Career Advice Pecha Kucha for TWU Grads

Be a Career Super-Hero (and don’t mess it up!)

Transcript of Career Advice Pecha Kucha for TWU Grads

Be a Career Super-Hero(and don’t mess it up!)

1. Make Meaning(not money)

Hand on Heart

2. Think Strengths(not weaknesses)




Passion Strength

your “remarkable”F

3. It’s not about YOU!(if your skills don’t help anyone; they’re useless)

Your Mission

Make a difference

Make a difference(for others)

4. Persistence(trumps talent - each time)

5. Polarise People(you can’t make everyone happy)

Just don’t try to appeal to all people, or you’ll end up a mile wide and an inch deep, mediocre to everyone.- Guy Kawasaki

6. Ignore Bozos(take criticism in your stride)

Find your believers

7. Excellent Mistakes(think big - take a chance)

All of old. Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again.

Fail again. Fail better.- Samuel Beckett, Worstward Ho

If you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original.- Sir Ken Robinson


8. Have Fun!(make it sustainable)

Enjoy what you do?

Make your own way

1. Make Meaning2. Think Strengths3. Be Persistent4. It’s not about YOU5. Polarise People6. Ignore Bozos7. Excellent Mistakes8. Have Fun!