lli'tnaim.ei»tt liomlred au<l eiglny-foiir, notice i*litntiv ctTfii t*i ail iitimni" liavlnu claim J•galmi ilw tnttloi>r John XAitio Han>,hiooltin* OunDlT of Morrit,dooei»e;l. In pro*tot llit

me, notlfToatli or afflimatioQ, to tliu tub--iber, on or lie (ore liifl *> My ol

Jill] mi l . Lelns DIIID moDtlin from th<>dale of tali! oril*1 r: and ••>; crpdtlnr oeRlii't*intrtobrlnKiu-iidcihibli bis or lirr claim,nmlcf mth or sftirmumn, tritlnn tbc tlmu iliiUmiteii.will be IM-eTur Imrf 'd or lii« or' lieraction therefor »s;ain^ t((e SmcDlrlt.

D.UJ iWalilliOiV of OcKMr A. D. \M



Oaaa. Ifepl. fat Over TO atadanla tlio pmtf*nk HniMrior tnitruotltin. tuition roanon-iUo. Vauloina, lla.lnf" Edicator and•PMlaKB. of penmanihlp free.

a T. MILLEU, Principal.L. I - TICKEU. Betttun.


t «S..o,«S|.utt,..«~S!"

PIANOS! ORGANS!Organs $65. $70, $80,

$00 and $100!Pianos, Square, $190,$810! Upright, $210,

and $225!Tbe Organ*, arc made of thorou(£li)y M>R-ined Black Walnut, »ra Iwautifullj finUti —*

ami in tone cannot In •nrpiuue.i.The PiaiioH are tlio moat «lefiiint u« well..

•utirtnnilal to 1M> limi. Tbo i\t.ittl p^lro* fnrthene l'lmoa ate' (^O tn ||Wjk Hefi-B to tio

ou niBtiuruolurer'i nrloeit,' ittrunent warrnutml,

Wm. W, Stirlnj, Agent,UOVEIl, N. J .

aeon *t my IIOUM on Maun


ASH DtiLtl 15

Horse Equipments,fTolf, BalTalo and tap Rote*, tlt-mtt, Whlpi,





WOULD WE I I WHXU0!Wuuld wt- |ji> nillinji , ii'tliL' fiiutiiuuiiH enTo ••< th i s lili', to livr tin; »m


Buy jiiiiu und j o y . u t i J puvun.v uml win lliuoi] J a v a uud .lull; IIH.VS, illi .e,, , mid hi

new lifejiiHt IIH (lie old one imd I x i i i ;To Dmj liki' IrlrhtMiip unit thf vih-r tui'»,

Anil would il pitj-1' Lili-, likr. ii },Uy,.'I'LHIII'II IIH \vi' U. irum <1II,Y lit tiny —

lint -tii.v !

Ntit liitnl.V it J'ln.v U Wiiriii.V nf ••;Tin- nclora o.n- 1,j , , . l e com., on, uml cm tail!


Ami ftlnftinu xi'i'iir^ uml IIIUHU- l..nE uml lira*<!in1.-» on (lie lintWr'- wrurv^ar .

I'M here nlwiiy.Auil Ibin mi ninny tliut haw umiv Iteforc,J4IIJ ijirrJed 1H>;M>>I to ii JjjJ^httT #hort;

Are.»yiii{i,rouii !!

TtlOCC IlllMCIlt Illlljl. W ilil IlllX.llllrl (!IIZ<>,

WimtileallnniioniK."Woulil wv 1i» will in i; to rt-fimi- t inir jmyvr fAlt, mi 1 Nomi> ,l[.y we'll uivrt tliet.t t l io re -

CiilJfJ b.ick—i);o fellow trim forgot topny fut1 liis Jiuiiiir.

Tlie bimuud peel nfldi puts it per a oilin MrntglitcuL-d circuuislur

A lawyer who i:na wrile tpndir poetryia not uccessarilj ii legal-1 onJer writer.

Czanliac y ole womtii

New Jersey Real Estate.M e t : 7SB BROAD SfREET,





EXCHANOINQooonlrj property Tor oily property



eoura me, I sinr; to licr GouJ-hjo sweet

A t'oqiicKu would niithu n good pestumtrcss—slic issucti an ndt|H ut linod-tlog tbo uinlcs,

fDiitHlwiolier, are a KitMt Htnple idon.. Forty ihutisuuil men urc aniil to IJO

iil_v PDKatwl in vending Ilii'in.A swell |mrt.v—the dried npple. FallK'liiiigs—t-'evutor lintfliw,i,>c, Gutii

l>liico for a Im 11 n.iiiV!-<h..,-Hi), N. H.I'm in politics this jeur, hut I'll

take iheHtnuipull tlioBiinie aatil a trampgoiug tluwp into tlie gutter for a liulfBinokcd c:g«r.

A Boslou pir| never calls an icclioig'an icitlici'K." O l i . no ! Htm nlwujn

sp^ntH of il nn "ii ftimliug s^rcguiioiint lupgiMe fripiility."

IF it he truo tliut "a plcasinp (JITSOU isa coufiuuul Itiltcv of inlmJiU'iioi)," (dunthe avcrnip vVRce sooker mns,t Im no nu-ivo alplntbct.

Mis* li?o nnu-ricil a lnw.vci1. Slio B.iyncivil atiit wiiB begun bv her lmslinnd,cuocsbfi ia tiow a ninrried woinau nud

a Leti-yal ono, tou.

AD " eipeiiouoej |ibyaiciiMi" is quotediBiiyipy Ibat there it a giave wuitiiig

aat fur abend farchihhea who are "nevermugiy fur bi'utikfitst."

1'tio new rrsorvoir of Iticimioud, Va.,,01,1s 411.000,ItOO eMoua of walcr, while

its populutiiin i-ci|uir™ daily for cooking•ml diiutiing 300,000 gnlloui-,

Over Sfi.tHW have been rjiwil iu peinijcontiibutidiiH lo tlio mouuutent of PeterCooper. Tlie com mi I t<,u imw oall for

mo (toot nrlinla nucJ s .• the lino of urgiimout whiob

we ahull am to dny," tflnurk'Hl tlio luw-he got out tbo Balling (acklts and

pickej tbe dried rrctm o[ tbo book,

I iieaul tlio oilier d;iy llmt SailkiusengDged iu oriminal practice. Is be

r. lawyer V* "No . but he is ntmnHt asbail. He was eaugut stealing a pair ofboots."

It is fBtimnlcJ Ibat tbe population oftlie United B'atea to dnj ia okout -17,-000,000. Dr. Lir ing predicts that ut theclose of tbe present century it will be10U)UU0,0(M).

Sunie one bus ill-covered tbat VictorQugo .tiilidi when he writes. Wo don't \we pit down. Botneliow our pnntH tliowup belief thai way, as me always writewithout a coat on.

Longfellow wrote, " Mnsio U tbe nni-}miil InDfiimgoof mankind." Everyc^t

in the world U entitled to get op its bnckut tbe anaertioti in an BRoaieed voice ex-claim, "Me, too ?"

Tbera ia not a ".ingle lawyer among theone tboUMud convict in tbc VirginiaPenitentiary, which surprises an ex-change. H only provt-s ttiut there nrevery able lawji-rs in tbitt Blule.

ThefrPDkent lawyer in tbc profenaiopone who advertises ut Cuyilioga Fultn,

Ohio, nod he " gets lime to nttr^d to, Alimited araouiit of pio/essioEul ^usineaa,to wit—all he cj.n Re,t,"

"^ idolize Ibpit woHtan'a lovely hair,"lid ayotmg Uootl ton sedale cMtc-aoo

Jncksoi) ulroel ytnterduy. " Von shouldncvor ruo uNer fiilse idols," was Ibe coolreply tbnt set Ibe youug mm to tbink-iug.

"No," wrote a Mills Seminary pupil,"(To don't Bet! A man over hero onco amnnth, Iwt tliorp'n n Fiencli girl justootno who biiH a detr little mustache,and wo nro traiuing her to aoioko cigar-cites and swear."

FreJ.—Ah, Cliirlk1, did you nnk herfutber for ucr hnud ? Clinrlie—Yes, mydenr toy, I did. Fred-Was it a toot'less ertaai ?—No, I can't saythat it ma i id fuct tbe most prominentpart of it wufl tlie boot.

N.», ElhUU, we have too higli *(or you, both 19 a pa tc»d upd a rcflned

ludj, 19, print yam- verses ou awho buying ueoomo smitten with

a young JournullBt, alluded to him 01ber papier macbe.

A now telephone insirnmont lias beeninvented by whieb tlio crying of a babymay bo beard at a distance of a hundredmile-, nnd the bachelors are beginningto consider whether it i* better to marryor move ont ol tlie coao,try,

cirtiUB otewn wto died ID Gbicag<recently ipoko nil tbe modern European

luently.bat dlea poor. Tbopeople wbo attend elreuwtt don't curemuch for the modern langungen. Whatthey want is • modern joke now andthen.

onPg mnii in Sluisbjin, 3i. Y,, be*canse n yfWog girl will, wliom he w, us did tot reciprocate, set flr« to heparents hnu«e. "Jliis is n new vartoty olv.loyu (hftt hnim" Tbc tljmes wen

treated aa tho young mnn beenpreviously nerved, They were put oat.

A physician says it is not heolttiy tiwalk unless one lias some oliject to wulkfor. A mnn wbo started oat a few diivnago on a collecting tour, nud retnrihome with tha outskirts of bine-oat niatilftled, nnd a piooit Litlcn nnt of himielfUy nobanky-licailod doi, anys sometimes,* id Dot bealiny to wrtlk even wbeo oneh»B »B obj'oL to walk for.

A nriierwliu ltcc-nlly visited Culom'lCaab, IIIOUIK-HIW (H. (.'. i diu-lLst, t-ivt-dthe pulilie, t'u fli« Atlmi'ii CuttK/Jttttinn,the result of bis interview :

Colon.I C^b informed IUU uf u sin-gular cuiiifiiJeiiL't' io tlm liiKt.ivy (*f ilm>l-

^lni'ii JH corttiiiily .i li'iiiukublofact."

'Ami wliut is tlatV" I uiskcil.'Well," lie cuuliuiicJ, kno.-kiii^ tln-L'ttfrcDi bisi'igui1! " u u Unit vi'iy iii^htnut) Onsli Ktuii-rl to Uli> us 11 fin!,-, nni

I believe hi; knows, Hint tlurf IIIIH iiolbci-u u Bin 'lL' ihiel fought in l!ie UuilulStales, wlii-H! ("illiur uf the priucipulNwas killed, v.ltidi btm not U<:t'ii uttciitledin I;UL> piiiljc-ulii)' by DJC MIUD uuiloiu


"Au,l vliatwtbut•?" I repeated."\Viiv,"miid he, "tlio with tin

"Doymi ivfi'rtu tiic IIIUU1M;I- uf li>(IKI-S V" I iin|niiud.

"No t lo tbc nimibrr <if kttciH," bireplied, " b n l io tlie niiinuerofsylliiblc;iu 1 ho uiiiui'. 'j'linnian biitiuft lliefeuei

umber of pj]",ib!^s in liis mime ulwuyiiilw liis nDtn^onist. Culonel Ciiali run

give you Ibe liintury ol every one oftlii'ii). lmck lo tbu lime of Bun- audKiiuiillun, utn] bcyund tliut. 1 pmuiuc,Iu tbo first duel oil record, winri* l\w.

L'(vsyll«l>lftl ebumpiun of tho 1'liil-iies G»lmb, fell ut Uic IIUIKIH of (InHi fn] Jiivi.l, A u d i <Wtt}jJ)ik y.x

will Hud 1111 rxcoption to the III1L<."

During tbc interval of uWvncii tbnt Mowed, y»»r r«inv|ioiidi>iit oii.iiiivoreil0 1'CLMII nil Hit; uoluil ilouisj tbut hudume iiiiJfi Iiia tilfit'iviitfuli, but faittliiu tlnd a Hinglu cxc-eptiiin. As it)» faid,

however, tliut there w tio rule iiiudewill]out its rxeeptitin, poveliniict! homoif you reiidtTK umy find our. Aud migbl

it um be well for tno-e iiitficMh.'d iu thecode lo pn»tu tliis iu ibeir tints ? If tliehuileiir'C'l l'urty has the yrwiternniubprif f-yiluble.s in big mum1, ha will jirciiujillv

decline. If less limn lii» u|ipuiu>ut, liesafety chullcu^ i"1 ' let his iiutiifto-ik-cliut. Tims, by m cumin up, nam^Bud of Bwordw, be cm sM\^ these uf-of honor wit limit ixnoiliiiR to that»t>jDili)id of vunnifit: wh'wh bus ln.'i!D

bunded down from feudal ageft.

As 11 corollary to tliis. Hliould a dueloccur bclwceii two pnrlies whose mimes

composed of Ilia EUUIR number oflilcs, ouv, uv'Aiiei would tm ItiJIcj,

ir two, both woulil be killed.

Tliell.rorr.rallolrtul.riir.Tlia i-eur wiiotls of 11 Weedier etrent

Itulituil car jumped Ibe tinck tbu otherduy. Tlie doitr in opeuod uiiJ iHcaod Uya crauk wb.cb the diivur turnn from hisilalform, b;it it Itecame no Drmly wuiig-ill thut be could not muvu it, and only nmrrow spucv mw left to urftuit JUIBHCII-eis. The filuuder purrionH ill tiie carmil lit difficulty iu squeezing throngl),mt u Btont womuii witli a market basket

could not furce n pnsHii e. Hlie wns ndetermined woinau uud remarked with 11Hcoruful look -it tbi> drivel1: "If tinscomimny tbini.8 it ia going to lock meup iu u bobtail c;ir it is mintsikcn."

Sl'O tv'mtvtl her Ihrongli thoaperture nud sot it down op tbeplutforiu,aud then tried tlio same cneration withherself, but could only get ber bend nndone Bbouldcr onlsido of tbe door. Hliegrtw red in (tin fuceand breathed beav-ly. Several passengers came to her as-ituuee, and wi'h a desperate effort nlie>rced herself half tbrougb the opeuiug.

Then she could get no further. Whenshe tried to draw bnok for a fresb effort,it was found tbat slie wait thoroughlywedged in,

Two pj.sfteoR'ers tagged at the door,tit it wns us firm ns tbe side of a bonae.

A crowd of Italians gathered around Diecar, and a policeman tried to push tbe

mn'i shoulder buck through tier. A hoolbhok called for a derrick ;maa urged tlie policemiia ((• ftrreat

tbe driver. The latter held on to thecush box and looked at the prisoner indcfipair.

" Why don't yon get me out r" sliescreamed. " You got me into it."

" I can't Uelp it, ro»'am," soit] the1 river.

" I'm goioK to faint 1" cried the Bloatwoman. " If any one steals my bnsket'II makothia company pay for it."

" I'll have to take you (Q th« Rlableinud get a Carpenter. vWaw,"»uid tbedriyer.

tro ya» tbink Tea goiaff to he takeoIkrougb tbe street on exhibition ?"criedib» womnn.

Arrab, sland aside there I" said ared-beaded mun ia blue jean overalls,He carried A crowbar, nod placing tbe

id of it under tbe obstinate door, gaveit a twist and tbe door slid hack iuto itsplaee.

" Hurrah I" Routed tlie crowd,Tho stout wowjn felt into tbc arm* uf

the policemuu aud clung to ber marketUiskel. Hecuriitnibci'to (he sidewalk.Tbe car moved on nnd the crowd sent-

•ml—N. Y. Tribune.

Fn»b mi Nut«-sMatt-rials are deu-isilie.. uu>l iHL-tliud

iiTiiiuiiiiuii^ly jiiluptivp.L:-ni IIIH] Tujloi' U'IU] tbo curmvul of

full sljley. Lucu Xviienj it tlit UrtHHtbe iii-w VL-IVL-U with tbu desi^us suuk

Stylisb miUfii't' L'OSIJJHH'N nru foruif"uf Vfjlvtst.'iiii tif tlie uotipun.-il Htiimp iiUOIljllUCtiui iH-OL'llCS (if till' MIMIC I'XCl'llent mill mluittivi'bruiju'. (iaily coWi-biatm I'Mithti in liroki-li plaida are ati'liVMy vowhiucd silli Gilljirt cloth* ii

hi IVih- .Iu Cochuicrc ii im .scdlent-ii n.l of impair .] Hilk sold ut 11 r' l(,r.u

.1.. tiyiire.

Tlu> Intcht gloves wiiukli: -so inucb u< tinvc the npp.'iirutmc of but tig tco lurgc.

iiiloi1 (bi.> ktiir to'ilu t!itL iii'ci

Amid IL ibouHiiiul iriunued Imln midlialf 11 limiilrc'd tljuuHiimi iiiitiimmeil cdisplay ut tbe grr i t centres, out; cullMtinjily reeoniiiKtid tiie (-iiapi-uil that i:jest mlapifd to the purflonuel of tlievenrer.

Lut'i; appears in Uiegreatest prufu,

EiieuriiJn uuil nppfiqucs of tha 1ibei'dt utanip me (U'.siniMn na tieititrating tint fiiiiL'icn uf Ilio period,

Spiral riic.iiugs uuil«eftordei>n |>leutedikirlu tiro dimaxesof tin; KCIISOIIH ci'ueU'ricitiiH.

OhiUoii nit lilesof Atiiorienn pntilucion tiix-iiQid in dtcoiiitiiiy fuuey stove*,iii'lilnci'B, iuiuillc-()it!i! nnd eveu WUIIMKKI tluorx of liliruriL's, and thtJos, New

niceils iu tbis line BIIOWII at Cotiover'sin Thirty.!bird Mieet aro tuiuvols ortuuguifiueuct1,

Al Oiossley'H tbnt Htrnngbobl fnr homelildi-i-s (Hrnmlw-.iy, noar AnUir I'liicc),

:bov i! re HI liking " sperialty of tniMwtryiniBso's eurpctti ut 55 touts pur yurd, nod; leu hum velvet** ut $115 . Apart fromhu rcguhiliou Biiita in inuhogmij, redrood, 011k, wuliint nnd eliouy, tberenreio?(il coupeitfl of every eluss for tbccccm in Dilution of CerumicH and tbe

laiiity brie n-brac RO t'sseiilinl in fasti-\otiiihle furnish'ogn.

k HHtliiK Onitiirr.A few eveu ings since, at 11 fashionable

:buit'll wedding in tlio Hubnrbs, a briefail pointed eootermtioa occurred pre-ions to the cereuony betweeu one ofiur oldest, best kiiuwii nud mostexpe-

meed organists aud a 11" average youngmun," tlie Inttei- of whom, milking bis

jpHiranco pvobnuly for the iii-nt time asibor, felt tbe digiiity of biu position to

thu fullest extent. It may be proper tostate that our friend, tbo or gamut, ia

'ably kuown >u bin profession ua DUGia>u from (jstt'ptutiou uud pitrticulurlyweise to nil I'xIiibiMoua of iiiriuobs', midfiuiii bis nmtieul uJuptubility to cburcbwcldiug ocL'ueiuiiH, bit: profe^sionai Ber-iccn bavo been freqiittutly culled into

requisition, nud through u lung term ofara. The coiivcrsulhit. run a« follows:Usber—Look bete 1 I want to tell you

ibout tliu ordev uf musio.gnnist (iu mrpriso}—I beg pardon.

What did X tinderstant] yon to say ?Uaher—I want to tell jon about tbc

music. I am the master of ceremoniee.Organist—Ah ! Indeed !Csber—Yts, t want to RIVB you in-

BlruetioDa about the miitiic.Organist—But I have my instructions.Unher—Wby, when did foagetlheinrOrganist—Before you were bora, yonng

mnn.Exit usber (wbo at that moment mid-

ilenly perccivei it delegation of weddingguests 'trrive, who require escorting tothe rjfiats.)—Boilon ftetald.

HP IIM It UHM." I never knew Hum Buldwiu to tell3 truth but uDce," remarked Colonel

Foiey to Jim Mittfliell, of tlie Bostonfiiob-, tbe latter being ia Foley's More,one duy,

•If Sam Baldwin told the truth, itmast have been by accident," respondedMitchell.

" You Imve bit it prrcJsclv ; it WM byan accident that)' told tlie train. Sambad an old sbjt-gun tbat bad been inthe tuuiiy forty years, and one day hef ut twn loads into one bom-l, aud wben

1 tired the gun burnt inta a thon'saod>ieees. When Sum was restoitd to con-

isneefl bis be id iras bandaged op,ind tbe doctors were expiating !iim foricticHoftbe hattle. Ibe biggest pieceof that gun tbat could be found waiabout t»o iuclies laDg, ami was dng outfrom under bis eollaiboDc. Tben itwas tbat Ham told ibe truth."

" What did hesnv?"11 He said • if lie lived to be 1,000 years

old he would never fire ofl thnt guni,' nnd lie nevni' did, for nobody

could flud tbnt gun ngm'i), when therewas nothing of it loft to tire off, <the piecr Ham bfid bid awuy tinder his

jllur-bone."" Just aa I miid. He never told tbe

ruth, unless it happened liy accident."


diil le

Too many peop.c do not fi.mli tHinfiaproperly us they go along—aud by andby, when if .3 too Info, %uh tfiey ooutdgo back and, tetutnly defects. Any one

iodulgcs at all iu dinboucHty andoraft is niifolj mukiug work for repent-ance aud occubiuu for sliunjo. Tbe onlyway to accomplish a safe and finishedlife, with no finul vain regret, ix alwaysto do right. Ei-Oovernor Sejmour, ina speccli tbc other Jay, related, the fol-lowing excellent example:

When I wus a young man there livedn our ueighborliooj a farmer wbousually reported to be a very I literal manaad uncommonly upright in his dealingsWtiea tio lisd any of tho product) uf hitfurm to dispose of he mudc it an iuvarinbio rule to give Rood meiinure—rutbeimore tbun would be required of him.

Otic uf bis fritinds, observing him froqiicntly doiDg so, questioned dim as Uwby he did it. He told him he gave totrmicli, aud mid it wns to hii ndvautugeNo>T, mark the inatwer :

" CM bas pormitted me but om; joury through the world, and when I am

gone I cannot return to rectify mittakes."

The old form IT'S mistaken were of thsort lie did not wunt to rectify.

A Newark manufacturer recently senla letter to a Inwycr in St. Jjpiiia,. imkinbout a derelict debtor named Fogg,Tlie lawyer (Udn't sco nay wny of Rettingany monoy ont of tlio UHFC and to'd HiIrulh in bis funniest vein : "Vugf; hnigone up tbo river ; left town underclnnd ; bnz»d by bis crediturout i»>frift S^-** *il irutget ID j tiling hj pruning."

mi inr yoit

complexion uf tb t women inIphiit—I bjjeak of (bone under•is us bolt, eU'uv nail ro&eute UK n

An iiiti-llijiont pbyHtiiiuii hpie.rsiug with HID on tlio subject, mudeunuu (.lint l'liiladulphin woiuituimudsomcr tliuii tbc wouien ofcitiuHWiiM i'rimi t t e fuct thai they

>'» tbe H\tir, no tbat ilH fuuctiuns;lerauKi:i], mid tins bile, instead ofmutely Hiding iligeEiliuii im it should,Iowa iuLn Hit: \-flions circulation,

piuihifiug IhoHitlluw compltiiou socoiu-aun nniuiif,' our Aiuorieuu women. Thefinalt: gunniihts uutl tqiiL'Htrienufcs areloled for their lint1, clear couipleKiou,rliicli J8 iiltributublu tu tbe fuct that

Ilieir i)ioffs«i(ji) pr^cbulijs lociiig. Again,IP wriitii'ii buro do more walking lhau;ir ' du in ittuiurit any uLIiur city uu the<>ntiu'>(tt. In thin they renetv}>U- tiw;>i(jlisu w.»]i]-;n, win. me noted tbciirkl uv<-r for tiit-ir bountiful cum-Iixiou. Not only ihis, but tbe exercise

uf walking rounds tbo form, aud foritour of face, complexion uud figure

our women uur mieicclled.—Courier-Jaunt'tt.

The OtM Neti-n Dollars.It hunts thandvr wJi«?re my money htin

gouo to this week, niy dear," snid aidentic income clerk to lm young wife

to wliom he was teaching economy.There nre eiptit CJI* faren, forty cents,wulbed four (tines to sure twenty cents;

for neWr-puperH, twenty cents ; for • IMI»if 1-lucking, ten Cfuh; for mfltiding

sburs. fifty ecntn. Timt nuikes tbe fifteen dollars for our board

anil 91 50 for tbe washing ; tbat is #17.-70n week, out nf g!l!i, and I've Dothiogleft to show for it. Have yon been iamy pocket when I wns asleep ?"

" WJjy, George !"

"I dou'r know but you might havebeen—at all cvente, I'm out."

" But ynu smoke, dear George ?"" Only half a dogca cigura a day."•'And J-OII take u few drinka ?"" Ouly a tew — but I am generally

irenteil."'• But you tiro n gentleman, Oeorge,

mil don't itecept mnre than you give V""Certainly not."" Ptirbaps that's where the oi& seven

dollars went."I didn't think it, but it mosl be BO."

Mutual Toleration." My dear," paid a wife to her bun]I know that I am dreadfully cross

you at tibieH. thnt I nm not as patient nsI should tic, nnd I think tbe sumo canlie nuid of you,"

"Yes, certninly," he frankly acknowl-edged, " I nm almost, tin lia«. as yon are."

" What'-that ?""I—I say that I am just is much to

litame aa you arc-"" 1 think," went on tho lady, "tbnt

wo ongbt to cultivate a mutual tolerationof encti other's laults," and she bent overbim fondly and kissed him.

"You art! uot looking well to-uight,iy dear," ho said, stroking Iti't hiiir.

Nn," she replied,drc:i<lfully."

mj feet pain mo


Srtkfmg Lftw BoviMiiiK Right.Ia tUi» se«t engaged ?" said a rstber

bright luvkiug midille aged lady, »t*p-piiig up to a geutleman laeily 1on a New York Central railroad car m

No, luu'atD," said lie.Well, then,. I will occupy it if you

please."11 Certainly," said the gentleman." But Mote I -it down," said xbe,licrniit me to say tbut the weather is

very wurm In-day ; thnt tbe air in close ;tbut I um OQ my viny to Rochester to seemy sutler ; that ber mime is Jonea ; tbat

ve no otber relatives theco; tbat Iexpect to return by the Went ShoreBond , tbiU tbe political feeling in onrneighborhood in apparently growing forBlsipe, and if a woman may bo permittedto guess on the subject, I tbink be willbe elect ud."

As she said the last word -be nettledinto her aeat. The gentleman saw Ibepoint and didn't speak a word till tbecar reached tbe iiext Btution, Then b«got ont and bought a cigar.

TlmirftttfceBliliiei-wMj"Sly boy, what ore you doing with

tbat cigar in ynnr month ? Throw tb«liltliy thing away," Hid a olerical-look-ing mflu to a bootbUek wboatood neartlie Globe hotel puffing a oigar. Theurobin looked up at the mar with asinjured air, than -.baking biibeail suid:

Niiw ycr don't, I'm onto that trick.That's what tke kids tells me when 1'nflush end -mokin' • two-fer, to thejcan pick it np. Bat wbea a lid no ' ttake a imoke without an old chap likeyou w.nlin' bim to tbrow it away, tbenthere's a ease for pity,"

Benching iuto Us packet, thebenevo.lent boy brnugbt forth three erata, »*?•ing, ns he held them out to (h« abashedgentleman:

" Here, take them coppers and buyone for, yctself, but don't ask me again."

The duatio cr more men and boys wbobad oullected around the pair shoutedderisively ax the minister tuned andwalked *my.—Pt/racti$e Herald.

DU>N'T NEED IT,—Agnentntaoonutryhotel, after vainly trying hi sleep, •urn-moned (he negro waiter and Urmly said ;

" litok lieru, what tbc deuce am I go*ing t" do about these njosqoitoei ? Tbeyarc ohunt lo eat me up."

" Sorry, boss, dnt we had to put yer indig room, bat it couldn't be helped."

11 Thai's all right. No doubt the iuton-tiontf of tlia establishment are good, butconfound it, you don't want mo to hteaten up alive, do yon."

" Oli, no, nab, doao wish to harmyer."

Well, why don't jon givs mo a mos-quito bar ? Yon've given one to thatmun," pointing to a bed on tbe oppositeHide of the roam.

Tics, sail."Why, (ben, can't I have one 1"'Case dar'a only one 'lowed to end)

room, but I'll take tbe one from de gen-ncrman, stilt, and give it lo yer."

1 I don't want to do tbnt. Be will

" Ob, no, Bab. Rodoan need it,"" Bccnuie he's dead, sab."

That H bwiUHO you wear shoes twosizes toQpioull for you."

Tben Hie trouble began once more.—Detroit Posh

Young Bigger cnllc>\ on Mmleiitie* lastrcning nod wns BIIOWU into tbo parlor,

wbcro lm found Mnht-l l.;okng at thouulciiiil biH.ury. H« gmsted lier nitb a" Good ctenlng»ait<sy, bow arc yoa tbiseveuing ?"

"Ob, I'm pretty well) say, cm yongiH'Hscouiindt.uroB, Mr. HiRg«r ?"

" Well, itometimcs ; whut u it ?"" Oh, it'n one of Lina's ; sbc nuked me

why you were like mv bunny rabbit.Can yon tell that ?"

11 No, I'm sure I'll linvp to f>ivi! it up.Why ma I like yonr rjbbit ?"

"Coatliu moat'spicioua pnrt is yournrs; lliafs wbnt Liua nay*."

AH IJIU:. CAunllr«Pliiug ilowu the st»ira

SLB is ODD SrooKtnas.—"0nrk(stockings 1 Yes, they're all tbe go,"said a Cliestuut street hosiery dealeryesterday. "But tbat isn't the latestcraze, by any mentis."

•' Wliat it; tbu Intent fmfaioii then r"" Vi\iy, i>n Saturday morning I bad

three joucg lady customers who o»ae inand bought tlree pair of red and threepnir of hlack hose. I WM flonwwbafcmirprised and asked tho object. In eachcase I wsu tolJ that it was not consideredtie proper uuper to wear two red stock-ings nuw, an.v mon> than it is io wear

aWacJiDuej."'• Well, what on earth were they going

to do ?"Wear oue of eaoh kind—a MkrleK

jlocking on one foot nnd a Haok one on,the other, It's a fact, I asiureyou. Awlthe fashion u gaiitinii ground, for llu'imorning I have had several more cus-tomers on tbo earno errand. Black andred, von kuow, am striking and at (hersame time becoming contrasts."— Phil-adelphia Timta,

A Cincionnti lnwj«r collected ©25(1bounty money fot an orpbt.Q girl andpocketed every f-evtt of it, and hu thinksIt strange that slit* sliould tauke nabout i».

Page 2: CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1. 6. · NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on

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Estate of SILAS I). KIM.,deceased.

Pl ' l W A N T tn tin ..i ILT ol Hit' Hurroijiik._ ,111 , , l> , i . iv ;.f Jl,.rr,», I....I....U ll»-

t A . ! > . < >

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H i . ! , . . . . i t - . M y l i i . n i l l u w i i s i . i l . . » h , . l n n l j i i - l i . h i i i i , . l f n . i . i

li u i i l i h n i i i a i i f i i i i i . l l i i - v a . M l i . i i i . • • W , l l , 1 t l i . l , m i . l I ' l l l . - l l

,, ' . . . l i , . . . . . n . a . l , . , , h . . . i l l \ . . ; i : . l . . . , i l i t . H u t n i l . i in.-. ( u l k < l i v .

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l . T l l l , Mr i i , r l , : i l l . l l u l i R J "1 IS I'. KIKB,

II- U n i t , , . l u l l , ,. llllll.llv.l M1. .1SE. KIN. i ,

1...1. S. in- I , .w , in

BRUEN & BUNNELL,Hooli-*Ttr»y, BJ*. tT.»

Hoyt's dam Bucket Fn i !

I I I I . I , . . . . : i | . .

I lii

t ' . . ,u

tin- I- :I.I

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wi t l i n t v . i l l i , i l i ins l i | . . t i . l ul !.i.-t w . n t t l i . i i i . l . rin.u' uvtT n n

m i l mul | , , , t il i n . , l , r i l l . . i . l . . \ Iv l,i.l,l « . . . » , , , ' . i , n i . i 3 n-.-i.v

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m s l i t i . l l l i t - m v t i i l i . l . i n i i . I i i i i i - l siii'U

wliii-li in , ik , . T l i , n mv li- .t t r , v l , , l .iii.l

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lill l.,|.i- 1.. t in

H i , t e x t . "

I l l X t . w Y t . i k ( U l J . i n H i , l . i - t n f c , , u

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l i , , , i . l :

i;,l- mul ilutvii I iw-nt—ulnmt six iiu'li,-.r i . ,y lin.l 1 n lillu,,: I,, ih. ..t.l I, ti,

l..iiikiii,iit tliiTf, mul I Iii.l I " ' inilifi'lil in tin- iJurUiu^. Ii li'llons s...any K'n.v linii-s mi Ilit-sf iinliitni Ini'lis i.lmill, j un Lliuu ll..w l iny «..l tlii'l'i'.

lli.l,.., Hllll,ll..,.,,S.J.


Estate of Eliza King, *ec'd.

P'"'" U^^m,.'J' "l)i.!r™,'l,',','.*'l"',i''i'|1.'

fnr ft^nill-1 ll.o A.llil

:,tl, .l,iy ..I n..t.,l.rr. A. D

>N t:tH'. AiliiiimsliiilD., v,r, SJ.

ill 11...,..,.turn luiaa. ">,",f;'X. •;,* a im TAUM.

tuili', Tii'iii HI Ih" 'Jiack',' iVniiii'SB or"vi.itr. mature Ul.l An,.nnil manj ,.tlii-rtli»,ii,iBt I'ad to Iiifaimv ur (/'"•UMisiEiHioii nit]rciiia'ure Gntu-, 'IIEW .intnl afiv.-rlist-nii-nti to r<-fiiiu1 munilied Jiii;-{;irttB from »,!<ini (!;•• ratiliriuc'•uitlil HO NOT ltEFUNP, but refer you

Jilo.'li " T H E NEW

O I I ' M E " Ifi.t-Air, <i«« mul B^Br-rtiirmtifc<'iu.kiiit.' otovf, tin-bent li.iknij; in tinurnrlil. Aim., II lnr(!.-nn*jrtniL*iit ufotiitrslyk1*nl Conkhii; Htnvi'K. Humce • Parlnr Htuvca. A c .for SUMMKU AND WIN'IKlt I'SK. AIKH, bcluiifc ntuci, uf H tltinVAtlti, CrjrLBltY(tltirn, Wnailin, Oui)ptr. I'laiu aud JipBUUCtriN'WAHE. Uil Clothrj. Uariioi-i.. LmnpnPmniB mul Oiir Liirt Caai1", fcathore. I'ratt'ii«trHl n i l (iinri pxtilofirr.) AUn. rt* nil - *UOAL. HooDiiy. Pluniiiiiiff nud Jnl>prumpily atii'ndiil to, F<tiilmiik'n B^aicn nl

)>ur, l i i

•1111 ?4riTlU1ll, IJ tJ*l ' l » I_'UIII|IIH-''Ir Klll t in cii;tr«ii(rc A trinI'aokace uf Qray'ri Bpccillc u-il

rjili. HPP llicir wi,\<>iw HiuulK i-aofcn

On »ccauiit ofconiitiTf.lieY(-llmYWra,.|.eri Hit-tun.-„ ,

Mit- Full iisriti-ulurH In iiur ]i[iti)|)|ilfl, whlob

IV^S^^iC^ai^w^i!r(5,nAvHlb(fXi>t''lfr."iKi.y<i«v\n> n n w m.mev. hvutlilre-mhtRTHE OIIAV siF.ninsF. co.. Uuer»io,H. V.


