Capt'n Longjack Jungle Brew

Captain Longjack's Jungle Brew for DIY Gender Pirates After years of using myself as a guinea pig, I have come up with a list of herbs and roots that will help masculinize the daring gender queer, without a prescription, and hopefully, at a reasonable cost. These herbs have helped me to increase certain masculine characteristics, namely: 1. significantly lowered voice 2. decreased fat overall and increased muscle mass/lean tissue 3. increased facial hair and body hair 4. more masculine facial features 5. decreased fat around hips, buttocks and thighs, but without a corresponding increase in belly fat 6. increased sex drive 7. increased physical stamina and mental energy I was able to achieve these results without significant head hair loss (baldness), without excessive weight gain or fluid retention. In fact, I lost 15 pounds after using these compounds in combination for 6 months. Update: After two years, I Iost a total of 35 pounds and 12 inches around my waist. However, you must be patient. These compounds do work, but they work more slowly than using exogenous synthetic testosterone (injection, patches, gel, etc.). Taking more herbs won't make them work faster, and taking excessive amounts may increase side effects that you don't want. Remember that each of these compounds has mental and emotional effects, as well as physical effects. Carefully monitor your emotional condition while taking these herbs to determine the appropriate use and dosage. * * * * * * * * * * * * * <strong>CAVEAT EMPTOR:</strong> I make no promise that use of these herbs and roots will enable a person born female to "transition" to a appearing as a passing male. You will probably not grow a full beard, even with prolonged use, nor will you develop many of the common traits of a "fully transitioned FTM." Furthermore, how these herbs and roots affect you and your body is a totally individual outcome. You cannot predict what will happen to you based on the experiences of others. You will have to try each of these compounds yourself and decide for yourself whether it "works" for you.

Transcript of Capt'n Longjack Jungle Brew

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Captain Longjack's Jungle Brew for DIY Gender Pirates

After years of using myself as a guinea pig, I have come up with a list of herbs and roots that will help masculinize the daring gender queer, without a prescription, and hopefully, at a reasonable cost.

These herbs have helped me to increase certain masculine characteristics, namely:

1. significantly lowered voice2. decreased fat overall and increased muscle mass/lean tissue3. increased facial hair and body hair4. more masculine facial features5. decreased fat around hips, buttocks and thighs, but without a corresponding increase in belly fat6. increased sex drive7. increased physical stamina and mental energy

I was able to achieve these results without significant head hair loss (baldness), without excessive weight gain or fluid retention. In fact, I lost 15 pounds after using these compounds in combination for 6 months.

Update: After two years, I Iost a total of 35 pounds and 12 inches around my waist.

However, you must be patient. These compounds do work, but they work more slowly than using exogenous synthetic testosterone (injection, patches, gel, etc.). Taking more herbs won't make them work faster, and taking excessive amounts may increase side effects that you don't want.

Remember that each of these compounds has mental and emotional effects, as well as physical effects. Carefully monitor your emotional condition while taking these herbs to determine the appropriate use and dosage.

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<strong>CAVEAT EMPTOR:</strong>

I make no promise that use of these herbs and roots will enable a person born female to "transition" to a appearing as a passing male. You will probably not grow a full beard, even with prolonged use, nor will you develop many of the common traits of a "fully transitioned FTM."

Furthermore, how these herbs and roots affect you and your body is a totally individual outcome. You cannot predict what will happen to you based on the experiences of others. You will have to try each of these compounds yourself and decide for yourself whether it "works" for you.

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Through a process of trial and error, you will discover which herbs work best for you, the right dose of each herb, and the right combinations of herbs.

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<strong>The Jungle Brew</strong>

My personal regimen is as follows:Morning: maca, 1 tablespoon of powderNoontime: Tribulus, 1 (one) 620 mg tabletAfternoon: "Russian" Adaptaphase 1 (one) 400 mg tablet(Adaptaphase is a complex of four Siberian herbs)Bedtime:  Wild Oats, 1 ml (one dropper full) of liquid

Notice that I spread out the herbs and doses throughout the day. I do this in order to keep an elevated level of testosterone all day and night.  I also eat ginger chews during the day, a simple, effective way to keep my testosterone levels elevated all day.

