Camp cardboard DeFT

Digital Reporters at Camp Cardboard A DeFT project at Bradfield Dungworth Primary School, Sheffield


Presentation by Chris Bailey for the DeFT regional conference about the uses of Web2.0 tools and mobile devices in primary school setting

Transcript of Camp cardboard DeFT

Page 1: Camp cardboard DeFT

Digital Reporters at Camp


Digital Reporters at Camp

CardboardA DeFT project at Bradfield Dungworth

Primary School, SheffieldA DeFT project at Bradfield Dungworth

Primary School, Sheffield

Page 2: Camp cardboard DeFT

What?What?Responsible Fishing

Children’s Festival

Cardboard Boxes

New Hall

Whole School


Instagram and Wordpress

Page 3: Camp cardboard DeFT

The story....

The story....

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Motives...Motives...Positive Whole-School Experience

Mobile Technology

Communication with audience


Recording the transitory

Different perspectives


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Social Media Issues...

Social Media Issues...


eSafety - Permissions and Anonymity

Parental Engagement?

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‘Pupils given smileys to beat online pervs’ - Metro, March 2008

‘Pupils given smileys to beat online pervs’ - Metro, March 2008


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