" I HDticciilHiiitruriy.i. I Will p.i-'IpMiir tli.' rimrsit nutil \vu ;tre all mv


SIXTY-:-DAYS'Ilir ItH Nliil ['iiili-citlrii.

T w . l W l ' U - l l l . M U i l l B I U f l l . i . l i r r » . l t t S t .

A ) > r . < i i i j l i r r i l » w n i n ( ' . • n i u - e t i i ' i i l i n u | L u n i s u n d t l i e i . t i . W T p - i n S i . I ' a u l , l i m l

! . k u » [ > r r i > » i i u . l i r t . i l w i i . l ; [ .n i u i 'K i i i i i i - u t in l l i « ttlnTuuu I IOU. -D o n

" 1 v-'iw I K I W l o t b i - t h i n . l u : u l ' i f m y I t l i c i m i m i i i u o i u l i i m u f I l i o i v u n l . I f . i . i t .

«1iM!onrMi-, t u w l t i o l i l n h k t i n ' . • : i i n . i a . i t - ! - 1 s , iy i t i s <, i f t - i» . i 1*" dui i l I tit! « t . 1 l u . . i . k . r j i > r . d . . . - . - my K I - U I will otT

tt-ii i im. ..f U » . M . tt l.o ur.' s t i l l uuak.- ;- | IMnl IILIII. '^AZTJXZmuilw?*" '""" "'nn.iu Wor-.l "Ll nisin ii "

Ilir SI. LiJn tin? course of time tliuv put uji

iiimtv mul n«rw«l to leimi it to a full,


I Wiri«ii

THE KIDNEYS!Th«y ar« thi moitlmporUm

Mcretory organi. Into andthrourh th« Kidneyi Bow th«W H U fluldi of the body, opn.tilnlnff po l tonoui matttrttk«n out of thi lyitim. Ifth* Kidneys do not act prop-erly this matter li retained,lVirk the whole lystem becomesdii-ordered and the foUowlnfftymptoma wiU follow: Head-aohe, weakneaa. pain tn th*•mall of back and lolna, fluahtaof heat, chilli, with disorderedstomach and bowels. You can

M l on t l i is i i iau. lii> s tml:" l t i i i l l i n i i i , t i l ls imi l i iKi ' l i im- l i . Now,

ITIhl lPl tk tO y o u Boftlv, tht'Kll VfllI.HK'Iieur tlKMlour-s will nut In- .I1>IL< In ln,:ilw o , wliiK- if I KiN.-»k l««t»l I Khali w.ik.'iiji fjuoil many ivlio wit uoar t l i c iml i i i l .S o w , wliut sbuil I -lo iu tlii.i Min>*ililL<]inn V"

— • - • • • •

Hid Kntnmli nt NoniKmlNiii.Ismvl I'iukliuiuuuil wir.' lmivcl frt

Miiiiit1 iniin.v years nj;o in Ululi IVrtorv. They piissoti tliron^li Stilt T,atliu otlici-dny un tlu-ii way to tlirir .lionif, a nil tbe old lutlv iii:nK' iv> faeciof tin- uiiUM' of tln-ir rvtiiru. T.. In-pnik-r lor u tluuliltf ]uwsi)a|)i'r KHHIII: - M y ImtiliAUil mi.l I bwvo livitif-Dthi-r tlius.' lurt.v-tlin'y yi-nrH uthough W!' ji>iiii',l Ilic Murmims twen.wars nSu uirtUiiiK wua I-VIT mul ulmpolyt,':iinv until tin! spriiiix. Tiifti sm

olil nuin ivoiki'd up with tlio idea IIIIL> musit liaw or tvo whi'Nut uiiiL'h, I iwul Piiikliiim,' MIJM'wu'vi' tnivi<llt><ltuu(<lht<rlbis fur mulMui-uum will wiiurnte u* W>\\; \\\'\ two sons ami n ilurter Iwifk Enst wl:.sliuu'l |,»T.- ,.nvl.n,l.v pi.kiiiK fun «t Hitmul IIIITL>'H the two littK-lioys thatImrk'il Imck in Miiiiic, wlm won't Inno (icKusioti to piu't llii'ir fiuKtTN utwlirn wi) crusH over to the other slioThirf thing Ima KDIUJ j u n t a s fur nn

lwckt . i Maiu..,' SUJ-N I, 'i'ni.1 wlit-tlWf'vu got one yi'jir nr leu years to livwe'll mul thiH IIITP |.i!gmimj;e tleci'iit,wi!li(>Kiin it." Ain't tlint wlmt 1 t.iyou V" saiil slic aiU.nissiiiji the. old maiwho lm.1 In-en u hiUnt listener, Ismileil iu u faiut wiiyaitil nmlileil nsset" We're H"'11-!' •l:ll"'t t ° jMiiim1," eontinu•lie o l j hiily, " poorer tlmu wluii io.imo nrtt IJ.TI', hut wiser mul tin winaofur na I know. There'll be no m<Mormon 131B iu this futiiily."—I'orUuPram,

She Will V n i |'»r Him-

A broa.1-iil.oiiIdpruri, nxupnntly bti

jonng woman with Itrnwn fuo« nut! ti:i

irnnds ttat in tlio lake 8Uuro l)cp

waitiug (ur tho departure, of ti traiu f>

theEiist. She hud just urrivnd in tu'

from I>jkota.

"Mtirriago ?" suitl ahc, in rc9|.ons«

some renwrk by licr compauinn, " tlni

what all tho gooil-foi-notliiag erunlK

IDCD that I fvc from plowing lime

tu.rvest cm talk nbatit. M'lmt do

want tu yel tuiirried for ? There a!

more tliun HOO of UH girl fir morn in D

kotn and we will lioM a couventu

flouie lime, I uevor saw n uiiia vet tli

I would hiivo around. I iuteud lo fur

it until I get cmnigli iininc.v to live <

eomfnrtnlily, nud then i'li nw. Tlir

wus u nice yotiug fellow in my ncig

borliooi] lust July, who ITUKI to he vei

gnlliiutaud wnnteil loliolji me wliouev

I did any work. If I chopped :i littl

wood he wanted to <1o it. If I ma

after a puil or wutci- tin wnite i tn CHIT;

it. If I put Q has of finui. nn in

vhoulticr ho mniate.1 <m giviua mo a lifl

He wns a prrtty nice boy but he mm

tnet ' ie j . One dny I wniite.1 the liny

lick ou the wagon, and 1 took hold

one cut] au«l ulnpivil it nj) on tho wh

so qnick thutit miiiUi hiwili7.7,y.

" Lpt me," Bttyfl ho, but be only Ilircv

the whole thing down in tryiiiR to

the otliur end u|>. He JMiTt hiive tin


Sjys I : ' " Oh, RO nwuy. Tan dun

«t\t <<uoiigh No. '2 wheat." Tlien I |iu

tin' rick up iu gouil style.

" We meet IOIH of auch follows on

tlicro. Tlu-y art! good cuotisU, I enj

pose, but wlien I want uno I will wu

fop L ^ H . " — Chicago fleraUl,

EIJUHI to the Emt-wiii-i.

Tlio celebratiou of Mr. Spurgpoti'

fiftieth bitttidii.y unntversary rccalb th

fnllowing wcll-autlieiitieiitnl uncL-ilole

wliieh haslM'.-u told iilro:u1y iu tlit; MUD

clirater Examine?, Imtif worll) repenting

again: lo the early purt «f liis niini<

SpillReoti wus asked tu jirencli in ii

twlgbboricg villnge ; and when he (-iiui

on tlie Suiidny n.Drnii>g, Mr. Iti-owu, tli

pastor, snid to liiui, " I *1I«1 not kno

you were Mitch n boy, or I would nt

bnve linked yon to preach for me.'

"WM1," ho sttiil, " I run RO hack."

"But , " said Mr. Brown, " the peop!

bnvr co mo from all urts in nil kimls of

vehiules "—and tlicn lio put bis hauds

uiidei' IIIM cunt tnils, and imbed nhut tbi

world nun comiugto, wlieu boys who

had not (jot rid of tho taste of their

muthur's uiilk went nbaat prencliing.

Huwevcr, he (lid pronoh ; aud Mr.

Brown planted himself on the pulpit

stairs, Hnmgeon rciul a IL-KSOII from Hie

Proverbs ; find upon coining to Hie pus-

sago, " Gray bnirs mo .1 crown of glory

to a iiiuu," he m'n\ lie doubted tlmt, fur

lie knew i. iiiku with n «ray bead who

could Imrdly be. civil. Uut tbe paH- ige

went on to nay, " I t it be found in the

wnj' cf righteousness." nntl tlint, lie traid,

mm tnUfforfnt tbiug. When be ernue

dotvu Imin tlni pulpit, Mr. Hrottn sdil

Jlnu-Kinkirjy lilnu oil l i l t 'u t l jcr .nidi' d f t l i cR i tumU.

U n i n g u p l o h im, (ho HI. Pau l di^i'ii-t au t Nit id : " M y friend and I Imve aMian I! In-t on Hit- |n<uiouucialii>L »f t heword liU't'-j>o,' I N:iy il is dui ' jx i ' andlie MIJM i t if duy- j jo . " S o w , who in





I'AINT Illll/^HES I>K AI.I. K I M I ' .ui- 1 luwc tin* LAllfiliUT STOCIi of W

" l i t i t l nuvi'iHmv d o j-.iu

enn l tb«i word Ijtrfua-.II it, aLil whut doi's it

The lultiiiff men looked ut em-li other,, imil one auiil—" D-op-u-l, :irailway smtiitn."

"Oli, yi ' s yea ; exunso IIH>. Yon meanMe|i V<>,' nf ci.uiMs Vfs, yen, is tiruuuiini;uil ' i l i 'ppn. '"

" Luuk Iteiv," veiled tlieSt. l'.uil uuu,

Well. Ilii-re IMII'I no linHtun uiau «utie a bet lor mu »n the J.u^ii-I lauginii;

i i - im;M'r t interview (Sillier JIa.

M a n i l a « ll.Hiu.IT, wus n nvm uln.iii ^5 yenrs <:l,1. I i

hud a. prominent uo«i«, m l niruk, llglij iw mul sheet litilituintf i u h i s ^ e

He hud l.^-n huiitiiiK for ii e.'i' oil/.on for It nit n day without biieei'ss, nil'

•II fiiiiilly mbwl if it wus very buxiui^a he re[itird :YoiiM Ijuttir hot it U ! Ho wants t<

ii^i- me tu Hhirt u lioom for him.

n ?"

IIu utH uitynatioi), ami I'm going to wuik it up f<

• 'How do yon boom » wouM-bu caiilidutf ?" win, imkcil.

"Wel l , if« .Mny uitnuRli. Thentlnre brotliera of IIH. HD dividivs Siamong tm us » atiirler. That iimken i»olid for Biuilli. Wo hegiu to hnrrnfor liiin. Humi'luilf hniralis for UrowWe pnlveiizo Vm, We talk Smith

ons, on tbe. stfm't, out in the conmid all over. K.nitliH tho cliup—,i1s in witu tin* liiiya—no uriali

—-Sooil fellow—honcHt rann—aaro t<t h a r ' - g o t tu mv him HinmRli ."

But Kiippose auother faction n*nulCollins ?"

" CleuD 'cm out 1 Lick a Collins tnaind ho begin* to whoop for Smit

Kct>p troiiting nrnl hurrahing atiiknoeking down till thcriuy or tlioty convention, nud then walchdtilegates. Bribe some, lick some—geotliern too drunk lo sell you out. JiIIH eitsy n» grease wh<m yon know howHang it, Smith oufilit to be on Ii

nv of two plaees wlieru I'vu got liat-t up kffis of beer to-night, mul I t ipert to lick t l n w diOVrent m.:i l.^oimultiiiiht. 'Rah fnr Smith V'—Dulrn

I hat Nriilr • IlilTireiire.'Now," said tbo railroiul proaiilen

lio sat down with tho secretary, " I 'dictate, nud you begin us follows : 'Wcoitgru In late tiloekhtiMcrn on tho in

ed uoQilitioii of (he J . & J . ' "Why, wi1 are in pressing need of S

miles of IILW rails, soveuty-live earn,am] half u iloBim of new locomotives !aid the >vnr l l.v.

"T lmt ' s all ritjlit, sir ; go on wit!) tlirirciilnr ! Say : *Tlie net rnrutties oHie loud wumiDt us in prctiietiii^ thuHie next divi.luml will "

" B u t we can't even pny the interc^


"Mr. Seerfttary, this is n eirculur!"

"Ycs.fiir ; but why "

"A circular lo tbe public, sir."

" I know, but sucb stale "

"Arivenlar to he aunt to Europe lo

iudiioo ii dinisnil fur our stock ! " tbuu

»0h—nw—Unit's it, ell! Ob, well,

int niters tin- en«o ! We aro war

i preilietiD^ a January diviiionu of

iRlit per oout, of course,"— IVnlt .S1/.


Thf Illiimlr fteiNirlrr'ti I-esson.

" Iu Koft, iulninliiiiiit meshes of mcvei

ikcr tlit; HiuibLMms nioltcil through thi

aves nud dripped ppanyles of gol.l upoi

le brown nntl blnck rnoqueilric slmdnw

lint led to tho r.ig^ud edge of tho otirb,

ihere n fm^ile little fm^meat ot human-

ly Iny uioiinine."

"That's all rlj;ht cnongb," said the

lamigiiig editor, "but it's a little too

>nt>. Make it shorter."

• But wbat slmll I say, sir?" asked

i lilondi- reporter.

"Oli, 1M just M J , •HrDiufuiy Mai-

•'a little buv Put fell into nn opcu

' mul broke hk no^c.' Thiit'll .1c

ir uu iutroductiou, nail tui?u you o.tu

G cureless iiiunuer iu which tliusu

liugs nre eondiictt-d, iind that illnl(-r

itber udmiiiijtmtioo of our local yor-

mieul, and r>o on, you know. Give

i u rap, that'* nil—Pitf*hurg Ditpalch.

tobim, "BlosByou. lHa.t I h 8 v e b e , u 1Mlfl BoH,OI1 i r l w w r snLip iPB . S l l

tliirtyyeiirsn miuislur, uud I wua tu-ver , . , , . , . . .belter p|ni t l . .1 witb a bemoD ; but you *m1& "'^^ m 8 l l ' l u ' l t a l '"D '•re the himcieHt ili-g tbut ever burked in

, pulpit," nntl tliey were nlways good

PICTURE FRAMESSon- f* tl-,. tlm. io onl.T I»i«hm' )

HILT, WALMT, A-fl. I will m.-it

' tiluok i>i MOUI.UlXdS."

Fresco, House, Sign and Orna-mental Painting and Paper

Hanging.i i a t i n n c U i i r m r ••••

f>< l l - . r l ]

L""l'i »

ill liu

*"t iKi t i " vt-r'Oi l - nl wln


Ui-u t l m t l i

K, SIKHKII.Cor. IllHCknell and i : i i n Sli.,



REAL ESTATE!BY virtue <* n>i nnk-r of llic Or|i]iain.' Conn

. i r i i m c . m i l v . i f Mmri- , in llic Hlnlu [>:J k U H t U t H t

: tc tin: liiirlu'Kt biiitler. at tiv titluly iKCiipli'il bv Durulimil, on thf prcinifcD, on tlillui; rnun l'iiri>l|ipinv to Vo

'1 II. Hull

_ _ _. _ ek lire oVIoc-b 1'. M., Uiat in tn nnv at tlit.ui' ur tun n\-i.iuk l ' . u . df mi.l ci,.>; tim r»i>vn>R ,l,.J(..,il>.-,1 Inn.ln HIKI ri'lit c-st>i<-r.i>r AliMmm VauDnwie, tl>.<.-.>H>.->l, I' lli..(1.mtily of Moi-rifl, dii-il m-izi»(t, tlml iiiv : F,.ur k>rlRin tru. Is nf l:iml iiluatt

if Il^ii'ivcr, in Hi- Coinpil! S


HiiKnt NoTllK FlB*T Ti

cri^, lii'iiixlril uu Unr.ird Dull mi tho esut l>v tlm >Iorrn Cnuut' I ' .or M-nHn Funii" tuiil l.n.1- ol Otrrc t l)iInll.i.ti th.^Niiililii lntiil«"n:i<JiltDor,-mto. Vi.,h l>. K ^ I M I T , au.l mi tlio U-LHI by t.iiililiu riiail It mil u (t trcui Paruippauv to l>.iw<

Tiir. > TltACT—llpillR II .VIVIl! Itlt

i.irlii liv la-nln k l e or Moan.) Anilrcw J . KtuiMi, onby h n . l i D|' DanUd V, HiWest 1)V Innili cf IjOVl HuiltM, t'lCfplllIlT Ullt <i'liw h.t lliu rijjlit of w«y ot " The Horrix .i : ^

M lliu nj-lit of w«y il lUilriLKl Uoni|iHD>"

rri Atlireu

TfiKTHintiTiiaiir—cvntniniDg aLont d e n!•!•. », li -nmli-i! on •lii'iinrlli l>y Uinlx i.r Hen

IJil1, i n tlit: tnst \>v IIIIHU of Ttiiuiipoini I1'ulliinl, on (In., ttr.ntli by 1*ml4 cit Audi.'*'Siniili, mi,! (in Iln> iVf-nt t.v wlist win rnrinrrenlietl Ilio "Lull); M c u b v " uov onnocl ID.miL'l U, Itimiaiiie or Wilhmn W. arimes.

TIIK F.iniiTD Timir-WiiiR a lul ut intailclid rutitaliiiug uliotit tlirif acri'i*, buumliII tliu mirth by Imuls of Henry ball, •'» tlIM liv mo;HlbW onticil liv tlif. 'rtftte of JitciHollimay, drreaHDil, ,,r .tni-i>l> Il-tmlf r, mini ui.'Kimti. u m l ^ . t l.>- latnh ot IMivarJ Hull.Tin. Inml <,!>nvc .U-bcihcd bc-it-K H"' roxl.tii

Mh.'i'CBl o.latc lots nt the Bti.t Al>r»l.«tnVunPtiviif, ilwtnseii, .1i-vi«..(l l.y liiip h< xml

' iu last Will fiti'l TcHiiintiiu tn DarnttrIctimv ik-ci-UBwl, fur i.lo, ami nftor 'i niln>r ln' l-i*.

(.EOtint W. IIOWELL,,111 t.l IIH A. DIHKK.J.IUltt)V8

DiteJ Sept. 15th, 18.H, i i i H i n n


PAINTER.Topinli Martin, »n<'<<r».wr In t)io tirm of Hnii & llnul., cast wi 11 be funnel »l tin- <i!d ulatnIT Killf-oruH Dm,; Htme lor House, SIRI<l Onmiiicnlal l'nlnliuK, Graiuing, Oil.iicg



Hit* VIGIMI , ' . Having (liTiitcil in,|H)cioUy to tl<at lilali I mu cr.nfli K\vj mllsfarlinii wln-rewr I #u. Sim' my work e.tii be ttecii a< nny time..:iKr*ra« 'il ci'iliiiK* for die full tnilu. OirK in nit kimh (,f wood. MB))IL-, Walnut, IllackiidFrfiicli ItiiKf-wmiil. Oil:, Stl in Ac.IIL> iiaiiKini; branch I xb:i!l wtriclly superin-iid layntir and emjiloy llio Imut iirmealimiici.auk a fwr trisl cf mv ubilit.- nu 1 uUI cii-

caror lo tny almost to p,e**e mj cuslomerenail will receive pn)ui|it ntloolion.

o. Uy mani OS.


f r i » u d s n f t e r w u n l . — The Ckrtnitm Segiu- J r h e p n p e t t y on l l iwkwi'11 rtrrrt nt-ur St.

fll?.j'» I ' imivli , twenple.l l.y Tliio.lnrc Evittm.

Forinco often rewarda with interestkoae th«t lave putiuice to wnit for Lcr.

Lot 1UUMJD. Fur imnivulnn nFUEEMAN WOOD.


oleinim HusineHN College,a n*f, 70ii, f l l 7J3BRQA!> ST.,

V E W A R K .-p.idii,s Cnmnicrci.l tfcl.oo! of Ami-rlca.




Is the best Masting I»I>Wder In the nmrkut.

IN 2.-> per cent, strouiccithan iin.v known explo§ive.

IN not as dinigcroiiihandle or transport.

Is uluNtle mill producesmuch less fnniex.


Issold «s low HS any other

high explosive.

Office: 55 Liberty St., N. Y,

Works: Drtkeiville, N. 1.


AM) VKI.OCIHKDKS,wllli nl! their fixtures.


19 Itti M0R1UST0WN, N. .T.

NOTICE.Estate of Kpiiralm Llnds-

leys <lecc!iH©a.

PUHSU*NT to thB nnlur of tlio Surrogstur tlio Cnmity or MuiTif, nailu nn the

e ivcuHi iluv nt W|t|iU'i[ibi>!', A. U. mil! ihoumndlii^lit liumirnl an I ri^Uty-fmir, iiolwu ttiorcli.v KlU'li lu ktll iRTHinin liaring cluimiW»lu». tlio .:ntfiU-(itRplii-rt[(ii Uintnieyjli.eitlio County of M«rri', ilcoriist'll, la prtsunt Ihsutnc, iitnlor dftlli or nilli-iuatton, iotliot-ul)

iribcr, till or bf-'fucu tint elovtulb iliy uinn (wxt, lii'iiiK niuo niutitliittroiu tliuilitonill order:mul any uroiliturne^leiMlus tobrlu!

In mul Dxluliit In* or her rUiiu, muki- oatli niifllriiution. nitliiu lliu Ifuiii en limitwl, v,\\\ U"oniver bum-il ul bis or her action tberoloiigituat IIIG Ailiiiiui.trator,

Dnt«tt tbe I'lovcnlli iln.v of Septs'ntwr A. DiB8i. Ai.unimiE c. HMirn,

AduilnhtratoIK Dover, N.J ,

NOTICE,Estotcof Minerva II. Leek


firtc.iitbi.*vof8*pkm[.fr, A.D.OHetliomrainl


iRlilr fi lOtioc

i tLt" l i ta to oi Miuoiva IL Lt'tk, lateunlf ot Unrria, rlit'.iarn-d, ID pK-BCut iliitiiler oatli or nfltrninllon, to tlm eu

-•, on or beftiro tlic firu>entli d»jJune next, bcitiR t t p e uuiullm from il,dale of iuld urdtT j in<l »njf creditor nesl< ct-fiifj to brine lu ami uxlulilt lii* or her claim,muter oath nr nn.rmntlon, witUin tlio time soIniltcd. «lll be romixr b.rrcil nl bia or liictlmi tbtn-rnr ocaiunl Hit Kxociiiot*.Dat«d tlit urtccntb day nr September A. I

881. LYHAN" H. riElWON,Eiccntor,

2IOn Cliciler, N . .



HKUGBS" Ht., OOVElt, ti. J.Will '>l"ti Oi-tiiticr IHI, 1KKI", fur tli<' Tn-o

it-tit mul Cm-c nf Stuttirinj;, ftlnionu'rinoiiltimu.v, LiKiihiK! !ni|>toi>rr Artiuiiluiiui

|p. \V. C. I! lHHIS, r r !nn | ia l ,

Oftlw Hoiiw-Ht to 12 A. M-; 1 to i 1'. M.1 7 * Scud for I'lNiulnrn nnd fi-illiuonlitii

from »I1 iHtrin of tliv coiiutry. 41-

PIANOS! ORGANS!Organs $65, $70, $80

$90 and $100!Pianos, Square, $100,$810! Upright, $210,

and $225!10 Orpin» u

ancdBUuk W L . . . ..»•! iu tone unuiiot litnl in t n e c mi not l u nur i imcd.

Thu iliiQun urc the mo»t elegant an vei l mibitnutinl lo \w Imil. Tito imn»l prices foiic»o piuiiQH are **") In KfM). ih-liiK t» ni.(IMillMt fur »l«re n'Ml i>r eletk Uiru I aril «t »n.nti ndranuo ou w«imfatHirtr'« pricon.

L 7 * Kvrtj Instrument warranted.IIIUMIH or cull uixm

Wm. W, Seirlng, Agtnt,DOVER, IK. J.

Orunns eftn !•* « * n ut my IIOHM on l llfiAvnau l > T r

N O T I C E !Estate of Join. Edwin Hurd

deceased.„ . . ' l o tlio onlcr of tlie Hurro^....

or the County of Mnrria, made on tlir.n th day ur October, A. D. one !lion««urlilirbt liumircJ ami ti(;lity-four. no tire 1*

erebv citeu tn all pernuu^ having clslniiilitiHt tlic Cftalenr John Eilnio Biir.!,)atu ife OnmilJ <>T Morrii-, ilrcfaieil, to prctent tlie

•bine, uinlcr ontb or aftlrtiiitiou. to tbu aiitj-wrilicr, «Q ur bo font tun tilth <lnr of

ni'Et. liolvi[7 tiinn monthM from Mi4>if paid ontfr: and inr credftnr ntiiln't-

i(! In hrlnu in ;iml exhibit' liis or l»<r elitim." oath or afllrtnalinri, irlllnn Ihetlniu*''

il.ivid bo fon-vi-r barrt-d of Inn or her


""* k P A L B B Proprjoton. tt-lOw

t tlicnatfit tlm litlli tiny <kT OiUM't A. D. 1831


Dover, S.J.

l e lve i you can quickly rliyourself of them by this belt ofall medicines for the Kidneys.BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS aresold everywhere at f 1 per bot-tle, and one bottle w l u p

for . . I t by W. i l . OO00ALE.


Dover, N . J.,oflTcra fur sUt> tlio fullowlus propertici

!>>t. Tho Blore Cnll<llns ou 11 lack we) i «l

.... Homo ami Lot OD tho Milluroolt roi<lrortucrly utvucu by Jerome II. 1'ouug-

<1'1. Two Rouica anil IM* on Orauo•iia'i (irufierlled for tboao JtairiOB roHidi

4th. A farm of (w3 acroi, ne*r HoGntni

Dili. \ fiiriu at SJ ncrui on tDovur li» OlioHter, with ft (?wdrun nm. Ivirjio d-TiHiug wuli c

roul from


filli. Tivoilrrst-ulnsa litnnci »uJ OIIL' vat-uiMUM lot on Falrvit-w Hill.T'li. Afifioj rarmufuUoiitllHinciTx amlrcL

It-ucu wHIiin tlin-e.ijairtnrH or * mile or tlio

_.on. will be aold on ttlVBtiUfroouii termPii.ucrti.-i liandlo>l lor tho^> iluttirlDK tn ae- rat^H. Wlion I am ahioiit froi(i olUae Mr. M. l l l iuulurd will net for me I

Room Ko. 3, N*t!on»l Uulou Dink B



Fine ¥nn% Heal NhU


it tlio beit Loudon Hyo tnd «t roaionabl*

Fur Lined Circulars $18and Upwards I

FURTRIMKINGSvariety, m i ot lower prloos tban

ctu be fonml In an j other boose from 35 ots,per J M I I anil upward*. Pur Trim ml 1131 fu r .

<liikl Iu Dri/Bi ami Climk UaUte al ft !lbt>contit. Cipeti, VictariueK. Gjl l i r i , Mul

Uiitchd Uanv, he.. In »ll tlio new ihnpci.FUB RtJOa at vory low priooa.


-•Rp fTerjtiling in tlio fur line tb*t cibotouin. In the largest citalilisiimnnt in tlicountry. W« nmke nit uiir iiwu goodi tuil

•lailtlicniatnmnractO-Order! b j mail or furnniialtuii iluilretl

will reccl?c cur aprrul anil prompt ntlcDtion.Ifftttisfoctocywill U scut on

W.H.«pR.BORNETr,1 7 A C A D E M Y St.,


fear the P«n(-»fll€e.)




QUART, 100 UR 1,000—AT—



Hu nlwnyi baa un band a full »tot It of t l .xiTtt vliich lie can sell u obenp an thcnfitiit. I^rtieN, liallc, fee, nnppiloa withj thi i i« iii MH Hue a t reduced iiricea.


New Jersey Real EstateOffice: 758 BROAD SHEET,


LOTS. CO0NTBV H E a H . tc. kc,



EXCHANQINOooqnlty propertr for city property

A SPECIALTY.Lout B«Kotlated on


HIDOOK: Momiwwii, H. J.


u qnar* to partis* nr fimilie* In ilia vicinltv.A full ami troll. ninp)j- of CHOICE CtyMEtt-




BOOKAVVAV.fiUDD'tl LAKE,LAKEHOPAT-lANUaCHUOLElt '8 MOUNTAIN.Ubla for piMMagcr tralou, to teke

UMB 32<1, 1881.

IN NEW T O M , foot of Liberty St., NormIN Buanu,Vli,'(Brooklj-ii Bri.l«e 1'iir.)InI'tiiLADELFBii, dt'imU Bib iiid OrccL

Sd ami Berks Htg.BtTBAUB.

LEAVEA M . l . U . l.M, P. H

.New York 4.00 900Brook I ru »• rultuu at B.J5

I'BlLADELtnU.Cor. atli ami Orwo i t s , 8.80

Treutuu o'xoNewark e.oeGlmbelli -. 4.40 8.80BuuDiiUriuk 6.D6 10.08tiiuli Bridfle 7.6a 10.10

iildlf Vllley 613 11.02onnau Valfoy 8.I.UU0uiiKkrifclit HM II.ISII He?. . B.3I 11.31l»ntlcr« e.f« 11 V7irv'n B.BO lLiiOrAeHillu 8.4-. U.Sli


t Oratn

84 U.84B1I.HU 4.0-". 7.t»7fl&7 11*8 1 15 7.179.oa 11.03 4.3(1 7.11

Arrive Q.1O 13HO 4 9U 7

SOWR I t i l f i ,

A. a . I-.M. r. •• F. M. U.3U 1..S0 S.40 6.W. e.29 1.80 S.4B O.t'J. 6.HS 1.45 8/8 6.rji

B k.tvu HctinM')rMuii.iHiiikiu<l.ill,'«t I):.S, S;50, 11i99*, K-i ?;10

i1 or ;ui htatioiin |o Ogtlen n\ iiSO A. ••Convi'^'aiicua can bo i>rncureil at Qoi

Vftlky to and from Hchnulcv'a MuuDt»iii,»uil•t Fluudcra to and from Build's Lftlte.

EABIOW Oo»(iKirrjoiis.—Countiitlon>t Hisu DndKt) ID and (row Enaton.

H. P . DAI.DVIN,QeD. Eastern P * I B . Ag't.&.Q. HANCOCK,Gcu. h i i . A T V t

(M0UUHOcptitM in

till AIM fill Alil.ANGavHEKTH.OonmiGiiuii't' UUKUAV, JUNK lBtli, l « i

Lu&VU ISiiW kOUtL.A t » H * u A . M . (JJtiHiuu Mail Xraiu) ,coi

icetiiitf Hilti tbu aluuutuu Itrauch al Uum/ilur itooutuu ) thuCLiemur Uraucti a tUoic r f ••'

.hiniT/ttaBjl.,"^^!!!. HTK^UI

U^aiiloij r lliiiuLaViutou. Ulica tiilirtBHH, HOIUL-1, Uurllaud, Binw1""1

.uil puiut* ou the LiavkftKiiiiijaturg aud UeUwir t and Uudsoi

Uli lRb.uil i e U v i r i a n d Uuliuu Uailtoidn

JiD nH*bi%abirg wttb Uliigb Valluj Ukiiroad end Irtblgt and Buxiaetianua Kailrcit

Ittblelieqi M u e l i Uliouk Ueidjug

1Kb V i l k j Uiiil-

ior itotlaleticia?'jfauebT)tlouIt> Ut id iuj tnd

At » ' * • * . M.

and UuoBtuu, ciuia tbionglt lo WaterJap, Hlroudabirg, dorMton, ( J n t t Uw*niiHiighaaitoii. ugonMtlu^ at Dover wltlJhsater ttailroafl, a t Waterloo with AUKitailruad (or Andover, Newton and allsta-

t Delaware with U lain t o . u i i 7 . . ,j.wltli Ailoomaborii DI?i«lon Tur PitU-

ton, KiiiRaton, WflkAibarie, Danville. Nortb-imtwrtaiiU, &e. Pasaeugerti taking thutraiufrun. Mew Vork,PaUrson itidMotmtoncan connect at Washington witb train for[>biUipi.burgt Ka^toa, UeiUleheDi, AJlentof n,'-rriKLujwand MlntH .m l(it JjetUb fHlej,

I ljulituh auifBiiiquoniuni UailrMMh ; at•""- '-— vita beiTiam oivuiwwf pa! K.I i n b u K Witti Uelviaete Uvuiobol f»! K.

At.U.Ott A.H.Huiralo andUiwrgo Kiur<••(UiaftiagMQDm Oaf.) Wate. Oap.StrouilB-butx, scritnlou, Bmgbunlon, OmaRo, Ithaca,# a orlr.Ulrn.ra, Mount Hurrla and IlaBa.u,Alan Wjr»ouio »ud O#wo«o, oonneotiug »tUlujfbiimtoo tor Utm* »a-l UioUflold S^riuBi.

" - ^ d '

i^MMtWofkti* .** P. H (lutOB ElurcBB)ooBttwtlng at Wttortoo for Andovur,Mevtciu ind atranauville. and at PhiUiUb


i iu t F. X. Kcrautun-Hpeclal, oguoooU alDover with Uaii, iur aoccMuoBaaaU tiln-aUv,at Waterloo wUU fimnwx U. B. Tor Andg»er.Mewtuu aud liranuhvtlie. T»ko this traiu fuiUko llaiiatwu, UuJd'a Lake, Hehoolej'i

• fur Summit

At 3i»« V. JI. (Uaokettatowu Eiprese)atop'lug at MUUurn, dammit, Ohilhaui,HadlMn,iurriitowu and ill stations went to Hackariwn.foaimUDi at Waterloo vith t » i undof er aud NewmanAt «i»o P. U. u 0v cr Acoomtnod.tioo for

Chatham, Morriitowo ami DoTcr..• Iron Newl.irk (slocuiugoartialtauhvd) via. .'atewon 4Uunnton throucli to Watei Gap, Btroadabnri;,Sorautou, Bniglamt.m, Ltile.flarattiot.,Oort'laud, Uuiner, fljiacme and Onweftn.At 0 ugLaroton witb train for Oretue.Oifowl,SorwicG.Biohnild Sprlnn. Ulioa. Ac. TLii»t . « n n < iht0°tch to OiWtno BiilTalo sadHiclifold SprluRI (tnt not to Iibnca) BnndilinoruiiiRe.

A, B£A8OHEB,8Dperlni«nd«B(.


UOTBODUD 4.H. «UTHIIJ>P A.M.Iprosa* B.3S EtatonHail 9:36

Vaterap)( .dkl8:24Etitcn Eiprem 8:43Dover Aceom. 11:16

Buir.h Eiproa. «K)7Eaatnn Aociin. 8:40

DoTerAccon. HdU£utonEipreN 8:00Elmita Exprasi* 8^8E»nton EiprvM 5:89B c r l s l HA2Dover E i p m a eaoH'kctt.towcEip.TiaaDovnAecom. tt:4SO E '

*Vi». BoantonBnncli.




6.H Borton 7.47«.W Ironia 7,na6.005.52



PHOTOGRAPHS!Thece PliotograpbR owe their iaUo to tbi

inrelciptnent of t «5«(Dm which render* ordia-Atj pUotoRnph* alnioat ItnUnUnwot, sodtoablca the operator to oatch a tramicnt,brlKbtand htvppv eipreaubn. which nnaiitccan preserve tormoro t b .na fewipcondi. TIIL

9 T O P I S ' ftJBUC.-Tlie nndi'r«iantd re-•IHcttnllj inlorna I be public that ho Laareccnt'j retomod Trom a trip tDronRh thelarfie— (.-a at Earatw will) tbe Utcxt lipprovi;moilt«

,^th crery faefu&,C|fonWnedV°BD<»t*inn([ptperience, h« It now prea«r«d lo romlnh floo

»M]K at tlie rtilloviBE reduced ral««t S"IMPKRIALH (iD Cl . i t . ot icp) prr doi. 13 00

Tlis f i-lRiuatoc of Mub to noei*t ono ilnz. tree.a CARTES DK YIBITE, 'in CInbs ol t o n ' p e r

Ttii"' orijttn'alor of d o b to rceefra ona ung, free.FonraltH of all kfndi cupi-d at same rat ta , .Thew phtnrei cannot b« e io t l ed for hr 1-

%%£$£££ """•"""""""""l b s trail known rcrnUlloti of this n t a b l h h

n e a t Is m Htiarantrn to fta pa>rnnt and tu t a taeral pnbllo tlie work nrodueed will provi

tid same. P i r t l t i ileifrlDH t o form elnbi artreipMtfollj reqassled to omnmnnlctia with



i. LaCEY,•otri.toirn.H.J.


