Camp Luther Beacon - A Love that Never Ends! · Camp...

Camp Luther Beacon Celebrating 65 years! Director's Message: You know, normally we look forward to Fridays. We look forward to them because we know that we’re almost at the end of the school/work week and we'll be able to relax a little on the weekend. And I’ll admit that I enjoy Fridays as much or more than anyone…except for the Friday after Father’s Day. It always means that another Camp Luther is almost finished. But as the saying goes, “Don’t be sad because it’s over, be happy because it happened.” We’ve played sports, gone to class, sung songs, made friends and, in a nutshell, had a great time. I hope you all have a great rest of the year, and we look forward to seeing you all next year. And don’t forget to check out the website when you get home lots of pictures out there and more being loaded every day! Did you know; The road above Oriole cabin was wiped out by a flood during mid1980s. The only way to get to upper camp was by way of the Whip poorwill road. Just wonderin’; Actually, today I’m letting my mind rest…because tomorrow we start planning in earnest for Camp Luther 2011! Mizpah, Mike Propst Keeping the Earth "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called Children of God." (1 John 3:1) Friday, June 25, 2010 Key Bible Verse of the Day Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." (Luke 19:39-40) The Junior campers have been spreading lots of joy this week. Have you heard the Bazooka cheer? My mother gave me a penny She told me to call it Jenny I did not call it Jenny Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum What’s that you say? Bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum Woot, woot My mother gave me a nickel She told me to buy a pickle I did not buy a pickle Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum What’s that you say? Bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum Woot, woot My mother gave me a dime She told me to buy a lime I did not buy a lime Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum What’s that you say? Bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum Woot, woot My mother gave me a quarter She told me to place an order I did not place an order Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum What’s that you say? Bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum Woot, woot My mother gave me a dollar She told me to buy a collar I did not buy a collar Instead I bought some bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum What’s that you say? Bubblegum Bazooka, zooka bubblegum Woot, woot My mother gave me a five She told me to stay alive I did not stay alive Instead I choked on bubblegum Bazooka, ‘zooka bubblegum What’s that you say? Bubblegum Bazooka, ‘zooka bubblegum Cough, cough Inspection Winners Junior Camp - Jared, Dom & Andrew Intermediate Camp - Jamie & Dawn (tied) / Patrick I can't believe it's Friday already... it seems like the week has just flown by. I hope everyone has had a good time at Camp Luther. It sure looked like everyone was enjoying themselves. NG says "thank you" to the Intermediate staff for all their help with the directories. She was soooo happy to see them this morning! Why is NG singing in her cabin and the office??? I think it's because the directories are done! GS says, "Hey, newspaper kids, I couldn't have done it without you! Thanks!" Who's been walking around camp today pretending to be Bishop Dunkin? And speaking of the the Bishop... why did LH not save a dance for him as promised? Upper Whippoorwill is really starting to smell FUNKY!!! Frebreeze Please! Those Juniors really have fun at Kangaroo Court. Why did Uncle Mark say it was ok to TP the Junior Girls Cabins - will it happen tonight? Are Petey Alfred Corbin III & Steven David Michael related to the Music Director DA? Who is the legendary Pastor that plays 4 Square? JL loves to say GRRRRR like a lion!!! Why is KC always last to the dance? I guess they save the best for last. ES, JY, and JT love the nature teacher and her crick stomps. The junior girls say they love the t-shirts this year! Way to go KC & RC!!! JC is constantly is constantly in the bathroom! Did RB & MT follow DA “everywhere”!!! DJ now has a “TUBBY”. Were there 3 Nuns at Camp this year, and did they get their test results back?!? What intermediates went wading in the river yesterday and thought they wouldn’t get wet? There sure are a lot of clothing items, towels & bathing suits laying around the porches of Upper Mountain Rest. Sure hope the girls don’t forget all their belongings when they leave tomorrow. DB’s Olympic team winners sure did look sharp with their senior escorts to the dance last night! My little feet are sore after all that dancing… Did anyone else see the mountain lion in upper Burton during vespers last night? KS-hope your fun times at the dance really picked up after dark! MB- I saw you dancing with your 1st boy ever!!! NG- prayers really work! Slim Pickens dining Hall, RB!? EA & MK were dancing together a lot last night! Intermediate boys were breaking it down to some Michael Jackson to warm up for the dance last night- nice moves boys! All the intermediate