Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011



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Transcript of Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

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news briefly

A NINE-year-old commit-ment to residents of Kaleen and Aranda concerned about traffic noise is one of the reasons the double-lane Gungahlin Drive Extension speed limit has been set at 80km/h.

The GDE, which the Op-position reminds us has taken the ACT Govern-ment longer to construct than the Sydney Harbour Bridge, was finally com-pleted with double lanes in each direction, earlier this month.

However, since the re-cent opening, “CityNews” has received calls of com-plaint about the GDE’s speed limit of 80km/h.

There are only a few roads in the ACT that have speed limits of 100km/h. They include Tuggeranong Parkway, Monaro High-way, Federal Highway and Barton Highway. There are localised exceptions on all rural roads in the ACT, which have a default

speed limit of 100km/h.But why not the GDE?According to a TAMS

spokesperson, there are three reasons why the speed limit of the GDE is set at 80km/h.

“During the consulta-tion period in 2002/3 a commitment was given to residents of Kaleen and Aranda that the speed limit would be set at 80 km/h in response to con-cerns they had about traf-fic noise from the road,” he said.

“Glenloch Interchange’s proximity to the next interchange to the south – the Lakeside Interchange – requires that its speed limit be set at 80km/h to ensure safe traffic move-ments to and from Lady Denman Drive.

“And to ensure consist-ency of speed limits along the route. The speed limit is consistent from Gungah-lin Drive north of the Bar-ton Highway to past the

Lakeside Interchange.”The Tuggeranong Park-

way, where the GDE leads to, has a speed limit of 100km/h.

“The Tuggeranong Parkway has well-spaced interchanges,” the TAMS spokesperson said.

“Additionally, no com-mitment was made during consultation to set the speed limit at 80km/h.”

In Australia, there is a standard that covers speed limits considering the type of road, any roadside development and traffic characteristics including volumes and crashes.

In the ACT, RoadsACT is responsible for assess-ing speed limits on public roads.

The TAMS spokesper-son said they will be moni-toring car speeds along the GDE over the next few months.

ACT, NSW, Queensland, Victoria and SA all have speed limits of 100km/h (excluding freeways).

The NT and WA have speed limits up to 110km/h, reflecting the long dis-tances of uninterrupted traffic flow.

School’s global fiestaTHE Lyons Early Childhood School, Tarraleah Crescent, Lyons, is holding a fundraising “Global Kitchen Fiesta”, 11am-3pm, Sunday, October 30. Co-hosted with the Woden Community Service, the fiesta celebrates the school and the region’s cultural diversity. There will be entertainment and market stalls including craft, jewellery, plants, bonsai, ice cream, coffee, wooden toys, cards and more.

Experience dragon boatsDRAGON boating club, the Canberra Griffins is holding a “come and try” day at Lotus Bay, Canberra Southern Cross Yacht Club, Marina Place, Yarralumla, from 10.30am, Sunday, October 30. The club will supply a paddle, boat, accredited instructor and a crew. More information at

Laurie for lunchFORMER Brumbies coach Laurie Fisher, who has returned to Canberra in the role of Brumbies assistant coach, is the guest speaker at the annual ACTAADS Inc fund-raising lunch at The Brassey Hotel, Barton, 12.30pm, Friday, November 4. This year ACTAADS has given $18,000 in grants to help Canberrans with a disability to develop skills that will increase their participation in the wider community. The three-course lunch, with drinks, is $75. Boookings to 6273 3766 or email [email protected]

Peter wins the passTHE winner of the gold pass to every movie at the Canberra International Film Festival is Peter Copeman, of Ainslie. The prize was supplied by festival sponsor TransACT.

To the limit... 80km/h on the GDE is frustrating some drivers.

Speed promise slows drivers

Editor: Ian Meikle, [email protected]: Freyla Ferguson, [email protected] Kathryn Vukovljak, [email protected] Libby Hill, [email protected] Lisa Ridgley, [email protected] editor: Helen Musa, 0400 [email protected] and photography: Silas Brown, 0412 718086Graphic designer: Louise BrooksAccounts manager: Bethany Freeman-Chandler [email protected] and circulation: Richard Watson,[email protected] photographer: Andrew Finch

Phone 6262 9100 Fax 6262 9111 GPO Box 2448, Canberra City

Responsibility for election comment is taken by Ian Meikle, of Suite 1, Level 1, 143 London Circuit, Canberra.

General manager: Greg Jones 0419 418196, [email protected] advertising executives: Melissa Delfino, 0415 137660 Ernie Nichols, 0421 077999 Advertising sales executives: Mara Stroppa, 0431 245130 Rebecca Darman 0411 225169Advertising sales co-ordinator: [email protected] advertising sales: Ad Sales Connect, 02 9420 1777

INDEX0ctober 27-November 2, 2011 Since 1993: Volume 17, Number 41

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Arts&Entertainment 37-39Body 41Canberra Confidential 18Cinema 38Crossword 36Dining 39Home&Garden 42-44Horoscope 36Letters 10News 5-16Politics 8Property 45-59Social Scene 32-35 Sudoku 36Women in Business 19-29

FRONT COVER: TV celebrities Josh and Jenna. Story page 17.

The Gungahlin Drive Extension continues still to frustrate drivers, reports FREYLA FERGUSON

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news brieflyFor fans of rockTHE Canberra Lapidary Club is holding its Spring Gemcraft and Mineral Show at Exhibition Park, 10am to 5pm, on Saturday, November 5 and Sunday, November 6. There will be 20 dealers offering mineral specimens, rough and cut gemstones, jewellery, fossils, opals, crystals, beads, beading supplies and lapidary equipment. Club members will also have their collections on display. Entry is $5, $8 family, $2 concessions.

Free forest filmsTHE International Forest Film Festival will run in the National Library of Australia theatre, 12.30pm-7.30pm, on November 2. Films include “The Queen of Trees” from Kenya and “Conflict Tiger” from Russia. Free event. Bookings to or 6262 1271.

By Freyla Ferguson

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard’s first man Tim Mathieson has launched the Breast Cancer Network Australia’s new online support group for the partners of women diagnosed with breast cancer.

The PM made a surprise and brief appearance at the Lodge event, standing behind Mr Mathieson as he welcomed the crowd, many breast cancer suffer-ers, survivors and medical personnel.

“Thanks to the Prime Minister, who just turned up to keep an eye on me,” he said.

“Can’t get away with much these days, can I?”

Mr Mathieson, one of the Govern-ment’s men’s health ambassadors, said

in his speech that every day 38 Austral-ian women hear those chilling words: “You have breast cancer”.

“Life will never be the same again for them and their partners,” he said.

“The biggest part of the journey is helping breast cancer patients face and overcome their illness. It is always pri-ority number one.

“But it’s not the whole story. We know that partners and family suffer, too. Of course, not all women have partners and not all partners are male and not all males are husbands. We have to be aware of every different situation.

“As the men’s health ambassador, I am particularly concerned that blokes don’t always handle it well when their partners get sick.

“Research has shown that partners often suffer equal levels of emotional stress compared with women diagnosed with breast cancer.

“They will often mask their feelings by appearing positive, appearing as though they are coping themselves so

as not to burden their partner. But the truth is often partners need help, too.”

The online group called Partner Sup-

port will connect others facing similar challenges.

Partner Support will not only provide peer support, but will assist with the de-velopment of future resources designed specifically for partners.

Mr Mathieson’s daughter Sherri and Scott Hopkins, a partner of a breast-can-cer survivor, made emotional speeches about their personal experiences with the disease.

“There are men that feel they have to be the rock, they have to fix things when they are broken and this is just one thing men can’t fix,” BCNA founder and CEO Lyn Swinburne said at the launch.

“Our online social network is one of those ways we think that, at least, men will be able to speak to one another.

“I am really pleased to announce the establishment of BCNA Partner Sup-port, which is a group for male partners on our online social network.”

More information at social photos, Page 33

Prime Minister Julia Gillard surprised her partner Tim Mathieson as he was hosting a breast cancer initiative announcement at the Lodge. Photo by Silas Brown

Helping blokes handle sickness

WITH television companies and sponsors pouring more money than ever into sport, prepare yourself for a rocky ride if private ownership of sporting teams becomes commonplace in Australia.

So far, it has had a minor impact on sport in this part of the world, but the experi-ences of American sport should provide a guide to the pitfalls.

The NBA basketball season is yet to get underway with the billionaire owners and the millionaire players in dispute over the distribution of revenue resulting in a lock-out, which has lasted more than 100 days. Both parties want a 53 per cent share, which is mathematically impossible.

American sport has these types of disputes all the time and it’s always over money. Baseball had its world series wiped out in 1994; the NFL had a pre-season lockout lasting 18 weeks in the lead-up to last season and the National Ice Hockey League cancelled the 2004-05 season alto-

gether after players sought a greater share of revenue.

Thankfully, in Australia sport hasn’t been affected by the threat of striking players. The closest we have come is the breakaway Super League, World Series Cricket and the emergence of professional-ism in rugby union.

In all cases, the situation came about as a result of players seeing the money com-ing into their sport was not being evenly distributed.

The private ownership of sporting teams hasn’t really taken off in Australia. I am not a huge fan of private ownership, it usually starts with an immediate cash injection and plenty of bravado, but when business people realise that it’s hard to make money out of owning a sports team they usually lose interest and it goes pear-shaped.

I am not saying it happens all the time, but it has happened: remember the Sydney Swans? Hopefully Nathan Tinkler has

more success with the Newcastle Knights and the Jets, while it can be argued that News Limited has kept the Melbourne Storm afloat.

It can also be argued that private own-ers will push harder for a greater return, which is likely to also impact on the nature of sport.

It is for that reason, I hope private ownership doesn’t become part of the landscape in Canberra sport because it is important for the existing teams to be community based, although there is the constant struggle to stay financially vi-able.

Despite the Raiders and the Brumbies having poor seasons, you would hope sup-porters see that they are an integral part of the community and for many of us, they add to the reason why we live in Canberra. Getting behind our national teams, the Brumbies, the Raiders and the Capitals in particular, will help maintain their viabil-ity and help the overall stability of sport.

TIM GAVEL has come to the conclusion that the answer to almost everything in sport is money.

Beware the privatisation of sport

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ELECTIONS should not be won or lost accord-ing to who can put most money into a party, a candidate or into persuasive advertising. The “electioneering arms race” is out of control and it is time to confront the issue.

The Legislative Assembly’s Standing Com-mittee on Justice and Community Safety, chaired by Liberal Vicki Dunne, has delivered a thorough and thoughtful analysis of the issues that confront the ACT.

“A Review of Campaign Financing Laws in the ACT” includes a dissenting report from Labor’s John Hargreaves, which assists in providing an insight into the tensions around this issue.

The report examines recent reforms in places such as the Republic of Ireland and Canada as well as NSW and Queensland, which have adopted measures to combat the disproportion-ate influence that financial contributions bring to the political arena.

The committee has adopted a sensible ap-proach by creating, as its main focus, limitations on the amount of money that can be expended in a campaign.

It recommends: “That electoral expenditure by political parties, their candidates and their associated entities should be limited to $60,000 per nominated candidate within the capped expenditure period, which shall commence on January 1 in an election year and close at the end of polling day.”

It also suggested donations to political par-ties, candidates or third parties be limited to $7000 in any financial year.

There is an alternative suggestion for ad-equate funding. It is an increased taxpayers’ contribution at a level proportionally in line with 85 per cent of funding provided to Senators by the election after next.

It is never popular to use taxpayers’ money to support campaigning. However, it is the current practice across Australia and the level should be adjusted to take into account the other rec-ommended restrictions. It is a small price to pay for an effective democratic system.

John Hargreaves in his dissenting report

raises the issue that “donation caps will create a preference for pressure groups over party politics as they will strongly encourage politi-cal groups to engage in independent third-party activity.” He suggests they “may favour issue politics over broader and more inclusive forms of politics.”

The committee recommends a cap of $30,000 on expenditure by third parties to address the issue. However, even if this cap is implemented, Hargreaves might be shown to be right and fur-ther restrictions will then need to be considered following the October 2012 election.

Such reports rarely escape a political stoush. The Greens are the recipient of the largest-ever political donation in Australian history.

The Liberal Party accepts donations from big tobacco (although Vicki Dunne seemed for some reason unable to confirm this on ABC radio following the release of the report). ACT Labor accepts very large sums of money from community clubs that earn the bulk of their revenue through gambling.

John Hargreaves expressed his partisan con-cern that the report is aimed at the Labor Party. He argued: “If these recommendations on dona-tions are accepted, donations will be capped to the intended detriment of one party (Labor) and yet revenue from return on assets through, for example rental property, will not be capped, to the advantage of another (Liberal) party.” He is concerned in contrast that the revenue from rental property of the Liberal Party will not be affected.

For a long time Labor has been supported by gambling. It cannot be dressed up as donations from “a community club” in the way that John Hargreaves attempts. Labor does not want to lose the financial advantage it has always had in the ACT, but there are higher-order issues.

The system needs reforming now, before it really gets out of hand and our democratic sys-tems are further undermined.

Michael Moore is a former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly and an independent minis-ter for health in the Carnell government.


Money speaks! It may not buy a vote in Australia, but it certainly buys access and influence, says political writer MICHAEL MOORE

Tension as Labor buckscampaign cash changes

This tranquil, pastoral scene of pen, cob and cygnets is not what it seems. These are inner-city swans and snapper SILAS BROWN noticed the family contentedly cruising the forlorn water feature as he whizzed around the busy Parkes Way roundabout. The mother is called a pen, the cob is pops and the kids are cygnets. But what is a group of swans called? A flock of swans (some also say a bevy), but when they are flying in a “V” formation they are called a wedge of swans.

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THE Queen’s visit was an opportunity for “The Canberra Times” to give an airing to the local republicans in opinion pieces and letters.

We were informed that the monarchy is “anti-democratic”. It is strange that the most stable and democratic countries in the world seem to be monarchies, in contrast to those run by erst-while freedom and democracy fighters turned dictators, and the numerous republics whose stability depends on the army.

It is parliament, not the crown, which per-forms the democratic role in a monarchy. The members of parliament are often in such odium that many would wish the crown to have a stronger role in representing the people, for the sake of balance.

It is certainly arguable that Australia should have a resident monarch, but republicans do not seem to mind being told how to run this country by visiting unelected UN “invigilators”, or sign-ing away sovereignty to international conven-tions, which less self-righteous nations decline to do.

A monarch shared with other countries is both economical and internationalist.

Presidents, where not self-appointed, come at huge cost in election campaigns, periods of instability and divisiveness. They usually carry partisan baggage. The big problem for republi-cans is telling us what sort of pig they’ve got in their poke. Because they can’t agree on this, they hope to nudge an undefined republic into being via plebiscites with feel-good weasel words. Pam Lai, Holder

Stefaniak is rightI AGREE with Bill Stefaniak (“Ranting Moore is wrong”, CN, letters, October 13).

When Yasser Arafat knocked back Ehud Barak’s peace offering in 2000, which gave a Palestinian state 73 per cent of the West Bank and all of the Gaza Strip (which would have given Palestinian sovereignty over 91 per cent or 94 per cent excluding Jerusalem), I gave up on my support for Palestinians.

They obviously did not want peace and were content to watch more innocent people die and be injured on both sides of the border. Arafat was Palestine’s version of Tony Abbott and the people should have replaced him with a leader who was willing to compromise if they truly wanted peace. Ric Hingee, Duffy

Gobsmacked by letterI WAS gobsmacked to read Martin Miller’s letter “Cycle helmets just an excuse” (CN, October 13). The fact that he does not wear a helmet when riding his children to school is a great example to be sending to his kids – not!

The last time I was in a car accident, the driver was killed – he was wearing a seat belt, I wasn’t.

But I have ever since, because I know I would rather take my chances wearing one than not. And, just like cycle helmets, it is the law.

A helmet may not save my life, but why would you take the risk and why would you set such a poor example for your children? Richard Blundell, Duffy

No real argumentsIN the October 13 edition of “CityNews”, Robert Macklin (“Big reasons to step up to a Big Aus-tralia”) argues that small-minded elitists are the only supporters of a slowdown in population growth.

He says it is dangerous to “keep Australia small”. What rubbish! His article is full of gen-eralised assertions that he uses to support a Big Australia. He says the arguments are compel-ling, but fails to cite one compelling argument.

At the recent Population Summit conference

in Melbourne, which I attended, nearly all speak-ers from a diverse background highlighted the costs of and losers from high population growth. Prominent and highly respected demographer Dr Katherine Betts put it very well in saying that the beneficiaries of high population growth and a Big Australia are relatively few and they benefit handsomely – property developers, home builders and manufacturers of major household consumer goods, for example.

By contrast, most citizens experience in-creased congestion, loss of biodiversity, more pollution, higher housing costs and higher taxes to fund the expanded infrastructure needed to service a bigger population.

Macklin should stick to writing good col-umns, like the one he wrote in an earlier edition, which vividly described the rip-offs in virtually all goods and services at our monopoly-owned airports. colin Lyons, Weetangera

Jobs’ cancer alertTHE sad news that Apple founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, has passed away shines a spot-light on a rare and little-understood type of can-cer. It has long been reported in the media that Jobs suffered from pancreatic cancer (which commonly refers to adenocarcinoma), when in fact he had a form of neuroendocrine tumour of the pancreas.

Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are one of more than 100 rare forms of cancer that, taken together, make up 40 per cent of all cancers. A lack of knowledge and awareness about NETs, both within the medical profession and the wider public, means sufferers can go years before the disease is correctly identified. Some patients have lived with a form of NETs for up to seven years before being diagnosed.

Often this is because typical symptoms – di-arrhoea, anxiety, asthma, irritable bowels – are assumed to be something else. The result is that by the time patients are correctly diagnosed, life expectancy is usually only three years.

It is a cancer that warrants attention from the Australian media; there are currently 8000 known cases in Australia and another 2000 patients expected to be diagnosed this year (a number higher than ovarian cancer).

On behalf of the only Australian charity sup-porting NET patients and Australian research into NETs, I’d encourage Australians to take something positive from the passing of Jobs and ask their GP for a NETs screening if they recognise these symptoms – our aim is for the understanding of NET cancers to be on par with the current knowledge of MS and ovarian cancer in a decade.

Dr John Leyden, chairman, unicorn Foundation, nsW

The thin blue lineCHEWY on the boot to drug liberalisers who say prohibition has no effect on drug use! The latest AFP annual report shows the volume of illegal drugs seized by federal agencies in the last fi-nancial year jumped by a huge 316 per cent.

Over five tonnes of drugs were intercepted domestically, up from 1.24 tonnes the previous year. Difficult to say how many lives have been saved by that huge seizure, but in contrast to methadone, no one will die as a result.

The Australian Crime Commission recently warned of an explosion in synthetic marijuana and other drugs, and a report from the Univer-sity of NSW has revealed that more than half of injecting drug users in the ACT are using the drug ice!

Our Government’s pro-active contribution appears to be procrastination on the rejection of needles in our prison. Thank goodness for the thin blue line!

colliss Parrett, Barton

Why a republic is wrong

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the queen

I did but see her... the Queen and me HER Majesty is making what I am being assured is her 16th visit to our shores. Those of the doom-and-gloom persuasion say confidently that this will be her last.

That seems to me unkind. Why shouldn’t she make more visits? After all, we are always being told that Aus-tralia needs more tourists. And her mother lived to 101, so she could have another 20 years or so.

Where should we go to see her progress on the lake? Someone asked where I would be going, and I had no answer. It hadn’t occurred to me that my presence would be required. After all, I once had what amounted to a private, though rapid, experience with HM, and why would I want to supplant that?

I should point out that I am best described, in this context, as a “tepid republican” – someone who thinks that Australia might well be a republic, and that it will happen in due course, but that it is an issue well down on my list of current priorities.

My special experience happened quite a while ago. In fact, the other person involved, my daughter Lesley, who celebrated an important birthday milestone recently, was only 18 months

old at the time. It happened like this.In 1963, the Queen came to Australia

to open the Menzies Library at the ANU. That is my firm understanding, though she doubtless went elsewhere in our great country as well. As a stu-dent representative on the council of the university, I had a good seat at that event, and can report that HM wore a peach-coloured dress and possessed a fine set of ankles. The Duke told those wearing academic dress that they looked like “a lot of bloody cockatoos”, though I think he probably meant par-rots.

The next day the royal pair went for a drive through the streets of Can-berra, and I was on baby-minding duty in our university flat in Forrest. One of the streets on which the drive was to occur was ours, and I knew the time, so a few minutes before I gathered up Lesley from the floor where she was absent-mindedly chewing a book. She was into books at an early age.

“Let’s go and see the Queen,” I of-fered.

“Queen,” said Lesley, who was into repeating any word you said.

We went downstairs and out into the world, and on to the nature strip between our flat and Canberra Av-

enue. We were quite alone. No other denizen of the Forrest Flats had felt the same urge. Suddenly I saw what might well be the Rolls up near the Presbyterian Church. Someone walk-ing a block away turned into the Hotel Wellington, completely ignoring the significance of the scene.

But Lesley and I were ready. I hoist-ed her on to my shoulders. Where were the cheering crowds? We were the only loyalists in sight.

“Here comes the Queen,” I said to my daughter. “You need to wave.”

“Wave,” said Lesley, but did noth-ing.

I did the only honourable thing. Holding her firmly with my left arm, I held her right hand with mine, and as the royal car arrived we gave an enthusiastic joint wave.

Her Majesty smiled, and returned our salute. My memory is that the Duke looked impassive, but perhaps

that is only how he seems to look most of the time.

I did but see her passing by, as our then Prime Minister had said at the time of the first visit, and that will be enough for me. Crowds now would only spoil the memory of what, after all, was a very private experience.

Don Aitkin, political scientist and historian, served as vice-chancellor of the University of Canberra from 1991 to 2002.

Eye to eye, smile to smile, DON AITKIN recalls a private moment shared with the Queen on the streets of Canberra.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh step ashore at Commonwealth Park last week on their way to Floriade... just two of snapper Silas Brown’s beautiful collection of royal visit photographs at

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the gadflyArts changes bring mixed responsesBy arts editor Helen MusaHOT upon our recent report that ACT ArtsAbility officer Caro Roach had won an award from the ACT Down Syndrome As-sociation, comes news of the de-funding of the Community Arts Office in which she works.

The office, housed in the North Building, is home to a manager, the indigenous arts officer, the ArtsAbility officer and the multicultural arts officer.

In response to the Loxton review of the arts in Canberra, Arts Minister Joy Burch has proposed the transfer of the function of Community Arts Office to the Belconnen and Tuggeranong Arts Centres, two of the “arts hubs” recom-mended by Loxton.

The minister has asked that the scope of the community arts officers be expanded beyond the current single focus for specific community sectors to “a more holistic approach.”

The move has shocked those used to the current model, but drawn enthusiastic support from other arts workers, who say the old model of separate portfolios within the community arts is outmoded.

Manager Andy Heaney, who will leave the office in several weeks for a Commonwealth Government job, told “CityNews” the decision had been revealed in late Septem-ber by the director of artsACT, David Whitney, who told Heaney the office would be closed at the end of this year.

“We lobbied like crazy,” Heaney said, “with the result that the jobs in the office have been guaranteed until December 31, 2012.”

The issue surfaced again last week when Greens MLA Amanda Bresnan raised the matter in the Legislative Assem-bly, arguing that the move “would impact significantly on access and equity in the arts, and on cultural development in Canberra.”

While Heaney said he had no problem with a change of location, he challenged Ms Burch’s view that good specialist arts workers can also work with the community at large, saying the new jobs would not be culturally “identified.”

He said the office had a solid track record of achieve-ment, “keeping people connected, advocating between the complex needs of arts and health, language and cultural issues.”

Callers to “CityNews” have weighed in to the contrary, saying the officers have under-achieved and that their claims of success are exaggerated. As for the relocation out of Civic, which one caller charged would erode access, a spokesman for Ms Burch said, “people live in Tuggeranong and Belconnen, too.”

Want a revolution? See China

IT’S the greatest peacetime revolution the world has ever known. And until you actually see it first hand, it’s impossible to appreciate its magnitude.

I urge every Canberran – eve-ry Australian – to do so as soon as possible. The experience will change your perception of the world and our economic future.

I speak, of course, of the transformation of China and for the last two weeks I’ve travelled in three of its southern prov-inces. Two of them – Guangxi and Guizhou – are among the least developed. The third, Guangdong, contains one of the industrial powerhouse cities, Guangzhou (formerly Canton) where this year a single manu-facturing complex will produce two billion mobile phones. That’s one each for a quarter of the entire world’s population. And that’s just for starters.

It was my seventh visit to China in the last decade. The others were mostly to the major cities and the tourist attrac-tions of the north. Each time I’d noted big changes, but nothing like this.

The German and Japanese “economic miracles” are almost laughable by comparison with what’s happening within our northern neighbour.

In one day, for example, I travelled along a new super highway for about four hours. It had been tunnelled through an entire mountain range; in the

valleys between the peaks its pylons stood up to 200 metres tall; the tunnels – more than 80 of them – varied in length up to seven kilometres. And the project – the size of four Snowy Mountain Schemes – was com-pleted in only three years. But here’s the truly astonishing thing: the tunnels travelled only one way – a second parallel set took the traffic in the oppo-site direction.

Cities the size of Sydney have arisen virtually overnight. Office and accommodation construction is everywhere. And the air of prosperity (like the atmosphere) is palpable, at least in the cities. The people – especially the women – are smartly dressed and increas-ingly confident and both sexes are unerringly friendly, espe-cially to Australian visitors. And it’s cheap as chips. We stayed in four-star hotels for a fortnight, ate fine Chinese food and enjoyed guided bus and boat travel, bought presents for the family and all for less than $4000 including the return flights from Canberra.

However, the real impact on our lives will be in the new balance of power in the world. China still has hundreds of millions of its own people to raise from grinding poverty to a decent standard of living; that will ensure its continued power-ful growth, which will sustain our prosperity, especially in the

service industries and mining. And already they are outsourc-ing to Africa, raising living standards with employment in place of the west’s condescend-ing aid budgets that merely maintained the status quo.

Meanwhile, Europe is crum-bling, America is racing to the political extremes and Russia is run by gangsters. So Prime

Minister Gillard’s decision to appoint Ken Henry to devise our plan for an Asian century could hardly have come at a better time.

Footnote: Many thanks to all those many readers who responded with suggestions to combat tinnitus. I’ll give acu-puncture a go and report back.

[email protected]

Europe is crumbling, America is racing to the political extremes and Russia is run by gangsters, but China is rising like a phoenix, writes ROBERT MACKLIN

Cutting-edge Chinese art at Beijing’s 398 District. Photo by Ian Meikle

There’s a disconnect in draft planIN the light of the Minister for the Environ-ment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell’s release of the ACT draft planning strategy, people have been rightly consid-ering the practical suggestions on how to achieve a denser Canberra with less reli-ance on the car.

And they have been rightly looking at whether such changes will improve, spoil or have no effect on the character of our capital.

However, assuming the draft is accepted, the Government itself has put up a number of hurdles.

Corbell, has offered a glimpse of a possi-ble future, one where many of us can walk

to our destinations, where the complete range of housing options are available and one which lowers the entire community’s environmental footprint.

But the Government, tasked with turn-ing this glimpse into reality, has set up a range of taxes, fees and charges that act as a disincentive for those attempting to deliver the reality.

Add to that its over-reliance on land sales in the suburbs, the removal of barriers to

achieving the plan will have a drastic effect on Government revenue.

For any such plan to work, a whole-of-government commitment is needed. Corbell said his team had linked it closely with the Transport for Canberra policy. Laudable, but there is still an inherent disconnect be-tween revenue and planning, which must be resolved if this plan’s to succeed.

The Government’s heart might be in the right place with this draft, but the objec-tives of the revenue-collection arm of gov-ernment clash with those of the planning arm, and they must be reconciled.

Catherine Carter is ACT executive direc-tor of the Property Council of Australia

propertycatherine carter

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Humble Zed, the working-class heroV

ALUES are such an integral part of who I am and what I stand for that to understand my values today you need to understand the values I was brought up

with, and the lessons I have learnt on my journey.I’m the son of immigrant parents. My family

was neither wealthy nor privileged.My parents raised six kids on one very mod-

est income and, for that, I am eternally grateful. This meant that we didn’t have a lot, but we didn’t waste a lot, either. We made every decision, every activity and every achievement count.

Despite my parents’ tough circumstances, one of the great things about Canberra has always been that housing was not out of our reach.

For around twice my father’s modest annual income, my parents were able to get a perfectly acceptable house and land package in Wanniassa in 1982.

This, as well as being part of my family’s path to home ownership, gave me one of my abiding principles: I value the pride and prosperity of home ownership.

Last week, we found out that the average cost for a first home in Canberra is now more than $400,000. That’s gone up over $20,000 in the last 12 months alone.

An average house in Canberra is now well over half a million dollars. That’s a far cry from twice the average wage my parents could buy for – it’s closer to eight times an average income. Eight times the deposit, and eight times the mortgage.

I was lucky to study at one of the best univer-sities in the world, the ANU. It was here that I developed another defining value: I value the rule of law and the lessons of the past.

My study and my work as a senior government lawyer taught me respect for the rule of law, and that many of the freedoms we enjoy are the fruits of centuries of careful thought and considera-tion.

BUT it has led me to another important principle: I value government as a tool to support the freedoms of individuals, not impose an ideology.

I have seen, this term, a raft of legislation that is not about curtailing the worst behaviours, but trying to enforce a preferred world view by mak-ing any “unapproved” conduct illegal.

Fireworks are banned, plastic bags are banned, shopping trolleys are regulated – the Greens even tried banning the sale of puppies, this is not the hallmark of a free society – it is using the law as a tool for social engineering, and it is not a position I or my party support.

Examples like this show to me a government that has completely lost its sense of what’s im-portant.

From my background of growing up in a single-income home with six kids, I learned the value of money and the importance of making wise spending decisions.

I value endeavour and enterprise. My family often took second jobs and friends and family members have all made their way in the world as self employed or in small business. To me, small business is a big deal.

Tens of thousands of Canberrans run a small business. Most are not wealthy.

We believe that their contribution should be valued, rather than them being seen as just an-other tax opportunity.

We respect people who go to work and pay their taxes by spending their money carefully.

We value families and understand the cost pressures which families face, so all of our deci-sions in Government will look to put downward pressure on taxes and charges.

FINALLY, we value integrity and compe-tence, and I no longer see either in this government.

An analysis shows we are worse off now than when Labor took to power in almost every important aspect of governance.

Rates have increased by more than 100 per cent in many suburbs. Electricity has risen 75 per cent. Water is up 200 per cent. Taxation per capita is up 76 per cent in real terms. First homes now start at an average of over $400,000.

Our school teachers have become amongst the lowest paid in the country, and their ability to deal with this government has become so toxic that they have been on strike – twice.

Our hospital system has become the worst in the country on many measures; we have the low-est number of GPs per capita in the country; we have the lowest bulk billing rates in the country; we have the longest elective surgery waits in the country and some of the longest emergency departments waiting times in the country – and they’re getting worse.

But the mother of them all is that great swathe of congestion that has clogged Canberra for a decade: the Gungahlin Drive Extension.

This is a road that took longer to build than

the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and that ACT Labor – after 10 years and $200 million – went out and said was delivered early!

I’d like to suggest that we might just be able to do things better.

This is my vision for government – to be the best local government in Australia.

Being the best local government means con-centrating on basics – delivering basic services and lowering cost of living. It means:

realising that services are suffering and we need to do better in hospital waiting times, in GP services, in education, in roads;not trying to save the world out of the Legisla-tive Assembly, but getting back to basics in the community;recognising cost of living is a real issue for many people and that housing affordability is at a genuine crisis point.My plan starts with infrastructure reform.I determined very early on that one of the main

reasons that infrastructure delivery was failing so spectacularly was because of the short-term thinking of the Government.

I therefore developed a comprehensive legisla-tive solution with the Infrastructure Canberra Bill, which makes those structural changes through a more professional, forward thinking and independent approach. This gathered great support from organisations such as Engineers Australia and Infrastructure Partnerships Aus-tralia.

Infrastructure Canberra establishes an Inde-pendent Infrastructure Commissioner, backed by an industry expert board, to advise, develop and implement a long-term, holistic plan for in-frastructure in the Territory.

THROUGH Infrastructure Canberra – a plan that has been on the books for over a year now – we could ensure that infra-structure delays don’t continue to hold

back the supply of land.This necessarily also involves multiple devel-

opment fronts and getting the private sector to do more, rather than less as is the current direction of this government.

Finally, it involves tax reform to ease the mas-




sive taxation burden on first home buyers.Recently it was reported that over 30 per cent

– or $189,000 of an average home price – is taxes. Not all of these are local taxes, but a fair few of them are.

From now until the election you will continue to see more ideas come from the Canberra Liber-als.

Our ideas will all be based around the very simple vision of being the best local government in Australia, and based on the core values that have formed my life and my political develop-ment.

I am very proud of what my team has achieved over the past three years, but I will be even prouder when I can say that our core servic-es are not just matching national averages,

but leading the way; when ordinary Canberrans can once again afford to get in a house and stay in a house; when everyone can see a doctor they need and get the education they want; when the streets are safe and clean; when businesses are opening up instead of shutting down; when the government is once again a place of frank and fearless advice and when Canberra becomes the city it is capable of becoming, then I will have achieved my vision, and it will be built on my values.