POVES. s. J.


UNION HALL BOOING,BlaoBwall Street, D o w .

Hot Air Furnaces,Uf tLu latvat u d oioit i n p r o n d atj lss, for

acruirtnitiiit at Stoves, cheap for oath.


STOVES, RANGES,te. Alao a »ariety of





OIICB. HlgliP.tprlcei paid lor eld Iron.Copper h5«J u i pewter taken ia e i e b a a i t


Deee«b*rHtb.l«70. Mfr







R. F. JOLLEY & Co.,


831 BROAD St.




jSlate Ilooflii||-

With beHw hollilin I »m nubled 10 palOD 8LATE ROOFtt uheaper Uun «ver nelii|nou but the beel axutlt) ol elite ud em.1>1«JU« l i e tobs nuohssise. l o ww t t U l d k i ry partlo

ootiiid.Oattd OoUlKf 1Mb.



Shop on CUnton St., DoTtr.IB Dover oa Inan 1 offt-r of my•otloia "Oh



BOTH, «. J,O rtlcr, •aiololm me Dover LenberOo*.

M.c.fc.llou. >Dd nnterltle ot em, kltS '".'olibedlorbidldluge. lobblwaepraultjr,




FIBIHNO TACKLE,•""•eMii'a Oogda,

•«••> • • - • « . t>a»«a«l . i a a M m•** <3«naa» Tmu. BtlMk aUae

M4 PkkaNl MDIM.

•I., lllr«, Unem HIK>V<, Riiskrta, e n

i full... IIBWII eoB.uillr on luDd of l».lnnl oonnaon








mu mrj t t ln , rrr FASH IND OIRDES.


Mmiitawa, N. J.SEND >'0B OATALOOTJ1.

ron rimStationery,



i » D B l l t l rAPBIS, TAIXII ilOTIORS

ini.. oo TO

D. 8. MORRISON,• n m irauT,

'•*" j .


M»SOH:-:*ND:-:BUILDER,n aB^njaMBaaaniirJBJBJBIrf lo. tMtri11, w , r*.al .

Freeman Wood,



DOVEH.N.J.ulliorind m i l of lac lolleiluliflntJpanlee the bMtia Ibt worlil:


OLOBE, Crpltal •20.000,000


Oupital •lO.DOD.OU


Oupibl 110,000,000

FBinua or PHILADELPHIA,Cqrftal • 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 M

HtmSOM OOPUTT, Jewej Cilj,

OtfUtt W00.UKINorth Brltlph end Mrrealillle I p . o r . p i ^ To.

I U n d o ! aect EdcBborsb t c .p i l . l IIC.MM.OOO,

•bw Ttxk, n U ••».«•>.• H W el.WO.000

rial AMocuiiun or m u n i n u .w,

Freeman Wood.lullo. ol Ite rev* ••< r*U" >iKili>>>

OLIVER CHILLED PLOWSBtiliiilueniiriel. 7H)Boldbrii.

ACIHK IIARHOW.Eacl* H t i d talltialM,

O Haw,

Grain art Cartel S M I Drills,

Walter A. W—t'. M»w«t,


Thouu A Ha;KakH,


LCTW «»* Troa4 Fmnt,!.>••'• l f» MUU.

TUli im, Clnun. fee.,BDI til other arit^lMi IfennlDji tnplraeote.

SMITH & ECKHART(hwMm to In O. Cooper,)


crairtM luea ud ijtieiuu laniiMii rot

BVILOINtM. • K I U U E I .•betkitof BBJOI e> aTO».


or ita kind for •ajoyment in tola icction ii


DOVKM,N. J .Jmt leoeiTed tad placed In poittton TBBBE



OKCHESTEIONh u *bo iMt bna•ad wiU delight tba

a». tuim CIUMATID

LAGER BEER•ln.Te on t n w U tMIIke keal of

WINES, LIQUORS w i ClBARIHwiTipccTleM mt U* l«lro»j ol

noLLtn'8 oriBA a o v n •>•BOOIB.


GEO. E. TOURnEES,(iMeetgor to Taorhm Brothera.)


Tratellns Ageni

DB. E. G. Witt 's H I B T I » D I-mni T H A T -Mm, a raarantivd •pcoille ror Hyiteria, Uia•incH, OdDTiilaloiii, Ala, NervMa NcBri'uradaobe, Me Mont Pro itra lion canted I)'. ~uw or alcohol or loUooo, Wakorulncao. MenUl Depression, BaRenlns or I bo Brain result-log In anaanlt* and laadiog to nil-ery, decayand death. Fremaliirt) Old Ase, B.rrenn«siLoss of power In aither sex. In»olool*rLosses and Siiurtnttorrbroa canted bT b*<ieiirliuM ol tbe brain, tell-abnae or overln InRcnce. BacU IIQX contains one inontu't treatment. II a boi, oi sti box<'B lor 15, tent b jmail prepaid on receipt of price.

W E GVAHAfcTBB SIX MIXB1to core an* caio. With oacb order received

ii?" i i *"'KP'' """'"n panful withIU ii-ml tbo purtliairrnnr »IHII-IIRII«

. J rernnd tho niunty if lbs treat ment does noteffect a care, Omrsnteei l<iaed onljr by

R. Killgon. Agent Dover.



THOS. J O H N S O N ,a id dealer In

HumnU Inlttimt »«ihlt.

J i t e i J , " * ! * ! S * Otanlte. ill .orkX.J.



The CcDtn.1 H a n M i« o n e o f the n n e i

tble eootkm >nl I. p lea™,! , 1 0 5 , ^hundnd yard* from tbe CeBtnl depot, and•boot two n i n . t , , , a | k t r o n , , „ D K t

W. It Ii a l«rRe rnoinr boiu« end wen far-ol.bed tbmiigboot. A l w . j , open to


i wall furnlibed BA« md Pool Booa eon-itedwltblbeboiiie. Fur UrtbKr lnlorn».

tlon oddniM tbe inoprietor. JHJ


• ' ' • > » 7 "Be* on B , m St., oBure, «ilf teeeix preaat UUai lu . MtlllkB

J.HAIRHOUSEWilcliakir u l JtweJer,

AID M i l l IT in I W , WlTCrl.



, Wall Piper, ludcum-


r-armr Park mm* tank Wnw.



J. J. BACKOFF,Ike B u m U r a l WHOLErULt JOBDHimldoakr In Win.., t l q i o n end, I, K-li.S•wa; to every pyrcliBier ot B tbraiaud figureB H A S U B O M I O I I Falnllnn, .1..M.96 Evt,,.



TIB FANYefc ALLENBate tooated • braHcb of tbelrextensive i'»t-


WAHREN St. . DOVER,m d n n ptDwired to offer inducements to tTi«

trade lu nil klodB of Holt I)rinkn, Por-ter. B H H ' B Alu, PmneNllfl Aliii,

Spruce, Wild Ch-rry HUdBiixl, Beer, nnd tnako


Ktlta bftrt u l KUVHIM b p fIn tlia qiudltyof our nrtleUa we will not hi

i l d>• a.-W* u * l » » to Mar.



l inTIAM


OLD PBCMITHIl lI 09IJBCB BUILD-lH3.D0VM.i l J. Alltlmliotoirp<twe»-l u BHd ilyelnt-b se In the baul miitttr. Aleoe. • « • lot ol BaO OABPET on banrl M nle.

WUdow n m i u eltBBnl sM d;X.Mr

Isaac N. Doty & Co.,I&9 ft 161 MARKET 81.,

NEWARK. N. J.Larf«it Dry Cowls an. Ctrp.tEilabllikMMt IR NewJiruy.


The rapid and continued

Incrcaw In our business

made it nece«mry to again

enlarge our salesrooms In

order to exhibit our stock

to advantage and to serre

inei-ri satisfactorily.

The enlargement of our

premises Is about com-

pleted and we now exhibit

onr entire assortment of

New Colors, Sty les and Nov-

elties for the Fall Season.

Rare attractions in Silks

Velvets, Cloaks, Shawls,

Dress Goods, Carpets and

Cpholttery Goods.

Prices are greatly reduced in

every department.


GEORGE E. VOORHEKS,VimrkMs Brother*)

BDiLoaar, OABBIAW I U I K . BUGS:oomBAtmaa'. HUUKO '<»




cannot be a t deltoid in the line of

c e e t o h j n - t r r o . r e d . DJ not C°lvaharc for lbs abora, whan ton MO l»aou«;b*lHiTlii|t<kf«

Page 3: CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1. 6. · NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on



Tli Dirir Frutiu GwiurP17BMBHEB8 AMD PBOPB1BTOBH.

0 9 « aa Blukwill Street neit d»r to the••lioul Thus But.



p EO. O. UDaWWD, • . ».,

aEnuL nuonnwu,l»D mSOULMT IK T i l T1IATI1K1IT

Of m U R U I i DUURE8.

omoc AT i n PAW Horn,DOVU, N. I.

DOVEH. N. J.I. •.JOLLEY, Proprietor.

•OHM lal CuKWH to Id .

Wa aajara lara* aaa ael*cl awl laea l af al'MNIU* SI'ITU laath aU«K« aa* mocka at M . »T. M. WO. • >•, • • * . • • • . t>M.

• U , W . I I 4 , MO aaa •»«. Wa iBTUa >*«lal allaaf laa la aarvan fall liaa al KAWIKM OilmlMKHKK, at Mr Ik* a*at «aaaila Wa aaarkat « w< ara laa UNI.V nol'BK ia laa mala• M l tjaaaf^aaaaaaa aa* <a I baaa laal aaca aarar aaa laraa M aMb far aaa trial la DRtisa NVITi wa .Haw CJOHaHOHKW*."tffttlOMAMI aaa ttl.'HTIUIIKM at fiaaa ••« la»«a.

VM.\. OVKHCOATH tr.aa as la MO la a aarl.u af talari aaala tba aan-aal ikaaai. I'ANTW fraai il.80 la • • la all Ike aawatrlaciaaa1 aalatartaaaa a*rfaci la cat anal • • .

la aar HllVa aa<l CIIIL.DM Kit's MKPABTMKKT wa t i n a•arte aaaartawut af laaaawaal aaaai la hata .laale aa* *aaktaknaala* >ackaaa*'caiaMrari,alc. Katraa>aal>wllkB»rlr«arr•all. f.wnr fanatat aar aara aiaka aa* warraale* la n « taarilcalar. »a bale kal aaa arlca la all, aaa wkea aar alatal-Lfacliaa accara ara anaka aar aacaaaia ar ffvfaa* laa ataaar« • lalila aacarl, laaarcllaaaa* caaaaarlaaa.




• t i m ia (xuiouv i » xomr,IR0» U l OCJII.BIFO,

. » * .


»uim:v» or msii






E AI «. B. BBBiMs »T0«,DOVBB, N. J.

OLIVER 3. FREEMAN,Csrsirttr •«• lullitr,





SSti MS!


»ortltlo«a. M lb« SuWFa oSoi.

* 1ml•» §- T atCENTS.








Rosewood Flmo only »50.

New Pianos, $125 up.

New Organ, tSO up.

aatt af D«n.

'4k. I. W»I«BT.




tkat MtwHtolaaiiq tht Mitral HtrtMf* tkal our fnendt all•v*r tka eMRty bnttw • •* • •». tkal wr exMitiMially lowarien tkit Fall it ntt (tacrally ktawt. In tinet of t>iret<tit* it etrtalRly i l a duty ev«ry mi* twtt to himtclt aiiffiaily tt M k t kit dtllar rctck at far at attuklt in kuyinttkt MCttttrltt af lift, and at I t t t t , Sktat ana Rykkert artclatitt' it tkat eattftry, wt at tkt Itaainf ietlert kavt feltit incvitktiit vatn at ta makt tpeclal efftrt to induce cutto-m r t livitf at a •iittnet I t fttl tkat it ia their interett, t twill at t«rt, tt tataly thcmttlvct frrni tar aiinerie attort.Kent. Itact will net ptrmit vt tt tnwmtratt the m?ny bir|tini wt art tfftrltf, feat wt will menlien • few :

•oon.•«•>'• H»nd Mad* Miniac

•tn'iiEindiided CowhideTap »ol» Boot*, . • 18.00

Ven'e Hmd-iided BeitSplit TtpSole Boot. 1150

Utn't Warranted Calf linglelole Fine Boot* $1.40 k 11.60

Ktn'i Warranted Calf Taplo l inne Bsoti $1.50 • $ '.78

•ojr't Beit Doable lole Tap

Tealha' B«et Double Bole Tap

i full IIMmtWmmrm': MIIMVNMri

ANfJ M M mi-BMgls Ibe I'MIre Ilil>

Theseiprices embrace only a few of our leadingarticles, but our entire stock Is proportionately low,and the name over which it Is written Is a sufficientguarantee of it* excellent quality to all who know us

HBAGAN So Co.,OPP. D., L. it W. H. It. IIEl'OT. DOVER. N. ».



All the latest styles on hand and made toorder. Our work is all done under oar per-sonal supervision, and ia folly warranted.

Everybody in want of a wagon will profitmuch by giving us a oall before buying else-where.

— » — R E P A I R I N G _ - — * ^

in all done in a manner wniob itjaund to give satisfaction. Orders by mailwill reoeive prompt attention.



Of NEWARK. N. J., have now open for theelivery of Oil a 4epot at Dover, where a rollapply of Oil pan b.e hft4 PA MONDAY an4RIDA.Y of e^oh week- All our patrons wbo

favor us with their orders will be promptlysupplied. Our oljjeot is to save our customerstransportation charges and delays oaused byshipping oil from Newark or New York. Or-ders oan be Bent to Samuel Hammond, Boon-ton, 'ha wUL be in Dover on Mondays andFridays) or to our address whore they willreoeive our prompt attention. All orders willbe promptly delivered by J. H. Burohell, andempty barrels taken baok.



Lumber Worked to OrderIT maehtaeiT it the place wkere it ii purohaaad, greatly limning the

ooct of building by Uie great eartog in manul labor. OoittoeEal*ari inelndea

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings

Come and see the elegant stock, both

Piece and Ready-made Goods, for this

Fall and ^inter, aqd as rqy custom trade

is increasing daily I will assure my patrons

that the strictest attention will be given to

that department in order to meet the re

quirements of the finest class of trade

You can also observe some very fine and

appropriate Shirts for th> campaign,1 GEORGE FEDER,


Dover, N. J

Booti. 18 IS

Kip Boota. It 10

RUBBERS.Naa'a Waawtaclu-I Par*

aaaBaali IM1MIW.a'a Dull Plalak Raal. . U.OO

N«w Jararr Kabkrraali a m

' tm. daW m u o k X Baati

ChlM'a •* •'Mea'a Beat Backla it rcllci

Blldtca'l 'Waam'a H«akrr>,




outil tnukc A gnoJ [lofllsneli an ntk'pt ut Ii find-

io t< MO BMu-rewta.

PoalHreirliakWtlMnlK•itu oo cpplloklio

c poppet valvti. Mo lost from frictmi, no w«te In port, br IIKID or rotttvKl. Hishmt (Kwsibie per OPDI HX tree air. fcopooilcalnpJ tlarable. Oit.-

. (Pallj auoart><1 ty fiatuuta.)

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical and

Portable. Insurance policy with eaoh.


IIUll.KtHXCillfd back—Ibc rdlow who f»rgot to

my fur liiH dinner.

Tlie bunaua pRisl nfttn puts n poisonstrniglilcnL'd circuunttsncos.A lawyer who o>m write tender poetrjnot iietJL'bMaiily u Irgitl-letulur wrikr.Czanlinn BUJO t " When vay ale vomuti

sours mo, I BIUR to lior Oauil-l»j e sweetu-t."

A roqntilte wit-iress—slic i

ing tbo males.

Httmiwieliea urn u givat fttnpli> in Ldti-lon. Forty lliuiifiiuJ men oroeuid to bitiiilypoRugeJ in vtmllng llieui.

A swell |uirt.v—tlic dried opplo. FullijHTiiiigs—r'evmor Imirbfflys. O'udilncc for II liull mnrko!—OoiR-t'tn, N. H.

"I 'm II it iu jiolitiffs this jeur, hut I'llake iheHimiipull tliosume said a tramp

going down into Ibe gutlcr for a Itulfemokctl e;gnr.

A BoHtnti cirl never rails nn icclici'gan icitlici'if." Oil, no 1 Him idwujB

speaks of it an " a Hunting •gtfi-egutioi)<if tuugibic fiiKiility."

If it be lino that "a plcnsiug pcranu iscoDtiuuul letter of Jnlioduotion," tliett

he nvcritu^ vtRm soukei' must bu an i>u-

MiBs L.e i»:irrie»l a lawyer. Hbv niyncivil suit wiift liegun by ln>r huslmud,

licueo tho is uotr a married womau nudLteyalunu, loo.

An " cxuci'lciireJ pbyBici;m" is quotedB Biiylog iliot llieie h n gmve wuiliog

not f:iv iitieufl fur diilJreo wlio lire "uuvertmngiy for bivakfast."

Ttip new rracrvoir of Iticlinnmil, Vu.,bokls iD.iHNt.IXK) tnWaun nf wator, white

r - Lrae aMorIBa fa UU llau of trufe, contlillng or

COAL AND WOOD!ler-itoa still lib.Kb of all • "" •Hj^JJ^

m d »id iplll «*l l for •*> alw.ji on baud

Flag Stones s GurtNUg.Order* I roelved and cnotnoti tsk«a Tor liy-

- Us wd Ktilog «urb. .nJ ill olaerHiring Blue Stone will be proniplly

MASONS' MATERIALS!Hard aa>1 P.le Btlcl, Lime, a m i l , Oal-

•laid naurr,, tire an.l frontStick, Fire OI*J. Onlon*illlN

proBplll •lied al I •


Saw Mill.tor hart wood lu»uer em to a i j • » • Ma

Ingta dciiRo t l t i n OB haad.

LOCI BOX » ,Defer. II. •<•



E.8.YAH0ILDER,.- Frop'r.


bat jail r«wl*i'd au Ittmeuie aloea of

FALL, MILLINEBY..hioU >bo lalpmli lo nil i l iSIOMHHINQ,, ca »„, .„ „„ MM!


Oysters! Oysters!•BTT«lIatwr*l}h. Ahwtold by lbs

QUART, 100 or 1,000•Mi*fJ fMth from ttu mtrket B*PIT "l»f.

Meals and LunohetssrTristslUltnMdurlDg^iedar. B t

•WINE «N0 M 9 1 ROOMSaalmiioam loriaUon,and<mr etoit


Estate or John Edwin Hnrddeceased.

NTlo tliv oriirr nf Hie Hnnn;„ „. i CJoontj or tforrii, made nn .__xth day i>f October, A. D. nue Ibonnntt

..•Ttl liamlnd mil eiflitj-fon»\ notice t»btrubr Rlrrn to all ptrmnii liavinf; claims•K*in>l Iliu *»lile or John Eilwin Hnrtl, lalo (iftli*Cuootj atMorrlii,dooemeii,tu prtitnt Hi•arne, ninler nilli «r •fflrmitioD. in Iliu »ul•ctilx-r, tia "f l«ft>re i'uti i lu l i <\af iJnlj nei l . licioa DMIO mnollis from Hi.dale of tiiil ort)*T: aori my credtlnr ne«lwt-iDfttolirlaginurdeililbit H» ur lifr'cl.iiondrroiih or «BIrn.tlion, nltbtu lUctimo.Umllnil.will lie forcTtr Urrt'J or lit. or'herictlon therefuf agalnbli lt(e Etwatril .

Dalcd,'.6e'iiiili'di.\ • » • • • • • — • •


Dover, N. J.

764 * 766 BROAD 8TIIEET,NKWARK. Tt. J.

Oiwii" ftepi. 1st- Over SW st mien In tbe panteHr. Hnpcrior .wtruotion, tottiua rwuwn-

ihU>. U*iali>icu(i, Burtlum Educator andspecimen* of peiBan-hip free.

C.T.M1LLEH. FriDoipol.


Organs $65, $70, $80,

$90 and $100!

Pianos, Square, $190,

$810! Upright, $210,

and $885!

•ml In tone cannot 1m SULF

The Piano* are Ilie most oltgant usffiesfflaia^fe ._ „-

cMnse tt\1 'rtdpo renruF o\tt\ btra I soil at mfc}J!>.l™V« OU rtwUttfmimnsr'a priaeu,tW Ktfrj Initruueat varranlfHl,

^WnTw. Surlng. Asant,IMIVEH, W. 4

Organ* can !•* awn at my kouM on HnuntHope Avenoe, POTK~


tight w4 HMTJ

Horse Equipments,

Woll,Bo»ate and U p Bob™, Ky-nM., WhlpfBUCIWILL Bl., DOVER, S. I .


J. Coolraeti taken and atikmliBtooa and Drlek Work PUtlertmi

"' ' * ' u. Orieifwar Ctnal


r,i .'iiiinii.-niixr.h thl. liti', tit Hvi- t\w ~»inc

iuy imiu uud joy, und puvcrly it ml wealth,iowl daj« IIuil tliiik diiYH, illniHi jiud bt-ultli.

Lived <>'«rf

' . • .new lill'JuHl iirt Ihc old "!»• 1'i't-u;'n HIKI like ('Hi'iiilnLip ami (lir viler ini'ii,

Ln.l uoitlil it |iii.vf Ulc, l i U II ].lnv,H rclinlii'il IIH we im, Irmii tln.v l<> <li*y—


ml nliiftinj; HVt-mt.'s uu lilt- liH

And MO, us iiliildun tire ill toya ami H!COI>,At tlis eliMHi of lilis iiiuiitu It-kH uud ii'tu Iu k

u MI iiiauj lluil liuvc IIiii'd LOJH'H tu a brighte

An.-ihvliit,', L'u ti t

mi' iiliKpjit U'»n, wilti iinxioim ^nzc,uliiijj mid .lubting tint darki'Hl wnyx.

Would CJII IIK l.nmr.Would wo lie willltiu lo n•IIMH; tln-ir prnjcr f

,1i, nn ! Hrtmc dn.v frc'M k'ift'1 tUcm tiiurr—

((iinr IIIIUUH \b<nitA wrilcr wbo recc-i.tly visilctl CSJIOIH'1

Cult, Hie CLierhW (B. C.) «luiili«t, (iivedtlie public, in the Atlnu'u ('imsl'lnlin.i,tbui'i!t!iiltuf bis interview :

Cutour! C^b infurmed mu o[ tt uiu-ir coiiici'k'iict' iu tin; liiHlury nf ilnci-, vljicb in cerluiulj it jciiinrkuble


An) is tlm I ?" I nskctl.l\V..|l," Iw cuDttunuti, hnwkliif,' tlifi

ashes fri'Di liis cigar, • on tbut viiy niyiitO.>1»U,I C>»h Mulrl to UH- us a fuel, mil

FC lit! itllOWH, llmt tlKTi! llUH Ilulsingle tine! fon^lit in \hv, Unilttl

St:i(es, wlii'ie oilltor of tin1 principalswas killed, vliit-li IIHH not li-t'u ultcniU'i]

•uU.""Ami vbnt ia Hint V" I repeatP(1."Wliy,"»;iiil bi', "tii<: miiti wilbtbt-nrler linuii! is suit' to kill bis ojipo-lit.""DG\mi it'ffi' to Ihc iiiiiulur of let-

ters '/" I jiKiuiied."Not to Ibt; unnilirr <»f leltem," bu

'plit?t]( " l>ut lo tbc ntitnbt.1!'of ^Vilitbti'sin tlicuuDii-. 'J'.icniiui bitviii^ OIL fewer

r uf BJI'HUICS iu liis mime ulwfiyflt iilrt bis [lulngoDJst. CJIOIHI C'liuli I'Ltli

you tlie l.inlury ol every <iin> oftbom, buck to llio linin of Bnrr and

imlnin, uml bi'jnixl Hint. I jircsiniic,Iliu first iliml on rrcoi'il, wliurt! t hottvHylliihletl cltitntpioii of ibc 1'liil-iii'n, Onloili, fell ut tlie Imnds of llic

.you hf,| Jj,lU«l. Ami I ilou't Hunk jouwill ttntl mi exception to I lie rilk'."

During tbo inlt'ivuluf siliiit't) llmt ful-f/cH, jHiur ciiitviiiiontU'iit tm.ii'avurei]retell nil Iliu uoloil tluoU ibiLt lintl

llio miJer ltia ubmvutioii, but fuilctltiiij n mngln cxcf|iti(iu. An it in tuiil,wevt'i', tint ill ere. is un rule tomlf

n'itlioul its cxei'jitioi], iicrcbaucu muu1

if J<m reiuietH iniiy find one, Auil mi^blit tint bo well for tliose iuleit-Hled iu tlit?m}p. to puste this iu (heir huts ? If Ibtcliulitin^cil |>mtv Imi ihu grtuU'i1 numberof fjilnblen in hia Daniu, Iu will |irc>iu|>tlyileuiiue, ir k'K8 lima lib ojujonuut, becun sufely cunlli'tigo uacl lot LU uutago-

Tints, by nuuiSiiriug Duiuct'ail of swords, bo c;iu si'ttlt* tbuso uf-

fuirs of hanor witbunt icsoitiiiR to tbutISB utiiPtlai'J ot coiirii^e vliieb bun biieu

liutuiuil down from feudul ogrs.

As U coiullary Iu thiu. Bljoultl a tlucloccur butnGPU two parties wbusu iinmeswcro (!OIII|IOHI>(1 of tbu eiiuio niimbt-i' ol

oue, neither would lie killed,or two.liotb would [skilled.

Tkf Unhl-Hrnr.

Tho rear whotls uf a Bkechcr street

populatiointl a

a duily for cooking

Over $5,000 bnvt been r.uscd in pennycnniribiitimiH tu ttio nuiuuiuent of PtterCouput. ri'do committee vow 0*11 fortiggcsiiona fiant ni'lisri nntl suilptora.

"Xniri i> Ilii! liuu of urgnuicut wliifilire uliiill me to day," remurfcatl Ilie law-;er as be got out Iho fisbiog tiiekle UDO

piekej the dried « of tbc book.

I lieni'l lbeolli<?r ill) that tSuifkiusvan engagml in crim.Dnl practice. Is lie

lawyer?" "No. but be is almost asbad. Ho wt» caught ttteuiing >\ pair ofboots,"

'•.timntcJ that tbe population oftho United tt'ntes today ia about 57,-000,000. Dr. Liring predicts Ibatut theclose nf Ibc present century it will he100,000,00.).

D one hm ui^oaveved tbat VictorHugo HtundB wleu be writes, We don't;we fit down. Somehow our pants hliowupbellertbtt wa;, as we ilwiys writewithout a coat on.

Longfellow wrote, " Mnsicii Ibe tmi-TersiillnDgnngeot tuankintl." Every catin tbe world is entiiled lo get t>p its Imckit tbe aiiaertion in fan ijioniieil voice ei-iluim, "Me, too

There is not a uiaglo lawyer among tboone tbouuud convict in tbc VirginiaPenitentiary, which BtirpriscR an <

[t. only proves tbut tbere ivery ttble lawyers in tbat Slate.

Tlie fmnkcut lawyer In tbe professionis one who advertises ut Cuyaboga Fulle,Ohio, and lie "gets lime to nite^J to.united amount of pi-^ctqionul l|wsiiie«B(

u wit—all be CAD R9,t."

" ^ itloli^e tlint woman's lovely boir,uitl a yonug blood to u sedate ciliacu o

afuckcou ulreet yeslcrduy. " Yi>n shouldnever run ufler fake idols," was ibe coolreply tbftt set tbe youag man to think-lag.

' ' No," wrote n Hills Hcminnry pupil,"wu dtm't Heti n mau oTer beru ouco amoutb, but tberc'B n Frencli girl justcome who bus a dear little mustache,and wo are training ber to smoke cigar-ette* nnd .swear."

Fretl.—Alt, Oiiai'lie, did you (ink berfntlier for ber bawl 7 Clinrlie—Yes, mydenrl>oy,ldi<]. Fred—Wan it a boot-less erruari ? Clinrlie—No, I can't saythat it was; in fuel tlte most prominentpart af it wu» the boot.

Nii,ElfiiiIn,webaTetf>obi|U afor yon, both t\s a pa&teiu uod a refinedyoi^ng Imij, to print your verses on a

'io bavinir become smitten witb

Tlie In test gloves wrinkle no much usII h:ivi> tin' iipiicnriinei of luting too large.

utilur ttie kiitT Iu .siipfji-.ioilii the ncccsitjfm-Kjrtm.

Amid iillioiisi.ini Iriiiuued liuts utit] aittlf n liimdriitl thuimuxl iintriuimeil onli.s|jlay ut tbe [$n';it centres, oin; canlinjilv li'iiiiiiiiH[id tilt; rluipi'uu that iniuHt lubipii'd tu tbo pLiHuniii'l of (lievearor.

[jiie<s appear*, in lh.'Kipntest prctfunionall toik'ta of Duivmouy.EsciirielB nnd n|)pliqucs of tbo Ker-;t'dt stump nru dosirabk1 na deinuu-

Btratiiiy Iliu funciFH uf Ibc |H>rioi1.Spiral iiicbiriBs mi<l nt!«»rdt->"ti plentetl;il(H ureeJiniiixesuf tlic ti'ituoiis CfCt!ii-icitiiH.

Cbi-lsi'u nit tiles of AUIKI-IUUU pruilue-mi nro used in decorating fnuoy «tove«,•i'-|)!iici's, iiiiiiillP-i'irT-L'Siiiiil even wallsit! tiMtu of libraries aiul dadufi. NewniCL-its iu tills line Bliown ut Couovei's, Iliirty-tliird street ure uimvels of

At CrossicyV Ibnl fltrmifjliuM for hometilder» (Uimtdwfiy, near Astor Pliice),

;liey mo nmkiug u spociiilty of tnp?Htiyie's ejrpets ul 55 cents per yur>3, ami

trleubuni vclveis at il 15. Apuit fruuitb<j regulaliou suits iu mnhoguny, red'outf, ouk, walnut und eboay, tbere ureovol oonceitH of every clues for tbe

jceuruujoiiiitioi] al OerainicM and tbeJaiuty brio a-bruc m thSKcntial in fash-

flc fnruiithtogH.

bubluil car jumped tb« truck tlm olhoiday. Tbe dour is opened und closed bya crank tlie diirev turns from liis[ilalform, but itbecuine no tiirnl.v wedg-id tbut ho could not niuvu il, and only uuarrow Bpnee WUH kit to admit pnsseii-geiB. Tdo oleuJct perKocn in the cur

id uo diUeulty iu M|uei'zuig Ihioii^h,but u stout u'onitui with ii innrkct busbetcnuld uot force a passiiRe, pJlie WRH Rdetermined wounui und rctuurkini witb awornful look ut tlm driver: "If thisenrnpnny tbinkx it is going to lock IUCip iu it lKibtuil car it is nmtnken •"

Sbe twisted ber buakut Ihrough tbeaperture smdset it down on tbe platform,nudiben tried t|io same c^emtion witlibcnclf, dat could only get ber heat) andono shoulder outsido of the door. She

r red in ibe face and brentfaed heav-ily. Several pussimgers caue to ber as-sistance, ant] wi>h a desperate effort Micfurced herself half through the opeuing.Then she could get no further. Whetshe tried to draw buck for a fresh effurt,it wag found t u t ihs was tboreimhly

edfied in.Two passengers togged at tbu door,

but it wna us firm as tlie side of n honte.A crowd of Italians gathered around thecar, and a policeman trie.l to push thewoman's Rboulder back tb rough tbedoor. A bootblack called for a derrick ;one man nrged tbe policeman to arrestthe driver. Tbe latter bold on to tbecash bot and looked at the prisoner indenpnir.

" Why don't yon get mo out ?" «beYon got me into it.

" I can't help it, ma'atn," said thedriver.

" I 'm goitiR to faint 1" cried the stontwoman. " I f any one steals my basketI'll tnakotbis company pay tax it,"

" I'll bive to taha you to Ibe stabletaud Rctft carpenter, » j ' a » . " said tbedriver.

"Bo you think I'm goini; to bu tnkenleslreetonezbibition ?" cried

lb* woi"Arrab, stand aside there!" said a

red-beaded mun ia blue jeanHe carried a crow bar, and placing theend of it under tbe obstinate door, gaveit a twist and tbe door slid buck into itsplace.

" Hurrah t" shouted tbn crowd.Ttio stout woman fell into the arms of

the policemuu und clung to her marketbasket. He earned ber In Ibe nidewalk.Tho car moved on and (bo crowd scat-te red . -^ . K Trih,,,,,

A. L. CROSS,muu IN

New Jersey Real Estate.


LOTH. COONTBV I U K , tc. , * c ,

a young jonriuilUt, alluded lo him asber oapier roachc

A new telephone instrument baa beeninvented by wbicli tlm crying of a babymay be heard at a distance of n bund red

itlen, and tbe bacbolars ore beginningto consider wbettier it is better to marryor move out ol the country.

olctrn wbo died in Chicagoreoenlly spoke nil the modem Europeanlangnagci fluently, but died poor. Thepeople who attend circuwn don't curemncu for the modern languages. Whattbey want is 'a modern joke now ntidthen.

Ajoupgmau in Sbutdinu, N. Y.. be-canse a jnnng girl with whom be w, ns inlove did not recipro^tp, net fire to Ler


EXCHANGINGoonntrj property tor city ptopertj

A SPECIALTY.Loins nrintiktml on

B O N D A M I M O B T O A U E .

•sMMMBt - • • « - HuaauTows, M. J.

Too many pcop.c do not finish tilings,properly an they go along—aud Uy andby, when it is too late, wish they couldgoback nnd Veujtxly dofecis. Any cwUa indulge* at all in dishonesty andpraft is surely making work fur repent-uce Dud occasion for sbamo. 'ftie onlyvay to accompliBk a aafe and finishedlife, with no Dual vain regret, is alwaysto do right. Ex-QoYernor Seymour, ina speech iho other duy, i-ulated the fol-lowing excellent example :

When I waa a young man there livedin our neighborhood n tanner who WIIB

mall; reported to be a very lilreral manand uDOoruniooly uprigbt in his dealings.Wben he had any of tlie produce, of hifarm to diHposo of be nude it tin invnrinbio rulo to give Rood tnensuru—n.theaore than would be required uf him.One of his friends, observing him fro<

queully doing BO, questioned him UK t<wliy be did it. He told bint lie tiavo toelunch, uud unid it wns tu IIJM advautnge.

ff. mark tbv aDaircr (" Qod bna pormittod me but ouo jon

itcy through %\w woild, aud «hcn I iigone I cuunot return to ii'olify mis-


takviTbc old farm mstaki-H were of th

Fmtliiin .\uten

Mal.-iials ure dtveraiiie,! (tml tufctlliiauiiiionsly iiditplive.

Lurd Hud Taylor k-u«l tin- carnival ofnil ntylcd. Lucu Reliero U tbe name ofbe new velvets witli tlie dchigus suukleop in tbu nib'.

