(California Sc~ool of Arts an~


Transcript of (California Sc~ool of Arts an~

Page 1: (California Sc~ool of Arts an~
Page 2: (California Sc~ool of Arts an~

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(California Sc~ool of Arts an~ <l:rafts

Arts an~ (Crafts Y.,ullMng

2130 (!::¢nt¢r .Str~d

A -,Practlcal .Sc~ool for ""])uignn s. '"Jllustrators. <!raft 'Workus. "t,¢acb-

¢rs, -l>raugbt sm¢rt an~ .Stu~¢nts of Sitt¢ Arts

Page 3: (California Sc~ool of Arts an~

"l'foll L~aMng to Som~ of <!:lass )\.ooms

(Lasts from <r:orrl~rl. <&lavonnoll

<r:ompan 1' San 7ranclsco. <l:allfomla

1J ntro~uctlon The School.

The absence of an Industrial Art School on the Pacific Coa s t, and t he demand fnr inst ructi on along this line, led to lhc formation of the Califo rnia School o f A r ts and Crafts in Ju ne T907. In forming a curr iculu m thr ee facts were kept in mind: First, the training of practical de sig ne rs and il lustr a tors; Second, the training of teachers of dr aw ing and crn ft work for the grammar, high , and sp ecial scho ols; Third, the training for t he fine art s and for culture.

Location Berkeley was chosen as the place for the sc hool on account of it s pict ur esque location, plea s ant climate, a rti st ic homes , its State University with the Greek Theatre, its prox-imity to San Francisco, and t he fa.cl t hat it is the r ecog ni zed educationa l c en te r of Cal iiornia. T he schoo l is cent ral ly loc a ted in the Ar ts an d Crafts Build ing (21 30 Cen-te r street ) and in th e form er Commercial High Schoo l, within hal f a b lock of the ma in e ntr ance of the Un iver sity of Ca lifornia , and of the So u thern Pacific and Key Rou te stat io ns, and nea r the term inu s of bolh the Oak land and loca 1 street car lin es .

Accommodations The sc ho ol has no facilities fo, bo arding or lodging, but Ile 1·keley, being a college town, ha s ample accommodat ions for stu dents; good hoard may be obt a ined from ~5.50 per week and upward s. A list o f r espo nsib le boar ding houses wh ich ar e under the supe r-vis ion of the ma na gement will be furn ished stude nt s o n application.

Buildings The en tir e second Aoor of the A rt s and Craf ts Bui lding on Cent er Stree t be ing inade -riuatt for the accomm odat io n of th e st ud ents of the Fa ll T erm H)09 , the former Com -mercial rTigh S chool was le ase d to provid e the ne cessary room. Thi s bu ilding has been remode led for the special work of the Art School and co n tain s, in ad dition to clas s rooms , a large l ectu r e :rncl exh ibitio n ha ll ; it also pr ovides an additional en tra nce on A llst on \i\/ay.

T hi s summer a s pec ia l build in g has been added for t he classe s in m et al, je we lry and pr imary manual training .

Equipment The equipment co nsist s of an adequ ate number o f ca sts, s till -life, t oo ls, and furn itur e of sp ecia l design for th e var ious purpose s, so that stu dent s ne ed buy on ly t h e a ct ua l

, materials for drawing , pa inting :ind craft work; of the se a supp ly'j~\ ke pt in t he build ing at r ea sonable pri ces , and is hand led by the St udents' S up p ly S hop, the p rofit s de r ived from t he same go in g toward th e library and s cho larn hi ps .

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1Jntt"o~udlon---<tontlnu~~ Library

The Library contains a well-selected lot of referenc_e books on industrial, norma l, and the fine arts , also the best general and art magazmes. In addition to the library is a reading room for research and refe r ence work , the latter herng ~mder t he super -vision of the instruct.ors . To supp lement the books and magazrncs , 1s a se lecti on of cas t s, photographs, color prints , drawings and pos ters , of modern and cla ss ical subjects.

Recreation Be sides the Students ' Club and Rest Room, which is comfortably and attractive ly furni shed, a kitchen is provided for th e preparation o f hot lunch es ; the dccor.it1011 an d care of these rooms are lef t to the students. For outdoor exercise a tennis court has been add ed, and may he used by the stud _en t.~ at any time except during study hours.

Inquiries . . Inquiries about the School should be addressed to the Secretary of the Cahforma _Scho_ol of Arts and Crafts, Laetitia Summerville ?I.feyer, 2r30 Center Street, Berkeley, Cahforn1a.

)\¢fu¢ncu Dr. Henry Suzzallo, Professor of Educat ion, Colum~ia Unive rs ity , X ew York City . Prof. A. B. Clark, Profes sor of Dra\ving, Stan .. ford Cmv~rs!~Y- . Jas. A. Barr, City Superintendent of Scl1oo ls. Stockton, Cal11orn 1a_. . Fnmk F. Bunker , City Superintendent of Schoo ls, Ilerkelcy , Cahforn1a.



:faculty Frederick H. Meyer, Director

Graduate Royal i\rt School of Berl in; and Pennsy lvan ia l\Iuscum and School of I ndus -trial Art, Philadelphia; Supervisor of Drawing in Stockton Public Schools from 1898-• 1902; Instructor in Drawing at th e University of Cal ifornia , Berkeley; and Professor of App lied Art, ::\fark Hopkins l1rntitute of i\r t, San Fran cisc o, 1902-1906 ; Director of California School of i\r t s and Craft s, 1907-1910; Head of th e Dr a wing and Art Depart -ment, Berke ley P ub lic Sc hoo ls, 190S-19w; Pr a ctical D es ign er.

Perham W. Nahl Graduate of the fo r me r Mark Hopkins Ins t itu te of Ar t, San F rancisco; formerly Instructor of Pen and Tnk Rend e ring in the Architectural Department of the Uni versity of California; later stu d ent of Ar t in Munich and Pa ris; Instructor in Antique , Sketch and Life Dr a,ving, C. S. A. C., 1907-1910; Practical Lithographer and Illustrat o r .