Then we can all say that the best city in Australia has the best local government in Aus-tralia.

Almost a year to the day from the next ACT election, Liberal Opposition Leader ZED SESELJA gave a personal speech at the National Press Club outlining his vision for Canberra and how his humble start in life influences it. This is an edited glimpse of his push to lead ‘the best local government in Australia’.

SESELJA announced that, if elected, the Liberals will:

Provide a series of one-off grants to upgrade regional ovals and associated facilities. Help sports clubs maintain affordable player registration fees by reducing the cost of ground training and match fees by 50 per cent.Introduce Infrastructure Canberra to save the Territory millions in overruns and late deliveries.Support and protect the public service with a genuinely independent Public Service Commissioner.Introduce a system where all suppliers for contracts up to $1 million would be paid within 45 days.Remove the penalties for paying car registration by instalments.







Early promises

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LIFE has de nitely moved on for renovators and popular “The Block 2011” contestants Josh Denston and Jenna Whitehead.

Only days after the controversial auction nale, which saw Josh propose to Jenna on national TV (she said, “yes!”) and three houses, including their own, passed in at auction – they embraced new-found fame and experience and launched their own interior design company, Bicker Design Co (named after their famous bickering on the TV show).

“What we’ve learnt from our experience on ‘The Block’ is you can pretty much do anything – nothing is too dif cult,” Josh says.

Currently, they are in the thick of renovating another house, their property in the western suburbs of Melbourne, which they had only just gutted before being told they were selected for the television series.

“This house is a bigger project than what we had to do on ‘The Block’,” he says.

Josh, a plumber by trade who had worked in construction and was studying construction management, and Jenna, a hairdresser, may be

young (24 and 23 respectively) but they are no strangers to the renovation game.

They bought their rst home in Albury, spending $30,000 to reno-vate it. They moved to Melbourne to take on their second property.

“We had never really renovated and styled a house,” Josh says of his “The Block” experience.

But that wasn’t an issue for the couple, he says they were soon “experimenting” with interior design and realised very quickly they both had a keen eye for it.

“We love experimenting with different styles,” he says.

After the program nished, it was only natural for the couple to take advantage of “The Block” experi-ence and follow their new-found passion for styling interiors.

“I’ve always liked plumbing, I love being out on the construction site with the boys,” he says.

“But with the new business, we work around life. We’ve made a lifestyle change.

“I used to start work really early and Jenna used to start work really late and we’d never see each other.

“Now we are working together.”And as for the wedding?“It’s planned for early next year,”

he says. “But that’s all I can say for now.”

Josh and Jenna are coming to Can-berra to host the “Styling Your New Space”, an interior design workshop at Springbank Rise.

The workshop is designed to assist potential purchasers and residents when decorating their home.

The celebrity couple will cover: colour schemes and basic colour psychology; how to execute an effective oor plan; the process of choosing and purchasing your fur-niture; choosing timeless furniture; versatile furniture and styling tips; occasional furniture/furnishings de-sign tips and placement; 10-minute makeover (how to de-clutter and re-arrange furniture); and upcoming and current trends.

“Styling Your New Space” interior design workshop with “The Block 2011” contestants Josh and Jenna at the Springbank Rise Living Options Display Village, Casey, at 11am and 1pm on Sunday, October 30. More information at Springbank Rise, sales and information centre on 1800 929 466 or email [email protected] to reserve a VIP seat.

“The Block” stars Josh Denston and Jenna Whitehead... meet them at Springbank Rise, Casey, on October 30.

Stars of the TV hit show ‘The Block’, Josh Denston and Jenna Whitehead, will be in Canberra to share some of their secrets at a design workshop at Springbank Rise

You can do it, say TV’s Josh and Jenna‘Styling Your New Space’ workshop, Springbank Rise advertising feature

Interior Design Sessions with Josh & Jenna30 October 11am & 1pm sessions. Stock up on home styling tips from winning duo Josh and Jenna! They’ll share insider tricks oncreating beautiful spaces that work exactly how you want them to.Email [email protected] to reserve your seat.

PUT THE DATES IN YOUR DIARYSpringbank Rise Living Options Display Village, Gungahlin.Visit for more information.

Living Options Display VillageYeend Ave, Off Horse Park DriveCasey, ACT 2913

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Canberra Confidential With Lisa Ridgley

Art by royal commandMANY of our national institutions were on-call, day and night, during the Queen’s visit.

“CC” hears that representatives from certain attractions were responsible for hand-picking works from their collections they thought might be of interest to Her Majesty.

According to sources, employees had to be available at a moment’s notice to head to Yar-ralumla at the Queen’s request. One got the nod to be at Government House pronto on Sunday, only to be stood down.

At the time of going to press, there were still many anxious curators with an ear to the phone around the cultural institutions.

Katy’s hat tricksCHIEF Minister Katy Gallagher looked relaxed as she was photographed wandering behatted through Floriade with Her Majesty. But “CC’s”

heard that, behind the scenes, things were a little different.

After a trial walk through Commonwealth Park two days before the Queen’s arrival, Gallagher decided it might be “nice” to wear a hat.

A call was made to Health Directorate employee and part-time milliner Rachel Henson, who man-aged to design and create Gallagher’s beautiful hat almost overnight, receiving the Chief’s head measurements via email. And she managed to match the colours and design by looking at the dress online!

Buddies take to hatsSPEAKING of hats, with racing season upon us and Melbourne Cup just days away, here’s a chance to snap up an interesting head design and help raise money for a good cause.

Canberra identities and pollies have been busy over the past few weeks designing and creating their own race-day hats, which are being auctioned off for local breast cancer charity Bosom Buddies.

The list includes the member for Canberra Gai Brodtmann; her predecessor Annette Ellis; ACT MLA Jeremy Hanson; ABC radio’s Alex Sloan; John Runko, CEO Independent Property Group and his wife Pauline, a Bosom Buddies ACT ambassador.

You’ll find their personally-designed hats online at

All proceeds go to Bosom Buddies to help support breast cancer patients in the ACT and surrounding region. Bidding closes on Sunday, October 30.

Kulture Break back homeCONGRATULATIONS to the ACTEWAGL Kulture Break Dream Zone US-tour kids who have arrived home safely after a trip of a lifetime.

Four volunteers accompanied 21 at-risk kids on the tour, which was designed to encourage them to have faith in their abilities to achieve their dreams.

Francis Owusu, Kulture Break’s CEO, says the tour was an incredible experience for everyone involved.

“The idea was to encourage kids to dream... a lot of kids struggle these days to believe they can achieve things,” he says. “We created a space where they could believe things were possible and then tell that story to audiences through dance.”

The group lugged 52 suitcases weighing over 1,196kg and performed 20 shows in New York and LA over 14 days.

They appeared on US TV and took a workshop with Disney choreographer Heidi Jarret, who has worked with singers Seal and Christina Aguilera.

Cinders aims to sparkleIT takes more than a glass slipper and some danc-ers to make the fairytale “Cinderella” come to life at Canberra Theatre Centre in mid-November.

Word has it that more than 80 costumes are worn during the West Australian Ballet’s version of this rags-to-riches tale and around 8000 Swarovski Crystals were used in their making, with 1000 encrusted on the Fairy Godmother’s

tutu alone. Not to mention the lace. This magical production features more than 200 metres of it delicately hand-sewn into many of the bodices and tutus.

And something you would never know... the newspaper read by Cinderella’s father on stage is an original French paper from June 8, 1936!

“Cinderella”, November 15-19, Canberra Theatre Centre. Bookings to

Holy smokes, Batman!BATMAN St Brasserie looks like being the place to be seen this summer. “CC” hears that contractors have been working overtime ahead of its official launch, which is just weeks away.

Located in Gorman House, Batman St Brasserie is Sage Restaurant and the new Mint Garden Bar combined.

The Harrington boys have worked tirelessly on the project and the plan is for a VIP launch on Thursday, November 10, with the grand opening on Friday, November 11. The Friday event is expected to draw quite a crowd and “CC’s” been told priority may be given to Batman St Brasserie Facebook friends and database members.

See Wendy Johnson’s review of Mint Garden Bar, Page 39.

That hat... Katy Gallagher at Floriade with the Queen.

Cinderella... rags-to-riches with around 8000 Swarovski Crystals used in the show’s costumes.

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women in businessspecial feature 2011

in theThriving


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THE owner of the successful eco-friendly business, Material Pleasures, which buys and sells recycled contemporary or recent-season designer items, has been in Canberra for almost 25 years.

“I had only been here for a week or two and had already found a local op shop and couldn’t help picking things up,” said Rebekah Grif ths.

“Then, literally, within a few days of that, I had opened my stall at Gorman House markets at the age of 17 and have been here ever since.

“It’s grown from a piece of rope between two verandah posts, with an up-turned milk crate and bucket of pegs, to 13 staff and a shopfront and markets and as you see it today.”

Material Pleasures, now situated on 3 Barrier Street, Fyshwick, was established by Rebekah in March, 1987, as a market stall at Gorman House.

In September, 2009, she established the Fyshwick shop and workroom, where all her clothes are priced and prepared for the store.

More than 500 garments come through the business each week, ranging from designer labels including Lisa Ho, Chloé, Camilla, Nina Ricci to Cue, Country Road and Veronica Maine.

They not only source women’s fashion, but men’s fashion, children’s fashion, vintage items and jewellery.

“It’s about picking the cream of what each company and designer has done in each season,” she says.

When looking at a garment, Rebekah chooses

items on fabric rst, followed by design and functionality.

Material Pleasures not only take pride in their friendly, professional service (they are also happy to help shoppers style out ts to suit their body shape), but also adamant at getting each piece to the best condition it can be, with a full workshop out the back for cleaning and repairs.

“We are a really viable alternative to new shopping,” she says.

“Before you give your clothes away, run them past us we really have a strong following and we can nd a good home for your clothes.

“The quality of the clothes that come through is amazing. The labels are amazing.”

When selling a garment to Material Pleasures, Rebekah offers 30 to 50 per cent of the price they will sell the garment at, with store prices ranging between $25 to $150 per piece.

Currently, she is putting a call out for gar-ments in sizes 14 to 20.

“People who come in for the rst time, say ‘I really had no idea – this is amazing’,” she says.

“We have written on the wall ‘Come in, you’ll be surprised’.

“If you don’t nd anything on the rst day, then come back. On average 500 pieces a week go through.

“The 14-to-18 range particularly popular, so it’s a good idea to keep regularly popping in to see what’s new.

“Seven out of 10 people walk out the door with something, even if they weren’t expecting to.

“We have all different people that can see the merit in our clothes.”

And to stay up-to-date on new items coming in store, Rebekah recommends shoppers sign up to the mailing list for the free newsletter that features new stock arrivals, change-of-season dates, sales and special events.

Rebekah Grif ths was 17 years old when she rst came to Canberra for a party, armed only with a bag of clothes and a return ticket to Adelaide.

Rebekah thriving in the material world

Rebekah Grif ths… “We are a really viable alternative to new shopping.”

Material Pleasures, 3 Barrier Street, Fyshwick. Open 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Saturday, call 6280 0825.

Material Pleasures at the Bus Depot Markets. Open 10am-4pm every Sunday, except two weekends post-Christmas Day.

More information at

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Achieve Corp Business SolutionsUnit 1, 82 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston1300 [email protected]

I HAVE a passion for helping people, being able to make a difference.

Growing up in Europe and then here in a multicultural environment has helped me to better understand and deal with people from all backgrounds. The most satisfying part of my work is being able to help people with their businesses, no matter how small or large, and help them with their account-ing and taxation issues.

I am positive, enthusiastic and take pride in my work, and believe everyone is important. There is nothing better than seeing our clients walk away with a relieved smile.

Many would say it’s impossible to be so passionate about accountancy, but I am, and I believe in old-fashioned service through meeting clients face-to-face and maintaining that personal touch. My clients can pick up the phone at any time knowing that I am here to help.

I can help free up more of their valuable time to focus on activities that add value to their business, such as keeping their customers happy.


ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12a Thesiger Court, Deakin6283 [email protected]

AS the marketing, events and communications of cer at the ACT Chamber, Sarah is responsible for co-ordinating events, marketing activities and communications to chamber members. Sarah is also heavily involved in the chamber’s Young Business Network, which provides people who are young in age or in business experience with the opportunity to network, develop skills and make new friends.

As a typical Gen Y, Sarah is enthusiastic about social media and passionate about connecting, promoting and growing individuals and small business through the chamber’s various social media platforms. Sarah has recently introduced a new chamber membership bene t, Chamber Member of the Month. This competition allows the winning organisation to promote its business free of charge through the chamber website, weekly e-newsletter and social media for a month.

“We have a great team at the chamber and I love the opportunities which are presented to me in my role, to grow and develop my skills.”


ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12a Thesiger Court6283 [email protected]

JO is responsible for membership development within the chamber. She prides herself on her communication and people skills and is focused on providing members with a key point of contact upon becoming a chamber member, being available to assist with any queries they may have.

Jo ensures she develops a long-lasting relationship with your business, which is crucial for a mutually bene cial relationship.

“My role allows me to meet various local business owners daily.” she says.

“It is extremely satisfying to walk into a business and make them aware that we are able to provide advice on critical elements such as workplace relations, employment and education and the importance of networking and advertising. Canberra is a fantastic community, and we offer our members the same sense of community. I am extremely proud to be working for the chamber and I am rewarded daily knowing that we are making a difference by helping businesses to achieve their goals.”


ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12a Thesiger Court, Deakin6283 [email protected]

WORKING in the role of partnership broker for the past four months with ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry and previously 12 months in a similar role, based in Mount Isa, with the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland, Louise has been instrumental in building strategic projects expanding nationally.

A strong background in developing community projects across education and training institutions, business and indus-try, community sectors, parent groups that support student engagement and improve education and transition outcomes, this passion continues from home-town, outback Mount Isa in Queensland, and living in Far North Queensland in Cairns for many years and having a passion for indigenous affairs working across community and government departments, her strategic and management skills have grown.

After completing FaHCSIA’s Indigenous Leadership Program 12 months ago, which was a stepping stone to shaping her vision, she is now completing a Diploma in Management. These skills will certainly add value to the broader community work across the region.


ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12A Thesiger Court, Deakin6283 [email protected]

ZOE is the executive of cer of the ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Australian Industry & Defence Network (Canberra) and the Indigenous Business Chamber of Australia. She is responsible for the management of the chief executive’s of ce and for secretariat services to the ACT chamber, AIDN and Indigenous Business Chamber boards. She is also responsible for the management of the very busy Chamber of ce and its premises.

Zoe recently joined the ACT Chamber of Commerce, bringing with her a background in of ce management gained through her experiences in the commercial construction industry and retail management roles.

She believes that building strong relationships is vital to the organisation’s success and she enjoys the challenges of her role at the chamber and her busy schedule. Maintaining her organisational skills is integral to staying on top of the game and creating a healthy life-work balance.

Michelle GarnyaOWNER

Cafe Pronto14 Lonsdale Street, Braddon6262 [email protected]

MY passion in life is great coffee and even better food and my ve beautiful children, but what mother would not say that?

It is for this reason that I have re entered the restaurant/cafe scene. My aspiration is to create an atmosphere where my passion can be shared.

My career to date has been uncomplicated. However, I have been able to extract so much knowledge from my previous ownership of a petit cafe in Cooma and also from my three years’ working in the public sector, in management.

I live by the motto of leading by example and would never ask anyone to do what I am not prepared to do myself. I am creative and innovative and am not afraid to be different, my idealism for the future is to create a happy and playful team spirit where staff will want to come to work despite the fact that they may not be in their dream job.

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ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12a Thesiger Court, Deakin6283 [email protected]

SAM is the ACT Chamber’s marketing, events and communi-cations director. Sam is also the executive of cer of the Retail Traders Association ACT Region Inc and manages the Young Business Network and Women in Business Series.

“As my role continues to grow at the ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry, I am still thoroughly enjoying the challenges sometimes faced with working for a not-for-pro t organisation”.

“I am passionate about the opportunities we are able to provide in order to connect, assist and grow businesses in the ACT and region”.

It’s been a busy time during the last 12 months; the chamber has conducted over 60 member events, including Business after Business, Women in Business Events, Young Business Network, Workplace Relations Training Seminars, special events, and information sessions and seminars.

The ACT Chamber continues to champion the case of business within the ACT and region and looks forward to assisting businesses to succeed in such challenging times.


ANZ Mobile LendingBelconnen & Gungahlin0417 [email protected]

REBECCA has recently joined the ANZ Mobile Lending team in Belconnen & Gungahlin. She has extensive banking experience having worked as a branch manager with ANZ before becom-ing a Mobile Lender.

If you are looking to purchase your rst home, or if you are considering buying an investment property or re nancing to obtain a better deal on your mortgage, Rebecca can come to you anytime, anywhere. Rebecca will tailor a banking solution to your unique individual needs.

Rebecca is passionate about real estate and property and offers exceptional customer service.

This mobile lender operates as ANZ Mortgage Solutions Belconnen & Gungahlin, an independently operated franchise of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. ANZ’s colour blue is a trademark of ANZ.


ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12a Thesiger Court, Deakin6283 [email protected]

JO Powell is the education and training advisor for the ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry. She has been with the chamber since the start of 2010.

Jo has previously worked for several registered training organisations and an Australian Apprenticeship Centre. This experience has provided her with the knowledge and ability to offer guidance and recommendations to chamber members in regards to their vocational education and training issues. An example of this is her skill in explaining the bene ts to employers on engaging apprentices and trainees, and the up-skilling of their current workforce.

Jo has developed many mutually bene cial relationships within the education and training arena. As such, she is able to collect information on issues within the VET sector and provide recommendations for future actions, initiatives and developments.


ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry12a Thesiger Court Deakin6283 [email protected]

NOLA joined the chamber in February 2010 as the education partnership broker having spent many years working in the ACT as a secondary science teacher, as a teacher of trainee teachers and in program management roles.

Nola has a passion for education and works with a range of partners to broker partnerships that support young people to remain engaged or to re-engage in education or training to realise their full potential.

As one of the baby boomers, Nola has had a varied career pathway that has involved working for the government, for industry and in the education sector.

Her broad experience enables her to effectively liaise with partners to develop education initiatives that meet the needs of young people and of the partners. Nola is keen to meet others who share her vision to enable a range of new intiatives that effectively engage the interest of students to be developed.


ANZ Mobile LendingBelconnen & Gungahlin0400 [email protected]

KYLIE is proud to have a great team of mortgage specialists behind her servicing the Belconnen and Gungahlin area, providing impeccable service to her clients.

Kylie was born in Canberra and has worked in banking for more than 20 years.

Kylie’s team of ve mobile lenders have over 70 years’ of experience in the nance industry – and they have assisted thousands of Canberra families to nance their rst homes over the years.

They understand that everyone’s circumstances differ, from those taking the rst big step and buying their own home, to experienced investors seeking to extend their established portfolio.

Kylie and her team of mobile lenders will tailor a home loan to your individual needs and will come to visit at a time that is convenient to you.

This mobile lender operates as ANZ Mortgage Solutions Belconnen & Gungahlin, an independently operated franchise of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. ANZ’s colour blue is a trademark of ANZ.


ANZ Mobile LendingCanberra Southside & Weston Creek0488 [email protected]

DONNA has been a valuable member of the ANZ Mobile Lending team at Canberra Southside & Weston Creek for the last two years. She brings extensive experience to the ANZ Mobile Lending team, having previously worked in the local community with ANZ as a branch manager.

Whether you’re buying a home, upgrading or renovating, Donna will come to you at a time and place that is convenient to you, anywhere, anytime.

Donna is a rm believer in simple banking equals better banking and helps make applying for a home loan easy. So why wait? Call Donna now and she can assist you to nd the right home loan that suits your needs.

This mobile lender operates as ANZ Mortgage Solutions Canberra Southside & Weston Creek, an independently operated franchise of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. ANZ’s colour blue is a trademark of ANZ.

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Clear Complexions Clinics1/82 Thynne Street Bruce6251 [email protected]

REGISTERED Nurse, Suzie Hoitink, founded the Clear Complex-ions Clinic in 2005 in response to her own problem skin. The clinics, staffed by nurses, are now across three sites with the newest clinic opening in Gungahlin.

“We are about achieving healthy skin for our clients. Healthy skin is beautiful skin,” says Suzie.

Clear Complexions has always been about empowering people and restoring their self con dence. Suzie has travelled widely this year to bring the very latest and most effective technology into the clinics. In an industry where new develop-ments happen quickly, the Clear Complexions Clinics is at the forefront.

A highlight this year has been being a keynote speaker at the Cosmetex Conference, where she presented two papers and was included on the panel of experts. Her involvement as a corporate partner with Lifeline Canberra has been person-ally rewarding for her.

To date, the nurses at the clinics have treated more than 11,000 of Canberra’s men, women and teenagers.


ANZ Mobile LendingCanberra Southside & Weston Creek0437 [email protected]

WHEN meeting Tania you know you’re in good hands – Tania brings home loans to your door at a time and place that is suitable to you, anywhere, anytime. Tania and her team will discuss your banking needs and help nd a home loan to suit you.

Born in Canberra and having worked in the real estate and nance industries over the past 15 years, Tania has assisted many local residents realise their dream of home ownership. Whether you are a rst home owner or an investor, Tania and her team will provide individual service second to none.

Tania takes pride in her business and is available to help you after hours and weekends.

This mobile lender operates as ANZ Mortgage Solutions Canberra Southside & Weston Creek, an independently operated franchise of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) ABN 11 005 357 522. Australian Credit Licence Number 234527. ANZ’s colour blue is a trademark of ANZ.

Teresa TeixeiraOWNER / MANAGER

Cooleman Court Beauty CentreShop 54 upper level Cooleman Court Shopping Centre6288 [email protected]

TERESA has worked as a beauty therapist in Canberra for 16 years.

In July 2006, she decided to open her own beauty salon at Cooleman Court, Weston, which now operates seven days’ a week.

Her mission is to provide a professional, personal and friendly service to all her clients.

On Saturday, August 13, at the black-tie Pevonia Botanica annual awards night, at Darling Harbour, Sydney, attended by more than 160 spa professionals from salons and spas throughout Australia and Oceania, Teresa was presented with an award for Urban Day Spa Performance Excellence. The annual awards night acknowledges Australia’s most outstand-ing spas and salons.

“I am proud and honoured, and would like to thank all my wonderful clients and staff for your support, I would not be where I am today without you,” she says.


Capital Cosmetic & Laser ClinicCalvary John James HospitalSuite 5, P.Y. Building173 Strickland Crescent, Deakin6232 4946

DR Jennifer Dunlop set up the rst female cosmetic physician practice in Canberra over a decade ago, and it is going from strength to strength.

At the Capital Cosmetic & Laser Clinic we aim to provide a highly professional and individually personal approach to rejuvenation of your appearance.

The medical and cosmetic procedures offered are non invasive and are designed for the busy working person to walk in, and walk out, with no down time.

We want you to enjoy the procedure as well as the result, so everything is provided for your comfort and well-being. Whether you need laser, muscle relaxants, dermal llers, peels, microdermabrasion, skin lesions checked or leg veins treated, we aim to enhance your quality of life and help you enjoy the skin you’re in.


Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy3/53 Dundas Court Phillip6285 [email protected]

MS. Ping Gan has been in the beauty industry for 16 years, and has been operating her own salons and lecturing in well-known beauty colleges throughout Sydney.

Over the years, she has taught students from all around the world. In 2006, she published a revision workbook, which is designed to meet the industry’s highest standard require-ments. This book is the only and very rst of its kind in the world is written for beauty therapists to assist with ongoing learning.

Ms. Gan is the principal of Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy. The Academy offers wide ranges of training in beauty therapy, nail therapy and spa therapy.

“We have designed diploma courses, certi cate courses and short courses, which cover all areas of beauty, which strictly comply with the national and international syllabus to ensure your training quality is guaranteed”, says Ms Gan.

Training at the Australasian Beauty Therapy Academy focuses on small groups with experienced and quali ed trainers to ensure successful outcomes for students.

Stacey RolfeOWNER

De ning Features8/2 King Street, Deakin6282 [email protected]

STACEY is a proud small business owner; she has made a successful career out of her passion, and counts herself lucky that she gets to do what she loves every day of the week.

In May this year, Stacey’s vision to open her own business became a reality with the launch of De ning Features, expert skin clinic, in Deakin.

The business has grown signi cantly from word-of-mouth referrals alone.

“By improving people’s skin, I see their self-con dence improve which is very rewarding to me. I pride myself on making lasting relationships with my clients and I am commit-ted to delivering ‘realistic and proven’ results. My eagerness to deliver the latest products and technologies within the beauty industry to my clients keeps me passionate about what I do,” she says..

De ning Features offers a variety of treatments, from waxing and facials to more advanced treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, non-surgical facelift, tattoo removal, collagen induction therapy, cosmetic tattooing and spray tanning.

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Melissa GuilfoyleACCOUNTANT

Kazar SlavenLevel 3 Engineering House11 National Cct, Barton6285 [email protected]

I have recently joined Kazar Slaven Charted Accountants and Insolvency Practitioners as an insolvency supervisor. With a career background in compliance, audit and assurance, along with a passion for forensic accounting and corporate govern-ance, insolvency was a natural career choice.

After having completed an undergraduate degree in business and with several years of work experience in Government and Private Enterprise, I completed the Company Directors Course at the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Kazar Slaven provides me with work that satis es my interests and passions as well as providing me with a balanced approach to work so that I can ful l my primary obligation – being a mother to my four-year-old daughter.

To quote former US president Teddy Roosevelt: “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”

While having a career and being a mother is hard work, it is certainly work worth doing.


Face2face RecruitmentSuite 2,16 Bentham Street, Yarralumla6163 [email protected]

ALINA has completed a degree in political science and sociol-ogy, but she knew her dream job would be working in the recruitment industry.

Coincidentally, Alina crossed paths with Kate the owner of face2face Recruitment.

After several enthusiastic discussions, Kate could clearly see Alina’s passion for recruitment and employed her before another recruiter did.

Alina is genuinely interested in helping people to nd the right job.

She knows from her own experience how important is it to enjoy going to work every day.

Meeting new people, getting to know their personality and interests, that is what makes Alina’s job so exciting for her.

Alina works in the Business Support division of face2face and covers the government and private sectors.


face2face RecruitmentSuite 2,16 Bentham Street, Yarralumla6163 [email protected]

JULIE Collins is an of ce manager/recruitment consultant with face2face Recruitment.

Julie came to face2face with a strong administration background and, most recently, from the tness industry. Health and tness are important to Julie and her nickname in the of ce is “Commando”.

Julie recruits temporary staff for short-term assignments in of ce support for government and the private sector, as well as recruiting for scribing roles for the government procure-ment process.

“What I love about the recruitment industry is the fast-paced environment and the excitement in the of ce when we place someone in a role – there are high ves all round!” she says.

“It is really satisfying helping someone nd their ideal job and getting that match for the employer who has no time to go through the process themselves of sourcing staff.

“At face2face Recruitment we have a great dynamic team that makes coming to work fun and exciting. We are continu-ing to develop and are looking forward to some exciting times ahead. Watch this space!”

Kerri DickmanOWNER

Kerri Dickman & Co5/12 Joseland Street, Greenway6296 [email protected]

KERRI’S accounting rm specialises in business and individual taxpayers, ensuring compliance, while enabling clients to achieve the nancial goals they have set.

Kerri says: “At Kerri Dickman & Co, we make the numbers easy.”

“Knowing they are claiming everything they can, that their affairs are structured correctly, and that they can relax if the Taxation Of ce audits them, is a comforting feeling for our clients.

“Our business clients also appreciate the time we spend working on their business; managing growth, improving pro tability, easing the paperwork burden, and pro-actively addressing other aspects.”

Kerri also knows the economy is creating challenges for businesses. “We are helping our clients to manage these dif- cult times. There’s a lot business owners can do to alleviate the stress. We love working with our clients to improve their businesses and create time for their families!”

Kerri has recently moved to Tuggeranong, behind Bunnings. She looks forward to seeing “old” and new clients in her new, purpose-built premises


Drawcard EntertainmentPO Box 5696 Hughes0414 [email protected]

TINA is the principal of Drawcard Entertainment, a boutique, talent booking agency. The agency was formed in 2005 to provide opportunities, resources and paid work for actors/ex-tras, voiceover artists, musicians and entertainers based in the Canberra region.

Coming from a performance background, Tina understands the requirements of performers and her business acumen in customer service and sales ensures that she also understands the needs of clients.

Drawcard offers services in three key areas – casting, entertainment and representation. Drawcard predominantly books actors/extras for lm, TV, commercials, corporate DVDs, voiceovers, role play or on-screen assignments, However, Drawcard also books entertainment for a range of events.

The agency is a great portal for actors who want to be considered for paid roles but don’t know where to start. Drawcard encourages actors of all ages, sizes, looks, back-grounds and experience. On occasion, non-speaking roles do not require previous experience. See Drawcard’s talented actors and entertainers on the website


face2face RecruitmentSuite 2,16 Bentham Street Yarralumla6163 [email protected]

AT face2face Recruitment Erin is the Senior ICT Recruitment Consultant.

Initially, Erin was one of the many candidates who had responded to a position advertised through face2face.

However, during the interview, Kate (the owner of f2f) saw the makings of a talented recruitment consultant and quickly snapped her up.

Erin quickly learned about the dynamic nature of the recruitment industry, and found her niche placing ICT candidates into contract or permanent roles, in government and private sectors. Roles that she manages vary from testers and developers, to business analysts, project managers and security specialists.

Erin appreciates how daunting it is to secure a new job and is more than happy to provide advice on resumes or selection criteria. Erin is also happy to have a chat and discuss options for anyone looking for a change.

In this candidate-short market, Erin uses current technol-ogy to help source suitable candidates for a variety of roles, including social media and other online applications such as LinkedIn.

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face2face RecruitmentSuite 2,16 Bentham Street, Yarralumla6163 [email protected]

NATASHA loves people and talking almost as much as she loves shoes. For this reason Natasha started her career as an events co-ordinator for a small consulting rm in Canberra. As the company grew, so did her role and before long Natasha was assisting in consulting jobs for various government organisa-tions across Australia.

When she was ready for her next challenge Natasha came and saw Kate at face2face. They started chatting about numerous roles on offer before Kate suggested recruitment. Instantly, Natasha jumped at the opportunity; she couldn’t wait to start and since starting hasn’t looked back.

What really attracted Natasha to face2face were its core values. It was the way face2face treats all people as clients, not differentiating between clients and candidates and also the after-placement service face2face offer both clients.

Natasha was impressed with the lengths face2face goes to ensure long-term placements are made.

Natasha appreciates being part of such a vibrant, fun and hard-working team.


Financial Planner54 Pridham Street, Farrer, ACT 26076288 3683 / 0419 [email protected]

“THIS is a family business that was established more then 40 years ago,” says a proud Julie. “As I grew up I was taught the value of money management and what you can achieve no matter the size of your base income.

“The most satisfying aspect of this profession is helping people realise their life’s goals, while making the journey easy.” Julie is a born-and-bred local and she and her husband are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters.

As a Certi ed Financial Planner, she says that her ability to understand people’s needs and then devise the right strategy to help them is her greatest asset.

“Perhaps even more important than being able to devise a clever nancial strategy, is to be able to explain it to clients in an easy-to-understand way.”

Julie K Ford AR No 236038 is authorised to provide nancial planning services only as an Authorised Representative of RI Advice Group Pty Ltd ABN 23 001 774 125 AFSL No 238 429 and nominee of Insurance Advisernet Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 19 132 170 337, a member of Fortnum Financial Advisers


FEEDinc.45 Jardine St Kingston0401 [email protected]

LISA divides her time between Sydney and Canberra working as a dietitian. She works alongside some of Australia’s most recognised health professionals, and is the business manager and nutrition advisor for Channel 9 nutritionist Dr Joanna McMillan.

Lisa is active in promoting optimal nutrition and has recently worked for InStyle magazine. Lisa worked as an educator for 10 years and is also a group tness instructor at Fitness First Canberra City.

Fitness, education, energy and diet were the stimulus for naming her local nutrition clinic FEEDinc. Lisa opened her business this year in Kingston where she is able to see local clients on Thursdays and Fridays.

“It’s my aim to help clients achieve total wellness by helping them become t, informed, energised and nourished. I believe in eating foods close to nature and being an active participant in life”. Lisa plans to build her media pro le over the next few years to educate as many people as possible about health.


The G Gungahlin46-50 Hibberson Street, Gungahlin6242 [email protected]

My passion for people and community assists me with my daily activities at The G, where we work closely with com-munity groups, charity organisations and the local community to provide a friendly shopping experience for the Gungahlin community.

I have a background in design and have always worked with people in retail and advertising in my previous positions. I have worked in retail stores for large and small operators and draw on this experience to continually advise our valued customers of events, and promotions at The G.

I consider myself to be driven and passionate and aiming to complete my rst full marathon in the US in January, 2013.


