Carnahan, A.S.J. (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960, (C2539) · C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968),...

C Carnahan, A.S.J. (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 2539 55.8 linear feet This collection is available at The State Historical Society of Missouri. If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected]. INTRODUCTION Papers of a Democratic congressman from Missouri's 8th District. Correspondence dealing with agriculture, army, civil defense, district problems, election campaigns, foreign affairs, legislation, and the United Nations. DONOR INFORMATION The papers were donated to the University of Missouri by A. S. J. Carnahan on 28 November 1960 (Accession No. 3466). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Albert Sydney Johnson Carnahan was born near Ellsinore, Carter County, Missouri, on January 9, 1897. He attended public schools in Ellsinore and Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and graduated from the State Teachers College in Cape Girardeau in 1926. In 1934, Carnahan graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia. He served in the United States Navy from 1918-1919 before becoming a teacher and high school administrator. Carnahan was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-ninth Congress (January 3, 1945-January 3, 1947); was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Eightieth Congress in 1946; superintendent of schools at Ellsinore, Missouri; elected to the Eighty-first and to the five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1949-January 3, 1961); was an unsuccessful candidate for re-nomination in 1960; and a United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone, 1961-1963. A. S. J. Carnahan died on March 24, 1968, in Rochester, Minnesota, and is buried in Carson Hill Cemetery, Ellsinore. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE The papers have been arranged into alphabetical subject files. FOLDER LIST f. 1-297 Subject A files f. 16-53 (Department of Agriculture) - Letters from people seeking information on marketing, growing, requests for government pamphlets, seeking redress, requests for aid in seeking government loans. f. 227-290 (Ft. Leonard Wood) - contracts for rehabilitation, housing, insurance, land, permanence of site, Roubidoux River Bridge, salaries, U.S.O., sewers. f. 298-459 Subject A-C files

Transcript of Carnahan, A.S.J. (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960, (C2539) · C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968),...

C Carnahan, A.S.J. (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 2539 55.8 linear feet

This collection is available at The State Historical Society of Missouri. If you would like more information, please contact us at [email protected]. INTRODUCTION Papers of a Democratic congressman from Missouri's 8th District. Correspondence dealing with agriculture, army, civil defense, district problems, election campaigns, foreign affairs, legislation, and the United Nations. DONOR INFORMATION The papers were donated to the University of Missouri by A. S. J. Carnahan on 28 November 1960 (Accession No. 3466). BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Albert Sydney Johnson Carnahan was born near Ellsinore, Carter County, Missouri, on January 9, 1897. He attended public schools in Ellsinore and Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and graduated from the State Teachers College in Cape Girardeau in 1926. In 1934, Carnahan graduated from the University of Missouri, Columbia. He served in the United States Navy from 1918-1919 before becoming a teacher and high school administrator. Carnahan was elected as a Democrat to the Seventy-ninth Congress (January 3, 1945-January 3, 1947); was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Eightieth Congress in 1946; superintendent of schools at Ellsinore, Missouri; elected to the Eighty-first and to the five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1949-January 3, 1961); was an unsuccessful candidate for re-nomination in 1960; and a United States Ambassador to Sierra Leone, 1961-1963. A. S. J. Carnahan died on March 24, 1968, in Rochester, Minnesota, and is buried in Carson Hill Cemetery, Ellsinore. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE

The papers have been arranged into alphabetical subject files. FOLDER LIST f. 1-297 Subject A files

f. 16-53 (Department of Agriculture) - Letters from people seeking

information on marketing, growing, requests for government pamphlets, seeking redress, requests for aid in seeking government loans.

f. 227-290 (Ft. Leonard Wood) - contracts for rehabilitation, housing, insurance, land, permanence of site, Roubidoux River Bridge, salaries, U.S.O., sewers.

f. 298-459 Subject A-C files

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 2

f. 340-382 (Commerce) - Census, Census Bureau, Applications, Business Manufacturing, Records Search, Department of

f. 383-459 (Congress) - Courtesies to and from other Congressmen, Directories, District Association, Congressional Record Entries, UNESCO, conflict, Roll Calls, Secretaries Club

f. 460-988 Subject C files- Correspondence, General, 1945-1946: (listed alphabetically by counties:) discharges, unemployment compensation, birth records, mail routes, pensions, mustering out pay, civil service requests, citations for valor, veterans benefits, requests for active duty, G.I. loans, deferments, attempts to obtain electricity, correspondence with War Production Board, court martial, cooperatives, furloughs, rent ceilings, seeking back pay from government, post war building and housing and jobs, Veterans of Foreign Wars groups, Bureau of Mines.

f. 798-827 District Correspondence, 1948-1954 f. 828-842 District Correspondence, 1955-1958 f. 843-859 District Correspondence, 1959-1960 f. 860-882 Out of District Correspondence, 1948-1954 f. 883-896 Out of District Correspondence, 1955-1958 f. 897-937 Correspondence, Misc. - Letters to and from Carnahan when

absent from Washington office, people requesting votes on bills, Railway Labor Act Amendments, reports on local political situations, disarmament, world peace, people's opinions on world affairs, articles and clippings of interest, Rural Electrification, invitations to conventions, radio audience poll, foreign claims, night glasses, RFC loans, reorganization of congressional districts.

f. 938-988 Courtesies - copies of letters sent for anniversaries, birthdays, dedications, service, sympathy, awards, Christmas greetings, condolences, congratulations, thank you notes sent and received.

f. 989-1123 Subject D files - Defense: contracts - correspondence requesting them, follow ups; Department - fringe benefits, return of prisoners of war, sonic booms, veterinary corps, service dependents, transportation; Korea.; Defense Minerals Administration; Mobilization; Joint Committee on Defense Production; Projects - location of H Bomb plant; Sites - Federal prisons, Irish Wilderness atomic energy plant, Lead Belt missile plant and SAGE combat area., St. Louis SAGE area; Surplus; Defense Transport Administration; Unicity Chamber of Commerce - correspondence seeking H Bomb plant location.

f. 1072-1123 Democratic Organizations : Democratic Digest; County Democratic Organizations, 1946-1960 benefits, seeking membership and speakers; State Democratic Organizations, 194b-1960 - information on bills in Missouri, meetings, congratulations on elections, lists of members, Young Democrats of Missouri, state convention; National Democratic Organization, 1946-1960 - National conventions, discussions, information on other state organizations, forums, conferences,

