Caring Planet

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  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    @fiorOurPl netJoyceHannamIntroduction 31 Using esourcesarefu[[y2 Keeping urPlanet oo[ 83 Making lean lectricity 24 Reducingravel 165 Keeping urPlanet lean 05 Protectingtants 247 Protectingnimals 288 TheWayForward 32Activities 36

    Projects 52Glossary 54AboutReadandDiscover 56


  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    ( )x F )t{ l)I Nt\ ', t RstI\ I 't t ss( . r ( , r l ( I . rR r ( lot l Sl recl , ( ) \ l i ) r ( l ( )x : l 6 l ) r '( )\ l r , f ( l I l vcf\t l y l 'R ' \ s t \ l l ( l r l ) . t l l lenl ( l I l ( ' I n iv ( ' rs i lyr ) l ( ) \ lor l l l l l r l l t r . rs ( . l lnrvels i ly s o l ) i ( ' (1 v ( .ol ( . x (e l lc r r (cI l r1. \ ( . i l1J ] . ( l r r )L l r \ l ) i l ) . i l rd edrk i l t io r l )y pul ) l ish ingrvor l r lw j r l t t t t( ) \ l0r ( l N(wY()r l (/ \ i l ( i ( l . ur ( l (ll)(" li)wD l) i r res Srham HongKong Karachi( r . r r r D)l ) r N4i r ( li(l lMoll)ourne Mc'xico Ci ty Nai robiNr .w l ) ( l lr Sl r . i l rg l r i r i ' l : tj l )c i lbronto\ \ ' r l l r 0 l l i ( r . s i lArrgc rr t in . rArrs t r i r r l l raz i l Chi lc CzechRepubl ic France(,r11\( ( ; i l ; r t c rnrh l lu l )gr ly l t r ly . l i lpan Poland Portugal\ l l r l t . r l r ) r1 S(t r t th Kr)rc r Swi lzc r lnnd' l 'hai land TurkeyI l(f . Inc Vt ( ' tn i t l lox r or r r r r r r lox I 'otu) l i N(; . t s t t are regis tered t rade nr iuksoI ( \I{,r(l I n iv ( ' rs ' ly I ' rcss r ) thc IJK l r )d n cemnin ot l ] cr( or i l r l l iesr) ( \ li )r(l lt v ( ' l s i l y I)rcss 2o I oI re r r r r r r ' : r li r l l ls ol l l )c i t u lhol l t i lve )cel t asser ted|) r l i r l ) i rse r i rh l ( )x l i ) rd tJnivc rs i t y l ) f ( 'ss nuker)l ; i rs l l ) l r l ) l ish(al?oIol ( ) t . l l ( , t : l ?( )12 20l t 20lo| )9U7654: t2No unauthorized photocopyingAl l r ight s rcseryed. No prr t o l th is publ icat ion may bercpr(x ln(ed. storcd in l retrieval system, or tEns ln i t ted,in rny loLm or by aDy mcaDs. without the pr ior pemiss ioni D wr i l ing o l Ox ford University Press, r as expresslyIx,rnritled by llw, or under temrs ag Teed with the appropriatercprographics rights organization. Enquides conceningr('l)ntduction outside the scope ofthe .rbove should be sentlo I l re l l l i l R ights DepartneDt, OxfordUniversityPress, atthc ad( l ress aboveYou nust Dot circulate this book in any other binding orc()vcr rnd you must impose this same condition on anyi taqui f c rAr)y wfl)sitcs ret-eued to in this publication are in thel)ul)li( dorurirr r nd their addresses are provided by OxfordtlrriveNity l\'css for infornation only. Oxford UniversityI ' ress l isc )a ims any respons ib i l i t y for the contentI s BN: 97l l o 19464559 rAn Au( l io ( i l ) I 'rck coutnin iDg t l t is book and a CD is a lsoilvili l if bl('. I s BN 978 t 19 464599'I I ) ( ' ( : l ) h i rs : r ( hoi (e o l Antc r ic i ln rnd Br i t ish Engl ishr f ( r ) rd i r )As () l lhc (1) t r r l ) ic te cxt.n D rc(r)nrl)ilIyiIg Activity Book is a lso avai lable,r\xN,)7ll o t{) ( ) , ls (x ) ol \ ' i t ) l ( . ( l in ( h i ) : r'l his brxrk is pr inted on pl rpt , r i t rnr cc r t i l iec l andwel l r ) l i i l r i rAc ( l ( )ufccs .

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    An@ducffi@mOnourplanetEarthhereare manybeautiful laces.Sadty, ome f the hings hatpeople o aredamagingourplanet.We mustcare or it, to keep t safeandcleanfor a[[ he plants, nimals, ndpeopleivinghere.Whatbeautiful tacesan ouseebetow?Whatbeautiful laces re here nyour ountry?Howdo peopte amage urplanet?How anwe care orourptanet?