Silk Sisters, Boots for Broadsand Fash’n’TreasureCooleman Court , Brierly Street, Weston Creek0421 [email protected]

JANICE has a great love of fashion and design and has been running Silk Sisters and Boots for Broads for the past ve years. Boots for Broads is an internet-based, custom-made, boot business shipping boots throughout Australia, NZ and the US. Silk Sisters is an online and market business selling hand-made, fair-trade clothing in sizes 8 to 28.

Janice proudly designs the clothing herself to complement women of all shapes and sizes.

The passion for selling at local and interstate markets has lead Janice to purchase the much-loved Fash’n’Treasure Market.

This dynamic market is held on the rst Saturday of each month at the Old Bus Depot Building, Kingston. The market showcases local and interstate designers, vintage clothing, lo-cal fashionistas as well as records and books.The next market is on November 5

Janice has a shopfront at Cooleman Court until the end of the year, where you can see her latest designs.


Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd9/71 Leichhardt Street, Kingston6295 [email protected]

GAIL Freeman embraces change and is always looking for ways to assist her clients improve their businesses and their total nancial position.

She specialises in business advising, taxation and self-man-aged superannuation funds and has tailored her business so that her team can provide clients with a “one-stop shop” for all their nancial needs.

Gail is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, a licensed LinkUp! consultant and a licensed Mindshop Facilitator. She is also an authorised representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd and has qualications in workplace training and various other business related elds.

She has been running Gail Freeman & Co Pty Ltd since 1987.Gail is past president of the Rotary Club of Canberra South

Inc and in her spare time enjoys being with her family and friends and her dogs Scruffy and Sophie.

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Interaction Consulting GroupPO Box 6124 Mawson6282 [email protected]

LESLEY was a career public servant for 20 years until 2000 when she took a punt and resigned to work as a management consultant at Interaction Consulting Group – and the gamble paid off.

After seven years she purchased the company and is now the managing director of this highly successful business. Her drive and business acumen were recently recognised when Interaction was selected by Telstra as the ACT Small Business of the Year.

Lesley’s business philosophy is to market by doing an excel-lent job and let the company’s reputation nd new work.

She makes business decisions taking a holistic approach that considers ve areas: staff, pro t, clients, community and values – not just the traditional bottom line.

Lesley and her employees use their public-sector knowl-edge, skills and experience to work in partnership with gov-ernment agencies in the areas of learning and development, team building and planning days, strategic advice on people management, executive coaching and leadership programs.

Beck DalyOWNER

Motherly Instincts Maternity StoreShop 17, 150-180 Soward Way, Greenway6293 [email protected]

MOTHER of two amazing children and inspired by an employer who she worked with in the maternity industry, Beck Daly had always wanted her own business.

“Little did I know it was not the easiest journey to under-take,” she says. At the age of 26, with the help of her husband, she opened a small maternity store in the south of Canberra.

“Without the support of the Canberra community and my friends, of course, the business would not have made it through the years of economic hard times,” she says.

“Small business means, the owner needs to wear many hats and you also need to t in children, school activities, house-work, cook, ‘husband time’ and ‘you time’.

“All these things can take a toll on you, so you need good strong people around you, a dairy and fantastic staff.

“Motherly Instincts is not just a shop to me, this is my life and everything revolves around it.”

Motherly Instincts has a fantastic range of maternity cloth-ing and accessories.

Bianca PrichardOWNER

Jindii EcoSpa20 Jindabyne Street, Duffy6257 [email protected]

A LIFELONG interest in health and wellbeing lead massage therapist Bianca Prichard to open her rst spa, Floressence Day Spa, six years ago.

After enjoying success with Floressence, including winning New Spa of the Year and Spa Manager of the Year in the 2008 Li’Tya “Spirit of Spa” Awards, Bianca is now the owner and director of Jindii EcoSpa. Taking out the industry gong in 2010, Jindii EcoSpa has been awarded the prestigious ASpa (Australasian Spa Association) “Best Urban Day Spa” award.

Jindii is a new-concept day spa that is setting a precedent for healthier, “greener” practices. “Green is a desirable shade to be wearing: spa-goers can enjoy the spa experience while keeping to environmental principles. The two aren’t mutually exclusive,” she says.

“That’s the true spirit of spa: not pampering, but self-awareness and self-nurture. It’s what we’re all about.”

She hopes to set the example that you CAN make a differ-ence if you simply choose to take action.

Amy HewsonCEO

MPS RecruitmentUnit 9, 141 Flemington RoadMitchell6123 [email protected]

I HAVE been working at MPS Recruitment since 2007. Initially as a security vetting of cer, I moved into a training consultant role and more recently I have been promoted to CEO.

My progression in the company has been an incredible learning and development curve and I have been given the opportunity to reach heights I wouldn’t have known possible without the leadership and coaching of my directors.

In this new role I have a shared vision of bringing con- dence to our clients and candidates who have been disil-lusioned with the recruitment industry.

Our ethos “A fresh take on an old industry” is a passion that is delivered through honesty, integrity and a dedication for customer service by our recruitment team.

The challenges I face over the coming years is furthering my personal growth and company development, which is an exciting prospect. The satisfaction of placing the right person in the right role is why we do what we do.

Irene HaziliasDIRECTOR

HRMWEB - Resource Management SolutionsPO Box 70 Belconnen1300 [email protected]

IT happened three years ago... one day I was working at Russell Of ces heading towards my 10-year anniversary in the public service, the next I was sitting in my parent’s basement agreeing to go into business with my brother, Michael. He had only gotten half way through showing me the software solution he had built that would assist businesses to manage their staff more ef ciently when I said: “I’m in”.

I had always been passionate about organisational ef- ciency so the chance to enhance productivity with the power of technology, coupled with the opportunity to help people en masse to run their businesses more effectively... well, I knew I had to be a part of that.

Being involved in HRMWEB continues to be an exciting and highly rewarding experience. Every day I’m lucky enough to work with people who are creative and innovative, run a business that works with cutting-edge technology and assist in making business owners’/managers’ lives easier.


SRC SolutionsPO Box 770 Mawson6282 [email protected]

SANDRA began work with SRC Solutions at its inception in 1997 and was instrumental in establishing the rehabilitation case-management arm of the business. Sandra has extensive management experience in many areas including OHS, return-to-work co-ordination, human resource management and business management.

Between 2006 and 2010 Sandra was general manager of SRC Solutions and contributed greatly to the company’s growth by developing and implementing quality assurance and compliance processes, ensuring their maintenance and improvement. Also successfully representing the company at business forums promoting SRC Solutions’ image and services.

In 2010, Sandra decided to step back from this role to spend more time with her family, but remained in the capacity as manager of OHS and Training and continues to be the focal point in business and product development.

Innovative, skilled, vastly experienced and holding strong tertiary quali cations, Sandra ensures SRC Solutions remains a step ahead in its implementation and service to its clients.

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Tender Agenda0408 [email protected] coming soon!

SANDRA is passionate about helping small businesses grow their business by assisting them to write winning tenders. “Small business operators are subject matter experts in their chosen eld, but the idea of writing a tender is enough to give them heartburn” she said.

Many people are intimidated by the tendering process, but Sandra says that small business owners should not turn their back on tendering as a strategy for potential business growth.

“Every year the Australian Government spends around $43 billion on goods and services and this does not include the bil-lions spent by State and Territory governments. They literally buy everything from A-Z and in between,” she says.

Sandra has been writing tenders for seven years and has recently written a book called “Successful Tender Writing”. The book explains the tender process, documentation and terminology in simple terms. It also contains examples of ten-der responses. Sandra’s book is being published by Thomson Reuters and will be available next month.

Michelle LumbacaOWNER

Tan Wax RelaxShop 24, Erindale Shopping Centre,Wanniassa6231

MICHELLE Lumbaca is determined to ip the beauty industry upside down with her vision for Tan Wax Relax. In less than a year, Michelle has made a big impact and has secured her place in this very competitive industry.

“I want to bring the beauty industry into the 21st century... out with old-fashioned facials and old, brown towels and in with oxygen therapy and disposable eco-friendly towels,” she says.

“I want it to be a new and improved style of beauty with emphasis on hygiene, style and cutting-edge technology.

“With unique touches such as a skin bar in reception area, an LCD screen in the treatment rooms and iPod docking stations in the tanning rooms, are just a few of the differences you will expect in this modern day salon.”

With her contacts in Los Angeles, she has secured exclusive rights to the revolutionary tanning machine In nity Sun, which is loved by stars such as Gisele Bundchen and Alyssa Milano.

Kerry ByersMANAGER, Return To Work Services

SRC SolutionsPO Box 770 Mawson6282 [email protected]

KERRY joined SRC Solutions, OHS and return-to-work special-ists in 2007 and brought with her a wealth of knowledge and experience in the return-to-work services arena after many years work in the public sector, where she provided injury management and OHS operational and strategic advice to managers and employees.

Results driven, with a focus on quality outcomes, and her strong commitment to customer service saw Kerry become the recipient of the ACT Work Cover Award for Best Individual Contribution to Safety in 2004.

Most recently, Kerry has become an accredited instructor in Mental Health First Aid and provides training to help employers and employees identify signs of mental stress. Kerry’s vast experience and tertiary quali cations coupled with her excellent communication skills and understanding of the challenges faced by managers in meeting their injury management obligations ensures her clients receive the very best support and advice.

Kerry’s contribution to SRC Solutions is invaluable to its growing success.

Janie LawsonVOCALIST

The StilettosPO Box 5696 Hughes0414 [email protected]

JANIE has performed in theatre restaurants, corporate and cabaret shows since the mid ‘80s. Attracted to performance at an early age, she originally trained in ballroom and Latin American dancing, which she taught for many years and competed at professional level.

Vocally, she trained with the late Gery Scott in Canberra and at the Peggy Still School of Music in Atlanta, US.

She has a passion for musical theatre and has performed leading roles with companies in Australia and in the US. No-table performances include Charity Hope Valentine in “Sweet Charity”, for which she received a CAT Award for Best Actress in a Musical, Sally Bowles in “Cabaret”, Muzzy Van Hossmere in “Thoroughly Modern Millie”, Demeter in “Cats”, Anita in “Westside Story” and Judy Garland in “Boy From Oz”.

Janie loves performing with The Stilettos as the trio continu-ally evolves and also utilises choreography and costumes to create an act that not only sounds great, but looks fabulous as well.

Sally JacksonVOCALIST

The StilettosPO Box 5696 Hughes0414 [email protected]

SALLY has been performing as a professional vocalist for more than 15 years.

Her strong and versatile vocal style ensures that a range of genres can be performed with ease. Sally is a consummate professional and her energy on stage is contagious and translates to the audience.

She has been a member of the Stilettos for a number of years and enjoys the wide repertoire of songs that the group performs.

The Stilettos’ repertoire is very diverse, the trio can perform a ballad or anthem at a ceremony in three-part harmony or can just as easily belt out an uptempo hit at a gala awards night. Sally particularly enjoys performing “The Andrews Sis-ters’ Wartime Theme Show” that the trio regularly performs, complete with Andrews Sisters’ costume and ‘40s-inspired hairstyles. The Stilettos have been own interstate to perform at corporate events so being a member of The Stilettos, says Sally, de nitely has its perks.


The StilettosPO Box 5696 Hughes0414 [email protected]

TINA is the founding member of The Stilettos, a professional female vocal trio that performs locally and interstate for cor-porate events, parties, weddings, festivals and all occasions.

Tina has been performing professionally since landing her rst job as a vocalist/entertainer at Tarzan’s Theatre Restau-rant in 1992. Since then, she has performed in cabaret shows throughout clubs in Sydney and Canberra, in musical theatre productions, televised concerts and events, corporate events, with bands, vocal trios, acoustic duos, wedding ceremonies and the like.

Since moving back to Canberra from Sydney to raise her family with husband Rick, Tina formed The Stilettos with Sally Jackson and Janie Lawson to create a professional act that would cater to both the corporate and private sector.

The Stilettos repertoire is designed to suit a wide demo-graphic and client requirements. In addition to The Stilettos, Tina also manages Drawcard Entertainment, a boutique talent booking agency for actors/extras, voice-over artists and other talented performers and acts.

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Tricia MooreOWNER

Thumbelina Miniatures & GiftsGinninderra Village, Gold CreekO’Hanlon Place, Nicholls6230 [email protected]

THUMBELINA has just celebrated ve years at Ginninderra Village, and is still enjoying being a treasure trove “where little is always loved”.

Tricia has tapped into the adage, “everything old is new again”. She hears time and again, ‘Gosh I used to have one of those as a child’, or ‘I haven’t seen that for years’. In today’s world of high technology, urgency for information and instant grati cation, it is welcoming to think back to a simpler time.

The entire Lundby dolls’ house range, consisting of the Stockholm, Smaland and Gotland houses along with their accessories are also here.

Christmas preparations are in full swing, with exquisite treasures sourced from around the globe, including Scandi-navia, Russia and Nepal. Santa’s Letterbox begins again on November 1. With a gold coin donation, every child whose fully addressed letter is posted at Thumbelina’s letterbox, will receive a hand-written reply in the post. All donations are given to the Smith Family Christmas Appeal.

Thumbelina is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-5pm.


Sibu BeautyUnit 27, Nicholls shops,Kelleway Avenue,Nicholls6241 [email protected]

I HAVE owned Sibu Beauty for three years and it has been so rewarding and enjoyable, but also hard work. In addition to owning and working at the salon, I work full-time as a project manager for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

The key to making this combination work is being super organised! I have a really good routine in place and various systems to ensure I don’t forget about things. My girls at the salon, particularly Tahnee the salon manager, are unbelievably fantastic, which helps enormously. And I have a very under-standing and amazing partner who helps me, too!

I specialise in spray tanning and make-up and did my certi cate in make-up with the Napoleon Perdis academy. Sibu Beauty is a wonderful place to work – we have fun, have very high customer service and treatment standards and love what we do. We do the little things that make people want to come back.

Meg CutlerOWNER

The Teddy Bear ShopShop DF13, Level 1, Canberra Centre6257 [email protected]

I HAD always wanted to own a business and the opportunity arose to purchase The Teddy Bear Shop when the previous owner retired. The shop had been an institution in the ACT for nearly 30 years and has been bring pleasure to generations of many families, both from Canberra and around Australia. The Teddy Bear Shop is a destination shop for the Canberra Centre.

Recently, we went overseas to expand our range of bears. As a result we now import the top German and English collectible bears. We were also able to arrange for Charlie, from Charlie Bears, to come to Canberra to do her only signing anywhere in the world for 2011.

I continue to develop bear-making groups to enable bear lovers to increase their bear-making skills and the enjoyment they get out of creating their own works of art.

The most enjoyable part of the job is watching people get so much enjoyment out of something to hug.


TransACTLevel 4, 470 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson6161 [email protected]

EVE has recently returned to Canberra with her family follow-ing her earlier years here as a university student.

With more than 15 years’ of experience in marketing, branding and executive leadership roles, Eve is driven to deliver for TransACT’s customers and the local community.

TransACT is a strong partner of local communities and businesses, and proudly supports more than 50 community organisations.

“I enjoy working for a company that has such strong ties to Canberra and regional Victoria,” she says. “I strongly believe organisations have a responsibility to support their communi-ties and TransACT’s sponsorship program is a great way to give back.”

As well as managing TransACT’s sponsorships, Eve is responsible for the company’s brand and public relations.

“The telecommunications industry is incredibly fast-paced and challenging. As a company we strive to be ahead of the curve and I enjoy breaking the news about our latest products to our customers,” she says.


Sibu BeautyUnit 27, Nicholls shops,Kelleway Avenue,Nicholls6241 [email protected]

I HAVE been managing Sibu Beauty for three years. Managing the salon allows me to pursue my passion on a daily basis.

I feel very lucky to be part of such a talented team where we are constantly learning from each other and developing wonderful relationships with our clients.

My role is to support and develop the girls as well as liaise with suppliers, organise promotions and create the ultimate pampering environment.

I think variety in my daily schedule is what I enjoy most.Treatments that I really enjoy performing are facials, mas-

sage and gel nails. I think it is important for women to take time out of their busy schedules to tune out and relax and I enjoying being able to help with that. My vision at Sibu Beauty is to create an inviting and relaxing environment for both clients and staff and I am very lucky that my fabulous team help me to achieve this.

Lizzie WagnerOWNER

Lizzie Wagner GroupPO Box 4444, Kingston6299 8328 / 0412 [email protected]

LIZZIE Wagner celebrates 26 years in business in 2012. Locally known for her modelling, acting and performer management, placement, industry training and fashion events. Internationally, Lizzie is a well-known and acclaimed keynote speaker, corporate trainer, author and presenter.

While continuing these services and remaining dedicated stylists and wardrobe co-ordinators, Lizzie’s group divide their time between national and international clients and locations, for large corporations and individuals.

Lizzie, a nalist in the Telstra Business Women’s Awards and Lifetime Achieved awards, works with disabled people and travels yearly to NT, WA and other remote communities working on indigenous empowerment programs for women.

In 2010, Lizzie launched her all-natural, aromatherapy skincare line and the rst in a series of books. This year, the group will expand into Asia and North America. Lizzie would like to thank her loyal clients over the past 26 years and appreciates the support from her local Canberrans, without which she could not be the outstanding achiever and identity she is today.

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CityNews  October 27-November 2  2�


Web1231800 932 123 (1800 WEB 123)[email protected]

NATASHA Vanzetti has a passion for small business and a zest for life. Having worked behind the scenes with her sister Bianca, who is a director of Web123, Natasha realised how much small business would bene t from this new innovation.

After 15 years in the nancial services industry, Natasha now works tirelessly to educate and further develop small businesses by helping them achieve online success without the expensive price tag and without feeling intimidated by the web.

Natasha says: “After launching in April 2010, our clients became raving fans and we made sure we took on board their feedback and listened to their needs, wants, fears and concerns about operating a small business in today’s competi-tive online environment.

“In February, we re-launched Web123, offering our clients 30 new products and services. Based on client feedback, we have truly delivered!”

Their website is at or email Natasha on [email protected]

Women in Business supporters

Material Pleasures

Page 30: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

30  CityNews  October 27-November 2

all about weddings

GETTING married is one of the most exciting and memorable days in a girl’s life, says Enchanté store manager Elaine Coffey.

“It is important that the process of finding that special gown or gowns for yourself and your bridal party be a memorable experience also,” she says.

“We have the very latest in European designs, featuring exquisite beading, sequins and laces with fabulous trains, to very simple soft chiffons and satin gowns for less-formal occasions.”

“At present we have our spring sale on, so there are bargains galore to be had.

“Our range of bridesmaid, formal wear and accessories is second to none... it is a veritable Aladdin’s cave, with so many wonderful things to see and buy.

“We have 20 per cent off all shoes, bags, jewellery and accessories, this also includes flower-girl shoes.

“Mothers of the bride and of the groom are very important people and it is our joy to find

something stunning to suit their very special time.

“Our latest arrivals are beautiful Barbie Dolls dressed as brides. These are every little and big girl’s dream-come-true to own one. They are worth just calling in and having a look. They make a wonderful gift for the bride, and are priced from $150.

“There are many formals happening at the moment and up until December, so our range of formal wear, both long and short dresses, is extensive. Our sizes range from size 6 to 26.

“Then, of course, we have the racing season upon us with lots of great outfits for those as well as the fascinators and bags to match.

“Our Civic store, in City Walk, has a great range of formal wear and accessories, and is open every day, except for Sunday. Our larger Fyshwick shop, in Wollongong Street, is open seven days.”

More information call Enchanté Civic on 6262 5896 or Enchanté Fyshwick on 6280 9869.

Make the most of thePlanning a wedding is a huge undertaking – it’s one of the most exciting times in our lives, but getting there can be one of the most stressful!

“CityNews” talked to some of Canberra’s top wedding suppliers to get the word on making weddings simpler... and enjoyable

Importance of a special gown

Page 31: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

CityNews  October 27-November 2  31

THE Belconnen Premier Inn’s Oak Room, with floor-to-ceiling windows and 180-degree views over the tree tops of Benjamin Way, is a picturesque venue for any couple’s special day.

The hotel offers affordable packages, which can be adjusted and fine-tuned to fit any budget. Its detailed and all-inclusive packages start from $105 per person, or they can tailor a personal package from a large variety of options.

Packages can include: three-course set menu; four-hour beverage package; arrival canapés downstairs in Benjamin’s bar; decorations (whether it be chair covers, with coloured sashes; a full-ceiling, eight-arm canopy; table runners and centrepieces; personalised menus

for each table; gift and cake table) and a dance floor.

The Belconnen Premier Inn also provides a bridal suite for the newlyweds and special, discounted rates for out-of-town guests.

All dietary requirements and children’s meals are happily catered for. The extensive facilities allow the hotel to turn a day of celebration into a weekend of festivities, including Friday night cocktails, Saturday reception and a Sunday Bon Voyage Breakfast.

The Belconnen Premier Inn, 110 Benjamin Way, Belconnen. Call 6253 2649, email [email protected] or at

ESTABLISHED in 1927, The Brassey of Canberra is the city’s only heritage boutique style hotel.

Set in a hectare of gardens in Barton, on the fringe of the Parliamentary triangle, The Brassey is renowned for its wedding facilities.

It offers the Barton Ballroom, enhanced by old-world charm for that special day, or a range of small, medium and large rooms, all with natural light.

The ballroom is a self contained function room with an adjoining bar and has a capacity of 140 guests, depending on the style of wedding.

Adjoining the ballroom is a tranquil private garden courtyard with arbor and water fea-tures to enhance any ceremony or reception.

The hotel offers special wedding packages designed for a small informal gathering to the most elaborate formal occasion.

More information at 6273 3766 or 1800 659191 or email [email protected]

KINGSTON Flowers and Gallery is one of Canber-ra’s newest and most exciting florists, says

manager Sok-Ho Chong.“Our small and dedicated team strives to

create an inviting and personal experience,” he says.

“Whether you are looking for flowers and plants to express your love, joy or sympathy, Kingston Flowers has it all. We source flowers from specialist local and interstate growers, and are proud of our partnerships in our pursuit to use only the freshest and highest-quality flowers.

“We offer delivery to any suburb in the ACT and regions, and free delivery to neighbouring suburbs, and offer interstate services with our strong network of local businesses.”

Kingston Flowers and Gallery, Shop 5, Kennedy Street. Call 6262 2626 of email [email protected]

advertising feature

big day moment

Lots of reception room at the Inn

The Brassey of Canberra... for weddings large or small.

A wedding with heritage and style

The new excitement in flowers

Page 32: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

32  CityNews  October 27-November 2

More photos at Save the Children’s 2011 Rights of the Child Lecture, National Library of Australia

Susan Stratigos, Helen Watchirs and Sue Kuesson Kate Scandrett, Judy Morris and Lynne Heffernan Host Alan Scandrett, Ryan Williams and guest speaker John Bell

MLA Alistair Coe, Yasmin Burraston, Jo O'Sullivan and Gary Beck Glenn King and Lynne Reeder Lyndall Read, James Sheaves and Judy Read Suzie King, Denis O'Dea and Celia Acworth

Susan White with Jeffery and Patricia Miles Emma Zen and Leanne Gundry

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CityNews  October 27-November 2  33

invite us at [email protected]

Becky Bleich, Tim Mathieson, Terry Bracks, Jodi Dack and Deb Tribe Susan Pitt and Danny O'Dea

Damien and Jenna RaidisDi Hodge, Julia Burns, Lisa Kaida and Jenny Brown

Betty Richardson, Belinda Hodgkin and Natalie Dufty

Louise Doyle, Marion Blake and Jenny Kich

Bronwyn Fagan, Jen Dalton and Vanessa Henman Sherri Mathieson and Daisy Hill

At the Breast Cancer Network’s ‘Partner Support’ launch at the Lodge

Page 34: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

3�  CityNews  October 27-November 2

More photos at the Cranleigh School Art Show, Holt

At the Surety Property Reports launch, Press Club

Peter Downing and Di Davies Bev Clark, Emily Hope, Jenny Arthur and Lyn Floyd Therezia Mihajlovic and Barry Faux Ann Gould and Rosemary Brock

Shanx Bose and Emma Octigan Allan Peggie, Mary Fanning, Jacob Peggie and Erin Fouracre Libby and Eric Schick

Darwin Espinosa, Glenis Trevaskis, Monica Espinosa and Sylvia Pereiva Bruce and Sharlene Cohen

Alina O'Donnell and Rob Gordon Wendy Elford, Bindi Kelly and Wendy Johnson

Suzanne McIntosh, Kath Humphery and Ingrid Workman David McKell, Jo Amgel and Graeme Thornton

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CityNews  October 27-November 2  3�

invite us at [email protected] Rotary District Conference annual dinner, Woden

At The Shepherd Centre’s ‘Loud Shirt Golf Day’

Sally and Angela Bishop, Beth Woolley and Len Goodman Anne Ducray and Helen Jessop

Sandra Mahlberg, Kiri Tennent, Wayne Joseph and Maiko Yoshimoto

Peter and Minette Britton, Mary-Rose Mulvaney and Pam Spencer

Bob Nield with Lena and Garth BrittonChris Hunter, David Bailey, Anne Davis with Colin and Cathy Hobbs

Elizabeth Lester, Ian Foster and Caroline Richards

Bob Harper, Susan Fallon, Jeff Chandler and Gail Freeman

Des and Shirley Walsh Wayne Gregory, Nick Zolotic and Scott Perks

Henry Schubert, Barry Laver, Ian Darman and Aaron Knox Phil Fitzgerald, Craig Langdon and Ross Jones

Page 36: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

3�  CityNews  October 27-November 2

No. 336

Across4 What is an alternative term for a bog or marsh?7 Name a coarse cotton fabric of East Indian origin.8 Name the capital of the Campania region in Italy.9 What are the boards used by painters to mix colours?11 What are small particles of wood produced in cutting timber?13 Name the spouse of a reigning monarch.15 What do we call one who instructs, especially as a profession?17 A snag is more readily known as a what?20 What is an edible snail called?23 Name the small firework often used at Christmas.24 Atmospheric agencies are known as what?25 One who makes grinding noises whilst asleep does what?

Down 1 In which country is Guantanamo Bay situated?

2 What is a less familiar term for an exit?3 Name a formal document issued in connection with a judicial proceeding.4 Name the society whose membership is restricted to those with an IQ in the top two percent.5 Which other term is descriptive of "white water"?6 What do we call clairvoyants?9 Name an alternative term for trotters.10 What are large pieces of landed property?12 Which small tower is usually one forming part of a larger structure?14 What is a connecting line drawn on a weather map?16 Name a collusive syndicate, generally formed to regulate prices.18 What is the fruit of the oak?19 Name another term for units of inheritance.21 What do we call the sailors of a ship's company?22 Which term describes a profane expression?

your week in the starsWith Joanne Madeline Moore Oct 31-Nov 6

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 20)Rams are a risqué lot (just think of amorous Aries like Casanova, Warren Beatty and Jayne Mansfield). With the Sun heating up your sex/money zone (until November 22) lust and loot are a volatile mix, so try to keep the bedroom and the boardroom separate. Don’t blow a fuse on Friday. Take a few deep breaths (before you say or do something that you later regret).

TAURUS (Apr 21 – May 20)Are you expecting too much from others? Neptune clouds your judgment early in the week, so avoid making important decisions. There’s a fine line between a beautiful dream and a disappointing illusion. On Thursday, the more adventurous you are, the better. Mars heats up emotions on Friday. If you are too slow-moving, you’ll be caught in the cross-fire.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)Love is in the air, as Mercury and Venus activate your romance zone. Singles – you’re in the mood for some fabulous flirting, and sparks could fly with a lusty Libran or a fellow Gemini. Mercury moves into Sagittarius, which suits your style as it encourages thinking and acting with lightning speed. You’ve got some big ideas – but are they grounded in reality?

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)With gung-ho Mars in your cash zone (until November 11) you’re keen to make some fast money moves. But, if you make rash decisions, you could end up in hot water financially – and feeling very foolish. On the weekend the stars favour friendship, children, creativity, adventure and outdoor pursuits. So crawl out of your Crab cave and take on the world!

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)Lions are self-sufficient souls, but have you got a problem that’s too hard to handle on your own? A little humility (and a lot of help from others) will see you zoom forward. With Jupiter in your career zone, make the most of the luck and support that comes your way. You’ve got a lot on your plate this weekend – but don’t bite off more than you can comfortably chew.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sept 22)Virgos can become so obsessed with minor details that you lose sight of the bigger picture. Mercury is in Sagittarius (from November 2-January 8) which will help you take a broader view. Venus is also visiting your domestic zone, which highlights simple pleasures like relaxing in front of the TV, spending time with family and casual entertaining at home.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 23)Singles – are you looking for love in all the wrong places? Attached Librans – have you placed your ‘perfect’ partner on a very high pedestal? This week, unrealistic expectations result in disappointment, whereas a mixture of romance and reality lead to relationship success. With three planets in your self-esteem zone, congratulate yourself on how far you have come.

SCORPIO (Oct 2� – Nov 21)With Mars in your career zone (until November 11) expect some dramas at work, as emotions run high and egos are easily bruised. Don’t add fuel to the fire by being super stubborn. If you are an adaptable Scorpio (sounds like an oxymoron!) you’ll get through the week with less angst. “The hallmark of creative people is their mental flexibility.” (Roger von Oech)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)Mercury and Venus move into your sign mid-week so you’ll be at your sociable and sexy best, as you charm the cynics and dazzle the doubters. You’re also in the mood for adventure and excitement, but don’t neglect minor details and major responsibilities in the process. Use your abundant energy and fiery enthusiasm to inspire and motivate others.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 1�)Avoid being a carping critic Capricorn! You have many marvellous ideas but don’t become bogged down in the negatives. Friday favours positive thinking, as you appreciate the glass being half full (rather than half empty). It’s also time to explore new belief systems, as you communicate with a wide range of people. Helping others will benefit you in surprising ways.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)Look for business opportunities and social connections online, as Mercury and Venus activate your telecommunications zone. And don’t be shy about broadcasting your innovative ideas to the world! Your quote for the week is from birthday boy Bill Gates (born on October 28): “The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.”

PISCES (Feb 1� – Mar 20)Having a positive attitude is great but make sure you’re not being a ‘Pollyanna Pisces’ as you put your head in the sand and avoid real problems in your life. Singles – Neptune is scrambling your antennae, so it will be difficult to differentiate between a dream date and a disappointing dud. Avoid making momentous decisions until you are thinking more clearly.

Daily astrology updates at Joanne Madeline Moore 2011

general knowledge crossword

Sudoku medium No.68 Solution next week

Crossword No.335 Sudoku hard No.67Solutions

Solution next week
































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CityNews  October 27-November 2  37

all about the arts time travelling with Woody Dougal Macdonald

Harmoniesfrom downon the farm

Weaving magic as festival begins By arts editor Helen Musa

YOU’D expect Simon Weaving, in his third year as director of the Canberra International Film Festival, to be full of weighty cinematic observations.

After all, the cover picture for his program comes from a Danish film called “Melancholia”. Then there’s “We Need to Talk about Kevin” featuring Tilda Swinton, in what Weaving calls “a melancholy moody piece”, and there’s Australian documentary maker Rob Nugent’s film about locusts, “Memoirs of a Plague”.

On the other hand, he’s also programmed in “Score”, a Canadian musical about hockey starring Olivia Newton John, the reviled Newton-John/ELO musical “Xanadu” and The Village People in “Can’t Stop the

Music”. And there’s a film where Brian Brown stars as an Englishman in a Norwegian film set in the Caribbean.

When I meet Weaving for an in-depth talk, I find that his mind has turned to turtles and teddies. Turtles and what? You may ask.

Well, yes, in this, the 15th festival, he’s decided we need some good chil-dren’s films, accessible, conveyed in English and carrying good messages.

It’s not as easy as you’d think, especially since many of the best kids’ films come from non-English-speaking countries.

Turtles and teddies to the rescue – the turtle movie is the first 3-D feature for the festival. “Sammy’s Adventures: the Secret Passage”, described by the promoter as “turtally wonderful” (oh, dear) and introduces a little turtle, Sammy, born in 1959 but living, Forrest Gump-like, through the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and further.

The film is a Belgian animation, but is voiced by English-speaking high-flyers, including Melanie Griffith

and John Hurt. Then there’s “Kooky”, an environ-

mentally-conscious film by Jan Sverak, who won an Academy Award for his film “Kolya”, using puppetry, anima-tion and live action. A cute, if scruffy, teddy-bear struggles to get back home to his six-year-old owner after being thrown out with the rubbish. It’s dubbed in English.

This year, Weaving seems to have

changed his mind about the perils of programming sci-fi films. “Mel-ancholia” is one such, and in “Attack the Block”, aliens make the mistake of landing on Earth in contemporary, broken Britain. You’d have to say it sounds like a lot of fun.

The festival runs until November 6 at Dendy and the Arc cinemas. More information at

By Helen Musa

LADYSMITH Black Mambazo, one of the world’s most famous a cappella vocal groups, will soon be back in Canberra.

They’ve been mingling South African rhythms and Christian musical themes for the past 51 years and have per-formed for Nelson Mandela, the Queen and the Pope. As their American collabo-rator Paul Simon says: “It isn’t merely the grace and power of their dancing or the beauty of their singing that rivets the attention, but the sheer joy and love that emanates from their being.”

Albert Mazibuko, who joined his cousin Joseph Shabala in founding the group, is talking by phone from the town of Pietermaritzburg, in South Africa.

