TOPICS TN CALIFORNIA. -THE DEATH OF MR. TOWN'E-SUIT OF THK fair hkirs-an KAKI.Y BHIP-fENT OF ORAPBS. fBT TBI.MHAPII TO T1IF. TEIRUME.] San Franrloco, July 20..The death of Oeneral Manager Towne. of tho Boutharn Paclflc Railroad Ompany. this week. remove 1 the abbst rallr..a-l man on Ihe 6 BWt The secret of Mr. Tnvne's suc- cess was hls lntlmate knowlad«a of every fletail of rallroa.l w rk, hls rare executive ability anl hls great fairnetw. Hls career prohably furnlsh.-s the only lnstan-e ln thls COUUtry of a man wlth¬ out frlends or lnfluence Btaitlng ln as brakernan of a freiKht traln an<1 beoomlllS dlYlaton surH-rln- tendent wlthln three reara. Mr. Towne knew railroad work practlcally, and every ->ne under him knew that he |)U--HHMe_ this apattel kn-.wl- edKe. and, th-r-f-.r-. thev inade i>-> etforl to de- ceive him by any makeshifts ,*r excuses. Thmiirh a strict dlnolpllnartan. h.- was popular. as ha was always ready to hear any romplalnta, and *M far more ac.sslbl- than many inferlor ofllclils. It wlll b- tliffl ult to Illl hls place. but the man who approach.-s hlm n> :.r**t ln execotlre aklll ls ll- B. HuntlllgtO-, who has been here for oeveral y-»rs es hU oncWi peraonal repres-ntatlve. and wbo has made a speclal study of the whole Boutharn Pa, i'i.- ayetem. Th- Southern PBcMe Company is f "rfunate m havlng aaaaml bm of kmi servlce ln its emp) >y. any one of whom is competent to ii« ih- dutlea ot iteneral nanagar. Among thOOO men ar, r-lon-M Pred Cro-k-r. who has speclal knowleJK" an.l Mrge practlcal exr*rl*nce; J A nilmore, who f.r. a s^-or* of years has been g-rieral auperlntendent of the road: W. O. Curtta, who has '.een Mr Towne'B BHsistant f >r twraty- thraa years: Wllllnm H, Mlla*. who knows the BUta as BO other man k-OWl lt. and who has done much to Inereaae rhe raiiroad's b-.wlneas by hls wise advl.e to inllvldnal settlers and olonies. anl .1 H. Btubba, n.ktiowledged to be ur.f of the great fr-iRht manag-rs of the country. The two dauphters of James G. Palr thi* week jtettled all doobta in r-pard to their attltude by taking th- slde of their brother. and formally asklng the Conn t-> repodlate the trust-s named »nd v-st tltle lo tn- Uch Hooao, a portlon of the estat-. in tha beim Thla aull to <i"it tlUe to the I_rk Houaa property, which Falr porchaaed about ten years ago. waa Lrmight by Charles Falr. and Ir, the enterlng w-dge in the legal rffoTt tO UPJOt the will whi.h forma a trust and glv-a the inlll- lonalr.'s chlldren DO .-al COUtroI of tho great t-state. Th- C-.*t«we11 Polyteohnic College wlll be re- oneoed next areek. and a i-ecuiiar feature of the ei.rolti.eiit of atu lents is th.u ther- are only alxty Ix-ys whl!* ther- are 16'1 glrls. Th- sup-rint-nd- e-it SttrtbUtea the Ian?e nun>ber of girls to tbe ln- fluence of the apeechea of Suaan ft Anthonjr and othera at th- recent Woman's Congr-ss Ihe maln object of the sch.*>l is to glve practl-al traln- nc ln th- maehanlc arta Speclal courses for KTrls' will be glv-n in s-winir. drtfsmaking and G okillg. The Lvc-u-n company ha* played to falrly good houaea all th- we-k ut th- Haldwln. and th- mem- ;..,¦!a h ive done aome ..f th- beat actlng seen bara ln a long tlme. The company ha** suff-r-d * what bv c-mlng -ut 80 early, as s-.-lety people a.e all at th- BUmner r-s..rts. not to escape beat. but t-, get rellef from <-->Kl fogaand wlnda arhlch n.ak- .luly and Au-tunt the moat dlaagreeable ni,.r.ths ln th- y-ar her.-. Th- earll-st shlpm-nt of grapes rr->m Callfornla to Ih- Kast was mada this year from I'alin Fprlm-s. on th- Iln- of tha Southern Padflc Katl- mad, ab >i-t one hundred Mllea -aat of Loa An- -,l,r ln a llttle tr.-pi.-nl vall-y on Ihe edge 01 lha >;, Colorado daaarl th- s-dl-ss M*. known as the Cfewley. rtpwia by th- middle of july. Thls grape la amall bul dellcloua y awaet, and it iras- tii.n that it baara tranaporutton waa ItJrowa m large bunehaa, ao tha it makM a Rn. aenaarance on th- lable. Us m-nts ar- lua i. i__l_gto be appredatad ... ioutbern Callfonila. MU8ICAL X0TE8. Th-> rrlnclP.l f-alur- »f Mr. Peldl's proRrammea for Ihlfl WCaak at HrlKht-n Baaeh IB Ihe Wi.^.-r f.«tiv.;i whleh is t.. laka plare on Tu< wy, Wedneaday and Thuraday erealaga. Mlaa *-.."»" Kron.-i-i win eing thta erealng. and Bann lehmlti vt-.W i-li.v a-.los ,-n Ihla anl to-morrow aft-mo-.i.a The MBglBBBMIB Of th- Wagnae evenlnK-- ar- as <olU,VSS Tl'KSl-AV. Jt'I-Y BB. Overiure. "Tfeaahlaaer.*' ..V:;ali:kUSe,rJ_hK.:n::!,.""eR.;_i,.. lurron Perth-,,; ^^..Wi^ '-r;,s::rm"n""" BrQnn-ltde. c.- .r.;,!ie v. .I.n.ieeh..aak>. WKKNl^UAY. Jt l-Y 2«. i^'!.:;. "I':!1 i"_::"«n..e haa. -Taaa_la«e- <Pari...n A^^:\,?n,?t,^,Y.'^<v: Tannh.u-er. B'm.n:re.'-'p"K1..h umer." Tr-^ 'TniinMnaer/- 'The Evenlna Btar. fr-.m 1 anr.hiiuaer. Wolfraan wniiam Merteaa, ..ftierfrtesi Idjm." _^ , ..... a_0*« and Daaath." froai --TristHn an_ IeoMe. laeMe, OeeeBtoe v. Jaaaeiniiaaay. THVBBD-.T, Jl'l.Y ta\ PreiuJe, 'T)le Belafeialaeer." (Mn from '.Le-henKrln." Kisa Belma Bi BoM; l> henip-in. Rarroa nnl. Id. "Dle Walk.lre' .tl.e vv hole thlr.l art). limnnhiMe. iTeorclBe v. JaauBChowaky: Bletllade. Bei- m. Kronold; Woii.n. W.ll.ain aterteaa ihe elght Vaikv.ies -Helmarta*, Mmn, Hchllllna; VValtraute, Hai- t .- r.n-v.-r Oerbllde, Paullae Horeawna; Ortllnde, Aana Paia' siegru-e. ..nris'i/i- IC^ne:. Roaaarelaee, Aaaa FieHs, Bchwertlette. Ooeltlg; ti.lnurigerd-. Aaaa l>-lltii!4nn. John Phlllp lOUaa Bl hla concerts ln the Manhat¬ tan Baach Amphltbeatra to-da> win r-peat the new overt-.ire to .V..r,i> llus Schut." by Smareglla. whlch wa.s hlRhly pralaed al Ua flrst performance on Wednaaday afteri.v.->:i, and win alao play the Polo- rtaiee ln A flat. by Chopm. The "MlebelMngwa" Trllogy will Ia; drawn upon for two numbera; ex- cerpts frtm "Trlatan and Ieol.le" nnd "Daa RheBa- gold" wlll be playel., *;oun->l rnl Massenet wlll furnlsh several m'>re numbers. There .111 *.lso Le a trlo of siinc-rs at the coneerta, aaaaely, Mlaa *"lara Allne Jew-li. contralto, from the Uostonluns; M. A. L- Gullle. the tenor. nnd De Wolf Hopper. Hop- per wlll slng "The Two Greaadtet-** at th- ev, n- lng encert. The annual entrrnce fxamiratlon-* at the Natloaal raaannelniT ot Uuetc *iu take place us followa: 8in-^!iiK--.-v< pi.-tnber I an.l 4. fruiu 9 to 12 a. m. aad 3 to 5 p. m.. and on the evenlng of the 4th; choris from I to 10 p. tn. \"!->:in. vlola. contrabasa. c-llo ar.l harp-Scptemb-r i. trom 10 to 12 a. B_, and I to 4 p. m. Orcheatra and aii wind taatruaaeata gep> ternber h, from 2 to * p. m. Plano and organ Bep Maabee *>. froai io to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p aa Ooaa- poaltlon tl'r. Dvoraks clnssi.November 1. from » to 12 a. _a and I t-> I p aa, Tbe Cooaenratorr, for r.s fourth anna.i eompetltlon. .,n..s a artae oi |140>. for th* b-st aymphony, one of Ut» for the eal c.veriuie and on- o; ?..>. lot t>i- beal punofort- or vlol.n con- certo Compoaera nriual be aattarea <r th.- L'nlted Ktatea. DOl ->ver forly years of ag», anl may ni-n their own namea to thelr works. uanuacrlpta moat be aent in for examlnatlon to tii- Natlonal Con- servatorv ,-i Munlc of America, Noa IM and IB sevenf.-mh-at. betweai* Beptember 1 and De- cember 18, ifi'j. Back corapoaHloa regulrtaa the 00- op-rutton of an orclienira Ior Ua p-rfonii^ince muat Include tbe --iche-tral aoore. The orcheatral parta nee-i only t>e furnlabed by thu aueceeaful comp.:i tora. The publlc awaid oi' 1 rlzes wlll Le made on or about Aprll 15. IBM Johnaton A Arthur havcr engaged Klvnrde, vlolln- iBt. f-.r fift\ coneerta f.>r una country. Hia tour wlll b.g.n iu N-w-\..rk Clty, at the tirsi conceri >f the Phiih.irm-.ti1c- Boclety. <>n November li, M. Hl- varde la a BOhoVlmata of Yauye's and ia nventy-aix yeara of a_, At the Audlt-.rlum, Afl.ury Park. on Wedneaday, Juiy IL Ibere w.n b< au introductory cooeert of MMa Mai-I ''urtla Whlte. a young American ao- Srano, who haa aut-lie-l lour years under M lilard, lrect-^r of tne (Jra.'id <»pera, Parls. Bhe wlll be aided by Mi W, B, Bogara. leader of ihe 7th Kealment liand, and otrx-r art.ata. A WFEK OF OATBTT AT HOT SPRIXOS. Hot Sprlnica. Va., July 20 (Hp«_B|) Thla week at Hot Sprlnra h..v. I.- <-n tr.atk.-d by an unuaually Inrjrr number of Boclal ln-ldenta. Ou Tuea.lay an ex-ur- alon party of thlrty people urrlve.l here from the Whlte Hulphur Kprlnita. Mr. Sterry, {he munaK-r, entertuln. I theaa Tlie greater part of thrm drove over 10 Ihe Warm Sprlnga In the mornlnK. ri'turii- lng In tlme 10 partake of tho afternoon lea, whlch waa aerved on the veranda of ihe *'aalno. On Thuraday a plenlc waa glven at Falltng Spiintta, a beautlful apot. about ten mllea from Ihe Hot Bprlnga. I.un-neon waa - rv. 1 under the ahade of Imroenxe tre-a There Ib a rumor here that the athletea of the Unlveralty of Pennnylvanla are comlng here to traln durlng the month of September. Mra. Sterry gave a chlldren'a party on Saturday afternoon on tne lawn ln front of the Caelno. Among the arrivala from New-Tork are Mrs. W. H. Ogden, Mre. Levrrlch, Mlaa Leverlch, tha Rev. Dr. Vlbbert, Mra Peter Haydan, Mr. and Mra. T. J. Oaklev Ithlnelander. Mr. an.l Mr* PWMp Bhlne- Mr. and Mr* Wil'.lam Khlnelan.ler. \\ I Ponten, Mla. H. K. M.irkie. Mr. anl _ra. Tboma* B. W. T. Klngan, Mr*. A. L Butter. b. K. Butler. ?- BZOCE JSL.iXh'S LATE 8BA80N. BAIB ANP rOB KBBP «"ITY PBOPU. AWAT-OCBBTl AT THK BOTBBB. Btooh la'and. u. i.. July N (8padal).-Tha aaa- aon ha* not up to tln- praaaal data been all that ,-arlv letters and te!ei.rams InOtBrtng for accommo- .latlona promised. bal f'.r ih- la-st half of the weak there has baaa u constantly |Ptr*a*1ng numlier ot regular Buaata arrivine. and last algtat aetraral wen- practlcally full. The Waatber has I.n i-lmply horrible-raln ami foK anl mlst untll <>ne woti.l. rs why any gueata have remalned. Th'-ro was practlcally no let ap untll Thuraday last. when tha- <un enme out In all its glory. bui « rreah norlherlir braeae baa mal» Ihe laal thn-o days perfect. visitinis l.ak.- Harbor contlntiea to hc the great fa.l of tho aeaaon. H ina go In aad ya.-ht*. some Ut n.ri I...:.-. MOM K<> o" th.-lr wliee). an.l some k<> on foot. I.ut nearly everylaody goea Thuraday th,- iteam ya.-ht Balljri-ana. oarnad by J. N. Brown, eana over on a trip from Newport. aad entered ihe new harbor. anehCTliiK at the soutii eml. Baaaball ls extretm-ly popular her*-. There ar,-, thre- good team* here. COniUtlng of employra nt th* <>.. ui Vlew Hotel, the Bprtns llou*- and the Hlghland Houm. Ctanwa are played every oth.-r .lav <>n ihe Bprtng Houaa groanda Th.-*.. fame* are lara-ely attanded, a col'ectton belng taken ap at the close for the beneflt of Ibe ptayern. Flahlng ls. of courae. alwaya one of the prlnelpal MurcM of InterMi ai Bloch laland. l'r.-m i o'clock i m HII iliuk pleaaure b.mts atel yachis are rruie- 1,'ik of Mohegan Bluff*. ln Bandy Polnt Uae.