Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks Women's Newsletter Jan-Feb, 2011

To encourage deeper relationships and sp iritual growth for the w omen in the body of Christ;  To provide a place where women will be encouraged and uplifted to seek God’s best for their lives;   To give opportunity to study the Word of God together that women might grow in the grace and k nowledge of our Lord Jesus; and   To equip women to be lights in their homes, neighborhoods and workplaces reflecting the love of Jesus Christ to all. Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.  In God (I will praise His word), In God I have put my trust; I will not fear. What can flesh do to me?” Psalm 56:3-4 I have often heard our faith in God compared to a muscle. Our muscles get stronger the more we exercise and use them. In the same way our faith in God gets stronger the more we exercise and use it. Some of strongest Christians I know are the ones t hat use their faith muscle the most. One of the most beautiful women I’ve met has been plagued by cancer most of her adult life, yet she radiates her faith to all who know her. Many people in our body are literally trusting God for their daily bread due to job losses, illnesses and other trials in their lives, yet their faith remains strong. Are they afraid, you bet they are! But they know from where their help comes from. They have learned to trust God by trusting God. As you see God working in your life, taking care of your fears, providing for your every need, and answering your prayers, your faith muscle is being exercised and made stronger. It will be much easier to tr ust next time. As I started this letter I thought to myself, “I’m not a fearful person. I don’t know what I’m going to write about.” I must confess to you after much prayer and meditation I now kno w that I am indeed a fearful person. I have the same fears as most women. What if I lose one of my kids or my husband should be taken from me, what if one of my loved one was hit with catastrophic illness. Would my faith be strong enough to carry me through? Have I exercised my faith muscle enough, am I strong enough to deal with whatever the future holds? I hope so. I have so many examples of Godly women in this body that have endured more than I could ever imagine. They have come out on the other side as beautiful women of faith and trust, not shaken but strengthened. When David penned Psalm 56, he had been captured by the Philistines at Gath; the enemy was on all sides of Him. His goose was pretty much cooked! Was David afraid, he certainly was, but what was he going to do? David chose to put his trust in the Lord and to praise His word. This same David wrote in Psalms 121, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.” David knew that God would stay awake nights devising ways to protect him. And he (David) could lie down and sleep in perfect peace because God was on the job. Ladies, do not fear being fearful. Fear is designed to lead us to God as our protector; fear is designed to bring us to our knees i n prayer and to teach us to trust our God more. Fear is one of the things God uses in our lives to exercise our faith muscle. Love, Sandie Issue 1 of 2011 January - February PORTRAITS FROM SANDIE BY SANDIE LUITWIELER  Calvary Chapel Reno/Sparks A Publication Of The Women’s Ministry  Fragrant Life Ministry  HERE AT CALVARY CHAP EL OUR DESIRES FOR THE WOMEN’S MINISTRIES ARE:  Inside this issue: Portraits from Sandie 1 Prayer-Poetry & Praise 2 Women’s Koinonia Book Of the Month 3 Recipes 4 Devotional 5 Women in Calvary Chapel 6-7 Calvary Chapel Information 8 Calendar 8 This Issue’s Theme: Letting Go of Fear “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2 

Transcript of Calvary Chapel Reno-Sparks Women's Newsletter Jan-Feb, 2011

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Crust Ingredients:

1 cup flour (rice flour or white flour) *gluten free with rice


1/2 cup butter 

1 cup chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)

Filling Ingredients:

8 ounce package cream cheese (soft)

1 cup powdered sugar 

13 1/2 ounce container Cool Whip

Large Package Chocolate Instant Pudding

3 cups milk 

Topping Ingredients:

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)

Mix crust ingredients and press into a 9x13 pan. Bake at 350

degrees for 20-25 minutes. Cool to touch.

Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, and half the container of 

Cool Whip together. Pour over cooled crust and smooth.

Prepare chocolate instant pudding by adding milk. Mix

together 5 minutes. Pour over the top of cream cheese layer.

Spread remaining Cool Whip over the top of chocolate puddinglayer.

Top with mini chocolate chips and nuts.

Refrigerate several hours or overnight.


