C Programming Notes

C Programming Notes Notes to Accompany The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie (``K&R'') Steve Summit The C Programming Language, or K&R as it is affectionately known, is widely praised by experienced C programmers as one of the best books on C there is. (It was also the first; it also happens to be a best- seller.) The only real criticism K&R ever receives is that it may not be the best tutorial for beginners; it seems to assume a certain amount of programming savvy and familiarity with computers. Actually, if you read it carefully, you'll find that is constantly dispensing wisdom about programming in general, from basic concepts to deep insights to impeccable commentary on imponderable topics such as programming style, at the same time it teaches the specifics of the C language. Therefore, the fundamental criticism may simply be that K&R is not suitable for those who read carelessly. The authors are not out to save the world or to convert it to their philosophy of programming. When they say something, they say it once, without theatrics or undue emphasis. If you read the book too quickly, or skim it, or look only for specific answers to what you think you're trying to learn today, you will miss much of the excellent advice which the authors have to offer. These notes were prepared (beginning in Spring, 1995) for the University of Washington Experimental College course in Introductory C Programming. They are meant to supplement K&R for the reader who is new to C and perhaps to programming, and who wants a slightly more detailed, less pithy presentation. I'll add insights from my own experience, in particular by pointing out those areas where people traditionally misunderstand something about C or K&R's presentation of it. I'll also call out a few of the very deep sentences, which you might overlook at first even if you're not skimming (perhaps because their significance only becomes apparent once you've begun writing


C Programming Notes

Transcript of C Programming Notes

Page 1: C Programming Notes

C Programming Notes

Notes to Accompany The C Programming Language, by Kernighan and Ritchie (``K&R'')

Steve Summit

The C Programming Language, or K&R as it is affectionately known, is widely praised by experienced C programmers as one of the best books on C there is. (It was also the first; it also happens to be a best-seller.) The only real criticism K&R ever receives is that it may not be the best tutorial for beginners; it seems to assume a certain amount of programming savvy and familiarity with computers. Actually, if you read it carefully, you'll find that is constantly dispensing wisdom about programming in general, from basic concepts to deep insights to impeccable commentary on imponderable topics such as programming style, at the same time it teaches the specifics of the C language. Therefore, the fundamental criticism may simply be that K&R is not suitable for those who read carelessly.

The authors are not out to save the world or to convert it to their philosophy of programming. When they say something, they say it once, without theatrics or undue emphasis. If you read the book too quickly, or skim it, or look only for specific answers to what you think you're trying to learn today, you will miss much of the excellent advice which the authors have to offer.

These notes were prepared (beginning in Spring, 1995) for the University of Washington Experimental College course in Introductory C Programming. They are meant to supplement K&R for the reader who is new to C and perhaps to programming, and who wants a slightly more detailed, less pithy presentation. I'll add insights from my own experience, in particular by pointing out those areas where people traditionally misunderstand something about C or K&R's presentation of it. I'll also call out a few of the very deep sentences, which you might overlook at first even if you're not skimming (perhaps because their significance only becomes apparent once you've begun writing bigger or more complicated programs), but which contain advice which is absolutely vital to successful real-world programming and which, if you can take it to heart early, will save you from a lot of misery out in the school of hard knocks later on.

Note that most of these notes merely amplify on the things K&R is saying; there isn't much to say that it doesn't already say, usually better. In particular, many of the things that I'll comment on in the early chapters are discussed in more detail in the later chapters; by barging in with my know-it-all comments, I'm partially destroying the authors' careful progression from an initial, slightly superficial overview to a more detailed, complete presentation. If these notes present more detail than you want to see at first, don't worry (but please do let me know); just come back to them later to see if they clear up anything you're still uncertain on. (Also, if you find the description in K&R adequately clear, you don't have to read all of these notes, but do take note of the highlighted ``deep sentences.'')


Page 2: C Programming Notes

page 2

Deep sentence:

...C deals with the same sort of objects that most computers do, namely characters, numbers, and addresses.

C is sometimes referred to as a ``high-level assembly language.'' Some people think that's an insult, but it's actually a deliberate and significant aspect of the language. If you have programmed in assembly language, you'll probably find C very natural and comfortable (although if you continue to focus too heavily on machine-level details, you'll probably end up with unnecessarily nonportable programs). If you haven't programmed in assembly language, you may be frustrated by C's lack of certain higher-level features. In either case, you should understand why C was designed this way: so that seemingly-simple constructions expressed in C would not expand to arbitrarily expensive (in time or space) machine language constructions when compiled. If you write a C program simply and succinctly, it is likely to result in a succinct, efficient machine language executable. If you find that the executable resulting from a C program is not efficient, it's probably because of something silly you did, not because of something the compiler did behind your back which you have no control over. In any case, there's no point in complaining about C's low-level flavor: C is what it is.

Next we see a more detailed list of the things that are not ``part of C.'' It's good to understand exactly what we mean by this. When we say that the C language proper does not do things like memory allocation or I/O, or even string manipulation, we obviously do not mean that there is no way to do these things in C. In fact, the usual functions for doing these things are specified by the ANSI C Standard with as much rigor as is the core language itself.

The fact that things like memory allocation and I/O are done through function calls has three implications:

1. the function calls to do memory allocation, I/O, etc. are no different from any other function calls;

2. the functions which do memory allocation, I/O, etc. do not know any more about the data they're acting on than ordinary functions do (we'll have more to say about this later); and

3. if you have specialized needs, you can do nonstandard memory allocation or I/O whenever you wish, by using your own functions and ignoring the standard ones provided.

The sentence that says ``Most C implementations have included a reasonably standard collection of such functions'' is historical; today, all implementations conforming to the ANSI C Standard have a very standard collection.

page 3

Deep sentence:

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...C retains the basic philosophy that programmers know what they are doing; it only requires that they state their intentions explicitly.

This aspect of C is very widely criticized; it is also used (justifiably) to argue that C is not a good teaching language. C aficionados love this aspect of C because it means that C does not try to protect them from themselves: when they know what they're doing, even if it's risky or obscure, they can do it. Students of C hate this aspect of C because it often seems as if the language is some kind of a conspiracy specifically designed to lead them into booby traps and ``gotcha!''s.

This is another aspect of the language which it's fairly pointless to complain about. If you take care and pay attention, you can avoid many of the pitfalls. These notes will point out many of the obvious (and not so obvious) trouble spots.

page 4

The last sentence of the Introduction is misleading: as we'll see, it's risky to defer to any particular compiler as a ``final authority on the language.'' A compiler is only a final authority on the language it accepts, and the language that a particular compiler accepts is not necessarily exactly C, no matter what the name of the compiler suggests. Most compilers accept extensions which are not part of standard C and which are not supported by other compilers; some compilers are deficient and fail to accept certain constructs which are in standard C. From time to time, you may have questions about what is truly standard and which neither you nor anyone you've talked to is able to answer. If you don't have a copy of the standard (or if you do, but you discover that the standardese in which it's written is impenetrable), you may have to temporarily accept the jurisdiction of your particular compiler, in order to get some program working today and under that particular compiler, but you'd do well to mark the code in question as suspect and the question in your head as ``don't know; still unanswered.''

Chapter 1. A Tutorial Introduction

page 5

I completely agree with the authors that writing real programs, and soon, is the best way to learn programming. This way, concepts which would otherwise seem abstract make sense, and the positive feedback you get from getting even a small program to work gives you a great incentive to improve it or write the next one.

Diving in with ``real'' programs right away has another advantage, if only pragmatic: if you're using a conventional compiler, you can't run a fragment of a program and see what it does; nothing will run until you have a complete (if tiny or trivial) program. You can't learn everything you'd need to write a complete program all at once, so you'll have to take some things ``on faith'' and parrot them in your first programs before you begin to understand them. (You can't learn to program just one expression or statement at a time any more than you can learn to speak a foreign language one word at a time. If all you know is a handful of words, you can't actually say anything: you also need to know something about the language's word order and grammar and sentence structure and declension of articles and verbs.)

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The authors list a few drawbacks of this ``dive in and program'' approach, and I must add one more. It's a small step from learning-by-doing to learning-by-trial-and-error, and when you learn programming by trial-and-error, you can very easily learn many errors. When you're not sure whether something will work, or you're not even sure what you could use that might work, and you try something, and it does work, you do not have any guarantee that what you tried worked for the right reason. You might just have ``learned'' something that works only by accident or only on your compiler, and it may be very hard to un-learn it later, when it stops working. (Also, if what you tried didn't work, it may have been due to a bug in the compiler, such that it should have worked.)

Therefore, whenever you're not sure of something, be very careful before you go off and try it ``just to see if it will work.'' Of course, you can never be absolutely sure that something is going to work before you try it, otherwise we'd never have to try things. But you should have an expectation that something is going to work before you try it, and if you can't predict how to do something or whether something would work and find yourself having to determine it experimentally, make a note in your mind that whatever you've just learned (based on the outcome of the experiment) is suspect.

section 1.1: Getting Started

page 6

Deep sentence:

With these mechanical details mastered, everything else is comparatively easy.

The claim that a program as simple as ``hello, world'' is a big hurdle may seem outrageous, but it's really quite true. It is a hurdle: on an unfamiliar computer, it can be arbitrarily difficult to figure out how to enter a text file containing program source, or how to compile and link it, or how to invoke it, or what happened after (if?) it ran. The most experienced C programmers immediately go back to this one, simple program whenever they're trying out a new system or a new way of entering or building programs or a new way of printing output from within programs. As they say, everything else is comparatively easy.

One hurdle which the authors don't mention but which many of you may find yourself facing is the choice of an appropriate compiler. On many Unix machines, the cccommand which the authors describe is an older compiler which does not recognize modern, ANSI Standard C syntax. An old compiler will accept the simple program on page 6, but it will not accept many of the other programs in the book. If you find yourself getting baffling compilation errors on programs which you've typed in exactly as they're shown in the book, it probably indicates that you're using an older compiler. On many machines, another compiler called acc or gcc is available, and you'll want to use it, instead.

Deep sentence:

main will usually call other functions to help perform its job, some that you wrote, and others from libraries that are provided for you.

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We heard about this already in the Introduction, but here it is again: as far as the compiler and the language definition are concerned, there's no difference between a function that you write and a function someone else wrote for you, including a function like printf which seems to be part of the language. There's nothing magic about printf; there's nothing that it can do that one of your functions couldn't. (Well, actually, there are a few magic, or at least surprising, things about printf, but they're magic in ways that your functions can be, too.)

There is one slight problem with the simple ``hello, world'' program in the book. The problem will usually be ignored (that is, the program will usually work correctly), but if you receive any warning or error messages or have any problems having to do with the ``value returned from main,'' jump forward to page 26 to learn whymain ought to end with the line

return 0;

section 1.2: Variables and Arithmetic Expressions

page 10

Deep sentence:

Although C compilers do not care about how a program looks, proper indentation and spacing are critical in making programs easy for people to read. We recommend writing only one statement per line, and using blanks around operators to clarify grouping. The position of braces is less important, although people hold passionate beliefs. We have chosen one of several popular styles. Pick a style that suits you, then use it consistently.

There are two things to note here. One is that (with one or two exceptions) the compiler really does not care how a program looks; it doesn't matter how it's broken into lines. The fragments

while(i < j)

i = 2 * i;


while(i < j) i = 2 * i;




while(i < j)

i = 2 * i;


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while (

i <

j )

i =

2 *

i ;

are all treated exactly the same way by the compiler.

The second thing to note is that style issues (such as how a program is laid out) are important, but they're not something to be too dogmatic about, and there are also other, deeper style issues besides mere layout and typography.

There is some value in having a reasonably standard style (or a few standard styles) for code layout. Please don't take the authors' advice to ``pick a style that suits you'' as an invitation to invent your own brand-new style. If (perhaps after you've been programming in C for a while) you have specific objections to specific facets of existing styles, you're welcome to modify them, but if you don't have any particular leanings, you're probably best off copying an existing style at first. (If you want to place your own stamp of originality on the programs that you write, there are better avenues for your creativity than inventing a bizarre layout; you might instead try to make the logic easier to follow, or the user interface easier to use, or the code freer of bugs.)

Deep sentence:

...in C, as in many other languages, integer division truncates: any fractional part is discarded.

The authors say all there is to say here, but remember it: just when you've forgotten this sentence, you'll wonder why something is coming out zero when you thought it was supposed the be the quotient of two nonzero numbers.

page 12

Here is more discussion on the difference between integer and floating-point division. Nothing deep; just something to remember.

page 13

Hidden here are discriptions of some more of printf's ``conversion specifiers.'' %o and %x print integers, in octal (base 8) and hexadecimal (base 16), respecively. Since a percent sign normally tells printf to expect an additional argument and insert its value, you might wonder how to get printf to just print a %. The answer is to double it: %%.

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Also, note (as was mentioned on page 11) that you must match up the arguments to printf with the conversion specification; the compiler can't (or won't) generally check them for you or fix things up if you get them wrong. If fahr is a float, the code

printf("%d\n", fahr);

will not work. You might ask, ``Can't the compiler see that %d needs an integer and fahr is floating-point and do the conversion automatically, just like in the assignments and comparisons on page 12?'' And the answer is, no. As far as the compiler knows, you've just passed a character string and some other arguments toprintf; it doesn't know that there's a connection between the arguments and some special characters inside the string. This is one of the implications of the fact, stated earlier, that functions like printf are not special. (Actually, some compilers or other program checkers do know that a function named printf is special, and will do some extra checking for you, but you can't count on it.)

section 1.3: The For Statement

pages 13-14

Deep sentence:

...in any context where it is permissible to use the value of a variable of some type, you can use a more complicated expression of that type.

You may have used other languages which placed restrictions on where you could use expressions or how complicated they could be. C has relatively few such restrictions. There's nothing magical about the printf call above; this ability to perform a computation inside of an argument is not unique to printf. In any function call, the arguments in the argument list are expressions, and it doesn't matter if they are simple expressions which just fetch the value of one variable, like fahr, or more complicated expressions, like 5.0/9.0 * (fahr - 32)

section 1.4: Symbolic Constants

pages 14-15

Deep sentence:

Notice that there is no semicolon at the end of a #define line.

Actually, all lines that begin with # are special; we'll learn more about them later.

section 1.5.1: File Copying

page 16

Pay particular attention to the discussion of why the variable to hold getchar's return value is declared as an int rather than a char. The distinction may not seem terribly significant now, but it is important. If

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you use a char, it may seem to work, but it may break down mysteriously later. Always remember to use an int for anything you assign getchar's return value to.

page 17

The line

while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)

epitomizes the cryptic brevity which C is notorious for. You may find this terseness infuriating (and you're not alone!), and it can certainly be carried too far, but bear with me for a moment while I defend it.

The simple example on pages 16 and 17 illustrates the tradeoffs well. We have four things to do:

1. call getchar,

2. assign its return value to a variable,

3. test the return value against EOF, and

4. process the character (in this case, print it again).

We can't eliminate any of these steps. We have to assign getchar's value to a variable (we can't just use it directly) because we have to do two different things with it (test, and print). Therefore, compressing the assignment and test into the same line (as on page 17) is the only good way of avoiding two distinct calls to getchar(as on page 16). You may not agree that the compressed idiom is better for being more compact or easier to read, but the fact that there is now only one call togetchar is a real virtue.

In a tiny program like this, the repeated call to getchar isn't much of a problem. But in a real program, if the thing being read is at all complicated (not just a single character read with getchar), and if the processing is at all complicated (such that the input call before the loop and the input call at the end of the loop become widely separated), and if the way that input is done is ever changed some day, it's just too likely that one of the input calls will get changed but not the other.

(Also, note that when an assignment like c = getchar() appears within a larger expression, the surrounding expression receives the same value that is assigned. Using an assignment as a subexpression in this way is perfectly legal and quite common in C.)

When you run the character copying program, and it begins copying its input (your typing) to its output (your screen), you may find yourself wondering how to stop it. It stops when it receives end-of-file (EOF), but how do you send EOF? The answer depends on what kind of computer you're using. On Unix and Unix-related systems, it's almost always control-D. On MS-DOS machines, it's control-Z followed by the RETURN key. Under Think C on the Macintosh, it's control-D, just like Unix. On other systems, you may have to do some research to learn how to send EOF.

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(Note, too, that the character you type to generate an end-of-file condition from the keyboard has nothing to do with the EOF value returned by getchar. The EOFvalue returned by getchar is a code indicating that the input system has detected an end-of-file condition, whether it's reading the keyboard or a file or a magnetic tape or a network connection or anything else.)

Another excellent thing to know when doing any kind of programming is how to terminate a runaway program. If a program is running forever waiting for input, you can usually stop it by sending it an end-of-file, as above, but if it's running forever not waiting for something (i.e. if it's in an infinite loop) you'll have to take more drastic measures. Under Unix, control-C will terminate the current program, almost no matter what. Under MS-DOS, control-C or control-BREAK will sometimes terminate the current program, but by default MS-DOS only checks for control-C when it's looking for input, so an infinite loop can be unkillable. There's a DOS command, I think it's

break on

which tells DOS to look for control-C more often, and I recommend using this command if you're doing any programming. (If a program is in a really tight infinite loop under MS-DOS, there can be no way of killing it short of rebooting.) On the Mac, try command-period or command-option-ESCAPE.

Finally, don't be disappointed (as I was) the first time you run the character copying program. You'll type a character, and see it on the screen right away, and assume it's your program working, but it's only your computer echoing every key you type, as it always does. When you hit RETURN, a full line of characters is made available to your program, which it reads all at once, and then copies to the screen (again). In other words, when you run this program, it will probably seem to echo the input a line at a time, rather than a character at a time. You may wonder how a program can read a character right away, without waiting for the user to hit RETURN. That's an excellent question, but unfortunately the answer is rather complicated, and beyond the scope of this introduction. (Among other things, how to read a character right away is one of the things that's not defined by the C language, and it's not defined by any of the standard library functions, either. How to do it depends on which operating system you're using.)

section 1.5.2: Character Counting

page 18

Ignore the mention of efficiency with respect to nc = nc+1 vs. ++nc. Once you've gotten used to ++ meaning ``increment by 1,'' you'll probably find yourself preferring++nc simply because it is more concise, and incrementing things by 1 is so common. (Personally, once I got used to it, I found ++ more natural, too, because after all, expressions like nc = nc+1, though they're common enough in programming, are very unnatural from an algebraic perspective.)

pages 18-19

You may find it odd to have a loop with no body, but such loops do crop up. Just make sure that the explicit null statement (or, if you prefer, empty {}) marking the empty loop body is plainly visible.

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The whole first paragraph of page 19 counts as ``deep.'' A clean, well-designed loop will work properly for all of its ``boundary conditions'': zero trips through the loop, one trip, many trips, maximum trips (if there is any maximum, and if so, also maximum minus one). If a loop for some reason doesn't work at a particular boundary condition, it's tempting to claim that that condition is rare or impossible and that the loop is therefore okay. But if the loop can't handle the boundary condition, why can't it? It's probably awkwardly constructed, and straightening it out so that it naturally handles all boundary conditions will usually make it clearer and easier to understand (and may also remove other lurking bugs).

section 1.5.3: Line Counting

page 19

Note the word of caution about = vs. == carefully. Typing one when you mean the other is, unfortunately, a very easy mistake to make.

Note that the character constants discussed on page 19 are very different from the string constants introduced on page 7.

section 1.5.4: Word Counting

page 21

Deep sentence:

In a program as tiny as this, it makes little difference, but in larger programs, the increase in clarity is well worth the modest extra effort to write it this way from the beginning.

I agree with this. Some people complain that symbolic constants make a program harder to read, because you always have to look them up to see what they mean. As long as you choose appropriate names for symbolic constants and use them consistently (i.e. even if APPLE and ORANGE happen to have the same value, don't use one when you mean the other), no one will have this complaint about your programs.

Note that there's no direct way to simplify the condition

if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t')

In particular, something like

if (c == (' ' || '\n' || '\t'))

would not work. (What would it do?)

section 1.6: Arrays

page 22

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Note carefully that arrays in C are 0-based, not 1-based as they are in some languages. (As we'll see, 0-based arrays turn out to be more convenient than 1-based arrays more of the time, but they may take a bit of getting used to at first.)

When they say ``as reflected in the for loops that initialize and print the array,'' they're referring to the fact that the vast majority of for loops in C look like this:

for(i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

and count from 0 to 9. The loop

for(i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)

would count from 1 to 10, but loops like this are comparatively rare. (In fact, whenever you see either ``= 1'' or ``<='' in a for loop, it's an indication that something unusual is going on which you'll want to be aware of, and it may even be a bug.)

page 23

They've started going a little fast here, so read up if they're losing you. What's this magic expression c-'0' that they're using as an array subscript? Remember, as we saw first on page 19, that characters in C are represented by small integers corresponding to their values in the machine's character set. In ASCII, which most machines use, 'A' is character code 65, '0' (zero) is code 48, '9' is code 57, and all the other characters have their own values which I won't bother to list. If we've just read the character '9' from the file, it has value 57, so c-'0' is 57 - 48 which is 9, and we'll increment cell number 9 in the array, just like we want to. Furthermore, even if we're not using a machine which uses ASCII, by subtracting '0', we'll always subtract whatever the right value is to map the characters from '0' to '9' down to the array cell range 0 to 9.

section 1.7: Functions

page 24

Deep sentence:

...you will often see a short function defined and called only once, just because it clarifies some piece of code.

