Calendar Activities 2015

Promotional Plan 2015 Promotional plan 2015 includes projects and events promoted by Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, in straight cooperation with Italian and Bulgarian partners as well as Bilateral Chambers of Commerce based in Bulgaria. Di Commercio ItalianainBulgaria This promotional plan is likely to change during the year in full compliance with ministerial terms. Secretary General


Calendar Activities 2015

Transcript of Calendar Activities 2015

Page 1: Calendar Activities 2015

Promotional Plan 2015

Promotional plan 2015 includes projects and events promoted by Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, in straight cooperation

with Italian and Bulgarian partners as well as Bilateral Chambers of Commerce based in Bulgaria. Di Commercio ItalianainBulgaria

This promotional plan is likely to change during the year in full compliance with ministerial terms.

Secretary General

Page 2: Calendar Activities 2015

F o u n d e d i n 2 0 0 3 a n d r e c o g n i z e d b y I t a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t i n L a w n o . 5 1 8 / 7 0 M e m b e r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f I t a l i a n C h a m b e r s o f C o m m e r c e A b r o a d

H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 2 8 4 6 3 2 8 0 / 1 – F a x : + 3 5 9 2 9 4 4 0 8 6 9 - i n f o @ c a m c o m i t . b g R E G I O N A L O F F I C E : B u l . H r i s t o B o t e v 9 2 / B , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r R i l o n , f l . 3 - P l o v d i v 4 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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w w w . c a m c o m i t . b g

Event Description Partner Place Date Contact person

SIGEP - International Ice Cream, Pastry and Craft Bakery Fair

Promotion of the International Exhibition in Bulgaria in order to let Bulgarian visitors take part into the event.

Web Page:

1. Bulgarian Trade Association 2.Rimini Fiera

Rimini 17th -21st January

Teodora Ivanova [email protected]

HOMI –International Home Fair Spring Edition

Promotion activity in Bulgaria, identification and organization of Bulgarian delegation of buyers (5)- working in “home” sector, as well as delegation of Bulgarian exhibitors. Web Page:

1.Milano Fiera 2. Bulgarian Trade Association

Milan 17th -21st January

Teodora Ivanova [email protected]

“DOING BUSINESS IN BULGARIA: “a seminar presenting a deeper overview about commercial and investment opportunities in Bulgaria”

CCIE Sofia delegate's participation to a seminar about "Doing Business in Bulgaria", organized by Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria for Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta Regions. Participation into individual meetings among all institutional representatives and companies. Promotion of the event through ICCB communication tools. Web Page:

1. Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria for Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta Regions 2.Bulgarian Embassy in Rome 3.InvestBulgaria

Turin 30th January

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]


Promotion activity in Bulgaria, identification and organization of Bulgarian delegation of buyers working in “agro-industry” sector, for taking part to B2B within the exhibition. Web Page:;

1.Marchet, Special Agency of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Ancona 2. Bulgarian Trade Associations

Fermo (Ancona)

30st January-1st February

Teodora Ivanova [email protected]


Participation of ICCB representatives to the ceremony of “Investor of the Year 2014”, annually organized by InvestBulgaria, ICCB partner (a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed for the development of joint actions). Web Page:

1.InvestBulgaria Sofia 4st February Rosa Cusmano [email protected]

FORNITORE OFFRESI -Mechanical subcontracting Exhibition

Promotion activity in Bulgaria, identification and organization of Bulgarian delegation of buyers working in “mechanical/engineering” sector, for taking part to B2B within the exhibition. Web Page:

1. Italian Chamber of Commerce of Lecco 2.Lecco Engineering Cluster 3. Lariodesk-Special Agency of Italian Chamber of Commerce of Lecco 4. Bulgarian Branch Chamber Machine Building

Erba 5th-7th February

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected]


Promotion Activities through ICCB communication tools related to new service promoting opportunities of networking in favor of Italian companies during

1.Promos Milano 2.Italian Chamber of Commerce in Milan (part of Expo 2015 Spa)

Sofia 1st April – 31st October 2015

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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Bulgarian delegation Expo Milano 2015. The aim is to promote the development of relationships, collaborations and partnerships, gathering operators and foreign companies coming from 147 countries. Web Page:

11° EDITION Sapori d’ Italia Tastes of Italy International Exhibition for Italian food, equipment in food and wine industry “FOODTECH” , International Exhibition of Food & Drinks, Packaging, Machines and Technologies AGRA, International Agricultural Exhibition 2

nd edition API

BULGARIA, Beekeeping International Fair VINARIA International Exhibition of Vine-Growing and Wine Producing

Promotion Activities of 6 specialized exhibitions at International Fair of Plovdiv. Promotion Activity of SAPORI D’ITALIA and organization of Italian companies (members and non-members) which operates in food and agricultural sectors. Participation of ICCB with an institutional stand and info desk Italian Hospitality (4 sqm) for promoting “Italian Quality Experience – Italian Food Companies Dimension at Expo 2015” project towards Bulgarian consumers. This desk will be also a info point about procedures for getting “Italian Hospitality Seal of Quality”. Organization of a Hospitality Bar for tasting Italian food products and for assisting Italian companies participating, together with Consorzio Consaib. A certificate of attendance will be given to Italian exhibitors at the end of the event. Web Page: **************** Promotion Activity of collateral events towards the network of the Italian Chambers and Trade Associations in Italy, by ICCB. Promotion of "International Wine and Spirits Competition" organized by the National Wine and Wine Chamber. Forty different Italian Wines have been submitted to this competition by FerreriGroup, ICCB member. Info stand of Sofia CCIE – c/o Camera Nazionale Bulgara della Vite e Vino. Web Page:

1. International Fair of Plovdiv 2.National Vine and wine Chamber 3. Consaib –Italian Consortium of Food &Wine in Bulgaria 4.UFT - University of Food Technologies di Plovdiv 5.Italian Chamber of Commerce in Catania

Plovdiv (International Fair of Plovdiv) Plovdiv (International Fair of Plovdiv)

04-08 March 4st-8st March

Giuseppe Accardo [email protected] Diana Stoyanova [email protected] Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected] Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mirko Branca (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

MISSIONE Organization of a trade mission of 1.Umbria Export Plovdiv 04-06 Elena Tarkalanova

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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Italian companies from Umbria to visit AGRA, exhibition dedicated to agriculture, and business meetings with Bulgarian companies. Preparing agenda of meetings and logistics, translation services and assistance in loco. Business sectors of Italian SMEs: Agro-mechanics, agricultural mechanization, etc.. The trade mission follows the Country Presentation of last year in Perugia (14th Apri 2014l). Web Page:

2. Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA)

March [email protected]


Revision and update of Bulgaria Country Profile, annual publication edited by Assocamerestero in collaboration with 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad distributed during the XVI General Secretaries Meeting (13/16 June 2015), the Annual Convention (Trieste) and all the events of Italian Chamber System in Italy and Abroad. 2015 NEWS. Electronic version Business Atlas 2015 will be conveyed to about 360,000 subscribers of Milano Finanza and ItaliaOggi. A Business Guide collecting 55 Countries, one for each market in which our network operates, with emphasis on political and macro-economic framework, information on foreign trade, regulations governing trade and in-vestment, and guidance for businesses who wish to extend their activities outside the Italian borders. ********* Revision and update of ICCB profile contained into Who’swho, annual publication edited by Assocamereestero, distributed during World CCIE Convention (Trieste). Web Page:;

1.Assocamerestero 2. 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad



6th March 6th March

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Eleonora Miteva [email protected] Andrea Freguja (stagista c/o Dipartimento Assistenza alle Imprese e Desk Associati) [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

11° Edition of South East Europe Eco Forum

Visit of the South Est Europe Eco Forum by the Responsible of ICCB "Promotion Fairs and Exhibitions” Department for contacts and promotion of Italian fairs (Rimini Fiera and others). Web Page:

1.Inter Expo Center 2.Via Expo

Sofia 11th/13rd March

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mirko Branca (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

Page 5: Calendar Activities 2015

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 2 8 4 6 3 2 8 0 / 1 – F a x : + 3 5 9 2 9 4 4 0 8 6 9 - i n f o @ c a m c o m i t . b g R E G I O N A L O F F I C E : B u l . H r i s t o B o t e v 9 2 / B , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r R i l o n , f l . 3 - P l o v d i v 4 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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BEAUTY&CARE Euro-Asian Exhibition of Beauty

