Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and...

Fr. Michael Goldberg A Word From Our Rector 475 43rd Avenue · Vero Beach, Florida 32968 Tele: (772) 770-3494 Fax 772-770-2712 Visit our website: October 2017 Canterbury Tales “Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, ‘”Look, half of my possessions, Lord, will I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.’” Luke 19:8 Have you ever been in love? A strange question, you might ask, as another steward- ship time comes around, and yet that is the question asked of the Christian—”Have you ever been in love?” Goose bumps, tears, stutters, blushes, a tremendous smile. All of these respond to the words, “I love you.” at is what God is saying to us, as we gather as a people of God, Sunday aſter Sunday. From the scripture we hear His call to love without counting the cost, and our initial reac- tion might be to blush, or smile, or maybe in a more cynical manner, just say, “I’ve heard that so oſten, it really doesn’t faze me.” Can we take love for granted? ink about your own experiences of love. How do you react when someone says, “I love you?” If your son or daughter says that to you, you feel a warm rush of gratitude and an almost instantaneous will- ingness to reach out with a big hug. ose words, “I love you,” more than make up for the small hurts that being in relationship might be visited upon us. If your fiance or spouse says it, the reaction can be amazingly similar. Perhaps in addition, when there is time to think, there is a sense of wonder that this giſt of love has been freely given back to us by this person we care so much about. If you have ever felt unworthy of love, Jesus is speaking to you as well as to Zacchaeus in our scripture lesson. Zacchaeus was not only “To do good, and to distribute, forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Hebrews 6:10

Transcript of Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and...

Page 1: Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged

Fr. Michael Goldberg

A Word From Our Rector

475 43rd Avenue · Vero Beach, Florida

32968 Tele: (772) 770-3494

Fax 772-770-2712

Visit our website: October 2017

Canterbury Tales

“Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, ‘”Look, half of my possessions, Lord, will I give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.’” Luke 19:8 Have you ever been in love? A strange question, you might ask, as another steward- ship time comes around, and yet that is the question asked of the Christian—”Have you ever been in love?”

Goose bumps, tears, stutters, blushes, a tremendous smile. All of these respond to the words, “I love you.” That is what God is saying to us, as we gather as a people of God, Sunday after Sunday. From the scripture we hear His call to love without counting the cost, and our initial reac-tion might be to blush, or smile, or maybe in a more cynical manner, just say, “I’ve heard that so often, it really doesn’t faze me.” Can we take love for granted?

Think about your own experiences of love. How do you react when someone says, “I love you?” If your son or daughter says that to you, you feel a warm rush of gratitude and an almost instantaneous will-ingness to reach out with a big hug. Those words, “I love you,” more than make up for the small hurts that being in relationship might be visited upon us. If your fiance or spouse says it, the reaction can be amazingly similar. Perhaps in addition, when there is time to think, there is a sense of wonder that this gift of love has been freely given back to us by this person we care so much about.

If you have ever felt unworthy of love, Jesus is speaking to you as well as to Zacchaeus in our scripture lesson. Zacchaeus was not only

“To do good, and to

distribute, forget not; for

with such sacrifices God

is well pleased.”

Hebrews 6:10

Page 2: Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged

Continued from page 1 A Word From Our Rector Continued:

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opportunity to be one with Christ has somehow slipped away. Jesus affords that gift to experience the joy and love in giving generously with those who gather with us week after week in church, and in our community of faith every day of our lives. With the God who loves us so much, we respond with grateful hearts as we give Him the praise! Maranatha! M.W.G.+

physically short; he was small in the eyes of his neighbors. He had a job that could be very profitable because He was a tax collector for the Roman Empire. Once Rome got her share of the taxes; the collector could skim his own share off the top. Zacchaeus, you see, was a very wealthy man, despised by many, but wealthy all the same. Yet, he had heard about Jesus and wanted to meet Him. Jesus singled him out and invited Himself into Zacchaeus’ home. While everyone was so scandalized by this VIP going to eat with a sinner, Zacchaeus changed his whole life around with a response of deep faith. Jesus called the murmuring crowd to realize just what it meant to have faith in God. The sin is not as important the sinner’s willingness to seek forgiveness and change his or her life. Zacchaeus was a power-ful example of just how far our Father will go to demonstrate His love. He seeks out the sinful person and offers His forgiveness again and again! When someone says “I Love you,” we can’t ig-nore that reality. In some way we need to respond. Our response to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged to understand God’s love for us, as us for God. Our motto for this year’s cam-paign is “Live Generously,” which allows us to re-examine our lives in Christ with loving and gener-ous hearts. As stewards of the mysteries of Christ, we are called and directed to live as if the most