girls have a crush on counselor PC. Pastor CR, even ministers need postage on their postcards. We took care of it, but you owe the office $$$. Is it really all about the blow pop? The office ladies think so! I sure hope the Seniors leave their Slip n' Slide for me to use after camp. It looks like soooo much fun! Thanks, KS, for the helping type the Bazooka cheer! Well, that's about it for this year. I hope everyone has a safe trip home. See you next summer! Greetings from the Camp Luther Mouse! Meet more staff! Sean Smith lives in Moundsville, WV where he is the pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church and Good Shephard Lutheran Church. He moved from Charlotte, NC with his wife, Janis, and their daughters , Erin and Sarah. Sean and his girls are all here at camp for the first time. This week Sean has been working as a teacher for the Juniors. Sean says that at Camp there’s a lot of snoring going on at night! (We saw pictures of the culprits at morning worship, remember?) We're glad you could all come to camp this week! Linda Honeycutt has been part of this year’s ‘Functional ‘ staff. Her job has been to do whatever job may be needed: help another staff member, help a camper, fill in and help someone at the last minute, or do ‘whatever’. That is easy for Linda as she was an Intermediate counselor for 17 years and knows the camp program. She also taught for one year (in 2000). Linda attended camp as a junior camper in 1954 when Camp Luther was two weeks long each year! Linda’s daughter, Ginny Snell, (newspaper editor) her three grandchildren, Matt, Emily & Eric Snell, and nephew, Rob Slusser (Intermediate counselor) are all part of Camp Luther this year. In the past, a dozen of Linda’s family have attended Camp. Linda lives In Charlotte, NC and works as a Realtor. Welcome back to Camp! Rich Cunningham is back on staff this year and we are so excited! In previous years he has served as the sports director and a swimming instructor – the pool is really cold in the mornings! This week Rich has set a new Camp Luther record he’s the first male craft cabin worker! Rich lives in Huntington, WV with his wife Kathie (Junior counselor) and their daughter Kelly (a “Senior Senior”). When he is not working in the craft cabin at Camp Luther, Rich works at an elementary school as a PE teacher. Rich says to breathe in, breathe out, OR, lead, follow, or get out of the way! Margie Lauver is a teacher in the Junior program this year. She is from Mt Lake Park, MD where she is the pastor of the AuroraRed House Lutheran Parish. In August she will begin a residency program at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, WV. Marge and her husband, Phillip, have 4 children and all of them have come to Camp Luther. Her youngest, Ellie, is a Senior Senior this year. Marge says Camp Luther is her favorite time of the year. She missed coming here last year because her oldest daughter got married that weekend. She does hope to be able to keep on being part of this Camp Luther family! Kara Jewell is back as a Senior counselor this year. She was a 10 year camper and served as a Senior counselor in 2003. She missed the last 3 years because of graduate school at WVU where she earned a Doctorate degree in Pysical Therapy. She is from Wheeling, WV and will be moving to Greensburg, PA next month for her new job. She says that Camp Luther is a huge part of her life. "I've made lifelong friends and memories here. I love being on staff so that I can pass on the great camp experience to the campers." Jason Felici is another Senior counselor that is happy to be back at camp after missing a few years. He is from Wheeling, WV and attended camp for 7 years as a camper and another 5 years as a staff member. He is a student at Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary and is starting an intership at Holy Trinity Lutheran church in Wytheville, VA. He is engaged to fellow seminary classmate, Jess Humme they are planning an August 2011 wedding. Jason says, "I love coming to camp and helping campers have a great week." Knock, knock! Who’s there? Luke. Luke who? "Luke" both ways before you cross the street. BASKETBALL CHALLENGE In a highly anticipated challenge between the seniors and the staff, the basketball game was rained out as soon as it began with a score of 3 to 2. Fortunately, the calendars were flexible enough to re-schedule the game for Friday. Note: the Seniors were winning yesterday when the rain came... SOCCER ON THE FRONT LAWN The Junior vs Senior soccer game on Wednesday was very exciting. A valiant effort was made by both teams. Just like in 1st Samuel there was a definite feeling of "David vs Goliath". The Seniors of course being the Giant and David, well you know the story. After the smoke cleared and the red and yellow cards were drawn, a victor was not determined in regulation. A decisive 6-6 tie was declared and all celebrated with team sportsmanship and a feast in the Dining hall. Giggle Corner Atheist: "Do you honestly believe that Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish?" Preacher: "I don't know, sir, but when I get to heaven, I'll ask him." Atheist: "But suppose he isn't in heaven?" Preacher: "Then you ask him." Questions of the day What is your favorite Camp Luther song? ES Pharoah Pharoah MM Awesome God MR The Rock KN & HR Where Justice Rolls Down What is your favorite flavor of icecream? DC Moose Tracks KV Chocolate PH Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough MB Vanilla ES Black Raspberry Chip NB Orange Sherbet If you could have any food to eat right now, what would it be? MS a Snickers bar KV sour gummy worms LR Hamburger Helper CH McDonalds NG creme brulee HB Buffalo sub from Subway Last Night's Activities What a night! The dance was a blast! The Seniors certainly enjoyed dancing with all of the Intermediates and the Intermediates had a great time. The Senior escorts were proud to walk in with the Intermediate Olympic winners. Johanna Miesner was selected as the “biggest loser” in Senior Camp and was given the magic vest to help convince the boys to dance with her last night. We’re looking forward to hearing if she had any luck getting the boys to join her on the dance floor. (Congratulations, Johanna – you’re a great camper and the Seniors love you!) The Junior campers really enjoyed their marshmallow roast (complete with S'mores) and Kangaroo Court. Many of the campers were found guilty of their "crime" by the jury and happily accepted their sentences. Jessica Addison (5-year camper) - I’ve come to Camp Luther for five years and I have enjoyed every single one of them. In four years (hopefully) I will be a photographer. Amanda Bailes (6-year camper) - Wow. Camp is amazing. Everyone here is my second family. This place has made me who I am. I’m going to miss Camp Luther. Amy Bird (2-year camper) - I really like Camp. The people here are really great. One memory that I love was when Pastor Randy hugged me. He is so sweet. John Borrelli (2-year camper) - I have only been going to Camp for 2 years, but these 2 years have been a blast. Kerianna Cook (6-year camper) - Made lots of friends, had lots of fun. My home away from home keeps me from coming undone. Kirsten Nicole Cook (5-year camper) - I gained spiritual guidance and another family. I am very happy to be part of this community and I thank everyone. Kelly Cunningham (10-year camper) - I leave my random morning dancing to all the senior girls. It has been more than amazing at Camp and I’ll miss it so much. Kristen Custer (6-year camper) - Camp Luther has strengthened me in so many ways. I have created many memories that will last a lifetime. I love you all. Thomas Gunnoe (10-year camper) - This is Thomas, a.k.a. McLovin. What Camp Luther means to me is that it’s one big family. I love everyone and I’m going to miss this place so much. This place will change you for the best. Camp Luther is a blessing. Taylor Giorgio (9-year camper) - Camp has truly changed my life. I made fabulous friends and memories that I will treasure forever! I’ll really miss it! A kindergarten teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute." Darren Hoffman (3-year camper) - I never really was a religious person until I came to Camp, and it really woke me up to the power of God and His love. I will miss the brotherhood of everyone and the fun activities. Adam Hoke (7-year camper) - I’ve had a great time at Camp. While becoming closer to God, I’ve also become closer to my Camp family. I will truly miss them. Josefine Landgrave (10-year camper) - Thanks to all campers and staff for an unforgettable 10 years. I will apply all I learned here for the rest of my life. Mizpah. Jessica Lanham (9-year camper) - The best nine years of my life. Experiences to remember forever. The friendships I’ve made at Camp are friendships that will last a lifetime. Mizpah. Ellen Louise Lauver (10-year camper) - I have been coming to Camp since the first Junior year. I’m going to Garrett College in the fall and then transferring. I am majoring in Fine Arts. Amanda Madurski (10-year camper) - The past 10 years of Camp Luther have been the best 10 years of my life. I’m sad that my time has come to an end. Rob McEwen (9-year camper) - I have loved this place and all the people here so much and will miss them greatly. Thanks for all the great experiences. Johanna Miesner (10-year camper) - I have spent the most magical 10 weeks of my life here. Treasure every moment on these hills, as you won’t find it anywhere else. Erin Elizabeth O’Neil (7-year camper) - Camp Luther is the one place I can truly be myself. Not only did I gain a home away from home, but I gained a family. Brittany Slaubaugh (6-year camper) - Every year I come back, it’s like I never left. I’m going to Garrett College in the fall and study Elementary Education. Olivia Thompson (10-year camper) - Camp Luther is truly an amazing place. Over the years I have learned so much here. I love everyone and I will really miss it. Matthew Vatalare (8-year camper) - It has been a great eight years here at Camp Luther. I would like to thank everyone for making it so great. Pass “It” on! Tonight's Activities Juniors Talent Show Intermediates Slide Show & Directory Signing Seniors Senior Legacies & Communion Service The Seniors concluded classes today by planting trees around Vesper Knoll. Caring for God’s Earth!

