calculaton of u valve thermal brizzing

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  • 7/30/2019 calculaton of u valve thermal brizzing


    Module 3.4

    Calculation of U-value

    Construction with thermal bridging

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    Learning Outcomes

    On successful completion of this modulelearners will be able to

    Describe the procedure for the calculation of

    U-values for constructions with thermal bridging.

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    This document uses extracts from, and makesreferences to, EN ISO 6946 : 2007

    Building components and building elements -Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance -

    Calculation method. The content of this document is not a substitute

    for the standard. To properly apply the standardone must have the complete document.

    Standards available from

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    Introduction to thermal bridging.

    Thermal bridging occurs in building envelopes whenmaterials with high thermal conductivity, such as steeland concrete, create pathways for heat loss that bypassthermal insulation.

    When these poor insulating materials provide anuninterrupted short circuit between the interior andexterior of a building, the thermal bridge can result in

    a) accelerated heat loss through that area,

    b) localised cold spots on the interior of a wall that maycause a risk of condensation.

    This effect is most significant in cold climates during thewinter when the indoor-outdoor temperature differenceis greatest. Reference:

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    - continued.

    Thermal bridging can also occurs in buildingenvelopes when gaps or breaks in theinsulation envelope create pathways for heatloss that bypass thermal insulation.

    The reduced or missing insulation can allowwarm inside air make contact with cold externalsurfaces.

    This bypass of the insulation will also causeaccelerated heat loss through that area, andlocalised cold spots on the interior.

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    Identification of thermal bridging.

    Take any heat loss surface, i.e. floor, wall, roof, etc. Thermal bridging must be considered if there is more

    than one possible heat flow path through that surface.

    Typical construction details around doors and windows

    are treated separately. The are not included whencalculating thermal bridging for that wall.

    If the thermal bridge allows for two or more possibleheat flow paths, in the main body of the floor, wall, roof.etc. then its effect must be considered.

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    Take heat loss through the timber frame constructionshow on the next page.

    One resistance layer is made up of two very differentmaterials, timber and mineral wool insulation.

    The poor insulator, timber, provides an uninterruptedshort circuit through the insulation, between theinterior and exterior of a building.

    The timber create pathways for heat loss that bypassthe insulation.

    This reduces the effectiveness of the insulation and itseffect must be included in the calculation of the U-valueof the wall.

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    Procedure for Calculation of U-value Thermal bridging

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    - Procedure continued.

    For a thermally bridged construction, the

    U-value is calculated following five steps.Reference Examples of U-value calculations using BS EN ISO 6946:1997.

    Step 1 Calculate Upper resistance limit(R


    Step 2 Calculate Lower resistance limit (Rlower


    Step 3 Calculate Total thermal resistance (RT)

    Step 4 Calculate corrections / adjustments for

    a) air gaps penetrating the insulation.

    b) mechanical fixings penetrating the insulation.

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    - Procedure continued. Step 1.

    Calculate the upper resistance limit (Rupper


    This is done by combining, in parallel, the totalresistances of all possible heat flow paths

    (i.e. sections) through the sample construction onthe previous pages.

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    - Procedure continued.

    Step 2.

    Calculate the lower resistance limit (Rlower


    This is done by combining, in parallel, theresistances of the heat flow paths of each layerseparately and then summing the resistance of alllayers (i.e. sections) through the givenconstruction.

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    - Procedure continued.

    Step 3.

    Calculate the total thermal resistance (RT)

    This is done using


    = Rupper

    + Rlower


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    - Procedure continued.

    Step 4Procedure - Calculate, where appropriate,

    a) corrections for air gaps ( Ug ) in the insulation

    layer.b) correction for mechanical fasteners ( Uf ) in theinsulation layer.

    Note: Procedures for corrections may vary between

    countries. One procedure is described in BRE442 Conventions for U-value calculations, 2006, sections 4.9.1,4.9.2 and 4.9.3.

