Caliing - Issue 33 - (25 October 2012)

25 October 2012 No. 33 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email offi[email protected] A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition catering for Years 5 to 12 Dear Members of the St Patrick’s College Community, This is a significant week for St Patrick’s College. The Band of Brothers Concert last Sunday was a huge success and a great display of Community Spirit. The people who came along were treated to great music by the artists and shared an afternoon with family and friends. My thanks to all involved who assisted in making the afternoon so successful. In particular I wish to thank Mrs Kath Richardson for the outstanding effort she did in coordinating the day. Thank you very much Kath. At the Band of Brothers the 60 year Art Union was drawn. I thank those who supported the event and have much pleasure in announcing the winners. 1st Prize Mazda 2 Lochlie Sanders 2nd Prize Harvey World Travel Voucher Claire Fitzgerald 3rd Prize Harvey Norman Voucher Aidan Fitzgerald On Tuesday students in Years 8 to 12 travelled to ANZ Stadium at Mt Gravatt to support our athletes. It was a very competitive carnival and the St Patrick’s College athletes performed very well and were placed 4th. This is a very good performance and I thank all athletes and coaches for their efforts. This Saturday, the final round of AIC basketball and tennis is being played at Villanova. I encourage supporters to come along and cheer on our teams. We have a number of tennis and basketball teams vying for premierships including our First V basketball team. Come along and lend your support. Last week the Parents & Friends AGM was held. It is my pleasure to announce the 2013 Parents & Friends Executive. President Ms Andrea Sked Vice President Mrs Mary Brodie Treasurer Mrs Lesley Palmer Secretary Mrs Maxine Nott I congratulate and thank these people on their election. I also wish to thank Mr Malcolm Steele , the outgoing Parents & Friends Presi- dent, for his work and dedication over the years. A reminder that tonight the College hosts Showcase. There will be seating in the Callan Centre as well as a big screen on the oval. Entry is a gold coin donation. We are expecting large numbers so I do ask people to be considerate of our neighbours and avoid parking across driveways etc. Finally, I remind people that I am away from the College on leave until Thursday 1 November. Have a great week. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal Showcase Tonight 6.30 Callan Centre


This is a significant week for St Patrick’s College. The Band of Brothers Concert last Sunday was a huge success and a great display of Community Spirit.

Transcript of Caliing - Issue 33 - (25 October 2012)

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25 October 2012 No. 33 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email [email protected]

A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition catering for Years 5 to 12

Dear Members of the St Patrick’s College Community, This is a significant week for St Patrick’s College. The Band of Brothers Concert last Sunday was a huge success and a great display of Community Spirit. The people who came along were treated to great music by the artists and shared an afternoon with family and friends. My thanks to all involved who assisted in making the afternoon so successful. In particular I wish to thank Mrs Kath Richardson for the outstanding effort she did in coordinating the day. Thank you very much Kath. At the Band of Brothers the 60 year Art Union was drawn. I thank those who supported the event and have much pleasure in announcing the winners. 1st Prize Mazda 2 Lochlie Sanders 2nd Prize Harvey World Travel Voucher Claire Fitzgerald 3rd Prize Harvey Norman Voucher Aidan Fitzgerald On Tuesday students in Years 8 to 12 travelled to ANZ Stadium at Mt Gravatt to support our athletes. It was a very competitive carnival and the St Patrick’s College athletes performed very well and were placed 4th. This is a very good performance and I thank all athletes and coaches for their efforts. This Saturday, the final round of AIC basketball and tennis is being played at Villanova. I encourage supporters to come along and cheer on our teams. We have a number of tennis and basketball teams vying for premierships including our First V basketball team. Come along and lend your support. Last week the Parents & Friends AGM was held. It is my pleasure to announce the 2013 Parents & Friends Executive. President Ms Andrea Sked Vice President Mrs Mary Brodie Treasurer Mrs Lesley Palmer Secretary Mrs Maxine Nott I congratulate and thank these people on their election. I also wish to thank Mr Malcolm Steele , the outgoing Parents & Friends Presi-dent, for his work and dedication over the years. A reminder that tonight the College hosts Showcase. There will be seating in the Callan Centre as well as a big screen on the oval. Entry is a gold coin donation. We are expecting large numbers so I do ask people to be considerate of our neighbours and avoid parking across driveways etc. Finally, I remind people that I am away from the College on leave until Thursday 1 November. Have a great week. God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

Showcase Tonight  


Callan Centre  

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Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

Showcase 2012 Tonight

Don’t Miss the Hottest Ticket in Town

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Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

Tonight’s Plan

Don’t Miss The Great Acts You can’t go Back in Time

OR Can You ????