He’s made the journey to Australia many times before, but this time, the group has a mission – to spread the good word about its new CD “Songs from a Zulu Farm”.

“These are the songs we sang when we were growing up,” Mazibuko tells me.

“We went back to our childhood to see what life was like when we were kids.” And since they’re all boys at heart, masculine topics dominate. After all, as he says, from young men come “leaders of the nation, you develop being brave, being a winner with nothing to intimidate you.”

One of their songs, for instance, involves a stick – “that stick makes one very strong, it says, ‘I’m in control’. ”As for girls, “we are taught there is no life without them.”

Another song concerns swimming: “It’s quite funny when we’re singing about driving out creatures like snakes and only leaving the turtles behind.”

continues page 36.

“Sammy’s Adventures: the Secret Passage”... described by the promoter as “turtally wonderful”.

“Kooky”... an environmentally-conscious film by Jan Sverak.

“Attack the Block”... in which aliens make the mistake of landing on Earth in contemporary, broken Britain.

Page 38: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

3�  CityNews  October 27-November 2

cinemaDougal Macdonald

arts in the cityHelen Musa


One number is intended “to remove clouds in the sky if we need sunshine,” and several are about looking after livestock.

Ladysmith, “a very small town in South Africa where there wasn’t much to do”, gave its name to the group.

Mazibuko remembers the first

time he went to town and saw cars and drank free soup that was “so delicious.”

As for politics, Mazibuko recalls how “controlled and frustrating” life was, where families were prevented from owning sufficient livestock to work their land.

“But singing encouraged our people to work together… When you sing you’re stimulating people’s minds,” he says.

Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Canberra Theatre, November 3, bookings to 6275 2700 or

Fantasy time travelling with Woody AllenWOODY Allen makes a fantasy time-travel visit to the City Of Light during three of its most notable cultural, intellectual and hedonist eras.

Gil writes episodes for network TV series, but he’d dearly love to finish his novel. He hopes the Parisian ambience will re-invigorate his muse but his fiancée Inez (Rachel Adams) and her parents are more concerned with sightseeing and shop-ping. Gil sets out to explore on his own and on the stroke of midnight, a black car draws up beside him and the occupants invite him to a party.

Some party, this one, its guests a choice collec-tion of the creative high-flyers who chose Paris as their place to live and work in the culturally-turbulent years between the wars – Hemingway, Picasso, Cole Porter, Scott and Zelda, Bunuel, Dali. And Adriana, the gamine who leads Gil among the city’s night-life and its famous inhabitants in the 1920s, in the belle époque where they meet Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas and Gauguin, and even back to pre-revolutionary years.

Gil is Allen’s doppelganger, wide-eyed at the joyous splendour of the revolutionary cultural environment into which he has stumbled.

Allen delivers pungent comment about how

Americans off their home turf amuse or distress their hosts in a story that deftly mixes quirky with iconoclastic. Owen Wilson is gently charming as Gil. As Adriana, Marion Cotillard is a total delight. And Paris is simply beautiful.

At Dendy

SINCE World War II there have been four major English-language productions of Alexandre Dumas’ rollicking adventure yarn. It presses many escapist buttons, ticks many boxes. And it provides a golden opportunity for an actress to chill our blood as Milady.

But in those four productions, she has been cast and played as a sex-symbol rather than as the epitome of selfish wickedness. Paul Anderson’s version offers Milla Jovovich as Milady. Nothing more need be said about this. The screenplay by Alex Litvak and Andrew Davies takes the view that its target audience is adolescent boys. The trio has conspired to

convert Dumas’ historical imagination into a 21st century fantasy influenced by the brain-curdling dumbness of TV series.

Its modern vocabulary and melding of early-17th century military technology with that of our era do little honour to the original.

Silly more than stupid, the film’s offence against Dumas is not beyond redemption, however. Its makers don’t demand that people accept it solely on Dumas’ terms. They understood how a diet of moving images rich in contrivance defeating credibility has created a generation with cerebral obesity. This makes me sad. Having to watch it in 3D merely made me angry. And Faye Dunaway’s Milady in Richard Lester’s 1974 production will be hard to beat.

At Greater Union, Hoyts and Limelight

WITHOUT slime-covered, multi-toothed monsters threatening to extinguish all human life, Steven Soderbergh’s medical research thriller is as convinc-ing a horror film as you might ever hope to find.

Scott Burns’ screenplay examines the science that mankind now deploys to confront pandemics that begin when an animal carrying a zoonose

makes contact with humans. We know that zoonoses – H1N1, Hendra, HIV, SARS – happen but few of us have a clear understanding of how they propagate or how science marshalls its best brains to defend us against them.

Soderbergh tells the story of this zoonose without haste, without miraculously-contrived discoveries (although in their own way, all scientific discoveries are miraculous.) Matt Damon plays a husband whose wife (Gwyneth Paltrow) becomes the first victim.

He happens to be genetically immune, an Everyman making perhaps the film’s most con-trived demand on our credulity, but an important link in carrying the plot forward.

“Contagion” summarises the science rather than emblazons it in CG fakery – the micro-image of the bug appears in only one sequence. Instead, it focuses on people’s responses to the virus’ emotional, economic, political, hygiene and com-munal consequences, with admirable credibility and restraint heightening its impact.

The good guys win, inevitably. And when Jennifer Ehle exposes a shapely thigh to inject herself, her technique mirrors the one that won a real-life Nobel Prize for an Australian medico.

At all cinemas



Ladysmith Black Mambazo... mingling South African rhythms and Christian musical themes for the past 51 years.

from page 35.

Satire heads to the valley

CANBERRA’S Shortis and Simpson plan to out-Wharf the Wharfies with “Satire at Tuggers” in Tuggeranong Arts Centre, October 27 and 28 at 8pm. Julia calls Tony “petal”, Tony’s in Nauru and Kevin clocks up frequent-flyer points. There will be a repeat performance at 109 Barnet Drive, Mount Fairy, at 8pm on October 29, with the show retitled “Satire in a Lounge Room”. Bookings to 6230 4868.

YASS Valley Shire’s Classic Yass weekend calls itself a “Celebration of Community” and has at least four things – the Celebration of Heritage Motoring and the Rotary Billy Cart Derby on November 5, the Arts Trail on November 5 and 6 and the Red Cross Open Gardens on November 6 at “Matong”, “Olwem” and “Casamarah”, with our own Cedric Bryant on hand. Information at

COOMA’S Barstars are a mob of renaissance men with talents in music and the visual arts. Together they will stage their first group art show in Canberra at the Yarralumla Gallery, with a music performance on October 30 at 3pm. Admission is free. Dave Twohill, a founding member of Mental As Anything and Gunther Gorman, a finalist in the 2011 Blake Prize and a member of Daddy Cool, join bush poet, musician, carver and stone mason Roger McCulloch and instrumentalist Mike Waddell.

FLINT in the Vines, at Shaw Vineyard Estate in Murrumbateman, has the “Cielo & Cello” high tea series on from 3pm-5pm, November 4, 11 and 18 featuring cellist and “CityNews” Artist of the Year, David Pereira, who will play while the audience sips wine and tea and munches cucumber sandwiches. Bookings to 6227 5144 or

ON October 29, noon until 8pm, Tuggeranong Arts Centre will celebrate its 13th Moon Festival with an oddly-spelt, fun event, “Divercity”. The focus is on diverse live music, modern and traditional dances, arts and craft activities, puppets, games and multi-ethnic food.

“FOUR Flat Whites In Italy” is the smash-hit Kiwi comedy by Roger Hall, (NZ’s David Wil-liamson) coming to The Street Theatre, October 25-29, in the Ensemble Theatre’s production by Sandra Bates. Canberra favourite Henry Szeps and TV stars Mary Regan, Michael Ross and Sharon Flanagan feature, along with Sara Bovolenta and Adriano Cappelletta. Bookings to 6247 1223 or

THE Hellenic Club in the City, in Moore Street, is throwing an “authentic Cuban party” on Octo-ber 29 from 6pm, featuring “five legends of the Cuban music”. It’s all part of the big “Clave contra Clave” Latin band competition, which concludes on November 5 at Sydney’s Hordern Pavillion. Canberra’s Mi Tierra is one of the finalists.

GEORGE Huitker and his band Junk Sculpture are staging “Jungleland: The Songs of Bruce Springsteen” on November 5 at Teatro Vivaldi. Bookings to [email protected] or 6257 2718.

ART Song Canberra presents “Of Sunshine and Dreams” on October 30 at Wesley Music Centre at 3pm. Louise Page and Phillipa Candy perform Turina’s “Cantos a Sevilla” and songs of Korngold, Keats and Alma Schindler-Mahler. Tickets only at the door.

CLASSICAL guitarist Bradley Kunda performs works by Villa-Lobos, Takemitsu and Tedesco Los Caprichos de Goya at Wesley Music Centre on November 2, 12.40pm to 1.20pm, $2 or paper-note entry.

MELBOURNE country/folk singer-songwriter Nigel Wearne will perform on October 29 at 8pm in Gundaroo Colonial Inn and the Irish Club Weston at 2pm on October 30.

Moya Simpson and John Shortis.


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CityNews  October 27-November 2  3�

diningWendy Johnson


MuSICAL ThEATRE“Me and My Girl”Queanbeyan Players, Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre until November 5.Reviewed by Bill Stephens

THEY say the French started offering canapés to their guests in the 18th century and the tradition continues today, including some wonderful creations by chef Clement Chauvin at Canberra’s new Mint Garden Bar.

Recently, this sweet al fresco bar, which sits outside the award-winning Sage restaurant – same owners and operators – held a canapés and cocktails event ($60 a head for six of each), and will continue holding special events after their official launch in November. I like the idea of a bar that serves more than just fantastic drinks – to settle in and enjoy fantastic food at the same time is delightful.

Chef Chauvin is from France, where he worked in two-Michelin-star Pic and Nicolas La Bec. His food is exquisite and it’s no wonder Sage is up for a national award in Sydney for best European restaurant.

The scallop tartare with apple cloud and aged balsamic droplets (I told you, the food is exquisite) was so delicate and matched perfectly with the Batman Bellini, a sexy combination of sparkling wine, peach schnapps, peach nectar, rosewater and sugar mandarin. Where did Batman come from, you ask? Well, Mint Garden Bar and

Sage are on Batman Street in Braddon, at Gorman House Arts Centre.

Next came pork belly with cider jelly, pickled papaya and coriander with the Jack Rose cocktail (Calvados, lemon juice and grenadine) – another winning combination.

The soiree attracted a large crowd, with most booking last minute, so it was a hectic start and it took a bit for the pattern to settle in. And it meant that not all drinks and canapés were explained when served, a difficult task when “bam” you’re full and the crowd is in full swing.

Other canapés included a cucumber gaspachio and grapefruit caviar, rainbow trout, pea mousse, carrot granite, eucalyptus snow and potato glass, as well as two sweet items, my favourite being the Lapsang Souchong tea (famous for its smoky, drawn out flavour) and chocolate

tart with passionfruit gel, served with a Passionfruit Daquiri.

The Mint Garden Bar will be hosting other special food and drink events, with details being finalised now. Events may feature wine, cheese and preserved meats; suckling pig and boutique beers; and South American tapas and rum-based cocktails – easiest to become friends with “The Batman” and keep up-to-date on Facebook.

Permanent bar food will include baby calamari with lemon and fresh herbs from the chef’s own garden, mini hotdogs with house-made relish and mini wagyu burgers.

The idea of canapés and cocktails is fun, although you have to have enough canapés to soak up the alcohol.

The Mint Garden Bar has two outdoor marquees. Call 6249 6050.

Come into the garden, do

The Mint Garden Bar... “I like the idea of a bar that serves more than just fantastic drinks – to settle in and enjoy fantastic food at the same time is delightful,” says Wendy Johnson. Photo by Silas Brown

“ME and My Girl” is a charming musical with no deep messages, but lots of funny one-liners, some double entendre and a delightfully catchy score.

The storyline revolves around a young Cockney barrow-boy, Bill Snibson, who inherits a title and a fortune, on the condition that he renounces his fiancée, Sally, to marry someone “more suitable”.

As Bill and Sally, Patrick McLoughlin and Ruth Albert-son-Kill bring charm and pleasant singing voices to their roles.

They receive enthusiastic support from the large cast,

which includes Peter Dark, wickedly funny as the bibulous Sir John Tremayne, Liz de Totth as the imperious Duchess of Dene, Gary Collinson as the nerdy Hon. Gerald Bolingbroke and, especially, Georgia Pike, whose performance as the gold-digger, Lady Jacqueline Carstone, is alone worth the price of admission.

Cheery Bill and his girl

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BYS nail enamel in Going for Gold, $3.95.Make up Store nail polish in Greta, $26.ORLY nail lacquer in ruby, $18.95.Maybelline NY colorama mini nail colour in urban orange, $5.95.BYS nail enamel in hot pink, $4.95.BYS scented nail enamel in bright green, $4.95.


Australis crackle colour in white crackle, $8.95.BYS scented nail enamel in light purple, $4.95.Australis nail colour in Today’s News, $7.95.Kit nail polish in Let loose (yellow), $15.96.Kit nail polish in Phase in (blue), $15.96.





TURN your fingertips into a small canvas for fun and fashion with the latest nail colours.

Nail polish is one of the fastest and cheapest ways to incorporate the latest trends into your look.

Anything goes this summer from the brightest orange to subdued grey.

An easy nail art option can be achieved at home with new products that create a crackle effect. Australis Crackle Colour adds a new and exciting dimension to nail colour, simply add one coat over two completely dry coats of your favourite Australis Nail Colour for dramatic crackle effects. –Libby Hill

Fashion coloursat your fingertips





67 8

9 10 11

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AS part of the Classic Yass festival, the Yass Red Cross is again hosting a special open garden day on Sunday, November 6, this year featuring three properties on the Yass River Road near Yass.

Also, on the weekend following the official Classic Yass weekend, Rupert Murdoch’s famous pastoral homestead Cavan, on the Murrumbidgee River, will be open.

“CityNews” gardening guru and former Yass resident Cedric Bryant is the wandering garden expert and will be at Matong from 10am-noon, at Olwem from noon-2pm and at Casama-rah from 2pm-4pm. The public is invited to bring gardening questions and problems to Cedric.

All three gardens can be easily accessed either from the Yass Valley Way at the Barton Highway roundabout or via Murrumbateman.

The three gardens are:Matong, at 330 Yass River

Road, is owned by Cameron and Elizabeth Crisp. Matong is an established garden with large expanses of lawns and trees. Stone walls and hedges mark the boundaries.

Olwem, at 533 Yass River

Road, is owned by Mr and Mrs Jim Cuthbertson. Olwem features four hectares of riverfront garden, natives, roses, with garden rooms and extensive orchard areas, growing olives, truffles and fruits.

Casamarah, at 1512 Yass River Road, is owned by Sam and Marie Polyak. Casamarah is more a cottage garden, with a large property of trees, natives and some roses.

The Yass Red Cross will have craft and produce stalls at Olwem and Casamarah featuring jewellery, plants, hats, clothing, wine, food, craft, chocolates etcetera.

There will also be fashion parades at Matong at 11am and Casamarah at 1.30pm. Refreshments of tea, coffee and sandwiches will be available at the Matong and Casamarah gardens.

Admission is $10 for all three gardens, payable at any front gate. Open 10am till 4pm.

open gardens

See the great gardens of Yass

Cameron and Elizabeth Crisp owners of Matong... open to the public on November 6. Matong photos by Silas Brown

HISTORIAN and writer Cheryl Mongan will present a history of the Murdoch family’s famous pastoral homestead Cavan, located on the Murrumbidgee River near Yass.

Mrs Mongan will speak at two sessions, the first beginning at 10am, the second at 2pm. Guests will be given time following the talk to wander the grounds and ask further questions.

Numbers are strictly limited to 100 per session and tickets can only be obtained on a pre-booked/pre-paid arrangement. They will not be available at the venue. Admission is $25.

Bookings to the Sheep’s Back Boutique, Comur Street, Yass, or call 6227 1255.

A visit to Cavan

Meanwhile in Burra...THE Lions Club of Queanbeyan has organised the Burra Open Gardens for Saturday, October 29 and Sunday, October 30.

The weekend features seven gardens that can readily be visited within a few hours depending on how much time you want to spend in each. The organisers recommend a rest for refreshments in the Burra Community Hall or in one of the gardens.

All turn off points and gardens will be well sign posted over the weekend.

Profits from gate-takings are used by the Lions Club to support needy individuals in the local community and for other community projects or organisations. Tickets at $20 (concessions available) are on sale at all gardens. A ticket allows a visit to each garden and may be used over the two days, 10am-5pm.

The full program is at

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Perennials keep keeping on

They are easy to divide and provide an endless supply of plants to fill the gaps in the garden. And they provide a source of plants for the school or church fete. Many originate in the Mediterranean region, demonstrating their suitability for our climate here. Perennials include herbs that have been grown for medicinal as well as ornamental uses from time immemorial. An indication is the numerous perennials listed in Shakespeare’s plays.

Three perennials illustrated here are in flower in our garden. Firstly, Columbines (Aquilegia), of which this delightful peren-nial self-seeds so readily. Aquilegia is from the Latin aquila, for eagle, due to the petals resembling an eagle’s claws. However, the common name of Columbine is from the Latin columba, meaning dove.

Columbines are great for attracting butterflies into the garden. In Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Ophelia hands out columbines after her father’s death along with other perennials.

Dianthus include Sweet Williams (Dian-thus barbatus), carnations and pinks. These were listed in the Englishman John Gerard’s plant catalogue of 1596. D. barbatus were included in Kate Middleton’s bridal bouquet in tribute to her groom, Prince William. This variety of Dianthus is a biennial that is planted one year and flowers the next.

Both carnations and pinks are perennial and will multiply and spread, lasting many years. One of the best known is the large range of Allwoodii Dianthus, bred by Allwood’s Nursery in the UK.

Started by three brothers in 1910, they crossed the original garden pink referred to as Old Fringed with the perpetual flowering carnation.

The Royal Horticultural Society’s Scientific Committee named these new pinks of-ficially as “Allwoodii” pinks, blooming from spring right through summer. All are highly fragrant.

By 1912 Allwood was winning gold medals at the Chelsea Flower Show. PGA Nursery, of Victoria, has introduced a range of stunning new varieties this year. I noticed they have recently arrived at the Heritage Nursery in Yarralumla, including Dianthus “Passion”, D. “Candyfloss”, D. “Slap ‘N Tickle”, D. “Sugar Plum”, D. “Rosebud” and D. “Cherry Sundae”. Planting each variety in groups of three, five or seven will be a real conversation stopper.

TO continue the theme of soft, pastel colours, I have planted Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) in bold groups.

Chives are native to the cool regions of Europe and once again have been culti-vated for hundreds of years.

Primarily a culinary herb, although not quite as strong as its cousin the onion. Chives also make a great border or edging plant. I have seen them planted as a border around rose gardens in the UK or bordering a path.

The purple flower globes are just coming into full flower in our garden. They can look most effective as a backdrop to dianthus with the fleshy leaves making a distinctive contrast to the rather severe silver-grey

dianthus leaves.For a more comprehensive list of peren-

nials to plant by season, click on Cedfacts “Perennials for Year Round Colour” at

THE Horticultural Society’s Rhododendron and Azalea Show will be held at the Wesley Church Centre, National Circuit, Forrest, from noon (after judging) to 5pm, on Saturday, October 29, and 11.30am-4pm on Sunday, October 30. In the afternoon Heather Pryor, of Iris Haven, will conduct a workshop on growing and showing. Plus there’s the usual huge plant stall. It’s a show not to be missed.

Time to get out in the gardenTHE weather is at last warming up, no excuse not to get into the garden.

The snails are on the move. Multiguard Snail Bait is the animal-friendly one that does not kill blue tongue lizards.The aphids are in plague propor-tions this year. I recommend a 100 per cent organic spray such as MultiCrop BugGuard.Sow spinach, dill, rocket, coriander and parsley seeds directly into the garden.Get your lawn back into shape with Multicrop’s 3-Way Lawn Rejuve-nator. This feeds and thickens lawns, promotes root growth and improves water penetration. It is enriched with seaweed, humus and gypsum.

Pinks are another Old World favourite.

Granny’s Bonnets have been grown in gardens since Shakespeare’s time.

how can you have a garden without Chives?

gardeningcedric Bryant

PERENNIALS are some of the hardiest plants in the garden, equally tolerating heat and cold.

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The fashion in fencingTHE current look for fences is for a calm, serene and classic colour palette, says Jenelle Montgomerie, colour consultant for BlueScope Steel.

A steel fence, such as Colorbond’s “Tea Tree”, is low-maintenance and requires a low level of cleaning.

“This year, there is an emphasis on seasonal, neutral colours for fencing,” she says.

“A neutral colour for fencing can either mean a fencing colour which complements the other colours that surround it in the garden, or simply a

neutral fencing colour that works within any colour scheme of any outdoor area.”

One of the features of fencing made from steel is the wide colour range and design options to suit any type of backyard, according to Jenelle.

“If the backyard consists of a lot of evergreen shrubs, con-sider fencing colours that will give a warm inviting backdrop to the garden,” she says.

When making the final colour selection for a fence, it is important to consider the other elements of the outdoor space, says Jenelle.

“Choose a fence colour which will blend with the colour of your home and also take the time to consider how the fence be affected by sunlight and shadows, whether it will be lit in the evening and if it will help to create the particular mood that you’re after,” she says. “This will ensure you will have a great entertaining space all year round.”

Not only does a fence made from steel look great, it’s also low-maintenance and requires only a low level of cleaning.

A steel fence also offers protection and privacy with heights available up to 2.4 metres, particularly useful for backyards on a slope, and is designed to resist the elements so cannot be eaten by termites or borers.

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CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

ACTONCall Agent 510/25 Edinburgh Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0402 388 781 1BR H

AINSLIESat 11:30-12:15 17 Canning St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0403 808 780 3BR D

Sat 12:30-1:00 72 Majura Av Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 3BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45 2/11 Leslie St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0422 201 027 3BR E

Sat 2:45-3:30 107 Duffy St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR A

Call Agent 4 Campbell St Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 4BR B

Call Agent 10 Duffy St Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR A

Call Agent 22b Fairbridge Cr L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 2BR I

Call Agent 10 Hawdon St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 3BR A

Call Agent 29a Hawdon St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 3BR A

Call Agent 7 Hobson Pl Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 4BR B

Call Agent 66 Paterson St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 3BR A

Call Agent 1/95A Wakefield Gdns Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR G

AMAROOSat 11:15-12:00 3 Phelp Ct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR I

Sat 12:00-12:45 23 Proserpine Cct Blandfordia Real Estate 0413 999 646 3BR I

Sat 12:20-1:00 56 Benaroon Cct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0418 215 878 3BR I

Sat 12:30-1:00 9 Yantara St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR A

Sat 1:00-1:40 23 Lander Cr L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR G

Sat 1:45-2:15 3 Alice St LiveIn 0400 509 262 4BR I

Sun 1:15-1:45 18 Wanderer Ct Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR H

Call Agent 15 Alice St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 4BR I

Call Agent 4 Annan Cl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR A

Call Agent 26 Buckingham St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 4BR H

Call Agent 72 Buckingham St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 3BR I

Call Agent 78 Buckingham St Elders Dickson 0414 382 093 3BR I

Call Agent 5/80 Buckingham St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR I

Call Agent 8 Burdekin Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent 9 Burdekin Av L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR F

Call Agent 18 Cooloola St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 4BR H

Call Agent 11 Larpent St Luton Properties 0411 781 863 4BR B

Call Agent 8 Mission St First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR E

Call Agent 13 Moondarra St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 4BR H

Call Agent 3/39 Mornington St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR I

Call Agent 3 Narran St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR H

Call Agent 67 Rollston St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 4BR H

Call Agent 61 Shoalhaven Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 4BR H

ARANDASat 10:30-11:00 3 Mirning Cr 0409 006 365 3BR H

Call Agent 41 Gingana St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 4BR G

Call Agent 48 Wangara St 0403 246 800 3BR G

BANKSSat 2:30-3:15 17 Galbraith Cl Luton Properties 0410 564 284 5BR E

Call Agent 13 Booderee Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0438 627 772 4BR B

Call Agent 1/3 Brockway Cct Independent Woden 0418 622 010 3BR K

Call Agent 10/35 Brockway Cct Luton Properties 0409 015 400 4BR I

Call Agent 14 Cookson Pl Independent Woden 0413 506 316 4BR G

Call Agent 24 Galbraith Cl The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 4BR G

Call Agent 6 Hall Pl Ray White Canberra 0414 665 626 4BR H

Call Agent 1 Luckman Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 3BR I

Call Agent 4/9 Nernst Pl Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0413 453 489 3BR J

Call Agent 13 Opal St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 4BR I

Call Agent 17 Orange Thorn Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 5BR C

Call Agent 1 Smeaton Cct Ray White Queanbeyan 0433 612 772 3BR A

Call Agent 13 Smeaton Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 3BR I

Call Agent 2 White Pl The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 3BR I

BARTONSat 10:30-11:30 13/9 Bowen Dr Pink Property 0404 453 397 3BR C

Sat 11:00-11:45 33/7 Sydney Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0402 388 781 2BR G

Sat 11:00-11:45 17/11 Sydney Av PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 3BR E

Sat 2:00-2:45 1 Sydney Av Luton Properties 0417 238 945 3BR C

Call Agent 40/41 Blackall St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 2BR G

Call Agent 10/43 Blackall St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 1BR I

Call Agent 52/45 Blackall St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0434 104 556 1BR I

Call Agent 57/47 Blackall St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0432 423 699 2BR G

Call Agent 11/5 Bowen Dr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 3BR C

Call Agent 1 Burbury Cl Colliers International 0478 402 087 1BR I

Call Agent 6/3 Burbury Cl PRDnationwide Canberra 0435 659 746 1BR H

Call Agent 40/5 Burbury Cl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 2BR G

Call Agent 1 Sydney Av Berkely Residential 0402 595 016 3BR C

Call Agent 1 Sydney Av Colliers International 0478 402 087 G

Call Agent 23/7 Sydney Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 3BR E

Call Agent 36/7 Sydney Av PRD Nationwide Inner North 0417 078 080 1BR I

Call Agent 11/11 Sydney Av Horizon Real Estate 0404 870 026 2BR G

BELCONNENSat 10:00-10:30 50/2 Ranken Pl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 2BR K

Sat 10:00-11:00 2/60 Renny Pl Luton Properties 0404 011 163 2BR B

Sat 10:00-10:30 9/9 Totterdell St LiveIn 0400 509 262 2BR K

Sat 12:30-1:15 31/1 Beissel St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 2BR I

Sat 12:30-1:30 20/36 Morell Cl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 3BR I

Sat 1:30-2:15 70/13 Chandler St Independent Belconnen 0411 507 679 1BR K

Sat 3:00-3:30 8/20 Beissel St Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 1BR K

Sat 3:30-4:00 14 Cabena Ct Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 3BR J

Sun 12:30-1:30 2/60 Renny Pl Luton Properties 0404 011 163 2BR B

Call Agent 32/1 Beissel St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR I

Call Agent 8A/21 Beissel St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0418 628 043 2BR I

Call Agent 16C/21 Beissel St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 1BR J

Call Agent 30C/21 Beissel St Sadil Quinlan 0414 631 607 1BR K

Call Agent 51C/21 Beissel St Dalton & Peace 0403 953 056 1BR J

Call Agent 7/57 Benjamin Wy Pinnacle Real Estate Agency 02 6264 8288 1BR K

Call Agent 38/57 Benjamin Wy Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR J

Call Agent 63/57 Benjamin Wy PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 1BR J

Call Agent 126/57 Benjamin Wy Ray White Canberra 0414 962 066 1BR J

Call Agent 13/13 Chandler St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 1BR K

Call Agent 84/13 Chandler St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 3BR I

Call Agent 83/41 Chandler St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 1BR I

Call Agent 80 Chandler St Independent Tuggeranong 0430 272 999 2BR I

Call Agent 262/80 Chandler St Luton Properties 0404 011 163 2BR I

Call Agent 267/80 Chandler St Luton Properties 0404 011 163 1BR J

Call Agent 311/80 Chandler St Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 2BR I

Call Agent 325/80 Chandler St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 2BR I

Call Agent 84 Chandler St Independent Tuggeranong 0430 272 999 1BR I

Call Agent 206/84 Chandler St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR J

Call Agent 277/84 Chandler St Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR J

Call Agent 161/206 Chandler St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR J

Call Agent 160/60 College St Ray White Canberra 0412 851 139 1BR J

Call Agent 171/60 College St Luton Properties 0404 011 163 1BR J

Call Agent 81/64 College St Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR J

Call Agent 8/68 College St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 2BR B

Call Agent 42/68 College St Dwyer Dunn 0418 623 324 2BR I

Call Agent 66/68 College St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 1BR J

Call Agent 97/72 College St Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR K

Call Agent 115/72 College St Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 2BR I

Call Agent 62/101 Hennessy St Luton Properties 0418 625 162 1BR J

Call Agent 64/101 Hennessy St Peak 0433 459 652 1BR K

Call Agent 73/101 Hennessy St Luton Properties 0418 625 162 L

Call Agent 2/24 Howie Ct LiveIn 0400 509 262 2BR J

BONNERSat 11:00-12:00 7 Clay St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR F

Sat 12:30-1:30 124 Rob Riley Cct Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0402 943 191 4BR H

Sat 12:45-1:15 203 Mabo Bvd 0409 006 365 4BR H

Sat 1:30-3:00 96 Bieundurry St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 1:30-3:00 26 Don Bell St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 1:30-3:00 87 Irinyili St First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 L

Sat 1:30-3:00 42 Roy Marika St First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR G

Sat 1:30-3:00 46 Roy Marika St First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR G

Sat 3:30-4:15 39 Charles Perkins Cct First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR H

Sun 9:00-10:30 3 Joe Croft St P & P Real Estate 0402 227 675 4BR H

Sun 9:00-10:30 5 Joe Croft St P & P Real Estate 0402 227 675 4BR H

Sun 9:00-10:30 7 Joe Croft St P & P Real Estate 0402 227 675 4BR H

Sun 9:00-10:30 9 Joe Croft St P & P Real Estate 0402 227 675 4BR H

Sun 9:00-10:30 11 Joe Croft St P & P Real Estate 0402 227 675 4BR H

Sun 1:15-1:45 203 Mabo Bvd 0409 006 365 4BR H

Call Agent Ben Blekeney St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent 40 Bieundurry St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 4BR H

Call Agent 42 Bieundurry St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 52 Bieundurry St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent 53 Bieundurry St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 64 Bieundurry St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 69 Bieundurry St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR I

Call Agent 95 Bieundurry St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent 76 Bill Ferguson Cct Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 4BR F

Call Agent Block 21 Isabel Flick St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent Block 13 Section 131 Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR H

Call Agent Block 14 Section 116 Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR G

Call Agent Block 3 Section 131 Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR H

Call Agent Block 7 Section 71 Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR H

Call Agent 4/25 Burnum Burnum Cl Metropolis Real Estate 0408 772 211 2BR K

Call Agent 21/25 Burnum Burnum Cl Metropolis Real Estate 0408 772 211 2BR J

Call Agent 10 Clancy Mckenna Cr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent 87 Djerrkura St Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 L

Call Agent 2 Don Bell St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Don Bell St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR G

Call Agent 7 Elia Ware Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0410 601 312 4BR H

Call Agent 17 Eugene Vincent St Ray White Canberra 0413 334 447 4BR H

Call Agent 70 Eugene Vincent St L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0414 685 011 4BR I

Call Agent Ferguson Cct Independent Civic 02 6209 1700 2BR J

Call Agent 8 Henry Williams St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent 49 Henry Williams St Independent Dickson 0417 710 772 5BR H

Call Agent 59 Henry Williams St Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent 62 Henry Williams St Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 0411 233 987 4BR H

Call Agent 78 Henry Williams St Rumbles Real Estate 0406 937 139 4BR H

Call Agent 86 Henry Williams St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 4BR I

Call Agent 86 Henry Williams St Peak 0433 459 652 3BR I

Call Agent 100 Henry Williams St Edge Real Estate 0419 414 011 4BR H

Call Agent 18 Irinyili St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 58 Irinyili St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR J

Call Agent 62 Irinyili St Edge Real Estate 0419 888 026 3BR I

Call Agent 68 Irinyili St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 69 Irinyili St Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 4BR I

Call Agent 86 Irinyili St Apex Real Estate 02 6242 7739 3BR I

Call Agent 5 Isabel Flick St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent 12 Isable Flick St Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent 2 Len Barrat St Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR G

Call Agent 12 Len Barratt St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent 19 Louisa Briggs Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 4BR F

Call Agent 48 Louisa Briggs Cct First National Gungahlin 0422 774 441 4BR G

Call Agent 1 Mabo Bvd L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0414 685 011 3BR I

Call Agent 187 Mabo Bvd Maloney's The Estate Agent 0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Maria Lock St Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR H

Call Agent 11 Mumshirl St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR I

Call Agent 13 Mumshirl St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR I

Call Agent 4 Murrjinelle Cct Luton Properties 0410 542 667 3BR I

Call Agent 36 Murrjinelle Cct Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR H