Slj'lisli wutking e.jyluiiHs nre foruicilr.f velviiti-eu of lb«: uuiiparctl Ktiiuip iuranjiiuctiun IIIOL-III-S of tin- »i"ue I'xur-lsilt und uduntive lirund. (iitily coloivdisuu elutbs in broken phials uio atyl-hlv couibincd witb GillM'rt ululhh in

Em lVrli- dti Cucbmniud of imported Mil

» i-xoollenl

il ut u

ftillatfel|ia.a'» Vfomem,Tbe t-omplexiuu of tbu wonien ia

'liilaJulpliiu—I epenk of tbone underthirty—iu as eutl, cK-;ir uud rosente an ttrfilJV Au iulelli^eitt pbyt>iviiiu Lt-ri'.:uuvt;ruiug witli niu tm tlic subject, bttiil:liu itasuu Unit riiiladclpljia woamu

linndsomrr tbuu tlm WOUIBU vtother ritius WHH In.m tlm facttbat tlieydid lest liifiug. l-iiicibg, lit' wiid, t;oui-

its-is thu li\t;r,-so llutt UH fuuctiuuiiri> (k-niL^L'd, mill tho bib', inn tea d ufntimately uiding di c&liuL na it KhouKl,

thrown into the v^misis circulation,rudiiciiif,' ibi* Hulluw compli'iioii MOCOIII-un niiioi) ' our Auicricati womon, Tbeinale gjmntish uud (q.iostriauueH are

olcd for tlitiir fine, clear oonipler.iou,liieli ia uttiiljufable tu t ic fact thateir proffflsiou proclndw lacing. Again,

tin- wfJiiu:ii bcru ill* mote walking Ikauthey du in almost miy oltiw city on the[iutiiiJ>nt. In this they resemble tbuiiglisb WMUICII, wbo ure noted theorld over for their beitutiful coni-

ihxioD. Not ouly lliis, but (lie exercisef wnlking ronmU Ibe form, and for

luiitoitr of fiicr, eoiupli-xion mill flgui-o


A few eveuiuKH aiune, nt a fasbionnblemieti wedding in tbe suburbs, a brief

md pointed coutersatioa occurred pro-nm to tbe ceremony between one ofu- oldoit, boat known und most expe-

rienced orgauUts ami un " nwriiRC youngmnn," the Inltcr of whom, luuking hisuppeiiranco probably for tbu flint lime asusher, telt the dignity of bin position totbe Fullest extent. I t may bu proper toitutetbat our friend, the orguuiaf, is

'cmtbly kuown iu bis profession us oueu frum ostentation and particularly31'BC to all exhilutious of airinois, undm bis wutieal uduptttbility to clitucl'Idlug occusiciis, bi» prufciiioLttl ai-r-

vices Iinvi3 been freqiiently culled intorequisilion, and through u long term ofyears, The con versa lion run an folluttB:

Usher—I.iiok here 1 I wuut to tell youibout tbe ortlt'i1 of muaie.

Organiat (ID Hurprise)—I beg pnrdou.Wliat did I nnderstand yon to suv P

Usher—I want to tell you about themusic. I on. tbe master of ceremonies

Orgnnisf-Ah! Indeed 1Unbar—YtB, I want ta give yon iu-

Blruetions about tbe music.dial—But I have tsy instructions,r—Why, wlieu did yon get them?

Organist—Before you were born, yonngan.

Exit nsber (wbo i t that moment nud-lenly perceives a delegation of weddingtesta 'drive, who require escorting toe seats.)—Button Herald,

»»»»«»He IM4 it Once.

" I never knew San Baldwin lo tellthe truth but once," remarked ColonelFoley to Jim Mitchell, of tfae BostonGlobe, the latter being in Foley's alore,one day.

"I f Sam Baldwin told tbe trntfa, itlost have been by accident," responded[itcboll.

" You liave bit it preclsolr ; it WM byan accident that be told tbe truth. Samhad an old shot-gun that Iml been intbe luHily forty years, and one day heput two loads into one barrel, and whenbe fired the gun burnt into a thousandpiece*. When Sum was restored to con-sciousness bis hetd was bandaged np,and tbe doctor* were exploring him forrelics of the battle. Tho biggest pieceof that gun tbut could be fonnd waiibout two inches tang, and was dug out[ion) under liia collar-bone. Then itwas tbat &im told tbe truth."

" What did lie aav?'• ' He said • if he lived to be 1,000 years

>)d bo would never fire ofi tbut gunagain,' und be never did, for nobodycould find tlint gun tiguiu, when tberewas nothing of it left to lire off, excepttbe piece Snm had hid away under biiL'ollur-bone."

" Just as I tmid. He never told tlie;rutb, uuless it happened by accident.


Ibc OtlJ Mi'vtn hollars

IH thunder where my money bna[otm to this week, my dear," said nnodcrntfl income clerk to bis young wifeo whom be was tench ing economy.'There are eight fares, forty cents,wnlkrd fnnr times to sav*> twenty nontn;

for newspapers, twenty cents ; for a boxof blacking, ten cruis; for mending

fitly ceulB. Til tit makes 61.20.Here nre tbu fifteen dollars for our boarduud £1 60 for the washing ; that is §17.*70 a week, out of $25, and I've nothingMt in tdiow for it. HnvMynn lieec inly pockot when I was asleep ?"

'* Wliy,G«ori;o !"

" I don't know but you might linveIIPCD—at all events I'm out."

"But you Huiokc, dear George ?""Ouly half adoeeu cigan a day.""And you take a few drinks ?""Only a tew —but I am generally


"But you are a geiitleiuau, George,and don't accept more than yr>u give ?"

"Certainly not.""Perhaps that's where the odd seven>lhtrs went."" I didn't think il, but it must be so."

" My dear," * aid a wife t» ber luHhandI know that I am dreadfully cross witb

you tit times*.. that I nm not aa patient usI should be, and I tbink tbe sumo canbe »ft.J of you,"

" Yes, eertniuly," he fnmkly neknowledged, " I am almost aa bad as ynu are.'

" Wbal'Btbnt?"" I—1 say tbut I am just as much to

blame as you are-"" 1 think," went on the Indy, "tbu

we ought to cultivate a mutual tnleriitlon>f encli other's fault*," and sbelwntove

him fondly and kianed litni.You are uot loukinK well to-night,

my dear," be naid, Btrokinp ber buir.•' No," she replied, " my lift pain m

dreadfully.""Thnl s bcciittso you wear shoes two

gca too ftnull for you."1'bcn tbc trouble began once more.—

Jktruit Pool.

!V«thiNK Like I' Is tliia seat engaged ?" aaid n wtber

bright looking middln iged lady, skp<[>iug up lo a gentleman lazily leoliuiRfan a Mew York Central railroad car neat.

"No, nm'aa>," said he."Well, then, I will occupy it if yon

" Certainly," nuid the gentleman."But before I uit down," said tAxe,permit mo to Buy that tbe weather is

very witrm to-day ; that tbe air is close ;tbut I am uu my way to Rochester to seetoy sister ; tbat her name ia Joneu ; that

have no other relatives there ; that Ieipect to return by tbu West ShortRoad ; tbnt tbe political feeling in our

igbborbciod io apparently growing forBlainc, and if a woman may bo permitttdto guess on the Bubject, I tbink be will

5 elected."As she said the last word sbe settled

into her seat. Tlie gentleman saw thspoint and didn't apeak a word till Ibecar reached tbe next station. Then begot out and bought ft cigar.

Young Bigger cnllei\ on Mudclir.n lastevening and was BIIOWU into tho parlor,where lit; found Mubel lcokiug ut tbnatimtl liislorr. He greeted her with a"Good tvening.sisiy, how are you tliia

its bouse, 'yilis is a new variety of^.lovi) (bat burns." Tbc fljmes weregoon treated ot tho young mnn bn<l beenpreviously cervcti. They were put out.

A physician says it is not healthy towalk unless one has snmc object to walkfor. A mnn wbo started out a few dnyiago on a collecting tour, and returnedhome with thn outskirts of but cont mutilated, and a pica? bitten ont ot himwl

by a chunky-beaded do?, any* sometimes! cloud ; tin zed by \m creditors nnd mistit in not healthy to walk even wben onelone tnoroioor. l)oabttut wenlhnr you'll• . * . * • . * • I . . . . a . . .

eort lit: did not wimt to rectify.— ••> • • •—- —

A Newark tu ami fact ure r recently senta letter to u lawyer in St. Ltmist nxkiugnbont a derelict th'1'.lor mimeil TnuK-The lawyer didn't mo nuy way of Retting

g ?""Ob , I'm pretty well , Bay, can yon

•my y out of tie o uud toM tlittrutb iu hm fiuinii-tgone up thu river ; left town under a

nd*iii»B,Mr. B.RB«r ?"" Well, sometimes ; what ia it ?"" Ob, it'n one of Liua's ; alie nHked me

wby you were like my bunny rabbit.Cuu you tell thut ?"

" No, I'm sire I'll bave to givn it up.Wby mu T like ynur wbbit ?"

" Cos tbe moHt 'spicious part is youruars ; Hint's wbnt Liuii siiyH."

As Linn cam01 ripping dowu the stairs* > behind

TbMirs). Uw HlnMer was 4"My boy, what are you doing witb

that cigar in your month ? Throw t t»tilthy thing away," said A clerical look-ing mau to a liootbtack who stood neartbe Olobe hotel puffing a cigar. Theurchin looked up at the man with aninjured air, then shaking bii bead said;

Nnw yer don'l, I'm onto that trick.That's what tlie kids tells me when I'mflash and smokin a twofer, to theycan pick it np. But when a lad ean'ktake a smoke without an old chap likayon wantin' him to throw it away, thenthere's • case for pity,"

Beaching into his pocket, Ibe benevo-lent boy brought forth tbre« eenta, My*ing, as he held them ont to the ibtuhedgentleman:

" Here, take them coppers tnd buyte for, yvraelf. but don't ask me again."The doien or more men and boys wbo

bad collected aroaud tlie pair shoutedderisively as tbe minister turned and)walked away.— Syrncuie Herald.

DIDN'T NEU> IT,—A guest at a country

hotel, after vainly trying to sleep, turn-moned ibc negro waiter and firmly laid :

Look hero, what the deuce am I go-itigtndo about theso mosqaitoeR ? Theyiro about to eat ino up."

' ' Sorry, boss, dnt we had to put yer indin room, but it couldn't be helped."

" That's nil rigbt. Mo doubt the inten-tions of tho establishment arc good, butconfound it, yon don't want me to be>'ittcn up alive, do you."

" Ob, no, sab, doan wish to barmrer."

"Well, wuy don't yon give mo a mos-qiiito bar ? You've given one to thatman," pointing to a bed on the oppositeaiilooE Ibe room.

" Yen. sab.""Wby, then, can't I luvu one 1"" 'Case dar's only ono 'lowed to enflh

room, but I'll take the one frumnerman, sab, nnd give it to yer."

I dou't want to do tbat. He willcompbiin."

" Oh, nn, sab. He doan need it."" BccauHo bu's dead, safa."


stockings ? Yes, they're all tste go,"«>id a Chestnut street hosiery dealeryesterday. "Bu t thut isn't tbo latestcroze, by any means."

What is tliu latest fnthian then r"Wti.y, <m BatnrJny morning I bad

three young lady customers who oame ianoil bought tbree pair of red and threepair of black buse. I was somewhatHurpriseil and asked tho object. In enchcase I vena told tbat it was not consideredtbe proper cui>er to wear two red stock-ings nitw, any more tlmn it is to weartwo block oiiea."

' Well, what on earth were they goingto do ?"

Wenr oue of each kind—u KATlelstocking on one toot and a black one ontbc other. It's a fact, I as tare you, And)tbe fashion is griming ground, for tliia

lorniog I havo bad several more cu«-toinera on tbu Bimo errand. Black undred, yon know, nre striking and at I hemime time becoming contrasts."— Phil'

• • • • < « T V M e i .

l i .a.uobj.ctlow.ilkfor. ' get »nj tiling hy prf

A Cincinunti lawyer collected &25Obounty money for an orphan girl andpocketed every cent of it, and he thinksit strange tlint aim shoolilabont it.

Page 4: CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1. 6. · NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on


Tie Dover Printline Company,


TtTE COURT IK F E W JERSEY. M-diri.Koftl.rrtnU.Kjf t i e rfeetion j Mr-

i [..« * . . • ] ; have now hi H I i . c . ived nt tht> [ "f i!ti<

' , ! .'tD.iuif ihu K f t u t u r y i.t Kt.tlv fruiii , v n j - w " k

1 i-cjiinly , 1 1 . )<t l lud-gii . wlmt-l!:i.-cimMf-ip'R i |*J|'j ^

wr.rk. ami IM IH-CU ordi-rul liy iLu rmi r t to j , . ( i

u i . . t iiKiiiticn frMuy. 'I h<> olli. iul tin**** l:lI,'*,..

" U r an- kii»*n, rhou-h no: f'>nnully w , , , , ,

•Ii, ,,.<!. Tli.'!nt=il vnt.' llll>»' S:i.U- for ! li-iv.

! OUB FBIKFOB ABKOAD..f.1.,1,1, Atnn, I _ LtiKUUS. O.t . 1.188*.n.t^4 iiii.ii i \*;t' At tlm Atiif'ri.'jiu I/.v*hli.tiii£u rii!ii|>iHiiit; i.ur7 ' I wriuiEPML-iila (or ri 'tuminS lioin.'. A little

lli'iit iii.'tnory ' Uiiv. 0 tuber Urnl. left Lmnlmi bv >'- W. K.t.lf.rnritiuii iii • K .' m .•:•«) A. M. AS we hail tlic "cumupe to

Tin- Prohibitloii vute iu tft l r Nmiuual rote SV.


fr'i l i i cf Hi-!,- v-tl.'s ni N.'W Yurt

Bn.wiit . ' l«il1 tuki m.uii'riiy- v 1

iK WJI|i'.t-ll. IrMl *rh-lh.rit Will

rc-uU i- . lul ' l f ' i l . "V ,Mti orl j

Tills !•; 1 •

furland I. J.'ll! i:;:;. fur HHIIIT ;; !:>•

•Hi- St. Join•StHlt- for lit.iiu



a -.rul .

iucil,' tli' i

mil In

.*•„ ilmt t,,..h |...rli.

• • i u - l i u of Hi,' l),iMnnui

ii,! W.irn

fV h..(.MI

„!.-[ \.ilH

Tin- .1 'lni I1. S t . ,Mmni-i li.rn* IHTII tiurue

••!>..,1.1/' Will

i ,1M*. II. llvijt

ult »C II..-tu«-ii!'hi|t.

i.l lliusr

j*-c .1,-HUt-a. Ui'iw-Ut-ilT.M.k I rain f..v Ktnfford i.1:lil took r-arnii.'f fi.r it i

l l

wr t-.nllll (i

Avon navc. H,HPiir.\-hi o)il-fiiHlii(iui<<l

I l . it 11:15.•. M. AtNlitiktMi-


iH, li'Iv <•!)-.•. . j - rn •-*.•i.-mj.t !" iii;li


ml. rl .v1 . : , , I; llliyvi ; , l , l . l 1h l i u ' i M l ' i - ' J i - t i i K - i i i i i - ' - ^ . r ?

lr;:Mint l l l i -yeMrol lli.-i-l.r!i..B t.'..»MK il

feiirof tbe five m. n.ln-rs of II;-.- H'u.r.1 o

K,.(mb!if.n.s w. n>tr>"T<<> s-tt-iil I l.f StudSilll[.!v tlfflllriC tl-.l-V itlr.isK.-il '.ll.ll 11,f ithll-hhnukl <"> ilHi-riuiiml l>y iUu> iinx-tr.* olnw. Ti. iiitUin.. their fulluwi p, tin Ueiuo

(vlebrnle the .•i.ctirmuf Cl-'Vi-lnml nil n vtb-vuiiiilrv. wii-u Un'.v ki'..«* -liat liii .-I.-.1

-1, 1 UL- vr*-vnt ![«.,. I Md-r:.',. tl..' M.

i.'urli-li- wtllbi ' t]-en IIRIIIII Clinirt.]

risiin Inr iff l,i!l only t i^l-- t l .u l . i l , uliiU of Ihfi !'•iitnl fur llm in ti'Ju to u»nnrl.v OIK- Lmnlrtdi .n! re

m-uU-r.d c-.tUiti IU«U MrlicSjii'uk.r Sim! Mr. M O Mmil nf the Wins uml Mir.i,

Hie Chin


iniT. nttied tU* y*nrivtTtl.UOU ljii»buh> ofuuioBS.A ni'cti'riowii bay hut gained ti<u incbas ii>

njij^t iliirin- i l iepnn Uii luoutljB.J:io. t'iuiii:iu. culored, of Wuahlugtoa. loat

ii tlniiuli mid l l n ^ r tbp other A»y. Hi* RUBvi-ut [>«"-

ICusine Cit. of N.'Wton, will hold.! hop t vo ovouln«», November

L'-lli m\i.T


:i,.ir,u; itlui

At ib^fHiicnilof Mn. JUS. V. Vou«bt, atjiltt\(-IU<. ni.t luilit-K, wi r ing •uouruiaeudijH. w t e h i . p . l l U i r o KTliv

dii"! tiud u rkiuiymibU- to eolobn.W

i-1 nlntil tf> Inn.i II ITV*MI1 H,,r;i>.' iu .'lll^v. 'J'Lc |..M«r• liiiiijlhut lli.'.v

hi.l In- (villoftfd Irillu ii Si'w York IIUUH.-

Thf> in Ilio k'ff't PfiiH,-riitii'ioiiiitv <>t U'iirri'ii uuxmilv 111). Itiiu-,', r.H'iM nil nlimit in.l.iliiliiiii wtiou tlu'j-ofr. Tlirv only VI11 it lo fuol ttoinililicHim.

i. linl will! l-i-.-.niHMiiu.i.n. Tl,, ,-ii.' .iCI.i- 'riK''.liiliu K. Vim Svr!(!<•, at Diiti-Ii...!«<• (NIXV I-.M,,,.vul.) uml II I,! 1 ! will. I viitf, » ' : I IWN t-miiiiv, «:<- Ixiriird I>N TIIUIM.ivy urt ' l i . l i i-nce (ilimh'.l nil ill.' h|n.l fit Iln- di.y f.f lntl we] ; , i.-lni Itllili

. . . . I ! . . 1|L.L .l'L..kl.L. . . I . . . . I I . .1 I . . . . . . . . . I . . . »IL. [ l . I . I It " "

• i i - u r t h r j i i ' i - | i i ' t r . i l i . r i t r U i i ' i i n u - i i u f h I i l U , h

l i n n i ' l i ' ind i i ! l ) i , m - ! i M r . W i l l i i u i i

• H v : , l , ! . I ^ l j l H l i i > l > l H - i ] l > l l i - . & < - .

• I'll W i l L ! « „ . - v.-.-ll . - . . I I \

•\r\ Tuyliir lnw b.'cii »imi IC'-utticky fttid J^i

ti-d lo a m; H'U'lmimn

j Jli , , ,Hl'-lll !•


I Mi.. 'I'! - I[IIII:II

•,<4 (lint

' llllfl Ills SIIW

1'hft L'Hildrea'B Homo a'. FarBi]ipauy,

imrtv "f %Tiif iicl

K.-v. Tlin.i. Cui-i

M i - A.n-lii. M

mil Mr. W. C.

ml Uw, \\,-*h-)

flf lt»c1illW


bi'H* IOV..V-..1.'1 ..I..1 11,,- n.»l 1.. -iMr.Pj.irit <jf iln; '•Iti-l .•nt.-.-'- i

b.v tin- iiri'i""1'-'11 <**•- "il'S'i'1;

in, I:,," •,) C^.N

.•t-nt.1! innir. ll'i.l lln-j-ii.'ln bi'fui-t' tin' ii.i-iii.ii itii'jtn-uif-'li' Muteuif ihc Nurilib u n tin Ui.ili.iiltEii.ii'-t, Mainwl.udi.1 a.ii -in fin.', tlmt in 1Cliti-. ! uiti'j. i-liftiriu, tli*' h..mi

.fill.' lviV.liii J


cl.-t- 1. Yi.II

il Iic.jutrib-.iUtl !ljr.-L'f.-". •tl.-,«( t

II lit .Ml'. IHn-.i..ii r-tiv.l»\vill iln Hi.'I J- I.<.'''!'. t i lit i i .«'<-•»>- tel l ii D rti l ! l l i - MM,

i . . . i ] | (l.:,t (I,.-1 i.n,,,,,,,<\.- l,,i,-t,,M vv. t Ii.liidu'. Writ. Ii'l III.'

ut ( I .l' lii-l fi••(i...;,in

A lid c'i'li,'

ml.*, thi' t<l|) i | iH tll.r. |-|.i-

lll.V l .D-

liis Mil.-, Lin iiiuiulil<'> Mi-Hi- IN 111.- -;,:>„•i-liurt-li it n v.'rv iiM i'f mi .Mfhiiiflmli.Kin^lifM in,,) lm]i.<»i!i II.IIHI].' -with th.irli>ii>i]».|,.il>,L-.,|..lil>til^.,).»M|-<l.ll.M>tlll,I.M.v..flhl>t'..II.M. A I M , I til.' I I U ••ll.-llulH111 im Ihv U J I I ni'iir 111- ulliir. Thf I'liuri'ltImi! lii-fii di>i:«ii'iil"il r . irH;irv.»t Siiii.iiiv, ainlltti> vi'iutT unvi-iir, MIIIIC KpiJKK iifwln

•., in.;...-. m t l l i H 'ii mtin-


uf I '

lli:'t lir Ht-nriltYil 11 . . . .t<, ^1^11 H.UIltl! ll-UII »«

Uiiinuli'd ;n..l ;,i-" li:,,i \,

Tiii-'.l.llk-i' r


ULHI i* tlic

ii I iila''tli, [mill I,.',;\wA Imvh

l.y I In-1-In K;i,.

ilfliiill V

>' ll Ti-W ili.Vri li-n. Will, Hint illt.i Iln: winI'Hili'iili.lly ili.'t IIIIIII,t imi lii-t iiwiiy I'm

lit,* Illl-lf flllllX l l l l l l l . l I.

• IMIiittri.-iit.v-

t» hVi;.l IlurliiiK,

•ti.viT ,>f <' t .vt ' i i i i i i i

i Mo-II><iiiii< ti'ly

Tlit' vmi in-win.-'l,

" V t t i l r j *Ti'«! r i r —\v t»' • i.'• ri'piuii-.l fur iliuiii'mill we ti-li Him >vi>

itlxillt "I Ji,-t- " - i l l


mi. tvnini'.v.

rlili> i-itiiiis n-iTi

I'^lii's vv li-.ifiil ilii-' w(.i-k i-ftiir

ritllif'.l Iln- i-lul.t <if'olii' ,'yti. ilu HUH ri'lnovriltn mi I'.Vi tiitiriinn> in New Vinrb. K.'iU'rlnii'iTivt'il .'rum him HIT not y r ry

W. 0.Carriage Trimmer and Furni

ture Vpholiterer,M iMttti STI.KP.T, DflVEB, N. J .

:. old nii-t

ill. Tlifv

tbi- h.inn ll

i u U r ^ l h o f

1'wti) tlii>


i,il !.: Mi i i i - .U. - i i t i i r lM'

l l i . - e K'ftl-t, vvubX ,i>>

•, . . |>« ' | ' i -«f IhvNot t ! . .

nMili i- tltirtlly!. .1 '

lill.-d tl-rtt tl:,- HilU.-r -I

jiiillrv iu r-VK-b i'«*t- Fiiru

l i t . i-i ll.iiii; i- iifl.nii;. '1 r..f 111.i.l"f otlll'-HT III!.! lll'i.ltli. Til . iv.-ull

•ii.',-lml,h>. nt'1' Ki--ilil.

- ln.- l r....i.i;...III»!-.

I - i - in a .<>. \Y. I


tnl in Ni'U- VMIL I-;ji,- tlw


littl!' uml

Till! llejiulilifiu

'Ihu Politl SL.utlon lop itt Lit-t.

•J'IR' jnw bnntt ubrny of llt-v. Dr. I

liuve K-iiui-d :'-' Con

ii L'unfuhrauy npiiear

tu fi-» uitfreJ Hie sill'

Itun. Ilnll.r'ind.St.

liitiRsi Bettk'd by Hie re illt.

Lt two of 1L


r.ilftiys Ihi

The i.iT'Ux-i-l of (iron r't,cauw or Kr.-«t rt-j.ilfinc lit Utn

•flif Solid Houili ri'ji.k-t-s•' AppfjUinVox lin.r-a bi-*1!! r*:\'< tsf

The [joimlur innjority for Ulnino in thTJorthf-rn Hlutt* is marly

lU'v. Dr. Burclinrd itiKnvn nl.oitt nf tuticof politic* us I(.'V. H. I). Oj>uyl;i\

In ILo »],(,!,) t.f tho Stftlc nf Delaware KlJohn i>0.U'd .ir. votos mid Butler ti.

If CluveluLiI ban Buy ^rulitiidu left !i*liouM jt|>|H>iiil St. ,1,,'ID 4f tr-turv nf tttntc

Tlio facl ibut Pr. BurvliRnT still live»how« (but the foul killer i-u't iitl-mllnK I

One HHtirfuciian h tlmt if t i l ing go wrontbe Dcniocrntx will linvti lo lukiui wflli HifCMt Of UH.

ih.'ir fnvnrw iDemocrnry f-.i.j-ht In

tlint >tn)irtir.

PLcljm Mn i-"!i votrtt Hb«>ml of his tir

Wilb twowpeltHniorccif Stovi'iiHim'HUiirci

lio would liitvo .lonblcd thin.

Ttio cnuw nf ttmptraiico was DCVCT ti

«!T«ctimU.v dsumKi-.i (luiii liy the nctioi

the probibitinn crankK last wwk.

Tbore't a i;oatl stiuk of CdugrOHnl

timljcr Rroifiiig it, ,'its^ic count.v in

ttomdvr -lolin \V. (irinfis.

Ouo Drniocrnt ut lenst—1'rf-lnn Htr«Ja—1>4** tiu4tltPwinilHO ttiovnwRlily kowout of him that h i cHtrnul even cry " fra

8L Jflbn liml only T>7 wtfM in tlis I*(cmtic counl v of Byr^i-D. TLc Dtinorrai

fill CoRgrt-idps, i::ts4Potttr, 171

Tbc fidkitil c u n t in I«tonnl nlslriot H nu follnw

Tho ProliibiliouirttN mtre biotlms BRonbnut how St. John vKatiMx. Tho Stntti {{iveu Itluiuc

Him-e the cli»clion Ibut trnu l>nr>?iit fi

St. John. Lax bpfti hunK uml burun] in

effigy in many parts of hi» o*n Ktato of


Mr. I'helpH' plurality in ttiiri .liMrict 1

li.L'lil. HL> MciiTtd a,JU.'J iu Pmtraic anc

Ay.' io Moni», while BtettDscm got 3W in

AH soon as it beenmu con^incad thatCleveland *AH elected the World befitcry out for more tariff Injuring. All rK0 an with the AIIOW.

It is KlAttd tbktout of tbc $1511,(100 con-

tributed lo tbe Dftuocratie campaiffii fui

by Mr. Vunrtertnlt. ,*(!(», IKHJ was neut into

New Jersey and s!H),()(K) into Indian*.

There wan great rejoicing iu tbe iron, tin

and copper dintrictK of England ov«r tlie

•npixmrd flection of Cleveland, in the lieliel

thai it would break down the tariff m d in

crei««> tlie muUl c>potts to tbwcouulry.

A writer in the Ken- York Tribune t»yr

that New Jersey was ltepubHcun nix days

before the election. Tbrte thpunatd Totem

were transferred from the Itepublican to thi

Democratic raukx by the llurcfaard spcen.

«od D^inocratii! OIOULT.

FJT.I Like wns a Uopiiblicaa caadiilate for

the Aweoilily in Cape May County. Tb.

Prohibitioni^ run a candidate BgHinRt lilm

notirithritaniliDg Liko is 4 MtthoJiHt church

memWr i.tiil a [»ronouocci] tempi ranee nmn.

Tbc Prohibition vnte iltfuated him.

Well, uotind; can deny thst Illnioo tnode ii

glorious flftlit. GrtAtHi-ott: but how mat

became to carrying down the wbolu crowd

of bin n.iitil eseiuibB—D^mocr*!", Vrol

tionistH, Phirirvea, 4lDi»vmm|iH. Solid Houlh

•nd alf~iu bin treiutrdouri nnstl. He is

leader of Itadern, indet.1, and no fnir umi

willd.'hy it.— I'titercon Vttvs.

lhf>LkiiUtitH nf HiB mleJI Altl to LrJ IIIAJ^ il

H»lem tonuty op Henalor, and in one or two

Amenably dhlriute. Tho DemocniH ate par-

ticularly inlyi-cfiled in the Ha!em connt, an a

am*U goiu there would give them Itu: control

of tbe mat* Senate, and uiotfeer vote for

United BtaUa Senator in 1887. T ie Itepnbll-

m m a n confident Ibat \b,*y -will bdft tbe

i»- Joritj of thirteen and possMj inenwo* ' | ^

Kn-rv innllH'rhyii

> 11 liini,!-

Tlii- l,i.!i.> »r tin* IV. C. T. I'-iif> thi' l:iclirP ul' Ilif HMin,iii],r W, <", T. I

. In-t \\',.,lni'^lfiy nil.'in i uii.l lln-i

U.,v 1M.I1 ,I ri-lil thii" l.';.'.-t!i'-l-.Mis. MiU'.V At nf SMinhii|ii', itli'd nt hi

-.'-•iili'K.'.- in !li;il h.nii lust vvi'cl;. Shi' wilirl.ivi'i! iiml t.sjiH.Jr.l I.VUll will) lilli'WlK'l-

Ih. .\* 1.1Mr. Wm.

JJ U h

II. s.a,-!,!,..!,.,', I r

Jwniwl W* RUBS »n-vtimir-ilif iiunii'l* in I'm! Muniri.; i.t Iln'I'.'i'Kii.vti'riiitiriiiirHiici'ii ivvivifl mid ni<'i'lMii.-.\tnt Hi- n-Wr,.,'. ' nfMr. W.

uli., liil ' V.n*

kin.M.v luok into ll>i- t . .if tin'-.T li

im-»»itr<-of Ilir huinl (iii.l w.tlly iV],i,.

HH.ylivcH. Wl.o, thiit 1I;H a f*|nirlf nfitvipiln-MMil.r.TM.i.i.rl to tin* r

li>iikli> itvi'rllVfM.twn )>ri»nNi-', Iiinwi'i-d to clusc fin-toi-ii-f1« mil I' Imi iiniluilitv II ni l I(lute iilnl iirdi'l- iti.' iniiiiuiilt-tiiri

it HiftV \r\l yavM*\P lllivt . . . .vill mfiifte to t.» tl..'1 HII.1 in in thciiiM'lviu at UsHI.'UBC it IM Iiiir-l ti " '

lir.|.1 I In- I'll

it-.l fiii-1.In tlio

with like i i i '

Full I l i w p M

t tli' ' 'I'lf'iiff.ll )..,(!rrii'«

I'.llHT.l. hi thfi utiiox UI..1

ll-.u.'.'-d'r mty I lrcil-

om. tho 1>, L. & W. Iti.ilnmi


ivi-r tha

liniil-i.'.',i.t«' tlii-.v lii-li.-v.. In tl.rnf iii'iriri-tliiii, Tli.-y ffii

ii« Imstitlty tn tli

it their l.iih-iiilt'tl-un-Hdiuiccr

rrnlfL1 pnrtv ticciiir!tariff, niHl thpy willilnwn tliiin riitnrcc jumi.intift'lr'Kiiljitf.oi, LI- I>VI> n-itiitu.n. WVvi-Uiwt t i n ' llv>- Semite «f lli.luite.t Sum-- rniiiiiii- Ifi'iniUlioiui. mid wil'liiiHi-lii'ifc fin- the jtrrwut uiiv lc-isUiSm..>V tiii. kiml. tin' ilitm^"i.>[i hi tnxiiwonhl In- vimtl.V BrtNiti.p tbuii it I-. Hut In ov,,. ),>•«• so,,,, tli, S--i,i.t.i nmy full int<111' llllllilH (If l1lC IIJIJIdMtllHI, Illlll till- VI'HIHMIH'U of 1-rini'iriitio -IICCSK itill l.riitK-liMof tin- ui'Vi-n 'tit i» ti

» • Had T M Miny Huibindi.Ti.r .r .v-'i.r- ,. '<. llnrvi-.v Hull, » pnitnhit-ti

of l

l^iuisn lir.'i'ii, Hiifi|ic>Htiiu tliitt Hlif iviirfniitnw. A KIKHI lime imo Mr. Hull i-t>u-.'livitij; witii licr. l.m nuiil ii(it)itn« im In tliniisfiti. She Limij-ht *uit icr-'inM Mm ti> ri.n[,i'l him In r.ujniurt tier. Tlic lii'f.'ii.liint thrinn.lf the HtiiiMiiif,' rlmrCr tlmt lie Imil ill•nviTi'tl tli;it fIxi> (iliitititl' )mil two uthi'i* Inn'Hlidn. Tli O.I- HIM tlitn Bili-nuiii'il tn t-l.1.1c tin- |>l»iutitf tf. iiroilnco tvidfitcf ill'mivinjt thf ctririic, MIIL' cliiitm-d tn liavtecn divorct'il iu lltali fr«m one 1I\I*UIMH1 awlhit the ut IUT mi- WM <lr»il. The fuel i.f 111.

nl ]>Ti!>\wrtl of II iUvi>m-Tin- i.hitit!tflin« lir-u i

ii. Tlio a w , cffiiis to theliM. linit ircjiUil u urcut nc

t IIUTtl..- nlt.«-r

uiiti'.l, with

Weekly Iron Beport.


ith thi

iinniri-. We i|iF.iiKi-lry, (]!'-

nun fiw $l.w 1.

lition vf theRI1 iron iti H



iLrM.K.l< c(.i,|;. l ' .^1 .'1.4.1, T i l

ii' Fiitnm

StaHHOPC,rimnMtl.lli..' 1IH1I


li hMt Sii lilm th mil i . tci i i ' i . t i . the

Illilfj KPNIII'll WHH," Thn cr'-nitii:


•' Znt-

•\\\U fiifn fvw »I!IP«. Itfiwlinll.-m T.n.k i'(i1> tn I'Hiiicri- l,;iiMllti« Stnui' In

niTiiiinr Ifiiuiir v<iyuu->"ii tlic Auxlml. tvj.i.ut,i l,'\v iiimi-sjii rilling imd iviilliiliti nlmiit Mil'

in li'iidci- for lln'sliiji, I'mintl inir rimiii_....iiiillv lo.-nt^l. Tl..'(•<,.]or I i.i* fri I

try. IH.'Jfiii, ot Vtaliiik'liiUit, uud ^ v b i v crH-iit* nt till! Oiilii.' lul>l«-. ,1H W.' liiiblird one

v.-niiii! inciil tin'Ai.^lfil lut'iii'd hi Ilii- Inn

MilH . t Hi fu I M I I I a t ,, Tho »h»ihiwviiHUfitlci'd tihuni H i»'cl»n;k uml <-o|itiiiiii-il tn*invml until U liwl U«Wi".i cvtsvy M1TW.V rnv

t <l::ui. After tlvn tniimlcH it lini ul' I IK litlltfollRli ttiL> rttiflilirw, lirtore inlilnlulit

I k i l l l i f l Ti

i.ulil hiivi'IIH-II H.j .vi;Klio wiw II

inly llfl.v .vfi

H hui-liil in-t Frhluy


Painttag tha Town 1*4.H'K diHK|'!lLM'flll hl'CIK-ll III till- pPIICIl) ri'.l of ]uti-* ill Ncwtou thill

ilnci- in- fimr prnow nivo rmiriidcmblo i f th iy hml kejit «ut ulil, imnidHt ttiroutili town wflli..('(•«. 1.1'i.iiiiirinnd tin huruH. Thi-y (illffl tbunir with tli(.-ii-Hhoiitn nnil ciirncn, it'uJ

lint Die ran n"1 ' bobtaill llu- tmv

thix tliey i. liunt on ui.s4li.ef. Ami in,1 mi*<-n. I'fivntc In

in.1 (l..fl-

y y iiilit^. ilicii tlioy Himntuil, fin

fl-n tin- -t-.irs. witli IIIIIOIIIS im lireii tin- tln.i-- of (lie MIUIIU, nuil ii< -Iron (lie rhil.lri'ii out. ulitmxt rrriik-. u-li|.-h iip(Klit Inivc pniviil futiil.r>|H'i'iiH<ii nf IheDetiKH'rntie ]»nthwill he entirely (no umcii nf it, milirt tin- viiifC of lill dtcctit [wrsdii

Miy tlmt PV.ry «m- eii|im£pd ill iiitl n iii'i-ttur or i>inti<-i]iuinr, dc»prvf-n

• o,»l luT^wlrfpi^K. W« h. |K never to w-tin- lil;.- iifiiiti.-SHHHfX K.-«iHtor.

