Care for Children Hand Hygiene

Care for Children Hand Hygiene

Transcript of Care for Children Hand Hygiene

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Care for Children

Hand Hygiene

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Units within this Cluster

• HLTWHS300A- Contribute to OHS Processes

• CHCCN301C- Ensure children’s Health & Safety 

• CHCCN302A- Provide Care for Children

• CHCCN303A- Contribute to provision of nutritionally

balanced food in safe and hygienic manner

• CHCCN305B- Provide care for Babies

• Source –

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This slide show will provide you with an overview of information

on the following:

• Hand Hygiene

Personal Hygiene for educators and children

There is a link attached to each area: HEYTS


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Hand hygiene

Hand Hygiene is a practice used byEducators to stop spread ofinfections and is a quality practiceall educators are required to follow

in their daily work with children.

The procedure for handwashing isstandard. This means that anyprofession anywhere in the world

that is required to wash their handswould use a similiar procedure.

You use the same procedure whenteaching children this skill as you do

when washing your own hands.

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• It is important to remember that water alone willnot clean your hands. A hand soap (liquid soap isthe preferred option as it is less likely to becontaminated) must be used and sufficient timegiven to the procedure of washing(about a roundof Happy Birthday).

•  Effective hand drying is essential as germs andbacteria like moist environments and will multiply

on damp skin.• How you support hand washing with

children will depend upon their age anddevelopment.

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• An infants way of exploring is through the mouth

• When changing a nappy you will find that they oftenexplore their bodies particularly areas that are not regularly

exposed e.g. Genital areas.• You can use a face washer(new washer for face and

hands)NOTE: not recommended to use wet wipes for facesas some have high levels of alcohol base in them and cancause irritation. Always check with parents first.

• It is important to remember to talk to infants about whatyou are doing when washing their hands. This conveysrespect and supports the learning of personal hygienepractices from a young age.

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HandwashingToddler stage

• -as soon as a child is able to walk

they enter the toddler stage. Atthis point children should beencouraged to use the hand basin.

• This routine sensory experienceshould be seen as part of theprogram and not something that is

planned separately.• It is important to be positive and

rather than saying ‘yucky germs’rather point out what you areachieving ‘hands clean, let’s use

soap’. • Positive interactive experience – 

take 2 children at a time to thebathroom..allows more individualattention

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Hand washing

Preschool stage

• Your level of supervision willbe determined by the age ofthe group, level ofassistance, individual skillsand abilities of the child

• Strategies to remember:-Supervision is veryimportant. Never assumethat a child has washed their

hands properly. Ensure thatthey dry their hands as welloften they are in a hurry todo the next thing or rejointhe group

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Effective hand washing

• Best to use liquid soap

• Hands placed under running water and palms,

back of the hand down past the wrists,

between the fingers and under the nails

should be thoroughly washed for at least 10


• Pat hands dry with a clean paper towel

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Hand washing

• Remember to show yourenjoyment with all age groupsthrough

•  being positive

Singing songs• Using bright visual displays

• REFER PAGE 108-9 The BigPicture figure3.4

•  lets make a poster could be usedas a visual display for children topromote and support handwashing

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In review, the summary of information provided

outlines the quality practices and guidelines for

educators to follow.

Knowing your service policies and procedures

will guide your practices when working in a child

care service. Refer to ‘Stepping Stones’

handwashing policies and procedures

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Listed below are some relevant websites with upto date information:

• Staying Healthy in Child Care - Preventing infectious diseases in child care

- Fourth Edition  Public Health Act 2005.  

• New edition – fifth edition

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References•  Infection Control

 • Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in

Healthcare (2010) 

The Australian immunisation handbook 9th Edition.


Immunisation resources for education and care staff and students  

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References•  Health and Safety

•  • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 