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Mr David Gardiner College Dean

Last week I was privileged to walk the famous Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea. I was given this opportunity through my wife’s work and their connection with It was an awesome experience and a very humbling time. The track is very demanding with 96kms of rugged jungle to traverse. The track seems to be never ending up and down very steep mountainous ranges, through slippery mud, many river crossings, and with endless rocks and tree roots to negotiate. It is taxing on the body and mind but our group of twelve stuck tight together and no significant inju-ries saw us all finish tired but in very good spirits. Along the way we were supported by twelve local porters who provid-ed extra support but also great stories and much humour. I thoroughly enjoyed the eight days in the jungle and the opportunity to walk through some very pretty villages and meet the people along the track. The villagers live such a simple and peaceful life and generally are subsistence farm-ers. They display an appreciation and understanding of the environment. The swims in the rivers were much appreciat-ed after walking in such humid conditions. I particularly enjoyed learning more about the Australian war effort during WWII. It is an incredible story and one that should feature more strongly in our national history. To fight in such demanding terrain in such hostile conditions, and to defeat the mighty Japanese forces is truly an incredi-ble victory. It is one we should all be very proud of. Over the months of battle along Kokoda 625 diggers lost their life but the Japanese lost thousands of their soldiers. Along the track we heard many stories of great bravery by Aussie sol-diers and heard of the strategies implemented to enable the Aussie forces to hold and finally turn back the Japanese forces. The memorials at Isarava and Mission Ridge along with Bomana Cemetery were very moving moments.

We learnt how important it is to keep going and to work for the things that are true. It truly was an honour to walk in the footsteps of our Kokoda Diggers. Our effort was also linked to hike4hunger which is a cam-paign that aims to spread awareness and raise funds about the critical issue of ongoing global hunger, and to inspire people to participate in a hike in support of UN World Food Day on 16 October each year. With over 1 billion people chronically hungry worldwide, eradicating extreme poverty and hunger is the first UN Millennium Development Goal. Our group walking Kokoda aimed to benefit The Hunger Project, AU and its goal is to end world hunger by changing attitudes, empowering women and establishing self reli-ance. So far the group has raised over $12000 and these funds raised will be used to support programmes in Malawi, currently reaching over 115,000 people in eight epicentres. An epicentre is a cluster of 10-15 villages working together to meet their own basic needs. At the physical centre of the epicentre is a building that houses the community’s food bank, health clinic, classrooms and a bank. The villagers build this building themselves brick by brick. It is the foun-dation of empowered life. ( We were motivated each morning by hearing stories of how the Hun-ger Project has helped different individuals around the world. The week was certainly a highlight of the year for me and one that taught me a lot. The pillars at Isarava of Endurance, Mateship, Sacrifice and Courage certainly mean even more to me now. I would like to thank Dr Carroll for allowing me this leave during the term.

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Mr David Gardiner College Dean

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Art Union Winners

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Mr Matthew Hawkins Assistant Principal Identity

Speak out for those who cannot speak… Speak out, judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and

needy. Proverbs 31:8-9

Last term when we celebrated our end of term liturgy on International Day of Peace, we were recognized and ac-credited as a United Nations Global Peace School. This was a momentous occasion for our College, and we should be proud of our achievement. However, this does not mean we can now rest on our lau-rels! Now, more than ever, we have a responsibility to speak out for those who cannot speak, and to defend the rights of the poor and needy! At the end of this year, and into next year, we are beginning a more formal way of do-ing just that. We are beginning an Advocacy group, and indeed an Advocacy network with other Edmund Rice schools. The network is called “ERA (Edmund Rice Advoca-cy) for Change”. Era for Change is a very exciting new initiative which has the potential to be and do something very special. It has the potential to garner the support and the enthusiasm of students from all Edmund Rice Schools, hopefully through-

