Transcript of CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada...

Page 1: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

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Page 2: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

, .. REPORT.

STATE OF NEVADA, "} CABSON CITY, January 5, 1891. .

To.the Honorahle the LegislaJ,UJ'e of the S t<deof Nevada: GE...""rLE~IEN-In compliance with law, the C<>nunissioners for the"

Care of the Indigent Insane of this State, have the honor to submit the following report coverning theyeara 1889 and 1890: .

The report of· Dr. Bishop to the Board, which foliows, is so full and complete as to leave but little to add that the Legislature may be fully inf01:med of the management and condition of the Asylum, and we will only recommend that an appropriation of $85,000 be made for the maintenance of the institution for the years 1891 and 1892. A less amount ·will be insufficient for its increasing wants, by reason of an increasing number of patients.

In submitting this report, however, we would be recreant to our sense of justice did we tail to commend Dr. Bishop for his faithful, careful, economical and kind administration of the affairs of the institution for the past two years. .

The statement immediately following is made by J. F. Hallock, wh"o has been a member of the Board for the last twelve years, and

"" we respectfully ru;k that it be carefully read. Respectfully,


Board of Commissioners for the Insane.

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Page 3: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a



HOIl. Frank Bell, Governor ___ ~ __________________ Reno, Nevada . Hon. James F. HaUook, State COntroller _____ Cal'S()n City, Nevada

Ron. George W. Richard, State Treasurer ____ Carson City, Nevada


S. Bishop, M. D ______________________________ Superintendent W. L. ~hteL ____ -: ______________________________ Supervisor


:Mrs. E. Barlow _________________________________ Housekeeper C. J. Watts ______________________________________ Watchmim E. G. Perkins ______________________________________ Engineer H. Zicbfield __________________________________________ Cook E. Oleson _____________________________________ Assir;tant Cook Y. Greenawald ________________________________________ Baker P. McKenna ___________________________________ Laundryman P. Reynolds ___________________________ ,. __________ Attendant A. S. Williams ___________ .. _______________________ Attendant F. JJ. Whitc _____________________________________ Attendant E. Barlow _____ ~ _________________________________ Attendant G. FieIds* ________________________________________ Attendant F. WoIL ________________________________________ Attendant W. Chapmall ____________________________________ Att.endant Mrs. C. SCott ___________________________________ .. _Attendant Miss A. McLeod ______ . ___________________________ Att~mdant J. W. Spurling ____________________________________ Dairyman J. Savage __________________________________________ Hostler E. 'Veleh ______ · ________________ ,.. __________________ Teamster


Page 4: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


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(l Reno Sm~lting, Mi11jng and Reduction Works



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Page 5: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


STATE OF NEVADA, } C..illSO!i (JITY, January 5, 1891.

To the Honmahle the Legislatw'c of the State oj Nevada:

GE...'I,"LElIE...~--Since the last session of your Honorable Body, deatlt has found and shattered a shining mark, in the person of our res­pected and ,esteemed Governor-C. C, HtfJvenson-who wasaniember of the Board of Commissioners for the Care of the Indigent Insane; and sickness has driven from our mid:,.t our devotB<l Uncle George­Tufty-another member, leaving only myself to speak for the old Board; and now, as I am also about to retire from the Board" I feel it incumbent upon me, Imd that it is due the State, as well as the living and dead members who cannot speak, to give the true history of the Board's efforts to 'secure ft. supply of water for the Insane Asylum, and which have become famous through a suit at law entitled "Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works vs. C. C. Stevenson, et a1."

Seeing the urgent need of some less expensive and more certain and abundant supply of water than was being furnished the Asylum by the pump and well, under the immediate lee of the Asylum buildings, and which would quickly be rendered useless in case of fh'e, and feeling it to be their bounden duty to obtain such a supply, if it could be done under the authority with which they were invested, the Com­missioners, headed by their able chief, of large, practical experience in such mattel's--Governor Stevenson-determined to secure a water power from the supembundance of water in the Truckee, river, to run pumping machinery to be located at the river, to the windward of the Asylum, as the wind prevails; and, in accordance with such determination, proceedings were commenced and continued as fol­lows:


"Special meeting of the Board of Commissioners for the Cure of the Indigent Insane of Nevada; fnll Board present. 1'ho following hlUliness was transacted; On motion, tho Board determined to build

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a flume rthree feet wide and two feet deep from the Truckee river, . beginning at, a point about 200 feet below the ReuoRe<iuction Works dam, thence .following the course of the river 4,600'feet in length to the Nevada State Insane Asylum,. for the purpose of can'ying water to furnish power to run a Leffel turbine wheel and a Wibrahan rlJt.ary piston pump for pumping and other purposes, anf} claiming a water right from . the river for that purpose. The Chairman·was directed to order said wheel and pump." .

"A prolm8ition from the Reno Smelting Works to furnish the Asylum with water from their flume for two 'years at. $200 per year was read and declined, and the Chairman instructed to inform Dr. Bishop that the Board would entertain nothing but a 'permanent proposition. "

The location of the said water right was madeon April 19, 1887, as will appearbyoopy of notice as follows:. '

"To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Nevada, acting by and through its lawfully constituted Board for the care of the indigent insane of said State, said Board cow;isting of the Governor, State rrreasurer and Controller, claims and records by this writing the right to appropriate and divert from the Truckee river, in Washoe county, :Nevada, one thousand (1,000) inches of the waters thereof according to miners' measurement, for uses hereinafter described, said point of appropriation to be at a fJoint on said river about one hundred and fifty feet east of what is . known as the Reno Reduction Company's dam.

"The said State of Nevada by and through said Board also hereby claims the' right to construct and maintaip. a flume for the safe diversion, appropriation and conducting of the waters above described, from said point, along the north bank of said river to t4e Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a point above or near the mouth of what is known as the Auburn Mill Ditch. Said water flume, the right to construct and maintain which is hereby claimed and located, shall be called and known as the "Nevada State Insane Asylum Flume. " The said flume, as to its terminus and general course, has been hm'einbefol'O described, and the same is more particularly indicated by a plat of tlw same, which is here inserted and made a part of this claim, location and certificates [Plat], and tIlis notice and certificate thereof further shows that said right to and of 1,000 inches of the flowing waters of said Truckee river hereby located in the name of the State of Nevada, is to be maintained by said State and diveI'too at said point, therefrom to be conducted by means of said fimpe, the same to he of the size of twenty-four by thirty-six inches, 01' of sufficient sir.e for cal'l'ying the same to the Nevada State Insane Asylum, thero to be used by said Stat<l as a motive power in pump­ing and impcling necessary machinery in and about said institu­tion and for domestic and agricultural purposes. Said right to

Page 7: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

constnIct·said flume"is ·declared to include the making and main­.tenance of the' same in pennanence r with, all proper supports,

approaches and appurtenances which may be necessary to keep the , same in proper,repair for the uses above set out. ,:; ,.'

. . JAMES . F. HALLOG'K, State Controller.

GEORGE TUFLY, April 19, 1887.. State Treasurer.

',' STllE OF NEVADA,,}.~:

. County of Ormsby. • f,

"On this 19th day of April, 1887, personally appeared before me, .' P. B. Ellis, a Notary Public in anrl for Mid county, James F. Hal­lock and George Tufty, Commissioners for the Care of the Indigent Insane of the State of Nevada, known to me to be the persons and officers described in, and who execut~d the foregoing instnlDlent, and who acknowledged to me that they severally executed the same freely and voluntarily, and for the uses and purposes therein men-ti9ned, as such Commissioners. . .

. "(SEAL.] In witness whereof! have hereunto set my hand, and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written.

P. B. ELLIS, Notary Public.

" STATE OF NEVADA, }ss. County Qf Washoe.

I hereby certify that the plat attached to this notice is a correct diagram of the line of the proposed flume named herein, within the IJoints designated.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th day ·of April, 1887. FINLAY McIVER.

(Endorsement. ) FLUME LOCATION,

Nevada State inw,r!e A8ylum l!lu/lIw. Dated April 19, 1887.

, "Filed for record, at request of Dr. S. Bishop, April 20th, A. D. 1887, at 30 minutes. past 10 A. 'Pol., and recorded at page 371, in Book B., of Surveys, .records of Washoe county, Nevada.

[SEAL.]· JNO. B. WILLIAMS, County Recorder. "

Work was commence(l for construction of the flume, as designated in the notice of appropriation, below the ditch of· the Reduction

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W:orks company, but objection being made to (-tossing the land of eompany, work was stopped and a member of the Board of CQmmissioners for the Care of the Insane went to· Reno to learn the n,ature of the objection. . . . Mr. Howell, President of the company, and Mr. Thomp.'IOll, one of the TrusWes, were found and asked wbat possible objoc1ion they

. could to crossing their land at the edge of the river,be1ow all theil' works, as contemplated by the Asylum authorities, and where it seemed utterly impossible that they could. be damaged toJhe ex­wut of one farthing.

Mr. Thompson, acting as spokesman, said that by digging a ditch bo~low their ditch and flume tlley would be weakened and possibly undermined. and washed out. He was answered that it was not IH'Oposed to dig any ditch, lJUt that a flume was to be put in, and instead of weakening their ditdl or flume it would strengthen 01' support them, and would act as a breakwater for them in case of high water in the river. He then :;aid that they might want to use the space betwoon their flume and the river for dumping ground for slag. He was answered that the State's flume would not prevent its use for that purpose, as the flume could be covered and they could dump over it, and though the State might be damaged they cer­tainly would not. Next, he said the Commissioners for the Insane had no authority for using money in that way for procuring water, and that he; as a taxpayer, objected; and further, that the Com­missioners had no· legal right to build across their land anyhow, damage or no damage, and that water could be procured in other ways at less expense.

He W88 asked how it could be procured, and answered in several ways. He was then asked if he had any proposition to make and he answered: If Mr. Howell has none to make I have a proposi­tion to offer. He waS asked to state it, and he answered by saying that he would bring in the Hunters creek water and sell so much of it to the State as might be required, at a fixed rate per month. Replying to this proposition it was said: You think then that the Commissioners have ample authority to buy water of you, but no right to go to any expense t{) take it from the river t 'VeIl, we are not inclined to buy any water in that way, but desire to procure a permanent water right for the Asylum. We believe that your objections to crossing your river bottom are utterly groundless, and that only the State could be damaged should damage occur by reason of such crossing.

We do not ",-ish to damage you in any particular, and we do not intend to; but we believe we have the legal right to cross your land with a flume for the purpose of conveying water to the Asylum­and that we can do so without damage to you-and we 'propose to test that right.

The conference Wa.'! then brought to a close; t.he Commissioner returned to Carson and reported, and on the 20th day of. April,


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1887, the Board·of Commissioners appointed the Hon.Alfred'Helm of CarsOn City, Nevada, as an apprai~rw assist two. other apprais­erS to 'be thereaffedegally select.ed an(1appointed, in appraising and awarding to the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works, the damage, if any, to arise by reason ohrossingits land with tho 'pro­posed flume, in accordance'with an Act of tlH;) Legislature of this State, entitled "an Act to allow any person or persons to divert the waters of any river 01' stream, 'find run the same't.hroughany ditch -orfiumc, and to provide for the right ofwav through the lands of others," approved March 3, 1866, and the Act amendatory thereof, approved ),larch 5, 1869.· '-' .. : Immediate notice of this appointment and proceeding was given the said Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works, und some­where about the 1st of May,1887, notice wasreceivod from that corporation thatH.n. Beck (one of its Trustees) had h(,'en selected and appointed to act for and represent it in said proceeding.

On the 3<1 . Jay of May Mr. Helm, accompanied by' Governor Suwcnson; ·wcnt to the ofiiee of the eorporation for the purpose of acting with~fr. Beck in selecting and appointing It third appraiser, and making the appraisement a;; pr(J\'ided in the law.

1h. John Howell, Pl'e~ ... iclent and General Manager, and Messrs. H. H. Bock, 'Vm. Thompson and )1. Carey, Trust€eS, were found at the office, and instead of proceeding with the selection and appointment of anapIH'uiser, a proposition drawn up by Mr. Beck, sanctioned by the other Trustees present, and signed by}Ir. Howell as Presid€'nt and General Managei' of the corporation, was submitted to Goyernor Stevenson for the comideration of the Board of Com­missioners for the Care of the Insane, of which Board the Governor was a member. : The proposition was as follows: .

JOHN HOWELl,. WIL;LIAM THO~IPSON, M. CAREY, I President and G~r:Il Manager. " Secretary. . SupeJ,"intendent.


. Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works.

-"r "RENO, 'Vashoe County, Nevad.a, May- 3, 1887.

To the C()nl,1f/,i.s8i()nCl'.~ fo'l" the Care of the Insane of fj'w State of Nevada, C(fffSOn Oity, N(]I!ada;

: GENTU;;~IEN.......()I\ hehalf of the Reno S., M. & R. Works,. I hereby submit. the following proposition, to wit: In considerat.ion of-the sum of fourteell Il1lndred dollars to be paid my corporation, I will cause a dam to ho hllilt acros;; the river, directly opposite the works, sufficiently high to raise tho wnter to a level equal to that now standing ill tho pcnstook.· !l'he State then to have. a perIllIlJUlnt

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right to' connect.such ,dam' 'with a flume and use 'all tho 'vater at said level as maybe nocOS&'ll'Y for its usc,IJrovided that Hueh con­sumption shall not, at any time, conflict with the :'amount ()f water

, necessary to operate said reduction works. ' " ' ,', , , Second-In view of the fact that the stage of water in the river

now is such tltattbe proposed daHl canllotLe constructed, [lIld 'as , the State is DOW ill need of water, it is proposed that the St.ate ahall have the right, .free ofcluwge, to connect their said fluIDe with the penstock and U!;(j water therefrom until sueh time as 'said ·dam can be and is COIlHtl'UCted,subject to whatever' surplus water coming to said penstock. .

Explanatory-It is not claimed or-undeJ'stood that the saidSIIlelt­ing Works do(:s or ",1.11 claim, as agHiust the State" any more \yater than,isnow being conveyedthl'Ough it.'l flume.

JOHN HOWELlJ, President and l\Ianagillg Director R. S., M. & R. Works.

Reno, May 3, 188.7.

Governor Ste\'cnson returned to Carson (''ity and submitted the proposition to the Board on the same day it was offered. It was &ccepted by a unanimous vote of the Board, and contract was ordered dxaWll in accordance with said proposition. The Reno Smelting and Refining Works were immediat~ly notified of its acceptance.

It should be borne in mind that under the water right located by the State, the water was to be appropriated and diverted from the 'l'ruckee 1'i yer at. a point ane h'l.!ml1'cd and fifty feet bdf{w the da'rn of the Reno Smelting, Milling and Heductioll Works, and an the land of Bailey &; JlcI(iJ3mck; that from the timework was stopped at the proposed point of diversion, because of theobjeciions of the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction \Vorks, on or about April 19, 1887, to May 3d, when their proposition HH Hbove set forth was accepted, and pending the selection andappoilltmellt of appraisers 'for settlement of the qUe.'Jtion of damages-work had been continued on the State land below the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction W (Irks land, in grading for and constructing a flume 'to carry the water sought to be appropriated, wnd that said g1'ading and' flume 'wm'e n(](!;rUJ! completed; that the water was to be divcrted on the land of Bailey & McKissick and conveyed across th~ir land a distance of fOUl' hundred and fifty feet 01' more before it reached the land of the Reno Smelting, Milling und Reduction Works; thence across the land oUhe Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works, a dist.'lnce of about four hundred and fifty feet:; and thence across State hl.1lu a dishlnce of about thirty-seven hund1'ed feet to a point 011 the river opposite the Insane Asylum; tl(~t ,a darm cauld not be built on tiM} I~e land witliO'ld backing 1tp the 1vutlJl'U'pon and deIJtroyin!J the power of the P.eJ'tO 8Tfwltin!J, lrJilfinfj and Re(Zv.etir.1fI, lVO'i'kaj and that, although ~e ,dam of the Reno Smelting, ,Milling

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and Reduction Works cost only about $1,500, the Board of Commis­sioners for the Insane accepted the proposition to pay $1,400 to aid in constructing a,llew dam for that corporation for the privilege' of collnecting with and taking water from said dam and gaining an additional fall of seven or eight feet. .

On the acceptance of the proposition work was immediately com­menced on a new grade for Asylum flume, seven or eight feet :.'. higher on the rocky river l)ank than the first, and it was pushed to completion. The flume was raised on to the new grade and con­nection wa.'; lUade \"ith the- Reno, Milling and Reduction Work's penstock as per agreement, (In or about July 1, 1887, and the water was turned into the flume.

The Board of Commissioners for the Insane had caused a contmct to be drawn up in accordance with the terms proposed by the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction WfJl'ks on May 3, 1887, soon after acceptance of the proposition, and it to the Board of Trustee..'1 of the corporation to be signed. 'l'ime IJassed, and as the contract was not returned, the Board of Commj~ioneTs for the Insane, while not doubting the good faith of the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduc· tion Work's Tmstees, wrote and urged that it be signed and l'eturned, as a matt~r of business, as the State had already gone to great expense in making changes in accordance with its provisions. But not until after connection had been made with their penstock, and the State was using water therefrom, through its flume, was a reply received. The reply was, in effect, that some of the provif:.1.ons of the contract sent them were somewhat objectionable, and was­panied by a contract drawn by order of the Board of Trustees, with the objectionable provisions elimellated, and with the request that it be signed by the BoaTd of Commissioners for the Care of the Insane. This contract was dated July 8, 1887, and in it was incorporated a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works, which the contract shows was "adopted and entered of record on the minutes of IJroceedings of said Board on the 7th day of .July, A. D. 1887, and which said resolution is in worda and figures following, to wit: "

"RENO, Nevada, July 7, 1887.

" Office of the Boo1'd of 'Prustee.s of P.ow Smelting, Milling and Redu.cI;i.oI)~ Wad.:a. .

"At a meeting of the Board this day duly held, the following named Trustees and officers being present, to wit: .John Howell, Trustee and President; M. Carey, H. H. Beck, A. H. Manning andWm. 'fhompson, &'Cretmy. 'fhe meeting having been called to order by the Presidcnt, who stated the object thereof, Mr. H. H. Beck, , Trustee, offered and moved the adoption of the following resolutioIUI which. was sccondod by Mr. M. Caroy, a Trustee, towit: '

Page 12: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

,". ".


-" Resolt'ed, That in consideration of tho sum of four~n hundred dollars, gold coin of the Uniterl Stafus, to be paid at or lJCfore the ensealing and deHy-ery of a contract to be mado and entered into under and pursuant bereto, and into which this resolution is to be copied, Reno Smelting, Milling and RoducHon W orkf<!, a cor­poration duly organized and existing undor und by virtlle of the laws of the State of Nevada, and doing business therein at Reno, in the county of Washoe, does agree to enter into a contrad with the State of Nevada, acting by and through its Board of Comullssioners for the Care of tho Indigent Insane, to grant and com'ey to said State the right of way for·-a flume over it.'! lands whereon is sitU2ted its Reduction Works, now in lL.."e and. operation on the northerly side of Trucket' river, near and oolnw the; town of Reno, \Vashoo co\mty, State of Ne-vada; said flume to l)f; ()f Hize and construction suhstan­tial, and ::mitablc, to carry fUvl convey through the same one thousand inches of water, u(:(!())'(ling to miners' measurement, four inch pressure, measured at tll!> head thel'eof~ and of no greater

. _ capacitY1 said flume to conn~t with and receive water from the dam to be btlilt by Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works across the said 'l'ruckoo river ()PIJo.~te the wOI'ks, and in considera­tion of said' sum of fourleen hundred dollars, to further contl'act whh said State of Nevada u!:! aforesaid, to cau$e the dam tn he built across said Truckee river, opposite the said Reduction 'Yorks ~md west of t.he tail race leading from said works to said river, as lIOW

located. Said dam to lJe stifficiently high to ndse the watel' of said river so as to admit the water to flow into the flume to 1)e con­structed hy the said party of the Hecomi part on the right of way herein designated, und on a grade connecting with the flume of the said party of the second part U!o! now constructed and in use, Mflt of the land of the party of the first parl, Said State to have a permanent right to connect its said flume ~ith said dam at the point as herein­after provided, and to convey water at said grade through the same; IYI'(JIfided, that any usc or cOll!'>umption of water by fluid second party 8ha1111ot at any time cOl.1flict 01' interfere with the fluantity of water that will run tlll'ough a flume tlJreo feet by twelve feet in dimen­sions, in the clear, helonging to flaid party of the first palt, amI said point of connection to be dc;;ignated hy said corporation. Anel said State to have the right to convey water as aforesaid from said dam after the same is so constructed hy said corporation, llnd· to conduct the same through said flume t9 the grounds known as the State Asylum gl'ounds, and on which the Insane A,,-y111ln buildings of the State of Ne\'adn now are situate, so long as Mid corporation shall mainh\in f;aid dam aeros!'! said river. And proviflec1, further, that. said corporatioll shall lmve the right to bridg'e Haid flume of sairl HCcond party, where it runs through t.he lallllH of Hfdd party, if it so dC'8il'e, and to use its gl'Ound on each side thereof, provided it doe~ not intol'fere with the froo uae thereof by said ~te in lJUlintallung ~d l'tll'airiugsaid

Page 13: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


flume ; and pro·vided, further, that upon the washing out or destruc­tion of said dam, or any part thtm::of, by reason of floods or other cause, without fimIt ·ofsaitl fh'l'rt party, said second party will pay its just proportion for thereconr;tructivn or repairs Of said dam. And until the {,(Impletion of said dam, and the connection of said flume therewith i)o! made, that tlw 8aid Heno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works will pel;mit the said State to- connect a flume with its penst()(~k at its said works, and to take therefrom, as the said Commis.<;ionm'''§ may desire, the surplus water of said corporation, provided there Hhall he a surplus of water thereat, afwr supplying said Reno SmfJIting, Milling and Redm,{ion Works ·with all the water l1ec~ssary for its use, and nfJt otherwise, froo of ch.arge except the said snm of fourteen hundre;-l dollari:l.