- and n Lahe Harbor for btuenah. th,- .»or.lfl»h Beet la off for No Man'* Land and other eaatern fiihlna Kiound* whl'.e partle. to the ln leareh of plckerel and blaclt baa* are to l>e aeen. Some of the more promlnent Uitel arrivals Of Iba la«t week ar.- glven h-rewlth: Oeean Vlew-J. A. Ferrla. II. A. Trimm. Oeorge E. H,,..,,,. c c. Boatwtck, F. W. McOovarn, Dr. ,-,ni Mrs. Oeorgt K. Brawer. W. De F. Boatwlck. Frank E l_wle, A. »'. K. W indmuhler, Mr. anl Mra II Oebont. Mr. an.l Mrs. Wllllam F. How*, Mra F Sples. tbe Mlss.-« Spl.-s. Francta Bpl J, Mr nn.l Mrs. B Wataon, Mr a.i.l Mrs. Wllllam C. Enifle. of New-T©rk. nn.l Mr. am! Mrs. JaitM* Kno\ of Hrooklvn. Bpiing House -Mr. anl M's IV II. Pavt*. Mi*. Marlon II. Davla Mr. and Mr-. John F. Barkley. Mrs. .1. Btanberry, Mrs. M. B. Oourby unl Rdward Slramone Hall. of New-Tork. Central Houae.Mra. E !'.¦ Bhlelda, Mrs. rV. !.. Webb, Mrs. Bell and Thomas Naat, Jr., of New- Tork The Manlssea-Alfra-l I'erklns. D. P. < '--born. Mr. an.l Mrs .1 E. Wooater. Thomas T. \\ ooster, J. A. Ka-rris an.l A. l.. Flower, of Naw-Torh. OOOD WEATHER I'ROFITS THE PIER. UANV KiTWOOMBBB BT THK KIIODK lsi.ANl* BB. BOBT, Nnrratrnns.-tt I'ier. P. I.. July M (BpeeUI). I'lejs- anl weather baa eome at laat. and th.- luaabtn* whloh has nsslste.l ln rmikliiir all riatnre smlle has a^o Irradldated the count*nai_M of the h..tei lan.iiords, who had beea gloomy enoogh through the atorm. The varlous rallway tralns durlni. the l.-mer part of this week have »ach broughl larg* contlngentl <-f t.ew.-omer«, and many ..f tbe hotel- ..r.- well tllled to-nlght, whlle all of them have ev- celletit llsts of gueata Tbe ColBBBbUa ba' all Ita room* oecupk QrenYlll* Kane, Mr* Kane, Mra. John i>* Wolf anl Mrs Dorrance, of Tole.lo. hnve arrlv.d at th.. Bevera. ArchlbaW a"-.-iv.-rinx Ounter i* a: tb* M...-viiie Cottaga for ih.- naaon. Beren table*, arlth ranopy eotrerlng, anl equlppel wlth eleetrte lUhts, after the styi.- .¦.' ih* i'.ir.sinn eafl tabtoa, b.ive been plaead m th- Caatno, and wbeii tha itpbts are inraad >>n Ifl th* atranlBB lha affael H brllllanl and ptfUuraaque, Prank Hlacock, of ByracuM, N. v. wai -it tbe Pler ..ti w.-iii.-s ia\. an.i haa engaged rootni for the Maaon at tb* Rocklnghani Mrs. Bophla Calharlna Mmton. of New Y.nk. ,ii..,i ,,t tb- rolumbu* M "-: BTadneaday mornlnB Bh* ipendUtfl the lumnter arlth her daughter Ml*. Mlnttan, ind was in tb.- nin-ty flfth r*ar ol her uge. Iia-ath was eauaad by old aga, Bra Mln ton has i>. n a regular visltor nt tba Plef for a greal Biany year. Tber- waa a chlldren'a .Un.-e nt the ('nsin.. laal rVadnaaday avenlng fraoi I ta ". a'elock, aad the UtUl on.-. turn. I out in gOOd BUmber* nni 99 j.,v. 1 tb.- affalr. Socia-t. atlanded tb.- bop at tbe Cailno vV*dnei day evetiitiK in full number*, auraa r...^ handaom* ooatuntM w.-r.- dlaplayed and Ih* .ifT-"' ieein< acllpM :n brllllam. Bian) prevloua aeeaaloni "' tbe --ort I'oininodor* Hugheo, -,t N-w- gava « dlnner to sev.-ral of bll f' at Ih* .* John w. Foater, ea-flecretary >.f Btate, and Mra F,,M,r arer* at 'be Qladatone >>v.-r ¦ inday The followliiK ls a llal of tbe N.-w Y.,rl: COttaget. ainl thelr BttagM Hr. (,'barles HltChCOek, ftopew.ll. Mr-. W I'tet Chaptn, Taylor eotUge; Mra. Alex Browa ''. no eottage; B. J. Klng. <:_sino eottage; w n l_ne, Church cottane; W. II. FaJconer, Deleyan; W. »'. Ward. Breeaecote; ll. i><- Coppat, Bumnwratay; K I.. Coater, Idlewlld; ll. 'i B. Flaher. vVlllow; lu »; M Tuttie. Bhlnglenook; ll. B. Kan.-. Hidije ,w:, i; -jroMman. Roeallnd; -l \: rV-herrner born. Homlelgh; F. B. gallatrd, Tyn-i (oed; Mr* rt. Van BenaMlaer; C. C <;..:f--. Maplehurei Mi a Vhi. .'i.-e;. Elberon ottaae; K B. eek. .. Vonder A <'. Ounter, llacvllle; E .' (Jregory, Ktar .-ottai/e; It Wllbelm, Bun»hln« rottue; i_ l. Kiu,.--. ii. .im Ko.i.l. J. II. Ileiis!ui4. Shahty; Mn I. \| Rolllna, over.-lir. An»on Banga, Anchorage; Mr.- li Btetrenaon, Buwanee Mlle; Mrs Khlne- lander Htonelea; It. <J Dun, Dunmere; ( olonel \\ Jay, Roekledge; 'harlea K. Bllllnga, Ih* '';''."-¦ B. P. Blevln, the Barnacle: .'baile* iMiKi-in. w.ilff eottage; ll L Orlggi, waverly; V\. H. 1 Breeae.; F. S .'al.iwell. Melroae; Mr- J. T. cotta.a. A, Bherry'a; Mr. VV. Bhlletto, Cottag* I-. Bherry'a. ... , ... Tha- f..Mowlii|{ are th- N*U ) ork BITlvala ..' lb* boieis for th* areek ,, MeUtosel Bldney O. A.hniore, rjiarence VV Boyd and Beglnald l^oater. Al naton .1 E. DleU. . Narraganaett T. F. <'ollins, Fred Colllna. Ber¬ nard Bmlth. C. O. l.ovell. J. A. Albue. Jaeob Bennefellte, B. C. Sklr.n.-r. D. Boy Bmlth. Mr. I.. fotllna, T. C. Murphy, J. A. Smlth, 11. I- Flemtng unJ i: Iward Areher. Bevar* T M Batevea, Mi*s Bateeea, .( ( atto, John .1. Whaley, H. C. Adama and Mn. B, B. Matthewaon A. I- I.ewl.. W. T. <'.,le. D. L. B. McLaren, MlM A.U-' Weatrott, W, 1.. Hateh, m .'t.i(ivan. Franklln BatcheUar. B. a. Nlcbola ami Dr. Wlliiam Francl* llonan. Atwood II. K. Ward. New-York. an.) Francl* I.n<-oln Murray. Hrooklyn. Qladatone. l.. boyi. <;. BT. Franrh, Mrs. '. M Grove. \'.nc,-nt llo'hm.yer an.l J H Gk-oalnow. Nias-.-.soii Mr. ar.l Mr.. W. Klnney Herberl CaroUr, Mr. ami Mis. R. O. McLeod, MIm Btona, Mn i-: M Bcbenkberg, Mis. Bchenkberg, Mr*. Wllllam A. M. Me.Vlckar an.l Mr. am! -Mrs <1 K. Columbua Mrs. J. M. llart. C. N. VlRtieron, Dr. R, \au Neal and M. U Uvingitone, Clreene'f Inn T. Selanil. Petuquamacotl Miss m. Bchelttln, Miaa E. Bcheltlln and Miss H. Bcbdtlln. Kocklngham Mri M. E Chagee, Mr. nn.l Mrs II. R Kobblna Mr. and Mrs. 1-; C. Homan, B. I. Berkllne .1 I* Mowry, Mrs. Luclua l.yon. J. A. Ferrla Mr. ami Mrs. M. M. Beldlna, Mr. an.l Mrs Charle* <> Heux, F. T. White. A H Mulford, J. A. Toblti. Allen P, My-is and B, I llltchcoek. ? RYIXO MBIBBB7 OASgM IX XBW-ggDFOgD New-Badford, July Bl (Bpaclal)..Tba .-hare,e« of vote-buytng agalnal ;-evernl loeal polHlelana have oeeupled th.- aitentlon of the clty COUli for sevoral daya aad Judge Mllllken'a declalon i* reaerved un¬ tll Augual iu, «« to whether tba raaia wlll go t.. ib.- (iraml Jury. They ail Heem to h.irik. on tbe qOM- tlon ns to whether a ward-worher teiiinn ¦ voter tbere "wa. IJ In ','. vote for ''arker, ami II If he wa. elected,*1 i. eanatrued as buying votea. ln eomat .-asi-s thn money was pabl it the ijoIIm, aa*. in othera at heaiinuarta-rs, and was roUectod by papera baaiing Indoraetnenta of the war.i mea and the nmount to be pald tbe vole,.. ln some MM* th4j voier (llstrlbuted .loiI(.t>r., an.l t.ia- defendantl elalm that that ls what th.-v were pald lor. Bx-Mayor waiu-r CKBord, of thi. .ity. rortnally annouacad hlmaelf a* a candldate f'.r tbe offlce of lil.trlet-Attairney ul Fall Klver. lHstrl.-i -Atlorney An.lrew JennlnK*. of that city. Is a candldate al.o. Qaorga B. Budd, K'-neral *.-. r.-t-uy of the Mouat Verbon T. M C. A., New-York, haa i.e.n rallad la uss.imn the MBM poaltlon ln !:li< clty, a-. It I. un.lerfctooil that he tin.* a.-.epteil. !!.. was as.lsinut aecretary *t th* Twenty-tnlrd-at. branch at on« time. la a Kra.lunte of llaiu.lioti Cofl*g* and w-lll B0BM hlichly .pa.ken of. At an aucilon sale of honseh >l.l furnlahlngl af Baaiiial E Ti».iaie, ..f Matrtoa, who dled iwenty-flve year. BgO, hel.l ln thls .-Ity. many of the summer raaldenta were ln attendanee. An autoKraph onler of l>ani< I BTebater brought li 60. xi:w cori'oratioxs. Albany. .luly K The fillowlni. rompnnle.* wer* Inrorporated to-diy: Charie. A. Klldnln Coiiiputiy, af N.-w-York, to conduct U nrokerai-e bUalBOM; cilpltll, IIOU.CXW. Dlrecton--fharl** A. Hnldwln. of New-York: J*OM H. Coniatit. of Hrooklyn. and Krnlerlrk L Wataon. of New-York. The Solar Kie.-trle Company, of New-York. to manuf i.'ur.. and in >;.-al appllances an.l Rpeclallte*. and to eondiict n ajenrral enKlneerlti*; and contractlna bu.lne..; eapltal. I100.WW, dlvlded Into 1100 ahare*. Dlrertor. ind .uba.rlber. lo fipital itock.Hemltt Ilolce. 184 ,'hirea; Jacob Rloe, of Klngston, 1X3 ihire.; Andrew |). Halr I. IB ¦hare.; Simue! OTonnor 360 .hirei, and (Jeorg* A. Mulien, of Brooklyn, ive iharei. WITH QUEEN8 AND ROOKS. THK MKTI.OPOLITAN CHBM CLUB AND ITS WKIX-KM )WN PLATERB. ONI.Y A TBAB OLD BOT A BTBOBa OROANMZA- TlON-KOTKfl <-F COBTBBTB Pltoni.EMS A.\!> OOBBBWOBDBBCB A rlghl lustv yotmgeter lt ta, this MetropoltUn rhess Club. n eeiabrated its iir*t Mrtbday a month 8ko Its elder brotbera, Utrtag downtoara, arere present at th" r-1-bratlon and frankly ndmlttei that the aew-comer pramlaed to aqoal them m Baa lf not to OUtgrow them ln a brlef tlme. A year ac» eueh cheaa enthaelaata aa Pr. Honeg- Kcr Messrs. Oraswlnk. I. Bcblelff, Horho an-l other membera of tbe old Central Turn Vareta Cheaa Club nn. o, p. HOXBOOEit ronsrlt.n. l¦> a board of coronera nnd asl upoa the body of th- Uefonct Ootham ChaM Clnb, which had Juat dled from Infantlle maraamna r- auacttated the carcaaa blew new lif- lnto Ita mem¬ bera, and tbe reeult waa the ereattea <-f the Metro¬ polltan Ch* ea Club. A llttl- over a yenr ago tii* f wlt..; --Irc-ilar tat- t.r wa- addreeaed lo i-i ibaMe membera: "Tbe plan of forralna a cheaa < lub In tha npper part of the elty haa beea aader dMBuaaton for aome llrne. Conatderlng the Increaalng Intereat ln cheaa, ,.s well aa tbe northward grewth of th- citv. t.«..r- Ing ln mlnd thitt New-Y..rk can 1-ohsI of only two tk¥ ',i I 5* t-!__C **7rW KMANl'KL T \\ ¦ 11*11 publlc P of e ; * s-. io o> tlm* v -.¦,... ta -M- wiihin convenli "Wlth ampli ind i round and build up a club, «.- - .i arher. lovere of 'Ihe n U at ml tlm* * im arurtb] -. quartera li -. ¦; "IQmlaenl .' aa m ileri bave promleed ¦¦ ,,|.er.lte wlth US i heeB Inati u ti -ii -1 other i-iba. etc arlll ba faat ". pre Kr.tmmc " Thls clrcular waa aiirne-i br i>r i> r A Iwuiglaa*. I >r >; Iv '/< > ni-\ >r, l>r II * la dereon ¥ *. B I* Ifl r»i T :i Ro< l>i .: ¥. M,.,t, A I1 I nl Iv '. I u .1 I -' Ir* II f.# r. Phlllp i' >v :. \ Irnbelm (i >> '.' and A <!ra«.v Th.- fir-¦ tr.Ilnfl ».,- ille-1 f,,t l-tn.- ' t«4 .. -Mv.- membei -. v . . ;.. i. ii nlp p . ~":;L'\ ;^mm 1 v uer 1 \ y^ ott- i DREBCHKB PM n ilngiilahlnir feature of ronalBtlng largely of "young blood." whl-*, Btiaura well fnr iii- perpetulty ot lb* eaterprtee. Here are tbe nanu-s of th- men arho in..v be looked upon aa tbe roundera of Ihe Metropolltan Pbeaa «~lub: !t 11. A Aadereon, H. Braul, «> Dai helm. P. Davldaon. former treaaurer; J A. Doucta -. lir .' Burlch, Henry Outmann, Arthur Pranken- st-ln. K. l--|;viik- ii-'.-ln. lt Ple* hl, I" '- P Pon talne, -l. '" Ooetie, A Outman, Loula il-in. Harry Hlrach. A-1..K Hlrah, !>r. M. Jackaon, Joaeph larael, \ PIKCZONKA. DR. il P Mt'ELUElfBACH. i.r. Hermann Kaha, Jeeeph H Bahn. Dr QaMo Kataenmayer, Dr, E. Koeaatb*, i*>.ior Kleta, M Llnsbaeh, F. UpaehuM, M. Lelpalgar, ML U Matager, a. M. afaiae, Oaarga Oberadeerfer, i>r. Pranh ( I)r 11. I. Piir-lv, II llaul-ltM-ti-k. il-.b.-rt RauMtaehek, C. R< Inai t.-ii. Dr. Oacar it-.tter. n.r- ni.-inti .\ Raebaamen, Dr. Ueo Bchnepp, I. tfilver ni.iii. i.-o ii glmonaoa, I. Bulabacher. a. eon Kai.ii-. Dr, Loula Well, >>M<-.