Carbonate Preservation in Shallow Marine Environments ... · [The Journal of Geology, 2007, volume...

[The Journal of Geology, 2007, volume 115, p. 437–456] 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2007/11504-0004$15.00 437 Carbonate Preservation in Shallow Marine Environments: Unexpected Role of Tropical Siliciclastics Mairi M. R. Best, 1 Timothy C. W. Ku, 2 Susan M. Kidwell, 3 and Lynn M. Walter 4 Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]) ABSTRACT Coordinated taphonomic, geochronologic, and geochemical studies of bivalve death assemblages and their sedimentary environments of San Blas, Caribbean Panama, permit us to identify the major factors controlling skeletal degradation in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic tropical shelf sediments. Ten sites were studied along environmental gradients in- cluding water nutrients, grain size, and sediment chemistry (carbonate, organic carbon, and reactive iron contents). Taphonomic data were derived from naturally occurring bivalve death assemblages and experimentally deployed specimens of Mytilus edulis and Mercenaria mercenaria to determine environmental controls on types and intensities of postmortem damage to skeletal hardparts and to quantify short-term rates of damage accrual. Death assemblage shells were dated using 14 C and amino acid racemization techniques to examine shell persistence, scales of time averaging, and long-term rates of damage accrual, including correlations between shell damage and shell age. Pore water and sediment geochemical analyses were used to determine the pathways and extent of early diagenetic change in the different sediment–pore water environments. We found that carbonate shell preservation is enhanced in dom- inantly siliciclastic sediments compared to dominantly carbonate sediments. The most important factors limiting the postmortem persistence of shell material are (1) exposure above the sediment-water interface, which is enhanced in coarser-grained carbonate sediments and permits attack by bioeroders and encrusters; (2) the availability of abundant reactive iron mineral phases in the sediments, which promotes supersaturated pore waters and limits acid production; and (3) shell microstructure (rather than mineralogy), particularly organic content that is the focus of intense microbial attack. Thus, there is significant potential for enhanced carbonate shell preservation in areas receiving ferric-rich tropical weathering products, which are common in much of the tropics today and are associated with subduction systems in the geologic past. This suggests that paleodiversity estimates from carbonate tropical settings are minima and that siliciclastic settings are probably underestimated regions for carbon burial, given the large proportion of tropical shelf area characterized by such conditions and the relatively high proportional capture there of local carbonate production. Introduction Carbonate skeletons provide the main record of the history of macrobenthic life (e.g., Behrensmeyer et al. 2000) and the main pathway for the transfer of carbon into the lithosphere (e.g., Berner 1983). The Manuscript received December 13, 2005; accepted October 13, 2006. 1 Author for correspondence; present address: NEPTUNE Can- ada, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada; e-mail: [email protected]. 2 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wes- leyan University, 265 Church Street, Middletown, Connecticut 06459, U.S.A. 3 Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chi- cago, 5734 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U.S.A. 4 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, 425 East University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. selectivities and rates of carbonate preservation are therefore of broad relevance to both the fossil rec- ord and the carbon cycle. Maximum carbonate preservation has been thought to occur on tropical carbonate shelves due to high production rates and supersaturated waters (Opdyke and Walker 1992; Milliman 1993). Pore water chemistry of modern carbonate platforms, however, clearly shows that there is early and sig- nificant dissolution of carbonate within sediment pore waters (Morse et al. 1985; Walter and Burton 1990; Ku et al. 1999; James et al. 2005). In fact, dissolution of skeletal carbonates is a ubiquitous process in modern shelf environments; in carbon-

Transcript of Carbonate Preservation in Shallow Marine Environments ... · [The Journal of Geology, 2007, volume...

[The Journal of Geology, 2007, volume 115, p. 437–456] � 2007 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0022-1376/2007/11504-0004$15.00


Carbonate Preservation in Shallow Marine Environments:Unexpected Role of Tropical Siliciclastics

Mairi M. R. Best,1 Timothy C. W. Ku,2 Susan M. Kidwell,3 and Lynn M. Walter4

Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, 3450 University Street,Montreal, Quebec H3A 2A7, Canada

(e-mail: [email protected])


Coordinated taphonomic, geochronologic, and geochemical studies of bivalve death assemblages and their sedimentaryenvironments of San Blas, Caribbean Panama, permit us to identify the major factors controlling skeletal degradationin mixed carbonate-siliciclastic tropical shelf sediments. Ten sites were studied along environmental gradients in-cluding water nutrients, grain size, and sediment chemistry (carbonate, organic carbon, and reactive iron contents).Taphonomic data were derived from naturally occurring bivalve death assemblages and experimentally deployedspecimens of Mytilus edulis and Mercenaria mercenaria to determine environmental controls on types and intensitiesof postmortem damage to skeletal hardparts and to quantify short-term rates of damage accrual. Death assemblageshells were dated using 14C and amino acid racemization techniques to examine shell persistence, scales of timeaveraging, and long-term rates of damage accrual, including correlations between shell damage and shell age. Porewater and sediment geochemical analyses were used to determine the pathways and extent of early diagenetic changein the different sediment–pore water environments. We found that carbonate shell preservation is enhanced in dom-inantly siliciclastic sediments compared to dominantly carbonate sediments. The most important factors limitingthe postmortem persistence of shell material are (1) exposure above the sediment-water interface, which is enhancedin coarser-grained carbonate sediments and permits attack by bioeroders and encrusters; (2) the availability of abundantreactive iron mineral phases in the sediments, which promotes supersaturated pore waters and limits acid production;and (3) shell microstructure (rather than mineralogy), particularly organic content that is the focus of intense microbialattack. Thus, there is significant potential for enhanced carbonate shell preservation in areas receiving ferric-richtropical weathering products, which are common in much of the tropics today and are associated with subductionsystems in the geologic past. This suggests that paleodiversity estimates from carbonate tropical settings are minimaand that siliciclastic settings are probably underestimated regions for carbon burial, given the large proportion oftropical shelf area characterized by such conditions and the relatively high proportional capture there of local carbonateproduction.


Carbonate skeletons provide the main record of thehistory of macrobenthic life (e.g., Behrensmeyer etal. 2000) and the main pathway for the transfer ofcarbon into the lithosphere (e.g., Berner 1983). The

Manuscript received December 13, 2005; accepted October13, 2006.

1 Author for correspondence; present address: NEPTUNE Can-ada, University of Victoria, P.O. Box 1700 STN CSC, Victoria,British Columbia V8W 2Y2, Canada; e-mail: [email protected].

2 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wes-leyan University, 265 Church Street, Middletown, Connecticut06459, U.S.A.

3 Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University of Chi-cago, 5734 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U.S.A.

4 Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan,425 East University Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A.

selectivities and rates of carbonate preservation aretherefore of broad relevance to both the fossil rec-ord and the carbon cycle.

Maximum carbonate preservation has beenthought to occur on tropical carbonate shelves dueto high production rates and supersaturated waters(Opdyke and Walker 1992; Milliman 1993). Porewater chemistry of modern carbonate platforms,however, clearly shows that there is early and sig-nificant dissolution of carbonate within sedimentpore waters (Morse et al. 1985; Walter and Burton1990; Ku et al. 1999; James et al. 2005). In fact,dissolution of skeletal carbonates is a ubiquitousprocess in modern shelf environments; in carbon-

438 M . M . R . B E S T E T A L .

ate and noncarbonate shelves, an estimated 50%and 75%, respectively, of all produced carbonate isdissolved (Milliman 1993; Milliman and Droxler1995). Siliciclastic shelves are generally expectedto have negligible carbonate preservation (1) due tolow carbonate production rates of heterotrophic or-ganisms (Lees 1975; James 1997) and (2) based onstudies in temperate settings, highly seasonal dis-solution rates in undersaturated overlying waters,and/or pore waters (Alexandersson 1979; Aller1982; Green and Aller 1998, 2001; but see Aller etal. 1996). Siliciclastics are thus considered to be ofonly minor importance in global carbonate burialbudgets (e.g., Milliman 1993) and tend to be viewedwith suspicion as sources of paleobiological infor-mation (e.g., Green et al. 1993).

Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic shelves have re-ceived increased attention from geologists (e.g.,Mount 1984; Roberts 1987; Doyle and Roberts1988; Alongi et al. 1996; Leinfelder 1997). However,very little information is available on carbonatepreservation in siliciclastics from tropical settings,despite approximately one-half of all tropical shelfareas being of siliciclastic or mixed carbonate-siliciclastic composition (Best 1998). These settingsare characterized by less seasonality and overallhigher temperatures, which are expected to lead,on average, to increased carbonate and organic car-bon production rates, more bioturbation (advectionand sediment reworking), higher organic matter de-composition rates, and thus, probably higher car-bonate dissolution rates, perhaps more than com-pensating for the higher production. Given the largenumber of physically and geochemically significantfactors for carbonate preservation in tropical sili-ciclastic shelves and the range of positive and neg-ative interactions they might have, we investigatedwhether net preservation of biogenic carbonate onsuch shelves is higher than, lower than, or littledifferent from either temperate siliciclastic pat-terns or those of pure tropical carbonate shelves.

In 1994, we started a project examining skeletalcarbonate preservation on the Caribbean continen-tal shelf of Panama, where both carbonate and sil-iciclastic sediments are actively accumulating.Early results from both the Bocas del Toro region(Best and Kidwell 2000a, 2000b) and the San BlasArchipelago (Best 1996, 2000; Kidwell et al. 2001)indicated that, contrary to expectations, there wassignificant skeletal carbonate present in the sili-ciclastic sediments and that its state of preserva-tion (taphonomic condition) was on par with if notbetter than that from carbonate sediments.

Those results led to this integrated taphonomic,geochronologic, and geochemical analysis of car-

bonate burial in tropical siliciclastics (Best et al.1999a, 1999b, 2001; Ku et al. 2000). Bivalve mol-lusks became the taxonomic focus because they arecommon across environments, possess both cal-citic and aragonitic shell layers, and have skeletalmicrostructures ranging from low to high organiccontent. From the range of tests summarized here,we find that, contrary to geological intuition, a va-riety of physical and geochemical factors promotepreferential preservation of bivalve carbonate intropical siliciclastics relative to carbonate sedi-ments. This finding is of global significance given(1) the areal extent of shelves such as San Blas thatreceive siliciclastic debris from intense humidweathering of mafic island arc terrains and (2) theimplications for the quality of the fossil record insuch settings and for the burial of biogeniccarbonate.


Study Area and Field Sampling. The San Blas Ar-chipelago is located on the Caribbean coast of theIsthmus of Panama, between the Panama Canal andthe Colombian border. The outer chain of coast-parallel cays is located approximately 20 km fromthe mainland. It is the surface expression of a semi-continuous barrier that extends east from PuntaSan Blas for more than 60 km and is associated witha broad range of carbonate sedimentary environ-ments. Onshore, a series of short rivers, most hav-ing a small delta, deliver siliciclastic sediment de-rived from the humid tropical weathering of theSan Blas Massif (fig. 1). The total drainage area is∼1500 km2, and it receives 12000 mm yr�1 precip-itation (Cubit et al. 1989; D’Croz et al. 1999). Thewatershed rises steeply to 700 m above the coastand is largely drained by short, steep-gradient riv-ers, typical of mountainous humid tropics (e.g.,Milliman and Syvitski 1992). This contrasts withmore extensively studied large tropical river deltassuch as the Amazon (Brazil) or Fly (Papua NewGuinea) that drain extensive plains.

The San Blas Massif comprises a Cretaceousophiolite complex composed of basalt, pillow lava,agglomerate, gabbro, diabase intrusives, chert, andsiliceous limestones (Case 1974; Case et al. 1984;Escalante 1990). The massif is part of the Chocooceanic block, which overthrusts the CaribbeanPlate to the north and rides on the subductingNazca Plate to the south (Escalante 1990; Mauryet al. 1995; Coates and Obando 1996). These ophi-olites were intruded by quartz diorite plutons inthe Early Tertiary (Kesler et al. 1977; Case et al.1984). The Rio Gatun Fault, a sinistral strike-slip

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Figure 1. Map of the western San Blas area of CaribbeanPanama. Numbered dots are locations of study sites withexperimental shell arrays, samples of natural death as-semblages, and pore water geochemical data. Sedimen-tary facies on the shelf include siliciclastic sediments(!30 wt% carbonate; dark stipple), mixed sediments (30–50 wt% carbonate; light stipple), and carbonate sedi-ments (150 wt% carbonate; white). Bathymetric contours(dashed lines) mark 20, 100, and 200 m. Topographiccontour (dotted line) marks watershed; X is high-eleva-tion point of 747 m. Mainland geology consists of a Cre-taceous ophiolite sequence intruded by Early Tertiaryquartz diorite (indicated by cross hatching). Map basedon U.S. Department of Defense (1984) and Woodring(1957).

fault with vertical displacement toward the north-west, extends roughly east-west from the CanalZone into the Golfo de San Blas (Woodring 1957;Kesler et al. 1990; Mann and Kolarsky 1995). Man-ganese enrichment in exhalative deposits occursnear Ensenada Mandinga, and Fe and Cu porphyrydeposits related to intrusions occur at the far east-ern end of the archipelago (Kesler et al. 1990).

Sediment plumes from rivers interact with atrade wind–driven coast-parallel current that runsbetween the outer and inner shelf cays and throughthe Canal de San Blas (D’Croz et al. 1999). Pre-

vailing northeast trade winds shift to the north andnorthwest during the middle of the rainy season(September–November) when the IntertropicalConvergence Zone moves northward to lie approx-imately at the same latitude as San Blas. The rainyseason (May–December) is characterized by a risein sea surface temperatures (January–April, 25.9�–26.7�C; May–December, 27.3�–28.2�C) and a dropin atmospheric pressure (January–April, 10.7–11.2hPa; May–December, 9.7–10.6 hPa; Sadler et al.1987). The tidal range is microtidal (!0.5 m; D’Crozand Robertson 1997).

Known as the Comarca de San Blas or Kuna Yala,the San Blas coastal archipelago is the autonomoushome of the Kuna Indians, whose low-impact life-style, veneration of the mainland, and strict controlof access to the area result in a region with limitedanthropogenic effects (lack of forestry and mining,limited fisheries depletion, and subsistence agri-culture; see Clifton et al. 1997). The SmithsonianTropical Research Institute San Blas Marine Sta-tion, which served as a fieldwork base, was locatedon one of the cays off Punta San Blas at the westernend of the region (it has since been closed; Alper1998). Through this field station, the area was thesite of many studies for more than 20 yr (Shulmanand Robertson 1996; Clifton 1997; Clifton et al.1997; D’Croz et al. 1999). These largely focused onthe marine biology of the reefs off Punta San Blasand adjacent cays. Exceptions were the work byFreile (Freile and Hillis 1997) on Halimeda sedi-ment production near Pico Feo and by Sare (Sareand Humphrey 1997) and MacIntyre (MacIntyre etal. 2001) on the geology and hydrogeology of theouter carbonate cays.