I use the lowest dose of each herb in order to obtain its maximum benefit while minimizing its side effects. For me, the combination of low doses of each is more effective than large doses of a single herb.

In the first year, I was able to achieve a 70% increase in testosterone levels. verfied by independent lab testing.

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<strong>DOSAGE</strong>The rule of thumb that I use to determine the proper dose of each of these herb is to use the

<strong>LOWEST EFFECTIVE DOSE, or LED.</strong>

Why? (1) Using the Lowest Effective Dose decreases side effects caused by either the herbs themselves or the effects of excess testosterone; and (2) its cheaper for long-term use.

How do you determine the Lowest Effective Dose?

1. Try each herb by itself to see what effects it has on you, both desired effects and undesirable effects ('side effects'). After you know how each herb affects you, then try them in combination to see how the combination affects you.

2. Start with a low dose, such as half the recommended dose on the label.

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3. Gradually increase the dosage until you achieve the desired effect (e.g. your voice drops), or until unwanted effects begin to show.

For example, substantial increases in testosterone, from any source, can cause fluid retention and bloating. If you find that you experience bloating with a high dose of an herb, decrease the amount of intake, or the frequency of intake, until fluid retention is significantly reduced.

4. Trial and error. Determining the LED is a process of trial and error that can take weeks and sometimes months to determine. You must be patient and carefully monitor every herb you take and all the ways that it effects you.

5. Guard against liver toxicity. Drink plenty of water with the herbs, one cup per dose. Eat plenty of fiber to take metabolized hormones and toxins out of your system.

6. Cycling. Go off some or all of the herbs for one week every three to six months. This gives your body a chance to dispose of excess hormones and toxins.

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<strong>USE AT YOUR OWN RISK:</strong>

I am not a doctor, I do not dispense medical advice, and I am not liable for any adverse reactions you may have if you use any of these herbs and roots.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, such as allergies, endocrine (hormone) disorders, liver disorders, diabetes, cancer, heart problems, etc., ad infinitum, you should consult a doctor before using any of these compounds.

You should especially consult with a doctor for advice about possible interactions of these compounds with any medications you are currently taking.

If you develop any adverse reaction to use of these herbs and roots, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.

It has NOT been proven by scientific research that use of these compounds will NOT cause cancer, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, liver problems, heart disease, allergies or other problems. There is always a risk that prolonged use of herbs that stimulate the endocrine system could cause cancer. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!


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WITH <a href="">OVARIAN CANCER</a>.

How to deal with the increased risk of ovarian cancer:

1. Have an annual pelvic exam that includes examination of the ovaries.

2. Have the CA125 blood test to detect proteins in the blood that are associated with ovarian cancer. This test detects early Stage 1 and Stage 2 ovarian cancers, which have a 90% survival rate when treated early.

3. Have an ultrasound of your ovaries to look for signs of polyps or tumors--this is the only way to know with certainty if you are free of cancer.

4. Tell your doctor that you are using these herbs. Know the <a href="">symptoms of ovarian cancer</a> and report any experience of these symptoms to your doctor.

5. Eat Ginger daily, which not only increases testosterone levels, but also decreases the risk of ovarian cancer. <a href="">Research from the University of Michigan</a> shows that ginger kills ovarian cancer cells, and makes surviving cells easier to eradicate with treatment.

6. Drink black or green tea daily. A <a href="">Swedish study</a> showed a 46% decrease in the risk of ovarian cancer when drinking 2 cups of black or green tea daily.

