Canonet G-III 17 Manual


Transcript of Canonet G-III 17 Manual

Page 1: Canonet G-III 17 Manual
Page 2: Canonet G-III 17 Manual


<D Focusing Lever <l)Selltim ... Lever (j)Shutter Speed Ring @AUTOMATIC/MANUALApeI'"tureRinll <l.l ASA Film Speed Indicator Window @AutometicEEMark ® FOCUling Ring @Vlewfinder Window

tID Flash Socket Safety Cover @Film Rewind Cr.nk @FilmPlane lndicator @AcceuorvShoe @Frame Counter @Shutter Button @CableReleaseSocket @Film Advance Lever

Page 3: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

@8lueLlIITlp @8atteryCheck Button @ViewfinderEyepiece a Film Tran"POrt Indicator @Film Ir>dicator @Mercury 8auery Compartment @TripodSocket @Film Rewind Button

@8ulb EKpOIlJre Setting Lever 03 Film Speed Setting Lever @Simple EKposu.e Symboll


Page 4: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

Mercury Battery Loading

Before using your Canonet G·III In5ert the banery on the tab in 17. loed the ml'rCury battery. the comlMrtmenl.

_ Be lUre the mercury battery Toopen cover of The battery (;om- is in5erted only in the (;Orrt<:T pertment. inMrt I fingernail in the dire<:tion. open slot. slidin.g the (;over in the _ A 1.35V M20 (::625) mercury direction of the arrow. By using e battery $hould be uSoEld-equivalent Slight pull outward, the coy� will to the Millory PX-625, or open. Evareedy EPX·625.

3 Press cover to clow.

Replacing Beuery When replacing the mercury ba tery, open the cover of ,I mercury baltery compartmer and slowly pull OUI the tab bei, careful nOI to leI Ihe batter drop Qut. _ When the camera will not b used for I lono period, remove Ih battery.

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Battery Checking

PrHl thl t>.ttlJfV check button (colored (I'd •.


If the blue lamp lights up, the tJ.ttery has wfficient power. Otherwise, the bettery should be replaced . • The battery check bUtton will not light up 81 temperatur,s of -lSoCI5°F) or under. The camera will work, howev'r, if the battery has sufficient power.


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Film loading

nism in the Canonel G·III 17 8C�lS Iny standard 35mm film roll in cartridge. When loading flew film, always l!IVoid direct sun­light,

To releaw the ,.tch of the back cover, reise the film rewind crank, and pull it aU the WIV up.

is opened, the OL coyer opens simultaneouslv. Face the film cartridge as illustrated in the line drllWing inside the back cover, and insert il inlO the cartridge compertment. Push the cranlcback to ilS normal position.

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Lay the tip of the film leader ebove the

"amber" film set mark.

• The QL cover automatically opens and

closes with the back cover. 00 not touch

the QL cover.

Bring down the QL COVill" to hold the film

in place by closing the back cover.

Look through the sprocket windOw to see if

the film is correctly engaged with the


• If the film is 5&99i09. turn the film r!!Wind

crank clockwise.

Close the back cover completely. ,

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Wind the fiLm advance le\ler until it stops. The first frame is now automaticalLv in position.


Checkinll Correct Film Loadinll The film is properlv loaded and ad\lanced if the film transport indicator flickers when VOU wind the film ad\lance lever.

Checkinll Proper Windin\l Film The film is wound up if the COIOf of the film indicator turns red. The indicator turn$ white when the shuner is released.

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Immediatelv aft� loading film, be sure to set the ASA film $paed scale in the proper

position bV pressing the notched film speed selling Iwar with your fingernail, matching

the proper film speed number with the index

of the ASA film speed indicator window,

• The higher the film speed number, the

more senSitive the film; the lower ;t is, the

.-...... CIlIIOII.'" OU7 .... les.s sensitive. For e)(ample, the ASA 400 ,,;,,"

is better for shooting at low light level than

the ASA 100 film.


Page 10: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

Automatic Electric Eye Photography

� atsllOll4,-r 0L17 �


For automatic EIKlric Eye photogf1lphy, set th, _pertu •• ring lit the "A" position. • The EE mechanism is fully coupled to Ihe ASA film $peed, the shuner speed and Ih, aPMtur •.

Turn the shuner $peed rinll. and match the film speed setting leYer with the simple 8l1po$Ura symbol 01 either s....nnV30� ,cloudy �.or indoor m:::J . With ASA 100 film for example, the shutler $peeds ar. $III at lfSOO sec. for sunny 30".1/125 sec. for cloudy c::) and 1/30 sec. for indoor m:::J

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While looking through the viewfinder, turn

the focusing levor. The subject is in focus

when the double image merges into one

precise image in the center of the viewfinder.