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 3

analyses of roll call votes in Congressional sessions, discussions of issues, redistricting, campaigning, fact sheets, speeches, analyses of Eisenhower years, reports to National Democratic Committee members, presidential campaigns, dinners; Young Democrats - conventions, honorary memberships, publications; Platforms, 1932-1952.

f. 1124-1138 Subject D-E files - Disarmament; Disasters in Missouri - floods and tornadoes; Displaced Persons; District of Columbia; Economic Cooperation Administration; Economic Stabilization Agency.

f. 1139-1254 Subject E files – Elections, 1944-1960: campaign expenditures, offers of aid, congratulations on nomination, contributions, publicity, published returns, congratulations on election, declaring candidacy, absentee voting - 1950 on, sample ballots, senatorial race, election results, filing, Carnahan for Senator, organizational matters, newspaper positions, newspaper articles, primary totals, primary campaigns, endorsements.

f. 1255-1330 Subject E-F files - Employees Compensation Bureau; Executive Department; Federal Aviation Agency - aid to airports, high frequency radios; Federal Communications Commission; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Federal Housing Administration; Federal Power Commission; Federal Reserve Board ; Federal Security Agency; Federal Trade Commission; Water Pollution; Federal Works Agency.

f. 1274-1312 Federal Security Agency - by year: employees’ compensation, old age assistance, Fulbright grants, aid to dependent children, welfare, social security benefits, employment, benefits from deceased veterans.

f. 1313-1318 Education - aid for buildings, aid to private schools, teacher training overseas, requests for special education.

f. 1319-1325 Food and Drug - Pure Food and Drug Act, Hoxsey’s Cancer Clinic.

f. 1331-1615 Subject F files - Flood Control: Dams, reservoirs, and floods in Arkansas-White-Red Basins, Carnahan's counties and surrounding area, Current River, Eleven Point River, Meramec River, Mississippi River, Missouri River, Newburg, Osage, Tuttle Creek, Legislation for relief, conservation, National Recreation Areas.

f. 1529-1571 (Foreign Affairs Committee) - chronological, including articles for presentation, reports of investigations, letters from embassies, service committees, Congressional resolutions, seminars, delegations, inaugurations in foreign lands, trips to foreign countries, radio programs, hearings on international organizations, requests for copies of such, affairs of the United Nations, reports on military status, overseas projects, peoples ' opinions, world peace, invitations to I speak, Merchant Marine. Separate folders for Bills, Engagements, Hearings, Reports, Research.

Subject G-F files - General Accounting Office; General Services

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 4

Administration; Government Printing Office; Department of Health Education and Welfare; House of Representatives; Housing and Home Finance Agency .

f. 1618-1632 (General Services Administration ) - restoration of land, public works, sale of excess equipment and surplus property, Jefferson Barracks, Mid-Continent, Piedmont Missouri Government Village, Thorny Mountain Mining Company.

f. 1633-1636 Government Printing Office) - list of publications, samples, orders.

f. 1637-1689 Department of Health Education and Welfare) - school applications for aid, Social Security, Welfare, Hoxsey's Cancer Clinic, sanitation, old age assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, homemade remedies, sewage improvement, aid for hospitals, Krebiozin, aid for education, National Defense Education Act, fluoridation, Public Health Service.

f. 1707-1959 Subject I-L files - Inaugurations; Interior Department; Internal Revenue Service; Interstate Commerce Commission; Invitations; Justice Department; Department of Immigration and Naturalization; Labor Department.

f. 1715-1754 (Interior Department ) - requests for geological maps, appointments, adjustment of rights, requests for minerals yearbook, and other department publications and reports, information on land, Indian affairs, dams, electric cooperatives, parks, mineral rights, land for homesteading, Fish and Wildlife Service.

f. 1783-1912 Invitations ) - chronologically: personal, state and national, to and from Carnahan, for dedications, graduations, speeches, vacations, fairs, luncheons, dinners, testimonials, conventions, foreign dignitaries.

f. 1929-1959 (Labor Department) - compensation claims, contracts, disputes. f. 1960-3434 Subject L files - Legislation: Divided chronologically on the following

six cards by Congressional Session and, within each session, divided alphabetically by topic.

f. 1960-2198 Legislation, 8lst Congress: introduced by Carnahan, Agriculture, Alcohol, Appropriations, Armed Services, Civil Service, Defense, Education, Labor, Military, Mining, Foreign Affairs, Forest Service, Hoover Commission, Judges, National Health Insurance, Philippines, Postal, Price Controls, Small Businesses, Southwestern Power Administration (REA), Truces, House Un-American Activities Committee, Veterans, World Federation.

f. 2199-2417 Legislation, 82nd Congress: introduced by Carnahan Agriculture; Alcohol - petition to prevent distribution of alcoholic beverages in the Armed Forces; Appropriations - Production and Marketing Administration; Army; Budget ; Civil Service; Unemployment Compensation - Moody -Dingell Bill; Crime Control; Defense - Housing Bill, Defense Production Act;

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 5

Education - appropriations, Vocational Education, school lunch; Foreign Affairs ; Immigration; India.; Labor; Postal; Price Controls ; Puerto Rico; Railroad - Retirement Act, strike; Selective Service; Small Business; Social Security; Taxes - excise, income, exemptions; Townsend Plan; Universal Military Training; Veterans.

f. 2418-2669 Legislation, 83rd Congress: introduced by Carnahan - Fredericktown Lead Company, tax deductions for education, world disarmament, Foreign Affairs Advisory Board; Agriculture; Appropriations - agriculture, school lunch, research, defense, education and welfare, fluoridation; Banking - currency, mortgage, interest rates; Civil Service; Constitutional Amendments; Federal Employees - postal, judicial, Congressional, salaries, increase in postage rates, retirement benefits; Flood Control; Education; Health Education and Welfare ; Labor - Taft-Hartly Amendments; Miscellaneous; Postal; Railroad; Small Business; Social Security; Southwestern Power; Tariff; Taxes - theater, internal revenue; Townsend Plan; Veterans.

f. 2549-2562 Miscellaneous f. 2614-2636 Tariff on glass f. 2654-2668 Veterans f. 2670-2889 Legislation, 84th Congress: introduced by Carnahan -