"And the President and Se<:rl:wry of thi!~ corpol'ation be, and they lu:rel-,yare, duly authoriz<j(j and empowered, in the name and on behalf of ~<;aid Heno Smelting, ~1illing and Redu<..1ion Works, to enter into :1 (:ontract with said State of Nevada in pursuance of this re:-;olurion, and to properly extcute the same with said Commis­sioners for the Care of the Insane f)f said State.

"The Boord of Trustees adopu'<1 said resolution by tpe following vote: Y ~as, three; nays, none.

" '1'he Board then adjourned. "

The contract was drawn in stric·t accordance with the ternlS of the resolution, except a IJl'ovision as follows: "Provided, that if the said sum of fourteen hundrcd dollar~ is paid at, and upon the commence­ment of :wtiYe operations in the construction of said dam, by said first party, then such payment shall be deemed a compliaur.e with tJle a 1)ove covenant for the payment of ~d sum by said second party to said first paIty."

Some of the provisions of the contract were Dot entirely satisfac­tory to the Board of Commis.<;ioners for the Care of the Insane, to wit: The provision "that any use or consumption of water by said second party shall not, at any time, conflict or interfel'e with the quantity of water thut will run through a· flume three feet by twelve feet in dimensioIls, in the cleul', belonging to said party of the first part." TheCommiEsioners desired the grade of the flume,

.' as then collstructed, to he gh-en; and the provision "that upon the wa..,hing out 01' dostruction of Haid dam, or any part thereof, hy reason uf floods or other caUH<:, without fault of said first party, said seC(Jl1r1 party will pay its jW'lt proportion for the reconstruction or repair>; of said dam." The (xJlTunissionel's desired to have the PI'OPOl'tioll specified in the wmtnwt. These ohjections were can­siflol'G'fl to he tho rosult. of ()YCl'siUht rather than of int(!llt, and the (Jollul1iB;jione1'8 believed that evcrything could be quicklyarmnged to the 8atisf~lCtion of hoth parties in joint meeting. Acting in accordance with this helief, tho Commissioners for the Insane com­lllunicated- with the Bo~u'J of Trustees of the nono Smelting,Mill.


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ing and Reduction Works, and a. joint Ili.eetillg of tlie two Boards was appointed to be held in Reno on the 17th day of .July, 1887 .

. The full Board of Commissioners for tl}(~ Care of the Insane:repaired . to Reno on the day set, and met,\ithtlie Board of. TlUStef;8 of ·the Reno Smelting, Milling and PU!'fluethm Works, as per ap(Jf)intment. The Commis.<;iollm's had no thought of any diffitulty ill agreeing upon the terms of the contmct, hut, to their utter astonishment, the Board of Trustees of the Reno Sinelting, ~lilling and J{.e{]uction Works, without any preliminary discussion, l'epudiat.ed the agI'ee­ment under which the State had gone to such great expense in changing its flume and conneoting with the penstock of the corpor­ation and absolutely refu..'ied to enter into any such contract as· had been ngreed upon. . . A proposition was then made hy Reno Smelting, }'lilling and Reduction WOl'k's Trustees to furnif:lh tlte State with '\\'aterfrom their pellhiock, with which the Statefiume was then connected and. receinng wat{JJ', tiS per agree·ment herein hefore set forth, at a stated price per mcJtlth JOT one Yfar, but the Commissioner;; feeling, very naturally, that they had been outraged, as well as the State for whieh they wore acting, withdrew from the meeting withouL reply­ing to the proposition. Later, however, 'when Articles of Agree­ment were sent to' the ('ollunissioners for their acceptance, the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction 'York';; Trustees were in­fonned that no such contract or agreement would be entered into by the C~mllnissionel's. The said Articles of Agreement, rejected by the Commissioners, were in words as follows:

" Articles of Agreement made and entered into this twcntieth day of July, A. D. 1887, between the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction 'Yorks, a corporation represented by the manager, .John Howell, party of the first part, and the State of Xevada, represented by ito; Board of Commissioners for the Care of the Indigent Insane, party of the second part.

"lVitne.'J.3eth, That the party of the fi1'8t part for and in considera- . tion of the sum of twenty-five dollars peJ' month to be paid monthly by the party of the s£-'Cond part to the party of the first Vart, Now, therefore, in consideration of the above, the part.y of the firs:' part agree to furnish to the party of the second part, at its flume, as now constructed and connected with the penfltock of the pady of the fil'8t part, all the watel' said flume will carry to the promises of the party of the second part, and to at all times fnrni!"h saicl water, provided there is 8ufficipnt water to. spare after first supplying the wants of the workf:! of the first party; und, Jl't'01~ided jm'theY, that in £;fu;e of the freezing of the ditch 01' flume in winter, the destl'llction of the dum, ditch, flurne, peustock, Dr tnil race from fnl"hets or any oth"n' caw;c, the party of the firfJt part will not he held rcspon8ihle for any dam­ages the party of the second part may sUHtain from the failure of the party of the first part to fUl'lush water to the pa.tty of the ;S(lC()nd

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part, as hereinafter described, and it is further agreed and distinctly utider:,-tood between the Imrty of the fir:,"t, part and second, part heret{), that at the expiration of one yea.l' from the date' 'Of this UoOToom('nt first above writt-ell, that the party of the first partshalllmve tIle right t'O stQP the water frQm fI')U'ing into the flume 'Of the said party 'Of the second part, and that the part.y 'Of th(: !;OCOndpalt will give up peaceable poSS€s.'..;ion 'Of any rights they may have under this agreement to the right of ,vay for their flume 0\,,(:1' the land of the party of the fl.-cst part, alld the IJarty of the second part w:ill be per­m:itted to remove their flume 'Off the property 'Of the said party 'Of the first part; 11l"f)1)ided this agreement is not continued for a lQnger term by the mutual consent of the parties heretQ, or their representatives or assign';. "

This proposition the Coillmis!5i()n~n; (:.on~idered as adding insult t{) injury; and as it was a permanent watfJr I1ght that was lJeing sought for the State, and not a privilege, foSuIJj(;et tt) the caprice of any'man or body of men, the proposition was refusod. .

These prQceedings left tl)'~ end of thl; l;tate flume, wben disconnected from the penstock of the Reno Smelting, :Milling and Reduction Works, sticking up in the air, with no chance to, get to water with­'Out dropping the whole flume to a grade seven or eight feet lower again, so as to take water from the river below the dam of the Reno Smelting, }lj}ling and Reduction Works, at the point of appropria­tiQn by the State, as hereinbefQre set forth, or to go above the afore­said dam. The matter was fnlh' cOll:;idered by the Conunissioners, and in .-iew of the facts that. to ~gain change the grade of the flume would be very expensive, as well 8S necessitate the building of a flume across the land of the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction 'Vorks, and the opening up of the whole matter of arbitration or ap­pl'aisem mt again; that a wheel and pumping machinery had been bought and was then in plaee calculated for a fall seven 'Or eight feet greater than would be furnished hy slH:h change of grade, and that

.new machinery would have to be pl1rehased to suit the altered con­dition ; and that in serving the State it is })olitic to avoid contention when it can he done without prqjurlice to the State's interests, it was finally concluded and determined t(, avoid ( as was thought) all possible trouble by locating a wat~l' right on the south side of the river on the SQuth channel thereof, aBel on the Houth side of the north channel of the dver above the dam (Jf the Reno Smelting, Milling and l{eduction Works; and to reach tho point of appropriation with a flume, it was detcrmined to hridge the river below the land of the Heno Smeiting, Milling and Reduction Works and pass up 'On the south fiidp, and altoget.her aVQid sairl corlIOJ'lLtion'r; land.

'J'he right to appropriate ahove the HellO Snwlting, Milling and Reductioll \VOJ'kH «am the AmalI amount of water required by the State, when thoWJlUlds of inchflS Wal!! 1'unning over ~d dam, WBi:! Hot for a mQmont doubted.

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In:carrying o~t their conclusions, the C-ommissionerS located the !: ,'1 right of appropriating one thousand inches of water froUl the two , channels of the river, at the point last above named, on the 1st of August, 1887, and on September 27, 1887, bought of O. Madden j the right of way for a flume up the south side of the river ant]· across '; Soott's Island fu the north channel, paying $300 th~refor. A bridge 1

was built, spanning the river, that was the bOBhiandpride of the , 1 architect and the adniiration of all mechanics who saw it, and a" ' ., :flume was built upon it. On the S(jutb side the grading WW1 done and flume built from the bridge to Scott's Island (which divides the river into two channels at that point) acrossthe south channel ofthe river. The cut through Scott's Island was dug to ' strike the river about fifty fret above the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works dam, but kfore a flume eould be laid therein and a headgate put in to make all secure, a complaint was filed in the Distrint Court by the plaintiff corporation, claiming damages accrued, amounting fD $1,500, and great prospective damages, and asking that the Com­missioners be enjoined and restrained from cutting through Scott's Island. The il~junction was granted, and work was stopped until it was shown to the Court that the incompleted work left the condi-tions unsafe in ca.'3e of a rIse in the river, and the injunction was raised to permit of its completion. About this time a mysterious flood occurred in the river, at the dry end of a dry year, but, for­tunately, we were prepared fOl' it with sacks of sand, and. no dam-age was done. The work was completed, and on the trial, which took place on December 16th to 21st, 1887, inclusive, no damages were proven, and the question of riparian ownership was the only question considered by the Court in his decision. The decision was to the effect that the corporation had the legal right to the full, natural and undisturbed flow of the waters of Truckee river, in its

. natural bed, past its ten-acre possesion on the north bank of said river. Appeal was taken to the Supreme Court as soon as the plain­tiff's delay would pennit, and in April, 1889, that Court decided " that the (''()mmon law doctIine of riparian right.'3 is unsuited to the condition of our State, and this ca.c;e should have been detennined by the application of the principles of prior appropriation. Judg­ment l'eversed, and cause remanded for a new trial."

Had the decision been otherwise where would have been the agri­cultural possibilities of Nevada? The new trial took place June 2, 1890, and a decision was l'endercrl in September following, which was in effect that the State had no right to take water from the river at. any point where it was raised above it.c; natural level by reason of the plaintiff 'corporation's dam. Proceedings are now being taken to appeal to the Supreme Court from this last decision of the District Court, for a final determination of the State's rights.

It is not now claimed that the State has no right to take water from the river above the plaintiff's properly, but that it has no right to take it at any point within tl,J.e three hundred feet above its dam,


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'where the water is backed up, or at all affected in its flow by reason of said dam. It is not denied that it will not make a partiele .of

,difference in the corporation's flow of water whether a certain quantity of water is taken from the river ata pointwhereitCis backed· up hy its dam, or at a point half a mile above their back­water, but it is daimed that the State has no right to take water from any point where it is backed up, because by so doing it would be taking advantage of' the corporation's labor in erecting a dam.

The water might be backed up to Lake Tahoe and thus would everybody be shut out from the river. The tl1lth is, too, that it would have been much less expensive to the State to have reached the river and obtained a supply of water had no dam been there.

Thus, it will be seen, that the Commissioners for the Care of' the Insane, in their endeavors t6 avoid trouble, were met 'with more obstinate, if not more unreasonahle contention, and that they were beset with ob"iacles at every turn. Not only was there an unex­pected flood in the dry season-which happily was not disastrous­but shortly thereaft~r the fine bridge, heretofore motioned as being a model of' mechanical skill, through some cause as yet unexplained, was precipitated into the river and became a total wreck. A new bridge was built, and so far it has withstood all destructive forces with which it may have had to contend, and it is believed it will stand for many years ll.&r successfully withstanding the high water of last year.

The flume was completed in November, 1887, but the headgate has never yet been raised.

This is the history, in brief, of the "iruggle for a pennanent water right for purposes of the State Insane Asylum, and it will be seen, I think, that out of their own mouths comes condemnation of the parties controlling the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works for their actions in the mutter. .

The Commissioners for the Care of the Indigent Insane located a water right below the CfY)'j)(l/ydion plaintiff's dam, as they had an un­doubted legal right to do and in accordance with what they be­lieved to be a solemn duty in the interest of the State and its unfor­tunate wards. They did not locate it on State land, because a dam built on State land would }lave backed up the water and destroyed the corporation's motive power, and because the law would not have sanctioned such proceeding.

They had no intention of damaging the corporation by taking water from below its dam and crossing its land with a flume at the edge of tho river below all its works, and such action would not have damaged it in the slightest measure.

They WOl'e led to abandon the location so made by a proposal made by the corporation-which was accepted and took the form· of agreement-to l'ruse the State flume and connect with its penswck and take water thcrefroIllfl'~ QjcJWI1'gc, until it could build a new

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. ·~dam,after. which the State was to connect. its flume pennanently . with the dam, and take therefrom one thousand inches of water, .. subject, of course., to the corporation's prior appropriation of the 'quantity that would flow through its flume of the dimensions of three feet by twelve feet, and as then constructed, and for all of which the State was to pay the sum of fourteen hundred dollars. . The change in the flume was made at great expense; and con- . nection was made with the penstock of th~ corporation, as had been agreed, and with the corporation's consent and assistance, and then

. it refused to execute a contract in pursuance of said agreement, and refused to furnish water from said penstock except at a certain price per month ff))> one yea~·. .

To avoid the necesity of again chanf,..jng the State flume, and the purcha...c::e of n(:w pumping machinery with all attendant expense that a change of grade would neces5iUtte; and to avoid the corpora­tion's property E:ntirely, and therehy to avoid any further trouble, the Commissioners crossed the river, bought a right of way for a flume on the south side thereof, and located a water right appropri­ating one thousand inches of water from the two channels of the river, in part above the dam of the corporation plaintiff, and sub­ject, of course, to its prior appropriation. In this action there was also no thought or intention of damaging the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works, and notwithstanding the corporation has followed the Board of Commissioners with persistent legal conten­tion, it has failed to establish that it either has been or will be dam­aged in the sligh est measure by any action of the said Board .

. This is the whole thing in a nutshell, and for this the Commis­sioners have suffered all sorts of villification and abuse for nearly four years, through the ex-parte statement'i of the parties in control of the Reno Smelting, Milling and Reduction Works and the under­lings in their employ; but when the facts, as here stated, are known to the people they will not be slow to determine the right, and to their judgment this statement is submitted with full confidence that the honesty of purpose of the Commissioners for the Cate of the Indi­gent Insane in this matter will be fully vindicated.

Very respectfully, J. F. 'HALLOCK,

Commissioner. To the best of our knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true

statement. FRANK BELL, G. W. RICHARD.

Com mjssioners.

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To tM HanoralJle the BOa1'd oj (Jo.mmissioners J01' the (}a;re of f4e fpili-gent p/lJj(Jjj!e oj the State oj Net'(u}a: .. ,

GExTLEYEN-Following will be found a detailed report of the Nevada State Insane ASylum for the biennial term of 1889-90.

The following table represents the medical history of the Asylum. for the term just closed:

GfflU!/)'aJ, SWli8tics JUl' tlte TffI"l){' of 1889-90.

Male. I Female. I Total.

Patients in As Admitted duri

ylum December 20,1888 __ 1131 ng the tel'm ____________ -;-1 50


Whole number . Discharged wit

treated within the term __ 1181 hin the year____________ 43

P~remai December 20, 1890_ 138

36 14

I 50


43 ning rged as follows: Disclut

Recovered _ Much impro Improved __

- ====-====== -

----------------------- 17 ved _______________ ! _____

--------- ---- ------ ---- ------- -------Died _____ _ ----------------------- 25

Eloped ___ _ ----------------------- 1

:harged _________________ 43 Total dis(

Daily average the term __ _ ~~~~~~_~_I~~~~~~_~~~~~_1134M


3 1 1 2




167 64

'231 50


20 1 1

27 1

50 ====:::....----::::::::


Percentage of cures to admissions ______________________ _ 31ll'o 7 lJG YOo Percentage of deaths to whole number treated in 1889 _____ _

Percentage of deaths to whole number treated in 1890 _____ _ Annual deaths, taken bennially, to whole nllIllber treated-_.



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,Of the twenty-t.wopatients discharged, twenty were 8(mtoutas cured and two were permitted to go with friends, in an iruproved condition. The per cent. of CUT('S to number reooived h; :ilM- per cent., as will be seen by the tables.. .

DEATHS. • -. - j

TwentY-f!even deaths occurred during the term, being an f!nnual percentage of 5!lo on the whole number treated. When the broken down condition of chronic patients is' taken into con<ridera­tion, this is a low death rate. I)uring the term no patient has died of acute di<>ease, with the exccI,iion of one, who was brought to the Asylum with cerebral congestion, far advanced, and who died soon after admis.'3ioll. Of the remainder, five died of brain softening, tbrre of phthi~;s puhnonalis, two of apol,lex:y, of cancel' one, diabetBS one, epilepsy two, general paralysis three, marasmus one, eX(.'(lS..uve u.<;e of morphine one, senile :gangrene . one, alcoholism one, and one of ulceration of the stomacb.


There were 167 patients in the Asylum at the date of our last re­port. At this time we have 181 patients, l)eing an increase during the term of 14. This is an increase below the average in many other States, and while those in charge of most asylums are asking for more room, this Asylum will not be greatly crowded at the end of ten years, should the former rate of increase continue.

For per cent. of increase, cures, di'3Charges, deaths, cost o~ main­tenance and all things in which the public have an interest, see tab-ula.ted statemenUJ. .


The most important improvement during the term was the erec­tion of an electric light plant, which is, in aU I'espects, a great im­provement over the former mode of lighting the institution.

It is perfectly safe, brilliant, and so inexpensive that it is difficult to estimate the exact cost. An occasional lamp and a gallon or two of lubricating oil per month is about all that can be charged against it.


The supply of water is abundant und pure, and is furnished at a billing cost by the ~e power which generates the lights.

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·Of the expenses of'this biennial term's work, no reaSl)Mblo com­plaint can he made. It will be.- seen, that although over six thous­and dollars were 'used for permanent improVfoments, the expenses were kept within the appropriation of eighty-five thousand dollars. All friends of the institution 'will be pleased at this showing, which was brought about by economy in all things, where economy could be u.sed without in the slightest degree infringing on the comfort of the patients by. economizing ,inq~ntity or in qll3lity of. their c10thlng or food supply. . . .'

Sagebrush and drift-wood have been used, almost exclusively, for fuel, therEiby saving to the Stat{) many thousands of dollars.

An ornamental gardener has been difolpellse~l with, and the grounds keptin good cond~tion by the patients, under the direction of one of the attendants .

. The vegetable garden this term was very produc1ive, and pro­duced nearly all of the vegetables required at the institution, and of potatoes and hay we had several tons for exchange. .

The saving to the State in this biennial term, over and above what the cost would have heen had the patients been kept in California, at the same rate as formerly, was over seventy-five thousand dollars, being an amount greater than was expended in the erection of the . Asylum buildings in this State.


. Before closing my report I desire most cordially to thank your Hon­orable Body for the intere&i manifested by you in the Asylum and its inmates, and for the steadfast support rendered the present man-agement. .

My thanks are also due to Mr. W. IJ. Bechtel, our Clerk and Supervisor, who has performed his arduous duties with great zeal and efficiency. Much of the success of the present management is due to his watchfulness and, ability. ,

Thanks are also extended to :Mr. Edwin Barlow, both for faith­fully discharging his duties and for tile fine mUb1C furnished for the entetiainments; also to Mrs. Barlow, Matron, and to all \ employes of the institution. .

S. BISHOP, M. D., . . Superintendent.

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Showing list oj patients ?'emaining in the, Nevada State In8(JfM AsylU'in DeuJrrWei" 20, 1890.

> Date of ; From What i ~ Admission.' County. I


Place of Nativity. Ca.use of Insanity. Remarks.

