Caliph Deposed!... The Khilafah has been destroyed.. v0_6.pdf

4 ن الرحيمه الرحمل بسم الCaliph Deposed!... The Khilafah has been destroyed!... Tomorrow morning - 3 rd March, 88 years ago the Khilafah will be abolished! On 4 th March 1924, the Ummah of Rasulullah(S.A.W) will wake up to the Newspaper headline shown in Figure 1. At Constantinople (Istanbul), Wali (Governor) Dr. Adran Bey, went to the Dolma Baghche Palace, home of the Khalifah (Caliph) Abdul Mejid Effendi. He demanded to see the Khalifah (Caliph) in the Throne Room. When the Caliph arrived, the Wali ordered him to ascend the throne, read the decision of the Grand National Assembly to him, ordered him to descend the throne and pack his things. 14 days later on Monday, 17 th March 1924 at Angora, capital of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly passed a bill providing for the deposal of the Khalifah (Caliph) (Pictured Fig 1. 1 st from right), and the abolition of the Khilafah (Caliphate). Fig 1. Newspaper headline (Left) The last Khalifah Abdul Mejid Effendi (Right) The Ummah of Kheir, leading light of mankind has not seen a day of peace since... The Ummah was stunned at her loss. The betrayal cut so deep into her heart that she knew not what to do nor where to go. As, for over a millennium (1,292 years) she had not been without her shield, the Imam, the Khalifah (English - Caliph) behind whom she fought. For over a millennium she had not been without her state, the Khilafah under whose shade she had sheltered, protected and nurtured her families. For over a millennium she had not been without her Khilafah, that guaranteed her internal and external tranquility, as an individual and as a society through the implementation of the Sacred Shari'ah of Allah (S.W.T). For over a millennium she had not been without her Khilafah, which was the institutional manifestation of her Deen, Islam. She, the Ummah, was at a total loss... The betrayal continues.. as her leaders and those entrusted with her stewardship conspire with the people of the dark to devour her, her children and her resources.. They manage to continue exploiting her and abusing her by misguiding from her sole source of safety, protection and revival – the comprehensive understanding and comprehensive implementation of the Shari'a of Allah (S.W.T)! Her leaders conspire with the people of the dark to call her to Democracy, knowing this is the only way to subdue and enslave her. Through the rule by man- made laws that enable economic slavery through legitimizing riba (interest), through legitimizing private ownership of resources created for the Ummah by Allah (S.W.T) like Oil (Somalia, Sudan, Saudia), Titanium (Kwale), Gold (Kenya, Uzbekistan), Uranium (Somalia) and Gas (Egypt, Khazakhastan). Conspiring day and night, making every effort, that she does not return to her Sharia embodied by and implemented in the Khilafah System. Her leaders conspire with the people of the dark to call her to Nationalism and Patriotism, which ensures the Ummah will never again be united. “The Great Game” which began with the signing of the “Sykes-Picot Agreement” of 1916 (deliberately kept out of your history books by your colonial masters!) divided Muslim lands into over 50 slave states and slave state-lets which NOT only CANNOT defend themselves but barely appear on a map! The calls to Nationalism and Patriotism facilitate the continuation of “the Great Game” of socio-political cannibalism by the “vampire brothers in Kufr” (America, UK, France, Russia etc.), who are completely united when fighting Islam, but fight amongst themselves thro' proxy wars of fitna when sharing the spoils between themselves. The most recent and ongoing casualties of the vampires being the cannibalism of Sudan by (America and the UK) which was first split from from Masri (Egypt) in 1914. In 2010 they successfully split Muslim lands again with the declaration of South Sudan's independence. They continue the geopolitical cannibalism as Darfur and Abyei are now incited to secede. They have ensured Somalia which had found peace and stability in the Sharia of Allah (S.W.T) broke down into chaos again. After successfully splitting Somalia based on the call to asabiyya (clanism, tribalism, nationalism), it has now split into five countries with more to come. The current major ones being Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, Islamic Emirate of Somalia and there is no end in sight as new groups try to raise new nationalist flags in a bid to dominate over others, Ximan & Xeeb, Sool Sanaag & Cayn, Galmudug, Aswj, Raas Casayr, Azania (Jubaland - area bordering Kenya ) are the latest. (See Fig. 2) Media Rep: [email protected] ريرِ حْ َ ب التُ زْ حِ Cell: 0737-606667 1