Fredericktown lead, adjusted service certificates, Foreign Affairs Advisory Board; Agriculture; Alcohol; Appropriations; Armed Services; Civil Service; Conservation; Education; Federal Employees; Foreign Affairs; Highway; Interior; Labor; Miscellaneous; Postal; Railroads; Schools; Small Business; Social Security; Tariff- Glass; Taxes; Universal Military Training; Veterans

f. 2689-2702 Agriculture f. 2726-2732 Federal Employees f. 2737-2752 Highway f. 2802-2812 Postal f. 2825-2839 Small Business f. 2874-2889 Veterans f. 2890-2915 Legislation, 85th Congress: introduced by Carnahan; bills of

relief, United Nations Police Force, fingerprinting, rehabilitation, money, mineral stockpiles.

f. 2936-2942 Armed Services f. 2954-2962 Education f. 3002-3020 Miscellaneous f. 3021-3039 Postal f. 3041-3064 Railroads f. 3095-3110 Veterans f. 3111-3149 Carnahan: bills of relief, 86th Congress - Area Redevelopment,

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 6

expansion of Fort Leonard Wood, agriculture, compensation, public information, NATO, Bi-State Development Agency, World Health Organization.

f. 3150-3163 Agriculture: School lunch, alcoholic beverages, forest fires, corn. f. 3176-3190 Education f. 3214-3250 Labor f. 3276-3296 Miscellaneous f. 3301-3313 Postal rate and salary increase f. 3389-3405 Taxes telephone tax and tax increases f. 3410-3433 Veterans f. 3435-3552 Subject L-Mac files f. 3435-3466 Library of Congress requests f. 3466-3546 Lists, calendars, Congressional Record, Farmers Bulletin, State

Republican Committee, Rural Electric Missourian f. 3553-3658 Subject M files - Missouri: Agricultural Education, Bankers, Chamber

of Commerce, Civil Defense, Conservation, Constitution, Education, Farms, Governor, State Highway Commission, Historical Societies, Labor, Laws, Legislation, National Guard, Ozarks, Railroads, Revenue, Rural Electrification Association, Secretary of State, Southwest Bell Telephone Company, State Parks, Unemployment Compensation, Universities, U.S.S Missouri.

f. 3659-4067 Subject N-P files - National Emergency, Navy, Newspaper Subscriptions, News Releases, Office, Patents, Patronage, Peace, Personal, Photographs, Pictorial Directories, District Politics, Positions

f. 3674-3694 News releases in chronological order f. 3695-3795 Office files f. 3762-3918 Academy appointments f. 3921-3941 Invitations, personal letters, congratulations, diary f. 3966-4067 Requests for jobs f. 4068-4477 Subject P files - Post Office Department: miscellaneous problems;

commemorative stamps; Civil Service Information; requests from district; district and city problems - requests for repairs, positions, buildings, establishment of post offices, new routes, star routes, mail route maps - listed alphabetically within counties.

f. 4100-4291 District and city problems, 1945-1946 f. 4292-4477 District and city problems, 1948-1951 f. 4478-4792 Subject P-R files - Press, Office of Price Stabilization, Public Health,

Public Housing, Railroad Retirement Board, Recommendations, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Requests, Republicans.

f. 4478-4482 Press f. 4510-4791 Requests f. 4793-4896 Subject S files - Securities Exchange Commission; Selective Service -

manual, problems, deferments, Small Business Administration; Speeches; State Department; Subscriptions; Supreme Court; Senator Symington's News Releases.

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 7

f. 4822-4857 (Speeches) - appropriations, commencements, dedications, rural subjects, foreign affairs, Democratic Party, post offices, Rural Electric Association, Sheriffs ' Convention, United Nations, University of Florida.

f. 4858-4890 (State Department) - visas, re-entry, passports, foreign affairs, exchange programs, foreign policy.

f. 4897-4966 Subject T files - Tariff; Transportation; Treasury - pensions, retirement, taxes, customs; Trips; Tennessee Valley Authority.

f. 4910-4965 (Trips) - chronologically by year: El Salvador, Uruguay, Europe, Australia, Dominican Republic, South America, Far East, Tour Booklets, Greece, Atomic Energy, Central America, Canada, Guatemala, Mexico, Geneva, Foreign Aid, (See also folders 1598-1606).

f. 4967-5081 Subject U-Z files - United Nations; Vacation; Veterans; Visitors; War Claims Commission; White House - Conference on Aging, Conference on Youth, Souvenirs, Vatican Ambassador.

f. 4967-5029 (United Nations) - UNESCO, American Associations, clippings, delegates, Emergency Force, foreign affairs, invitations, news releases, speeches of Carnahan and others to the U .N .General Assembly.

f. 5031-5044 (Veterans) - Veterans Administration, hospitals, aid, G .I. loans, pensions, Veterans of Foreign Wars.

f. 5045-5070 Visitors INDEX TERMS

subject folders Acheson, Dean Gooderham (1893-1971)


Agriculture 1 Agriculture--Government policy


Alcorn, Dennis Love


Algeria 5003 American Academy of Political and Social Science


American Association for the United Nations, Inc.


American 2434

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 8

subject folders Association of Advertising Agencies American Association of University Women


American Automobile Association


American Bar Association


American Broadcasting Company, Inc.


American Cancer Society


American Civil Liberties Union


American Federation of Labor


American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations


American Friends Service Committee


American Legion 182-186,262,267,268,446,475,630,669,686,712,813,860,873,916,1420,1810, 1823,1845,1895,2181,2183,2185,2191,2397,2412-2414,2435,2466,2657,2710,2735,2983,3479,4948,4973,4980-4986,5039

American Medical Association


American Red Cross


American University, Washington, D.C.


American Veterans of World War II


American War 444,782,2296

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 9

subject folders Dads Americans for Democratic Action


Amerika 4867 Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis


Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith


Area Redevelopment Act


Armstrong, O. K. (1893-1987)


Asher, Charles Eugene


Atlantic Convention Resolution


Austin, Moses (1761-1821)


Australia 4920-4922,4927 Baltz, Dickey L. 3807 Bangert, James Edward


Banks and banking--Law and legislation, 1950s


Banta, Parke M. (1891-1970)


Barden, Bill 2005-2019 Barden, Graham A. (1896-1967)


Beeler, James 3809 Bell, Wilson (1913-1947)


Bennett, Charles E. (1910- )


Benson, Ezra Taft (1899-1994)


Bernhardt, David Wesley


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 10

subject folders Best, Leon Ray 3811 Blackwell, Earl R. (1923-2009)


Blackwell, Johnie S.


