Cambridge International School



Transcript of Cambridge International School

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C o n t e n t s

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Welcome 22Vision, Mission and Values 22Learning and teaching 22Children’s Welfare 22Curriculum 22Languages 22Departments

Infant Department 22Junior Department 22Senior Department 22

Music, Art and Drama 22Sport 22Beyond the Classroom 22Admissions 22Contact information 22

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A diverse and enriching educational experienceFounded in 2006, Cambridge International School is a very happy, hardworking school made up of pupils and staff from all over the world. We provide an inspiring, exciting education for children aged from 3-16 years of age. Our students come from 32 countries and speak 27 different languages.

We offer a broad and enriching curriculum, striving to achieve the highest educational standards in a caring and supportive environment. A particular feature of the school is our commitment to providing an unpressurised learning environment based around a child’s readiness to learn.

Our aim is to inspire, nurture and equip pupils for their future as responsible, confident, kind, hardworking and compassionate people.

We are extremely proud of our school and we hope that you too will take pride in being part of it.


T h e a t m o s p h e r e o f t h e s c h o o l i s

a m a z i n g !

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V i s i o n , m i s s i o n s

a n d v a l u e s

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The Cambridge International School has two Founding Principles:

■■ To enable children to flourish in a stimulating educational and international environment

■■ To provide internationally mobile families with an excellent stable educational framework


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Children are inquisitive, dynamic, creative thinkers and learn best when encouraged to develop the skills of inquiry in a stimulating, unpressurised setting. We want children to be happy, secure and independent leaners. Our approach enables this and our nurturing support ensures we equip children to enter the next stage of their lives and ultimately a diverse, competitive and ever-changing world.

VisionA highly regarded, successful international school where children and teachers from many countries thrive, valuing each other, sharing and growing together.

MissionTo continue to achieve our vision we develop excellent learning, teaching and pastoral care standards to ensure children are able to flourish and succeed whilst they gain a progressive and stimulating education. We continually review our systems and support staff to understand and apply the best care, responding to need as resourceful and respectful role models.

ValuesThe school values:

• The natural inquisitiveness and creativity of children• The diversity created by children and adults from around the

globe inputting to a common purpose• The perspectives, talents, experiences and cultures of all

people as reflected in our school

Outcomes for children• Confidence in their own abilities and the skills and

understanding of others• Excellent academic results having reached their potential

through their own efforts and the strength of the teaching approach

• A positive world-view and knowledge of other cultures & languages – rooted in the best that an English education has to offer.


I l i k e t h e s c h o o l b e c a u s e t h e c l a s s e s a r e

s m a l l a n d y o u l e a r n m o r e

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Learning and TeachingOne of the hallmarks of our school is our small class sizes. In the Infants there are 14 children in each class; in the Juniors 15, and in the Seniors 16. The benefits are compelling, and make for an optimal learning and teaching experience where children are inspired to be successful in their studies.

The small class sizes provide more rigour through individual attention and are crucial in order to cater to the different learning styles of the children. Able pupils are quickly identified and encouraged to move on to more challenging work pushing them to achieve.

Children find it much easier to speak confidently and freely in small classes and this leads to more productive and engaging classroom discussion.

Pupils are encouraged to use our libraries as much as possible, in order to develop a love of reading or to master independent research skills for the future.

Teaching is enriched by the many learning resources that are available to staff and children outside the classroom. Infants and Juniors experience nature and the natural habitat in our park; we frequently visit museums, galleries and theatres in Cambridge as well as London.

Cambridge International School frequently has visits from guest speakers. The talks, as part of the timetable, include from authors, actors as well as presentations from bankers and scientists. Parents are also a part of this project, frequently speaking to children about their professions and experience.


T h e s c h o o l ’ s e d u c a t i o n a l

p h i l o s o p h y a n d e t h o s a r e t a n g i b l y

i n s p i r i n g . Yo u h a v e a w o n d e r f u l s c h o o l

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Children’s welfare“Provision for pupils’ health, safety and welfare is outstanding”. Ofsted.

Cambridge International School is recognised for its outstanding welfare for children.

Our small class sizes, approachable staff and family atmosphere all combine to ensure that children are given the utmost care and guidance throughout their time with us.

Throughout the curricula children have lessons in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship. These classes cover a wide range of topics relating to personal and social issues, and children exchange ideas openly. Assemblies offer the opportunity to meet as a community, reflect on different religious beliefs and to celebrate diversity through pupil-led presentations.