Ideally, this is true in any language. Breaking a program up into functions (or subroutines or procedures or whatever a language calls them) is one of the first and one of the most important ways to keep control of the proliferating complexity in a software project.

page 25

Note that the for loop at the top of the page runs from 1 to n rather than 0 to n-1, and may therefore seem suspect by the above note for page 22. In this case, since all that matters is that the loop is traversed n times, it doesn't matter which values i takes on.

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Not only the names of the parameters and local variables, but also their values (as we'll see in section 1.8), are all local to a function. Rather than remembering a list of things that are local, it's easier to remember that everything is local: the whole point of a function as an abstraction mechanism is that it's a black box; you don't have to know or care about any of its implementation details, such as what it chooses to name its parameters and local variables. You pass it some arguments, and it returns you a value according to its specification.

The distinction between the terms argument and parameter may seem overly picky, but it's a good way of reinforcing the notion that the parameters and other details of a function's implementation are almost completely separated from (that is, of no concern to) the caller.

page 26

Note the discussion about return values from main. The first few sample programs in this chapter, including the very first ``hello, world'' example on page 6, have omitted a return value, which is, stricly speaking, incorrect. Do get in the habit of returning a value from main, both to be correct, and because ``programs should return status to their environment.''

By ``Parameter names need not agree'' they mean that it's not a problem that the prototype declaration of power says that the first parameter is named m, while the actual function definition that it's named base.

pages 26-7

It's probably a good idea if you're aware of this ``old style'' function syntax, so that you won't be taken aback when you come across it, perhaps in code written by reactionary old fogies (such as the author of these notes) who still tend to use it out of habit when they're not paying attention.

section 1.8: Arguments -- Call by Value

page 27

If, on the other hand, you are not used to other languages such as Fortran, these call-by-value semantics may not be surprising (any more than anything else in C which is new to you).

Even though you can modify a parameter in a function (i.e. treat it as a ``conveniently initialized local variable''), you certainly don't have to, especially if (as is often the case) you'll need an unmodified copy of the parameter later in the function.

page 28

Don't worry too much about the exception mentioned for arrays--there are a number of exceptions for arrays, and we'll have much more to say about them later. But be aware that we are deliberately glossing over a few details here, and they are details which will be come important later on. (In particular, the statement on page 27 that ``the called function cannot directly alter a variable in the calling function'' may not seem to be true for arrays, and this is what the authors mean when they say

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that ``The story is different''. We'll be seeing several functions which return things--usually strings--to their callers by writing into caller-supplied arrays. In chapter 5 we'll learn how this is possible. If this discrepancy wouldn't have bothered you now, pretend I didn't mention it.)

section 1.9: Character Arrays

Pay attention to the way this program is developed first in ``pseudocode,'' and then refined into real C code. A clear pseudocode statement not only makes it easier to think about the structure of the eventual real code, but if you make the eventual real code mimic the pseudocode, the real code will be equally straightforward and easy to read.

The function getline, introduced here, is extremely useful, and we'll have as much use for it in our own programs as the authors do in theirs. (In other words, they have succeeded in their goal of making it ``useful in other contexts.'' In fact, I've been using a getline function much like this one ever since I learned C from K&R, and I generally find it preferable to the standard library's line-reading function.)

Pages 28 through 30 introduce quite a lot of material all at once; you'll probably want to read it several times, especially if arrays or character strings are new to you.

Earlier we said that C provided no particular built-in support for composite objects such as character strings, and here we begin to see the significance of that omission. A string is just an array of characters, and you can access the characters within a string exactly as easily (because you use exactly the same syntax) as you access the elements within any other array.

If you've used BASIC, you will probably wonder where C's SUBSTR function is. C doesn't have one, for two reasons. First of all, there's less of a need for one, because it's so easy the get at the individual characters within a string in C. More importantly, a SUBSTR function implies that you take a string and extract a substring as a new string. However, creating a new string (i.e. the extracted substring) involves allocating arbitrary amounts of memory to hold the string, and C rarely if ever allocates memory implicitly for you.

If anything, it's too easy to access the individual characters within strings in C. String handling illustrates one of the potentially frustrating aspects of C we mentioned earlier: the language doesn't define any high-level string handling features for you, so you're free to do whatever low-level string processing you wish. The down side is that constantly manipulating strings down at the character level, and always having to remember to allocate memory for new strings, can get tedious after a while.

The preceding paragraph is not meant to discourage you, but just to point out a reality: any C program which manipulates strings (and this includes most C programs) will find itself doing a certain amount of character-level fiddling and a certain amount of memory allocation. It will also find that it can do just about anything it wants to do (and that its programmer has the patience to do) with the strings it manipulates.

Since string processing, and at this relatively low level, is so common in C, you'll want to pay careful attention to the discussion on page 30 of how strings are stored in character arrays, and particularly to

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the fact that a '\0' character is always present to mark the end of a string. (It's easy to forget to count the '\0' character when allocating space for a string, for instance.) Notice the nice picture on page 30; this is a good way of thinking about data structures (and not just simple character arrays, either).

page 29

Note that the program explicitly allocates space for the two strings it manipulates: the current line line, and the longest line longest. (It only needs these two strings at any one time, even though the input consists of arbitrarily many lines.) Note that it cannot simply assign one string to another (because C provides no built-in support for composite objects such as character strings); the program calls the copy function to do so. (The authors write their own copy function for explanatory purposes; the standard library contains a string-copying function which would normally be used.) The only strings that aren't explicitly allocated are the arrays in thegetline and copy functions; as the discussion briefly mentions, these do not need to be allocated because they're already allocated in the caller. (There are a number of subtleties about array parameters to functions; we'll have more to say about them later.)

The code on page 29 contains a number of examples of compressed assignments and tests; evidently the authors expect you to get used to this style in a hurry. The line

while ((len = getline(line, MAXLINE)) > 0)

is similar to the getchar loops earlier in this chapter; it calls getline, saves its return value in the variable len, and tests it against 0.

The comparison

i<lim-1 && (c=getchar())!=EOF && c!='\n'

in the for loop in the getline function does several things: it makes sure there is room for another character in the array; it calls, assigns, and tests getchar's return value against EOF, as before; and it also tests the returned character against '\n', to detect end of line. The surrounding code is mildly clumsy in that it has to check for \n a second time; later, when we learn more about loops, we may find a way of writing it more cleanly. You may also notice that the code deals correctly with the possibility that EOF is seen without a \n.

The line

while ((to[i] = from[i]) != '\0')

in the copy function does two things at once: it copies characters from the from array to the to array, and at the same time it compares the copied character against'\0', so that it stops at the end of the string. (If you think this is cryptic, wait 'til we get to page 106 in chapter 5!)

We've also just learned another printf conversion specifier: %s prints a string.

page 30

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Deep sentence:

There is no way for a user of getline to know in advance how long an input line might be, so getline checks for overflow.

Because dynamically allocating memory for arbitrary-length strings is mildly tedious in C, it's tempting to use fixed-size arrays. (It's so tempting, in fact, that that's what most programs do, and since fixed-size arrays are also considerably easier to discuss, all of our early example programs will use them.) Using fixed-size arrays is fine, as long as some assurance is made that they don't overflow. Unfortunately, it's also tempting (and easy) to forget to guard against array overflow, perhaps by deluding yourself into thinking that too-long inputs ``can't happen.'' Murphy's law says that they do happen, and the various corrolaries to Murphy's law say that they happen in the most unpleasant way and at the least convenient time. Don't be cavalier about arrays; do make sure that they're big enough and that you guard against overflowing them. (In another mark of C's general insensitivity to beginning programmers, most compilers do not check for array overflow; if you write more data to an array than it is declared to hold, you quietly scribble on other parts of memory, usually with disastrous results.)

section 1.10: External Variables and Scope

page 31

There's a bit of jargon in this section. An external variable is what is sometimes called a global variable. The authors introduce the term automatic to refer to the local variables we've seen so far; this is a good word to remember, even if you never use it, because people will spring it on you when they're being precise, and if you don't know this usage you'll think they're talking about transmissions or something. (To be precise, ``local'' is a broader category than ``automatic''; there are both automatic and static local variables.)

Deep sentence:

If [automatic variables] are not set, they will contain garbage.

Actually, if automatic variables always contained garbage, the situation wouldn't be quite so bad. In practice, they often (though not always) do contain zero or some other predictable value, and this happens just often enough to lull you into the occasional false sense of security, by making a program with an inadvertently uninitialized variable seem to work.

Deep sentence:

An external variable must be defined, exactly once, outside of any function; this sets aside storage for it. The variable must also be declared in each function that wants to access it; this states the type of the variable.

The basic rule is ``define once; declare many times.'' As we'll see just below, it is not necessary for a declaration of an external variable to appear in every single function; it is possible for one external

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declaration to apply to many functions. (In the clause ``the variable must also be declared in each function'', the word ``declared'' is an adjective, not a verb.)

page 33

In fact, the ``common practice'' of placing ``definitions of all external variables at the beginning of the source file'' is so common that it's rare to see external declarations within functions, as in the functions on page 32. The authors are using the in-function extern declarations partly because it is an alternative style, and partly because we haven't talked about separate compilation (that is, building a single program from several separate source files) yet. Rather than jumping the gun and discussing those two topics now, I'll just mention that the discussion in section 1.10 might be a bit misleading, and that you should probably wait until we get to the complete description of the issue in section 4.4 before you commit any of this to memory.

Deep sentence:

You should note that we are using the words definition and declaration carefully when we refer to external variables in this section. ``Definition'' refers to the place where the variable is created or assigned storage; ``declaration'' refers to places where the nature of the variable is stated but no storage is allocated.

Do note the careful distinction; it's an important one and one which I'll be using, too.

page 34

The authors' criticism of the second (page 32) version of the longest-line program is accurate. The revision of the longest-line program to use external variables was done only to demonstrate the use of external variables, not to improve the program in any way (nor does it improve the program in any way).

As a general rule, external variables are acceptable for storing certain kinds of global state information which never changes, which is needed in many functions, and which would be a nuisance to pass around. I don't think of external variables as ``communicating between functions'' but rather as ``setting common state for the entire program.'' When you start thinking of an external variables as being one of the ways you communicate with a particular function, and in particular when you find yourself changing the value of some external variable just before calling some function, to affect its operation in some way, you start getting into the troublesome uses of external variables, which you should avoid.

Chapter 2: Types, Operators, and Expressions

page 35

Deep sentence:

The type of an object determines the set of values it can have and what operations can be performed on it.

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This is a fairly formal, mathematical definition of what a type is, but it is traditional (and meaningful). There are several implications to remember:

1. The ``set of values'' is finite. C's int type can not represent all of the integers; its float type can not represent all floating-point numbers.

2. When you're using an object (that is, a variable) of some type, you may have to remember what values it can take on and what operations you can perform on it. For example, there are several operators which play with the binary (bit-level) representation of integers, but these operators are not meaningful for and may not be applied to floating-point operands.

3. When declaring a new variable and picking a type for it, you have to keep in mind the values and operations you'll be needing.

In other words, picking a type for a variable is not some abstract academic exercise; it's closely connected to the way(s) you'll be using that variable.

You don't need to worry about the list of ``small changes and additions'' made by the ANSI standard, unless you started learning C long ago or have a keen interest in its history. We'll be using these new features indiscriminately, usually without comment.

section 2.1: Variable Names

Deep sentence:

Don't begin variable names with underscore, however, since library routines often use such names.

If you happen to pick a name which ``collides'' with (is the same as) a name already chosen by a library routine, either your code or the library routine (or both) won't work. Naming issues become very significant in large projects, and problems can be avoided by setting guidelines for who may use which names. One of these guidelines is simply that user code should not use names beginning with an underscore, because these names are (for the most part) ``reserved to the implementation'' (that is, reserved for use by the compiler and the standard library).

Note that case is significant; assuming that case is ignored (as it is with some other programming languages and operating systems) can lead to real frustration.

The convention that all-upper-case names are used for symbolic constants (i.e. as created with the #define directive, which we learned about in section 1.4) is arbitrary, but useful. Like the various conventions for code layout (page 10), this convention is a good one to accept (i.e. not get too creative about), until you have some very good reason for altering it.

Deep sentence:

Keywords like if, else, int, float, etc., are reserved; you can't use them as variable names.

You can find the complete list of keywords in appendix A2.4 on page 192.

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section 2.2: Data Types and Sizes

page 36

If you can look at this list of ``a few basic types in C'' and say to yourself, ``Oh, how simple, there are only a few types, I won't have to worry much about choosing among them,'' you'll have an easy time with declarations. (Some masochists wish that the type system were more complicated so that you could specify more things about each variable, but those of us who would rather not have to specify these extra things each time are glad that we don't have to.)

Note that the basic types are defined as having at least a certain size. There is no specification that a short int will be exactly 16 bits, or that a long int will be exactly 32 bits. Some programmers become obsessed with knowing exactly what sizes things will be in various situations, and write programs which depend on things having certain sizes. Exact sizes are occasionally important, but most of the time we can sidestep size issues and let the compiler do most of the worrying.

Most of the simple variables in most programs are of types int, long int, or double. Typically, we'll use int and double for most purposes, and long int any time we need to hold values greater than 32,767. We'll rarely use individual variables of type char; although we'll use plenty of arrays of char. Types short int andfloat are important primarily when efficiency (speed or memory usage) is a concern, and for us it usually won't be.

Note that even when we're manipulating individual characters, we'll usually use an int variable, for the reason discussed in section 1.5.1 on page 16.

section 2.3: Constants

page 37

We write constants in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal for our convenience, not the compiler's. The compiler doesn't care; it always converts everything into binary internally, anyway. (There is, however, no good way to specify constants in source code in binary.)

pages 37-38

Read the descriptions of character and string constants carefully; most C programs work with these data types a lot, and their proper use must be kept in mind. Note particularly these facts:

1. The character constant 'x' is quite different from the string constant "x".

2. The value of a character is simply ``the numeric value of the character in the machine's character set.''

3. Strings are terminated by the null character, \0. (This applies to both string constants and to all other strings we'll build and manipulate.) This means that the size of a string (the number

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of char's worth of memory it occupies) is always one more than its length (i.e. as reported by strlen) appears to be.

As we saw in section 1.6 on page 23, it's possible to switch rather freely between thinking of a character as a character and thinking of it as its value. For example, the character '0' (that is, the character that can print on your screen and looks like the number zero) has in the ASCII character set the internal value 48. Another way of saying this is to notice that the following expressions are all true:

'0' == 48

'0' == '\060'

'0' == '\x30'

We'll have a bit more to say about characters and their small integer representations in section 2.7.

Note also that the string "48" consists of the three characters '4', '8', and '\0'. Also in section 2.7 we'll meet the atoi function which computes a numeric value from a string of digits like this.

page 39

We won't be using enumerations, so you don't have to worry too much about the description of enumeration constants.

section 2.4: Declarations

page 40

You may wonder why variables must be declared before use. There are two reasons:

1. It makes things somewhat easier on the compiler; it knows right away what kind of storage to allocate and what code to emit to store and manipulate each variable; it doesn't have to try to intuit the programmer's intentions.

2. It forces a bit of useful discipline on the programmer: you cannot introduce variables willy-nilly; you must think about them enough to pick appropriate types for them. (The compiler's error messages to you, telling you that you apparently forgot to declare a variable, are as often helpful as they are a nuisance: they're helpful when they tell you that you misspelled a variable, or forgot to think about exactly how you were going to use it.)

Although there are a few places where ``certain declarations can be made implicitly by context'', making use of these removes the advantages of reason 2 above, so I recommend always declaring everything explicitly.

Most of the time, I recommend writing one declaration per line (as in the ``latter form'' on page 40). For the most part, the compiler doesn't care what order declarations are in. You can order the declarations alphabetically, or in the order that they're used, or to put related declarations next to each other.

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Collecting all variables of the same type together on one line essentially orders declarations by type, which isn't a very useful order (it's only slightly more useful than random order).

If you'd rather not remember the rules for default initialization (namely that ``external or static variables are initialized to zero by default'' and ``automatic variables for which there is no initializer have... garbage values''), you can get in the habit of initializing everything. It never hurts to explicitly initialize something when it would have been implicitly initialized anyway, but forgetting to initialize something that needs it can be the source of frustrating bugs.

Don't worry about the distinction between ``external or static variables''; we haven't seen it yet.

One mild surprise is that const variables are not ``constant expressions'' as defined on page 38. You can't say something like

const int maxline = 1000;

char line[maxline+1]; /* WRONG */

section 2.5: Arithmetic Operators

page 41

Keep in the back of your mind somewhere the fact that the behavior of the / and % operators is not precisely defined for negative operands. This means that -7 / 4might be -1 or -2, and -7 % 4 might be -3 or +1. The difference won't matter for the simple programs we'll be writing at first, but eventually you'll get bit by it if you don't remember it.

An additional arithmetic operation you might be wondering about is exponentiation. Some languages have an exponentiation operator (typically ^ or **), but C doesn't.

The term ``precedence'' refers to how ``tightly'' operators bind to their operands (that is, to the things they operate on). In mathematics, multiplication has higher precedence than addition, so 1 + 2 * 3 is 7, not 9. In other words, 1 + 2 * 3 is equivalent to 1 + (2 * 3). C is the same way.

The term ``associativity'' refers to the grouping when two or more operators of the same precedence participate next to each other in an expression. When an operator (like subtraction) associates ``left to right,'' it means that 1 - 2 - 3 is equivalent to (1 - 2) - 3 and gives -4, not +2.

By the way, the word ``arithmetic'' as used in the title of this section is an adjective, not a noun, and it's pronounced differently than the noun: the accent is on the third syllable.

section 2.6: Relational and Logical Operators

If it isn't obvious, >= is greater-than-or-equal-to, <= is less-than-or-equal-to, == is equal-to, and != is not-equal-to. We use >=, <=, and != because the symbols >=, <=, and != are not common on computer keyboards, and we use == because equality testing and assignment are two completely different operations, but = is already taken for assignment. (Obviously, typing = when you mean == is a very easy

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mistake to make, so watch for it. Some compilers will warn you when you use one but seem to want the other.)

The fact that evaluation of the logical operators && and || ``stops as soon as the truth or falsehood of the result is known'' refers to the fact that

``false'' AND anything is false

or, in C,

(0 && anything) == 0

while, on the other hand,

``true'' OR anything is true

or, in C,

(1 || anything) == 1

Looking at these another way, if you want to do something if thing1 is true and thing2 is true, and you've just noticed that thing1 is false, you don't even need to check thing2. Similarly, if you're supposed to do something if thing3 is true or thing4 is true, and you notice that thing3 is true, you can go ahead and do whatever it is you're supposed to do without checking thing4.

C works the same way, and if it's not true that ``most C programs rely on these properties,'' it's certainly true that many do.

For another example of the usefulness of this ``short-circuiting'' behavior, suppose we're taking the average of n numbers. If n is zero, that is, if we don't have any numbers to take the average of, we don't want to divide by zero. Code like

if(n != 0 && sum / n > 1)

is common: it tests whether n is nonzero and the average is greater than 1, but it does not have to worry about dividing by zero. (If, on the other hand, the compiler always evaluated both sides of the && before checking to see whether they were both true, the code above could divide by zero.)

page 42

Note the extra parentheses in

(c = getchar()) != '\n'

Since this is a common idiom, you'll need to remember the parentheses. What would

c = getchar() != '\n'

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C's treatment of Boolean values (that is, those where we only care whether they're true or false) is straightforward. We'll have more to say about it later, but for now, note that a value of zero is ``false,'' and any nonzero value is ``true.'' You might also note that there is no necessary connection between statements like if() which expect a true/false value and operators like >= and && which generate true/false values. You can use operators like >= and && in any expression, and you can use any expression in an if() statement.

The authors make a good point about style: if valid is conceptually a Boolean variable (that is, it's an integer, but we only care about whether it's zero or nonzero, in other words, ``false'' or ``true''), then


is a perfectly reasonable and readable condition. However, when values are not conceptually Boolean, I encourage you to make explicit comparisons against 0. For example, we could have expressed our average-taking code as

if(n && sum / n > 1)

but I think it's clearer to be explicit and say

if(n != 0 && sum / n > 1)

(However, many C programmers feel that expressions like

if(n && sum / n > 1)

are ``more concise,'' so you will see them all the time and you should be able to read them.)

section 2.7: Type Conversions

The conversion rules described here and on page 44 are straightforward, but they're quite important, so you'll need to learn them well. Usually, conversions happen automatically and when you want them to, but not always, so it's important to keep the rules in mind. (Recall the discussion of 5/9 on page 12.)