Blair, James T., Jr. (1902-1962)


Blood, Charles 3812 Bloom, Sol (1870-1949)


B'nai B'rith 2436,4999,5018 Bockewitz, Carl Edward


Boggs, Bell 2747-2752 Bolanos, Oscar A. 4915 Bolon, Lucien M. 3814 Bouchard, Edwin Dwight


Boy Scouts 825,878,4838 Boycott--Law and legislation


Boyle, William M., Jr. (1902-1961)


Brannan, Charles Franklin (1903- )


Briggs, Frank P. (1894-1992)


Brucker, Wilber M. (1894- )


Bryson Bill 2465 Bryson, Robert E. 3816 Buehler, Harold 3817 Busch, August A., Jr. (1899- )


Bust, Edward 3818 Butler, Paul M. (1905-1961)


Canada 4939,4940,5013 Cannon, Clarence (1879-1964)

54,171,274,277,326,344,833,885,977,980,1079,1139,1155,1182,1205,1209, 1228,1244,1691,1794,1829,1880,1894,2281,2708,3932,3934,4026,5046

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 11

subject folders Capehart, Homer Earl (1897-1979)


Carnahan, A. S. J. (1897-1968)


Carnahan, Melvin E. (1934-2000)


Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


Case, Francis Higbee (1896-1962)


Casey, James E. 3820 Celler, Emanuel (1888-1981)


Central America 4934-49327 Cernak, Matus 953 Chapman, Oscar Littleton (1896- )


Chelf, Frank Leslie (1907- )


Chiperfield, Robert Bruce (1899-1971)


Christopher, George H. (1888-1959)


Civil rights--Law and legislation


Clark, Champ (1850-1921)


Clement, Frank Goad (1920-1969)


Cockrell, Ewing (1874-1962)


Cody, John P. 2095-2104 Coffman, Ashley 3821 Coffman, Eugene 3822 Coghill, William Thomas (1901- )


Cole, John Milton 3824

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 12

subject folders Coleman, Wallace V.


Colorado River Project


Communism 335-338 Congress of Industrial Organizations


Congressional Record


Congressional Secretaries Club


Connelly, Matthew J.


Conservation 9-12,2719-2722 Cooley, Harold Dunbar (1897- )


Costa, Humberto 4915 Council of Motion Picture Organizations, Inc.


Cousland, Walter C.


Crites, Ray 3826 Crosby, Bing (1904-1977)


Cummens, Robert Joseph


Current River 1343-1369 Curtis, Thomas Bradford (1911-1993)


Dalton, John Montgomery (1900-1972)


Daniel, Paul David 3828 Daniels, Wilbur F. (1913- )


DaPron, Harry Alvin


Darst, Joseph M. (1889-1953)


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 13

subject folders Daughters of the American Revolution


Davis, Will 1089 Davis-Bacon Act 2737-2752 Dean, David Kent 3830 Deane, Charles B. 3931 Deckson, Cecil B. 4755 Defense Production Act


Democratic Congressional Committee


Democratic National Committee

411,671,778,875,951,966,1091-1119,1139,1142,1156,1159,1794,1826,1869,1896,2437,3407,3934,3977, 4006,4106,4416,4491,4903,4904,4995

Democratic Party 4044 Democratic Party, Missouri, County Organizations


Democratic Study Group


Dent, James F. (1914- )


Devine, Gary David


Diaries--World War, 1914-1918


Dillon, C. Douglas (1909- )


Dilworth, Billy G. 3832 Disabled American Veterans


Disarmament 5012-5017 Doback, John Daniel


Dodds, William E. 3834 Doerge, Donald D. 3835 Dominican Republic

4294, 4938

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 14

subject folders Donaldson, Jesse M. (1885-1970)

4069, 4074, 4102, 4106, 4135, 4149, 4171, 4173, 4189, 4191, 4208, 4211, 4218, 4222, 4245, 4261, 4269

Donnell, Forrest C. (1884-1980)


Donnelly, Phil M. (1891-1961)

26, 54, 56, 91, 94, 96, 603, 812, 1019, 1810, 1935, 3577, 3897, 3990, 4493

Douglas, Paul H. (1892-1976)


Downing, James Ray


Droughts, 1954 54-58 Drury, William J. 3837 Dulles, John Foster (1888-1959)

446, 1546, 4872, 4956, 4990, 5019

Dunne, Irene (1904- )


Economic assistance, American


Eddington, John W.


Education--Law and legislation

3176-3190, 3420

Eik, Louis M. 3839 Eisenhower, Dwight David (1890-1969)

31, 54, 57, 904-906, 3928, 4956

El Salvador 4914-4916 Electric power distribution, Cooperative

3541, 3542, 4846-4848

Ellis, Elmer (1901-1989)

438, 440, 1822, 2890-2891, 2959, 2983, 2985, 3299, 3651-3652

Elmer, William Price (1871-1956)

3481, 4249, 4770

Emery, Larry Charles


English, William Francis (1903-1981)

2795, 2983

Ennis, Albert 532-595, 1381-1413, 2363-2368, 2505, 3518, 4164-4202, 4339-4366

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 15

subject folders Equal Rights Amendment


Europe 4910-4911, 4923, 4932 Evens, Joe L. 830 Family 4776-4780 Far East 4926 Farley, James A. (1888-1976)

1156, 1183, 1210, 1229

Farm produce, Surplus


Feighan, Michael A. (1905- )


Felts, Allan 3841 Finletter, Thomas K.


Flood Control 1331-1528, 2211-2212, 2502-2512 Flood, Daniel J. (1904- )

4922, 4923

Fontaine, Joan (1917- )


Forand Bill 3237-3244, 3277-3278, 3294-3296, 3353-3377 Forand Bill, 1959 3237-3244, 3277-3278, 3294-3296, 3353-3377 Forsythe, John H. 3842 Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri

227-290, 681-682, 4823, 4839

Fredericktown Lead Company

2214-2227, 2418-2421, 2425-2430, 2671-2675, 2679, 2892-2893, 3977, 4438

Galindo, Pohl Reynaldo


Gates, Thomas Sovereign, Jr. (1906- )


Gayle, Richard Earl


Gladden, William E.


Gordon, Thomas S.


Graham, Billy (1918- )

409, 1210, 1833

Grange 2552, 2583

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 16

subject folders Grant, George 46 Grate, Clarence William


Great White Fleet 3137, 4838 Greece 4928 Green, William 2107 Guatemala 4941-4950 Guided missiles 3011 Hackethorn, Jack 1077-1079 Hallquist, John B. 3846 Hammond, Michael W.