Shelf seawaters, subtidal sediments, and pore wa-ters were sampled using a variety of shipboard andscuba techniques, including box and cylinder coresand grab samples (for details, see Best 2000 andforthcoming; Ku 2001; Ku and Walter 2003). Sub-tidal sedimentary environments of the San Blasshelf are divided into siliciclastic (!30 wt% car-bonate), carbonate (150 wt% carbonate), and mixed(30–50 wt% carbonate) facies, based on the weightpercent bulk carbonate content as described in“Pore Water and Sediment Chemistry” (fig. 1, table1). Pore water chemistry was studied at the non-reefal sites within the study area (as defined in table1). Sedimentation rates are not explicitly knownfor these sites but are estimated from sediment ac-cumulation on experimental arrays deployed for 3yr. The 210Pb results indicate siliciclastic sedimen-tation rates on the order of 0.5–2.5 cm yr�1 in sil-iciclastic sites, which is consistent with that ob-served with the experimental arrays (M. M. R. Best,

Table 1. Environmental and Sedimentary Data for Sites

Composition, sitename

Siteno. Environment

Bottom water Sediment

Depth(m) Nutrients Turbidity Surface Cover








Siliclastic:Rio Agua 55 River delta on mainland coast 10 Mesotrophic Moderate-high Soupy-

firmSparse Halophila Muddy sand 4.87 29 10 1.5

Soledad 54 Nonriverine segment of main-land coast

10 Mesotrophic Moderate-high Soupy Red bacterialfilms

Sandy clayeymud

2.49 22 24 2.5

Mixed:Ulagsukun channel 53 Narrow mangrove-fringed inlet 10 Mesotrophic Moderate-high Soupy None Mud 1.58 47 27 3.4Ulagsukun bench 59 Narrow mangrove-fringed inlet 5 Mesotrophic Moderate-high Soupy-

firmThalassia and/or

HalimedaMuddy sand 1.12 47 7 2.5

Nonreefal carbonate:Guigalatupo 58 Restricted lagoon in a carbon-

ate cay3 Oligo-mesotrophic Low-moderate Soupy None Mud .06 89 76 4.2

Pico Feo Lagoon 50 Floor of broad back-reef lagoon 10 Oligo-mesotrophic Low-moderate Firm Sparse Halophila,Halimeda, andfilamentousalgae

Fine sandysilt

.17 91 84 1.4

Pico Feo Seagrass 56 Sea grass flat within the samelarge lagoon

5 Oligo-mesotrophic Low-moderate Firm Dense Thalassiaand Halimeda

Muddy sand .19 92 80 .8

Reefal carbonate:Korbiski reef wall 51 Leeward reef wall 10 Oligo-mesotrophic Low Firm None Coarse sand NA 99 74 1.4Korbiski reef flat 60 Edge of leeward reef flat 5 Oligo-mesotrophic Low Firm None Coarse sand NA 99 63 1.1Barrier channel 52 Channel through a windward

reef crest10 Oligotrophic Low Firm None Very coarse

sandNA 100 95 .0

Note. In addition to bulk analyses, separate analysis of the mud fraction has been used to clarify the nature of the matrix (mud) versus the coarse fraction. Sediment data areaverages of grab samples and shallow cores (upper 20 cm); Fe-HCl is the sediment iron extracted by the boiling-HCl extraction method of Berner (1970). Water characterization isbased on quantitative measurements (phosphate, nitrate/nitrite, silicate, visibility) summarized from Best (2000). applicable.NA p not

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unpublished data). Generally, coastal siliciclasticsedimentation rates tend to be similar to, if not anorder of magnitude greater than, carbonate sedi-mentation rates (Kukal 1990).

Shell Material for Taphonomic Analysis. Tapho-nomic analysis focused on 10 sites at depths of 3–10 m, across a range of sediment composition (22–100 wt% carbonate, 0.8–4.2 wt% organic carbon,0.06–4.87 wt% iron), grain size (coarse sand toclayey mud), water chemistry (oligotrophic to me-sotrophic), and biological community (reef, seagrass, soft-bottom benthic; table 1, summarizedfrom quantitative data in Best 2000). Skeletal deathassemblages were collected at the 10 sites by wash-ing a minimum of three replicate 5-L grab samplesthrough 8-mm and 2-mm sieves, with the tapho-nomic study focusing on the coarser fraction. Inaddition, two commercially available temperate-latitude species of bivalves, Mercenaria mercenariaand Mytilus edulis, were experimentally deployedto test the effect of exposure above, at, and 20 cmbelow the sediment-water interface over periods of9–27 mo. These two species provide contrast inshell microstructure, mineralogy, and robustness(M. mercenaria, thick, low-organic aragonitic shell;M. edulis, thin, high-organic aragonite � calciteshell; Taylor et al. 1969, 1973). Unless otherwisespecified, results are for all deployment periods.

Macroscopic Multivariate Taphonomic Analysis.To characterize their state of preservation, bivalveshells from both natural death assemblages (∼200specimens 18 mm per site) and experimental ar-rays (8 valves/taxa/treatment/array) were exam-ined under #10 magnification using a stereo-graphic microscope and coded for variablesdescribing encrustation, bioerosion, margin mod-ification, fragmentation, fine-scale surface alter-ation (by microstructural sector), and color alter-ation. Fine-scale surface alteration ranges fromloss of original luster to a fine-grained rougheningor spalling of the surface and may be the productof microboring, maceration, abrasion, and/or cor-rosion, which are distinguishable only via scan-ning electron microscope (SEM; texturally similarto “corrasion” of Brett and Baird [1986]). Obser-vations were made on shell interiors because suchdamage would be largely postmortem, thereforedamage estimates are a minimum. Macroscopicfeatures were then further investigated on un-coated specimens in a JEOL-JSM 5800 LV SEM un-der low vacuum (magnifications up to #5000).Compositional spectra of mineral precipitateswere simultaneously produced using the OxfordInstruments ISIS-300 microanalysis beam.

Macroscopic taphonomic data are summarized

as the percentage of shells from each sample thatdisplay a given variable (with a 95% confidenceinterval). A multivariate percentage frequencydata set (31 variables) was further investigated us-ing two-dimensional nonmetric (monotonic) mul-tidimensional scaling (NMDS; in Systat 5.2.1)sample and variable ordinations, using Euclideandistance matrices in order to preserve commonabsences (other similarity measures commonlyused with diversity data deemphasize or dismisscommon absences, whereas these absences are sig-nificant with taphonomic data). The deploymentpositions, periods, and experimental taxa at eachsite were treated as distinct samples. Because thescaling and orientation are arbitrary in the solu-tions of NMDS, the axes can be rotated or reversedwithout misrepresenting the result, as only therelative distances among sites must be conserved.Groups within Euclidean matrices (bases ofNMDS ordinations described above) were testedusing ANOSIM (PAST ver. 1.37; Hammer et al.2001). Separate matrices were compared usingMantel tests (Manly 1994; Sokal and Rohlf 1995),initially programmed in Visual Basic for Excel andconfirmed in GenAlEx (Peakall and Smouse 2006).

SEM Characterization of Nacre Tablet Degradation.To further track postmortem modification of shellsat the microstructural level, we focused on the in-ner nacreous shell layer of Mytilus because it wasexpected to have high reactivity based on lab ex-periments (Glover and Kidwell 1993; Harper 2000).Nacre is a high-organic aragonitic microstructurecomposed of thin roughly hexagonal tablets( mm), each surrounded by a proteina-1–2 # 5–10ceous organic matrix (Taylor et al. 1969). UnderSEM, nacre was characterized in terms of the degreeand style of tablet degradation, including edge mod-ification, holes, and loss of tablet definition (table2).