The most important relationships in the school is between the triumvirate of children, families and staff. Open and communicative dialogue is encouraged to develop trust, build relationshiops and stimulate emotional intelligence. In a recent survey, 95% of parents say communications between the school and parents are handled professionally and pleasantly, while 96% of parents feel there is an atmosphere of trust and respect within the school.

This level of trust is established through form teachers contacting parents within two weeks of children starting the school in order to introduce themselves and to give and receive initial feedback. There is a cycle of written reports and parents’ evenings but parents are encouraged to contact teachers whenever they want, and are warmly invited to join in with the life of the school.


W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

a n d h e l p i n g o u r c h i l d r e n t o g e t w h e r e

t h e y a r e t o d a y

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CurriculumOur broad and enriching curriculum achieves high educational standards in a caring and supportive environment. We are committed to providing an unpressurised learning environment that prepares children for their future as responsible, confident, kind and hardworking people.

Our Seahorse infants learn through curriculum based play activities, using mud, water, sand and paint. Independent investigative learning experiences are encouraged alongside more structured lessons in Art, Music, PE, Swimming and Dance. In Juniors children continue to be encouraged to explore and take adventurous steps in learning as more formal subject areas are introduced. We nurture emboldened children who are inquisitive about the world and their place in it.

During year 9 students prepare for and enter their first formal public exams, the University of Cambridge Checkpoint Examinations. Students also decide which IGCSE and GCSE subjects they will opt for.

Students are prepared for IGCSE exams in their final two years at the school. All pupils sit a GCSE in Maths and IGCSEs in English Language, English Literature and Co-ordinated Sciences or the three separate sciences. We recommend that they take at least one foreign language as well.

The Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international curriculum for 14–16 year olds.


W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

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t h e y a r e t o d a y

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30 countries


27 languages

Children from over...


L a n g u a g e s

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Mother Tongue ProgrammeOur Mother Tongue programme stands alone in its breadth and range. We offer small group tuition by native speakers in at least 12 different languages, e.g. Swedish, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Danish, Chinese, Norwegian, Spanish, Slovenian, Hebrew and Greek. (Languages vary from year to year according to demand; we are pleased to arrange classes in other home languages on request).

Research is clear about the importance of bilingual children’s mother tongue for overall personal and educational development. Children who have a solid foundation in their mother tongue are likely to develop stronger overall literacy abilities.

The ability of our students to speak languages is highlighted year on year with our impressive results in the Vocab Express Championships. In 2015, CIS children took 1st place for the Challenge Cup Medio (for schools with between 151-500 children) and 3rd place in the Genius Cup (based on the top 25 student scores across all schools). Individually, CIS achieved the following outstanding results:

1st place for Mandarin, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Hebrew and Latin2nd place for Polish and Italian4th place for Arabic5th place for Urdu6th place for French

EALCIS is committed to helping pupils for whom English is not a first language, in order that they can make the most of their time at the school, both inside and outside the classroom. Our English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme allows pupils to rigorously acquire the skills they need to communicate effectively in English. We are always hugely impressed with the outstanding progress our children make in a short time.


T h e t e a c h e r s a t t h i s s c h o o l h a v e t i m e t o h e l p y o u

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I n f a n t s

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“It is impossible not to smile coming in here, the atmosphere is just so happy and I’m so glad and relieved to have found such a charmed place for my boys.”

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Seahorses (Infants)

From the age of three children receive an exciting, engaging and nurturing

introduction to school life.


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W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

a n d h e l p i n g o u r c h i l d r e n t o g e t w h e r e

t h e y a r e t o d a y


Children learn effectively when they are ready to do so and when they are happy. All children are appropriately supported and challenged.Our infants have daily lessons in Literacy and Maths. Alongside topic based learning through the International Primary Curriculum, the children also benefit from specialist Music and Sport lessons. We promote the early acquisition of new languages and offer Spanish, French and Mandarin as well as Mother Tongue lessons.

Using the woods nearby we run a Forest School programme to enable the development of new and practical skills and engender a love of learning outdoors.

Each child is paired with an older child in Juniors to keep an eye on them and help engage them in fun planned activities during the week.

Our infant and junior classes all have names, emphasising our child-centred, fun-loving approach.