Xavier Martinez Gradua te of th e former l\-iark Hopkins, San Francisco, 1895; gradu ate Ecole Nat ionales et Speciale der Beaux Art s, 1899; Atel ier, ~fr. J . L. Gerome ; Student under Eugene Carriere, 1900-190 1: Honorab le ::\'1ention, Uni versal Exp o sit ion, Paris, 1900; Instruc tor of Still L ife and Landscape P ait1ting in Oi l, C. S . A . C., 1909-1910; Landscape and Portrait A rtis t.

Mabel Shively Stud ent :\'lar k Hopkins In st itute of Art , San Fr an ci~co. 1904-1906; Student of K ew corn b P ottery , X cw O rl ean s, 1906; St udent of the Art Department of T eac her s Colle ge, Columbia Univer sity, 1907-1908; T each er of Draw in g_, Azu sa High Sch oo l, Ca lifo rni a, 19o8-r909 ; Teacher of Drawing and De signing, C. S, A. C., 1909-1910.

Mrs. Rufus P. Jennings Gradu at e o f Purdue Univ ersity , Indiana; Student of A ug us t us F . Ro se, P ro vid ence, Rhod e Js land; Cr a ft \,\larker in me tal ~; I ns tructor in m et al work , Ca lifornia Schoo l of .Art s and Craft s, 1908-1910; ~faker of J ew elry.

Helen Clark Chandler }>'lark Ho pki ns, 1898-1899; Frank Ma c::\-fo nnies S cu lpt or , P ari s, 1900-1901 ; Gar d ua te Columbia U niv e rsity, Teachers Co llege , 1908; T ea cher of Dr a " 111g, H o rac e }ia nn Schoo l, New York , 1908; Teacher of V\latcr Color, Lo s Angele s S t,itc Xonna l, 1909-1910.

Elizabeth Ferrea Graduate l\.fa rk H op kins ln , titut e of Art , San Franc isco ; Te ac her of Drawing in t he ?v:Iiss ion High Schoo l, San .Francisco ; Teacher of :.·[odeling in Ca lifo rni a Sch o ol of Arts and Crafts, 1907- 1908; Teach er o r Mode ling in P o lytec h nic Hi gh Scho o l, San Franci sco; T ea cher o f Antiqu e and l\-fodelin g , C. S. A. C. , r909-19rn ; Scu lptor.

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Blanche Letcher Student Cincin nat i A rt Aca demy; S tud ent New Y or k Schoo l of A r t und er Will iam M. Chas e, I rv ing \Vy lcs, \ 1/a lt er A pp le.to n Clar k ai1d H owa r <l Ch and ler Chr is ty : T eac her of Cos t ume D esign ing, C. S. A. C., 19iu ; Co nt ributor to Vog ue an d Go od H ou se-keep ing .

Ethe l Fulton Anderson Gra dua t e San D iego ::;-u n na l Sch ool, 1906; Grad uate of Ca lif orn ia Schoo l of Ar ts a nd Cra fts, 1909 ; As8 ista nt T eac her in Childr en·s Cla ss, Su m m er Sessi on , 1909, C. S. A. C.; In structor in D r aw in g, M iss R and o lph's Sc hoo l, 1909-1910 ; S ubs titut e '1'eac her in M echa ni cal Dr aw ing in Ber ke ley In t erm ed iate High , 19 10; T eac h er in Ch ild ren's Class, Summe r Se ss ion C. S. A. C., 1910.

Ida M. Manchester . Sou th K ensin gton Sc hoo l of Art s, 1902- 1903; Gra du a te Cali forni a Scho ol of A rt s and Craf ts, 1909; Ass istant Tea che r in D es ign , C. S. A. C., 1910; Teache r of D e8ign , Sum-me r S ess io n, C. S. A. C., 1910.

Otto Alfred Schumann Gra dua te Berlin T ra de . Sc hoo l; Gr:i rluate Tcc hni ch um, B er lin, a nrl Sc hoo l ior Eng i-n eers; Dr aug hts ma n with Ge nern l E lectr ic Comp an y, B erlin ; E nginee r wit h Germ a n l nca ndesccn t Lig l1t Comp an y. B er lin : 1' e:iche r i\-:f ec ha nical D raw ing , E ve ning Sch ool, C. S. A. C., 1909-19 !0 ; P r act ica l E nginee r.

Laetitia Summ erville Meyer , Se cret ar y .

Fall Term Day and Evening Classes , begin Allg ubt Js t , clo se D ece mb er 16th , _19 10. Sat urday Classes , beg in Aug u st 6t h, c'.!J, e D ec em be r 17t h, 1910.

Spring Term Day and Evening Classes, beg in J anuary 2nd, close M ay Jith , 191r. Saturday Classes, beg in J anuar y 7th , cl o se .May :20th, 19 11.

Vacations Admission Day , Septembe r 9th, L<)l O. Thanksgiving, N ov ember 24 and 25 , 19 10. Washington's Birthday, F ebruary 22n d, 19 11.

Summer School , Session of 1911 D at es to be an onun ced lat er.

Note: Th e a bo ve da t es m ark th e opening and clo sin g o f t he Teg ular cln.ss cs: fo r dat es fo r specia I da~~e s inquir e. oi Sec ret a ry.

.St¢nc\l lng an~ \Voo~-block l)rlntlng br .pu.pll.s of t~¢ .sc~ool.

'Gbe motto of tt,e .sclJool b

<ll'plleb In all lt.s work: "'lt.s influen ce bou not st op wltb tbe da.u «xerclsu but is carrleb Into tbe bomu : Z51,e lattu bou muclJ to convince tt,« gen «ral public tt,at an 4rl tra ining l.s not onlr for culture but for un-ful 4nb remunuallv e OCCUl'ntlon.