Call Agent 8 Neidjie Cl Dwyer Dunn 0412 620 009 B

Call Agent 6 Numiari St Edge Real Estate 0419 466 012 4BR G

Call Agent 26 Numiari St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent 15 Pearl Gibbs Cct L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 4BR H

Call Agent 51 Pearl Gibbs Cct Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 L

Call Agent 109 Rob Riley Cct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR H

Call Agent 118 Rob Riley Cct Luton Properties 0410 542 667 4BR B

Call Agent 121 Rob Riley Cct Independent Dickson 0435 577 979 4BR H

Call Agent 141 Rob Riley Cct Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 02 6262 2777 5BR H

Call Agent 16 Roy Marika St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 4BR I

Call Agent 44 Roy Marika St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent 52 Roy Marika St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Rubjuntja St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 30 Stanner Cct Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 3BR I

Call Agent 100 Stanner Cct Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 5BR H

Call Agent 36 Stanner Cr Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 4BR B

Call Agent 32 Sydall St Luton Properties 0410 542 667 4BR B

Call Agent 26 Syddall St Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 5BR H

Call Agent 28 Syddall St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR H

Call Agent 34 Syddall St Luton Properties 0412 635 019 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Ugene Vincent Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 4BR H

BONYTHONSat 9:45-10:30 11/61 Derrington Cr Blandfordia Real Estate 0413 999 646 3BR I

Sat 10:45-11:30 69b Barr Smith Av Dwyer Dunn 0412 620 009 3BR J

Sat 11:00-11:30 31/20 Helpmann St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR I

Sat 12:30-3:00 10 Helpmann St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 3BR I

Sat 1:00-1:45 7/5 Coombe St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 198 891 3BR I

Sun 10:00-11:00 69b Barr Smith Av Dwyer Dunn 0412 620 009 3BR J

Sun 12:30-3:00 10 Helpmann St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent 33 Bottrill St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 773 938 4BR H

Call Agent 2/4 Burgoyne St Ray White Canberra 0420 635 415 4BR I

Call Agent 18 Dashwood Rtt L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0438 627 772 4BR A

Call Agent 6/37 Derrington Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent 14 Hocking Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 4BR A

Call Agent 37/63 Hurtle Av Ray White Canberra 0408 166 833 3BR J

Call Agent 10/11 Tenison-woods Cct P & P Real Estate 0434 012 884 2BR J

Call Agent 17-21 Tenison-woods Cct Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 2BR J

Call Agent 12/21 Tenison-woods Cct Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 2BR J

Call Agent 3/43 Tenison-woods Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 3BR I

BRADDONSat 10:30-11:15 30/38 Torrens St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0403 808 780 1BR J

Sat 12:45-1:15 70/65 Ainslie Av Luton Properties 0411 878 587 1BR I

Call Agent 59/65 Ainslie Av Independent Civic 0412 815 463 1BR I

Call Agent 510/17 Dooring St Independent Dickson 0418 625 437 1BR J

Call Agent 512/17 Dooring St Badenoch Real Estate 0435 921 229 1BR J

Call Agent 802/17 Dooring St Homefinders 0419 212 044 1BR I

Call Agent 21/18 Dooring St Raine & Horne Canberra 0401 488 561 2BR G

Call Agent 23 Elder St Blue Property Marketing 0412 023 497 3BR C

Call Agent 11 Fawkner St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR I

Call Agent 13/25 Fawkner St Elders Dickson 0404 821 153 1BR J

Call Agent 15/1 Ijong St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 2BR I

Call Agent 10/43 Ijong St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 1BR J

Call Agent 20/56 Ijong St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 3BR G

Call Agent 2 Ipima St Independent Gungahlin 0418 632 217 I

Call Agent 22 Lonsdale St PRD Nationwide Inner North 0423 465 805 1BR I

Call Agent 51/22 Lonsdale St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR H

Call Agent 53/22 Lonsdale St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR H

Call Agent 68/22 Lonsdale St PRDnationwide Canberra 0402 388 781 1BR I

Call Agent 71/22 Lonsdale St Bentham 0415 045 648 1BR H

Call Agent 19/60 Lowanna St Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 1BR J

Canberra Region Property Summary

100% OF CANBERRA HOME BUYERS SEARCHEDCanberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 52: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

�2  CityNews  October 27-November 2

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 28 Mort St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 I

Call Agent 616/74 Northbourne Av Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 1BR J

Call Agent 708/74 Northbourne Av L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 2BR B

Call Agent 14/84 Northbourne Av Independent Woden 0418 622 010 1BR N

Call Agent 108/84 Northbourne Av Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR M

Call Agent 14/108 Northbourne Av Rumbles Real Estate 02 6122 6300 O

Call Agent 78/108 Northbourne Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 1BR O

Call Agent 226/108 Northbourne Av Independent Woden 0418 622 010 0BR O

Call Agent 3/34 Torrens St Independent Civic 0418 693 635 1BR J

Call Agent 52/38-40 Torrens St Blue Property Marketing 0412 023 497 1BR J

Call Agent 8/11 Wise St Luton Properties 0427 214 337 3BR G

BRUCESat 11:00-11:45 1/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Belconnen 0411 507 679 1BR I

Sat 12:30-1:30 16 Linke Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 4BR C

Sat 1:45-2:45 108/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 2BR I

Call Agent 3/21 Battye St Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 1BR J

Call Agent 11/21 Battye St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0424 288 717 2BR J

Call Agent 14/21 Battye St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 2BR J

Call Agent 62/21 Battye St Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0412 381 102 2BR J

Call Agent 65/21 Battye St Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0412 381 102 2BR J

Call Agent 87/21 Battye St Ray White Canberra 0414 962 066 1BR K

Call Agent 7/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent 43/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Belconnen 0402 534 157 1BR J

Call Agent 52/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Belconnen 0402 838 949 1BR J

Call Agent 54/8 Baudinette Cct Raine & Horne Canberra 0411 560 549 1BR J

Call Agent 87/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent 93/8 Baudinette Cct Independent Belconnen 0418 480 099 1BR J

Call Agent Braybrooke St L.J. Hooker 0408 488 148 1BR K

Call Agent 1 Braybrooke St Luton Properties 0404 011 163 2BR I

Call Agent 14/21 Braybrook St Bentham 0415 045 648 2BR I

Call Agent 7/1-5 Goldman St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 3BR H

Call Agent 6/18 Jaeger Cct Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 3BR F

Call Agent 49 Jaeger Cct LiveIn 0414 332 778 4BR A

Call Agent 67 Jaeger Cct Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 5BR C

Call Agent 1 Kinloch Cct Colliers International 0424 165 567 1BR K

Call Agent 13 Medlin St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 4BR E

Call Agent 13/5 Tauss Pl Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR G

Call Agent 10 Thynne St Dwyer Dunn 0412 620 009 1BR K

Call Agent 103/10 Thynne St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 2BR I

Call Agent 5/29 Thynne St LiveIn 0400 509 262 3BR G

Call Agent 17/29 Thynne St Elders Belconnen 0409 560 539 3BR G

Call Agent 13/31 Thynne St Independent Civic 02 6209 1700 1BR J

Call Agent 26/31 Thynne St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR I

Call Agent 67/31 Thynne St Grapevine Property 0418 519 031 3BR H

Call Agent 51 Thynne St Luton Properties 0418 488 893 5BR C

Call Agent 408/82 Thynne St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0428 681 270 1BR J

Call Agent 120 Thynne St Dwyer Dunn 0412 620 009 1BR K

Call Agent 27/121 Thynne St Luton Properties 0432 989 121 3BR B

CALWELLSat 11:45-12:30 16/22 Duggan St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0421 852 226 2BR J

Sat 2:00-2:45 38 Mckinley Cct Luton Properties 0428 139 969 3BR A

Call Agent 23 Andrew Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent 25/6 Beazley Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR J

Call Agent 23/24 Beazley Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR K

Call Agent 33 Burtt Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 4BR A

Call Agent 5/92 Casey Cr Independent Civic 0412 815 463 3BR I

Call Agent 25/92 Casey Cr L.J. Hooker Dickson 0411 367 700 3BR I

Call Agent 8 Cathie Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR A

Call Agent 42 Gurr St Edge Real Estate 0418 412 030 4BR G

Call Agent 9 Mcbride Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR H

Call Agent 38 Mountain Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 4BR G

Call Agent 115 O'Connor Cct Luton Properties 0402 024 447 5BR E

Call Agent 25 Parfitt Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 4BR G

Call Agent 33 Tatchell St Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 6BR A

Call Agent 6 Tyner St Luton Properties 0416 017 072 4BR H

Call Agent 3/32 Were St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR J

Call Agent 9/32 Were St Ray White Canberra 0418 266 698 3BR J

CAMPBELLSat 3:00-3:30 47 Gellibrand St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR A

Sat 4:00-4:30 8/14 Chauvel St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 1BR K

Call Agent 9/86 Anzac Park Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR I

Call Agent 112 Anzac Park Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR C

Call Agent 99 Blamey Cr L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 4BR F

Call Agent 33/135 Blamey Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 M

Call Agent 139-141 Blamey Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0413 621 131 I

Call Agent 39 Chowne St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0413 621 131 3BR B

Call Agent 41 Chowne St Luton Properties 0427 214 337 3BR F

Call Agent 1/2 Edmondson St Homefinders 0419 212 044 2BR H

Call Agent 31 Gellibrand St Luton Properties 0427 214 337 4BR C

Call Agent 2 Holmes Cr Wright Dunn Real Estate 0439 780 301 4BR D

Call Agent 5 Jacka Cr Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 4BR F

Call Agent 20 Jacka Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR F

Call Agent 29 Jacka Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR F

Call Agent 56a Jacka Cr L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 4BR C

Call Agent 75 Jacka Cr Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent 15 Moten St Homefinders 0419 212 044 4BR B

Call Agent 21 Patey St Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR E

Call Agent 9 Rosenthal St Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR A

Call Agent 5 Truscott St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0413 621 131 4BR B

Call Agent 116 Vasey Cr Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent 66 Waller Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 4BR C

Call Agent 1 White Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 4BR B

Call Agent 17 White Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR F

Call Agent 27 White Cr Luton Properties 0419 208 244 4BR F

Call Agent 50 White Cr Homefinders 0419 212 044 2BR J

CASEYSat 12:00-4:00 12 Alice Clarke St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Sat 12:00-2:00 5 Dunk St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Sat 12:00-2:00 7 Dunk St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Sat 12:30-1:15 9 Salisbury St First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR H

Sat 1:45-2:15 10 Winchester St 0409 006 365 4BR G

Sat 2:00-4:00 31 John Crawford Cr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 3BR I

Sat 2:15-3:00 14 Winchester St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 4BR G

Sat 3:00-4:30 77 Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR I

Sat 3:00-4:30 81 Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Ashton Calvert St Independent Civic 0412 815 463 3BR I

Call Agent 60 Ashton Calvert St Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 4BR G

Call Agent Block F Section Ak Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 4BR H

Call Agent Block H Section Ag Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent Block K Of Section An Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent Block 5, Section 71 First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Borthwick Av LJ Hooker Kippax 0405 415 645 4BR H

Call Agent 16 Boyer St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR F

Call Agent 22 Breen St Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR H

Call Agent David Miller Cr Luton Properties 0405 135 009 2BR K

Call Agent 7 John Crawford Cr Independent Civic 0418 693 635 4BR H

Call Agent 50 Liz O'Neill St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent 31 Liz O'Neil St LJ Hooker Kippax 0405 415 645 4BR H

Call Agent 2/12 Maris King St Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent 9/12 Maris King St Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent 84 Overall Av L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0403 877 133 4BR B

Call Agent 101 Overall Av Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 5BR H

Call Agent 61 Overall Ave Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR G

Call Agent 3 Renfree St Independent Tuggeranong 0414 387 690 5BR G

Call Agent 3 Renfree St Simplicity Real Estate 0402 326 405 4BR G

Call Agent Selleck St Luton Properties 0411 781 863 3BR I

Call Agent 4 Sudradjat St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Sudradjat St Independent Gungahlin 0413 430 296 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Sudradjat St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Call Agent 1 Ted Richards St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Ted Richards St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent 6 Ted Richards St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0430 311 628 4BR I

Call Agent 9 Walter Crocker Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent 5 Wighton Tce L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0408 627 337 4BR H

Call Agent 10 Wighton Tce Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 4BR H

Call Agent 11 Wilenski St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 L

Call Agent 6 Winchester St Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 4BR G

Call Agent 9 Winchester St Real Estate Australia 02 6287 4577 4BR G

Call Agent 15 Winchester St Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 4BR H

Call Agent 38 Winchester St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 4BR H

CHAPMANSat 1:00-1:30 28 Beaumont Cl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR B

Call Agent 9 Banvard Pl Sadil Quinlan 0414 631 607 4BR G

Call Agent 7 Beaumont Cl Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 4BR B

Call Agent 7 Lazar Pl L.J. Hooker Manuka 0401 005 282 2BR I

Call Agent 5 Pelham Cl Independent Dickson 0418 625 437 4BR A

CHARNWOODSat 12:15-1:00 4/1 Moulder Ct Independent Dickson 0435 046 964 1BR K

Sat 1:00-1:45 29 Bettington Cct Luton Properties 0478 143 293 3BR J

Call Agent 11/30 Cartwright St L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0414 734 185 3BR B

Call Agent 6 Garrad Ct Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 3BR J

Call Agent 23 Macintyre Pl Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR J

Call Agent 1 Phillimore Pl Luton Properties 0401 097 568 3BR I

Call Agent 16 Schaffer Pl Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR J

Call Agent 12 Warby Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0401 488 561 3BR J

CHIFLEYSat 9:30-10:00 6 Roper Pl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR A

Sat 1:30-3:00 6 D'Arcy Pl PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 3BR H

Sat 1:30-3:00 2/6 D'Arcy Pl PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 2BR H

Sat 3:45-4:15 24 Gledden St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR G

Call Agent 1/25 Anderson St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR H

Call Agent 33 Eggleston Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 773 938 3BR H

Call Agent 24/6 Maclaurin Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 2BR K

Call Agent 23 Pollock St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR B

CHISHOLMSat 10:00-10:45 26 Alston St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 3BR G

Sat 10:00-10:30 6 Macnamara Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 5BR H

Sat 10:45-11:15 26 Enid Lorimer Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR I

Call Agent 5/97 Clift Cr Independent Belconnen 0439 556 617 2BR K

Call Agent 1/8 Dyring Pl Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 3BR A

Call Agent 14 Goodsir Pl Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR B

Call Agent 52 Heagney Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 3BR A

Call Agent Kirkcaldie Cct Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0437 357 855 4BR B

Call Agent 6 Kirkcaldie Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0419 492 079 4BR I

Call Agent 45 Laughton St Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0437 357 855 3BR A

Call Agent 7 Rose Scott Cct Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR A

Call Agent 17 Swanton St Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0413 453 489 3BR B

Call Agent 45 Swanton St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent 51 Wolstenholme St Ian McNamee & Partners 0429 077 080 2BR J

CITYSat 11:00-11:45 112/2 Akuna St Independent Dickson 0435 046 964 1BR K

Sat 12:15-1:00 113/15 Coranderrk St Independent Belconnen 0411 507 679 2BR G

Sat 12:30-1:15 409/19 Marcus Clarke St L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0400 485 204 2BR A

Sat 3:45-4:30 501/16 Moore St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0403 808 780 1BR I

Call Agent 2 Akuna St Waldorf Canberra 02 6229 1234 1BR K

Call Agent 109/2 Akuna St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 1BR L

Call Agent 8/66 Allara St Century 21 0422 940 948 1BR I

Call Agent 17/15 Coranderrk St LiveIn 0414 332 778 2BR H

Call Agent 27/15 Coranderrk St LiveIn 0414 332 778 2BR H

Call Agent 54/15 Coranderrk St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR G

Call Agent 59/15 Coranderrk St Independent Civic 0401 012 334 1BR I

Call Agent 62/15 Coranderrk St Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 1BR I

Call Agent 85/15 Coranderrk St Bentham 0415 045 648 2BR G

Call Agent 105/15 Coranderrk St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR G

Call Agent 138/15 Coranderrk St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 4BR C

Call Agent 145/15 Coranderrk St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 2BR H

Call Agent 156/15 Coranderrk St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 622 420 2BR G

Call Agent 166/15 Coranderrk St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 162 745 2BR H

Call Agent 182/15 Coranderrk St PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 4BR C

Call Agent 61/2 Edinburgh Av Century 21 0422 940 948 1BR I

Call Agent 71/2 Edinburgh Av Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 1BR I

Call Agent 77/2 Edinburgh Av Dwyer Dunn 0412 620 009 3BR F

Call Agent 97/2 Edinburgh Av Dwyer Dunn 0418 623 324 3BR E

Call Agent 25 Edinburgh Av Colliers International 13 0023 6342 1BR I

Call Agent 306/25 Edinburgh Av PRD Nationwide Inner North 0423 465 805 1BR J

Call Agent 32/1 Gordon St Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 2BR H

Call Agent 40/3 Gordon St ParkTrent Properties Group 0410 634 225 1BR I

Call Agent 45/3 London Cct L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 1BR I

Call Agent 54/3 London Cct Independent Civic 0401 012 334 1BR I

Call Agent 89/3 London Cct Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR E

Call Agent 105/3 London Cct Independent Tuggeranong 0419 224 256 2BR G

Call Agent 112/3 London Cct Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR H

Call Agent 115/3 London Cct L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 4BR C

Call Agent 711 19 Marcus Clarke PRDnationwide Canberra 0418 429 470 3BR C

Call Agent 405/2 Marcus Clarke St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0414 623 876 2BR H

Call Agent 1004/2 Marcus Clarke St Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 2BR I

Call Agent 1504/2 Marcus Clarke St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0414 623 876 2BR I

Call Agent 1902/2 Marcus Clarke St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0414 623 876 2BR G

Call Agent 19 Marcus Clarke St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 F

Call Agent 19 Marcus Clarke St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 3BR C

Call Agent G05/19 Marcus Clarke St Colliers International 0414 812 344 1BR H

Call Agent 313/19 Marcus Clarke St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 3BR B

Call Agent 321/19 Marcus Clarke St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR H

Call Agent 609/19 Marcus Clarke St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR C

Call Agent 1507/19 Marcus Clarke St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 4BR B

Call Agent 508/21 Marcus Clarke St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0411 049 242 3BR E

Call Agent 509/21 Marcus Clarke St Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 2BR G

Call Agent 607/21 Marcus Clarke St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0418 797 718 1BR H

Call Agent 701/21 Marcus Clarke St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0411 367 700 2BR G

Call Agent 707/21 Marcus Clarke St Colliers International 0414 812 344 1BR H

Call Agent 710/21 Marcus Clarke St 0403 246 800 2BR G

Call Agent The Apartments Colliers International 0414 812 344 2BR F

Call Agent 4 The Mews L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 1BR I

Call Agent 28 West Row L.J. Hooker 0404 880 834 1BR L

CONDERSat 11:00-11:45 38 John Russell Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 701 073 3BR I

Sat 1:30-2:15 75 Chaterisville Av Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 5BR F

Call Agent 39 Barringer St LiveIn 0414 332 778 4BR G

Call Agent 11/81 Box Hill Av L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR J

Call Agent 2/38 Charterisville Av The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 3BR J

Call Agent 78A Charterisville Av L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent 8 Emanuel Pl L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 4BR H

Call Agent 9 Emanuel Pl Independent Woden 0430 061 501 5BR F

Call Agent 15 Florence Fuller Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0417 285 528 5BR A

Call Agent 26 Handasyde St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 3BR I

Call Agent 17 Heidelberg St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 3BR J

Call Agent 11/55 James Smith Cct Peter Blackshaw Woden 0408 848 622 3BR J

For photos, full descriptions and latestopen times visit

WEʼLL NOTIFY YOU WHEN YOUR DREAM HOME BECOMES AVAILABLE. EmailDirect.Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 53: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

CityNews  October 27-November 2  �3

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 1 Joel Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 624 412 4BR H

Call Agent 31 Montefiore Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR A

Call Agent 5 Muskett Pl Ray White Canberra 0412 851 139 6BR C

Call Agent 10 Pryor Pl Sadil Quinlan 0413 836 698 3BR J

COOKSat 11:15-12:00 18 Clisby Cl Elders Belconnen 0439 795 369 3BR H

Sat 1:00-2:00 97/1 Wybalena Gr Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0411 793 937 3BR A

Sat 2:45-3:30 6 Booth Cr Luton Properties 0429 487 939 6BR A

Call Agent 12 Atkinson St Luton Properties 0401 097 568 4BR A

Call Agent 6/40 Dexter St Elders Belconnen 0411 525 701 3BR I

Call Agent 25 - 27 Lyttleton Cr Independent Tuggeranong 0412 136 603 I

Call Agent 1/3 Sexton St Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 2BR A

CRACESat 2:10-3:00 31 Dobikin St Raine & Horne Canberra 0434 632 271 4BR B

Sun 2:30-3:15 Durong St Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR F

Call Agent Block C, Section Cz Crace Realty 0432 221 423 L

Call Agent Block 23 Junee St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0418 215 878 4BR G

Call Agent Block 8, Secion 49 Crace Realty 0432 742 532 4BR G

Call Agent Block 1, Section 51 Crace Realty 0432 742 532 4BR G

Call Agent Block 10, Section 42 Crace Realty 0402 326 405 L

Call Agent Block 12, Section 42 Crace Realty 0402 326 405 L

Call Agent Block 16 Section 30 Crace Realty 0427 161 446 2BR I

Call Agent Block 6, Section 38 Crace Crace Realty 0432 742 532 4BR H

Call Agent 73 Chance St Independent Civic 0401 012 334 4BR G

Call Agent Hilltops Exclusive Crace Realty 0432 221 423 K

Call Agent 1 Keewong Cr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR G

Call Agent 7 Keewong Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0418 215 878 4BR H

Call Agent 9 Keewong Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0418 215 878 4BR H

Call Agent 13 Keewong Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Langtree Cr Crace Realty 0432 221 423 K

Call Agent 14 Langtree Cr Crace Realty 0432 742 532 5BR G

Call Agent 6 Rylstone Cr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 5BR F

Call Agent 13 Rylstone Cr Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 5BR G

Call Agent Stage A6 Crace Realty 0432 221 423 L

Call Agent Tempo With Studio Crace Realty 0427 161 446 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Wadeye St Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 3BR H

Call Agent 7 Zanci St Independent Woden 0430 061 501 3BR I

CURTINSat 11:30-12:00 39 Jennings St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR B

Sat 12:05-12:45 80 Jennings St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR C

Sat 12:30-1:15 75 Theodore St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 3BR H

Sat 1:30-2:00 120 Carruthers St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 3BR A

Sat 1:45-2:15 4/16 Walsh Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0421 852 226 1BR L

Sat 2:00-2:45 44 Throssell St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 198 891 4BR E

Call Agent 39 Carruthers St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR G

Call Agent 65 Carruthers St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0418 628 043 4BR E

Call Agent 1 Cosgrove St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 2BR I

Call Agent 4 Daglish St Luton Properties 0418 697 844 3BR G

Call Agent 16 Dawson St Raine & Horne Canberra 0411 560 549 3BR B

Call Agent 78 Dunstan St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 152 607 4BR C

Call Agent 109 Dunstan St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR A

Call Agent 4 Martin St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR A

Call Agent 17 Nelson Pl Independent Woden 0413 909 158 4BR G

Call Agent 10 Peacock Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent 60/3 Waddell Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 2BR L

Call Agent 68/3 Waddell Pl Luton Properties 0416 017 072 M

Call Agent 1 Walsh Pl Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 622 420 4BR C

Call Agent 3/3 Walsh Pl Luton Properties 0411 878 587 2BR K

DEAKINSat 10:45-11:15 2 Lamington St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR C

Sat 11:00-11:30 1 Le Hunte St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0411 244 874 3BR A

Sat 11:15-11:45 11 Gawler Cr PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 3BR D

Sat 12:45-1:15 6 Daly St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0411 244 874 4BR C

Sat 1:00-1:30 54 Stonehaven Cr Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 2BR G

Sat 3:15-4:00 15 Kent St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 3BR C

Call Agent 18 Barron St Luton Properties 0419 208 244 3BR C

Call Agent 8 Carmichael St Luton Properties 0419 208 244 3BR A

Call Agent 7 Carrington St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0424 597 724 5BR C

Call Agent 34 Fergusson Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 0BR B

Call Agent 14 Gormanston Cr Luton Properties 0419 208 244 4BR E

Call Agent 26 Gormanston Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 5BR A

Call Agent 2 Grose St Edge Real Estate 0419 466 012 1BR H

Call Agent 112/2 Grose St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 2BR F

Call Agent 122/2 Grose St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 3BR A

Call Agent 318/2 Grose St Edge Real Estate 0419 888 026 2BR G

Call Agent 325/2 Grose St Luton Properties 0412 334 725 2BR F

Call Agent 6 Grose St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 4BR D

Call Agent 20/6 Grose St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR C

Call Agent 46 Macgregor St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR A

Call Agent 11 Rawson St Bentham 0418 574 140 3BR F

Call Agent 29 - 31 State Cir Australis Realty 0400 040 063 2BR G

Call Agent 29-31 State Cir Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 2BR G

Call Agent 4/29-31 State Cir Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 1BR H

Call Agent 83 Strickland Cr Luton Properties 0419 208 244 3BR C

DICKSONSat 1:15-1:45 12 Moncrieff St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 5BR G

Call Agent 43/12 Challis St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 1BR I

Call Agent 52 Davenport St Independent Dickson 0417 710 772 3BR G

Call Agent 12/110 Davenport St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 1BR L

Call Agent 46 Dooring St Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 I

Call Agent 73 Dooring St Luton Properties 0418 961 556 3BR H

Call Agent 82 Dooring St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 3BR F

Call Agent 17 Lowrie St Luton Properties 0418 961 556 3BR A

Call Agent 51 Majura Av PRD Nationwide Inner North 0431 116 399 J

Call Agent 67 Marsden St Luton Properties 0421 109 997 3BR A

Call Agent 5/40 Morphett St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 1BR I

Call Agent 7 Stockdale St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 162 745 3BR G

Call Agent 32-34 Stockdale St PRD Nationwide Inner North 0431 116 399 1BR J

DOWNERSat 9:30-10:15 163 Antill St Luton Properties 0411 781 863 3BR G

Sat 10:00-10:45 5 Burn St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR A

Sat 11:00-11:45 103 Atherton St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 4BR G

Wed 4:45-5:30 5 Burn St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR A

Call Agent 5 Atherton St Luton Properties 0421 109 997 3BR H

Call Agent 112 Atherton St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 4BR H

Call Agent 11 Banfield St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0408 662 119 3BR B

Call Agent 21 Banfield St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 3BR G

Call Agent 4/24 Frencham St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 2BR J

Call Agent 2/43 Gardiner St Taylors Real Estate 0409 625 194 N

Call Agent 566 Northbourne Av L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 3BR A

DUFFYSat 9:45-10:30 8 Dolly Mcgrath St PRD Nationwide Inner North 0423 465 805 A

Sat 10:30-11:15 9 Cargelligo St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0404 066 119 4BR H

Sat 12:00-12:30 40 Somerset St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR E

Call Agent 4/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 5/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 6/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR G

Call Agent 7/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 8/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR G

Call Agent 9/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 11/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 12/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 13/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 14/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 15/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 16/93 Burrinjuck Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR I

Call Agent 33 Eppalock St Bentham 0415 045 648 3BR F

Call Agent 19 Jemalong St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 A

Call Agent 59 Jemalong St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0410 121 601 3BR B

Call Agent 46 Serpentine St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 3BR I

Call Agent 1 Tantangara St Dalton & Peace 0403 953 056 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Tantangara St Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR A

Call Agent 21 Tullaroop St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 3BR H

Call Agent 29 Tullaroop St Ray White Canberra 0420 635 415 6BR H

DUNLOPThu 5:30-6:00 17 Thornhill Cr Yass Valley Property 0429 669 635 3BR J

Sat 10:00-10:45 9 Akubra Pl Elders Dickson 0414 382 093 3BR I

Sat 11:30-12:15 7 Favco Pl First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 3BR I

Sat 11:45-12:30 20 Eldershaw Cr Luton Properties 0417 975 375 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45 27 Waterworth St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0433 647 075 3BR A

Sat 1:30-2:00 14/21 Gordon Withnall Cr Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR I

Sat 2:00-2:30 32 Goodhart Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 4BR I

Sat 2:00-3:00 108 Lance Hill Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 5BR A

Sat 3:30-4:15 58 Henry Sutton Cct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR G

Sat 3:30-4:00 29 Morrow St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR H

Sun 2:00-3:00 28 Bedourie St Bentham 0418 574 140 4BR H

Call Agent 52 Branson St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 4BR H

Call Agent 48 Courtneidge St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 4BR H

Call Agent 1 Doutney Pl L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0414 730 849 4BR I

Call Agent 2 Hartt Pl Elders Belconnen 0413 473 342 5BR H

Call Agent 10 Henry Sutton Cct The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 4BR H

Call Agent 38 Jonsson Ct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0428 681 270 3BR I

Call Agent 3 Rossi Pl LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 3BR J

Call Agent 13 Shrivell Cct Elders Belconnen 0409 560 539 4BR H

Call Agent 34 Simonetti St L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0414 685 011 4BR I

EVATTSat 9:45-10:30 6 Willis St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0422 201 027 4BR H

Sat 11:45-12:30 151 Owen Dixon Dr Ray White Canberra 0419 442 417 4BR A

Sat 12:30-1:15 3 Pitcairn St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR I

Sat 2:00-2:30 31 Clancy St Liddiard R/E Services 0408 625 885 3BR I

Sun 4:15-5:00 10 Stenhouse Cl Luton Properties 0428 139 969 2BR J

Call Agent 138 Copland Dr Luton Properties 0417 975 375 4BR H

Call Agent 7 Kissane Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0424 288 717 3BR I

Call Agent 38 Mchugh St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0411 092 990 3BR J

Call Agent 5 Stenhouse Cl Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 3BR I

Call Agent 16 William Webb Dr Raine & Horne Canberra 0434 632 271 3BR J

FADDENSat 2:15-2:45 41 Mullan St Luton Properties 0411 861 507 4BR G

Sat 11:00-11:30 15 Coyne St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR H

Sat 12:30-1:00 204 Bugden Av Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 4BR B

Sat 12:30-1:15 319 Bugden Av Luton Properties 0411 781 863 4BR G

Call Agent 31 Bramston St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 4BR A

Call Agent 3 Corser Cl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 4BR H

Call Agent 13 Courtice Cl L.J. Hooker Manuka 0417 646 417 3BR A

Call Agent 14 Dash Cr 0403 246 800 4BR B

Call Agent 9 Hilton Cl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 3BR G

Call Agent 4 Luckins Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 4BR G

Call Agent 32 Mullan St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Call Agent 15 Partridge St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR H

FARRERSat 8:30-9:00 75 Hawkesbury Cr Luton Properties 0410 542 667 4BR A

Sat 11:15-12:00 10 Custance St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR C

Sat 12:30-1:15 10 Moodie St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR G

Sat 1:30-2:00 91 Hawkesbury Cr Luton Properties 0418 697 844 5BR C

Sat 3:45-4:15 104 Lambrigg St Luton Properties 0410 542 667 5BR E

Sat 4:30-5:00 59 Pridham St Luton Properties 0410 542 667 5BR D

Mon 4:45-5:30 10 Moodie St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR G

Call Agent 5 Crane Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 230 057 3BR H

Call Agent 10 Gluyas St Independent Woden 0413 909 158 6BR F

Call Agent 17 Hawkesbury Cr Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 622 420 4BR E

Call Agent 3/32 Marshall St Luton Properties 0413 832 535 2BR J

Call Agent 22 Moodie St Luton Properties 0408 879 936 3BR H

Call Agent 47 Spafford Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR G

Call Agent 7 Sutton Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent 14 Sutton Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0438 924 400 3BR I

Call Agent 4 Watt Pl Sadil Quinlan 0413 836 698 4BR B

FISHERSat 9:30-10:00 22 Kapunda St Elders Belconnen 0428 486 692 5BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45 74 Kambalda Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0408 848 622 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45 11 Andamooka St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0408 848 622 4BR G

Call Agent 33/177 Badimara St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 2BR K

Call Agent 41/177 Badimara St Luton Properties 0412 334 725 2BR K

Call Agent 50/177 Badimara St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 628 606 2BR J

Call Agent 75/177 Badimara St Luton Properties 0412 334 725 2BR K

Call Agent 101/177 Badimara St Luton Properties 0412 334 725 3BR I

Call Agent 104/177 Badimara St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 628 606 3BR I

Call Agent 109/177 Badimara St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 628 606 2BR J

Call Agent 39 Ballarat St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0411 244 874 4BR B

FLOREYSat 12:30-1:00 80/15 John Cleland Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 3BR J

Call Agent 26 Boswell Cr LiveIn 0400 509 262 3BR I

Call Agent 53 Ennor Cr L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 4BR H

Call Agent 16 Enright Cr Taylors Real Estate 0409 625 194 3BR J

Call Agent 88/15 John Cleland Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0431 145 951 3BR I

Call Agent 133/15 John Cleland Cr Independent Woden 0418 622 010 2BR J

FLYNNSat 11:00-12:00 3 Welch Pl Luton Properties 0413 832 535 4BR A

Sat 11:30-12:00 1 Sanderson Cl Luton Properties 0411 781 863 4BR H

Sat 11:30-12:30 12 Sanderson Cl Luton Properties 0404 011 163 4BR I

Sat 12:45-1:30 15 Nulsen Cct Luton Properties 0438 258 379 5BR G

Sat 12:45-1:30 9 Schwarz Pl Luton Properties 0415 104 200 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45 1 Hedland Cct Raine & Horne Canberra 0417 234 358 3BR I

