Caribbean Studies IA

INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE OF RESREACH Chapter1 A) PURPOSE OF RESEARCH As the researcher asked the grandaunts of the class of 2010 of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School (ALHCS), “How’s everything ?” the common response received was “ I’m here”. On further clarification, he found out they are just home waiting for something to happen. They have no jobs and no money to go off to college. Observing the ALHCS; 6th form’s enrollment figures for the previous year, the current 6 th form has the highest enrollment on record (67) as compared to 2010 (52) ,2009 with 40 and 2008 with 35 students (see appendix (). Overall, the enrollment into 6 th form has increased significantly between 2008 and 2011 as compared to other years. Attending 6 th form was not the researcher’s first preference. However, limited job availability and having no money to enroll in college abroad, made it possible to enrol. In 2009, the island commenced an economic recession resulting in salaries cuts, limited hiring, businesses closing down and workers being laid off. Graduations meant more entering the labour force. However, many remain are unemployed and currently job hunting with little success.


A sample of my Caribbean studies Internal Assesment.

Transcript of Caribbean Studies IA


Chapter1 A) PURPOSE OF RESEARCH As the researcher asked the grandaunts of the class of 2010 of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School (ALHCS), Hows everything ? the common response received was Im here. On further clarification, he found out they are just home waiting for something to happen. They have no jobs and no money to go off to college. Observing the ALHCS; 6th forms enrollment figures for the previous year, the current 6th form has the highest enrollment on record (67) as compared to 2010 (52) ,2009 with 40 and 2008 with 35 students (see appendix (). Overall, the enrollment into 6th form has increased significantly between 2008 and 2011 as compared to other years. Attending 6th form was not the researchers first preference. However, limited job availability and having no money to enroll in college abroad, made it possible to enrol.In 2009, the island commenced an economic recession resulting in salaries cuts, limited hiring, businesses closing down and workers being laid off. Graduations meant more entering the labour force. However, many remain are unemployed and currently job hunting with little success.The government, soliciting the views of the youth at the 5th Annual Youth Conference met the suggestion of developing youth enterprises to curb unemployment. Hence, this research intends to investigate the concerns of the youth of Anguilla adding to the body of knowledge and research relating to the concerns and suggestions in relation to unemployment (and the effects of the global recession.)

B) Statement of Problem How are the youths from tertiary education in Anguilla affected by the recent Global recession and unemployment?1. (a) What are the feelings of Sixth Form Students of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School With regards to the effects of the global recession? (b) What are the concerns of these students with regards to employment upon leaving school?

C) Significance of Study This study will be significant because it will focus on Anguillas youths, the businesses and the government of Anguilla as the global economic recession has affected everyone and everything in Anguilla in one way or the other. Anguilla must strategize ways to keep its youths off the streets, by keeping them occupied in building their careers and self-esteem. If we do not, crime and violence will increase, since the youth are considered the future of Anguilla. Consequently, Anguillas future will be jeopardized.

D) Definition of key termsFor the purpose of this study, the terms will function as follows:The Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School (ALHCS) is the only secondary school in Anguilla. It is divided split into two campuses; A and B. Campus B comprises of forms 1st and 2nd and campus A 3rd form up to 6th form.At The ALHCS , students graduate from secondary school in 5th form. After secondary school, some decide to go on to the tertiary level education which is commonly called 6th form program . It takes two years to complete the program and once the schools criteria are met they graduate from 6th form. An Effect is the outcome of an agent or stimulant; in this case, the Global economic recession.Viewed, in this context are the persons sentiments or thought that has been stimulated by an internal or external situation or personal experience. Youths in this context refers to those that are between the ages of 15-24 which are determined to be the earliest acceptable school leaving age at which most students would have completed up to tertiary education.

A global economic recession is a period of contraction during which trade and industrial activities are reduced with in the global economy resulting in decline of Gross Domestic product (GDP); an economic indicator of growth. According to the, it is identified by a fall in GDP for two successive quarters or six months.