Hammond, Ralph W. (1900- )

2248, 3985

Hampel, Walter E. 3848 Hannegan, Robert E. (1903-1949)


Hardin, William David


Harding, Victor Hunt

1091-1093, 1141, 1154

Harris, David F. 3850 Hart, Philip A. (1912-1976)


Hassett, William D. (1880-1965)


Hawthorne, M. Frederick


Hayes, Frank W. (1896-1970)

1080, 1088

Hays, Brooks (1898- )

825, 1795, 1884, 4938, 4980

Hendren, John H. (1907- )

228, 1078-1079, 1152, 4398, 4405, 4466, 4477

Hennings, Thomas C., Jr. (1903-1960)

8, 91, 257, 264, 293, 296, 297, 410, 951-953, 981, 1002, 1155, 1210, 1223, 1229, 1245, 1455, 2892, 3125, 4991

Hershey, Lewis B. (1893-1977)

536, 4799-4807

Herter, Christian A. (1895-1967)


Hickman, John 3852

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 17

subject folders William Hill, William S. (1886- )


Hillelson, Jeffery P. (1919- )


Holden, Michael J. 3853 Holloran, Mark R. (1905- )

1116, 1211

Holloway, Donald Lee


Holman, Haskell (1908-1974)


Hoover, J. Edgar (1895-1972)


Hough, Charles David


Hoy, Donald Jewitt


Humphrey, Hubert H. (1911-1978)


Hurley, John F. 2095-2104 Huttig, Charles M. (1900-1952)


Hyde, William Dale


Ichord, Richard Howard (1926-1992)

1843, 2453, 4005, 4046, 4064, 4723, 4730

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952


Impellitteri, Vincent R.


India 2297-2300 Inland Waterways Corporation


Insurance, Health 2091-2093 International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs,


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 18

subject folders Warehousemen and Helpers of America International Council for Christian Leadership


International Court of Justice

3141-3147, 3276

International Labor Organization


Jackson, Donald L. 4919 Jarman, Peter 1211, 4920-4922, 4927 Javits, Jacob K. (1904-1986)


Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri


Jennings, William Robert


Johansen, August E.


Johnsen, Stanley F.


Johnson, Lester (1901-1975)


Johnson, Louis A. (1891-1966)

163, 251, 1001

Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1908-1973)

311, 409, 1224

Joint Committee on Defense Production


Jones, Paul C. (1901-1981)


Jones, Robert E. (1912- )


Karst, Raymond W. (1902- )


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 19

subject folders Karsten, Frank Melvin (1913-1992)

121, 800, 864, 909, 4082, 4083, 4106

Kean, Bill 2614-2636 Kefauver, Estes (1903-1963)

1211, 1229, 1245

Kem, James Preston (1890-1965)

77, 5045

Kempe, Walter F. 3860 Kennedy, Robert F. (1925-1968)


Kimberlin, Ralph Pace


Kingsbury, Ronald Marion


Kirchoff, Lee Arthur


Kirwan, Michael Joseph (1886-1970)


Knauer, Glenn 3864 Korean War, 1950-1953


Krebiozen 1678-1681 Krug, Julius Albert (1907-1970)


Labor legislation 3223-3233, 3245-3250 Labor-Management Relations Act

2057-2062, 2541-2548

Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act

3223-3233, 3245-3250

Lane, Bill 2703 Langer, William (1886-1959)


Lawler, Joseph J. 4196, 4299 Lead 3251-3272, 3379-3388 League of Women Voters

425, 1546, 1555-1556, 2438

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 20

subject folders Leaver, Theodore Harvey


LeCompte, Karl Miles (1887-1972)

4920, 4938

Lewis, Fulton, Jr. (1903-1966)


Life Magazine 3137 Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri


Lindner, James 3866 Lindsay, Jordan D. 3867 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr. (1902-1985)

2973, 4997, 4998, 5015, 5019

Lodge, John Davis (1903- )


Long, Patrick G. 3868 Lowry, Garland 3869 MacArthur, Douglas (1880-1964)


Magee, Clare (1899-1969)


Margarine 2094 Maybank, Burnet R. (1899-1954)


McClellan, John L. (1896-1977)


McClure, Stewart E.


McCormack, John W. (1891-1980)

1153, 1156, 1203, 1211, 1224, 1230, 1690, 2903

McDougall, Richard Allen


McElroy, Neil H. (1904-1972)


McGrath, Earl J. (1902- )


McGrath, J. Howard (1903-1966)

1091-1092, 1913

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 21

subject folders McKnight, Frank John


McNeill, William James


Meany, George (1894-1980)


Medicare 3369-3377 Medicine, State 2090-2093 Merchant Marine 1562, 1563 Metcalf, Bill 2697-2698 Mexico 4943 Middlebush, Frederick Arnold (1890-1971)

1785, 1793, 2518, 2663, 3653

Military assistance, American

1552, 1566-1571, 1591, 4841, 4842, 5001

Military service, Compulsory

2397-2409, 2870-2873

Mines and mineral resources


Missouri (Battleship)


Missouri Democratic State Committee

1077-1090, 1784, 3501-3506, 4302, 4398, 4405, 4477

Missouri Farmers Association

8, 37, 55, 405, 2176, 2739, 2757, 3575-3576

Missouri Press Association

1145, 2568, 4479

Missouri Rural Electrification Association


Missouri Society of Washington, D.C.


Missouri State Chamber of Commerce

1793, 2389, 2546, 2551, 2554, 2736, 2738, 2746, 2949, 2954, 2958, 2994, 3009, 3019, 3094, 3119, 3169, 3208, 3566