Shell Ages in Death Assemblages. Age control wasbased on analyses of single shell fragments by ac-celerator mass spectrometry (AMS; University ofArizona) of 14C, combined with amino acid race-mization (AAR; Northern Arizona University), to-gether yielding 45 dated shells (Kidwell et al. 2005).For AAR analysis, we used the procedure of Kauf-man and Manley (1998), which yields precise sep-arations of d and l enantiomers of aspartic acid andglutamic acid (Glu) from small shell fragments. Toavoid variability in racemization rates within shells(Carroll et al. 2003) and among taxa, all specimenswere sampled from a homologous position (poste-rior half used for AAR, umbo and anterior for AMS),and most dates are from a single bivalve genus (Pi-tar; 10 of 12 shells used to calibrate the age equa-

Table 2. Microstructural Modification of Nacre Tablets on the Interior Surface of Mytilus edulis, Observed Using Environmental Scanning ElectronMicroscopy at a Magnification of #5000

Shell source EnvironmentLoose

crystals Margins HolesTablet



Fresh shell (Gold coated) None Sutured None None NoneArchived shell (Lab) All on top layer Some sutured, mostly

smoothSmall None None

Rio Agua Siliciclastic sandymud

1–2 layers loosecrystalsvisible

Smooth Rare, elongate None Welding of tablets �authigenic minerals

Soledad Siliciclastic clayeymud

Few on surface Sutured, smooth, andscalloped

Few small, rareelongate

A couple offragments onsurface

Authigenic minerals

Ulagsuken channel Mixed organic, richmud

All, multiplelayers

Lacy to star when tab-let is discernible

Difficult to discerndiscrete holes


Secondary fine-grainedtexture

Ulagsuken bench Mixed organic, richmuddy gravel

All, multiplelayers

Lacy to comb whentablet is discernible

Abundant, small,and elongate

Pervasive Not discernible

Guigalatupo Carbonate mud All, multiplelayers

Comb, when tablet isdiscernible

Elongate Pervasive None

Pico Feo Lagoon Carbonate sand All, multiplelayers

Lacy, when tablet isdiscernible

Elongate Pervasive None

Pico Feo Seagrass Carbonate muddysand

All, multiplelayers

Lacy, star, androunded, when tab-let is discernible

Elongate and small Pervasive None

Note. Shells analyzed here were deployed at experimental sites for 1 yr, buried 20 cm below the sediment-water interface. Characterization is based on 13 shells/treatment and 13 locations per shell. Edges of the tablets were categorized as sutured (tablet contacts not visible, i.e., organic matrix intact), smooth (initial loss oforganic matrix), scalloped (tablet edges corroded, possibly from microbially produced CO2), lacy, and comb or star structure (more advanced dissolution damage). Holesin the surface of the tablets were subdivided into small (!0.5 mm) or elongate. Tablets also displayed a loss of definition of the tablet form, which probably reflectsadvanced dissolution from undersaturated waters. Secondary precipitation of calcium carbonate produces a fine-grained, smooth-margined texture (as opposed to theconcave margins above), a welding of tablet contacts, or distinct crystals of authigenic minerals.

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tion, and 26 of 33 additional shells were dated byapplying that equation to Glu AAR values; see Kid-well et al. 2005 for details). Because our aim wasto determine maximum scales of time averagingper assemblage, we preferentially dated the poorest-condition shells at each site.

To test shell preservation state as a function ofshell age, before dating, all shells were scored formacroscopic damage following the procedure de-scribed above for macroscopic multivariate taph-onomic analysis. The first dimension of a two-dimensional NMDS ordination captured most ofthe variability, with pristine shells and highly dam-aged shells plotting at the opposite ends of the axis,so this was used as a proxy for damage (for two-dimensional plot, see Kidwell et al. 2005).

Pore Water and Sediment Chemistry. Detailed an-alytical methodologies are given by Ku et al. (1999);Ku (2001); Ku and Walter (2003); and T. C. W. Ku,L. M. Walter, and M. M. R. Best, unpublished man-uscript. Sediment and pore water samples were col-lected in diver-collected box cores (upper 24 cm)and push cores (upper ∼80 cm) and processed in 2-cm (box cores) or 8–12-cm (push cores) intervalsunder an N2 atmosphere. Pore waters for the non-reefal carbonate, mixed, and siliciclastic sites wereextracted by centrifugation, filtered, and preservedfor various measurements. Sediment and seawaterpH’s and temperatures were determined on-site.Total alkalinity was measured by the Gran titrationmethod with a precision of �0.5% (Gieskes andRogers 1973). Pore water SH2S analyses were donewith headspace gas chromatography. Anion (SO4

�2,Cl�) concentration was determined by ion chro-matography and electrometric endpoint titrationwith 2j precisions of �1% and �0.2%, respec-tively. Concentrations of dissolved Ca were mea-sured by inductively coupled plasma atomic emis-sion spectrometry (ICP-AES) with precision of�1% (2j). The millimoles of excess Ca�2 and SO4


reduced were calculated by comparing pore waterCa�2/Cl� and SO4

�2/Cl� values to those of theoverlying seawaters.

Sediment samples were oven dried and homog-enized for subsequent measurements. All sedimentanalyses were reported on a dry weight basis. Car-bonate carbon and organic carbon analyses weredone on both bulk sample and mud fractions usinga Carbo-Erba NA-1500 elemental analyzer and themethods of Verardo et al. (1990; analyses done atNorthern Illinois University by P. Loubere and E.Castenson). Sediment iron extractions were carriedout using the boiling-HCl method of Berner (1970),and extractant Fe concentrations were measured byICP-AES using gravimetric standards of similar ma-

trices. Acid-volatile sulfur (mostly iron mono-sulfides) and chromium-reducible sulfur (CRS; el-emental sulfur and pyrite) were measured using amodified extraction scheme of Canfield et al.(1986). Concentrations of CRS were considered torepresent pyrite sulfur. Degree of pyritization(DOP) values quantify the degree to which theavailable iron has been converted into pyrite. TheDOP is defined as the amount of pyrite iron dividedby the amount of pyrite iron plus HCl-soluble iron(Berner 1970; Raiswell et al. 1994). In some sedi-ments, the boiling-HCl method can overestimatethe amount of iron available for pyritization (e.g.,Raiswell and Canfield 1996), but this does not de-tract from the major conclusions of this article.

Abundance and Nature of Carbonate

Samples from carbonate, mixed, and siliciclastic fa-cies all contain significant skeletal carbonate. Inparticular, sediments where the dominant matrixis siliciclastic (mud, !30 wt% carbonate) containup to 47 wt% bulk carbonate (table 1). This con-trasts with temperate shelf siliciclastics such asthose from Long Island Sound, an embayment thatcontains ∼2 wt% CaCO3 (e.g., Green and Aller2001), and tropical siliciclastic shelf sediments ofthe Amazon (Aller et al. 1986) and Fly deltas(Alongi 1992), where little to no skeletal carbonateis reported (0.7–3.1 wt% CaCO3). The productionof skeletal carbonate in San Blas is not hindered bythe high physical mobility of sediment such as seenin large river deltas (Aller et al 1986). Communitiesof macrobenthic carbonate-shelled organisms suchas bivalves are thus able to become established insignificant diversity and abundance.

