CAPITAL FINANCIAL ADVISORY GROUP USA, LLC PRESENTS · 2019-12-20 · The TaxMan stealing your nest...


Transcript of CAPITAL FINANCIAL ADVISORY GROUP USA, LLC PRESENTS · 2019-12-20 · The TaxMan stealing your nest...

Page 1: CAPITAL FINANCIAL ADVISORY GROUP USA, LLC PRESENTS · 2019-12-20 · The TaxMan stealing your nest egg little by little. The Inflator shrinking the value of every dollar you’ve




Page 2: CAPITAL FINANCIAL ADVISORY GROUP USA, LLC PRESENTS · 2019-12-20 · The TaxMan stealing your nest egg little by little. The Inflator shrinking the value of every dollar you’ve


Batten down the hatches! All hands on deck! This is not a test!

You know that old phrase “the calm before the storm?” Day-to-day, it describes the silent tranquility just before terrible weather tears apart a peaceful day. In more dire times, however, it describes a situation where you feel (wrongfully) safe and secure right up until an unexpected threat destroys your peace of mind.

In my line of work, I see this far too often. As a financial advisor, I have people just like you who come my office and tell me their grand plans of vacation, travel, and round after round on the golf course. Then “the storm” hits as a flurry of compounding taxes, surprise fees, and never-ending attacks begin to take a toll on your health and well-being.

The next thing you know, you’re getting attacked by one thing after another without pity or mercy, and these attacks can strip you of your financial freedom and bury you in mountainous stacks of bills.

It’s like there’s an army of supervillains out to destroy your retirement in a single bound.

The TaxMan stealing your nest egg little by little. The Inflator shrinking the value of every dollar you’ve earned more and more, year after year. Dr. N. Vois draining your health and energy, forcing you into hiding instead of enjoying your permanent vacation. The Time Thief tricking you into spending your nest egg.

I don’t want that for you. I don’t want you facing these enemies alone. You need someone on your side. Someone on your team defending your well-being – protecting you from these financial supervillains.

With that in mind, I put together this special report for you. Over the next few pages, I break down who are your greatest enemies in retirement, and what their greatest weaknesses are. Together, we can defeat them before they defeat you.

Let’s make a battle plan together and protect your retirement for years to come!

Peter J. D’Arruda- Coach Pete D’Arruda

P.S. Once you have gone through this report, call my office at 919-657-4201 and let’s schedule a time to sit down together for your complimentary Financial Strategy Session. Together, we can save your future from the villains dedicated to taking the retirement you’ve worked your whole life to earn.

We’ve just gotten word that your finances are

under attack!

Peter J. D’ArrudaPresident

Capital Financial Advisory Group, LLC


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The power to infiltrate nearly any investment.

The TaxMan existed long before anyone had a name for him. He has been reincarnated for thousands of years, and people from every corner of the globe call him by different names: Ancient Egyptians had scribes, the Greeks had talones, the Romans had publicani.

Unfortunately, the invention of taxes demands, by necessity, a messenger whose sole purpose is to collect these “involuntary fees” imposed on citizens. As you can guess, this messenger has been historically unpopular in every society where he has appeared.

These days, you know him simply as Uncle Sam – the slick and spiffy, top-hat wearing, bearded man known for his memorable “I Want You” catchphrase.

Just like his previous incarnations, Uncle Sam carries the burden of taking a little money from each citizen to benefit all citizens…or so he wants you to think.

Through his many generations, the TaxMan has gained in skill and strength, learning many manipulative ways to separate you from your hard-earned money.

His secret weapon is the legendary Red Tape, which he uses to confuse and exhaust his victims until they tap out and pay him what he wants. Countless

have fallen under the impenetrable bind of his Red Tape, from giant corporations to the average, unsuspecting citizen.

One of his favorite tactics is laying in wait while you collect your savings over a lifetime. Then, after you have gathered a healthy nest egg like a squirrel preparing for winter, he emerges and surrounds you in layer upon thick layer of Red Tape, convincing you there is no escape until you finally give in.


While the TaxMan is powerful and cunning, you can protect yourself from his unyielding advances on your money.

You see, just as the TaxMan has learned how to infiltrate nearly any investment, tax-free accounts have been created that secure your investments from his powers. For example, funds in a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) won’t be taxed if your withdrawals are qualified.

Likewise, we’ve also developed tax defense strategies we can implement that help you evade his destructive powers. For example, staying under the 15 percent tax bracket lets you take advantage of many tax breaks.

Now, these are just two of the many tactics and strategies we’ve mastered to protect you and your investments, but you have to act fast. The sooner you put a plan on paper, the sooner we can help you stop the TaxMan in his tracks.