Chapter 2LITERATURE REVIEW The impact of recession on global youth employmentAs youths transition from school into the world of work, they are faced with the challenges in finding work. The global economic recession has made these challenges even greater. Bell (2009) stated that Youth unemployment is one of the most pressing economic and social problems confronting the weakened labour markets due to the worldwide collapse of financial markets in 2008. Bell along with Blanch Flower (2010) defined youth unemployment as those expressing a desire to find work and those that seek work, having completed their education. However, according the International Labour Organization(ILO) Work 4 youth (2011), around 75 million youths worldwide were struggling to find work at the end of 2010. Compared to adults, youth are almost three times as likely to be unemployed ILO (2010) which is due to many plausible factors. The United Nations (2003) cited by the ILO ( 2006) explained that youths are many times marginalized in the labour force due to the lack of skills, work experience, job search abilities and financial resources to find employment. Moreover, this fact was true in the good economic times Sherverick ( 2009) . However, Sherverick ( 2009) continued to explain that due to the economic crisis, businesses has laid off workers and stopped hiring, which has made the entry of youths into the active labour force increasingly difficult. As a result, youths are least likely to remain employed, compared to senior workers, as those with little experience would be the first to be laid off or placed on precarious contracts. Overall, youth unemployment rates are far more sensitive to the business cycle than witnessed for the adult population (OECD 2008).Youths are greatly affected by the global economic recession.

The recession and youth employment in the Caribbean In Anguilla, no research dedicated to soliciting or observing the impact of the recession on youth employment in Anguilla. However, some news articles and Anguillian internet sites presents concerns and suggestions of the Anguillian community that emphasize the impact of the recession on the local youths. Brooks (2011), reported that in the Caribbean and specifically Anguilla, the recession has affected the tourism industry; Anguillas bread winner. In light of such, under and unemployed and has been exacerbated ( Brooks ,2011) by the Global Economic Crisis.

Brooks noted that many youths have lost jobs and others are still unemployed, having graduated from secondary school and university in mid 2010.

Looking ahead, the situation would be compounded by another set of secondary school and university grandaunts. Accordingly, 139 students graduated from secondary school in 201.

Traditionally in Anguilla, high school graduants worked for a couple of years to gain money before going to college/university or they got a loan and paid it back once they completed school. The Statistics Department Anguilla (2004) noted that this trend was due to the lack of ready financial resources to further their education after the secondary or tertiary graduation. The economic recession has broken this trend. It has limited peoples desire to further their education and forced scavenging the jobless island.

The effects of unemployment With youth unemployment come local changes in the social and educational aspects of life in Anguilla.Based on police reports in the Anguillian newspaper, crime has increased significantly in Anguilla and many of perpetrators caught and accused were youths. The dominant crime is the upsurge of theft and burglaries. As of February 3rd 2012 , there were 8 crimes reported and 5 magistrate court cases for the period of January 25th to February 1st.Of the five court cases conducted, three youths, pleading guilty for theft. As a result of the lack of jobs, many of these youths have been seen lingering around aimlessly with their other unemployed friends doing nothing constructive. Consequently, this causes the youth to turn to crime. On a more positive view, the 6th form program attendance has drastically increased. It can concluded that under and unemployment can quite possibly be the factors why some youths are taking up tertiary education in Anguilla.

Some other possible effects are: Increase in suicide and increased migration of youths to other countries to seek employment.

SummaryAn examination of various view points from a global and local perspective verifies that youths are being affected greatly by the high rate of unemployment as a by-product of the global economic recession. Additionally, in Anguilla some effects identified have been traced back to the global economic recession.

Chapter 3Data Collection SourcesThe data used in this internal assessment are from primary research methods consisting of qualitative data gathered from the populace.The population in study are the ALHCS 6th formers. This group comprises of two sets: The first year (6B) and the last year(6A). Between these two years, it comprises of males and females with a mean age range of 16 to 19.The instrument implemented with in this study was questionnaires. The questionnaires were formulated in conjunction to the major concern and research questions (page() B) that are in study. An evaluation of the questionnaire was executed with a pilot test with an individual from 6 A and B completing and giving feed back.Questionnaires are an effective way to carry out large scale surveys with little cost and time to the researcher compared to an interview. Furthermore, Questionnaires reduce asEthical issues and biases and allowing respondents to answer truthfully while still being anonymous. Finally they are relatively easy to analyse. On the other hand questionnaires can be limited by being too long and wearing out the respondents influencing the Reponses given. Additionally, respondents many not want to reveal certain answer hence leaving it out or not answering truthfully. Consequently, being anonymous, some answers cannot be clarified by the respondent leading to ambiguous and incomplete data.23 6Bs and 19 6As; a total of 42 students were randomly given a questionnaire ( see appendix()) consisting of 15 questions in a systematic order, on March 6th and 12th 2012, respectively, receiving class time from the subject teachers of Communication studies and Caribbean studies; compulsory classes.The method of systematic random selection was assisted by the class register, disseminating a questionnaire to every other person that was present at class. Once they were completed, they were handed back to the researcher.