-.r Wealge, Oeorae i. Wadaeh, Aifr-d N-ii. Dernhard M Behrenil, J. Pelbel, Albert Puhrer aad tbe Baa. John Tetreau ln ihe yenr the fOlloarlng ebeas mnaters wer>- elected haaarary membera, aad a*?ceptad the >iia- titi. iion win. -vid-nt pleaaura and gaodwllltoarard Ihe -lub: W. Sl.lolt/.. I. W, SIh.w.iII-i A All.ln, s i.ipN.huiB, .1 Tanbeahaiaa aud a. ii. Hadgaa All of Ihem hai.v!n.*-l Ihe llvellift lnl»-real In the new club ati.1 siiaUlned the Inlereat of Ita membera by oc-aslonnl »;inult.-.ii.-".M p. rformiiti-ea und in.iivi.iuai eoataaM, a. ta a ragular at< tetidant, hB laprataatad Ihe alUh ln the tourna- ment nt lliiffal... wns baeked by It ln hla conI.--.* axainet Bhowaltee, nnd .a now i.-int; dolagatad hs ita repreeeatattea at the iniernationHi taaraaaaaal at HaBBMga Rnglnn-l. lenvlng yeatepluy on the PUMi The InrKe att.-n.laii.e. < lilefly 80 Ifl lurduya, be- tok.-nB ihe etiihualaam of the "Meia." All BtraageTB meel a hearty wel-ome an-l are i-harnie.l wlih ihe enili- abaence of bickerlng Jealmisle* ,- n<| per- aonalltlea. ao fre.pienrly encouniered elaewhere. The hlatory of thla club would be Incomplele wlthout recordlng the aerloua loaa It haa austalned In the untlmely tleath of Dr. Oltleon Moore. All whn meastired .words wlth him on the mlmlc battleflel.l remcmber the pleaaant smlle wlth whlch he met defeat. an.l the charmlnn modesty wlth whlch he dlsclalmed cr.-dlt for hi. vMtorle.. It I* a matter of course that amoni the picture* to be laltl before our reader. the flr»t should be that of Dr. Honeggcr. twlce elected presldent of the ciub. and wlthout an equal ln deVOlloa to bls diilles. amiablllty ami popularlty ame-ng the meaibera. He ls a rnember of the Man¬ hattan C <'.. treasurer of tho rhess Ma*t#rs' LaagtM, and vlce-presldent of the New-York State Cheaa Assoclatlon. Ha enjoy. tha» di.tlnctlon of nev<r havlne; been beaten In slmultaneou. play wlth such masrers as Stelnltr., Showalter and Albln. II,- recently defeated S. Upeehuta ln a match f.ame. OttO Dre.cher. I'h. !>., the vlce-presldent of the ciub, was born In iWin.iny flfty years ago. AbandOOlng hl< theologlral career he devoted hlm¬ self t.. phllology. He eame to thls country ln 1*16 and held the chalr of professoi of modern lan* guagaa al tha state AgrteVuturaJ College of Penn- ¦ylvanlB. After his reelKiutlon he founded the .¦ Tplranga al Poughkeepale, N. T., for the Instructlon of Soiith Americins. He ls now eon- aected arlth t'ie publlc aehoola of thi. clty. and i. Wldely known ns i transUtor of nedlcal work*. lle I. a brllllant olThand player, but of too BMKUtiaS a tamperamenl I enjoy lh<- drawn-out match games of tbe "dull" aehool. It a lucky day for tbe Metropolltan ihess Ciub when Its metnbers!i.,-us.y rlcctad Mr. Aren.l Oraawlnkel m thelr aecretary. Hli haMta of ¦crupulou* eanctnaM acqulrtd In his career a^ ex- ptri a<-eountant pecullarly fltted hlm for the po.i- tlon. To the lintlling z.-nl wlth whlch h.- parforma Ibe iluties of bls ofiice ihe lucceaa af the ciub n largaly attrlbutabl*. The "Mets-" fully appreciati the genaroua glfl of bla aervlce. to the ciub. Mr. Oraawlnkel ls a natlve of Holland, and forty-aevin \ r-irs ..I 1 Kmanuel Tatienb.rin.. bOTfl Ifl this clty Kehruary 23. lKTai. ifter recolvlng a llberal e.iu.-ation, entered me College of the Clty of New-Tork. li»- ls a T**% *_-> i . \ L _! nk ! m, Hiiiii-.r*- R.\ri;."rsriif:K. ine.-i.t. - ' rarhwa ehtba and -i dlraelar nf iba Metr ipolltan Cheii ''l lb M ri ver, ba la an ae- ,,,:,,; ¦!-'.. I allrou II. Aa i eheaaplayer he i* maklng great ." lard Bt mlna i Btrong ¦miteur, ind ii arai .tated u me Hnn ago ba beai l. Klsch in ¦ Mt match, an li bo* engaged n i match wlth Dr Honegget in l -'¦''. ." " drawlng i Bame« i even lermi arlth M Ta -¦- Uavld Kl* h -iv ¦.... **urlni ,h'- ,, .: . v -. and li aon of- itbta a* if treaaurei H . ithu»la*m f n Ihi name ibareoften evl lenced I,, ,...; io hl* p kei i. '- ¦ natlve of frag-ue, a utrta ' rti -¦'.' reari kl and va ,-. ¦ hn Imal. of Wllllam Bte nlti All V. A ' "''r"- -ter* ol lha "M.i- Four tg NTI ?*** .#. >" t.i!1 r *-\ ^x I BBtH L*gg I \ -»_* t%L .'.' .<*T~r. \ r / h M: T utorifB .aA,'*OBBB*vVtNlC__ lo pla] rbee*. hol Bh ladatnltahla peraeveiatnca and i ,i..-i hlm to th* front ..- ,--,. h* tried for th* ¦' "youngitei " aei .,, encountei ¦. ,.., . i only rtalfold player il '" '. '" .' :'-'» '; ..,!,-, thra-* y< "a ol h* Mfullj v. Ith :,- ol warhoraa Bhowalter, ii, I'hi i.- rfaated J B Hall la ¦» natlv* of thli rlty. an (houeh v.. ,-.-i prtnttng e*l ibllah ' v"r'* , , , . . Hoba rl I... .;st' ' **'"' ,!"f' l' ' i.. -. brilllanl lo /j-, .; lnw. "1 wa* bon '- enn '. ., ..,. r I kft it.i .. ,r \- ,4 ', rk, ¦-.¦ I. i- 'he publi tle.ll .'. Iniiini .. prn I'lpla > of ch .* w h; ;h my ,., i. rn* - ; ; <*' :' :-....-. .i th* wl) founded M ro leav ,:., m: beat. ind h«»p« I have n t been enttrelj uav M Roche waa born In tbi* cltv ln IMI lle rathei .-.. it .mi dentlit, bui his .hei* career .- ar irlel In 1-'" he Joln--d tbe cbea. eectlwn ol the Central Tui u. a nioH player, In a -t.ori Um*. however, he managed t.. » .rk hlm.-lf ln th* fr nl and mn iwn prtae* In rhamplon tourna ment« II* I. oni of ihe founderi ai ¦ illrectoi of ihe Mei .r lt* ci ick playeri and I. ... hla l.k knowla-dRC and his slow but Mlkl mtddla aud . tii k ll Ami'iiK the member. of the ciub tli-r.- i. none more eninu.U'tle ind llettngulahlng th.u \ .1.. rt Plecaonk*. born !n Koenl«*ber_j, In IC_ He ,i siui.tii Bl Ih* l/-i|isi.- Conaervatory ,. i| ia on.l li i>-1 .'- the beai ll*a tiiov-n playeri ln ibe clty wa. founder ot th* famoua Au - ... [^etpalr; is an hon onr) member of tbe Newark Chern ''.ut. of whlch organlMtlon he als.. a founder, and he llkewu*. helnod to form ii'- chM. lectlon "f the Oentral Turn veraln. iu his plaj he I...-- ni'-t auch m*n a* Leowenthal, Itoaenthal Kollnch, Bta-lnlta, Horwtta Hoffer ami othei Kurojw ,u exp. 11- ovei tti>- board, ln addlilon to thone nain.-d ther* ls Dr Robert Muellenbach. i promlnenl promot*r of the game. Frank Bch'ctff, an original player, who la a greal enthualaat, aJwayi ready (¦. assist ln ponuliriilng h- game; Mortta Meyer, .. born cheii rfend, wbo play* a a*ooal aame an bj beat Ing hla man. brought aboul the rtefeal of Ihe Manhattan .it thi hand* of the Metropoiltam i uiri.-r. n C. Donohue, on* ..f tb>- prlnelpal. "f the Weatern I'nlon T*le Kraphers' ("ne*. ciub, In whlch ciub he carried away Bnl priM In IBM and lait, bui nol least, iler- i,u, Oreltner, th* "hoal ,.f the Meta." wbo ls an ardenl idmlrer «.f cheaa, ind efBclenl when ealled U .n to provlde n-fr.-sliiii.-iits after Ihe battle* over th, ch. ii board* had i.n fnuitln. ll v. lli thua be een lhal tbe uptown elub N com- poaed .f in-ii who ire *ur« ;.> ichleve .ueceaa, ind the tlme wbi.-h wlll ¦** th* Metropolltan rhea* Ciub an organlutloa of lha very tirvt rank is nol at all dlll mt "Tha Cheu Openi nga," .i book publlahed by Oeorg* H. il 1 s..,.is, London, and wrttten by l Qunaberg, has |u-.i mad* Iti appearance, Tl.e French che». player, Oeneral the Marqiil* d'Audlgne. prealdenl of'the Parti Circl* de* K"hec'i, dled al Part* IVAadlane waa on* ..f th* pro- moi.-iH of the Part* Internatlonal Tournamenl ln 1171 I'nder the name of th.- Bqultable Hrltish nnd ln l*rnatlonil Cheaa Ciub f"r Ladlea, ¦ aacond ladlea' rhe** lub wa. organlaed ln London. No fower ihan thlrtjr-elgbl i*heaa .nperts hava s.-nt ibeir ..titr.-M t.i tbi Haatlngi Commltte*, which body how*v*r, t>-.-1.1...i to limit the number ol playera Ib ine Inlernattonal tournamenl ta twenty or tweaty-two, Pollowtng ira Mr Teod'i Natlon ii problem tourn unenl I-K.UII.KM N'> «? MiiT'in "BABI llln.-k TWO pla ll.uis from our flrst Whlle Flv* pleee*. Wbit. to play ind m*t* lo twj mov.% iiticura ti. FOR SUMMER BLEMISHES Because of its delicate emollicnt properties Cuticura Soap ls the most soothing, cooling, purifying, and healing application for summer rashcs, tan, sunburn, frecklcs, bitcs and stings of in. sects, irritations, chafings, and undue or ofTensive perspiration, as well as the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of toilet and nursery soaps. SKIN PURIFIER AND BEAUTIFIER Cuticura Soap it. incomparably the most effective skin purifier and beautitier of this or any age. It is so because it strikes at the canse of bad complexions, red, rough hands, dry, thin, and ralling hair, and simple baby blemishes, viz.: ThcdoKged, Irrltated, inflamed, overworked or sluzgish pore. Sales greater than combined sales of all other skin and complex. ion soaps, both foreign and domestlc. Sold throughout the world. Potter Orug and Chemical Corporation, Sole Proprietors, BOSTON, flASS., U. S. A. .. Atl efcent Ihe Skin. flcelp. end Helr." 64 pefe*. m-lled free te eny eddreea. A beek ot prlcelme velue te every .aufterer. PROBLBB BO, <«. MOTTO: "VAB1KTT.'* Ill.irk Tw«lv* piece*. wi-u» Feerteen pi--»« wt.iir ie i>i»v *n.i m«t» in tw-j aiteaa rOBBCgPOBOBBCI I imi. n Be f-i y y .'> _.___.___ .. i-.. rreeii- a<.lv*d i H Regbera, Kew-Torb; B !.«> Bl a* Worthlagton M«». lunlor. New-Tofb; Bdwtn H -. |i -,. ci I'onn it il r* iioi-.-kr Maaa. !. .... a tiahlai m.i len. n v it ii ii. i-i'ii- ... \ W II - |tr,..M>n Mary llai.l*. M ¦:!>!..-.«.! Maaa.; John .;..r.|r.»r, I'tl.-*. N 1 Rmll N*a* V>... C n UllleeirBI*. Bew-Terh;Per lei ttlatt rl nti; l'»nn A 11 0..el H»y Clty, Ml.-h. Knlullun lu N.i a Ki K .1 ...... iu Mlved bi N rai Bton*, Wortkhlgl n Maa*.. Ih* nea Uouto 11 BBhtei M.n->. v> .11 B. B.. Halrpk*. rrlnll) I'ollef* lUrtlonl «"nn Y j»»l.n*r Ham- .., H l K.UIn II li..|.|«li. HrlU-i ..-'. f-r." .- r>< ha-f« Wai.plt.aer* r'atl*. N V J S II Jr Me- Y-rK. I-I W Kntton N-« forh, I* A 11 11*1.1 win Wuewal. I'oan lt i* n I'luiiipaimra. s J Mary <. lUrrl*. <. J .hn. WIIHn*na*i. Ma** J"hn >l*r.ln»r. tl. N ^ Pnrlei .-(T I Hrl-. Penn. .' n Llllle- rtrAl* N'« v-..i. Rlek Kmii. New-Tork; A ll <iana».-r. Il_) ITllJ Ml.-h ll 14 > V> .11 K> ... 'I .- ¦.- .|\ _.i\».i b) Rlek Rmll, Beer-Terh; <" n Milfe s.« 1...K Pnrtei Btarford. Rrle, Pmm ^ II *'¦ Hi*»4lra i-i n Oardner. i'ti,». N v C J >l in WI sfi M«s M.y .- Il..rrl. ll ll ll Ihltlll »t-urv N II *. II llaidwlfl Kwrarelh .'-nn I v*- r-''i«'"rK- Ne* - ll ir S--* Tork I -i-s. _. Brhaefer, , f, N V i:,!\4ln II M..|!wln*-.-.rt. .-,..-, p -,..-. N. » Drlghl n Slaten laland rrliiin IVII*** Hartford, --.mi ll II K. Kolyok*. Mase Ihe Hr: l^ II H.hlei. Maj-len. N t M l'*y li Wnrthington, Mn.s A II <)».i«ser lUv <1t>. M rh* '.11" r ... kn.,wl-.l«-« rhe -e.-elpt ef Ihe followln* |.r,.t.l^lrts -litrli.i: ss- «.. k ... n- -. rlhl* 'Preeqe* lele." "Velei guantun* V.itrre I'oleel. M I.r*i«r,> "A l>*rk Koree." Rli "ftniitoc Klf." J.4 VIHJa." K-n Tm ¦Viii- v, ¦!. \ i. ..." "invlnelble." a l__M Word COISO TO WATCH Hlll TO KEEP COOL".>: BPORTB avi> DANCIKtl IN' rAVOR RX- Ct'BaiON PABTIBB. MAY BB BARKBD OUT. \V:.i.-i. Hlll, lt I. .»":> 2o *..->.