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The power to cripple the value of your money from the inside.

One of the most devious and unpreventable enemies of your investment accounts is the infamous Inflator. More of an apparition – a phantom – the Inflator is the specter of virus weakening your nest egg from the inside.

If retirement is your ship into the future, the Inflator is the leak in your hull when there isn’t a single glacier in sight.

Unlike the TaxMan, the Inflator doesn’t outright strip away what you’ve worked so diligently to collect. No, instead, the Inflator diminishes the value of every dollar you’ve collected so that each one is worth less and less over time.

More specifically, the buying power of each dollar is reduced, so instead of buying a can of soda for $0.50, it costs $1.00…and that makes a huge difference when you’re talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars in investments.

One of the Inflator’s strongest assets when it comes to retirement is your lack of income. If prices continue to rise, and you aren’t bringing in any more money, the Inflator wins by default. And if you don’t counteract his superpower, the Inflator erodes your standard of living, making things you could once afford now out of reach.

For example, let’s say you can currently afford to travel two times a year, taking a week’s vacation

each trip. As time goes by, the Inflator reduces the buying power of your money until the same amount of money only has enough value to purchase one week-long vacation…and eventually no vacation.

Luckily, the Inflator’s biggest weakness is that he’s very slow, affecting you little by little with each passing year.

How little? Well it fluctuates over time, but over the last year or so, $1.00 lost less than 1% of its value. While that doesn’t sound like much, that’s over a single year. That same dollar 30 years ago had 118.3% more buying power than it does now1.

Put another way: that means in 30 years, your money could be worth half of what it is today!

That’s why the Inflator has to be stopped quickly.

Your first move, then, should be to create a financial plan that includes some kind of financial growth. That way you’re not simply riding out the clock on a fixed budget.

There are a number of different investment options available that can help grow your portfolio, and keep that pesky Inflator from draining the value of your assets. Call my office today, and I’d be happy to schedule a time to sit down with you and go over those options together.

You’ve worked too hard to earn your money just to sit back and watch it lose its value.



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The power to give and take away good health.

Unlike the other Retirement Raiders, Dr. N. Vois didn’t start out evil.

Long ago, Dr. N. Vois was just a man with a special set of skills who looked out for his fellow man, just like his father before him, and his father before him, back and back for generations.

Yes, the N. Vois family have been doctors for as long as there have been doctors. In the early days, just as medical knowledge and technology were evolving, they would offer to help strangers free of cost. They would provide house calls to help the elderly at home so they didn’t have to travel to the hospital. And they would put the patient’s health and wellness before anything else.

But as each passing doctor researched more and more, learning every detail about the human body, each started going mad with power. One by one, their egos grew with this knowledge until they each started treating patients badly for it, blaming them for their conditions and demanding they pay through the teeth just for a consultation, let alone any real help.

Today, Dr. N. Vois has nearly absolute power over your well-being. Not only that, he is also backed by Big Pharma – the evil healthcare syndicate. Their policy is: if you can’t pay, then hit the bricks, which is a terrifying but real scenario you must face at some point.

In fact, according to CBSNews.com1, the greatest fear among retirees, and the largest source of anxiety,


is Healthcare costs. To give you some perspective, Fidelity estimates that a 65-year-old couple will need an average of $220,0002 in today’s dollars to cover medical expenses throughout retirement.

How do you do defeat an evil genius backed by an all-powerful healthcare syndicate?

Honestly, the best method is a daily dose of good nutrition and exercise. I know it sounds too simple to work, but trust me. I have a lot of retired clients, and the ones spending time outside walking, gardening, golfing or just staying active – those are the clients who spend less time at the doctor’s office.

Now, hospital visits are inevitable at this point, even if you do take great care of yourself. So when you must enter the evil doctor’s lab, you must equip yourself for the journey.

Medicare is available for everyone over the age of 65, so be sure to sign up asap. Likewise, if you are still working, some employers offer tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts that can even be transferred between employers. Of course, having the best health insurance you can afford is going to be your best protection against the evil doctor.

Your health is the most important thing you can think of now, so make sure you put a plan on paper to help protect you for the next 10, 20 or 30+ years of your life. This is the time you’ve worked your whole life to earn, and you don’t want that taken away by poor health and devastating medical bills.


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The power to charm and seduce you into a false sense of security.

As far as origins stories go, the Time Thief’s is shrouded in mystery. No one is certain exactly when he began preying upon the elderly, but the first recorded sightings began about 30 years ago, making him the youngest of the Retirement Raiders.