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    Procedure continued.

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    Procedure continued.

    BRE443 section 4.9.2 and 4.9.3 suggests that the effectof wall ties is negligible in an un-insulated cavity, and inany cavity if plastic ties are used.

    Otherwise the effect of wall ties needs to be considered.

    The correction requires knowledge of the thermalconductivity of the ties, their cross-sectional area, andthe number per square metre of wall.

    For detailed procedure see BRE442 Conventions for

    U-value calculations, 2006, sections 4.9.2 and 4.9.3.

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    - Procedure continued.

    Step 5

    Calculate the final U-value from,

    U = ( 1 / RT

    ) + Ug

    + Uf

    Note: Ug

    and Ufcan be omitted,

    if taken together,

    they amount to less than 3% of the U-value found from U =1 / R


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    Example - Step 1 Calculating Rupper


    Combining, in parallel, the total resistances of allpossible heat flow paths (i.e. sections) through the

    given timber frame construction For this construction shown on the preceding

    sketch, thermal bridging occurs only at onelayer, that is the layer made up partly of 38 x

    140mm timber and partly by 140mm mineralwool.

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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    For this construction there are two possible heatflow paths, between inside and outside.

    First heat flow path is through the insulation, i.e.

    2 x 12.5mm plasterboard+ 140mm mineral wool insulation

    + 19mm plywood

    + 50mm slightly ventilated air cavity+ 102mm brick outer leaf.

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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    Second heat flow path is through the timber, i.e.

    2 x 12.5mm plasterboard

    + 38 x 140mm timber studs

    + 19mm plywood

    + 50mm slightly ventilated air cavity

    + 102mm brick outer leaf.

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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    The two parallel heat flow paths are shownconceptually below.

    Since the relative cross sectional area of the timber isnot the same as that of the mineral wool insulation, thefractional areas of each must be considered whencalculating R


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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    The upper limit of resistance is calculated from


    = 1


    + F2




    = the fractional area of first (insulation) heat loss path

    F2 = the fractional area of second (timber) heat loss path


    = the total resistance of first (insulation) heat loss path


    = the total resistance of second (timber) heat loss path

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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    Fractional area of timber and mineral wool.

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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    When considering the fractional area of timberdifferent countries may use differentprocedures.

    To provide inputs for this worked example theprocedures described in BRE443 section 4.5.1have been used.

    The wall area is taken as a number of

    repeatable rectangles 2400mm high x 400mmwide.

    The percentage timber in this repeatable area iscalculated as follows.

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    Example Step 1 - Rupper


    Fractional area of timber F2 and mineral wool F1.

    Overall repeatable area

    2.400 x 0.400 = 0.960 m2

    Area of timber

    Vertical 2.400 x 0.038 = 0.091 m2

    Horizontal 0.362 x 0.038 x 4 = 0.055 m2

    Total 0.146 m2

    Fractional area of timber (F2) (0.146 / 0.960) 0.15 Fractional area insulation(F

    1) ( 1 0.15 ) 0.85

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    Example Step 1 - Calculation of R1

    - Sum of

    thermal resistance through insulation.

    Layer / Surface

    Thickness (d)

    ( m )

    Conductivity ()

    ( W / m K )

    Resistance (R=d/)

    ( m2 K / W )

    External surface (Rse) - - - - - - 0.040

    Outer leaf brick 0.102 0.77 0.132

    Air cavity (Ra) 0.500 - - - 0.090

    Plywood 0.019 0.13 0.146

    Insulation 0.140 0.038 3.684

    Plaster board 0.025 0.25 0.100

    Internal surface (Rsi) - - - - - - 0.130

    Total Resistance - - - - - - 4.322

    Note: Values of Rse, Ra and Rsi taken from I.S. EN ISO 6946 Table 1 and Table 2.Thermal conductivity values used are indicative only.

    Certified values should be used, if available.