    Now ead nddiscover orert caringorourbeautifut tanet

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Usflng Bes@qffi@@sCameffiqilry WeAllNeedWater\7ater is one of the most important natural resourceson Earth.W'eneed fresh water to drink, and we need tto grow and cook food, and to wash.Plants, animals,and peopleall need water to live.About 70% of Earth is coveredwith water, but mostof this water is salt water in oceans.Peopleneed freshwater to drink, but only about 3o/o f Earth's wateris fresh water.In some countries here sn't enough water.Sometimes,people have o trave l a long wayto collect water, or they move to a new placewhere there is water.

    Ourptanet ivesus manynatural esourcesikeai rto breathe ndwater o drink. t givesus plants ndanimalso eat,andcoa[andoil to makeelectricity.We need o usea[[ hese esourcesareful[y.

    RenewableesourcesSome natural resources, ike water, sun, wind, soil,animals,and plants,can replace hemselves aturally.They are called renewable esources. hey will notrun out if we don't use hem too quickly.If we usethem carefully,we will have ots of these esources ouse or a long time.


  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Non- enewaleResoucesSfe use fossil fuels like coal, gas,and oil in powerstations o make electricity.\7euse electricity o powerlights. Refrigerators, elevisions,and computers allneecielectricity, oo. Many peopleuseelectricity ocook and to heat their homes. (/e also use electricitvto power somevehicles,and we useoil to makegasoline o power carsand other vehicles.The problem is that these ossil uels cannot bereplaced,so when we haveused them all, they willrun out. They are called non-renewable esourcesand we are using them too quickly.

    PollutionSometimeswe make our resourcesdirty.This is calledpollution.S(/e pollute the air when we use fossil fuelsto make energy ike electricity. Wepollute water whenwe put waste nto it. People,animals,and plants al lneed clean air and water.WhatCanWeDo?There are ots of ways we can help.'Wemust keepwater clean,and we must not waste t. Some charitiesarehelping people o collect and store water.They arealso building new dams,wells,and pumps, so thatpeoplecan have clean water nearer heir homes.We must usenon-renewable esources arefully,and we must not waste hem. Scientistsaremvesugaungwaysto userenewableresources,ike sun,wind, and water,to make electricityso that we don'tneed to use somany fossil uels.\il7e an also tryto use esselectricity.

    h V|AA7,he ourcountrieshatusedhe most

    Go o pages 6-37 or activities.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    [fr@@pf,ngqmPilonffiC@@ilScientistshink hatEarth's limate schangingnd heweathersgettingmoreextreme. hey hink hat his shappeningecause arthsgettingwarmer.Why s hi shappening,ndhowcanwe keepourplanet oot?TheGreenhouseffectl larth getsheat rom the sun.Some of the heat escapesinto space, ut some s trappedby a blanket of gases.This keepsEarth warm enough for us to live here,and it's called he greenhouseeffectbecause t wo rkslike a greenhouse.


    GlobalWarming'Whenwe use ossil uels we make a gascalledcarbondioxide. Scientists hink that we areputting too muchcarbon dioxide into the air.The carbon dioxideincreaseshe greenhouseeffectand Earth getswarmer.This is calledglobal warming.

    Extreme eatherScientists hink that global warming is changing ourclimate and making the weathermore extreme.This isa problem for people,animals,and plants.Hurricanes are getting more dangerous. n 2005, ahuge hurricane hit New Orleans n the USA. About2,000 peopledied, and most of the city was looded.There aremany rivers n Bangladesh. here are alwaysfloods in the rainy season, ut the floods are gettingworse. Every year,somepeopledieand thousandsof peoplelose heir homes.



    ' 'Jtr4)*' '5(J, In Bangladesh,ome-peopte make l.oatinggardens.hey row oodon hem,so hat heyhavefoodduringhe loods.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    lrr thc SaharaDesert in Africa, there s not enoughnrirr and the desert s gettingbigger.Peoplehave efttlrcir homesbecause hey can't grow food.The Gobil)cscrt in China and Mongolia is alsogetting bigger.I )cscrt sandblows all the way into cities n Northl(orca and South Korea.Melt ingcel,hrth is gctting warmer and the ice is melting at theNorth and South Poles.As this ice changes o water,tlrt' scu cvcl is gettinghigher.This is dangerous orIow r'orrntricsike Bangladesh, nd for low islands.'l\rvrrltris u country in the PacificOceanand it's madeul gnrrrpsol'islands.Partsof the capital,Funafati,ar ettuw ottly l0 ccntimetersabovesea evel.Scientiststlrtrrk l tnt hc occanwil l sooncover he and,andllte pcoplcwlro livc thcre will have o move o otherItttUlltt'lcriikc Ncw Tcaland orAustralia.

