Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar...

Spice India English Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January Timely planning and execution o ffarm operati ons based on agro climati c conditions of the area is i mp orta nt for su cc e ssful fa rmin g for hi gher productivity and sust ainability. To fac ilitate this, a calendar of opera ti ons in res pect of important s pi ce crops for January is given bel ow. Cardamom Nursery: Reg ular wa tering may be given to bed/ polybag/sucker nursery based on necessity. To control damping off/ seedling rot diseases in nurser y, soil drenching with 0.2% Co pper Oxy C hlorid e or 0. 2% Mancozeb may be taken up. As bi o-co ntrolmeasure, Tri chode rm a or Pseud omonas or Bacillus spec ie s may be applied in th e so il. For controlling leaf rot di sease, s pr ay 0 .3% Man coze b a nd fo r co ntrolling lea f spots, s pr ay 0 .2% Ca rbend az i m a fter noti c in g early sy mptoms. 32 December 2016 Main Field : i1Ti gati on to be st3lted, based on necess ity wherever ilTi gati on facility is av ail abl e. In rain fed areas, if mulching is not done pre vi o ll sl y, mulch th e base of th e pl ants immedi ately with dried leaf/weed materi als. In areas where th e roo ts are exposed due to so il erosion, ea rth up the base with topso il o nl y up to th e half of th e bulbous pOlti on of th e tillers a nd then mulch the base.

Transcript of Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar...

Page 1: Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January Timely planning and execution offarm

Spice India English

Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January

Timely planning and execution offarm operations based on agro climati c conditions of the area is import ant fo r successful farming for highe r productivity and sustainability. To fac ilitate thi s, a calendar of operati ons in respect of important spice crops for January is given below.


Nursery: Regular watering may be given to bed/ polybag/sucker nursery based on necessity.

To control damping off/ seedling rot di seases in nursery, soil drenching with 0.2% Copper Oxy C hloride o r 0. 2% Mancozeb may be taken up.

As bio-controlmeasure, Tri c ho de rm a o r Pseudomonas or Bacillus species may be applied in the soil.

For controlling leaf rot di sease, spray 0 .3% M a ncozeb a nd fo r controlling leaf spots, spray 0 .2% Carbend az i m a fter noticing early symptoms.

32 December 2016

Main Field: i1Tigation to be st3lted, based on necessity wherever ilTigation facility is available.

In rain fed areas, if mulching is not done previollsly, mulch the base of the plants immediately with dried leaf/weed materials.

In areas where the roots are exposed due to soil erosion, earth up the base with topso il only up to the half of the bulbous pOltion of the tillers and then mulch the base.

Page 2: Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January Timely planning and execution offarm

Spice India English

Pes t Management: Fo r Integrated Pes t Management prune dry leaves without removing green leaf sheath .

Disease Management: Keep constant vigil for any Katte virus affected plants to uproot and destroy, if found.

If leaf blight di sease is observed, spray 1% Bo rd eaux mi xture or 0 .4% Potass ium Phosphonate.

For controlling leaf rust and chen thai & leaf spots, spray 0.25% Mancozeb.

If symptoms of stem lodging are noticed, spray 0.2% Carbendazim on pseudo stem.

Root rot and leaf yellowing can be controlled by fo li a r spray and soi l drenching with 0.2% Carbendazim or Carbendazim + Mancozeb.

If symptoms of capsule brown spot (Anthracnose) is noticed, spray with 0.2% Carbendazim

Harvest and Post harvest ope.-ations: Harvesting can be continued with a gap of 25 to 30 days depending upon the weather conditions and maturity of capsules. Ensure always, right maturity for better out-turn.

Wash hm'vested capsules thoroughly before drying in cllling chamber.

Timely removal of water vapour from curingchamber and maintaining proper temperature during curing will result in better green colour of the produce.

Clean and store the cured cardamom at 10% moisture level in 300 gauge black polythene lined gunny bags and inside wooden boxes.

Large Cardamom

Nursery: Regular watering at alternate days may be done in primary, secondary and sucker nurseries.

Need based weeding may be attended in sucker nursely.

[n primary nursery if25% germination is observed, the mulch may be removed immediately and shade pandals may be erected.

Main Field: Regular monitoring may be done to identifychirkey and foorkey plants and it may be pulled out and destroyed by burning.

Leaf caterpillar infested leaves may be collected and

34 December 2016

destroyed by burning or putting it in keroseneoil.

The base of the plant may be mulched with available dried leaves.

Shade regulation may be attended.


Agt'onomic meaSlll'es: The growing vines may be tied to the standard and trained properly.

Mulch the base of the vines with organic waste materials like dried leaves, weeds etc. to conserve the soil moisture, if not done earliet:

Wherever irrigation facilities are available, start ilTigating the plants once in a week by hose ilTigation or daily by drip irrigation.

Disease Management: Vines affected by little leaf or phyllody may be uprooted and destroyed.

Hal"Vcst and Post hat'vest ope"ations: Continue harvesting by observing the right maturity indicated by the colour change in one ortwo berries in a spike from green to orange or red.