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J u n i o r s

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“The teachers at this school have time to help you”

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( Juniors)

The Junior Department is on the first floor of Cherry Hinton Hall looking out over the

beautiful park grounds that surround it below.


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Lessons are exciting, challenging and fun, and pupils take great pride in the wonderful array of work they produce. The environment is nurturing and challenging where children’s self-confidence and they have the ability to develop rewarding and positive relationships. Students build on their social, creative, linguistic, mathematical and scientific skills with great enthusiasm, whilst developing their skills as independent learners.

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International Primary CurriculumAs well as studying Maths and English every day, children enjoy their work on the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Through these projects they are able to explore History, Geography, Science, Art and Maths, using a range of learning tools, such as Drama and ICT.

French and Spanish are taught in a lively and kinaesthetic way. The department also has a rich a varied Art curriculum and the children have opportunities to work with visiting artists.

Music is an important aspect of life in the Junior Department and many children play an instrument in our orchestra or sing in the choir.

Every classroom is named after a sea, allowing the children to feel a sense of belonging and to further incorporate the international role of our school. The seven classes work in warm collaboration to share their learning.We make excellent use of the park that surrounds our department, eager that the children enjoy exploring and sharing out in the fresh air. The inspiring learning plus the enjoyable and informative schools trips to art galleries and museums as well as outdoor activities all ensure our Junior Department children move on to the Senior Department with confidence in their abilities and the belief that learning can be both exciting and inspiring, ready to embrace the new academic and social challenges awaiting them at the next stage of their education.


W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

a n d h e l p i n g o u r c h i l d r e n t o g e t w h e r e

t h e y a r e t o d a y

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S e n i o r s

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“I would like to use this opportunity to tell you that I do not think we will ever find a school as wonderful as yours: a great and stimulating working environment, with dedicated and encouraging teachers”

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We are a very happy, hardworking school made up of pupils and staff from all over the world.

We provide an inspiring, exciting education for children aged 3-16. Our students come from 32

countries and speak 27 different languages.


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We have 12 forms with approximately 16 children in each class. As students settle into senior school they retain their smiles and ability to share as they learn, taking advantage of the diversity of fellow students with different experiences and backgrounds. Wherever possible we make use of this diversity in its application to various subject areas.

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The Cambridge IGCSE has wide recognition from higher education institutions and employers around the world as evidence of academic ability. Our student exam results reflect this with all students consistently achieving above expectations and the most able gaining 10 or more top grades. Students also benefit from work experience placements and various extra-curricular activities.Many universities require a combination of Cambridge International A Levels and Cambridge IGCSEs to meet their entry requirements.In the Senior Department students are encouraged to think about their careers and choices of subjects for their future studies. Individual guidance by experts is introduced, and pupils are given considerable help with the preparation of application forms, including their Curriculum Vitae, as well as presentations skills and interview technique.

There are a range of sports on offer and students participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Through outdoor activities such as exploration, orienteering, camping, as well as volunteering in the community, students develop initiative, independence, teamwork and a better understanding of others as well as the world around them.


W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

a n d h e l p i n g o u r c h i l d r e n t o g e t w h e r e

t h e y a r e t o d a y

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S u b j e c t s

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“My 6 year old daughter has recently had to look around other schools to decide on her senior school place and where she would like to go next year. There was no comparison. She stated plainly that she loves this school; she loves her teachers and does not want to go anywhere else”

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Music, Art and DramaArt, music and drama are strong aspects of life at Cambridge International School. Children and teachers aim for high standards, but enjoyment and participation are of paramount importance. There are numerous opportunities to perform in concerts, festivals and school productions. The children’s artwork is celebrated and promoted in exhibitions, competitions and in displays around the school. In addition to music lessons, pupils have specialist instrument tuition by arrangement, and are welcome to join the school orchestra which usually puts on one performance a term.

SportAll boys and girls enjoy a physical education programme which provides a rich variety of opportunities to participate in sport, represent the school and to develop a healthy lifestyle. There are many sporting options available to children from athletics to hockey and swimming to tennis, to name a few. All organised by our dedicated sports staff, these all provide children with stimulating and challenging experiences.


W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

a n d h e l p i n g o u r c h i l d r e n t o g e t w h e r e

t h e y a r e t o d a y

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Beyond the ClassoomThere is a rich programme of activity available to children of all ages. Our extra-curricular activities include:

ChessDebatingDramaThe Duke of Edinburgh Award SchemeFootballGardening and vegetable growingFilm-makingOrchestraSchool NewspaperSafer-CyclingSeniors enjoy learning through experience in Business Enterprise where they work with the wider community through fundraising and commercial activities. Such events have included a sponsored night walk, a dinner party for parents, car boot sales and setting up and eBay shop.


