Captagon®_ The Secret Weapon of ISIS — Clouds Taste Metallic — Medium

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  • 7/25/2019 Captagon_ The Secret Weapon of ISIS Clouds Taste Metallic Medium


    28/12/2015 Captagon: The Secret Weapon of ISIS Clouds Taste Metallic Medium

    C a p t a g o n : T h e S e c r e t W e a p o n

    o f I S I S

    by Andrew Arnett

    There are reports coming out from Kobani, Syria, of dead ISIS rebels being

    found with pills in their possession.

    Ekram Ahmet, a Kurd who fled Kobani with his family, told Mirror: They are

    filthy, with straggly beards and long black nails.

    They have lots of pills with them that they all keep taking. It seems to make

    them more crazy if anything.

    They become agitated and excited, desperate to punish even children for the

    smallest thing.

    The Kurds believe these pills are amphetamines, and this would go a long way

    to explaining why ISIS members are so maniacal and fight with suicidal


    The International Business Times has reported on how voice analysis show

    that ISIS killer Jihadi Johns distinctive speech pattern may indicate he was

    high on amphetamines when beheading captive David Haines.

    Most likely, the amphetamines in question fall under the brand name


    In January of this year, Reuters reported on how Syria has become a major

    consumer and exporter of amphetamines, the most popular being captagon.
  • 7/25/2019 Captagon_ The Secret Weapon of ISIS Clouds Taste Metallic Medium


    28/12/2015 Captagon: The Secret Weapon of ISIS Clouds Taste Metallic Medium

    According to Reuters, captagon generates hundreds of millions of dollars in

    annual revenues in Syria, potentially providing funding for weapons, while

    the drug itself helps combatants dig in for long, grueling battles.

    In 2013, the Lebanese government seized 12.3 million captagon pills near the

    border of Lebanon and Syria, while the Turkish police captured 7 million pills

    en route from Syria to Saudi Arabia.

    In addition, Dubai authorities reported making a seizure of 4.6 million

    captagon pills in December of last year.

    Captagon is a brand name for the drug Fenethylline, invented in 1961 by

    Degussa AG for the treatment of hyperkinetic children, or children

    diagnosed with ADHD.

    Fenethylline is metabolized by the body to form the compounds amphetamine

    and theophylline. Theophylline is a chemical from the Xanthine class, which

    also includes caffeine.

    Smarter Nootropics states that When Captagon is taken, it becomes in vivo d-

    amphetamine and theophylline, and these two new compounds are absorbed

    into the blood stream, and can now cross the blood brain barrier and become

    centrally active.

    A study however, conducted in 2005 by Alabdalla MA for Forensic Science

    International of 124 batches of seized captagon, revealed they contained no

    fenethylline at all.

    Rather, these counterfeit captagon tablets contained amphetamine,

    methamphetamine, ephedrine, metronidazole, caffeine, theophylline,

    chlorphenamine, procaine, trimethoprim, chloroquine, and quinine. In short,

    a drug cocktail far more potent than the original name brand version.

    F e n e t h y l l i n e : R S ) - 1 , - d i m e t h y l - - [ - ( - p h e n y l p r o p a n - - y l a m i n o ) e t h y l ] p u r i n e - ,

    - d i o n e
  • 7/25/2019 Captagon_ The Secret Weapon of ISIS Clouds Taste Metallic Medium


    28/12/2015 Captagon: The Secret Weapon of ISIS Clouds Taste Metallic Medium

    Indeed, reports suggest that Syrian insurgent groups ingest a far ranging and

    prodigious amount of potent drugs including Baltcon, Afoun,Zolm,

    Opium, Heroin, Cocaine, and Hashish.

    According to Frank Lamb in CounterPunch: Jihadists high on drugs

    apparently feel invincible and hostile and do not fear death. Many are indeed

    ferocious and fearless fighters during the day, as many media sources have

    reported. But by nightfall, when the drug wears off the fighters become

    exhausted and sometimes they are found asleep on the spot they were fighting


    To read more about drugs and ISIS by Andrew Arnett click here.

    You can follow Andrew Arnett on Twitter at @AndrewArnett.