Always ensure threshing of pepper by hygienic means eitller by manually or using mechanical pepperthreshel:

Page 3: Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January Timely planning and execution offarm

For drying, use on ly clean floor made of concrete, clean bamboo mats or polythene sheets to get quality

Spice India English


Agronomic meaSUl'es: Irrigati on to be continued based on weather condition and necess ity.

Always e nsure adequate mulch materi a l with organic debris.

Tying of vines with the standard to be continued based on necessi ty.

Pollinate the flowers manually with the help of ski lled labourers between 6.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on the day of opening of flower wherever flowering is still there.

Pest Management: Always avoid the entry of chicken inside the vanillary as they may damage the roots by scratching the mulch materials.

Disease Management: If s hoot tip ro t or inflorescence rot found spray the vines with 0.2% carbendazim to reduce the disease spread.

Vanilla vines exhibiting any viral symptoms are to be immediately removed and destroyed.

Hm'vest and post harvest Management: Continue harvesting. Harvest when light yellowing is observed at the distal end of the bean to ensure better quality of cured beans .

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GRAINS : * Wheat*Maize*Barley*Paddy * Coffee * Pulses

SPICES :* Black Pepper*Coriander*Celery Seed * Caraway Seed*Fennel*Cumln Seed * Sesame Seed* Fenugreek

OIL SEEDS : * Sunflower*Groundnut*Castor Seed * Soyabean* Rape Seed* Neem Seed

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December 2016 35

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Spice India English

Adopt Bourbon method for processing the beans or sell green beans immediately after harvest.


Harvest: Harvesting ginger may be done in areas where late planting was done.

Harvest the already marked plants separately for using them later for seed purpose.

The remaining pl ants are also to be harvested separately after seeing the indication of maturity.

Storage of seed l'hizomes: Seed rhizomes may be soaked in 0.3% Mancozeb for 30 minutes. Then drain and dry under shade.

36 December 2016

Store them in pits under shade with alternate layers of sand or saw dust with ginger rhizomes.

Leave some gap over the top layer and close the pit either with a wooclenlemthen lid with holes or coconut fronds.

In already stored pits, observe the seed rhi zomes for any rot infestation. If found remove such rhizomes and then store again as done earliet:

Post hal'Vcst Management: For making dried ginger, the hmvested rhizomes m'e thoroughly washed in water.

Then outer skin is removed with sharpened bamboo splits.

Soaking the rhizomes overnight in water will help easy pealing of the outer skin.

The pealed rhi zomes are spread uniformly on clean drying yards/bamboo mats/polythene sheets and allowed to dry for 7-9 days with occasional turning.


Harvesting: Harvesting of turmeric may be done in areas where late planting was done.

Hmvest the already marked plants sepmately fOl'using them later for seed purpose.

The remaining plants are also to be harvested separately after seeing the indication of maturity.

Storage of seed rhizome: Seed rhi zomes may be soaked in 0.3% Mancozeb for 30 minutes. Then drain and dry under shade.

Store them in pits under shade with altemate layers of

Page 5: Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January Timely planning and execution offarm

sand or saw dust with turmeric rhizomes. Leave some gap over the top layer and close the pit either with a wooden/earthen lid with holes or coconut fronds.

Post hm'vest Management: Cure the finger and mother rhizomes separately for beller quality of the produce.

Curing is to be done by boi ling rhizomes in fresh water and drying in SUIl .

After cooking, sun dry the rhizomes by spreading in 5-7 cm thick layers on clean bamboo mats or cemented drying yards for 10- 15 days for proper (hying.

Polish the dried numeric using a mechanical pol isher.


Irrigate once in 20-25 days in black soils & 10-15 days in red loamy soils. Apply N .P. V. @ 200 II'. per acre to control pod borers.

Change the lure of pheromone traps formonitoring pod borers(Spodoptera lilllra, Heliothis armigera).

Spray Mancozeb 2.5 g or Copper oxy Chloride 3 g per litre of water to control die back and fruit rot

Spice India English


Harvest and Post Harvest Management: Start first picking of chilli since the produce isexposed to sun for 10- 15 days. Always dry in polythene sheets! 01' clean drying yards when drying on ground.

The moisture content of the dried pod is to be kept between 8- 10 %.

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December 2016 37

Page 6: Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January. Calender of Operations for... · Calendar of Operations for Important Spices for January Timely planning and execution offarm

Spice India English Fennel (Kharif transplanted) Mancozeb 75 w.p. may be done.

Crop should be ilTigated at an interval of \5 -20 days Cwllill

Weeding may be done during second fortnight and crop should be irrigated if clear weather condition preva il s. Irrigati on must be postponed if cloudy weather condition prevai Is.


If necessary, last weeding may be carried outduring third week. Crop may be irrigated at an interval of 20-25 days.

Coriander ifoptimum moisture not available in the soil. To control Fourth irrigation may be given 90-100 days after ramularia blight, spraying of 0.2% Mancozeb 75 w.p. may be done.

Fennel (Rabi transplanted)

Irrigation may be done as per need. To control ramularia blight, spraying of 0.2% Mancozeb 75 w.p. may be done.

Fennel (Rabi drilled)

Irrigation may be done as per need. To control blight and sugary di sease avoid excess irrigation and application of nitrogen.

To contro l ramularia blight, spray ing of 0.2%

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38 Decem er 2016


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