Transcript of Caliph Deposed!... The Khilafah has been destroyed.. v0_6.pdf


    Caliph Deposed!... The Khilafah has been destroyed!...Tomorrow morning - 3rd March, 88 years ago the Khilafah will be abolished! On 4th March 1924, the Ummah of Rasulullah(S.A.W) will wake up to the Newspaper headline shown in Figure 1. At Constantinople (Istanbul), Wali (Governor) Dr. Adran Bey, went to the Dolma Baghche Palace, home of the Khalifah (Caliph) Abdul Mejid Effendi. He demanded to see the Khalifah (Caliph) in the Throne Room. When the Caliph arrived, the Wali ordered him to ascend the throne, read the decision of the Grand National Assembly to him, ordered him to descend the throne and pack his things. 14 days later on Monday, 17th March 1924 at Angora, capital of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly passed a bill providing for the deposal of the Khalifah (Caliph) (Pictured Fig 1. 1st from right), and the abolition of the Khilafah (Caliphate).

    Fig 1. Newspaper headline (Left) The last Khalifah Abdul Mejid Effendi (Right)The Ummah of Kheir, leading light of mankind has not seen a day of peace since...The Ummah was stunned at her loss. The betrayal cut so deep into her heart that she knew not what to do nor where to go. As, for over a millennium (1,292 years) she had not been without her shield, the Imam, the Khalifah (English - Caliph) behind whom she fought. For over a millennium she had not been without her state, the Khilafah under whose shade she had sheltered, protected and nurtured her families. For over a millennium she had not been without her Khilafah, that guaranteed her internal and external tranquility, as an individual and as a society through the implementation of the Sacred Shari'ah of Allah (S.W.T). For over a millennium she had not been without her Khilafah, which was the institutional manifestation of her Deen, Islam.She, the Ummah, was at a total loss... The betrayal continues.. as her leaders and those entrusted with her stewardship conspire with the people of the dark to devour her, her children and her resources..

    They manage to continue exploiting her and abusing her by misguiding from her sole source of safety, protection and revival the comprehensive understanding and comprehensive implementation of the Shari'a of Allah (S.W.T)!Her leaders conspire with the people of the dark to call her to Democracy, knowing this is the only way to subdue and enslave her. Through the rule by man-made laws that enable economic slavery through legitimizing riba (interest), through legitimizing private ownership of resources created for the Ummah by Allah (S.W.T) like Oil (Somalia, Sudan, Saudia), Titanium (Kwale), Gold (Kenya, Uzbekistan), Uranium (Somalia) and Gas (Egypt, Khazakhastan). Conspiring day and night, making every effort, that she does not return to her Sharia embodied by and implemented in the Khilafah System.

    Her leaders conspire with the people of the dark to call her to Nationalism and Patriotism, which ensures the Ummah will never again be united. The Great Game which began with the signing of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 (deliberately kept out of your history books by your colonial masters!) divided Muslim lands into over 50 slave states and slave state-lets which NOT only CANNOT defend themselves but barely appear on a map! The calls to Nationalism and Patriotism facilitate the continuation of the Great Game of socio-political

    cannibalism by the vampire brothers in Kufr (America, UK, France, Russia etc.), who are completely united when fighting Islam, but fight amongst themselves thro' proxy wars of fitna when sharing the spoils between themselves. The most recent and ongoing casualties of the vampires being the cannibalism of Sudan by (America and the UK) which was first split from from Masri (Egypt) in 1914. In 2010 they successfully split Muslim lands again with the declaration of South Sudan's independence. They continue the geopolitical cannibalism as Darfur and Abyei are now incited to secede. They have ensured Somalia which had found peace and stability in the Sharia of Allah (S.W.T) broke down into chaos again. After successfully splitting Somalia based on the call to asabiyya (clanism, tribalism, nationalism), it has now split into five countries with more to come. The current major ones being Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, Islamic Emirate of Somalia and there is no end in sight as new groups try to raise new nationalist flags in a bid to dominate over others, Ximan & Xeeb, Sool Sanaag & Cayn, Galmudug, Aswj, Raas Casayr, Azania (Jubaland - area bordering Kenya ) are the latest. (See Fig. 2)