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and so, without further ado, I suggest you try the following roots and herbs:

<strong> MARAL ROOT or LUZEA (Rhaponticum Carthamoides):</strong>   "Russian Herb"

Maral (Luzea) increases testosterone, strongly boosts its anabolic effects as well as its androgenic effects. It increases stamina, strength, muscle tone and energy, and it is effective at lowering the voice or stimulating hair growth.

Herbal lore: Grown in Siberia and Kazakhstan, Maral (Luzea) has been used by both the Russian and Chinese Olympic teams as a legal anabolic stimulant.


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Increases testosterone by stimulation of the pituitary gland, the "master gland." So it not only stimulates production of testosterone, it stimulates production of all hormones. However, it is a particularly potent sex hormone stimulant. It increases metabolism and can promote weight loss.

Negative effects: too much can cause agitation.

It is often prescribed for females with menopausal symptoms, and for persons with under-active thyroid. It increases mental alertness; some people use maca as a substitute for coffee.

Maca is a root vegetable, similar to yucca or sweet potato. It grows in the high Andes of Peru.

Herbal Lore: The natives of the Andes have used maca for centuries. Inca warriors ate maca before going into battle, as it increased stamina, strength and virility.

Maca is usually sold as a powdered form of the raw root. It is rather sweet and pleasant-tasting.

<strong>TONGKAT ALI or 'LONGJACK'</strong>

Tongkat Ali, commonly known as "Longjack", is a root that grows in Malaysia. It promotes production of testosterone and is said to facilitate the conversion of DHEA and progesterone to testosterone.

It has also been clinically proven to decrease production of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin. SHBG normally "binds" to testosterone and renders it ineffective. Thus, Longjack increases the availability of "free" (unbound) testosterone, which is the only form of testosterone that has androgenic effects.

Negative effects: too much can cause an overproduction of DHEA, which can cause acne.

Herbal Lore: In 1688, Captain Longjack discovered this root when his ship ran aground off the coast of Singapore. He and his fellow pirates ate the root to stave off hunger. From a pack of impish bois they became lusty and fearless skaliwags. (uh, yeah, right).

<strong>TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS</strong>

Increases testosterone by stimulating production of leutinizing hormone, (which also increases estrogen and progesterone); increases metabolism, increasees stamina; decreases insulin resistence, can promote weight loss.

Negative effects: too much can cause agitation and fluid retention.

Herbal Lore: Used for centuries in both Asia and the West;  Romans gave it to their slaves to make them work harder.

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Tribulus, also called "pokeweed", grows all over the planet. However, some strains of tribulus are more effective than others. The most powerful form that I have used is Bulgarian Tribulus, a particular strain from Sophia, Bulgaria, used by the Bulgarian weight lifting team to win Olympic medals.

<strong>WILD OATS or AVENA SATIVA </strong><strong> or MILKY OAT SEED</strong>(there are so many names for this herb, but these are the most common)

Increases testosterone and is said to increase the availability of "free" (unbound) testosterone, which is the only form that has androgenic effects.

Negative effects: too much can cause fluid retention, drowsiness.

"Wild oats" is actually a compound derived from the milky secretion of the common oat grain (yes the kind you eat for breakfast) when it is in its germination phase. The milky secretion is suspended in either a tincture (alcohol base) or a glycerite (syrup base).

Herbal Lore: Wild oats has been used for centuries by the Chinese, for its sedative effect, to help people with anxiety disorders and addiction to opiates. Because it does have a strong sedative effect, I suggest that you use it at night before you go to bed.


Eating Ginger is an easy and natural way to increase testosterone. Like Wild Oats, it increases the level of "free" (unbound) testosterone. At the same time, it also decreases your risk of ovarian cancer.

<strong>BASIC NUTRITION</strong>

The following vitamins and minerals are known by medical research to support testosterone production:

Vitamins: <strong>B12</strong>, <strong>B6</strong> (Folate) and <strong>E</strong>

Minerals: <strong>Zinc</strong> and <strong>Magnesium</strong>

<strong>Caffein</strong> also stimulates the adrenal gland, and so can help boost testosterone from the adrenals.
