Carreer Research Project

Jennifer Szabo Ph: 9054070872 [email protected]


Career research as a newcomer to Canada.

Transcript of Carreer Research Project

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Jennifer SzaboPh: 9054070872

[email protected]

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Humanitarian Aid Worker Researcher Activist Community Social Worker

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When most people think of humanitarian aid workers, the image that comes to mind is one of tending to the sick after a disaster or helping locals in a developing country build schools. Though many aid workers do there are countless others doing technical, managerial, financial, and organizational work so that the work of the people on the front lines will have a lasting and greater effect.

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Some aid workers work as computer specialists, writers, or researchers.

The goal of aid workers is the same: to help improve the quality of life for people less fortunate than themselves.

Must be able to work effectively with people from different cultures.

Follow a cause or a strongly held belief and look for a career that will help them advance that cause or belief.

Understand and use the media. A protest is pointless if no one hears about it, for example.

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Activists : don’t win every battle, a successful activism does change the world, bit by bit. Many things we now take for granted—recycling programs, laws against cruelty to animals, even the right of women to vote—are the result of the long, hard fights of activist organizations.

Researcher: develop strategies to navigate the flood of information available through the Internet, databases, newswires, trade publications, and public records. They evaluate sources, check facts, and sometimes interview experts and government officials. Then they write up summaries or analyses of their findings.

Policy researchers mainly work for governments and non-profit organizations. They evaluate, develop, and lobby for changes to government programs and laws.

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Yearly earnings for clerical and secretarial staff, for example, range from around $25,000 to over $45,000.

Project officers: $40,000 to $60,000 a year.

Managers’ salaries range from about $40,000 to over $65,000 a year.

Directors of projects and organizations can make anywhere from $50,000 to $100,000 a year.

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LEVEL  1 Volunteer Aid Worker

EARNINGS Unpaid to $500 a month


• 1 to 2 years of experience in your field • Experience working with those outside your cultural group • Ability to live in adverse circumstances


Hands-on work with those affected; work varies depending on field—for example, teaching, nursing, or rebuilding homes.

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LEVEL  2Aid Worker / Assistant to Project Manager

EARNINGS $12,000 to $30,000 a year


• A diploma or degree • 2 to 5 years of experience • Possibly the ability to speak a second language


Helping to organize volunteers; some hands-on work; possibly assisting with administrative functions such as budget preparation and monitoring of food and supplies.

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LEVEL  3 Project Manager

EARNINGS $30,000 to $60,000 a year

REQUIREMENTS • Over 5 years of experience


Organizing relief efforts; organizing and supervising volunteers; organizing and monitoring food and supplies; possibly coordinating efforts with leaders in affected community.

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LEVEL  4 Director

EARNINGS $50,000 to $100,000 a year

REQUIREMENTS• Master’s degree • 7 to 10 years of experience


Long-term planning for a country or region; deciding on type and amount of relief to be sent to a country; in charge of budgeting and fundraising; possibly negotiating with government officials in affected country; building awareness of organization through media campaigns.

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The Job Title Earnings will depend on wich position i

apply. Career path is the same.

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