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AdmissionsThe Admissions team at Cambridge International School is especially proud and pleased to help you negotiate those first important steps in welcoming you to our happy and focussed community.

All our children matter to us and we recognise the importance of understanding and accommodating the range of individual and family circumstances that present themselves. We therefore work hard to smooth the course and respond in order to make starting off with Cambridge International School both rewarding and straightforward.

Do please get in touch via the email address provided or our website.

[email protected]

Admissions procedureThe Cambridge International School is open to all children who wish to attend. While we are not formally academically selective in our infant and junior departments but we do have high expectations for all our pupils. In our senior school we are working at high academic levels in order to prepare effectively for the IGCSE examinations, which require work of a very high standard.We admit students subject to the availability of places and fulfilment of our admissions requirements.We strive to balance our classes according to age and gender and priority is given to siblings of children already at the school.We are supportive of families who move, live and work internationally and thus we accept pupils into CIS for short-term programmes as well as for standard academic years.

In order to register your child for enrolment, please contact the school directly to book a tour of the school or obtain an application form. You can also visit our website where you can fill out an online enquiry form to start the process


W e c a n n o t t h a n k y o u a n d y o u r

s t a f f e n o u g h f o r a l w a y s b e i n g t h e r e

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t h e y a r e t o d a y

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C a s e S t u d i e s

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“It feels really nice when you know that you’re in a happy, friendly environment. I have plenty of friends so I am never alone.”

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SofiaCity/Country of origin: Oslo, NorwayAge: 10Languages spoken: Norwegian, EnglishYear Group: Year 5

Favourite subjects and interests: My favourite subjects have been English, IPC and Languages. My interests are drawing, reading and coding.

What do you like about the school? I like that it’s not too big, we go on many school trips each year, there are people from all around the world and everyone is so kind.

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MayaCity and Country of birth: Leuven, BelgiumAge: 14Languages spoken: English, French, DutchYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 11

Favourite subjects and Interests: History, languages and science

What do you like about the school? I really enjoy being in a caring and international environment. I also enjoy the friendly atmosphere created by the kind and helpful staff. I found it very easy to fit into the school when I first arrived, as everyone was friendly and welcoming. I love taking part in the school dramatic productions, like Joseph and Midsummer Night’s Dream. The school has been great at giving me mother-tongue language lessons and allowing me to continue practising these languages. The school also organises fun school trips to lots of different and interesting places.

Any other information about the child: I have enjoyed taking part in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh which was organised by the school this year, and I enjoyed becoming more independent because of it. I enjoy playing the piano and clarinet, and I am looking forward to joining the school Woodwind Band next year. I also do gymnastics and play netball in my spare time.

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LudovicaCity and Country of birth: Rome, Italy Age: 15 Languages spoken: Italian, English, Spanish Year Group (from Sept 15): Year 11

Favourite subjects and interests: English, Spanish and Maths

What do you like about the school?From my own experience, I really enjoyed how supportive are the teachers with students from other countries, struggling with the new language and how much they are focused on each individual student in the class.

“I love languages and CIS provided me the opportunity to connect with classmates coming from so many different countries, allowing me to learn few sentences from each country and understanding the beauty of cultural differences” Any other information about the child:I’m passionate about sports, in particular swimming and sailing. This coming year I’ll be responsible as “Sport Captain” at CIS, this is Fantastic!

At the end of the school year, I was awarded the “Everest Form Prize” and the “Nina Young Award”, I’m so honored.

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Kajsa City and Country of birth: Oslo, NorwayAge: 8Languages spoken: English, NorwegianYear Group (from Sept 15): 4

Favourite subjects and Interests:Sport, maths and Spanish. Interests: Jazzercise, orienteering and skiing.

What do you like about the school? What I really like about CIS is the variety of learning and caring teachers.

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City and Country of birth: Fontainebleau, FranceAge: 13 Languages spoken: English, German, Swedish and FrenchYear Group (from Sept 15): year 9

Favourite subjects and Interests: PE, maths and art

What do you like about the school? The way teachers make lessons fun and the food,

Any other information about the child: My passion is football and I likes to play chess, billiard, table tennis and drums.