out the whole of Australia and eventually even internation-ally, to work to effect positive change for our society’s and our world’s most needy. You only need to watch the news and hear about the children living in Asylum Seeker Deten-tion Centres, or even talk to our students from the Tiwi Islands about the age of their friends and relatives who succumb to health issues that should easily be combatted, to see that we have a responsibility to speak up. On Monday of this week, this concept was officially born at a gathering at St James’ College facilitated by Br Damien Price. Sam Huth, Lachlan Righetti, Lachlan Rologas, Miss Susan Corfield, Miss Selena Fisk, Mrs Helen Righetti and myself represented St Patrick’s at the gathering. We, and the other participants, were given a little insight into the life of someone without a voice when we had our mouths taped shut and our hands tied behind our backs and had people telling us to go back to where we came from, or tell someone who cares. After this confronting start, we turned our attention to the potential of this group, and were given the permission to dream about the impact our group could have. Era for Change will have its official launch on Friday 1 March 2013. I look forward to keeping you updated with its developments.

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Mrs Jan Thompson Online Booklist

For 2013 St Patrick’s College Stationery lists can be ordered online from Direct Stationery Supplies using the following process: To ensure supply of Stationery – Lists are required to be submitted by 24/10/2012 Year 8 & 10 students have been given an extension until the 9/11/2012 to allow for sub-ject choices to be allocated First you must set up an account instructions as follows: Log into

Select My Account Tab Select - Don’t have an Account? Click here to register. Complete Registration form, ensuring all details entered correctly. You will need to create your own log in name and password, then select Save. Once your registration is complete a confirmation email will be sent to your nominated email address con-firming registration, eg below:

Your registration has been successful, and you should shortly be receiving an e-mail with your registration details. It is very IMPORTANT that you click on the link in the email to confirm your registration. This is required before you can log into the site, and you must confirm the email within 48 hours of registering.

Click the link in your email to confirm registration.

You are now set up to order your book list online, directions as follows:

Select School Lists Enter your User Name and Password Select Primary or Secondary Select St. Patricks You will be required to enter another Password. Primary Password is SPP and Secondary Password is SPS Select + to the left of Year Level to expand, then select the relevant booklist Enter Childs Name Delete any items not required, then proceed to Add to Cart (the order form is pre-filled) If full list required click Add to Cart Proceed to Go To Checkout Enter Delivery Details At this point if you have any special delivery requirements, eg. dogs or periods when you will be away please add these instructions to Order Comments. If you have another Book Order go back to step 2. (Select School Lists) Select shipping option for single book list choose delivery, for family choose Family Pack Click Check Out. Proceed with payment.

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Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum

Last Monday was a student free day, where many of the Col-lege teaching staff took positions on District Review Panels. The objective of the day was to examine samples of work from Year 12 students in schools throughout the Brisbane North Area. It is important that there is comparability be-tween schools when it comes to the marking of Year 12 ex-ams and assignments. This comparability is reasonably as-sessed by having outside professionals examine and review student work. For Year 12 students in particular, it is essential that both an academic focus and an academic energy is maintained for the next three weeks. I have written previously in this col-umn about the importance of students achieving as high a place as possible when students are rank ordered from top to bottom, at the conclusion of the year. Realistically it is too late for a Year 12 to move from a Sound Achievement to a Very High Achievement. However, what is possible is for boys to climb higher in the rank order. Being able to do so can have a significant effect on the OP score of those who are eligible. Hence, Year 12s in particular, must commit to the remaining few weeks. Now is the time to make sacrifices, whether they be television , social networking, sporting or work commit-ments. Our attention must be directed solely towards these final exams.

A reminder also, that boys must be in attendance for their exams. The College cannot make adjustments for students who have social functions to attend or have organised per-sonal pursuits such as driving tests. Exams must take prece-dence in these instances. For the remainder of the school, I wrote last week about drawing up study plans and study timetables. This is an effective system of managing our time. Knowing what your requirements for each day will be, allows us to take control of our learning. If unsure, check back through last week’s ‘Calling’ for advice on how to do this. Not long to go now. Let’s commence one final push to the line.