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Subj~~ts of Stu~r <t:la..s.s :A. -:ln~ustr\a.l '"Jl>ra.wlnsg.--7\r .st Y~ar

MAB EL SHIV EL Y, Instructor Freehand Drawing

n rnw in g fr om sim ple o bj ect s in ou tlin e a nd lig h t and shad e. Ty pe so lids. V .ises a n<l ja rs, furni t ur e. Stu dies o f flowe r s, frui t, a nd foliage from nat ur e. Subjec ts are d rawn si ng ly antl in grou ps; in charcoal and pencil. Spec ial ath'ntion paid t o perspe cti ve.

FR E D E RIC K H. MEY ER L ectu res

P erspective and const ru c ti ve draw ing. HELE N CLARK CHANDL ER, In st ructor

W ater Color Simple st ud ies fr om nature o f fruit s, flo wer s. dra pery, and stil l life . Ou t doo r sketch in g whe n the wea th e r per mit s.

MAB EL SHIVELY , Instructor Wa sh Draw ing

Fr o m cast, still life, flo wer s, dr ap er y.

MAB EL SH I VELY , Instructor Des igning

T.ine spa cings, flow er spo tti11gs . lan d ,cn pc com pos itio n in hlac k an tl whil t', t o ne ;ind co lo r, tex t ile des ign s. St en cili ng and wood -bloc k p ri nting .

ET HEL FULTON AN DER SON , Instructor Inst rumental Drawing

P ra cti ce in t he use oi in st.rum en ts. Dr:i. wing of g eo m etrica l prob le ms a n<l de, ign s. Le t teri ng. Con stru ct ion of math em atical curves.

ELIZA BETH FR REA , Instructor Clay Modeling

T. Mo<lclin g ir om simple ca sts , de tail s o f th e hu man figur e. 2 . :\1out' lin g from natur e. fr ui ts, flowers, a nd folia ge. 3. ~r od cl ing of con ve n tio na l ornamen t;;. 3. Cas t in g and fin -ish ing of cas t s. N ote : Le ct ures on in stru m c11ta l dra wing, an d ot h er s ubj ects . also read ing ;; anrl re-sea rc h ·work in t he lib ra r y, wi ll be giv en and di r ect ed by t he teach er s in cha r ge of th e wo rk.

a:ta..s.s A . Slut :v~aT0 a:ondub ~b E LIZAB ETH FER REA , Instructo r

Elem entar y An tique l Fa ll Tern] Ora wing in cha r coa l fro m ca til$, incl udi ng t ype sol ids, block hand , foot an d hea d ; s imp le vase for ms an d or nam ents.

Antique [Sp ring T crrnJ Draw ing,; in ch ar coa l an d c.rnyon fr om ca sts , incl ud in g orn ame nt an d pa rt s of the huma n figu re.

ID A M. MANCHE STE R, Instructor Plant Analysis

D rawing o f flower s, frui ts, a nd foliage , fo r use in d es ig nin g .


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'1:lau ~- Appll¢b -:!>ulgn anb '"Jntulor '"l>¢coratlon. '1:la.s.s a:. ~ormal Art :Jn.structlon.

$¢conb Y¢ar.

FREDERICK H. MEY ER, In struc tor P en and Ink

Re11der ing from photog-n ,p hs, st ill life , d ra µerie;;, a1HI o utd oor s tudi es . His to r ic Orn ament [F all T erm J

The s tudy of the differe nt ~tyles; Egyptian , Greek , Roman , Romanesq ue. etc., in con -nectio n wi th the arch itecture o f the di fferent pe r iods.

Advan ced Des ign [Sprin g Te rm l T. Color H a rmony. 2. App lication oi na tural and histor ical mo t ive s for th e d ccora-1io 11 of Aat and curved su rface s. 3. Designs ior mosa ics, s t ai ned gla ss, jewelry, hook and ma gazine cove rs, portfolio, and lea the r "·ork.

Mechanical Drawing :\feeha ni cal pe rspec t ive. Sh a de s and Shadow;; , a nd \ 1Vork ing Draw ing s.

*Life Class PERHAM W . NAHL , Instructor

Draw in g ir om the nud e 1,gure, for a dvari'ced st ude nt s. Sket ch Class

D rawing from the cost um ed model in char coal, penc il. pen and ink , o r wa sh drawing. Anat omy

L tc ture s illustrat ed by cha rt, ske leton a nd nu de fig ur e, for Li fe Clas~ s tude nt s on ly . *Ever y ait ernoon excc1>t Tu esday an d T hurs day, whic h arc devoted to Sk d ch Class .

HEL EN CLARK CHANDLER , Instructor Wat er Color

St ill life stu die s, flow er s, dr ap cri e~, in t er iors, a nd o ut -of-d oor sketch in g.

MABEL SHIV E LY, Instruc tor Advan ced Freehand

D raw ing in penc il and cha rcoa l of still li fe, furni tur e, in k r ior s, etc . Sp ec ial att enti o n JJaid t o p er spective an d lig ht anrl sha<le.

Note: St udents attend lect u res in P er spec t ive, Hi storic O rn ament , Design and An ato my .




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'1:lass ~. "G~ir~ Y¢ar--'1:ontlnu¢~ FREDERICK H. MEYER, Instructor

Constructive Design I. Origina l designs an d wo rking dra wings for fu rn it ure, metal , woodw o rk, and houses . 2 . Sche mes Ior in te rior decor at ion drawn to s ca le.

History of Art A sy n opsis of the grow th an d develop ment of lndu strial an d F in e Ar ts as sh own in Archit ec t ure, Sculpture an d P a inting.

PERHAM W. NAHL, Instructor Life Class

D ra win g a nd pain t ing irorn the nude figure. Composition

Compos itions up on given the m es are req uir ed, a ncl spec ial atte nti on is paid to d esign-ing such fo rm s of co mmercial illustrati on a5 Ca lendars, Title Pages, Poste r s, etc., as well as Pictor ial wo r k fo r l\'nv spap er. lloo k and '.fagaz ine illustr at ion.

