Call of Community - ShowMeCon 2014



Slides from my talk at ShowMeCon STL 2014

Transcript of Call of Community - ShowMeCon 2014

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About Ben

The Call of Community: Modern Warfare Ben0xA – ShowMeCon 2014


●13+ years experience in Health CareInformation Systems

●Vice President & Security Officer●Developer (Builder)●Security Consultant, Trainer

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About Ben

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●It's hard being an executive when you look like you are a teenager.

●For serious!

●Thanks to @jaysonstreet

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Our thanks to all of the websites we ripped off to use

images for this deck.

Full attribution on last slide!

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Why Us?

●We are geeks●We are gamers●We love this community●We both wanted to be like our gaming heroes!

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Why Us?

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Why Us?

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The Call of Community

What is this call?

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The Call of Community

Our hopes & dreams

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The Call of Community

Strategic Defense Execution Standard

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What is PoshSec?

• PoshSec is a framework to enable information security pros, system

administrators, analysts and others to effectively help manage a systems or

a networks security.

• PoshSec consists of

• PoshSec PowerShell Module

• PoshSec Framework


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How PoshSec Got Started

• Started by Matt Johnson and Will Steele

•Originally saw a lack of Security Related PowerShell modules

• Planned out the project as Will was battling cancer.


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Assembling the team

• Need a team of ninja’s to help make PoshSec grow

• Partnered with Wolfgang Goerlich, Nick Jacob and Rich Cassara and

Michael Ortega

• All seasoned infosec pros and brilliant minds.


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PoshSec Goals

• The initial PoshSec release focused on the Top 20 controls.

• While maintaining our expertise in the area Top20 controls, we are

branching out to cover:

• Server Hardening

• Forensics

• Many more areas


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Account Management

• Created to satisfy Top Twenty Control #16 for the Account Monitoring and

Control section.

• Allows people to verify:

• User accounts

• Accounts that don’t expire

• Admin accounts

• Accounts that expire

• Accounts pass expiration date


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Log Management

• Allows for querying of a few log types



• Allows you to set all of your Security Event logs to PoshSec recommended



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Network Baselining

• Several Baselining Scripts

•Open Ports

•Wireless Networks

• Configure Windows Firewall


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PoshSec 1.0

• PoshSec is officially releasing 1.0 of the PowerShell module


• Cleaner code base, a few new additions

• First of many regular releases.

• Currently twice a year



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PoshSec Framework

My original plan....

●Create an open source SIEM●Bake everything inside●Release it to the community●Profit... wait... it's free●Continue my day job!

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

It's not the sum of it's code!

Select your player...

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PoshSec Framework

Green Ninja

●System Administration●Basic Networking Functions●Scan / Audit Domains●Use Information in Scripts●Patch Management

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

Blue Ninja

●Defensive Team●Live Port Monitoring●Application Integrity●Live File Monitoring●Log Analysis

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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OneGet – PowerShell 5.0


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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

Red Ninja

●Offensive Team●Powersploit Modules●Enumeration Tool●Leverage PSRemoting

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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Own a box, now you need to download a 3rd party tool like


PowerShell is already there!!!

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PoshSec Framework

Black Ninja

●Penetration Testing●Vulnerability Analysis●Posh-Sec Modules●Export Systems to Assets

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

White Ninja

●Forensics●Incident Response●The limit is only based on us

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PoshSec Framework


●Exposed Interface Elements●Github Integration●Custom Error Reporting●Create Tabs for Individual Objects●Seamless Integration with Scripts

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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Live Demo!

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PoshSec Framework 1.0

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Developers●@mwjcomputing●@jwgoerlich●@securitymoey●@mortprime●@rjcassara●@sukotto_san●@PoshSec

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PoshSec Framework

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PoshSec Framework

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I Am The Cavalry

The Cavalry is a global grassroots organization that is focused on issues where

computer security intersects public safety and human life.

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I Am The Cavalry

Our areas of focus are medical devices, automobiles, home electronics and public


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I Am The Cavalry

●Content Management●Project Management●Administrative Assistance●Technical Systems Assistance●Sponsorship


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I Am The Cavalry


I haz stickerz!

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I Am The Cavalry

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I Am The Cavalry

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Strategic Defense Execution Standard

Simple method for planning cyber defenses based on

straightforward step-by-step instructions.

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Strategic Defense Execution Standard

Help you identify where attacks are likely to come from, where

they are likely to go to, how they are likely to get there, and

what the impact on your organization will be.

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Strategic Defense Execution Standard

The final goal is to implement a defense that will allow you to

maintain an acceptable information security posture.

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●Organization Risk Tolerance●IT Basics●Critical Asset Planning●Threat Scoping●Strategic Network Mapping●Attack Vector Identification


Strategic Defense Execution Standard

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●Attack Path Identification●Defense Planning●Defense Testing●Attack Detection and Response

Focus (continued)

Strategic Defense Execution Standard

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Strategic Defense Execution Standard

Current Contributors

James Arlen (@Myrcurial) Iftach Ian Amit (@Iamit) Zate (@Zate) Gabe Bassett (@gdbassett) Ben Ten (@Ben0xA)

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Strategic Defense Execution Standard

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Strategic Defense Execution Standard

[email protected]

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The Call of Community

Where do you fit in?

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The Call of Community

I'm answering the call.... what do you need?

●Contribute Ideas●Contribute Powershell Modules●Share your scripts with the community

●Use the tools... give us feedback!The Call of Community: Modern Warfare

Ben0xA – ShowMeCon 2014

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The Call of Community

I'm answering the call.... what do you need?

●Join a Project●Support a project (skills/financially)

●Discourage Negativity

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The Call of Community

This idea is only as strong as this community. It's time to

stand together as a team!

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The Call of Community

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The Call of Community

The more we work as a team the stronger this community

will become.

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The Call of Community


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Contact Information●@Ben0xA●Ben0xA on Freenode (IRC)●[email protected]●●●

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Contact Information


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Thank you!

I have stickers if you want one.

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