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MichielCity and Country of birth: Mountain View, USAAge: 15 yearsLanguages spoken: English, Dutch, FrenchYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 11

Favourite subjects and Interests:Maths, Physics and Chemistry

What do you like about the school? I like the size of the school, it’s small, so I know all the teachers and most of the other students. I also like that the students come from all over the world.

Any other information about the child: I like to play football and I like to play on the PlayStation with my friends.

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Svante City and Country of birth: Helsingborg, SwedenAge: 9 yearsLanguages spoken: Swedish, EnglishYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 5 (Alaska)

Favourite subjects and Interests: I enjoy maths and guided reading a lot. Literacy is also fun.

What do you like about the school? I have learned a lot more here, than I did in Sweden. Everyone comes from different countries and everyone is happy here.

Any other information about the child:I love playing football, so Wednesday is my favourite day of the week. That’s when we have the football club and the extra football training in school time.

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Julia City and Country of birth: Barcelona, SpainAge:11Languages spoken: English, Spanish, Catalan, FrenchYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 7

Favourite subjects and Interests:The subjects that I enjoy the most at school are: sports, maths, R.E. and IPC.

What do you like about the school? What I most like about school is that there are different nationalities and different cultures.

I also like that we participate in so many sports events.

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Lili-RoseCity and Country of birth: Issoire, Puy de Dôme, FranceAge: 8 Languages spoken: English, SpanishYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 4

Favourite subjects and Interests: Literacy, drawing, maths, reading, biking, swimming, running, designing, playing and science (biology, physics, maths and many others.) I also really like (and I am very good at!) language.

What do you like about the school? I really like topic. (IPC) Year three we had the rainforest topic, materials, inventors and inventions and finally pictures, paintings and photographs. The rainforest topic was about plants; animals and food of the rainforest. The material topic was about materials and there property. Inventors and inventions was about biographies, autobiographies and timelines. Pictures, paintings and photographs was about famous artists, photography, history and pictures. I also have a wonderful bunch of friends. I also love to learn.

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LucasCity and Country of birth: Boston, Massachusetts, USAAge:11Languages spoken: EnglishYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 7

Favourite subjects and Interests: Reading and Maths are favorite subjects, other interests include football, baseball, sailing and spending time with my friends.

What do you like about the school?I liked all the variety of kids from different cultures and getting to know them well. I liked my teachers in Year 6 because they were really nice and understand me and my work. If I needed help, they would always help me. I liked that CIS was a small school, it was a great place for me.

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RamonCity and Country of birth: Barcelona, Spain Age: 14Languages spoken: Catalan, English and Spanish Year Group (from Sept 15): Year 10

Favourite subjects and Interests:Subjects - Computer Science, Art and GeographyInterests - Gaming and socialising

What do you like about the school? The best thing at CIS is the quality of the teachers.

Any other information about the child: I have a sister (secondary) and a brother (primary) also in CIS, and they also enjoy the school. All of us have really good friends.

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Victoria City and Country of birth: Perth, Scotland Age: 14 Languages spoken: Norwegian, EnglishYear Group (from Sept 15): Year 10 Tasman

Favourite subjects and Interests: Biology, Religous Studies, Art, Photography

What do you like about the school? I like how welcoming and friendly CIS are towards everyone who visits and studies at the school; and how the school encourages students to be different and helps students improve their strengths instead of having everyone be the same! I also really like the woods at the school.

Any other information about the child: Lived in Norway from the age of 2 (although born in Scotland).

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Cambridge International School is a part of the International Schools Partnership.

International Schools PartnershipEmbracing a desire to inspire, equip and nurture your childAt the International Schools Partnership, we share the passion you hold to help your child grow and learn, to be able to contribute to the world in which they will soon find their place. Your child will be inspired to be curious and creative, as we equip them with the abilities they will need to nourish such talents. At an ISP school your child will also develop key skills and build confidence. These are the key stepping stones which will allow them to thrive in their future and far beyond any classroom.

ISP core purpose• ISP has a passion for learning that leads to your child’s

success in the classroom and beyond• We inspire your curious, creative and confident child to flourish• We equip your child with the knowledge, skills and motivation

to succeed• We nurture your child to develop the character and values to

thrive in a challenging



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C A M BR I D GE International School

Cherry Hinton HallCherry Hinton Road

Cambridge CB1 8DW

01223 [email protected]