Missouri State Teachers Association

4081, 4831, 5046

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 22

subject folders Missouri, Carter County

460-474, 1337-1339, 3951, 4100-4104, 4292-4299

Missouri, Crawford County

475-493, 1340-1341, 2357-2359, 4105-4129, 4300-4316

Missouri, Dent County

494-516, 2360-2362, 4130-4148, 4317-4323

Missouri, Franklin County


Missouri, Iron County

517-531, 4149-4163, 4324-4336

Missouri, Jefferson County

532-595, 1381-1413, 2363-2368, 2505, 2518, 4164-4202, 4337-4366

Missouri, Laclede County

596-609, 2369-2371, 3543, 4243, 4203-4210

Missouri, Madison County

4211-4215, 4367-4371

Missouri, Oregon County

621-627, 1466-1480, 2508, 4216-4221, 4372-4382

Missouri, Perry County

628-639, 1484-1487, 2372-2378, 4383-4391

Missouri, Phelps County

640-672, 1488, 1489, 4222-4242, 4392-4403

Missouri, Pulaski County

673-693, 1490, 4243-4248, 4404-4416

Missouri, Reynolds County

694-699, 1491, 4249-4252, 4417-4422

Missouri, Secretary of State

1214, 2604, 3640

Missouri, Shannon County

743-759, 1502-1512, 3544-3545, 4263-4265, 4448-4454

Missouri, Social Security Commission

579, 591, 685, 692

Missouri, St. Francois County

700-734, 1492, 3292, 3251-3272, 4253-4260, 4423, 4439

Missouri, Ste. Genevieve County

735-742, 1493-1501, 2373, 4261-4262, 4440-4447

Missouri, Texas County

760-772, 2374-2379, 4266-4278, 4455-4465

Missouri, Washington County

2380, 4279-4285, 4466-4499

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 23

subject folders Missouri, Wayne County

782-797, 1515-1528, 4286-4291, 4470-4476

Missouri. Attorney General

4042, 4491

Missouri. Bi-State Development Agency


Missouri. Civil Defense Agency


Missouri. Congressional District, 8th

3951-3964, 5060

Missouri. Congressional District, 9th

3951-3964, 5060

Missouri. Constitutional Convention, 1943-1944

1139, 3571

Missouri. Department of Agriculture

16, 19, 34, 51, 58, 2230, 2454, 2464, 2471, 2689, 2690, 2695, 2917, 4906

Missouri. Department of Corrections


Missouri. Department of Education

245, 807, 1811, 2515, 2515, 2519, 2527, 2557, 2708, 2724, 2725, 2954, 2962, 2410, 3410, 3426, 3554, 4379, 5058

Missouri. Department of Public Health and Welfare


Missouri. Department of Revenue

143, 319, 3628-3631

Missouri. Division of Health


Missouri. Division of Welfare


Missouri. General Assembly, 65th


Missouri. General Assembly, House

303, 316, 346, 348, 472, 653, 712, 771, 776, 795, 808, 830, 902, 997, 998, 1041, 1221, 1233, 1736, 1748, 1785, 1843, 2084, 2413, 2460, 2539, 2622,

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 24

subject folders 2664, 2692, 2780, 2788, 2798, 2965, 3017, 3231, 3243, 3395, 3599, 3610, 3610, 3619, 3767, 3813, 3908, 3973, 3974, 3998, 4002, 4005, 4008, 4029, 4030, 4045, 4054, 4139, 4140, 4142, 4145, 4165, 4177, 4228, 4267, 4287, 4307, 4372, 4376, 4381, 4414, 4417, 4423, 4428, 4441, 4453, 4454, 4469, 4485, 4572, 4722, 4727, 4874, 5033, 5054, 5058, 5059, 5062

Missouri. General Assembly, Senate

549, 743, 816, 910, 929, 2712, 2788, 3529, 3973, 4059, 4226, 4398, 4419, 4433-4434, 4454

Missouri. Highway Commission

2737-2752, 2981, 3581

Missouri. National Guard

221, 3616-3620

Missouri. Real Estate Commission


Missouri--History 4783 Mitchell Optical Company

917-922, 1188, 4407, 4501-4503, 4819-4820

Mitchell, James Paul (1900-1964)


Mitchell, Stephen A. (1903-1974)

1099, 1112, 1230, 2437

Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis


Moody-Dingell Bill 174, 2253-2257, 2318-2324 Moore, Adella Breckenridge (1875-1957)

400, 965, 3925, 4784

Moore, Gary Kent 3873 Moore, Robert M. 4491 Moore, Vernon 4494 Morton, Thruston B. (1907-1982)

4868, 4873, 4937

Mother's Day 3941 Moulder, Morgan M. (1904-1976)

4027, 4770

Mullins, Samuel 1 Murray, Tom 332, 2326, 2805 Nagle, John J. 1091, 1092, 1097, 1121, 3998, 4416 National Association for

2310, 2398, 2439, 3279

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 25

subject folders the Advancement of Colored People National Broadcasting Company, Incorporated


National Defense Education Act


National Federation of Independent Businessmen


National Guard Bureau


National Rifle Association


National Rural Electric Cooperative Association

2609, 2920-2923, 2927, 3004, 3010

Nesslein, Louis William


Nevins, John Wayne


New York Times 2554 Nixon, Richard Milhous (1913-1994)


North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Northern Handle Mills, Inc.


Nuclear power 4933 O'Bryan, Paul Jackson


Ogle, Nichael Elbert


Organization of American States

4834, 4835

Osorio, Oscar (1910-1969)


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 26

subject folders Ozark Airlines 2559 Ozarks 3620-3622 Palmer, Ralph E. 4122-4129 Pan American Union


Parker, Arthur Norman


People-to-People, Inc.


Petrequin, Harry J. (1929- )


Philippines 2095-2104 Pirkey, Frederick Edward


Poland 4872 Polk, Larry Joe 3881 Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr. (1908-1972)


Price, Paxton P. (1918- )


Production and Marketing Agency

17, 18, 23, 27, 95-97, 664, 1793, 2237-2241, 3561-3562

Public Health 4485 Puerto Rico 2340-2344 Pullen, James R. 3882 Pusateri, Vincent Paul


Railroad Retirement Act

2345-2349, 2576, 3325-3329

Railway Express Agency


Randall Report 2614-2636 Rankin, John E. (1882-1960)


Rayburn, Sam (1882-1962)

189, 951-953, 961, 1246, 1529, 1690

Redfield, Charles M.


Reech, James L. 2885 Reed, Daniel 2602

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 27

subject folders (1875-1959) Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


Republican Party 4792 Republican State Committee, Missouri


Reuss, Henry S. 4997 Reuther, Walter Philip (1907-1970)

2447, 2932

Roach, William Neale


Robinson-Patman Act


Roegner, Darrell Bernard


Rogers, Claude Dale


Rollins, Larry L. 3888 Rothwell, Roger Dixon


Royall, Kenneth C. (1894-1971)


Ruble, David C. 3890 Russell, Jerry 3891 Salomon, Sidney 1097 Saltsman, Thomas Waley


Salveter, Drura Larry


Sassafras Tea 412-415 Schoeppel, Andrew F. (1894-1962)


School children, Food


Sheahan, William Thomas


Shehorn, James 3895

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 28

subject folders Donald Shenker, Morris A. 2288 Sheppard, Albert D. (1896-1978)

2414, 2710, 2941

Short, Dewey (1898-1979)

177, 259, 276, 966

Siler, Bill 2703-2706 Simms, John F. 2760 Simpson, Robert Ingalls


Skelton, Guy F. 3897 Smathers, George A.