IMPORTANT ACCOUNT INFORMATION Term 3 School Fee Accounts were emailed or posted out over the holidays. Payment for this account was due the 8 October unless a payment scheme has been put in place. If you have not yet received your Term 4 account please contact Judy Kelly on 3631 9019. We now have a new payment option for payment of fees called PAYWAY. PAYWAY only accepts payments by use of credit card. Feel free to log onto your parent lounge and check this new option out. PAYWAY:

Please log in using your User Code and Password. Click on PAY ACCOUNT and follow directions to make your payment using your Credit Card only.

If you have any queries regarding your school fee accounts please contact Judy Kelly on 3631 9019.

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Mr Stanley Carr Indigenous Liaison Officer

Indigenous Graduation Liturgy at St Stephen’s Cathedral Friday 19 October 2012 Sam Chittenden and Isaac Tomkins attended the 2012 Indigenous Graduation Liturgy conducted at the Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane City on Friday last. Uncle Peter Bird also attended this liturgy.

The Liturgy happens every year and honours all Year 12 Indigenous students who will graduate from Catholic schools in the Brisbane Archdiocese.

Archbishop Coleridge officiated and presented all students stoles created in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Colours. Our students then enjoyed lunch at the conclusion of the Ceremony.

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Mr Frank Torrisi AP Student Formation

YEAR 11 LEADERSHIP RETREAT Congratulations to all Year 11 students who are heavily involved in our Leadership program. Over the past two weeks every Year 11 student has been involved in a four phase process to select our elected leaders for 2013. All the Year 11 students will participate in a Leadership Retreat at the Gold Coast Sports Centre at Runaway Bay. The third day Wednesday has been set aside as House planning days. The Year 11 Students will work together with House Deans to plan their direction for 2013. Each House will be transport-ed to various venues in the local area. Students are re-quired to bring their own lunch on these days. SHOWCASE Our Inter-House competition culminates this evening with Showcase. It should be a great spectacle with over 1100

students on stage during the night. Please ensure your son knows when and where he is to meet his House Dean and what time his House is performing. We have asked the stu-dents to ensure they do not move around the school on the evening but are always with their parents, their House or performing on stage. HELP NEEDED The Year 12 Graduation Mass and Dinner will be held on Thursday, 15 November. We are asking present Year 11 parents and students to assist on the evening with the serving of food and drinks. Next year you will be the special guests and be waited upon. If you can assist during the evening please contact Mrs. Sandra Fowlie in the Student Office.  

Debating News What a big finish to the Debating season. Our debut year for the Year 7 QDU competition and we have enjoyed much success. Wednesday night saw the boys engage in their final battle for the year, against the might of St Dympna’s. The team were incredibly strong with Sam Di Francesco leading the team with fantastic arguments about Australia’s poor record in saving the environment. Adam Aquilini followed Sam and reinforced their team’s argument while Joe Grew did a great job summing up and concluding (Mr Walker would have been proud of their staunch defence of the environment….we sense a feature spread in ‘Just Us’ any day now). The Year 7 team were a formidable force to be reckoned with, proving their might with a comprehensive final victory. Congratulations to all Debating teams and coaches for 2012. It’s been a long, but rewarding season. Thank you to the loyal Debating fanatics who ensure they are ‘ringside’ supporting for each debate. We can’t wait to see you all there in 2013. Ms Zoe Morgan

Mr Geoff Samuels Director of Culture

The College Community offers condolences to the Collins and Jones families at the recent passing of Mr Peter Collins. Mr Collins is the Father of Old Boys Steven, Gerard, Jamie and Sean and Grandfather to 2010 seniors Ty Collins and Michael and Brent Jones.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. May he rest in peace.

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Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

On Friday evening 19 October and Tuesday 23 October, St Patrick’s College competed at the 14th Annual AIC Track and Field Championships at QSAC, Nathan. St Patrick’s College placed 4th overall behind Marist College (3rd), Iona College (2nd) and St Edmund’s College (1st). I would like to take this opportunity to thank both the athletes and the coaches who actively participated in the 2012 St Patrick’s College Track and Field Program for their commitment and overall effort each and every week leading up to the AIC Championships. I would especially like to acknowledge the fantastic contribution that Mr Rob Morris has made to our sport of Track and Field over the past years. This year is the last year we will have Rob assisting and coordinating St Patrick’s College in sport and I feel I can speak for all involved in our sporting program in say that he will be greatly missed by everyone from the students to the staff and parents. I wish Rob well for 2013 and beyond and again sincerely thank him for the great things he has achieved for our College.