When I first married my husband, this was the

second most delicious dessert he baked for me!!!

The first was a jar filled with chocolate chip

cookies already prepared as he brought me across

the threshold into our first home together! The

second… was this most joyful bit of yum, we like to

call, “Helen’s dessert.” I like to think of this pie as,

“Love Pie.” Oh...don’t judge until you try… you will

say, “I love this pie too!”

When the first of our kids married almost three

years ago, this recipe was passed on to her. She

made this most scrumptious pie for her husbands

graduation from college; as his grandma followed

her around the kitchen eating bits out of the bowlbefore the pie was even complete! Thus again…

“Love Pie.” This past Christmas we had our

daughters in-laws over for Christmas dinner. Once

again they declared they just “Loved the pie!” 

Happy Baking !

With Love, Kelly

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Fear or Faith?

Fear and faith. In the life of a Believer, thesetwo words are considered polar opposites.There are many trials in life that cause fear to stir within us…upsetting things going on in the world

around us. Just turn on the latest news reportand you‟ll hear enough in the first 10 minutes to

send you into a tailspin of fear. Does your life

feel out-of-control, just as the events going on inthe world? The truth is, our lives *are* out-of-control…that is, out of *our* control! It is in the

control of our loving Father, the One whopromises to take care of us.

When my children were little, going to bed couldbecome a battle of the “fears”. Being fans of 

Veggie Tales, I would often sing a familiar song to

them. The main words to the song were “God isbigger than the boogie man, He‟s bigger than

Godzilla or the monsters on t.v. Oh God is bigger than the boogie man and He‟s watching out for 

you and me”. The words to the song spoke to my

heart as much as its simplistic message spoke tomy children. Let‟s personalize this song to fit our 

situation: God is bigger than my---fill in your own

blank. God is bigger than my finances. God isbigger than my health issues. God is bigger thanmy rebellious teen. God is bigger than my badhabit…He‟s bigger than marital problems, He‟s

bigger than concern over unsaved family, He‟s

bigger than all of it. Our problems are nothing compared to what God can do. So what is the

key to tackling our fears? Faith.

Faith, simply put, is trust in God. It‟s thecertainty that what God says is true. AndrewMurray, in his book “An Exciting New Life”,

explains faith as “what God has said or promised.

With God, speaking and doing always gotogether.” Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith, it

is impossible to please Him…” How much faith is

required? Jesus told His disciples, “if you have

faith as a mustard seed, you will say to thismountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it willmove; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20) Do you know the size of 

a mustard seed? It is minute, tiny, the smallest of all seeds. Yet all we need is faith the size of amustard seed.

Faith believes the Word of God and thepromises of God. Faith gives us comfort in themidst of fear. It gives us victory over our fear. Itsets us free.

I‟ll close with the words to the old hymn, “„Tis

So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”: 

„Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His word;

Just to rest upon His promise,Just to know “thus saith the Lord. Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him! How I‟ve proved

Him o‟er and o‟er! Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! O for grace totrust Him more!

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From the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as myLord and Savior, God has been directing my

spiritual path. I have found that in my journey I have

stepped out of my comfort zone in ways I never 

imagined would happen. Each time the Lord detoursmy direction in my walk with Him, I find myself 

questioning my confidence in myself to do the task he places on my heart. Yet I know that when myKing calls upon me to serve Him, I will always

accept His call with a willing heart.

I was still in my shy zone several years ago when

I was invited to go along to a Women’s Night of Worship. I was unfamiliar and nervous about going,

but I accepted the invitation. I thought it would be

worshiping the Lord in song. Instead it was a nightof women gathering in groups to pray aloud.