, . , 1 Cl?arles Balli!! __ ••••• _ ••••• ' _: __ Jan. 10, 1867 ___ 'Lander ___ • __ iUn.knm\·u ___ , ___ ,_ !lJ'nknown _____ • _______________ ' __________________________ _ 2 RIcbard I,. Carl, ____ • __ ••• .,z .Dec. 19, 1867 __ .lI.ander __ • ___ OhlO _____________ .,_.UnknOwD ________________ • ____ , _____________________________ _ a Mrs. T~ouisa' _________ :-___ June 1, 1868 ___ 'Washoe _____ :Unknown ______ ._.lLoss of children _._. __________ , __ • ____ • ______________ • ______ _ 4 T. Cummins _______________ , 43 )Iay 10, 1869 ___ Storey ___ • __ ,New York ________ I1\1usturbation ________________ , _________________________ _ 5 Antonif. Voight ___________ : 6'2 AugfJ.st20, 1869, Ormsby _____ iFranee _ .. _______ ~--!t:"nknown-------------------~-,------------_______ . , ______ _ 6 Rosa Hagan _______________ 56 July 15, 1b7L __ Ormsby _____ ,Ireland ___________ 'Unknown _____ . ___________________________________________ _ 7 J~iva Kitel _______________ , ~~ 'Julv I~, 187L __ :Storey -------iNorway ___________ :Unk~own--.------------------,-------------________________ _ 8 George Speck ______________ ' w July 1", 187L __ J~'lnder ______ ,EuglancL----- ____ ,Loss In busmess_. ___________ , ______________________ . ______ _ 9 James Kelly _______________ , 59 August 4,1871. Stor:ey __ -.- ___ ilreI?nd ____________ :Los~ o~I?roperty-------------!-----------------.---------10 Rosa Landou ______________ , 48 August 19, 1871 "hlte Pine_1lreland ____________ ,IndigestIoll _____________________________________________ _

11 Alabandria Ries __________ , 51 )Iarch 18,1872_ "-ashoe _____ ,Acapulco----------,Dnlgged ___________________ , ___________________________ _ 12 C. C. Hamlin ______________ , 60 )Iarch 18,1872.,Washoe _____ :Ohio .. ___ . __________ iUnkllown ____________________ ' ____________________________ _ 13 John 0 Brien ______________ ' 30 July 5, I872 ____ iL:mrler ______ Il\Iichigan _________ IE~ilepsy ______________ • ______ , _____________________________ _ 14 Augustine Bigrass ________ ' 41 Oct. 19, 1872 ___ 'Lander _____ .ICanada ___________ U nknowD ____________________ ' _____________________________ _ 15'Pauline Leventhal ________ 4.3 :'Ilay 26, 1873 ___ 'Eureka ____ .IGennany _________ !Pucrperal state ______________ ' _____________________________ _ 16 Henry Taylor _____________ '17 Sept. 15, 1873 __ 'Lyon ________ jEngland __________ 'Disa,Ppointed love ___________ ' __________________________ _ 17 'William enrts _____________ ! 49 Sov.8, 1873 ___ ,Eureka -----lcanada---_--------iMimng speculation ___________ , _____________________________ _ 18 George Deitz _____________ : 46 ,Jan. 7, 1874 ____ ,Storey ______ . Germany _________ Onanism _____________________ , __________________________ _ 19 James ~Iartin ____________ ' 49 :Jan. 8, I874 ____ .Hl1mboldt __ !Ireland ____________ IMasturbation ________________ , __________________________ _ 20e. P. Ratchford ___________ i 47 llay 26, 1874-__ ;J,yon ________ jlreland ___________ iMasturb_ation-________________ ; ___________________________ _ 21: Joseph Dumas _____________ : 38 ,August 3, l874_',H urn boldt __ !Canada ____________ I Unknow n _____________________ , ____________ " _______________ _ 22'Williatn Fludder __________ , 42 Oct. 3, 1874 ____ iWashoe _____ jl\IiSSOUli __________ IMasturbation ________________ , _________________________ _ 23;N. B. l\Joore ______________ , 50 ; May 2J), 1875 ___ :lIumboldt __ Unknown _________ Onanism ____ • _________________ ! _____________________________ _ 24

'John Coffee ________________ , 50 ;June 28,1875 __ IWashoe -----'IIreland------------ ----___________________________ ! ___________ . _________ . _______ _

2ij'Franeisco Cordova ________ ! ____ 'Junc 10, 1875 __ ,~'hitc Pine_ New lIexk,o ______ Unknown _______ • _____________ i _____________________________ _ 26'Pcter 7.anolettie ___________ ! 52 :Sept. 2,1875 ___ :Ellrcka ______ Italy ______________ Onanlsm ____________________ .1 ___ • __________ . ______________ ' __ 2iiWiIlis Peterson _______ • ___ ! ____ ,Nov. 9, 1875 ___ !Humboldt._ Denmark _________ Unknown: ___________________ + __________ . __ ~.---------.-__ _ 28:MarY Harrmgton _________ , 6~ ,Sept. 18, 1875 __ ,Storey ______ 'Ireland ________ • ___ l Loss of chtldren __________________________________________ _ 29 Pat Maboney ______________ ' 5f! ;Sept. 22, 1875 _.iHumboldt __ !Ireland ____________ 1unknown ______ • ______________ ! ________ SOOOnd commitment ao:Eugene Lefevre -----------i ~Oct. 5, 1875 ____ :,ormsby _____ canada ____________ lunkn'?wn ____________________

j' _______ ----------___________ _

31!Frank Jones .. _____________ : I)!, ,Feh. ~ 1876 ___ iStorey _______ '\Vales ____________ Hereditary ___________________________ Seoond commitment 32!John Lanigan ____________ , 47 iJ<'eh.~, 1876 ___ 'Vashoe _____ IUnknown _______ .,_ unknown _____________________ I_. _____ .8econdcommitment 33iJohn Gates -----_________ I __ • .!July 1L, 1876. __ iOrmsby ____ iCanada ___________ Self abWle ______________________________________ _

Page 26: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

,3<!iJo8t'ph Mc~ugblin _______ , 46IOct. 17,1876 ---IWashoe-----INew York ________ ;Unknown __________________ ! ________________ ----------~~,JOs;)ph Bast.lan ____________ ! 47 Dec. 1.9, 1876. __ ~torey------- Germany ____ ----_iuDknown; __________________ I _____________________ --"'-36IGeorge Beale _____________ 1 '* ,Dec. 28, 1876 ___ I:-'lIIde~ ---- -- Oreg(jD ___________ .lIasturbation ________________ -------- -------------'------. 37,Moms Quinn ___________ 4-5 IJan.20, 1877___ torey _______ Ireland ____________ Heredltary _________________________________________ _

, 38;Bessie O'K~fe -----------I88\Jan.~, 1877 ---[Storey _______ Ireland ____________ !POison_c ___ . - _______ ---------- --------------------------39,A. Bowman _______________ , 49 Feb. 1, 1879 ____ ,Eureka ___ . ___ Cannda ___________ UnknowD _____________________________________________ _ 4O;Leonard M. Parker _______ , 43 May 5,1877 ----II..ander- _. ___ New York ---- ----1:-.rasturbation ________________ I _________________________ _ 41IOtto Gclikuer ________ •• ___ .1 60 IMay 24, 1877 ___ 'Vasboe _____ Oermllny _________ Unknown _____________ • ______ , __________________________ ---.{2 Johanna Mltchell ___ ·• ____ .1 48 July 12, 1877-_-t;torey _______ Ireland ____________ !Child tJed ________ .. _. _______ .! ____ . ______________________ _ 43'John TAllley-.--------.-.. --1 40 lJuly 17, 1877---

IE!!rneralda __ ITelancL __________ !MnsturbatioD ____ ~------.---+-----------_______ . __ . ___ _

4!,Rosa BlO!!Hington. ••• _. __ ._:. 51 IJuly 27,1877 ---11Yasltoc _· ___ iIl'eland_··· __ ··_·_iTyphoid fever _. __ • ___ • _____ -1 _____________________________ _ 4~:Johallnl\ Klng _____________ ! 49 :Yeb. 11, 1878 __ .. bJrcka_. ____

1lreland ___________ :.Jealousy _______________________________________________ _

41JDa,,1d I>uTlTl------------.--i 5,,) 'April 1, 1878 ___ :EUWk1L _____ ,Ireland ___ • ____ •• _.:Self' abuse _____ . __________ ._ ••. ___ •• ____ •• _. __ • _________ ~ __ _ 4i;).r~rgarot Walker __________ 1 52 ,May 6

t 1878 ____ , Douglas -----IIre)and-- ----------iDrowning of chilru:cn ____ • ___ 1 ____________________________ _

48 Chma Vllle ________________ ! 37 11IIay l0l 187'8- _ .. J)ouglas _____ jChma ____________ • Masturbation _________________ .! _________________________ -----4!J Mary fHbs(m _______ ~ ______ I 52 Angns 7,1878_ 'Storey ------.llrelall£1-- __________ :Unknown. __________ • ________ i ___________________________ • __ 50 )Iary IJ. Thorington ______ ' ____ :August 14, 1878,Ormsby _____ Unknown ________ .IUnknown _____________________ ! _____________________________ _ 51 Francisco Bllzzettie _______ , 39 'Nov_ll, 1878 __ !Ellrelm ______ Italy ______________ 'Ullknown ___________________ : __________________________ _ 52,)Iary 'Vutson _____________ i 56 iNov_15, 1878 _.lWashoe ___ .-'Ireland-----------.'Religion _____________________ i _____________________________ _ 53iJames Burke-_____________ , 56 'NoY. 15, 1878 __ 'Washoe ____ -'Irelalld ____________ iUnkllOwl1 ____________________ ! _____________________________ _ 5-LUary Doe. ____________ -----:----IDec. 30, 1878 ___ 'Storey _______ IChina _____________ rl'nknown _________ ~ __________ I'-----------_______________ _ 5.5'W. H. Burke ______________ ; 44 ,Jan. 14,1879 ___ 'Storey _______ iIreland ____________ Injury to head ____ • ______________________________________ _ 56'Eugene Newcombe _______ ! 37 I April 14, 18'i9 __ IWashoe ____ .. ,:\Iassachusetts ___ .. Scarlet fever _________________ ~----------------------------5ilEmma V. Johnson ________ : 42!Apri1I6, 1879 __ 'Storey _______ 'Ganacla ____________ :Uerangement of mind ________ 1 ________________________ _ 5S.EH7.nbeth Brannan ________ i 66 ,June 30, 1879 --IOrmsby ____ JIrelaml. ___________ :Domestic trouble ________________________________________ _ 59'l\Iark McLaughlin _______ .1 66 iJuly 10, 1879 ___ ,Storey _____ .IIreland ____________ !Working in bad air ____________________________________ _ 6OJohn Frve _______________ -' 3-'3 IAugust 19, 1879;Humboldt __ \MiSSOlUi __________ i)fa~turbatioD ________________ I-------------_____________ _ 61 Sarah Woo~ ------_________ , ~ jSept. 8, 1879 _ .. _!Humboldt -- Brazil-------------!El,'ilepsy ____________________ 1 ___________________________ _ 62'.John McKlllop ____________ , 53 Sept. 17, 1879 -- "Tashoe -----iIreland-----------·u nkllown ____________________ l __________________________ _ 6,'lIHenry Cook _______________ ! ____ :Oct. 6, 1879 ____ IHumuoldt __ Germany _________ IUnknown ________________ • ___ I ___________________________ _ 6i:Walter Qninn _____________ : 46 i. Oct. 9, 1879 ____ !"T ashoe -----IIIrelan£1-- ________ ._!Masturbation _______________ i _________ .: __________________ _ 6.5lJohn Ammon ____________ ; 4i ,Oct. 31, 1879 ___ !Nye _______ . _ Germany _________ jUnknown ____________________ I ____________________________ _ 66,)foms IAncaster _______ ._1 37 iOot.16, 1879 __ .IEsmeralda __ ,lndiuna ___________ ,~ilepsy -____ • ______________ 1 ____________________________ _ 6j'Anna Howard ____________ 1 35 !Jan.16, 1880---IElko ________ ,IrelancL ___________ 1Ullknown ____________________ 1. __________________________ _ 68;Putrick Ryan ______________ , 42 '.Jan. 21, 1880 ___ ,Elko --------iIreland- ___________ unknowll ____________________ \ __________________________ _ 60 W. T. Young, alias Yeager' 30 iFeb. 9, 188O ____ ,f:lko ________ penuBylvania _____ I)iasturlJation _. ___________________ • _________________ _ 70:Chris S"I'lItt _______________ : 42 ,April 10, 1880 __ iOrmsby _____ Canada ____________ ,Syphilis ______________________________________________ •• ____ _ 71 Charles H. Sanborn _______ : 58 ,Feb. 21, 188O---

I'ElkO ________ iUllite<l States _____ lUnknowu _____________________ • ____________________________ _

72 William Hom _____________ l 48 :)lay 2,), 1880 ___ .Esmcralda __ IPrussia ___________ ;Lead polsoning __ • ________________________________________ _ 731Pietro GalJII,rdi ___________ : 38 iJune 10,1880 __ :Eurek('-- ___ -'Itllly ______________ ::\Iastllrbation __________________ ,, ______________________ _ 74'IM!dllda ;folles ____________ -' 51 :Jllne 26,1880 --:JJumboldt __ New York ________ :Frlght ____________ .. _____________________________ • _______ _ 75 Charles 1Jlekson __________ .I40 : August 17, 1880,Storey _______ Prince Edwa:rdli LIIJeath offather __________________ • _____ • __________________ _ 71l,Alonzo Rothorn ___________ 32 'Jan. 10, 1881-__ iHnmboldt __ Nova Scotin _______ ~Iasturbation ___________ • _________ • ___________________ • __ 77iJ01m Shcl'ldan ____________ .1 44 :Yeb.26, 188L_.!Elko .. _______ IrelanrL ___________ :Self abuf:le _____________ • ________________________________ _ 78 Mag SteWlLl't~ Brannan! 41 i,AI>lil2i. lSSL_IEureka.. _____ IrelaruL ___________ IIntempel'ance ___

c ________________________________ _

" . . :~

Page 27: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

"~~~~oJ"'"~"--~"'""~" ~"-,,-,"'"c='""~" ~"":"""i~"'"-' -"

STATIDIru."T, No. l-Oontinued.

! :> I Date of '~ ,Admission.

~Tom "That! County. !

" ! Place

of Nativity. Cauae of Insanity.

I I ' ' :

71liFrnncis '::II. Smith _________ 1 46 [May 4. II<!jL_JOrmfillY _____ !Illinoi!l ____________ !lojurY to head _________________________________ • ______ _ 8O:August Van Campen ______ 1 44 ;:\Iay 11, If'S!, __ ')~ureka ______ 'GerDlany _________ :Unknown ______________________________________________ _ 81'William :Faddlinu _________ i 44 ,1\[ny:30, If;ljI, _ Hllmholdt _.!Kansas ____________ iFilthy habits _____________________________________________ _ 82: Bridget Rogan" ____________ 1 M ,Angtll,t 30, lRlll'l';torey _______ :Canada ___________ .iUl1known __________________________________________________ _ 83:Jerry 1\[ollinelli -- __ -,-_____ : i11 ;Sept, 23, 1881 __ :E1ko -- ---- __ IItaly ______________ :Religion ------ _____________ ' __ 1 ______ -------------..:--------84IPeter Burns _______________ : 43 r~I!lY 10, 1882 "-_iH urnllOldt __ Ill-eland ____________ iMasturbation _____________________________________________ _ 8-5;W. L. Elrod _______________ 1 40 i:\fay 2i, lS~2" __ ;'V!lsJ)oe _____ :L'llknown---______ :Helf ahllse ___________ " _________ + _________ ~ _______________ _ 86:~'red Go11 ___________ "" ______ , 48 July 3O,188'l, __ :'Vashoe _____ :unknowIL ________ :unkl1own ____________________ l __________________________ _ 87\)[argaret Palmer __________ ! 49 ;Angnst 10, 1&'l2 Lyon ________ IIrelanil. ___________ .Uterine complications __________________________________ _ 88!.Johl1 Head ________________ 1 60 ,Sept. 2, 1&'>2 ___ ,Elko ________ iGermany _________ 'Unknown ____________________ I' ________________________ _ 8!li)[ong Dep ___ .. ____________ ; 60 ,Sept. 11, 188-2 _.I]~nr€'ka ______ !China ____________ 'Unknown ______________________________________________ _ 9O

'Edwar<1l\feGrath __________ i 38 ;~ OV. 29, lRS-2 __ ;Eureka. _ ----ilreland .. __________ 'r nknown ____________________ \ ________ ". _________________ _

9l 1.Jamesl\lunday ____________ ! 40 ,Dec. 11, 18.'l"2 __ .",Eureka ______ ,Ireland ____________ ,Leod poisoning ______________________ ~ _________________ _ 92: Phillip y. )fason _________ : 50 iDee. 15, 1I1.'l2" __ "Vashoe _____ !lJnited States _____ 'Unknown ___________________________________________ " ______ _ !):JHarry Saville ____________ ! 34 :Fcb. 12, 18.<;:3 ___ 'Humholdt __ jEnglond _________ :f~elf abuse ... _______________________________ '" ______________ _ !J.l\vilJiam Bone _____________ : 37 :Feb. 14, 18S.'L_:Uumboldt __ iEngland __________ iSelf abuse _______________________________________________ _ 95;~I. ,J. "foore _______________ ' 64 '''farch 3, 188.1 __ 'Eureka ______ jNew York ________ ,Intemperance, masturbation ____________________________ _ OO;Hnlloro Leonard __________ : 42 i"Jay 10, 188!:L_!Storey _______ IIreland ____________ ;Religion _"' ________________________________________________ _ 97 Charles Larsen ____________ : 47 ,June 11,188.3 -_iHnml)oldt _ .,Sweden ___________ ')'IasturbotJOn _____________________________________________ _ !)8;l'elestine ZanolettL ______ : 3-5 iJuly 29, 1883 ___ IEureka". _____ !Italy ______________ :Unknown ________________________________________________ _ 9!Olartba Trew-ella __________ : 6.'3 ,Sept. 14, 188.'L!Storey _______ iEngland __________ :Epilepsy ________________________________________________ _

100: "Iary Doyle "" ______________ : 47 ; Oct. 6, 188.3 ____ ;Storey _______ ,IrelumL ___________ !Ahllse of stimulants ______________________________________ _ 10l;Emma Boyd _______________ ! 44 :Ja1l. 11, 1884 ___ ,Storey _______ :Americo ----------IDissiPation ______________________________________________ _ 1112iJ'hlwllrd Duffy ____ ---------, 46 :Jan. 17, 1884--_10rmsby _____ iAustralia _________ Masturl)atioll __________________________________________ _ 10-3'Mrs. Sam Wit<;on __________

t 43 :Jan. 18, 1884" __ ,Storey _______ llrcland----- _______ ,Unknown ______________________________________________ _

WtlFrancls Warebonl _________ : 40 IJuly 17, 1884- __ lmko _______ .IIreland ____________ IUnknown _______________________________________________ _ 105'AIl?t:eW Dcl!mey----------i 5a lSept. 2/), 1884 --IJ.yon--------iGanada------------!Self abuso __________________________________________________ _ 106:TJUlgl De-~ueillo ___________ ; 5-2 :oct.!l, l!%i ____ ,Eul'eka _____ ,Itoly -------;---__ -itrnknown _________________________________________________ _ 107,Theodore MilIer ___________ : 6.~ INov. 17, li!84 __ iEnreka _____ IPennsylvama _____ IUnkllown __________________________________________________ _ 108:JIcnry Basper _____________ 1 50 I])cu. 1, lRl!4 ____ iEsmerolda __ iGenuany _________ jLoss ofmoney ____________________________________________ _ l09\l\1ichael Lane, alias Leheyl-- - -1))('(" fl, lAA4 ____ I'Vasboe ----- :UnknowD _________ Unknown _____________________ ------------------------------llOl,John McDonald_,----------ll 17 ]"eh.:J, l~ __ "_:Storey __ , .. __ .!Nevada ___________ Hereditary ____________________ ----------------------------111 A. )1. Wester _______ ... ______ 49 l\Iarch lIl,lf!85_i'VaslioE> ____ -!Sweden ___________ Unknown ________________________________________________ _ 112 John J{l(Joh ~Iartin ________ 140 ,.June I, 188-5 ___ iEnreka _____ ,Gcrmany -________ Self abuse_ .. __ ------ _________ - ____________________________ _ 1131

lManuel G?n1€'S ____________ , 3;'l IAU~Ul;t 4,1~885-IHumboldt -_IAzores ____________ Unknown ______________ ,. ______ -----------------------~-----

114 Antone B;crger -~-~~------I 72 ,Sap. 4, J1j85 --- \Yashoe -----~rt;napy ~--- ---- U~~n,7--:.--------------- ---.-________ ,.... _________ ""