Transcript of Camp Luther Beacon - A Love that Never Ends! · Camp...

Camp Luther BeaconCelebrating 65 years!

Director's  Message:

You  know,  normally  we   look  forward  to  Fridays.    We  look  forward  to  them  because  we  know  that  we’re  almost  at  the  end  of  the  school/work  week  and  we'll  be  able  to  relax  a   little  on  the  weekend.    And  I’ll  admit  that   I  enjoy  Fridays  as  much  or  more  than  anyone…except  for  the  Friday  after  Father’s  Day.     It  always  means  that  another  Camp  Luther   is  almost  finished.    But  as  the  saying  goes,  “Don’t  be  sad  because   it’s  over,  be  happy  because   it  happened.”    We’ve  played  sports,  gone  to  class,  sung  songs,  made  friends  and,   in  a  nutshell,  had  a  great  time.     I  hope  you  all  have  a  great  rest  of  the  year,  and  we  look  forward  to  seeing  you  all  next  year.    And  don’t  forget  to  check  out  the  website  when  you  get  home-­‐-­‐-­‐lots  of  pictures  out  there  and  more  being   loaded  every  day!

Did  you  know;  The  road  above  Oriole  cabin  was  wiped  out  by  a  flood  during  mid-­‐1980s.    The  only  way  to  get  to  upper  camp  was  by  way  of  the  Whip-­‐poor-­‐will   road.

Just  wonderin’;    Actually,   today   I’m  letting  my  mind  rest…because  tomorrow  we  start  planning   in  earnest  for  Camp  Luther  2011!

        Mizpah,           Mike  Propst

Keeping the Earth

"See what love the Father has given us, that we should be

called Children of God."(1 John 3:1)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Key Bible Verse of the DaySome of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!""I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." (Luke 19:39-40)

The Junior campers have been spreading lots of joy this week.

Have you heard the Bazooka cheer?

My mother gave me a penny She told me to call it JennyI did not call it Jenny

Instead I bought some bubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

What’s that you say? BubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

Woot, woot

My mother gave me a nickelShe told me to buy a pickle

I did not buy a pickleInstead I bought some bubblegum

Bazooka, zooka bubblegumWhat’s that you say? BubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

Woot, woot

My mother gave me a dimeShe told me to buy a lime

I did not buy a lime Instead I bought some bubblegum

Bazooka, zooka bubblegumWhat’s that you say? BubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

Woot, woot

My mother gave me a quarter She told me to place an order I did not place an order

