Caligari Review

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  • 7/31/2019 Caligari Review


    Space and Environm ent: Cinem atic Spaces Film Review

    D as Cabinet des D r. Caligari, 1920

    'D as Cabinet des Dr. Caligari' or 'T e Cabinet of D r. Caligari' is a G erm an silent horror lm , directed by

    Robert W iene, 1920. T e lm is considered the best horror lm of the silent m ovie era and has greatly

    inuenced lm m akers. old as a ashback of the protagonist Francis, an annual fair arrives in the tow n of

    H olstenw all bringing w ith it D r. Caligari and his som nam bulist Cesare. D r. Caligari show cases his

    som nam bulist claim ing he has the ability to predict the future. Soon aer the arrival of the fair a series of

    m ysterious m urders occur, including the m urder of the protagonist's friend, A lan follow ing a prediction

    from Cesare. As the story is told from Francis' perspective, the audience is lead to believe that he is the hero

    of the story, and D r. Caligari the antagonist using C esare to com m it his crim es. H owever, there is a tw ist,

    m aking the lm the rst psychological horror.

    Figure 1.Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

  • 7/31/2019 Caligari Review


    O ne of the m ost notable aspects of the lm is the unique look.T e actors inhabit a jagged landscape of

    sharp angles and tilted walls and w indow s, staircases clim bing crazy diagonals, trees w ith spiky leaves, grass

    that looks like knives. Ebert.T e nightm arish aesthetic created by the jagged environm ent has clearly

    inuenced directors such as im Burton. T e character Edw ard Scissorhands, from Burton's lm of the

    sam e nam e, reects the style of Cesare. T e shadow s and sharp angle seen in 1940s noir lm s can also be

    seen to have been inuenced by W iene's m asterpiece.

    A er the m urders had started to occur, Francis' love interest Jane is abducted by Cesare. Figure 4 show s the

    iconic scene w here Cesare runs away carrying Jane. T is im age has been reproduced in lm such as

    'M etropolis' 1927 and 'King Kong' 1933, again show ing how inuencial W iene's lm has been throughout

    lm history.

    Figure 2. Still from the film Figure 3. Still from the film

    Figure 4. Still from the film

  • 7/31/2019 Caligari Review


    Credited as introducing the "tw ist ending" to cinem a, Robert W iene's 1920 "T e Cabinet of D r. Caligari" is a

    groundbreaking work of Germ an Expressionism . T e early horror lm also introduces the frequently copied

    bookend structure so popular in m odern cinem a. Sm ithey.

    he com bination of the style of the world created in this lm and the unanticipated plot tw ist in the nal

    sequence gives the lm a dream -like quality. T e audience alm ost feels as if they are watching a nightm are

    unfold, w here the characters w ithin the lm have no control over the environm ent and the events that take

    place."Caligari is said to be the rst exam ple in cinem a of G erm an Expressionism , a visual style in which not

    only the characters but the w orld itself is out of joint. Ebert.

    Both the story and look of 'T e C abinet of Dr. Caligari' is still inuencial in m odern lm m aking. D espite

    changes in the horror genre over tim e, this lm still appeals to fans of the genre. Caligari is still creepy good

    entertainm ent on a rainy day. Antani.

    Figure 5

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