-lali Tbere haa beea an eitraordlnarj inii i\ of auanmer nialtora .t thi- r"«->n I'tVirih; tho v,,-'-.. All the botela have Mt ihe ruah, ihe Uukln Houaa hatina a capa Iti ,.r ;..'. pieeia breaalng it- record 114 10 tbe number of arrlvata In a **tai«:». -lav dayaty la the erord, day and nlKhi I»n\ irii;. [.....thi*, t.i-.nls. bathinar. flalilnir and many ol her paatlmee H.-rv t.. arhlle away the .i.n-- ln the «v.Miii!i/ there are hope and denclag .it tba rartoua hotela, tha larreat havlna t,'-,'->" own private on beati objectl -ii haa been ma la > tbe arrtaal of aome <-f the . x.-uision p_rtlee by boal from ear pla ae \ i,-:ii'.)ir ti-is :,...-tt forwird.-! l-v th»' h<»tel pro- rtel ira c utage oamera an 1 burli aaa men of Watch HUI ta th. He«r>London Rteanrboat Company ownera <>f tba arharf ii<-r.-. aaklna thal ataamera sM'ii e\. iii-.--Ii.ii partlea be t.t-..,;'t.;tei from landlni »t theti arbarf Tbe ownera ,>f th" wharf bara put the mnttor Iti the hund-- of the h,)tel peoplo t*> -io «s Ihey eae flt. and lt la |>ro'.>.ib> th.t no more l-.»Ks. except the oteamer Illo-k laland, whlch pllea betweaa Horwlch and uio-k leland, etopptng at the inn. arlll i>c ^iio4*-.-i >,, :aiii bereafter. Beveral i>r.-rt>- cott..K.-» hare i»-«'i> hu'lt ab.)ut two mlles »..«>! of tbe Hlll. Tba new t>».u-h la .-a'.le.l Pleaaanl Vlew. it la tbe Beneral oplalon that the day not dtatanl wh.-n tbe trottey road wlU eonaeet Narrasanaetl Pier wlth the mn. Tbte wlU open up aboul twentjr-Bre mllea af :i« fine beacb froai aa there B In tba world, that la n-*w pra .- ilcally unknown, *-x.-4>pt to the pt^.pie ..r tbo ln._Bd towna of itiiode laland. Many mackerel are i-.Mn*r caafbl ncur by h^r". a strij,,..] t,a,n waa caufhl <'>¦*" tue llghthouae on I'nl.v «.>iahltiu thlrty-onc poUBda Tbe folionlna nr-)' amenB the promlnent" at the Larkln Houee durlnir h.> we»k: Mr and Mra. lii.i.rrt 11 Attrrbury. Mlae Bdna Atterbury, Ml 1 [anbel N. Atierburv nnl Mr. nnl Mrs. R'ebater C. Retea, Brooklyn: Mra. O. 8 Baeton. Mra J. M Beil. Wli 1.1 tn P Btewert, 8. c. V'anduaen, Mlea Mellle Whlte, Mlea Merle Whito, W. Pardral St.-n-...rt. _. >. Pbllltpa. 11. 11 Ooodarln, Bamuel Qoodwln aad R. H. Ooodarln. N'rw-Yoik. Watch 11*11 House K. .I-«hn Wools.y and Mr. iind M-- lun|.M Tatum, N>w-Y,.rk. uceiin Houee R. l.tbcock, New-Tork; Captain .1 II Ilartl.-tt, V. 8. X Plympton Houae W Carpenter, New-Tork Atlantlc Houae Mrs. w. P. Lawreace, Tonkera N. T.i D. II. Morritt ntul f.itiilly. N'.nvark. B, J. .... « --... TVBKJ8B TBBATMBBT of christiaxs. .\t tbe requeat of sir Pblttp Currle, Uritiah Atn- t. is i.ih.r to tbe Bubllam Port.-. a paper haa been pro- parad t>v the Rvangalleal AlHanoa on th** atUtuda of Turkey h<-r Cbrtattan aubjeeta and her .Usr.-- for rallglaua Hbarty. Complalnta wer.- mada t,> tbe lirltlsh tlovenim.-nt last wlnt.-r b\ tbe Brll Hh and Aiiifrt.-an r«-s1«l< nts In Constantlnoplf, aa- s.-itlni; tbal Turkey was rtolatiag h.'t |-i»inlse< to her papulatloa Th»xt> complalnta were helleved i>>- i..*r.i Klmberiey 1 > ba xaciemted, aad he nek.'d Sir I'hillp *'iirrle to procure frotn the Kvanip'lli-al Alllame a anatetnent of the exa. t-f.i.ts. Tbe r.suiis ,,f the Inveatlcatlon of a ewamlttao of the are embodled ln ihe lep.rl, wlilch con- talnr* a merrlleH* nrralif'iment of the Turkl!<h Oov- ernmoal, *'..ple* ,.f tbe report have b.-en *<tit to the llev I*r. Jonlah Btronf, U.-neral Hrcrelary of the Baanaelloal Altbuiae for the t'nitesi Ht..t.-s. in Ibe liiltel CharltleH llulldlne ln thls Mlv Tbe commlttee conalat.-d of llve of the llrltlnh and thi.e of iln- American coiony ln i' THB PBTBt CLOTH MARKET. Fnll lllver. Maaa, July 20 (Speclal).-The cloth market haa been *pilet durlnir Ihe week, and trade has been lluhl, owlna to Ihe itrlke talk. Yeaterday afternoon far-awa) .-.-1.ur.4- 's were made on a haala of 2 1.V1H eeerlB for MxMa, but no aalee of apote were raportad, Wlth the explratlon of the current month manufacturera wlll be looklnc about for a renewal ».f contiacta, and a more actlve bunlneaa la antlcl- pated. There waa an Inereaae of 1.800 plecee ln the atock of nooda on hand. but the gooda In etfht are teea than a week'a production, and there ta no Inconvenlence on that acore. The ealea of UaMb were onlv 2.000 pieces. The weekly .tatement: Ff. diit'tion '220.OOO nleces; dellverl*.. Ml,'00; stock on hand. ih'wo: od-i*. 10»;.'<*). Clx-Ms, <y>.UWy. la.t week'i .tock IM.OOO; ia'ea, 17,000. odda, ",,000; toxftt*. 2,000; «pot 18,000; future, tl.000; Mtaa for weekly de- llverv ln Auvust. I47,"U0. Beptember. l'.O.OOO; Oto- ber 101.000 November. 11000: Dacetnber, 10,000. __- ket Ona. I'rlce, _T. cent. for 6lx.'.4s. THEATRES AXD ROOFS. HOT WBATRBR A.MI'SCMKNTf.A NEW BKABON DRAWINT, XKAR. There seem. to b.> no d. ubt that "Trllby" wlll run on at tbe (Jnrlen Theatre 11II late ln the au- tumn..tvhen the tlme af th- house 1. resenred for play*. The one buadredtk perform-ince w.n .nccessfuliy paaaed rume day* ago. and the one hundred nnd flftleth Is already not far off Th* audleacea are alway. good and often large, even on thi- warmest nluht-a The Terraee Oarden Is altogether one of th* p>u plaa *s of amusernent In town on these w_rm nli;hts. Kor the eoatdng w>-ek Mllloecker wlll be much In evldence. His operetta. "The Sevea Sw.iblan*." wlll he preaenfe.l on the flrst three even¬ lng., an I "Poor Jonathan" wlll be the blll for tha remalntac portlOB of the week. The former work wm beard al Um Irving I'lice Theatre a few yeara .IK The prifc-ramme announced for thls week at Km- ter A lllil's ItO'.f QardM contaln. many new feat- ama They are Tbe flrat appearance at thi* hoiiM of Menorita I/ola Yberrl. who wlll ippear In a new dance eatlUad -aabeaaaa and Vroiet*." th* thraa lliwtborne Sl.ter*. ln a spa-elilty «ntltl*d "Tha Bportlag Ulrl*", H.irry Dllfoll. wht.ttar; th* ra» nppe.iranc ..f Kokln. .Iipaie.e Juggler; Harry La Cl.iir an I Kl 1**11*. anl Ihe reapiaearance of Pntay. atayar wlth a bund of plek.nlnnl*., In negro meta- dle. and dance.. The remalnder of the proarammn Incltatoa J. w Baaaona, who win .ing a n*w *o.g_ (lanlvet. Ml*aa Clnlr*-".* Agnew. dancer; th* Egger- Bleaer trauBB af Tjrroleaa .inger. and dancerw]> Marletta and Hellonl anl thelr flock of per*forrnlna) eockatoo*. anl I>r. lieo Sommer's Hungnrlan Oypiyj ir.-he.tra. At Proctor'e rontlntious performanc* theatre MlM F"na Hertol¦!!. hand-halancer and contortlonlat. la chlef among fo-morrow'a attractlon.. The I/und- lirren. have comie powers ri well a* ftcrobatlO .kt!l. anl thelr laddOT exploMi are humor- performel. Dllk. anl Wade alway* lnsplre merrlment Other. In the twerve-hour blll are the W.i il Slsters, ch.racter change duetfl.t*. Ned Mon- roe. the Sisters Henumont, ln .»ng» and dancer; LaaBa and Fennley. Whltlng anl Shepherd. Tony Wllllama, Imltator; DaBy und Hinton. and E*te.l* BTIaaton, balladlat Ther- is a .peclal blll for to- .lay's concert, eonthmeaa from 2:30 to n p. m. Bmlth anl ''ook. s.ngers ,in 1 aorobats, wlll mak* thelr tlrst appMraar* thi. aeaaon at the Amerlcan Roof iSarden to-morrow ever.Ing. Mlsa Madge BfltB wlll latroduea another new .ong. Her song, "Oh, I'nde Jobar' Baa becoBM p*ipular. .lame. Thornton ll alao l'i the Mll. and wlll introduce a new eomlc i.>ng. Tbe ivst of the blll I* new. and Inclu.lei fJallwagher an.i West. Paulo anl Dlka, 4MttMS; EMgar Bly, Mll* I.ollttle. in an electrlc dance; Thomaa J. Ryan. Wlll CBBBeran and Nne Reyno'.Js. .serl.i-.-omic. The usual conc.-rt will be given tfcll evenlng, ". aew group will be plac»l on exhlbitlon at th* ESden Mttaea '.>>-'.iy. !t rapreaMta the Cieveland family. aad Inellldaa tba rimire of ihe baby wblch v. is born tWO waeka a*,-) at Ht nanl'i Bay. dent cieveland ha. glven the Maaaa artists more trouble than any other group. When he flrst went to tha VThlte Houm as ¦ bachator hta tigure wai placed lu the Later, when he marrled. a r.'-.v llgure was made. wlth his wlfe standlng by hl. *lde. Then when Baby Ruth was born the group had be mad.- over. au l agaln arlth Baby Ksther'l birtii lt araa raaaodallad. At the Madtaan Bouar* Boof fJardaa thls week only two of the o'.d pcrformer* will remaln, Presi Kldridv-e, storles hava been recelve! wlth favor, and BaAatita Consuel > Tortajada and her Th.' ItrongMl WH offered at a .-"iinday night concert ihis leaaoB Bl the Madiion Sajuare Roof Oarden nill up:i.'»r thls evenlng. The per- formei-s for the rest of tba week, beiides Mr. El- drldga aad Beflortia Tttrtajada, inciude the Miig- |."-v MontaCBe and \\><:, the Galety Oirl Trio, Il.ilne* anl I'ettinglll. ln "The unly Ps*J Room Open": Cushmin an.l Il,«: .nte. Kaye and Henry. In**_aplial vs. Lahor"; Btta Berger, Bathjtba ,1 n-.-r. iV.rm anl H*rb*li an-l Ktlty Gllmor*. loubrette. _,.i l.uciano Conterno, wbom band of lUtv piec*. wij begln nn *ngar«m*nt al th* I'lttsburi; Bapoattloaoa Beptember 18, wlil have .even Mlotatt, ln »*«*»7 those alrealv announced. Th*) are John Ha zei .-,.rnetl-.t. Rafaele Mauro. of tha MunlcfpaJ Band ol Nai :-s; Calr. "- «': -i-t. o loe; Jamea c.ore eupho- nlum; V. Bauna, cU'.ronette: OluMppe I' French born, an.l Bdward Meara, tmmbon. Aetlva preparatloaa are golna on at the ..=f Theatre for th* .ppe.rance of K M and JJJW Hoiund. undir thi dlrection of Blchan Manirt* t. Thelr Maaon pana on Aaauat *. wbaa tba» wiii produce "Horace. or. Tba Maa aitli a £MjrlJJ llany anl Bdward Paulton. Bupporttag the'Meaara. II. land wlll be Mugo Tolland. vV. N. .*«-im«ti. _W- Norrl* B F. Cotton. U Eddlnger. I. r. Pr*h".; MM _. I PhlUlpa Mrs. M.K e lUnkin. Mtaa Ofiv* Oll ver Mi*- i-tur.i Me-IIvray. Mis* /_*¦«. Muir' MlN blmnlM Mulr ami MNs M.tud Harrlaon. Mias i..,i.i r-oi wlll eoBM from Uwcoaa f> "«*« ,ve..k. end r.-he irsals for her i'**f"*frgffll lt is an idaotatlon of "Pervenche, the Ho»"r wn. bv cht-evc- Oood win. and mtiata haa been, wrltten by Wllllam Purat. lt has botn renamed .*ira* I.V," md th. op.-ra eompaay ha* been *lecteo. Ml-s K.x Wlll be-ln her Meoad year as a »tir ** Beptember -' at PaUnar'a Theatre. WTIT SHOVLD VXCLE SAU BORROWi From The Atlunta Constltutlon. Pradaaaar rrwKOta, .. rreach .5P«K»*_Jfl± «| ent urtlcle. place* the we.ilth of thi* 'O "^r " m.mooo.tno f-mes. which i «*«_.«»«« «f jftg a8_000.000.00-, an he itatM t.iat the valu* ot *u ">.* prJ.peitv ln Kngland laoludlag B«B «n «*!«gg !,.,. i* |_Mn%rt5» rranejL MPMHL' " ^u, ssva,% tiSiwa ?^ «D5s t. liermnny, wlth ISI.OOO.OOO.OiO frano.. .*_»_SC ne. wealtri of ltalv. Baata. Kuaala and Auatrta- Mungary la only a llttle larger than «h*« or ^ 1-nlte.l Htal-*" The.e tigure. aaTM tBB_._g v th those of Mr. Mulii.ll. the fX2_^ffi5= lt a..,-iii» that thla country l* nnanclally airong*r th*n anv one country ln Europe, and. .«»»%" j&__ 2w_ fe v 5 _____ ng but a con.plracy or an B«d«»_f«_*!_,__ tB he leading mon*v klng* of Kngland a»d «M Cnlted State. coulrf put u. ln th* attUud* 'of BB* ferlor. dependent upon a forelgn country wu« our euperior wealth. It I*,e to *W*" any oth«r *xplanatlon of tha 8upra__*a AB fM{ jjritlah In our financlal affalra.