    Media Rep: [email protected] Cell: 0737-606667 1[email protected]:[email protected]
  • Figure 2. Political Situation in Somali 10th February 2012The Capitalist vampires America and Britain in what has now become a standard and easily recognizable M.O. (Modus Operandi) use the WorldBank and IMF to conspire with the elites and leaders of your society to implement policies that enrich the collaborators, disenfranchise whole populations and cause untold misery and immeasurable poverty to the masses, creating an environment of instability, disharmony and disunity. They then foment, stoke and incite savagely brutal and meaningless violence that causes terrible death and destruction. The socio-political environment then becomes ripe for insurrection and insurgency. They now invite and fund groups to call for secession and independence (divide and rule). The devilish genius of this entire process is that it is politically engineered to ensure they continue to control and exploit your resources as this chaos unfolds around the unknowing and innocent victim state. You will watch the leaders on your news media programs champion and sign Security Cooperation pacts and pass laws that enable expatriation of citizens to be tortured by foreign security agencies (Extraordinary Rendition) and tried by foreign courts, they celebrate signing Worldbank/IMF Loan agreements, glorify Public Utility (Infrastructure, Energy, Water) Privatization and Investment programs and justify Oil/Mineral Exploration Concessions. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi, Minister of International Cooperation in Puntland, north-east Somali revealed a deal with the kafir vampire Britain for BP to start oil extraction within the next 20-30days. Harvesting oil from the seeds of chaos and anarchy it planted in Somalia over the last 20 years, and watered with the innocent blood of Muslims, the sacred blood of Believers.Any sincere and interested individual, who follows the news even with an untrained eye will give you a list of countries that are currently mired in these Economic and Psychological Warfare Operations. These countries have two or all three of these specific characteristics in common 1) immense natural resource e.g. Oil or Gas 2) political violence that has a morbidly unique signature 3) significant geo-strategic positioning e.g. vital shipping lanes and waterways (Somalia, Mauritius), crossroad of empires (Afghanistan).Nigeria which was once part of the Sokoto Caliphate established by Sheikh Uthman Dan Fodio in the 9th

    Century was recently instructed by the IMF to lift its fuel subsidies. In a capitalist state whose government delivers little to absolutely no public services, this subsidy was vital to the poor. This caused food prices to quadruple immediately. This was built on top of the of the socio-economically destructive Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) of the World Bank in the 1990's. Couple this with the ongoing meaningless violence (which the vampires are no doubt behind!) it is only a matter of time before you start hearing calls for secession and further division of Oil rich Muslims lands into a purported Muslim North and Christian South.. Pakistan which was part of the Sindh and Punjab regions along the Indus river, was opened to Islam in 711 A.D. by the military command of the Ummayad Miitary 'General Mohammed bin Qassim, directed by the Wali (Governor) Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf al-Thaqafi, Governor of Iraq to the then Ummayad Khalifah Al-Walid I. The British in what was and still is their area of specialty divide and rule, fomented sectarian violence that led to the division of the Sindh into India and Pakistan in 1947, also leaving an unsettled area of dispute that caused the 1947 War of Jammu and Kashmir. This as always was not enough, they further split Pakistan into West Pakistan and East Pakistan again in 1971 (East Pakistan today called Bangladesh). If the Ummah assumes they are finished, then the Ummah has not learnt as they are now in the process of triggering secession by the largest province of Pakistan called Baluchistan. India which is also a part of Muslim lands ruled by the disbelievers, is also struggling with multiple secessionist movements.

    Media Rep: [email protected] Cell: 0737-606667 2[email protected]:[email protected]
  • www.hizb-ut-tahrir.orgTurkey and Iraq which are all Muslim lands opened with Muslim blood currently face the same fate in their North. The struggle for an independent Kurdish state. Iraq (Mesopotamia) was opened under the reign of Khalifah Umar ibn Khattab (ra) by the Military Generals Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas, Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah and the Military Genius Khalid ibn Walid. Turkey was opened by Mohammad AlFathy in 1453 A.D.In North Africa, Morocco faces secession with the south struggling to secede in the form of Western Sahara. The newspaper, Al-Masryoon, published revelations about a plan for the division of Egypt into 4 or more countries and the presence of more than 150 CIA operatives interfering in its affairs and working in the US Embassy.These are all Muslim lands, and the list of secessionist movements is endless. New nationalist groups will always rise in these divided states to call for Patriotism and Nation-statehood triggering further sub-division, weakening the ummah more and more... on and on... without end...