    WhatCanWeDo?Scientists are investigat ing ways of predicting extremeweather so that peoplecan be ready for it. Charitiesare working with people to build stronger and higherhomes.They are alsogiving people special adios sothat they can hear about extreme weather and moveto a saferplace.Our planet has natural ways o reduce carbon dioxide.Oceansand plants use carbon dioxide, so we mustprotect our oceansand plants.$(/emust try to keep Earth cool by using fewer fossilfuels and producing lesscarbon dioxide.W'eneedelectricity, but we can make it without using fossilfuels. Instead, we can use nuclear energy,or naturalenergy from the sun, wind, or water.

    ) Go o pages8-39 oractivities.

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    Maffing trXeonEil@ffie@Scientistsre nvestigatingaysof making leanelectricityhat s not madewith fossil uels.This simportantf we want o reduce tobatwarming ndpollution.How selectricitymade n yourcountry?NuclearnergyNuclear power stationsmake electricitywithout usingfossil uels.They don't put carbon dioxide into the air,but they produce dangerous adioactivewaste.Thiswaste s put underground or under the ocean, whereit must stay or thousandsof yearsbefore t's safe.If there's an accident at a nuclear power station,dangerous radioactive waste can get into the airand travel a long way. n 1986 an accident happenedin Chernobyl in Ukraine. People died and many morepeoplewere sick.About 336,000 peoplehad to moveaway to new homes. Scientistsare working hard tomake nuclear power stationssafer.

    Solar nergyAnother way to make electricity is to use the heatfrom the sun. Solar power stations only work wellin placeswhere it's very sunny all year long.In many countries,people use solar energy fromsolar panels o heat water in homes, offices,andswimming pools, and to power watches,calculators,and road signs.

    Insunnycountries,oucancook yusing nlyheat rom hesun.At[youneedssunshineandasolar anet

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Wind nergyWind turbines use theenergyfrom the wind tomake electricity.'Wecanbuild wind turbines inisolatedplacesand alsoin the oceans.They canbe useful n coldercountries where there isnot enough sunshinetouse solar energy o makeelectricity. Germany, forexample, makes 6o/o f its electricity in wind farms. Allaround the world there are more and more wind farms.GeothermalnergyGeothermal energycomes rom the heat that is trappedunderground. Hot water and steam from undergroundcan be used to heat buildings, and to make electricity.In Iceland there is lots of hot water underground.Geothermal power stationsmake about 25o/o fIceland's electricitv.

    Hotwater rom heSvartsengieothermalowerstationn lcetandsused o litffifittanoutdoor oo[.t'senoughorswimming.

    EnergyromWater\il7e an make electricity by using energy frommoving water in rivers, akes,or oceans. his iscalled hydroelectricity.The first hydroelectric powerstation was built in 1882. t was a simple waterwheel. t made enough electricity for 250 light bulbs.The biggesthydroelectric power station in the worldtoday is the Three GorgesDam in China. It can makeenough electricity for whole cities

    lP r.l:>t

    In 1966,scientistsn France started o makeelectricity using energy from ocean tides.Then otherscientists used energy from waves.Scientistsare nowinvestigating better ways of using energyfrom tidesand waves o make cheap and clean electricity.

    I Go o pages 0-4t foractivities.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Mostof us ravel o school r o workevery ay.Maybewe ravel ycar o goshoppingr o visit riends, rbyptaneo goonvacation. hyshould e rave[ess?

    TheProblemithTravelCars, planes,buses,and ships all put carbon dioxideinto the air.This increases he greenhouseeffect andmakesour planet warmer.Vehiclesalsopollute the airwith other gases. his makes our cities dirty.

    Airportsregetting eryverybusy. bout 9,000nternationaIpassengersravel hroughhe mainairport n NewYorkevery ay.

    WhatCanWeDo?It's very difficult to stop traveling, but we can thinkcarefully about the way we travel. For short journeys,we can walk or cycle.This is also better than sittingin a car becauseexercise s good for us.W'ecan sharecars or usepublic transportation for some ourneys.\Wecan try to use small cars because hey use essfuel than big ones.We should also reduce the number of vehicles hatwe make,becausewe use ossil uels to power thefactories where we make the vehicles.Some people ry to fly lessoften, and if they have ofly, they do something called carbon offsetting. Theyfind out how much carbon dioxide their journey willproduce.Then they pay to plant enough rees o useall the carbon dioxide that the journey made.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet



    CleanerarsEngineersare nvestigatinghow to make car enginescleanerso that they won't damageour planet so much.Modern carshave machines called catalytic convertersthat changeexhaustgasesnto cleanergases.Instead of using gasoline,somecars use electricityand others use a mixture of gasolineand electricity.Somecars use uels made from plants.These biofuelscan be made from nuts, corn, and other plants.Thereare also a few cars hat use electricitymade from solarenergy.Maybe in the future all cars will be poweredin theseways.