fair hkirs-an KAKI.Y BHIP-fENTOF ORAPBS.

fBT TBI.MHAPII TO T1IF. TEIRUME.]San Franrloco, July 20..The death of Oeneral

Manager Towne. of tho Boutharn Paclflc Railroad

Ompany. this week. remove 1 the abbst rallr..a-lman on Ihe 6 BWt The secret of Mr. Tnvne's suc-

cess was hls lntlmate knowlad«a of every fletailof rallroa.l w rk, hls rare executive ability anl

hls great fairnetw. Hls career prohably furnlsh.-sthe only lnstan-e ln thls COUUtry of a man wlth¬

out frlends or lnfluence Btaitlng ln as brakernan

of a freiKht traln an<1 beoomlllS dlYlaton surH-rln-tendent wlthln three reara. Mr. Towne knew

railroad work practlcally, and every ->ne under

him knew that he |)U--HHMe_ this apattel kn-.wl-

edKe. and, th-r-f-.r-. thev inade i>-> etforl to de-

ceive him by any makeshifts ,*r excuses. Thmiirh

a strict dlnolpllnartan. h.- was popular. as ha was

always ready to hear any romplalnta, and h° *M

far more ac.sslbl- than many inferlor ofllclils.

It wlll b- tliffl ult to Illl hls place. but the man who

approach.-s hlm n> :.r**t ln execotlre aklll ls ll- B.

HuntlllgtO-, who has been here for oeveral y-»rs

es hU oncWi peraonal repres-ntatlve. and wbo

has made a speclal study of the whole BoutharnPa, i'i.- ayetem. Th- Southern PBcMe Company is

f "rfunate m havlng aaaaml bm of kmi servlce

ln its emp) >y. any one of whom is competent to

ii« ih- dutlea ot iteneral nanagar. AmongthOOO men ar, r-lon-M Pred Cro-k-r. who has

speclal knowleJK" an.l Mrge practlcal exr*rl*nce;J A nilmore, who f.r. a s^-or* of years has been

g-rieral auperlntendent of the road: W. O. Curtta,who has '.een Mr Towne'B BHsistant f >r twraty-thraa years: Wllllnm H, Mlla*. who knows the

BUta as BO other man k-OWl lt. and who has

done much to Inereaae rhe raiiroad's b-.wlneas by

hls wise advl.e to inllvldnal settlers and olonies.

anl .1 H. Btubba, n.ktiowledged to be ur.f of the

great fr-iRht manag-rs of the country.

The two dauphters of James G. Palr thi* week

jtettled all doobta in r-pard to their attltude by

taking th- slde of their brother. and formally

asklng the Conn t-> repodlate the trust-s named

»nd v-st tltle lo tn- Uch Hooao, a portlon of the

estat-. in tha beim Thla aull to <i"it tlUe to the

I_rk Houaa property, which Falr porchaaed about

ten years ago. waa Lrmight by Charles Falr. and

Ir, the enterlng w-dge in the legal rffoTt tO UPJOtthe will whi.h forma a trust and glv-a the inlll-

lonalr.'s chlldren DO .-al COUtroI of tho greatt-state.Th- C-.*t«we11 Polyteohnic College wlll be re-

oneoed next areek. and a i-ecuiiar feature of theei.rolti.eiit of atu lents is th.u ther- are only alxtyIx-ys whl!* ther- are 16'1 glrls. Th- sup-rint-nd-e-it SttrtbUtea the Ian?e nun>ber of girls to tbe ln-

fluence of the apeechea of Suaan ft Anthonjr and

othera at th- recent Woman's Congr-ss Ihemaln object of the sch.*>l is to glve practl-al traln-

nc ln th- maehanlc arta Speclal courses for

KTrls' will be glv-n in s-winir. drtfsmaking andG okillg.The Lvc-u-n company ha* played to falrly good

houaea all th- we-k ut th- Haldwln. and th- mem-

;..,¦!a h ive done aome ..f th- beat actlng seen baraln a long tlme. The company ha** suff-r-d *

what bv c-mlng -ut 80 early, as s-.-lety peoplea.e all at th- BUmner r-s..rts. not to escape beat.but t-, get rellef from <-->Kl fogaand wlnda arhlchn.ak- .luly and Au-tunt the moat dlaagreeableni,.r.ths ln th- y-ar her.-.

Th- earll-st shlpm-nt of grapes rr->m Callfornlato Ih- Kast was mada this year from I'alinFprlm-s. on th- Iln- of tha Southern Padflc Katl-

mad, ab >i-t one hundred Mllea -aat of Loa An--,l,r ln a llttle tr.-pi.-nl vall-y on Ihe edge 01

lha >;, Colorado daaarl th- s-dl-ss M*.known as the Cfewley. rtpwia by th- middle of

july. Thls grape la amall bul dellcloua y awaet,and it iras- tii.n that it baara tranaporutton waa

ItJrowa m large bunehaa, ao tha it makM a Rn.aenaarance on th- lable. Us m-nts ar- lua i.

i__l_gto be appredatad ... ioutbern Callfonila.


Th-> rrlnclP.l f-alur- »f Mr. Peldl's proRrammeafor Ihlfl WCaak at HrlKht-n Baaeh IB Ihe Wi.^.-rf.«tiv.;i whleh is t.. laka plare on Tu< wy,

Wedneaday and Thuraday erealaga. Mlaa *-.."»"

Kron.-i-i win eing thta erealng. and Bann lehmltivt-.W i-li.v a-.los ,-n Ihla anl to-morrow aft-mo-.i.a

The MBglBBBMIB Of th- Wagnae evenlnK-- ar- as

<olU,VSS Tl'KSl-AV. Jt'I-Y BB.Overiure. "Tfeaahlaaer.*'..V:;ali:kUSe,rJ_hK.:n::!,.""eR.;_i,.. lurron Perth-,,;

^^..Wi^ '-r;,s::rm"n"""BrQnn-ltde. c.- .r.;,!ie v. .I.n.ieeh..aak>.

WKKNl^UAY. Jt l-Y 2«.

i^'!.:;. "I':!1 i"_::"«n..e haa. -Taaa_la«e- <

A^^:\,?n,?t,^,Y.'^<v: Tannh.u-er.

B'm.n:re.'-'p"K1..h umer." Tr-^ 'TniinMnaer/-_§ 'The Evenlna Btar. fr-.m 1 anr.hiiuaer.Wolfraan wniiam Merteaa,

..ftierfrtesi Idjm." _^ , .....a_0*« and Daaath." froai --TristHn an_ IeoMe.

laeMe, OeeeBtoe v. Jaaaeiniiaaay.THVBBD-.T, Jl'l.Y ta\

PreiuJe, 'T)le Belafeialaeer." (Mn from '.Le-henKrln."

Kisa Belma Bi BoM; l> henip-in. Rarroa nnl. Id."Dle Walk.lre' .tl.e vv hole thlr.l art).limnnhiMe. iTeorclBe v. JaauBChowaky: Bletllade. Bei-m. Kronold; Woii.n. W.ll.ain aterteaa ihe elghtVaikv.ies -Helmarta*, Mmn, Hchllllna; VValtraute, Hai-t .- r.n-v.-r Oerbllde, Paullae Horeawna; Ortllnde, AanaPaia' siegru-e. ..nris'i/i- IC^ne:. Roaaarelaee, AaaaFieHs, Bchwertlette. Ooeltlg; ti.lnurigerd-. Aaaal>-lltii!4nn.

John Phlllp lOUaa Bl hla concerts ln the Manhat¬tan Baach Amphltbeatra to-da> win r-peat the new

overt-.ire to .V..r,i> llus Schut." by Smareglla. whlch

wa.s hlRhly pralaed al Ua flrst performance on

Wednaaday afteri.v.->:i, and win alao play the Polo-rtaiee ln A flat. by Chopm. The "MlebelMngwa"Trllogy will Ia; drawn upon for two numbera; ex-

cerpts frtm "Trlatan and Ieol.le" nnd "Daa RheBa-gold" wlll be playel., *;oun->l rnl Massenet

wlll furnlsh several m'>re numbers. There .111 *.lso Le

a trlo of siinc-rs at the coneerta, aaaaely, Mlaa *"lara

Allne Jew-li. contralto, from the Uostonluns; M.A. L- Gullle. the tenor. nnd De Wolf Hopper. Hop-per wlll slng "The Two Greaadtet-** at th- ev, n-

lng encert.

The annual entrrnce fxamiratlon-* at the NatloaalraaannelniT ot Uuetc *iu take place us followa:8in-^!iiK--.-v< pi.-tnber I an.l 4. fruiu 9 to 12 a. m. aad3 to 5 p. m.. and on the evenlng of the 4th; choris

from I to 10 p. tn. \"!->:in. vlola. contrabasa. c-lloar.l harp-Scptemb-r i. trom 10 to 12 a. B_, and I to4 p. m. Orcheatra and aii wind taatruaaeata gep>ternber h, from 2 to * p. m. Plano and organ BepMaabee *>. froai io to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 p aa Ooaa-poaltlon tl'r. Dvoraks clnssi.November 1. from » to

12 a. _a and I t-> I p aa, Tbe Cooaenratorr, for r.sfourth anna.i eompetltlon. .,n..s a artae oi |140>. forth* b-st aymphony, one of Ut» for the eal c.veriuieand on- o; ?..>. lot t>i- beal punofort- or vlol.n con-certo Compoaera nriual be aattarea <r th.- L'nltedKtatea. DOl ->ver forly years of ag», anl may ni-n

their own namea to thelr works. uanuacrlpta moatbe aent in for examlnatlon to tii- Natlonal Con-servatorv ,-i Munlc of America, Noa IM and sevenf.-mh-at. betweai* Beptember 1 and De-cember 18, ifi'j. Back corapoaHloa regulrtaa the 00-op-rutton of an orclienira Ior Ua p-rfonii^ince muatInclude tbe --iche-tral aoore. The orcheatral partanee-i only t>e furnlabed by thu aueceeaful comp.:itora. The publlc awaid oi' 1 rlzes wlll Le made on orabout Aprll 15. IBMJohnaton A Arthur havcr engaged Klvnrde, vlolln-

iBt. f-.r fift\ coneerta f.>r una country. Hia tourwlll b.g.n iu N-w-\..rk Clty, at the tirsi conceri >fthe Phiih.irm-.ti1c- Boclety. <>n November li, M. Hl-varde la a BOhoVlmata of Yauye's and ia nventy-aixyeara of a_,

At the Audlt-.rlum, Afl.ury Park. on Wedneaday,Juiy IL Ibere w.n b< au introductory cooeert ofMMa Mai-I ''urtla Whlte. a young American ao-

Srano, who haa aut-lie-l lour years under M lilard,lrect-^r of tne (Jra.'id <»pera, Parls. Bhe wlll be

aided by Mi W, B, Bogara. leader of ihe 7thKealment liand, and otrx-r art.ata.

A WFEK OF OATBTT AT HOT SPRIXOS.Hot Sprlnica. Va., July 20 (Hp«_B|) Thla week at

Hot Sprlnra h..v. I.- <-n tr.atk.-d by an unuaually Inrjrrnumber of Boclal ln-ldenta. Ou Tuea.lay an ex-ur-alon party of thlrty people urrlve.l here from theWhlte Hulphur Kprlnita. Mr. Sterry, {he munaK-r,entertuln. I theaa Tlie greater part of thrm droveover 10 Ihe Warm Sprlnga In the mornlnK. ri'turii-lng In tlme 10 partake of tho afternoon lea, whlchwaa aerved on the veranda of ihe *'aalno. OnThuraday a plenlc waa glven at Falltng Spiintta, a

beautlful apot. about ten mllea from Ihe HotBprlnga. I.un-neon waa - rv. 1 under the ahade ofImroenxe tre-aThere Ib a rumor here that the athletea of the

Unlveralty of Pennnylvanla are comlng here totraln durlng the month of September.Mra. Sterry gave a chlldren'a party on Saturday

afternoon on tne lawn ln front of the Caelno.Among the arrivala from New-Tork are Mrs. W.

H. Ogden, Mre. Levrrlch, Mlaa Leverlch, tha Rev.Dr. Vlbbert, Mra Peter Haydan, Mr. and Mra. T. J.

Oaklev Ithlnelander. Mr. an.l Mr* PWMp Mr. and Mr* Wil'.lam Khlnelan.ler. \\ I

Ponten, Mla. H. K. M.irkie. Mr. anl _ra. Tboma* B. W. T. Klngan, Mr*. A. L Butter. b. K.Butler.




Btooh la'and. u. i.. July N (8padal).-Tha aaa-

aon ha* not up to tln- praaaal data been all that

,-arlv letters and te!ei.rams InOtBrtng for accommo-

.latlona promised. bal f'.r ih- la-st half of the weakthere has baaa u constantly |Ptr*a*1ng numlier ot

regular Buaata arrivine. and last algtat wen- practlcally full.The Waatber has I.n i-lmply horrible-raln ami

foK anl mlst untll <>ne woti.l. rs why any gueatahave remalned. Th'-ro was practlcally no let apuntll Thuraday last. when tha- <un enme out In all

its glory. bui « rreah norlherlir braeae baa mal»

Ihe laal thn-o days perfect.visitinis l.ak.- Harbor contlntiea to hc the great

fa.l of tho aeaaon. H ina go In aad ya.-ht*.some B« Ut n.ri I...:.-. MOM K<> o" th.-lr wliee).

an.l some k<> on foot. I.ut nearly everylaody goeaThuraday th,- iteam ya.-ht Balljri-ana. oarnad by J.

N. Brown, eana over on a trip from Newport. aadentered ihe new harbor. anehCTliiK at the soutii

eml.Baaaball ls extretm-ly popular her*-. There ar,-,

thre- good team* here. COniUtlng of employra nt

th* <>.. ui Vlew Hotel, the Bprtns llou*- and the

Hlghland Houm. Ctanwa are played every oth.-r

.lav <>n ihe Bprtng Houaa groanda Th.-*.. fame*are lara-ely attanded, a col'ectton belng taken ap atthe close for the beneflt of Ibe ptayern.Flahlng ls. of courae. alwaya one of the prlnelpal

MurcM of InterMi ai Bloch laland. l'r.-m i o'clocki m HII iliuk pleaaure b.mts atel yachis are rruie-

1,'ik of Mohegan Bluff*. ln Bandy Polnt Uae.- andn Lahe Harbor for btuenah. th,- .»or.lfl»h Beet laoff for No Man'* Land and other eaatern fiihlnaKiound* whl'.e partle. to the ln

leareh of plckerel and blaclt baa* are to l>e aeen.Some of the more promlnent Uitel arrivals Of Iba

la«t week ar.- glven h-rewlth:Oeean Vlew-J. A. Ferrla. II. A. Trimm. Oeorge E.