important relationship in our lives is the one we share with the One who gives us life, peace, and love. We have just come out of a great tribulation, as we prepared for, heard about, and then endured the horrors of Hurricane Irma. While most of us have resumed your lives, as the power has come back on, and our homes, businesses, and yes, even at this writing, our church, is going through the inevi-table clean¬up, we grieve for those who have lost everything in this storm. From our hearts we have given freely for the relief of those still in need, as we reflect on the islands of the Caribbean, the Keys, Florida’s west coast, not to mention those reeling still from Hurricane Harvey—where does this giving come from, if not from loving hearts? And now it is our turn, once again, to turn to the people of God, who call Saint Augustine of Canterbury, their spiritual “home,” and ask “How do we love the Lord in order that we might live generously?” St. Paul reminds in his second let-ter to the Thessalonians, “to him, we beg you, brothers and sisters not to be quickly shaken in mind or be alarmed, either by spirit or word.. .”so that too much worry over things we cannot control can sometimes keep us from doing the very good that we wish to accom-plish. Jesus invited Himself into Zacchaeus’ house and brought the gift of salvation. Zacchaeus, in turn, through the love of the God, who created him, was able to live generously, in promising and giv-ing up to half of his life. His story is a model for stewards every-where, who feel that the

Pet BlessingSunday afternoon, October 8, 2017, at 1:30, will see us celebrate our lives with those who look to us for caring and protection, as we will have our annual Bless-ing of the Pets, in the courtyard in front of the Christian Ed wing. This service is in remem-brance of Saint Francis of Assi-si, who has long been regarded as the patron saint of creation, especially in the care of our pets. We invite all who might wish, to join us for this short service of prayer and celebra-tion of life, to bring their pets to the church for a blessing. Don't forget to mark the date on your calendars, and bring those who do nothing but celebrate and enrich our lives, as they have their "special day,” here at Saint Augustine's parish.

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The Spiritual Book ClubThe Spirituality Book Group will begin its discussions for the Fall on Tuesday eve-nings, at 6:30 pm, in the parish library. We will be reading and discussing “A Gentleman in Moscow,” by Amor Towles, which can be purchased onAmazon or in your local bookstore. Come join us!

"Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be

opened for you"Beloved, let us therefore learn to ask God for the things which it is fitting for us to seek from him. Then those other things—I mean the things of this life—will do us no harm no matter which way they may occur. For if we are rich, it is only here that we shall enjoy our luxury; and if we fall into poverty, we shall suffer nothing terrible. Neither the splendors nor the pains of this present life have much power to fix us in a state of unhap-piness or happiness; both are equally contemptible and slip away very swiftly. Hence, they are rightly termed “a way,” since they are fleeting and by their nature do not long perdure; but the things which are to come endure forever: both those of punish-ment and those of the kingdom.

Let us then make vigorous efforts to avoid the first and obtain the last. For what is the advantage of this world’s luxury? It is here today and gone tomorrow; today a bright flower, and tomorrow scattered dust; today a blazing fire, and tomorrow smoldering ashes.

Spiritual things, on the other hand, are not like this, but they ever remain shining and blooming, and become brighter every day. That wealth never perishes, never departs, never ceases, never brings with it care or envy or blames, does not utterly de-stroy the body, does not corrupt the soul, does not cause jealousy, does not heap up malice—yet all these things accompany the wealth of this world.

That other glory does not lift people into folly, does not puff them up, never ceases, and does not grow dim. The rest and enjoyment of heaven continue forever and are ever the same, since they are perpetually unchanged and immortal, for their limit or end is impossible to find.

Let us then desire this life. For if we do so, we shall make no account of present things but shall despise and scorn them all. Even if someone should call us to enter into the court of the king, we shall not while we have this hope choose to do so. Although nothing seems to be a happier lot than such a calling, even this seems little and worthless and of no account to those possessed by the love for heaven. Nothing which comes to an end is to be much desired; whatever comes to an end—and is here today but gone tomorrow—even if it be ever great, seems actually to be very little and contemptible.

Let us, therefore, not cleave to fleeting things which slip away and depart, but to those which are enduring and immovable. May we all attain them through the grace and loving kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom and with whom, be glory to the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and always, forever and ever.