Chapter 4Presentation and interpretation of Data

The data presented in this chapter was categorized according to the answering of the following main concern and research questions.How are the youths from tertiary education in Anguilla affected by the recent global recession and unemployment?

1. (a) What are the views of six form students of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School with regards to the effects of the global recession?

Source: Researchers field workFigure 2 shows that the majority (69%) of students believe that employment in Anguilla has been affected by the Global economic recession while 2% objects. Some common reasons stated by those who said yes to this notion are listed below:UnemploymentSalary cutsWorkers layed off from their jobs less tourists coming to Anguilla.Persons having difficulty making ends meetOn the other hand, the single objection was that it is the lack of qualifications that has lead to persons being unemployed.These reasons can originate from students personal experiences from the recession but also their relations with mass media which declares an economic recession. Any other answer can show the lack of awareness towards the situation.

Source: Researchers field work

As seen in figure 4, most students (33%) are of the opinion that secondary school grandaunts are greatly affected by unemployment in Anguilla. Also, ranking high are university grandaunts; another set of school leavers. A possible reason to this is the lack of experience these students have in the job market and university grandaunts are sometimes recognized as being over qualified, since employers are unwilling to pay according to qualifications. Secondly, students believe that workers who are laid off from their jobs are being affected by unemployment because they experience difficulty finding another job.

Source: Researchers field work

In figure 3, most students (60%) believe that persons are in six form to acquire higher education, in comparison to those who believe that the unavailability of jobs in the job market, forced students to attend. 7% stated other reasons. If Anguilla was not affected by the recession approximately 40 % of students possibly would have not attended 6th form since this is not their first preference.

Source: Researchers field work

To be furthering education with a side job was determined to be the best option towards a job offering while attending school. In 6 form there are no tuition fees, hence the job must be for personal achievement. On the other hand for 24% it is either or. Balancing of both requires careful time management of school work and job time.Table1: The effects of unemployment among youthsDrastically increasedSlightly increasedNo changeSlightly DecreasedDrastically DecreasedNo response

Depression/low self esteem12%52%21%14%0%0%

Suicide among youths2%10%69%0%19%0%


Crime Committed by youths71%19%5%0%5%0%

Local Tertiary Education enrollment29%36%21%5%0%10%

Unemployed youths76%17%5%0%2%0%

Parental Unemployment33%45%14%5%2%0%

Access to money/ resources21%19%7%29%24%0%

Source: Researchers field workMany students agree that all categories with the exception of youth suicide have been affected by the global economic recession in some way. The greatest effects was determined to be found in youth unemployment (76%) which is drastically increasing and secondly an upsurge in crime committed by youths ( 71%). The media would play a major role in the students awareness of these factors. The most frequent reports during the recession would be termed the most affected by the recession.

Question (b): What are the concerns of these students with regards to employment upon leaving school?

Source: Researchers field work

Fifty-five (55%) of student feels that their associates degree will give them cutting edge in the job market over O levels. Some reasons given are summarised and listed below: Persons with A levels are more qualified than those with O levels Employers seek those with higher education Higher educated persons gets the good/well paying jobs

Those who objected gave the following reasons: Employers are not interested in qualifications in these time , the more qualifications the more pay. Limited jobs options Job experience counts in these time over qualifications Employers will hire, regardless of qualifications

The chosen option and reasons can be possibly influenced by individuals either with A levels or not, students looks on the job market and the media.

Source: Researchers field work

Fifty-three (53%) of students in figure 6, predicted that the job market will improve in some way by time they have completed 6th form, while 48% believe there will be a bleak change. Noticeably, 5% of the 53% have hopes of drastic improvements.These predictions can be based on their awareness of the economy broadcasted by the local media or by society opinions.

Source: Researchers field work

Figure 8 highlights that 55% of students will continue to be persistent in job searching even after 6 months with no success. Thirty-nine (39%) would find an alternative, among them, self employment. However, 5% would eventually give up searching.The students decision can be based from their personal drive or parents decision towards the matter.