Deep sentence:

A char is just a small integer, so chars may be freely used in arithmetic expressions.

Whether you treat a ``small integer'' as a character or an integer is pretty much up to you. As we saw earlier, in the ASCII character set, the character '0' has the value 48. Therefore, saying

int i = '0';

is the same as saying

int i = 48;

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If you print i out as a character, using



printf("%c", i);

(the %c format prints characters; see page 13), you'll see the character '0'. If you print it out as a number:

printf("%d", i);

you'll see the value 48.

Most of the time, you'll use whatever notation matches what you're trying to do. If you want the character '0', you'll use '0'. If you want the value 48 (as the number of months in four years, or something), you'll use 48. If you want to print characters, you'll use putchar or printf %c, and if you want to print integers, you'll use printf %d. Occasionally, you'll cross over between thinking of characters as characters and as values, such as in the character-counting program in section 1.6 on page 22, or in the atoi function we'll look at next. (You should never have to know that '0' has the value 48, and you should never have to write code which depends on it.)

page 43

To illustrate the ``schitzophrenic'' nature of characters (are they characters, or are they small integer values?), it's useful to look at an implementation of the standard library function atoi. (If you're getting overwhelmed, though, you may skip this example for now, and come back to it later.) The atoi routine converts a string like"123" into an integer having the corresponding value.

As you study the atoi code at the top of page 43, figure out why it does not seem to explicitly check for the terminating '\0' character.

The expression

s[i] - '0'

is an example of the ``crossing over'' between thinking about a character and its value. Since the value of the character '0' is not zero (and, similarly, the other numeric characters don't have their ``obvious'' values, either), we have to do a little conversion to get the value 0 from the character '0', the value 1 from the character '1', etc. Since the character set values for the digit characters '0' to '9' are contiguous (48-57, if you must know), the conversion involves simply subtracting an offset, and the offset (if you think about it) is simply the value of the character '0'. We could write

s[i] - 48

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if we really wanted to, but that would require knowing what the value actually is. We shouldn't have to know (and it might be different in some other character set), so we can let the compiler do the dirty work by using '0' as the offset (since subtracting '0' is, by definition, the same as subtracting the value of the character'0').

The functions from <ctype.h> are being introduced here without a lot of fanfare. Here is the main loop of the atoi routine, rewritten to use isdigit:

for (i = 0; isdigit(s[i]); ++i)

n = 10 * n + (s[i] - '0');

Don't worry too much about the discussion of signed vs. unsigned characters for now. (Don't forget about it completely, though; eventually, you'll find yourself working with a program where the issue is significant.) For now, just remember:

1. Use int as the type of any variable which receives the return value from getchar, as discussed in section 1.5.1 on page 16.

2. If you're ever dealing with arbitrary ``bytes'' of binary data, you'll usually want to use unsigned char.

page 44

As we saw in section 2.6 on page 44, relational and logical operators always ``return'' 1 for ``true'' and 0 for ``false.'' However, when C wants to know whether something is true or false, it just looks at whether it's nonzero or zero, so any nonzero value is considered ``true.'' Finally, some functions which return true/false values (the text mentions isdigit) may return ``true'' values of other than 1.

You don't have to worry about these distinctions too much, and you also don't have to worry about the fragment

d = c >= '0' && c <= '9'

as long as you write conditionals in a sensible way. If you wanted to see whether two variables a and b were equal, you'd never write

if((a == b) == 1)

(although it would work: the == operator ``returns'' 1 if they're equal). Similarly, you don't want to write

if(isdigit(c) == 1)

because it's equally silly-looking, and in this case it might not work. Just write things like

if(a == b)


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and you'll steer clear of most problems. (Make sure, though, that you never try something like if('0' <= c <= '9'), since this wouldn't do at all what it looks like it's supposed to.)

The set of implicit conversions on page 44, though informally stated, is exactly the set to remember for now. They're easy to remember if you notice that, as the authors say, ``the `lower' type is promoted to the `higher' type,'' where the ``order'' of the types is

char < short int < int < long int < float < double < long double

(We won't be using long double, so you don't need to worry about it.) We'll have more to say about these rules on the next page.

Don't worry too much for now about the additional rules for unsigned values, because we won't be using them at first.

Do notice that implicit (automatic) conversions do happen across assignments. It's perfectly acceptable to assign a char to an int or vice versa, or assign an int to a float or vice versa (or any other combination). Obviously, when you assign a value from a larger type to a smaller one, there's a chance that it might not fit. Therefore, compilers will often warn you about such assignments.

page 45

Casts can be a bit confusing at first. A cast is the syntax used to request an explicit type conversion; coercion is just a more formal word for ``conversion.'' A cast consists of a type name in parentheses and is used as a unary operator. You may have used languages which had conversion operators which looked more like function calls:

integer i = 2;

floating f = floating(i); /* not C */

integer i2 = integer(f); /* not C */

In C, you accomplish the same thing with casts:

int i = 2;

float f = (float)i;

int i2 = (int)f;

(Actually, in C, we wouldn't need casts in those initializations at all, because conversions between int and float are some of the ones that C performs automatically.)

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To further understand both how implicit conversions and explicit casts work, let's study how the implicit conversions would look if we wrote them out explicitly. First we'll declare a few variables of various types:

char c1, c2;

int i1, i2;

long int L1, L2;

double d1, d2;

Next we'll look at the kinds of conversions which C automatically performs when performing arithmetic on two dissimilar types, or when assigning a value to a dissimilar type. The rules are straightforward: when performing arithmetic on two dissimilar types, C converts one or both sides to a common type; and when assigning a value, C converts it to the type of the variable being assigned to.

If we add a char to an int:

i2 = c1 + i1;

the fourth rule on page 44 tells us to convert the char to an int, as if we'd written

i2 = (int)c1 + i1;

If we multiply a long int and a double:

d2 = L1 * d1;

the second rule tells us to convert the long int to a double, as if we'd written

d2 = (double)L1 * d1;

An assignment of a char to an int

i1 = c1;

is as if we'd written

i1 = (int)c1;

and an assignment of a float to an int

i1 = f1;

is as if we'd written

i1 = (int)f1;

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Some programmers worry that implicit conversions are somehow unreliable and prefer to insert lots of explicit conversions. I recommend that you get comfortable with implicit conversions--they're quite useful--and don't clutter your code with extra casts.

There are a few places where you do need casts, however. Consider the code

i1 = 200;

i2 = 400;

L1 = i1 * i2;

The product 200 x 400 is 80000, which is not guaranteed to fit into an int. (Remember that an int is only guaranteed to hold values up to 32767.) Since 80000will fit into a long int, you might think that you're okay, but you're not: the two sides of the multiplication are of the same type, so the compiler doesn't see the need to perform any automatic conversions (none of the rules on page 44 apply). The multiplication is carried out as an int, which overflows with unpredictable results, and only after the damage has been done is the unpredictable value converted to a long int for assignment to L1. To get a multiplication like this to work, you have to explicitly convert at least one of the int's to long int:

L1 = (long int)i1 * i2;

Now, the two sides of the * are of different types, so they're both converted to long int (by the fifth rule on page 44), and the multiplication is carried out as along int. If it makes you feel safer, you can use two casts:

L1 = (long int)i1 * (long int)i2;

but only one is strictly required.

A similar problem arises when two integers are being divided. The code

i1 = 1;

f1 = i1 / 2;

does not set f1 to 0.5, it sets it to 0. Again, the two operands of the / operand are already of the same type (the rules on page 44 still don't apply), so an integer division is performed, which discards any fractional part. (We saw a similar problem in section 1.2 on page 12.) Again, an explicit conversion saves the day:

f1 = (float)i1 / 2;

Alternately, in a case like this, you can use a floating-point constant:

f1 = i1 / 2.0;

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In either case, as soon as one of the operands is floating point, the division is carried out in floating point, and you get the result you expect.

Implicit conversions always happen during arithmetic and assignment to variables. The situation is a bit more complicated when functions are being called, however.

The authors use the example of the sqrt function, which is as good an example as any. sqrt accepts an argument of type double and returns a value of typedouble. If the compiler didn't know that sqrt took a double, and if you called



int n = 4;


the compiler would pass an int to sqrt. Since sqrt expects a double, it will not work correctly if it receives an int. Therefore, it was once always necessary to use explicit conversions in cases like this, by calling






However, it is now possible, with a function prototype, to tell the compiler what types of arguments a function expects. The prototype for sqrt is

double sqrt(double);

and as long as a prototype is in effect (``in scope,'' as the cognoscenti would say), you can call sqrt without worrying about conversions. When a prototype is in effect, the compiler performs implicit conversions during function calls (specifically, while passing the arguments) exactly as it does during simple assignments.

Obviously, using prototypes makes for much safer programming, and it is recommended that you use them whenever possible. For the standard library functions (the ones already written for you), you get prototypes automatically when you include the header files which describe sets of library functions. For example, you get prototypes for all of C's built-in math functions by putting the line

#include <math.h>

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at the top of your program. For functions that you write, you can supply your own prototypes, which we'll be learning more about later.

However, there are a few situations (we'll talk about them later) where prototypes do not apply, so it's important to remember that function calls are a bit different and that explicit conversions (i.e. casts) may occasionally be required. Don't imagine that prototypes are a panacea.

page 46

Don't worry about the rand example.

section 2.8: Increment and Decrement Operators

The distinction between the prefix and postfix forms of ++ and -- will probably seem strained at first, but it will make more sense once we begin using these operators in more realistic situations.

The authors point out that an expression like (i+j)++ is illegal, and it's worth thinking for a moment about why. The ++ operator doesn't just mean ``add one''; it means ``add one to a variable'' or ``make a variable's value one more than it was before.'' But (i+j) is not a variable, it's an expression; so there's no place for ++to store the incremented result. If you were bound and determined to use ++ here, you'd have to introduce another variable:

int k = i + j;


But really, when you want to add one to an expression, just use

i + j + 1

Another unfortunate (and utterly meaningless) example is

i = i++;

If you want to increment i (that is, add one to it, and store the result back in i), either use

i = i + 1;



Don't try to combine the two.

page 47

Deep sentence:

In a context where no value is wanted, just the incrementing effect, as in

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if(c == '\n')


prefix and postfix are the same.

In other words, when you're just incrementing some variable, you can use either the nl++ or ++nl form. But when you're immediately using the result, as in the examples we'll look at later, using one or the other makes a big difference.

In that light, study one of the examples on this page--squeeze, the modified getline, or strcat--and convince yourself that it would not work if the wrong form of increment (++i or ++j) were used.

You may note that all three examples on pages 47-48 use the postfix form. Postfix increment is probably more common, though prefix definitely has its uses, too.

You may notice the keyword void popping up in a few code examples. void is a type we haven't met yet; it's a type with no values and no operations. When a function is declared as ``returning'' void, as in the squeeze and strcat examples on pages 47 and 48, it means that the function does not return a value. (This was briefly mentioned on page 30 in chapter 1.)

section 2.9: Bitwise Operators

page 48

The bitwise operators are definitely a bit (pardon the pun) more esoteric than the parts of C we've covered so far (and, indeed, than probably most of C). We won't concentrate on them, but they do come up all the time, so you should eventually learn enough about them to recognize what they do, even if you don't use them in any of your own programs for a while. You may skip this section for now, though.

To see what the bitwise operators are doing, it may help to convert to binary for a moment and look at what's happening to the individual bits. In the example on page 48, suppose that n is 052525, which is 21845 decimal, or 101010101010101 binary. Then n & 0177, in base 2 and base 8 (binary and octal) looks like

101010101010101 052525

& 000000001111111 & 000177

--------------- ------

1010101 125

In the second example, if SET_ON is 012 and x is 0, then x | SET_ON looks like

000000000 000000

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| 000001010 | 000012

--------- ------

1010 12

and if x starts out as 402, it looks like

100000010 000402

| 000001010 | 000012

--------- ------

100001010 412

Note that with &, anywhere we have a 0 we turn bits off, and anywhere we have a 1 we copy bits through from the other side. With |, anywhere we have a 1 we turn bits on, and anywhere we have a 0 we leave bits alone.

You'll frequently see the word mask used, both as a noun and a verb. You can imagine that we've cut a mask or stencil out of cardboard, and are using spray paint to spray through the mask onto some other piece of paper. For |, the holes in the mask are like 1's, and the spray paint is like 1's, and we paint more 1's onto the underlying paper. (If there was already paint under a hole, nothing really changes if we get more paint on it; it's still a ``1''.)

The & operator is a bit harder to fit into this analogy: you can either imagine that the holes in the mask are 1's and you're spraying some preservative which will fix some of the underlying bits after which the others will get washed off, or you can imagine that the holes in the mask are 0's, and you're spraying some erasing paint or some background color which obliterates anything (i.e. any 1's, any foreground color) it reaches.

For a bit more information on ``bitwise'' operations, see the handout, ``A Brief Refresher on Some Math Often Used in Computing.''

page 49

Work through the example at the top of the page, and convince yourself that 1 & 2 is 0 and that 1 && 2 is 1.

The precedence of the bitwise operators is not what you might expect, and explicit parentheses are often needed, as noted in this deep sentence from page 52:

Note that the precedence of the bitwise operators &, ^, and | falls below == and !=. This implies that bit-testing expressions like

if ((x & MASK) == 0) ...

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must be fully parenthesized to give proper results.

section 2.10: Assignment Operators and Expressions

page 50

You may wonder what it means to say that ``expr<sub>1</sub> is computed only once'' since in an assignment like

i = i + 2

we don't ``evaluate'' the i on the left hand side of the = at all, we assign to it. The distinction becomes important, however, when the left hand side (expr<sub>1</sub>) is more complicated than a simple variable. For example, we could add 2 to each of the n cells of an array a with code like

int i = 0;

while(i < n)

a[i++] += 2;

If we tried to use the expanded form, we'd get

int i = 0;

while(i < n)

a[i++] = a[i++] + 2;

and by trying to increment i twice within the same expression we'd get (as we'll see) undesired, unpredictable, and in fact undefined results. (Of course, a more natural form of this loop would be

for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

a[i] += 2;

and with the increment of i moved out of the array subscript, it wouldn't matter so much whether we used a[i] += 2 or a[i] = a[i] + 2.)

page 51

To make the point more clear, the ``complicated expression'' without using += would look like

yyval[yypv[p3+p4] + yypv[p1+p2]] = yyval[yypv[p3+p4] + yypv[p1+p2]] + 2

(What's going on here is that the subexpression yypv[p3+p4] + yypv[p1+p2] is being used as a subscript to determine which cell of the yyval array to increment by 2.)

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The sentence on p. 51 that includes the words ``the assignment statement has a value'' is a bit misleading: an assignment is really an expression in C. Like any expression, it has a value, and it can therefore participate as a subexpression in a larger expression. (If the distinction between the terms ``statement'' and ``expression'' seems vague, don't worry; we'll start talking about statements in the next chapter.)

section 2.11: Conditional Expressions

``Ternary'' is a ten-dollar word meaning ``having three operands.'' (It's analogous to the terms unary and binary, which refer to operators having one and two operands, respectively.) The conditional operator is a bit of a frill, and it's a bit obscure, so you may skip section 2.11 in the book on first reading, but please read the comments in these notes just below (under the mention of ``annoying compulsion'').

page 52

To see what the ?: operator has bought us, here is what the array-printing loop might look like without it:

for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {

printf("%6d", a[i]);

if(i%10==9 || i==n-1)


else printf(" ");


You may be finding this compulsion to write ``compact'' or ``concise'' code using operators like ++ and += and ?: a bit annoying. There are three things to know:

1. In complicated code, these operators allow an economy of expression which is beneficial. Mathematicians are constantly inventing new notations, in which one letter or symbol stands for a complicated expression or operation, in order to solve complicated problems without drowning in so much verbiage that it would be impossible to follow an argument or check for errors. Computer programs are large and complex, so well-chosen abbreviations can make them easier to work with, too.

2. Some C programmers, it's true, do take the urge to write succinct or concise code to excess, and end up with cryptic, bewildering, obfuscated, impenetrable messes. (I'm not apologizing for them: I hate overly abbreviated, impossible-to-read code, too!)

3. Since there is overly concise C code out there, it's occasionally necessary to dissect a piece of it and figure out what it does, so you need to have enough familiarity with these operators, and

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with some standard, idiomatic ways in which they're commonly combined, so that you won't be utterly stymied.

However, there is nothing that says that you have to write concise code yourself. Don't be lured into thinking that you're not a ``real C programmer'' until you routinely and easily write code which no one else can read. Write in a style that's comfortable to you; don't be embarrassed if your code seems ``simple.'' (Actually, the very best code seems simple, too.) With time, you'll probably come to appreciate at least some of the idioms, and to be comfortable enough with them that you may want to use a few of them yourself, after all.

section 2.12: Precedence and Order of Evaluation

Note that precedence is not the same thing as order of evaluation. Precedence determines how an expression is parsed, and it has an influence on the order in which parts of it are evaluated, but the influence isn't as strong as you'd think. Precedence says that in the expression

1 + 2 * 3

the multiplication happens before the addition. But if we have several function calls, such as

f() + g() * h()

we have no idea which function will be called first; the compiler might arrange to call f() first even though its value won't be needed until last. If we were to write an abomination like

i = 1;

a[i++] + a[i++] * a[i++]

we would have no way of knowing which order the three increments would happen in, and in fact the compiler wouldn't have any idea either. We could not argue that since multiplication has higher precedence than addition, and since multiplication associates from left to right, the second i++ would have to happen first, then the third, then the first. (Actually, associativity never says anything about which side of a single binary operator gets evaluated first; associativity says which of several adjacent same-precedence operators happens first.)

In general, you should be wary of ever trying to second-guess the relative order in which the various parts of an expression will be evaluated, with two exceptions:

1. You can obviously assume that precedence will dictate the order in which binary operators are applied. This typically says more than just what order things happens in, but also what the expression actually means. (In other words, the precedence of * over + says more than that the multiplication ``happens first'' in1 + 2 * 3; it says that the answer is 7, not 9.)

2. You can assume that the && and || operators are evaluated left-to-right, and that the right-hand side is not evaluated at all if the left-hand side determines the outcome.

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To look at one more example, it might seem that the code

int i = 7;

printf("%d\n", i++ * i++);

would have to print 56, because no matter which order the increments happen in, 7x8 is 8x7 is 56. But ++ just says that the increment happens later, not that it happens immediately, so this code could print 49 (if it chose to perform the multiplication first, and both increments later). And, it turns out that ambiguous expressions like this are such a bad idea that the ANSI C Standard does not require compilers to do anything reasonable with them at all, such that the above code might end up printing 42, or 8923409342, or 0, or crashing your computer.

Finally, note that parentheses don't dictate overall evaluation order any more than precedence does. Parentheses override precedence and say which operands go with which operators, and they therefore affect the overall meaning of an expression, but they don't say anything about the order of subexpressions or side effects. We could not ``fix'' the evaluation order of any of the expressions we've been discussing by adding parentheses. If we wrote

f() + (g() * h())

we still wouldn't know whether f(), g(), or h() would be called first. (The parentheses would force the multiplication to happen before the addition, but precedence already would have forced that, anyway.) If we wrote

(i++) * (i++)

the parentheses wouldn't force the increments to happen before the multiplication or in any well-defined order; this parenthesized version would be just as undefined as i++ * i++ was.

page 53

Deep sentence:

Function calls, nested assignment statements, and increment and decrement operators cause ``side effects''--some variable is changed as a by-product of the evaluation of an expression.

(There's a slight inaccuracy in this sentence: any assignment expression counts as a side effect.)

It's these ``side effects'' that you want to keep in mind when you're making sure that your programs are well-defined and don't suffer any of the undefined behavior we've been discussing. (When we informally said that complex expressions had several things going on ``at once,'' we were actually referring to expressions with multiple side effects.) As a general rule, you should make sure that each expression only has one side effect, or if it has several, that different variables are changed by the several side effects.

page 54

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Deep sentence:

The moral is that writing code that depends on order of evaluation is a bad programming practice in any language. Naturally, it is necessary to know what things to avoid, but if you don't know how they are done on various machines, you won't be tempted to take advantage of a particular implementation.

The first edition of K&R said

...if you don't know how they are done on various machines, that innocence may help to protect you.

I actually prefer the first edition wording. Many textbooks encourage you to write small programs to find out how your compiler implements some of these ambiguous expressions, but it's just one step from writing a small program to find out, to writing a real program which makes use of what you've just learned. And you don'twant to write programs that work only under one particular compiler, that take advantage of the way that compiler (but perhaps no other) happens to implement the undefined expressions. It's fine to be curious about what goes on ``under the hood,'' and many of you will be curious enough about what's going on with these ``forbidden'' expressions that you'll want to investigate them, but please keep very firmly in mind that, for real programs, the very easiest way of dealing with ambiguous, undefined expressions (which one compiler interprets one way and another interprets another way and a third crashes on) is not to write them in the first place.