From a homily by John Chrysostom, Bishop, 407 A.D.

Page 4: Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged

There are three major prayer book holy days during the month of October, As the Fall comes upon us. At our Wednesday healing service on October 18 , we will be celebrating the life and ministry of Saint Luke the Evangelist. As the patron saint for medical per-sonnel, Luke ministry offers us insights into healing and for the power of his written word as found in his gospel and in the Acts of the Apostles. Monday, October 23rd will see us commemorate the work of James of Jerusalem, tradition-ally to be held as the first bishop of the Church in the Holy Land. Both these services will be at 10:00 am in the parish church. October 28th, the last Saturday of the month, will see us remember the apostles Saint Simon and Saint Jude, with the lit-urgy being offered at 11:45 am. The unusual time is due to the fact that Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of Central Florida will be having their Annual Meeting here at Saint Augustine’s, with Bishop Brewer as celebrant.

As you can see, as the au-tumn comes upon us here in Vero Beach, and leaves start to turn and it gets cooler (It could happen!!), we are going full-bore as we con-tinue on making Christ known in this part of the kingdom. We invite all who are able, both male and female, to come join us at the altar, as we go forward in faith.

Opportunities For Worship During


Camp Wingmann comes to Vero Beach The Reverend Decatur "Deke" Miller, Direc-tor of Camp Wingmann, Will be our guest preacher on the weekend of October 14-15, here at Saint Augustine's par-ish.

Father Miller has been the Director at Camp Wingmann for the last four years, where he has overseen the beginning of a capital fund drive to improve and construct new buildings for their ministry of hospital-ity. Father Miller was curate at Saint Andrew’s Church, Fort Pierce, before taking on his duties at the Camp, and so he is familiar with the parishes and ministry on the Treasure Coast.

Camp Wingmann has been a frequent recipient of outreach funds from our parish, and it will be a joy to welcome Father “Deke,” to Vero Beach, and to hear how stewardship plays such a large part in his work.

"Stewardship 2017” "Live Generously," will take on a different twist from previous stewardship campaigns, as we will be going back to one of old patterns, and that is "cottage meetings," to be held through the month of October and in early November.

A "cottage meeting" is an opportunity for parishioners to sit down with the Rector and treasurer, and other members of the Vestry, in the comfort of parishioners' homes, to simply talk about our min-istry at Saint Augustine's Church. At this writing we are still finalizing the sites throughout the parish, but we will be having eight cottage meetings from October 15-November 5, at 3:00 pm and again at 6:00 pm. These meetings give us the chance to sit down in friends' homes and talk about the strengths, needs, and times of improvement for the church as we look ahead to Year 2018.

The hosts and hostesses of each "cottage" will have a list of parishioners who are relatively close to their home, and invite them for a time of fellowship and discussion. We will publish a full list of the sites, as soon as we have finished our plans, so that each of us might be able to attend these meetings.

We are, as part of our program this year, welcoming back the Christian theatrical troupe, "The Friends of the Groom, " to join us on the weekend of November 10-12, to bring us a different reflection on how the Word of God might be presented. They will also be "preach-ing" sermon for us on November 12th, with all of this leading up to our Loyalty Weekend, on November 18-19. Keep your eyes on this space, for more details as Stewardship 2017 is just beginning.

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Sign-up Now!

Please sign-up by November 15th Our committee members will be serving a home-cooked Thanksgiving Turkey dinner with all the “Fixins” to parish members and their family and friends.

Our Parish Thanksgiving Dinner November 23rd - 2:00 pm

In the Parish Hall Sponsored by our Parish Growth Committee

Sign -upSheet


ParishThanksgiving Dinner The last five years everyone who attended has enjoyed our Church Family Thanksgiving Din-ner sponsored by our Outreach Committee . We are all looking forward to doing it again this year with your help. There is a sign up sheet for those wishing to attend. We ask that you please sign-up so that we have a better idea as to how many to prepare for on Thanks-giving Day. We are asking folks to sign-up by November 15th, to give us a number to work with for our volunteers to shop and prepare the dinner. Everyone in the parish is invited to attend just let us know how many will be in your party. Friends are also welcome. The dinner comes with all the “fixins”and the overall good fellowship that is a hallmark of our parish community. Remem-ber our open sitting is limited, so Please Sign-Up! Come and enjoy and simply share a meal, with our St. Augustine family.!