Smith, Forrest (1886-1962)

879, 1151, 1528, 1792, 2041, 2257, 2313, 3580, 3607, 3988

Sobell, Morton 3286 Social Security 1274, 1280-1310, 2090-2093, 2151-2155, 2601-2604, 2840-2850, 3068-3073,

3353-3377, 4851 Socialism 4844 South America 4925 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company


Sprague, william Michael


Staab, Charles F. 3899 State Historical Society of Missouri


State rights 3008-3012 Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri

3979, 5063

Stettinius, Edward 485 Stevens, Robert T. 180, 246, 263 Stevenson, Adlai Ewing (1900-1965)


Stewart, Joseph W.


Stites, John 3901

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 29

subject folders Moreland Stockard, Gregory C.


Stone, B. H. 220 Streit, J. Brent 3902 Streit, J. Michael 3903 Strikes and lockouts, Law and legislation


Sturm, John Powell


Subscription television


Sullivan, John B. (1897-1951)

117, 4309

Sullivan, John Lawrence (1899-1982)


Sullivan, Leonor Kretzer (1902-1988)

38, 837, 1740, 3928

Summerfield, Arthur E. (1899-1972)

3302, 4087, 4088

Sweet, Morris Robert


Switzerland, Geneve

4951, 4963

Symington, Stuart (1901-1988)

2, 34-36, 54-55, 71, 94, 162, 180, 246, 257, 263, 276, 662, 937, 1002, 1029, 1036, 1119, 1232, 1246, 1254, 1455, 1814, 1818, 2441, 2649, 2891, 2928, 3076, 3388, 3913, 3932, 4500, 4895-4980, 5053

Taiwan 4872, 5015 Talbott, Harold E. 167, 179 Tariff 2614-2636, 2855-2865, 3379-3388, 4836, 4898-4901 Theile, Toni W. 3906 Thomas, Albert (1898-1966)


Thomas, Charles 1847 Thompson, Arthur 4790, 4791 Time, Incorporated

3120, 3486

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 30

subject folders Tinnin, Luther Ray 3907 Toberman, Walter H. (1879-1960)

1088, 1158, 1195, 1232-1234, 3640, 3921

Tobin, Maurice J. (1901-1953)


Townsend Plan 2394, 2395, 2650, 2651, 2840-2845, 3070 Townsend, Francis E. (1867-1960)

2151, 2394, 2395, 2840

Townsend, Wayne La Salle


Townsend, Welden A.


Truman, Bess Wallace (1885-1982)


Truman, Harry S (1884-1972)

409, 419, 890, 893, 1023, 1052, 1067, 1201, 1546, 1547, 1788, 1843, 2350, 3649, 3919, 4022, 4491

Tuck, William N. 823 Tucker, Raymond Roche (1896-1970)

1253, 2531

U.S. Agricultural Marketing Service


U.S. Agricultural Research Administration

41-44, 50

U.S. Air Force 162-169, 4293 U.S. Air Force Academy

170-181, 225

U.S. Armed Forces, Law and legislation


U.S. Army 198-297, 866, 3122 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