Chapter 3: Control Flow

section 3.1: Statements and Blocks

page 55

Deep sentence:

There is no semicolon after the right brace that ends a block.

Nothing more to say here, but it's a frequent point of confusion.

section 3.2: If-Else

The syntax description here may seem to suggest that statement<sub>1</sub> and statement<sub>2</sub> must be single, simple statements, but, as mentioned in section 3.1, a block of statements enclosed in braces {} is equivalent to a single statement.

page 56

``Coding shortcuts'' like


can indeed be cryptic, but they're also quite common, so you'll need to be able to recognize them even if you don't choose to write them in your own code. Whenever you see code like

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if (x)


if (f())

where x or f() do not have obvious ``Boolean'' names, just mentally add in != 0.

Don't worry too much if the multiple if/else ambiguity described on page 56 doesn't make perfect sense; just note the deep sentence:

...it's a good idea to use braces when there are nested ifs.

section 3.3: Else-If

pages 57-58

Binary search is an extremely important algorithm, but it turns out that it is subtle to get the implementation just right. (It has been observed that although the first binary search was published in 1946, the first published binary search without bugs did not appear until 1962.) The basic idea is the same as the algorithm we all tend to use when we're asked to guess a number between 1 and 100: ``Is it between 1 and 50? Yes? Okay, is it between 25 and 50? No? Okay, is it between 1 and 12? ... '' (Don't worry if you can't follow all of the details of the algorithm or the code on page 58, but do remember to be extremely careful if you're ever asked to write a binary search routine.)

section 3.4: Switch

pages 58-59

We won't be concentrating on switch statements much (they're a bit of a luxury; there's nothing you can do with a switch that you can't do with an if/else chain, as in section 3.3 on page 57). But they're quite handy, and good to know about.

The example on page 59 is about as contrived as the example in section 1.6 (page 22) which it replaces, but studying both examples will give you an excellent feel for how a switch statement works, what the if/then statements are that a switch is equivalent to and how to map between the two, and why a switch statement can be convenient.

In the example in the text, note especially the way that ten case labels are attached to one set of statements (ndigit[c-'0']++;). As the authors point out, this works because of the way switch cases ``fall through,'' which is a mixed blessing.

The danger of fall-through is illustrated by:

switch(food) {

case APPLE:

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case ORANGE:






When food is APPLE, this code erroneously prints



because the break statement after the APPLE case was omitted.

section 3.5: Loops -- While and For

page 60

Remember that, as always, the statement can be a brace-enclosed block.

Make sure you understand how the for loop

for (expr<sub>1</sub>; expr<sub>2</sub>; expr<sub>3</sub>)


is equivalent to the while loop


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while (expr<sub>2</sub>) {


expr<sub>3</sub> ;


There is nothing magical about the three expressions at the top of a for loop; they can be arbitrary expressions, and they're evaluated just as the expansion into the equivalent while loop would suggest. (Actually, there are two tiny differences: the behavior of continue, which we'll get to in a bit, and the fact that the test expression, expr<sub>2</sub>, is optional and defaults to ``true'' for a for loop, but is required for a while loop.)

for(;;) is one way of writing an infinite loop in C; the other common one is while(1). Don't worry about what a break would mean in a loop, we'll be seeing it in a few more pages.

pages 60-61

Deep sentences:

Whether to use while or for is largely a matter of personal preference... Nonetheless, it is bad style to force unrelated computations into the initialization and increment of a for, which are better reserved for loop control operations.

In general, the three expressions in a for loop should all manipulate (initialize, test, and increment) the same variable or data structure. If they don't, they are ``unrelated computations,'' and a while loop would probably be clearer. (The reason that one loop or the other can be clearer is simply that, when you see a forloop, you expect to see an idiomatic initialize/test/increment of a single variable or data structure, and if the for loop you're looking at doesn't end up matching that pattern, you've been momentarily misled.)

page 61

When the authors say that ``the index and limit of a C for loop can be altered from within the loop,'' they mean that a loop like

int i, n = 10;

for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {

if(i == 5)


printf("%d\n", i);

if(i == 8)

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where i and n are modified within the loop, is legal. (Obviously, such a loop can be very confusing, so you'll probably be better off not making use of this freedom too much.)

When they say that ``the index variable... retains its value when the loop terminates for any reason,'' you may not find this too surprising, unless you've used other languages where it's not the case. The fact that loop control variables retain their values after a loop can make some code much easier to write; for example, theatoi function at the bottom of this page depends on having its i counter manipulated by several loops as it steps over three different parts of the string (whitespace, sign, digits) with i's value preserved between each step.

Deep sentence:

Each step does its part, and leaves things in a clean state for the next.

This is an extremely important observation on how to write clean code. As you study the atoi code, notice that it falls into three parts, each implementing one step of the pseudocode description: skip white space, get sign, get integer part and convert it. At each step, i points at the next character which that step is to inspect. (If a step is skipped, because there is no leading whitespace or no sign, the later steps don't care.)

You may hear the term invariant used: this refers to some condition which exists at all stages of a program or function. In this case, the invariant is that i always points to the next character to be inspected. Having some well-chosen invariants can make code much easier to write and maintain. If there aren't enough invariants--if i is sometimes the next character to look at and sometimes the character that was just looked at--debugging and maintaining the code can be a nightmare.

In the atoi example, the lines

for (i = 0; isspace(s[i]); i++) /* skip white space */


are about at the brink of ``forcing unrelated computations into the initialization and increment,'' especially since so much has been forced into the loop header that there's nothing left in the body. It would be equally clear to write this part as

i = 0;

while (isspace(s[i]))

i++; /* skip white space */

The line

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sign = (s[i] == '-') ? -1 : 1;

may seem a bit cryptic at first, though it's a textbook example of the use of ?: . The line is equivalent to

sign = 1;

if(s[i] == '-')

sign = -1;

pages 61-62

It's instructive to study this Shell or ``gap'' sort, but don't worry if you find it a bit bewildering.

Deep sentence:

Notice how the generality of for makes the outer loop fit the same form as the others, even though it is not an arithmetic progression.

The point is that loops don't have to count 0, 1, 2... or 1, 2, 3... . (This one counts n/2, n/4, n/8... . Later we'll see loops which don't step over numbers at all.)

page 63

Deep sentence:

The commas that separate function arguments, variables in declarations, etc. are not comma operators...

This looks strange, but it's true. If you say

for (i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i < j; i++, j--)

the first comma says to do i = 0 then do j = strlen(s)-1, and the second comma says to do i++ then do j--. However, when you say

getline(line, MAXLINE);

the comma just separates the two arguments line and MAXLINE; they both have to be evaluated, but it doesn't matter in which order, and they're both passed togetline. (If the comma in a function call were interpreted as a comma operator, the function would only receive one argument, since the value of the first operand of the comma operator is discarded.) Since the comma operator discards the value of its first operand, its first operand had better have a side effect. The expression


increments a and increments b and (if anyone cares) returns b's value, but the expression


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adds 1 to a, discards it, and returns b+1.

If the comma operator isn't making perfect sense, don't worry about it for now. You're most likely to see it in the first or third expression of a for statement, where it has the obvious meaning of separating two (or more) things to do during the initialization or increment step. Just be careful that you don't accidentally write things like

for(i = 0; j = 0; i < n && j < j; i++; j++) /* WRONG */


for(i = 0, j = 0, i < n && j < j, i++, j++) /* WRONG */

The correct form of a multi-index loop is something like

for(i = 0, j = 0; i < n && j < j; i++, j++)

Semicolons always separate the initialization, test, and increment parts; commas may appear within the initialization and increment parts.

section 3.6: Loops -- Do-while

page 63

Note the semicolon following the parenthesized expression in the do-while loop; it's a required part of the syntax.

Make sure you understand the difference between a while loop and a do-while loop. A while loop executes strictly according to its conditional expression: if the expression is never true, the loop executes zero times. The do-while loop, on the other hand, makes an initial ``no peek'' foray through the loop body no matter what.

To see the difference, let's imagine three different ways of writing the loop in the itoa function on page 64. Suppose we somehow forgot to use a termination condition at all, and wrote something like

for(;;) {

s[i++] = n % 10 + '0';

n /= 10;


Eventually, n becomes zero, but we keep going around the loop, and we convert a number like 123 into a string like "0000000000123", except with an infinite number of leading zeroes. (Mathematically, this is correct, but it's not what we want here, especially if we want our program to use a finite amount of time and space.)

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Our next attempt might be

while(n > 0) {

s[i++] = n % 10 + '0';

n /= 10;


so that we stop creating digits when n reaches 0. This works fine for positive numbers, but for 0, it stops too soon: it would convert the number 0 to the empty string"". That's why the do-while loop is appropriate here; the fact that it always makes at least one pass through the loop makes sure that we always generate at least one digit, even it it's 0.

(It's also useful to look at the invariants in this loop: during each trip through the loop, n contains the rest of the number we have to convert, s[] contains the digits we've already converted, and i points at the next cell in s[] which is to receive a digit. Each trip through the loop converts one digit, increments i, and divides n by 10.)

section 3.7: Break and Continue

pages 64-65

Note that a break inside a switch inside a loop causes a break out of the switch, while a break inside a loop inside a switch causes a break out of the loop.

Neither break nor continue has any effect on a brace-enclosed block of statements following an if. break causes a break out of the innermost switch or loop, and continue forces the next iteration of the innermost loop.

There is no way of forcing a break or continue to act on an outer loop.

Another example of where continue is useful is when processing data files. It's often useful to allow comments in data files; one convention is that a line beginning with a # character is a comment, and should be ignored by any program reading the file. This can be coded with something like

while(getline(line, MAXLINE) > 0) {

if(line[0] == '#')


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/* process data file line */


The alternative, without a continue, would be

while(getline(line, MAXLINE) > 0) {

if(line[0] != '#') {

/* process data file line */



but now the processing of normal data file lines has been made subordinate to comment lines. (Also, as the authors note, it pushes most of the body of the loop over by another tab stop.) Since comments are exceptional, it's nice to test for them, get them out of the way, and go on about our business, which the code usingcontinue nicely expresses.

section 3.8: Goto and Labels

pages 65-66

A tremendous amount of impassioned debate surrounds the lowly goto statement, which exists in many languages. Some people say that gotos are fine; others say that they must never be used. You should definitely shy away from gotos, but don't be dogmatic about it; some day, you'll find yourself writing some screwy piece of code where trying to avoid a goto (by introducing extra tests or Boolean control variables) would only make things worse.

page 66

When you find yourself writing several nested loops in order to search for something, such that you would need to use a goto to break out of all of them when you do find what you're looking for, it's often an excellent idea to move the search code out into a separate function. Doing so can make both the ``found'' and ``not found'' cases easier to handle. Here's a slight variation on the example in the middle of page 66, written as a function:

/* return i such that a[i] == b[j] for some j, or -1 if none */

int findequal(int a[], int na, int b[], int nb)

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int i, j;

for(i = 0; i < na; i++) {

for(j = 0; j < nb; j++) {

if(a[i] == b[j])

return i;



return -1;


This function can then be called as

i = findequal(a, na, b, nb);

if(i == -1)

/* didn't find any common element */

else /* got one */

(The only disadvantage here is that it's trickier to return i and j if we need them both.)

Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure

page 67

Deep paragraph:

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Functions break large computing tasks into smaller ones, and enable people to build on what others have done instead of starting over from scratch. Appropriate functions hide details of operation from parts of the program that don't need to know about them, thus clarifying the whole, and easing the pain of making changes.

Functions are probably the most import weapon in our battle against software complexity. You'll want to learn when it's appropriate to break processing out into functions (and also when it's not), and how to set up function interfaces to best achieve the qualities mentioned above: reuseability, information hiding, clarity, and maintainability.

The quoted sentences above show that a function does more than just save typing: a well-defined function can be re-used later, and eases the mental burden of thinking about a complex program by freeing us from having to worry about all of it at once. For a well-designed function, at any one time, we should either have to think about:

1. that function's internal implementation (when we're writing or maintaining it); or

2. a particular call to the function (when we're working with code which uses it).

But we should not have to think about the internals when we're calling it, or about the callers when we're implementing the internals. (We should perhaps think about the callers just enough to ensure that the function we're designing will be easy to call, and that we aren't accidentally setting up so that callers will have to think about any internal details.)

Sometimes, we'll write a function which we only call once, just because breaking it out into a function makes things clearer and easier.

Deep sentence:

C has been designed to make functions efficient and easy to use; C programs generally consist of many small functions rather than a few big ones.

Some people worry about ``function call overhead,'' that is, the work that a computer has to do to set up and return from a function call, as opposed to simply doing the function's statements in-line. It's a risky thing to worry about, though, because as soon as you start worrying about it, you have a bit of a disincentive to use functions. If you're reluctant to use functions, your programs will probably be bigger and more complicated and harder to maintain (and perhaps, for various reasons, actually less efficient).

The authors choose not to get involved with the system-specific aspects of separate compilation, but we'll take a stab at it here. We'll cover two possibilities, depending on whether you're using a traditional command-line compiler or a newer integrated development environment (IDE) or other graphical user interface (GUI) compiler.

When using a command-line compiler, there are usually two main steps involved in building an executable program from one or more source files. First, each source file is compiled, resulting in

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an object file containing the machine instructions (generated by the compiler) corresponding to the code in that source file. Second, the various object files are linked together, with each other and with libraries containing code for functions which you did not write (such as printf), to produce a final, executable program.

Under Unix, the cc command can perform one or both steps. So far, we've been using extremely simple invocations of cc such as

cc hello.c

(section 1.1, page 6). This invocation compiles a single source file, links it, and places the executable (somewhat inconveniently) in a file named a.out.

Suppose we have a program which we're trying to build from three separate source files, x.c, y.c, and z.c. We could compile all three of them, and link them together, all at once, with the command

cc x.c y.c z.c

(see also page 70). Alternatively, we could compile them separately: the -c option to cc tells it to compile only, but not to link. Instead of building an executable, it merely creates an object file, with a name ending in .o, for each source file compiled. So the three commands

cc -c x.c

cc -c y.c

cc -c y.c

would compile x.c, y.c, and z.c and create object files x.o, y.o, and z.o. Then, the three object files could be linked together using

cc x.o y.o z.o

When the cc command is given an .o file, it knows that it does not have to compile it (it's an object file, already compiled); it just sends it through to the link process.

Here we begin to see one of the advantages of separate compilation: if we later make a change to y.c, only it will need recompiling. (At some point you may want to learn about a program called make, which keeps track of which parts need recompiling and issues the appropriate commands for you.)

Above we mentioned that the second, linking step also involves pulling in library functions. Normally, the functions from the Standard C library are linked in automatically. Occasionally, you must request a library manually; one common situation under Unix is that certain math routines are in a separate math library, which is requested by using -lm on the command line. Since the libraries must typically be searched after your program's own object files are linked (so that the linker knows which library functions your program uses), any -l option must appear after the names of your files on the command

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line. For example, to link the object filemymath.o (previously compiled with cc -c mymath.c) together with the math library, you might use

cc mymath.o -lm

Two final notes on the Unix cc command: if you're tired of using the nonsense name a.out for all of your programs, you can use -o to give another name to the output (executable) file:

cc -o hello hello.c

would create an executable file named hello, not a.out. Finally, everything we've said about cc also applies to most other Unix C compilers. Many of you will be using acc (a semistandard name for a version of cc which does accept ANSI Standard C) or gcc (the FSF's GNU C Compiler, which also accepts ANSI C and is free).

There are command-line compilers for MS-DOS systems which work similarly. For example, the Microsoft C compiler comes with a CL (``compile and link'') command, which works almost the same as Unix cc. You can compile and link in one step:

cl hello.c

or you can compile only:

cl /c hello.c

creating an object file named hello.obj which you can link later.

The preceding has all been about command-line compilers. If you're using some kind of integrated development environment, such as Turbo C or the Microsoft Programmer's Workbench or Think C, most of the mechanical details are taken care of for you. (There's also less I can say here about these environments, because they're all different.) Typically there's a way to specify the list of files (modules) which make up your project, and a single ``build'' button which does whatever's required to build (and perhsection 4.1: Basics of Functions

page 68

Once again, notice how a clear, simple description of the problem we're trying to solve leads to an (almost) equally clear program implementing it.

Here are some more nice statements about the virtues of a clean, modular design:

Although it's certainly possible to put the code for all of this in main, a better way is to use the structure to advantage by making each part a separate function. Three small pieces are easier to deal with than one big one, because irrelevant details can be buried in the functions, and the chance of unwanted interactions is minimized. And the pieces may even be useful in other programs.

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Let's say a bit more about how and why functions can be useful. First, we can see that, having chosen to use a separate function for each part of the print-matching-lines program, the top-level main routine on page 69 is particularly simple and straightforward; it's little more than a transcription into C of the pseudocode on page 68. The authors don't tend to use too many comments in their code, anyway, but this code hardly needs any: the names of the functions called speak for themselves. (The only thing that might not be obvious at first is that strindex is being used not so much to find the index of a substring but just to determine whether a substring is present at all.) Second, we may be pleased to notice that we're already having a chance to re-use the getline function we first wrote in Chapter 1. Third, we note that the two functions which we've chosen to use (getline and strindex) are themselves reasonably simple and straightforward to write. Finally, note that sometimes what you re-use is not so much a function as a function interface. The code on page 69 uses a new implementation of getline, but the interface (the argument list, return value, and functionality) is the same as for the versions of getline in section 1.9 on page 29. We could have used that version here, or this new version there. Later, if we think of some even better way of reading lines, we can write yet another version of getline, and as long as it has the same interface, these programs can call it without their having to be rewritten.

The ease with which a program like this comes together may be mildly deceptive, because nowhere have we discussed the the motivations which led to the particular pseudocode description on page 68 or the particular definitions of the functions which were chosen to break the problem down into. Choosing a design for a program, and defining subfunctions (their interfaces and their behavior) are both arts, and of course the tasks are not unrelated. A good design leads to the invention of functions which might well be useful later, and an existing body of good, general-purpose functions (all crying out to be re-used) can help to guide the design of the next program.

What makes a good building block, either an abstract one that we use in a pseudocode description, or a concrete one in the form of a general-purpose function? The most important aspect of a good building block is that have a single, well-defined task to perform. Two of the three functions used in the line-matching program fill this role very well: getline's job is to read one line, and strindex'es job is to find one string in another string. printf's specification is considerably broader: its job is to print stuff. (It's not surprising that printf can therefore be the harder routine to call, and is certainly much harder to implement. Its saving virtue is that it is nonetheless broadly applicable and infinitely reusable.)

When you find that a program is hard to manage, it's often because if has not been designed and broken up into functions cleanly. Two obvious reasons for moving code down into a function are because:

1. It appeared in the main program several times, such that by making it a function, it can be written just once, and the several places where it used to appear can be replaced with calls to the new function.

2. The main program was getting too big, so it could be made (presumably) smaller and more manageable by lopping part of it off and making it a function.

These two reasons are important, and they represent significant benefits of well-chosen functions, but they are not sufficient to automatically identify a good function. A good function has at least these two additional attributes:

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3. It does just one well-defined task, and does it well.

4. Its interface to the rest of the program is clean and narrow.

Attribute 3 is just a restatement of something we said above. Attribute 4 says that you shouldn't have to keep track of too many things when calling a function. If you know what a function is supposed to do, and if its task is simple and well-defined, there should be just a few pieces of information you have to give it to act upon, and one or just a few pieces of information which it returns to you when it's done. If you find yourself having to pass lots and lots of information to a function, or remember details of its internal implementation to make sure that it will work properly this time, it's often a sign that the function is not sufficiently well-defined. (It may be an arbitrary chunk of code that was ripped out of a main program that was getting too big, such that it essentially has to have access to all of that main function's variables.)

The whole point of breaking a program up into functions is so that you don't have to think about the entire program at once; ideally, you can think about just one function at a time. A good function is a ``black box'': when you call it, you only have to know what it does (not how it does it); and when you're writing it, you only have to know what it's supposed to do (and you don't have to know why or under what circumstances its caller will be calling it). Some functions may be hard to write (if they have a hard job to do, or if it's hard to make them do it truly well), but that difficulty should be compartmentalized along with the function itself. Once you've written a ``hard'' function, you should be able to sit back and relax and watch it do that hard work on call from the rest of your program. If you find that difficulties pervade a program, that the hard parts can't be buried inside black-box functions and then forgotten about, if you find that there are hard parts which involve complicated interactions among multiple functions, then the program probably needs redesigning.