    Why is this?Because the Patriotic Bond is a societal bond based on connection to land. It cannot therefore create a cohesive society as, while society changes its demographic patterns as people move from place to place, inter-marry, populate and de-populate, land does not. A bond based on connection to land (which is limited and unchanging) cannot therefore respond to accommodate these changes and will always breed violence as existing occupants endeavour to unite and protect against people seen as not being native to the land. It is a savage and primitive bond that on close analysis will be seen to only appear when there is a perceived external threat. You will notice exhortations to patriotism only appear when the society has a perceived external threat, and the bond immediately disappears when the external threat is perceived to have diminished. For instance all differences across all stratum (Religious, Political, Income, Tribe etc.) of Kenyan society were set aside when Somalia and Somalis became the perceived external threat. Even Muslim intellectuals are overwhelmed by this bond as the editorial of a popular Muslim weekly bulletin regularly speaks of the problems of Somalia Muslims affecting Kenyan Muslims!? ! What is a Somali Muslim!? The problems in Somalia are a MUSLIM PROBLEM! ! Kenya, a society that is totally stratified across tribal lines forgot instantly all the tribal hatred & political antipathy triggered by the Post-election Violence (PEV) when they were presented with an external threat. As soon as the external threat diminished, the patriotic bond evaporated and within a month of the new Patriotic Kenya, the President had to read a speech to the same country to preempt a potential flare-up of tribal violence in the aftermath of the ICC indictments.This is the true nature of the patriotism bond. It is temporary, irrational, primitive and savage.

    Nationalism on the other hand is a bond built on the need for dominance of others in the quest for control over resources. Because it is built on the idea of dominance over others, it is prone to generate never-ending conflicts of competition for dominance over resources. There is not a single state built on Patriotism and Nationalism that has ever found internal peace and tranquility even after secession. The South Sudanese are barely a year old in geo-political independent statehood and there are complaints of dominance of the Dinka tribe over the rest. Kenya did not even make it to the decade mark after independence before there was grumbling and even political unrest about the overt dominance of the Kikuyu tribe over others. And the story is the same for all Nationalism-based states. The human characteristic used to forge the nationalist bond, to divide and dominate may differ from place to place (i.e. race, geography, tribe, clan), but the social and political instability it causes is the same. Somalia continues to fracture, and after every fracture a new group rises calling for more fracture. In Europe the characteristic used to divide and dominate is race, in Somalia it is clan, in South Africa it is literally colour (NOT race), in Kenya it is tribe, in India it is tribe & caste (social class), in America it is race and wealth.. so on and so on.. So, even if these societies are the wealthiest in the world, they still have the highest rates of murder and institutionalized crime in the world! As varying groups (gangs, cartels, corporations, lobbies) vie for dominance over others.

    This is the true nature of the nationalism bond. It breeds vicious hatred, fear & never-ending conflicts of competition for dominance.

    As the Imperial state Capitalist vampires encourage nationalism and secession-ism amongst Muslims, they are all the while consolidating themselves into large super-states and resisting any calls to secession. Britain fought a bloody war to subdue Ireland's attempt to secede (Britain vs the Irish Republican Army) and centuries earlier fought Scotland in several wars to keep it under its domain. On 16th February 2012 BBC reported on United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron's trip to Scotland to plead with them NOT to secede from the United Kingdom! China continues to apply pressure to re-unify with Taiwan after successfully re-absorbing Hong Kong and cracking down on Tibetan nationalism violently. America fought a terrible civil war against secession from 1861 to 1865. Over 20 states in America currently have groups calling for secession from the U.S. Of A, but we do not hear Obama and the American political class waxing lyrical about the secessionists right to self-determination!? In fact, Muslims who call for peaceful re-unification of the Islamic lands thro' dialogue are called extremists and the future leading light of mankind - the unified Islamic State (Khilafah) is called an evil empire!? (George Bush, State of the Union address 2006) (See Figure 3. Geopolitical area of the coming Islamic State)

    Media Rep: [email protected] Cell: 0737-606667 3[email protected]:[email protected]
  • www.hizb-ut-tahrir.orgOh Muslim Brothers and Sisters!