Page 28: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


(1~ ,"-<

1151Robert Heading ___________ 1 28 IFeb.5, 1886 ___ JLander ------IEngland---------. iUnknown ____________________________________________ _ llO;Lollis Keet ______ ----------1 !-3 I~Iarcb2.5, 1~8I.Li:r;;lJrfJka ----- ,China -------------IUnknO'nl------------------- ------------------------------117;otto Greenhood ___________ . M ,June 16, 1886 __ iStlJroy _______ )En~Iaml------ ____ Unknowll _____________________________________ • _________ _ 118'Stephen Pt'{lrolL __________ : 47 :July 9, 1&.<:0 ____ 1 Wu"hoo _____ !SWltzerland.. ______ IHereditaTY ______________ .--- __________ .. __________________ _ 119.Aleei Yucovleh ____________ 1 37 ;July 24, 1886 ___ :StlJr(:y _______ iAmeriea ______ ----'IHereditary _____________________________________________ _ 120.1ames Richards -----------1 71 IAllgust Zi, 1886:J.aIHlnl" - -----i"-ale" _____________ Iutem})ernnce.. _______________ ------------------------------12I'VinCeIl7.ll.Vanza ___________

I· 45 i Dec_ 8, 1I>!lfi ____ ' Euh,ku. _____ ISwitr.orland _______ ,lunknOwll _________________________________________ .0 _______ _

122:.John n. /ior1in ____________ 41 ;.Jan. 3, 1887 ____ il)rm~hy _____ '(;auada ____________ Unknown ________________________________________ .. ' _____ _ 12.3:Joh11 C. Srnyles. ___________ 1 it! ,;\Iarl!h 4,11>87, _: I1nrnh{}ldt __ !Vermont __________ Il11temperanoe _______________________ Second CoulJnitment 124,J,aura J.llr~en ______________ ' 46 il\fareh Z~, 18,<,7_: \\'ashoe -----Ixorway ___________ iUnknowll ___________ : ______________________________________ _ 12'i,Hanllah Dllnnigan ________ i M .April 2;3, 18!l7 __ iStoTOY _______ Jreland ____________ ,'Domestic tronble~ ____________________________ ----- ________ _ 121l:.JosephlJ~ .J"llC8 ___________ j' 44 'Hept.;$, lKili __ ;Eureka ------It:nited States . ____ Disappointment. ___________________ Second Commitment 127:.John H('il(!h ______________ ~- 51 iOd.7, 1S-'l7 ____ :Orrnl,lhy _____ IIreland ____________ !~I[\sturbation _________ ~ _____________ Second Commitment 128;S. S. '1'iukhmfL____________ 24 i I lee. 2.3, 11<'$7 ____ :\Vasho!: _____ ,America _________ .!Ovm·beating ______________________________________________ "_ 12!J:1'atrjck ])uglin _ _____ ______ 52 'J an. :~, I SSiL __ :Eu reka ______ :lrelamL _______ ---_IIntemperant-e-- ____________________________________________ _ 130,Sanrlcrl; Y. Brown ________ 146 !Jan. 6. 18S-'L. __ jWashoe -----'IAmeriCa------ ____ Unknown _____________________ . ____________________________ _ l::WAndrcw .J. ::\lcCreery-----____ -'Feh. 'i:i, lS'38 ___ ,\Vashoo _____ Xew York _______ Unkno\TIL ________________________________________________ _ I~Jacoh ;\It-yer __ .. __________ 1 58 :Feb. 27, 18S1,--_:8toroy _______ Hermany ____ . ____ !::\Iasturbation ______________________________________________ _ 1.'3-3Ab :>ihlg ____________________ 1 46 'April 11, 1838 __ IHulDboldt __ ,China --___________ IMasturbation ____________________________________________ _ 1.34C. ~l. Jackman ____________ 1 45 1::\1ay 28, 18SiL_:\Vhite Pine_IIIIinrk; ___________ Intemperanee _____________________________________________ _ 1.35 J. T. Fitzgerald_ -----------1 57 :;\Iay 30, lBAA ___ :Wasboo _____ ITennes~ee _________ !Unknown_------------------- _______ Second Commitment 13(; \Villiam ilal'llett .---------, 27 :C\Jay 30, 1888 ___ ,\Vashoo _____ America ________ ;_:Hcreditary _________________________________________________ _ l.3i:~arnh ::\L Harding _________ 14Ij !,July 21. 18S8 ___ ,\Ya!<hoo _____ !,America __________ IUnknown ________________________________________________ _ 131l:'l'homas ,,-_ Browll ________ 53 j.July 30,1888- __ :Eureka ______ I::\lassachusetts ----I"'eak mimL ____________________________________________ _ 139, Eugene K. Phipps ________ 1 62 :Sept. 22, 11;'38 __ i"-hite Pine -irnknown--------- Unknown _________________________ ..8eeond Commitment 140,Thomas Rnle ______________

I58 iSopt. 26, 11>'!8 __ 'Elk,) ________ Xew York ________ : Alcoholism _. ______________________________________________ _

14l\Villiam Bums ____________ .37 !Oct. 30, 1888 ___ :\\"ashoe _____ ICllk11oWn _________ 'Unknown __________________________________________________ _ 142 Thomas Lynch ____________ 29 INoy. 1:~, 18i!S _.lOrmsJ,y _____ IXew York ________ iUllknown __________________________________________________ _ 143,Harry Koelling ____________ i ____ : Dec. 19, 1888 __ :0rmshy _____ IGermany _________ 'Ullknowll-----________________ I ____________________________ _ 144:.Jm11os Hilton ______________ , 34 'Jan. 10, 18."'9 ___ !\Yashoe. ___ .l:~lajne ____________ .:Unknown ____________________ , _______ Second Commitment 145'Corne1in!! Dunavan ________ 152 iFeb. H, 18HIL_iHnmholdt _Jlreland ____________ !'Ardont spirits ____________________________________________ _ 14(J,::\lary Hellry _______________ 14 Weh. Z:I, 18S9 ___ 'Storey _______ I~evada ___________ lllJreditary _______________________________________________ _ 147;.Jo!<ie ~lcJ,(.'()d __ ___________ 16 i;\Inrch 12, 18-51l_'Storey,------IAmerica __________ iFever __ .--------- _________________________________________ _ 1-18, ;\fary .J aile Battlefield _____ I ____ : April 2-3, 188fL_ ;Storoy _______ \1J Ilknown _________ :U nlmowll __________________________________________________ _ 140.Johl1 I.. Motllll'oSC _______ .1 m IApril27, 181;9 __ il~llio ___ " ____ !Portugal __________ 'Unknown ______________________________________________ .. __ _ 150,.\YilIiam ~r"(lnitty ________ 1' 52 ;May 8, IH,~!I ____ ;\Vhito Pino -!Il·elanil. __________ i\Veak mind ___________________ -----------------------------lr,11.eo .Jak. , _____________ 41 :Jl1ne21, ll;SfI_J\VaHhOf1_ . ___ ,('hin3 -------------l1Jnknown--------------------- _____________________________ _ 1~2 Edwin \ViLYIIO Allams ____ , 59 '.Junc 2iJ, 1~ _.iHnl1lholtlt _-'I')IiChigan _________ Hereditary ________________________________________________ _ 1",3.A. E. Henll,, _______________ 69 July 0 188'J ___ .!\VlL~hoc __ . ___ Germany c--- _____ Jlltempernnco _______________________________________________ _ 154 Hllel Fro!!t __ ..... ___________ 1 61 July 15, 188!J __ ,,:Elko _________ New York ________ IHerooltary _________________________________________ ~ ______ _ 11).1 Charles Fi""h(j/' ___________ 1 24 Augnst 2!J, 18&j:Eureka ______ ,{;erman...-' _________ IHCreditarv ___________________ ~ __________________ . ___ . ________ _ 156;James "'. COllllllt ---------Il4 :';cpt.18, l880_.iElko ________ Indiana" ___________ Unknown' __________________________________________________ _ 157:Jolln Sdmcrol1gh __________ 50 Oct.!l, 1889 ___ -'Ormshy _____ Ireland ____________ 1over work _________________________________________________ _ 158iCaroline'lI. Kirchner _________ lOot. l2, 1889 ___ :Eureka ______ il1isso,u.ri _________ Disability ___________________________ 'l'hird Commitment ~ ,

Page 29: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

STA'l'ElIEXT XO. l-Continued.

I ,

, ',;;-: , Date of I From W'bat; 1 ~ i Admisshn., County. ;

Placo of :s'aUvity. Cause of Insanity. Remarks.

- • r i J 15filsaM StuarL _____________ --' 58 IXov. 8. 1889 ___ 'Eureks __ .:.: __ iUllnois ___________ :Solitary Ufe ___________________ ! _____________________________ _ 160 George ~uIt ---------------i Zi I~oy, 26.1889 __ :Humboldt __ !Hermany _________ llIll8turbation _________________ . ___________________ ----------161 Henry T. Sayer ___________ 1 41 I Feb. 2.5, 1890 ___ 'Ormsby _____ ;Xf:W ~er!ley------.: L"nkno'yn. ____________________ , ________________________ -----_ ,16'1 (,har1~ F. Saddler ________ \ S8 j)Iarch 4. 189(L ,l.ander ______ I'j'os"m ___________ !~a1'alyf;l!, _____________________ ; ____________________________ __ 16:~ Katherme 1-yng _______ . ___ , 33 ,)Inrch 18, IJl9O.:Lanc1er _____ .!Jrelfln<L ___________ IUnknown _______ ~ ____________ , _________________________ ... __ _ If).! .J osepb Pol IUa ____________ , ____ : )Iarch 21, 1890. / \Vashoe _____ ;Switzel'jaml. ______ , U n klIOWn.. __________________ .! ____________________________ _ 1&5 :!'-Ia Sne Hoy ______________ 1 41 !)Iareh 22,1800. ,Storey _______ ·C'hina ___ . _________ iOpiuITI ______________________ -' ___________________________ _ 1()(; Hans Heinrich ____________ , 51 i){arch 25, 11!00_!Xye _________ iOerrnany _________ TnkrJOwn __ .. ________________ .. ; ____________ ~ _______________ _ 11)7 Timothy Dooley ____ -' ______ , 62 Aprl17, 1890 ___ !1':sll1eralda __ ,Il'cIalJ(L .. _____ .. ___ ,Injury to heaU ________________ 1 ___________________________ _ 1f"OIary )lcHur;h ____________ 1 50 ,April9

t l890_._iStorey ______ .:Irehmd. ___________ IUnknown ____________________ ! __________________________ _

169 "Track Jim, ' Indian _____ ' 36 :April 2.'5, 1890--II..allder ______ 'Xemda ___________ :Loss of ebild ________________ : _________________ ~ __________ _ 170John Donlap ____________ .. ; a9 'April 26, 1890 __ Elko ________ ;Pelln~yl\'allia _____ 'Ardentl;pirit!l------ _________ .l __________________________ _ Iii Mathe\\' Crowley _________ ..! 44 ;)!ay 6, 1800 ____ !Storey _______ iIl'eland ____________ .Ardent spirits ________________ , ___________________________ _ 172 Foy Lee Song _____________ ~ 40 ;:!'-!ay 7, 1890 ____ !Humboldt __ :China _____________ ~J.,oss of money _______________ , _____________________________ _ 17:3 )Irs. F. L. Gladding _____ -' 8'2 :Ocl.2.:;, 1888 ___ jStorey ______ .,~ew York ________ illnknown __________________ ,; ____________________________ _ 174)1. Sillaglia _______________ · 44 ')Iay 20, 1890 ___ j\Vasboe -----iItnly ______________ 'Unknown ____________________ ' ____________________ " ________ _ li5 Edward B. ('onway _______ ',42 :May 2R, 1890---IStol'ey ________ ,Ireland ____________ .Hereditary ______ ...:. __________ , ____________________________ _ 176 Bllrnardes Curley _________ 49 :July 19_ 1890 ___ Storey _____ .. '~ew York ________ ,SyphiIis ______________________ ! ____________________________ _ 177-Elizabeth D. :s-e\'ins _______


1 18 ,July 28,1890 __ \Vashoe _____ ',Lnited States _____ ',EPilepsy ________ :. _____________ 1 ____________________________ _ lIS )Irs: )Iar,r ,\nn Sargent __ 70 iAugnst 30. 1890,Esmeralda __ 'l\1assachuse!ts ___ -'DeaHI?f husband ____________ ---__________________________ _ VOLomSl\ ". PJper __________ 48 Sept. 30, 1890 __ iStorey --_____ ,Pennsylvama _____ iHeredltary ___________________ I ___________________________ __ 180 Robert W. Jenkins________ 4311X o'\". 11, 1890 --IEureka _____ 'X ew York ________ ilnjnry to head _________ • ______ , ___________________________ _ 181;Charles W. Thompson ____ 33 Xov. 16, 1890 __ Ormsby ____ .IAnJeri(.'3 __________ IIntemperanoo _________________ I ___________________________ _

, • ~. I

Page 30: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

STATElIEXT No.2. patients a4milted duriug t!w term en4-ing lkcemher 20, 1890.

NA)fE. ..... ·1 ~ ; Date of 'From What I ~ i Admission. ; County. . Place

of Xativity. Cause'of Insanity. Remark!!.

Ii James Hilton. ___________ J 3'.! 'Jan. 10, H;~!J __ .. ~.'vashoe _____ '.~[aine ____________ !U'llknown _____________________ ! ____________________ . _______ _ 2':\fathew COnnors. _________ J 38 :.Jan. 14, 1il8l'--_:]fnmboldt. __ 'WiiK'Qllsin ________ ,Mo1'phinc ____________________________ Died January 28, 1889' a,CorndiU!; Donnivan _____ .I 50 :l~eb. 14, 188!L_:Hnmboldt __ Ireland ___________ !Ardollt spirits _____________________________________________ _ 4,Uharles ).fcFarland ________ 1 48 .Feb. 23, 188lL_:8torey _______ Ohir) ______________ !:\lasturbation ------.. ---------.I'----------Died April 13,1889 5;John Geary _______________ oj 16 Feb. 23, 1889 ___ .Storey--.----XevwJa---- _______ !Heredital'Y __________________ , ________ Died August 16, 1889 6 :\fary Geary ________________ , 12 Feb. 23, 1889 ___ 'Storey _______ );'evada ___________ ;Heredif.ary __________________ .1 _____________________________ _ 7;Annie Brackman ___________ 1 40 Feb. 24, 1&"9 ___ :\Yashoe _____ . _\ustria ___________ ,Cnknown ____________________ L ___ Discharged May ~, 1889 8·Timothy Desmond _________ ! ;n ·)131'. 11,1889 __ '8torey _______ 'Am€:Tiea __________ tlntempenmoo ________________ J ___________ Died April 4, 1889 f),Josie :lIeLoo<L _____________ 1 14 .)'lar. 12, 1889 __ :8torev _______ America __________ IFever ________ .. ________________ 1. _____________________ . ______ .

10 'l'homas Breen _____________ 1 43 ')Iar. 30, 18.'>'9 __ :Uumt,oldt __ Ireland ______ -----iInjnTY t() bead _______________ I ____ Discbarged April 9, 1889 l1!.Jamcs Talbot _______________ I ____ .Al)riI 2, 1889 ___ "Vashoe _____ Tnknowll ________ ,U'nkno\~·n. ____________________ I----------Died April 22, 1889 12'S~m I,ung ___ -----__________ 134 'April 26, 1889.-:HumboldL_ 'China _____________ ,Injury to head ________________ ! _____ Dischargedl1ay 9, 1890 13:.John J,. :llel1dl'ose _________ , 35 April 27, 1889 __ 'Elko ________ Portllgal __________ :U'nknown _____________________ ! ________________ 1-____________ _

14:Mary Jane Batt1efield _____ ~!---- April 2.3, 1889 __ :Storey . ______ Tnknown ________ ;cnknown ____________________ I ____________________________ _ 15,William ::\IcQuitty _____ ----I OO::lIay 8, 1889 ____ '\\'hite Pine_ Ireland ____________ iWeak mind ______________________________________________ _ 16.John Kanld ________________ , 41 ,:May Z~, 1889 ___ .Hllmboldt _. fiermany _________ 'Intel11peranoo _______________ !_Discharged August 29,1889 17,Lee Jak __________ . __________ , 39 .. June 21, 188!) __ .'Yashoe . ____ 'China ____________ .J'V'nknowTl _____________________ I .. _______________________ . ____ _ 18;Patrick Hickey ____________ J 43.June 2';,1889 _ :Elko ________ Ireland ___________ !Ardent spirits _______________ -I-Discharged August 29,1889 19,\\'illiam Hines _____________ j 75 .. June 30,1889 __ "Vu-':!hoe _____ .Xew York ________ lunknown _____________________ I ___________ Died July 14, 1889 20 Edwin "-aYlle AdamsJ ----J 57 ·June 29,1889 __ 'Humboldt _.,)!i"higan _________ .IHereditary_. _______________________________________________ _ 21:A. Eo HenD _________ : _______ 1 (;7 .July 0, 188!1.. __ i'Vashoc _____ Hemlany _________ ilntemperanoo _________________ i _____________________________ _ 22,Rllel1··roHt. ---- -------- ----i 59 :July 15, It;89---iElko---- :: ___ ~Xew York ____ - ___ /HeredltaTY ___________________ 1 ____________________________ _ 23.UharlOH Fi!ll!hcJ' ____________ 1 z,'l :Aug.2!), 1889 __ ,Eureka _____ -:Uerrnany ________ ,Hel'editarr _________________________________ . ________________ _ 24:Mrs. A. Bi~)'y ______________ ! WJ ,Aug. 30, 1889 __ :Storey _______ f;ennany _________ !Utcrine dIsturbanoo _____________ Discharged Xov.19, 1889 2.5 .James )Ionahan.. ___________ , :W Sept. 19, 18'i9 __ j8torey ______ -'Cana'la ____________ 'ChroniC;alcoholisw ___________ j ___ Discburged April 20, 1800 2iJ .JlIllIel! 'V. C"lJant __________ : 3f) 'Sept. 1H, IH8!, __ :Elko . _______ .Indiana ___________ :U'nknown _________________________________________________ _ 27 .John Sehu<!rough __________ i 4f) ,Oet.9, 1889 ____ 'Ormsl)y _____ Irillap.rl _______ ~ ___ IOvcrwork ____________________ , _____________________________ _ 28 J. I. Grancy ___________ • ___ .j 28 ·Oct. 12, 11'~(I __ .:Storey _______ 'Irflland __________ . !Solitl1de ______________________ ! ____ Dischilrged :May 13,1890

, 29 Caroline ::\I. Kirchner __________ Oct. 12, J SIlO ___ ;Enreka .. ____ . :\Jis!l<>lIri __________ 'DiHu!Jllity _____________________ : _____________________________ _ 80 Wru. E. Lawford ___________ 1 22 :XOy_ 1;, 1"~!L __ iWhitc Pine_:Amcrie-4 __________ IHC1'e<lltary __________________ ~-!----DiSCbarged Apr117, 1800 3l.Ben. 8<?nL-----------------i 4:) :~ov.l!. lSS0- ___ iJIuIllJJOldt __ I.:h}na.------------- (!pi.llm ___ :: __________________ i ____ Discharged Nov. 25,1890 8ll.J saac Stl1art _______________ 1 57 ,;Sov. 8, 1NS9 ____ IEI1\·eka.. _____ lllino1JO .. _________ Solitm-y life _______________ I ________________________ _

Page 31: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

'?:. .~""!

ST.AT,E~IE:ST ~io. 2-C-ontinued.

...... ( i - .-. i

nate of , From "'hat: , Place Admission. i County. ; -of Nativity. !

i Cause of Insanity.

