Canada Review Game. Why do most people live in the southern providences of Canada? 1.Close to U.S,...

Canada Canada Review Review Game Game

Transcript of Canada Review Game. Why do most people live in the southern providences of Canada? 1.Close to U.S,...

Canada Canada Review Review GameGame

Why do most people live in the southern providences of Canada?

1. Close to U.S, water, and cold climate

2. Close to water, warm climate, Pacific ocean

3. close to water, U.S. warm climate

4. Close to U.S., Atlantic, borders

3. close to water, U.S. warm climate

How do the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River help Canada’s


1. Keeps the wind patterns and mild climate flowing

2. Good for minerals like diamonds3. Provides recreational activities like water

skiing and swimming4. Transporting and shipping goods for


4. Transporting and shipping goods for trade

How come fishing doesn’t help improve today’s economy of


1. Not enough fish to catch

2. Fish aren’t worth a lot of money

3. Too many fisherman keep fish for their own families

1. Not enough fish to catch

List the four environmental policies/concerns today in

Canada1. pollution, overfishing, timber, mining

2. Overfishing, acid rain, timber, canadian shield

3. Acid rain, timber, mining, pollution in great lakes

4. Great lakes pollution, acid rain, canadian shield

3. Acid rain, timber, mining, pollution in great lakes

What type of gov’t system does Canada follow?

1. dictatorship

2. Constitutional monarchy

3. Republic

4. oligarchic

2. Constitutional monarchy

cutting down trees and forestsCauses flash flooding and loss

of wildlife habitats is…

1. Desertification

2. Overtimber

3. Overfishing

4. deforestation

• 4. deforestation

What type of productive resources is a college

1. Human

2. Capital

3. Natural

4. productive

1. human

How does mining impact Canada’s economy for the better or worse?

1. For the worse because it destoys the land

2. For the worse because minerals are not valuable

3. For the better b/c of increased econ. Growth and new industry

4. For the better b/c minerals come back quickly and can sell for a lot of money

• 3. For the better b/c of increased econ. Growth and new industry

Which 3 countries are a part of NAFTA?

1. Mexico, Canada, U.S

2. Canada, U.S. Cuba

3. Canada, U.S. S. America

4. Canada, Mexico, Europe

1. Mexico, Canada, U.S

When the British Parliament passed the Canada Act of 1982 what did it mean for Canada?

1. Quebec gained independence

2. Canada’s government rewrote constitution/ freeing Canada

3. Britain changed Canadian resources

4. Canada’s monarchy got a new king and queen

2. Canada’s government rewrote constitution/ freeing Canada

What are the 2 official languages in Canada?

1. English and British

2. English and Spanish

3. English and French

4. English and Mexica

• 3 English and French

What is the name of the native people who are known for their

hunting skills and live in N. Canada?

1. Arabs

2. First Natives

3. Quebecois

4. Inuits

• 4. Inuits

True or False, The British unified Canada to improve the economy

1. True

2. False

• 1. True

Which city in Ontario is the English speaking capital of Canada?

• 1. Toronto

• 2. Montreal

• 3. Ottawa

• 4. Ontario

• 3. Ottawa

The Americans who supported the British moved to Canada during the

American Revolution

1. False

2. True

• 2. True

Why does Quebec want to have their own country and not belong to

Canada? 1. They don’t agree with Canadian

economic standards2. They have a different currency3. They have a different perspective on

constitutional monarchy4. They have a different culture and

language from the rest of Canada

• 4. They have a different culture and language from the rest of Canada

Canadian’s Pacific coast is known best for which 2 resources?

1. Timber and chemicals

2. Timber and fish

3. Fish and minerals

4. Minerals and chemicals

• 2. Timber and fish

Which native groups of natives use traditional methods (hunting, art) and live in the Northern region of

Canada and enjoy making life comfortable

1. Métis

2. Inuits

3. Quebecois

4. Eskimos

• 2. Inuits

Which 2 of the great lakes is missing from the list

• Huron, Michigan, Erie,


1. Superior

2. Ontario

3. Ottawa

4. Victoria

1. Superior

2. Ontario

Which type of physical features covers a third/ the majority of the

land in Canada?

1. Canadian shield

2. Great lakes

3. Forests

4. Plains

• 3. Forests

What are the 2 major rivers in Canada?

1. Mackenzie and Nile

2. Mackenzie and St. Lawrence

3. St. Lawrence and Michigan

4. Michigan and Nile

• 2. Mackenzie and St. Lawrence

Which is the highest mountain peak in Canada?

1. Rocky Mt.

2. Mt. Himalaya

3. Mt. Logan

4. Mt Everest

3. Mt. Logan

True/ False acid rain creates a mild climate along the NW coast of


1. True

2. False

2. FALSE, Ocean winds create mild climate

Which physical feature is a sheet of rock and is where the wealth of

Canadian’s minerals are found

1. Canadian shield

2. Great lakes

3. Forests

4. Plains

1. Canadian shield

Which body of water touches Nanavut, Ontario, NW Territory,

Quebec and Manitoba

1. Hudson Bay

2. Great Lakes

3. Pacific Ocean

4. Atlantic Ocean

1. Hudson Bay

What area of Canada and the U.S are the Rockies located? (west,

south, north, east) 1. South US and Canada

2. Northern Canada and Southern U.S

3. Western U.S. and Canada

4. Eastern U.S. and Canada

3. Western U.S. and Canada

which major body of water the St. Lawrence river helps connect the

Great lakes

1. Hudson Bay

2. Great Lakes

3. Pacific Ocean

4. Atlantic Ocean

4. Atlantic Ocean

HALF of Canada is covered with ancient rock containing minerals.