Instantly my emotional alarm was attacking me. Fear 

had always been my enemy. Prayer to me was prewritten and memorized words. This Christian type of praying was indeed a foreign language to me. My

first instinct was to inform the ladies surrounding me

that I was not aware we would be worshiping ingroup prayer. I shared that I was raised in the Roman

Catholic religion and not accustomed to praying in

this manner. Even though these dear ladies werecomforting and understanding, I had no doubt in my

mind that I would remain silent when my turn to

pray came around the table. However, that didn’t

happen. To my surprise words began flowing frommy lips. I could hear my voice speaking, but I wasn’t

sure if any of my words were making sense. Nervous

words of prayer continued to flow from me. I was

praying aloud. I was oblivious to how many times Ihad prayed. The near panic inside of me was

overwhelming but praise God, I was not alone that

evening. In my weakness the Holy Spirit helped me.He gave me the words I needed to speak aloud in

prayer. The Lord had directed my path to attend that

Women’s Night of Worship. It was that night the

Lord was exhibiting to me that in His future plansfor me, prayer was going to become a ministry close

to my heart. The Holy Spirit was leading me to greet

my Lord in prayer. He removed the fear of beingvoid of words to give praise to my Father in prayer 

in the presence of others. What an amazing God we

serve. He gives us the delight of knowing that wehave the Spirit’s help, even in praying. Romans 8:28

NLT And we know that God causes every thing to

work together for the good of those who love God 

and are called according to His purpose for them.

My second experience in praying aloud was a

new beginning in my spiritual journey. Accepting

the Lords calling to my Greeters Ministry changed

my prayer life. The Lord was covering me with ablessing of protection against my fear to pray aloud

with other people. My prayer partner and sister 

greeter was a God sent inspiration of assurance tome that my God wasn’t expecting for me to be fluent

in knowledge of big words, or that I needed to have

every bible verse memorized. My Father only

required for me to be myself and allow my words of love to pour out openly in adoration to Him. I

realized that prayer is praise that comes from thecore of our heart and soul. Our Father wants Hischildren to speak His fragrance boldly in our own

words, no matter how big or small those words or 

sentences may be. Our prayers are precious to Him

and should be prayed with a humble heart, prayingfor wisdom to understand and trust His will. Praying

aloud is no longer a fear to me. No matter what

circumstance I face in prayer I always know that the

Holy Spirit, my helper, will be with me. The HolySpirit takes me as an empty vessel and fills me to

overflowing with a calming peace as I pray.Matthew 18:20 NKJV "For where two or three are

gathered together in my name, I am there in the

midst of them." The Lord has directed me to share with you my

personal prayer journey because He knows there are

many of us who fear praying aloud, or who are not

praying daily. The Lord has been speaking to myheart everyday overwhelming me with a feeling that

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he wants me to communicate with others to pray. My

heart, my thoughts are consumed with only one word.Our Father in heaven is asking us to "pray." 

We are in the beginning of a new year. Resolutions

to change ourselves are usually made but soonforgotten. Could this be the year we should ask our 

self whether or not we are going to make our usual one

time a year resolutions in an attempt to better our physical self; or are we going to make this the year we

change our spiritual self by having a true desire to love

the Lord and spend time each day in fervent prayer 

with Him? So much is happening around us, in our own church body, in our community, and the world.

The Lord is calling on each of us to get down on our 

knees and pray.

Our God wants us to remain alert to the vicious andsoul hungry enemy that is hard at work to devour 

anyone who has yet to accept Jesus as their Lord and

Savior. These lost souls continue to live by the fleshand turn away from receiving God’s free gift of 

salvation. Far too many times we approach these

people about Jesus and repeatedly we hear the same

reply, "I’m not there yet." It is so important for us tocry out in our daily prayers for the salvation of lost

souls. We need to pray for our brothers and sisterswho struggle because of the bad decisions made byour government leaders. They have lost their jobs.

They are losing their homes. Their families are in need

of food and shelter. Marriages are being attacked from

all the pressures the failing economy has placed upontheir daily lives. And the children, I {{fear}} for the

suffering of the precious children that have to witness

what is going on in their own homes and around them

in the schools. I pray that the Lord will cover them inprotection. The eyes of the evil one are watching what

is happening in our world today. Assuredly he isboasting that even souls that are saved are turning tosinful ways of the flesh. Not spending time in daily

prayer is what Satan is using to make us grow weak in

our spiritual life. Our God is crying out for us to cometo Him in prayer. Our sisters and brothers both saved

and unsaved who are struggling with the burden’s of 

life will be encouraged to know that we love them somuch we will intercede in prayer for them. It is

through our faith that we spread the message of 

salvation. It is through our intercessory prayers we canhelp bring souls to come to know that Jesus is their 

only path to heaven. It is through our intercessory

prayers we can help others find peace and fulfillmentof living a Jesus life and not a life of the world. Praise