I i i


Remarks.' -

_, I I t 8.3 George OneL ____ ,, __________ , 2/; X'fL2fi, lS'>'fI __ -IHumbolc1t ___ iGermany _________ I~ftlsturbatioD ____ ..!; _________ J _____________________ " _______ _ 34Charles Gagneur _________ -__ ' 6'1 lJec. 14, IHS!} ___ 'Humboldt _JFrance ____________ IJntemperanee ______ ~_--------:----DiSCharged Dce. 18, 1889 35 Batalollli RarlJisino ________ ' 4fl 2-,}, 11,1)0 ___ ; \\'a;shoo ____ ckItaly ______________ Intelllpcranee _________________ ' ____ Di.!!charge<1 Xov. 21, 1890 36 Henry F. Sayer ____________ 40 Feh- 20>, 1800 ___ 'Ormsby _____ INew Jersey _______ 'llJnknOWn ___________________________________________________ _ W1 Alexander Pollock _________ 4!Il'-e)-)_ '£i, 1800 ___ Washoe _____ JCanrula East ______ Injnry to head _______________ L __ Diseharged April 22, 1890 38'Charles F. Sadler ___________ :;fi ;\Ian::h 4, lii91L _iI.andcr _____ -'Pmssia ___________ Parlllysis _____________________ 1 ____________________________ _ 39 Katherine I,yng ___________ , ~ -;\tar<:h 10, 1800_:I,ander ------IIreland ___________ ll;nknown ____________________ -'I _____________________________ _ 40 Joseph Politta _____________ ) ____ ;\far<·h 21, ISfJO_''''ashoe _____ Switzerland _______ UJlknoWIL ________________________________________________ _ 41 Hoy ;\fa Suc .. ______________ , 4f} ;\far'!h 22, 18!)(/_:Storey _______ IChina _____________ Upiurn ______________________ I _____________ ~ ____ c _________ _ 42 .Ioseph :\Iiller _____________ J 4'j .;\Iar<!h 22, 1800_iStorcy _______ !Ireland ___________ Internpcrenoo _________________ I _____ lJischarged June 1, 1890 43 Hans Heinrieh _____________ , 50 lfarch 2~, l!i'JO.lNye --------_IGennany _________ Unknown _____________________ \ ________ ~ ____________________ -44 Timothy Dooley ____________ : 61 April 7, ]!;9() ___ :]~smeralda __ IIreland----------- Injury to head-_______________ ! _____________________________ _ 4'5lIary McHugh _______ ---TTl 51) April !J,l800 ___ :fitorey _______ iIl'eland ___________ IUnknown __________________________________________________ _ 46" .Jim Track," Indian _______ : :~') AJ)ril Zl, 18!J1) __ IJ_'mder ______ '1\evada ____________ !LO~S of child ______________________________________________ _ 47.Tohn Dunlap _______________ ~ _April 16, 1800 __ 1J~Iko ________ !Pennsylvania _____ Ardent spirits _____________________________________________ _ 48;\lat. hen Cro\\-ley~ ___________ i 44 lfay I;, l~OO ____ \1'Jtorey ______ 1' Ireland ------ ----- Ardent spiIits _______________ , _____________________________ _ 49. Lee Song Foy ____________ J 40 lJay 7, lllOO ____ IHumholdt __ China _____________ Lo8.'1 of money ________________ ! _____________________________ _ 50 lIri!. Amos Alt _____________ ' 40 :\[ny 9, lii91L __ "Tashoe _____ United States _____ overwork _____________________ I ___ ~Diseharged May 21,1890 51lf. Sina~lia-----------------: 44 liay W, 189(L_'I,vashoe ____ .lItaly ______________ Unknown __________________________________________________ _ 52 Pflrr~' Koister ______________ ; fJJ l[ay 2/), 1800 ___ 'Vasboe ____ -'France ____________ lJnknown _____________________ I _________ ElOped Oct. 20, 1890 5-3 Charles D. Appleton ______ .: M lIay:ZO, 18f)(L_iWa",hoe -----lUllited States _____ Alcoh<;,lisrn __________________ --______ DIed" AUb'Ust 13,1800 54,Edward B. Conway_TroT_TTl 42 :\Iay 28, 1890 ___ iStoroy _______ IrelanlL-__________ 1Herl'dltary _______________________________________________ _ 55'Mrs.71Iary Thomasson _____ ; 28 lIay 3O,l8f)(L __ 'Esmeralda __ 'Mexico ___________ unknown _____________________ \ ___ Dlscharged Sept. ]5,1890 56 Cbarles Nelson ___________ j 29 Jnne 7, 1800 ___ \Washoe _____ ISweden ___________ Unknown _________________________ Di.scbarged June 12, 1890 57 Barnardes Curley __________ ! 49 July 19, 1800 ___ 'Storey _______ INew York ________ Syphilis ____________________________________________________ _ 58 EJj7~'lbeth D. Nevins ________ 1 ]8 .July 28,I8f)(/ ___ I'Yashoe -----ITJ. 'nited States-____ !EPllepsr ______________________ ------;------.----------------59.John Fagan ________________ ! 42 .July 29. 1800 ___ :0rlllsby _____ Il'eJaIl(L ___________ Alcoholism -______________________ DISCharged Sept. 16,1890 60 )Irs. :Uary Ann Sargent ____ ' 70 Aug. 30, 1890 __ 'Esmeralda __ l\lassaeh1lSf)tts ____ lJeath of husband _________________________________________ _ 61'Louisa \V. Piper ___________ 1 4!3 Sept. 30, 18!!(L1Storey _______ iPennsylvania-----!Hereditary--------------_---_- _____________________ ,, _______ _ 62_Annie clarkc---------------I44 0(1. 2';, 18fJO __ -'jEUrCka ______ IFlOrida ____________ iMenapanse -----------_____________ Died November 8, 1890 f~3.Rohert ,1fmkinkl ____________ 4-3 :Sov.lI ,11>00 ___ Eureka ______ New York ________ iInjl1ry to head ________________________ ' _____________________ _ M Charle" 'V. Thompson _____ 3:1 I)€(:, If;, 1800 ___ iOrmsby _____ America __________ :Intemperanoo ______________________________________________ _

: , ' I !


Page 32: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

- ~ •.. : .. ;-~


Slwwing list ofpolienls disclto,,'ged during term, endi'ilg December 20, 1890.

[I .::.-! Date of iFrom What i Place ! C.. f Insa' i'·. Date of ! ?; Admission. : County. i of Nativity.: an.!Ie 0 nity. t Discharge. ReIlllU"ks.

: 'I I I Ii' I:CharlC!! Te<,'ter_________ 28 Dec. 5, 1888 ____ Humboldt __ Sweden _______ IInwmperanco-------IApri19, 1889 __ .1 ______________________ Cal'ed 2;T. Brt'CI'-- ______________ 1 4!{ }Iart'h 30, 1800-IHumboldt __ Ireland ________ .lnj1lry to head _____ JApril9, 1889 ___ '-____________________ .:Cured 3; Michael Warner ______ -! 28 Dec. 3,1888 ____ Elko ________ Swit7.erland ___ IUnknowu __________ -'April9, 1889 ___ L _____________________ Cured 4'Sam Lung ______________ I34 'April 26, 1889--IHumholdt __ ,China __ . ------IInjury to head _____ .IMay 91.1889--__ l ______________ ~~----- Cured v'Phillip Lewlll __________ 29 Apri123, 1886 __ Washoe ____ -'Germany _____ \uDknown ___________ !lIay l;j, 1889 ___ 1 _____________ ~· _____ Cured 6;Anna Brockman _______ ; 40 Fel). 24, 1889 __ .iWashoe _____ IAustria _______ Unknown ___________ !May 26, 1889 ___ ! ____ ~------. ._ . ______ (lured 7lJob~ Kau~d-----------.lI41 }Iay 23~ 1889---1J!umboldt __ IGermany _____ IIntempera~<;e-------:June 6, 1889c __ ; __________ • .... _______ eured s"patnck HIckey ________ 4-3 ,June 2~, 18&'L!Elko ________ IIreland ________ IArd~nt sJ!mts------ ~ug. 26, .IS8!Ll ____________ . _~ ________ Cured 9:}lrs. A_ Bisbee _________ : 39 August 30, 1889,Storey ______ IGermany _____ Utenne disturbanco,:Nov, 19, 1889 __ ! _________________________ Cured

10 Ben SOnL ______________ 1 4-3 'Noy.9, 1889---IIHumboldt --JCbina _________ :Opium ______________ :Nov. 25, 1889_.1 _________________________ Cnred :"

ll:Charles Gagnenr _______ ; 3-3 Dec. 14,1889--- Humboldt._ France ________ ilntemperanoo _______ !Doo. 5, 1889 ___ )1 _____________ " _________ Cured -.:. l~:Wm. E. Lawford------l' 82 'Nov. 9, 1889---iLal1der _____ jAmerica ______ !Hered~tary-----:----;Apr!l7, 1890 ___________________________ Cured

. 13,J. Monahan ____________ 40 Sept_ 19, 1889 __ ,Storey ______ ICaD~da--------:Ch.roDJc alcoholism-IApl"!I20, 1890 __ ! _________________________ Cared l!,A1exa,nder pollOCk'--~I5() :Feb.27, 1800---JWashoe _____ Can,lda ________ I~nJ!lry to bead ___ ·· __

1Apnl22, 1890_+ ________________________ Cured

1vJ. J. Graney. __________ 29 ,Oct. 12, 1R8!L __ ,Storey ______ IrelamL _______ ,SOhtude _____________ ,May 13,1890 ___ , _______________________ Cured 16'M!"!!. Amos Alt ________ ! 40 May 9, 1800_~ __ \Washoe _____ United Statos-iO,erwork-----------iMay 21, 1890 ___ I _____________________ Improved 17: Eli7.abeth Hart---------i 56 August 22, 1888jStorey ______ England ______ ,Unknown ___________ ,June 7, 1890 ___ ' _____________________ Improved 18;Joseph ~Iiller __________ : 47 :lIarch 22,l800_,Storey ______ Ir~land--------IIntemperance-----_-?une 7, 1890 __ .1 _______________________ Cared 19Gbarles NelsoD ________ ' 29 June 7, 1890 ___ IWashoe _____ S\,eden _______ lunknown ___________ \JUne12, 1890 ___ 1 _______________________ Cured 2O;Mrs. Mary Thomassonl 28 :May 30. 1800 ___ \ESmeralda __ Mexico ________ Unknown_~ _________ iSept. 15,1890--,------------------------ cur, ed 21,John Fagan ____________ 1 42 .July 29, 1890 ___ Ormsby _____ IrelaruL _______ jAloohollsm _________ Sept. 16,1890--1----------------------- Cured 22iBartalomi Barbisino ___ !40 :.Jan. 25,1890--- Washoe _____ Italy ---_______ IIotemperance-------!Nov. 21, 1890-+----___ :-7_._:-_____ ~-~.--:- Car~

Page 33: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

~-..,............-~ --~---'---.,.---~ --, -~ ,:~.:y:


Showing list of patients died dwiny the term cndittg Decemher 20, 1890.

I I I' i i, ,?:-: Date of I From What i 1')a(,6 C fl' I Date '? ' Amisssion. , County. ,of ;.iativity.! ause 0 nsaDlty. of Death. Cause of Death.

~'Mathew (Jounel'8 ______ \38 :Jan. !4. 18.'!!L_IH~ml;o)dL_!'YiSCOnl!in ___ JMorphine ________ jJan. 28, 1889---i-- Excessive ~se of morphine 2 Adam Rehc.r __________ 26 ,Dec. "I, 1876 ____ "aslJ(>C _____ :( .. erlD~ny., ____ IUnknoym ___________ !Jan. 29, 18S9 ___ , ______ COngestion ?f t~e lu~gs 3 Jacob naiJfJy~~ __________ 1 58 July 1.>,1887 ---ILander ______ ,France ________ ,PanpenslD __________ ,Feb. 4, 1889 ____ . _______________ Bram sofienmg 4 Robert Hopo __________ , 62 :;\larch 20, 1887\HumboldL_'Unknown _____ :Unknown ___________

1i:March 15, 1889_: ____________ ~_Seni1e gangrene

i)'Aloort B. Jolnulon _____ 1 4-5 Sept. 6, 1887 ___ ,Eureka _____ ~:\Iaine _~ .. _____ :Unknown ___________ March 31, 1889_: _____________________ Paralysis () Timotbl' Desmond ----j ~ ,:.Iarch 11, 1889;Storey ______ :Louisiana ____ :Intemperance ______ iApri14, 1889 ___ 1 ________________ Consumption 7 Charles ~lcl·'arlancL ___ 1 43 ,Fel). 23, 1889---iStorey ______ :Ohio __________ i:Masturbation _______ 'ApriI13, 1889 __ ' _________________ Consnmption 8 Francisco __ -----------~i 49 ;Sept. 211, 1875 __ !Elko ________ 'Unknowll ____ JUnknown ___________ iAprill.5, 1889 __ L _____________________ Diabctes

. 9 James Talbot,~---__________ April 2, 1889 ___ :Washoc _____ ilJnknown ____ -'lJnknown ___________ iApril22, 18S9 __ L ______________ Brain softening 100. T. Brown ______ -----\4-3 Nov. '.tI, 1888 __ ,Washoe _____ :New York ____ )ntemperance ______ !~Iay 26, 1889 __ j __________________ Alcoholism 11 John L: Bostone _______ ;?-,?April30, 1886 __ ;01'msuy _____ :~~m~rica . ______ ;Epileps~-----------~:June 9,1889 __ + _____________ -----_Apoplex,Y 12 Wm. Hmes ____________ ! Ii) ,June 30, 1889 __ IWashoe ____ .. New YOlk ___ .. Unkno~ n ___________ ,July 14,1889 __ , _____________________ ParaIysls 1310!t~ Grorr ------- ----I 16 Feb. ~, 1889---iSt,?rey -- _____ iNe.ada _______ ineredi~ry _ .--------iAugllst 16.1889:-_________________ ~ :\I~us 14 WIllIam '\\ ood ________ 1 GSJuly HI, 1883 __ .. '\\ a.<;hoe _____ .England ------iLead polsonmg _____ iOctoberll, 1889j _______________ Bram SOItemng 15.Jane sinlfleron---------l 62 August 16, 1880 Storcy __ • ____ !!reland ________ ID~ppointment ----iNov. 20, 1889 __ j __________ Cancer of tbe wom.b 16Joseph C.Tweed ______ 1 48 Jan. 26, 1888 ___ ,Storey -------!lreland--------!Unknown-----------:Dec. 22, 1889---

I------------C!eneral paralYfns

. 17 George Walli!lg _____ --I ~Aug:uSt 17, 1887\OnnSbY -----IEl!gl~nd ______ :UnknoWll: __________ 1Jan. 2,1890 _________________ General p!lrJllysis 18 Geor~e W. PIckett ____ I 38 .A 1'1129,1884 __ Lander ______ :\b!lhlgan _____ :\lastnrbatlOn _______ :.Jan. 10,1800 ___ 1 _____________________ Epilepsy 19,Luigl Maglia __________ .i 48 :1\rarch 2, 1881._ Eureka _____ JItaly ---_______ iEpilepsy ____________ I1\farch 2, 1890 __ !Epilepsy, congestion onnngs 2lJ'P. Mallotl _____________ -' 54 ,June 20,188"2 __ Storey _______ llreland ________ llnjury to head ______ I~[arch 2O.t..-!.890.! ___ Congestion of the stomach 2t:Peter Cavanaugh ______ 1 41 :Nov. 21,1888 --'IOrmSbY ____ .!New York ____ !Ardent spirits ______ .July 4, 1!jW __ -1----------- __________ Paralysis 22 Thomas Gillen ________ -'-___ ·:March 5, 1885 __ ,Eilmeralda _.IIreland ________ 1Ardent spirits ______ \JUly 7,1890 ___ L ___________________ Apoplexy 23J,ames M. Rodin ______ I58 ;Dec,13, 1882 ___ Lander ______ 'Sw~en- _~ ____ 'Religio~ ____________ July 7, 1890 ___ 1_ Orgaulc disease.of the h~rt 24 Charles D. Appleton ___

1 54 :\Iay 20, 1890 ___ .Washoe _____ ,Umted States-IAlcohollsm ________ '",AugustI3, 1890

1--------------..Bram softenmg

2.5 Madison Loooidt ______ 1 71' Jan. 11, 1873 ___ :<!nnflby _____ 'Yir~inia ______ ,Hereditary - ________ !Sept. 2, 1890 ___ . _________________ Consumption ~ Annie Clarke __________ , 44 ,October24, 1890 Eureka ~ ____ :Flor1da ________ 'Menopause _______ .. ·Nov. 3, 1890 ___ I ______ Congestlon of the lungs 2j'Mathow Foley _________ ', 58 :l\Iay 17, 1887. __ iEureka -----ilrelaud-_______ iUnknown ___________ iNov. 29,1800 --I--------------..Brain softening :' I i I

Page 34: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


.. S1wwiiag list of potient8 dopul. during t1w .term CJUlirig. Deceml>er 20, 1890 .

. 1jAntone Berger _______ J,7I ,iSePt.4, 188iL:_IWtlSbOO _____ IGe~y __ ~ __ I'unknown ___________ IFeb. 6, 1800. ----l-------Retumed Aprll28, 1800 : 21 Lee Song Foy __________ 40 lfay7, 1800 ____ Humboldt __ .Chma _________ LossotmGDeY ______ 1JUly ll,ll'.ro ___________ Rettll'UOO July 18,1800 '8iPerryXo1sier _________ 50 May20, 1800 ___ !Washoo _____ IFrance -______ UnknoWIL __________ Oct. 20, li!9II-___ ! _______________________________ _

1 I , I· I,·

\ . I.

Page 35: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

'. 36


<'<'~:"'?}/~~~~~~;~~~?J!t~ . ~

01 . ~1

"~ '.';

- - ~ ... " :~


I ' Under Meen---------------------I------; ., 2 2 Fifwen to twenty _______ '-__ .. _ ------1 ,1 1 2 Twenty to twent~-five------ ________ 1 2 ________ 2 Twenty-five to thirty _______________ 1 3 1 4 'Thirty w thirty-five ________ -------1 4 1 a Thirty·five to forty - _______ ---- ____ I .. 8 ": 1 I 9

Forty to fifty ----- ---- ------ ------1 18 41 I 22 F!fty to &ixty ---- ------ ------ -----i 9 10 ~lXty to sev~nty ------ --------------1, 2 -____ : ____ 1 -2 Seventy to eIghty _____ . ____________ : 1 _ 1 2 Eighty and over _________________ -1 ________________ --------Unknown __________________ ------1 2 2 _ _ 4 _

!----!-_--I----TotAL _________________________ \ 00 I


.. , lj

.14 64


Sltmoin!l residence of patients admitted.

CoUNTIES. ! Male. 'I Female. I Total

I - I Churchill ------ ------ ------ ______ 1:.. ___ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----Douglas ________________________________________________ _ Elko______ ______ ______ ______ ____ a ____ ____ 5 Esmeralda _______ ______ ______ ____ 1 2 3 Eureka__ ______ ______ ______ ______ ' 3' 2 5 Humboldt _ ______ ______ ______ ____ 10 ____ ____ 10 Lander__ ______ ______ ______ ______ ',2 ~;, 1 . 3 Lincoln ________________________________________________ _ Lyon _______________________________________________ , ____ _ Nye_ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ ] ____ ____ 1 Onnsby ______ • ______ ______ ______ 4 ____ ____ 4 Storey _________ ______ ______ ______ 10 .. 6 ]6 Washoe _ ______ ______ ______ ______ 12 3 15 WhitePine_______________________ ,- 2 _~.______ 2

Total _________________________ _ 50 14 64

Page 36: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


" .. ~;:·:'~~">~~··~··:~lf~~~:~~.~;~-'::~!S~~~~r . ',-/I .' ,".--r. ' ..

"" \


Sl'A'l'EMENT,:NQ.' 8.'


d ..... _;===== ---~1~-71~~~-~ " --.-

, '. I' I , United States _________ .;. ______ ----- 191' ,;8 (.27 , Austria __________ ,-____________________ ,-__ ': ':" 1- , ",1 " China ___________________________ 1 5 '1 ________ 1 ,:.0 5'

Canada _____ :.. ---- ------ ------ ----I'.. ,,' 2 ---- -'--- : ,'. ",2 ' . France ___________ ,..______________ 2 _____ -- ,;',2 " Germany ________________________ ' 5 ' ,1 6 Ireland____ ______ ____ ______ ______ 10 2 .12 Italy______ ______________________ 2 ________ ' ,2 Mexico________ __________________ ________ 1 1

Prussia __ ~ __________________ ,- ____ 1 1 ------.'-11 1 Portugal-________ ------ ---- ______ 1 1 ,---- ---- 1 Switzerland --.,.--------__ ---- ______ 1 1 1____ ____1 Sweden ________ ------------------1 1 1--------,1 lTnknown-----------~ -----..,-,..----t 1 ! 1 I 2

j , I' TotaL _________________________ ! 50 I 14

, . 64

Page 37: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

'~_~N~~~!:;~~~:"- :.~ .. -,. i. ~. ~ . L

:c_._:, _. ','c'-


STATEm1NT,,'NO>·9." '

, ';

Sh.ouring the ~,\'XW8e,of ~m ~ admitted.

'C.A:USE. I Male. , I {'Female. I I ' I

Ardent spirits ______ ______ ____ ____4 --------Chronic alcoholism ______ ______ ____ ' 3 --------Disability _______________________________ _ i 1

Death of bushand ________________________ _ 1 Epilepsy ________________________________ _ 1 Fever __________________________________ _ 1 Hereditary _____________________ ~ _ 6 2 Intemperance_____________________ 7 --------Injury to head______ ______ ____ ____ 5 --------Loss of child ____ ______ ____ ____ __ _ 1 Loss of money ______ ______ ____ ____ ,1 :Morphine ______ ______ ______ ______ 1

--------1 ----------------Masturhation_ .:.___ ______ ____ ______ 2 --------lrfeuopause __________ .,. ___________________ _ 1

Overwork _______________________ ' 1 1 Opium ______ ______ ____ ____ ______ 2 --------Paralysis ____ ______ ________ ______ 1 --------Solitude ________ ______ ___________ 1 --------Solitary life ______ ______ ______ ____ 1 --------Syphilis ____ ____ ______ ______ _____ 1

Uterine disturbance _______________________ _ --------1 Weak mind ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ 1 --------Unknowu____ ____ ________ ____ ____ 12 5

Total _________________________ - 50 14 I

\ .. ~- -; .... ,--'


4 3 1

.'! 1 1 1 8 7 5 1 1. 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1



- - --_._:;:

" ~.