A Btkool T«ach«'» Itaath.Da UVfltii'xiliiy nmriiitij; curly HIP lif

limly i .n ' i ' i . f .T. ],. Strong HUH fi-iniil 1ni'iir tin' trm'kn <•( Iiw X.'W V.irk fcCi'i-cnwtKHl L:ilif lltdliimd <u I'<ii»]itnu towu^!.i].. The i,,xly W.IH Jvi>iK f'tici- duwu williitiitf uxiiinlii l . IH ii id WIIH foiinil l» Imr,iin/i'il irniii the nimitti ami nimtriln!m,l,v t i l s romnv.'d to ,i ticiyl.lii.rit.K


it II iiiilrii


ill-tuiici' ulmvc Mi.lvulf edition.H lived in r.rnitni.n trnvtmhip and nunnl till' (nililic solinnl nt 8toui'tu»

vU'Tiiii or iiuy i'mil piny, Imt It in tlioiiylil tlmtlit- .lied i>| ..m iiricjinV of the brar t n r hili.inu'ki.l vhilf mi liU wny limnn. Atlirst ii WII- tiu.uulil tlmt hi' iniflit l i m e ilii-I'lfitii iiijitrii>« r t i i iv,-(J l.v 1>fini{ lliruwn off tin[rink l/y n TTMI.FI. Imt tlilx i« mit Iwli.-vi'ij ti


What the Feople AlkAll Iln. ln-n.ilf n«li U ii full-, liom-Nt i-DNUt

In- of :i mini 1'lim.oti liy tliclr


Diiiiiii'nitii'hliill' II

lltlc t)l']l>ll)IHimiliiliUe lie must h»vul liliinUTtotliecoiili

li -, iimt [f they i'udi.uivtir to

..-liin.lx nf tltrtiMiim i). \\w'l.rli.m In inliiimil wurk HK-IIIt ir. til V lid]

in. It IIIIII iqipartntly 1

mi'thi>].imHi(.nr.of tlteirTotfm

ii]i t j trin flghtluif point, but

.K.I tWv will hitrv Buffi."

in wt itiriiMilri-riuiiaKi_ . . Him1 tin1 »dvlrn wo invr .. . .

wr i t Htill IIIII<IH JJI»1^—l«**p i«iet nu«l nwrittin. nfliuin. (•(.init.iiiid wlU'ii it i>mue« nist-ept

Row th* Boyi'' I'et.rl.y ti'ok bin little bi.y mil f»n

mIk limt Hntiiliiy, iinil im they pii«wd un.lei. rif-vMiuiii anil' Ili-ndrlukii banner, the 1 It lieL-ll.ltt' a-U'll.

•• I'u, wluU dm-tvlio menu V•• Vi,-i- IUIHIII. wicked."•• Ilieti, pit, why i»ti t Mr. C'li-

utir t«r V i i - - l ' i m i l ™ H 'mi id .TIKI f«o l'ttt>rhy

i friend, "AH drill

ill r


Bookawaf Phannaey,

if i.iiri- ilnij,'* nnil inoiUriil gltt-w, l>byatr>inn>-

A i-uni|iU'H- iuci, fiincj- nrtifnwi-riptlons

They U v . th. Work.•Why ir. il Hint the employ*

IIIIIH' .illii-f lire nil liulii- V rliin iij.jiitrv ul lier luixtmin]." Will,"nrmwrrcd Mr. Ilmu ti, •• themutia-•t»iif ttm t<>U-pUond poiunnnj- » r w tiWArvml iincIii^ofcinpit.yf-MK'i'i'k Mr faittfully

* . t l tnw win, wprc in lure with llirir work.iliit. llivy VM,-V tliut imlh'» wnuld lw fnml i>1thti work Iu tolejiliumi ufllec*."

"Wliut la tbi*wi>rk iu u U'le|.hr.tiu office f""Talkl


. • I . . ,1 'II .^ , iriii* 41

1.1. iii.'lii il u'tifi-i- i l . . ' 'i!inir. Ordrrn fur nil kin:ln• • • ' • ' • p . l l l l j l l l l l f ^ l l l ^ l i | " . i i r i l I H i III II n i l 1 | l . • • ! : "J v , . _

Ilk* II >||. ..I.t I I I " m,.l :,\ li ! •««..> «n.l prminiHv »I«O.IM.!*>l 'rn.t . »aii.«|iml«»t Hi.'IJuilimlmlInn- [ A t ! • .1 . N. l i r .u . l . . . Tin

1|' Jlr. JHIS lllJf-. Ill (111' Slllltllfril Tl'^llh|HII't. I I dll#di«a •VadUHMBiWaiMkV'tniinvi'll i i' Hill'li'-l lli.J lii'l'xi'H.n.uii.llliiM'll. H..!,. uitli'i,- ,,,i tli,' fo' nt i l" ' Idiiiiinniit A. II. HI. mid wmii-filllK nlilHti

lcr nn.llinil<'ri nof ii[>lir>tMiori

. Carna^i> t r icm,uo,k-r*to


HvlX'Mi'lr, N. J., Nov. l i t h , 1H8I.

Mitry A. Kii v,

.Hi'Vlltivil till' WH..f *W\i*, I'llU-IVll tilt- KllllVl. y j . ; r,,,,),)!,, 'fil.l iMki'ii d wnv itinl I.LIILI-II HUE IMI llm i ,' ' ,, i , , . . . ' 'i-il.v nuil rlu-raiMl tln> KiL-tKluwji. A li.'ai.tifi.l ^ ^ i , , , '„,„,.;pi.'tiiir fi i. IIIIII. i.l |Mwtlierltlv uml |i.nri'. R W . lluwV.

i i>l.l Imlv i'\lill>it.'<l t . .I liiillt'tn, mill", rmi'ki'i'i', niiijif,luiilni liiiiiiiiriiflii'i'i>»-ii. In iln-• null- In tin- (Inimi'inir !liidn<-

rtlJ.M.Jirn.i.'k., ,;,..] in Tri

• 'Tint- nLUurvl*\ ifi'LilV'.


V. 'l,.liiin.'n.

Midilnti ttmitluMisn K. A. rilov<'iK. WelHP,

Tiohtnin my oHlu-»lmrc lettert say " u l '•ertfst'il"aud aim dotonf this Int.

a C. HIKCflMAN, P. SI.

Itiljuni.1''I'wil I'-'tKiii'j'li'ii'ir ilitfn*>i«'il!»iliTiiri! M . Quality nuil workmaniLf|iortl .ebeit.tlds r.-niitii.' nf <>.ii< l.i"l iil^hl <m Ktimv. U r My tlunkM Tor liberal pa t r imagcn Ihu paat.,,! .u l,,i n l | h | m ntinn. UV

il thut tLif titiiu uitwt vmnuill UtVVl l l ih

|f>iii'[if.viiic "i.i-oilli- iil'il l.jrh

•t tllf -ltlll-1- Hi.i.-Hfiiii. Miivwcliiitlilutl.v I

l''l '

NAKHIK.l.r.U, «l «»Illmim. it**

m > . K. ('..l.-

L U I S K I U S C E t Stiinlmpp, OctolicIIUli, by Bit'. -T J. Croiin, Uiwee W. Clnu*ennlMl^H |.l;i H,,,,,.,., Hnuglitni'uf Mi. Intni'.-l«i- Hui.of, nil «rstiinbnin..iViBti.ii, liui-hvltftonn mid

pupm ftlniuc cnp.y,

n butl

lll.lllltCHvf have .i• 5-Off

I p(t«»rll

«a«t. Ui.«n4 **»Arriviil ut guciiiHlowii nt If) W«H<<<1in tlii> hiirhur loi- piiH)pii i>rH »*lm OKUHI UVi mloi-. Uml AR.iihl view of t in town .mil

tli< AUVHIIVA in tli» liitrliuT. rt>Hil>- Inr themail. It w.t* iimuiilnR to we thiHiitfrpriHiiK

pli! w.iiiu-u, n!w»|m]iir w:iti nnil ennc vi-ti-ilfi luliii,' tho bi.ur'. M I V , tn -i-H tliHr **,,Hl-tlt tjiirnDHlnwn in vlrioii. I'DHMXI Kant netM«ht n t» f. »i- New liy uru Ibrwn rui;kv1 k t tl,c Lull, thn <u.w, nixt llm nilf—very•IHUKIII.IH tu mivl nut lini, 'l'U« Unlit Immw {*,twf< iniliri from nhiirc <>u uti ol IV) nrKOf«.,t. i l in H<> M.i»!i Iu that,v, tli:«t!i irwc(t» In thn winti'r mi oiid cim vUit ii.Unit m-L'vitd ul H i>, it., l.'.t liy tit<> t'uptiilu;in Hit' i)vi<niii(t in thu Hni'iiil U'HIIII, I.MI I.V H INtfiillrilin Hit i)viNtfiil.lnril.

llilcimiiiit duv,»tili(tiJII; «l' thf t'f•loiuly, Kuw dolpliinn; HOUII<

*iiv u irliriU-.. A IIIHV.V Knmmltitr vewti'1 In pitch ami mitiiy ttm lit. Hntnc>tiu u'liuirkMi lUftt t»iUiU« \* *li.l ]>».•! 1i> tinK'ntlii'ii (,'iid, » ) > I H I I P , (ivt'n liy 1'hrintiiu>p.i|.li.. At iii'ini thn in port wnn W- nil letI'lir IDnrtor nlilc I., t<.u.l.u-l a i.niycr wrvlct.t U A. M. Our i>lv.inu'r iliiiiro on deck wcr,rmy nfortuhU'. WidkinK iil.out mid pinvHK-Intilp Ward vrn-v (!u> i>iwminim'. *

Oil. Tih., tmt fiuii'tfi1 M>« PritvM...i-ric.. Iliin A. M t.v l>r. IV!I. Tim fnir ..tin-. I'. N. ralhfd Inr thi . I "*

Onr vecniii—\m

iivi. riih. i'ioiiflvniiirniiijii r lrnrcr nkr tituniin. AEaili(!iiV(l(l|U>il | U ton Whirh litli,,]iitmiit 4 oYIcu*. Thofilrvr linlnji tn the miniwan VIT.V IttiniitUiil anil n* It njiroml over the

l.rlV,'loi,*i,'",Stl»'.'l«k IS, ! ' i S . " muntil dnitiiT I'ltllml l<> tliu •uttriiu-

Oft. !>th. 1'hf.v tnld iu IliAt al ii,id-uiBl

n» it W!i*Vl n'cliiL-kt'onc HtJoUHl. lii'th"- s.i.i!ii.l<- ii not tliu <|iilit nf tlmt It'.ur, tl.uuKbt nfmuiiy liiinjtM «iii:ucHtrd l.y tho iipnrup"liotno, HH-ret liwinr." We have withMi^iimiiiy ti'liirnliii! with hi* wlln millfrom llmitiiih. A will, tvw llllh.UniUK ,'» Join Hie futher In Kloridn. 1bruli'ti, two Imltvn «lwt Invr- l»t-in nitnthe winter tn HI-IUIII, Byriu, mid ninny ._ ,Itkt (lurm-Hts liiive wi*n (tnirnevltiK farlirailti urpnitlt mid iirt' hxikltitf forward (o

1 j w o k mid ihe J«y of li I-. A iMiuilKulinilag railed u - on di'.k. Tin- II i>YbVk-vi>.- iKit'ieri'.l M.m.' ..!' UR HI tl,r pi.riu»m. Tim HGU in cidiu uml worytUinK fiivomr vniiiKC l)i«titiii'i' mn from unou lo nnnitiniicH. lMciLimil | n walk on deck. Floil lH>at drill In tliu P. M. Mimic hi I'tfniiii;

Oi t . 10th. a till' m>m

M tor ihiTO I»V,,V.: f hi;n» <>old hut hrwins i wall-

luv u.ftui> 'mi i. «H * I , m r I'TT^iui' »ll.|t|Rr.l nullcrerylimly mnviHl to mm-talii tlic c:in»i*. Aleak in I lie coiiileimpt- ili'tnincd IIH atioiit halliu hour. Til.- «-.. w » » l m lit «|. hy t l "rimns *uu »t«l n tttviulty •.»(] kit the ilmtnnwinmlo il* Teel tli at wo wci-o nut f|Uitd uloti,.,AN thoiinyHiUitncrd the wm-cn [mt nn tlifIr

Itirui.tiut nn »tntrly i* her iiii-fmn that *:<•were not dintnrlicd. IIr. Tell led .ln> piuvorwnipo, Dr. Htmldanl mnintiiiii. Our recniriill iiiKin HIMIWI-I! :W inr thn 3-1 "iltcrnmiu wiml wnncold hut hn.UK tbc «li-rk kcjit u« warm ami c_food. The mttinct wan thr Hm-st uf thn vc

S«; tu «ntcti itw nwnt ball vl tire nn it sinil Ilw ilrrji blur wen Ifuviug n Riitili'il zl(IHIII tUo iralcii* we were williuu tu deli

.ur rtiliner, la the t>wuitiK thn ndir* wrtinjjtit HUA Wjtutifitl, mir mtmt ll«tit clcimr motion Mi>*il,v. HUII It wan iiimwunt Inmderb until alaiV huir.O.-t. ltth. The iihin liauda BUlicii,.i«t<>d tL...

d«y in their 1IOIIM< elMitiiujt. t'v^rvtliiDR wunftcrublH'd lu.d rubbed U-furii llttbt. TII.H telhim we nr<- jiemlnji lwrt. Wry slwl to haveaw nf tlic wtcvnnlti w\ fur trad*. Ret." ' . iroiD llutiunb, led the m»n nit-ctlui/.

tiiHtrsl hM Khun IM U |i1eaaant botneday* or iuiinii.>ftiK and """'.V plenitoiit.lumiiiM-n, No ruck* ne^deil on our

_ K. tl»' atcwnnl until It W*» Very innmitiito hitVf HO nniootli a nc». Iu ihu evening tin

ynunfi IH>O|II« gflyp a concert for thn bnuetltf« K.ilor-. I,...|,U«1 TliKAiininiaiiauKdHi.tbinfiiif lwuiity with her iimny llghlt, no

Met. 12tli. Wunu iilti»m«t t wveryWlyirriinulntc for leuvv-tiikliiK- Our pilot tlaui-iprcd up the ro|ie Uihk-r frona» row Imat off^lir Infuti.l, our Hmi night <>t native lunil,ftae Auraula im»meil uut nr mir liorliun about

. o'clock ; II f«w milln IIIIVU Iffeu nevo. TheI'nlitiiin wii» Xtto luucti (irrtupied to IIBVF net.vii'i. U'i! tm»t wo am all n-udorinit lieurttlmuk* fur tli in nafo atiil drliahtful xoyaan.Tlio Iliwtiir, tor wliove »nke thf trip wn»

1 Diied ami imilprtakcii, w.mld .enrm-ly IIK»}<niietl ii» tho lavi.litl 'wlio left Ntw VorliI Avftunt. llr TCMMVI that Jimycr IIHK

UtD iniiwered ou bin bcbalt aud in aniiotmII we nit e the ktrvii|{th gained Iu (be i|u<i-work. Powu-a Koekaway nhotit tioou.

Andtnrrd Ht ijuarantltm M 1:10. At WM l«rt-.In- Auitniiaud wen lakiu t.v " -Il to Ibc li


a t inunri runktt

..„. , .._ I'Ri in„ unjucd uml we wfif irrrmltlmj t o ,iotn tho lity «boiit tfve nVIock. The Au«tral3Oiw iu firtt, tho Auratila folluwe.1 hi a halfmint atiJ tlie m%n» UH>V alter. Hufclyit mir'. ul &&}. Thankful W.tonil•xiin-uMlou for a welciimts boim>.

Tho I>elawarc- rirc-r, frtm the H'uicr tiupla Trenton, la reported tu 1K> flllrdwalls and otbrr illegal I-UM rivuwfk

of flu' liridi>, bv Kiv. Frpil H»-v. .1, It.' llnnli-k Clmit. K.Inrtiierly «f ihiviT, m.w <.i Jtrm-s CityHvitfliU, JIIUS *I\\>K% i'hint Itiion, of llofK-IIWK.V Vnlliy.

it»( lirittp'tt |init«U, 'MHIIIH.THI,'HJnv, "i'Jili",liv Ucv, ,T. [', JniHli'iiuiti. ..iiiiu-R .Mptinekcni.i'.Sf.utli KiiMnii, I'u.. t>i Kllii D.tltovcrulKt:iiibojM>,

MflSKKTrt—CiUiMNN—On th^ IBI lent, byl{cv. I'L'iurc Uom-ro. Jimluti Hobrrtu, nf MineHill, utid Mi-i Olum Collins of I>over.

At Stiinlmpp, Octolicrroiin, Uiwee W. Clnu*e. Hnuglitni'f M Intn

Hortc, Cirriagt an. bUtghW»ttRAl>R.

A yinina Imriw, »l» ycura old, wfill Ira Inertml l.roh'. KAU,,,! nu.| ktml. Al«u a Top

^ J W C a 1 1 c t H M i i M i H n U dmunb1v for waft of

WM. TUTTV,At tlw Allan Mia«.

H. 0. KOBICKrdt-r'. Will be *»«. ApiiK-toIKHwp

WANTED.lrl to do Kctifrnl liosnework cap nn«

il place by applying at





HI NKW HT., N . y.

ilmlliiu the piintuu

l 1iiiiik<nK biifinen^

t and xalu nf HTOl'KS,

UOMrS au.l l'KTH*-LKrM iu lotn to nun

customer* (Irani ten share* ttpwnnl,) for

•a- ni) uwrj-lnif. (^ollpcu* and ill video du

Icptwl for partlm nut of town.

We liavu lot «IAW flwit-oln,«* lung in\cstnititt

bmiih, that will yield the holder »even

•.-uut, intf^Kvt. Corre.jHitjdenU iu Waabing-

ton, rhtliidi-Iphln, Bnllitnore, llonlon nnitthe


K.-ti-r l.y to 8t>nlHiitrd Hunk, .\.V.



nfii.Fi r


oMt-wJ.r.fy-WhMtio H>1i»ti

uicl H'>rlr>'i>, (1,-fonHe.r,'ati.IUinie.IU. Unuft mi

0,it. Fi r.. i(ir««!u(if morrRHjylrirfjunU*ltttiiriialilu to October Term*. U. IBM.

AVQ. W. OPTLCR, ik.l'r.Dy virlBf uf II,e abnre •( .tcl writ of fieri

'•oia* in tn ; ham!*, 1 t-'nll tsp-iw) for talc HPublic V. mine, at I lie C^url Hoan', iu Mor-rUtovn, N.J., no

MOSPA1T, tlie 15th a«y rfDecember ae

. j , kit 1• a^i'cit ot litiil iQfl iiri• inift.• 0. t iiottr*i)ft liuIIH/ In Iln TowDiliip of Chriter. liT(lieO..rti]iy of Morrit nuil HtitU uf VbVjlTfcy.

TMK F I B H Tutor I.CRIMH »t & polot In llm•nidillo of lliu rimd leaitiuf from C'heiler InIn.iiiii; fIIIIII said point tlio uo-'dk-bfar< southtliirry-fincf rii'grtu tad tlilrly minah* vtv'ony-otiu Huh" to tho ceuire nf a lirtrdclitct-tmt ini', *ild itoliitlttioKalio llie ililrdooritL'iuta t»i uf lin<I kt wincnnw>nl tit *%i;\ Via-i'l lli"t»i t i D.i ii lei H. Mkitlrn^pr, t^il m mIliencua* • he nri'illti |n.lDt''J Jiluv 1,181C, 11)alfiiic n ; d iiuitii tiit.v-ihico dijtrirca amiforty Bv.- raiualca L-nt twrnty-our cliaina a»dloriy flvo link* to tlio t)ni> ^railaeu.t <>r tin-centrr uf llm ttreet leading to Nortnn'aMa-rmn ; tlicoce alunit u id *trrL| |3) nor Hi t-ia||.•etuilfuretii wet atrcn clmint aaiUimnwn'Inkilcxiitudo line *>r whole Mt«»ler f<iihi-ocL' (i) il«att aail line nartli t i i ty.LU'Srtt* wtiiiilnrleeo chiin* itirt •rfeniy-oite

aki tn line of Qarltn-r UMI; tbe&ce (4)orm t -ntT

i luiist-att tinlii ulmiDN mid ninety linka ki acnim-r tn U-t.rne Relord.1 line; Iheuc* (31aliniK iiic ••mo iiortlitvcBly-roar d rgm* at.ilf[iTtv-fir« mn»l«* irett tbret; ohaiB* anil twaa-iy-^si,t to ilia »lj« line ur ktwlcr r«il-toid ; tbciicu (6) alnnx llm time •ooth t i t t j -nil iltunei. nn>t twtiiiy li.urvhiina ttn] fody• i lulkx ii) Kk-llcuH' i iilini-: ilituce (7<alonetnu hnniv anulh llilrlj*t'i3litii<'Br>ieiiiiDd tb'rtfti.itiiiit-MVa«U.KiittvH oliitu* aoil ninny linksloilircunKiarJuiT IIDC; llieBc* aluD* theMime tiiuili il.iri**iwui'e^Kci "ritOtecbatoi•iitlclK'iiy-fiTc link> tn tliu funrtb corni-r oflitri-luiiLfjiu tncutiontd lot rouvuyed by Dan-k-l Norton t> Diottl B . fkelJinger | ib«iice•luuc I lie tLlnl line »f ••!•)(.• toulli i lilriy-ilireo


.ix ( U u i and etstujniH of l*j>tniilnB, ennuinl

jnuinlny fifty.

tn.l >--Jinn th . .

-•amel Iiuttntt »IoT^rt*u to _ _ . „ .loRiT. h; dpfd beirlufi even riate f\th tbii

Tna Sir* »n L>'? [rfRlnniitj; at .-. corner otJacob N. ADm'a lut uD-Kaple avenue, Ibcice(i) al»tifl liit lino north iWlj- i i i and age-linllilcfirpeH <rr»t 1>O i-halai tml Bri;-llirM)liuka to tlic unl aida of liroak ; tUooce <J'

l ilde of brook, "isblylonrD.dfii.'t llao; ih.nw (3)

o b l t U T C « i l tw Ii V M

llao; ih.nw (3)PI «uil two oliilaf

to tlic m l aido oitl ilde of brook,

D d f ' l l ; twnnu«n»lialf <Jejrrw« welt

*lElitrltiif.i liufca iu tun bcglnnlDi, eonlaia-ltiR*cvrnir-liro hnndreiltbiolanMre. Belnjr:liI- nme'land CUQVCJII bj J > « « Abel to

M(3) up

llDki tu ailtlrty-aix

wo ilaf and itty-: UICBM (1) alonsl l f <Jejrrw« welt

nnlDi, eonlaia-nMre Belnjr

iitiinViloMn>lo avennu: UICme motli tiftj and «n»lialf <

lElitr-ltiif.i liufca iu tun bcglnnltiR*cvrnir-liro hnndreiltbiolanMre. Belnjr:liI.- nme'land CUQVCJ.II bj J > « « Abel to

JteuLIH.Abel April l»t, 18711, anil by HheriffJitnc« TinderreBr lo wld Dwiel O, Mugg, bj

•Idate *T. Tia, ft. D, 1818.• UIAH H, HOWBLL, Bberlff,. . l ib , i tM. *U,«R


HARDWARE.We offer In till* ifepnrt-

IHCIlt II CIHIipltlO Ml.Ck «fMining Miitciliilw, fiielml.Ing H roiisht Iron I'ino millKi l l ing, lilnck mm IlivliKsplOKlro I'owdt-r. IhMihloand KIHKIO I'd iteil Knw.oi|»,IroHiiiHlMc-I.Ai-. Almafull line of Airrliiilmmllinplciiientx, HillLOKIth'I l4 l l l tn AIU:, Nulls *•••

»'e keep coimliintl>' onImnil a full HNsorhiit'ii) «.fFISHING TACKLE. AiM-IlNlor I lie IINIIII IMIIM. r«lr-'.iiikV KcnlcH nnil Itiii-k-tliorn Wire


PROVISIONS.A large ttoek of (.'uiplc

anil Faar>- Grorrrli).. ]rj

nir Piitrnt PKCON Fl<mr

biat. «lur

<iisnr(i, I'urt, t

me I lie lie»t In the ninrkct.

BOOTS AMB SHOES,We are constantly adding new lines of goods in this department, and have at all

times a complete assortment. We buy direct from the manufacturers in large quan-

tities and are thereby enabled to offer very decided bargains. Note some of our prices:

Ladies' Genuine French Kid Button Shoes $3.50, $4.50

Curacoa $335, $3.50, $300, *:UI»

Pebble Goat " " $3.35, $3-50, $3.00

Fine Cloth Top Kid Foxed Button Shoes $1.75.

Grain " " $1.50. $1.90

Our #'2.00 Fine Kid and Goat Shoes still tnke the lead. The reason why isbecause tliey are very stylish, (it perfectly and wear well, and we give a guaranteewith every pnir sold, if not satisfactory to be returned.

In Men's wear we keep n full assortment of all the leading styles. At this timewe will mention Hannn's Waukenphanst Shoes. If you want solid comfort try apair of these shoes. Fine Dress Shoes in Button, Lace and Congress fromto $6.00 per pair.

The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs in exchange for goods.







School Furniture.

Isaac N. Doty & Co.,1S» * i e i MARKET St,

NEWARK, N. J .Larftit Ory C(i<Jt aM CirpatE*UWi»kmwt I* Ntw It r*«y.

FALL OPENISG.The rapid and conllnaed

IncreaHe In oar businessmade it neceatiarjr to againenlarge rar aaleiraoias Inorder (o exhibit oar stockto advantage and to serrceattoaera mt|gtiaeto?lThe enlargement of onr

PICTURE FRAMES r ™ ! * - ; 8 •bont ™»;pleted and we now exhibitour entire aisoriuient ofNew Colors, 8tj tea aud Noveltles for the Fall Season.Rare attractions tn SilksVelvets, Clonks, Shawls,Dress Uonds, Carpet* andUphohtf ry Goods.

Price* art greatly reduced in•very department.


Harness Establishmenton 8U8MEX HTKKKT, DOVEK. formcrh

SS*E if.kA5ss irss^iissr tthf iiitdowlRtied and will Im rnmlupted unnVrthe nrm wmic of

VANNESS & COEfnr the manufacture and repair of all kind.



TIB FANT * ALLENh«.€ loctrt • br.n.W Ibelr r.Kuin P»I,


sawna upecUlty of

NiabftitU Unite lip,In the qiullt ; of our aHlelen w« will ant kts


N. B.-W*



OOVKR. ». j .

DRAKE & KINO,BlllJe/ii tad daalcra la LUMBER and COAL.

« i t a t HntcMa. Ltau, C**t«t, £ub £


OUR OLOTSJNQfor Hen, BoyH»ndUh|l<lKn It pHtn01411 cod tlf

w«rkauHUl|if • • d prteM. Hetumt

0T1EG0ATSh hava btrfn wlMtej ^l |b great our*

t i e liudldK xtothinR mnnnfutinra uml

alaaofimrowa manufacture, and a* t!nii>#

poor tlii-rcfntr we nave concluded tn aril

at tbe loweat pricen e*cr offered In HorH*

ity. Wfs c«n do ». IM imr pxpctmoM ure

lower tban liny cintUinj; bnuw in tblri nitinty,

aa 1 am my own cut (IT, imlcmwi and wiirk-

man. Uur CUSTOM VEPARTMEXT it lull

if thi- latcit Nlylce uf R<tmU, Wth fori'ign

and domeiitii!. A Imi in Ilii. lino *lll i-nn.

t OTfrylHnly that ntil- ntm 1* tu give nut-

iftfucttou or monny rffiiu.lod. I<ook at onr

itwt of

HATS AND ran Ret them for *ucb prfepi as we nre

lelllnK then fur. We alao Ua»f waived n

large aworttocut of

GENTS' FURNISKtMG GOODS.aoalar rkulai »nd npnlriiis ilonr alIIBttn. ^ ^ g ^ ^

A. B. 8IMUB7 i



Wool Blankets and Comfortables.DOUBLE AND 8INQLB SHAWLS,



Dress Flannels! Bastet Flannels!— SHIRTING PLANNELS.-—




WM. H. BAKER,Cor. Blackwall and Warren Stt. . DOVER, N. J.

JAMES S. MEL1CKbi.orcioJU. o.«*ir.c.

8US8EX STREET, (next to CAIN'S SHOE STORE,)•nd brf;ln. tndc nilb I Doe ke« •!

SEGARS AND TOBACCOS,atntry 1W,1, «d r « d , a d io ibli Ilqe of LO.JDMV , |ib«r at VOOLBSAI^ OR EIT

it otep*ml to olfcr tb* knmt prloe roatl.tent wtth tbe qwlltyor ftie trlitl* ao( f.

WINES AND LIQUORS.mlinaral. lo pnpikmn, Aim, in oonm.lly lo. alrct nr inpnnA Wlm 1011 l/

imSSiw!."™."!?^ • * • « " . l»l~,eJ>lr.. Olli|cr Alrt •od P*..ri « II,. l-

will cral.ln .11 Iho le«ili.s d.11, md wnkl.r nrnpapm. >M .gLmlten or j»n<,.iw>. "illhe ruppiica Iron, ill.,»,,» ra u IHr rni.'. tn: In » • .Imitnl l l m po«Vc • tor Ilillr

arnr.l. »PSD»r liia'IPtFEIm driltn* 11 *wr « « » . n • onto ll««r.

OUR 3d-Lowest Prices

4th—Largest Stock2d—Durability! POINTS.CLOTHING

C. H. B A B B I T T <fc Co.,LK»D]XO DE11BBH IS llEtTB, YOUlaT. VOtV tM CfULDUiS



O . XX. IB^.:D3BIfE32-^<'' T O . .MOB: w'fl. N. J.

Page 5: CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1. 6. · NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on

THE IRON EM A.Saturday. Nov. IS, 1884.

Thanksgiving our weuk {ram n«*t Tbura-

Butler received only 2.W0 Totes in itiU

to Chiesgo for •&•

Maybe and Enj(Uah will begin westings 1B

Morristown in a Haw days.

Tho judicial inveatigatim of Morris county

aTiiii-B cost the people »1,018.38.

Throw won 84 Independent and 31 Prohi-

bit liinbit vntco la Morria tovmnhip.

We ahuuldu't be MUpi-iapil tn henr Hint Itro.

ClnrriMii la rcupoiwlhle for nil Ilia..

Tlio frump nf tbo new Prealijturinti pnrioc-

us" »t Stnnlinpc wua r.iiwil l»*t Bntu'ilay.

Mr". Blmben It. Kifctiia. tin; wife of Mulnr'*

jr'.nul. I* tiMnparnrily naliliug iu MorriMown.

Mr. Delia*-, tlw defaulting ciilloctnr of

I'limjitoa. In a nirmUri- i,f the Dumocralio


Mr. Samuel 8wackhammer, ol Iroti'n, uliir-

poil two vat bimla uf wool lo Phi lode'phi a Ihn

other day.

1 awvrr III DO chard reflects witb aatl>fnct|..u

tha IU!a ia getting lu bu u givm cuuulry for

Dr. A. M. Cory, of New Providrue^. will . s-htnit a uiihcraul clock at tbe Now Oil.miti

It la aaiil tlint about 400 men tram ilinnhnr;:-pd iMt Saturday long lite line of tlie It.. LotW. K illio.ul.

No. 1 ftirnaew ot tbo Trnao Iron", Co. waslighted lu t woolt, making ibvlr futirtU fur-


I'mf. Force'a cisaa til elocution will mccl nltlio KRidenoo of HOT. Mr. Heed on Tuewlny• venlngncxt. |

HniSib fc Eeklmrt nre putting np the foim

da»i>Ti>nfll»i uow skating rink, which will


It J« *siM thnt Judga Uliiis. H. Mumnn nw"

Jim. H. Mel I f t lire already ctmllilutcN Tor tin

D >*nr |MetoB(H>.

Sheriff GMlcn'

week will make

conlcr of tlio town.

Chiw. ItbooJi-B, tlu- MorrisUiwii flurial. hmlocal**! la Dakota.

Tlie Democrats of aturrietown will havvejollHicitiuu uud parade noxt Mondav evening

Murk Twain uud Gi-o. W. Cubic will glvreadings in tbc Lyceum. Unrrtaiown, Tbunday evruiug, Nov. Will.

lu tho Uopul.llfan tuwmdilp* of MomCounty 337 Prohibition votes were polled ; 1tbe Deniori-iitlr towunbip* only 119.

Utv. Mr. Iltillowiiy will ]i reach tbo tbirertoou In the series to young wen ou S audit,

ensuing in tin PruabjUriuu Churuli.

TTie Presidential fontPBtf«rthoBoIdboadt>•DC ut Bt. llenmrd'a Pair resulted M follows

Blaiue, 5T8; Cleveland, m ; and Butler, 78.

Tie Morria County Machine aud lam Campany have eblpped A 150 horse imwrr cumpreawr tu Ibe Entire foal Mining Co., atNaahTille, Teuucawc.

Isn't It ultnut lime for Gibson'* oin-come umiiud apniu I-Bullcliu. It Is tm|l)lc lo revive It fur tho n>a»nii thut the c[Harrison) hm committed mtielde.

The ano hundredth anuivcmiirr <,f the i»r-lEMiixiilinu of ibe SU-thoilint H|iiMta;i;il ehiin thU country, will lw neutrally olinei

IIH lUDiilh througlinut 'be country

Mr. Char. A. Xnrrln. »f Dcnvllle, uod Missniufm A. Klv. of IIIMIIIIUU, *«•« utiit.-d in

the lii We.

lemovnl to VorrlaMm-n Dilvacancy in I be onion of Itc-

A friend BUjrgests tbnt Oillen'* vote sbawithn number ef people wlm would like la serveon tho Ornud Jury.

Mr. Jo*, h. Cunningham, nf Pnisnio Connlv,well-known lo ninny fu Hover, ia a candidatefur fltnto Treasurer.

Thirty-tour persona were received In fullmembership in the M or Hat own M. E. ChurchHabUuth before lost.

It la reported that the Democratic JolHIlea'tion at Milton the otbet ulght Manltcd to flnumber ot acre beads.

The New Jenny tfcnata being ngaln Rcpuh

l i t n It IN .louhtful if Jddgc Hnnaon will beconfirmed tbia wli

AbnrMblankdtwaamwntlyl'iat in FU.v

dor,. The flndcrrnu find tlie rightful In Ihc

P3r*»u of Rev. J. Faull.

President Arthur hns Iswted hla proelntna-

titM designating TburMloy, Nov. 27th, n« a

day nf gfliiernl Thanksgiving.

The clnim of Clerolnnd's eleelinn bmiiffhl

out hi » few dnyt a half dozxn hungry el aim •

rints tiir the (Coaler port olHoo.