Sketch Class D raw in g a nd painting from costumed mod el.

XAVIER MARTINEZ, Instructor Still Life and Landscape Painting

Classes in oi l irom still life and dr«pery ; portra it pain t ing; an cl out -of -door wo r k fo r ,HI vanced s tudents .

ELIZABETH FERREA , Instructor Modeling

.-\<lv;rnce d work fr om the draped figu r e. \.Yorking out original desig n s :-,nd composi t ion s. Portrait work an rl m ode ling from life. Note: Stud ents atte nd lect u re, in co nstru ct ive de sig n, co mp o-siti on, and Hi story of Art.

([Lall a::'.. )tormal :Art Jf n.structlott "Gblr~ Y1iar

FREDERICK H. MEYER , Instructor Constructive Design Sec Cla~o n. History of Art Metho ds of Teaching Drawing

Lectures 0 11 methods, m a t erials, book s, e tc., fo r pri rnctry, gramm ar and hig h schoob. Blackboard Drawing

B 1ackb oard D ra wing , the neces sar y pratcic e t o g·ive facili ty in th i;; work.

'1:las.s <t:. "Gblrb Y¢ar--<t:ondu~¢~ PERHAM W. NAHL , Instructor

Advanced Antique Dra win g from casts show ing cons ecut ive st age s of de velo pme nt .

ELIZABETH FERREA, Instructor Modeling

See Clas s B.

Note: Stu de nt s in this clas;; mus t do J) ract icc teaching . att end lect ur es o n des ign, hist or_,. of a rt. and me tho ds of te aching.

.Sp1tcial a:Lass1ts MRS. RUFUS P. JENNINGS , Instructor

Metal Work, Copper and Brass Surfa ce Dcvc lopmcnt, cu t ting , r,tting , piercing and em bo s~ ..

ing. 2 . Rai sin g from the fla t , so ft soldering, tinishing ancl co loring . Stude nts w ill be requir ed to complete ( 1) before taki ng up (2). 3. Eng rav in g for ena m elin g, opaq ue an d t•·:ms-1\lce nt..

Jewelry Saw -pi ~rcing, filing, draw ing and bc n<ling wire, ha r<l so ldering , rep oussf>, bu ilding up, s ton e-sett in g, and ename ling. The abo ve proc esses will be learned in t he ma kin g of bro oches anrl various ot her pieces ,) f j ewe lry.

Silversmithing. Surfac e deve lopme n t, mode ling , ha rd s olde ring and fini shi ng. Prob le ms will incl ud e the maki ng of sctll- cc llar s. ,;poo ns, po rri n-g er ,, an d other artic les.

BLANCHE LETCHER, Instructor Costume Designing

r. Composition and illust ration in pen and ink. wash-drawing. and st udy of repro-duct ions. 2. Pract ical w ork fo r fash ion maga7.incs, cata logue , ctnd news pa per advertis ing .

Note: As ide fr om th e above, th e stuucnts must take wo r k in des igning , s uch as th eo ry of des ign and principles of p rop orti on and color-harmony ; also work in sketch class fr om the drap ed and cost um ed figur e.


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Sp¢c:lal <!'.la.ssu--<Condu~¢~ PERHAM W. NAHL, Instructor

Architectural Rendering r. Studies from still life. 2 . Out-of-door sketching. 3. Rendering oi origin a l com-posi tion s. Work in pen, ink, and water-co lor .

Note: T h is class was formed to give arrc hitec tural draughtsmen the oppo r tun ity to acqu ir e th e ski ll of presenting the perspective o f bu i ldings in an attractive a11d inte r-esting way.

ETHEL FULTON ANDERSON , Instructor Manual Training for Primary Grades

1.Vork of the first five grades of the pu blic schoo ls; J)aper and ca rd\J oard work , clay moclel ing, weaving, basketry, anci elemen ts of decor a tiv e and con structive de sign.

FREDERICK H. MEYER, Instructor M. Tu. W. Th. F. z :oo to 4 :oo


~oo~work The making of

simple furni ture including turning and carving. This work is indi-vidual and various exercises may be selected to apply to public schoo l work or for per-sona l advancement along the craft line. Designing will be correlated with all the work. WOMEN 'S LIFE CLASS

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~\1¢ning (!:La.s.s¢.s PERHAM W. NA H L, Instructor

Freehand D rawing From Lype soli(h, vas es , j ar., , a nd furniture. for the stu dy o f proportion and pers pecti ve.

A ntique Drawing Drawing: in ch ar coal , crayon , an d red d 1alk , fr o m cast ~ o f orn :im,;:nt s, anim als, and th (~ hum an h gu re.

Sketch Class D rawing fro m th e co st um ed m ode l in charc oal, penci l,. pe11 and ink , or wa sh d raw ing.

Men's Life Class Dr ,l\\:ing from th e n ude by ~tud em s wh o a r e ~urticiently ad van ced t o pro 6t :ib l)' such stud y. • pur su ~

Note : L ec ture s nr,;: g iven in anat omy, co mp os itio n an d pers pect i\·e.

OTT O A LFRE D SCHUM AN N, Instru ctor Ins trumental Drawing

P . ' . . ;;,,1111111~1 1111:1111· :·,,)'' -r :1ct1ce 111 th e use. of 111s tr m_11ents. So lvin g g co m ct rica I •/J'· '°' ,u. prob lem s. Comt ru cr 1011 of co me s ec tion s .ind oth e r math e- - . , 1:1ar !cal curves, letterin g. ,w~ ..... I. f,11:,

De sc r_1ptt_ve Geomet ry . . I \ :·:· -~~·w IJWJ So lv ing of prob lems 111 point, lin e. an d plan e ; in te r;;ec tio n an d de,·e lo pm ent. <:::.' ••

Mechanical D rawing Tsom ct ric. obliqu e and onh ograph ic pr oje cl'in ns. Pantl ld a nd angul a r pe r5pecrivc. Shade ~ a nd Shad o w5. ~ote: Stu ~~ent s ha vin ~ do ne th e ab ? ve wnr k. ma y t;1kc up 111;1chine patt ern d raw -mg a nd ad~.t nccd draw1t1!{ for elect nca l ma ch 111cr y .