" \,

Page 38: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


,STA~NT NO. 10. \ ,

ShooJi:Ag fmm.,of ~,iv"tlW86~.

~~~~,~" ,'--.-- -~~ ---~~~-----, " " " --- \"

Dementia ______ -------- ------ ---- ______ 1 186,'",; 2.4 Dementia,{!QugenitaLc..__ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ 1'1 Dementia Senile ____ ------ ---- ---- ______ 1 1 , ,1 GeneraL ___ ': ______ ~ _____ •. _____________ - 1 1 Imbooility _____ ------------ ____________ 1 " 1 1-_____ ' 1 Mania ______ - _________________________ 1 12 3,' 16 Mania acute ____________________________ 1 9 I 1" 10 l1ouoma~a---- ------ ------ ---___ ------li 6 ______ ,6 MonomanIa ueute ______________________ =±j______ '1 Progressive chronic ________________ . ______ 1______ 1 : 1

UnknOWll--__ ---- --~- -- ------ ------ ----1 1 __ 2-1~ __ 3

. TotaL __ - -~--~- ------------ ---- .,.---i 50 I 14,\ 64:


Showing civil tXmduwu. in th.os£ adm:itted.

CoNDlTIOOi. Male. I Female. I Total.

! ' Married _________________ ~ ______ j 13 i 7 !20 Single ___________________________ 1 '3.') i 5 i 38 \ 'T'd ' I 2 ' 2

";/doWS - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- i ---- --1--' ! ,'t 1 o'Wers ------ ------ ------ --___ .. 1 ,---- ----1, 1 Unknown ________________________ 1 3 , ________ 1 3

I : '--Total-----------.,--------------l 501 14 \ 64

Page 39: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

,·t ..


STATEMElI.TiNo. : 12.,

,,8kooratg~oo:;upoJf,oo,'of ~ admiJk<l~ ,

, " " Ooo'\JPATION. ! M~e. I Female., I Total.

Blacksmith ______ ' ____________ '____ 1 ________ ',", '1 Butcher _______ -_________________ ,1 ________ 1

.. Cooper __________________________ 1 ________ ,'.,: ' '1 COOk-_______ ~--- - _____ .;", _____ --.:._ ·3 ________ 3 Carpenter ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ 2 ____ ____ '2 Domestic __________________ ----__ ____ ____ 1 ' '1

. Dres.."ll1aker __________ ---- ---- --__ ____ ____ 1 1 Farmer:.._________________________ '2 ________ '2 Gambler _________ ---- -------- --__ 2 _.,..______ 2 HOlL...:ewife _____ ----__ - ___ ---- --__ ! ____ ____ 7 7 Hostler ______________ ------'-----_ l' ________ '1 Laborer ------- ------ ------ ----__ '1 - 18 -------- 18 Liquordealer--------------------- 1 ________ 1 ~filhllan _____ ---- ------ ------ ---- " 1 ____ ____ 1 Miner ___________ --______ ---- --__ 2 ____ ____ 2 Merchant ____________________ -___ 1 ____ ____ 1 MachinisL- ___________________ -'- __ j 1 ____ ____ 1 None ________ ---- ---- ---- ---- --__ I 1 4 5 Prospect{)r _____ ------------ ------\ 1 ---- ____ I 1 School teacher ---- ---- ---- ---- --__ I 1 ---_ --__ 1 Sheepherder ________________ ------ 3 ____ ____ 3 Stockraiser- __________________ ---_ 1 ____ ____ 1 Stableman _____ ---- ---- ---- ------ 1 1____ ____ 1

, Stonecutter _____ - _____ -_____ ------ 1 ____ ____ 1 Teamster ________ --__ ---- ---- ---- 1 ____ ____ 1 Woodchopper ____ - _______ - ___ ---- 1 ____ ____1 Unknown ________ -_______ ---- ---- --__ ____ 1 1 Wood sawyer ----- ---- ------------, 1 1________ 1 Railroadman _____________ - ___ ---_' 1 ____ ____ 1

----:----50 'I 14l 64

Total ________________________ _

Page 40: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

'; .... '


, ,STATEMENTiNO. i i3.

Fo~ OF IliS.UU\,. ,---

Male. ~FemaIe.1 Total. , Yale. I Fem8le.1 Total.

Deme~t!a___________ . 2 ______ 21 12 ,1 13 ! DementIa naturaL ___ ------ ------ ______ 1 1,1

Dementiasenile ________________________ 1 1 ' "1 General ____________ l' ' 1 ____ ... _1 ________ ~ __ _ Mania______________ 6 1 7 5 [______ '5 M~ sub acute_____ 1 1 ______ 1 ______ --:-,..-;---Mama ac~te--------- i) 5 3

1----:---',. ,3

MonomanIa --_______ 1 1 2 ______ 1" 1 Monomania' acute-___ 1 1 _____ .;.I~ _____ ------Paralysis ----------- ------ ______ 1______ 1 ------ '1 Unknown----_______ ______ 1 1 2 ______ 2

Total ____ ---- ____ I 171 31 '20 25\ 2 27


~1WllJ'im.g cases discharged recover~.

DuratIon Before I As~lum I WDoleDuration Admission. Residence. From the Attack.,

PERIOD. ~ g ""_0 '" ge. ., ,~ -~ !oj 103 I ~ I !oj E'~ 'r( ~ 103

~ ~ i! ~ I ~ r" ~' f Under one mo, nth',,_________ll ______11 16 ~ __ . __ ! 65 _~----,' 5 One to three months_________ 2 ______ 2 (I 2 I 5 4 2 - 6 Three to six month!'-________ 1 1 2 4 '1 5, (I ____ ~_ ,3 Six to twelve months -- .---- ----.- ------ ______ 11 __ ' ____ 1 3 8' -.---_ :3 One to two yea1'll_ ----------- 1 11 2 ------ ------ ----T- 1 '_~---- ,.1 Two to five years ____________ ______ ______ ______ 1 ______ j 1 1 1 ,,2 Five to ten years _________ .__ ______ 1 1 ________________________ . __ ~ _______ _

Ten to twenty years _________ ----__ , ------ ______ ----._ ------1------ ____ .- _ .. ___ -----~ Over twenty years - -----, ---- ------,------ ------ ------ ------1'----- ------ -----,-j-'-----UuknowtL___________________ ______ ______ 2 __________________ ------ ------ -----_

I ' -1--- 1--.-, TotaL ___________ ._ _______ 17 (I 20 17 3 20 17 1J 20


Page 41: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


, , .. '


STATEMENT ,:No. 'la. '. ,"" ,"."." -', .. " ,

i.' I

Duration Beibre 'I' " .Asylwn , .Adwiaa!oD." ' ResilIence. l ~, hole Duration

from the Attack.

e: ~ I'~' ~ 'I","l "~ ;. 'e e $' .~, £ e. ,'I e': f ~ : ~ I J I , t 1

'Co1W3nitaL ______________ .J 1 ll----,i 1 ---- -----~----- .-----!-,.~--- --, ---. Under onemontlL-________ =l 9 _____ ~ 9 2 1 3 ,2 ______,2 One to tb7ee montbs _________ ! 4 ______ I 4 5 , ______ 5 2 1~ ____ 2 Three to six months _________ ------i------\'------ 1 ------ 1 '2 r----- ',2 Six to twelvemontha. ___ ~ ___ 1 2 I 1 ;; 1 -_____ 1 ______ 1 ,1

Onetotwo ye8r8------------1 2 '------t 2 4 ------1 4;; 3 Two to five yeal!l____________ 2 '1______ 2 2 ------ 2 4 -----. .. Five to ten years ___________ 1 1 1 2 6 ' 1 7 7 ______ '1 Ten to twenty years. _____________ + _____ L_.... 4 ______ 4 " 1 6

-over twEollty Y<llIJ'S.----------\'-_____ i ______ L _________________ [ ______ 1 ____________ •• __ ._

UnknoWD ________ .,-________ 4 [------i 4 ------ ------i------I------ ------ ------,TotaU.-----------------·"251 2 127~r2ril1 20) !2Z1


For the Tenn.

Male. I Femal~, I Total.

{'..ongcnitaL -_____ , ______ - ___ - _____ 1 3 4 Under one montb_ -_______________ 21 2 23 One to three montbs _______________ 8 1 9 Three to six montbs _______________ 3 1 4 Six to twelve months ______________ 3 1 4 One to two, years.,. _________________ 3 ------- 3 Two to five years _________________ -------- 2 2 Five to ten years _________________ ~ '3 3 6 Ten to twenty years _______________ 2 -------- 2 Over twenty years _________________ 1 -------- ~ Unknown ________________________

1} 1 6

Total. _____ " _____ , ________ .,. _____ 50 I 14 64

Page 42: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


STA~:NO. '17.

Blwwii1JJ Ogea at tv'4ich ·iiUimity 'fIUIik its ~ ,

" ,.:" FOB THE Tux.

congenitaL ____________________ ~~ _____ 1 1· 3 4 . I ' FIfteen years and under __________________ , _________________ _

Fifteen to twenty years -_________________ 1_. ---- ------ --,.,,~-

~enty totwenty~five years---------------1 .: ______ .··;··2 TWenty-five to thIrty years -------":'-------i t) 27 Thirty to thirty-five years ------ --________ 1 4 37 Thirty-five to forty years _________________ j 6 1 7 F?rty to ~y years ---- ------ ---- --______ I 18 1 19 F!fty to Slx~yyears---- __________________ ) 9 1 10 SIXty to seventy years ____ ----______ ------i 3 1 4 Seventy to eighty years __________________ ! ______________ -: __ _ Eighty and over ------ ---- ---- ------ ____ 1 ______ ------ ------Insane for years ________________________ 1 ______ ------ --.• ---UnknOWll ___ . ___ -------_________________ 1 2 2 4

.. Total ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ ______ 50 14

I j

1 1

Page 43: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

,.,0 ·'~'~;.~;'r~~'~('~::~;:'

'". " (~


STAT~'T; ,;NO;, 18-, \ .' . - -.' .. . . '. ..~ - . '

. ~ .. ' , , Gains 1 'LO/j~, I Daily AVerages-

.Admi!l.siOIlll. D1sc~ etc. ! 1889-1890.


~1 l j ~ !;oI

~ ~ ! =:: to;! ~ .1:;;.-') e: 0

! ~

::: E 9 E 2- 8 £ S-

Q '$0 0

~ , . - .

: I ,

F ,

: , , , ' , , ,

lB89. , January _____________________ _


r~J:::::::::::::::==:::=::·: July ___________________ ~ ____ _ AugusL _____________________ _ September ___ • ____________ _ October _____________________ _ November __________________ _ December _________________ _

1890. January _____________________ _ ~~~~~~_::::::::::::::::::::l


I ,'1,/ I 2 ;------ 2 '2 1 I 3 1131.791 35.901167.69 3 ; 2 5 1 ______ 1 : 1:10.00' 35.36/166.29 2 1 1 3 2 ______ 2 I 13:3.lOi 37.611170.71 :3 j 1 .. 7 7 129.94 38.53'168.47 2 i 1 3 :3 ,1 4 i 128.071 39.74'167.81 ~ ;------ 4 2 2 ; 126.93: 39.ooi 165.93 -1 ,i----

1-- 2 1 ------ 1 1130•681 39.00,169.68

2 2 1 3 ,13O'~i 39.ooj 169.39

~ r---i-, ~ ---~2-1----j" ----a-i ~~~: :::i: ~~:~, 51 1,;·,----1 .. -'" 5 1 2 :3 i 13UU: 38.24,173.17 22


______ 2 ! 135.771 37.W; 173.71

12 t_-_-_-_-_-_! 1 2 ------ 2 \133.55. 38.00: 171.55 2 1 ' ______ , 1, 1~.50' 38.00! 171.50

5 : 1 j 6 2 1 I ,:3 1135.61 38.29j 173.90 4 \ 1 I 5 8 ______ 3 ,137.87 38.5.3i 176.40 6 : 3 , 9 1 1 " 2 141.13, 39.811 180.94 ,I 1 _____ ..1 1 2 1 :3 14.3.37 40.2.3' 18.3.60

July _________________________ ..! 3 1 14 4 ------1 4' 140.74 40.13; 180.87 August..--------------_____ + _____ i 1 I 1 1 j______ 1 114l.~ 41.00i 182.39 September -------_______ " ___ ,' ______ ' 1 I 1 2 , 1 3 ,139.58 41.50,181.00 October --__________________________ 1 2 I 2 1 1------ 1; 138.61 42.20,' 180.81 November _________________ -' 1 'I __ ~---I 1 2 , 1 3 ,138.1.3 4.'1.07 181.:?D December ___________________ / 1 ------ 1 ______ ' ______ 1 ______ : 137.26, 43.00/180.25

.--,--11----1,--1--'--.----TOtal ______________________ 1 5.3, 18 71 46 11 57 : ______ , ______ ------,-I __ I ____ I __ ! __ ' __ ' ____ _

Daily average--------------I-----+-----i------I------I------i------; 134.84! 39.241 174.08



Page 44: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

: ,:.-~ ~;',~~J;..¥

. ;. r"··"~f:.'t ,"

.-.-----.. ".:,~ .. --:- .'~' ~~

.< ··",t. ~>


SJwwim.g gaim, losses, daily averages and daily coat per, patient -since ~ing ,AaylTLm, July 1, 1882.

I I 'C"d ' "t: I Gains, I WS8eS. I ' Daily Averages. ~~ no I

Admissions. Dischatges, etc. '0 c°--: !

I a~n

, ~g I - ;:; i &iper4ttendents. TEmI. '

~ 1

~ 1-3 ~

I ~ ! '3

~ ·1 ~ I ~

''<j'tS ,e ~'O 1, ~if

c~_ i 0 I r - s:t ! [ g e. s ~ ! = I [ I

1 : ~ ... I " " e. , :. I 'Eo I t::'li I : a~ I : 1 , i . ! I ,

p : 1 c , : I f

, ~'" i;;s~ I , , : , ! : I. f· ,

c'''' ! , , , , ' 1

I i: ! I I I i July 1, 1882 _________ ! 117 31 148 ---- ____ 1 ____ , ______ 1_ -----! ---- --, - - -----1-------1 ---- -------- --.,.-December 31,1882----120 3 23 27 41 31 i------i------i144M: 8974 IA. Dawson, M. D. 1883 and 1884___ ____ 62 16 78 50 8, 58 :114/0°0'1 35No ,14910-\1 791

80°0 67M !-8. Bishop,M. D.

1885 and 1886___ ____ 48 7 55 47 7' 54 121 6 G '38 4 '159 7 0 ' 69 92 62-fh! 8 B' sh M D I . TIiO; TOlJ:' TIiOI ToO' 0 1-' lOp, . . 1887 and 1888 _______ I 49 8 57 41 .10 51 :124fdt-i 37-NO' :161~: 80m 6319060 ;-8. Bishop, M. D. 1889 and 1890 _______ 50 14 64 43 7 50 )34/0\: 39M i174rlo1 65j'Vo 57-Nu !_8. Bishop, M. D.

I ' , , I :, ,


Page 45: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

. ,r\'~~~:~~y:5;~:~> ~ .. ~ .. >~:,. . " , ..... '

, ,"

STAT~'T .No.2o.

. Slwwifi/{} avet'afJ,e number QJ:pa1i.ems daily employed· d'llring' the ~


~ E I I


January _~~~_. ________ I 8.521 2Jlti

5.12! Zl.2XI 7.03 3O.21 February _______ •• ______ ~.~: 2.75' 5.56;23.84 6.42 30.28 Mart·h _______ • ___________ 1 0...... 2.5.3: 6.~; 24.87 5.74 30.61

tla~-::=~:=:===::=:::= ~.~: ~~ ~~! ~:~ ~:=I ~ June ___________ .________ 8:2.~: 3_~5' 8.10 2XI.88 8.46 35~34 " .

~:~~;st:::=:=:::::=:::=:= ~~: tt~ ~:~i ~~ ~~I ~~ September • ______ ._______ Il.z:;' 5.67 8.68' 27.3.j 11.11 38.46 ....... , ... . October ________ ... ______ 8.31; 4.91)' 7.1:!31 28.40 10.901 31.39 _ November __ ._. _________ • 814 4.52 5.79; 2,.'{.07 9.49 33.46 December________________ 8ff.!, 4..5.~! 22.16 9.95 32.11

. 1890. , . iii I "j Januarv __ .. _____________ 5.28, 2.88 7,iii; 8.07; 4.57i ~.?,2, Zl.~II0.36 ~.68 . l"ebruary _ .... " ______ .___ 4.97: 2.80, 7.M: 8.12 3.79

1 ".60

1' 23.60 8.72

1 32.32

March _ .. _____ .... _______ 4.62 l.93 7.71l 8.1),2' 3.321 6.61 24.00 8.281

32.28 .'

t~~~_~~~~~~~~==·==========·1 ::s i~r !~ Hf !:~; i:i! ~:~I ~:E'I' E:i .~ July _ .. _.________________ 5.44 2.21 iI.f'~3 8.24' 3.21: 10.671 26.861 9.54 36.40 August __________ .... ____ 4.76 2.17 6.58 8.21

' 2.83 9.30: 26.58


7.27 33.8.5 SeptemlJer_______________ 5.36' 2.21 6.fiG 8.29 3.213.. 8.54!. 26.00 8.321 34.32 O<.:tober ___________ • __ •• __ 1 5.98' 2.34, 6.65 8.28' 4.011 8.74' 26.21 9.79j 36.00 November _______________ 5.&3' 2.21· 6.75 8.24 5.37' 7.75; 24.93 11.22i 36.15 December ________________

1 6.211 2.22 ~ 7.72, 4.74: 6.52; 23.64110.43!~

Daily average for terml 4.591 2.871

7.32j 8~ 3.7~ 7.40j 25.34 8.881 34.22 " "

., c'

Page 46: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

.' 1·


,~:.rA1~N'.C \l!{O~ .:.11.

Siwwi1lg cask ... « for 1M term..

. IMdur. . I",

To apppropriation-----------------J $85,00000 '

TotaL _______ ----_-,.:...--.,.- --.,.~-~I---,----,..,----l, e8D,OOO, 00

Credit. '.1" I . I' By SUI)porL------------:..---------1 &7,4,637 38· , By transportation ____ ,.. _____ ., _______ ! 2,318. 57, By improvemenL _________________ l 6,686 61 By ornamental grounds ______ --_____ 1 .503 64 By water supply ____ - ______________ I 608 90 $84,75510

Balance remaining in FWld----___ L ___________ . $244 90 , ! .-

De1Jtm·. I To sale of live stock ______ ----------i 108 50 To maintenance of R. Frost_ ---- ____ I' 303 75 To maintenance of J. Hogan________ 10 00 To maintenance of Mrs. D. H. Bisbee-i 52 '63 To ma~ntenance.of F. Mondada ______

I! 145 50

To mamtenance of Mrs. A:lt_________ 10 00 Tomainten.ance of P. Mallon________ 240 00

Total ____________ -----_____ ---J $870 38 Credit by cash paid State Treasurer ___ ! ___ :-________ j, $870 38

~ ... "';;~'.""~;' :;.~: '.'.1;.


~ .~

.~ .J

"':~ ,1 ;j

.~ ,

Page 47: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a




Showing dlstrWUtion oJCJItmditut'e8.' ," ~",

1- -- --'.:'~.----To inventory of goodson hand ~m-l

ber 20, 1888 ____ ---- -.,.-- __________ 1 $18,881 77 To fa!ffi produce on hand December 20,1

18~8 _________ ---- ---- ----------1 1,323 80 , To amount expended for support, 1889! ' r:

and 1890 _~ _____ ~ ______ ..:. _________ \ 74,63738· "

Total ______________ 'j. ____________ ~ ______ .,.--,-- '$94,842 9a

• <', Or. , I ".,' , I '

By inventory of goods on hand D~m-'; ber 21}, 1890 __________ ----______ .. _; $19" 726 52

By farm produce on hand December 20,; 1890_ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --____ 1 1,338· 00

By cash paid State TTeasurer account, 1

sales, etc. ------ ---- ------ ---- ____ I' 870 38

Total _________________________________ .. ____ 21,934 90 I

Cost of support 1~89 and 1890 ________ 1 ____ -_..:. ___ _ Cost of transportatIOn 1889 and 1890-__ 1 __________ _ Cost of improvements 1889 and 1890 __ .. i __________ _

Cost of ornamental gTounds 1889 and! 1890 ------ ------ ------ ------ ____ 1 __________ _

Cost of water suppIY-----------------l-----------

$72,908 05 " 2,318 57

6,686 61

503 64 608 90

. I 1----------Total cost of support, transportation, etc.j_____ ______ $83,025 77

Page 48: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

_:.,w .• , ,"

STATEMENT No: 23.: ,.. A ,. - -. ~~ t·

. --" .. .:.:" '", ,..-

',-' ., Average80j 0<Jsts..

DEPARTMENTS. 'rotal Cost hy ~\.verage COHt 1 i Average Vost I Per Capita Cost 'Ii Per Capita Cost I Per Capita Department.'!. per Month. i-per Day. ! per Year. per Month. \ Cost per Day.

I , $3,0.'37 841

I i s I $72,908 05 : $99 87 $209 41 \. $17 45 j $0 f> 7iVo • upport __ -;_ - ____________ j . Transportation ________ ----I . 2,318 57 : 96 61 . 3 18 6 66 55 1 83

20 98 ! 12 I TOO Ornar~ental grounds_ ---- __ I 503 64 : 69 . ; 1 45 I <1.1

278 61 I 9 16 I 60 I TOlJ

Improvements ____ ---- --_-I 6,686 61 . 19 20 I 1 f>/-rlu Water supply-------------l 608 90 25 37 i 83\ 1 751 15 I 51 , TOO .... I I

I : $3,459 41 I $113 73\


$19 871 .. .~

Totals _______________ ! $83,025 77 ; $238 47 I $06-5llo

Page 49: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

--"".:~~ . ~:~~::··~:~:;?~~~~·i.:~;:~i·' -, '


STATEMENT·'NO. ,24. Showing dist1'wfllicm by deparl'fTUJ1l18:,


Board ______________________________________ ~_1 $26,636 74

D~iry_-:-:_ ---------- ------------------------t '1,121 13 Dispensary __________________ ~ ____________ ----I 608 22 Fires and lights _________________________ ~ _____ I 2,906 66 Farm and garden____ _ ___ - _____________ -' ______ I 4, il7 66 Improvements ____________________________ ----I 6,686 61 IncidentaL ___________________________________ j 963 50 Laund~------------------ ___________________ ! 1,564 92 Live stoek ____ ---- ---- ---- ---- ------ ------ ----1-------- ----Ornamental grounds ___________________________ 1 503 64 Repairs ___________ " __________________________ -' 5,780 88 Superintendent's residence _____ , __________________ ! 1,168 11 State, miscellaneous ---___ --____________________ ! 10,520 89 Transportation ____ - ___ --__________________ ----I 2,318 57 Wards _______________________________________ 1 18,648 67 .~

Water supply ____________ -___ -:-________________ ! 608 90

i------TotaL ___________ ---- ____ ---_____________ I $84,755 10 . I


STATEMEN'r NO. 25. Showing distrilYUiwn of expenditure8.