Tho nicl.ineholy dnv« nre conic, 'ti* eol-lot

than Ihe toinb, but Potter's Toiee will coaac-

lesi limn—he'll bunt unnthor buntu.

Quite a numhf r of people about Port Ornm

nro hcfflunlug to inquire how ranch lunp-r

Mr. Pnttcr eipeeta them to follow him.

Tlie DemoonitM of Hwkuwiiy have uirnoicd

fur a frnc luoeh nmljollilicatlon this—Friday

—eveniuft in honor of their siipnoaod victory.

Tln< extra hnnda ciiiploycd on the D , L. *Y

W. roiul were dinclmrRcd on Monday on ac-

count af the. fulling ofF of the numnicr travel.

About one hundred and fifty exultant olti-

•eai of Randolph townrtlji eipcct to Hit on

thu nine Rraml juries during tlie ucxt three

Kx-(?<illMtor Ullllam Dellaw, of Pmnptoti,In short In fata acoonnla to the amount of$3,600 and bia bondstoess havo Iwea called

Hotini^sot anpiicatifiu to tun ijfl^iaialnrfl forprivate acts are required to be published oaemonth before the BCOSIM, and to bo aifawd byanqwMtble nam.

Th« Orand Lodge af Odd fellows meets atTnitoB » i t Tnesday. Mr. J. J. Vreriaitdhoi btwn elected Representative fran Kan-vOtplI M«odg^, P1O. l^J.

HUliop Starkey haa been weKoaeit bockto hln diooMW with the wameat kiud of en-thusiasm. He Is nnah tu*n>r*d In healthfrom bia European trip.

Pananir, and Hfhenck, of Mfdillennx, amlined fnr Plfsidrnt of Hie He nnto. whilemblymcu .renktm, af Morria, KrB«by. o'

nwe.i, und Armntroua, of (,'nnnlmi. are inrnoned fnr Hiieakcr «f lm HOUHC.Alwut a scnr.> of mm wci-o laid tiff at thiir eliopii lost fluturdsy aud tho rcmaiudrrera put nn right hours tima. If the election

•r Illslnn 1in<l brun minniine.-.l tlm llnunernudether Doninernlic paper* would Liuv ntlribnted thin to tbc Kt<|i unit van pnrly.

President Slonn nml IHicotoi Pync, «fLaeknwunun, *re qnnti'il nn oayintt tliat thryknow nothing nt' uiWtMl muTeiueiiU on thep irt ol tlm Lncknwaiinu Cuimmtiy to SITIIII*

rol of Jirwy Control, but an concedliiRIbiitounioaoftbKtwg linen would U very

KtiBsller'a Hand, of Dover, look the New>rk intrude engHReinent, wliiob tbe Newton

band *eru oblijied In decline because tbo dU-natclt was nut ireolTcd iu lime for tho tmiu.-Hwx Bugistor. This is a mi-take. Keu-

lli-r'n Ditud IIBH not Illltul uuy New York p*-

boa been eonmllW to JDII In Aehuit of •1,000boil in iMBtnrdy proceedings, the f fetioi b«lB«• yutiBigirlorMadtMHi.

A horse belonging to Jmmn Rowc, *t Onldstreet, waa reeentlv wvtrely bnncd 1 y n fln-ID the bar». Uek-Jnw rewllod an4 the aul-nal Waa killed lost Batsrda,.

Tbo farmen of Paasale towiuhin hate beeneonpelled to abaidosj the mlalBt «f ahoepbM04*e af the ravagea of dqga. Tha InxnryB,f d«i(B Ia ab.f ajqad a( hoa^y «fl*i-

TV (lamina Iroa nonpany will enxt a ORWtrctttlo at Hibern'a, W M t.SQO feet long, for

p. Hearing bos the builulag eoatrut.

Vial Dadd Boat, t ip Oa«ndttM of JHItyund tho Mounted Troap »r ChMi reedan, allor Orange, will hare a gnus* target shoot aaddUaeratHorristawnaeztThNraday. '

Ihininle Opd jhc olalaMd U,*W Prohi Wltnnvotes In New JfTS« aad got 1.W0. This isabout the alie of OpdyVo. Von enn alwuyadiaeeunt blm nbootflnj percent.with aafety.

There am many people In thla vicinity whoaay openly that they wish they «onld ahangetbe rote they gave L'lereiand, to say nothingof the PrahlbltioniitB, who at Mat realise theirfolly.

The noBgngatloa nnd frieida af the Flan-ders H. E. Chorf h win give theirpaMor, Kcv.J. I'snll.adoaatiBnTl.lton Wednoada<rflTen-tng, Nov. Wtth. If atoruty, then Ihe next fairnight.

Bishop Walden, oa« of the new BUhopo, hasbeen asalgned to prwridfi over tbe oesalon oft te Newark M. G. Conferrscc next Rpring.It will prsbahly be held In Bt. Luke'ttCbutchXowark.

IHapatcbrr W. H. Day, ot Port Morria, wr anurried on TlmrMla; evening of lost week toMra. H. Jennk ffexton, of Hsxketlstown. Maytheir daya be many In the land and brightwith lilenslng*.

There Is a report that thn flodJc>afl ol Lib-erty 1B gcttiug ready to slide down tbe domeof the Cupitol at Washington nnd take tn thuwood* as soon aa Cleveland gets to Washing-

fTbe MadJan* Kagle Wilt or a leading nnn-

her af the Norriatowa M. K. Chnnh whotowed bia fatbcr-ta-law oat of doora beeaaaeWwqnld not vote rorW.Ja*a. Andofaaebfa the party olproalbiWa.

prran, towa.kir, la whleh Btaabope la In,p.Ud.gaTe Bt. Job. .carl , • * • - • . • •*« ofthe ro»« he noefn^ Ll fe}aaaes eouty . (a

W g w m Pwr***polled, Ht. J«hB rwlvtd «ljr Ijf,

A aineh «iB«lleraer«agao| whwtttkMManl

•nil *tf wwn fo » W Jertcy (Lla fall. To*

d h 4 ( 4 t P t b «dr f » ~ h R ( « 4 f l P , p t r(be lrr t at Qet«b«r, preFftpted the fafown

'f»e ptlie to be given at fit. Mary's Fairthtt-Hatiuda.T-eventBg ia i ino ahest mt l*a:4llwnnattMNlnr pnrrbaac n ticket fnr Un••eatawillliaveaehvnMtowlnlt. It will badrawn far nt tin close of the avenlag.

Voder DM Civil Rerviee law, whleh aRepnullenv Sraato will not help toPmtniMter Hlnehaw-a term will not expiresintll thw* yean from ntxt Spring. It i«(•nongh to drive toe Demanrata eraay.

At the meeting of the Northern New JerseyMlalalerial Asaoeiatkm of tha M. E. ChunkIn Newton last week Ber. II. Johns, «f Dover,rj*d a paper on the " Doctrine of Ihu U>rjplion of 15»- Hnnan Body sftw Death.'

Cbas. A. Oillen was iwom Into the oftVe ofSheriff on Tuesilsy. Ales. Kaiianse. Neighbour, Oeo. Pterson, M.V. B. Kearinj and Malilon O. Mnnmn quail-ted M his bandaawii in tb« *nm ot l30,n».

the llible Society has detersolned to stop-»«<1 par*. One of its

.sand il(atrihnt*d, weTnTten were read. wWU three hsw-

drrd were ao taatllotod an to be P/orthleMMdlaw Wadred were aloleu.'

mot ber. iu the preauuee of manyIriend

Tbe Hotel property at Lute He-patooiig vua sutd ut |>ulilic M!L* nn ThurMlayto Sir. r'reil. i asl for W.7UU. 11 r. Must wij)doublleSH iu;ikf> il MID ot the |ni]iulur rn-ai>rt« at the lukc.

A llmiio^rat ol en use q-in it n» in MorrisEoiltily who voted a |irnhiltilinu ticket lmwctk would uu mn of ihn curiotlUi'" nf tin•In?. BcpnliliEflu iii-oiaiiittoniit* arc J ml hn-([iniiiustureailiahuw budly thoy

The M. I! ChiiKrli nt l>ruki'Ht«xiiliirjiril l.y (i ICCI'SH uiH.IaiHinit a new illicitlid the iuii'i-iur hm Itecu imiuli-il, frospite^nd ro-enr|n<led. At tbd rt*(i|>euiUK u coihu

tion ot «i!0 waa tukru, k- iviujt » babnee ol

TL« !>.. L. «V W. C..m,>auy Im.k a b.ind inthe rnitroad wur uu Moiifln.v aud a<lnp(e:l tlie tii-kcU friinNV - York : To ChlcnKn, *10 50; HI. l.nulH, «1.r.;

iueli.iint'.lUS; I>[-tiolt,*9.5fl] Toledo,*lft.6ll}

j'lllinnjinlid, all.

Tln>«bnlrnflbi-rirM M. K I'linrrh nrcinKiuK (or n vocnl eonccri mid iUrrnr.v

torlnlninrnt on Tlinnks^ivtiiK iil((ht, wtbev will l»n MMiated bv vocul tulent nnd aHue vlociitinnixt I

tlciilar* 50*.

•v. r. H. it

Boanlon Hefot

Further par-

rmit. o former pswtor of tfcoIOII Ohiircb. li»s npc<>|iled a

ill HS sNsixIniit reel or nl tbc Caivaiy Eplipal Church, al tlie cornrr of Fourth Avenuemd aiBt itrt-et, Nuw York. Do brjfio hla

i on Sitminy limt.

Ibf fourth nnniiiil re-tmino of i ho aurvivInjt momlMsrunfthnFirHtN. Y. Volnnkev Kn

nlmi-nt, hnld In Kowmk, on \VP<1Inj. fl. M. Oalriiitplr. of M»rri«lowu,

wan elected one nf Iho Vioo PrrniitcnlH ol tin

n! ofllimc po<i«lcK at n rontuf»5tdtfo Cnintiiittceg r-jinrlid ai loilowailon brl.i*-—all iliii-b.ul up; did noi

quite uae up OIL- ai|ipropriatiou, but there waaH little ailing in yet to do. Wliippativ bridge• -nenriy computed. li Module artiridge—had «..14 tbe old briiltie for i!9Uiiid contracted wlllt Mr. atluKlleb to B»;iio abutmoDU fur ttcior bcaina ut a cuttt ol *80.

Tbo FrctbuIdurM ni|iorlcd tbe aiuouilobt* and ctvdiU iu Ihtir varluua tnwmhip*.

Hcnaton Vounglilood, of Morria. Od h k f Md

Tlir SI. K. HiNHinnur.v flncicty reports for I heBar ending Nov. let. tfau receipt nrf32,HKt.O8ou the Newark Conference, an Increase of

*2,fim«9 from the furnierynar. The Nnw Jcr-Wfvrciice gave $31,191 Kg, nn fnctooseof

4tlfW.0t. Dr. Kitigcrald bos been renppolntedB.icotdina Secretary.

K-urkman fn tho employ of Mr. HenryBaker, of Ituxcmluirg, wits cotufng from 8ac-catmnna witli a lo^d of corn stalk* on Tiies-

', when bia tentn of attsn, in coins down abill, stnrtcdon a pritty fast unit and ho at-tempted to get off tho load lo atup then, la'uingfo he fell under the wagon anil two

'beela pawedover him. mjuriug him severely.

The popularity of roller-skating IH not la often said, to a fashionable crnic Iwt to

nvemouts wblt-b havo made tt a pleasanthealthful pserdse. Tbe ruller^kate *f

ten and eftecn years ago bears noeomnnrlsonwltli that nf ta-ilay, aud akating with the lat-ter bna a clone roaembUnen to tbe apnH on tlieIBC, though Bora* aildliiontti dtrxlerit.* aeemalo be rrqulred.

The aOUth annivornnry af tae or^nnl<Ationtl the Board of E*»tJemBy l'ro|irioiora will

i celebrated at Perth Amlmy on Nov. 25th.The Board •ttllexUta and ba* mitlnfalaed itaerganlaatbHi and kept it- ftapera BIUM IBM,when the twfttiy-fnar men who botl bonttntthe nftrtheni portion of the Blate from Berke-ley and Carterat two yeara before, fnrmedtheaoaelves Into thla aosoelatiiin.

An oaed cltiien, who wall remembers thebard winter of |*B, Biys that tbn iBdicatfaua•luring thU fall fur a aererc wlnUr are pns

Kly similar u that year. He predict* nowa few days, and toys that If It cornea It wHl

remain until spring. He baa olMssved thatthn neitrnf mlee and squirrels are very ihkh Ialso that the corn fauska are very think andunnanatly tight. Tho com on liorao choatsutlinda IN in greater quantity than muni, andauta have been burird deeper by ai)uirMla.

Thi Woolly I m n On* I tv iVt iInterest lu tbe uiystnry ot Wesley Norman's

Icath baa Iteeo revived by the appearance ofawitne*Bwhoaventkat fa« saw tbe iuflie-tion ot the Injury that caused It OitenrWhitmore, who returned from the Went loutSaturday evening wan greatly nHtonlshed loInd that Norman wai dead and tella n ntory

sulwtanttally as follows; He was abmttInn lor tbe Weit on the ni«ht that Nor-

•uu was hurt, and waa on bis wuy to vstch a(rain, when he iiaased Norman atd another

n, who were quarreling along HHSBRKSI.,the en«t side, between Black well street

and thu bridge. He thinks tbe ether mau'alame waa Wilson atd weuld be able to recog-nise him should be see him. He heard thisman call Norman "a —liar," and Normanreplied by saying, "you are bigger than 1am, and so you're a gentleman." This en-rsgcil III* other so ill at be struck Norman aMow In tbe fare wilh a bottle, knocking Mm

i. Tac assailant then ran away, whileWhitroore atonjied and picked Norman up.lie maked him if be was hurt much and Nor-ssau aaid that he wits uot. Not thinking him

srioaBlv Injured be then left him to catchUU trnio and heard nothing more of tbe affairuntil he eame hack and to his surprise learned

Norman's deatb. We understand thatWhltnrorc alao aaya that tbo two womiMra. Matthews and Phcbe Deek«r-were by

ai saw the whole transaction.Wkltn.oreha.b~u ploeed nnder •1W boil

Ui appear p a wltneaa>he|i wanted, but aafar as wo r " lean no I R M U aare been

TbeprTThe fHesdi nf the Mbrnfoa Qoaday tfbool

on frysUl 8t. will be tlad t» learn f»at the» aehaol roaon a« l«ng talked qf ia now ai

_ . -.niipiltljod fart. It will be ocnnnleted iaboqt n week or »n days, Mr* AICSMM^FHearing haa donated the lot for the parpoaaucavhtrtealdenea. The building ia small butneat, bei»g«> the gothle nnler, TbeBone;bM been In part nlacdby lubacriptlon, andthaofi notyrt havlns hitd oj> niiportunftf togive for thla worthy eauae enaj jet have theprivilege. Tbe opening serrleM will U heldon Bnador ofterMon, Nov. S3d, at hslf.paattwoo'etoek, when addreasea may be especledby iwine of the elergya»n of Daw

The Democratic story of a dUagteemtu!ortween Mr. Illulni* and Mr. I'belpsi.proaapt-ly refuted by a atat«at:ul from the Utter thattheir relations were aa bannonlou! aa ever.Mr. lllalne haa telegraphed tbat be bad notnoticed that Mr. Vhelpt* vote wna more thantbo electoral vote in hU district; and, had henoticed it, ft would bare hart ™ Mguiueaaceto him, as Mr. Phelps had t«ld him before the

b b b d jOXT^nioersticilection that ho had

friend* that U » • * » SJ*"^-'««"..AMr Pbelpah»alwa*B run Between 8 » anal U N M s l f l l t'b i W t , whenever be U smMnacawltdate.

The Xovember meetlug ol tor Board ofL'hosen Freeholder* waa hold on Wodaeailay,All were preset except Mr. Barker, ot Boonluu, Tuemiuutee of the low I inetiitijt wenleotl and approred.

In tbe natter of tbe relief of Mm. Terry the(.'iiunsel WM not ready to rcuoi

Mr. KaugbriKht. of the Committee tu whomwaa referred tlir matter of physicians fees iujiuat wortvuis. reported that be bail had

itb Dr. lluuidaa. but li*d mnde uu uus. Mr. Cook, of tbe Committee,

muved tbat they odrertlse for aealod bids fortho performance of all the work ot pu*l iterns at tbe luweat priee. tbe pby«iciao iIn^ tbe loweat biu lo be railed upou liy (,'or-ouern to do tuch aetvice.

Tlw Dinctor doubted whether they had aright to dictate to the Coroners or Pros*™-

>ra wLut |ibyaici*n they should call.Tbe reaoiutlou waa carrlitl.The Conrt Uoiue and Jail Committee re-

ported bills to the uroouut of £tul 17.Tlie Puor Hauae Committee tcportcd ia-

detitcilnest to tbe amount of «tm 71*.A large number or mianclUu u bill* were

>nli'ri'il ].ulil, iucludluB tbuac uf ekctioui HI errs.Tbo Committee to settle with tho Sheriff

repotted as eurreet his bill ut U U K forhoard of iwisouers from August IlltU to Nov.lUth.

TlicCnninittee to settle wilh the CountyCollector reported Lia oecouat* corrret-

The (^olleoior'B Quarterly Hi)(mrt wan read,sbowins » UUnce of • ! , * « 14 ou hr.nd. Tbnrat»ort WMS nesrived aud ordered nithlitbeu,

t'ouusel Yuuugblood Kuorl«d iu tho mat-T of ex.8uirim»to Oilleu. 1!« had written

Ur. (Ill on, ackiiig (or bis account, but u«iuS

Ibeuinmiusiunees af his eleotoa bs hadbeen very bnay aud osked la have the matter

r till Ilia »«xt luoetius. to whin'i tbsIce had agreed. In tbe ucautliun r.

Oillen bail |iiamlM!d to maku UJI his HCCOUUUlor seltletueut al tkv next -.iieetliig.

Camsaan Goaucil Fiimiilnge.Tbe November UH'ctiuy ol thu <'ouuui-ll waa held ou Moudav eveniiiK.Bt—Eci-oi-dei- Uillvi

u BcMb, H'bUWk. Llndsk-y, beuruoe. Kecorder IttlU-D presided<if iht Mayor.

e 10 pretenled.OuuBcil then orfinuiied ininute* of llie hut nice Hunmveil.Marshal Kelley reported u

tfSDbtr or October; X) male tramJUJ S3 mitle and 2 feuiNl«

Kr|Hirt tt-ndvi'd unUrvru uud<

dateil in Septembertraiu|» iu ilutolMTordered filed. Tlio folloniiig fiilllled>>y thePiuanee On in mil tee uud t,paid : Corpomtiuu pay roll for OetoWi73 i C. II. King, liimi-ligbli-r, $»); S. U. Ure«M>,• l . l i ; Jos. P. Kflley, Marahnl, «4A: P. iJurrison. Jnnitor. tl'l: Wni. W. Hill, « l l : Murliu

Ituok, All 80; Oliver Printing Co, mi.ti.-u tbe FiioCummiltet. *-f-rogivntiawer to locate it Htrcet lamp at the I'ronhy.

Couneil then ndjminipd and wmit into si>«-3ii aitCitiuiiiiaMwiiriii of A].|i>ijH. Tlie ful-

iKrtrlali mtuto. foi0.10 In tiri.OU) In rnlnai

Thco. Ev<in.;e!kiiu


:d lm wna out of Htyremit led.Not remitted,

lod no dog. TdJohnDiwo;Jnlm Vt-iinc

nilled.Tims. Finnogau; bis doff bad died linriu^ taxed. Nat remitted.Peter Tillman; i>]i]i n1«a liam *1«3 ta

will lie owucd notbhiK *•"* tuniituro. Ncmilfd.

Barltn ami ITnlkcr; nskod ro'lurtinHUta frniii (J 1,200 tn S.100. Nut allowed.

u real

gi motiou |b« time wus rxlenUetl

The bllli Incurred by (be recent aiimmarnvcftigatlon of comity affairs "amr up Icitlinn. Tho amount of bill aud taxed <>nniif Exprrt Edward B. A water was #M.3Iipo. W, Jenkiua' bill for extra counsel ser-

vices was WO. aud that or James C. Y»blood l-.r lut-viviotMiuiunMil wus *V2">.

Alwnter'nliill was t.rdcrcd |iald npnropriittloi), mid tnf liillt ofFI. Jtmkina uixl Yoiiuubluod m-iv laid

Tha Cm nit tec orlrd tbe

A bill ot the N. 1.IIm in Normi

B DuroBit, forntliu){ In ft)3, was

Vn.>eliold«r King wked for tins appointtuenlof a bridge In Rosbury over tlie feeder ol theMortis Caual at Luke HopMtcong, trhioli i« in

very dau«trou» eondilion. Hcsira. King.:iaik iind W\,ltc wutu a].|)ni»tud.

1'reeholdcr Clurk aakeil foi a Commlttooon the bridge at the Mlllbronk Hebnul Horn*.It ia n laritc *t.nw undue limit witblu two

three ytnir., but thu arch ia tuvlug in uuded« imuti'dliUc iitlcaliou. Fi\'clio!ilnr«

.'lark, Tipi»ti nnd Kiutc *ere apfHrintcfl.The Dirci'lur ntnted thut one Kli-ruaiiwaMi jd l from Ruudolph fmuHbfB fur failiMR toijijinrtbU wife. Hn bai Ireen thpro iwveu

tnuutbi uutl IIIM wife In iu Ihu County TourHouse. IleraniiMt KIVO hondt for her mp-

nrt nu'l will alay there until aoinuthinji ia

freeholder t'lui k ita id !ii» fulhor irotiltl Hivehim employment it be ronlil get »ut of jail.Tbe matter wa- referred lo tbe Curt HOUM.and Jnll Cauiinlltee.

Thu Director nlso enllnd attention to tbematter ot the buiiiil uf itidi|(enl anlilicra. Theblll*t for two alruaJy burled bave not been

trbfcuusg it is iho duty of tbe Bonrdof Fretholilers to designate some proper

itburlty to tnke charge ofaucb eoaca, whichry bud not done. He tboujiht the Ffte-

liublur* of cutth towiiihlp ahovJd be appointedimittca for tmuli purpose. Upon uation

tkn Kii'cbuhUr In each town.liip waa iWig-nated as th« |>r»pcr authority to attend to thebiilal nf iuillg^ut aohlfer*.

rpnu tuotluu of Freeholder Cook the PoorHonae ComuittM waa authorised to let aim*II place it. Cbathai'n low^ablp In which a

sr now in tbo Poor House has a lifeijht.t'pon motion of CrMholder Xau-brlgbt tbejur House Caajajlttee waa authorised toxlouil relief ia tbe oam of i l » per week for

mouths tu Mn. B U M Terrv. ef Woah-Ingtoa t»wa*Up.

Hoard o«liouroc4.

•arris Otutr O U U I M ' I I N M ,

Tho SMinual meetlna; or tbe Morris CountyCblUlrou'a Hum* waa ouavoiedin the l^yneum.Mm rinlown, an Wednesday, nt 10 o'clock. A.V. President Hull presided ou4 Ihe exercisesweru onesed with prayer by Her. Or. the absence ef Mev. J. V, Appleton, thafierrctary, tko minotea of the loat meeting

ore rend liy Rov. Dr. Erdman.Ur. Erdmaa nh» r « 4 tbe aaauat report of

of tbe Secretary, tho principal feature* of: There wen 11 children In thein. Nov. .<M. Number ailarharged,

f i The number who are then at the presentt)m.9 as wards of the ctmntj is M, and then•^IWowboae board ta paid by arifBMpartka.Mevcral ptnnma have adapted ehitdrea andBbwea have bee* f«m»4 fir th«m throughaw|tp county- M»c bay has Uwn wot to \tr-

d . ynoosj, lncr>' m* bavtni besn a aj««li> death Intkwe rears. The 4ebt nf V,m upua the

ne haa be.-,-, rednaed to only «B0. whilegwuads have be«n lie a red aud greatly

improved. Tbe management felt largely In-debted t«t tbe good people of the eouuty foi

rlr uumoniua eontributlnus, and aapceiallythoK who instituted and patronUed the

large ftiir for tbeirIwucuiuctdul Murriatowu.An addition Is to be built lo tbe home for therwptlan and care of akk ebildnu, and tokeep them apart from tbo others. The report

'as accepted and ordered published.The report of Treasurer tlen W. Jenkinit

waa read aad also ordered published.Itpon motion ot Mr. Jenkins il was ordered

ih«t Auditiir* lie apjioiuteil by tlm Chair toupon his accnuuta aud Mcaom. Halaey

and Taylor were appointed.The terms of He-sra. Condll, Nllea, Cullernd Halt, Dircctora, having eapired, all wereselected.Mr. Jenkins ns<l the report of tbe Treaan re r

of the Board of Lady Managers for Mr..Lyona, which wan utceutcd and ordered pub-lished.

The president congratulated the manage.BKDt upon the excellent work which hadbeen done under thoir direction, and Mpeel-ally npoa the good tiealthof the children.

be Inatltntion haa grown very pnpnlariroughoat the county, ami a generous aup-

port bos been accorded It by the people. Thenetting then adjourned,

Tbe Melfht of Fed*.Wb*n the tesnlt or the election waa la

grave doubt lost week there were n f*w ofthe bralnloM erder abont bete who «P*alyboasted that they would 'twods through,blood'' and all' that sort of thing to i i a f jrote Cwnlond aa Prcaldeat Hueh atalaias the eleetion ef lllalne an n elnae role waanot to, be snbniiltfid to, ood they vowed th«,t

key would have Cleveland or gore. * >when eMld a Hrpnblkia be f«nd wbe e>

thl l h bl tt

ned thn luruitur*. K«.t alItrr, W, II. KUMI ; hud giveu bia ilou HWUJ

after il wm taxed. Knt remitted.Hintccr rk'winn Mnchlnr Cont)inii.v: ntked

nilnctinu I'raiu OSOU lo (iTifl ou jiermiaiii |iru[i-rty. Sot nllowed.

Tki Ikttliff l lak.The ntw sknlitiR rink an H^t-t slit-.'t

i-ainiMuit ti> Iw wore of n imblii' Ui-nvllt ihniiliin.v nt llrst ttiipi»u»C(l. HIHIIHIUU Imtlt I'.v

Mni'O' Ic Liuil). of Hi.ij;limii)>liHi, N. Y., fintbc line* nu.l pnrpuHPK of a «kaliii;< rink. Init

ia nrmntiPd that it niny l><- tirtcil Inrtut brrlu^s of any kind. Smith t Kck-c doing Ihn inn*oii wovk mid JI. V, It.

Scaring will do tlie curpmtoi' work. Ihc wliolebeing enutruvtod lo IM completed wltltlu nuc

Ih from the tlnn! «f bi'jduiiiun- Tiieloiin-dationsarci LOW under «v»y nnil no.imiu rum.pktion. Tho building will IHI ViOxm feet in

'itnious, and will prpacnt a credilnblo ap-iiucc when ^luiplrteil. It nil) In built

up ou tbo oilMdn with novelty sliliuif.shrnthed wilh weather nsiper nnd eeiluil hi-

Ide, mtikiug it ti«ht and worm. The root111 bo trussed, su HB to siv»ld tiny eulmmi In

tlie large tiudiloriuni, nutl will bu envrr^.l'lib uhlnjflFi. A raised platfuiui liiur feet

wide and coulaiuiug two rowi of M-»IS forappctetors will rstoud along the mirth niik,whila a row of chnli-a iilnniithe xnuth side willafford WOtlna places fur tlie sknlcni. At end, on tinsel utreet. tiler* will lie live-inoini—nu office, nkatp room, gt lit If man'sroom, Indies, room nnd store rnnin, iind nlmvcthese will IieHiranjii>il u hjileotiy for the oi-ehealra. Tlie entrunuo willhe on Ilutx •tifnt,

ut thuru will hv itu n i t at tbu went cud, amia board walk will IK> ballt tat the uaca of tliuxuwho wish iu ri'iu-li iliu Imildliix frmn Susucx St.The rink proppr wlil'l.ino it double ftW-<.i

below and uf liitrd hocih irocid cm top.From tho flour to the luwent [HIlut ot IUH rootwill be tisteru feet, umkliiKit lai'K^ mid spleu-dld uuilllatriuin. Tbn huiidiug is bLlug con-

tracted by Messrs. Marcj aV Lauib with tbeIdea of nuking It u permanent institution, andthey will leave it at auy time lor eiitertuiu-

ta, halla and jmbUn gatherings uf everykind, and it i* believed that it «nn be ouittcdtocuiitain atbouiaM ppniilo very comforta-bly. Tlii-y hiiT* loosed the lol for three year*,with tho ]>rUil<-g« of d\P, and huve H!MU ob-

:bc right to puiebaao it, which it is un-ite Ted they will do. It will surely piovc anacquisition to the town In the wuy of a public

sllT and Ka aueh wo wolcnnie it,

BUM la the Irendolt MIMNarauvl UrnTcn, a younjj man vinpluyetl In

the Iroudalemluc waa killed ou Tuesday af-He was engnged in miming a drill-9K, wiau sbont Su'clook, u pistv nf

rock from a bloat itfaavc wiled down over thefoot wall aud struck him upon the head. Thanoise orthcniaebiue deadened the sound oltbe falling rook, aad Ihe I rat known of theaccident was when Groves fell down npogJohn Moyae, who waa working at the foot of

aehlue. Graves was picked up In anisfsims condition and it was found that

hloaknll was crushed In. Hews* reamed tohU hmna vAan ha alo. at S o'eloeh the aameoftervoon wlthMt regolumg eonaeiouaoaaa.llewaflbcMin very high ngmd by all whoknew htan, a«d waa a young man of excep-tionally gootl ehnraeter. He laivea a widowedmother, a. wife and two amall children.

ftlnco the furrgolng waa In typn we learn

presata an|1Msg olae thansad a desire fa see t'leveUnd inaugurated tfdeclared elected by oven the mlsnfn ma-jority. They thna shawed taonMalvea foml

peaeeable tatand inaugurated

HenubHeoas and frpMi 4< tM* 1 .their partjr whtfh hpa olwaya Atforcd s«'miaDM to tbo fairly einnBaad «"> • ' tipmple. The obampions of P««oern«f whoU.ue.1 aueh gory iiroelflinMfaus br.lang tothat claas of heroes who da their fldhting withthnlr wootha, and who m ton event nf realdanger wanld be tlm Int to get farthestaway from it. There Isn't a country in thaworld where talk ia cheaper aud mur« harm*•as than in thli,


A delightful occasion to all Invera of goodmiuie to spend a pleasant evening, Kill I*given next Tbnmday eveniug, Nov. *»tb, Bt81. Mary's Hall. Prof. Kenatler's DoverBawl, of 9t pieces, have volunteered lo gltfto tbs public oae of their choicest ooneert*.Oily ten cents admhsion and a beautiful

yprise tain store to be distributed at tin cud

he only r

mlnle ; n«k:ul ro'Iilction frum aa-dJOOon n-nU'Htiite. Not Hi lowed.

(1 trmilluuve of tat. usa hounn lor nl* month* aud bia

Thetntiu. liumportuaiticxhlgb order


A Oieat EflterUiamanJ.'oplu ol I)I>VH. .I.-|<riviiI oium (be lily, nit' m,' uftcu ull

nf lii-uriiift inttrtniurin

wsjitn l ,i

opportunity is ttuw oliercd fur tearing PIIIIK--thiugof MII inniiiiiil i-MufiK-tor ut a vcrv iimc]-rrut-cunt. Tin- Itridlii-i-liciucl of l,i«:i>iiu<|ivr

KuginearH ol' tlir M. & lv. liivixiun hnvc ar-

enterlflinin.jut in Mii-k- lli.ll. Omn^-. ,,\,

tliri-ctiuu uf II LiiiKUlltUo tiiu))iuiu:'il of Mf-^h.

SiluK MLllkk uml C. E. Hurliind. Tlie.v Lnvosutiirecl tin; Hui'vkca ot'u uiiinliir of euiiiu-ntnriisls. iiuludinjf the luinuun Ynuuj; Apilloriuli, ur New Vurk, noniiiiinii^ boy und nn JIaiiiMcnt; Mr. A. I1, llnrlinuk. the |in|inlur i>l<-cutlouiKt; Hndaiut- Julv dc Kythcr. ).riinitdouuu con t ml to; U n , Kmiiiii WutHon-Duly,priuij douuu Mojiruuo; Jluitir (inline Hum\,tbc mai'vulluua boy noiuauu; Sir. lifin-|jcLydiuK, |.iuui«t, am! ottniM. AUKIII^ ib«wohitiuua to bi: *.uiiK >ull W: Kl.-.h Ul il

muilrigiUfi liy tlm Yunu^ A

r. K

itl. fullfrom VenliV

. irn^i)f lliu j }

bulad Hiilott l«v Mrri. f)»ty uul iar , ami Huk.'liims l>.v uilieil lal l 1H (.no uf Hit' lni-^-ul mid

iu Now ACM?, und t

be div ined M ibe bunHli of ai

"Ti-uvifi>i- Hi., .ilo


lllglllfiflrt.HI fctti i'. ;

tbu eiitiM.uinuirut. Tiirlicdudiej; u tleket tu tinonly #1. and mauypi-ojili;Ilidiiiaulvc*ol thn oii]iiiitii

Cl'tulllll ui or iTickets iu:i,v lie uUtuiimd nf K


or uf Tick.t AKcut White,

A Snrpriwd Surtic.A Dnnii i ' iut-oiH'i i f t iR' real ul.

ni*t.t)aek viirii-ty—(Inipiinl ititi:nuuty punt ottic^e, nol far from !tb«f ilny, nu.l i<[>--»i<d bin - v . «Ht.nil.hiirnt. Ih- h:ul lu-.inl iliatIIH dec-led Problt' l it , lint Ihr Ht'|[. waa nt hi* |ioit ns ufT.tlilo U H I \

h»rr y i t !" lm e.voUlmed tvnh u

everythiuii HWU.V fi.nii 'em rt t i n y \

I'd Hlii> ID kuuwf I'll ti-ll Amli-i- ( l i l lni , l»,v[odlit, thet f f lm ilou'l rlslil thin iiillilty I'llK-vcr voltt fur him fnr Klmrf n«in. i n Ivou't!" ii ml Hie nlil limn wnl ldd uiv i.v ilixlir>1DIIII »fsnrM>w*.