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Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport

Congratulations Darcy Roper (Year 9) – setting a new AIC record in the Under 14 Long Jump with a jump of 6.53m. This jump also

has broken the St Patrick’s College U14 Long Jump Record of S. Woolly (1990 – 5.81m).

Darcy Roper (Year 9) – equalling the St Patrick’s College Under14 High Jump Record of 1.73m. Darcy has equalled the record set by B. O’Sullivan in 1981.

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Mr Luke Donatini Director of Sport


Snapshot of a Talented Junior Table Tennis Player

Benjamin Gould: Year 7 St Patrick’s College Student Year 7 student Benjamin Gould has trained very hard with his table tennis since November 2011 and his re-sults have shown significant improvement. His attitude/sportsmanship recently at Perth was described as ‘flawless’, also a huge step forward in maturity was seen since last year. He is competing against boys, many of whom go to China for 3-4 months during the year to train daily. He is very pleased with his results this year (and rightly so). Ben being the dedicated athlete that he is , is of course, already training for next year! In summary: July 2012 - Queensland Championships (Benjamin wins Under13 Boys Champion) In total he won 8 medals from 9 events. 3 Gold medals ( also won U13 and U15 Mixed Doubles), 1 Silver for U15 Teams, 1 Silver for U15 Boys Doubles, 3 Bronzes (U15 Singles, U13 Boys Doubles, U18 Boys Doubles)

Benjamin played up into U15 Teams as well and was given the Order of Merit 3 in U15 Boys. From this achievement he was selected for the U13 Boys Queensland Team.

The following week in July of 2012, Benjamin played at Brisbane in the Seniors Australian Open Table Tennis Championships in the U21 Men’s for the A Presidents Team. He won 57% of his matches, defeating several highly ranked U18 and U15 Australian players. As a result of his achievements at these championships Benja-min received an Oceanic Ranking placed him at number 13 rank in the U15 Boys.

October 2012 - Australian Junior Championships Benjamin's team in the U13 division was new to the Australian National Championships, and they placed 5th. However, Benjamin was undefeated in his 21 matches 100% wins and was therefore given Order of Merit 1 for the Boys U13 Championships. This is a tournament result indicating the best result of all the Australian boys in the U13 division. It is seen as an honour and a goal of all players to be named in the ‘Top Ten Order of Merit’. In achieving this he defeated the number 1 seed player and the number 4 seed player in these matches (Benjamin was seeded 6th).2 Silver (U13 Mixed Doubles and U13 Boys Doubles) He also lost in the U15 Boys Singles to the U15 number 5 seed (Australian Squad Member) 11-9 in the fifth game.

Overall, Benjamin only lost 2 matches of 26 singles matches at the Australian Junior Championships. A truly fantastic achievement indeed – Congratulations and Well Done!

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Mr Corey Meehan Basketball

.AIC BASKETBALL Round six was another very successful day for SPC Basketball with eight wins against Padua College in the local derby. The 13C, 14A, 15A and 1st V teams head into round 7 of the competition well placed on the premiership ladder. Congratulations again to the U15B side who secured another close win on Saturday; the improvements boys in this age group have made are a testament to the hard work of both coaches and players. This weekend is sure to be our toughest round yet away against the competition leader Villanova. I would strongly encourage all boys to remain behind and support as many teams as possible on Saturday, in particular the 1st V at 2pm. Please continue to keep the College’s dress standards in mind, at no stage during training or before games is it acceptable for you to wear anything other than SPC apparel, please keep up the great work the majority of students are doing in this respect.

Round 7 AIC Basketball St Patrick’s College vs Villanova College

27 October 2012

Basketball Game Details

Villanova College Venues: Goold Hall – Villanova College, 24 Sixth Avenue, Coorparoo