    CleanerlanesEngineersare trying to make plane engines hat don'tpollute the air, but it's very difficult. They know thatlighter planeswith biggerwings use ess uel.They aredesigningbetter planesall the time.Some planescan fly using biofuels,but many peoplethink it's wrong to grow plants for planes.They saythat we need the land to grow food for people.Whatdo you think?A few planesare alreadypowered by solar energy,butthey don't haveany space or passengers.

    -ffiw.\9, TheZephyr tanes poweredby solar nergy.t'svery ightan dit doesn't atry eople.n 2008 tftewwithout toppingor83 hours

    l r i "fE Go o pages 2-43 oractivities.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Keepffing qmfilan@CCfleanEvery aywe throwawaywaste romourhomes, chools,offices, nd actories. hiswaste s coltectedn trucks,then some s recycled, ndsome s burned r putunderground.hatdo youdowithyourwaste?TooMuchWastePeople throw away oo much waste. n somecountries, there is not enough space o put any morewaste underground. Some things that we throw away,like plasticbags, efrigerators,and cars,will stayunderground for hundreds of years.

    In he USA very erson roducesmore han2 kitograms f waste veryday.So or he whote ountryhat'smore han232miltionmetricons

    Waste akes ollutionSometimes,people throw waste nto rivers, akes,or the ocean.Human waste and waste rom factoriesalsopollute water. More than a billion people n theworld do not have clean water to drink. Every day,people die from dirty drinking water.Somepeople eavewaste on streets,n thecountryside,and on beaches. his pollutes our planet,and it's dangerous or animals f they eat the waste.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    TooManyPlastic ags'Wethrow awaymore plastic bags than anything elsePlasticbags are a huge problem for our planet.It'sdifficult to recycle hem.You can use a plasticbagfor only five minutes, but it can take 500 yearsrodecompose.People hrow away oo many plasticbagsand this pollutesour cities,countryside,and oceans.Many fish, birds, and other animals die if they eat aplasticbag, because hen they can't breatheor eat ood.If peoplehave o pay for plasticbags, hey will usethem less. n 2002, when people n Ireland wereasked o pay for plasticbags, he number of bagsused reducedby 90% in one year n many countriestoday, here are no free plasticbags.Try to useplasticbags ots of times, or use a bag thatis made of a natural material instead.

    WhatCanWeDo?\(/hen we throw thingsawaywe must do it carefullY- never throw waste ntostreets, ivers,or the ocean.W'ecan throw away esswaste,for example,we can reuse morethings before we throw them away.'Wecan throw awaymuch lessfood and garden wasteby usinga compostbin. In a compost bin,worms and bacteria eat the wasteand change t into good soil calledcompost.w'e can use compost tohelp plants to grow better.Another way to reduce waste s to recycle things.Many peoplealready ecycle ots of things' likepaper, cans,plastic and glasscontainers,and clothes.\7e can also recycle bigger things like parts of cars.The recycledmaterialscan then beused again to make new things.

    In KamikatsunJapan,people rehopingo recycleeverythingy 2020. heydivideheirwaste nto34

    ) Go o pagesM-45 for activities.t f fi' " -- lrl7 \\ -l


    differentypes or

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    MmgfilontuWithoutplants,we wouldhavenothingo eat.Wealsouseptantso make lothes, omes, ndmedicines.Ptantsakecarbon ioxiderom he air,and heygiveusoxygeno breathe,oo. Ptants re rea[ly mportantFood hainsAll living things are parr of food chains.Plants are atthe start of all food chainsbecauseplants only needsunlight, water, and carbon dioxide from the air tomake their food. Animals need to eat plants, or theyeat other animals hat eat plants. So we all needplants

    Food ndDrinkPlants give us food like fruit, vegetables,and rice.\Weeat fruit and vegetablesbecause hey containvitamins that keep us healthy. Cereal crops, likewheat and corn, give us flour to make bread.Many drinks, like tea, coffee, and chocolate comefrom plants. 7e alsouse someplants asherbs orspices o make our food tastegood.

    We useotivetrees n manyways.We caneat he ruit,anduseoil maderomthe ruit orcooking.The iI s also oodforourhair nd kin.

    MedicinesFor thousandsof years,peoplehaveusedplants as medicines.Many modern medicinesaremade from chemicals hatwere first found in plants.Many plants that are used formedicinesgrow in rainforests.For example, the rosyperiwinkle from Madagascarcontainschemicals hat cantreat two types of cancer.

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  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Reducinglobal armingIn the daytime, plants take carbon dioxide from theair to make their food.This helps ro reduceglobalwarming. It's one of our planet's natural ways toreduce carbon dioxide.PlantsnDangerPlants need clean air and water to grow - polluted airand water can damage hem. Global warming is alsoa problem. Someplants cannot grow in their usualplace if the temperature gets too high, or if there isextreme weather like floods.\il7e re using too many trees.Big internationalcompanies cut down huge numbers of trees for woodto make furniture or paper. Sometimes they cutdown trees n rainforests to make space o grow cropsor to raisecattle,so that they can produce cheap oodlike palm oil and hamburgers.