Sat 1:30-2:00 44 Crawford Cr Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR H

Sat 1:30-2:15 34 Hedland Cct Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0416 071 735 3BR I

Sat 1:30-2:15 17 Joyner Cr Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR H

Sat 2:15-3:00 88 Tillyard Dr Luton Properties 0417 975 375 4BR I

Call Agent 8 Goessling Pl L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 4BR I

Call Agent 22 Joyner Cr The Home Loan Centre 0409 225 853 4BR H

Call Agent 51 Spalding St Luton Properties 0401 097 568 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Victory Pl Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 02 6262 2777 4BR H

Call Agent 16 Vogelsang Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0410 601 312 3BR B

FORDESat 1:00-1:30 18 Oke St LiveIn 0400 509 262 6BR E

Sat 11:00-12:00 Block 5, Section 107 First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR G

Sat 11:00-12:00 11 David Walsh Av First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR G

Sat 11:00-11:45 10 Les Edwards St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 5BR F

Sat 11:00-12:00 44 Turbayne Cr First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR G

Sat 11:00-12:00 65 Turbayne Cr First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR H

Sat 12:00-12:45 29 Amy Ackman St Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 4BR H

Sat 12:00-1:00 102 Zakharov Av First National Gungahlin 0422 774 441 3BR H

Sat 12:15-1:15 8/11 Dickins St Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 3BR H

Sat 1:30-2:15 13 Bromham St First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR B

Sat 1:30-2:15 6 Dickins St First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 5BR B

Canberra Region Property Summary

YOU CAN FOLLOW ON TWITTERCanberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 54: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

��  CityNews  October 27-November 2

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Sat 2:00-3:00 8 Horneville St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 5BR G

Sat 3:30-5:00 7 Denoon St Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 5BR F

Sun 11:00-12:00 Block 5, Section 107 First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR G

Sun 11:00-12:00 11 David Walsh Av First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR G

Sun 11:00-11:30 26 Max Purnell St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR G

Call Agent 47 Ada Baker St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR H

Call Agent 27 Aida Ball Cct Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR F

Call Agent 60 Aida Ball Cct Independent Woden 0413 506 316 4BR F

Call Agent 30 Alice Berry St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 4BR F

Call Agent 22 Allnut St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 4BR E

Call Agent 125 Amy Ackman St Independent Gungahlin 0418 632 217 L

Call Agent 9 Beveridge Cr Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 3BR H

Call Agent 15 Beveridge Cres Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 5BR E

Call Agent 6 Blizzard Cct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent 19 Blizzard Cct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR H

Call Agent Block A Section Am Luton Properties 0432 989 121 K

Call Agent Block G Section Ao Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 K

Call Agent Block 3, Section 105 Ray White Canberra 0405 056 844 4BR F

Call Agent Block 6, Section 109 Ray White Canberra 0405 056 844 4BR F

Call Agent 8 Bromham St Ray White Canberra 0405 056 844 5BR B

Call Agent 43 Bruce Dittmar Bentham 0418 574 140 4BR G

Call Agent 3 Buscombe St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0423 967 766 4BR G

Call Agent 6 Cleggett St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 3BR I

Call Agent 18 Cleggett St Independent Civic 0418 693 635 3BR H

Call Agent 10 Denoon St Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 4BR F

Call Agent Dickins St Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent 32 Handbury Wy Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 J

Call Agent 34 Helen Leonard Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent 4 Hibberd Cr Luton Properties 0432 989 121 B

Call Agent 12 Hibberd Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 3BR H

Call Agent 87 Hibberd Cr Luton Properties 0410 542 667 3BR I

Call Agent 95 Hibberd Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 3BR I

Call Agent 104 Hibberd Cr Luton Properties 0432 989 121 K

Call Agent 111 Hibberd Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR I

Call Agent 2 Hooton St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Hooton St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Hooton St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent 9 Hooton St Edge Real Estate 0419 466 012 4BR H

Call Agent 13 Horneville St Bentham 0418 574 140 4BR G

Call Agent 11 Huddy St Edge Real Estate 0419 466 012 I

Call Agent 6 Ivy Kent St Luton Properties 0405 135 009 4BR G

Call Agent 14 Ivy Kent St Independent Gungahlin 0435 446 793 4BR H

Call Agent 39 Justice Kelly St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 K

Call Agent 6 Max Purnell St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 7BR E

Call Agent 50 Max Purnell St Independent Woden 0413 506 316 4BR H

Call Agent 2/16 Neil Harris Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 3BR H

Call Agent 10 Proud St Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 4BR G

Call Agent 35 Quinane Av Peter Blackshaw Woden 0421 852 226 4BR G

Call Agent 49 Quinane Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 K

Call Agent 5 Ray Ellis Cr Kool Real Estate 0408 805 408 4BR E

Call Agent Ridding St Independent Civic 02 6209 1700 4BR H

Call Agent 3 Ridding St Luton Properties 0405 135 009 4BR G

Call Agent 4 Rubeo St PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 4BR G

Call Agent 17-95 Strayleaf View Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Turbayne Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR F

Call Agent 23 Turbayne Cr Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 5BR E

Call Agent 46 Turbayne Cr Bentham 0415 045 648 4BR H

Call Agent 54 Turbayne Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 3BR I

Call Agent 2 Valpato St Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 J

Call Agent Zakharov Av Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent 72 Zakharov Av Luton Properties 0414 405 675 5BR F

Call Agent 2/77 Zakharov Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 3BR H

Call Agent 95 Zakharov Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

FORRESTSat 10:00-10:30 23 Furneaux St Luton Properties 0418 697 844 3BR C

Sat 12:15-1:00 56 Arthur Cir Luton Properties 0429 487 939 6BR C

Sat 2:15-3:15 12/8 Dominion Cct Independent Dickson 0417 710 772 2BR H

Sat 3:00-3:45 111/19 State Cir Blandfordia Real Estate 0413 999 646 2BR F

Sun 12:45-1:15 12/8 Dominion Cct Independent Dickson 0417 710 772 2BR H

Mon 4:45-5:30 56 Arthur Cir Luton Properties 0429 487 939 6BR C

Call Agent 34 Arthur Cir Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 5BR B

Call Agent 5/28 Canberra Av Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 2BR G

Call Agent 34/38 Canberra Av Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 3BR F

Call Agent 9 Dampier Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 4BR C

Call Agent 13 Dampier Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 3BR C

Call Agent 1/10 Dominion Cct Dwyer Dunn 0412 149 513 1BR I

Call Agent 53 Dominion Cct Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR B

Call Agent 626/7 Empire Cct Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 2BR H

Call Agent 23 Empire Cct Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR A

Call Agent 39 Empire Cct Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 5BR C

Call Agent 21 Furneaux St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0402 943 191 3BR B

Call Agent 14 New South Wales Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 1BR I

Call Agent 5 Sorell St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 4BR C

Call Agent 29/23 State Cir Century 21 0422 940 948 1BR H

Call Agent 121/23 State Cir Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 1BR I

Call Agent 209/23 State Cir Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR C

Call Agent 17 Tasmania Cir Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 5BR C

Call Agent 25a Tasmania Cir Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR B

FRANKLINSat 11:00-11:40 4 Gavin Long St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR G

Sat 11:00-11:45 15 Ruth Bedford St Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR H

Sat 11:30-12:00 22/56 Christina Stead St LiveIn 0400 509 262 3BR I

Sat 1:00-4:30 Barbara Jefferis St Lily Rimanic Real Estate 0418 263 040 2BR J

Sat 1:00-1:30 3 Flora Bassett St Liddiard R/E Services 0408 625 885 4BR H

Sat 1:00-4:30 Henry Kendall St Lily Rimanic Real Estate 0418 263 040 2BR J

Sat 1:30-2:30 157 Hoskins St First National Gungahlin 0422 774 441 4BR G

Sat 1:45-2:15 34 Donald Horne Cct Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 4BR H

Sun 1:00-4:30 Barbara Jefferis St Lily Rimanic Real Estate 0418 263 040 2BR J

Sun 1:30-2:30 157 Hoskins St First National Gungahlin 0422 774 441 4BR G

Sun 2:00-3:00 22 Daniels St Luton Properties 0413 832 535 4BR G

Call Agent 22 Christina Stead St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR G

Call Agent 16 Elizabeth Jolley Cr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 3BR I

Call Agent 50 Elizabeth Jolley Cr Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 3BR I

Call Agent 34/75 Elizabeth Jolley Cr Independent Gungahlin 0402 552 186 3BR I

Call Agent 53/75 Elizabeth Jolley Cr L.J. Hooker 0410 414 872 1BR K

Call Agent 892/75 Elizabeth Jolley Cr Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 2BR J

Call Agent Flemington Rd Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 2BR K

Call Agent Flemington Rd Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 1BR L

Call Agent Flemington Rd Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR K

Call Agent 1 Flemington Rd The Village Building Co. 0404 891 148 1BR L

Call Agent 1 Flemington Rd The Village Building Co. 0404 891 148 2BR K

Call Agent 116/1 Flemington Rd LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 2BR I

Call Agent 1/94 Flemington Rd Australis Realty 0400 040 063 1BR L

Call Agent 1/94 Flemington Rd Australis Realty 0400 040 063 2BR K

Call Agent 20/95 Flemington Rd McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 1BR L

Call Agent 28/95 Flemington Rd McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 2BR J

Call Agent 27/329 Flemington Rd Real Estate Australia 0418 625 375 1BR L

Call Agent 29/329 Flemington Rd L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 1BR K

Call Agent 46/329 Flemington Rd Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 1BR K

Call Agent 50/331 Flemington Rd Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0418 215 878 2BR K

Call Agent 7 Flora Bassett St LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 4BR H

Call Agent 18 Gavin Long St Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 4BR E

Call Agent 22 Gladys Lister St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0425 366 663 4BR G

Call Agent 2 Gwen Harwood La Luton Properties 0432 989 121 4BR B

Call Agent T19 Henry Kendall St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 3BR I

Call Agent 35 Henry Kendall St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 4BR H

Call Agent 127 Henry Kendall St LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 4BR G

Call Agent 139 Henry Kendall St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 5BR G

Call Agent 14 Manning Clarke St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0425 366 663 4BR G

Call Agent 62 Marie Pitt St Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 4BR H

Call Agent 22 Nancy Cato St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0406 305 430 4BR G

Call Agent 41 Nancy Cato St Grapevine Property 0418 519 031 B

Call Agent 79 Oodgeroo Av Luton Properties 0428 139 969 4BR G

Call Agent 97 Oodgeroo Av Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR G

Call Agent 112 Oodgeroo Av Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0418 470 764 3BR I

Call Agent 30 Whitington St Premier Capital Properties 0412 944 355 7BR E

Call Agent 2 Wildman St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0488 164 426 3BR B

FRASERSat 11:30-12:15 21 Daley Cr Ray White Canberra 0417 292 733 6BR B

Sat 11:30-12:15 8 Filshie Cl Luton Properties 0438 258 379 3BR J

Sat 12:45-1:15 77 Shakespeare Cr Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR B

Sat 3:15-4:00 9 Waterman Pl Luton Properties 0415 104 200 7BR A

Call Agent 1/10 Champion Pl Lita McKell Realty 0419 695 261 4BR I

Call Agent 12 Foskett St Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR B

GARRANThu 12:30-1:15 28 Fitchett St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0418 285 797 4BR G

Sat 11:00-11:45 2/28 Gilmore Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0402 943 191 3BR A

Sat 11:30-12:15 49/17 Eldridge Cr Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 622 420 3BR G

Sat 12:15-1:00 9 Rusden Pl Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0418 285 797 4BR A

Sat 2:45-3:15 39/2 Eldridge Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 2BR H

Wed 12:30-1:15 9 Rusden Pl Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0418 285 797 4BR A

Call Agent 37/2 Eldridge Cr Ian McNamee & Partners 0429 077 080 2BR H

Call Agent 33/17 Eldridge Cr Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 3BR H

Call Agent 2 Robson St Independent Tuggeranong 0414 387 690 4BR D

GILMORECall Agent 8 Aronson Cr Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 4BR H

Call Agent 41 Louisa Lawson Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR I

GIRALANGSat 11:30-12:30 42 Spica St PRD Nationwide Inner North 0412 370 759 3BR H

Sat 12:30-1:15 26 Chuculba Cr Elders Belconnen 0407 808 717 4BR H

Sat 2:15-3:00 15 Canopus Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0417 234 358 3BR B

Sun 12:15-1:00 42 Spica St PRD Nationwide Inner North 0412 370 759 3BR H

Call Agent 26 Antares Cr L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0418 242 743 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Balamara St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 3BR I

Call Agent 22 Baracchi Cr Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 3BR A

Call Agent 96 Canopus Cr PRDnationwide Canberra 0435 659 746 4BR H

Call Agent 2 Dudi Pl Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 4BR G

Call Agent 12 Maraar Pl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0428 681 270 3BR I

Call Agent 2 Mirrabucca Cr Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 4BR A

Call Agent 12 Wanaga Pl L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0418 242 743 4BR A

GLENEAGLESSat 10:30-11:00 73 Mt Vernon Dr Luton Properties 0411 878 587 5BR A

Sat 11:15-11:45 125 Mt Vernon Dr Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR E

Sat 12:15-1:00 77 Ivo Whitton Cct Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR D

Sun 11:00-11:45 7 Cremin Cl Luton Properties 0428 139 969 6BR A

Sun 12:00-12:45 17 James Scott Cl Luton Properties 0428 139 969 4BR A

Call Agent 5 Lempriere Cr Independent Woden 0413 909 158 5BR E

GORDONSat 10:00-10:30 80 Knoke Av 0403 246 800 3BR J

Sat 11:00-11:30 10 Hazlitt Glade Elders Belconnen 0428 486 692 4BR A

Sat 1:45-2:30 6 Bushby Cl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 3BR I

Sat 2:45-3:30 60 Clare Dennis Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0433 647 075 4BR H

Sat 3:00-3:40 8 Cerutty Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR A

Sat 3:00-3:30 104 Knoke Av Luton Properties 0416 017 072 4BR H

Sat 3:45-4:30 34 Michael Holt Cr Luton Properties 0411 781 863 6BR B

Sun 3:00-3:45 23 Fred Lane Cr Luton Properties 0428 139 969 3BR I

Call Agent 14 Armbruster St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0438 627 772 4BR H

Call Agent 44 Callaway Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0413 830 598 4BR F

Call Agent 14 Cerutty Cr Luton Properties 0409 015 400 4BR B

Call Agent 12/9 - 17 Charlton Cr Ray White Canberra 0414 665 626 3BR J

Call Agent 50 Charlton Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR G

Call Agent 8 Chevalley Loop L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent 63 Clare Dennis Av Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0437 357 855 3BR I

Call Agent 10/21 Cleeve Pl Luton Properties 0409 015 400 3BR J

Call Agent 12/21 Cleeve Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR J

Call Agent 11 Dolan Cl Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 3BR J

Call Agent 16/5 Harry Hopman Cct Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0412 381 102 3BR J

Call Agent 7 Harry Hopman Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 4BR B

Call Agent 103 Jim Pike Av L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent 206 Knoke Av Blue Property Marketing 0413 737 777 3BR I

Call Agent 5/3 Lappin Pl Blue Property Marketing 0412 023 497 3BR J

Call Agent 1B Lawlor Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 3BR J

Call Agent 23 Lewis Luxton Av Luton Properties 0409 015 400 4BR H

Call Agent 56 Lewis Luxton Av Luton Properties 0409 015 400 4BR H

Call Agent 11/3 Riddle Pl Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 3BR J

Call Agent 3/40 Sid Barnes Cr 0405 610 912 2BR J

Call Agent 17 Stan Ray St Raine & Horne Canberra 0418 622 788 J

Call Agent 13 Thomas Hales Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0422 201 027 4BR H

Call Agent 5/14 Thurgood Ct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR A

Call Agent 4/10 Togo Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0419 492 079 3BR J

Call Agent 18 Van Praag Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 5BR E

Call Agent 20 Van Praag Pl Independent Tuggeranong 0418 633 208 4BR F

GOWRIESat 1:00-1:45 32 Galleghan Cct Edge Property Management 0418 778 648 3BR I

Call Agent 21/171 Bugden Av Edge Real Estate 0419 888 026 3BR G

Call Agent 10 Burnage Pl Blue Property Marketing 0413 737 777 4BR H

Call Agent 173 Castleton Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 4BR I

Call Agent 193 Castleton Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 773 938 4BR F

Call Agent 10 Cheeseman Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0411 560 549 3BR B

Call Agent 1/3 Coningham St Luton Properties 0408 879 936 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Corey Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR G

Call Agent 11 Lowerson Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 3BR I

GREENWAYSat 12:00-3:00 214/128 Anketell St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0447 283 052 1BR J

Sat 12:00-3:00 Vue - The Residence Maloney's The Estate Agent 0447 283 052 B

Sat 12:15-1:00 37/2 Eileen Good St Independent Dickson 0419 692 054 2BR I

Sat 12:30-1:00 24/58 Eileen Good St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 2BR I

Sun 1:00-1:45 20 John Young Cr Luton Properties 0428 139 969 4BR A

Call Agent 36/1 Cowlishaw St Independent Civic 02 6209 1700 3BR H

Call Agent 109 De Little Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR H

Call Agent 19/1 Drew St Ray White Canberra 0412 851 139 3BR I

Call Agent 14 Eileen Good St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR G

Call Agent 7/40 Eileen Good St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 2BR I

Call Agent 17/40 Eileen Good St Independent Woden 0413 506 316 3BR I

Call Agent 34/58 Eileen Good St Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 3BR I

Call Agent 17/14 Florence Taylor St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

GRIFFITHSat 10:00-10:45 3 Austin St Luton Properties 0438 258 379 4BR C

Sat 10:00-10:30 25/8 Giles St Laurrie Scheele 02 6295 8888 2BR I

Sat 10:45-11:15 19 Hann St Luton Properties 0418 697 844 4BR C

Sat 11:30-12:00 28/9 Dawes St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 2BR I

Sat 12:00-1:00 6 Throsby Cr Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 3BR C

Sat 12:45-1:30 73 Captain Cook Cr Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 622 420 3BR A

Call Agent 46/1 and 47/1 Oxley St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 1BR K

Call Agent 25 Arthur Cir PRD Nationwide Inner North 0423 465 805 3BR B

Call Agent 3 Bell St Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR B

For photos, full descriptions and latestopen times visit

LOOKING FOR A HOME THIS WEEKEND? ORDER YOUR INSPECTIONS EFFICIENTLY.Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 55: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

CityNews  October 27-November 2  ��

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 6 Bremer St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 5BR B

Call Agent 24/99 Canberra Av Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 2BR I

Call Agent 18/103 Canberra Av Dwyer Dunn 0418 623 324 2BR I

Call Agent 31/18 Captain Cook Cr Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 1BR I

Call Agent 57/18 Captain Cook Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 1BR J

Call Agent 59/18 Captain Cook Cr Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 2BR H

Call Agent 27 Captain Cook Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent 1 Carstensz St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0417 646 417 4BR E

Call Agent 42 Carstensz St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0408 662 119 3BR D

Call Agent 108/10 Currie Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 2BR A

Call Agent 53/10 Eyre St Cameron Real Estate 0418 620 686 1BR J

Call Agent 3/8 Giles St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 2BR I

Call Agent 5/8 Giles St Maria Selleck Properties 6175 8005 2BR B

Call Agent 15/11 Giles St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 2BR K

Call Agent 17 Hann St Luton Properties 0418 620 735 6BR C

Call Agent 4 Hayes Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 4BR C

Call Agent 13 Hodgkinson St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent 2 Jansz Cr L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 3BR A

Call Agent 3 Jansz Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0413 234 058 5BR A

Call Agent 9 Jansz Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR B

Call Agent 18 Jansz Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 631 763 4BR A

Call Agent 22 La Perouse St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 4BR C

Call Agent 73 La Perouse St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 4BR A

Call Agent 12 Lockyer St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR B

Call Agent 14 Murray Cr Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 4BR A

Call Agent 13/3 Ovens St PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 4BR C

Call Agent 14/13-15 Sturt Av L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0405 415 645 2BR J

Call Agent 35/13 Sturt Av L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 3BR I

Call Agent 52/13-15 Sturt Av Asset Real Estate 0407 488 573 2BR I

Call Agent 90/13 Sturt Av LiveIn 0414 332 778 2BR J

Call Agent 2 Walker Cr Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR D

Call Agent 9 Walker Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0401 005 282 4BR A

Call Agent 30 Walker Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0402 943 191 3BR B

Call Agent 18 Wells Gdns Luton Properties 0418 697 844 5BR A

GUNGAHLINSat 11:00-11:45 104 Mary Gillespie Av Ray White Canberra 0438 580 310 3BR I

Sat 12:00-12:40 308 Flemington Rd L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR F

Sat 12:30-2:00 73 Anthony Rolfe Av First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 1BR K

Sat 12:30-1:00 20 Inglewood St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR H

Sat 1:30-2:15 1/30 Bembrick St Independent Dickson 0419 692 054 3BR I

Sun 12:30-2:00 73 Anthony Rolfe Av First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 1BR K

Sun 12:30-1:00 270 Anthony Rolfe Av Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR I

Call Agent 63 Anthony Rolfe Av Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR B

Call Agent 123 Anthony Rolfe Av Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 J

Call Agent 7 Braggett St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 6BR F

Call Agent 23 Braggett St Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 0411 233 987 J

Call Agent 31 Dame Zara St Independent Tuggeranong 0412 136 603 5BR G

Call Agent 12 Devlin St Kool Real Estate 0408 805 408 5BR F

Call Agent 5 Elm Gr P & P Real Estate 0402 227 675 3BR I

Call Agent 4/38 Gozzard St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0412 609 890 2BR B

Call Agent 104/38 Gozzard St Bentham 0415 045 648 1BR K

Call Agent 341 Gundaroo Dr L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 3BR I

Call Agent 356 Gundaroo Dr Independent Belconnen 0402 838 949 4BR F

Call Agent 2/69 Hall Best La Independent Civic 0412 815 463 1BR K

Call Agent 70/10 Hinder St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 2BR J

Call Agent 10 Mcclung St Luton Properties 0405 135 009 4BR H

Call Agent 42 Nellie Hamilton Av L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 3BR H

Call Agent 2/47 Newbold La Independent Civic 0412 815 463 1BR K

Call Agent 15 Pallin St Gungahlin Asset Real Estate 0408 622 288 5BR E

Call Agent 15 Strayleaf Cr L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR F

Call Agent 24 Tsoulias St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0412 609 890 4BR H

Call Agent 8 Warwick St Luton Properties 0411 781 863 4BR G

HACKETTSat 11:45-12:15 65 Rivett St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR E

Sat 12:30-1:00 43 Mackenzie St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR E

Sat 1:00-1:30 12 Madigan St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR G

Sat 3:30-4:00 28 Gilruth St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR G

Sat 4:15-5:00 96 Rivett St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR D

Call Agent 16 Gilbert St Rumbles Real Estate 0406 937 139 3BR G

Call Agent 37 Harris St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent 88 Mackenzie St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 3BR F

Call Agent 73 Maitland St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR G

Call Agent 16 Stanley St LiveIn 0414 332 778 3BR G

HALLCall Agent 38 Victoria St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 6BR D

HARCOURT HILLSat 10:30-11:30 15 Kleinig St PRDnationwide Canberra 0411 466 077 6BR B

Sat 1:00-2:00 81 Kelleway Av Home Property Group ACT 0415 082 526 4BR H

Sat 3:15-4:00 5 Berwick Pl Luton Properties 0438 258 379 5BR C

Sat 3:20-4:00 70 Sue Geh Cct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 4BR E

Sun 1:00-2:00 81 Kelleway Av Home Property Group ACT 0415 082 526 4BR H

Call Agent 23 Hendry Cl Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR C

Call Agent 32 Mcauliffe Ct Independent Belconnen 0402 838 949 4BR D

Call Agent 80 Mcclelland Av L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 5BR F

Call Agent 5 Oldershaw Ct Luton Properties 0418 625 162 4BR G

Call Agent 9 Pellew St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 5BR C

Call Agent 6 Sutcliffe St Luton Properties 0410 542 667 6BR B

Call Agent 11/23 Temperley St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0418 628 043 4BR G

Call Agent 69 Temperley St LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 6BR C

Call Agent 182 Temperley St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent 2 Tubman Pl Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 5BR G

Call Agent 14 Whatmore Ct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR G

HARRISONSat 10:30-12:00 47 Kings Canyon St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 4BR H

Sat 12:15-12:45 5 Sphinx St LiveIn 0400 509 262 4BR H

Sat 12:30-1:00 63 Bungle Bungle Cr Luton Properties 0410 542 667 4BR A

Sat 1:45-2:30 100 Kalianna St Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 2BR K

Sat 3:15-4:00 4 Cudgewa La First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR H

Sat 3:15-4:00 6 Howmans St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR A

Sun 11:45-12:15 101a Moonlight Av Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR H

Call Agent 25 Adder St Luton Properties 0405 135 009 5BR G

Call Agent 356 Anthony Rolfe Av L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 4BR G

Call Agent Block 15 Section 149 Luton Properties 0402 337 287 4BR F

Call Agent Block 17 Section 146 First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent 22 Carpentaria St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Dimby St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR K

Call Agent 9 Eldorado St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 4BR F

Call Agent 16 Flagstone St Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR G

Call Agent Flemington Rd Independent Woden 0413 506 316 L

Call Agent Flemington Rd L.J. Hooker 0408 488 148 2BR J

Call Agent 27 Haven St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent 61 Kalianna St The Home Loan Centre 0418 962 092 4BR B

Call Agent 62 Mapleton Av Maloney's The Estate Agent 0425 366 663 5BR H

Call Agent 78 Megalong Cr LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 H

Call Agent 50 Moonlight Av Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 0411 233 987 4BR I

Call Agent 2/29 Moonlight Ave Real Estate Australia 0418 625 375 2BR K

Call Agent 12 Ningaloo St The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 4BR H

Call Agent 98 Nullarbor Av The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 4BR H

Call Agent 25 Oberon Cl Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR G

Call Agent 2 Phantom St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 4BR G

Call Agent 14 Pildappa St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 4BR H

Call Agent 29 Pildappa St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 4BR H

Call Agent 51 Sapling St LiveIn 0400 509 262 4BR H

Call Agent 57 Sapling St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 4BR H

HAWKERSat 10:30-11:15 3 Andado Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0412 060 792 4BR F

Sat 10:30-11:15 26 Kulgera St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0412 060 792 5BR G

Sat 10:45-11:45 188 Hawker Pl Elders Belconnen 0411 096 269 3BR I

Sat 3:00-4:00 6/153 Murranji St Independent Belconnen 0411 507 679 2BR K

Call Agent 24 Ambalindum St Elders Belconnen 0428 486 692 5BR A

Call Agent 9 Tanumbirini St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0412 060 792 5BR A

Call Agent 10 Undoolya St Raine & Horne Canberra 0407 704 952 3BR I

HIGGINSSun 11:15-11:45 30 Nicholas St Luton Properties 0402 316 228 4BR I

Call Agent 115 Pennefather St Elders Belconnen 0439 795 369 4BR I

Call Agent 43 Starke St Sutton Real Estate 0402 352 352 3BR I

Call Agent 1 Weir Pl Ray White Canberra 0413 334 447 3BR I

HOLDERSat 2:40-3:25 13 Craven Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0410 121 601 3BR A

Sat 3:40-4:30 17 Sheaffe St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0410 121 601 6BR A

Sun 2:00-2:30 27 Percival St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 3BR H

Call Agent 3 Calder Cr Wilks @ Weston Creek 02 6288 1000 3BR H

Call Agent 30 Coane St Independent Dickson 0418 625 437 3BR H

Call Agent 15 Frankland St Real Estate Australia 02 6287 4577 4BR H

Call Agent 48 Pearson St Ian McNamee & Partners 0437 226 740 2BR I

HOLTSat 10:30-11:15 5/11 Flack St Luton Properties 0417 975 375 2BR K

Sat 10:45-11:30 32/131 Britten-jones Dr Ray White Canberra 0417 292 733 3BR I

Sat 11:00-11:45 14 Watchorn Cl Raine & Horne Canberra 0434 632 271 3BR B

Sat 12:00-1:00 35/131 Britten-jones Dr Elders Belconnen 0411 096 269 3BR I

Sat 2:15-3:00 11 Allen Pl Luton Properties 0478 143 293 3BR I

Sat 2:45-3:15 19/11 Flack St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR J

Sun 12:00-12:30 33 Armstrong Cr Luton Properties 0402 316 228 4BR I

Call Agent 51/23 Blackham St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 3BR J

Call Agent 4 Blandon Pl Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR J

Call Agent 4 Bunton Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0410 601 312 3BR B

Call Agent 11 Carnall Cl Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 3BR I

Call Agent 45/68 Hardwick Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR K

Call Agent 54/68 Hardwick Cr Luton Properties 0402 316 228 1BR B

Call Agent 60/68 Hardwick Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0407 393 240 1BR K

Call Agent 74/68 Hardwick Cr L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 2BR K

Call Agent 85/68 Hardwick Cr Capital First National 0408 408 603 3BR J

Call Agent 89/68 Hardwick Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0413 234 058 2BR K

Call Agent 6 Lindrum Cr Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 3BR I

Call Agent 8 Lindrum Cr L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 3BR B

Call Agent 45 Mccabe Cr Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR H

HUGHESSat 10:30-11:00 8 Colvin St Luton Properties 0416 017 072 4BR A

Sat 11:00-11:40 23 Brand St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR D

Sat 11:15-12:00 17 Bamford St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR F

Sat 1:20-2:00 33 Goble St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 5BR B

Tue 4:45-5:30 17 Bamford St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 3BR F

Call Agent 65 Birdwood St Cameron Real Estate 0418 620 686 3BR E

Call Agent 3/9 Bisdee St Paul and Robyn SuttonProperties 0407 099 175 3BR G

Call Agent 1/27 Coxen St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 M

Call Agent 82/27 Coxen St Lita McKell Realty 0419 695 261 1BR L

Call Agent 35 Glasgow St Luton Properties 0418 620 735 4BR D

Call Agent 23 Goble St Luton Properties 0419 208 244 5BR A

Call Agent 12 Kitchener St Cameron Real Estate 0418 620 686 3BR H

Call Agent 27 Webster St Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0412 381 102 4BR E

ISAACSCall Agent 6 Boehm Cl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 3BR B

Call Agent 4 Buntine Cr Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 5BR C

Call Agent 5 Buntine Cr Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 4BR G

Call Agent 42 Julia Flynn Av Dwyer Dunn 0418 623 324 4BR F

Call Agent 6/84 Julia Flynn Av Independent Woden 0418 632 711 3BR H

Call Agent 154 Julia Flynn Av Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 4BR F

Call Agent 43 Maclagan St Independent Woden 0413 909 158 3BR F

Call Agent 48 Ngunawal Dr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent 19/28 Ringrose Cr Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 3BR I

Call Agent 1 Rooney Pl Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 4BR E

Call Agent 3 Rooney Pl Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR C

Call Agent 37 Rowntree Cr Ray White Canberra 0417 486 574 4BR E

ISABELLA PLAINSSat 11:15-12:00 50 Werriwa Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR I

Sat 12:00-12:40 25 Moonbi Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR H

Call Agent 22 Arakoon Cr Luton Properties 0405 135 009 3BR I

Call Agent 13 Benjee Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent 55 Bucknel Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR B

Call Agent 12/27 Cromwell Cct The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 3BR J

Call Agent 16/36 Cromwell Cct 0405 610 912 3BR J

Call Agent 20/36 Cromwell Cct Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 3BR J

Call Agent 59 Cromwell Cct Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 3BR J

Call Agent 8/146 Ellerston Av Independent Tuggeranong 0412 136 603 3BR J

Call Agent 10 Groveland Cr Colin McIntyre Property 0438 924 400 3BR I

Call Agent 12 Marengo Pl Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0437 357 855 3BR J

Call Agent 9 Nugal Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent 11 Sassafras Pl Luton Properties 0409 015 400 4BR G

Call Agent 8 Yabtree Pl 0405 610 912 4BR H

JERRABOMBERRACall Agent 6 Acacia Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 4BR H

Call Agent 16 Aspen Rise Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR C

Call Agent 5 Balcombe St Ray White Queanbeyan 0433 612 772 4BR E

Call Agent 7 Balcombe St Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 J

Call Agent 13 Bellbush Cl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 0BR J

Call Agent 131 Bicentennial Dr Luton Properties 0418 620 735 3BR I

Call Agent 182 Bicentennial Dr L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0415 735 777 4BR G

Call Agent 194 Bicentennial Dr Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR A

Call Agent 6 Birubi Pl Independent Woden 0413 506 316 4BR F

Call Agent 1 Blackwood Pl Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 4BR F

Call Agent 65 Bluestone Gdns Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 3BR I

Call Agent 4 Boree Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR G

Call Agent 8 Bottlebrush Pl Independent Tuggeranong 0418 633 208 4BR G

Call Agent 6/4-10 Brudenell Dr Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR I

Call Agent 4/5 Brudenell Dr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR H

Call Agent 9/17 Brudenell Dr Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 2BR J

Call Agent 2/2 Cane Pl Spackman Real Estate 0415 621 506 3BR I

Call Agent 4A Cane Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent 9 Carolyn Jackson Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 4BR G

