Campaign Planning Process 29 March 2006 Step 7 – Prepare Operations Plan (OPLAN) / Operations...

Campaign Planning Process Campaign Planning Process 29 March 2006 Step 7 – Prepare Operations Plan Step 7 – Prepare Operations Plan (OPLAN) / (OPLAN) / Operations Order (OPORD) & Assess Operations Order (OPORD) & Assess UNCLASSIFIED

Transcript of Campaign Planning Process 29 March 2006 Step 7 – Prepare Operations Plan (OPLAN) / Operations...

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Campaign Planning ProcessCampaign Planning Process

29 March 2006

Step 7 – Prepare Operations Plan Step 7 – Prepare Operations Plan (OPLAN) /(OPLAN) /

Operations Order (OPORD) & AssessOperations Order (OPORD) & Assess


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Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

This module will cover Step 7 of the Campaign Planning Process.

• Aim of Step:– Synthesize the planning information produced to

date & prepare an OPLAN to be submitted for approval.

– Once approved by the Lead Nation National Authorities, an OPORD is developed & issued to the components for the first period of multinational activity for the crisis response situation.

• Starting Conditions:– Lead Nation National Authorities, thru the

Supported Strategic Commander, have provided their guidance based upon the CCTF Commander’s Estimate.

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Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

•Basic Process:–OPLAN 1 is submitted through the Supported Strategic Commander to the Lead Nation National Authorities.

–OPORD 1 is drafted for issuance to CTF Components.

–Execution of the OPORD is assessed & additional SEs are prioritized for follow-on operations (as contained in subsequent OPLANs & OPORDs).

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Learning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

•Ending Conditions: –An integrated OPLAN & OPORD cycle within the CTF HQ & command is established.

–Planning responsibilities are clearly identified & adhered to.

•End Product of the Step:–OPLAN 1–OPORD 1–Any Contingency Plans required for possible branches & sequels.

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Preliminary NotesPreliminary Notes

• OPLANs:– Outline DPs (conditions) & prioritized SEs.– Within a Concept of Operations (CONOPS).– With supporting component missions & objectives.

• OPORDs:– Derived from OPLANS with specific tasks.– With supporting component mission and objectives.– “ready to execute plan”.

• Contingency Plans:– OPORD (task-oriented) format for rapid execution (e.g.,

branches & sequels) for the current Campaign Schematic (Lines of Operations & DPs).

– Written in OPLAN format (conditions) for contingencies not requiring rapid execution (“be prepared to” missions).

• Fragmentary Orders (FRAGOs):– FRAGOs refine & adjust current operations to address

evolving situations after an OPORD has been issued.– FRAGOs are time sensitive & normally limited in scope.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORDStep 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORDPreliminary ActionPreliminary Action

•CTF planning responsibilities of the key planning organizations are reinforced & executed within an organized & managed planning process. The key organizations are:– C5 PLANS: Plans (conditions oriented)– C3 FOPS: Future Operations (task oriented)

– C3 COPS: Current Operations (situational awareness oriented – e.g., “battle tracking”)

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Annex F1 – CTF Planning Process (Foundation #1 - Organization)

A. Purpose: Summarize foundation #1(Organization) of the CTF planning process.



96 – 168 Hrs

“What‘s the Situation&

What RefinementsAre


Near Term


168 Hrs and


“What’s Next”OPLAN

Mid – TermTo

Long Range


“Hand-Off”of Plan

CTF: 0-24 Hrs

CTF: 24-96 Hrs

C3 Future Operations(FOPS)


0 – 96 hrs

“Issue & Monitor

What Adjustmnts





of Plan

“Provides for an integrated & managed process of the movementof plans from the planning stage, to the refinement stage, & thento the execution stage”

Plans Future Ops Current Ops(PLANS) (FOPS) (COPS)

C5 C3 C3

Note: The planning horizon times are only an example; can be varied based upon

the situation & size of the operations. Larger contingencies require larger time frames.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Main ActionsMain Actions

• The CTF C5 PLANS prepares the OPLAN 1 for review & approval by the CCTF.

– Potential branches & sequels are identified that may require contingency plans.

– The CPG ensures relevant components are appropriately resourced to execute the suggested activity & coordination measures are identified.

