Candi d ..

VALDEZ, DENNIS BRYAN A. Micro 2: WF 2:00-3:00 PM BMLS 3D 5 February 2014 ASSIGNMENT: Opportunistic Fungi I. CANDIDIASIS Candidiasis is an acute-to-chronic fungal infection that can involve the mouth, vagina, skin, nails,  bronchi, lung s, alimentary trac t, bloodstrea m, or urina ry tract. A. Clinical Findings Transmission: As a member of the normal flora, it is already present on the skin and mucous membranes. It is, therefore, not transmitted. The presence of C. albicans on the skin predisposes to infections involving instruments that penetrate the skin, such as needles (intravenous drug use) and indwelling catheters.  1. Cutaneous & Mucosal Candidiasis o Thrush - can occur on the tongue, lips, gums, or palate. It is a patchy to confluent, whitish pseudomembranous lesion composed of epithelial cells, yeasts, and  pseudohypha e. o Vulvovaginitis - Yeast invasion of the vaginal mucosa l characterized by irritation,  pruritus, an d vaginal d ischarge . o Onychomycosis - Candidal invasion of the nails and around the nail plate. A painful, erythematous swelling of the nail fold resembling a pyogenic paronychia, which may eventually destroy the nail. o Other forms of cutaneous candidiasis include invasion of the skin. The infected areas  become red and moist and may develop vesicles. Interdigital involvement between the fingers follows repeated prolonged immersion in water. 2. Systemic Candidiasis o Candidemia - can be caused by indwelling catheters, surgery, intravenous drug abuse, aspiration, or damage to the skin or gastrointestinal tract. o Candidal endocarditis - frequently associated with deposition and growth of the yeasts and pseudohyphae on prosthetic heart valves or vegetations. o Kidney infections are usually a systemic manifestation, whereas urinary tract infections are often associated with Foley catheters, diabetes, pregnancy, and antibacterial antibiotics. 3. Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis o Most forms of this rare disease have onset in early childhood, are associated with cellular immunodeficiencies and endocrinopathies, and result in chronic superficial disfiguring infections of any or all areas of skin or mucosa. B. Laboratory Diagnosis 1. Specimen Sources a. swabs and scrapings from superficial lesions,  b.  blood c. spinal fluid d. tissue biopsies e. urine f. exudates g. material from removed intravenous catheters.

Transcript of Candi d ..

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