C1 Arnova Reswari Angkasa R. Hamdan Egie Rahmalaelani Enggar Adi Nugroho Fariz Dwiky Adithya Fiona...

C1 Arnova Reswari Angkasa R. Hamdan Egie Rahmalaelani Enggar Adi Nugroho Fariz Dwiky Adithya Fiona Lestari Ghabrina Saraswati Elgianda Nanda Fitri Wardani Nasika Celia D. Nurani Nasuha Ryan Rachmad Nugroho

Transcript of C1 Arnova Reswari Angkasa R. Hamdan Egie Rahmalaelani Enggar Adi Nugroho Fariz Dwiky Adithya Fiona...


Arnova ReswariAngkasa R. HamdanEgie Rahmalaelani

Enggar Adi NugrohoFariz Dwiky Adithya

Fiona LestariGhabrina Saraswati Elgianda

Nanda Fitri WardaniNasika Celia D.Nurani Nasuha

Ryan Rachmad Nugroho

Interdisciplinary Issues

The Ethics of Second Opinion


Second opinion

• Process of seeking another doctor’s opinionDisease Method for its treatment

• It helps to Confirm diagnosis & treatment plan Offer an alternative diagnosis & treatment


What a doctor should say and do if a patient asks for second opinion to another doctor?

• A second opinion should be arranged when a patient asks for one.

• Helping the patient get the second opinion may improve the relationship, and create an opportunity to learn from a colleague.

What a doctor should say and do if a patient asks without his prior knowledge?

WMA Declaration of Lisbon on the Rights of the Patient

• The patient has the right to:

Choose freely and change his/her physician and hospital or health service institution, regardless of whether they are based in the private or public sector.

Ask for the opinion of another physician at any stage

Should a doctor receive a patient which asks him for second opinion without the knowledge of his primary doctor?

• Yes we may, but:

Remember this:oA physician shall behave towards his colleagues as he

would have them behave towards him.oA physician shall not entice patients from his


It will be better if we know the medical records, test results and the first physician's opinion

What a secondary doctor should and do when acknowledging that the primary doctor has made a mistake?

• Discussion with Colleague- to improve the quality of care received- review the patient's medical history together

• Disclosure to Patient- follow-up with her previous physician

How can doctors make the process of second opinion as a way to cooperate for the patient’s best interest?

• Good relationships with medical colleagues, nurses and other health care professionals strengthen the doctor–patient relationship and enhance patient care


• Communicating all the relevant information in a timely way.

• Facilitating the central coordinating role of the general practitioner.

• Advocating the benefit of a general practitioner to a patient who does not already have one.

• Ensuring that it is clear to the patient, the family and colleagues who has ultimate responsibility for coordinating the care of the patient.

Advantages of Interdisciplinary Team Care

For patients:• Improves care by increasing coordination of services, especially for complex problems• Integrates health care for a wide range of problems and needs• Empowers patients as active partners in care• Can serve patients of diverse cultural backgrounds• Uses time more efficiently

For health care professionals:• Increases professional satisfaction• Facilitates shift in emphasis from acute, episodic care to long-term preventive care• Enables the practitioner to learn new skills and approaches• Encourages innovation• Allows providers to focus on individual areas of expertise