H,,..,,,. c c. Boatwtck, F. W. McOovarn, Dr.,-,ni Mrs. Oeorgt K. Brawer. W. De F. Boatwlck.Frank E l_wle, A. »'. K. W indmuhler, Mr. anlMra II Oebont. Mr. an.l Mrs. Wllllam F. How*,Mra F Sples. tbe Mlss.-« Spl.-s. Francta Bpl J,Mr nn.l Mrs. B Wataon, Mr a.i.l Mrs. Wllllam C.Enifle. of New-T©rk. nn.l Mr. am! Mrs. JaitM*Kno\ of Hrooklvn.Bpiing House -Mr. anl M's IV II. Pavt*. Mi*.

Marlon II. Davla Mr. and Mr-. John F. Barkley.Mrs. .1. Btanberry, Mrs. M. B. Oourby unl RdwardSlramone Hall. of New-Tork.Central Houae.Mra. E !'.¦ Bhlelda, Mrs. rV. !..

Webb, Mrs. Bell and Thomas Naat, Jr., of New-TorkThe Manlssea-Alfra-l I'erklns. D. P. < '--born. Mr.

an.l Mrs .1 E. Wooater. Thomas T. \\ ooster, J.A. Ka-rris an.l A. l.. Flower, of Naw-Torh.



Nnrratrnns.-tt I'ier. P. I.. July M (BpeeUI). I'lejs-

anl weather baa eome at laat. and th.- luaabtn*whloh has nsslste.l ln rmikliiir all riatnre smlle has

a^o Irradldated the count*nai_M of the h..tei

lan.iiords, who had beea gloomy enoogh throughthe atorm. The varlous rallway tralns durlni. thel.-mer part of this week have »ach broughl larg*contlngentl <-f t.ew.-omer«, and many ..f tbe hotel-

..r.- well tllled to-nlght, whlle all of them have ev-

celletit llsts of gueata Tbe ColBBBbUa ba' all Itaroom* oecupkQrenYlll* Kane, Mr* Kane, Mra. John i>* Wolf

anl Mrs Dorrance, of Tole.lo. hnve arrlv.d at th..

Bevera. ArchlbaW a"-.-iv.-rinx Ounter i* a: tb*M...-viiie Cottaga for ih.- naaon.Beren table*, arlth ranopy eotrerlng, anl equlppel

wlth eleetrte lUhts, after the styi.- .¦.' ih* i'.ir.sinn

eafl tabtoa, b.ive been plaead m th- Caatno, andwbeii tha itpbts are inraad >>n Ifl th* atranlBB lhaaffael H brllllanl and ptfUuraaque,Prank Hlacock, of ByracuM, N. v. wai -it tbe

Pler ..ti w.-iii.-s ia\. an.i haa engaged rootni forthe Maaon at tb* RocklnghaniMrs. Bophla Calharlna Mmton. of New Y.nk.

,ii..,i ,,t tb- rolumbu* M "-: BTadneaday mornlnBBh* ipendUtfl the lumnter arlth her daughterMl*. Mlnttan, ind was in tb.- nin-ty flfth r*ar olher uge. Iia-ath was eauaad by old aga, Bra Mlnton has i>. n a regular visltor nt tba Plef for a

greal Biany year.Tber- waa a chlldren'a .Un.-e nt the ('nsin.. laal

rVadnaaday avenlng fraoi I ta ". a'elock, aad theUtUl on.-. turn. I out in gOOd BUmber* nni 99

j.,v. 1 tb.- affalr.Socia-t. atlanded tb.- bop at tbe Cailno vV*dnei

day evetiitiK in full number*, auraa r...^ handaom*ooatuntM w.-r.- dlaplayed and Ih* .ifT-"' ieein<

acllpM :n brllllam. Bian) prevloua aeeaaloni "'

tbe --ortI'oininodor* Hugheo, -,t N-w- gava « dlnner

to sev.-ral of bll f' at Ih* C« .*John w. Foater, ea-flecretary >.f Btate, and Mra

F,,M,r arer* at 'be Qladatone >>v.-r ¦ indayThe followliiK ls a llal of tbe N.-w Y.,rl: COttaget.

ainl thelr BttagMHr. (,'barles HltChCOek, ftopew.ll. Mr-. W I'tet

Chaptn, Taylor eotUge; Mra. Alex Browa ''. no

eottage; B. J. Klng. <:_sino eottage; w n l_ne,Church cottane; W. II. FaJconer, Deleyan; W. »'.

Ward. Breeaecote; ll. i><- Coppat, Bumnwratay; KI.. Coater, Idlewlld; ll. 'i B. Flaher. vVlllow; lu

»; M Tuttie. Bhlnglenook; ll. B. Kan.-. Hidije,w:, i; -jroMman. Roeallnd; -l \: rV-herrner

born. Homlelgh; F. B. gallatrd, Tyn-i (oed; Mr*rt. Van BenaMlaer; C. C <;..:f--. Maplehurei Mi a

Vhi. .'i.-e;. Elberon ottaae; i» K B. eek. ..

Vonder A <'. Ounter, llacvllle; E .' (Jregory,Ktar .-ottai/e; It Wllbelm, Bun»hln« rottue; i_ l.Kiu,.--. ii. .im Ko.i.l. J. II. Ileiis!ui4. Shahty; MnI. \| Rolllna, over.-lir. An»on Banga, Anchorage;Mr.- li Btetrenaon, Buwanee Mlle; Mrs Khlne-lander Htonelea; It. <J Dun, Dunmere; ( olonel \\

Jay, Roekledge; 'harlea K. Bllllnga, Ih* '';''."-¦B. P. Blevln, the Barnacle: .'baile* iMiKi-in. w.ilffeottage; ll L Orlggi, waverly; V\. H. 1Breeae.; F. S .'al.iwell. Melroae; Mr- J. T.cotta.a. A, Bherry'a; Mr. VV. Bhlletto, Cottag* I-.Bherry'a. ... , ...

Tha- f..Mowlii|{ are th- N*U ) ork BITlvala ..' lb*boieis for th* areek ,,

MeUtosel Bldney O. A.hniore, rjiarence VV Boydand Beglnald l^oater.

Al naton .1 E. DleU..

Narraganaett T. F. <'ollins, Fred Colllna. Ber¬nard Bmlth. C. O. l.ovell. J. A. Albue. JaeobBennefellte, B. C. Sklr.n.-r. D. Boy Bmlth. Mr. I..fotllna, T. C. Murphy, J. A. Smlth, 11. I- FlemtngunJ i: Iward Areher.Bevar* T M Batevea, Mi*s Bateeea, .( ( atto,

John .1. Whaley, H. C. Adama and Mn. B, B.

Matthewaon A. I- I.ewl.. W. T. <'.,le. D. L. B.McLaren, MlM A.U-' Weatrott, W, 1.. Hateh,m .'t.i(ivan. Franklln BatcheUar. B. a. Nlcbolaami Dr. Wlliiam Francl* llonan.Atwood II. K. Ward. New-York. an.) Francl*

I.n<-oln Murray. Hrooklyn.Qladatone. l.. boyi. <;. BT. Franrh, Mrs. '. M

Grove. \'.nc,-nt llo'hm.yer an.l J H Gk-oalnow.Nias-.-.soii Mr. ar.l Mr.. W. Klnney Herberl

CaroUr, Mr. ami Mis. R. O. McLeod, MIm Btona,Mn i-: M Bcbenkberg, Mis. Bchenkberg, Mr*.Wllllam A. M. Me.Vlckar an.l Mr. am! -Mrs <1 K.

Columbua Mrs. J. M. llart. C. N. VlRtieron, Dr.R, \au Neal and M. U Uvingitone,Clreene'f Inn T. Selanil.Petuquamacotl Miss m. Bchelttln, Miaa E.

Bcheltlln and Miss H. Bcbdtlln.Kocklngham Mri M. E Chagee, Mr. nn.l Mrs

II. R Kobblna Mr. and Mrs. 1-; C. Homan, B.I. Berkllne .1 I* Mowry, Mrs. Luclua l.yon. J.A. Ferrla Mr. ami Mrs. M. M. Beldlna, Mr. an.lMrs Charle* <> Heux, F. T. White. A H Mulford,J. A. Toblti. Allen P, My-is and B, I llltchcoek.


RYIXO MBIBBB7 OASgM IX XBW-ggDFOgDNew-Badford, July Bl (Bpaclal)..Tba .-hare,e« of

vote-buytng agalnal ;-evernl loeal polHlelana have

oeeupled th.- aitentlon of the clty COUli for sevoraldaya aad Judge Mllllken'a declalon i* reaerved un¬

tll Augual iu, «« to whether tba raaia wlll go t.. ib.-(iraml Jury. They ail Heem to h.irik. on tbe qOM-tlon ns to whether a ward-worher teiiinn ¦ votertbere "wa. IJ In ','. t» vote for ''arker, ami II If hewa. elected,*1 i. eanatrued as buying votea. lneomat .-asi-s thn money was pabl it the ijoIIm, aa*.in othera at heaiinuarta-rs, and was roUectod bypapera baaiing Indoraetnenta of the war.i mea andthe nmount to be pald tbe vole,.. ln some MM*th4j voier (llstrlbuted .loiI(.t>r., an.l t.ia- defendantlelalm that that ls what th.-v were pald lor.Bx-Mayor waiu-r CKBord, of thi. .ity. rortnally

annouacad hlmaelf a* a candldate f'.r tbe offlce oflil.trlet-Attairney ul Fall Klver. lHstrl.-i -AtlorneyAn.lrew JennlnK*. of that city. Is a candldate al.o.Qaorga B. Budd, K'-neral *.-. r.-t-uy of the Mouat

Verbon T. M C. A., New-York, haa i.e.n rallad lauss.imn the MBM poaltlon ln !:li< clty, a-. It I.un.lerfctooil that he tin.* a.-.epteil. !!.. was as.lsinutaecretary *t th* Twenty-tnlrd-at. branch at on«time. la a Kra.lunte of llaiu.lioti Cofl*g* and w-lllB0BM hlichly .pa.ken of.At an aucilon sale of honseh >l.l furnlahlngl af

Baaiiial E Ti».iaie, ..f Matrtoa, who dled iwenty-flveyear. BgO, hel.l ln thls .-Ity. many of the summerraaldenta were ln attendanee. An autoKraph onlerof l>ani< I BTebater brought li 60.

xi:w cori'oratioxs.Albany. .luly K The fillowlni. rompnnle.* wer*

Inrorporated to-diy:Charie. A. Klldnln Coiiiputiy, af N.-w-York, to

conduct U nrokerai-e bUalBOM; cilpltll, IIOU.CXW.Dlrecton--fharl** A. Hnldwln. of New-York: J*OMH. Coniatit. of Hrooklyn. and Krnlerlrk L Wataon.of New-York.The Solar Kie.-trle Company, of New-York. to

manuf i.'ur.. and in >;.-al appllances an.lRpeclallte*. and to eondiict n ajenrral enKlneerlti*;and contractlna bu.lne..; eapltal. I100.WW, dlvldedInto 1100 ahare*. Dlrertor. ind .uba.rlber. lofipital itock.Hemltt Ilolce. 184 ,'hirea; Jacob Rloe,of Klngston, 1X3 ihire.; Andrew |). Halr I. IB¦hare.; Simue! OTonnor 360 .hirei, and (Jeorg*A. Mulien, of Brooklyn, ive iharei.






A.\!> OOBBBWOBDBBCBA rlghl lustv yotmgeter lt ta, this MetropoltUn

rhess Club. n eeiabrated its iir*t Mrtbday a month

8ko Its elder brotbera, Utrtag downtoara, arere

present at th" r-1-bratlon and frankly ndmlttei

that the aew-comer pramlaed to aqoal them m Baalf not to OUtgrow them ln a brlef tlme.

A year ac» eueh cheaa enthaelaata aa Pr. Honeg-Kcr Messrs. Oraswlnk. I. Bcblelff, Horho an-l other

membera of tbe old Central Turn Vareta Cheaa Club

nn. o, p. HOXBOOEitronsrlt.n. l¦> a board of coronera nnd asl

upoa the body of th- Uefonct Ootham ChaM Clnb,which had Juat dled from Infantlle maraamna r-

auacttated the carcaaa blew new lif- lnto Ita mem¬

bera, and tbe reeult waa the ereattea <-f the Metro¬

polltan Ch* ea Club.A llttl- over a yenr ago tii* f wlt..; --Irc-ilar tat-

t.r wa- addreeaed lo i-i ibaMe membera:"Tbe plan of forralna a cheaa < lub In tha npper

part of the elty haa beea aader dMBuaaton for aome

llrne. Conatderlng the Increaalng Intereat ln cheaa,,.s well aa tbe northward grewth of th- citv. t.«..r-

Ing ln mlnd thitt New-Y..rk can 1-ohsI of only two

tk¥ ',i I

5*t-!__C **7rW

KMANl'KL T \\ ¦ 11*11

publlc P of e ; *

s-. io o> tlm* v -.¦,... ta -M-

wiihin convenli"Wlth ampli ind i round and build

up a club, «.- - .i

arher. lovere of 'Ihe n Uat ml tlm* * im arurtb] -. >¦

quartera li -. ¦;

"IQmlaenl .' aa m ileri bave promleed ¦¦

,,|.er.lte wlth US

i heeB Inati u ti -ii -1other i-iba. etc arlll ba faat ". preKr.tmmc "

Thls clrcular waa aiirne-i br i>r i> rA Iwuiglaa*. I >r >; Iv '/< > ni-\ >r, l>r II * ladereon ¥ *. B I* Ifl r»i T :i Ro< l>i .: ¥.M,.,t, A I1 I nl Iv '. I u .1 I -' Ir* IIf.# r. Phlllp i' >v :. \ Irnbelm (i >> '.'

and A <!ra«.vTh.- fir-¦ tr.Ilnfl ».,- ille-1 f,,t l-tn.- '

t«4 .. -Mv.- membei -. v . .