In San Blas, siliciclastic facies contain predomi-nantly molluscan bioclasts, which are abundantand probably benefit from the higher nutrient re-gime of the coastal waters. However, contrary tomodels of skeletal distribution (e.g., Lees 1975),skeletal material in these facies is not limited toheterotrophic organisms; Halimeda (carbonategreen alga), which is a major source of carbonateproduction in tropical carbonates (e.g., Freile et al.1995), is also present in a number of siliciclasticsites. Significant Halimeda input occurs on sub-merged river deltas (e.g., Rio Agua) and along theshallow margins of high-organic mixed carbonate-siliciclastic inlets (e.g., the Ulagsukun inlet). Thisis contrary to standard models of environmentalassociation (Lees 1975; Mount 1984; Carannante etal. 1988), which suggest that Halimeda would notoccur in turbid/high-nutrient areas associated withsiliciclastic input. It is, however, consistent with

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Figure 2. Overlain multivariate two-dimensional or-dinations of taphonomic signature of bivalve death as-semblage (stress 0.0553, circles with site numbers) andexperimental shells (stress 0.1377, x’s, triangles, andsquares), compared with an ordination of sediment �

analyses (stress 0.00548, diamonds with site num-waterbers), using nonmetric multidimensional scaling.

and siliciclastic sites, car-Gray p mixed black p reefalbonates, and sands and muds. Ro-outlines p carbonatetated axes have been omitted for clarity; relative positionof sites within ordinations has been preserved (see text).

occurrences in the Balearic Islands of Spain (Fornoset al. 1992) and on the Mahakam delta of Indonesia(Granier et al. 1996; Roberts and Sydow 1997). Inaddition to bivalves and Halimeda, death assem-blages from San Blas contain gastropods, echinoids,plant material (wood, leaves), and, where imme-diately adjacent to the small bioherms that formon highs of the submerged deltas and inlets, smallamounts of coral and bryozoan fragments (for de-tails, see Best 2000; Kidwell et al. 2001).

Bivalves and gastropods also dominate in non-reefal carbonate sites, with the exception of PicoFeo Seagrass, where Halimeda again plays an im-portant role. In reefal sites, corals become a dom-inant source of skeletal material; they are also asignificant source of bioclasts for areas of Pico FeoLagoon immediately adjacent to patch reefs. There-fore, the main difference among sites in skeletaltaxa, and therefore potential carbonate productionrates, is between reefal sites and all nonreefal sites,regardless of sediment matrix composition.

Evidence for the Differential Preservationof Carbonate

Condition of Skeletal Carbonate—Death Assem-blages. Bivalve death assemblages of the 10 ex-perimental sites fall into three taphonomic groupsbased on the NMDS ordination of taphonomic data(ANOSIM, ): those from reefal carbon-P p 0.0108ates, those from nonreefal carbonates, and thosefrom siliciclastic and mixed facies. A significantcorrelation between this taphonomic ordinationand that of sediment and water characteristics(Mantel test, ) underlines the influenceP p 0.030of environment on the taphonomic signature (fig.2). Shells from reefal carbonates typically displayextensive fine-scale surface alteration and high lev-els of bioerosion (exhibited by up to 90% and 70%of shells, respectively). Shells from nonreefal car-bonates display a greater tendency for pervasivesurface alteration (!40% on average show patchyalteration), some microboring (2%–20%), and lackof staining (K15%). Shells from siliciclastic andmixed sediments display pervasive staining (40%–90%) and patchy surface alteration (160% on av-erage), which correlates with root etching andmicroboring.

Condition of Skeletal Carbonate—Experimental Ar-rays. Shells deployed experimentally on posts andon string tethers for up to 27 mo indicate that, con-sidering the entire study area and all treatments,the first-order control on shell persistence is ex-posure above the sediment-water interface (Best2000). Exposure produces high levels of bioinfes-

tation (encrustation and bioerosion) in both low-organic aragonitic Mercenaria and high-organicbimineralic Mytilus shells in all environmentswithin the first year (fig. 3). Sediment texture,through its correlation with shell exposure abovethe sediment-water interface, is thus predicted toexert a strong influence on taphonomic state; shellsfrom coarser-grained facies, which in this studyarea are dominantly reefal carbonate, should havehigher frequencies of bioerosion and bioencrusta-tion than shells from muddy facies, because of in-creased exposure. This prediction is borne out bypatterns of damage in death assemblages, as de-scribed above.

For shells deployed at or below the sediment-water interface, shell condition is controlled pri-marily by early diagenetic reactions and thus afunction of sediment composition. Shells buried atcarbonate sites exhibit higher weight loss (Mytilus)and greater retreat of the margin of the inner shelllayer from the commissure (Mercenaria) than shellsdeployed in siliciclastic sediments (Kruskal-Wallis,

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Figure 3. Microboring in nacre of a Mytilus edulis experimental shell exposed at the sediment-water interface ina reef environment for 1 yr, showing degree of shell degradation as a result of bioerosion. Scale bar is 50 mm.

), suggesting that carbonate sediments areP ! 0.05less conducive to shell preservation. Weight loss isgenerally higher for shells deployed at the sedi-ment-water interface than for continuously buriedshells (Best 2000). This is presumably because theuppermost part of the sedimentary column is mostlikely to experience aerobic decomposition of or-ganic input, resulting in corrosive pore waters (cf.Aller 1982).

The SEM examination of experimental shellshighlights these differences and allows microstruc-tural changes to be assessed (table 2; fig. 4). In car-bonate sediments, both maceration of microstruc-tural organic matrix and chemical dissolution ofcrystallites are evident (table 2; fig. 4e, 4f). By con-trast, in the iron-rich siliciclastic sediments, shellsare discolored due to precipitation of secondaryminerals on shell surfaces, and shell modificationis predominantly via microbial maceration of or-ganic matrix; there is little or no evidence of per-vasive chemical dissolution of first-order crystal-lites (fig. 4c, 4d). The energy dispersive spec-troscopy analysis indicates that secondary precip-

itates on shells in siliciclastic sediments includeiron-rich clays, iron carbonate, and calcium car-bonate (Best 2000; Ku and Walter 2003).

Sequential observations over the 27-mo deploy-ment indicate that weight loss and microstructuralmodification do not proceed linearly. Instead, mod-ification occurs rapidly within the first year andthen decreases as shells (1) are covered with epi-bionts during exposure, (2) lose the labile or readilyaccessible portion of their organic matter, and/or(3) are annealed with secondary mineral films (Best2000).

Shell Ages and Damage Levels in Death Assem-blages. Based on 45 dated shells on the modernSan Blas shelf (inside cays), surficial sediments aredominated by recently produced dead shells (fig. 5).However, death assemblages in siliciclastic sandsand muds contain shells up to ∼5400 yr old, witha median shell age of 375 yr, whereas median shellage in carbonate sediments is much shorter (72 yr),despite the inclusion in reef pockets of outlier 1–3-ka shells (Kidwell et al. 2005). These differencesin apparent shell persistence are consistent with

446 M . M . R . B E S T E T A L .

Figure 4. Environmental scanning electron microscopy images of damage levels to the inner nacreous layer ofMytilus edulis deployed experimentally in various sediment types for at least 1 yr, 20 cm below the sediment-waterinterface; magnification #5000. A, fresh shell before deployment; B, shell exposed to atmosphere in laboratory for1 yr (control); C, siliciclastic sandy mud (Rio Agua); D, siliciclastic clayey mud (Soledad); E, carbonate sand (PicoFeo); F, carbonate mud (Guigalatupo). See table 2 for distribution of features among sites. Scale bars are 10 mm.

differences in damage levels in both death assem-blages and experimentally deployed shells (de-scribed above); bivalve shells from carbonate set-tings are in significantly worse condition frombioerosion, bioencrustation, and surface alterationat younger ages (fig. 5).