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    Example Step 1 - Calculation of R2

    - Sum of

    thermal resistance through timber.

    Layer / Surface

    Thickness (d)

    ( m )

    Conductivity ()

    ( W / m K )

    Resistance (R=d/)

    ( m2 K / W )

    External surface (Rse) - - - - - - 0.040

    Outer leaf brick 0.102 0.77 0.132

    Air cavity (Ra) 0.500 - - - 0.090

    Plywood 0.019 0.13 0.146

    Timber 0.140 0.13 1.077

    Plaster board 0.025 0.25 0.100

    Internal surface (Rsi) - - - - - - 0.130

    Total Resistance - - - - - - 2.525

    Note: Values of Rse, Ra and Rsi taken from I.S. EN ISO 6946 Table 1 and Table 2.Thermal conductivity values used are indicative only.

    Certified values should be used, if available.

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    Example Step 1 - Calculation of Rupper

    The upper limit of resistance is now calculated fromR

    upper= 1


    + Ftimber

    Rinsul Rtimber


    = 1

    0.85 + 0.15

    4.322 2.525


    = 3.906 m2 K / W

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    Example Step 2 Calculating Rlower


    Combining, in parallel, the resistances of the heatflow paths of each layer separately and then sum

    the resistance of all layers (i.e. sections) throughthe given construction.

    For this construction, thermal bridging occursonly at one layer, that is the layer made up

    partly of 38 x 140mm timber and partly by140mm mineral wool.

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    Example Step 2 Calculating R

    lower continued

    For this construction there is only one layer withtwo possible heat flow paths, i.e. the layer witha combination of 140mm mineral wool

    insulation and 38 x 140 timber studs. The heat flow path will be

    2 x 12.5mm plasterboard

    + (Combination of mineral wool and timber)

    + 19mm plywood

    + 50mm slightly ventilated air cavity

    + 102mm brick outer leaf.

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    Example Step 2- Calculating R

    lower continued.

    The heat flow path for the timber frameexample is shown conceptually below.

    Since the relative cross sectional area of the timber isnot the same as that of the mineral wool insulation, thefractional areas of each must be considered whencalculating R

    lower. This has already been calculated

    when calculating Rupper

    on previous slides.

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    Example Step 2- Calculating R

    lower continued.

    The resistance of the bridged layer is now calculatedfrom


    = 1

    Finsul + Ftimber



    F insul = the fractional area of first (insulation) heat loss pathF

    timber= the fractional area of second (timber) heat loss path

    R insul = the total resistance of first (insulation) heat loss pathR timber = the total resistance of second (timber) heat loss path

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    Example Step 2- Calculating R

    lower continued

    From previous timber frame sketch andcalculations in this module.

    Fractional area of timber 0.15Fractional area of insulation 0.85

    Resistance of insulation 3.684 m2K/W

    Resistance of timber 1.077 m2


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    Example Step 2 - Rlower


    The resistance of the bridged layer is now calculatedfrom


    = 1


    + Ftimber

    Rinsul RtimberR

    bridged= 1

    0.85 + 0.15

    3.684 1.077


    = 2.703 m2 K / W

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    Example Step 2 - Rlower


    Layer / Surface

    Thickness (d)

    ( m )

    Conductivity ()

    ( W / m K )

    Resistance (R=d/)

    ( m2 K / W )

    External surface (Rse) - - - - - - 0.040

    Outer leaf brick 0.102 0.77 0.132Air cavity (Ra) 0.500 - - - 0.090

    Plywood 0.019 0.13 0.146

    Bridged layer - - - - - - 2.703

    Plaster board 0.025 0.25 0.100

    Internal surface (Rsi) - - - - - - 0.130

    Total Resistance - - - - - - 3.341

    Sum of thermal resistance through all layers

    Rlower= 3.341 m2

    K / W

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    Step 3 Calculate total thermal resistance.