Out of locus In focus


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---------+ ~ _ox_ .. "",," ________ + ®- 0

Checking the El<posure Indieator

Point the camera 8t the subject end check

the position of the eKposurB indicator inside

the viewfinder.

Press the shutter button if the indicator

is inside the proper e:':po$Ure range.

• The shutter cannot bil released if the exposure indicator is either over· or under-

11 exposure warning mark.

• If the indicator points to the under.

exposure warning mark, turn the shutter

speed ring clockwise until the indicator moves

to the prop,. exposure range, or use the

Canolita 0 or other flash units,

• If the indicator points 10 the overex­

posure werning mark, turn the shutter speed

ring countltl"ciockwise until the indicator

moves to the proper 8"posure renge, or use

an NO filter,

Page 13: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

CompOSe the Pictu.. within the F.,m •. Th. subjects which will appear 0" the !tIm ca" be J.eefl withl" the rect&"9u1a' #teme.

p,... the Shutt .. Butto" gently 10 tnIIp • pictur ••

Page 14: Canonet G-III 17 Manual


Automatic Flash Photography-Using Conolite 0

The Canolite 0 is an optional electronic flash unit with direct contact axcillsively

designed for the Canonet G·IJ[ 17. There is

absolutely no necessity to worry about guide numbers. Night or indoor photography

is now a5 easy as daylight photography using 11'111 Canollte D.

8y simply attaching the Canolite 0, the camera, while set at "A". is switched over to the automatic flash control circuit, and

the proper f/stop corresponding to the shoot· ing distance is automatically set.

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• Power Source: Two 1.5V alkaline AA

batteries. • Size: 26 K 57 K 82 mm [1" K 2-114" K


• Weighl: 115 grams (4ou.1

L�= Check Ihe EKp05ure Indicator in the View­


• When il is within Ihe proper eKpOSIHe

range, press the shutter release button.


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"""--- - - - - - - - -- -�:---.:::: �


I 11

-----� ----....

• If the exposure in<!ic.tor is within the red mark, the subjlct is too faf or too close. Adjust the focusing distance until the indi­e.tor $hows the propel" .xposure.

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picture .

• With the Car'lolite 0, any shutter speed

can be used.


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Using Other Flash Units

The Canonl' G.jfl 17 has both a diracl conlact

acC8S5OfV shoe and conventional flash lOCket.

Automatic flash photography is possible with

flash bulbi and electronic flash units Olher

than the Canolile D.


In$lrt the flOSh into the scee$$Ory shoe and

connect iU cord il 11 is not a cordless unit.

Three guide numbers are engraved in blue on

the aperture ri�. TtI.v are lor ASA 100 film

and distance in meters. For conversion to

ASA 25 and leet see the conversion table

below. With 'lash bulbs. set Ihe shuller sPeed

to 1/30 sec. Any Wted may be used with

electronic flash units.

GuidI No. ';::--"C--

Page 19: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

_____ 1"7 __ � __ � ............ • 00 not use flesh bulb (or

followin9 types of film because it does not

couple properly.

Flash bulb of guide number 14 with ASA 25 film, guide number 20 with ASA 800,

eod guide number 28 with ASA 400 or higher


electronic flash unit or the

proper f{stop is set according to the guide

number, there is e heBIIY drein on the mercury

battery. Therefore, be sure to return the aper­ture ring to the "A" position eher shooting .

• When the subject is 100 far or 100 close,

the shutter button cannot be depressed.


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Manual Control of Aperture

the aperture ring from the "A" position. The

shutter $Peed and f(stop can be freely set for a.chieving specialized technical effects. With

the Canonet G-lII 17. special effects in high tone or low tone cen be Obtained in the seme

manner ilS with more professional cameras.


• In manual exposure control, the position

of the exposure indicator is in the upper

red mark.

Page 21: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

Using Sell-Ii mer

Th. Canone! G-III 17 has a built-in wlf-limer.

To operl" the self'limer, turn the sell·t,mer

lever in the direction of the arrow untIl It

ItopS. The shulti!tr will be released approxi­

matelv 10 seconds after Ihe shun.r bunon

has been prnsed.

• The self-timer .Iso oper,Uls when taking

pictures wilh flMh umts.

• If the self-timer lever is liel, do not ret\Jrt'

il to the normal po$itlon. II is automatically

returned, after the pictur. ilsnapped.