Geochemical Evolution of Pore Waters and Sedi-

ments. Net calcium carbonate dissolution in porewaters can be recognized from excess Ca�2 values,which compare pore water Ca�2/Cl� ratios to theCa�2/Cl� ratios of the overlying seawater (e.g., Wal-ter and Burton 1990; Ku et al. 1999). In San Blassediments, excess Ca�2 values ranged between �0.3and �0.7 mM (fig. 6). Eighty-five percent of all pore

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Figure 5. Relationship between shell age and shell con-dition, as scored by multivariate analysis (nonmetricmultidimensional scaling [NMDS]) of taphonomic dam-age (adapted from Kidwell et al. 2005). Shells youngerthan ∼100 yr in both siliciclastic and carbonate settingscan exhibit a range of damage states, indicating that ini-tial damage accrual is erratic but can be rapid in bothsettings. Based on the full age spectrum, however, shellsfrom carbonates range up to poorer conditions than shellsof similar or greater age from siliciclastic and mixed-composition sediments, suggesting more intense recy-cling in carbonate sediments. Maximum shell ages in thetwo sediment types differ significantly at usingP ! 0.02extreme-value statistics (Kidwell et al. 2005). cal yr p


Figure 6. Excess calcium versus sulfate reduced in SanBlas nonreefal sediment pore waters. Most of the porewaters had positive excess calcium values and modestdegrees of sulfate reduction. The carbonate sedimentsgenerally had the highest excess calcium values.

waters had excess Ca�2 values greater than 0, andin general, the highest excess Ca�2 values werefound in carbonate or mixed carbonate-siliciclasticsediments (fig. 6). Although excess Ca�2 values(�0.2 mM) of 0 were analytically indistinguishablefrom overlying seawaters, calculated aragonite sat-uration states decreased from �3.3 to �4.5 inoverlying seawaters to near �1 (saturation) in theupper 2 cm of sediment (fig. 7). In all cases, ara-gonite saturation states then increased with sedi-ment depth, indicating that chemical dissolutionwas dominantly occurring in the upper few centi-meters of sediment (fig. 7).

Several chemical and isotopic pore water analy-ses (alkalinity, SO4

�2/Cl�, Ca�2/Cl�, d34S-SO4, d18O-SO4, d13C–dissolved inorganic carbon, and potentialsulfate reduction rates) indicated minor to modestdegrees of organic matter oxidation, carbonate dis-solution, and sulfate reduction across all sedimenttypes (fig. 6; Ku 2001; T. C. W. Ku, L. M. Walter,and M. M. R. Best, unpublished manuscript). Ele-vated pore water Fe�2 concentrations were observedin the upper 6 cm of the mixed composition andsiliciclastic sediments, which indicated the pres-

ence of bacterial iron reduction (fig. 7). The mixedand siliciclastic sediments had high concentrationsof total iron (1.2–6.9 wt%) and HCl-soluble iron(0.8–5.4 wt%; table 1 for averages; fig. 7; Ku 2001).These sediment iron concentrations are signifi-cantly higher than those found in nearshore tem-perate sediments, but they are similar to sedimentiron concentrations found in tropical shelf sedi-ments near the Amazon River and the Gulf ofPapua (Aller et al. 1986; Alongi et al. 1993; Raiswelland Canfield 1998). In contrast, the carbonate sed-iments had much lower total iron (0.1–0.3 wt%)and HCl-soluble iron (0.04–0.22 wt%) concentra-tions (table 1 for averages; fig. 7; Ku 2001). For allsediments, pyrite sulfur concentrations rangedfrom 0.09 to 3.1 wt% and generally increased downcore, resulting in higher DOP values at greater sed-iment depth (fig. 7; Ku 2001; T. C. W. Ku, L. M.Walter, and M. M. R. Best, unpublished manu-script). Excluding the three deepest intervals of theRio Agua (site 55) core, the average DOP value ofthe carbonate sediments was 0.62, which was sig-nificantly higher than the average of the mixed andsiliciclastic sediment value of 0.11 (fig. 7; Ku 2001).Thus, most of the iron in the carbonate sedimentswas converted into pyrite in the upper 20 cm, whileon average, only 11% of iron in the mixed and sil-

Figure 7. Sediment depth versus sediment and pore water chemistry for San Blas nonreefal carbonate, mixed, andsiliciclastic sediments. Fe-HCl is the sediment iron extracted by the boiling-HCl extraction method of Berner (1970)and represents the concentration of available iron that could be converted into pyrite. Degree of pyritization (DOP)values represent the fraction of available sediment iron that has been converted into pyrite (see text). Overlyingseawater and pore water aragonite saturation indexes (SI) were calculated using apparent seawater equilibrium con-stants for aragonite and the carbonic acid system after adjusting for temperature, salinity, and boric acid (Mehrbachet al. 1973; Millero 1979, 1995; Mucci 1983). Pore water Fe concentrations are also given, distinct from sedimentiron concentrations. Seawater values are shown at zero sediment depth.

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iciclastic sediments was sulfidized. Note that theDOP values at the restricted carbonate cay lagoon(site 58) were constant, with sediment depth at ∼0.8cm (fig. 7).

Factors Controlling Differential Preservation

The broad range of environments available on theSan Blas shelf allows us to investigate the effectsof sediment composition (grain size, carbonate, or-ganic carbon, iron) on the preservation of skeletalcarbonate. Across both siliciclastic and carbonateenvironments, both death assemblages and exper-imental shells show that the dominant control onskeletal degradation is exposure to bioeroders at orabove the sediment-water interface (e.g., fig. 3; Best2000 and forthcoming). During burial, multiplelines of evidence (macroscopic appearance, weightloss, SEM of nacre, shell ages) indicate that shellpreservation is favored in siliciclastic facies. Porewater analyses document that (1) chemical disso-lution is more important in carbonate than silici-clastic settings, (2) it occurs primarily in the upperzones of the sediment, and (3) early diagenetic con-ditions are fundamentally different between sili-ciclastic and nonreefal carbonate sediments. In thefollowing sections, we discuss how these patternsare a function of sediment composition.

Exposure and Exhumation of Shells Promote Bioero-sion. Based on both experimental arrays and ob-servations on natural death assemblages, bioerosionand dissolution are the two most aggressive pro-cesses of carbonate shell destruction in the San Blasstudy area, and both can be linked to exposure andrepeated burial-exhumation cycles at the sediment-water interface.

Our experimental arrays indicate that if a shellis not buried rapidly after death, it is subject toimmediate bioerosion, and even shells that are onlytemporarily or intermittently exposed (e.g., thoseloosely tethered at the sediment-water interface)become infested (Best 2000). In death assemblages,frequencies of bioeroded shells are higher in car-bonate sites that are also coarser grained (less mud),whereas the generally finer grain sizes encounteredin mixed and siliciclastic sites tend to coat shellsat the sediment-water interface, excluding infest-ers. In the muddiest siliciclastic sites, a significantnepheloid layer is common, and the sediment-water interface is generally soupier in consistency.These conditions should degrade living conditionsfor bioeroding and microboring animals by reduc-ing available light and oxygen and reducing the ef-ficiency of filter feeding (e.g., for boring sponges).

In the absence of rapid burial, bioerosion destroysskeletons at rates that are orders of magnitude fast-er than chemical dissolution (e.g., Hutchings 1986).

The grain size and mass properties of sedimentand local bioturbation intensity determine whethera shell is buried. Although we have no quantitativeinformation, qualitative observations indicate thatshell exhumation by advecting bioturbators ishigher in carbonate sites and particularly the reefs.Specifically, coarser-grained (carbonate) sites arecharacterized by larger numbers of shells exposedat the sediment-water interface and by higher den-sities of active callianassid shrimp mounds, and netsediment increase was rarely observed against theposts of our experimental arrays, all in contrast tosiliciclastic sites. We thus infer more frequentburial/exhumation cycles and assume greater sea-water advection into the sediments. In general, par-ticularly in the tropics, carbonate sediments tendto be coarser grained on average because of the insitu production of large grains. By contrast, silici-clastic sites not only are distal from the sedimentsource, with resultant sorting, but are also oftensheltered behind a carbonate barrier (as seen in SanBlas), which dissipates wave energy that might oth-erwise winnow muds from muddy sands of thecoastal deltas. Sedimentation rates also affect shellburial rates. Again, the tendency is for carbonatesto have lower net accumulation rates than silici-clastics (Kukal 1990), therefore increasing the like-lihood of extended exposure in carbonate comparedto siliciclastic facies.