    Procedure.Calculate the total thermal resistance (R

    T) using


    = Rupper

    + Rlower



    = 3.906 + 3.341


    Total thermal resistance RT

    = 3.624 m2 K / W

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    Step 4 Calculate corrections.

    Procedure - Calculate, where appropriate,

    a) corrections for air gaps ( Ug

    ) in the insulation

    layer. That is if a gaps exceeding

    5mm width penetrates the insulation.

    b) correction for mechanical fasteners ( Uf) in the

    insulation layer.

    Note: Procedures for corrections may vary betweencountries. One procedure is described in BRE442 Conventions for U-value calculations, 2006, sections 4.9.1,4.9.2 and 4.9.3.

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    Step 4 - Corrections - continued.

    Corrections for air gaps ( Ug

    ) in the insulation


    In this example no corrections are applicable, i.

    e. the insulation is installed in such a way thatthere are no air gaps penetrating the entireinsulation layer and no air circulation is possibleon the warm side of the insulation.

    For the three possible levels of correction for air gaps see I.S. EN ISO 6946 AnnexD.

    For examples of such corrections see

    Examples of U-value calculations using BS EN ISO 6946 : 1997 published by BRE.

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    Step 4 - Corrections - continued.

    Correction for mechanical fasteners ( Uf) in

    the insulation layer.

    In this example no corrections are applicable, i.

    e. no mechanical fasteners penetrating theentire insulation layer.

    For the formula related correction for mechanical fastners see I.S EN ISO 6946Annex D.

    For examples of such corrections see

    Examples of U-value calculations using BS EN ISO 6946 : 1997 published by BRE.

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    Step 5 Calculate the final U-value


    U = ( 1 / RT

    ) + Ug

    + Uf

    U = ( 1 / 3.624 ) + 0 + 0

    U = 0.28 W /m2 K

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    Module Summary.

    When calculating U-values for constructionswith thermally bridged elements, 5 steps areused.

    Task.Outline each of these 5 steps.

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    Module Summary.

    Step 1 calculates the upper resistance limitR



    Describe this step in detail and draw a sketch toshow how the resistance paths should bearranged.

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    Module Summary.

    Step 2 calculates the upper resistance limitR



    Describe this step in detail and draw a sketch toshow how the resistance paths should bearranged.

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    Module Summary.

    Step 3 calculates the total thermal resistancelimit R



    Describe the formula needed to calculate RT.

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    Module Summary.

    Step 4 calculates the corrections for

    a) air gaps penetrating the insulation

    b) mechanical fixings penetrating the insulation.

    Task.Describe some examples where these correctionfactors need not be applied.

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    Module Summary.

    Step 5 calculates the thermal transmittancevalue of U-value.


    Describe the formula needed to calculate theU-value.

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    National procedures UK, Ireland.

    When considering the fractional area of timberincluded in calculations BRE 443 Section 4.5.1states :-

    For timber frame construction which conforms with

    the designs in Accredited Construction Details,additional heat loss at corners, window surrounds,between floors etc is limited and the associatedtimbers are not counted as part of the timber

    fraction. This is comparable with masonryconstruction where items such as lintels and cavityclosers are not counted.

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    - continued.

    BRE 443 suggests a default fraction for typicaltimber frame construction as 0.15.

    A lower fraction of 0.125 may be used if specific

    conditions are met. For further information see BRE 443 section


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    The authors and publishers of this documentwish to thank the National Standards Authorityof Ireland for permission to reproduce extracts

    from copyright materialEN ISO 6946 : 2007Building components and building elements -Thermal resistance and thermal transmittance -Calculation method.

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    International standards.

    I.S. EN ISO 6946 : 2007 Building components andbuilding elements - Thermal resistance and thermaltransmittance - Calculation method.

    National standards + others.

    BRE 443 : 2006 Convention for U-valuecalculations. ISBN 1 86081 924 9

    Examples of U-value calculations using BS ENISO 6946 : 1997 published by BRE.