Instead I bought some bubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

What’s that you say? BubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

Woot, woot

My mother gave me a dollar She told me to buy a collarI did not buy a collar

Instead I bought some bubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

What’s that you say? BubblegumBazooka, zooka bubblegum

Woot, woot

My mother gave me a five She told me to stay alive

I did not stay aliveInstead I choked on bubblegum

Bazooka, ‘zooka bubblegumWhat’s that you say? Bubblegum

Bazooka, ‘zooka bubblegumCough, cough

Inspection WinnersJunior Camp - Jared, Dom & Andrew

Intermediate Camp - Jamie & Dawn (tied) / Patrick

I can't believe it's Friday already... it seems like the week has just flown by. I hope everyone has had a good time at Camp Luther. It sure looked like everyone was enjoying themselves. NG says "thank you" to the Intermediate staff for all their help with the directories. She was soooo happy to see them this morning! Why is NG singing in her cabin and the office??? I think it's because the directories are done! GS says, "Hey, newspaper kids, I couldn't have done it without you! Thanks!" Who's been walking around camp today pretending to be Bishop Dunkin? And speaking of the the Bishop... why did LH not save a dance for him as promised? Upper Whippoorwill is really starting to smell FUNKY!!! Frebreeze Please! Those Juniors really have fun at Kangaroo Court. Why did Uncle Mark say it was ok to TP the Junior Girls Cabins - will it happen tonight? Are Petey Alfred Corbin III & Steven David Michael related to the Music Director DA? Who is the legendary Pastor that plays 4 Square? JL loves to say GRRRRR like a lion!!! Why is KC always last to the dance? I guess they save the best for last. ES, JY, and JT love the nature teacher and her crick stomps. The junior girls say they love the t-shirts this year! Way to go KC & RC!!! JC is constantly is constantly in the bathroom! Did RB & MT follow DA “everywhere”!!! DJ now has a “TUBBY”. Were there 3 Nuns at Camp this year, and did they get their test results back?!? What intermediates went wading in the river yesterday and thought they wouldn’t get wet? There sure are a lot of clothing items, towels & bathing suits laying around the porches of Upper Mountain Rest. Sure hope the girls don’t forget all their belongings when they leave tomorrow. DB’s Olympic team winners sure did look sharp with their senior escorts to the dance last night! My little feet are sore after all that dancing… Did anyone else see the mountain lion in upper Burton during vespers last night? KS-hope your fun times at the dance really picked up after dark! MB- I saw you dancing with your 1st boy ever!!! NG- prayers really work! Slim Pickens dining Hall, RB!? EA & MK were dancing together a lot last night! Intermediate boys were breaking it down to some Michael Jackson to warm up for the dance last night- nice moves boys! All the intermediate girls have a crush on counselor PC. Pastor CR, even ministers need postage on their postcards. We took care of it, but you owe the office $$$. Is it really all about the blow pop? The office ladies think so! I sure hope the Seniors leave their Slip n' Slide for me to use after camp. It looks like soooo much fun! Thanks, KS, for the helping type the Bazooka cheer! Well, that's about it for this year. I hope everyone has a safe trip home. See you next summer!

Greetings from the Camp Luther Mouse!

Meet more staff!Sean  Smith   lives   in  Moundsville,  WV  where  he   is  the  pastor  of  Messiah  Lutheran  Church  and  Good  Shephard  Lutheran  Church.    He  moved  from  Charlotte,  NC  with  his  wife,   Janis,  and  their  daughters   ,  Erin  and  Sarah.    Sean  and  his  girls  are  all  here  at  camp  for  the  first  time.    This  week  Sean  has  been  working  as  a  teacher  for  the  Juniors.    Sean  says  that  at  Camp  there’s  a   lot  of  snoring  going  on  at  night!     (We  saw  pictures  of  the  culprits  at  morning  worship,  remember?)    We're  glad  you  could  all  come  to  camp  this  week!

Linda  Honeycutt  has  been  part  of  this  year’s   ‘Functional   ‘  staff.    Her   job  has  been  to  do  whatever   job  may  be  needed:  help  another  staff  member,  help  a  camper,   fill   in  and  help  someone  at  the   last  minute,  or  do   ‘whatever’.    That   is  easy  for  Linda  as  she  was  an  Intermediate  counselor  for  17  years  and  knows  the  camp  program.      She  also  taught  for  one  year  (in  2000).    Linda  attended  camp  as  a  junior  camper   in  1954  when  Camp  Luther  was  two  weeks   long  each  year!  Linda’s  daughter,  Ginny  Snell,   (newspaper  editor)  her  three  grandchildren,  Matt,  Emily  &  Eric  Snell,  and  nephew,  Rob  Slusser  (Intermediate  counselor)  are  all  part  of  Camp  Luther  this  year.     In  the  past,  a  dozen  of  Linda’s   family  have  attended  Camp.    Linda   lives   In  Charlotte,  NC  and  works  as  a  Realtor.    Welcome  back  to  Camp!