• CTF C3 staff has the lead regarding production of the OPORD in coordination with the CTF Component Commanders who have identified the “tasks”.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Main ActionsMain Actions

• Should time permit, or complexity demand, the product can be validated though a ‘rock drill’.

– The ‘rock-drill’ assists in identifying risks, necessary decision points, & confirms understanding of respective responsibilities.

– This rock drill, supported by the Red Team, addresses probable tactical activity for final refinement of OPORD details.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Main ActionsMain Actions

• The completed OPLAN is submitted to the respective Lead Nation Supported Strategic Commander & National Authorities for approval.

– Some work may be required before approval is granted & staffs must be ready to answer any concerns / issues national governments may have.

– Ongoing parallel planning efforts with the strategic levels will prevent the majority of issues that might arise between the operational & strategic levels.

– Additionally, integration of the NCE into the CTF planning process will underscored the ownership of the OPLAN by the participating nations within the CTF effort.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Main ActionsMain Actions

• C5 PLANS conducts a hand-off brief to the C3 FOPS

• C3 FOPS prepares the OPORD 1 for approval by the CCTF & issuance to the CTF Components.

– OPORD 1 is developed in coordination with the CTF Components

• Subsequent instruction, if necessary, is issued as a FRAGO, provided the components’ mission statements have not changed.

– If there is a mission change, this would require a new OPORD.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Main ActionsMain Actions

Follow-On Action after OPORD 1: • Coalition / Combined Effects

Management Team (CEM Team) assesses the execution of the OPORD & prioritizes additional SEs follow on operations (& OPLANS / OPORDs).

– This initiates the process by which the Campaign Plan moves further toward the Operational End State.

– The process of identifying the next set of tactical tasks begins again for the NEW prioritized SEs.

• The process repeats itself as OPLAN 2 moves into OPORD 2.

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Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Step 7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD Main ActionsMain Actions

• The CPG must have close coordination with Components & other key CTF elements:

– Multinational Coordination Center (MNCC).– Civil Military Operations Center (CMOC).– Coalition / Combined Logistics Coordination

Center (CLCC).– CTF Multinational Media Pools .– Special Access Planning cells (Deception,

Special Ops, etc.) to build an integrated & coordinated multinational plan.

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Campaign PlanningCampaign PlanningProcess ProductsProcess Products

• Planning Document 1 - Warning Order 1

• Planning Document 2 - Situation Review Summary (Operational Intelligence Preparation of the Environment-OIPE)

• Planning Document 3 - Mission Analysis Template

• Planning Document 4 - Warning Order 2

• Planning Document 5 - Campaign Plan

• Planning Document 6 - Warning Order 3

• Planning Document 7 – Commander’s Estimate

• Planning Document 8 - OPLAN

• Planning Document 9 - OPORD

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CTF ComponentsCTF Staff Command Group






1 t

o 3



4 &



6 &

71 – Commander’s Scoping

2 – Situation Review

3A – Mission Analysis

3B – S-COG Analysis

3C – Factor Analysis

5 – Linking Planning to Execution

6 – Commander’s Estimate

7 – Prepare OPLAN / OPORD

4A – Develop the Campaign Framework

4D – Produce Campaign Plan Directive (C5) & FID (Staff)

4C – Decisive Point (DP) Evaluation

CTF Component


4E – Determine Prioritized Supporting Effects (SEs)

4B – Decisive Point (DP) Analysis & Supporting Effect (SE) Development



Msn Analysis


Campaign Plan


CDR’s Estimate


Strategic Military Direction (HHQ Warning Order to JTF / CTF)

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•The Campaign Plan outlines the overall WHAT for the CTF command (in coordination with major actors / stakeholders).

•OPLANS & OPORDS provide the HOW.•Together they provide an integrated & coordinated approach for effective mission success for multinational crisis response operations.

OPLANS & OPORDS must have ownership by all participating nations in the CTF effort.

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And one last point overall ……..

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MPAT “Words to Live By”

•Be patient - don’t try to solve the problem from the initial stages of the crisis.

•Trust & know the planning process.•Start out with the big picture & understand the foundations of the crisis before attempting to solve the problem.

•What do I know? Who else needs to know?•Find out WHAT needs to be done before concentrating on HOW to do it.

“Sometimes, in order to go fast,it is better to go slow at first.”

- BGen Tan Huck GimSingapore Armed Forces

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