Sediment mass properties and bioturbation in-tensity not only influence the exposure of shells tobioerosion but also control pore water mass trans-port and oxygen levels within the sedimentary col-umn. These in turn are key ingredients for carbon-ate dissolution reactions during early burial, asdiscussed in the next section.

Taphonomic and Geochemical Evolution within SanBlas Sediments. In addition to differences in levelsof damage from bioerosion, San Blas death assem-blages and experimental shells both reveal differ-ences in chemical dissolution between carbonate(sites 50, 56, 58), mixed composition (sites 53, 59),and siliciclastic facies (sites 54, 55). Shells in car-bonate sediments display the most extensive dis-solution features and also have lower median shellages (table 2; figs. 4, 5).

As possible causes of this difference, consider thetwo most important organic matter oxidation path-ways in coastal sediments affecting carbonate dis-solution, namely, oxic respiration and sulfate re-duction (Jorgensen 1982; Canfield and Raiswell

450 M . M . R . B E S T E T A L .

Figure 8. Closed system early diagenetic evolution ofpore waters. The model begins with seawater at 1 atm,25�C, and . Standard surface seawater is super-pH p 8.1saturated with respect to aragonite (SIaragonite), and the fol-lowing composition is assumed: ,SCO p 2.2 mM2

, , ,�3 �PO p 1 mM borate p 420 mM O p 300 mM NO p4 2 3

(Broecker and Peng 1982). Marine phytoplankton16 mMwith Redfield C : N : P ratios is considered the organiccarbon source, and aragonite saturation indices were cal-culated as explained in the figure 7 legend. The oxic res-piration line shows the complete utilization of dissolvedO2, as explained in the text. Model lines representing thefate of produced sulfide from bacterially sulfate reductionare shown: “100% H2S precipitation” and “no H2Sprecipitation.”

1991). During oxic respiration, pH decreases, andSIaragonite decreases to values !1 due to the additionof H2CO3 and the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate.During the initial stages of sulfate reduction, car-bonate undersaturation and SIaragonite evolution de-pend on how completely H2S is removed from so-lution. If H2S is allowed to accumulate in solution,the H2S buffers the pH to values slightly below 7and causes aragonite undersaturation; aragonitesupersaturation occurs only after significant alka-linity is produced by sulfate reduction (e.g., Ben-Yaakov 1973). However, when abundant reactivesedimentary Fe is present, H2S readily precipitatesfrom pore water, causing pH to rise; the saturationindex for aragonite quickly reaches saturation andprogresses to supersaturated conditions (Canfieldand Raiswell 1991). If such sediments are remixedinto the oxidized sediment layer, reduced H2S(aq) orsolid iron sulfide can be reoxidized, producing acidand relowering the saturation state of aragonite.Where it occurs, iron reduction also figures intoaragonite saturation levels because of its produc-tion of alkalinity and suppression of the sulfate re-duction zone within the sedimentary column (seediscussion at the end of this section).

In San Blas, pore waters at carbonate back-reeflagoon sites (50, 56) show only minor evidence forsulfate reduction and carbonate dissolution,slightly elevated alkalinities compared with levelsin overlying seawaters, and SIaragonite values greaterthan 1 (figs. 7, 8). Figure 8 shows the SIaragonite versusalkalinity values of the San Blas pore waters andthe theoretical pore water evolution lines of oxicrespiration, complete H2S precipitation, and no H2Sprecipitation following the closed system approachof Ben-Yaakov (1973) and Canfield and Raiswell(1991). The aragonite saturation states and themodest alkalinity concentrations of the back-reeflagoon sediments (50, 56) indicate that the observedcarbonate dissolution likely occurred during oxicrespiration or the early stages of sulfate reductionor by sulfate reduction–sulfide oxidation cycles (fig.8; see scenario described in Walter and Burton 1990;Ku et al. 1999). The lack of more pronounced porewater evidence for carbonate dissolution is some-what puzzling considering the death assemblageand experimental shell results, but the lack may bedue to relatively low concentrations of organic car-bon (0.8–1.4 wt% in the mud fraction) and/or torapid pore water–seawater exchange associatedwith relatively large grain sizes (muddy sands tosandy silts). Mass transport processes were seem-ingly rapid enough to exchange out pore water thatcontained dissolved sulfide and/or to lower pH val-ues below those expected during the early stage of

sulfate reduction. Note that our pore water com-parison does not include reef gravels, where thiseffect of grain size and exposure is even more ex-treme (Best 2000 and forthcoming). Other workershave noted that pore water concentrations may bepoor indicators of the importance of early diage-netic reactions, especially in nearshore carbonatesediments that typically have high bioirrigationrates (e.g., Furukawa et al. 2000).

In addition to mass transport, another feature ofthe San Blas carbonates that may have obscuredthe pore water reactions is their noncarbonate con-tent (89%–92% CaCO3 in the bulk sediments and76%–84% CaCO3 in the mud fraction; table 1). The

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ranges of Fe-HCl and pyrite sulfur in these carbon-ate sediments were 38–2600 ppm (1100–3700 ppmtotal Fe) and 1300–4300 ppm, respectively (table 1;Ku 2001; T. C. W. Ku, L. M. Walter, and M. M. R.Best, unpublished manuscript). This contrasts with“pure” bulk carbonate sediments from Florida Bayand the Bahamas, which have 198% CaCO3 and30–100 ppm total iron (Morse et al. 1985; Walterand Burton 1990). Although the iron concentra-tions in the San Blas carbonate sediments were lowcompared with the San Blas mixed and siliciclasticsediments, there may have been enough iron pre-sent to remove significant quantities of pore waterH2S. Pore water H2S concentrations in San Blas car-bonate sites were below detection limits, and DOPvalues ranged between 0.39 and 0.81 (fig. 7). At PicoFeo (sites 50 and 56), the DOP values increase con-sistently with sediment depth to values between0.55 and 0.64, indicating that not all of the reactiveiron phases have been sulfidized (fig. 7). The HCliron extraction may overestimate the amount ofreactive iron resulting in low DOP values, but thisis unlikely since the DOP values at carbonate site58 were between 0.76 and 0.81 (fig. 7). It is morelikely that all of the available iron has been sulfi-dized in the carbonate sediments of Guigalatupo(site 58, described in the next paragraph) and notin the carbonate Pico Feo sediments (sites 50 and56). Thus, mineral sulfide oxidation via bioturba-tion and bioirrigation may be a significant carbon-ate dissolution process in these sediments.

Unlike the other San Blas carbonate sites, theGuigalatupo carbonate cay lagoon (site 58) sedi-ments were covered with a significant nephaloidlayer that produced skeletal degradation patternsdue mostly to burial processes. Uniform death as-semblage surface alteration patterns and distinctivecomb structures in the nacre of experiment shells,without overprinting of extensive microboring, in-dicate that chemical dissolution was pervasive inthese sediments (figs. 3, 4; Best 2000 and forthcom-ing). In addition, the death assemblages here dis-played an anomalously high proportion of articu-lated shells (indicating input within a year, basedon experiments reported in Best et al. 2004) andyoung shell ages compared with other carbonatesites (Kidwell et al. 2005). Pore waters at this siteapproach undersaturation at ∼4 meq L�1 alkalinityand then rise to much higher alkalinity and ara-gonite saturation states (fig. 8). As noted above, thesediment DOP values show that much of the re-active iron has been sulfidized; thus, dissolved sul-fide could persist in the pore waters and lower car-bonate saturation states. Most of the dissolutionlikely occurs in the upper 25 cm of sediment since

SIaragonite values significantly increase at greaterdepths (fig. 7). These chemical observations areconsistent with the taphonomic data above, all ofwhich point to rapid shell loss by predominantlychemical processes at this site.