198-212, 219, 248, 279, 291, 1212, 1331-1528, 2502-2512, 2677, 2678

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

298, 1021-1025, 1052, 1065, 1067, 3944, 4933

U.S. Bureau of Employees' Compensation

1255, 1256, 1274

U.S. Bureau of 654, 655

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 31

subject folders Mines U.S. Bureau of the Budget


U.S. Bureau of the Census


U.S. Central Intelligence Agency


U.S. Civil Aeronautics Administration

300-306, 323

U.S. Civil Aeronautics Administration

300-306, 323

U.S. Civil Aeronautics Board


U.S. Civil Service Commission

242, 316-334, 475, 2717, 2718

U.S. Civilian Production Administration

645, 647, 661, 663

U.S. Commission on Organization of Executive Branch of the Government


U.S. Committee for the United Nations


U.S. Commodity Credit Corporation


U.S. Commodity Stabilization Service

9-15, 28, 34, 37, 52, 53

U.S. Comptroller General


U.S. Congress, 79th


U.S. Congress, 80th


U.S. Congress, 81st

1095-1096, 1970-2198

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 32

subject folders U.S. Congress, 82nd


U.S. Congress, 84th


U.S. Congress, 85th


U.S. Congress, 86th


U.S. Congress, House


U.S. Congress, House, Armed Services Committee


U.S. Congress, House, Foreign Affairs Committee

1529-1571, 3122, 4722, 4729, 4782, 4860, 4910-4965

U.S. Congress, House, Small Business Committee


U.S. Congress, House, Un-American Activities Committee

814, 2177-2180, 2396, 4747

U.S. Congress, Senate


U.S. Defense Minerals Administration


U.S. Defense Transport Administration


U.S. Department of Agriculture

5, 8, 12, 16-58, 70, 98, 292, 294, 676, 747, 2579, 2580, 2689-2702, 2925, 4491

U.S. Department of Commerce

81, 195, 323, 340, 370-382, 563, 817, 849, 2614, 3075-3076, 3261

U.S. Department of Defense

228, 290, 296, 297, 1001-1013

U.S. Department of Health, Education and

1309, 1311-1313, 1637-1689, 2525-2520, 4485

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 33

subject folders Welfare U.S. Department of Justice

279, 280, 568, 673, 840, 4005

U.S. Department of Labor

866, 2996, 5039

U.S. Department of State

407, 568, 683, 904, 1185, 1209, 1532, 1542, 1551, 2210, 2300, 4858-4890

U.S. Department of the Interior

45, 47, 53, 124, 136, 339, 841, 860, 1715-1754, 3074

U.S. Department of the Treasury

689, 705, 748, 1755-1775, 4903-4909

U.S. Department of War

559, 578, 676, 681, 689

U.S. Description and travel, 1930s

52-54, 101

U.S. Displaced Persons Commission


U.S. Economic Cooperation Administration


U.S. Economic Stabilization Agency

1135-1138, 1813, 4483

U.S. Executive Branch


U.S. Farmers Home Administration

34, 52, 58-72, 96

U.S. Federal Aviation Agency

892, 1258-1260

U.S. Federal Civil Defense Administration

55, 314-315

U.S. Federal Communications Commission


U.S. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


U.S. Federal Housing

571, 583, 667-669, 688, 1267-1270, 1699-1701

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 34

subject folders Administration U.S. Federal Power Commission


U.S. Federal Reserve Board


U.S. Federal Reserve System


U.S. Federal Security Agency

1274-1325, 1629, 4750

U.S. Federal Trade Commission


U.S. Federal Works Agency

785, 1329-1330

U.S. Food and Drug Administration


U.S. Foreign Affairs Advisory Board, Proposed

2432-2442, 2679, 3864, 4833

U.S. Foreign Operations Administration

1538, 1615

U.S. Foreign relations


U.S. Foreign Service

807, 1211, 1541, 1599-1605, 4864, 4874, 4880

U.S. Forest Service 73-89, 643, 662, 1729, 2029-2037 U.S. General Services Administration

303, 1618-1632, 2419, 4431, 4432, 4472

U.S. Government Printing Office


U.S. Housing and Home Finance Agency


U.S. Information Agency

4934, 5029, 5061

U.S. Internal Revenue Service


U.S. International Claims


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 35

subject folders Commission U.S. International Information Administration

4478, 4866

U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission


U.S. Library of Congress

197, 377, 3435-3466

U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY


U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration


U.S. National Archives

194-197, 567, 4472

U.S. National Housing Agency

592, 627, 647, 663, 667-669

U.S. National Labor Relations Board


U.S. National Park Service

1455, 1461

U.S. National Production Authority


U.S. National War College


U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland


U.S. Navy 680, 3666-3670, U.S. Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization


U.S. Office of Defense Mobilization

1018-1020, 3388

U.S. Office of Defense


C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 36

subject folders Transportation U.S. Office of Price Stabilizations

19, 591, 627, 631, 643, 685, 694, 747, 787, 2214-2220, 2262-2280, 4483-4484

U.S. Office of Rent Stabilizations


U.S. Post Office Department

173, 2105-2121, 2566-2575, 3302-3313, 4068-4477, 4845

U.S. Public Health Service


U.S. Railroad Retirement Board

2349, 4487-4490

U.S. Reconstruction Finance Corporation

699, 923-928, 1417, 4498-4503, 4819-4820

U.S. Rural Electrification Administration

99-153, 641-642, 665, 674, 689, 691, 909, 1721-1723, 2175, 2352, 2461, 2475, 2583, 4822

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


U.S. Selective Service

2354-2356, 2584, 4795-4807

U.S. Small Business Administration


U.S. Smithsonian Institution

4821, 5050, 5067

U.S. Social Security Administration


U.S. Social Security Board

461, 1274

U.S. Soil Conservation Service

154, 155, 157, 159

U.S. Southwestern Power Administration

2155-2169, 2605-2608, 2850-2852, 4822

U.S. Steelworkers of America


U.S. Supreme 4894

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 37

subject folders Court U.S. Surplus Property Administration


U.S. Tariff Commission

2612, 4897-4901

U.S. Tennessee Valley Authority

3012-3020, 4966

U.S. Veterans Administration

468, 480, 580, 645, 660, 675, 685, 708, 764, 785, 834, 869, 894, 3124, 5032-5039

U.S. War Claims Commission

5071, 5072

U.S. War Production Board

614, 709, 2216

Ulio, James A. 564, 577 United Kingdom 5014 United Nations 407, 903-906, 2653, 4782, 4852-4967-5029 United Nations Day

4853-4854, 5027

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

425-452, 4855-4857, 4967-4986, 5020-5027

United Nations Emergency Force

2897-2899, 2902-2903, 2915, 4496

United Nations Peace Force


United Nations, Atomic Energy Commission


United Spanish War Veterans

2666-2668, 2826

United World Federalists, Incorporated

446, 891, 1794, 2194-2198, 2899, 4766, 4987, 4999

University of Missouri, Agricultural Extension Service

3555-3560, 3573

University of 3653, 3654

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 38

subject folders Missouri, Alumni Association University of Missouri, School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla

197, 318, 645, 656, 648, 656, 671, 796, 1718, 1920, 2712, 3632, 4859, 4865

Urguay 4917-4919 Urquia, Miquel Rafael


Vatican 5079-5081 Vaughn, James M. 3909 Veterans 1274, 2182-2193, 2410-2416, 2654-2668, 2874-2889, 3095-3110, 3410,

3433, 5031-5044 Veterans of Foreign Wars

317, 618-619, 649-650, 678, 691, 983, 1177, 1209, 1801, 1824, 1844, 1894, 2411-2414, 2648, 2667, 3123, 3144, 3166, 3187, 3287, 3479, 4782, 4860, 5031, 5036-5038, 5040-5044

Veterans--Law and legislation


Vinson, Carl (1993-1981)

274, 276, 2413-2414, 4802

Voice of America 4890, 5061 Wages--Minimum wage

2768-2781, 3214-3250, 3276, 3278, 3283, 3294-3296, 3363-3370

Wagner, Robert Ferdinand

981, 1851, 1903

Walch, Michael 3910 Wallace, Ivan Lee 3911 Ward, Compton E. 3912 Ward, Donald Clark


Ward, Harry G., Jr. 3914 Warren, Charles Wes


Washington Seminar on International Affairs


Washington University, St. Louis

2088, 2252, 2795

Water Pollution 1328

C2539 Carnahan, A. S. J., (1897-1968), Papers, 1944-1960 Page 39

subject folders Watersheds 156-160 Welch, William Norris


Wheeler, Hubert 401, 960, 2080, 2317, 2833 White House 5074, 5075-5081 White House Conference on Aging


White House Conference on Children and Youth


White House Conference on Children and Youth


Whitten, Jamie L. 48 Wilcox, Francis O. 1541, 1547, 4879, 4881, 4886, 5017, 5028 Williams, Bill Davis


Wilson, Charles E. 265, 266 Withington, Joseph S.


World Federation 21194-2198 World War, 1914-1918, Diaries


World War, 1939-1945--Demobilization


Wray, Russell 3918 Young Democratic Clubs of America


Young Democratic Clubs of Missouri

1088, 1120, 1122

Young, John Russell


Yount, Mark 181, 3908, 4325, 4326, 4466 Youth Conservation Act, 1959

3278, 3279, 3285