But don’t let his youth fool you, he has incredible intelligence and knows his victims better than they know themselves. This puts him at a distinct advantage when he’s trying to wring them dry, so to speak.

Although they’re on the same team, the Time Thief does not get along with Dr N. Vois. Like Ironman and Captain America, these two conflict at a fundamental level. Where Dr. N. Vois wants you to lose your health so you pay for drugs and treatment, the Time Thief wants you to live a long and healthy life for the next 10, 20, even 40 more years.

For this reason, you might think he’s on your side. I can assure you, he is not. In reality, the Time Thief is pulling the wool over your eyes so he can slowly strip you of your savings until you have nothing left.

Using his charm, he convinces you that you have plenty of money and it will never run out. At first, you’re convinced. You’ve done your homework. You’ve saved and invested. And you have the 10x your annual salary put away (that Fidelity recommends1).

Then a few years go by, and your nest egg takes a dip. 5 years pass. 10 years pass. The Time Thief, that sneaky


devil, he still has you feeling safe and secure that you’re not going to run out of money. Then 20 years goes by and you’re left staring at an empty bank account.

You see, retirement can last much, much longer than you expect. Dr. Peter Diamandis – Best-Selling Author® and one of Fortune magazine’s 50 Greatest Leaders – stated that 100 is the new 60, meaning people are living into their 80s, 90s and even into their 100s these days. So people who expected to spend only 10 years in retirement are seeing another 20, 30 or 40+ years.

That’s when you finally realize the brilliance of the Time Thief’s methods…and that’s when it’s too late to counteract them.

Unfortunately, the Time Thief lives forever, and there’s no defeating him. However, you can protect yourself from his trickery.

First and foremost, don’t let him fool you into thinking you won’t need to prepare for the long haul. CNBC reported that someone who is currently age 65 is expected to live at least 19 more years2. So you’ll need to be financially prepared for another two decades, minimum, especially if you’re in good health and your parents lived long lives.

Another strategy is eliminating your monthly expenditures. If you’re spending less money each month, then it’s going to last longer overall. I’m not suggesting you stop shopping or traveling or making yourself happy. I am suggesting you eliminate all possible debt, including your mortgage. By reducing the money obligated to bills each month, you’ll have more to play with. And that’s what retirement is really about.



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Who am I, and how do I know all these things?

I am your Ambitious Advisor - dedicated to protecting you from the Retirement Raiders and ensuring your don’t spend your retirement years living in fear. I’ve studied these villains. I know how they operate. And I have learned all the tactics and strategies you need to stop them in their tracks

Ü To stop the TaxMan... you need to invest in tax-free or tax-deferred accounts.

Ü To stop the Inflator... you need to create a portfolio with growth that’s greater than the rate of inflation.

Ü To stop Dr. N. Vois... you need to take care of yourself with nutrition and exercise, and look into tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts.

Ü To stop the Time Thief... you need to know and believe you’re going to live another 20 years, then create a financial plan that will support you for that amount of time and eliminate any debt you may have.

No matter how careful you are, there will be pitfalls along the way. There are unseen dangers lurking in the darkness, ready to take advantage of you and take what’s rightfully yours. That’s not right, but it is reality. That’s why I do what I do: to make things right, and to protect you from the evil forces threatening your future.

You’ve worked your whole life to get here, and it’s my job to give you peace of mind. That’s a job I take very seriously.

Look! Here comes the...

When you’re ready to join forces, call my

office at 919-657-4201. Together, we can stop the Retirement Raiders

and ensure your retired life is a

blockbuster success.

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COACH PETE D’ARRUDACapital Financial Advisory Group, LLC


Coach Pete D’Arruda is a Registered Financial Consultant (RFC) and Investment Advisor Representative (IAR). His approach to safe and secure lifetime income planning leads his clients to a worry-free retirement. Also known as “Coach Pete” to his clients and listeners of his popular radio show Financial Safari, Pete can be heard weekly giving financial advice on more than 50 stations nationwide.

Having penned four popular financial books, Coach Pete is a well-respected author and public speaker. He is featured in publishing executive Steve Forbes’ book “Successonomics,” and has appeared on multiple national television shows and magazines such as CNN Finance, FOX Business, Smart Money, MSNBC, Bankrate.

com, Yahoo Finance,, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal.

Pete is the sitting president for the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC), was awarded a Quilly® Award by the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors®, and won 3 EXPY® Awards from the National Association of Expert Writers and Speakers®.

Pete’s specific financial credentials and designations provide him with a fiduciary duty and responsibility to his clients and all clients of Capital Financial Advisory Group, LLC, his Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm.

Pete lives in Cary, NC with his wife Kim and daughter Carrie.