For the purposes of explanation, we've been seeming to talk so far only about ``main programs'' and the functions they call and the rationale behind moving some piece of code down out of a ``main program'' into a function. But in reality, there's obviously no need to restrict ourselves to a two-tier scheme. The ``main program,''main(), is itself just a function, and any function we find ourself writing will often be appropriately written in terms of sub-functions, sub-sub-functions, etc.

That's probably enough for now about functions in general. Here are a few more notes about the line-matching program.

The authors mention that ``The standard library provides a function strstr that is similar to strindex, except that it returns a pointer instead of an index.'' We haven't met pointers yet (they're in chapter 5), so we aren't quite in a position to appreciate the difference between an index and a pointer. Generally, an index is a small number referring to some element of an array. A pointer is more general: it can point to any data object of a particular type, whether it's one element of an array, or some other object anywhere in memory. (Don't worry too much about the distinction yet, but bear in mind that there is a distinction. Note, too, that the distinction is not absolute; in fact, the word ``index'' seems to derive from the concept of pointing, as you can see if you think about what you use your index finger for, or if you notice that the entries in a book's index point at the referenced parts of the book. We frequently

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speak casually of an index variable ``pointing at'' some cell of an array, even though it's not a true pointer variable.)

One facet of the getline function's interface might bear mentioning: its first argument, the character array s, is being used to return the line that it reads. This may seem to contradict the rule that a function can never modify the value of a variable in its caller. As was briefly mentioned on page 28, there's an exception for arrays, which well be learning about in chapter 5; for now, we'll gloss over the point. (Actually, we're glossing over two points: not only is getline able to return a value via an argument, but the argument isn't really an array, although it's declared as and looks like one. Please forgive these gentle fictions; explaining them completely would really be premature at this point. Perhaps they weren't worth mentioning yet, after all.)

For comparison, here is yet another version of getline:

int getline(char s[], int lim)


int c, i = 0;

while(--lim > 0 && (c=getchar()) != EOF) {

s[i++] = c;

if(c == '\n')



s[i] = '\0';

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return i;


Note that by using break, we avoid having to test for '\n' in two different places.

If you're having trouble seeing how the strindex function works, its algorithm is

for (each position i in s)

if (t occurs at position i in s)

return i;

(else) return -1;

Filling in the details of ``if (t occurs at position i in s)'', we have:

for (each position i in s)

for (each character in t)

if (it matches the corresponding character in s)

if (it's '\0')

return i;

else keep going

else no match at position i

(else) return -1;

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A slightly less compressed implementation than the one on page 69 would be:

int strindex(char s[], char t[])


int i, j, k;

for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {

for(j = i, k = 0; t[k] != '\0'; j++, k++)

if(s[j] != t[k])


if(t[k] == '\0')

return i;


return -1;


Note that we have to check for the end of the string t twice: once to see if we're at the end of it in the innermost loop, and again to see why we terminated the innermost loop. (If we terminated the innermost loop because we reached the end of t, we found a match; otherwise, we didn't.) We could rearrange things to remove the duplicated test:

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int strindex(char s[], char t[])


int i, j, k;

for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) {

j = i;

k = 0;

do {

if(t[k] == '\0')

return i;

} while(s[j++] == t[k++]);


return -1;


It's a matter of style which implementation of strindex is preferable; it's impossible to say which is ``best.'' (Can you see a slight difference in the behavior of the version on page 69 versus the two here?

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Under what circumstance(s) would this difference be significant? How would the version on page 69 behave under those circumstances, and how would the two routines here behave?)

page 70

Deep sentence:

A program is just a set of definitions of variables and functions.

This sentence may or may not seem deep, and it may or may not be deep, but it's a fundamental definition of what a C program is.

Note that a function's return value is automatically converted to the return type of the function, if necessary, just as in assignments like

f = i;

where f is float and i is int.

Most programmers do use parentheses around the expression in a return statement, because that way it looks more like while(), for(), etc. The reason the parentheses are optional is that the formal syntax is

return expression ;

and, as we know, any expression surrounded by parentheses is another expression.

It's debatable whether it's ``not illegal'' for a function to have return statements with and without values. It's a ``sign of trouble'' at best, and undefined at worst. Another clear sign of trouble (which is equally undefined) is when a function returns no value, or is declared as void, but a caller attempts to use the return value.

The main program on page 69 returns the number of matching lines found. This is probably better than returning nothing, but the convention is usually that a C program returns 0 when it succeeds and a positive number when it fails.

aps even execute) your program.

section 4.2: Functions Returning Non-Integers

page 71

Actually, we may have seen at least one function returning a non-integer, in the Fahrenheit-Celsius conversion program in exercise 1-15 on page 27 in section 1.7.

The type name which precedes the name of a function (and which sets its return type) looks just like (i.e. is syntactically the same as) the void keyword we've been using to identify functions which don't return a value.

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Note that the version of atof on page 71 does not handle exponential notation like 1.23e45; handling exponents is left for exercise 4-2 on page 73.

``The standard library includes an atof'' means that we're reimplementing something which would otherwise be provided for us anyway (i.e. just like printf). In general, it's a bad idea to rewrite standard library routines, because by doing so you negate the advantage of having someone else write them for you, and also because the compiler or linker are allowed to complain if you redefine a standard routine. (On the other hand, seeing how the standard library routines are implemented can be a good learning experience.)

page 72

In the ``primitive calculator'' code at the top of page 72, note that the call to atof is buried in the argument list of the call to printf.

Deep sentences:

The function atof must be declared and defined consistently. If atof itself and the call to it in main have inconsistent types in the same source file, the error will be detected by the compiler. But if (as is more likely) atof were compiled separately, the mismatch would not be detected, atof would return a double that main would treat as an int, and meaningless answers would result.

The problems of mismatched function declarations are somewhat reduced today by the widespread use of ANSI function prototypes, but they're still important to be aware of.

The implicit function declarations mentioned at the bottom of page 72 are an older feature of the language. They were handy back in the days when most functions returned int and function prototypes hadn't been invented yet, but today, if you want to use prototypes, you won't want to rely on implicit declarations. If you don't like depending on defaults and implicit declarations, or if you do want to use function prototypes religiously, you're under no compunction to make use of (or even learn about) implicit function declarations, and you'll want to configure your compiler so that it will warn you if you call a function which does not have an explicit, prototyped declaration in scope.

You may wonder why the compiler is able to get some things right (such as implicit conversions between integers and floating-point within expressions) whether or not you're explicit about your intentions, while in other circumstances (such as while calling functions returning non-integers) you must be explicit. The question of when to be explicit and when to rely on the compiler hinges on several questions:

1. How much information does the compiler have available to it?

2. How likely is it that the compiler will infer the right action?

3. How likely is it that a mistake which you the programmer might make will be caught by the compiler, or silently compiled into incorrect code?

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It's fine to depend on things like implicit conversions as long as the compiler has all the information it needs to get them right, unambiguously. (Relying on implicit conversions can make code cleaner, clearer, and easier to maintain.) Relying on implicit declarations, however, is discouraged, for several reasons. First, there are generally fewer declarations than expressions in a program, so the impact (i.e. work) of making them all explicit is less. Second, thinking about declarations is good discipline, and requiring that everything normally be declared explicitly can let the compiler catch a number of errors for you (such as misspelled functions or variables). Finally, since the compiler only compiles one source file at a time, it is never able to detect inconsistencies between files (such as a function or variable declared one way in once source file and some other way in another), so it's important that cross-file declarations be explicit and consistent. (Various strategies, such as placing common declarations in header files so that they can be #included wherever they're needed, and requesting that the compiler warn about function calls without prototypes in scope, can help to reduce the number of errors having to do with improper declarations.)

For the most part, you can also ignore the ``old style'' function syntax, which hardly anyone is using any more. The only thing to watch out for is that an empty set of parentheses in a function declaration is an old-style declaration and means ``unspecified arguments,'' not ``no arguments.'' To declare a new-style function taking no arguments, you must include the keyword void between the parentheses, which makes the lack of arguments explicit. (A declaration like

int f(void);

does not declare a function accepting one argument of type void, which would be meaningless, since the definition of type void is that it is a type with no values. Instead, as a special case, a single, unnamed parameter of type void indicates that a function takes no arguments.) For example, the definition of the getcharfunction might look like

int getchar(void)


int c;

read next character into c somehow

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if (no next character)

return EOF;

return c;


page 73

Note that this version of atoi, written in terms of atof, has very slightly different behavior: it reads past a '.' (and, assuming a fully-functional version of atof, an 'e').

The use of an explicit cast when returning a floating-point expression from a routine declared as returning int represents another point on the spectrum of what you should worry about explicitly versus what you should feel comfortable making use of implicitly. This is a case where the compiler can do the ``right thing'' safely and unambiguously, as long as what you said (in this case, to return a floating-point expression from a routine declared as returning int) is in fact what you meant. But since the real possibility exists that discarding the fractional part is not what you meant, some compilers will warn you about it. Typically, compilers which warn about such things can be quieted by using an explicit cast; the explicit cast (even though it appears to ask for the same conversion that would have happened implicitly) serves to silence the warning. (In general, it's best to silence spurious warnings rather than just ignoring them. If you get in the habit of ignoring them, sooner or later you'll overlook a significant one that you would have cared about.)

section 4.3: External Variables

The word ``external'' is, roughly speaking, equivalent to ``global.''

page 74

A program with ``too many data connections between functions'' hasn't managed to achieve the desirable attributes we were talking about earlier, in particular that a function's ``interface to the rest of the program is clean and narrow.'' Another bit of jargon you may hear is the word ``coupling,'' which refers to how much one piece of a program has to know about another.

In general, as we have mentioned, the connections between functions should generally be few and well-defined, in which case they will be amenable to regular old function arguments, and you won't be

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tempted to pass lots of data around in global variables. (On the other hand, global variables are fine for some things, such as configuration information which the whole program cares about and which is set just once at program startup and then doesn't change.)

The word ``lifetime'' refers to how long a variable and its value stick around. (The jargon term is ``duration.'') So far, we've seen that global variables persist for the life of the program, while local variables last only as long as the functions defining them are active. However, lifetime (duration) is a separate and orthogonal concept from scope; we'll soon be meeting local variables which persist for the life of the program.

Deep sentence:

Thus if two functions must share some data, yet neither calls the other, it is often most convenient if the shared data is kept in external variables rather than passed in and out via arguments.

(Later, though, we'll learn about data structures which can make it more convenient to pass certain data around via function arguments, so we'll have less reason for using external variables for these sorts of purposes.)

``Reverse Polish'' is used by some (earlier, all) Hewlett-Packard calculators. (The name is based on the nationality of the mathematician who studied and formalized this notation.) It may seem strange at first, but it's natural if you observe that you need both numbers (operands) before you can carry out an operation on them. (This fact is one of the reasons that reverse Polish notation is ``easier to implement.'')

The calculator example is a bit long and a bit involved, but I urge you to work through and understand it. A calculator is something that everyone's likely to be familiar with; it's interesting to see how one might work inside; and the techniques used here are generally useful in all sorts of programs.

A ``stack'' is simply a last-in, first-out list. You ``push'' data items onto a stack, and whenever you ``pop'' an item from the stack, you get the one most recently pushed.

pages 76-79

The code for the calculator may seem daunting at first, but it's much easier to follow if you look at each part in isolation (as good functions are meant to be looked at), and notice that the routines fall into three levels. At the top level is the calculator itself, which resides in the function main. The main function calls three lower-level functions: push, pop, and getop. getop, in turn, is written in terms of the still lower-level functions getch and ungetch.

A few details of the communication among these functions deserve mention. The getop routine actually returns two values. Its formal return value is a character representing the next operation to be performed. Usually, that character is just the character the user typed, that is, +, -, *, or /. In the case of a number typed by the user, the special code NUMBER is returned (which happens to be #defined to be the character '0', but that's arbitrary). A return value of NUMBER indicates that an entire string of digits

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has been typed, and the string itself is copied into the array s passed to getop. In this case, therefore, the array s is the second return value.

In some printings, the second line on page 76 reads

#include <math.h> /* for atof() */

which is incorrect; it should be

#include <stdlib.h> /* for atof() */

page 77

Make sure you understand why the code

push(pop() - pop()); /* WRONG */

might not work correctly.

``The representation can be hidden'' means that the declarations of these variables can follow main in the file, such that main can't ``see'' them (that is, can't attempt to refer to them). Furthermore, as we'll see, the declarations might be moved to a separate source file, and main won't care.

pages 77-78

Note that getop does not incorporate the functionality of atoi or atof--it collects and returns the digits as a string, and main calls atof to convert the string to a floating-point number (prior to pushing it on the stack). (There's nothing profound about this arrangement; there's no particular reason why getop couldn't have been set up to do the conversion itself.)

The reasons for using a routine like ungetch are good and sufficient, but they may not be obvious at first. The essential motivation, as the authors explain, is that when we're reading a string of digits, we don't know when we've reached the end of the string of digits until we've read a non-digit, and that non-digit is not part of the string of digits, so we really shouldn't have read it yet, after all. The rest of the program is set up based on the assumption that one call to getop will return the string of digits, and the next call will return whatever operator followed the string of digits.

To understand why the surprising and perhaps kludgey-sounding getch/ungetch approach is in fact a good one, let's consider the alternatives. getop could keep track of the one-too-far character somehow, and remember to use it next time instead of reading a new character. (Exercise 4-11 asks you to implement exactly this.) But this arrangement of getop is considerably less clean from the standpoint of the ``invariants'' we were discussing earlier. getop can be written relatively cleanly if one of its invariants is that the operator it's getting is always formed by reading the next character(s) from the input stream. getop would be considerably messier if it always had to remember to use an old character if it had one, or read a new character otherwise. If getop were modified later to read new kinds of operators, and if reading them involved reading more characters, it would be easy to forget to take into

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account the possibility of an old character each time a new character was needed. In other words, everywhere that getop wanted to do the operation

read the next character

it would instead have to do

if (there's an old character)

use it


read the next character

It's much cleaner to push the checking for an old character down into the getch routine.

Devising a pair of routines like getch and ungetch is an excellent example of the process of abstraction. We had a problem: while reading a string of digits, we always read one character too far. The obvious solution--remembering the one-too-far character and using it later--would have been clumsy if we'd implemented it directly within getop. So we invented some new functions to centralize and encapsulate the functionality of remembering accidentally-read characters, so that getopcould be written cleanly in terms of a simple ``get next character'' operation. By centralizing the functionality, we make it easy for getop to use it consistently, and by encapsulating it, we hide the (potentially ugly) details from the rest of the program. getch and ungetch may be tricky to write, but once we've written them, we can seal up the little black boxes they're in and not worry about them any more, and the rest of the program (especially getop) is cleaner.

page 79

If you're not used to the conditional operator ?: yet, here's how getch would look without it:

int getch(void)


if (bufp > 0)

return buf[--bufp];

else return getchar();


Also, the extra generality of these two routines (namely, that they can push back and remember several characters, a feature which the calculator program doesn't even use) makes them a bit harder to follow. Exercise 4-8 asks you two write simpler versions which allow only one character of pushback. (Also, as

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the text notes, we don't really have to be writing ungetch at all, because the standard library already provides an ungetc which can provide one character of pushback forgetchar.)

When we defined a stack, we said that it was ``last-in, first-out.'' Are the versions of getch and ungetch on page 79 last-in, first-out or first-in, first out? Do you agree with this choice?

One last note: the name of the variable bufp suggests that it is a pointer, but it's actually an index into the buf array.

section 4.4: Scope Rules

page 80

With respect to the ``practical matter'' of splitting the calculator program up into multiple source files, though it's certainly small enough to fit comfortably into a single source file, it's not so small that there's anything wrong with splitting it up into multiple source files, especially if we start adding functionality to it.

The scope of a name is what we have been calling its ``visibility.'' When we say things like ``calling a function with a prototype in scope'' we mean that a prototype is visible, that a declaration is in effect.

The variables sp and val can be used by the push and pop routines because they're defined in the same file (and the definitions appear before push and pop). They can't be used in main because no declaration for them appears in main.c (nor in calc.h, which main.c #includes). If main attempted to refer to sp or val, they'd be flagged as undefined. (Don't worry about the visibility of ``push and pop themselves.'')

The paragraph beginning ``On the other hand'' is explaining how global (``external'') variables like sp and val could be accessed in a file other than the file where they are defined. In the examples we've been looking at, as we've said, sp and val can be used in push and pop because the variables are defined above the functions. If the variables were defined elsewhere (i.e. in some other file), we'd need a declaration above--and that's exactly what extern is for. (See page 81 for an example.)

page 81

A definition creates a variable, and for any given global variable, you only want to do that once. Anywhere else, you want to refer to an existing variable, created elsewhere, without creating a new, conflicting one. Referring to an existing variable or function is exactly what a declaration is for.

Note also that the definition may optionally initialize the variable. (Don't worry about why a declaration may optionally include an array dimension.)

``This same organization would also be needed if the definitions of sp and val followed their use in one file'' means that we could conceivably have, in one file,

extern int sp;

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extern double val[];

void push(double f) { ... }

double pop(void) { ... }

int sp = 0;

double val[MAXVAL];

So ``extern'' just means ``somewhere else''; it doesn't have to mean ``in a different file,'' though usually it does.

section 4.5: Header Files

page 82

By the way, the ``.h'' traditionally used in header file names simply stands for ``header.''

We can imagine several strategies for using header files. At one extreme would be to use zero header files, and to repeat declarations in each file which needed them. This would clearly be a poor strategy, because whenever a declaration changed, we would have to remember to change it in several places, and it would be easy to miss one of them, leading to stubborn bugs. At the other extreme would be to use one header file for each source file (declaring just the things defined in that source file, to be #included by files using those things), but such a proliferation of header files would usually be unwieldy. For small projects (such as the calculator example), it's a reasonable strategy to use one header file for the entire project. For larger projects, you'll usually have several header files for sets of related declarations.

section 4.6: Static Variables

page 83

Deep sentence:

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The static declaration, applied to an external variable or function, limits the scope of that object to the rest of the source file being compiled. Externalstatic thus provides a way to hide names like buf and bufp in the getch-ungetch combination, which must be external so they can be shared, yet which should not be visible to users of getch and ungetch.

So we can have three kinds of declarations: local to one function, restricted to one source file, or global across potentially many source files. We can imagine other possibilities, but these three cover most needs.

Notice that the static keyword does two completely different things. Applied to a local variable (one inside of a function), it modifies the lifetime (``duration'') of the variable so that it persists for as long as the program does, and does not disappear between invocations of the function. Applied to a variable outside of a function (or to a function) static limits the scope to the current file.

To summarize the scope of external and static functions and variables: when a function or global variable is defined without static, its scope is potentially the entire program, although any file which wishes to use it will generally need an extern declaration. A definition with static limits the scope by prohibiting other files from accessing a variable or function; even if they try to use an extern declaration, they'll get errors about ``undefined externals.''

The rules for declaring and defining functions and global variables, and using the extern and static keywords, are admittedly complicated and somewhat confusing. You don't need to memorize all of the rules right away: just use simple declarations and definitions at first, and as you find yourself needing some of the more complicated possibilities such as static variables, the rules will begin to make more sense.

section 4.7: Register Variables

page 83

The register keyword is only a hint. The compiler might not put something in a register even though you ask it to, and it might put something in a register even though you don't ask it to. Most modern compilers do a good job of deciding when to put things in registers, so most of the time, you don't need to worry about it, and you don't have to use the register keyword at all.

(A note to assembly language programmers: there's no way to specify which register a register variable gets assigned to. Also, when you specify a function parameter as register, it just means that the local copy of the parameter should be copied to a register if possible; it does not necessarily indicate that the parameter is going to be passed in a register.)

section 4.8: Block Structure

pages 84-85

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You've probably heard that global variables are ``bad'' because they exist everywhere and it can be hard to keep track of who's using them. In the same way, it can be useful to limit the scope of a local variable to just the bit of the function that uses it, which is exactly what happens if we declare a variable in an inner block.

section 4.9: Initialization

page 85

These are some of the rules on initialization; we'll learn a few more later as we learn about a few more data types.

If you don't feel like memorizing the rules for default initialization, just go ahead and explicitly initialize everything you care about.

Earlier we said that C is quite general in its treatment of expressions: anywhere you can use an expression, you can use any expression. Here's an exception to that rule: in an initialization of an external or static variable (strictly speaking, any variable of static duration; generally speaking, any global variable or local staticvariable), the initializer must be a constant expression, with value determinable at compile time, without calling any functions. (This rule is easy to understand: since these initializations happen conceptually at compile time, before the program starts running, there's no way for a function call--that is, some run-time action--to be involved.)

page 86

It probably won't concern you right away, but it turns out that there's another exception about the allowable expressions in initializers: in the brace-enclosed list of initializers for an array, all of the expressions must be constant expressions (even for local arrays).

There is an error in some printings: if there are fewer explicit initializers than required for an array, the others will be initialized to zero, for external, static, andautomatic (local) arrays. (When an automatic array has no initializers at all, then it contains garbage, just as simple automatic variables do.)