Mary Ward Centre – Loreto College, Cavendish Road,


Corey Meehan [email protected] 3631 9028








1sts 2.00pm Goold Hall, Villanova College

2nds 1.00pm Goold Hall, Villanova College

3rds 11.00am Goold Hall, Villanova College

16A 12.00am Goold Hall, Villanova College

15A 10.00am Goold Hall, Villanova College

15B 9.00am Goold Hall, Villanova College

15C 8.00am Goold Hall, Villanova College

14A 1.00pm Mary Ward Centre, Loreto College

14B 12.00pm Mary Ward Centre, Loreto College

14C 11.00am Mary Ward Centre, Loreto College

13A 10.00am Mary Ward Centre, Loreto College

13B 9.00am Mary Ward Centre, Loreto College

13C 8.00am Mary Ward Centre, Loreto College

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Mr Doug Locke Swimming

SWIMMING IS BACK! The College swimming program has begun. All students wishing to participate in the CIC or AIC swimming program, budding triathletes or boys wanting to get back in shape are invited to attend the below sessions. Detailed information outlining the upcoming season including carnival dates and swim camp registration will be distributed soon. The 2013 College Swim Camp will take place at the Currimundi Recreation Camp from Sunday 20 January till Tuesday 22 January. Swimming times for Term 4 starting Thursday October 25 are as follows: MONDAY: 3.15pm – 4:30pm CIC Athletes (Yr 5 – 7)TUESDAY: 6:15am – 7:40am AIC Athletes THURSDAY: 6:15am – 7:40am CIC Athletes (Yr 5 – 7) FRIDAY: 6:15am – 7:40am AIC Athletes

All Term 4 sessions will be conducted at the

College swimming pool.

There is no cost involved with training, and everyone is welcome. Athletes who currently train with competitive squads are encouraged to remain with their present coach. These boys should make contact with Mr Doug Locke outlining their interest in the Colleges swim program. If parents or students have any questions regarding the 2013 swimming program they should email the 2013 Swim Coordinator Mr Doug Locke at [email protected] email is the preferred method of contact.

To become the very best athlete you can be, come down and get swimming!

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Brother Chris Pritchard Tennis

Round 7 AIC Tennis St Patrick’s College vs Villanova College

27 October 2012

Tennis Game Details

Villanova College Venue: Qld Tennis Centre, 190 King Arthur Tce, Tennyson St Patrick’s Venue: Coops Tennis Centre.

All students must wear correct uniform – SPC White Tennis Polo and SPC PE Shorts

All SPC Tennis Players are required to arrange their own transportation both to and from Tennis on Saturday.




1sts 8.30am Away Qld Tennis Centre – King Arthur Tce, Tennyson

2nds 8.30am Away Qld Tennis Centre – King Arthur Tce, Tennyson

3rds 8.30am Away Qld Tennis Centre – King Arthur Tce, Tennyson

16A 8.30am Away Qld Tennis Centre – King Arthur Tce, Tennyson

16B 8.30am Away Qld Tennis Centre – King Arthur Tce, Tennyson

15A 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

15B 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

14A 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

14B 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

13A 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

13B 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

13C 8.30am Home Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Rd Carseldine

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Brother Chris Pritchard Tennis

Congratulations to the 19 boys who represented St. Patrick’s College in the Volleyball Queensland Schools Cup on the week-end. This year two of our Paddies boys qualified for the honours division. Playing in this division puts us up against the best volleyball teams in the state. Our boys performed admirably with our Junior Boys (Under 14) finishing 5th and our Intermediate Boys (U15) finishing 10th in the state. Some valuable lessons were learnt by both teams. Our under 15 boys now look forward to the College’s first tour to Melbourne for the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup in early December. With AIC tennis, basketball and track and field finishing up for another year it’s time for AIC volleyball pre-season training to begin. Sign up occurred this week and trials will be held next week. Details are as follows. Where: Boondall Entertainment Centre Melaleuca Drive Boondall When: Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning the 30October Time: 3.30pm – 5.00pm

Please ensure all students who trial are wearing St. Patrick’s College sports uniform. Please contact Mr Tim Walker with any enquiries: [email protected]

Mr Tim Walker Volleyball

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Mr Alex Paznikov & Ms Selena Fisk Triathlon

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Mrs Andrea Sked P & F

St Patricks College Parents & Friends “Communication and Participation”

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Andrea Sked, my son William is in Year 9. Last week I had the privilege of being elected the President of the P & F. William began his schooling at St Pat’s in Year 7. The primary school he attended had only 300 students so it was daunting when he came to St Patricks to a school of over 1100 students. While at primary school it was easy to know the staff and other students and for them to know the parents, when William started at St Patricks this is obviously not the case. I made a conscious choice to attend P & F meetings when possible as I was aware that as a full time working parent it was not possible for me to spend a large amount of time at the school and my main aim was for me to get to know the staff, have the staff know who I was and make the connection between William and myself. What I actually achieved was so much more.