    WhatCanWeDo?If we keep our planet clean and use fewer fossil fuels toreduce global warming, we will savemillions of plants.\il7emust also use fewer trees. 7e can use esspaper andrecycle t. Some charitiescollect money to buy trees okeep them safe. $7e an pay people to care for trees anduse them in different ways to make money. For example,farmers can sell nuts from their trees. il(/emust stopcompanies destroying rainforests to bring us cheap food.\7e can plant new trees.Countries and big companiescan alsoreplace he trees hat they use.Finland andCanada alreadydo this.

    ) Go o pages 6*47oractivities.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    PffingAmffimailsEarths home o manyamazing nimals,rom inybacteriahat we can'tevensee, o hugewhates.Weshare urplanetwitha[[ hese theranimats. nimatshelpus n manydifferentwaysandwe mustprotecthem.WeNeed nimalsMany animals, ike cows,sheep,and chickens,areraised or food. Farmersraise hem to give us meat,cheese, gBS, nd milk. In the ocean, here are fishfarms where large numbers of fish are raised forfood. 7e use animals o giveus leather,wool, andfeathers.Around the world, animals are also used ohelp us with work. They carry peopleand crops,andthey help with farm work.

    Useful inibeastsInsects, ike beetles, lies, and ants,help the planet,too. Some nsectscarry pollen from flower to flower.Many flowers need pollen from another flower tomake seeds.Bees ly from flower to flower to getnectar to make honey.Peoplecollect the honey andenjoy eating t Many insectsare usefulbecause heyeatwaste,and worms help us by making compostand keeping the soil healthy.AnimalsnDangerEvery animal has a specialplace o live calledits habitat, but people are destroying many ofthese mportant habitats.Whenwe cut down therainforest rees,we destroy he habitat of gorillasand tigers, and hundredsof smalleranimals.Global warming is alsoa problem for animals.For example, f too much ice at the North Polemelts,polar bearswill lose heir habitat.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Hunters kill some animals for money. Manyelephantswere hunted becausepeoplecould selltheir ivory tusks for a lot of money. Now this hasstopped, but all around the world, hundreds ofdifferent types of animal, from insects o tigers, aredisappearingbecauseof lost habirarsor hunting.Pollution is also a huge problem for animals.WhatCanWeDo?\il7emust protect habitats, and we must keep thecountryside clean. Many countries have madespecialplaces called national parks or wildlife parkswhere wild animals can live safe rom hunters. InAfrica there are also safari parks where touristsfrom all around the world can come and see heanimals in their natural habitat.

    Zoos odayMany wild animals are kept in zoos or animalreserves. f they are rare animals, the last ones can bekept safe here.They can hdve babies and there willbe more of them again.Many modern zoos keepanimals in placessimilar to their natural habitat.Sometimes they take the animals back to theirnatural home when it's safe.Some charities work to save are animals and theirhabitats.You can pay to adopt an animal and help tokeep it safe.These giant pandas ive in a specialanimal reserve n China. Many people are adoptinggiant pandas and helping them here.

    Go o pages8-49 oractivities.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    ffieWeyffiorooffidMostpeopleunderstandhat we mustcare or ourplanet.We mustnow earnhow o do it better.Earthis our homeandwe mustprotect t for thefuture.Whatwill youdo to care or ourplanet?A Simple ife?Some people think that modern city life is bad forEarth. \ilfeuse too much energy and we make toomuch waste.They think that we should live in smallvillages,grow our own food on the land, and nottravel far.This life would not damage our planet.

    Other people hink that we cannot go back to asimpler way of living. They think that new technologycan help us to find new, clean ways to trave l andmake energy.You can see some of this new technology in newtypes of house design.These new housesdon't useany energyfrom fossil fuels, but they are stillcomfortable in very hot or cold weather.They havesolarpanels n the roof, and they are made of woodfrom forests where trees are alwaysreplaced.Do you think we should live more simply or use newtechnology?Or should we do both?

    New echnology

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    WhatCanWeDo?\7hen we go shopping, we must think carefully aboutwhat we buy. Some food that we buy comes from nearour homes.Other food comes on planesand shipsfrom far away,and we use fossil fuels to transport it.Somepeople saywe should eat more food that isgrown near to our homes. Do we need summer fruitin winter? How much of the food that vou buv wasgrown near where you live?

    \7e must not be greedy.For example, no onewants oceanswith no fish in them. \7e can take somefish, but we must not take too many. Wemust becareful not to use too many of E,arth'snaturalresources oo quickly.