Source: Researchers field workThe majority as shown in Figure 4 would like to some time in their life, further their education. 76% of the 97% students would like to work first. While the 21% stated that they would go straight to university or college after the 6th form program, inferring that they have the finances to do this. Due to the lack of universities and colleges in Anguilla, it is a trend that students go overseas to study as represented by 55% and to an extent 21% of students who goes straight to college/ university.

Chapter 5Discussion of findings The evidence of an economic recession is undeniable, and is greatly affecting youths and employment globally and locally, proposed by the body of research and from the survey of six form students. In the survey findings, some students felt forced by the economic recession and other factors to enroll in to the six form program. Moreover, many posited that they are there to achieve a higher education.The students concerns towards employment upon leaving school are positive even though their current views are negative towards the impacts of the recession youth employment and crimes. However, they predicted that jobs opportunities will increase as they complete school and believe their qualifications will give them a cutting edge in the job market as the majority wants to work and later on further their education.The researcher proposed that their exposure to the mass media, played an important role in shaping the views of the youths towards survey questions such as Figure1, job market change after form 6, Alevels over Olevels unemployment impacts by the recession and Table 1. The mass media such as news broadcast, offer, an authentic coverage on the local and international economies and makes accurate predictions based on the trends and findings. Another possible factor can be parents. Many students would be under the age of consent (18 years) and hence parents would influence the decisions and views of youths based on their experiences and the mass media.In firgure2, according to students, secondary students are being greatly affected by the global economic recession followed by laid off workers and university grandaunts.Moreover, the Researcher believes that many of the workers who are laid off, are also youths. In table1, youth unemployment is believed by students to have been drastically effected by the recession. Also, secondary students and university grandaunts are believed to be in the age bracket of 15 -24 also affected by unemployment. According to the research, Compared to adults, youth are almost three times as likely to be unemployed and youths are least likely to remain employed, compared to senior workers, as those with little experience would be the first to be laid off or placed on precarious contracts.Consequently, the upsurge of Youth crimes has been linked by the literature review to the increase in youth unemployment and is the second greatest affected next to youth unemployment according to table 1. The views and concerns of the youths do support the literature research. The impacts of the Global Economic Recession in terms of employment in Anguilla are greatly felt by the youths. Hence, some youths are turning to Crimes and returning to the free local tertiary education. The views of the youths should not be taken likely by Anguillians for they are the future of Anguilla. The Anguillian Community and government has to do whatever they can to ensure that youths are catered for in the job market and are not idle. In this way youth unemployment and crime will decline. If the aspirations of the youths are not catered for in these hard times of employment, the future for Anguilla can be jeopardized and youth crime and idleness can increase which can affect Anguilla and the tourism industry.

Chapter 6 Conclusions / Limitations/Recommendations The findings of this study are representative of the major concerns of the youths with regards to the impacts of the economic recession on the youths in six forms Anguilla.These Youths are aware of the economic recession and do have views and concerns about how it is impacting Anguilla and how it will affect their future because they are negatively impacted the most by the global economic recession in the job market and economy. Consequently, youth unemployment and Crimes has exacerbated In Anguilla, as concurred by the survey and literature review. Moreover, a majority of students are confident that the economy will improve as they complete tertiary education and their associated degree will give them a cutting edge in the job market. On the other hand, if they do not find a job after six months of leaving school many will continue to search and some will find and alternate occupation. The majoritys aim is to attend work to attain money to attend their desired college or university in the future.However the researcher believes that their views and awareness are influenced by the mass media, personal experiences and their parents ideologies. Some limitations experienced while conducting this research are listed below:i. Some survey instructions to some questions were ambiguous to some persons and therefore, the researcher received ambiguous answers or no response and could not have made critical judgments in some instances.ii. Some questions in the questionnaire were deemed irrelevant to the research questions hence not used in the discussion of findings.iii. Some persons may have wanted to impress the researcher or felt uncomfortable sharing concerns and views and fabricated the truth by filling in untrue answers, making questionnaires unreliable.iv. These views and concerns are limited to a representation of six form students. Recommendations i) The Government should focus job creation on young people , urging the private sector to create jobs for the youths and where exist.ii) Provide opportunities for youths to develop skills and experience through workshops and job internships.iii) The government should solicit the views of the youths concerning ways and ideas to combat youth employment and the informal sector.iv) The provision of scholarships to young people, based on a criterionv) Provide opportunities for Youths to set up businesses