Caning Sentence Bring More Good Than Harm

Caning Sentence bring more good than harm. Discuss. According to the Cabinet committee that reviewed the implementation of the education policy, the sentencing judge can be defined as the subject using a cane for serious offenses. Lately the problem of juvenile delinquency and the increasingly rampant. This crisis is often featured in the newspapers is like a cancer that spreads in the body. It is certainly alarming for parents who are concerned about the moral and mental development of their children. Therefore, to overcome the problem of discipline in schools, the green light was given to the school to carry out the caning of students who have committed serious offenses. The question is, caning doing more harm? I do agree with the above statement but not completely. There's no denying that the good caning. The first reason is that caning is an effective way to instill discipline in their pupils, especially to students who are stubborn and make mistakes over and over again and even those who committed serious offenses such as bullying, smoking, stealing and etc. Therefore, by imposing caning, students will be instilled with discipline in them and they will not commit acts that violate school rules. The second reason is caning is preventive deterrent measures are effective for other pupils. This is because when the disciples were caned witnessed by other students, those who see it will also reflect and do some soul. Therefore, the presence of self-realization in students, they will not be breaking school rules and this could reduce cases of indiscipline in schools, as the saying goes 'prevention is better than cure'. Finally, caning is carried out with the aim to provide teaching to pupils stubborn. I say so because the conduct caning, they will think twice before committing any error discipline because of the risk that they will be very heavy responsibility. Aside from the pain, they will also get a disgrace in public schools and smudging affront to their parents. In short, the caning will also teach students to be more disciplined and act with a rational mind that their actions will not harm themselves. However, caning is also harmful. The first disadvantage is that it will lead to pupils who whipped or caned felt trauma and phobias. This is because,


This is a writting on the advantages of carrying out caning sentence at school. This caning sentence is believed brings more good than bad implications toward students.

Transcript of Caning Sentence Bring More Good Than Harm

Caning Sentence bring more good than harm. Discuss.

According to the Cabinet committee that reviewed the implementation of the education policy, the sentencing judge can be defined as the subject using a cane for serious offenses. Lately the problem of juvenile delinquency and the increasingly rampant. This crisis is often featured in the newspapers is like a cancer that spreads in the body. It is certainly alarming for parents who are concerned about the moral and mental development of their children. Therefore, to overcome the problem of discipline in schools, the green light was given to the school to carry out the caning of students who have committed serious offenses. The question is, caning doing more harm?

I do agree with the above statement but not completely. There's no denying that the good caning. The first reason is that caning is an effective way to instill discipline in their pupils, especially to students who are stubborn and make mistakes over and over again and even those who committed serious offenses such as bullying, smoking, stealing and etc. Therefore, by imposing caning, students will be instilled with discipline in them and they will not commit acts that violate school rules.

The second reason is caning is preventive deterrent measures are effective for other pupils. This is because when the disciples were caned witnessed by other students, those who see it will also reflect and do some soul. Therefore, the presence of self-realization in students, they will not be breaking school rules and this could reduce cases of indiscipline in schools, as the saying goes 'prevention is better than cure'.

Finally, caning is carried out with the aim to provide teaching to pupils stubborn. I say so because the conduct caning, they will think twice before committing any error discipline because of the risk that they will be very heavy responsibility. Aside from the pain, they will also get a disgrace in public schools and smudging affront to their parents. In short, the caning will also teach students to be more disciplined and act with a rational mind that their actions will not harm themselves.

However, caning is also harmful. The first disadvantage is that it will lead to pupils who whipped or caned felt trauma and phobias. This is because, before they were whipped, they will feel fear. The balance will be threatened and their emotions they will experience terrible emotional distress when they were flogged. They also may lose confidence and feel ashamed and reluctant to interact with their friends after they flogged in public. As the saying goes 'tarnish his own disgrace'.

Secondly, caning may be considered inhumane punishment. This is because the caning would cause physical harm to students who caned. Their injuries were cuts on top of the whipped maybe even on the spine if the sentence was not carried out properly and carefully. Not only that, but the caning pupils will be marginalized or ostracized by their peers for fear if harmed.

Last but not least, it is for the worse as caning is a humiliating punishment of students is and nobody wants to be with them. after a stop and they will drop out of school. With the hectic pace of pupils who dropped out of school, it also adds to the dropout rate in schools. This causes a problem on both sides of the school and the students. Finally, in the euphoria of the school foster discipline among students, the dropout rate increased drastically. Is this desirable by the school?

Based on the above discussion it is clear that the caning for good and for bad. The caning should be implemented if it involves serious offenses and demanded firm action from the school. However it should not be done with impunity, wenangnya.Tujuan caning is to foster the discipline not to embarrass the students not to mention causing a dropout. The caning is the last alternative if all other efforts such as counseling and parental cooperation mendapatlan find kegagalan.Sekiranya all parties to work together, God willing, a problem that has long been a thorn in the flesh will be resolved in a fair and dream schools to produce 'Educational Thought and Empowerment National Science lovers will be realized.