    In our everyday ife we can all help the planet in smallways.We can reuse and recycle as much aspossible oreduce waste and pollution. We can turn off lights tosaveelectricity, and we can try not to use our cars toomuch, to reduce carbon dioxide.\$7e an give money tocharities hat care or the planet. If millions of peopledo small things, this will make a difference.ItsOurPlanetScientists hink that we don'thave much time to reduceglobal warming. So we haveto change he way we live now.The peopleof Tuvalu andBangladeshare worried abouttheir future. So are the peoplenear the Saharaand Gobi Deserts.They need everyone o help. Wemust all help to care or our planet.

    I Go o pages 0-51 or activities.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    UsingResources+ Read ages -7 .

    1 Write hewords. henwrite if it 'ta renewableesource.coal ptants oil sun water animats


    umor l#ili[ .r 2003-tqffif :6


    Wea[ needPeople eed


    2 Completehe sentences.electricity fuels water Reneuabtepollution fresh fossilKpnsvrabie resourcesan eplacehemselvesaturally.

    Write ive hings hat useetectricitynd ive hings hatdon't useelectricity.Thingshatuse lectricity:

    Thingshatdon't se tectricity:

    Answerhe questions.1 What esourcesan eplacehemsetvesaturatly?

    Ke,$sr**bi+a*ourcss arng"ptnmffi,$lmfrTl*$tvs*iatairaiiy.2 Why swater o mportant?3 Whatdo peop[e o f there sn'tenough ater?

    4 How anwe careorwater?

    5 What s he probtem ith ossiIuets?

    Carefu y

    to [ive.water o dr ink.


    Coa[, as, ndoiIareWemake in power tations.

    i@Whenwe make esourcesirty his scatled


    6 Whatdoyouuseelectricityor ?

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Heat omeso Earthrom heSome f the heat s rapped ya blanket fThegreenhouseffectkeepsEarthenoughor us o livehere.

    4 Wemake arbon ioxide henwe use5 Carbonioxidencreaseshe

    and hismakes arth armer.

    Write trueor false.1 There remany iversn Bangtadesh.2 TheSahara esertsgetting ma[[er.3 Many eopte ied na hurricanen NewOrteansin 2005.4 The ea eve[sgettingowerbecausefmeltingce .5 Funafatis hecapital fTuvatu.6 lt'spossibteo grow oodon loating ardens.

    4 Orderhe words.1 increasesCarbondioxide the etfect. greenhouse

    climate.gtobat our thlnk is Scientiststhatwarming changing

    10 tevet. Funafati only Parts are of / centimeterssea above

    dioxide. to / has Our reduce natural./ lanet ways/carbon

    Keeping urPlanetCool irue

    2 Completehe sentences.warm fuels effect greenhouseossiIsun carbongasesdioxide


    3 Read ages -11.1 Write he numbers.

    NewZealandBang[adeshSaharaDesertChinaUS ATuvatuGobiDesertSouthKoreaAustratia


    6 Ocean ndplants se'

    5 Howcanwe keepourplanetcool?

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Reducingravel+ Read ages 6-19.

    Circle he correctwords.1 We canwalkor cycte or ong shortjourneys.2 Smat[ ars se ess more uel hanbigcars.3 Engineersant o make arshatuse otar nergygasoline.4 Catatyticonvertershange xhaustasesntocleaner

    dirtier ases.5 Biofuetsremaderom ossil uels / ptants.6 Planes ith bigger smaller ings se essuel.Complete he chart.

    big cars catatytic onverterscycting ptanes watkingcarbon ffsetting pollution biofuels exhaustases2

    3 Completehe puzzle.Write he secretword.

    1 Wecanuseetectricityo _ cars.2 lf youwash ouwittbe_.3 _ energyomesrom hesun.4 They aveourwheels ndwe use he m5 Theseuelsaremade romplants.6 Sotar don'thavemuch pace.7 Thiss heoppositef sma[[.8 For hortourneys ecanwalkor_.9 Pottut ionakes ur i t ies .10 _ use arbon ioxide.

    for raveling.

    The ecret ord s:4 Writeabouthowyou ravet.

    Good or Earth

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    6 ProtectinslantsC Read ages 4-27.

    1 Completehefoodchains.a|u

    mouse fox ptantPlanktongrass fish kitterwha[eperson sea ion rabbit cornlettuce owl cow


    3 Match.Thenwrite sentences.Many seful tants row *--"\.\Weareusing \FishWemake lourWeat l

    fromwheat rainforests.need tants.eatplantplankton.too many rees.ffi

    IG +{ 1 Manv U*g.ful ta l t tn rro\ , , , {tua,rrr t t r",.* l* .2

    Answerhe questions.1 What oplants eedo makeheir ood?2 What i I sgoodoryour air nd kin?