C.J. Cannon’s Restaurant Saturday

October 21st, 8 A.M.Bring a FriendSign up sheet

located inNarthex

Clergy Conference Father Michael will be attending this year's Clergy Conference, on October 23rd - 25th at the Canterbury retreat and Conference Center, in Oviedo. Should a pastoral emergency arise, you are asked to call the parish office, at (772) 770-3494.

Nancy Kelly will be traveling to the Kanuga the Conference Center in North Carolina this week, representing the St Augustine Chapter of the Daughters of the King. Please keep her in your prayers for a safe trip and for this opportunity for spiritual growth

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Telephone: 772-770-3494 Sunday Monday Tuesday

Saint Augustine of 475 43rd Avenue O



Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost



Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost




Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Forum 10.00 Sunday School 10:00 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist Confirmation Liturgy




29 30



15 16


All Hallows’ Eve

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

+ 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 9:00 Garden Angels

5:15 Jim Jordan Band Practice 7:30 A.A. Meeting

8:00 T.O.P.S. Meeting 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 10:00 Finance Committee 1:00 Shawl Knitters Min. 6:15 Thanksgiving Comm 6:30 Spirituality Book Gp.

8:00 T.O.P.S. Meeting 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 1:30 Shawl Knitters Min. 6:30 Spirituality Book Gp.

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

+ 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 9:00 Garden Angels 9:00 FSS Sewing Group 1:00-3:00 Genealogy Class with Patti Kirk 7:00 Hammock Lakes 7:30 A.A. Meeting

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Forum 10.00 Sunday School 10:00 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Youth Choir 12:30 Youth Group Meeting

St James of Jerusalem

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Forum 10.00 Sunday School 10:00 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Youth Choir 12:30 Youth Group Meeting 4:30 Prayer & Praise “Coffee House”

+ 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 9:00 Garden Angels

7:00 The Vestry 7:30 A.A. Meeting

8:00 T.O.P.S. Meeting 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 1:00 Shawl Knitters Min. 6:15 Toastmasters 6:30 Spirituality Book Gp.

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Forum 10.00 Sunday School 10:00 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Youth Choir 12:30 Youth Group Meeting 1:30 Pet Blessing

+ 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 9:00 Garden Angels

1:00-3:00 Genealogy Class with Patti Kirk 7:30 A.A. Meeting

+ 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 9:00 Garden Angels

7:00 Hammock Lakes 7:30 A.A. Meeting

8:00 T.O.P.S. Meeting 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 1:00 Shawl Knitters Min. 6:15 Toastmasters 6:30 Spirituality Book Gp.

8:00 T.O.P.S. Meeting 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 1:30 Shawl Knitters Min.

6:30 Spirituality Book Gp.

8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:15 Christian Forum 10.00 Sunday School 10:00 Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:30 Youth Choir 12:30 Youth Group Meeting 4:00 Choral Evensong

Page 7: Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged

Fax: 772-770-2712

Canterbury Episcopal ChurchVero Beach, Florida 32968

ThursdayWednesday Friday Saturday

6 74 5

20 21 St Luke the Evangelist 18

25 26 27

11 13 1412

8:00 ECW Annual Meet-ing New Parish Hall

5:30 Holy Eucharist

9:00-3:00 Sun Bonnet Sue Quilters 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 9:30 Yvonne Tso 6:30 Choir

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 10:00 Holy Eucharist Healing 5:30 Sunday School evening in Peru 7:00 Confirmation Class 8:00 Inquirer’s Class

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 1:00 ECW Annual Meeting set up NPH


8:00 Coptic Orthodox

5:30 Holy Eucharist


9:00 Milestone Autism Group 10:00 Holy Eucharist Healing 12 N. Outreach Committee 7:00 Confirmation Class 8:00 Inquirer’s Class

9:00-3:00 Sun Bonnet Sue Quilters 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 6:30 Choir 7:00 Rock & Gem Group

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 3:00 ECW Bazaar Set Up

8:00 Men’s Breakfast @ CJ Cannons Restaurant

9:00 ECW Bazaar -New Parish Hall

5:30 Holy Eucharist

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 10:00 Holy Eucharist Healing 7:00 Confirmation Class 8:00 Inquirer’s Class

9:00-3:00 Sun Bonnet Sue Quilters 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 6:00 Girl Scouts 6:30 Choir

9:00-3:00 Sun Bonnet Sue Quilters 9:00 Milestone Autism Group 6:00 Girl Scouts 6:30 Choir

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 3:00 ECW Bazaar Set Up

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 4:00 Milestone Adult Cook-ing Group 5:00 Coptic Orthodox

5:30 Holy Eucharist

9:00 Milestone Autism Group 10:00 Holy Eucharist Healing 7:00 Confirmation Class 8:00 Inquirer’s Class

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The Bishop's Visitation The Right Reverend Gregory O. Brewer, D.D., Bishop of Central Florida, will be making his visitation to the parish of Saint Augustine of Canterbury on Sunday, October 29, 2017.