Rich  Cunningham  is  back  on  staff  this  year  and  we  are  so  excited!     In  previous  years  he  has  served  as  the  sports  director  and  a  swimming   instructor  –  the  pool   is  really  cold   in  the  mornings!    This  week  Rich  has  set  a  new  Camp  Luther  record  -­‐  he’s  the  first  male  craft  cabin  worker!    Rich   lives   in  Huntington,  WV  with  his  wife  Kathie  (Junior  counselor)  and  their  daughter  Kelly   (a  “Senior  Senior”).    When  he   is  not  working   in  the  craft  cabin  at  Camp  Luther,  Rich  works  at  an  elementary  school  as  a  PE  teacher.    Rich  says  to  breathe  in,  breathe  out,  OR,   lead,   follow,  or  get  out  of  the  way!

Margie  Lauver   is  a  teacher   in  the  Junior  program  this  year.      She   is   from  Mt  Lake  Park,  MD  where  she   is  the  pastor  of  the  Aurora-­‐Red  House  Lutheran  Parish.       In  August  she  will  begin  a  residency  program  at  Ruby  Memorial  Hospital   in  Morgantown,  WV.        Marge  and  her  husband,  Phillip,  have  4  children  and  all  of  them  have  come  to  Camp  Luther.      Her  youngest,  Ellie,   is  a  Senior  Senior  this  year.    Marge  says  Camp  Luther   is  her  favorite  time  of  the  year.    She  missed  coming  here   last  year  because  her  oldest  daughter  got  married  that  weekend.    She  does  hope  to  be  able  to  keep  on  being  part  of  this  Camp  Luther  family!

Kara  Jewell   is  back  as  a  Senior  counselor  this  year.    She  was  a  10  year  camper  and  served  as  a  Senior  counselor   in  2003.    She  missed  the   last  3  years  because  of  graduate  school  at  WVU  where  she  earned  a  Doctorate  degree   in  Pysical  Therapy.    She   is   from  Wheeling,  WV  and  will  be  moving  to  Greensburg,  PA  next  month  for  her  new  job.    She  says  that  Camp  Luther   is  a  huge  part  of  her   life.    "I've  made   life-­‐long  friends  and  memories  here.     I   love  being  on  staff  so  that   I  can  pass  on  the  great  camp  experience  to  the  campers."

Jason  Felici   is  another  Senior  counselor  that   is  happy  to  be  back  at  camp  after  missing  a  few  years.    He   is   from  Wheeling,  WV  and  attended  camp  for  7  years  as  a  camper  and  another  5  years  as  a  staff  member.    He   is  a  student  at  Gettysburg  Lutheran  Seminary  and  is  starting  an   intership  at  Holy  Trinity  Lutheran  church   in  Wytheville,  VA.    He   is  engaged  to  fellow  seminary  classmate,   Jess  Humme  -­‐  they  are  planning  an  August  2011  wedding.     Jason  says,  "I   love  coming  to  camp  and  helping  campers  have  a  great  week."

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?


Luke who?

"Luke" both ways before you cross the street.

BASKETBALL CHALLENGEIn a highly anticipated challenge between the seniors and the staff, the basketball game was rained out as soon as it began with a score of 3 to 2. Fortunately, the calendars were flexible enough to re-schedule the game for Friday. Note: the Seniors were winning yesterday when the rain came...

SOCCER ON THE FRONT LAWNThe Junior vs Senior soccer game on Wednesday was very exciting. A valiant effort was made by both teams. Just like in 1st Samuel there was a definite feeling of "David vs Goliath". The Seniors of course being the Giant and David, well you know the story. After the

smoke cleared and the red and yellow cards were drawn, a victor was not determined in regulation. A decisive 6-6 tie was declared and all celebrated with team sportsmanship and a feast in the Dining hall.

Giggle CornerAtheist: "Do you honestly believe that Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish?"Preacher: "I don't know, sir, but when I get to heaven, I'll ask him."Atheist: "But suppose he isn't in heaven?"Preacher: "Then you ask him."

Questions of the day

What is your favorite Camp Luther song?ES Pharoah Pharoah MM Awesome GodMR The Rock KN & HR Where Justice Rolls Down

What is your favorite flavor of icecream?DC Moose Tracks KV Chocolate PH Chocolate Chip Cookie DoughMB Vanilla ES Black Raspberry Chip NB Orange Sherbet

If you could have any food to eat right now, what would it be?MS a Snickers bar KV sour gummy worms LR Hamburger Helper CH McDonalds NG creme brulee HB Buffalo sub from Subway

Last Night's ActivitiesWhat a night! The dance was a blast! The Seniors certainly enjoyed dancing with all of the Intermediates and the Intermediates had a great time. The Senior escorts were proud to walk in with the Intermediate Olympic winners.