Board meetings-_________ --____ -______________ _ Butter .:. ___ --________ ------ ----______________ _ Beans and peas ____________ - _____ - ____________ _ Blankets ____________________________________ _ Brooms and brushes ____ ---- ---- _______________ _ Books and stationery ________ - ______ .. ____ ... _____ _ Boots and shoes ______________________________ _ Bedding _____________________________________ ~ Carpets and mats ______ --________ - ____________ _ COffee _______________________________________ _ Corn and oat meal ____________________________ _ Clothing IUlll hats _____________________________ _ Committed })Il,tient'3 ___________________________ _ Dischal'god vatients ___________________________ _ Drugs ______________________ ~ ___ : ____________ _ Dry goodJ; __________________________ .- ________ :


$155 50 2,587 54

143 57 259 75 207 58 270 20 561 95 153 75 374 50 861 44 300 86

1,466 82 2,309 07

$ 9 50 421 49

2,161 86

Page 50: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

.... :

ST.AT~1' No,,:~ntinued. t

, ArtIcles.

Flour ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ ______ ': 3t014 84

Fish ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ,11)0 64 Freight ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ 979 79 Fruit ________________________ -'_____ ____ ______ 2, 11 2 55 Furniture and crockery _________________________ 17125 Grain and feed ________________________________ 488 78 Garden seed______ ____ ______ ____ ____ _______ ____ 39 32 Grass seed ---_ --________ ______ ____ ________ ____ 61 05 Gas and Fixtures _____________________________ 191 40 Hay and straw ____ ____ ____ _ _____ ______ ____ ____ 3,532 63 Hardware and tiu ________________________________________ _ Hogs ____ - ______________________________________________ _ Ice ____________ ~___ ______ ______ ______ ________ 484 01 Lal'd ______________________________ '__________ 196 39 Leather and hose ______ ______ ____ ____ ______ ____ 42 00 Liquor and a1e______ ______ ______ ____ ______ ____ 164 88 Lumber ____ ______ ____ ____ _ ______ ____ ____ ____ 618 83 Labor ____ ______ ______ ____ ____ ___________ ____ 46 25 Meats____________ ______ _____________________ 5,016 29 ' Jrliscellaneous______ _______ ______ __________ ____ 9,457 07 Potat{)es______________________ ____ ___________ 148 33 Poultry and eggs______ ______ ______ __ ____ ______ '1,075 23 Paints, oils and glass___________ ________________ 626 80 Returned escapes ______ ______ ____ ______ ____ ____ 20 40 Rice and cracked wheaL___ ______ ____ ____ ______ 554 00 Salaries_.:. ________ ~_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ 33,713 32 Salt____ ______ ____ ______ _ ______ ______ ____ ____ 93 30 Soap and l)otash______ ______ ______ ____ ______ __ 316 00 Small groceries____ ____ ____ ______ ______ ____ ____ 1,440 14 .,ugar ____ ____ ________ ______ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1,981 83 Syrup______ ______ ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ______ 379 92 Spoons'and cutlery _ ______ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ 48 25 Tea _____________ -'__ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 444 20 'l'obacco______ ____ ______ ______ ___ ______ ______ 933 46 Trees and vines_____________ __________________ 66 90 Tools _____________ .. ______ ' _______________________________ _ Vinegar__________ ____ _______________________ .54' 50 Vegetables____ ____ ______ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ 846 12 Wagons amI harness __________ '__ ______ ____ _ ____ 70 00 W{)od and coaL _________________________ ~_____ 2,329 05

To~aL_ ______ ______ ______ ____ ______ ______ $84,765 10

Page 51: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

""'-~ro/~~':'~'::~~' -.,,-, ":".~,,.~"':: ': ,':


I Amounts.


~ , 1


1 ", ~

Patients' dopo~lt. _______________________ • _____________________________ .----. ~zt79 Deceall(l(l patll!ntH' deposit __________________________________ c"_.~_________ '191 9,'J UIf(,:Iai!ue(l}JutiolltH' deposit_ ______________________________________________ [, 00

Total caab l~ut depoHlta olllumd.DooewlJel· 2/.),1890 _______________ _ $71974

a. 8addlm·.

Subjoot 10 the or~ of .R. SaddWr ________ • ______ ~--.----.·----------1 $180 71)

Page 52: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a



:1 f· ',:

1 ~.

" \ .i


DECEMBER 20, 1890,


. ,.

1 ~ •

.~ f .. .;:t ",

Page 53: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

, .

. ~ ".: . ,··;,·:.;::,~;~,:~:;~:,·~·\~;~~t:~1~·

600 pounds flour, $2 71>-______________________ _ 3 boxes maccaroni, $1 10 _______________________ 1 1 box vermicellL _____________________________ _ I box raisius ________________________________ _ 27 pounds citron, 25 cents ____________ :.. _________ _ 25 pounds tea, 28 cents ________________________ _ 100 pounds coffee, 24 cents-_________ :.. ___________ , 10 pounds pearl barley, 5 cents _________ "_ _______ _ 10 pounds currants, 9 cents _____________________ _ 10 pounds tapioca, 8 cents ______________ ~ ______ _ 7 pounds chocolate, 25 cents ____________________ _ 40 pounds corn starch, 8 cents __________________ _ 45 pounds crackers, 8 cents _____________________ _ 3 pounds hops, 7,5 cents ________________ ~ _______ _ 2 pa. gelatine, at 12l cents _____________________ _ 4 pounds cocoanut, 35 cents _____________________ . 3 cans milk, 25 cents ___________________________ : 2 pa. sage, 10 cents ___________________________ _

t pound thyme, ~H ---- ------ ---- ------ ---- ----8 pounds salaratus, 8 cents _____________________ _ 6 pounds cream tartar, 30 cents __________________ ! 10 pounds prunes, 12~· cents _____________________ 1

23 cans o:ysters! 22 cents ___ -:-____________________ \ 16 cans pIe frUlt, l3l cents _____________________ _

40 pounds cheese, 12! cents_ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----I 20 cans tomatoes, 12! cents _____________________ 1' 19 cans corn, lor cents_ ---- ---___ - ____________ _ 17 cans table fruit, 20 cents ____________________ _ 23 dozen eggs, 25 cents _______ -- ____ . ___________ _ 20 pounds bar sugar, 17 cents-_________________ _ I pound mace_ - _____ - ___ - _____ - ______________ _ 2! pounds allspice, 20 cents ____________________ _ 21 pounds cinnamon, 20 cents_ - ________________ _ 2} pounds ging~r, 20 cent" _____________________ _ 2! pounds cloves, 20 cents _____________________ _ 21 pounds mustard, 20 cents ___________________ _ 5 pounds baking powder, 35 cents _______________ _ 10 pounds l)lnck pepper, 20 cents ________________ _ 2 bottles currie, 25 cents _______________________ _ ! pound CltYOIlIlO pepper, 60 conts _______________ _ 2 bottles almondl-J, 25 cents ___________ ~ _________ _ 3 bottles Fr~nch mustard, 25 ccnt.':! _______________ _

$16 50 3 30 1 00 2 50 6 75 7 00

. 24 00 50 I

90 80

1 75 3 20

.:3 60 2 25

25 1 40

75 20 50 64

1 80 1 25 5 06 2 20 5 00 2 50 2 90 3 40 4 75 3 40

63 50 50 50 50 50

1 75 2 ()O

fiO 30 50 57


'"\1':" Ufo

'~~.~,:~;~ 1 ~ <!".~~

"1 :i:J -~!~

Page 54: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

55 AsYLUM 'PMl>ERTY~-Olltinu~

2 bottles pepper sauce, 25 cents ____ ______________ 50 3 bottles Lucca oil, 80 cents_ ______ ______ ____ ____ 2 40 3 bottles vanilla, 75 cents_ ______ ______ ____ ______ ' .. 2 25 3 bottles lemon, 7'5 CEnts _______ ..: ________________ I' "'2 25 2 bottles Lea amI Perrin sauce,50 cents_ - _____ ----I . , ":'100 3 bottles capers, 25 <.-ents ______ ------ ------ ______ 1 :, 75 20 pounds graham flour, 7 cents_______ __________ ,1 40 20 l)ounds buckwheat flour, 7 cents _______________ 1 " 1 40 60 pounds apples, 121 cents _____ .,. ... ______________ ! 7 50 50 pounds peaches, 12~ cents ______ .: _____________ i ~ 25 80 pounds pea beans, 4 cents ______ ------ ---- ____ I 3 20 80 pounds haj'o beans, 5f, cents ____________ ------1 4 60 40 pounds rice, 8 c,ents ______ ------ ----:-- -------1. 3 20 125 pound!; L. P. salt, 2~· cents ______ ------ ______ 1 3 18 100 pounds cracked wheat,4 cents _______________ ' ·,4 00

, 100 pounds :Jatm:al, 4£ cent"________________ ____ 4 50 50 pounds tahle salt, 1 cenL ____________________ 1 50 60 pounds hominy, 4t cents _________________ ----I 2 70 50 pounds G. O. sugar, 7 cents___________ ____ ____ 3 50 300 pounds D. G. sugar, 8i cents ________________


1 . 25 50 , 60 pounds lard, 11 cents ____ ____ ______ ______ ____ 6 60

40 gallons pickels, 50 cents____ ____ ______ ______ __ 20 00 25 pounds hacon, 12i cents _ ______ ______ ____ ____ 3 13 30 pounds ham, 14 cents______ ______ ______ ______ 4 20 150 pounds corn beef, 5f ccnts __________________ '- 3 88 225 pou~ds heef, 5i cents_ ______ ______ ____ ______ 21 82

. 40 pounds codfish, 9 ccnts_ ______ ______ ______ ____ 3 60 96 pounds Lutter, 22 cents _~______ ____ ____ ______ . 21 12 10 gallons syrup, 60 cents_ ______ ______ ____ ______ 6 00 1, fruit pres!:!____ ____ ____ _______ ______ ____ ______ '3 50

1-----Total ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ $293 41 ',i 1=====


100 pountls salL ______________________________ _ Milk ~s, buckets, coo _______ -____ ~ _____ ~- ___ :-__

'Iotal __________________ .. ___________ :-____ _

, 65 55 00

!-----$55 65


Page 55: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

9P i.As:YM!-:)l,PROP~Y;;:Contiroted.

~ ,.: .-' • - , • : • , ~- • • '- < '

==========~====~-=~======~======T=====~== I

'I Drugs, etc ______ ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----i .. MjL-rOSf . .'Ope, batteries, operating chair, surgical and!

dental tools, etc ------ ------ -~---- ------- __ ;..,.1 }1edical ,vol'ks_ ------ ------ -----:.-:, ---.:---,---- --::--1


42000 30000

, <.'. I~------: $1,03000 : Total ----:-- -:----. ------ -:-:----,-:-_-: ---: _:--:_1 .

1=::==;===== . Fires and Light.

30 dozen matches, 8 cents __________ ~ ___________ _ t box candles, 75 cents ____ ------ _ --____________ 1 .'

3 lantern globes, 50 cents_ ---- ---- ---:---- ---- ____ I 26 gas globes, 50 cents_ ------ ---- ---- __________ 1 1 box tapers ______ ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ______ 1

Wood-_____ ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- -:--- --------1 Miscellaneous _________________________________ 1

. " , 1-1 --.----

Total ____________ ---- ---- ______ ------____ i


$240 38

150 13 00

1 00 75 00 50 00

$143 28

Farm and Garden. I 1 rifle-___ ---- ---- ~_ ---- ---- -___ --________ :..J $20 00 1 plo,,, ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----_______ _ 1 wagon ______________ ---- --------------- ___ _ 2~·agons-------------------- -___ --_________ _ 1 Jot ·harness __________ ---___ ---___ --_________ _

9 00 160 00

'200 00 200 00

I bay derrick __________ --------------_________ 1

2 Empire mowing machines ____ --______________ _ 1 pr clippers-___ ------ ---- ------ ---- __________ 1' 1 express wagon _____________________________ _ I cart ______________________________________ _

75 00 145 00

5 00 100 00 30 00

1 dump cart and harness __ . __ ---- ---- -------- ____ I 1 road scraper ______________ ,-_________________ _ . 1 hay rake __________________________________ _

50 00 15 00 15 00 Tools, etc ____________________________________ _ 50 00

150 Ib~ alfalfa seed ____________________________ _ 18 75 7 hay·forks _________ - ________________________ _ .7 00 202 pounds barley, &1 60 ___ ..; ____ : _____________ _ 3 23

Total _______________________ -' ___________ _ $1,102 98

-' f.


j '.>

., ,~

-1 ~ .'~

< ."~

.. ~ " ~ ,to,

Page 56: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

"::t~'.l~~~~,:":~,'~;'~:;'·"~'':''"'' ~~.~- ','- .. ~

,~ " • 0;. .~


Asnml 'PRoPERTy--ContinUed:

. Faro*, Produce._

8,000 pounds cabbage, 2 cents __________________ _ 120 tons hay, $5 _____________________________ _ 200 pounds salt pork, 9 oon15 __________________ _ H tons potatoes, $25 ___________ .,. ___________ .:. __ 1,000 pounds onions, 2~ cents __________________ _ 1,500 pounds carrots, 2 c-ents ___________________ _ 3,000 pounds beets,. 2 e.ents __________ .. __________ _ 2,000 pounds parsnips, 2 Cf'-llts _______ ' ____________ •

3,000 pounds pumpkins, 1 cent _________________ _

Total ______ ------ ------ --__ .;.. ____________ _

Books, blanks, eoo _________ -__ .,- _______________ _ 2 book cases ------ ___________________________ ~ 3 desks ______ ------ ------ ---- ---- ------ ______ 1 1 blauk case __________________________________ \ 1 safe ______ - _____ ------ - _____________________ ! 1 table ______________ --_______________________ ! 4 chests ______ ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- ------ ____ I ! ~~:~~8e_-:_-: _ _:.-~ _ _:: ====== ====== ==== ======~===== \ 1 letter press ____ ------ ---- ------ ---- ------ _.:. __ 1 Carpet, spittoons, etc ___________________________ _ 1 clock _______________ . _______________________ _ Pii:tures _____________________________________ _


'l'otal ____ ------ ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---7 (

. '.' Laurul'l"lJ. . . .' ." 1 - I 52 pounds lye, 9 cents ___________________ ,- ___ ,, __ ! . 9 pounds stare?, 8 cent~--~.------ ________________ \.: 4 pounds bluemg, v> cents _____________ .., ~ _______ I 1 wash board _____________________________ .,.~ __ I 25 pounds soap, t cent'i-____ -----. - ------ ---- --,--,1 . 300 pounds soda, 2 c~nts _____________ ..; __________ :

$160 00 ,,-600 00

',18, ()() . 37;)00

2-~ ()() 3000 60 00 40 00 30 00

$1,338 00

$40 00 '10 00 120 00

2ij 00 50 00 5 00

20 00 15 00 15 00

5 00 • 50 00

15 00 10 00

$380 00

~H 68 72

. 60 50 19

6 00 75 00 TapIe, irons, ironing boards, eoo-___ --,-- -~-.-.., ______ 1

1-----; l'otaL ___ ---- .!--- ---- ------ -- ------ --~-- .. :L-.. $87 69 .8-1' .

< I

Page 57: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

"., .

AsYI.lDl ;PROPERTY..-ContinUed.

- =r

~.< ... '., " ,

9 horses ___________________________ '- _______ :...__ $1,450 00 1 two-year-old _______________________________ ..: . '75 00 24 cows ______________________________________ ' 1,200 {)O 14 yearlings ____ ..: __________ .., _________________ ,,' ,·140 00 14 calves_________________ __________ ____ ______,,: 'L 8400 44 hogs ____ ______ ~___ ____ ______ ______ ____ ____ , .. ,,' -.396 '00 56 pigs _______________________________ ~ ___ . ___ ~ ">'" "·140 00 Chickens, ducks, eW ___________ ,- ______________ ..., __ ' 20 00

TobU _____ ~------------------------------

4 la.wn mowers _______________________________ _ 10 pounds blue grass __________________________ _

$3,505 00

$90 00 , 3 50

1-----Touu ----_______________________________ _


5 gallons boiled oil, 90 cents ___________________ _ 7 gallons turpentine, 85 cents ___________________ _ 10 pounds putty, 8 cents _______________________ _ Assorted brushcs ______________ --______________ _ 6 boxes glass, as.<;ortoo, $8 ______________________ _ 3 kegs nails, assorted, $5 ______ - ________________ _ 200 pounds iron, 10 cents ______________________ _ 10 pounds steel, 18 cents _______________________ _ 100 feei pipe, 20 cents __________ . _______________ _ 350 pounds stone coal, 2 cents __________________ _ 1 sack charcoaL ______________________________ _ 104 feet, 4 inches G iron pipe, 15! cents. __________ _ 2 4-inch elbows, 50 cents ____________________ -~ __ 4 iron bath tubs ______________________________ _ 1 set blacksmith t0018 _________________________ _ I set of carpenter's toohl _______________________ _ 400 feet D. D. lumber, $40 _______ ------ ________ 1 160 feet T. & G. flooring, $40 ______________ :.,.. ___ . 1340 feet common lumber, $17 _________________ _

16 .fence posts, 31) cents_ ---- ------ ---- ---- --.. --- t 2 Slllgletrees __ -:-______________________________ _

$93 50

$4 50 5 95

80 4 00

4800 15 00 20 00 1 80

20 00 7 00

75 15 60 . '1 00

125 00 125 00

'100 00 16 00

. 6 40 23 53 . fl 60 1 00


Page 58: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a



, :1 doubletroo __________________ ----------------/ ,.4" 75 : 1 set thimbleskei\ls_ .:.--- -,--- ------ ------ ---- ----I ' 8 00 ,5 gallons fmlphuric acid, 85 C(!UUl____________ ____ 4 25 ,MiscellaneolliJ_ .---- ------ ---___ ---_ ---- ---'- ----I ' 11)(} 00 .4 pa. stove IJohHh, at 10 cents_,, __ - ______ ~----_____ 1 ' " - 40 ,5 scouring Ll'i(!k, 25 cents_ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ;1 25 1 overflow bowL __________ ~___ ______ ______ ____ ' ; 2 50 5 roll rubber packing, 3H cents______ ______ ______ , " 1 88

,2 I-range oollrers, $7 50________ ____ ____ ________ 15 00 1 range eover_______________ __________________ 2 50 ,5 gallons lard oil, 90 cents _________________ .., ____4 50 .5 gallons coal oil, 30 ceuts__ _____________ ____ ____ 1 50 5 gallons sperm oil, $1 25 _____________ .. ________ ·6 25 3 balls cotton twine, 25 cents____________________ 75 5 balls mattress twine, 37lcents____ ______ __ ______ 1 88 2 balls Spring twine, 50 cents______ ____ ______ ____ 1 00 2 cans a.~le grease, 25 cents____ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ 50 2 wire stretchers, $1 50_________________________ ,3 00 150 pounds copperas, 4i cents________ ___________ 7 13 4 pick handles, 50 cents _____________ .___________ 2 00 2 shovel handles, 50 cents______ ______ ______ ____ 1 00

,3 hay fork bandIes, 50 cents______ _____ ______ ____ 1 50 :3 a.~e handles, 50 cents______ ______ ______ _ ______ 25 1 scythe stone ______ __________________________ 1 00 2 pair half soles, 50 cents____ ______ ______ ______ 25 1 bug gun____ ______ ______ ______ ______________ ' 75