Promotion activity in Bulgaria, identification and organization of Bulgarian delegation of buyers working in “BEAUTY” sector. Web Page:

1.Fiera Milano Interteks Istanbul 12nd-15th March

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mirko Branca (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

OLTRE IL TEMPO: Santi Cirillo e Metodio precursori dell’unità spirituale dei cristiani e co-patroni d’Europa

Participation of ICCB to the artistic and cultural event, as a sponsor. ICCB delegate will give to the audience a general presentation of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria as a point of reference in the Country for Italian companies interested in the Bulgarian market. Promotion activities through Chamber's communication tools. Web Page:

1.Roma Capitale 2. Ara Pacis Museum 3.Bulgarian Embassy in Rome 4.Bulgarian Embassy in Santa Sede 5.TEXfilArt 6.European Cultural Academy 7. Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Rome

Roma (Ara Pacis, Lungotevere in Augusta)

13rd-14th March

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]


Participation of ICCB representatives (President and Secretary General) to the plenary session of “Europe Area Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad” to discuss about perspectives and projects of Italian Chambers System and about development of joint projects. Web Page:

1.Assocamerestero 2.Italian Chamber of Commerce in Madrid (representative of the Area)

Italy 20th-22nd March

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]

SOL&AGRIFOOD – International Quality Agro-food Event VINITALY –50°

edition of the wine and spirits international fair

Promotion activity in Bulgaria, identification and organization of Bulgarian delegation of buyers working in “agro-industry” sector. Participation of buyers coming from Bulgaria and Romania, ensured by Italian Chambers of Commerce in Bulgaria and in Bucharest, accompanied by a delegate of the CCIE Bucharest. Web Page:

*********** Promotion activity for free badge to next edition of VINITALY to Bulgarian companies and trade associations . Web Page:

1.Verona Fiere 2.CCIE Bucarest 1.Verona Fiere 2. Bulgarina Trade Associations

Verona Sofia

22-25 March 22nd-25th March

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mirko Branca (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected]

GENERAL ASSEMBLY Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria

Organization of the annual members meeting within one of the international Hotel, member of ICCB. Web Page:

Novotel Sofia

Sofia 25th March

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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IV European Forum for Social Entrepreneurship

ICCB Participation into the Fair for social enterprises and cooperatives. European Conference "Social entrepreneurship for growth and employment". Presentation of the Business Support Unit for Social Enterprise within Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. Web Page:

Union TPK


26/29 March

Tanya Trayanova [email protected]

SECURITY EXPO International specialized exhibition for security systems and equipment

Visit of the South Est Europe Eco Forum by the Responsible of ICCB "Promotion Fairs and Exhibitions” Department for contacts and promotion of Italian fairs (Fiera Milano and others). Web Page:

1.Inter Expo Center Sofia 25th/28th March

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mirko Branca (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

CONVEGNO ECONOMICO “Italy-Bulgaria: growing together” INVESTMENT GUIDE “INVESTIRE IN BULGARIA – Edition 2015”

On the occasion of institutional visit of Deputy Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Benedetto Della Vedova (13rd and 14

th April), and soon after

institutional meetings with Bulgarian government, ICCB organize, together with all Italian actors in Bulgaria, a Business Forum about Italy and Bulgaria. Participation of President of Assocamerestero, ICE and Italian Confindustria as well as representatives of Italian companies investing on Bulgarian market. ************ ICCB participation to update of Investment Guide "Invest in Bulgaria", in paper version (10,000 copies) and electronic version. Official launch during the Business Forum on 14

th April.

Web Page:

1.Italian Embassy in Bulgaria 2.ICE Sofia 3.Confindustria Bulgaria 4.InvestBulgaria 5.BSMEPA 6. Bulgarian Enterpreneur Associations 1.Italian Embassy in Bulgaria (coordination) 2.ICE Sofia 3.Confindustria Bulgaria 4.InvestBulgaria 5.BSMEPA

Sofia (Sofia Balkan Hotel) Sofia (Sofia Balkan Hotel)

14th April 14th April

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected] Eleonora Miteva [email protected]


Promotion activity in Bulgaria, identification and organization of Bulgarian delegation of buyers working in “Health Care, Beauty Care and others pharmaceutical services” sector for taking part to B2B session. Web Page:

1.Bologna Fiere Bologna

17th-19th April Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

TECHNOMEBEL – Woodworking and furniture industry THE WORLD OF FURNITURE – International Exhibi-

ICCB institutional stand within Technomebel Pavilion. Promotion of fairs to Italian partners and selection of Italian buyers for taking part into "Hosted Buyers - Qualified buyers"program, promoted

1.Inter Expo Center 2.Woodworking and Furniture Chamber –Timber Chamber 3. Italian Chambers of Commerce in Italy (woodworking industry)

Sofia (Inter Expo Center)

21st-25th April

Teodora Ivanova commerciale@camco Mila Stanilova [email protected]

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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tion of lighting, furni-ture and interior design

by the organizer and for meeting their local counterparts within B2B session. Pagina web:;;

(stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]


Realization of a publication with the aim of announcing about Chambers' members and partners, past year projects and activities and to promote and support the internationalization of Italian SMEs The yearbook will contain the following information: message from the President of the Chamber; Board member's list; list of all members, address, phone number, description of their activities; list by business segment of members; list of services and activities of the Chamber; focus on projects and ongoing ("Marchio Ospitalità Italiana - Ristoranti Italiani nel Mondo" and European Projects EASE&SEE - e PRO_ACTIVE CHANGE). Web Page: Promotion Activity, identification and organization of a Bulgarian buyers delegation for business meetings organized by Fiera Milano. Organization of a delegation of Bulgarian companies as exhibitors, in collaboration with Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency. Web Page:;

1.Members and Partners of the Chamber 1.Fiera Milano 2.BSMEPA

Sofia Milano

April 3rd-6th May

Eleonora Miteva [email protected] Andrea Freguja Stagista (c/o Dipartimento “Assistenza alle Imprese e Desk Associati”) Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

CONFERENCE “Financial Education for Sustainable Economy”

ICCB Participation to the Conference about education and correlation with the sustainable growth of the economy organized by Bulgaria on Air Media Group, ICCB member. Involvement of Italian universities represented in Bulgaria by ICCB. Promotion activities through ICCB communication tools. Pagina web:

1.Bulgaria on Air 2.Investor Bg 3. Bloomberg TV

Sofia 11st May Rosa Cusmano [email protected]


A prestigious competition in communication and PR sector organized by the Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA), where the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria is the official organizer partner, in cooperation with Bulgarian Business Leader Forum (BBLF) for the second

1.Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA)


May (date to be announced)

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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consecutive year. Web Page: Facebook:

CHIBIMART – Exhibi-tion devoted to cos-tume jewel-lery, fashion accesso-ries, semi-precious stones, eth-nic products, silver to wear, bags

Activity to promote, selection and organization of a Bulgarian traders delegation for business meetings participation in Fiera Milano. Organization of a group of Bulgarian companies during the exhibition days, in collaboration with Agency for the Promotion of Bulgarian SMEs. Web Page:;

1.Fiera Milano 2.BSMEPA

Milano 22-25 May Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]


Presentation of ICCB and Europe DESK; presentation of future projects related to tourism, partners research. Presentation of Italian practices for management and tourism promotion. Pagina web:

BUBSPA Sandanski 27th-28th May

Tanya Trayanova [email protected]


Organization of the 1st Edition Italian French Tennis Competition by Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria, French Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Maleeva Tennis Club and networking event sponsors. Apart from being focused on sport, there will be collateral events promoting Italian food of Quality. ICCB will involve members for the organization of the promotional and tasting moment, and Italian Restaurant in Maleeva Tennis Club and certified with "Marchio Ospitalitа Italiana – Ristoranti italiani nel Mondo". The promotion of the project will be jointly with “Italian Quality Experience – Italian Food Companies Dimension at Expo 2015, promoted by Unioncamere. Web Page:;

1.CCI France Bulgarie 2.Maleeva Tennis Club 3.Leo’s Trattoria Pizzeria 4. Comune di Sofia/Comitato Sofia Capitale dello Sport 2018

Sofia Maleeva Tennis Club

31st May Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]


During the event organized by ITA (Italian Trade Agency), CCIE Sofia keeps on promoting the project “Marchio Ospitalità Italiana – Ristoranti italiani nel Mondo” (Italian Hospitality project). ICCB will contribute to the promotion of all the initiatives throughout communication tools. Web Page:

1 Italian Embassy in Sofia 2.ITA – Italian Trade Agency 3.Italian Institute of Culture in Sofia


June (to be defined)

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

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H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

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During the Italian Festival, ICCB and ICE Sofia will organize a promotional and commercial event aiming at presenting excellences of Italian food&wine Made in Italy. This event is to encourage the culture of food on Bulgarian territory and support Italian export in Bulgaria. Web Page:

1.ITA – ItalianTrade Agency

Sofia 3 June Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

ITALIAN FURNITURE DESIGN – fiera virtuale dedicata al settore del legno, arredo e design (wood, furniture, design virtual fair)

Promotion activity, participation to the web platform and identification of Bulgarian buyers delegation. Web Page:

1.Italian Chamber of Commerce in Monza e Brianza 2.Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture (Timber Chamber)

virtuale June (date to be announced)

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]


Annual meeting organized by Assocamerestero and Unioncamere,involving 81 delegates coming from all around the world. ICCB participation to all five-day meeting, including one to one meetings with Italian companies interested in Bulgaria. Web Page:

Assocamerestero Milan 13rd-16th June

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]


Final step of communication activities, promotion and identification of new potential Italian restaurants to be submitted for certification process. 5th Edition of Ospitalità Italiana will be more focused on promotion and communication activities and initiatives related to EXPO 2015, being returned to “Ospitalità Italiana” one of the 60 points of the Agenda for the Italian Expo 2015. Web Page:

1.UNIONCAMERE 2.SI.CAMERA 3.CCIAA 4.Certified Italian restaurants in Bulgaria

Sofia Until 31 July 2015 (5th Edition)

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

Iniziativa Descrizione Partner Luogo Data Referente CCIE Sofia


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria intend to organize a cultural/networking event in Plovdiv, Capital of Culture 2019, in collaboration with the Municipality of Plovdiv and Maestro Luciano Di Martino. Web Page:

1.Comune di Plovdiv

Plovdiv July (to be defined)

Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

Page 10: Calendar Activities 2015

F o u n d e d i n 2 0 0 3 a n d r e c o g n i z e d b y I t a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t i n L a w n o . 5 1 8 / 7 0 M e m b e r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f I t a l i a n C h a m b e r s o f C o m m e r c e A b r o a d

H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 2 8 4 6 3 2 8 0 / 1 – F a x : + 3 5 9 2 9 4 4 0 8 6 9 - i n f o @ c a m c o m i t . b g R E G I O N A L O F F I C E : B u l . H r i s t o B o t e v 9 2 / B , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r R i l o n , f l . 3 - P l o v d i v 4 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 8 9 7 – F a x : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 7 5 2 - i n f o . p l o v d i v @ c a m c o m i t . b g

w w w . c a m c o m i t . b g HOMI –Home International Fair Autumn Edition

Promotion Activity, identification and organization of a delegation of Bulgarian buyers for participation in B2B organized by Fiera Milano. Organization of a group of Bulgarian companies supported by BSMEPA. Web Page::

1.Fiera Milano 2.Trade Associations 3.BSMEPA

Milano 12nd-15th September

Teodora Ivanova [email protected]




Participation into the VIII Edition of “Sofia greets Rome”, an event promoted by the Bulgarian Culture Institute in Rome and Italian-Bulgarian Cultural Association "La Fenice", supported by Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria under the patronage Roma Capitale, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Italy and dedicated to the culture and traditions in Bulgaria. Web Page:

1. Italian-Bulgarian Cultural Association “La Fenice” 2.Roma Capitale 3.Bulgarian Culture Institute

Roma September

Rosa Cusmano [email protected]


Promotion Activity, identification and organization of a delegation of Bulgarian buyers for participation in B2B organized by Cesena Fiere. Web Page:

1.Cesena Fiere 2.Association of vegetables producers

Rimini 23rd-25th September

Teodora Ivanova commerciale@camcomitbg Mila Stanilova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]


Organization of networking event together with the French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with St. Sofia Golf Club and Diplomatic Business Club – CDB. Promotion throughout ICCB communication tools and involvement og ICCB members and partners. Web Page:;

1.CCI France Bulgarie 2.St Sofia Golf Club 3. Alitalia 4.Airfrance 5.Sponsors evento 6. Comune di Sofia/Comitato Sofia Capitale dello Sport 2018