God ~ we are blest to know that Jesus is coming soon

to take us home. Our daily prayers can bring healing tothe lives of our sisters and brothers. Our daily prayers

can save precious souls so that our loved ones and

even strangers will not be left behind to face the world

after the rapture.My dear sisters in Christ, our Father is asking us to

begin this new year resolving to spend time each day

in prayer. He is reminding us that praying is having

conversation with Him. He gives us an intuitivefeeling that keeps returning. It is scripture God keeps

putting in our thoughts that He wants us to remember.

Praying is a worship activity where we praise theFather, the Son and the Holy Spirit in song. Prayer is

an intercessory act of love and concern when our Lord

gives us thoughts of other people close to us, or in our 

church body, or even in our government. God sends usmessages to come to Him in prayer.

1Timothy 2:1- 6 NLT "I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and 

give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who in

authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by

godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior,

who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.

For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile

God and humanity - the man Christ Jesus. He gave His life to

purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to

the world at just the right time."

Beloved sisters in Christ,

with a loving heart I pass

on to you this word fromGod our Father, "PRAY." 

“Give ear to my words, O LORD,  

Consider my meditation. Give

Heed to the voice of my cry, My

King and my God, For to You

I will pray. My voice You shall 

hear in the morning, O LORD;” 

Psalm 5:1-3

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CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES, NURSERY & CHILD CARE  Widows Meeting (Encourage & Prayer) 2nd Sunday of the

month in Café 242 @ 8:15 am.  Moms In Prayer— Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 pm. This ministry is

for moms who want to get together and pray for their

children. We meet on a weekly basis in the 3rd/4th grade

classroom. Child care will be shared as needed. Call DiAnn at

972-4264.  Spirit Led Writers for our women’s newsletter. Original

poetry, recipes, stories, missions, answered prayers; fruit the

Lord has grown in you that you would like to share with

others! email Kelly Gardner: [email protected] or call


Helps Ministry— food pantry, meals ministry  Café 2:42 

Women’s Greeters 

Women’s Monday Bible Study

Women’s Koinonia, Conferences, and Retreats  PACE (Post Abortion Counseling Education) call Virginia Kentch at

287-2264.  Women’s Prayer Group—Thursday’s 9 am  Women’s Night of Worship 


Calvary Chapel Reno/Sparks

220 Edison Way, Reno, NV 89502

(775)856-1110 FAX: (775) 856-2031

Senior Pastor Tom Luitwieler

Admin. Pastor Rob Wolfe

Youth Pastor Juan Rodriguez

Worship Pastor Scott Cresta

Evangelism Pastor Leonard Sanchez

Secretary Kim Wirshing

How Can I Get Involved in Women’s Ministries at

Calvary Chapel?

Calvary Chapel and You!

First: Present yourself to God (Romans 12:1) for

confirmation that He has planted you in this fellow-

ship. If so, then discover your gifts and God’s call-

ing in your life.

Second: Study to show yourself approved unto

God (2 Timothy 2:15). As you grow in your rela-

tionship with God, let Him prepare you for effec-

tive service.

Third: Be doers of the Word (James 1:22). Com-

mit yourself to the work of Jesus Christ in this

fellowship. Get involved as a yielded vessel to

God’s guiding anywhere He directs. 

6,13,20,27 Women’s Prayer 9 am 

2nd Missions Prayer Meeting

12:30 pm

8th Singles Potluck 6 pm

9th Widows Meeting 8:15am

5,12,19,26 Starbucks & Books 9:30

10,17,24,31 Women’s Bible Study 

3,10,17,24 Women’s Prayer 9 am 

6th Missions Prayer Meeting

12:30 pm

12th Couples Potluck 6 pm

13th Widows Meeting 8:15am

2,9,16,23 Starbucks & Books 9:30

19th Women’s Koinonia 10am 

7,14,21,28 Women’s Bible Study


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