12 oz shoe thread______________________________ 1 00 2 pounds of bug powder, $1 ____ ______ ____ __ ____ ,2 00 1 overflow bowl connection, $L__ ____ ____ ____ ____ ' ,1 00 1 door spring _____________ ________ ___________ 50 10 hair clipper springs, 10 cents ___________ , ______ 1 00

1-.....,..---Total ______________________________ ' __ ---- $772 72


Superintendent's RemJ,en,ee. , -Carpets ____________________ ,... ________________ _

'2 hook eases __ . _______________________________ _ 3 stoves ____________________________ --_' _______ ' '21 chairs _____________________________ ~-_____ _ 21 curtains ________________________ - _________ _

'3 lounges ____________________________________ _ 2 pictures ___________________________ :. .;. ______ _

'1 walnut sideboard __________________________ ~ __

$300 00 ,80 00 '5000 65 50 73 00 40 00

'10 00 20-00

Page 59: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

-,." :-,

, ' ",;" ' ,>~;::~:~,:;;_I:';~::'Z<~~~~,,;,:'f"~\_ "

"1 china dining set ______ --__ ~_ - _______________ -_ '1 china tea set ~. __ . _____________________ : ____ _ Glassware ____________________________ ,~ ___ ~ __ _

'Knives, forks and spoons ________________________ " 'Table linen . _______________________ ' ____ ~ ______ _ -2 bedroom 8(:t~ __________________________ ..: ____ _ 2 bedsteads ______________________________ ' ____ _

,2 tOilet sets __________________________________ _ 'f ,va'rdrooo _____ ' _____________________________ _ ; 6 top maf.tresses ______________________________ _ '4 spring :.nattresses _________________ ~ __________ _ Bed linen, etc _____ , __________________ ' _________ _

16 quiIf8 ------- ----.'- ------ ------ ____________ 1 ' , 1 bureau _______________ ' _____________________ _ '-1 'vash stand -_____ ______ ______ ______ ____ ______ -'1 hat rack ___________________________________ _ '21 stair rods _________________________________ : Range and kitchen furnitUl'e _________________ .:. __ _ Linoleum _______________________________ ~ _____ ,

\} center table _______________________________ ~_l 1 refrigerator -----_____ - _____ - _________ - ___ -----I

'$4000 4000

,:2400 ,'41. 00

4000 14000

29'00 ,1000 3000

,25 50 28 00

'65 00 24 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 21 00

125 00 20 00 20 00 22 50 15 00 '1 extelli;ion table _______________________________ ,

j-----" ' Total ____________________________________ i $1,434 50 .,--I

Wards; I, :'l~7 hats, 75 cents _________ .. __________________ ~_I ,137 coaf8, $.2 __________________________ c- ______ J ; 137 vests, 75 cents _____________________________ ; 208 pairs pants, $1 50 _____ .:. ___________________ _ 274 hickory shirts, 50 cents _____________________ _ ,274 canton flannel undershirts, 50 cents __________ _ 274 cant{)n flannel drawers, 50 cenf8 _____________ _ 137 pairs brogans, $1 40 ______ • _____ '-______ ._.-- ' 360 pairs F.tockings, 10 cenf8 ____________________ _

,200 iron bedstends, $8 90 _____ ,.- ________________ _ 220 mattl'ffi.'!€S, $3 _____________ .:. ______________ _

; 210 pairs hlanket'!, $4-________________________ _ 420 single quilts, $1 25 _____ ---- ---- ------ ______ 1

,210 pilloW/oj, Sl ____ ---- ------ ------ ----.. - ______ 1 ,840 sheetH, 40 cents ______ __ ' ____ ______ __ ~ ___ ___ _ ; 420 pillow HIi,Jf!, 20 conts ______________________ .. _1 g,d9ublo ~ and ma.ttresses ____________ .,._'"~I.,

,102 75 '274 00 102 75 312 00 137 00 137 00 137 00 191 80

36 00 1,780 00

660 00 840 00

,525 00 210 00 336 00

84 00 ,280 QO


Page 60: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


........ ~ _. ·i-



, .;.

'14 'double quilts, $2 50 ____________________ -' ___ _ . 48 double sheets, 90 cents __________ •. ___________ _ : 250 bedspreads, $L ___________________________ _ : 9 bureaus, $10 _______________________________ _ 30 chairs, $L ______________________________ ..: __ . 0 rocking chairs, $2 ____________________________ . {) toilet sets, $3------ _________________________ _ '10 carpets, $20 ________________________ ~ ______ '-6 small t.'1bles, $2 50 _______________ ~ __________ _ 6 wash st..ands, $.-')------ ________ ~ _______________ \ 5 lounges, $:> _________________________________ _

30 curtains, $1 ______ ---- ------ ------ ------ --'--I 1.30 roller towelf!, 35cents _______________________ . 90 toilet towels, 25 cenu; _______________________ ~1 4 clocks, $5 __ . ________________________________ _

.12 candle sticks, 25 cents _____________________ -' __ 91anterns, $1 _________________________________ , 6 i'>-tmw ticks, ~L--------------- _______________ 1 ·36 benches, $'> _______________________________ _ I wash board ________________________________ _ 21 G. 1. buckets, $1 50 _______________________ _ 200 urinals, 50 cents __________________________ _ '7 mops, .50 cents ______________________________ _ '30 brooms, 10 cents ___________________________ _ 8 dust pans, 21} cents __________________________ _ ·7 feather dusters, $1 50 _______________________ _ 14 scrub bruS}Je8, 20 cents _____________________ _ 12 mirrors, $2 _______________________________ _ 16 hair brushe!;, 25 cents ______________________ _ 70 combs, 10 cent.'! ___________ ~ ________________ _ 86 chemise, 21} cenb; __________________________ ~ 86 undervests, 25 cents ________________________ _ 86 night dresses, 40 cents ______________________ _ 43 pairs ladies'shoes, $1-______________________ _ 129 ])uil's ladies' hose, 2.') cents __________________ _ 100 dresse.'!, $2 5o _____ '- ______________________ _ 6 shoulder shawls, $2 _________________________ _ 63 canton flannel skirt'!, $1 _____________________ _ 63 skirts, 50 cents _______________________ - ____ _ 14 pairs wristlet.'l, $2 25 _______________________ _ '2 llluff.'!, $6 ____ .:. _____________________________ _

86 aprons, 10 cent8 ____________________ :.. ______ _ 20 oil sheots, $1 60 __________________ ---___ ----1 lvardrob.e _________ ._ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ I I

,."_ ....

, t·~:.;{~f;~ , .. :

,; i30'OO 43·20

250 00 ,90 00 ·30· 00 1000 '1500

200 00 1.5 00 3000 25 00 30 00 ,45 50 22 50 20 00 3 00 9 00 6 00

180 00 50

31 50 100 00

3 50 3 00 2 00

10 50 2 80

2400 400 700

21 50 21 50 34 40 ·43 00 32 25

250 00 12 00 63 00 31 .50 38 50 12 00

8 60 3000 2000

Page 61: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

r~.'·r:i.7~. ~"~';~/ ... ' .... . ;


',4 pairs lace CUrtains----~-----------~---- .. -'~--;1 i .14 scrim curtains, $2 50 ________________ -' _______ j , 1 piano and stool _____________________________ _

,,] piano cover ________________ ,.------ ____ ._.-.-.---,1 parlor set ____ ---,. _____________________ --___ _ ,1 sHwing machine _____________________ -.---: ___ _ -300 feet fire ho~ - __________ ----- __________ --__ ·1 magic lantem ___________ ~ ___________________ . ,3 ladders ________________ ._ --__________________ .. .1 platform scales __________________ -' __________ _

: 1 ~oun~cr scales _ ------ ------.------ ------ ______ 1 . lrIlSCellaneous ________________________________ _

·1 dou~le quilt- ------ ------ ------ ------ ---- _. ___ 1' ·1 i-quIlt --_ ------ ______ - ____________________ _ I pair blankets ____ ------ ------ ---- ------ ______ 1 18 double sheets; $L _____ ---~ ---- ---- ---- ______ 1

. 51 !-sheets, 77 cents ____________________ .. ___ ---1 .70 pillow cases, 20 cents __ . _________________ - ____ !

3 bed ticks, $1 25 - ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----I· 8 yillow ticks, 40 ~ents _ ---- ------ ------ ---- ____ I 3D roller towels, 4:) cents _______________________ I 38 dish tow-cis, 20 cenb, _______ ------ ------ ______ 1 . 1 attendants' table cloth ---- ---- ---- ------ ______ 1 12 patients' table cloths, $1 75 -_______ ---_ ------l . 36 napkins, 25 cents ___________________________ !

1- . 4 aprons, D cents - ------ ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- i .6 chemise, 50 cents ---------___________________ I ~ undervests, 50 cents ______ - ___________________ i 9 pairs drawers, 30 cents __________ ------________ i . 6 C. F. skirts, $L _____ - ______ . ___________ - _____ 1

; 8 kitchen, aprons, 15 cents ______________________ ; 11 night dl"esses, 65 cents _________________ --____ 1

19 dippers, 10 cents __ ------ ------ ------ ---- ----I ·1 pair stockings ___________________________ -' ___ :

24 yards cotton flannel, 22~ cents __ ~_ ---- ---_____ I ·2 yards sheeting, 19l cents ______ ------ __________ 1 '38 yards U. B. muslin, 17! cents __ --____________ ! 88 yards cheviot, 16! cents ______________________ \ 2 dozen tape _________________________________ _

12 papers hair pins -----_ ---- ---___ -- __ -- -- ____ I 1 hox safety pitH:! ___________ ------ --__ ---- ------i 10 papel's pins _______________ , __________ .. _______ .i

6 dozen huttollf! ---- --_- --____ -----_ - ------·----1 2 CQrset l;tl'ing!l __ - ______ - ______________________ 1

.~ .

',4a2 00 35 00

;300 00 5 00

5000 20 00

190 30 ·37 10 24 00 1000

5 00 100 00

2 50 1 8f) 6 00

18 00 39 27 14 00

3 75 3 20

15 75 7 60 3 50

21 00 9 00

60 3 00 3 00 2 70 6 00 1 20 7 15 1.90

25 5 40

40 6 65

14 52 1 00

60 1 00

70 90 20,

Page 62: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

:.~~>' .. Y,'






9 papers needles __ -' _______ ---___ ------- ---.:. ----, 1 paper darning needles --_____________ .:. --__ ---- ;

, ., 75 15

- 10 dozen threads, 50 cents __ ~ ______________ ,.. ___ _ ·500 1 box pipes ______________________________ .:. __ '-_ -400 30 pounds tobnce(., 44 cents ____________________ _ 13 20 21 bars toilet HOap, 20 cents ---- ---- _____________ 1 -28 urinals, 67 couts ___________________________ ..: 2 ba.sins, 25 cont8 ____ ------------------ ________ 1 11 1m plat<*f, 7 cent~ ___________________________ ..

'420 18.~76

50 77

6 tin cups, 12} cents ___________________ :.. ___ : ___ _ 2 dust pans, 37t cents _____________________ 1 ____ .

·75 75

2 copper hoilers, $1 50 ________________________ _ 3 00 3 pot scrubs, 12} cents _____ -' ___________________ _ '38 1 scrub hrush ______ --- - - _________ .:. ____________ , 21 _ 2 dust brushes, 35 cents --'-- ---- ---- ---- ---- ____ I: . 24 table spoons, 61 cents __ ..: ____________________ _ 43 tea spoons, 4* cents _________________________ _ 25 knives, 42 cellt~ _______________ ---- -'----- ____ I 78 forks, 42 cents _____________________________ _ 2 galvanized iron buckets, $1 50 ___________________ 1'

2 elevator cans, $2 ____________________________ _

70 1 50 1 79

10 50 3276 ·3 00 4 00

5 mops, ;')0 cents-______________________________ I 14 hrooms, 36 cents ____________________________ ]1

2 pairs WI'is~les, $2 25 _________________________ _ 44 bed spreads, $1 50 _________________________ _ 6 spittoons, $1 _______________________________ -'

2 50 2 24 4: 50

66 00 6 00

6 oil sheets, $1 75 ___________________________ .J_ 10 50 6 pairs boots, $3 78 ___________________________ _ 22 68 12 pairs shoes $1 M ________________________ -' __ 18 36 18 pairs slippers, $1 ,1):3- ___ _________ . ___________ _ 27 54 10 pairs hluchel'H, $2 15 _______________________ _ 21 50 4 wisp brooms, 37~ eents ______________________ _ 1 50 16] cotton flannel undershirts, 75 cents __________ _ 120 75 26 handkel'chiof.<;, 12k cents _________________ .. __ _ 3 25 78 hickory shirts, 75 cents ______________________ . 58 50 3 hair brushes, 50 cents ------------------------i 1 50 5 shoe brushes, 50 cents ---- --____________ -----J . .'-- 2 50 -A dozen safety pins, 75 cents _ ---- ---- ---- ______ 1

1 2 large combs, 35 cents _______________________ "

50 70

7 fine comlJs, 25 cents __________ . ________________ ! 136,cottQll flanne! drawers, 75 cent~ ______________ 1 4 tOllet towels, 2;) cellt<; __________ .. ____________ _

4 pairs Hoeks, 12~ cents_ ---- --~--- -.---- ---- ____ I 2. pairs gloves, $1 2iL ------ ------ ---'" ---- --""i"'-~

1 75 10200

1 00 50

2 50·

Page 63: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

3 pairs susI:>enders, 50 cents_ ------:.,--------- ____ ,,' It Ib8. plug cut smoking tobacco, $1 ---__ ____ ____ . ' 4 lbs. Durham smoking tobacco, $1 ______ ' _______ _ 2 t{)a sti'aillers, 25 cents ________________________ _ 1 cake sha.ving soap ___________________ '-______ ,.-' 1f gross pants buekies, $1 50 __________________ _ frgross laces, $1 50 ___________________ '-______ _ 3 bunches leather 1aces, $1 50 __________________ _ 8 boxes shoo b1acking, 25 cents __________________ ' " 11 bottles liquid shoe blacking, 25 cent.'.; ___ -- ______ _ 3 wool mattras.'>e8, $3 ______________________ ..:.. ___ _

, ,$1 50 1 25 400

iiO 50

263 13

450 2 00 2 75

1 straw hat _____________________ "" ___________ .;.._ ,','", 900

75 400 ,2 pillows, $2 _________________________________ _

2 pairs overall." $1 50 ____________ •. ___________ _ 19 pairs pants, $1 7 iL ___ _____________________ _ 24 vests, $1 50 _______________________________ _ 15 coats, $3 _________________________________ _ 8 wood pipes, 40 cents ________________________ _ 4 t!l.pemeasnres, 25 cents ______________________ _ 8 wristlet keys, 10 cents ___________________ ~ _.., __ 172 dinner plates, 16 cents _____________________ _ 12 soup plates, 20 cents ________________________ _ 10 large platters, $1.,--- ______________________ , __ 6 medium platters, 75 cents ____________________ _ 6 small platters, .50 cent" _________ ", _____________ _ 79 side uishes, thirty cents _____________________ _ 14 saucers, 10 ceuts __________________________ _ 9 sauce dishes, 8! cents ____________ .' ___________ _ 2 soup tureens, $2 ___________________________ _ 60 cups, 9 cents ______________________________ _ 3 French goblet';, 18 cents _____________________ _ 2 goblets, 12l cents ___ ,-_______ --- _____________ _ 31 wine glasses 12l cents ____________ ~ ______ w ___ _

30 whisky gla5~, 15 ceuts _____________________ _ 4 ~ stands, $1 _____________________ .. _______ _

Total _________ ,. ., ________________________ '_


26 tableR, $4 __________________________ ---- ___ _ 52 benches, $2 ________ • ______________________ J 180 knives and forks, 25 cep.ts _____ ---- ---- ------1 300 spoo~, 10 cents __________________________ _

3 00 33 25 86 00 4500 3 20 1 00

80 27 52

2 40 1000

4 50 3 00

23 70 140

75 4 00

,5 40 54 25

3 88 4 50 4 00

$9,859 63

$104 00 104 00 45 00

, 30,00

Page 64: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a


>,;:'~;::i~ cups, 12! e~11~'~~ ___ ~ ---- ~-~--- ~---- -~---l 190 cups and saucers, 30 cents _____________ ------\ rso titl'plnwi:!, 81 cents __________________________ f

o 1 :18 'SOup plates, 25 cents _____________ -"_-'_-' ______ j • [SO, <linn:l' plares, 25 cents ~_~ __________ ~ ________ ; ,

11 l~dles, u(, cents ---- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- ----I" ' ,6 dlppers, 50 cents.,, ___ ~ ________________________ : ',' ,3Stable cloths, $1, .. _____ ------ - _______________ 1

• ·60 napkins, ,20 routs _ ---' ___________________ ----I'" Miscellaneous ________________________________ J

$22 5.0 i>7 00

''6 66 '45 00 4i> 00 -3 00 300

36 00 12 00' 50 GO

$.363' 16 :,',:Total-______________________ .:.1 ______ , __ , ___ '__,

',.- . .:===== , , I

,Tools, etc _____________________________________ : 'Meat 'chopper _______________________ -' _________ :'.lel' _______________________________ 1

Sat1~agemachiJle ____ ------ ---___ ---___ ---_ ----I Tables, chair;;, etc.- _________________________ ----I Stove ---- ---- ------ ---- ----'---- ------ ---,,- ____ I Crockery, etc ________ - -- - --- - ---- ---- ---- ------ i Crockery closet ---_______ - _________________ ----I Baker's outfiL ___ --__ -_________________________ : Carpet _______ -_ ---_ --_______________________ _ Tinware ______ - ___________________ ' ____________ ' Kni\"('s, forks and spoons _______ . ________________ _ llush kettle ___________________________________ : Cooking utensils _______________________________ : Miscellaneous ________________________________ _

120 00 20 00 20 00

" ;:; 00 15 00 10 00 40 00 10 00 50 {)O 10 00 75 00 5 00

50 00 50 00 25 00

1 _____ -

Total --__ .• __________________________ ------i $405 00 I==~

Grand totaL-----___________________________ i $21,064 52


Page 65: CARE OF THE INDIGENT · Nevada Insane Asylum, a distance of about 4,600 feet, and thence to the Truckee liver at a

,~~~r)· .. ... , ....

-, . -- ,

.~'l';':7'" i~i ~~(" ~

:. ,~

t } :. ,.:; .:'! ~ ~; .>.}"

\' r", :Board _______ ~ ____________________________ _ ~~-i",i:·.·;·'293 -41

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iD~iry _____ ~ ______ ,.. _______________________ -_:.._-! ".:., . (:, 5il' 65 DIspensary _______ .,. ___________ -_______ --------i ::_,1.,0.'30-00 ,Fires and lights ______ .,. _______________________ ~; "·143 28 ,Farm and gnrdE!u __________ ,. _________ ~~ ________ ! 'i ... ,,1,102 98 .Farm produc:e _____ ----- _________________ ~_ ----i- ':.,;' 1,338 :00 -'Incidentals-office ____ .,. ___________ _______ -' ____ :..i-, _ ,0,;;,:-,38000 "Laundry ___ ~ :.. ____________________ ,.. ___________ ! .• 8.769 ,Live Stock-___________________________________ l 3,505 00

Ornameutal grounds _________________ ,..--- ______ ;;>93 50 Repairs ______________________________________ ' 772 72 Superintendent's residence ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1,434 50 Wards______ ______ ______ _ ______ ______ ____ ____ 9,859 63

Dining rooms _____________ ~--------------.-----; .. ) ·563 16 Kitchen ______________________________________ . 405 00

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-Total __________ ,.. ____________________ ~ ____ : _'$21,064,52


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