If the initialization

char pattern[] = "ould";

makes sense to you, you're fine. But if the statement that

char pattern[] = "ould";

is equivalent to

char pattern[] = { 'o', 'u', 'l', 'd', '\0' };

bothers you at all, study it until it makes sense. Also, note that a character array which seems to contain (for example) four characters actually contains five, because of the terminating '\0'.

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section 4.10: Recursion

page 86

Recursion is a simple but deep concept which is occasionally presented somewhat bewilderingly. Please don't be put off by it. If this section stops making sense, don't worry about it; we'll revisit recursion in chapter 6.

Earlier we said that a function is (or ought to be) a ``black box'' which does some job and does it well. Whenever you need to get that job done, you're supposed to be able to call that function. You're not supposed to have to worry about any reasons why the function might not be able to do that job for you just now.

It turns out that some functions are naturally written in such a way that they can do their job by calling themselves to do part of their job. This seems like a crazy idea at first, but based on a strict interpretation of our observation about functions--that we ought to be able to call them whenever we need their job done--calling a function from within itself ought not to be illegal, and in fact in C it is legal. Such a call is called a recursive call, and it works because it's possible to have several instances of a function active simultaneously. They don't interfere with each other, because each instance has its own copies of its parameters and local variables. (However, if a function accesses any static or global data, it must be written carefully if it is to be called recursively, because then different instances of it couldinterfere with each other.)

Let's consider the printd example rather carefully. First, remind yourself about the reverse-order problem from the itoa example on page 64 in section 3.6. The ``obvious'' algorithm for determining the digits in a number, which involves successively dividing it by 10 and looking at the remainders, generates digits in right-to-left order, but we'd usually like them in left-to-right order, especially if we're printing them out as we go. Let's see if we can figure out another way to do it.

It's easy to find the lowest (rightmost) digit; that's n % 10. It's easy to compute all but the lowest digit; that's n / 10. So we could print a number left-to-right, directly, without any explicit reversal step, if we had a routine to print all but the last digit. We could call that routine, then print the last digit ourselves.

But--here's the surprise--the routine to ``print all but the last digit'' is printd, the routine we're writing, if we call it with an argument of n / 10.

Recursion seems like cheating--it seems that if you're writing a routine to do something (in this case, to print digits) and instead of writing code to print digits you just punt and call a routine for printing digits and which is in fact the very routine you're supposed to write--it seems like you haven't done the job you came to do. A recursive function seems like circular reasoning; it seems to beg the question of how it does its job.

But if you're writing a recursive function, as long as you do a little bit of work yourself, and only pass on a portion of the job to another instance of yourself, you haven't completely reneged on your responsibilities. Furthermore, if you're ever called with such a small job to do that the little bit you're

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willing to do encompasses the whole job, you don't have to call yourself again (there's no remaining portion that you can't do). Finally, since each recursive call does some work, passing on smaller and smaller portions to succeeding recursive calls, and since the last call (where the remaining portion is empty) doesn't generate any more recursive calls, the recursion is broken and doesn't constitute an infinite loop.

Don't worry about the quicksort example if it seems impenetrable--quicksort is an important algorithm, but it is not easy to understand completely at first.

Note that the qsort routine described here is very different from the standard library qsort (in fact, it probably shouldn't even have the same name).

section 4.11: The C Preprocessor

page 88

We've been using #include and #define already, but now we'll describe them more completely.

section 4.11.1: File Inclusion

The two syntaxes for #include lines can be used in various ways, but very simply speaking, "" is for header files you've written, and <> is for headers which are provided for you (which someone else has written).

page 89

Deep sentences:

#include is the preferred way to tie the declarations together for a large program. It guarantees that all the source files will be supplied with the same definitions and variable declarations, and thus eliminates a particularly nasty kind of bug. Naturally, when an included file is changed, all files that depend on it must be recompiled.

That's the story on #include, in a nutshell.

section 4.11.2: Macro Substitution

#defines last for the whole file; you can't have local ones like you can for local variables.

``Substitutions are made only for tokens'' means that a substitutable macro name is only recognized when it stands alone. Also, substitution never happens in quoted strings, because it turns out that you usually don't want it to. Strings are generally used for communication with the user, while you want substitutions to happen where you're talking to the compiler.

The point of the ``forever'' example is to demonstrate that the replacement text doesn't have to be a simple number or string constant. You'd use the forevermacro like this:

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forever {



which the preprocessor would expand to

for (;;) {



which, as we learned in section 3.5 on page 60, is an infinite loop. (Presumably there's a break; see section 3.7 p. 64.)

Another popular trick is

#define ever ;;

so that you can say

for(ever) {



But ``preprocessor tricks'' like these tend to get out of hand very quickly; if you use too many of them you're not writing in C any more but rather in your own peculiar dialect, and no one will be able to read your code without understanding all of your ``silly little macros.'' It is best if simple macros expand to simple constants (or expressions).

Macros with arguments are also called ``function-like macros'' because they act almost like miniature functions. There are some important differences, however:

no call-by-value copying semantics

no space saving

hard to have local variables or block structure

have to parenthesize carefully (see below)

page 90

The correct way to write the square() macro is

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#define square(x) ((x) * (x))

There are three rules to remember when defining function-like macros:

1. The macro expansion must always be parenthesized so that any low-precedence operators it contains will still be evaluated first. If we didn't write thesquare() macro carefully, the invocation

2. 1 / square(n)

might expand to

1 / n * n

while it should expand to

1 / (n * n)

3. Within the macro definition, all occurrences of the parameters must be parenthesized so that any low-precedence operators the actual arguments contain will be evaluated first. If we didn't write the square() macro carefully, the invocation

4. square(n + 1)

might expand to

n + 1 * n + 1

while it should expand to

(n + 1) * (n + 1)

5. If a parameter appears several times in the expansion, the macro may not work properly if the actual argument is an expression with side effects. No matter how we parenthesize the square() macro, the invocation

6. square(i++)

would result in

i++ * i++

(perhaps with some parentheses), but this expression is undefined, because we don't know when the two increments will happen with respect to each other or the multiplication.

Since the square() macro can't be written perfectly safely, (arguments with side effects will always be troublesome), its callers will always have to be careful (i.e. not to call it with arguments with side effects). One convention is to capitalize the names of macros which can't be treated exactly as if they were functions:

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#define Square(x) ((x) * (x))

page 90 continued

#undef can be used when you want to give a macro restricted scope, if you can remember to undefine it when you want it to go out of scope. Don't worry about ``[ensuring] that a routine is really a function, not a macro'' or the getchar example.

Also, don't worry about the # and ## operators. These are new ANSI features which aren't needed except in relatively special circumstances.

section 4.11.3: Conditional Inclusion

page 91

The #if !defined(HDR) trick is a bit esoteric to start out with. Let's look at a simpler example: in ANSI C, the remove function deletes a file. On some older Unix systems, however, the function to delete a file is instead named unlink. Therefore, when deleting a file, we might use code like this:

#if defined(unix)





We would arrange to have the macro unix defined when we were compiling our program on a Unix machine, and not otherwise.

You may wonder what the difference is between the if() statement we've been using all along, and this new #if preprocessing directive. if() acts at run time; it selects whether or not a statement or group of statements is executed, based on a run-time condition. #if, on the other hand, acts at compile time; it determines whether certain parts of your program are even seen by the compiler or not. If for some reason you want to have two slightly different versions of your program, you can use #if to separate the different parts, leaving the bulk of the code common, such that you don't have to maintain two totally separate versions.

#if can be used to conditionally compile anything: not just statements and expressions, but also declarations and entire functions.

Back to the HDR example (though this is somewhat of a tangent, and it's not vital for you to follow it): it's possible for the same header file to be #included twice during one compilation, either because the same #include line appears twice within the same source file, or because a source file contains something like

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#include "a.h"

#include "b.h"

but b.h also #includes a.h. Since some declarations which you might put in header files would cause errors if they were acted on twice, the #if !defined(HDR)trick arranges that the contents of a header file are only processed once.

Note that two different macros, both named HDR, are being used on page 91, for two entirely different purposes. At the top of the page, HDR is a simple on-off switch; it is #defined (with no replacement text) when hdr.h is #included for the first time, and any subsequent #inclusion merely tests whether HDR is #defined. (Note that it is in fact quite possible to define a macro with no replacement text; a macro so defined is distinguishable from a macro which has not been #defined at all. One common use of a macro with no replacement text is precisely as a simple #if switch like this.)

At the bottom of the page, HDR ends up containing the name of a header file to be #included; the name depends on the #if and #elif directives. The line

#include HDR

#includes one of them, depending on the final value of HDR.

Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays

page 93

Pointers are often thought to be the most difficult aspect of C. It's true that many people have various problems with pointers, and that many programs founder on pointer-related bugs. Actually, though, many of the problems are not so much with the pointers per se but rather with the memory they point to, and more specifically, when there isn't any valid memory which they point to. As long as you're careful to ensure that the pointers in your programs always point to valid memory, pointers can be useful, powerful, and relatively trouble-free tools. (In these notes, we'll be emphasizing techniques for ensuring that pointers always point where they should.)

If you haven't worked with pointers before, they're bound to be a bit baffling at first. Rather than attempting a complete definition (which probably wouldn't mean anything, either) up front, I'll ask you to read along for a few pages, withholding judgment, and after we've seen a few of the things that pointers can do, we'll be in a better position to appreciate what they are.

section 5.1: Pointers and Addresses

If you like to use concrete examples and to think about exactly what's going on at the machine level, you'll want to know how many bytes are occupied by shorts,longs, pointers, etc. It's equally possible, though, to understand pointers at a more abstract level, thinking about them only in terms of boxes and arrows, as in the figures on pages 96, 98, 104, 107, and 114-5. (Not worrying about the exact size in

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bytes basically means not worrying about how big the boxes are.) The figure at the bottom of page 93 is probably the least pretty pointer picture in the whole book; don't worry if it doesn't mean much to you.

When we say that a pointer holds an ``address,'' and that unary & is the ``address of'' operator, our language is of course influenced by the fact that the underlying hardware assigns addresses to memory locations, but again, it is not necessary (nor necessarily desirable) to think about actual machine addresses when working with pointers. Thinking about the machine addresses can make certain aspects of pointers easier to understand, but doing so can also make certain mistakes and misunderstandings easier. In particular, a pointer in C is more than just an address; as we'll see on the next page, a pointer also carries the notion of what type of data it points to.

page 94

The presentation on this page is going to seem very artificial at first. At best, you're going to say, ``This makes sense, but what's it for?'' In fact, it is artificial, and no real program would ever do meaningless little pointer operations such as are embodied in the example on this page. However, this is the traditional way to introduce pointers from scratch, and once we've moved past it, we'll be able to talk about some more meaningful uses of pointers, and to forget about these artificial ones. (Once we're done talking about the traditional, artificial introduction on page 94, we'll also attempt a slightly more elaborate, slightly less traditional, slightly more meaningful parallel introduction, so stay tuned.)

Deep sentence:

The declaration of the pointer ip,

int *ip;

is intended as a mnemonic; it says that the expression *ip is an int.

We'll have more to say about this sentence in a bit.

As an even more traditional, even less meaningful, even simpler example, we could say

int i = 1; /* an integer */

int *ip; /* a pointer-to-int */

ip = &i; /* ip points to i */

printf("%d\n", *ip); /* prints i, which is 1 */

*ip = 5; /* sets i to 5 */

(The obvious questions are, ``if you want to print i, or set it to 5, why not just do it? Why mess around with this `pointer' thing?'' More on that in a minute.)

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The unary & and * operators are complementary. Given an object (i.e. a variable), & generates a pointer to it; given a pointer, * ``returns'' the value of the pointed-to object. ``Returns'' is in quotes because, as you may have noticed in the examples, you're not restricted to fetching values via pointers: you can also store values via pointers. In an assignment like

*ip = 0;

the subexpression *ip is conceptually ``replaced'' by the object which ip points to, and since *ip appears on the left-hand side of the assignment operator, what happens to the pointed-to object is that it gets assigned to.

One of the things that's hard about pointers is simply talking about what's going on. We've been using the words ``return'' and ``replace'' in quotes, because they don't quite reflect what's actually going on, and we've been using clumsy locutions like ``fetch via pointers'' and ``store via pointers.'' There is some jargon for referring to pointer use; one word you'll often see is dereference, a term which, though its derivation is suspect, is used to mean ``follow a pointer to get at, and use, the object it points to.'' Thus, we sometimes call unary * the ``pointer dereferencing operator,'' and we may say that the expressions

printf("%d\n", *ip);


*ip = 5;

both ``dereference the pointer ip.'' We may also talk about indirecting on a pointer: to indirect on a pointer is again to follow it to see what it points to; and * may also be called the ``pointer indirection operator.''

Our examples of pointers so far have been, admittedly, artificial and rather meaningless. Let's try a slightly more realistic example. In the previous chapter, we used the routines atoi and atof to convert strings representing numbers to the actual numbers represented. Often the strings were typed by the user, and read withgetline. As you may have noticed, neither atoi nor atof does any validity or error checking: both simply stop reading when they reach a character that can't be part of the number they're converting, and if there aren't any numeric characters in the string, they simply return 0. (For example, atoi("49er") is 49, andatoi("three") is 0, and atof("1.2.3") is 1.2 .) These attributes make atoi and atof easy to write and easy (for the programmer) to use, but they are not the most user-friendly routines possible. A good user interface would warn the user and prompt again in case of invalid, non-numeric input.

Suppose we were writing a simple inventory-control system. For each part stored in our warehouse, we might record the part number, location, and number of parts on hand. For simplicity, we'll assume that the location is always a simple bin number.

Somewhere in the inventory-control program, we might find the variables

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int part_number;

int location;

int number_on_hand;

and there might be a routine that lets the user enter any of these numbers. Suppose that there is another variable,

int which_entry;

which indicates which of the three numbers is being entered (1 for part_number, 2 for location, or 3 for number_on_hand). We might have code like this:

char instring[30];

switch (which_entry) {

case 1:

printf("enter part number:\n");

getline(instring, 30);

part_number = atoi(instring);


case 2:

printf("enter location:\n");

getline(instring, 30);

location = atoi(instring);


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case 3:

printf("enter number on hand:\n");

getline(instring, 30);

number_on_hand = atoi(instring);



Suppose that we now begin to add a bit of rudimentary verification to the input routines. The first case might look like

case 1:

do {

printf("enter part number:\n");

getline(instring, 30);



part_number = atoi(instring);

} while (part_number == 0);


If the first character is not a digit, or if atoi returns 0, the code goes around the loop another time, and prompts the user again, in hopes that the user will type some proper numeric input this time. (The tests for numeric input are not sufficient, nor even wise if 0 is a possible input value, as it presumably is for number on hand. In fact, the two tests really do the same thing! But please overlook these faults. If you're curious, you can learn about a new ANSI function, strtol, which is like atoibut gives you a bit more control, and would be a better routine to use here.)

The code fragment above is for just one of the three input cases. The obvious way to perform the same checking for the other two cases would be to repeat the same code two more times, changing the

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prompt string and the name of the variable assigned to (location or number_on_hand instead of part_number). Duplicating the code is a nuisance, though, especially if we later come up with a better way to do input verification (perhaps one not suffering from the imperfections mentioned above). Is there a better way?

One way would be to use a temporary variable in the input loop, and then set one of the three real variables to the value of the temporary variable, depending onwhich_entry:

int temp;

do {

printf("enter the number:\n");

getline(instring, 30);



temp = atoi(instring);

} while (temp == 0);

switch (which_entry) {

case 1:

part_number = temp;


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case 2:

location = temp;


case 3:

number_on_hand = temp;



Another way, however, would be to use a pointer to keep track of which variable we're setting. (In this example, we'll also get the prompt right.)

char instring[30];

int *numpointer;

char *prompt;

switch (which_entry) {

case 1:

numpointer = &part_number;

prompt = "part number";


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case 2:

numpointer = &location;

prompt = "location";


case 3:

numpointer = &number_on_hand;

prompt = "number on hand";



do {

printf("enter %s:\n", prompt);

getline(instring, 30);



*numpointer = atoi(instring);

} while (*numpointer == 0);

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The idea here is that prompt is the prompt string and numpointer points to the particular numeric value we're entering. That way, a single input verification loop can print any of the three prompts and set any of the three numeric variables, depending on where numpointer points. (We won't officially see character pointers and strings until section 5.5, so don't worry if the use of the prompt pointer seems new or inexplicable.)

This example is, in its own ways, quite artificial. (In a real inventory-control program, we'd obviously need to keep track of many parts; we couldn't use single variables for the part number, location, and quantity. We probably wouldn't really have a which_entry variable telling us which number to prompt for, and we'd do the numeric validation quite differently. We might well do numeric entry and validation in a separate function, removing this need for the pointers.) However, the pointer aspect of this example--using a pointer to refer to one of several different things, so that one generic piece of code can access any of the things--is a very typical (i.e. realistic) use of pointers.

There's one nuance of pointer declarations which deserves mention. We've seen that

int *ip;

declares the variable ip as a pointer to an int. We might look at that declaration and imagine that int * is the type and ip is the name of the variable being declared. (Actually, so far, these assumptions are both true.) We might therefore imagine that a more ``obvious'' way of writing the declaration would be

int* ip;

This would work, but it is misleading, as we'll see if we try to declare two int pointers at once. How shall we do it? If we try

int* ip1, ip2; /* WRONG */

we don't succeed; this would declare ip1 as a pointer-to-int, but ip2 as an int (not a pointer). The correct declaration for two pointers is

int *ip1, *ip2;

As the authors said in the middle of page 94, the intent of pointer (and in fact all) declarations is that they give little miniature expressions indicating what type a certain use of the variables will have. The declaration

int *ip1;

doesn't so much say that ip is a pointer-to-int; it says that *ip is an int. (To be sure, ip is a pointer-to-int.) In the declaration

int *ip1, *ip2;

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both *ip1 and *ip2 are ints; so ip1 and ip2 are both pointers-to-int. You'll hear this aspect of C declarations referred to as ``declaration mimics use.'' If it bothers you, or if you think you might accidentally write things like

int *ip1, ip2;

then to stay on the safe side you might want to get in the habit of writing declarations on separate lines:

int *ip1;

int *ip2;

I promised to point out the safe techniques for ensuring that pointers always point where they should. The examples in this section, which have all involved pointers pointing to single variables, are relatively safe; a single variable is not a very risky thing to point to, so code like the examples in this section is relatively unlikely to go awry and result in invalid pointers. (One potential problem, though, which we'll talk more about later, is that since local, ``automatic'' variables are automatically deallocated when the function containing them returns, any pointer to a local variable also becomes invalid. Therefore, a function which returns a pointer must never return a pointer to one of its own local variables, and it would also be invalid to take a pointer to a local variable and assign it to a global pointer variable.)

section 5.2: Pointers and Function Arguments

page 95

This section discusses a very common use of pointers: setting things up so that a function can modify values in its caller, or return values, via its arguments. Remember that, normally, C passes arguments by value, and that if a function modifies one of its arguments, it modifies only its local copy, not the value in the caller. (Normally, this is a good thing; having a function which inadvertently assigns to its arguments and hence inadvertently modifies a value in its caller can be a source of obscure bugs in languages which don't use call-by-value.) However, what happens if a function wants to modify a value in its caller, and its caller wants to let it? How can a function return two values? (A function's formal return value is always a single value.)

The answer to both questions is that a function can declare a parameter which is a pointer. The caller then passes a pointer to (that is, the ``address of'') a variable in the caller which is to be modified or which is to receive the second return value. In fact, we've seen examples of this already: getline returns the length of the line it reads as well as the line itself, and the getop routine in the calculator example in section 4.3 returned both a code for an operator and a string representing the full text of the operator. (We needed that string when the operator was '0' indicating numeric input, so that the string could return the full numeric input.) Though we didn't say so at the time, we were actually using pointers in these examples. (We'll explore the relationship between arrays and pointers, which made this possible, in section 5.3.)

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With all of this in mind, make sure that you understand why the swap example on page 95 would not work, and how and why the swap example on page 96 doeswork, and what the figure on page 96 shows.

The swap example demonstrated a function which modified some variables (a and b) in its caller. The getint example demonstrates how to return two values from a function by returning one value as the normal function return value and the other one by writing to a pointer. (There is no fundamental difference, though, between ``modifying a variable in the caller'' and ``returning a value by writing to a pointer''; these are just two applications of pointer parameters.)