Johanna Miesner was selected as the “biggest loser” in Senior Camp and was given the magic vest to help convince the boys to dance with her last night. We’re looking forward to hearing if she had any luck getting the boys to join her on the dance floor. (Congratulations, Johanna – you’re a great camper and the Seniors love you!)

The Junior campers really enjoyed their marshmallow roast (complete with S'mores) and Kangaroo Court. Many of the campers were found guilty of their "crime" by the jury and happily accepted their sentences.

Jessica Addison (5-year camper) - I’ve come to Camp Luther for five years and I have enjoyed every single one of them. In four years (hopefully) I will be a photographer.

Amanda Bailes (6-year camper) - Wow. Camp is amazing. Everyone here is my second family. This place has made me who I am. I’m going to miss Camp Luther.

Amy Bird (2-year camper) - I really like Camp. The people here are really great. One memory that I love was when Pastor Randy hugged me. He is so sweet.

John Borrelli (2-year camper) - I have only been going to Camp for 2 years, but these 2 years have been a blast.

Kerianna Cook (6-year camper) - Made lots of friends, had lots of fun. My home away from home keeps me from coming undone.

Kirsten Nicole Cook (5-year camper) - I gained spiritual guidance and another family. I am very happy to be part of this community and I thank everyone.

Kelly Cunningham (10-year camper) - I leave my random morning dancing to all the senior girls. It has been more than amazing at Camp and I’ll miss it so much.

Kristen Custer (6-year camper) - Camp Luther has strengthened me in so many ways. I have created many memories that will last a lifetime. I love you all.

Thomas Gunnoe (10-year camper) - This is Thomas, a.k.a. McLovin. What Camp Luther means to me is that it’s one big family. I love everyone and I’m going to miss this place so much. This place will change you for the best. Camp Luther is a blessing.

Taylor Giorgio (9-year camper) - Camp has truly changed my life. I made fabulous friends and memories that I will treasure forever! I’ll really miss it!

A kindergarten teacher was walking around observing her classroom of children while they were drawing pictures. As she got to one girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God." The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, "They will in a minute."

Darren Hoffman (3-year camper) - I never really was a religious person until I came to Camp, and it really woke me up to the power of God and His love. I will miss the brotherhood of everyone and the fun activities.

Adam Hoke (7-year camper) - I’ve had a great time at Camp. While becoming closer to God, I’ve also become closer to my Camp family. I will truly miss them.

Josefine Landgrave (10-year camper) - Thanks to all campers and staff for an unforgettable 10 years. I will apply all I learned here for the rest of my life. Mizpah.

Jessica Lanham (9-year camper) - The best nine years of my life. Experiences to remember forever. The friendships I’ve made at Camp are friendships that will last a lifetime. Mizpah.

Ellen Louise Lauver (10-year camper) - I have been coming to Camp since the first Junior year. I’m going to Garrett College in the fall and then transferring. I am majoring in Fine Arts.

Amanda Madurski (10-year camper) - The past 10 years of Camp Luther have been the best 10 years of my life. I’m sad that my time has come to an end.

Rob McEwen (9-year camper) - I have loved this place and all the people here so much and will miss them greatly. Thanks for all the great experiences.

Johanna Miesner (10-year camper) - I have spent the most magical 10 weeks of my life here. Treasure every moment on these hills, as you won’t find it anywhere else.

Erin Elizabeth O’Neil (7-year camper) - Camp Luther is the one place I can truly be myself. Not only did I gain a home away from home, but I gained a family.

Brittany Slaubaugh (6-year camper) - Every year I come back, it’s like I never left. I’m going to Garrett College in the fall and study Elementary Education.

Olivia Thompson (10-year camper) - Camp Luther is truly an amazing place. Over the years I have learned so much here. I love everyone and I will really miss it.

Matthew Vatalare (8-year camper) - It has been a great eight years here at Camp Luther. I would like to thank everyone for making it so great. Pass “It” on!

Tonight's ActivitiesJuniors Talent Show

Intermediates Slide Show & Directory Signing

Seniors Senior Legacies & Communion Service

The Seniors concluded classes today by planting trees around Vesper Knoll. Caring for God’s Earth!