Sofia September (date to be announced)

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

MARMOMACC – International Exhibition of Marble, Design and Technology

Promotion Activity, selection and organization of buyers delegation to take part into B2B meetings organized by Verona Fiere. Web Page:;

1.Verona Fiere 2. CCIE Bucarest

Verona 30th September – 3th October

Teodora Ivanova [email protected]


1. Promotion of Italian Universities in partnership with ICCB and other Universities interested. 2. Promotional and Institutional ICCB (event partner) Info Desk. ICCB is the official representative in Bulgaria of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice (“Ca’ Foscari Desk in the World” Project) and Link Campus

1. SkyLines 2. Italian Institute of Culture in Sofia (IIC Sofia)

Sofia 11st/12nd October

Elena Tarkalanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected]

Page 11: Calendar Activities 2015

F o u n d e d i n 2 0 0 3 a n d r e c o g n i z e d b y I t a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t i n L a w n o . 5 1 8 / 7 0 M e m b e r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f I t a l i a n C h a m b e r s o f C o m m e r c e A b r o a d

H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 2 8 4 6 3 2 8 0 / 1 – F a x : + 3 5 9 2 9 4 4 0 8 6 9 - i n f o @ c a m c o m i t . b g R E G I O N A L O F F I C E : B u l . H r i s t o B o t e v 9 2 / B , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r R i l o n , f l . 3 - P l o v d i v 4 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 8 9 7 – F a x : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 7 5 2 - i n f o . p l o v d i v @ c a m c o m i t . b g

w w w . c a m c o m i t . b g

University in Rome ( 3. Organization of meetings with secondary school institutions on behalf of Italian Universities. Web Page:






Referente CCIE Sofia


Promotion Activity aiming at involving Bulgarian visitors into leading fair in Europe for visual communication. Web Page:

1.Reed Exhibitions 2.BAPRA

Milan 15th-17th October

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]


The event, organized by Assocamerestero and Unioncamere, represents the second annual meeting, in which all the Directors and Presidents of the 81 Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (in 55 countries) will be participating Pagina web:

1.Assocamerestero 2.Italian Chamber of Commerce hosting the Meeting

Trieste October Rosa Cusmano [email protected]

INTERNATIONAL CAREERS - IV EDITION “Catch internship and job opportunities in International reali-ties”, Country Presentation c/o University.

ICCB Participation into Info Day organized by University Ca 'Foscari of Venice. Information session training by ICCB. REMINDER: Agreement for the opening of the Desk "Ca 'Foscari in the World" within ICCB office.. Pagina web:

1. Stage e Placement department - University Ca' Foscari of Venice

Venice October (to be defined)

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]

HOST International Exhibition Professional Hospitality

ECOMONDO – International Exhibition on energy and sustainable development

Promotion activity, selection and organization of a Bulgarian buyers delegation for business meetings participation in Fiera Milano. Organization of a group of Bulgarian companies during the exhibition days, in collaboration with Agency for the Promotion of Bulgarian SMEs. Web Page: Promotion activity, identification and organization of b Bulgarian buyers coming from Bulgaria and Romania for taking part into B2B meetings organized by Rimini Fiera. ICCB delegate will assist all delegations during B2B sessions.

1.Fiera Milano 2.BSMEPA 1.Rimini Fiera 2.Camera di Commercio bulgaro-rumena

Milan Rimini

23rd-27th October 3rd-6th November

Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected] Teodora Ivanova [email protected] Mila Stanilova [email protected]

Page 12: Calendar Activities 2015

F o u n d e d i n 2 0 0 3 a n d r e c o g n i z e d b y I t a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t i n L a w n o . 5 1 8 / 7 0 M e m b e r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f I t a l i a n C h a m b e r s o f C o m m e r c e A b r o a d

H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 2 8 4 6 3 2 8 0 / 1 – F a x : + 3 5 9 2 9 4 4 0 8 6 9 - i n f o @ c a m c o m i t . b g R E G I O N A L O F F I C E : B u l . H r i s t o B o t e v 9 2 / B , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r R i l o n , f l . 3 - P l o v d i v 4 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 8 9 7 – F a x : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 7 5 2 - i n f o . p l o v d i v @ c a m c o m i t . b g

w w w . c a m c o m i t . b g

KEY ENERGY - International Exhibition for Energy and Sustainable, climate and new resources for a better development

Pagina web:


Promotion activity, selection and organization of a delegation of Bulgarian buyers for participation in B2B organized by Fiera Milano.