    3 Whydocompaniesutdown rees?


    Write trueor false.1 Peoptereat he start f everyoodchain.2 A rabbits n hemiddte f a ood hain.3 Ptants re mportantecauseheygive

    uscarbon ioxide.Weuseherbs ndsPiceso makeoodtaste ood.Ptantsontain hemica[shatcanbeused smedicines.lf we usemoreossiIuets, ewit[savemi[t ionsf plants.r?r

    4 How anwe protect tants?

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    V) Protectingnimals+ Read ages 8-3L.

    Write1 lcnc2 tesif

    heanimats.ieh 7 ebe

    Completehe puzzte.1 These eople i[ [someanimalsormoney.2 The peciaI tace hereananimalives.3 lf there ren'tmany f hemleft, hese nimals re_.

    This sa huge roblemforanimals. $ ->Birds ive s_.A very mportantabitatforanima[s.A huge nimalhatlives n heocean.They iveusmeat ndmitk.

    Correcthe sentences.1 When ecutdown ainforestrees edestroyoney.

    lf the ceat the NorthPole rows, otar ears itt beindanger.

    3 Elephantserehunted ecauseeop[e outd etl heir ai[s.

    4 Rainforestsre henaturaI abitat f potar ears.

    3 nat o3rp, ebrl yaogl l




    564 anpbhts5 anpda6 cwoComplete he sentences.

    honey compost farms workanimals eggs fish nectar1 Weshare urptanet ithmany ther2 Large umbersf ishare aisedn

    Chickensive sBees et from towersomake

    5 Animals lso elp swith6 Worms etp sbymaking



    5 Anima[sre n dangernsafar i arks.

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    6 ThewayForward3 Read ages 2-35.

    1 Completehe sentences.Problemsor ourptanet:

    8 We cansave

    less reuse foodenergy electricitytransport greedy waste




    Correcthe sentences.1 lt 's mportanto remembero urn n ights.

    It 'sbad o eat rui t rom ourowncountry.

    It'sgood o reuse nd ecyctehings s ittleaspossibte.

    4 Wecannot etp he planetn smaltways.

    Answerhe questions.1 Would ou ike o ive na cityor na vittage? hy?

    Where oyoubuy he ood hatyoueat?Where oes tcome rom?

    3 What anwe do o careor ourplanet?

    1 Weuse oo much2 Wemake oo much3We food rom araway.Howwe cancare orourplanet:4 Wemustnotbe oo5 Wecanuse6 Wecanbuy7 Weca n asmuch spossib[e.

    Write he opposites.ind he page.1 protect dantacre2 increase3 oLd4 near5 cotd6 summer

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    @ AnAnimaloster @ AnElect icity iary12

    lmagineouaregoingo adopt n animalndanger.Writenotes ndcompletehe diagram boutyouranima[.


    1 Keep n electricity iary.Write ru"ry imeyouusesomethinghat is powered y etectricity.


    Writeabout he results. owcould ouuse esselectricity?Disptayour esutts.

    Whmt mmdt4mw.mmr**"* t mmt?

    Hor-rmanl argle-{i n the, iorld?

    Make poster bout ouranimal.Writesentencesndaddpictureso decorate ourposter.Disptayourposter.

    S$hyr itfrrr nngar?

    Nameof animal:

    Gossa y ffi:1ilU"#:X"J::TillillillXhXl'"1fr1,;ff[:::,main the biggest r most mportant runout to haveno moreof something

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    accidentsomethinghathappens y chance enough howmuchwe wantor needadopt to care or a childor an animalwhen escape o getaway romsomethingthe parents an'tdo his everydaynormal, ot specialbacteriaverysimpte iving hings exercise whatwe do whenwe move obeetle an nsect stayhealthyblanket a thickcover hatyouputon a bed exhaust asesbadair hat comes ut ofblow to movewith he wind thebackof a carbreathe o take n and et out air hrough extreme verystrong nddangerousyournose ndmouthburn to make lames ndheatcancer a verydangerousiseasecapital the mainplacen a country tly @lurallies) an nsectcarry to takesomethingo another lace forest a placewitha lot of reeschange to become ifferent; o make fresh cleanand coolsomething ifferent fue[ somethinghatwe use o producecharity (plural harit ies) group f peopte heator energy

    who collectmoneyo helppeople r furniture ables, hairs, eds, tc.animats gas it 's not a sotid r a liquid; ikeai rchemicaIa sotid r t iquid hat s made y gasoline orpetrot)a liquid hat burns ndchemistry powers nengrnectimate the usual ypeof weathern a glass a hardmaterial;oucanmakebottlescountry andwindows i th t

    coal otdwood hatyouburn o make ire greedywantingmore hanyouneedcomfortablenice o be n, or example, oft greenhouse buitdingmade f glassorbeds r chairs growing lantscompany a group f peoplehatmakes grow to getbiggermoney yproducingr selling hings heatthy notsickcontain to have omethingnside huge verybi gcountryside he tand utside townor city human frompeoplecover to putsomething ver omething;o hurricanea verystrongwind