Pore waters from San Blas mixed (sites 53, 59)and siliciclastic (sites 54, 55) sediments wereslightly supersaturated with respect to aragoniteand had alkalinities between 2.4 and 4.9 meq/L (fig.8). The SIaragonite values from these sites were lowerthan their overlying seawaters, with a minimum of∼3 meq/L alkalinity. Further increases in alkalinityfollow the 100% H2S precipitation pathway, whichresults in higher SIaragonite values, indicating betterconditions for carbonate preservation with contin-ued organic matter decomposition (fig. 8). The low-est SIaragonite values occur in the upper few centi-meters of these sediments and are most likelycaused by oxic respiration. Reactive iron phases, asrepresented by Fe-HCl, would immediately precip-itate any produced H2S, thereby quickly raising thearagonite saturation state following the 100% H2Sprecipitation model line (fig. 8). The concentrationsof pyritic sulfur and the DOP values in the upperfew centimeters of the mixed and siliciclastic sed-iments indicate that sulfide is rapidly removedfrom pore water solutions (fig. 7; Ku and Walter2003). DOP values increase with sediment depth,showing continued sulfidization of the sedimen-tary iron (fig. 7). The mixed and siliciclastic sedi-ments contain abundant quantities of iron phasesthat remove any produced sulfide from these porewaters, thus favoring carbonate mineral supersat-uration and promoting carbonate precipitation, notdissolution. This is consistent with SEM observa-tions of secondary carbonate precipitates on exper-imentally deployed Mytilus edulis (Best 2000).

The high concentrations of HCl-soluble ironphases in siliciclastic-rich sediments may also pro-mote carbonate preservation by limiting sulfate re-duction and subsequent sulfide oxidation. In themixed and siliciclastic sediments, 67%–91% of theFe-HCl is ferric iron and a significant fraction ofthis ferric iron exists in clay minerals belonging tothe verdine facies (Odin 1990; Ku and Walter 2003).Recent experimental studies have provided directevidence that bacteria can couple silicate iron re-duction with organic carbon oxidation (e.g., Kostkaet al. 1996, 1999). In other tropical, iron-rich shelfsediments, it has been suggested that iron-reducingbacteria outcompete sulfate-reducing bacteria fororganic matter, thereby suppressing sulfate reduc-tion in zones of intense iron reduction (Aller et al.1986; Alongi 1995). If this were occurring in SanBlas, acid formation by reactions between sulfide

452 M . M . R . B E S T E T A L .

minerals and oxygenated seawater would be lim-ited because sulfate reduction would be suppressedin the most active zones of bioturbation. Additionalsulfate reduction and iron reduction rate data arerequired to prove the dominance of iron reductionin the San Blas sediments, but this relationship be-tween diagenesis and sediment depth may partiallyexplain the excellent shell preservation in the SanBlas iron-rich sediments.


Multiple lines of evidence indicate that, relative totropical carbonate sediments, skeletal carbonatepreservation is enhanced in the mafic-rich silici-clastic sediments that characterize humid tropicalarc settings: (1) skeletal carbonate is produced (bothby abundant bivalves and by Halimeda) and per-sists in significant amounts in siliciclastic envi-ronments; (2) skeletal carbonate is in better con-dition in siliciclastic sediments than in carbonatesediments, both macroscopically and microscopi-cally, with the exception that in siliciclastics it isprone to secondary precipitates, which enhancepreservation; (3) skeletal carbonate persists signif-icantly longer in siliciclastic sediments than in car-bonate sediments, based on direct dating of shells;(4) skeletal carbonate is subject to more intensebioerosion in carbonate than in siliciclastic sedi-ments owing to factors linked to grain size, andbioerosion is the primary control on shell destruc-tion; and (5) sediment and pore water geochemistryfeatures indicate that iron-rich siliciclastic sedi-ments favor carbonate preservation over iron-poorcarbonate sediments, because as long as sedimentreworking does not cause significant degrees of sul-fide reoxidation, carbonate dissolution processesare limited in iron-rich sediments.

These findings have several general implications.First, if the best preservation occurs in tropical sil-iciclastic muds, then bivalve fossil assemblagesfrom siliciclastics should have experienced theleast amount of bias due to incomplete preserva-tion. However, due to the greater persistence ofshells in such settings, this also implies that timeaveraging is greater in siliciclastic than in carbon-ate sediments, assuming comparable sediment ac-cumulation. In contrast, carbonates appear to besettings of much higher rates, if not total magni-tude, of shell loss and thus have potential for muchmore severe taxonomic bias of species richness anddifferences in proportional abundances. The shorteraverage persistence of shells, on the other hand,

suggests lower degrees of time averaging per assem-blage. These taphonomic trade-offs—high captureof diversity but low temporal resolution in silici-clastics versus reduced capture but high temporalresolution in carbonates—suggest quantitative ifnot qualitative differences in the quality of fossilassemblages from these end-member facies andthat the high diversities registered from paleoreefcommunities are probably minimum estimates(and see Best and Kidwell 2000a, 2000b; Kidwell etal. 2005).

Second, on a global scale, although it is naturalto assume that large river systems such as the Am-azon (Aller et al. 1986) probably dominate silici-clastic sediment supply to shallow marine systems,more sediment is probably delivered to coasts viashort, steep-gradient rivers in humid tropical areas(Milliman and Syvitski 1992). The mainland coastof San Blas provides a good example of such terrain.Large delta complexes are thus probably not goodmodels for understanding the majority of tropicalcoastal sedimentation. For example, in contrast tothe extensive physical reworking observed at theAmazon and Fly deltas (Alongi 1995; Aller et al.1996), the coastal bays and inlets of the San Blascoast are protected by offshore carbonate cays andby the various headlands created by river valleyflooding during the Holocene sea level rise. In fact,coastlines with small rivers, steep gradients, humidclimate weathering, and active tectonics domi-nated by subduction and mafic lithotypes charac-terize much of modern-day Central America,northern South America, and Southeast Asia. Weexpect that our findings in the San Blas Archipelagohave relevance for these modern tropical areas, aswell as their paleocounterparts.

Finally, tropical siliciclastic shelf facies gener-ated by humid weathering of mafic source areasmay be sites of significant carbonate burial due to(1) moderate carbonate production, (2) moderate tohigh sedimentation, (3) large areal extent of silici-clastics on tropical shelves, (4) lack of exposure ofshells at the sediment-water interface (where bio-erosion and dissolution are most intense) due tothe low grain size of sediment, (5) pore waters thatare supersaturated with respect to aragonite duringearly diagenesis, and (6) “annealing” of shell sur-faces by precipitation of authigenic minerals. Bud-gets for global carbonate burial (e.g., Milliman1993) tend to ignore the potential of shelf silici-clastics for carbonate burial. However, given theproportion of local carbonate production that maybe captured, and the total production in these sys-tems, tropical siliciclastic shelves from humid arcsettings may be of the same order of magnitude as

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the net accumulation of biogenic carbonate in trop-ical carbonate shelves.


We thank the Smithsonian Tropical Research In-stitute for the use of the San Blas Field Station andfor logistical assistance. We also thank dive assis-tants I. Campbell, O. Barrio, and N. Waltho and lab

assistant A. Striegle for their enthusiastic assis-tance in the field and R. Pillar, E. Bassity, M. Dud-ley, N. Heim, J. Hansen, M. Handyside, M. Taylor,A. Zimmer, and G. Bowen for their many kinds oflab assistance back in the United States. This proj-ect was supported by National Science Foundation–Earth Sciences collaborative grants NSF-EAR 96-28345 to S. M. Kidwell and NSF-EAR 96-28369 toL. M. Walter, and by Smithsonian doctoral fellow-ships to M. M. R. Best.


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