••ttUnf a s llaotiaa BetA vei j iilHiHaut |in riv ill a Morii* a I reel

putilenee on lVcdtioxlay pvcnlitjj «vns Ihn reull nf an c-lertinu wnpiT. A li<nik-l;tc]u!r Inmn nl our nii'rrunillo IIOIIHCH wrnie tiino ngnunde n wiigcr willi n yeung ludy who WAN theiiikt('Ka<m Wftinendiiy Hint Iliitter winilil hoIrctcil President, tlir itnlirn bi-ing >i gallon

uf iiioiintm-s, nml u cicik in tbo HIIIDO housewnucred n Jiulf Iiusbil el' nennnlH nn tlm mimernuiill. Tlm ntuLtM were tiiiiiniiii'ini'il intotully which ».(.ii]]i»iiy nf vmniSiik-uiUliclficJlu |uill umt ilevoni, n.i'itii«lutn cli^tiit.ittiiiKlilonly cif oilier Inlty wbkli ivim nol uf theileetiun vni-it'ly. Iu fmt it WHM II Inlly nflnii-fruu the uuUtt. neither of IheynuitK minivrbobnl nu lintlt-r vtitinjf'»•• him, nnd theyknew (nun the licjiiiiiilng tb»l tlie fund« iu-vestfd lu thia political Inffy wuiild yirld »

*rnl return In it oixmtlful crop of Inffy ofithi'i- onliT, Itiitwhik- tlu> IHF.VB ure jubi-

liint over the nuiouut of taffy they receivedfrom sueit » luudeinti; outluy the nirl" iuc uf[he i>|iinl<in tbnt llii'ii' tuti'y in ti K.KUI invest-iH-ut tbnt ivill imy llniu lur^i: <liviildi<1«nbcu (hosUnlliiK ritit D\ICM.

klong tho must siica-snfill bilBinetH niru of

Hew York city IM .Mr, Aby«b II Tupping, whoW4B burn at Hnekuwny, iu tliiu nmuly. Afterkiqiilriiittitll Iho eiluculioii whieli ihcvilln^clohnolit ntWirdctl, lie went to tlie inetropoliB i»IHW, lit the :ine uf twenty. Hu rut hi- e,v<-tectU in the cuunncrclHl world vi lh P. Cnr-Wtt A ('• , haiterH, uln-rc'lis clerked andkept books lor ubout eiKbt TCJH-H, In 18G8 hefoiioded (be firm of Topiiliitf. Muynard 6VHobron, batters, nt No. 139 Qraud street,wk«r«th«yWg»nin»lon2ailOOfi5Gt. Thrlibu4ueM gre«1SSI they wet

muvalH, anally landing in their prt-arut MUU-eluua quarter*, No*. 87E anil 677 llroudway.Tbe firm haa probably the |argeRt stock orhats and doea thB most extensive wholesalennd Jobbing trad« throughout luu world olany iu tbe city. Their factory tur the munii-faetnre «f at iff bate nt totaled at Norwulk,Couu., and their ugeuU nay Iw fuund IRHouth Aavriei, tho Weal hid ten nml ot^erpoints. Mr. Cdwlu Muynard h> the purtuer.

ployeraaa one of the moat valuable of BMU,and by bin associate* aa one of Ibe beat offriends. He was chari-emM of Ibe ihlfl andthe dor before tbe accident be and bia swl.t-un.t.John Mnyoe, drilled thlrty-Ave feet, in-otodUg the shifting of their moebiae sevenflmea. The mumlug of the accident tbeyW«re delayed by a mishap and worked rightm through the dinner hour loeaMhwp, Whenthe bloat waa flrad they did a at <|utt theirpwat OB other* did, because they bettaved thaithey were inn position of safety. The fatalpteoe of reeh «oa hi)rind a diitanee of about

tot. a|Bt**t horiiontally, a»4 than fellover tbe wall above them. Tbe deaeusmlmarriednalster of Kev. ratherntlrudy.andpr. O'flrady, and no death has secured for nloag time tu too eoinmunltiee whore be lived•Ha worked that baa oaaaed more profonudaorrow toon that of thta intelligent, Indaa-trlnna and honorable young man, who digni-fied hisnaelr and hla labor by bit moat Mcel-lent life and w orthy ecample.

t l M Work.

The success of any Dover enterprise i* al-ways a matter of congratulation to tbe laoH

This rcALCtlou le canned by an toupeetlon of the uew display case of photographicwurk recently put out by Donaldson, the or-tint, In front of bis place, nearly opposite tbepnstoMce. Il sbnwa what we have long bc-ltev«l, that few communities of the *\t? ofDover cau boast of nuch artistic excellence as

repoaMaMinthopertouorDouatdsan. There• a to the subject, and a ahlll In

execution afaowu in all hln work that ia unei-celleil l y that ot any of the great city nrtiatt,ami be U Illlluit tbe homes of IhU twetilonwith apeclmcna of correct portraiture tbatwill long remain a umiivo of plflasure tn theptMieMura. fn conuectioD with the superiormerit whleh hla work dUcloaoa we may aaythst I)uuald*on has reduced the cost to meettbe exigencies ot tbe financial depressionwhich prevail* aad it now doing bl« gruile ofwork at the aame prices for which Inferior

urk ia Iwing done by artist* wb,o have noreputation to sustain. Ho is located here, hima bualnrsa reputation at stake, and althoughprlcea have been forced down eaanot affordta put out work nf an inferior character.These plain faefs will show that people havenorer before bad an opportunity far oblain-lug stieh good rcsulta lor auoh a small outlaywf money aaei

• be hod at

Aetaaed at BSWMJ.

John Itolden, John Monaluw, Ml*Hogsn awl Jamea Ihuhley, all Alton Mineboya, removed aeme tlntc ago te Menhoopcn,Pa., where they worked lo the mlaos and nilhaardod at the tame bunae. A«vlc*a fro*(bar* ata)t«) fhat thKf weeks aflaJaat Monday,while tftfl othera were at work John Monabanwent te tht house ani robbed their prapeHy,taking n watch, «hoit and CM belonging toJohn<lola>a, m from Michael IIagon, II.50Irotn Jamea Bawkley and a woteh aad ehatnbelonging t<t another n n . Ooldeo'e watvhWM a good one ana Mat him *W. Alter lnk>Ing the property Monahan at onoe dBoamped.They followed him aa far an Buffalo, Pa.,where they found be bad token a • rain toNew York, He arrived at bis home near tbeAllen Mine on the Wednesday following andhas been seen In thla vicinity this week. The

young men are •II kard working boys, nndtlolden and Buokley are tbe son and atep

M » of tbe widow Maiden at Alien Minetnwhose support they contribute ftom Ibelrearnlnia. Tlieyfeel thulr lust very hreulyand their friends think It only Jnst tbat tb«facts ahould he made public.

stooh ol drugo, medlelues, perfu-k i il d l

i . gweather strip, beat and cheapest, oar one mery, (oncy nrlklea, paints, nil* and gluas•an apply tt. Por sol. i y 8. II. Berrj *- Co. | eenabuUr in Block. W. H. Oeodnla'a.

IH Klitu I' met lln-

ri»i0ii'il: •• Ilidn't ythe Itt-pntilifiiiiH pi

li-i- w-.u-y, Aiinii.iiiit


Si 8 w I s r 40


TP I'd tluMIII,.l|>Mtmui, •• 1 told III.F lio.v Zs-k* Hint VVillunl f i i l l -r ,

Orud Jollinmtiea at Beckaway.

ii' lli'iiiiirriiitii- "(il.T." nl .Munii I'liiiiit.y

lilllinl lulli i ' i-li-rlimi til" <•!• 'VeUiid aud i ( -

f>inii-iiiM'licii;;irly Hvfiirm-iiiu lu'ii'liy ii.-vltt'd lo iilti'ii.l it uiMiid Jiilillii-ittlmi ut Ituck-awtiy tli!*—Kiiil.iy-evwiliig. ,\\\ ulut \'iy

' IM. I tV trul Itiiih' 1 \II th.


pai-ty—tlicl thcr lilu 'k Iti'puiilii'iii.ViI »I(M1

with aueb rupldily that up toinprltrd In nmke neve nil tv-

The Third Annual Ball of Ihn 11. * V,. R. H.Employes' Mutual HcneHt A«*mlation in su-«i.uneed tn hike (IIOPB nt tbn Acmlemy afHualc, In Newark, on Frlilny evening, Nav,Slat. TonlTorrtraUirtainnienttosueboltbRlrpttraas BB da not take part m tbe daucing theWll will h* pn-ei^J by a Krand promenade

lUMrt rendered by m Urat-ebuwi orehentra ofI pireea, nudcr the l.^ilr^hl,. of Pmf. Voaa.leketB af admissiiui, goad fu geiitloman u «idln». aw N»1I| ou. nil tbn train, of the Mod

a ol tbe Anapplied to

j|»tion. Theproeeedatho benevolent fund,

making thn ohjeet one or ibe intMtt worthyeborillna w» know »f. Nu read In the ouulry

a a better reeord than thia for promotingtbe welfare and safety eftbc trnveliuH public,and thia ia very largely flue tn the efficiencyand falthfulueas of the rmplo.yiwa. The gen-eral public cau Bttluglx rao<i{(niac tliU >>y pu-Ironlilug the benevolent fund of tbe sMwocia-tion through this lull.

be envelopes fur cnntrilnitiona to a fundentalilUblng il iiennanpnt ineiunrlni I*

keen in reinemhr.ioees tho Mrvicen of Iho UtoJohn Hill will U> dUtributeil in all tbe Sun-day nchnota of Mnrrt* o.tiinty on Hnbtiathnext, Ihe 16th ln«l. Tlieae enveioiiei" will lwtaken tnibeirbotnea by thoclilldn-n ami re-Inmed wilh their offerIDRH on tbo HubhnthfolUmlog. ARimunccmKiitH will also he madeiu the pulpits on Nnudny allowing how tithursnot cngiucd in Hnaday suhool work way ulnneuntritnite to Ibis worthy nhjec-t. It in lo lit;honed that thli MiliM-rlptloa will reach awhpropnrtlona aa tn Oily "bow the high regardiu which tbeiuetunry of Mr. Hill in held bytb« nesple among whom ho lived. A mini ofthe people, whono.whole life wu» nn oflort loIteopflt their condition—bit mi-amry ohnulitmake their offerings at thin time » willing,grateful Mid Ilbernl pknreaainu ol rognrd.

Rev. Edwin R. D.ay, who died lu £utou-towu, Mnnmuutb county, ou Sun-lay lust, waitadmitted iu the New Jersey Conference in^Kil, and served a* minister aud pastor In anumber of cbtrges with suecc*. Ile was pop-ular and in demand lor » number of yearn tillbia health failed, when ho took a iuuernn-m.erary relation, which be sustained until hisdecease. He waa born in New Providenw,to which plae* hU remains were fakeu forbnnal. Tbe funeral ser«l«< task ptaee onThursday nt 3 r.»., (runt the M. B. Chumb.He waa the OOB ot the late Kev. Ktephen Day,of that place- He l«avcH two elder brothers.

t pmembers of tbe Newark Cnnferen Hry.members of tBflDjaniaHayaudKev.p.U,nay. Mia aged«(td boiwred nothar died a short ttnw ainpeat the luminlt, having nearly reaebed her

IHshon Wlgger haa liaund a eiMnlar letterlathe priests of tbe Illoeese of Newark, in-structing that the annual Fotar'a peaoe ml-leetiom be taken un at evert mats in nil theobuHbe* next nunduy, lath Inst. The Bisbop••»<MMUtbeelerg)rtoarge the laity to cou-trihale liberally, for tbe H..Iy Puther PopeLeo XIII, stand* greatly tn n « d ot funds.Durinjt the pant year, the lli«hnp nays, theSovereign PontiB" lion hail wanj call, on hlapurse, ID wblch be li»» nnbly rcip<imle<l,facl|ilng the nnfcrtunaUi tn many placeawho bud bwn vl.lti-d by earthiiuiikcB, ehniertior utber fiaUmitlcs. Until tbn re«torutio

b l h tb UUlof the temporal po

b U t f d l t

, vbluh tbe, the Peter's lKtncc is

l b h Ttbe only -onree of revenue wlilrh tin*


•tofes and rangi-t alof heating Hto<the lowest prices st Allen t Monlugton's.

'Jlietiniu fore:iitiiien

Ih it -ml, will htnv.

]>lc[|Ni- n i i N i i i i n w i i v I n '

t b i i

I tniliim l c in-tii

For Salt Bivcr.

S i l t I j i w r i i i , i !<-..• , l i i ; . - . T i , - l . r i »

•i b .V

nl t» n ftw

tlirH Imve ruined Ilia |iecn.>h» uf II

• nii'.Uuni nt' tuitioninln. Id . I). K.^ wil lfn. lri l . i tt . -t . . theiteriat <if Uie c>ee:ihimi Hy n-iKliiiKn reci'iill itoiial i n n Itioliinomlpupcr, which shown

irned" iu tin' Kiuiit DiMimrralii- tiiuiilpli.mi. Tits, II. Xeitfbhimr, of Duvpr, Is ex pee led> iiiiikf niiu<MrrH«imlli<' "i»*ii<M" of Hit'le «irtiivit»», nhiinhiH i-nnelum<.l,v Ihnt imly

l'l, lire justified In v i l i t i - Hie |.r.thl-ilinn ticket iu n general vleitinn. AIIIMM

Illiindiinil. IN | . . .,['l>,r.-n, in l i l i rwi^ • X-

ai>|llli'illinti Itilii,- LllA. AH it ierrtaiii Hint tlien- if iv hiu crmtd jimiiy ihwlin wi-h .iiinf',,i<Mhli- >.cri1,H | l: l l | l i i ' i l . .r a].-ply in .In-: «.-ii«,.ni. 'I'lie reiimin why the lm:ilII;IAIICII Htns-led l.i-ii.ri' IHIIIIII time hits h e ma wnniiry 1d nl 11.w M.n>ii:il Kellcy to lenov; t '

1 li« limit flri.<rilMU'eiily.fmti-,V<''ll-rtftf I Iflllti-CTii(ie ni'rlllniiii'y. C.n.iml J;ifk^«n Imvir,;;l i i in IIVIT the trip it uii'iilii'l' ill Ihnct, h.lck mll.r voluntpirril -.»u,~Kl hUnlHidi'il l,'oimblieiili fiii'mU liy (icliiiU nx ],i!.,t on lbi«opi'liHiim. The |iur|y heinj; l-nlln-l-eckti notilhifi- lleiniH'Rit will lifiillinvi'il tiMii'ei)iii|iillivtbe Rxruridiiii. In mldiliiiu to HHIM-of lorn]topiito Win. Will iiinkc tlm voyitge Hi.' l>.>;it«il l h l l , | i ,,t WaaliliiKtnu h. iv .r ivr MeMro.Pi ml l.i'imrl, Acki'mni, Liiniltert nud otherdJHliiiuiiiiilmil Kiientn. TIIUKI' who mi| part (if I he He rnitie tleket will lm Imulnrl

K I . I I . I I » t i . l l i>n nl>i<nt 1i»l l ' -»-<iv u p t h e i - i v i i

whe iililisb liilli'

iiiHi'il In uiiiki-

>1 tbetlimry tliut ttii),' If tin ever c.\hs: I'lillcd Ktntc>. Ant;- W. I'm

1,111 HltOltldll'l I iry 1«

drmmmtiturt up

mpvet liWill I* MIwill lie ti

Im furunresliicli Imvo liulley of,)..,

itiis <if Morrimi liy the lk

i I

voli-dClcvi-liind, Mariii, nud the othrri uii our tiekel nro ii'aj)«ettiilly iuvitnl.ler nl'


Uniformity in Bltction Tickeu.In Sew Tcrsf'y the Intltmle <il drni^n. nrnamtatlnn nnd finish nllnwed to tile [Kiriie* li

thoprluiliiK of tkkulA li> iiuinientiLiiiuuly tenlarge. Thrrc IH tno inueh lriindeut utirl rhronio

a to pri'set-vt; ill allbuainea* about tbe btimes tbe uhitoliUo fey whinl iho hif

Hut imy dawnKe which innyensun from Ihft fact is of little moment com-pared with tlio oil Ira j(e of dixfruuchiiteiuKiitiv tho nuforccBient, after tboelecliou, oftrop

lawa nf which the public bnvo voted iu Iguor-suee, Tbe real preventive tor both. dungeM

ihlupiwurtnlle i»ihA miiiorviitlun of theform and prlntlag ot tlio ti«k<-ta by Mlale oretmnty nmhoiiliea. It' the pttrtk-a and thnpeople art' not read; for aueh R departure **thla, thn lawa gnverniug the printiug nf I liellehtta should be poMtttd nt polling j.laeen,wt forth In Hcrlluii iiroclnmBtiona amibrought by the election officer* tu the atten-tion of |>eraoiii ottering titlet* upon wlilrh

marking wua apparent.—Nowiirk News. ^

Waa it a Bl«s4» ar a Trick 1Armtding t« the uewspapcni nn incpeetion

of Ibe efltelal letnrna shows a blimder ura trick wktoh wonM havo defoatod one Hlaiae«tecl»r in this 8iate bad the vote been close.Israel T. Adauu withdrew from the Repub-lican elector ill ticket several weeks before

Mahloi HaUbiuonn woo put inkisploee. NeverthelesBovt-rtldOlieketB werepout for Adams in tUI» Blote iuaicod or Huteh-Inaon. Every Repablto»u ii<3wapa]>or In theState wot aunt » slip from which tu printUchels, containing the uamci nf ekctora anda warning against mistake* M> it aeemsdonbt-ful that tbern oould have been a, mistake Intbo nnttrr. It I- staled that W of tbeMi tlck-

imlleil in Waxhlnglou tawnahlp, luMorrl« County, Ilthlt in truo tbea it !• in-deed a rweallj trick, becaumi tho Republicanballots (or Waxhinglon township were printedit the .iHku (if TIIK Inos' KHA nml were eor-

rett in every |)i»rtiiul«r. If any nthern weroused In Wasulugtuu towuship they wereuiinterrrita, Iwucit with tho ra*icully iiiten-I,III of iWeivliiR Ui'imbilcun vntera.

Tha Hothjilst CSBUWUBI.Thin i* the crntcnDlul yeur of Amcrienn

HetboflUin und throiigbaut the lenglh umll.readtlii.f thu Tulted Htntrx tbe Meth.wlUtKplixopnl chnr<-lie' in sonic wiiy ur unolhi'r

nl thi'iruwu. Tlie Mrai^hloiit ifepiililittiuiHwill mi nil Iho wny tlinmcli Ki>l tin- li(>ni!-III ol tl.u wltuhMrlp. A «in!(.|nl t-urner of tlirbunt will he H< [ iifiiirt fm- lt<.'|>iiblieiui pnihllii-

to toUiiecn. Hii|i[ilied liy " l'lip'* Mui'i'iHDi:. As

\ . it—Tin' triii M'iH bo IIH (-x|iiMii-tinnnly us ]iciHdihli in cud el' tn HHUW Ihe piirlytu let urn in liinf! tour^mi|)li«litlie (rood noiknl "liiriiiiiK tbo nmciilri nut." Let's linvc u

latest Taaaions,I'liotnurapliy in nun of the fnshlontible

ilL'ad.d triinmii-^t. uf ,itl kiuiln, jet, nine!uud ii-riclieeut. will lm worn tliix Wiutvr.

Tho Unurds' COIIHH sire lo lie more fin.linmubio thin Winter tliim evt-t. In fnet, |-cd umlHim ln'^liiHIn hi' almiiNt ti Rent nf uniform inUntil, fo uiiiny WfU-ilre^nl wmneu wenr it.

Ont-ol Hit! 1«ti<*t ilir-isrt in London is nnnveltyin lhiiHlia|iciiln Hiii'ilc leather nhirt

I witli )Niluii»iHi> cl mivy-blno ncvj;e. Thn ivnist-| fiint U of leiithcr. like the lieltleniit, which

enn lie readily »|iungi.J IVIL- of niniliir t\\M.

Why do nol ncnuc Autumn linden (,-et theirntlunilmit middenn to wear tho 1 wives nn.lliciriun Umt are now lu nil (heir rkheat tint*of fading I 1'iiNtrfully urrunged they would

>k Invely flaainut » linrkuroinul of palelints, su(>h UN uun'a \«iliu|{ iu blue, canary or

* * « • pink.

Tho " innnehoir " lHUiurta and huts are inuiuonne deinuml. The ierehief ia so folde.1

tuiit two of Ihu corniTD cover the crown, amithe two others hUind up BUBIBWIIM in front

n IHJW Innneil of Ihn bndy of the article.The corner* nn often rmbnilderH, RHII thulirli(hti-r the tints tbe mnro effective tho tmw.


ppi> hitldnig ceDtenii(al

•toD<:i-fi ncventl elm tube


In H«IU« i

fiuuhlnittK "'IK-))-

||irately. In the puierMnn HlKlrlut ini-nlN*huve IHIPII umde fur it UiMilcl C'enteii-)iul Convention. Thi* ci.n vent Inn will huheld ID tlm Mnrkol utrwt olnireh, I'ulcrAon,next Moudny uml Tumlnv. Thn follnwlug|iroRn>inmc bm been nrraiiK«iI j Union luru

| on Momlity evenlna. Tun ail ny—Mft h-lli ami the C'IIMH, the Hov. II. John*!

M b w l l a n as un Evangel MIc Furee, the Hw.W. fl. VVJUKI Methodism nnd Chlldlinwl, tli<-R w . J. M. Mcekt-r; Hemio Ape of Mctli-idlmn, Mr. B. « . Dubetty, Aulslnut Kditot-if tltP CbriMlinn Advoeato; Thn Doctrines of

Methodism, tin' Rev. H. K. Fpham, nl DrewTheological Heuiinnry.

r. Unniol Khafer, of Broakiyu, who bongbttbc Ml. Arlington Ilotrl, with all the bulld-iugB and twenty-seven sores nf ground, busujcc|ded to erect near the hole) • new dormi-tory, a»io3 feet, two Htoriea blgh, »ml eou-Uinlpg (went* alecplug apartments. Mr. J..1. Vreeland has tbo bai I ding eontroet aadwill begin the work at one*. Mr. V reel andla alto building a alearahont landing on thutproperty. Weuudentand that It Is projectedtn foBllil a new CHBB! from Hhlpmannpori forthe ptirposea of pasMnger tratBc, and that a"team dredge will bo In the work. Bucb

nasal would rodiico tbn dintunce by waterfrom tbc railroad about imehnir, iH^idcsibvUting frennent detayn at the Urmiklin

>'-•• ^ % j m ,

A Mntnral Bsmlt

Ino of the tlntt oiitcomi's of ttiu feelingnng many Ho'iiib'iennn nKnlnnt thn tetnjHir<c party win in mil fen led in Jtnte.y l.'iiylmituing. License hiwl Imen rcfuncdtuaNitlnou>|ier nti Ihu iktitlon of Hm temperance lien-

plc by the vein ol Ibo RcpuMliMtn Aldennfii.Lust evening, when It riimcup ugnlnit wax

granted. The Kopulilicuas Ihere any thny willvola for Hi<i>iuu>a In every iwraoii who wanlato np^n u lii nnr iloro. A^ tht' temprranccpeojilt' liy their votes liuve dc-clnreil Ibrvprffnr Ueniocnwy m Kofnililii-anisin, ttieji-i;-aey City Aldermen pronoM to. (leriull tlteDeiti(n;ra(ic polioy nf fre« llcehao to prevail.

An Item Ur Teachers naa beheUn.Ktnte. rlii]n.rimcndcut of Iiiittnielion Apgiira lulled ii circular to the public school

whermif the State, mill OR at ton tlon to theprupaied exhibit of New Jersey rducntlniialniAtterMobomndfl Hi the New Orleans Ex-poHltfon. Every teacher 1* rci|uc*t«d td securefor the cxbihlt one apeciincn of work in eachfarauch of study punucd by her pupiln. 1 beuddreHN cnprciaily reijucstn ihnt "all thewoik be thnt which IIOH hern h o u r l y doni!hy the piiptla wllhantMitittHnee." Tho teucli-cr'n inHnence Khoiild appear fu the prepara-tory training tbe pupil h u received, but norin tbe actual work done for ciliibitlon. Con-siderable Intcrcat la being devclu|«d amongthe pupil* and teacher*, and Ihe display Invipcoted to esceed In iutereat tbat which tbe

aehools made at tbe Ueutenuiol.

Tbo*. McUratb, a minor in the Hunllowamine, waa coming up nut of tbe mini) ou a lad-der Imt Monday. Tha nlinft. belli* cloudedwith flteam he made a mistake ia steppingfrom tho ladder—thut is, instead of steppingipon a Umlitg he Mopped into the nbnft midII » diitlancc of almut -ifi leet. Tbu lujuriei

hn received wen terrible. Thu paint al hitleft fllmuldor WOK broken near tho socket, theright •boulder wna thrown out, nud hl» hl|>difll.ieate.l l.iidl.v. He IUMI ttlsu twu larn« ""«IIUOII the In-ad mid other neve re brnlncM. Ilewas u very henvy tiiun nml It wnan wonder bo

rai< not luaUully hilled, Ho wna removedluiiue in an micnmoions ixm.Httcin. (Mi Wcd-

iv iHorninii be bad reoovereil eon se ion li-ne »* unt] hk recovery IH now IIU|MI1 Inr bv bitWoml*.

A t u t Af abut a Bailroad.L'orra N. WiIlium* linn IM-KIIII suit nKninot

tbo I>eUwnrt!, Lui-kiiwniinn uud Wtstem mil-rand, on IH-IIHII of E. SI. Went, for (2,5110 dnm-

lor injurii-* rriTlvi'dnt Milburn taut.Inly.Mr. West wn* nptiroachhitt » eroamug lu thnltowu, driving nn lee wtigon, wben ti tmiu

!, itniiiB In tlw dlrmioii of Summit,ing thut thu tntek ivn» eleiir he un-

dertiHik to «lriv« nerowt, when n tmiu enmeopposite direction ami ctriitk bkbicli u;.. 1. .IMIT1-II.I1. Mr. West's

leg wnsaoBcvprelv iujun-il that hcwiislaldup for *•!< week*. Nn Hainan wns stulioncdnt tbe crnonlim. mid Mr. W.HI rl.iiun. flint on•eeuuut of a Mbsrp cnrv« aud II lilgh enilmiik-nvnt he oanld not aett the train until it wnit aftm- feet from him.

sHtian tf lott l tmm.

INtrsons h living auy nlnim* against the lateniwph Heath will premnt Ihu name to

Stephen C. Lonisou, HockettMown, or P. II.Rurrell, llovcr.

NOTICE.The Hf.iinl nf Chown Fri'eJi older * have »n-

thnri«ed Hit! Court llnuw- nnd Jnil L'oiiiniit-

li'e lo ndvoTtiiw for wnliii pr*iposaln for pt-r-

fnrmlng prut mm I emu for tbo (-'utility of Mor-

ria OK the same Mi nil lie nrd erect liy the Caro-

ier«. Hiiicl |iro]ioHnlH rnii t tttntc for hnwmticK

[>eren«ethcneiviee. will IHI performed ii]i

tbe. rt-Riiliir mcelliiK<if Hie llnnrtl in.lunr IK

and will bo nwivn l mid niH'tinl ut Iho Khf r-

itTx (Illlri- nt VI M. Drninbi-r Iltb, IKRt. Tho

Cnminltlec rentrvc the ri«ht In reject imy oi

nil bidH. _ It. H. l,nsi:Y, <-|inlminti.

FOR SALE,The ]irii]tertj-nu Illnrk^rlt »trt«t ui-nr HI

Jlury\t'linmh, iicrn.].|pil liy Thiodnrc I'.v.m*

UA itfJiSW). Tor iJ;irll«:iilnn, apulr to


iHH tt


















fmr «II»M who* cmll enirlf git tk* •M k«o»c mt


Notice of'.'u In lieri-hy f-iven lhat HID srconnls

nf tlm anWrilirrM, Enetuots of Alpheoin*ciner..UfL»4e,|, will hu nmilted init utttrdby tlie Surrogate, ami rr|inrle<l fo l t• t tOrnlni iH'Curlol Itio Cnn

dl for settlrment

t t H

RDUNN& tlie Surrogate, ami rr|inrle<l for settlrment• rittieOrnlniiH'Cnurlol Itio Cnnnt* rt Hnr*rU. ou MONDAY, tlifltliiTd Jay of NOT ember


Oatwl Ans. Will, I8M. «*•»«

Notice of Settlement.Notion m bcrt-li* i

II c Piibx-riUi r. A'liNol.TI. .1, (-'l-.-.Tl, V

'lnil'traUi* 'nf'Thniiiia S.II til- IMl KlNlCllil ri*|inritil f o r i c t t l t i

MABY NOUN.Dated Bepl, astb, 1QH. »»-9w

Improves' Lew Pretturs SteamHeatlnc spparitn


Page 6: CARRIAGES H7BEACH& SON, · 2015. 1. 6. · NEW AIR-COMPRESSOR. MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE & IRON Co. All the latest styles on

FADED LEAVES.Tli:- hill, «ii' Li

lltil IIUWIMIK-Til,; l.^.Il ll'ilt,

A- il.

IIIK'.SK i l






JUNE 22.1, 188'.FMIUSH H*TH)«£ :

IN NEW 1'DJ.K, foot of Liberty St., NorthIN BaoiiKLVM, (Bruolilj-ii Bridge Pii-r.)lw PuiLiniLPHU, driKiiB 0:L aoJ Urcei

J.I »i,a Berfca Hta.

Sew Yorkliraiklvuft.Fultou it.

BrookBiKh BudgeCmlttoa

.. 7.5a 10.10

.. 8.CB lO.fl.9

.. 8-IiH 10 57

.. a is 11 M

.. 8.31 11.10NOTICE.

Estate of Eliza King. ^ec'd.

alioyueriuaD Tallcj . . .Natigurigut


to <1«tti. witli rheumatic

T tlu- \iaiigs of neuralgia U

TVWOH why uni ?liouid continue to

fTir. Kiptrimtnt with ii good m«Hli-

ir. Tn- ThomuK' Edoclric Oil.

t is urAKAKTEKD hy every

druggist. Neuralgia ami Hliemnatism

ncrer stood before it.

A.M. A.M. A.N.r-M. f. M.Jcmiso Valiej T.1B8.3« ll.lR4.3fi 6.IS

er Arrive 7.90 i . i i 11^3 1,W 7.00

ti.30 1.30 8*0 &.46 . » 1 S9 SAB 8.16.US 1.15 g,!S J.M

Drakedry'a ..F.amltriHarder .Vaugtiriiht

0.00 7.3054S 9.0G€.1010.00

ISournl Brooklilizubutb



Hot Air Furnaces,Of tbe latent and moat ImjjroTtd 'tylea,

jg public and private bntldlPca. Alaii^artmeut af bturos, cheap lor o u b ,


STOVES, RANGES.fte. AIM) a rarietf of




WALL l'APER.lHtl.'DEIlS. 1»A1H)S.


. - I 1 . M L - . J . . I , , . . - I , ,


•: I,iIUi[>T srU; K or IVa

-prii-."!I> slitiu

, i I.,.i

: l',|' l i l i -t l m Ili'-I

• l i l i i ' n f

. ' i l m l y . iiii.l i l Hi. , IMIII invf .

OlI l lT l i - l l , 1 l l . iu'1 I-.'.' ll~ il

T l i , ii , ! , .» , • . . I L I V O I I ' . i I u

l i i i i r . l i M H V i i i ; m ; > - , l s i l n : . -

Pr. „.

••\Vll<MU't.l.V..|t-ILi-. Ms u ^ Mrs. J.upli'v. Mi.tpph,pbitii'.illv. "If «.i< .liter.111,1 1 *;,.n'l :,-!,:.T."

••Wil l . > , u Vt.ikvii," i,'.|...|nl,..lMr ,lu>T


" -N.nv, J:ii'|ililv, il.m't >.ami fal.ily ti. me! I'm noSliink I am."

"Aiualiily, 1 llfV.-r yii n . m I JiJu't. I only rajtilkoii, my ik'ar, for it wn.s oie W e i i . i r iiiflilie ttwnly liv.


ti,- Jl.p'..'U.l .-.ui


, n l . r t . t i p my0: M O C L D I S U S .

lli.'ril J'..

I.V bull l

" JillpljI.V, Will's tin' llni'of Vlilltlu-ro ami lyinp ! l W t jimivutl.l si'O tlif I'lni'k 7"

* "WVl!,, IVi« ffotmuit? tu Niiy, if jouM ratlin- 1)miu'ly-jivc ci'Ut nii'lilfplatedc\wk limit ,V>.EU'U\VII m.imul l,um » « u i l n l Sir. .Fariilil.v, .lecply

s i l l i u aliiuk 1

r lull...|>i.t


ui-.'i .li,|-!.iyi l l "f tl,»>r «;.t. nM.'l. i s n i itilitv tliit.l llml .1.1.111.-1 1i.-il.n\ » I « , . I « , v.i

lKiirtli rl.'iiti|4 il..r Ut

rk, uiiiilisliinK inniiii In,111

lo -sinjii H's.111,' li.-i

Frtico. Houie, Sign Mi Orna-mental Painting and Paper


E. SIEBER,RlrnvkHvll and K I W I St».

I>OVI:K. N. J .


Is Hie best blasting pow-der In Hie imirket.

Is ».» per cent, ttronsertliiiu any known explosive.

It not at dangerous tohandle or transport.

IN plitritlc and producesmuch lens fumes.

I* waterproof millIs told us low as any other

Illicit fiKplosHe.

Thiiam:ur«RViJ.tiKllTjt.,Offlce: 55 Liberty St., N. Y.

Work*:, N. 1.

n man or woman, 1?

you can, afflicted will)

toothache, earache, headache, back-

ache, any nolle, that h u sought relief

in Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil to no ad-

vantage, and in return we will refer

you to thousands siniillnrly iilTccted

whom this tnididtie Las restored and

curoil completely.

roiTSi, Mxisnur * ec, PBDFS,Mt'tJ-'AKO, N. i\

For aale by W. H. OOOOALK.


Dover, N . J.,

illv i»ut" in tin- bi-"••lit

DHit i

A i-i'f>ui-..>r (1riip|H>d inlo our lnr«i>s-tnil ^tulilishmi'iit W,• , ] ! , - , In .

"Vun ItuTL-iafirtMt rush of lin-iix-riimarl(L-ll tin1 roiunlir.

"TEfrt," ivpliuil llir proprietor. "|)arllyliriMiisc it is mirhttsy KCIIMUI, hut niiiinl.v

"HuwiMii j o u It'll wlii.'iln:r julveilllff pilJH ?"

" I I M I I loll wlictlicr luh-frtiHiBB Il>v Ntii|)]i]Hi; it. I've trieil it. Tr

other way."

" I S I I O H M H U V O H biff |»1« of monc.v.lint slioulil lose a l>i jnir jiilo. You uiiTstkeep tin' boilers hiatfil if yon wantstonm. If you Imuit .your firos ton I'Mij:,ittakcj* linif In slart up. Adverthii iy isthe Nl.'iioi wliich k••--[»- lnisinr'HS niDrhif!.I've stiulk-.] ihuinal l i -r ."~/J«t/«H/oin--

Man Wim*itf|iii." Mr. J i n k s , " 5[li,1 lU.-biiiall Imy, rim-

iiiuK iulu tlici mirloi, wher<> his fsistiTMary ami tlmf Kfotliiniiti were si'afftl," wlint would you do if you were oat intb<> Btri'cl nmi i t win*. «u t u ruin ?"

" 1 iluu't knuw," uiiBwi'ml Jinks,"TliL'ii I t'uuhHMnry WHS ri^lit. f»

Bnid tliia moraintj tlmt slitil idii't Iwyou luctW tnniiKli to j-o in tin; lioilitt;

\wliuii it m i i m l . "I t j t whin .Mar> hii.1 finished nitli bi

tliut I've mug he ui-nTo it MIILUIII resiilv•nevtu- to uUcniiit in tU« fulutu l o virifauytUiiif,' IJH sister mifiht x&y.—Bosto


f l ln i t ].-, J;[

|)ly a l>ulf <iis w-W .-.tij

<lf>cri|.li»iv. "1'lii-n1 i

jhh i f COMMISSIONERS' SAJ.ES 1 ; ; ! REAL ESTATE!-." (Jn t l i i - l B '^'t." C' •u.vV/'li'.rTi" ij'il.^n'al

NOTSOB*Estate of Kpliralm

ley, deceased.[ur of Ihe Surrogate

> o n the_..... Ihnusamlir,lily-!nur, notion U

s that 1variot tmj

i i.'ii.-fniL-4. A•.(•\t: IU

nUnvfuiirtti tli.

