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Why Nepali carpet industry is going downwards.

Transcript of Carpet

Q.1 Research the reason behind failure of carpet exports from Nepal.The Nepali carpet industry used to be largest employer and foreign exchange earner in the country. Nepal carpet sector experienced its first export boom in 1976. In April 1994 after the Panorama TV news in Germany transmitted the documentary on the use of child labor in Nepali carpet production about 40% of orders were cancelled. According to child workers in Nepal 50% of the total 300000 laborers were found children while doing survey in 365 carpet factories within Kathmandu valley. Before it became internationally well known that nepali carpet factories intensively employs child labors Germany used to buy 80% of Nepali carpets, which decreased to 64%. Later on child labor free labeling were introduced which is licensed by rug mark certification system. This label became a legally binding international trademark in Germany and USA which are the largest market for Nepal carpet industries.Some of the main reason behind child labor for downfall of nepali carpet exports are listed below: Almost every second person ventured into this sector, thus hindering the quality of output. Entry of India and china in carpet industry , where Nepal can't compete with them in terms of price. Environmental controversies, government indifference and interference and labor issue. 10 year bloody Maoist insurgency from 1996-2006. Cheap labor cost in India and China.Carpet exports from Nepal

Q.2 Are all effective organizations also efficient? Discuss. If you had to choose between being effective or being efficient , which one would you say is more important ? why ?Not all effective organizations are also efficient. Efficiency means doing a task correctly and getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. Effectiveness means doing the right things by doing those work tasks that help the organization reach its goal. Efficiency is concerned with the means of getting things done, effectiveness is concerned with the means of getting things done or attainment of organization goals. Effectiveness is more important than efficiency.Both are interrelated with each other , if I have to choose one I would choose effectiveness because doing the right task and achieving goal keep a business in business which keep the doors open and meet payroll.Q.3 Customer-responsive cultures are only applicable in smaller organizations. The complexity of coordinating activities in large organizations makes it nearly impossible to implement a customer-responsive culture. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Defend your position.Whether the organization is large or small, long-term success is primarily achieved by satisfying the customer, for its the customer who ultimately pays the bills. 75 percent of all private sector jobs in the United States are in service industries. Organizations in service industries need to include attention to customer needs and requirements in assessing their effectiveness because there is a clear chain of cause-and-effect running from employee attitudes and behavior to customer attitudes and behavior to an organizations revenues and profits. For example there are 2 store A and B , A store represent employee with bad attitude and B store represent employee with good attitude which store will people choose for shopping obviously store B. I don't agree with this statement because some big organization that have created customer-responsive culture include Southwest Air, FedEx, Johnson & Johnson, Nordstrom. These organization have build a strong and loyal customer by customer-responsive culture and have generally outperformed their competitors growth and financial performance.