.Satur~ay <.tla.s.s¢.s XAVIER MARTINEZ , Instructor

Still Life, Landscape and Portrait Class. Class fo r ad van ce d student s in oil or water -colo r fro m s ti ll lii c. drapery . port ra it model a nd out- of-do or s .

Children's Class

S atu.-~ar a'.las.su --a'.ondu ~¢.~ H ELEN CLARK CHAND LER, Instructor

1. Drawing from still life a nd cast s in pe ncil a nd charcoal. 2. Fi gu re ske tch ing . 3. vV.iter co lor stud ie s fr om st ill life anu ou t -o f-doo rs. Vv'ork in thi s cla ss will be g i\'en a long the d iffere n t liu cs to suit t he ag e a n d in dividu ality of the pupi ls.

'Note: Th o .a ho ve cla ss wa s formed to satis fy the demand for mor e instruction in draw ing a nd a r t wo r k t ha n ca n be giv en in th e publi c and oth e r sch oo ls thr ough the wee k T he ch ildre n wi ll be und e'r co m petent :ind ex peri en ce d inst ructo r s and will ha ve t h e full ben efit of t he ·well-equip ped art scho ol. T he co ur se wil l give an opp or -tu n it y for rest ing a nd developing the talen t of the child to a g r ea te r extent t han is pos sibl e in t he limited Lime allo w ed to the su bject of ar t in th e ~cho ol;;. The class is limit ed in numb er.

Teachers' Class 1. Fr ee han d drawing in pencil, cha rcoal , and water color from st ill li fe, llo wers. 2. D es ig ni ng , in cluding ,,1encili11g a nd wo od- b loc k printing . 3-fro m cast s, fr u it, and fol iag e.

ca sts, a nd :Vfodelin g

Note: T his wor k is ar ra ng ed to med th e sp eci al req uir em ent s of th ose who reac h drawing a nd iirc n nable to att e nd th e re g ula r cla sses t hro ugh th e week .

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l'f nf ormation Entrance Qualifications

For _ ent rance 110 s1>ccial qua lifica tio ns are required bc--:o nd good mo r_al charncte1- and such profic iency in the u,n;mo n Eng1 11sh branc hes as the comp leLion of the o rd inary g ramma r schoo l co urse wou ld imply. For ad-vanced _ wo rk, proof tlrn t the necessary preliminary wor k p,1eced111g the se lected course has been properlv don e. l ho se_ wor krng_ for the l\ orrna l Art Dip loma 1-i1ust be gradua t es of e1th~r High or 'formal Schoo ls or must ltav~, don e accred ited Umversity work. Credentials to be ti led with app lication .

Classification Sludents are either Rt,g ular or Special. Regular ~tu-d~nts arc thase who tak e t.he entire work in Class A, TI_. oi C. Spec,~! studen!s are t hose w ho t a ke single studies or attend Night or Saturday Classes.

Examinations -First Year:-Class A.

r. Freehand drawi ng from still life or ca sts. 2. An tique dra ,-ving. 3- vVater co lor or wash drawing from sti ll life. -I• _\lecha ni cal drawing, ge ome t ric pr oble m s anri

pro j ect ion . Second Year :-Class B.

1. Advan ced B'reeha n<l. 2. Historic Ornament i l lustra t cd Paper . 3, Anatomy, illu st r at ed 1:'aper.

, 4. Life an d Sketch . 5. l'vfecha.nic al P er spec tive S hades and Shadows .

Third Year:-Class B. ' L Co nst ruc tive De s ign.

2. His tory of A r t. written paper. 3. Compositio n. ..f.. lll ust r a te<l T hes is 01i Pr incipl es o f Decorati ve

De~ ign , inc luding Color Harmo ny. Third Year:-Class C.

1. Advanced Antique. 2. History of A r t. J. Illustrated T!1esis ?11 Pri nciples o f Decorative

Des1g·n . mc lu<lrng Color H a rmo nv. 4. 'Written The sis on 'l' he T eac h ing of T)raw ing in

tht'. Public Schoo ls.


'"Jnformatlo1t--a::onti1tu~~ Certificates and Diplomas

Class A-Ind ust rial Certificate. Stu<len ts haying sat isfa ctorily comp leted exe rcises in Class A will be e lig ib le to examinations; and those passing credit ably will receive t he Industrial Certificate.

Note:-St udcnts having rece ived the ce rti ficate or prov ing tha t they ha ve done equ1va· 1ent wo rk may choose Cla sses B or C. Class B- Applied A rt DiploL11a. After the sat is factory completio n of the work , and ha ving passed th e required examinat ion. t l1e Applied Art Diploma will be giv en . Class C- No rrna l A rt D iploma. After satisfactory co mp let ion of th e course in Class C dipl oma will be given under the same conditions as in Cla ss B.

Note: For any of the required work sa tisfactorily d one at other schools, credi t wil l be g iven. But no diploma will be grante d unless the app lic ant ha s done at least one vcar of ;1dvance<l work in t he scl,ool. All work executed by stude nts wil l be regar ded as exe rc ises, not as results. lt is ex pected tha t at lea st one spe cim en or every stu-dent's work in eve ry class will be ret a in ed by the school.

Entrance Fee A fee of 50 cents is charged to eac h st ud ent upon entering the scho ol; this fee is pay-able but once, and the mo n ey is used for the purch ase of refer enc e books fo r the libra ry .