Bishop Brewer will be in attendance for the ECW Annual Meeting, here on October 28th, and will remain in town to be the celebrant and preacher on Sunday morning at both the 8:00 am and 10:00 am services. The Choral Eucharist at 10:00 am that day will be also a Confirmation liturgy, and so we will be presenting the Confirmation Class of 2017 at that time.

We ask that keep those who are being confirmed or received on that day, in your prayers. Our class for this year is:

To be Confirmed: Cabot Taylor Caroline Taylor Charlotte Taylor Dakota Bennett Autumn Rose Bennett Chase Neely Cuiyun Dillon Charles Remillet

To be Received from the Roman Communion: Anthony Tullamello Dorothy Kheely Dianne McNeil Eric Findlay Sandra Remillet Re-affirming His Baptismal Vows: Robert H. Robinson, II Sharon Rayner

We are excited for these candidates for confirmation and reception, as they prepare to receive the seven-fold gifts of the Holy Spirit. We invite all to come out and rejoice with the Class of 2017, and to welcome Bishop Greg and his wife, Laura Lea to Saint Augustine’s parish.

Looking Ahead Soup Bowl

Come to the 25rd Annual Soup Bowl. Come an let us break bread together for the homeless here at St. Augustine Episcopal Church on Thursday, November 5rd 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. Soup and bread from local restaurants will be served for a donation of $5.00. Takeout will also be available. “Samaritan Center Soup Bowls” hand made by artisans will be available for $15.00 each.. There will also be a raffle for the soup tureens, tickets will be available for $1:00 each or 6 for $5.00 . We are joining 30 other churches and organizations to support the work of the Sa-maritan Center. We hope you will attend and bring a friend along with you! For more information, please call Roz James at 794-0061.

Page 9: Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged

Genealogy Classes Resume at St. Augustine

Come join Patti Kirk, Lecturer, Consultant, Teach-er of Genealogical Studies. Regular classes are held in the parish hall on the 2nd and 4th Monday from 1 pm -3 pm each month starting October 9th through the second Monday in June. There are no classes scheduled in December.Our first class on October 9th will be on “AlienRegistrations”

If you have any questions please contact Patti at 772-567-7463 or by e-mail: [email protected]

Join the Prayer Shawl Group every Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. in the Library. All knitters / or crocheters are welcome to attend. The Daughters of the King have re-vived their Prayer Shawl Ministry with great success in the parish and look forward to see-ing you!

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Vero Beach Choral Society to present “Wings of Song” Choral Concert - November 5th The Vero Beach Choral Society under the direc-tion Dr. Jason Hobratschk will present it’s Fall concert, “Wings of Song,” a program centered on the themes of flight and the heavens. A var-ied first half comprises “Soar Away” from The Sacred Harp, “The boy who picked up his feet to fly” by Joshua Shank, “Bright morning stars” by Shawn Kirchner, and “Adiemus” by Karl Jenkins (with percussionists from Vero Beach Charter High School), among other works. The second half of the program features Morten Lauridsen’s acclaimed Lux aeterna, a celestial celebration of life. The concert will be held at the Community Church of Vero Beach, 1901 23rd Street. Tickets are available through the Church Office and cost $15.00 in advance, $20.00 at the door.

October Birthdays 11 Robert Warren 12 Angela Gleason 13 Ann Frankenthal 13 Mary Laughton 13 Howard Daniels 16 Violet Clarke 16 Ginny Miller 23 John H. Martin, Jr. 26 Fr. John Hagood 28 Val Anderson 28 Alicia M. Silva 30 John Schutt 30 Robert McBride 30 Eleanor Wade

3 Don & Karen Davis 9 Charlie & Patti Kirk 7 Carter & Ann Taylor 10 Al & Ginger Vidiri 10 Pam & Guy McKenzie 10 Jim & Jean McLean 11 Paul & Nona Rae Franson 18 John & Genevieve Schutt 20 Connie & Leonard Hatala 28 Jill & Dick Polhamus

1 Elizabeth Moniz 2 Laurie Henson 4 Gerald Durfee 4 Frank Sosta 5 Bernadette Longden 5 Wayne Elliott 5 Nancy Kelly 6 Bunny Frey 7 William Schroeder 9 Gary Robinson 9 Kathy Merrick 9 Jim Marine 9 Richard Calkin 10 Gillian Ross


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Greetings, Episcopal Church Women!