The version of getint on page 97 is somewhat complicated because it allows free-form input, that is, the values need only be separated by whitespace or punctuation; they are not restricted to being one per line or anything. (C source code is also free-form in this regard; see page 4 of chapter 1 of these notes.) To see more clearly the essence of what getint is supposed to do, imagine for a moment that the input is restricted to one value per line, as in the ``primitive calculator'' example on page 72 of section 4.2. In that case, we might use the following simpler (i.e. more primitive) code:

int getint(int *pn)


char line[20];

if (getline(line, 20) <= 0)

return EOF;

*pn = atoi(line);

return 1;


The getint function on page 97 is documented as returning nonzero for a valid number and 0 for something other than a number. Our stripped-down version does not, and as it happens, the example code at the bottom of page 96 does not make use of the valid/invalid distinction. Can you see a way to rewrite the code at the bottom of page 96 to fill in the cells of the array with only valid numbers?

You might also notice, again from the code at the bottom of page 96, that & need not be restricted to single, simple variables; it can take the address of any data object, in this case, one cell of the array. Just as for all of C's other operators, & can be applied to arbitrary expressions, although it is restricted to expressions which represent addressable objects. Expressions like &1 or &(2+3) are meaningless and illegal.

You may remember a discussion from section 1.5.1 on page 16 of how C's getchar routine is able to return all possible characters, plus an end-of-file indication, in its single return value. Why does getint need two return values? Why can't it use the same trick that getchar does?

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The examples in this section are again relatively safe. The pointers have all been parameters, and the callers have passed pointers (that is, the ``addresses'' of) their own, properly-allocated variables. That is, code like

int a = 1, b = 2;

swap(&a, &b);


int a;


is correct and quite safe.

Something to beware of, though, is the temptation to inadvertently pass an uninitialized pointer variable (rather than the ``address'' of some other variable) to a routine which expects a pointer. We know that the getint routine expects as its argument a pointer to an int in which it is to store the integer it gets. Suppose we took that description literally, and wrote

int *ip; /* a pointer to an int */


Here we have in fact passed a pointer-to-int to getint, but the pointer we passed doesn't point anywhere! When getint writes to (``dereferences'') the pointer, in an expression like *pn = 0, it will scribble on some random part of memory, and the program may crash. When people get caught in this trap, they often think that to fix it they need to use the & operator:

getint(&ip); /* WRONG */

or maybe the * operator:

getint(*ip); /* WRONG */

but these go from bad to worse. (If you think about them carefully, &ip is a pointer-to-pointer-to-int, and *ip is an int, and neither of these types matches the pointer-to-int which getint expects.) The correct usage for now, as we showed already, is something like

int a;


In this case, a is an honest-to-goodness, allocated int, so when we generate a pointer to it (with &a) and call getint, getint receives a pointer that does point somewhere.

section 5.3: Pointers and Arrays

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page 97

For some people, section 5.3 is evidently the hardest section in this book, or even if they haven't read this book, the most confusing aspect of the language. C introduces a novel and, it can be said, elegant integration of pointers and arrays, but there are a distressing number of ways of misunderstanding arrays, or pointers, or both. Take this section very slowly, learn the things it does say, and don't learn anything it doesn't say (i.e. don't make any false assumptions).

It's not necessarily true that ``the pointer version will in general be faster''; efficiency is (or ought to be) a secondary concern when considering the use of pointers.

page 98

On the top half of this page, we aren't seeing anything we haven't seen before. We already knew (or should have known) that the declaration int a[10]; declares an array of ten contiguous int's numbered from 0 to 9. We saw on page 94 and again on page 96 that & can be used to take the address of one cell of an array.

What's new on this page are first the nice pictures (and they are nice pictures; I think they're the right way of thinking about arrays and pointers in C) and the definition of pointer arithmetic. If the phrase ``then by definition pa+1 points to the next element'' alarms you; if you hadn't known that pa+1 points to the next element; don't worry. You hadn't known this, and you aren't expected even to have suspected it: the reason that pa+1 points to the next element is simply that it's defined that way, as the sentence says. Furthermore, subtraction works in an exactly analogous way: If we were to say

pa = &a[5];

then *(pa-1) would refer to the contents of a[4], and *(pa-i) would refer to the contents of the location i elements before cell 5 (as long as i <= 5).

Note furthermore that we do not have to worry about the size of the objects pointed to. Adding 1 to a pointer (or subtracting 1) always means to move over one object of the type pointed to, to get to the next element. (If you're too worried about machine addresses, or the actual address values stored in pointers, or the actual sizes of things, it's easy to mistakenly assume that adding or subtracting 1 adds or subtracts 1 from the machine address, but as we mentioned, you don't have to think at this low level. We'll see in section 5.4 how pointer arithmetic is actually scaled, automatically, by the size of the object pointed to, but we don't have to worry about it if we don't want to.)

Deep sentence:

The meaning of ``adding 1 to a pointer,'' and by extension, all pointer arithmetic, is that pa+1 points to the next object, and pa+i points to the i-th object beyond pa.

This aspect of pointers--that arithmetic works on them, and in this way--is one of several vital facts about pointers in C. On the next page, we'll see the others.

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page 99

Deep sentences:

The correspondence between indexing and pointer arithmetic is very close. By definition, the value of a variable or expression of type array is the address of element zero of the array.

This is a fundamental definition, which we'll now spend several pages discussing.

Don't worry too much yet about the assertion that ``pa and a have identical values.'' We're not surprised about the value of pa after the assignment pa = &a[0];we've been taking the address of array elements for several pages now. What we don't know--we're not yet in a position to be surprised about it or not--is what the ``value'' of the array a is. What is the value of the array a?

In some languages, the value of an array is the entire array. If an array appears on the right-hand sign of an assignment, the entire array is assigned, and the left-hand side had better be an array, too. C does not work this way; C never lets you manipulate entire arrays.

In C, by definition, the value of an array, when it appears in an expression, is a pointer to its first element. In other words, the value of the array a simply is &a[0]. If this statement makes any kind of intuitive sense to you at this point, that's great, but if it doesn't, please just take it on faith for a while. This statement is a fundamental (in fact the fundamental) definition about arrays and pointers in C, and if you don't remember it, or don't believe it, then pointers and arrays will never make proper sense. (You will also need to know another bit of jargon: we often say that, when an array appears in an expression, it decays into a pointer to its first element.)

Given the above definition, let's explore some of the consequences. First of all, though we've been saying

pa = &a[0];

we could also say

pa = a;

because by definition the value of a in an expression (i.e. as it sits there all alone on the right-hand side) is &a[0]. Secondly, anywhere we've been using square brackets [] to subscript an array, we could also have used the pointer dereferencing operator *. That is, instead of writing

i = a[5];

we could, if we wanted to, instead write

i = *(a+5);

Why would this possibly work? How could this possibly work? Let's look at the expression *(a+5) step by step. It contains a reference to the array a, which is by definition a pointer to its first element.

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So *(a+5) is equivalent to *(&a[0]+5). To make things clear, let's pretend that we'd assigned the pointer to the first element to an actual pointer variable:

int *pa = &a[0];

Now we have *(a+5) is equivalent to *(&a[0]+5) is equivalent to *(pa+5). But we learned on page 98 that *(pa+5) is simply the contents of the location 5 cells past where pa points to. Since pa points to a[0], *(pa+5) is a[5]. Thus, for whatever it's worth, any time you have an array subscript a[i], you could write it as*(a+i).

The idea of the previous paragraph isn't worth much, because if you've got an array a, indexing it using the notation a[i] is considerably more natural and convenient than the alternate *(a+i). The significant fact is that this little correspondence between the expressions a[i] and *(a+i) holds for more than just arrays. If pa is a pointer, we can get at locations near it by using *(pa+i), as we learned on page 98, but we can also use pa[i]. This time, using the ``other'' notation (array instead of pointer, when we thought we had a pointer) can be more convenient.

At this point, you may be asking why you can write pa[i] instead of *(pa+i). You may be wondering how you're going to remember that you can do this, or remember what it means if you see it in someone else's code, when it's such a surprising fact in the first place. There are several ways to remember it; pick whichever one suits you:

1. It's an arbitrary fact, true by definition; just memorize it.

2. If, for an array a, instead of writing a[i], you can also write *(a+i) (as we proved a few paragraphs back); then it's only fair that for a pointer pa, instead of writing *(pa+i), you can also write pa[i].

3. Deep sentence: ``In evaluating a[i], C converts it to *(a+i) immediately; the two forms are equivalent.''

4. An array is a contiguous block of elements of a particular type. A pointer often points to a contiguous block of elements of a particular type. Therefore, it's very handy to treat a pointer to a contiguous block of elements as if it were an array, by saying things like pa[i].

5. [This is the most radical explanation, though it's also the most true; but if it offends your sensibilities or only seems to make things more confusing, please ignore it.] When you said a[i], you weren't really subscripting an array at all, because an array like a in an expression always turns into a pointer to its first element. So the array subscripting operator [] always finds itself working on pointers, and it's a simple identity (another definition) that pa[i] is *(pa+i).

(But do pick at least one reason to remember this fact, as it's a fact you'll need to remember; expressions like pa[i] are quite common.)

The authors point out that ``There is one difference between an array name and a pointer that must be kept in mind,'' and this is quite true, but note very carefully that there is in fact every difference

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between an array and a pointer. When an array name appears in most expressions, it turns into a pointer (to the array's first element), but that does not mean that the array is a pointer. You may hear it stated that ``an array is just a constant pointer,'' and this is a convenient explanation, but it is a simplified and potentially misleading explanation.

With that said, do make sure you understand why a=pa and a++ (where a is an array) cannot mean anything.

Deep sentence:

When an array name is passed to a function, what is passed is the location of the initial element.

Though perhaps surprising, this sentence doesn't say anything new. A function call, and more importantly, each of its arguments, is an expression, and in an expression, a reference to an array is always replaced by a pointer to its first element. So given

int a[10];


it is not the entire array a that is passed to f but rather just a pointer to its first element. For an example closer to the text on page 99, given

char string[] = "Hello, world!";

int len = strlen(string);

it is not the entire array string that is passed to strlen (recall that C never lets you do anything with a string or an array all at once), but rather just a pointer to its first element.

We now realize that we've been operating under a gentle fiction during the first four chapters of the book. Whenever we wrote a function like getline or getopwhich seemed to accept an array of characters, and whenever we thought we were passing arrays of characters to these routines, we were actually passing pointers. This explains, among other things, how getline and getop were able to modify the arrays in the caller, even though we said that call-by-value meant that functions can't modify variables in their callers since they receive copies of the parameters. When a function receives a pointer, it cannot modify the original pointer in the caller, but it can definitely modify what the pointer points to.

If that doesn't make sense, make sure you appreciate the full difference between a pointer and what it points to! It is intirely possible to modify one without modifying the other. Let's illustrate this with an example. If we say

char a[] = "hello";

char b[] = "world";

we've declared two character arrays, a and b, each containing a string. If we say

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char *p = a;

we've declared p as a pointer-to-char, and initialized it to point to the first character of the array a. If we then say

*p = 'H';

we've modified what p points to. We have not modified p itself. After saying *p = 'H'; the string in the array a has been modified to contain "Hello".

If we say

p = b;

on the other hand, we have modified the pointer p itself. We have not really modified what p points to. In a sense, ``what p points to'' has changed--it used to be the string in the array a, and now it's the string in the array b. But saying p = b didn't modify either of the strings.

page 100

Since, as we've just seen, functions never receive arrays as parameters, but instead always receive pointers, how have we been able to get away with defining functions (like getline and getop) which seemed to accept arrays? The answer is that whenever you declare an array parameter to a function, the compiler pretends that you actually declared a pointer. (It does this mostly so that we can get away with the ``gentle fiction'' of pretending that we can pass arrays to functions.)

When you see a statement like ``char s[]; and char *s; are equivalent'' (as in fact you see at the top of page 100), you can be sure that (and you must remember that) it is only function formal parameters that are being talked about. Anywhere else, arrays and pointers are quite different, as we've discussed.

Expressions like p[-1] (at the end of section 5.3) may be easier to understand if we convert them back to the pointer form *(p + -1) and thence to *(p-1)which, as we've seen, is the object one before what p points to.

With the examples in this section, we begin to see how pointer manipulations can go awry. In sections 5.1 and 5.2, most of our pointers were to simple variables. When we use pointers into arrays, and when we begin using pointer arithmetic to access nearby cells of the array, we must be careful never to go off the end of the array, in either direction. A pointer is only valid if it points to one of the allocated cells of an array. (There is also an exception for a pointer just past the end of an array, which we'll talk about later.) Given the declarations

int a[10];

int *pa;

the statements

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pa = a;

*pa = 0;

*(pa+1) = 1;

pa[2] = 2;

pa = &a[5];

*pa = 5;

*(pa-1) = 4;

pa[1] = 6;

pa = &a[9];

*pa = 9;

pa[-1] = 8;

are all valid. These statements set the pointer pa pointing to various cells of the array a, and modify some of those cells by indirecting on the pointer pa. (As an exercise, verify that each cell of a that receives a value receives the value of its own index. For example, a[6] is set to 6.)

However, the statements

pa = a;

*(pa+10) = 0; /* WRONG */

*(pa-1) = 0; /* WRONG */

pa = &a[5];

*(pa+10) = 0; /* WRONG */

pa = &a[10];

*pa = 0;/* WRONG */


int *pa2;

pa = &a[5];

pa2 = pa + 10; /* WRONG */

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pa2 = pa - 10; /* WRONG */

are all invalid. The first examples set pa to point into the array a but then use overly-large offsets (+10, -1) which end up trying to store a value outside of the array a. The statements in the last set of examples set pa2 to point outside of the array a. Even though no attempt is made to access the nonexistent cells, these statements are illegal, too. Finally, the code

int a[10];

int *pa, *pa2;

pa = &a[5];

pa2 = pa + 10; /* WRONG */

*pa2 = 0; /* WRONG */

would be very wrong, because it not only computes a pointer to the nonexistent 15<sup>th</sup> cell of a 10-element array, but it also tries to store something there.

section 5.4: Address Arithmetic

This section is going to get pretty hairy. Some of it talks about things we've already seen (adding integers to pointers); some of it talks about things we need to learn (comparing and subtracting pointers); and some of it talks about a rather sophisticated example (a storage allocator). Don't worry if you can't follow all the details of the storage allocator, but do read along so that you can pick up the other new points. (In other words, make sure you read from ``Zero is the sole exception'' in the middle of page 102 to ``that is, the string length'' on page 103, and also the last paragraph on page 103.)

What is a storage allocator for? So far, we've used pointers to point to existing variables and arrays, which the compiler allocated for us. But eventually, we may want to allocate data structures (arrays, and others we haven't seen yet) of a size which we don't know at compile time. Earlier, we spoke briefly about a hypothetical inventory-management system, which recorded information about each part stored in a warehouse. How many different parts could there be? If we used fixed-size arrays, there would be a fixed upper limit on the number of parts we could enter into the system, and we'd be annoyed if that limit were reached. A better solution is not to allocate a fixed array at compile time, but rather to use a run-time storage allocator to allocate memory for the data structures used to describe each part. That way, the number of parts which the system can hold is limited only by available memory, not on any static limit built into the program. Using a storage allocator to allocate memory at run time in this way is called dynamic allocation.

However, dynamic memory allocation is where C programming can really get tricky, because you the programmer are responsible for most aspects of it, and there are plenty of things you can do wrong (e.g. not allocate quite enough memory, accidentally keep using it after you deallocate it, have random

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invalid pointers pointing everywhere, etc.). Therefore, we won't be talking about dynamic allocation for a while, which is why you can skim over the storage allocator in this section for now.

page 102

The first new piece of information in this section (which you'll need to remember even if you're not following the details of the storage allocator example) is the introduction of the ``null pointer.''

So far, all of our pointers have pointed somewhere, and we've cautioned about pointers which don't. To help us distinguish between pointers which point somewhere and pointers which don't, there is a single, special pointer value we can use, which is guaranteed not to point anywhere. When a pointer doesn't point anywhere, we can set it to this value, to make explicit the fact that it doesn't point anywhere.

This special pointer value is called the null pointer. The way to set a pointer to this value is to use a constant 0:

int *ip = 0;

The 0 is just a shorthand; it does not necessarily mean machine address 0. To make it clear that we're talking about the null pointer and not the integer 0, we often use a macro definition like

#define NULL 0

so that we can say things like

int *ip = NULL;

(If you've used Pascal or LISP, the nil pointer in those languages is analogous.)

In fact, the above #definition of NULL has been placed in the standard header file <stdio.h> for us (and in several other standard header files as well), so we don't even need to #define it. I agree completely with the authors that using NULL instead of 0 makes it more clear that we're talking about a null pointer, so I'll always be using NULL, too.

Just as we can set a pointer to NULL, we can also test a pointer to see if it's NULL. The code

if(p != NULL)

*p = 0;

else printf("p doesn't point anywhere\n");

tests p to see if it's non-NULL. If it's not NULL, it assumes that it points somewhere valid, and writes a 0 there. Otherwise (i.e. if p is the null pointer) the code complains.

Though we can use null pointers as markers to remind ourselves of which of our pointers don't point anywhere, it's up to us to do so. It is not guaranteed that all uninitialized pointer variables (which obviously don't point anywhere) are initialized to NULL, so if we want to use the null pointer convention

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to remind ourselves, we'd best explicitly initialize all unused pointers to NULL. Furthermore, there is no general mechanism that automatically checks whether a pointer is non-null before we use it. If we think that a pointer might not point anywhere, and if we're using the convention that pointers that don't point anywhere are set to NULL, it's up to us to compare the pointer to NULL to decide whether it's safe to use it.

The next new piece of information in this section (which we've already alluded to) is pointer comparison. You can compare two pointers for equality or inequality (==or !=): they're equal if they point to the same place or are both null pointers; they're unequal if they point to different places, or if one points somewhere and one is a null pointer. If two pointers point into the same array, the relational comparisons <, <=, >, and >= can also be used.

page 103

The sentences

...n is scaled according to the size of the objects p points to, which is determined by the declaration of p. If an int is four bytes, for example, the intwill be scaled by four.

say something we've seen already, but may only confuse the issue. We've said informally that in the code

int a[10];

int *pa = &a[0];

*(pa+1) = 1;

pa contains the ``address'' of the int object a[0], but we've discouraged thinking about this address as an actual machine memory address. We've said that the expression pa+1 moves to the next int in the array (in this case, a[1]). Thinking at this abstract level, we don't even need to worry about any ``scaling by the size of the objects pointed to.''

If we do look at a lower, machine level of addressing, we may learn that an int occupies some number of bytes (usually two or four), such that when we add 1 to a pointer-to-int, the machine address is actually increased by 2 or 4. If you like to consider the situation from this angle, you're welcome to, but if you don't, you certainly don't have to. If you do start thinking about machine addresses and sizes, make extra sure that you remember that C does do the necessary scaling for you. Don't write something like

int a[10];

int *pa = &a[0];

*(pa+sizeof(int)) = 1;

where sizeof(int) is the size of an int in bytes, and expect it to access a[1].

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Since adding an int to a pointer gives us another pointer:

int a[10];

int *pa1 = &a[0];

int *pa2 = pa1 + 5;

we might wonder if we can rearrange the expression

pa2 = pa1 + 5

to get

pa2 - pa1 5

(where this is no longer a C assignment, we're just wondering if we can subtract pa1 from pa2, and what the result might be). The answer is yes: just as you can compare two pointers which point into the same array, you can subtract them, and the result is, naturally enough, the distance between them, in cells or elements.

(In the large parenthetical statement in the middle of the page, don't worry too much about ptrdiff_t, size_t, and sizeof.)

section 5.5: Character Pointers and Functions

page 104

Since text strings are represented in C by arrays of characters, and since arrays are very often manipulated via pointers, character pointers are probably the most common pointers in C.

Deep sentence:

C does not provide any operators for processing an entire string of characters as a unit.

We've said this sort of thing before, and it's a general statement which is true of all arrays. Make sure you understand that in the lines

char *pmessage;

pmessage = "now is the time";

pmessage = "hello, world";

all we're doing is assigning two pointers, not copying two entire strings.

At the bottom of the page is a very important picture. We've said that pointers and arrays are different, and here's another illustration. Make sure you appreciate the significance of this picture: it's probably the most basic illustration of how arrays and pointers are implemented in C.

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We also need to understand the two different ways that string literals like "now is the time" are used in C. In the definition

char amessage[] = "now is the time";

the string literal is used as the initializer for the array amessage. amessage is here an array of 16 characters, which we may later overwrite with other characters if we wish. The string literal merely sets the initial contents of the array. In the definition

char *pmessage = "now is the time";

on the other hand, the string literal is used to create a little block of characters somewhere in memory which the pointer pmessage is initialized to point to. We may reassign pmessage to point somewhere else, but as long as it points to the string literal, we can't modify the characters it points to.

As an example of what we can and can't do, given the lines

char amessage[] = "now is the time";

char *pmessage = "now is the time";

we could say

amessage[0] = 'N';

to make amessage say "Now is the time". But if we tried to do

pmessage[0] = 'N';

(which, as you may recall, is equivalent to *pmessage = 'N'), it would not necessarily work; we're not allowed to modify that string. (One reason is that the compiler might have placed the ``little block of characters'' in read-only memory. Another reason is that if we had written

char *pmessage = "now is the time";

char *qmessage = "now is the time";

the compiler might have used the same little block of memory to initialize both pointers, and we wouldn't want a change to one to alter the other.)