Tuition All tuition fees payable in advance. All-day Classes: $75.00 a year; $40.00 per t er m; $10.00 per month. Half -day Classes: $24.00 per te rm: $7.00 p er month .

Note: fo r classes other than a ll or h a lf-day, spec ia l rat es ar e m:id e. Evening Classes: $15.00 lii e class , oth er cla sses $ 13.50 per term: $4.50 life class , o th cn $-1.00 per m ont h. Saturday Classes: F o r t ea cher s and childr en; $10 .00 per tern 1, $2 .50 pe r mon t h. Advanced Water-Color and Oil Painting: $15.00 per t erm , $4 .00 per month. Metal Work: A course o f seventeen lesso ns, $ 15.00; Laboratory Fee , :;;2.50 . Jewelry: A cours e of tw elve lessons, $15.00: Labo r;ltory Fee, $3.00 . Sil versmith _ing: A co urs e of six lessons, $10.00 ; Labora to ry Fe e, $2 . .,0.

Note: Students in Day L ife Class, $1.00 per month additio nal Note: Unav oidabl e absence fo r mor e than a week wi ll he credited tu st ud ent~ from date the school o fT,ee r eceives n ot ificat ion . The management rese rves the right to discontinue any class if th e attend a nce does no t wa rr an t its co ntinuance.

Page 12: (California Sc~ool of Arts an~

'"J nf orma tlon--<t:ontl nu~~ Scholarship

At the end of the schoo l year, term scholars hip s are a wa rded for the day classes by the Students' Supply Shop; als o one E ven ing and Saturday schol a rsh ip by the schoo l ; these scbola r sh ips are based on gen era l im prov eme nt , attendance , and exa minations.

Note: T he sc ho ol reserves the right t o re voke free scho lar s hip, either fo r uns ;His-factory progress or infrin gement of rule s and r eg u lation s.

Prizes P rize co mp etitions f o r po st e rs, hook plate s, st en cil pa tt ern s, etc. , arc given at different times during t he year . Muc h wor k of thi s kind has alr ea dy been <lone by the student s, and not on ly he lp s them nnancia!ly but gives them va luabl e practical experi enc e.

Special Prizes Spcci2 1 Prize ~, a w:wded at the end of the year, comp et ed for in concours. 1. For th e be st free-hand dra wing_, tw o book ~, ''Freehand -D r a wing" and "Lig h t and Shad e," by Anson Cross, given hy Gin n & Co. 2. For best Antique Drawing , Ca st of Venus de J\.filo, by Corrieri, Giovann oli & Co. 3. For best water-, :olor s tudy , a co mpl ete wat er-color outfit, hy Sanb orn , V:iil & Co . 4. For best mechanical drawing, a complet e set of instruments for mec han ical draw -ing, by Eugene Dcitzg en Co.

Note: Tn case of a ll ,;d10larships, t he s tud en t competing mu st have wo rk ed at lea st one t erm of the current year in the class in ,vh ich the scho lar ship is awardecl ; in t h e case oi p rizes, at least th re e months. N o student r ece ivin g a prize or sc hol ar s hip is el ig ible for the same aw a rd a secon d tim e. and no individual ca n r ece ive more than o ne reward in any competiti on. i\ ll wor k winning pri zes or scholarnhip s rem ain s th e prop erty of th e sc ho ol. !\ scholarship entitles the holcler t o free tui t io n fo r the time pr esc ri becl.

Special Advantages Special ad va ntag es arc offe red by this school to Normal Art St udents: ina smu ch as thos e qualified may do pr act ice te aching, under supervision, in the Berkeley Pub lic Schools; this give s t he des ired experience require d of appl ic;in ts a pplyin g fo r th eir first po sitio n. For designt,r s, arrangement s hav e been mad e with factorie s that st u-dents may vi sit th e plants and by se eing the proce sses of manufactu re, thereby prepare th e better for their future w ork. .For illustra to rs and landscape pain t er s, th e a dva n-tag es of out -door sketc hing in th e Univer s it y grounds. a long the water -front. and the n ea r-by hills. Vi ~its are made t o Piedmont and o ther Art galleries and m use ums uncler th e direction of in struct ors .


' I I I ,

Be si des t he school librar) ·, students may a lso enjoy the adva ntag es of the Pub lic Library, an d the exc ellent art collecti on of the U niv e rsity of California.

Registration \Vhi le st udent ~ will be t aken into m ost clas,c, at any time, to in su re adequ ate ar range-ment s in du e sea s on, and t o facilitate prompt communication with prospective st11-den t 0 in ca se of cha nge in pres ent pl~ms, all pe rso ns who de sir e to at tend any of the courses are urge ntly reque s t ed to no tify th e Secre tar y before Augus t 1, usmg r egu la r appli ca tion fo rrns. T erm b eg in s August 1st , 19 10.

Frederick H. Meyer, Director

'"""~·-.,.. -~ --- - - -FROM PHOTOGRAPH FROM NATURE


Page 13: (California Sc~ool of Arts an~

Art1111r, Irma Abernethy, Hazel Appleby , nay Ah lgren, Clara A . ~.\J ex.and er, Ber'tha A nt hony, C. I. Ardloy, H arry M. Albee, M. A. B illups, A lm a o. Brown, Ethel l\'I:. Bacon , Jessica Becker, Frederic!< Be r ry . Alethe Brewer. 1'.-farj o1·y Barnett. Maude L . Hurn 1u1,i;hs, Flore n ce Bowl es,· Veda A. Haker, Carolyn .Hak er, Ge n e lf. Huzz(I, Guss ie ;-\ . ilurn e lt, Cla r a W. Broyles, l ,ody P . Boo t ll , J ean ilollon, Sarah Droo l-cs, G-eorg·e I:lon<lewa ld , Louise Bul l er, l ier Bu.1·r1€s, ~.\.de lc Ba rneberg, Grace BoyrJs tun, Gladys Casterl in , Madge Ch eney , Sheld o n Cas e. Ralph A. Clar k. H ar ri.son Connor . Cora Corfleld, ,f. Fred Ca r ruth, I r ma Corso, .J'ohn Cu lver. Kathryn Carl isl e Albert ConJo n, Ka ll ile.en C row ley. Ruber t (~as tl e ~ Norma C hishol1n. Genevieve Ce:lli er , ~l a.n-.:-ery Ca r pe nt e.r, Clare C rowley, A lma Coftt n , 1Iar,:.,"1.lerite Cobb, J, F. Clapp . A. M adg e Co l e, Jessie