Call Agent 32 Carolyn Jackson Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR C

Call Agent 38 Carolyn Jackson Dr Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 4BR E

Call Agent 15 Coral Dr PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 4BR G

Call Agent 1/15 Darmody Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 3BR I

Call Agent 16 Dennis Pl Independent Woden 0418 632 711 5BR D

Call Agent 3 De Smet Ct Luton Properties 0405 135 009 4BR H

Call Agent 24 Dillwynia Cr Paul and Robyn SuttonProperties 0407 099 175 4BR G

Call Agent 1/4 Ella Cl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 B

Call Agent 5 Elm Wy Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR G

Call Agent 32 Elm Wy Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR H

Call Agent 5 Esmond Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 4BR H

Call Agent 7 Esmond Av Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 3BR B

Call Agent 29 Firethorn Pl Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0413 621 131 4BR E

Call Agent 29 Franklin Ct L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 3BR I

Call Agent 17 Goolara Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent 104 Halloran Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR G

Canberra Region Property Summary

LOOKING FOR A HOME THIS WEEKEND? ORDER YOUR INSPECTIONS EFFICIENTLY.Canberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 56: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

��  CityNews  October 27-November 2

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 119 Halloran Dr Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 4BR G

Call Agent 121 Halloran Dr Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Hunter Cl Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 4BR H

Call Agent 40 Ironbark Cct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR G

Call Agent 17 Jacaranda Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 3BR H

Call Agent 28 Jacaranda Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 4BR G

Call Agent 94 Jacaranda Dr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR D

Call Agent 13 Kennedy Av Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 4BR G

Call Agent 4 Lakeview Gdns Luton Properties 0402 024 447 5BR B

Call Agent 24 Lakeview Gdns Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR D

Call Agent 10 Majura Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR H

Call Agent 56 Morella Av L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0413 884 408 4BR G

Call Agent 6 Morley Wy Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR H

Call Agent 19 Myrtle Cl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0424 288 717 4BR D

Call Agent 2 Nugent Cl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 3BR I

Call Agent 7 She-oak Pl Luton Properties 0411 781 863 5BR C

Call Agent 7 Sweetgum Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0410 481 260 4BR F

Call Agent 19 Tooroonga Cr Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 3BR I

Call Agent 6/1-7 Torpy Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 3BR J

Call Agent 2 Torpy Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR H

Call Agent 6/9-15 Torpy Pl Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 3BR I

Call Agent 11 Tully Pl Ray White Queanbeyan 0425 544 664 3BR H

Call Agent 31 Unwin Av Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 3BR H

Call Agent 4 Walker Cr Independent Tuggeranong 0430 272 999 4BR H

Call Agent 3/31 Walker Cr Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 3BR I

Call Agent 30 Waterfall Dr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR E

Call Agent 56 Waterfall Dr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent 79 Waterfall Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 4BR E

Call Agent 133 Waterfall Dr Independent Woden 0413 909 158 H

Call Agent 164 Waterfall Dr Colin McIntyre Property 0410 481 260 5BR F

Call Agent 40 Woodhill Link Ray White Queanbeyan 0433 612 772 4BR E

KALEENThu 5:30-6:00 16 Kiewa St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0488 164 426 4BR F

Thu 5:30-6:00 20 Maranoa St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 4BR A

Sat 11:30-12:15 8 Macumba Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR A

Sat 11:45-12:30 29 Barwon St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 888 871 4BR A

Sat 12:30-1:30 3 Paroo Pl Luton Properties 0413 832 535 3BR A

Sat 3:15-4:00 20 Maranoa St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 4BR A

Sat 3:30-4:00 1 Clyde Pl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR H

Call Agent 15/112 Baldwin Dr Elders Belconnen 0409 560 539 3BR I

Call Agent 35/112 Baldwin Dr Rumbles Real Estate 0406 937 139 3BR I

Call Agent 3 Blythe Cl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR H

Call Agent 1A Delegate St Sadil Quinlan 0414 631 607 3BR H

Call Agent 96 Diamantina Cr L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0430 311 628 4BR G

Call Agent 11 Fortescue Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0414 910 798 4BR G

Call Agent 25 Kiewa St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 4BR A

Call Agent 1 Onkaparinga Cr Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 4BR G

Call Agent 60 Staaten Cr Elders Belconnen 0413 473 342 3BR I

KAMBAHThu 5:30-6:00 67 Learmonth Dr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR A

Sat 10:00-10:40 41 Buckley Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR B

Sat 10:30-11:00 5 Yaldwyn Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0410 121 601 3BR A

Sat 11:15-12:00 24 Withnell Cct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 3BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45 10 Schlam Pl PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 4BR G

Sat 12:00-12:30 51 Summerland Cct Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR B

Sat 12:45-1:30 14 Stanfield Cl Ray White Canberra 0417 292 733 3BR I

Sat 1:00-1:45 18 Horton Cl PRD Nationwide Inner North 0418 429 470 3BR I

Sat 1:15-2:00 11 Grote Pl Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0417 459 427 4BR A

Sat 2:00-2:45 10 Fanning Pl PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 4BR H

Sat 2:00-2:40 3 Salmon Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR H

Sat 4:45-5:30 19 Carleton St Luton Properties 0411 781 863 4BR B

Call Agent 94 Allchin Cct L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 5BR C

Call Agent 10/35 Ashby Cct Raine & Horne Woden 0414 444 673 3BR J

Call Agent 8 Bateman St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR H

Call Agent 21 Bosworth Cct Luton Properties 0402 337 287 4BR I

Call Agent 73 Chirnside Cct Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 3BR J

Call Agent 60/79 Crozier Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 2BR J

Call Agent 5 Downer Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 6BR G

Call Agent 25 Fitzalan St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 5BR F

Call Agent 3 Habgood Pl Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Harrington Cct Luton Properties 0412 635 019 3BR J

Call Agent 35 Jamieson Cr Independent Tuggeranong 0412 136 603 3BR I

Call Agent 3 Kearne Pl Luton Properties 0401 097 568 4BR A

Call Agent 68 Kingsmill St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0424 597 724 3BR I

Call Agent 3 Langley Pl Independent Woden 0413 909 158 4BR I

Call Agent 143 Learmonth Dr Independent Woden 0413 909 158 4BR H

Call Agent 147 Learmonth Dr Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 628 606 3BR I

Call Agent 36 Lee Steere Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0401 354 540 4BR F

Call Agent 7 Manifold Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 3BR A

Call Agent 39 Mannheim St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR H

Call Agent 26 Mckillop Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0411 049 242 4BR I

Call Agent 43 Morrison St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 3BR I

Call Agent 17 Ragless Cct Luton Properties 0412 334 725 3BR A

KINGSTONSat 10:00-10:45 144/56 Eyre St Edge Property Management 0418 778 648 2BR G

Sat 11:00-2:00 21 Dawes St Independent Woden 0418 632 711 I

Sat 11:30-12:00 6/18 Currie Cr Luton Properties 0418 697 844 3BR E

Sat 11:45-12:15 40/9 Eastlake Pde PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 2BR B

Sat 12:15-1:00 12/10 Burke Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0432 423 699 2BR H

Sat 12:30-1:15 128/53 Eyre St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 2BR H

Sat 2:00-2:40 108/56 Printers Wy Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 3BR E

Sat 2:45-3:15 19/34 Gosse St Luton Properties 0434 973 987 3BR G

Sat 3:00-3:30 154/56 Eyre St Luton Properties 0418 620 735 3BR E

Sun 1:15-1:45 40/9 Eastlake Pde PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 2BR B

Sun 2:00-3:00 4/19 Leichhardt St PRDnationwide Canberra 0411 466 077 2BR F

Sun 3:00-3:30 37/9 Howitt St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 2BR I

Call Agent 3/31 and 3a/31 Giles St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 2BR G

Call Agent 10/10 Burke Cr Luton Properties 0402 337 287 1BR I

Call Agent 20/30 Cunningham St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 2BR I

Call Agent 63 Cunningham St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 4BR B

Call Agent 21 Dawes St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 I

Call Agent 47/21 Dawes St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 1BR H

Call Agent 55/21 Dawes St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0431 145 951 2BR F

Call Agent A1.07 Eastlake Pde McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 2BR F

Call Agent B3 Eastlake Pde McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0408 118 519 2BR E

Call Agent 27-33 Eastlake Pde Colliers International 0414 812 344 1BR H

Call Agent 1/20 Eyre St Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 1BR I

Call Agent 40/20 Eyre St PRDnationwide Canberra 0402 388 781 1BR I

Call Agent 91/22 Eyre St PRDnationwide Canberra 0414 812 344 2BR H

Call Agent 140/56 Eyre St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 2BR G

Call Agent 153/56 Eyre St Independent Civic 0401 012 334 3BR E

Call Agent 8/57 Eyre St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent 8/67 Eyre St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent 49/61 Giles St Karen Rush Real Estate 0418 288 650 1BR I

Call Agent 53/61 Giles St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 1BR I

Call Agent 33/71 Giles St Independent Woden 0413 506 316 3BR F

Call Agent 53/71 Giles St Independent Woden 0413 506 316 3BR F

Call Agent 56/71 Giles St Independent Woden 0413 506 316 2BR G

Call Agent 63/71 Giles St Independent Woden 0413 506 316 3BR C

Call Agent 8/110 Giles St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 3BR C

Call Agent 24/12 Howitt St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 1BR J

Call Agent 38/12 Howitt St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 2BR H

Call Agent 40/19 Howitt St Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 2BR I

Call Agent 14/31 Howitt St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0401 005 282 2BR G

Call Agent 44/4 Jardine St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 198 891 2BR H

Call Agent 25/9 Jardine St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 2BR B

Call Agent 62/47 Kennedy St Karen Rush Real Estate 0418 288 650 2BR I

Call Agent 134/54 Printers Wy Horizon Real Estate 0404 870 026 2BR F

Call Agent 91/56 Printers Wy The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 3BR G

Call Agent 96/56 Printers Wy Horizon Real Estate 0404 870 026 2BR F

Call Agent 77 Printers Wy Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 E

Call Agent 9/24 Telopea Park L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 3BR D

Call Agent 7/3 Tench St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 152 607 2BR G

Call Agent 11 Trevillian Quay Independent Civic 0403 215 246 I

Call Agent 17 Trevillian Quay Colliers International 0418 623 290 3BR C

Call Agent 11/17 Trevillian Quay Colliers International 0418 623 290 3BR D

Call Agent 22/47 Wentworth Av Bentham 0418 574 140 1BR I

Call Agent 15/56-58 Wentworth Av Sadil Quinlan 0414 631 607 2BR G

LATHAMSat 10:30-11:15 4 Macindoe Pl Luton Properties 0478 143 293 4BR A

Sat 11:00-11:30 7 Mcarthur Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 3BR B

Sat 1:30-2:00 4 Stretton Cr Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR J

Sat 2:00-2:45 19 Chambers St Luton Properties 0415 104 200 6BR A

Sat 2:15-2:45 19 Hensman St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR I

Call Agent 1/60 Dalley Cr L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0418 242 743 2BR J

Call Agent 56 Hensman St Asset Real Estate 0407 488 573 4BR H

Call Agent 58 Hensman St Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 3BR I

Call Agent 1 Magennis Pl Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0412 381 102 3BR I

Call Agent 11 Mulvany Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 4BR I

Call Agent 50 Solomon Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0401 488 561 3BR B

Call Agent 11 Stretton Cr Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 3BR K

Call Agent 59 Stretton Cr Independent Tuggeranong 0412 136 603 4BR H

Call Agent 1 Wanliss St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR J

Call Agent 14 Want Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0411 092 990 3BR I

LYNEHAMSat 10:00-10:30 151/50 Ellenborough St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR G

Sat 10:45-11:15 41/22 Archibald St LiveIn 0400 509 262 2BR J

Sat 11:30-12:00 140/50 Ellenborough St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR G

Call Agent 25/22 Archibald St LiveIn 0400 509 262 2BR J

Call Agent 69/22 Archibald St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0412 609 890 2BR J

Call Agent 18 De Burgh St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0411 367 700 H

Call Agent 20 De Burgh St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 I

Call Agent 22 De Burgh St L.J. Hooker 0402 914 037 1BR I

Call Agent 160/50 Ellenborough St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR F

Call Agent 57 Fred Williams Cr L.J. Hooker Dickson 0411 367 700 5BR A

Call Agent 25 Glover St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 3BR A

Call Agent 80 Goodwin Pl Dwyer Dunn 0418 623 324 3BR H

Call Agent 90 Goodwin St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 4BR B

Call Agent 1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 H

Call Agent 15/1 Mouat St Independent Belconnen 0419 000 079 1BR I

Call Agent 17/1 Mouat St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 022 281 1BR B

Call Agent 29/1 Mouat St Independent Woden 0418 632 711 1BR J

Call Agent 44/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent 52/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR J

Call Agent 61/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR G

Call Agent 64/1 Mouat St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 1BR I

Call Agent 82/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 625 437 1BR I

Call Agent 85/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent 92/1 Mouat St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 1BR I

Call Agent 101/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR F

Call Agent 107/1 Mouat St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR G

Call Agent 109/1 Mouat St 0403 246 800 3BR G

Call Agent 134/1 Mouat St Independent Gungahlin 0418 260 663 1BR J

Call Agent 153/1 Mouat St Independent Gungahlin 0413 430 296 1BR I

Call Agent 154/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0427 961 568 1BR I

Call Agent 178/1 Mouat St Luton Properties 0402 337 287 1BR I

Call Agent 185/1 Mouat St Independent Belconnen 0439 556 617 2BR G

Call Agent 189/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR I

Call Agent 229/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR H

Call Agent 247/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 2BR G

Call Agent 266/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR I

Call Agent 276/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent 277/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0418 101 213 1BR I

Call Agent 278/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR I

Call Agent 295/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0427 961 568 1BR I

Call Agent 303/1 Mouat St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR I

Call Agent 80/9 Murdoch St Karen Rush Real Estate 0418 288 650 2BR J

Call Agent 56/12 Oliver St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 2BR J

Call Agent 20/15 Oliver St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 1BR J

Call Agent 7 Owen Cr Independent Civic 0401 012 334 1BR I

Call Agent 25 Owen Cr Independent Belconnen 0411 507 679 2BR H

Call Agent C42/58 Wattle St Metropolis Real Estate 0408 630 787 2BR K

LYONSSat 12:15-1:00 13 Ossa Pl Luton Properties 0418 620 735 3BR A

Sat 1:00-1:30 23 Devonport St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR H

Sat 2:15-2:45 56/179 Melrose Dr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0402 943 191 2BR K

Call Agent 5 Burnie St Independent Tuggeranong 0412 136 603 J

Call Agent 18 Devonport St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 J

Call Agent 6B/30 Glenorchy St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0418 822 144 2BR K

Call Agent 2 Judd Pl Cameron Real Estate 0418 620 686 4BR E

Call Agent 19/179 Melrose Dr Luton Properties 0412 334 725 2BR L

Call Agent 15 Port Arthur St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 4BR A

Call Agent 5/9 Tasman Pl Luton Properties 0412 635 019 3BR G

Call Agent 144B Theodore St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0431 145 951 3BR G

MACARTHURSat 9:30-10:00 12 Goldsbrough Cl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 4BR A

Sat 12:45-1:30 22 Max Henry Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0404 066 119 4BR H

Call Agent 10 Body Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0424 288 717 4BR I

Call Agent 39 Coyne St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0406 866 007 4BR G

Call Agent 87 Jackie Howe Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR F

Call Agent 89 Jackie Howe Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 6BR F

Call Agent 25 Kater Cl Independent Tuggeranong 0418 633 208 5BR F

MACGREGORSat 11:00-1:00 2 Boelke Pl First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR I

Sat 11:00-1:00 1 Ida Birchall Cr First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 3BR I

Sat 11:00-1:00 24 Ida Birchall Cr First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR I

Sat 11:00-1:00 126 Macfarlane Burnet Av First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 3BR I

Sat 11:00-1:00 130 Macfarlane Burnet Av First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR I

Sat 11:00-1:00 216 Macfarlane Burnet Av First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR I

Sat 11:00-1:00 66 Refshauge Cr First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 3BR I

Sat 11:45-12:45 12 Pinner Pl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR I

Sat 12:30-2:00 13 Marcus Faunce Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 5BR G

Sat 1:30-2:15 26 Archdall St Luton Properties 0434 973 987 4BR H

Sat 1:45-2:30 6 Harper St Elders Belconnen 0439 795 369 4BR I

Sat 2:15-2:45 4 Weigall Pl Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR I

Call Agent 20 Audrey Cahn St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 3BR I

Call Agent Block 40, Section 159 McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 M

Call Agent 29 Bryan Hudson St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0412 609 890 3BR J

Call Agent 1/12 Chalmers Pl Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 1BR L

Call Agent 8 Clubbe Cr LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 4BR H

Call Agent 81 Eccles Cct L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 2BR K

Call Agent 34 Heighway St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 3BR I

Call Agent 82a Hollows Cct Independent Civic 0401 012 334 3BR I

Call Agent 33 Ida Birchall Cr Rumbles Real Estate 0406 937 139 3BR I

Call Agent 4-7 John Holt St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 3BR I

Call Agent 24 Macfarlane Burnet Av Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR G

Call Agent 41 Macfarlane Burnet Av McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent 17 Marcus Faunce St Rumbles Real Estate 0406 937 139 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Maund Pl Asset Real Estate 0407 488 573 3BR I

Call Agent 180 Mcfarlane Burnet Av Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 3BR I

For photos, full descriptions and latestopen times visit

100% OF CANBERRA HOME BUYERS SEARCHEDCanberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 57: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

CityNews  October 27-November 2  �7

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 10 O'Reilly Pl LJ Hooker Kippax 0417 436 802 4BR H

Call Agent 27 Rag Holmes Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR I

Call Agent 29 Rag Holmes St Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent 74 Refshauge Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0407 703 443 3BR I

Call Agent Road 17 - Section Ee Kashan Property Group 02 6161 7287 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Ron Hoy St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0412 609 890 3BR I

Call Agent 316 Southern Cross Dr Luton Properties 0478 143 293 4BR H

Call Agent 19 Stang Pl Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 3BR I

MACQUARIECall Agent 20/58 Bennelong Cr Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0412 381 102 1BR L

Call Agent 25/58 Bennelong Cr Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 1BR L

Call Agent 44-48 Blackman Cr Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 3BR H

Call Agent 2 Bowman St L.J. Hooker 0402 914 037 2BR I

Call Agent 19/46 Catchpole St Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 3BR I

Call Agent 102 Lachlan St Luton Properties 0401 097 568 5BR H

Call Agent 117 Redfern St Independent Civic 02 6209 1700 K

Call Agent 23/21 Wiseman St Apex Real Estate 0402 993 129 1BR K

MAWSONSat 9:30-10:00 56 Hurley St Luton Properties 0418 620 735 3BR A

Sat 2:00-2:30 3/3 Heard St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 3BR I

Call Agent 10/37 Ainsworth St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 2BR I

Call Agent 49A Ainsworth St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR G

Call Agent 5/51 Ainsworth St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 2BR I

Call Agent 1/25 Aurora Cl Independent Tuggeranong 0414 387 690 3BR G

Call Agent 2/25 Aurora Cl Independent Tuggeranong 0414 387 690 2BR G

Call Agent 2 Bage Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 230 057 3BR H

Call Agent 4 Bage Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 2BR H

Call Agent 21 Bernacchi St Independent Belconnen 0402 534 157 5BR B

Call Agent 1/22-24 Du Faur Pl Luton Properties 0412 635 019 3BR G

Call Agent 22/24 Du Faur Pl Luton Properties 0412 635 019 3BR G

Call Agent 25 Enderby St Colin McIntyre Property 0458 726 579 4BR G

Call Agent 28/6 Heard St The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 1BR L

Call Agent 39/6 Heard St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0408 487 209 1BR M

Call Agent 83 Hurley St Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 4BR G

Call Agent 84-88 Mawson Dr Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 2BR I

Call Agent 23 Rymill Pl Luton Properties 0413 486 386 3BR B

Call Agent 58/4 Wilkins St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 2BR K

Call Agent 19/10 Wilkins St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 2BR K

Call Agent 16/12 Wilkins St Luton Properties 0413 486 386 2BR K

Call Agent 86/50 Wilkins St Ian McNamee & Partners 0429 077 080 3BR I

MCKELLARSat 2:30-3:15 31 Kitty Mcewan Cct Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0412 060 792 4BR D

Sat 3:00-3:40 29 Slessor Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 3BR I

Call Agent 6 Baume Cr Luton Properties 0404 011 163 4BR H

Call Agent 24 Burns Cct Raine & Horne Canberra 0410 601 312 4BR H

Call Agent 66 Dumas St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 4BR F

Call Agent 14 Heney Cl Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 5BR A

Call Agent 25 Kitty Mcewan Cct Luton Properties 0404 011 163 4BR G

Call Agent 44 Kitty Mcewan Cct L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0412 609 890 4BR A

MELBASat 10:30-11:15 4 Treharne Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0416 071 735 3BR A

Sat 10:45-11:30 14 Saville Cl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0422 201 027 4BR G

Sat 12:15-1:00 1 Zelman Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0408 515 545 4BR A

Sat 1:15-1:45 5 Laver Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0414 281 078 4BR A

Call Agent 45 Bainton Cr Elders Belconnen 0411 096 269 5BR C

Call Agent 48 Boult Pl Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 2BR J

Call Agent 3 Cade Pl L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0402 842 291 4BR H

Call Agent 4/52-58 Conley Dr LJ Hooker Kippax 0417 436 802 3BR I

Call Agent 59 Copland Dr Luton Properties 0414 405 675 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Kruse Pl Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 5BR A

Call Agent 29 Le Gallienne St Luton Properties 0438 258 379 4BR A

Call Agent 46 Stewart Cr Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 4BR A

MONASHSat 11:30-12:30 11 Barraclough Cr Edge Property Management 0418 778 648 4BR G

Sat 11:30-12:30 2 Kneeshaw St Edge Property Management 0418 778 648 4BR G

Call Agent 52 Barraclough Cr Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 3BR I

Call Agent 65/67 Barraclough Cr The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 3BR I

Call Agent 49/67 Barraclough St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 631 763 3BR I

Call Agent 44 Beirne St Ray White Queanbeyan 0433 612 772 4BR H

Call Agent 1 Fraenkel St The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 2BR J

Call Agent 13/42 Kenyon Cct Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 3BR I

Call Agent 13 Priddle St Independent Woden 0418 632 711 4BR H

Call Agent 2/11 Steffanoni Cct Cameron Real Estate 0418 620 686 3BR J

Call Agent 23 Sturdee Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 4BR H


Call Agent 8 Thompson Pl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 4BR F

NARRABUNDAHSat 10:00-10:45 7 Johnston St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0417 459 427 4BR D

Sat 12:00-3:00 8/39 Jerrabomberra Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0431 116 399 2BR B

Sat 12:00-3:00 35/39 Jerrabomberra Av PRD Nationwide Inner North 0431 116 399 2BR H

Sat 12:00-3:00 66/39 Jerrabomberra Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0431 116 399 3BR H

Sat 12:00-3:00 67/39 Jerrabomberra Av PRDnationwide Canberra 0431 116 399 1BR I

Sat 12:45-1:30 66 Boolimba Cr Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 3BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45 18 Bayley St Luton Properties 0417 238 945 3BR F

Sat 1:00-1:45 46 Wambool St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 3BR I

Sat 1:30-2:00 2 Warburton St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0411 244 874 3BR F

Sat 3:30-4:00 33/44 Jerrabomberra Av Luton Properties 0434 973 987 3BR H

Call Agent 40 Brockman St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0413 234 058 4BR A

Call Agent 81 Caley Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR F

Call Agent 113 Caley Cr Ray White Canberra 0418 266 698 3BR A

Call Agent 19 Dalrymple St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0413 234 058 4BR D

Call Agent 15/34 Leahy Cl Karen Rush Real Estate 0418 288 650 3BR H

Call Agent 59/34 Leahy Cl L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 2BR I

Call Agent 62/34 Leahy Cl Luton Properties 0419 208 244 2BR I

Call Agent 11/41 Leahy Cl L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 853 501 2BR I

Call Agent 3/45 Leahy Cl Ray White Canberra 0418 266 698 3BR B

Call Agent 9/45 Leahy Cl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR B

Call Agent 20/45 Leahy Cl Luton Properties 0428 139 969 3BR H

Call Agent 11/50 Leahy Cl Ray White Canberra 0419 442 417 3BR I

Call Agent 19/51 Leahy Cl Edge Real Estate 0419 888 026 3BR I

Call Agent 26/50 Lumeah St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0417 646 417 3BR B

Call Agent 19 Mckinlay St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 4BR A

Call Agent 15 Mindarie St Laurrie Scheele 02 6295 8888 2BR H

Call Agent 22 Tallara Pwy Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 3BR A

Call Agent 37 Tallara Pwy Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent 44 Tallara Pwy Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR G

Call Agent 59 Tallara Pwy Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR A

Call Agent 12 Tungun St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR B

Call Agent 81 Walker Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 3BR G

Call Agent 9 Warramoo Cr Ray White Canberra 0418 266 698 3BR A

NGUNNAWALSat 11:00-11:45 20 Noongale Ct First National Gungahlin 0419 602 314 3BR J

Sat 11:00-11:30 3/82 Wanganeen Av Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 3BR J

Sat 11:00-11:30 6 Windich St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR I

Sat 11:00-12:00 5 Winyu Cl Sadil Quinlan 0413 745 994 3BR J

Sat 11:30-12:00 11 Bullala Ct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 3BR I

Sat 11:45-12:15 14 Marika St Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR I

Sat 12:15-1:00 13 Kardang St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0418 628 043 5BR F

Sat 1:00-2:00 70/42 Paul Coe Cr Luton Properties 0404 011 163 3BR J

Sat 1:15-2:00 11 Shara Pl Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0412 060 792 4BR G

Sat 1:30-2:15 9 Leita Ct Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR I

Sun 12:00-12:45 23 Bunduluk Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR A

Sun 2:00-2:30 1 Leita Ct Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 4BR I

Mon 5:15-6:00 23 Bunduluk Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR A

Call Agent 2/22 Aroona Ct L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 3BR B

Call Agent B Of Ah Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent 4 Colleano St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 3BR I

Call Agent E / Ak Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 3BR I

Call Agent F / Ak Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent 3 Gadali Cr Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 5BR C

Call Agent 23 Gadali Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR E

Call Agent 6 Galmarra St Premier Capital Properties 0409 920 000 5BR D

Call Agent 7 Gelane St Luton Properties 0418 961 556 3BR I

Call Agent 1 Horse Park Dr The Village Building Co. 0448 891 000 2BR K

Call Agent 134 Jabanugga Av Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 3BR I

Call Agent 48 Kurrama Cl L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0419 296 458 3BR B

Call Agent 11 Leita Ct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 212 332 3BR I

Call Agent 5/3 Manity Ct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 773 938 3BR J

Call Agent 5/12 Marou Pl Independent Civic 0401 012 334 3BR I

Call Agent 94/36 Paul Coe Cr Raine & Horne Woden 0428 222 008 3BR J

Call Agent 20/46 Paul Coe Cr Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 2BR K

Call Agent 26/46 Paul Coe Cr Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 2BR K

Call Agent 3/66 Paul Coe Cr LiveIn 0400 509 262 3BR J

Call Agent 7/66-68 Paul Coe Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 3BR J

Call Agent 15/66 Paul Coe Cr Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 2BR K

Call Agent 7 Taylor St Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 02 6262 2777 3BR J

Call Agent U / Ah Premier Capital Properties 0422 266 555 4BR H

Call Agent 10 Warabin St Bentham 0415 045 648 4BR I

Call Agent 3/16 Wellington St Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 0411 233 987 3BR J

Call Agent 28 Yerra Ct Elders Belconnen 0407 808 717 3BR J

NICHOLLSThu 5:30-6:00 10/21 Krantzcke Cct L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 4BR H

Sat 11:00-11:45 17 Anne Clark Av Blandfordia Real Estate 0413 999 646 3BR I

Sat 11:00-11:40 10 Cottam Pl L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0417 483 627 4BR G

Sat 1:00-2:00 6 Cottam Pl Independent Gungahlin 0416 135 270 4BR H

Sat 1:00-2:00 58 Tazewell Cct Independent Gungahlin 0418 632 217 4BR G

Sat 2:00-2:45 3 Hatch Pl McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 5BR A

Sat 3:45-4:30 50 Westbury Cct Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR E

Call Agent 10/29 Anne Clark Av Independent Gungahlin 0418 632 217 3BR I

Call Agent 45 Anne Clark Av L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 4BR H

Call Agent 22 Arthaldo Ct L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 5BR E

Call Agent 28 Arthaldo Ct Luton Properties 0418 625 162 4BR G

Call Agent 14 Blanc Ct Luton Properties 0418 625 162 4BR A

Call Agent 18 Blanc Ct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 4BR G

Call Agent 5 Dooland Ct Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR H

Call Agent 16 Freda Bennett Cct Luton Properties 0418 625 162 4BR H

Call Agent 21/47 Freda Bennett Cct Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 2BR K

Call Agent 3 Gorman Cr Sadil Quinlan 0414 631 607 4BR B

Call Agent 14 Hattersley Ct Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR B

Call Agent 16 Hattersley Ct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 773 938 6BR D

Call Agent 2 Keily Cl LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 6BR E

Call Agent 70 Krantzcke Cct L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 4BR G

Call Agent 90 Lexcen Av Wright Dunn Real Estate 0439 780 301 4BR F

Call Agent 25 Oldershaw Ct Luton Properties 0418 625 162 4BR A

Call Agent 27 Sutcliffe St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 4BR A

Call Agent 24 Tazewell Cct L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0438 706 776 4BR D

Call Agent 11/29-35 Temperley St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 3BR A

Call Agent 2 Wendy Ey Pl LJ Hooker Kippax 0438 706 776 4BR A

NORTH LYNEHAMCall Agent 20 Duterrau Cr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR A

O'CONNORThu 5:30-6:00 1/3 Way St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR A

Sat 10:00-10:45 8/27 David St Elders Belconnen 0407 808 717 2BR I

Sat 10:00-11:00 2/19 Moorhouse St PRDnationwide Canberra 0432 373 920 1BR K

Sat 12:00-12:30 8 Bursaria St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45 9 Correa St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0422 201 027 3BR G

Sat 12:30-1:00 26 Boronia Dr Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:30 31 Quandong St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 5BR A

Sat 1:30-2:00 27 Scrivener St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR A

Sat 2:00-2:30 40 Bluebell St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR G

Sat 2:30-3:00 16 Myall St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 3BR A

Call Agent 10/15 Berrigan Cr Wright Dunn Real Estate 0418 623 352 1BR J

Call Agent 25-29 Berrigan Cr Independent Civic 0412 815 463 I

Call Agent 18/52 Bluebell St Capital First National 0408 408 603 1BR J

Call Agent 39 Boobialla St Luton Properties 0421 109 997 4BR C

Call Agent 35 Brigalow St Capital First National 0408 408 603 6BR F

Call Agent 5 David St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 162 745 3BR E

Call Agent 156 Dryandra St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 3BR E

Call Agent 204 Dryandra St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 4BR A

Call Agent 78 Macarthur Av Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 4BR E

Call Agent 52 Miller St Sadil Quinlan 0414 631 607 4BR D

Call Agent 13/19 Moorhouse St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 1BR K

Call Agent 39 Moorhouse St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR E

Call Agent 4 Mulga St Luton Properties 0421 109 997 4BR A

Call Agent 34 Quandong St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR C

Call Agent Verdon St L.J. Hooker 0408 488 148 1BR J

Call Agent 65 Wattle St Luton Properties 0418 488 893 4BR F

Call Agent 151 Wattle St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR D

Call Agent 6 Wilga Pl L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 014 431 4BR A

Call Agent 6 Yapunyah St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 2BR A

O'MALLEYSat 11:30-12:00 3/15 Dalman Cr Luton Properties 0418 620 735 4BR A

Sat 11:30-12:15 25/10 Taronga Pl Luton Properties 0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent 4 Berbet St Ray White Canberra 0417 486 574 6BR B

Call Agent 3 Coreen Pl Luton Properties 0412 334 725 4BR C

Call Agent 3 Coreen Pl Ray White Canberra 0417 486 574 5BR C

Call Agent 21 Culgoa Cct Ray White Canberra 0417 486 574 8BR B

Call Agent 8/15 Dalman Cr Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR B

Call Agent 5/44 Dalman Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 152 607 4BR C

Call Agent 11 Mialli Pl Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 6BR C

Call Agent 14 Wallangara St Ray White Canberra 0417 486 574 5BR B

PAGECall Agent 55 Burkitt St Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 0412 908 248 2BR B

Call Agent 61 Burkitt St Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent 41 Hannaford St Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 4BR A

Call Agent 3 Wall Pl Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 3BR B

PALMERSTONSat 11:00-12:00 58 Haystack Cr Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 4BR H

Sat 11:00-11:30 13/18 Zamia Pl Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR J

Sat 11:45-12:15 21 Arden Pl Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 3BR I

Sat 12:10-1:00 7 Hart Cl Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 3BR B

Sun 1:00-2:00 58 Haystack Cr Independent Gungahlin 0404 895 162 4BR H

Sun 2:15-3:00 3 Narryer Cl Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 5BR A

Call Agent 2/8 Arden Pl 0409 006 365 2BR J

Call Agent 12 Bollard St Raine & Horne Canberra 0402 625 254 4BR G

Call Agent 8/7 Ella Cl L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0403 877 133 2BR K

Call Agent 16/19 Elvire Pl L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 2BR J

Call Agent 4 Grampians St L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 4BR H

Call Agent 1 Hart Cl Luton Properties 0414 405 675 3BR I

Call Agent 171 Kosciuszko Av Ray White Queanbeyan 0425 544 664 4BR F

Call Agent 6/215 Kosciuszko Av Elders Real Estate Gungahlin 0411 233 987 2BR K

Call Agent 19/7 Lofty Cl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 2BR J

Call Agent 35 Macedon Cr L.J. Hooker Gungahlin 0412 985 204 4BR H

Call Agent 18/25 Namadgi Cct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 3BR I

Canberra Region Property Summary

...and a good agent, it's all the marketing your property needsCanberra Region Property Summary is a guide only.

