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Transcript of Carol

  • 1. SWC 200Online Reviews Carol Tell

2. Academic vs. Real Writing writing in a new media style offers a break from the pedantic formalities of academic writing. 3. Real Stuff/Authority We had, in short, more experience with the gadgets than the people writing their cursory reviews and we wanted people to see that and understand it as well. 4. Audience I was really surprised by how knowledgeable I was about some of the things I wrote reviews on. I was also surprised by some of the feedback I got from some of my classmates telling me that my reviews were fun and interesting to read. I write a lot in my free time, but rarely ever let people read what Ive written. So, even being able to post something Ive written was a huge challenge for me. I liked the feedback that I did receive and sought to change the reviews of the ones I believed really needed and deserved the effort of changing or editing to make them that much better. 5. Less about self Prior to taking this course, I had made numerous attempts at writing a blog about my daily life, but this failed for two reasons: 1) I wasnt disciplined enough to continue and 2) I realized people probably dont care about my daily schedule. writing an effective blog means you have to think less about yourself and more about your audience. Define who they are, what they like, and win them over with a combination of expertise and likability. 6. Academic vs. Real Voice I wanted to be fun and witty and be able to impart what information I felt was most relevant without making my readers feel as if they had been reading an encyclopedia article. I was really able to capture a unique, honest, and somewhat humorous tone that isnt usually as effective or readily accepted in an academic setting. 7. I spent all of last night writing an essay aboutBaudelaire, so Im a bit sleep deprived. The funnything is that while I was defending Baudelairescritique I was employing, in my very rhetoric,the kind of language I was supposed to becritiquing. It made me realize that blog-writing isan exercise in freeing oneself from traditionalsemantic networks. I had to detach myself from my overly analyticaltendencies and attempt to write not from theperspective of an academic, but as someonecompletely unaware of that sort of pseudo-intellectual research-paper style of writing we asstudents are trained to employ, and operate on alevel that was intentionally nave.