7Ltst of Stu~~nts, 1909-1910 FALL AND SPRING TERM

Cocy. Lotlise Camplin, Ma e Chamb e ,·s , F lo r a Cool e y, Est 11er Chaddock, .Marion Chaprnan, Frede ri c k Chamb e r lal 11, F.t lrn l Cox, L. H . Dixon, Ha .,Ty St . John D i bb lo, A l ice R. Deming, Gladys Ueckelrnun , Carn 1en Dor r, Sa.rah E . .Dargie, B essi e D i xon , Ruhy H. Dav i.s. Lesli e De Lanci e . E liz ab e t h Dakin , Clarence Devendorf, F,rlwina D odge , A li('.e R. Davis, Do n na F. Dav is, F 1•f!cl l<Jvetetl ,. Mary E ngdall , Fr-wl fla rll. He l en Far ri ngt o n . H F . Fisc h er, Cn.r o line F r azer . J a1nB s Fa ir chi l d , Mabel F i sher , Laura F orst e r , Frank !<'!etch e r, G. B. :1:i...,ife. E l o i::.::e G er o,v, B. v·. Geo r ge, :\fa .r y E . Gesk e , ·vlc h, V1a lt e r Gunnul d~o n. Bva Ga b riel. R 11tl1 Gilber l, Roberta Gilbe r t , He l en Gross. Gene v i eve Graham , Haze l Grccnwt)Ofl , Ca rri e Green , El lza.be t h Goddar,] , F lorence Green. J(a.thryn Gile. S e](len Gea1·y, TJP.~lie G . IIansnn, S t a nl ey Hill, M y rtle H an f ord, Forrest S .

H unt, l\·1arion Halford, C har l otte Har.st . V et a L. Hoyle ~ rvt. l\l a ri on 1-ler rrnan n , Fernande H elman, J essie H enry. Al iee M. Hayes . John 1' . H stwky. Tmogen Hawes , H .:l.l'lr f>.t M . Hyd e, Lor -a H iggins, C urt R. Hartman, G lady s He ld, ·w,dler Hickma n , He len Hun t . Ali ce M. Ha rri s, Virginia H ein dl, A .. 'l.'. Heisk e ll, Kaomi Hik oy um o, T . ._Jones . F r a nf ·es Jack.sun . E m ily J u ill e ra L. Elis e . Jopsun, Leona Johnson , C r ev ia ~loh ns on, S1,1::;ie Johnson , Alfl'e ,1 K e ll er, W. A. K ink e ad . Ruth K le in, 0 tll la Kelsey. Gnlc:e Kell, Il arl'i e t. I<orell. Nanna T<.otoko, Y llkle T<:.roegcr. ~4..rnrn. L . Krone. He l en G. T<itt o, Elhva r•f1 Knox, DcrUn1 Kegg. Ge o rge T ~a.ns in~. Grace La n e, Edit h A. Lamb , Tda R. Long-. S h.1nl e~r 1\-1. L und , ' . Bernita La. ngg uLh . Dorothy La n gwo r·tl1y , Lo r na , ,ewis , Phi lli ps :\•f a).'b ec k f Clirron1 i\f ayh ~t~k, ,1 ohn ::.\lavbe c l,::, AfarC?"ar• ~·t ~Iai 1ch csler, lila JH.

l\-f a.hon ey 1 Louise Martin, :Maud Macgregor. Ali c e I\icNama1·a. J ea n McC o rmi c k, G ladys M cCall, Ernrna i\l cP h e e, Ila1 'l' y 1i.:lcHenr y, "VI ncen t Miller , Anita l>f o or e, Elsie Morr is. Leona Morr ish A rn v .llioss , Lillian " Mott, Sus ie M o rgan, II en ,-y l\iorr i.s, Do, ·o t hy ~fo on cy. N ellie M ead, 'l'orn Cha~e Mu rp hy , N e lli e :Murphy, Carnlll e N o r r is . ;\far,i o rl e Nor t h .· Ruth G . Nash. Louise Nash, Stella E . i\· etso n , ) •fyn ) n N i elson, Ari el O lso n , l\.:[a.uri L:t. O' B ourke . Cl a i ,·e o· Bri en. D o u K"la.s Page, Mar jo rie E. Pie r so n , Pa.u 1 i r 1 e Pou nd, Emm a Etlrn l Pag e, Mary Pierce , Lu cy V . Peppin, Myrtl e E . Poston, An na .Per h an 1, Tnrt, C . Pet e r.son . Ethel Purndl. L ee Hogcr.s. Eu na R. Hie d , Estl ,er Fl. Reid, D e rtl 10. R e en :.~. Fl o re .nee B. 1-toehrig . P a uline Rodda , E d I t h Ruyu, T. Robin.s on. Fee N . Raun . Haz.,l A. Sa n dford, Bthel l\I. S a ndford . (~e , rg in u. Hho ecr a rt , T ~uci!e

l !

l '


Sc ot t, Stella R:. S everns , S id ney Sherman, Emily Smith , Bra d e t ta Spence, Mar garet Stahle, Alle le M . S t ou t, Bleanor Sc hn eide r, Char l otte S tur m , Genevieve Starke, Anna Shac klefor d , Hilda S tri c ker, gtdred Siegfried. Edwin ShfftV, Gladys Spark s , Vi c tor L. Shepard, Violet

S il vey, Ve ra Smart , Dav id Sta1 ·kwcather Carr ie S ho rt t , B. .l . ' Swansv n , .. .\.lice Shurr1an . L ena Stemm, Ma ri on Tryon , Mabel Town.s end, Mazie Ta lbot , Lill ian .8. T run 1a.n , Lu<.'ile T ake n o Koichuro T o b in, Hele n V. T h o mps on. Doro t hy Torn oe, Hel en C. Taylor , Ag n e s n.