Page 22: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

Bulb Exposure

--.... C.II0".""'OL17


Bulb 'lCpo$Uf' is used when t.king pictures with long time el<posures. AeL._ the .perlure ring manually from "A"

to the d8$ired flstop.

Set the shuner speed ring It the "6" position while pressil19 down on the bulb setting l!!'Yer.

Page 23: Canonet G-III 17 Manual

Press the $hutter bunon gently.

The $toune.. will rlmain Open as long as the

$hunar button is pressed and will close when

the $h\ltter button i, released .

• When en IIJCtended time e><posure il being

mede, use the ellnon RelellSlI, and tripod,

to evoid blurred pictures.


Page 24: Canonet G-III 17 Manual


Film Rewinding

• •

When the film reaches tha end and the film

advance lever stops, rewinrl the film into

the cartridge as soon as possible. Be sure

not to open the back cOlier before rewinding;

otherwise, the entire roll will be exposed

and ruined since the film will be exposed

within the camera.

To rewind, pr8$$ in the rewind bullon.

Raise the crllnk, turning it in

the direction of the arrow, until the film is

completely rewound in the cartridge.

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Walch the film tr1ln$pOrt indicaTor, arid Slop rewinding when red and white lines c_

to flicker.

Film RemO'ling

Open the back CO\IIIf" by pulling up the rewind crank fuliV. and remOVI the film cartridge.


Page 26: Canonet G-III 17 Manual


Technical Dolo

TVpe: 35mm lens shutler tvpe caon .... wilh Electric El'.

Picture Sin: 4mm X 36mm L.ns: C.non Lens40mm 1/1.1. 6-1lem.nI4·

group construction, with four newlv designed gl'$$I$. Spectre cOiled in 1m. ber.nd purple.

Viewfindw: Viewfinder combined with r.nqe·'inder, bright with .uIO· mellC pereHex correction, eperture $Cele. eMpO$Ur8 'ndicelor end OVIf/und'r eM· posure indicetor end ov8r/undereMposure werning marks.

EE Mec:h.nism: Buill·in eMpO$Ure meter wilh CdS cell for fully IUlometic 'Mpo­sure control. Shutler spied priority svstem. ASA 25 to BOO (DIN 151030). With ASA loofilm,EV 3.5 \1/1.1 It 1/4 sec.l-EV 11 1f/16 " 11500 sec.). Powwed by one 1.35V M 20 1::625) m.rcury bln.ry. Battery cheek.r built· in.

Mlnuel Control of Apeortur.: Possibl' It eny desired f/,,01l bV releasing EE meehl· nism.

Shun.r: Between·the·shutter. Shuner spleds from 114 10 1/500 sec. Ind B. AUlo· matically $lIS aperture, self-(:ocking com· bined fIlm/shutter wInd, self·timer, X· synchronization. Cont.ct: Acceuory shot with direct conllCt eMclusive lor Canolite 0 end th, fllsh lOCket for Ihe other flesh uniu.

Clnoli1l 0: Exclusiv •• Ieclronic flash unit designed for the Canon.1 G·III 11 with di,ect con teet for cordllS$ type. When performing flash photography, it is not necessary to worry aboul guide numbers 0' to calcul.1I flstops. AUlomllic sening of proper fJ"op is possible 1$ the EE circuil.s coupled 10 the $hooting dinance. Canolile 0 i$ powered by two 1.5V alkaline AA beneries.

Flesh·Auto Mtch.nism fo, Other Units: Aperture openings coupled 10 shOOling distanc. It guide numbers 14, 20. 281m) wilh ASA 100. Shutler button is lock.d wh.n il is outside the couplin\l tinge.

Film Lo.d,ng: Cenon-developed QL (Quick Loading) mechanism. Accepts .nv stand· ard 35mm fIlm In c.rtridr,.

Film Smgl.·stro e 127". Film transport IndlCltor .nd f.lm indicetor ere built·in.

F,.me Countw: Resets .... tomllic.IIV. Sin: 120X15X6Omm (4-3J4' ·X3'·X 2·3/8") Weight: 620 grems (1 lb. 5·1/8 ou.!.

Subjlct to chanlle without nOtiCI

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• lens Hood • CanOlite 0 • Canon Release 30 • Canon Release 50

----==, . , .

• Filter 48 mm IY1, Y3, 01, Gl, Rl, UV, NO-4, NO-8 Skylight, CCA 4, 8, 12, CCB 4, 8, 12) • Gadget Bag 4 • Hard case for Canonet G-III 17


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