»l>.*aleeiuiereo!' Alirah

-^.VI, wilt HL'H att bililcr. tt Hiii;i) bv Durotlj

ll UJ lit I'v ami u

litr.' ;in>iii ri|{f(ir«

» Saint

»lfit1icd-t-j*35, andtu £100.

y tit1i,nly

5 cfibut

HUiHlli.tint«, ruarlili! lop, L'jffhtas l,.w OK SID. Pirnn-ts runt;.- frmn i\n t .ie ash Hiiits from S.'Ju;u*lir!ti I.IC sulil ii-i It'

.. ;iuil MiMiroliuo o'.-lncfc P-V'"f >aiil day, IIJL- fol-liin»-t fluiviii" (k-jci-ibn, lamU ^^ij real catn-o' »!•"•<-"' AlKiJjiilj] >>ti)Diiviir, (Jrccai-.--,, |H|t>', • i.f rU.-O.uiiiy orMoiTitt, il.f.lHi'iitl'«l,"jb»t.l»,ii«,l>il» '"-v: v" l tr *•*••*•'•<« «•« t« tir buil aiiu^iciu\Sitl- In- T(.«i.shi|» i»r Hiii'ivir, ii. tbe Gounty

TIIK KIK-T Ti..v:r-inii(il.>ii>f[ til>"U

1 I mi i P. KitUk' from Parftijipanv to P.n

ntioti1* uf tlit-of Ihe stock,mbly tn show

t l i

luore prciuinnut featureshut they will -.ITVC admilh« low prices prevailintvt-ij- (lipartiiii'iit. i t hliin mind too that KUIKIH t-at!ic IJUIIKC ON crcitit lit thci(|iioti'il iiliDVc, mid |>iirc!i••rui] frt'i'of chfii-^v t» iiiiStal.'. Tliuii-in.irk:i1>!i> siifcom of tbi-ji.jiih.; i-t aptly shovwi in tlie fuet Unit it1M not lu.iiiv your* ngo smc« Ihi! Ininuia-liun >( t!iL''bii.siii<^s wits h.i<] u'ilhiu tin'iiiirruw limitw o l 11 liustemt-Qt » Utw doorsfrom its pri'.sL-iit IniMtioii, wlH*m tln>

uf $4, \wv innuth \v:n |iiiiilfor rent. l lu Mu>i:ts.i is dm', clii.'flv niy.-Ilio l,r:id of the h o u ^ , to t h - h'|jt<r»l IIM-,»f |irintrin ink, uud I In- f;ict t|iat tlicyl l t i d l i ( l h't

mhl be boruh^lnul fro

uiiL' luv ratees nr(( il>'liviiiirt of tin

- }tLic or Miiaroo How.

'. I.II tlie fiiUril, on lilt1 f T l i u

i-ntli by Um\* nl Amlnii ivf«t hy wliiit WJ* rurmK «Hi.fc»r" now ownei' or William W. Orion t>.

h l l l

liuvcl to be t

uoi oftuii give p]»y lo hU ^vei-fliisliiU(!wit inlhcchi irc l i . Still, iio«v mid tlitii t would flj- oft1 iu de»piti-of till Jiia can'H« Wiia the preiicliur oui*n fur wiungreat i-lmii'y, im.I tliiuktiiir lo Kct on lli<giving Hido ot Uia in.Mivr«, l»* «nUl; "OAll iLitiotix on the enrtli tlin artthe most disliugm.shed fur the lovr 01iticir HpcL'ic.H." Hut. it turned out » j>oni•cniloctinn Jiftur all. Ho ho wUB muchdi»tml»a nt llio mt-iiu »how llu? \H,XVHmat!*' vboit they ^nmc to the t.ihlc tf

•said: "My frit'udsl huvoiuado B 111 i-take. [NIIIIUM IKIVI* wii.l: ' l'ou wc-•<listiiif;uislifil uniuiig KiiBlisIiineu tl o w uf your Mj>i'cic !*'

- * - • - « - -If um-lmlf thu Kruln fi'd to LoflK i

tbU (•uuutry wore piven Inpnnltr; itwntilil bccuru muuth more profitubit: re-*i«rn. A biinliel udtnru will 11)11 ke pt?i-Imps four lo fill pounds or jwrk, but [liewirn^ amount of grain ujll winter a hi'ii,and Iit'r «>gRH and diirkuriK will ho wortlitlm;e to t<-n times na much us *IIP jHffk.Pnultry ia prubuLly the unly ohtM ofstuck from wLi«li pmHt rau be lm«l,ft'i'dinji onlj* uii bougbt food.

Oll^ of UlL' lut OHt sl .«l8Qf plivtc gltWevirinipcrted lias been pluewl iu piwi-tion iu Pittsburgh Tlio plato on.u«iirt*n]8C;t)rli<-» 1'jr 1(14 i.utu-, mid is flithmil* aiEK!-> flmr,

A ••tftJiiB aucuciiuu of tin; lenvts imJ«tenjs uf tomala pluuls IH HUIM to Iwdeadly to ivitapillurs, lice and othereueuiioH uf vL'^etutioD without Iwiug in -juriuim U> t U plauls.

WUIIH Wolln. W. T.. can bonst «f twoChiBniueu wLo ate entitlej to TOIC.

A 1'BTtTitrs SntsKit nv HIXTERW i i»usW11MES A C'BSirUV ASDA HALF AOD.—1tin- rcciii'tls i.f tiiu t.fliwi of tbo Hi.-cretui-of S l» l« «t C-utnnibia, S . C , i i »\ie I -luwiiif; iwlitiitn, luviriiiB dutu 17:i(, n.)ilrusM'rt to ib i ! ( tovcniur of Smith Cmo'iua mid hi^m-.l by sixt<>i>n inniili'iis :" T h e inm>l*ic pctitiuu uf nil the maul

WII'IM; iiimiot urc uudcrwritton :" WMCIIEAH, W U , IU' bumblu petilioi

fiH, lire ut picsoiit iu u v«ry meluticbolycondilioK of mind, cutmiilpriu,; |j"W n\tlif iMclivlfint are bli.nlly t-iiptuird lK

ividfws, iittil «•(( nits tliiirdiv ncghctediti i-unn»;<iupuci! of t l ih niir rcciiiost itlmt your Kxccltcm-j' will, fur tin' futiinndci- tliiit 110 widow pi'fsiiDiu to nmiTjuy j n i m g iniiii until the innills uvc pro'iiitid for, or else to p:iy ciich of tliom .ni'for rriMarikm tit iurnrliug mu till

•iti,v-. and lik.'wi.^ u tine lulu• luvii'd unill biiolicloiK a- .l.iill hr m,rrlu\ tovii^ows. The <;rt''nt tli<i.n1vuut:ijfu it i* h

tu01,1s JH tlmt the nitluuH, by th.'ir fur[1 c.irriupL', ilo .siiii[) ii|> the ymmg

men imd linvi' tin' vafiily t<i think tliriruritH beyuml .mta, which is a Kreat

iiiftusltinn lo HN, who ouglil to have tijrcf.'n.iK-*'. This is liiimbly mwui

winded tu your E.tLrllt;iJcy'a Cdiisidomimi, nud »c liopc you will permit nurther iuMtiltM, Ami w<: poor inuidw, i

duty bound, will evvr pray, dc—Heba->ttk Suml ifa

I)i>. I'nitl, of London, if. authority foripatulviucut tlmt Wtwecn tlie ayes ol

.weuty-tivf auil thirty there aretin; t aiuoug uinrried

Shoo f ly and Andrew JOIIUBOU,Were burn in tbut city, und uruHuvutly ttalwa burn eitteene.


icii ami let) nraoug baclielora.

Paper ia Hindu >a Franco from the hop•no, nnd it is clninipj flint tlm liberiitt-d is tlebf-st Kiiljstilute for yngs yelilituini'il, an it pDSftKses gtsit length,trfiigth, Huxibility and delicacy.

In the Empire ol Morocco then: inonly tmu HubsuribiT to ii iiowiirtapcr, Ht>is Hie Emperor. An KOHH an there nrt

>i- thrcr more it is likely some Yan-kee will hup|)cu along ami Blurt a pdper.

Oiu> tif tliouiuHtrcr.arknbltieollrrtinnsof uiiuurul epringK is CatuuuaSpiiu^H, iuNorih Genrgia, Tiiero arn fifly-two

p g ywitliln tiic apacu ui a

l-.v In* iW'Wi,!. ami Te»lami:tiirtiielifif noiv (ltfeanci., For lift, arii'i.1.1 to bur iji'Jm ,it Irtu.1 ' '

J. HAliyl faTiNB

Dated flciit, lSlli, tMI|,

PUItSIIANT to tin- onlur of Ihe Su»r tin' Cnmitv <>r MOITM, ma.lL'

el^lit lmmlreil an 1 ci^'lily-Inur, n

tlie Cuuatv nf Murno. il.cfnw.'i!, tu prBHcnt ilii>Sifij.e.urdur [-it'll or iiftiniuti'in, to Die euli-

uim Uf1 (jtinK Line moitia l Utu oiiUTJer.inJr.tiym-rtHnrni-^OL-ilHBtiiliilng

n in.l liia or tii-r olaiiii, ntuk-roalii orftjrmah.m, «|ihln I lie tiujfJ eo Ihnlteil, Mil he

ofcv,rliirrf J ut li s ur her (IOIIOQ theri^rciiaetiho ^iloiiniatruiur. 'Dated liie ..krctillj day of 8,cplumber i . D.

l«t. Tlio Store Hull Jinn on Bltckvclt itrciDH-uicupicd byJulinD*we, out' ot tlie beltiiBiiicsH WtttiDuain Dover.

3J. Two Hnnie. »uj Lot* on Or*tie :'iod |iropcrlieit for tlioie ilealrios rotiiUi

4l1i. A farm or CO acrei, near McCUimrfile,ri li ^ooi] bmliliims, iml all nuder a lilslitme ol L-ultlvitioa.

ig wTilj eigb't r

mie* au'l one

10 othi?r priiperttei Inn numeron* to moi, «;ll lit IQIII oa i.lftiittKeoil* kroip&rtieg Jjau-JH for itn>irin(,r <o i t .t'O'ijantik' n te i . *l ieo 1 an) atjftnl fromcniie Ur. M l(:«Ddi»rd rill let forine IDjmiueas ti)uf Lcr>*.

Bf M B DELL,m No. 3, KMtosal [J'DIUU Bank Baildi

ii-l* porer, N- /,

SHERIFF'S SALE.ID Ghtncery of New Jirtc.v-SutwceD Hodei

quondure or KUKI King, d<JcM,Pi r* for »atn or r i r t « e J

quondure or KUKIPi . r*- for »atn or


Estate of Minerva IT. Leek,deceased.

3Ut.8U.iNT lo tlio order of tho Surrogate- (if il... l ima I j of UorriH, wadu nn ih t

ifBeplinibfr.A. D.onetbieighty Tunr, notice

u l neCMina h»vinK olilmfiitit llw tfttke o7lflDcrft tf. Lebb, l t fCoauty ol Ki>rrii, .IcceitiicJ t ic, under MtU 01 a(Hrn»<4on, *o ify nVbbur, on or before the #rie<mtlj d*r ofe belt, M M l m u t h I (l

f id dp n b r , on or b f oJnue belt, M M RlUtutif Mid nrdlnjr tu bring Iniimler oath r

R nlfle m u Irodir [ >U<1 »"? «eilttor b

r tu bring In m d exhibit bis or bler oath or niBrmatioa, ttitbiut ] ill b f o r v r burred ot

or bfifilictber ci»ii»,

iimler oath or niBrmatioa, ttitbu Uia timu^oiinutui], will be forever burred ot Us at heraction therefor #fiin«l Ibe Kiecntoc

Ditid Hit flltu-utli Any of Seplcniber 4. •>,1B84. LVH4N H. PI^UHOH,

Executor,^210w Oliettcr, N. J.


HH ON THE CIVIL WAn.elmportaot re«lurfiof THE CESTDBT M*(K l«.r tbe eomlBft j-tar-mJee.l, pcrl.aiRiott (mporianl ever HnJprtaken liy I.e.iiD-*iil lie a norica nt arm '

on Hif (trrnt battka nF Ilio Wsr ft)n by trencra! oflkcTii liitih 1lull, tlie FCIIITHI BD.1 tlio

stiltri—QonoTbinrant (w

aheD liy tl>ariit« ittjiDr tho Ui.iu


iliicr liattit'O), nenerali L'>, McClL'Hun,B«iiireB*rd1 nosecr*U», I:al Pit)I'T,mill iitlif-r". The »-.'rl«" nn

j h, thcNt,feii.l*rCeNTDB» witli • silluiltate^ aflfoto on

TBK BkTffX OF DUX-t 11written ]i,v tlie ^.mfcilcrati

October 30tb, 1SS4.

We propose to sell

for tlte next week our

Lowell Extra Super

All Wool Ingrain

Carpets for seventy-

live cents a yard. If

you contemplate pur

chnsinga carpet such

nn offer is not likely

to occur again. These

are all new goods this


W. S. BABBITT'S SON,Horrlstown, M. / .

FOB SALE..The jirojurtj nn Ultukncll utrect nt'iir St

Mar>'« Church, ormirkil h.v TIM-OIIU^O Eton*Jft). For pMTtlvuliin «|'|'!j (u


(lircndintg. Pi. r*- itBa«imniUei. Holnruablo to Ootfiber lc>rni,Ap . J^BI. OUT JUNTOS, Hol'r.

D V viituo uf tbc above ttatI I tJAtLk in niv'ljanTiflM »b«lintFubllu ymuluc, af tLc^Otl-irtrUl « 4 tf '

li cipoto fur »»t Uduuc.iD Ho

ntit,-,.,, ihf h..;:.ri 1./ )1 K.aDdlutu tDM« Hit o'clock la Ihi

aflcrnooB of said day. ill that tract nr parcU of land iltnato. Ijlua tad bcinp In "lavunliip of JnlTurBoo, ia thu Ooantjof Hi

nd Slate of Nt* Joriey, being oinlienortlolilo or (be rrii leadlnjj frum PJM Orani to J.D. K'Dft'i. hcloc tlm found punier of tbe lol

i l l i r t u U i m i 8 lniter H1611, amriiDs Ilintenth •(J

rtuc p m n j e i io8flB, hy deed i<f Hi-|jleailwr Ittli,

orded in Hook P 8, |*n« tW, ams tbc needle now m r e n c i (1

vflVB rt«j(recB «a»t tbre «b)BJvitttvflVB rt«j(recB «a»t tc-r; t lonc ""flj north His tn drgrte

Un n chains t(i a *takc and it one* 00 thel>m>h ol' tho UflufcawnT river: ilience op thri r iho ecverat i'our«r» inJ dhtancei tnerrof

H j ^ l < \\w b*Tik ol nild river> l wed slue

liukt [r auJtit r ,id witij a b lue aiUieirCe !#) ao'ntbc »eat «nr rt, . i

of «*UIcfc* in


liuba to i\,e (}\*fic cr frrsiBDip;linndrcd feet «t tUetuHtlt linetliinl lineor otid ftronto bt. „ . . _ _ . . . „Ui'iorihoflratpitt ri'Mirvc riwm the effect o<lltiiKotuxyauco all the mloci, ores anAmlnoral* I'IDII or briua Iu, npnn »r aoder tuabnveuircnlied lot of laml.ivitli tbanuccuarrlubl nf miniiiR a»d rcmotfnR the oomb t t anand all times rurever, according to ttie contill Ion nKuiifoDi'd and aet mrili in the 'from Julin P Kins, E I K I KIIIR nu.l J...._Biile* jt. Mf.l l l . i i iet iniulrnog, tlnlnl JuneS8. lt)7«. l>y wLlj)ii tjii) ilced tlie rccelveJ lltlriu Wiv aljQve 4c»«riti«4 tr«£t qt land-

ffILJ,IAM H. HOWEUi, Bfaerlff.


will tfniJe the..furvlifolirVBory lari/o qi. iu.mrlra.t*,roipi.

.. Tlic aim » tiiicrief, no! <>fK:lal reports, but\tseri accoatila ol their pbn»

Cr.sTi'EV l in at iia ()I>]>n»l a Tory lari/o q i.u

ptftop, etc., liilbcrtn iiuiiscrt'. The ai~ ^ *._., .. . ..iin » tiiu llil " • "

incdlbpan<l operatinna—inltreiUtitf pernaax) osperi,noea wltlcU will record le*.lmS eveuta ot thenr, and tiaatet; at the aamr time, a hialuri*

cal vfchii' uoi eiuily to ho calculated.V10 HON.

In thtiliuB Tnn CtstCBV will maint«in flipremlKi', andf-Wnlkh' tlhi beat atorifi liyAin-rjcan irrlUfii Uiit c»U be^roenrcd. In,

i HEW NOVEL BV W.autlifir of •• Venclian D J T I ,Bianco," tto. Thu "lory dealt wild Hm rjic of

ami •hnrt atnripi by '• ITiirln B*>iua»," FrankR. Stockton. D. R. l lomun. T. A. Janvirr, H.

!., JnlUn Buwtlioniij. ncd other eqnnlly well-utiwn writers will appear al *ariona titu.

FFATUfiEH.Under thii bending may lie InrimUd a *fT\e§

nt pi pen on ilio Gttiea °' Italy h* W. D,

beloc u iBlcrcaling gmnp of pawem by f. y .fmailoy, Lteat. gclivaikt, Principal ffrana (ofKinmloo.UntarrD.tnd otltew, dnartpllra i»rlitllo-^Down reKliiBR t paper* on FrcDah and

erican arl-wutpniro »nd PAIDIIQH, withU eiqalillu illn"tr»ti«3» ; pi pen on


the Brat U l n * Ly Prof. L*noler and oilier*.Uudrr ArchUtcinream luchidod more or Hra.Van ReDMel^r'a article! on ChnrHief, City

d Cnnnlrr Hnn»<'«. etc. Culood George E.i ^ ill i l b


E. C. Sieilnun, Edmund H^w, and nUiare•rill lornlah l itenrf caaaja j (barge W. pible

' cnolrihule in varlau* w»y* | i«f «ral ptccr«„„ .iport and adreol me will aoon ba puliiitbcd,and John Burrooulii will arritti ttom time to

nie on outdoor anbjuoti.ittadcra ol THB CUTGHT may feil iare o'

keopinKibrctitaf tb» t im« nu leading **<>•e c u thai ma* property come within Ibe pror-nne or a moilblr miRanuo. I u C I W O M I M'not tbont 1*0 000 niontltlr, in<> Nufember

• iinihcr ea.?eediPC *h«» flpurr. HubscrJuir.m*honlit ilale Iront «'5» ujjqp"*1* ™"Binn'nn ihe

nr NerlM- and Mr. H«wPU*'a novel, f n w fa>r»r, 35 centB a numbir. Alt bo'k-BelJer»

nd ncwi-draliTH sell It »oJ UIEH mliscriptioo.r rrmittineu may l>n mrnio to IIIP |inrjti»h.-r»«A frr* •peeimon enny or I H I CVNTt'ai

uvai,Y O U , H. Y.

_ . -.- - -- 1M tenanta In camraoouttlic nmtiTided lindi ana r<-al eitat»>, altutttein (lie village of Olientrr. tn tlio County oMnrrii ami H tale of Mew Jor»cj,»heroor J»m«

Jr., UU' or uaxl conuly, died aeixwl.Rat Hi i' nortb-uaaterlj •nruer of Caleb

. ._ _ lut; ihctiDG miiaiuif alonir tho rna<aoutli nioety-tlircc ^'•gtm* eatl two cliainatbencc loutii HI lean dPireet weit five clain«

or.rili iilnelv-ihrus IIPBWM wrM t*.; llit'iioc norlb flrteeu iKgree* eait five

ciiama IO Itifl le« him tiff, con tarn lug one acre<>f lauil, more or ieaa. And liHnu Ills MHflantl cVinf) cil tn aaM .Umea Tuppi&K, Jr., toyHcnrj Heine-) »o-t iriM l*» deed da tod July l it18,11. and rmufdul In t..e Itorriii CounUClfi-k'n Office, in B.i k Y 4 of Di-o<1«, |>a«eV" A, tic, Hie •tibacrlliLra ucioft each entiil jd

<tn antlWiilei. nue-rourtl. pirt ilieHxif, anilH Elu>brlhAbtH-y, wireul Alonsi J.,;nd Sfir.? B, Leek, •laM(.ter of Uiner.a HLtelr. ilfc d, who li a minor l<elug each entitled 1.1 Jin noillvlded oae-roiirlii part thereol-III make appj c»tis3 la tbe Orphaoa' Coalrt»id cunnty on tlie tint d»T or Deccrabef,

tSH, far tUe uppafiitmaut of Coiumii'ba*'- divide M:c same be«*een Ibe M I J owocra ;

e iharea atoreaaid.



irliaia cWi , rtRiatered,liliuiiu mtkff cow anil

. - , - .-~.--J Htlfrf, fa-iiom twoyear* old. witb p«|f, two tboraa(,b:bt«f1 ibocihorn Dwrb >m ettmt—1 bull and 1 b«ifar, t.d>

Iron-iilo ttam w»«on. ntarir D M ; liBr[lirec-tprmir top n i o n , 1 urrUfe i . Lotbirocai, doable and alDRle, aaiT pnneroi— * - - i not mentioned. Halt tor

lark, WIKD condfilouB iand attcndaucB RWOO by

DAHIU. W. HOUSE.U . r . KfTCHEL, Aoclinrw-r.


Coleman Baslnew College,Tin, 707, 7W, Tit * rtS BRQAp NT.,

>• the Leadlnr Commercial Hdtool of Am»rlea



I P J - . ^ ^ , 1 • » i t j iMi i6r i . i i .

OOLEMAM V F A U n , Frapriatora.




( notice. Hlgbett prieta paid for (rid Iron.Coppar |«ad and Mwtar talun In a u h a s f t


th.llTO. l-lvr

PhiladelphiaCor. 3J and Berki" DthandOreen

irwiklj-i) H. Fulton i l10.0010.009.60


aS.W B!W' lO.fiO i.10 6 .7.08 B.16 11.(5 4.25 6.80

tin* Idve K«nvi| forMinmaink and Lik!">...!,; tt li:U, 8-.S0, 11:891. M.t 7il0 p, itill BUtiona to Og.len at 8;50 A. « .

—nvcrancua c»!t bo procured at OoraanValley tu and from Sclmolev'i HnunUlutt Fhndrra to and ffom Btnld'a Lake.

Etnoit OoKNtcrini.*.—Connect.on it madt:I Hlub Bndfio to and from East on,

J. E. WOOTTEN.Uen MaaaKcr.H. P. BALDWIN,^n. Eamero Faaa. AR'IC. O. HANCOCK, Oen. F i n . A, TVk *K'

i)eput« iu Neir Vork.fuot of BuuUr Ml. tadfoolofOUrlatopbetui.

6 1 Mil Eli AUtUNULHUir . , .nit'iitiug UOKl'AV, JUNK Ifiili, lUti.

LtAVliNfcW i U l i «U wilb ilio Ihioiitvu UrmjcJi *t l»*i.TiU*>ntun; ibuUliMtor Branch al *

' Ubealur; the iuum;

iionaTttiBi).*,Ti. k W. tt'. tt. at WatThTu«ton

Wtwtou, BiuBhatutaUt Uivca, "WUUUB.UprlURa, auiutr, Oortlapu, HjruuH, O«»(fitiiipuiulBOD ttie Lukanaiioa and tflooiui.irg autl Uulawarc ami Hniltoti ttailrotdi:BO at l/tiiatlpaLiairtt vitb Iddliljfh TailtJ Mall*

ruad and L* and SUi<lUPliaona luilrcadfor fie.t.l«l.en, Haaeb Ulla&k. Buadlai ind

.k>ouU*ra.,tlMUd, „

.rsou and Boonton. fui i throng li to WaterJap, dtroudtlinrs. Uerauton, Urtwt BendMBdtiiuabaiutoo.ooaneollni; at D o u r witLJheaier gailrotd. a l WtUrluo will, giiaactHailrokd for Andover, Newton and all it*-tiuuaj at Delaware with Ulairatcwu S T . . atI'rauton, with oloonMbuiif Difiiion for Pilta-

train from '$tv \ocan <ii>u»oot at W'hiUlpaburg, £ai(D[>. IMIW-

UarriMb)irK aud poffiti go tb

J'uiUipabiirk T/itti KtaiVitlnfif PlvrirJb'oi JP~a' tiK.rorLawbert*Uh,Xreuti»iaiidPhUa(t«lphia.

At V.ttn A. M. Bnflalo and O.wt-go fi.i»< a*Drawing Boom Oara) Water aap.birumia-

Scrttnton, BinBttamlon, OWCK°, Irlr.Klnilra, Haaut ™ • • "* i .Hy.BIUiira, Haa

Also Hyrauuve and O.1— _ ., .. . . _ |j[|jBiuyiiamtou furAt W.W A. H. 0.At l«>«»H.Ka«U-At IMt. At. Elaara

Uataatlackad nua '

ilt tnVjfefeo.•outjccitug a

f-"-' • " — • • • • • —

Dover AeoommodatioB.


CARRIAGE PAINTER,•hop on OUiton at, Dow.

iBernard.ville.DMliiinidRtaDd illpoiutiii'UHlo i&d DelftWftre Bailroad,) Ohatbtiaditou, Horriitown, aaOrm rialtia, 1.H DTiBoUiwu u d Dotwl.

At t in* P. M. (kiMiatHtown Eipr««)itop-Plug at Mllbnrn, Bammit.Cbalb.w.Madiwn,•orrUtown Md all aUtiou went to Hwk«lta-

ommodation for

train m» thro«sb to Sawcgo Unfftlo indBicbUeld ^rioRa (tmt ait to Rbaca) limlaj

for "fvrnardaville. BMliinKrtdie, tToaa,Mitliutok. Hiirliag, QilkUe, JfcrkVy Height'nd alt atotiona on Pmale and poliwanTB.

DOVEK TIVG TABLE.TralM ifrir* «ttt «t>p»rt Inm tbUalaUonTralaa ajri

MI follow* tman BUOK*

jpreie 7(00lackettatowngsp.TiSl

r ,_—. . . r_ | l ! l t

».M.1:Ua Kip "

iMall;e Biprtai

Btnsn'l Mall'loKipreii 10:27

r.a.Dorer Accon. ISJO

*••«. BOOBIOB B n » h .

Kipr«H*>^Kaalon Eipreu " ~~Hcraiiton Hpccml

r Bipreaa ':latowcEip.T:2aES.'





brtRbi aid Happy etprea*h»n. wbleb an amican preaenrefariuorethiBaRtwtecondl. T(i_•dvaiitefte ffamed la •gmably apparent in the

VtlBLIO.—The nadmlgnetl rc-ipcetfally inkTBa tl>« pnMta 1b»% be hw—>ttVj retarued from a trip Ibroaib tlie l a w

?• (if EnropH with (lie l.l<*t iaiproven,eoit

Tb» orlgtiiaUn- af elnb la rtfeit* one uoi. free.Portrait! oral) kind*copied at aano ratea.Theae pliltma oaonnt be eiMl'ed for brl-

l iner , dellcacr *f tone, alyla of tniah amiTo* wtll known' rvpatalion of tbliratablitb-

la a gturantee to Ita patroni and hi luoral public the work produced will pn»einw. Paillea dealring to form cloba arc

reapeotfwllj reijatstled lo eommminte witbE. O. LAOBT,


l l w . y . OD b.oO Ibi Dual ICE O B U K ,pplled br Ihe pl.ta al bla rcal.oraat, or b;m (inart to partlca or lamjlla. in Ilia VIGIDIIT.tallaoj Ire.a a i n a l j l ' 1IIOICI CONFEt-

' white all lha

qatrt lo pirtlca or lall anil freak animL_^p

NF.1H at M u W






F0BOIS0 of all D680BIPTIPNF,




NEWARK, N. J.KT 8TOp|E ID the'.Btatc



_ou t atqiuUtr of «U< ud ••-pitying Ant-olaM VMhuiiM. I out | w .a»U< aatoiUl mi » t k I. i n taullnIu. TarSkwliinj FiJUw.f. itajid.

M l OrtoUl lmH. LHO.



D0V1B, K. #.

a apetlaJty.


" JSJKM!menat lovratM

h 0, ROCKEFEI;L,eB,•UKDIAfnvaiB ft T

MfflUn Clllll Pip!DOVER, N.J.

Off (re OVE« W. II. BAKEK'8 «T()Bg.


Confectionery,IBK 0EOI0BI BUHC« Ol BI01B8. TB1

BEST a u o u or TOBIOOOI, m m

im> PULT nriM. t u r n SCTIOSS

ncootoD. 8. MORRISON.


iiterd. Qtn • « a call.




QUABT. 100 OB 1,000— 4 1 —

Hfl alwayi faaa un hand a ft ill «(c,u|f of |h«twvn «bWh 1n» D M •«» H aneap M toeBsatM-t. PMHIC, baila, Jte., *upulls,! with

anything In bU line nt reduced price*.



OUVWI, » J."' 'Will open October lat. 1M, for Ik. Treat.*nt and Core of gtnttvring, StanmeriDK,

Healtanej, U.plnx, Improper ArUuulatiou,la. W. C. H1RRI!*, rrinnpal.Ottce Honra—in *iK.\ H.) 1 ID 4 J' X

Freeman Wood,PIRB



LONDON nod LIVERPOOL milOLUBE, Capitol (20,000,000



CapiU! 110,000,00'




Oapit^ t300,U()0.

Knrlh BrHUh and MrrcaDtile Irrnrarer Co.ot London and EdenbofRli; ca^tnl HO,«W,000,

Comtncroial Union Awnruuce CumjanyLondon; capital tf>,V*>,m.

•ktatoum ntt, MOW ••U.HO.


a m i

Freeman Wood,Jitatlo. nrth. P«»OB tad Pollee

SMITH & ECKHART(aVlcwifiora to I n 0 . Cooper,)


Cuntrwi* Ukeo and materUtfl fnrnfalied f. i

BU11.UINUR, BHIDUEB.wbalhci of B1UCI n STO»«.

000* OB Vonla Mt*et. nakt to former IMO,•VuMldiw, Dont.M.i.

• w i n T. Bum. Joan J. Kci

T I BEST PUCEof iti kind fur enjoyment In tlila section li

D. MOLLER'S,8U8BKX ST., ( n n

•DOVER, N . J .Jwt received and placed ID poaltton TBREE



OKCHESTRIONn u tlio Joat been aopplied *it|i new nuilo•nd will dullglit lite nitroni of tbe iaaae moreIfainenir, tu^iUltitng nm*(p eqn»l H) ft b n t l••and ol W piece*.


LAGER BEERalwajt OL draughl sail tbe beit of

WINES, LIQUORS and CI6ARalwHTa provldefl for tko pttrona nf


MUST, a puarantied MMGINO forHyMeria,- n,OoD*ntalon«, Fit., Nervoua Neuialcia,

i*he,Nertou#Pro»tratli)n*»ttied b* tbrnae*>f ticolibl or tobaeoo. Wafctfiiluea*, MCD-

InginjoMOrfr'ifiyd leaaldfa itt t^erjr, deei5

JOM' uf powpr in either[.oiteatuS 8p<

• a e b ! « .

stllrtofprW.W B BVaSAMTBH t l X

oenre any eaac. Witli eacb order tettindy ut for u i bnxct, accflnpanltd with •&, weiill BPtiil ibe parcliMctoor wilden RvatantM-u iL-fnnd the money if Ihe treatment doeifleet * c a n . Qmnnlcea Uaaed only by



THOS. JOHNSON,•uanfaoinrar tad dealer !•

KfHHlit, IWaliHM, Mtlrllt,•ad ,11 work la atrble n d Oranlt.. a l l wort



WB. J. pollam - - Prop'r.The Cnntrtl HAUM U one ot the flneat la

thU atvtidh nnd la pluoaanttj located one

two tqlniflei; walk frqin tljo p.,t U s U n p nnmy IIQUW and well fur-

Ubod thrauKtiout, AWay. open |qCITY AUD TKAK8I1.MT BOAHDEHH.


A w*ll furnlaked BAM and POOL ROOM conMtad with tbe bonne. Vot fnrltirr lnAirm<

tiom tvdilrMM the pronrlelor. ICT-ly

8MOKETUEPDOCIGAB,Ibcbrit a n eenl cluar In Ilia market. All^prHiirili. trade KDPplied by JOHM BAR.

o.roD ir.on want a d M







YORK'S RED FRONTHOUSE FUMUHIM STORE,[• the place nlitre Ton Kill Iml Ui b^trnlIcctlop (if ChiQii, Giant). WiuJ , n j will™Warr, Window Bliades, W-il I'tpcr, am) "IZnlelellnci of all klmla kmIu a ftrat-cl«;*itorc. Iion't (cruet f

YUBK'8 BED FMONT,Toner Park «M tn lk Slr«i,



J. J. BACKOFF,U.C»>,•«,8lr.clWHOLE«lI.E JOBntBliddealer Is Wioea, Liquor, lad Cigar,, I, givingftwa; to evorf puroliaier of a llioiLaod Hgnr,a BiKDSOHE Oil PalnlliD, . « . » , : « [ „ , , .bodtln atant of«iiviL,ii« Iu lila llo> ah'.nli]l ite ilnia call a..qcroflliMrclii.; >



•II t h . trlMI|MI llnei of .feamalilif— --1 laek l i Urarpool al LOWlFt

n u n oTdMUT until


OLD P i m B Y T E H U N CHUBCH BUILD-INO, DOVEB, N. J. All kind- or carp« wu.v.Inganddyeliig'loiointlis Lent manner. Alio* 8nt> lol i.l B k » UMIVET mi \)a»i. f-ra.le.

Wioilow c n r U i u olcaorJ ami iljed.



a«lt4a K W . B(.itn •





u |n ttp l|jf St

>on«jr by buying ol a


ATTEAOTI0N8-:- FOB-:- 18M 5.Mo printed pi>riodtoal « .» take the place uf

iarent, pi,*tor, or wlwoHe»clipr *, bnt a puQlnagnine can anppkuent tliclr work «nd tii-laeneti to a ifegrcc. la ?icw of iliii

It ia not ixtr*Tj,Ksi,t to any lltat-inr-iead or'Can we tttotd tu ta' u ST. RfutoLU ("-ilioDCHlinn or P U T ? c*raeit liomcbnl I m Rnfj-

tuli vncablnn v unlr.ei, lo.ita.v.iimnld bo "Cute nffurd HOT lo lake ST. Ktcnnt.** ? l

The m»B»ziuc. duiinit il* tlf «cn hipp; Teirj>f tifiteuce, ODder tbe edilorUI charge or

HAUV HAPEH DUDOE,IH crown fumlliar to hundred) ol llinUMiili[joQUfinailna ; and Ib.-ir inlcroit ami lu-

IG editor and

• ijmptl b? wfih>iBn|i~l|iv, Ifle htilriyllto'i or ih^ n:3 emrnt T

Pr P7en1». V , .„«aan? lacttu\T>s litei-arj ai)il p'ptqr)«| rp:iiiicea. Tho folloplng are annieor|begnafj

' BI8 OKfi'pArJLT,". nfrif I «tor» fur biyi,— " - i n , h » r | j . T.TwiVHi.MM.

g*pen on famou* )i!i

OIRLS," afgp." JJyJt(

bojialMoTtoflhoofeanFKMJSlsW; w.nhn* t

ntioohooieanoecBpilion.-baiedoiilotenitwp witU rr-imlii' tit reprcienl-

nr wrioua tiadei and proJemooi. Vj

TALKS FOR \ Oil NO FDLIfl." a a.


tic .i, :AVT A

Ofir BH f i r BTOBIEH by LnDluH, ALOUTV,! TBE PBOUHEHi OV 1NVKJ.TI0N" iFrom I'jlaurjnln tn P*ilur « r , " "Fiomrona-bbw lo 100 ton Gnn," wls, J»icnpti»«

r» l O E B L T t

— E E P tin KILTERf" « .toryofT(**Ble. By Hut Ute lit*. Wu. H B*iwa." A OAKUEN OF OinUt.1 lit Ing »il ahoi 1

lorlc Tor e'Hit. Uf fix L U I . I I M WKITML'. !

•I biofirif bis* pf great •OUiBMni, 8 ;

.Jr^K tt 'ai'r;'"""relllnglon Botlfna, O. B. Djrt1««, Harrietmcort Stof/oirt, % . WMhiitfton qiaihim,

TheillartratiunawmbetUoirotbortliam?e-l»iiM]s«ndet>(fr.mira-*tiO Ibco will bacatv nl them. lut'.oNoTtjajlicrana Dcccm-•x oomlveri nre bnmllDl