U rt E. 1909

T ho r'nso n, V I vjc nne ·va n Pe l t, Eileen Vass. Al rna T. Vlrwent, L ucy Vo ll tn e r, Gt·lu.•.e L. ·ve q; on, Ed na R . Voll <.hardt, Frede ri ck A. Von Schhrniut. Ha, ·ol () W il cox, Slt , nrt ,v r·ig-ht, :\·fal,el ''fright , A lhert M. VV'ilkins o n, Tna. E . \Voltma ,n , H e nr y R. v\;"o od . l\f a r jO r i e · Wrig h t, ca ,·ol Walker, A. Bn1 ce

Will ia ms , F lore nc e A. "\Vll ll a m.s. Mst r ion "\Vurt s, l\1y r on L. "W illiams, E lsi e Wall, B. P. ,Vebel'. Yol and e VVa11a ce, Edith ·wa tel'ho u s c Dorothv ·w1 tt man. 1/rna •· "Wallis _, Eth el "\Veller, G ladys Y o uni:,;, :\:fy l'tl e M. Zu a n i<.\11. F r·ank H . Zolln or, El m e,- r.


G\illORrfrn:Il])El?lffIO:ti Of·WOMEN'S · CLVBS



t>b• <2bov• m<2ga,rln• covus <2nb lb• otbu Illu strations founb In tbu c<2t<2lo~u• ar, lb• work of stub,nts anb sbow tb• pradlc<2I <2pphcatlon of brawln~ anb composition.


Page 14: (California Sc~ool of Arts an~

Summn S cbool Stu~~nt.5, 1910 Abernethy, Hazel Allen, Kara Ande rs on, Ethel F. Duke1·. Carolyn Dlllups, A lma 0. Dolton, Sara h Drown, Mayotta cu .. terlln, Madge Chumber~. Flora Chupma n, Adel!ne Clapp , Loul~ e S. Co x. Br! toma rt e Crofton , J ennie A. l>lxon. Harry S. Uuvls , Garnet R. D e L uncie, Eliza.beth l>cnver. W. J . l>odd, May B. Dooley, Flor ence E. J<:bbcson, ,va!t e r rnlis , Alan Far r ington, F.. F. Fische r , Carolin e Fi s her. Laura


Foste r, Anna Lyle Fried man , l•'lorcnce Gabrie l, Ruth Go ldberg , Gr ace Godbolt, M innie Gl'll.ha m, 'l'lrnll a Gunnuldson, Eva Halsey , Bdna G. Halsey, L. Ali ce Ham psh ire , Olive L. Ha .ntord , l•'. S. Ha we s, Har riot M. Herber t , L orena E. Hl~ks, ~Irs . C. r . Hoyte , Marlon Hughes, Samuel Hunsaker. ~Inn elle Hy (le, Lora J ewett, A gne,.'! R. J oh nson. L oll ie E. Kent, Hatti e A . T<eran, Ruth M. Kld<ler. Zinlc King , )fabol L.

Da.y Donna 1". Davis, .l:lerk cley Ma , •t)n D. Chad<lo c k , Los Ang-Pies

Nig h t Scbool Carri e Starl,wen.ther, A lame<ln .

SUllllner School Jn a J;;. WllklnRon , Vallej o

Beat Antiqu e Drawing Alma. I. Va:-:;s, a ~fH~t of v·enu ~ 11e lfilo, gi ven by Cur ri e r! <;tavon noli & Co., San Frnn<'ls co.

Kinkead, Ruth I ,arson, Orvena I ,ehr, 1,.;lizab cth I Jewerenz, Caro l l\•f . l..,ewis, F'lor oncc S. Lobner , Hope J. :\la cpherson, Anna H. Ma cpherson, Marj ory Mansell . n. E. M organ, Ann a Martin, J£thcl II . Marti n , Lois Maxwell, Robc,·t Miller, Anita Morrison, Emily T. Mon t gome r y, Olive P. M o tt H elen :.J:udge, 1''Iorcn ce Nnge ls. Har vey Nash . Stella Osborne, Ali ce l,. 1-'earce . Mam ie 1-'hlllips, Mary Ma.y Hl c hardson, C laribel


Robinson. Constont H . Ross. J ennie R. Sunford, B. F. Sclinc ffe1·. Bi n nche Schncidor. Ct ,n.rl.-.tte Sl 1cpard . VloleL Simons, RuLh T. Smitb. Eile en So h l, Verna Slovens . Esth e r S. Stu l'le,•ant. George H. 'J.'l11clull. Ellzn .bP.th Turn ey , L11cy M. Waite. Lenora Wulker, J ,ucy F. Wusson, :\la ry ~L Webster, Angle M. White. Mabl e J. Whitton . Alice M. Wilcox. Ra lph ,vnklnson, Jn a ,vintc,·. Louis Woltman, H enry n.

Baat r reeha.nd Dra.win 1r Fl o ra Chambers, books on "l,lgh t ,\ nil Shad ;," nn, 1 ;,b'reehunll Drawing, " given h _y Gl11n & Co .. San 1''runcisc o.

B eat Water Color Drawing C l,url, ) tl e Schnelder , one cu,npl ete wat er t·o lor ou tfit , giv e n by Sanborn Va ll & Co .. San Frnr1 c lgr-o.

Honorable Mention l folon C. Torno e. Snn ta Barbar a

. .,,. ~ . ..

, ,,., l t

. , • ~ ce .