;..i.ii nlp p


~":;L'\ ;^mm1 vuer1 \ y^

ott- i DREBCHKB PM n

ilngiilahlnir feature of ronalBtlng largely of "youngblood." whl-*, Btiaura well fnr iii- perpetulty ot lb*

eaterprtee.Here are tbe nanu-s of th- men arho in..v be

looked upon aa tbe roundera of Ihe MetropolltanPbeaa «~lub: !t 11. A Aadereon, H. Braul, «> Daihelm. P. Davldaon. former treaaurer; J A. Doucta -.

lir .' Burlch, Henry Outmann, Arthur Pranken-st-ln. K. l--|;viik- ii-'.-ln. lt Ple* hl, I" '- P Pontalne, -l. '" Ooetie, A Outman, Loula il-in. HarryHlrach. A-1..K Hlrah, !>r. M. Jackaon, Joaeph larael,

\ PIKCZONKA.DR. il P Mt'ELUElfBACH.i.r. Hermann Kaha, Jeeeph H Bahn. Dr QaMoKataenmayer, Dr, E. Koeaatb*, i*>.ior Kleta, MLlnsbaeh, F. UpaehuM, M. Lelpalgar, ML U Matager,a. M. afaiae, Oaarga Oberadeerfer, i>r. Pranh( I)r 11. I. Piir-lv, II llaul-ltM-ti-k. il-.b.-rtRauMtaehek, C. R< Inai t.-ii. Dr. Oacar it-.tter. n.r-ni.-inti .\ Raebaamen, Dr. Ueo Bchnepp, I. tfilverni.iii. i.-o ii glmonaoa, I. Bulabacher. a. eon Kai.ii-.Dr, Loula Well, >>M<-.-.r Wealge, Oeorae i. Wadaeh,Aifr-d N-ii. Dernhard M Behrenil, J. Pelbel, AlbertPuhrer aad tbe Baa. John Tetreauln ihe yenr the fOlloarlng ebeas mnaters wer>-

elected haaarary membera, aad a*?ceptad the >iia-titi. iion win. -vid-nt pleaaura and gaodwllltoarardIhe -lub: W. Sl.lolt/.. I. W, SIh.w.iII-i A All.ln,s i.ipN.huiB, .1 Tanbeahaiaa aud a. ii. HadgaaAll of Ihem hai.v!n.*-l Ihe llvellift lnl»-real Inthe new club ati.1 siiaUlned the Inlereat of Itamembera by oc-aslonnl »;inult.-.ii.-".M p. rformiiti-eaund in.iivi.iuai eoataaM, a. ta a ragular at<tetidant, hB laprataatad Ihe alUh ln the tourna-ment nt lliiffal... wns baeked by It ln hla conI.--.*axainet Bhowaltee, nnd .a now i.-int; dolagatad hsita repreeeatattea at the iniernationHi taaraaaaaalat HaBBMga Rnglnn-l. lenvlng yeatepluy on thePUMiThe InrKe att.-n.laii.e. < lilefly 80 Ifl lurduya, be-

tok.-nB ihe etiihualaam of the "Meia." All BtraageTBmeel a hearty wel-ome an-l are i-harnie.l wlih iheenili- abaence of bickerlng Jealmisle* ,- n<| per-aonalltlea. ao fre.pienrly encouniered elaewhere.The hlatory of thla club would be Incomplele

wlthout recordlng the aerloua loaa It haa austalned

In the untlmely tleath of Dr. Oltleon Moore. Allwhn meastired .words wlth him on the mlmlcbattleflel.l remcmber the pleaaant smlle wlth whlchhe met defeat. an.l the charmlnn modesty wlthwhlch he dlsclalmed cr.-dlt for hi. vMtorle..

It I* a matter of course that amoni the picture*to be laltl before our reader. the flr»t should be

that of Dr. Honeggcr. twlce unanlmou.lyelected presldent of the ciub. and wlthout an equalln deVOlloa to bls diilles. amiablllty ami popularltyame-ng the meaibera. He ls a rnember of the Man¬hattan C <'.. treasurer of tho rhess Ma*t#rs'LaagtM, and vlce-presldent of the New-York State

Cheaa Assoclatlon. Ha enjoy. tha» di.tlnctlon ofnev<r havlne; been beaten In slmultaneou. playwlth such masrers as Stelnltr., Showalter and Albln.II,- recently defeated S. Upeehuta ln a match f.ame.

OttO Dre.cher. I'h. !>., the vlce-presldent of theciub, was born In iWin.iny flfty years ago.AbandOOlng hl< theologlral career he devoted hlm¬self t.. phllology. He eame to thls country ln 1*16and held the chalr of professoi of modern lan*guagaa al tha state AgrteVuturaJ College of Penn-¦ylvanlB. After his reelKiutlon he founded the.¦ Tplranga al Poughkeepale, N. T., for theInstructlon of Soiith Americins. He ls now eon-

aected arlth t'ie publlc aehoola of thi. clty. and i.

Wldely known ns i transUtor of nedlcal work*.lle I. a brllllant olThand player, but of too BMKUtiaSa tamperamenl I enjoy lh<- drawn-out match gamesof tbe "dull" aehool.

It a lucky day for tbe Metropolltan ihessCiub when Its metnbers!i.,-us.y rlcctad Mr.Aren.l Oraawlnkel m thelr aecretary. Hli haMta of¦crupulou* eanctnaM acqulrtd In his career a^ ex-

ptri a<-eountant pecullarly fltted hlm for the po.i-tlon. To the lintlling z.-nl wlth whlch h.- parformaIbe iluties of bls ofiice ihe lucceaa af the ciub n

largaly attrlbutabl*. The "Mets-" fully appreciatithe genaroua glfl of bla aervlce. to the ciub. Mr.Oraawlnkel ls a natlve of Holland, and forty-aevin\ r-irs ..I 1Kmanuel Tatienb.rin.. bOTfl Ifl this clty Kehruary

23. lKTai. ifter recolvlng a llberal e.iu.-ation, enteredme College of the Clty of New-Tork. li»- ls a

T**% *_->i .

\ L_!nk! m,

Hiiiii-.r*- R.\ri;."rsriif:K.

ine.-i.t. - ' rarhwa ehtba and -i dlraelar nf ibaMetr ipolltan Cheii ''l lb M ri ver, ba la an ae-

,,,:,,; ¦!-'.. I allrou II. Aa i eheaaplayer he

i* maklng great ." lard Bt mlna i Btrong¦miteur, ind ii arai .tated u me Hnn ago ba beail. Klsch in ¦ Mt match, an li bo* engaged n i

match wlth Dr Honegget in l -'¦''. ." "

drawlng i Bame« i even lermi arlth M Ta -¦-

Uavld Kl* h -iv ¦.... **urlni ,h'-

,, .: . v -. and li aon of-

itbta a* if treaaurei H . ithu»la*m f n Ihi

name ibareoften evl lenced

I,, ,...; io hl* p kei i. '- ¦ natlve of

frag-ue, a utrta ' rti -¦'.' reari kl and va ,-. ¦

hn Imal. of Wllllam Bte nltiAll V. A ' "''r"-

-ter* ol lha "M.i- Four tg NTI ?*** .#. >" t.i!1

r*-\ ^x

I BBtH L*gg I

\ -»_* t%L.'.'

.<*T~r.\ r /

hM: T utorifB .aA,'*OBBB*vVtNlC__

lo pla] rbee*. hol Bh ladatnltahla peraeveiatnca andi ,i..-i hlm to th* front..- ,--,. h* tried for th*¦' "youngitei " aei

.,, encountei ¦.

,.., . i onlyrtalfoldplayer il '" '. '" .' :'-'» ';

..,!,-, thra-* y< "a ol h* Mfullj v. Ith

:,- ol warhoraa Bhowalter,ii, I'hi i.-

rfaated J B Hall H« la ¦» natlv*of thli rlty. an (houeh v..

,-.-i prtnttng e*l ibllah' v"r'*

, , , . .Hoba rl I... .;st' ' **'"' ,!"f' l' '

i.. -. brilllanl lo/j-, .; lnw. "1 wa* bon '- enn '.

.,..,. r I kft it.i.. ,r \- ,4 ', rk, ¦-.¦ I. i- 'he publi

tle.ll .'. Iniiini.. prn I'lpla > of ch .* w h; ;h my

,., i. rn* h« -; ; <*' :'

:-....-. .i th* wl) founded M roleav

,:., m: beat. ind h«»p« I have n t been enttrelj uav

M Roche waa born In tbi* cltv ln IMI llerathei .-.. it .mi dentlit, bui his .hei* career

.- ar irlel In 1-'" he Joln--d tbe cbea. eectlwn olthe Central Tui u. a nioH player, In a-t.ori Um*. however, he managed t.. » .rk hlm.-lfln th* fr nl and mn iwn prtae* In rhamplon tournament« II* I. oni of ihe founderi ai ¦ illrectoi ofihe Mei .r lt* ci ick playeri and I.

... hla l.k knowla-dRC and his slow but Mlklmtddla aud . tii k llAmi'iiK the member. of the ciub tli-r.- i. none

more eninu.U'tle ind llettngulahlng th.u\ .1.. rt Plecaonk*. born !n Koenl«*ber_j, InIC_ He ,i siui.tii Bl Ih* l/-i|isi.- Conaervatory,. i| ia on.l li i>-1 .'- the beai ll*a tiiov-n playeriln ibe clty H» wa. founder ot th* famoua Au

- ... [^etpalr; is an hononr) memberof tbe Newark Chern ''.ut. of whlch organlMtlonhe als.. a founder, and he llkewu*. helnod toform ii'- chM. lectlon "f the Oentral Turn veraln.iu his plaj he I...-- ni'-t auch m*n a* Leowenthal,Itoaenthal Kollnch, Bta-lnlta, Horwtta Hoffer amiothei Kurojw ,u exp. 11- ovei tti>- board,

ln addlilon to thone nain.-d ther* ls Dr RobertMuellenbach. i promlnenl promot*r of the game.Frank Bch'ctff, an original player, who la a grealenthualaat, aJwayi ready (¦. assist ln ponuliriilngh- game; Mortta Meyer, .. born cheii rfend, wboplay* a a*ooal aame an bj beatIng hla man. broughtaboul the rtefeal of Ihe Manhattan .it thi hand*of the Metropoiltam i uiri.-r. n C. Donohue,on* ..f tb>- prlnelpal. "f the Weatern I'nlon T*leKraphers' ("ne*. ciub, In whlch ciub he carriedaway Bnl priM In IBM and lait, bui nol least, iler-i,u, Oreltner, th* "hoal ,.f the Meta." wbo ls an

ardenl idmlrer «.f cheaa, ind efBclenl when ealledU .n to provlde n-fr.-sliiii.-iits after Ihe battle* overth, ch. ii board* had i.n fnuitln.

ll v. lli thua be een lhal tbe uptown elub N com-poaed .f in-ii who ire *ur« ;.> ichleve .ueceaa, indthe tlme wbi.-h wlll ¦** th* Metropolltan rhea*Ciub an organlutloa of lha very tirvt rank is nolat all dlll mt"Tha Cheu Openinga," .i book publlahed by

Oeorg* H. il 1 s..,.is, London, and wrttten by lQunaberg, has |u-.i mad* Iti appearance,Tl.e French che». player, Oeneral the Marqiil*

d'Audlgne. prealdenl of'the Parti Circl* de* K"hec'i,dled al Part* IVAadlane waa on* ..f th* pro-moi.-iH of the Part* Internatlonal Tournamenl ln1171I'nder the name of th.- Bqultable Hrltish nnd ln

l*rnatlonil Cheaa Ciub f"r Ladlea, ¦ aacond ladlea'rhe** lub wa. organlaed ln London.No fower ihan thlrtjr-elgbl i*heaa .nperts hava

s.-nt ibeir ..titr.-M t.i tbi Haatlngi Commltte*, whichbody how*v*r, t>-.-1.1...i to limit the number olplayera Ib ine Inlernattonal tournamenl ta twentyor tweaty-two,Pollowtng ira Mr Teod'i

Natlon ii problem tourn unenlI-K.UII.KM N'> «?

MiiT'in "BABIllln.-k TWO pla

ll.uis from our flrst

Whlle Flv* pleee*.Wbit. to play ind m*t* lo twj mov.%


FOR SUMMER BLEMISHESBecause of its delicate emollicnt properties Cuticura Soap

ls the most soothing, cooling, purifying, and healing applicationfor summer rashcs, tan, sunburn, frecklcs, bitcs and stings of in.sects, irritations, chafings, and undue or ofTensive perspiration,as well as the purest, sweetest, and most refreshing of toilet andnursery soaps.

SKIN PURIFIER AND BEAUTIFIERCuticura Soap it. incomparably the most effective skin

purifier and beautitier of this or any age. It is so because itstrikes at the canse of bad complexions, red, rough hands,dry, thin, and ralling hair, and simple baby blemishes, viz.:ThcdoKged, Irrltated, inflamed, overworked or sluzgish pore.

Sales greater than combined sales of all other skin and complex.ion soaps, both foreign and domestlc. Sold throughout the world.

Potter Orug and Chemical Corporation, Sole Proprietors,BOSTON, flASS., U. S. A.

.. Atl efcent Ihe Skin. flcelp. end Helr." 64 pefe*. m-lled free te eny eddreea.A beek ot prlcelme velue te every .aufterer.


MOTTO: "VAB1KTT.'*Ill.irk Tw«lv* piece*.

wi-u» Feerteen pi--»«wt.iir ie i>i»v *n.i m«t» in tw-j aiteaa

rOBBCgPOBOBBCII imi. n Be f-i y y .'>

_.___.___ .. i-..rreeii- a<.lv*d l» i H Regbera, Kew-Torb; B !.«>

Bl a* Worthlagton M«». lunlor. New-Tofb; Bdwtn H-. |i -,. ci I'onn it il r* iioi-.-kr Maaa.

!. .... a tiahlai m.i len. n v it ii ii. i-i'ii-... \ W II - |tr,..M>n Mary llai.l*.M ¦:!>!..-.«.! Maaa.; John .;..r.|r.»r, I'tl.-*. N 1

Rmll N*a* V>... C n UllleeirBI*. Bew-Terh;Perlei ttlatt rl nti; l'»nn A 11 0..el H»y Clty, Ml.-h.Knlullun lu N.i a Ki K .1

...... iu Mlved bi N rai Bton*, Wortkhlgl n Maa*..Ih* nea Uouto 11 BBhtei M.n->. v> .11 B. B.. Halrpk*.

rrlnll) I'ollef* lUrtlonl «"nn Y j»»l.n*r Ham-.., H l K.UIn II li..|.|«li. HrlU-i ..-'. f-r."

.- r>< ha-f« Wai.plt.aer* r'atl*. N V J S II JrMe- Y-rK. I-I W Kntton N-« forh, I* A 11 11*1.1win Wuewal. I'oan lt i* n I'luiiipaimra. s J Mary<. lUrrl*. <. J .hn. WIIHn*na*i. Ma** J"hn >l*r.ln»r.

tl. N ^ Pnrlei .-(T I Hrl-. Penn. .' n Llllle-rtrAl* N'« v-..i. Rlek Kmii. New-Tork; A ll <iana».-r.Il_) ITllJ Ml.-h

ll 14 > V> .11 K> ... 'I.- ¦.- .|\ _.i\».i b) Rlek Rmll, Beer-Terh; <" n Milfe

s.« 1...K Pnrtei Btarford. Rrle, Pmm ^ II *'¦Hi*»4lra i-i n Oardner. i'ti,». N v C J >l in WIsfi M«s M.y .- Il..rrl. ll ll ll Ihltlll »t-urv NII *. II llaidwlfl Kwrarelh .'-nn I v*- r-''i«'"rK-Ne* - ll ir S--* Tork I -i-s. _. Brhaefer,

, f, N V i:,!\4ln II M..|!wln*-.-.rt..-,..-, p -,..-. N. » Drlghl n Slaten lalandrrliiin IVII*** Hartford, --.mi ll II K. Kolyok*.Mase Ihe Hr: l^ II H.hlei. Maj-len. N t M l'*yli Wnrthington, Mn.s A II <)».i«ser lUv <1t>.M

rh* '.11" r ... kn.,wl-.l«-« rhe -e.-elpt ef Ihe followln*|.r,.t.l^lrts -litrli.i: ss- «.. k

... n- -. rlhl* 'Preeqe* lele." "Velei guantun*V.itrre I'oleel. M I.r*i«r,> "A l>*rk Koree."