Web Page:

1.FieraMilano Milan 3rd-5th November Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]


Promotion, selection and organization of a delegation of Bulgarian buyers for participation in B2B organized by Verona Fiere.

Web Page:

1.Verona Fiere 2.CCIE Bucarest 3.Trade Associations

Verona 5th-8th November Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

INTERFOOD & DRINK - International Fair of food industry

1. Organization of an Italian committee (Italia Pavilion), in cooperation with Inter Expo Center; 2. Organization and management of the Laboratory of Italian Tasting: calendar of events, with a strong communicative impact, dedicated to promoting the culinary tradition and Italian food products (cooking school, classrooms taste, tasting to the public and professional, technical seminars). 3. RIM Ospitalita’ Italiana Award Cerimony and ceremony of New RIM. Web Page:

1.Inter Expo Center 2.Trade Associations

Sofia (Inter Expo Center)

11st-14th November

Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

CHIBIMART Exhibition devoted to costume jewel-lery, fashion accessories, semi-precious stones, ethnic products, silver to wear, bags

Promotion activity, selection and organization of a Bulgarian traders delegation for business meetings participation in Fiera Milano. Organization of a group of Bulgarian companies during the exhibition days. Web Page:

1.Fiera Milano 2. Trade Associations

Milan November Teodora Ivanova [email protected] (stagista c/o Dipartimento Fiere) [email protected]

Page 13: Calendar Activities 2015

F o u n d e d i n 2 0 0 3 a n d r e c o g n i z e d b y I t a l i a n G o v e r n m e n t i n L a w n o . 5 1 8 / 7 0 M e m b e r o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f I t a l i a n C h a m b e r s o f C o m m e r c e A b r o a d

H E A D Q U A R T E R : B u l . K n y a g h i n y a M a r i a L u i s a , 2 , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r T Z U M , f l . 5 – S o f i a 1 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 2 8 4 6 3 2 8 0 / 1 – F a x : + 3 5 9 2 9 4 4 0 8 6 9 - i n f o @ c a m c o m i t . b g R E G I O N A L O F F I C E : B u l . H r i s t o B o t e v 9 2 / B , B u s i n e s s C e n t e r R i l o n , f l . 3 - P l o v d i v 4 0 0 0 – B u l g a r i a

T e l : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 8 9 7 – F a x : + 3 5 9 0 3 2 6 6 0 7 5 2 - i n f o . p l o v d i v @ c a m c o m i t . b g

w w w . c a m c o m i t . b g

MASTERPIECE OF WORLD OPERA – On the occasion of Christmas Celebra-tions

Organization of the 2nd edition of Masterpiece of World Opera in collaboration with Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie France Bulgarie (CCI France Bulgarie) and the Sofia National Opera Ballet. Orchestra Leader: Maestro Luciano De Martino. Web Page:

1.Chambre de Commerce Internationale France Bulgarie 2.National Sofia Opera Ballet

Sofia Opera di Sofia

9th December Rosa Cusmano [email protected] Elena Tarkalanova [email protected]


Revision and update of Bulgaria Country Profile. Cooperation between CCIE Sofia and Informest Consulting Srl. Web Page:

Informest Consulting

Sofia Until 31st December

Eleonora Miteva [email protected]


Promotion Activity, identification and organization of a delegation of Bulgarian companies operating in “home and handicraft” sector. Web Page:

1.National Chamber of Craft 2.GE.FI.

Milan 29th November – 8th December

Teodora Ivanova [email protected]


According to the European project EASE AND SEE - "EnablingActions for Social Enterprises in South East Europe" (, Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria will continue its support activities to the development of social entrepreneurship in Bulgaria, through Business Support social Enterprises Unit. The aim is to manage and organize technical sessions/meetings, entrepreneurial training courses and communication campaigns (social marketing) and initiatives, as well as services to create new companies and internationalization of companies born on foreign markets.

Sofia and other cities

All year TanyaTrayanova [email protected] stagista c/o Dipartimento “Cooperazione Internazionale [email protected]