    Say ! from Najivunia kuwa Mkenya! Say ! from Somali First! Say ! from

    Pwani si Kenya! Say ! from all Clanism! Say ! from all Tribalism! Say ! from all Racism! Say ! from all Nationalism! Say ! from all 'Asabiyyah!

    Allah (S.W.T) bestowed upon us the great Islamic bond Islamic Brotherhood, He (S.W.T) said:

    "The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islmic religion). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allh that you may receive mercy." [TMQ 49:10]And the Prophet (S.A.W) said:

    ( ("A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim"

    At the same time the Prophet warned us against the bond of tribal and nationalist prejudice (asabiyyah) and fighting under its banner, he (S.A.W) said:

    ( ("Abandon it, for it stinks."

    And he (S.A.W) said:(

    . (

    "He, who invites for a call of Jahiliyyah, he is a corpse of jahannam." a person asked: "O Messenger of Allah (saw), even if he were to pray and fast?" The Prophet (saw) said: "Even if he prayed and fasted. Invite to the call of Allah (swt) who named you as Muslimeen, Mumineen (and) servants of Allah (swt)." (Fig. 3)

    Ya Umaati-Rasulullah !

    "And hold tight to the rope of Allah and be not disunited" [TMQ, 3:103]

    Let us hold tight to our Islamic identity, Islamic Values and Islamic System. That is our only true saviour in the Dunya and Akhira.Say ! from their riba, insurance & debt-based Capitalist economic system which has made us slaves through pre-paid taxes, pre-paid rent, pre-paid electricity, pre-paid water, pre-paid medical-bills, pre-paid taxes, pre-paid food, pre-paid toilets! Say Khilafah is Fard! for implementation of an entirely la-riba Islamic economic system which guarantees housing, food and energy for every citizen (Muslim and Non-Muslim alike). Where every mineral resource is neither owned by government nor owned by private companies, but is distributed to the public. Say ! from their Kufr democratic political system where man makes his own laws. Say Khilafah is Fard! for the comprehensive implementation of Islam, the Sha'ria of Allah (S.W.T)Say ! from their social system which fails to protect and nurture women, encouraging their slavery to the harsh Capitalist economic system by exploiting them as sexual objects and slaves to men.Say Khilafah is Fard! for the recognition of women as special and different from men. The Khilafah pays women a stipend for raising children, thus protecting their honour, nurturing and rewarding their role as the vital pillar of the family & society.Say ! from their judicial system which protects the powerful and oppresses the weak. Say Khilafah is Fard! for Kadhi's who judge on ALLl issues - social, economic and political according to the Islamic Sharia. Which has perfect justice, as it is from our Creator (S.W.T) who clearly knows us best.Say ! from the Kufr Parliamentary System which makes Kufr laws that give freedom to insult Allah (S.W.T), His (S.W.T) Messengers and Books, freedom to legalize prostitution and homosexuality! Say Khilafah is Fard! for the Majlis ul-Wilaya which will represent the Ummah's interests under the never-changing, ever-green Sha'ria of Allah(S.W.T) and the Majlis ul-Ummah which will account and advise the Khalifah.Say ! from Presidents, Prime Ministers and Republics. Say ! from Kings, Crown Princes and Kingdoms. Say Khilafah is Fard! for a Khalifah who will implement the Sharia upon you, protect you and lead you in calling the world to the shining light of Islam. The Messenger of Allah ,said

    "The Imam is a shield behind whom the people fight and are protected."

    [Sahih Muslim]Stand with us, Hizb ut-Tahrir in our call to: Islam first! Islam Second! Islam Only!

    Say Khilafah is Fard forIslam Socially! Islam Economically!

    Islam Politically!

    Stand with us, Hizb ut-Tahrir in our declaration:

    Democracy is Kufr! Demokrasia ni Ukafiri! Nationalism is Haraam! Uzalendo ni Haraamu!

    Khilafah is Fard! Join our darsa inside the Masjid or invite us to your Masjid for a talk via the email or cell-phone below.

    Media Rep: [email protected] Cell: 0737-606667 4[email protected]:[email protected]