Prices are indicative. Please visit and view the propertylisting for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 58: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

��  CityNews  October 27-November 2

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 71 Sugarloaf Cir Independent Belconnen 0402 838 949 4BR G

Call Agent 4/5 Weddin Cct L.J. Hooker Dickson 0411 367 700 3BR J

Call Agent 38 Weddin Cct L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 6BR E

PEARCESat 11:15-11:45 23 Trumble St 0403 246 800 3BR H

Sat 12:00-12:45 7 Shout Pl Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0417 459 427 4BR A

Sat 12:30-1:15 120 Hodgson Cr Luton Properties 0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent 23/6 Kemsley Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0424 288 717 2BR I

Call Agent 24-26 Marr St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 3BR I

Call Agent 12 Parkhill St Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 4BR F

Call Agent 25 Pethebridge St Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 3BR H

Call Agent 36 Trumble St Luton Properties 0417 238 945 3BR H

PHILLIPSat 10:00-10:40 27/98 Corinna St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0408 848 622 2BR I

Sat 10:00-10:40 1/53 Port Jackson Cct Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 2BR B

Sat 10:45-11:15 1/71 Port Jackson Cct Luton Properties 0411 781 863 2BR J

Call Agent 27/6 Antis St Raine & Horne Canberra 0418 622 788 2BR I

Call Agent 5/60 Callam St Edge Property Management 0418 778 648 1BR J

Call Agent 7/60 Callam St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 1BR J

Call Agent 25 Cavanough St Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 2BR I

Call Agent 37 Cavanough St Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 2BR I

Call Agent 6/26 Chaseling St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 2BR K

Call Agent 58/98 Corinna St Luton Properties 0413 486 386 2BR H

Call Agent 103/98 Corinna St Purnell Citywide 0418 628 199 1BR J

Call Agent 131/98 Corinna St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0408 662 119 1BR I

Call Agent 9/116 Easty St Luton Properties 0402 337 287 1BR J

Call Agent 20/116 Easty St Independent Belconnen 0419 000 079 1BR I

Call Agent 35/116 Easty St Luton Properties 0402 337 287 1BR J

Call Agent 37/116 Easty St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 1BR I

Call Agent 67/116 Easty St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 1BR I

Call Agent 92/116 Easty St Ray White Canberra 0412 851 139 1BR I

Call Agent 95/116 Easty St Ray White Canberra 0412 851 139 1BR I

Call Agent 96/116 Easty St Independent Woden 0413 909 158 1BR J

Call Agent 118/116 Easty St Independent Dickson 0407 535 967 1BR J

Call Agent 136/116 Easty St Independent Woden 0418 632 711 1BR I

Call Agent 159/116 Easty St Independent Woden 0433 303 211 2BR H

Call Agent 166/116 Easty St Ray White Canberra 0414 962 066 1BR J

Call Agent 178/116 Easty St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 463 872 1BR J

Call Agent 5/23 Mansfield Pl Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 3BR I

Call Agent 4/71 Port Jackson Cct Capital First National 0408 408 603 2BR J

Call Agent 7/71 Port Jackson Cct 0405 610 912 2BR J

Call Agent 11/140 Port Jackson Cct Ray White Canberra 0420 635 415 2BR J

PIALLIGOCall Agent 14 Beltana Rd Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 4BR C

QUEANBEYANSat 10:00-10:45 8/17 Carinya St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 3BR A

Sat 10:30-11:00 52 Derrima Rd McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR A

Sat 10:30-11:00 86 Southbar Rd Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR J

Sat 10:30-11:30 24 Woodger Pde Ray White Queanbeyan 0402 343 771 3BR A

Sat 11:00-11:30 2/12 Nimmitabel St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 2BR K

Sat 11:00-11:45 82 Stornaway Rd Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 3BR A

Sat 11:00-11:30 2 Taylor Pl Luton Properties 0427 214 337 5BR E

Sat 11:30-12:00 7/47 Christopher Cr Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 2BR K

Sat 11:30-12:00 11/56 Trinculo Pl L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0415 735 777 2BR L

Sat 12:00-12:45 7/74-78 Crest Park Pde Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 4BR A

Sat 12:00-12:45 3/122 Fergus Rd Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 3BR I

Sat 12:00-12:45 5 Symonds St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 2BR A

Sat 12:15-1:00 7/47-49 Booth St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0415 735 777 2BR K

Sat 12:30-1:00 37 Sassafras Cr Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR I

Sat 1:00-1:45 117 Ross Rd Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 3BR A

Sat 1:45-2:15 7/6 Doeberl Pl Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR J

Sat 2:00-2:45 15 Albert St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 3BR A

Sat 2:00-2:45 18 Patrick Brick Ct Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 3BR I

Call Agent 2/11 Adams St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR I

Call Agent 43 Alanbar St Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 3BR J

Call Agent 19 Albert St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 3BR I

Call Agent 19 Allumba St Ian McNamee & Partners 0417 299 826 3BR H

Call Agent 52A Antill St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 3BR H

Call Agent 2/7 Arthur St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 2BR L

Call Agent 11/10 Arthur St Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 1BR N

Call Agent 13/10 Arthur St Ian McNamee & Partners 0417 299 826 1BR O

Call Agent 15 Ash St Ray White Queanbeyan 0425 544 664 3BR I

Call Agent 1/39 Atkinson St Ray White Queanbeyan 0402 343 771 2BR K

Call Agent 4 Baden Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 5BR D

Call Agent 14 Barracks Flat Dr Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 611 044 4BR H

Call Agent 5/39-41 Booth St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 2BR K

Call Agent 5/7-11 Broughton Pl Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 1BR M

Call Agent 7/24 Bungendore Rd Ray White Queanbeyan 0402 343 771 2BR J

Call Agent 44 - 46 Buttle St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 C

Call Agent 36 Cameron Rd Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 3BR I

Call Agent 2/47 Canberra Av Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 2BR K

Call Agent 19/41 Carinya St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0419 683 599 3BR I

Call Agent 26 Carrington St Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 1BR K

Call Agent 9/44-64 Carrington St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 2BR K

Call Agent 25/44-64 Carrington St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR J

Call Agent 151 Carwoola St Ray White Queanbeyan 0420 304 431 4BR A

Call Agent 7 Cascade St Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 4BR I

Call Agent 22 Cassinia St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0413 884 408 4BR H

Call Agent 14/15 Charles St Ray White Queanbeyan 0425 544 664 2BR K

Call Agent 20 Charles St Elders Queanbeyan 0418 630 002 1BR O

Call Agent 13-16/20 Charles St Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 1BR L

Call Agent 10/74-80 Collett Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 1BR M

Call Agent 57 Collett St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 4BR B

Call Agent 7 Corin Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0422 286 417 5BR H

Call Agent 9/39-43 Crawford St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0419 683 599 1BR L

Call Agent 46/39 Crawford St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0409 446 289 2BR J

Call Agent 204-214 Crawford St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0419 492 079 C

Call Agent 4/78 Crest Park Pde Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 3BR I

Call Agent 18 Crinoline St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR I

Call Agent 14 Currie St Ian McNamee & Partners 0403 604 888 4BR A

Call Agent 4/9 Davidson St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 2BR J

Call Agent 8 Delmar Cr Ray White Canberra 0419 289 574 4BR F

Call Agent 18/85 Derrima Rd Ian McNamee & Partners 0422 286 417 1BR N

Call Agent 1/61 Donald Rd Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 2BR M

Call Agent 4/8-10 Ernest St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR I

Call Agent 116 Fergus Rd Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 5BR I

Call Agent 1/14 Ford St Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 2BR I

Call Agent 2 Gilmore Pl Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 4BR H

Call Agent 27 Hellmund St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 4BR H

Call Agent 29 Hellmund St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 4BR H

Call Agent 12/56 Henderson Rd L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0413 884 408 2BR M

Call Agent 88-90 Henderson Rd L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 2BR J

Call Agent 6/88 Henderson Rd Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 2BR B

Call Agent 3/104 Henderson Rd L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 2BR M

Call Agent 20/122 Henderson Rd Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 1BR N

Call Agent 3 / 37 High St Spackman Real Estate 0427 202 987 3BR I

Call Agent 6 High St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 1BR K

Call Agent 1/7 Hincksman St Ray White Queanbeyan 0425 544 664 2BR M

Call Agent 4/9 Hybon Av Buckley & Holland 02 6297 9191 2BR J

Call Agent 7 Johnson Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 5BR F

Call Agent 43 Jordan Pl L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 3BR K

Call Agent Lot 2/30 Trig La Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 J

Call Agent 80 Lowe St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 4BR B

Call Agent 33 / 25 Macquoid St Spackman Real Estate 0415 621 506 N

Call Agent 31/25 Macquoid St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 N

Call Agent 3/32 Macquoid St Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0429 122 700 3BR I

Call Agent 4/32 Macquoid St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0415 735 777 3BR I

Call Agent 51a Macquoid St Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 3BR J

Call Agent 20 Mccrae St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Meech Pl Spackman Real Estate 0427 202 987 3BR I

Call Agent 28 Meredith St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0438 627 772 6BR B

Call Agent 3 / 12 Morisset St Spackman Real Estate 0427 202 987 2BR L

Call Agent 13-15 Morisset St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0415 735 777 2BR I

Call Agent 79 Morton St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0438 627 772 3BR I

Call Agent 117 Morton St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 4BR H

Call Agent 17/1 Mowatt St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 2BR L

Call Agent 2/4 Mowatt St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 2BR L

Call Agent 6/6 Mowatt St Ian McNamee & Partners 0422 286 417 2BR J

Call Agent 5/30 Mowatt St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 3BR J

Call Agent 25 Muir Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0419 492 079 3BR I

Call Agent 4 Mulloon St Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 611 044 3BR I

Call Agent 4/10-14 Mulloon St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 3BR H

Call Agent 11/10-14 Mulloon St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 3BR H

Call Agent 20 Mulloon St Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 611 044 3BR I

Call Agent 24 Munro Rd Ray White Queanbeyan 0414 629 996 4BR A

Call Agent 1 Nimmitabel St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0424 288 717 4BR G

Call Agent 3/6 Nimmitabel St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 000 841 3BR J

Call Agent 2/21 O'Hanlon Rd Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 2BR I

Call Agent 15 Pindari Cr Ray White Queanbeyan 0420 304 431 4BR I

Call Agent 38 Pindari Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0419 492 079 4BR H

Call Agent 3 Pine Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 5BR H

Call Agent 4 Ross Rd PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 2BR J

Call Agent 7/21 Ross Rd Maxwell & Co Real Estate 0416 182 379 2BR K

Call Agent 1/30 Ross Rd Ian McNamee & Partners 0418 633 806 3BR I

Call Agent 34 Ross Rd Oz Property Services 0403 339 086 2BR K

Call Agent 18 Stonehaven Cct Ian McNamee & Partners 0422 286 417 3BR H

Call Agent 2 / 10 Stornaway Rd Spackman Real Estate 0415 621 506 2BR M

Call Agent 10/3a Stornaway Rd Ian McNamee & Partners 0410 774 821 1BR L

Call Agent 41/3A Stornaway Rd Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 1BR K

Call Agent 27 Sunnybar Pde L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 3BR I

Call Agent 35 Surveyor St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 6BR H

Call Agent 1/16 Telopea Pl Ian McNamee & Partners 0422 286 417 3BR I

Call Agent 24 Temora Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0419 492 079 4BR F

Call Agent 1/83-85 Tharwa Rd Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 3BR I

Call Agent 5/83 Tharwa Rd Elders Queanbeyan 0418 162 701 3BR I

Call Agent 6/39 Thurralilly St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 2BR M

Call Agent 13/30 Trinculo Pl Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0419 683 599 2BR L

Call Agent 17/161 Uriarra Rd Ian McNamee & Partners 0422 286 417 1BR K

Call Agent 7/10 Waniassa St Ian McNamee & Partners 0417 299 826 1BR O

Call Agent 10/10 Waniassa St Ray White Queanbeyan 0412 627 953 1BR N

Call Agent 27/12 Waniassa St Spackman Real Estate 0415 621 506 3BR I

Call Agent 26 Waratah St Go Gecko Queanbeyan 02 6299 4400 4BR I

Call Agent 12/7 Young St L.J. Hooker Queanbeyan 0438 174 400 2BR M

RED HILLSat 10:00-11:00 33 Beagle St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 4BR B

Sat 11:00-11:30 14 Alexander St PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 4BR C

Sat 11:15-11:45 34 Pelsart St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 3BR E

Sat 12:00-12:45 2 Tamar St Luton Properties 0428 139 969 4BR B

Sat 12:15-1:00 65 Golden Gr Luton Properties 0418 697 844 4BR A

Sat 1:15-2:00 261 La Perouse St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0402 943 191 5BR C

Sat 1:45-2:30 55 Endeavour St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 622 420 4BR A

Sat 3:15-4:00 220B La Perouse St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR C

Call Agent 20 Beagle St Bentham 0415 045 648 4BR C

Call Agent 16 Borrowdale St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR B

Call Agent 4 Bramble St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 5BR C

Call Agent 17 Charlotte St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 4BR A

Call Agent 20 Dalrymple St Luton Properties 0419 208 244 3BR A

Call Agent 24a Dalrymple St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0410 414 872 3BR A

Call Agent 4 Discovery St Bright Partners Manuka 0419 394 555 4BR B

Call Agent 1/22-28 Discovery St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 1BR K

Call Agent 27 Discovery St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR B

Call Agent 8 Endeavour St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 3BR A

Call Agent 14 Fishburn St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 4BR C

Call Agent 24 Golden Gr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 4BR C

Call Agent 78 Mugga Wy Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR B

Call Agent 17 Pelsart St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0434 104 556 4BR A

Call Agent 9 Roebuck St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 631 763 4BR C

Call Agent 18 Roebuck St Morrissey Property 0433 622 600 4BR B

Call Agent 5 Scarborough St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 631 763 4BR C

Call Agent 5 Sirius Pl Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 3BR D

Call Agent 2 Torres St Luton Properties 0418 620 735 4BR B

Call Agent 17 Torres St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 5BR C

REIDSat 11:00-11:30 42 Euree St Luton Properties 0418 697 844 5BR C

Sat 11:15-11:45 77/14 Boolee St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 1BR J

Sat 2:45-3:30 44/1 Allambee St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0414 623 876 2BR H

Sat 2:45-3:15 93/14 Boolee St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 1BR J

Call Agent 42/14 Boolee St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0407 715 244 2BR I

Call Agent 3 Booroondara St Bentham 0418 226 109 3BR D

Call Agent 1/9 Gooreen St Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 3BR E

RICHARDSONCall Agent 91 Chauncy Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 3BR I

Call Agent 10 Cottrell Pl L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0412 281 735 3BR I

Call Agent 8 Franc Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0438 924 400 4BR I

Call Agent 1/40 Fullerton Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0402 225 405 3BR I

Call Agent 16 Harford St The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 4BR I

RIVETTThu 5:00-5:45 65 Croton St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0424 597 724 3BR B

Sat 1:30-2:00 7 Drosera Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 3BR H

Sat 3:15-4:00 279 Hindmarsh Dr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0401 628 760 4BR A

Call Agent 8 Casuarina St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0401 005 282 3BR A

Call Agent 19 Casuarina St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0417 295 755 3BR I

Call Agent 8 Goodenia St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 3BR H

Call Agent 259 Hindmarsh Dr Luton Properties 0412 635 019 4BR H

Call Agent 25 Marlock St Laurrie Scheele 02 6295 8888 4BR I

Call Agent 25 Mirbelia Cr Laurrie Scheele 02 6295 8888 4BR H

Call Agent 31 Nelumbo St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0417 295 755 3BR A

Call Agent 128 Streeton Dr Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 3BR I

Call Agent 17 Wirilda St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 3BR I

Call Agent 25 Wirilda St Bertram Ellis Chapman 0417 295 755 4BR I

Call Agent 1 Yate Gdns Bertram Ellis Chapman 0417 295 755 3BR H

SCULLINCall Agent 10/2 Adair St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0406 305 430 2BR J

Call Agent 2/19 Barlow St Luton Properties 0418 625 162 3BR I

Call Agent 4/21 Hargrave St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 888 871 3BR I

Call Agent 36 Harrison St Ray White Canberra 0432 028 645 3BR I

Call Agent 3 Mcmaster St Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 3BR I

Call Agent 1/33 Mcmaster St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0414 910 798 2BR J

Call Agent 2/33 Mcmaster St Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0414 910 798 1BR L

SOUTH BRUCECall Agent 301/82 Thynne St Independent Belconnen 0418 480 099 1BR J

SPENCESat 9:45-10:30 8 Bowling Pl L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0400 485 204 3BR J

Sat 1:20-2:00 43 Baddeley Cr Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 3BR I

Call Agent 14 Bowling Pl Homefinders 0419 212 044 3BR J

Call Agent 12 Clark Cl Luton Properties 0401 097 568 4BR I

Call Agent 5 Crofts Cr Luton Properties 0438 258 379 5BR H

For photos, full descriptions and latestopen times visit

YOU CAN FOLLOW ON TWITTERCanberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Page 59: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011

CityNews  October 27-November 2  ��

CODE TO PROPERTY PRICESA. Auction G. $600,000 to $700,000 M. $200,000 to $250,000B. By Negotiation H. $500,000 to $600,000 N. $150,000 to $200,000C. Above $1 Million I. $400,000 to $500,000 O. Under $150,000D. $900,000 to $1 Million J. $350,000 to $400,000 P. Accepting OffersE. $800,000 to $900,000 K. $300,000 to $350,000 U. Under OfferF. $700,000 to $800,000 L. $250,000 to $300,000 New Listing

Price codes are a guide only

Call Agent 1 Garland Pl Raine & Horne Canberra 0410 601 312 4BR I

Call Agent 201 Owen Dixon Dr Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 4BR I

SPRINGBANK RISESat 10:45-11:30 11 Pender St Independent Dickson 0417 710 772 4BR H

Sat 12:15-1:15 28 Victoria Owen Cct First National Gungahlin 0417 687 379 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 Blk L Section Cd First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 Block C Sec Cd First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 Block G Section Bh First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 3BR I

Sat 3:00-4:30 Block Q Section Cd First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 Block R Section Cd First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 73 Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 87b Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 2BR J

Sat 3:00-4:30 91 Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR H

Sat 3:00-4:30 99 Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR I

Sat 3:00-4:30 103 Plimsoll Dr First National Gungahlin 0408 413 405 4BR G

Sat 3:00-4:30 33 Ronald Walker St First National Gungahlin 0433 557 337 3BR I

Sun 12:00-12:45 6 Bott Cr Luton Properties 0410 542 667 4BR H

Call Agent 33 Liz O'Neill St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR H

Call Agent 43 Liz O'Neill St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0417 219 592 4BR H

Call Agent 15 Macandie St Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 4BR H

Call Agent 21 Macandie St Independent Woden 0413 909 158 4BR H

Call Agent 25 Renouf St Ray White Canberra 0411 037 137 4BR H

Call Agent 28 Renouf St Maloney's The Estate Agent 0406 305 430 4BR H

Call Agent 10 Selleck St Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 446 793 5BR H

Call Agent 10 Swinney St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent 12 Swinney St Independent Gungahlin 0405 660 842 3BR I

Call Agent 14 Swinney St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent 15 Swinney St Independent Dickson 0407 466 199 4BR H

Call Agent 16 Swinney St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 4BR I

Call Agent 18 Swinney St First National Gungahlin 0414 249 449 3BR I

Call Agent 50 Victoria Owen Cct Peter Blackshaw Gungahlin 0408 219 148 3BR I

STIRLINGSat 11:30-12:15 3 Griver Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0404 066 119 4BR G

Sat 12:30-1:15 33 Crowder Cct Luton Properties 0402 337 287 4BR G

Call Agent 1/85 Mckail Cr Luton Properties 0412 334 725 3BR J

Call Agent 2/85 Mckail Cr Luton Properties 0412 334 725 2BR I

Call Agent 70 Namatjira Dr Bertram Ellis Chapman 0412 622 006 5BR H

Call Agent 3 Serra Pl Dalton & Peace 0403 953 056 4BR G

STROMLO/URIARRACall Agent 7 Len Ryan St Luton Properties 0412 635 019 5BR F

SWINGER HILLSat 1:00-2:30 8/21 Jessup Pl Independent Belconnen 0431 066 295 2BR J

Call Agent 14 Barnet Cl Luton Properties 0413 486 386 3BR I

Call Agent 38 English Ct Bentham 0418 226 109 3BR H

THEODORECall Agent 25A Brigden Cr Luton Properties 0429 123 423 4BR G

Call Agent 15/26 Burdett Cr Ray White Canberra 0414 665 626 3BR J

Call Agent 30 Cochrane Cr L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 4BR H

Call Agent 6 Eltham Pl Colin McIntyre Property 0458 726 579 4BR H

Call Agent 33/41 Ern Florence Cr Raine & Horne Canberra 0407 704 952 3BR J

Call Agent 13 Mackerras Cr Independent Tuggeranong 0418 633 208 4BR G

TORRENSWed 12:00-1:00 30 Jefferis St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0408 487 209 4BR H

Call Agent 24 Parkin St Luton Properties 0412 635 019 3BR H

Call Agent 18 Stevenson St Luton Properties 0427 214 337 6BR B

TURNERSat 11:00-12:00 10 Ridley St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 628 641 4BR A

Sat 2:00-2:45 15/38 Watson St Blandfordia Real Estate 0413 999 646 2BR H

Call Agent 19/19 Condamine St ParkTrent Properties Group 0410 634 225 2BR I

Call Agent 65/12 David St PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 2BR H

Call Agent 11 Forbes St Independent Civic 02 6209 1700 1BR J

Call Agent 9/33 Forbes St L.J. Hooker Dickson 0416 162 745 2BR I

Call Agent 3/52A Forbes St Luton Properties 0405 135 009 2BR I

Call Agent 26B/54 Forbes St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR J

Call Agent 18/6 Macleay St Blue Property Marketing 0412 023 497 2BR G

Call Agent 7/14 Macleay St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0410 414 872 2BR A

Call Agent 7/68 Macleay St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0421 593 602 1BR I

Call Agent 19/72 Macleay St Homefinders 0419 212 044 2BR H

Call Agent 9/50 Moore St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR I

Call Agent 10/54 Moore St Independent Belconnen 0406 226 428 1BR I

Call Agent 23/54 Moore St Badenoch Real Estate 0412 898 690 2BR I

Call Agent 101/77 Northbourne Av Blue Property Marketing 0412 023 497 1BR I

Call Agent 104/77 Northbourne Av Cameron Real Estate 0418 620 686 3BR G

Call Agent 604/155 Northbourne Av Luton Properties 0419 688 034 2BR G

Call Agent 209/165 Northbourne Av L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0409 574 178 2BR F

Call Agent 4/219A Northbourne Av Gold Creek Quality Property 02 6242 9777 2BR H

Call Agent 16/219A Northbourne Av Independent Gungahlin 0418 260 663 2BR H

Call Agent 27/219A Northbourne Av Sadil Quinlan 0413 836 698 1BR I

Call Agent 3 Towns Cr Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR I

Call Agent 4/12 Towns Cr L.J. Hooker Manuka 0408 662 119 2BR I

Call Agent 18/12 Towns Cr Maloney's The Estate Agent 0400 667 915 1BR I

Call Agent 24-28 Watson St Independent Civic 0412 815 463 I

WANNIASSASat 1:45-2:30 61 Guthridge Cr Peter Blackshaw Woden 0411 414 624 4BR G

Sun 4:00-4:45 2 Hervey Pl Luton Properties 0428 139 969 3BR I

Call Agent 34 Balfour Cr Paul and Robyn SuttonProperties 0407 099 175 5BR H

Call Agent 24 Bromley St Independent Tuggeranong 0401 664 513 3BR B

Call Agent 19 Byrne St Luton Properties 0413 486 386 3BR I

Call Agent 9/47 Comrie St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0431 419 847 1BR B

Call Agent 10 Hervey Pl Ray White Canberra 0422 454 383 4BR I

Call Agent 34 Lansell Cct Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0421 544 540 3BR H

Call Agent 70 Lansell Cct Hodgkinson Tuggeranong 0413 453 489 3BR I

Call Agent 172 Longmore Cr Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0412 726 025 5BR F

Call Agent 10 Maltby Cct Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent 47 Mcbryde Cr Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR H

Call Agent Mcwhae Cct Independent Woden 0413 909 158 4BR H

Call Agent 1-16 Mcwhae Cct L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0411 049 242 I

Call Agent 42-44 Mcwhae Cct McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0418 624 913 B

Call Agent 65 Mcwhae Cct Colin McIntyre Property 0417 263 678 4BR I

Call Agent 7 Melville Pl Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0403 139 701 3BR B

Call Agent 8 Watkins St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0412 667 257 3BR I

WARAMANGASat 10:00-10:30 1/37 Larakia St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 2BR I

Sat 2:00-3:00 93 Nemarang Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0432 423 699 2BR I

Sat 2:00-3:00 5/93 Nemarang Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0432 423 699 2BR I

Sat 2:00-3:00 7/93 Nemarang Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0432 423 699 2BR I

Sat 2:00-3:00 16/93 Nemarang Cr Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0432 423 699 1BR I

Call Agent 23 Alawa St Luton Properties 0427 214 337 4BR H

Call Agent 7-9 Damala St L.J. Hooker Tuggeranong 0417 285 528 4BR F

WATSONThu 5:15-6:00 16 Windeyer St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 888 871 4BR A

Sat 9:45-10:20 45 Simpson St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0400 888 871 2BR H

Sat 10:00-10:45 18/25 Aspinall St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 2BR J

Sat 10:00-10:45 55 Blair St Luton Properties 0429 487 939 4BR H

Sat 11:00-11:30 11C/6 Irvine St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 1BR L

Sat 11:30-12:00 112 Irvine St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR H

Sat 11:45-12:15 101 Phillip Av Luton Properties 0419 688 034 3BR H

Sat 12:15-12:45 7 Adams Pl Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR G

Sat 1:00-1:45 17 Kerferd St Blandfordia Real Estate 0413 999 646 3BR G

Sat 1:15-2:30 19 Phillip Av Peter Blackshaw Belconnen 0408 515 545 3BR H

Sat 2:30-3:30 90/395 Antill St Luton Properties 0404 011 163 3BR H

Sat 2:45-3:15 18 Holroyd St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent 1 Antill St The Village Building Co. 0404 891 155 1BR K

Call Agent 17/75 Antill St Australis Realty 0400 040 063 1BR K

Call Agent 156/395 Antill St Independent Tuggeranong 0430 272 999 3BR I

Call Agent 164/395 Antill St Independent Belconnen 0419 000 079 2BR I

Call Agent 169/395 Antill St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0401 005 282 2BR I

Call Agent 170/395 Antill St Independent Belconnen 0419 000 079 2BR I

Call Agent 179/395 Antill St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 2BR I

Call Agent 5/21 Aspinall St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0419 624 766 3BR I

Call Agent 6/395 Aspinall St Independent Dickson 0419 692 054 3BR H

Call Agent 5 Cooper Pl L.J. Hooker Dickson 0422 927 671 4BR G

Call Agent 13 Dickinson St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 4BR G

Call Agent 40 Higinbotham St Capital First National 0408 408 603 3BR G

Call Agent 4/8 Irvine St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0432 391 755 2BR L

Call Agent 1/79 Irvine St L.J. Hooker Kaleen 0416 087 834 3BR A

Call Agent 125 Knox St Independent Dickson 0417 710 772 3BR H

Call Agent 44 Piddington St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0414 819 377 3BR H

Call Agent 83 Piddington St Luton Properties 0419 688 034 4BR G

Call Agent 'The Fair' Antill St L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0430 311 628 3BR I

Call Agent 12 Windeyer St Wright Dunn Real Estate 0439 780 301 3BR B

WEETANGERASat 1:00-1:45 20 Mayo St Elders Belconnen 0428 486 692 4BR A

Sat 1:30-2:30 47 Mathieson Cr Elders Belconnen 0411 096 269 4BR B

Call Agent 1/49 Bambridge St Integrity Auctions 0419 206 264 2BR I

Call Agent 1-3/14 Gibbes Pl L.J. Hooker Canberra City 0400 819 650 3BR H

Call Agent 25 Mayo St L.J. Hooker Belconnen 0414 730 849 4BR A

WESTONSat 10:00-10:30 52 Heysen St Luton Properties 0411 878 587 4BR A

Sat 11:45-12:30 8 Folingsby St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0401 628 760 4BR A

Sat 1:00-1:45 1 Gritten St Peter Blackshaw Woden 0401 628 760 3BR H

Sat 2:00-2:45 2 Auld Pl Peter Blackshaw Woden 0401 628 760 3BR H

Call Agent 6 Heysen St Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong 0402 017 912 4BR B

Call Agent 28 Rivers St Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0412 667 257 H

Call Agent 12/7 Watling Pl Elders Dickson 0425 149 142 3BR I

Call Agent 10/8 Watling Pl Luton Properties 0412 334 725 3BR I

WRIGHTCall Agent Block 10 Section 9 Edge Real Estate 0419 888 026 4BR C

Call Agent Block 10, Section 6 Ray White Canberra 0419 715 736 5BR E

Call Agent Block 16 Section 8 McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR G

Call Agent Block 17 Section 8 McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR F

Call Agent Block 18 Section 8 McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR F

Call Agent Block 4 Section 6 McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0413 503 312 4BR F

Call Agent Block 8, Section 24 Ray White Canberra 0405 056 844 3BR H

YARRALUMLAThu 12:15-1:00 10/4 Hooker St Paul and Robyn Sutton

Properties 0407 099 175 4BR D

Sat 11:00-11:30 15 Francis St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 198 891 3BR D

Sat 11:00-11:45 52 Musgrave St Luton Properties 0417 238 945 4BR C

Sat 12:00-12:45 13 Black St Luton Properties 0417 238 945 4BR C

Sat 1:15-2:00 11 Newman St Luton Properties 0418 697 844 3BR C

Sat 1:30-3:30 43 Hampton Cct Peter Blackshaw Inner North 0409 007 313 H

Sat 2:20-3:00 48 Banks St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 997 894 4BR A

Sat 3:00-3:45 40 Musgrave St Luton Properties 0418 620 735 4BR A

Call Agent 7 Arkana St Berkely Residential 0402 595 016 4BR A

Call Agent 84 Banks St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0412 411 422 3BR A

Call Agent 24/28 Black St L.J. Hooker Manuka 0418 626 254 3BR D

Call Agent 9A Cambage St Bentham 0418 226 109 3BR E

Call Agent 11 Cambage St Philip Kouvelis Real Estate 0412 628 606 4BR C

Call Agent 1/4 Gunn St Luton Properties 0412 334 725 3BR F

Call Agent 8 Gunn St Ray White Canberra 0418 266 698 3BR A

Call Agent 7 Hampton Cct Karen Rush Real Estate 0418 285 737 2BR B

Call Agent 17 Hampton Cct Luton Properties 0405 135 009 4BR A

Call Agent 41 Hampton Cct Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 1BR I

Call Agent 2/49 Hampton Cct Independent Gungahlin 0408 626 096 3BR F

Call Agent 60 Hampton Cct Elders Belconnen 0413 994 505 3BR F

Call Agent 59 Hopetoun Cct Peter Blackshaw Woden 0412 697 155 4BR B

Call Agent 110 Hopetoun Cct Maria Selleck Properties 0417 258 803 3BR B

Call Agent 37 Hutchins St The Real Estate Shop 6231 3100 1BR F

Call Agent 23/3 Lane Poole Pl PRDnationwide Canberra 0400 281 395 2BR H

Call Agent 53 Macdonnell St Peter Blackshaw Manuka 0418 198 891 4BR C

Call Agent 49 Macgillivray St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 4BR C

Call Agent 38B Musgrave St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0407 777 601 4BR A

Call Agent 76 Novar St Berkely Residential 0418 626 593 3BR A

Call Agent 5 Turner Pl L.J. Hooker Manuka 0400 545 343 3BR E

Call Agent 18 Weld St Luton Properties 0417 238 945 4BR B

YERRABISat 1:00-1:30 13 John Winter St McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0423 900 640 4BR A

Call Agent 27 Strayleaf Cr McGrath Belconnen/Gungahlin 0414 701 465 4BR F

Canberra Region Property Summary

100% OF CANBERRA HOME BUYERS SEARCHEDCanberra Region Property Summary is a guide only. Prices are indicative. Please use and view the property listing for a full description and confirmation of price and times.

Before you list, insist on +

Page 60: Canberra CityNews October 27- November 2, 2011