    be oversomething increase o getbigger, r o makecrop a plant hat we grow n arge mounts something iggerdam a structurehat s builtacross river insect a verysmatl nimalwith ix egs

    to catch he water investigate o findout about omethingdamage o make omething ador weak island landwith watera[[arounddecompose o break own nto smatler arts isolated far romotherplacesdestroy o damage omething erybadly ivory usks the white eethof elephantsdie to stop iving ki[[ to make omething r someone iedivide to break omethingntosma[ler arts lake a bigarea f waterenergywe need nergyo moveandgrow, leather the skinof an anima[; e use tandmachines eed nergyo work to make hoes nd acketsengine a machinehatproducesnergyo tight butb the glass artof an electric

    dl rou" a vehicle lamp hatproducesightv

    feathers the soft parts hat coverabird's odyfloat to stayon the top of water

    material somethinghatwe use o make becauset is inishedother hings sea eve[ howhigh he water s n the seamedicinesomethinghatyou akewhen or oceanyouaresick, o make ou better sheep plural heep)an animal hat wemelt to changentoa liquid, ikewater raise or woolandmeatminibeast very ma[[ nimal ship a big boatmodernof oday; ot rom he past similar l ikesomeone r somethingnatural romnature; ot made y people soil thegroundhatptants row nnatural esources omething roducedy solar from he sunourplanet,hatwe canus e space an areawhere here s nothing; herenectar a sweet iquidproducedy towers the moon ndstars renuctear nergy energyhat s made y special differentromwhat s normalbreakingr oining toms steam the hotgas hatwatermakeswhenoit a tiquid romptants r animalshatwe it boitsuse or cooking r o makegasotine store to keep omethingo use ateroxygen a gas hatwe need o breathe technology hedesign f new hingspalmoil a thick iquid rompalm rees temperaturehowhotor cotdsomethingspassenger omeone ho ravels n a bus, tide the movement f he ocean owardtrain,plane, hip, or example landandaway rom andptanet a large, ound hing n spacehat tiny verysmallgoes round starplastic a man-made aterial

    place f anotdonereuse o useagain

    transport o takesomething r someonefromoneolace o anothern a vehicte

    wing birds ndplanes avewings o helpthem o fly

    pollen theyettow owdern flowers trap to keep omethingn aptacewhere tpollute to make and,water, r air dirty can'tescapepower to make omething orkor operate treat to makea sickperson e[[againpowerstation a buitding here lectricity useful that helps omeoneo do somethingis made vehicle somethinghat ransportsoods rpredict o saywhatwi[[happenn he uture peopleproblemsomethinghat sn'teasy vitlage a group f housesogethern theproduce o growor make omething countryside;t 's smatlerhana townprotect to keepsafe rom danger vitamin somethingn ood hatmakes spubtic ransportation ehicleshatwe can heatthy;heyarecalted , B,C,etc.share ikebuses, lanes,rains waste to usesomething ore hanyouraise to feedand akecare f animats have o; hings hat we hrowawayrare n ot verymany;not veryoften water wheel a wheel hat turns n movingrecycle o useagain;o make omethingew water o makeenergyreduce o make omething ma[[er r ess wave a [ineof water hat moves crosshereplace o puta new hingback n the top of heocean

    river wateron and hatgoes o theocean without not having omething;ot doingroadsign a thingnear roadwithwords r sonrcthingpicturesn t to tel lyouwh,r t o rkr wool t l rcsol l . h i

  • 8/13/2019 Caring Planet


    Series ditor: azel eatches CLIL dviser:ohnCleggOxfordRead nd Discover radedeadersreat four evels,rom3 to 6, suitabteor studentsromage8 andotder. hey overmanytopics ithin hree ubject reas, ndcan upport nglishcrosshecurriculum,rContent ndLanguagentegratedearningCLIL).Avai[ab]eoreach eader:. Audio DPackbook audio D). Activity oo kFor eacher'sotes CLIL uidanceo owww.ou .c m elt/ eacher/readaddiscover


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    TheWortdof Science& Technology TheNaturalWortd TheWortd of Arts& SocialStudies@600headwords

    HowWe MakeProductsSound ndMusicSuoerStructuresYourFiveSenses

    AmazingMinibeastsAnimatsn he AirLife n RainforestsWonderfulWater

    Festivals roundthe Worl.dFree imeAroundthe World

    @750headwordst All AboutPlantst How o StayHeatthy. Machines hen nd No w. Why We Recycle

    . Al[ AboutDesert ife. Al[ AboutOcean ife" Animals t Night* Incredible arth

    " Animalsn Art. Wonders f the Past


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    . All About slands' AnimalLifeCycles" Exploring urWorld' GreatMigrat ions

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