I have got to know Dr Michael Carroll and the members of the College Leadership Team I have met likeminded parents and made new friends. I have gained an insight into what was occurring on an ongoing basis within the school and at times had a say in future endeavours. Above and beyond all these opportunities, by being involved in the P & F I have also had the opportunity to give back to the school by volunteering on Open Days, Orientation Evenings and social functions.

There is quite often a negative view towards P&Fs and parents think that they will be dragged into fundraised activities. At St Pats our P & F is not all about fundraising, while we do carry out various fundraisers throughout the year our primary func-tion is “Communication and Participation”. Our fundraising activities have been able to assist the school in various ways most recently contributing to funding external speakers at Parent Education evenings, providing the education portfolios for all new students, and in 2012 introducing the new academic bursary. Our outgoing President Malcolm Steele had a motto last year, ‘Just one thing’ and I would like to continue with it this year. Please put a note in your diary, on the fridge or in your phone, attend a P & F meeting, attend one social function and volunteer at least once. You will probably find that once you do this, it won’t be just the once because what you will get out of these things is more than you will put in. Start with just one Wednesday night, come along and bring a friend, someone did it for me and I can’t thank them enough. The executive this year comprises: President Andrea Sked Vice President Mary Brodie Secretary Maxine Nott Treasurer Lesley Palmer The P&F generally meets every third Wednesday of the month during the school year.

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College Notices

Sport Support Group The AGM will take place on Monday 12November at 6pm in the College Boardroom. All parents are welcome to join this happy volunteer group Brother Chris Pritchard

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Sport Support Group

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Track & Field Fundraiser Sport Department

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The Just Coffee Project Coffey House

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Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am-9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30 am-9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5.00 pm-8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Lagoon, Sandgate

5.45 pm-8.30 pm

Tuesday, 30 October Mitchell Holland, Calvin

Traversari, Nathaniel Batson  


Thursday, 1 November

Russell McCracken, Nicolas Schimming, Elliot Foster,

Matthew Beard


Thursday, 1 November

Johannes Hoehensteiger, Marcus Reed, Rowan Flaherty, Max



Saturday, 27 October

Aaron Dart, Xavier Stringer, James Matthews, Blayde Steiger 

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:



BACK TO SCHOOL 2013 – VOLUNTEER HELPERS WILL BE REQUIRED FROM 9am-2pm FROM WED 16 JAN TO SAT 26 JAN. If you are able to help please let me know (phone 07 36319055) by leaving a message and I will return your call or see me at the shop. Understandably it is difficult to make a commitment at such an early stage so I ring the week

before trading starts to confirm you are still available. It is a busy time requiring lots of assistance so your consideration of this request is appreciated. Thankyou.

TRADING HOURS TERM TIME - TUES 12- 4 pm WED 10am 2pm THURS 7.30am -11.30am


Fri 26/10 Debra Phillpot, Vera Woods, Sandra Messina

Tue 30/10 Sandra Harrison, Cheryl Jahnke, Laura O’Dea

Wed 31/10 David Rowe, Christine Rowe, Joanne Humble, Rosary Guppy

Thu 01/11 Karen Jacobsen , Victoria Sutton, Carmel Moir

Fri 02/11 Evelin Liddell, Joanne Casey, Joanne Johns

Mon 29/10 Corine Roche, Jane Gregory, Wendy Herold

Page 26: Caliing - Issue 33 - (25 October 2012)

26 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Term 4 Week 4 & 5 Date Claimers


October 29

Year 12 House Farewell Assemblies Instrumental Performance Evening

October 30

Cultural Assembly and Co-Curricular Awards Per 1 & 2 AIC Golf Day

October 31

College Board Meeting Year 5 Camp

November 01

Year 5 Camp

November 02

Year 5 Camp Celebration of Excellence Evening


November 05

Year 12 Farewell Assembly

November 06

Year 12 Block Exams

November 07

Year 12 Block Exams

November 08

Year 12 Block Exams

November 09

Year 12 Block Exams Year 7 Retreat & Mass