What is this rock called?

1. Sedimentary

2. Canadian Shield

3. Metamorphic

4. Igneous

2. Canadian Shield

60 % of Canadians are British, Which European heritage do 25%

of Canadians have?

1. British

2. Quebecios

3. Asian

4. French

• 4. French

Which country South of Canada has a big impact of Canadian


• 1. Mexico

• 2. N. America

• 3. S. America

• 4. USA

4. USA

Group of separatists fighting for Quebec independence

• 1. First nations

• 2 Québécois

• 3. Métis

• 4. Inuits

• 2 Québécois

List the 3 providences that are in the “Bread Basket

1. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

2. Alberta, British Colombia, Quebec

3. Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia

4. Nunavut, Manitoba, Ontario

1. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

Timber is a resource provided by which Canadian physical feature

1. Canadian shield

2. Great lakes

3. Forests

4. Acid Rain

• 3. forests

speaking 2 languages is…

1. Bilingual

2. Multicultural

3. Diversity

1. bilingual

Define deforestion

1. Taking down homes to help rebuild the timber supply

2. type of logging in which all trees in an area are cut down

3. Type of job where all lumber is made into paper

2. type of logging in which all trees in an area are cut down

Define interdependent:

1. Depending on your own country for resources

2. Depending on industries for resources

3. dependent on each other / helping other countries

4. Depending on yourself for economics

3. dependent on each other / helping other countries

What year was the Canadian Constitution rewritten?

1. 1992

2. 1990

3. 1980

4. 1982

4. 1982

What was the 7 year war also called

1. French and Native war

2. Native and American War

3. French and Indian War

4. Indian and American War

3. French and Indian War

Which country won the 7 year war?

1. British

2. U.S

3. Mexico

4. Canada

• 1. British

True or false The British/N. America act made Canada a dominion of Great Britain?

• 1. True

• 2. False

• 1. True

• True or False ~

• France STILL controls Quebec today?

• 1. True

• 2. False

• 2. False

Which providence did British supporters move to during

American Revolution?

• 1. British Columbia

• 2. New Brunswick

• 3. Nova Scotia

• 4. P.E.I

• 2. New Brunswick

How did most Asians migrate to Canada?

• 1. Rhine River

• 2. St. Lawrence River

• 3. Atlantic Ocean

• 4. Bering Strait land bridge

• 4. Bering Strait land bridge

Which city is known as the “gateway to the pacific?”

• 1. Toronto

• 2. Ottawa

• 3. Vancouver

• 4. Montreal

• What is the national sport of Canada?

• 1. hockey

• 2. basketball

• 3. cheerleading

• 4. football

• 1. hockey

• Oligarchy is…

• 1. all citizens have equal right

• 2. no one has rights

• 3. rich citizens have more rights

• 3. rich citizens have more rights

• Federal system is:

• 1. all power is held in one central govt

• 2. power is held in the states and less in central govt

• 3. govt led by a king or queen

• 4. power is split between central govt and state/local govt

• 4. power is split between central govt and state/local govt

Unitary means:

• 1. all power is held in one central govt

• 2. power is held in the states and less in central govt

• 3. govt led by a king or queen

• 4. power is split between central govt and state/local govt

• 1. all power is held in one central govt

Confederation means:

• 1. all power is held in one central govt

• 2. power is held in the states and less in central govt

• 3. govt led by a king or queen

• 4. power is split between central govt and state/local govt

• 2. power is held in the states and less in central govt

North America is made of which countries?

• 1. USA, Mexico, South America

• 2. Canada, US, Mexico

• 3. Mexico, US, Panama

• 4. USA, Canada, United Kingdom

• 2. Canada, US, Mexico

Tariff means:

• 1. limit on certain amount of goods brought in a country at a given period of time?

• 2. tax on goods imported

• 3. trade barrier due to differences in political opinions

• 4. trade barrier because there is a lack of resources

• 2. tax on goods imported


• 1. limit on certain amount of goods brought in a country at a given period of time?

• 2. tax on goods imported

• 3. trade barrier due to differences in political opinions

• 4. trade barrier because there is a lack of resources

Quota is:

• 1. limit on certain amount of goods brought in a country at a given period of time

• 2. tax on goods imported

• 3. trade barrier due to differences in political opinions

• 4. trade barrier because there is a lack of resources

• 1. limit on certain amount of goods brought in a country at a given period of time

Embargo is:

• 1. limit on certain amount of goods brought in a country at a given period of time?

• 2. tax on goods imported

• 3. trade barrier due to differences in political opinions

• 4. trade barrier because there is a lack of resources

• 3. trade barrier due to differences in political opinions

• 4. trade barrier because there is a lack of resources