Capture is Powerful - Harvey Spencer presentation to AIIM Ottawa Event Oct 27 2011

Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011 Capture is Essential Technology



Transcript of Capture is Powerful - Harvey Spencer presentation to AIIM Ottawa Event Oct 27 2011

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Capture is

Essential Technology

Page 2: Capture is Powerful - Harvey Spencer presentation to AIIM Ottawa Event Oct 27 2011

Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Our Environment • Global Economy

• Intense Competition

• Need for ever faster, cheaper

• Need for compliance with increasing regulations – Local

– Supra-national

• Higher risks

• Continuous and ever faster rate of change


Page 3: Capture is Powerful - Harvey Spencer presentation to AIIM Ottawa Event Oct 27 2011

Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Who Wins?

• Those who understand their environment

• Those who serve their customers better

• Those who leverage today’s communications, changes in IT and global economy

• Those who adapt to changes in channels, new competitors and challenges

• Those who integrate with Mobile Workers, who are closer to their customers and business operations

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

We have a Records Nightmare

• Delivery Methods

– Paper

– Fax

– eMail

– Telephone

– Social Media

• Delivery Media

– Paper

– Fax

– eMail

– Pictures

– Voice

– Video

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Let’s start with paper As Office Paper Consumption Declines

the need for Faster Business

Understanding Increases




minutes hours days weeks months

Value of Transactional Information (apparent consumption)

Combined US & Europe GDP & Office Paper

In 2010 in the US each office worker consumed an estimated 106lbs of paper,

but everyone wants the paperless office




Page 6: Capture is Powerful - Harvey Spencer presentation to AIIM Ottawa Event Oct 27 2011

Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

What is Capture?

• Uses Pattern Recognition and Rules to

understand, dissect and transform

human understandable ‘analog’

information into usable transactional

business data

• The ability to control or even destroy

the original analog records

• Capture is Powerful technology

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

The Overall End User Capture

Software Market

2011 est $2.4bn • 2010 increase by 10.3% up from

7% estimate

• Ad-hoc Transaction started to take off and nearly doubled to $163m

• Enterprise gained more interest with a number of $m software deals

• Q1 and Q2 2011 continuing improvementEstimate for 2011 +10%

• 2010-2015 CAGR 12.3% to $4bn

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011


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Capture Increasingly Tracks

Overall Growth

Copyright 20011 Harvey

Spencer Associates, Inc








2007 2008 2009 2010

U.S. Yr-on-Yr % Expenditure Change

US S/W and Equipment (sce BEA) HSA US Capture S/W

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

We live in Challenging Times

• Forecasts!!







2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Prev yr est growth

Actuals & Current Forecast

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

• Faster understanding

of paper preferably at

the time of capture

• Understanding of fax

images and email


• Integration with

business processes

Growth comes from improved

business processes






2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Ad-Hoc Image

Ad-hoc Transaction

Batch Image

Batch Transaction

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

It’s all about understanding and

applying the content

• Rules

• Intelligence

• Internal databases

• External databases

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Ad-Hoc Transaction








2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Ad-hoc Transaction

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Identification while Capturing

Add Metadata

Business Processes

Classify Interrogate Extract Deliver


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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

We are at a key inflection point that

enables capture to project its power

potential • Compute power

• Ubiquitous communications

• Wide availability of scanning and capture


• Internet and Cloud technologies

• Many resources both internal and external

to leverage from

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

The Cloud is Key Leverage Cloud with Enhanced Software Capabilities

Better Image Processing

Faster, better Classification

Better Recognition inc., Asian & Other Languages

Modular Architecture


High Speed


Cell Phone/Mobile Devices Network Scanners

Leverage the cloud to

validate and improve data

through access to Business

Processes & Global Data

16 16 Copyright 2010 Harvey

Spencer Associates, Inc

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

The Shift from Departmental

to Enterprise

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Traditional Departmental Capture


Department #1

Sort & Batch by Document




Business Department Workflow

Department #2

Sort & Batch by Document




Business Department Workflow

Department #3

Sort & Batch by Document




Business Department Workflow

Department #4

Sort & Batch by Document




Business Department Workflow

Business Processes

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• Paper with signatures

• Faxes (orders, resumes, applications, claims, legal documents)

• Email attachments (JPEG’s, TIF’s, PDF’s etc)

• Embedded images in emails or PDF’s

• Unstructured Email content that is not understood

Enterprise Capture is Expanding

Common capture solutions for multiple

departments in multiple locations

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011


Common capture solutions for multiple departments in multiple locations with

document understanding helps companies expand and manage their businesses in this brutally competitive



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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

The Future

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Mobile Workers Mean Mobile



• Approximately 18m mobile

workers in the US

• About 50,000 US trucks are

equipped with in-cab


• 10% of all USAA account

holders depositing payments

using mobile phones

• Additional metadata


• NFC can be leveraged

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

• All the standard forms


– Applications

• Loans

• Insurance

– Claims

– Surveys

– Correspondence

• Hospital Admissions

• Check Payments

• Supporting Collateral

• Signatures

• Expenses

• Bills of lading

• etc, etc

What are the Applications?


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extending our thoughts into more

pattern understanding

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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Managing today’s

Business Velocity requires fast understanding of

business documents in relationship to business processes.

And enables Document Driven Processes


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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Capture is all about business


• Leveraging Images and human understandable analog information for

– Better Customer Service

– Less Cost,

– More Efficiency

– Improved Competitive Position

– Reduced Risk


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Copyright Harvey Spencer Associates inc 2011

Capture Gets Us to Wisdom.

Thank you [email protected]