Rli "ftniitoc Klf." J.4 VIHJa." K-n Tm .¦

¦Viii- v, ¦!. \ i. ..." "invlnelble." a l__M Word


\V:.i.-i. Hlll, lt I. .»":> 2o *..->.-lali Tbere haabeea an eitraordlnarj inii i\ of auanmer nialtora.t thi- r"«->n I'tVirih; tho v,,-'-.. All the botela haveMt ihe ruah, ihe Uukln Houaa hatina a capa Iti,.r ;..'. pieeia breaalng it- record 114 10 tbe numberof arrlvata In a **tai«:». -lav dayaty la the erord, dayand nlKhi I»n\ irii;. [.....thi*, t.i-.nls. bathinar. flalilnirand many olher paatlmee H.-rv t.. arhlle away the.i.n-- ln the «v.Miii!i/ there are hope and tba rartoua hotela, tha larreat havlna t,'-,'->"

own private on beatiobjectl -ii haa been ma la > tbe arrtaal of aome <-f

the . x.-uision p_rtlee by boal from ear pla ae

\ i,-:ii'.)ir ti-is :,...-tt forwird.-! l-v th»' h<»tel pro-rtel ira c utage oamera an 1 burli aaa men of WatchHUI ta th. He«r>London Rteanrboat Companyownera <>f tba arharf ii<-r.-. aaklna thal ataamerasM'ii e\. iii-.--Ii.ii partlea be t.t-..,;'t.;tei from landlni»t theti arbarf Tbe ownera ,>f th" wharf bara putthe mnttor Iti the hund-- of the h,)tel peoplo t*> -io

«s Ihey eae flt. and lt la |>ro'.>.ib> th.t no more

l-.»Ks. except the oteamer Illo-k laland, whlch plleabetweaa Horwlch and uio-k leland, etopptng at theinn. arlll i>c ^iio4*-.-i >,, :aiii bereafter.Beveral i>r.-rt>- cott..K.-» hare i»-«'i> hu'lt ab.)ut two

mlles »..«>! of tbe Hlll. Tba new t>».u-h la .-a'.le.lPleaaanl Vlew. it la tbe Beneral oplalon that theday i« not dtatanl wh.-n tbe trottey road wlUeonaeet Narrasanaetl Pier wlth the mn. Tbte wlUopen up aboul twentjr-Bre mllea af :i« fine beacbfroai aa there B In tba world, that la n-*w pra .-

ilcally unknown, *-x.-4>pt to the pt^.pie ..r tbo ln._Bdtowna of itiiode laland.Many mackerel are i-.Mn*r caafbl ncur by h^r".

a strij,,..] t,a,n waa caufhl <'>¦*" tue llghthouae on

I'nl.v «.>iahltiu thlrty-onc poUBdaTbe folionlna nr-)' amenB the promlnent" at

the Larkln Houee durlnir h.> we»k: Mr and Mra.lii.i.rrt 11 Attrrbury. Mlae Bdna Atterbury, Ml 1[anbel N. Atierburv nnl Mr. nnl Mrs. R'ebater C.Retea, Brooklyn: Mra. O. 8 Baeton. Mra J. M Beil.Wli 1.1 tn P Btewert, 8. c. V'anduaen, Mlea MellleWhlte, Mlea Merle Whito, W. Pardral St.-n-...rt. _.

>. Pbllltpa. 11. 11 Ooodarln, Bamuel Qoodwln aadR. H. Ooodarln. N'rw-Yoik.Watch 11*11 House K. .I-«hn Wools.y and Mr. iind

M-- lun|.M Tatum, N>w-Y,.rk.uceiin Houee R. l.tbcock, New-Tork; Captain

.1 II Ilartl.-tt, V. 8. XPlympton Houae W Carpenter, New-TorkAtlantlc Houae Mrs. w. P. Lawreace, Tonkera

N. T.i D. II. Morritt ntul f.itiilly. N'.nvark. B, J..... « --...

TVBKJ8B TBBATMBBT of christiaxs..\t tbe requeat of sir Pblttp Currle, Uritiah Atn-

t. is i.ih.r to tbe Bubllam Port.-. a paper haa been pro-parad t>v the Rvangalleal AlHanoa on th** atUtudaof Turkey i« h<-r Cbrtattan aubjeeta and her for rallglaua Hbarty. Complalnta wer.- madat,> tbe lirltlsh tlovenim.-nt last wlnt.-r b\ tbe BrllHh and Aiiifrt.-an r«-s1«l< nts In Constantlnoplf, aa-

s.-itlni; tbal Turkey was rtolatiag h.'t |-i»inlse< to

her papulatloa Th»xt> complalntawere helleved i>>- i..*r.i Klmberiey 1 > ba xaciemted,aad he nek.'d Sir I'hillp *'iirrle to procure frotn theKvanip'lli-al Alllame a anatetnent of the exa. t-f.i.ts.Tbe r.suiis ,,f the Inveatlcatlon of a ewamlttao ofthe are embodled ln ihe lep.rl, wlilch con-talnr* a merrlleH* nrralif'iment of the Turkl!<h Oov-ernmoal, *'..ple* ,.f tbe report have b.-en *<tit tothe llev I*r. Jonlah Btronf, U.-neral Hrcrelary ofthe Baanaelloal Altbuiae for the t'nitesi Ht..t.-s. inIbe liiltel CharltleH llulldlne ln thls MlvTbe commlttee conalat.-d of llve of the llrltlnh and

thi.e of iln- American coiony ln i'


Fnll lllver. Maaa, July 20 (Speclal).-The clothmarket haa been *pilet durlnir Ihe week, and tradehas been lluhl, owlna to Ihe itrlke talk. Yeaterdayafternoon far-awa) .-.-1.ur.4- 's were made on a haalaof 2 1.V1H eeerlB for MxMa, but no aalee of apote were

raportad, Wlth the explratlon of the current monthmanufacturera wlll be looklnc about for a renewal».f contiacta, and a more actlve bunlneaa la antlcl-pated. There waa an Inereaae of 1.800 plecee ln theatock of nooda on hand. but the gooda In etfhtare teea than a week'a production, and there tano Inconvenlence on that acore. The ealea of UaMb

were onlv 2.000 pieces. The weekly .tatement: Ff.diit'tion '220.OOO nleces; dellverl*.. Ml,'00; stock onhand. ih'wo: od-i*. 10»;.'<*). Clx-Ms, <y>.UWy. la.t week'i.tock IM.OOO; ia'ea, 17,000. odda, ",,000; toxftt*. 2,000;«pot 18,000; future, tl.000; Mtaa for weekly de-llverv ln Auvust. I47,"U0. Beptember. l'.O.OOO; Oto-ber 101.000 November. 11000: Dacetnber, 10,000. __-

ket Ona. I'rlce, _T. cent. for 6lx.'.4s.



There seem. to b.> no d. ubt that "Trllby" wlllrun on at tbe (Jnrlen Theatre 11II late ln the au-

tumn..tvhen the tlme af th- house 1. resenred play*. The one buadredtk perform-ince w.n

.nccessfuliy paaaed rume day* ago. and the one

hundred nnd flftleth Is already not far off Th*audleacea are alway. good and often large, even on

thi- warmest nluht-aThe Terraee Oarden Is altogether one of th*

p>u plaa *s of amusernent In town on thesew_rm nli;hts. Kor the eoatdng w>-ek Mllloecker wlllbe much In evldence. His operetta. "The SeveaSw.iblan*." wlll he preaenfe.l on the flrst three even¬

lng., an I "Poor Jonathan" wlll be the blll for tha

remalntac portlOB of the week. The former workwm beard al Um Irving I'lice Theatre a few yeara.IKThe prifc-ramme announced for thls week at Km-

ter A lllil's ItO'.f QardM contaln. many new feat-ama They are Tbe flrat appearance at thi* hoiiMof Menorita I/ola Yberrl. who wlll ippear In a new

dance eatlUad -aabeaaaa and Vroiet*." th* thraalliwtborne Sl.ter*. ln a spa-elilty «ntltl*d "ThaBportlag Ulrl*", H.irry Dllfoll. wht.ttar; th* ra»

nppe.iranc ..f Kokln. .Iipaie.e Juggler; Harry LaCl.iir an I Kl 1**11*. anl Ihe reapiaearance of Pntay.atayar wlth a bund of plek.nlnnl*., In negro meta-dle. and dance.. The remalnder of the proarammnIncltatoa J. w Baaaona, who win .ing a n*w *o.g_(lanlvet. Ml*aa Clnlr*-".* Agnew. dancer; th* Egger-Bleaer trauBB af Tjrroleaa .inger. and dancerw]>Marletta and Hellonl anl thelr flock of per*forrnlna)eockatoo*. anl I>r. lieo Sommer's Hungnrlan Oypiyjir.-he.tra.At Proctor'e rontlntious performanc* theatre MlM

F"na Hertol¦!!. hand-halancer and contortlonlat. lachlef among fo-morrow'a attractlon.. The I/und-lirren. have comie powers ri well a* ftcrobatlO.kt!l. anl thelr laddOT exploMi are performel. Dllk. anl Wade alway* lnsplremerrlment Other. In the twerve-hour blll are theW.i il Slsters, ch.racter change duetfl.t*. Ned Mon-roe. the Sisters Henumont, ln .»ng» and dancer;LaaBa and Fennley. Whltlng anl Shepherd. TonyWllllama, Imltator; DaBy und Hinton. and E*te.l*BTIaaton, balladlat Ther- is a .peclal blll for to-.lay's concert, eonthmeaa from 2:30 to n p. m.

Bmlth anl ''ook. s.ngers ,in 1 aorobats, wlll mak*thelr tlrst appMraar* thi. aeaaon at the AmerlcanRoof iSarden to-morrow ever.Ing. Mlsa Madge BfltBwlll latroduea another new .ong. Her song, "Oh,I'nde Jobar' Baa becoBM p*ipular. .lame. Thorntonll alao l'i the Mll. and wlll introduce a new eomlci.>ng. Tbe ivst of the blll I* new. and Inclu.leifJallwagher an.i West. Paulo anl Dlka, 4MttMS;EMgar Bly, Mll* I.ollttle. in an electrlc dance;Thomaa J. Ryan. Wlll CBBBeran and Nne Reyno'.Js..serl.i-.-omic. The usual conc.-rt will be given tfcllevenlng,

". aew group will be plac»l on exhlbitlon at th*ESden Mttaea '.>>-'.iy. !t rapreaMta the Cievelandfamily. aad Inellldaa tba rimire of ihe baby wblchv. is born tWO waeka a*,-) at Ht nanl'i Bay. cieveland ha. glven the Maaaa artists more

trouble than any other group. When he flrst went

to tha VThlte Houm as ¦ bachator hta tigure wai

placed lu the Later, when he marrled. a

r.'-.v llgure was made. wlth his wlfe standlng by hl.*lde. Then when Baby Ruth was born the grouphad :» be mad.- over. au l agaln arlth Baby Ksther'lbirtii lt araa raaaodallad.At the Madtaan Bouar* Boof fJardaa thls week

only two of the o'.d pcrformer* will remaln, PresiKldridv-e, storles hava been recelve! wlthfavor, and BaAatita Consuel > Tortajada and her Th.' ItrongMl WH offered at a .-"iindaynight concert ihis leaaoB Bl the Madiion SajuareRoof Oarden nill up:i.'»r thls evenlng. The per-formei-s for the rest of tba week, beiides Mr. El-

drldga aad Beflortia Tttrtajada, inciude the Miig-|."-v MontaCBe and \\><:, the Galety Oirl Trio,Il.ilne* anl I'ettinglll. ln "The unly Ps*J Room

Open": Cushmin an.l Il,«: .nte. Kaye and Henry.

In**_aplial vs. Lahor"; Btta Berger, Bathjtba,1 n-.-r. iV.rm anl H*rb*li an-l Ktlty Gllmor*.loubrette. _,.il.uciano Conterno, wbom band of lUtv piec*. wij

begln nn *ngar«m*nt al th* I'lttsburi; BapoattloaoaBeptember 18, wlil have .even Mlotatt, ln »*«*»7those alrealv announced. Th*) are John Ha zei

.-,.rnetl-.t. Rafaele Mauro. of tha MunlcfpaJ Band olNai :-s; Calr. "- «': -i-t. o loe; Jamea c.ore eupho-nlum; V. Bauna, cU'.ronette: OluMppe I' born, an.l Bdward Meara, tmmbon.Aetlva preparatloaa are golna on at the ..=f

Theatre for th* .ppe.rance of K M and JJJWHoiund. undir thi dlrection of Blchan Manirt* t.

Thelr Maaon pana on Aaauat *. wbaa tba» wiii

produce "Horace. or. Tba Maa aitli a £MjrlJJllany anl Bdward Paulton. Bupporttag the'Meaara.II. land wlll be Mugo Tolland. vV. N. .*«-im«ti. _W-Norrl* B F. Cotton. U Eddlnger. I. r. Pr*h".;MM _. I PhlUlpa Mrs. M.K e lUnkin. Mtaa Ofiv*Ollver Mi*- i-tur.i Me-IIvray. Mis* /_*¦«. Muir'

MlN blmnlM Mulr ami MNs M.tud Harrlaon.Mias i..,i.i r-oi wlll eoBM from Uwcoaa f> "«*«

,ve..k. end r.-he irsals for her i'**f"*frgfflllt is an idaotatlon of "Pervenche, the Ho»"r wn.

bv cht-evc- Ooodwin. and mtiata haa been, wrlttenby Wllllam Purat. lt has botn renamed .*ira*I.V," md th. op.-ra eompaay ha* been *lecteo.

Ml-s K.x Wlll be-ln her Meoad year as a »tir **

Beptember -' at PaUnar'a Theatre.

WTIT SHOVLD VXCLE SAU BORROWiFrom The Atlunta Constltutlon.

Pradaaaar rrwKOta, .. rreach .5P«K»*_Jfl± «|ent urtlcle. place* the we.ilth of thi* 'O "^r "m.mooo.tno f-mes. which i «*«_.«»«« «fjftga8_000.000.00-, an he itatM t.iat the valu* ot *u ">.*

prJ.peitv ln Kngland laoludlag B«B «n «*!«gg!,.,. i* |_Mn%rt5» rranejL MPMHL'"

^u, ssva,% tiSiwa ?^ «D5st. liermnny, wlth ISI.OOO.OOO.OiO frano.. .*_»_SC

ne. wealtri of ltalv. Baata. Kuaala and Auatrta-Mungary la only a llttle larger than «h*« or ^1-nlte.l Htal-*" The.e tigure. aaTM tBB_._gv th those of Mr. Mulii.ll. the fX2_^ffi5=lt a..,-iii» that thla country l* nnanclally airong*r

th*n anv one country ln Europe, and. .«»»%"

j&__2w_ fe v5_____ng but a con.plracy or an B«d«»_f«_*!_,__ tBhe leading mon*v klng* of Kngland a»d «M

Cnlted State. coulrf put u. ln th* attUud* 'of BB*ferlor. dependent upon a forelgn country wu«

our euperior wealth. It I*,e to *W*"any oth«r *xplanatlon of tha 8upra__*a AB fM{jjritlah In our financlal affalra.