As summer draws to an end, I ask that you focus on the exciting things that are happening at St. Augustine’s in the following weeks! Please make notes, save the dates and join us!

• OCTOBER 21st - We are hosting our Annual Fall Bazaar and Craft Show from 9 am - 2 pm. Over 30 artists and vendors will be showing off their wares. There will be a ‘Kid’s Corral’ where the little ones can play supervised games and do arts & crafts while you shop as well as a miniature railroad display! We serve an amazing lunch for a bargain price! Plan to gather up your family & friends and get a head start on your holiday shopping! (see flyer on page 16)

• OCTOBER 28th - We are very pleased to be hosting the Central Diocese of Florida ECW Annual Meeting here in our parish hall. Bishop Gregory O. Brewer will be in attendance. Please invite your friends and neighbors. Watch for details in upcoming media. Be sure to save this very important date! NOTE: We will be in the Narthex to collect registrations at the services on Sundays, October 1st & October 8th. The $15 fee covers continental breakfast, lunch and materials. You may also download the registration form at

• PleasecontinuetopromotethethreeT’s:Time,TalentandTreasurethroughyour support at ECW events. All proceeds from fundraisers are distributed to help ministries both inside and outside of our parish.

Wishing you God’s blessings, Carol Paris, ECW President and SE Deanery Director

Page 8

Praise Music and Coffee House

At St. Augustine Sunday at 4:30 pm. Come join us,

October 15th.

E.C.W. Corner

The first meeting of the Outreach Com-mittee for the Fall is set for Wednesday, October 3rd at 12 noon, in the Parish Hall. All members of the committee are urged to attend. Luncheon will be served. Interested in parish ministry? The Outreach Committee is a good place to see, hear, and act on the Lord's behalf in this world. Come and join us!

Outreach Committee Meeting

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Honored Guest The Right Rev.

Gregory O. Brewer Bishop of the Diocese

of Central Florida

We are very pleased to be hosting the Central Diocese of Florida ECW Annual Meeting here in our parish hall. Bishop Gregory O. Brewer will be the Celebrant at the Holy Eucharist. Please invite your friends and neighbors. Watch for details in upcoming media. Be sure to save this very important date! NOTE: We will be in the Narthex to collect registrations on October 1 and October 8. The $15 fee covers continental breakfast, lunch and materials. You may also download the registration form at

Page 12: Canterbury Tales · to God’s beautiful expressions of love for us must go beyond goose-bumps and blushing. We are beginning another stewardship campaign, wherein we are challenged

Deadline for next Canterbury Tales is October 20, 2017

Title: The Canterbury Tales Issue Date: October 1, 2017 Frequency: Published Monthly Organization: St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church 475 43rd Avenue Vero Beach, FL 32968

Issue No. 219 Volume 10

Schedule of Masses

Wed Healing Service 10:00 AMSat Holy Eucharist 5:30 PMSun Holy Eucharist 8:00 AMSun Choral Eucharist 10:00 AM

Church Staff

Office Hours: 9 am-12 Noon

THE VESTRYFather Michael W. Goldberg, Rector

Deb Kavanagh Senior WardenClarence Clarke, Junior WardenMargaret Connell - Wayne Elliott

Barbara Tilney - Jan Grant Beth Weatherstone

Marta Morris - Sharon Rayner

The Parish of St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church

475 43rd Avenue Vero Beach, Florida 32968

Non-Profit Org.U. S. Postage

PaidVero Beach, FLPermit No. 251

The Rev. Michael W. Goldberg, RectorFr. Berek Q. Smith - Curate

Organist & Choirmaster - Dr. Jason HobratschkYouth Group Advisor — Timothy Rutherford

Sunday School Superintendent —Burke M. Neely Treasurer - Steve Connell

Ronda Grayson-Seymour - Bookkeeper Rector’s Secretary — Terry Lurgio