Deep sentence:

The first function is strcpy(s,t), which copies the string t to the string s. It would be nice just to say s=t but this copies the pointer, not the characters.

This is a restatement of what we said above, and a reminder of why we'll need a function, strcpy, to copy whole strings.

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page 105

Once again, these code fragments are being written in a rather compressed way. To make it easier to see what's going on, here are alternate versions of strcpy, which don't bury the assignment in the loop test. First we'll use array notation:

void strcpy(char s[], char t[])


int i;

for(i = 0; t[i] != '\0'; i++)

s[i] = t[i];

s[i] = '\0';


Note that we have to manually append the '\0' to s after the loop. Note that in doing so we depend upon i retaining its final value after the loop, but this is guaranteed in C, as we learned in Chapter 3.

Here is a similar function, using pointer notation:

void strcpy(char *s, char *t)


while(*t != '\0')

*s++ = *t++;

*s = '\0';


Again, we have to manually append the '\0'. Yet another option might be to use a do/while loop.

All of these versions of strcpy are quite similar to the copy function we saw on page 29 in section 1.9.

page 106

The version of strcpy at the top of this page is my least favorite example in the whole book. Yes, many experienced C programmers would write strcpy this way, and yes, you'll eventually need to be able to read and decipher code like this, but my own recommendation against this kind of cryptic code is strong enough that I'd rather not show this example yet, if at all.

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We need strcmp for about the same reason we need strcpy. Just as we cannot assign one string to another using =, we cannot compare two strings using ==. (If we try to use ==, all we'll compare is the two pointers. If the pointers are equal, they point to the same place, so they certainly point to the same string, but if we have two strings in two different parts of memory, pointers to them will always compare different even if the strings pointed to contain identical sequences of characters.)

Note that strcmp returns a positive number if s is greater than t, a negative number if s is less than t, and zero if s compares equal to t. ``Greater than'' and ``less than'' are interpreted based on the relative values of the characters in the machine's character set. This means that 'a' < 'b', but (in the ASCII character set, at least) it also means that 'B' < 'a'. (In other words, capital letters will sort before lower-case letters.) The positive or negative number which strcmp returns is, in this implementation at least, actually the difference between the values of the first two characters that differ.

Note that strcmp returns 0 when the strings are equal. Therefore, the condition

if(strcmp(a, b))

do something...

doesn't do what you probably think it does. Remember that C considers zero to be ``false'' and nonzero to be ``true,'' so this code does something if the strings a andb are unequal. If you want to do something if two strings are equal, use code like

if(strcmp(a, b) == 0)

do something...

(There's nothing fancy going on here: strcmp returns 0 when the two strings are equal, so that's what we explicitly test for.)

To continue our ongoing discussion of which pointer manipulations are safe and which are risky or must be done with care, let's consider character pointers. As we've mentioned, one thing to beware of is that a pointer derived from a string literal, as in

char *pmessage = "now is the time";

is usable but not writable (that is, the characters pointed to are not writable.) Another thing to be careful of is that any time you copy strings, using strcpy or some other method, you must be sure that the destination string is a writable array with enough space for the string you're writing. Remember, too, that the space you need is the number of characters in the string you're copying, plus one for the terminating '\0'.

For the above reasons, all three of these examples are incorrect:

char *p1 = "Hello, world!";

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char *p2;

strcpy(p2, p1); /* WRONG */

char *p = "Hello, world!";

char a[13];

strcpy(a, p); /* WRONG */

char *p3 = "Hello, world!";

char *p4 = "A string to overwrite";

strcpy(p4, p3); /* WRONG */

In the first example, p2 doesn't point anywhere. In the second example, a is a writable array, but it doesn't have room for the terminating '\0'. In the third example,p4 points to memory which we're not allowed to overwrite. A correct example would be

char *p = "Hello, world!";

char a[14];

strcpy(a, p);

(Another option would be to obtain some memory for the string copy, i.e. the destination for strcpy, using dynamic memory allocation, but we're not talking about that yet.)

page 106 continued (bottom)

Expressions like *p++ and *--p may seem cryptic at first sight, but they're actually analogous to array subscript expressions like a[i++] and a[--i], some of which we were using back on page 47 in section 2.8.

section 5.6: Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers

page 107

Deep sentence:

Since pointers are variables themselves, they can be stored in arrays just as other variables can.

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This is just one aspect of the generality of C's data types, which we'll be seeing in the next few sections.

We've used a recursive definition of ``expression'': a constant or variable is an expression, an expression in parentheses is an expression, an expression plus an expression is an expression, etc. There are obviously an infinite number of expressions, of arbitrary complexity. In exactly the same way, there are an infinite number of data types in C. We've already seen the basic data types: int, char, double, etc. But then we have the derived data types such as array-of-char and pointer-to-int and function-returning-double. So we can say that for any type, array-of-type is another type, and pointer-to-type is another type, and function-returning-type is another type. Once we've said that, we can see that there is also the possibility of arrays of pointers, and arrays of arrays, and functions returning pointers, and even (in section 5.11, though this is a deeper topic) pointers to functions. (The only possibilities that C doesn't support are functions returning arrays, and arrays of functions, and functions returning functions.)

Make sure you understand why an integer is something that can be ``compared or moved in a single operation,'' but that a string (that is, an array of char) is not. Then, realize that a pointer is also something that can be ``compared or moved in a single operation.'' (Actually, though, the string comparisons we'll be doing are not single operations.) From time to time you'll hear me caution you not to worry too much about certain aspects of efficiency. Here, it's true that the overhead of copying entire strings from one place to another, a character at a time (which is the overhead we'll be getting around by manipulating pointers instead) can be significant, but that's not the only concern: once we're comfortable with the idea, manipulating pointers will be somewhat easier on us, too. (Copying lots of characters around is a nuisance, and it can also be dangerous, if the destination isn't big enough or isn't in the right place.)

Don't worry about the ``one long character array'' that the ``lines to be sorted are stored end-to-end in.'' Instead, look at the picture at the bottom of page 107, which shows the pointers that might be set up after reading the lines




On the left are the pointers before sorting, and on the right are the pointers after sorting. The three strings have not been moved, but by reshuffling the pointers, the three pointers in order now point to the lines




page 108

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Once again, we see a nice simple decomposition of the problem, which might seem deceptively simple except that when problems are decomposed in simple ways like this, and then implemented faithfully, they really can be this simple. Deferring the sorting step is an excellent idea, especially if we didn't quite follow the details of the sorting functions in the previous chapter. (Actually, in practice, we can usually defer the sorting step forever, since there's often a general-purpose sort routine provided for us somewhere. C is no exception: a qsort function is a required part of its standard library. For the most part, the only people who have to write sort routines are programming students and the few people who get stuck implementing system functions.)

The main program at the bottom of page 108 looks a bit more elaborate than the pseudocode at the top of the page, but the essence of the program is the three calls to readlines, qsort, and writelines. Everything else is declarations, plus an error message which is printed if readlines is for some reason not able to read the input. Eventually, you should be able to understand why all of the various declarations are required, but you can skim over them at first.

page 109

The readlines function first calls our old friend getline to read each line into a local array, line. On page 29 in section 1.9, we saw a program for finding the longest line in the input: it read each line into a local array line, and kept a copy of the longest line in a second array longest. In that program, it didn't matter that the input array line was continually overwritten with each new input line, and that most lines (except the longest one) were lost and forgotten. Here, however, we doneed to save all of the input lines somewhere, so that we can sort them and print them later.

The lines are saved by calling alloc, a function which we wrote in section 5.4 but may have skimmed over. alloc allocates n bytes of new memory for something which we need to save. Each time we read another line, we call alloc to allocate some new memory to store it, then call strcpy to copy the line from the linearray to the newly allocated memory. This way, it's okay that the next line is read into the same line array; we save each line, as it's read, into its own little alloc'ed piece of memory.

Note that memory allocated with a routine such as alloc persists, just as global and static variables do; it does not disappear when the function that allocated it returns.

Hopefully you're getting used to reading compressed condition statements by now, because here's another doozy:

if (nlines >= maxlines || (p == alloc(len)) == NULL)

This line checks to make sure we have enough room to store the new line we just read. We need two things: (1) a slot in the lineptr array to store the pointer, and (2) space allocated by alloc to store the line itself. If we don't have either of these things, we return -1, indicating that we ran out of memory. We don't have a slot in the lineptr array if we've already read maxlines lines, and we don't have room to store the line itself if alloc returns NULL. The subexpression (p = alloc(len)) == NULL is equivalent in form

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to to other assign-and-test combinations we've been using involving getchar and getline: it assigns alloc's return value to p, then compares it to NULL.

Normally, we might be suspicious of the call alloc(len). Why? Remember that strings are always terminated by '\0', so the space required to store a string is always one more than the the number of characters in it. Normally, we'll call things like alloc(len + 1), and accidentally calling alloc(len) is usually a bug. Here, it happens to be okay, because before we copy the line to the newly-allocated memory, we strip the newline '\n' from the end of it, by overwriting it with'\0', hence making the string one shorter than len. (Why is the last character in line, namely the '\n', at line[len-1], and not line[len]?)

The fragments

if (nlines >= maxlines ...


lineptr[nlines++] = p;

deserve some attention. These represent a common way of filling in an array in C. nlines always holds the number of lines we've read so far (it's anotherinvariant). It starts out as 0 (we haven't read any lines yet) and it ends up as the total number of lines we've read. Each time we read a new line, we store the line (more precisely, a pointer to it) in lineptr[nlines++]. By using postfix ++, we store the pointer in the slot indexed by the previous value of nlines, which is what we want, because arrays are 0-based in C. The first time through the loop, nlines is 0, so we store a pointer to the first line in lineptr[0], and then increment nlines to 1. If nlines ever becomes equal to maxlines, we've filled in all the slots of the array, and we can't use any more (even though, at that point, the highest-filled cell in the array is lineptr[maxlines-1], which is the last cell in the array, again because arrays are 0-based). We test for this condition by checking nlines >= maxlines, as a little measure of paranoia. The test nlines == maxlines would also work, but if we ever accidentally introduce a bug into the program such that we fill past the last slot without noticing it, we wouldn't want to keep on filling farther and farther past the end.

Deep sentences:

...lineptr is an array of MAXLINES elements, each element of which is a pointer to a char. That is, lineptr[i] is a character pointer...

We can see that lineptr[i] has to be a character pointer, by looking at two things: in the function readlines, the line

lineptr[lines++] = p;

has a character pointer on the right-hand side, and the only thing we can assign a character pointer to is another character pointer. Also, in the function writelines, in the line

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printf("%s\n", lineptr[i]);

printf's %s format expects a pointer to a character, so that's what lineptr[i] had better be.

Note that writelines prints a newline after each line, since newlines were stripped out of the input lines by readlines.

Don't worry too much about the discussion at the bottom of page 109. We saw in section 5.3 that due to the ``strong relationship'' between pointers and arrays, it is always possible to manipulate an array using pointer-like notation, and to manipulate a pointer using array-like notation. Since lineptr is an array, it is possible to manipulate it using pointer-like notation, but since what it's an array of is other pointers, it can start to get a bit confusing. Though many programmers do write things like

printf("%s\n", *lineptr++);

and though this is correct code, and though one should probably understand it to have a 100% complete understanding of C, I've decided that code like that is just a bit too hard to follow, and I'd always write (perhaps more pedestrian and mundane) things like

printf("%s\n", lineptr[i]);


printf("%s\n", lineptr[i++]);

page 110

Since I didn't ask you to follow the qsort example in section 4.10 in complete detail, I won't ask you to work through this one completely, either. But if you compare the code here to the code on pages 87-88, you will see that the only significant differences are that the variables and arrays containing the things being sorted have been changed from int to char * (pointer-to-char), and the comparison

if (v[i] < v[left])

has been changed to

if (strcmp(v[i], v[left]) < 0)

section 5.7: Multi-dimensional Arrays

page 111

The month_day function is another example of a function which simulates having multiple return values by using pointer parameters. month_day is declared as void, so it has no formal return value, but two of its parameters, pmonth and pday, are pointers, and it fills in the locations pointed to by these two pointers with the two values it wants to ``return.'' One line of the definition of month_day on page 111 is cut off in all printings I have seen: it should read

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void month_day(int year, int yearday, int *pmonth, int *pday)

As we've said, although any nonzero value is considered ``true'' in C, the built-in relational and Boolean operators always ``return'' 0 or 1. Therefore, the line

int leap = year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0;

sets leap to 1 or 0 (``true'' or ``false'') depending on the condition

year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0

which is the condition for leap years in the Gregorian calendar. (It's a little-known fact that century years are not leap years unless they are also divisible by 400. Thus, 2000 will be a leap year.) The 1/0 value that leap receives is what the authors are referring to when they say that ``the arithmetic value of a logical expression... can be used as a subscript of the array daytab.'' This line could also have been written

int leap;

if (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0)

leap = 1;


leap = 0;


int leap = (year%4 == 0 && year%100 != 0 || year%400 == 0) ? 1 : 0;

page 112

The daytab array holds small integers (in the range 0-31), so it can legally be made an array of char, though whether this is a legitimate use is a question of style.

Deep sentence:

In C, a two-dimensional array is really a one-dimensional array, each of whose elements is an array.

Earlier we said that ``array-of-type is another type,'' and here we must believe it: since array-of-type is a type, array-of-(array-of-type) is yet another type.

The statement that ``Elements are stored by rows, so the rightmost subscript, or column, varies fastest as elements are accessed in storage order'' probably won't make much sense unless you've done a lot of work with other languages, such as FORTRAN, which do have true multi-dimensional arrays. It's pretty arbitrary what you call a ``row'' and what you call a ``column''; the most important thing to know is which subscript goes with which dimension. If you have

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int a[10][20];

then in the reference a[i][j], i can range from 0 to 9 and j can range from 0 to 19. In other words, you might write

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

for (j = 0; j < 20; j++)

do something with a[i][j]

We also want to know what a actually is. Is it an array of 10 arrays, each of size 20, or is it an array of 20 arrays, each of size 10? There are other ways of convincing ourselves of the answer, but for now let's just say that the ``closer'' dimensions are closer to what a is. Therefore, a is first an array of size 10, and what it's an array of is arrays of 20 ints. This also tells us that if we ever refer to a[i] (without a second subscript), then we're referring to just one of those 10 arrays (of size 20) in its entirety.

When we look back at the initialization of the daytab array on page 111, everything lines up. daytab is defined as

char daytab[2][13]

and we can see from the initializer that there are two (sub)arrays, each of size 13. (We can also see that there is some justification for saying that the first subscript refers to ``rows'' and the second to ``columns.'')

The authors illustrate one way of dealing with C's 0-based arrays when you have an algorithm that really wants to treat an array as if it were 1-based. Here, rather than remembering to subtract one from the 1-based month number each time, they chose to waste a ``column'' of the array, and declare it one larger than necessary, so that they could refer to subscripts from [1] to [12].

One last note about the initialization of daytab: you may have seen code in other programming books that kept an array of the cumulative days of all the months:

{0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365}

Precomputing an array like that might make things a tiny bit easier on the computer (it wouldn't have to loop through the entire array each time, as it does in theday_of_year function), but it makes it considerably harder to see what the numbers mean, and to verify that they are correct. The simple table of individual month lengths is much clearer, and if the computer has to do a bit more grunge work, well, that's what computers are for. As explained in another book co-authored by Brian Kernighan:

A cumulative table of days must be calculated by someone and checked by someone else. Since few people are familiar with the number of days up to the end of a particular month, neither writing nor checking is easy. But if instead we use a table of days per month, we can let the computer count them for us. (``Let the machine do the dirty work.'')

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The bottom of page 112 begins to get confusing. The ``number of rows'' of an array like daytab ``is irrelevant'' when passed to a function such as the hypothetical fbecause the compiler doesn't need to know the number of rows when calculating subscripts. It does need to know the number of columns or ``width,'' because that's how it knows that the second element on the second row of a 10-column array is actually 12 cells past the beginning of the array, which is essentially what it needs to know when it goes off and actually accesses the array in memory. But it doesn't need to know how long the overall array is, as long as we promise not to run off the end of it, and that's always up to us. (This is why we haven't specified the array sizes in the definitions of functions such as getline on pages 29 and 69, or atoi on pages 43, 61, and 73, or readlines on page 109, although we did carry the array size as a separate argument to getline and readlines, to assist us in our promise not to run off the end.)

The third version of f on page 112 comes about because of the ``gentle fiction'' involving array parameters. We learned on page 99 that functions don't really receive arrays as parameters; they receive arrays (since any array passed by the caller decayed immediately to a pointer). On page 39 we wrote a strlen function as

int strlen(char s[])

but on page 99 we rewrote it as

int strlen(char *s)

which is closer to the way the compiler sees the situation. (In fact, when we write int strlen(char s[]), the compiler essentially rewrites it as int strlen(char *s) for us.) In the same way, a function declared as

f(int daytab[][13])

can be rewritten by us (or if not, is rewritten by the compiler) to

f(int (*daytab)[13])

which declares the daytab parameter as a pointer-to-array-of-13-ints. Here we see two things: (1) the rewrite which changes an array parameter to a pointer parameter happens only once (we end up with a pointer to an array, not a pointer to a pointer), and (2) the syntax for pointers to arrays is a bit messy, because of some required extra parentheses, as explained in the text.

If this seems obscure, don't worry about it too much; just declare functions with array parameters matching the arrays you call them with, like

f(int daytab[2][13])

and let the compiler worry about the rewriting.

Deep sentence:

More generally, only the first dimension (subscript) of an array is free; all the others have to be specified.

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This just says what we said already: when declaring an array as a function parameter, you can leave off the first dimension because it is the overall length and not knowing it causes no immediate problems (unless you accidentally go off the end). But the compiler always needs to know the other dimensions, so that it knows how the rown and columns line up.

section 5.8: Initialization of Pointer Arrays

page 113

This section is short and sweet, and there are only two things I feel the need to comment on. The sentence ``The characters of the i-th string are placed somewhere'' simply refers to the fact that string literals always work that way (except when they're used as array initializers, as explained on page 104). We don't really care where the characters are, as long as we can keep hold of a pointer to them.

The other thing to notice is that the month_name function does verify that its argument is valid. If it didn't check n against the boundary values 1 and 12, what would happen if we called month_name(123)?

section 5.9: Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays

Actually, some people (and not just newcomers) are sometimes confused about the difference between a one-dimensional array and a single pointer, too; moving to two-dimensional arrays, arrays of pointers, and pointers to pointers only makes things worse. (But don't lose heart: if you pay attention and keep your head screwed on straight, you should be able to keep the differences clearly in mind.)

The adjective ``syntactically'' in the paragraph at the bottom of the page is significant: after saying

int *b[10];

an immediate reference to b[3][4] would not be completely legal. It wouldn't be a syntax error or anything, but when the compiler tried to fetch the third pointer and then the fourth integer pointed to, it would go off into deep space, because there isn't a third pointer yet and it doesn't point anywhere.

You might want to draw a picture of the data structures that would result ``[a]ssuming that each element of b does point to a twenty-element array,'' and verify that there are ``200 ints set aside, plus ten cells for the pointers.'' (The picture will be similar to the one on the next page.)

Actually, I'm not sure if having rows of different lengths is the only important advantage of using a pointer array. Another is that the size of the arrays (as we'll see later) can be decided at run-time; another is that the pointers make certain manipulations easier (such as the sorting example we worked through in section 5.6).

page 114

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Do study the pictures on this page carefully, and make sure you understand the representations of the name and aname arrays and how they differ. (You might want to refer back to the similar discussion of pmessage and amessage on page 104 in section 5.5.)

section 5.10: Command-line Arguments

page 115

The picture at the top of page 115 doesn't quite match the declaration

char *argv[]

it's actually a picture of the situation declared by

char **argv

which is what main actually receives. (The array parameter declaration char *argv[] is rewritten by the compiler to char **argv, in accordance with the discussion in sections 5.3 and 5.8.) Also, the ``0'' at the bottom of the array is just a representation of the null pointer which conventionally terminates the argv array. (Normally, you'll never encounter the terminating null pointer, because if you think of argv as an array of size argc, you'll never access beyond argv[argc-1].)

The loop

for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)

looks different from most loops we see in C (which either start at 0 and use <, or start at 1 and use <=). The reason is that we're skipping argv[0], which contains the name of the program.

The expression

printf("%s%s", argv[i], (i < argc-1) ? " " : "");

is a little nicety to print a space after each word (to separate it from the next word) but not after the last word. (The nicety is just that the code doesn't print an extra space at the end of the line.) It would also be possible to fold in the following printf of the newline:

printf("%s%s", argv[i], (i < argc-1) ? " " : "\n");

As I mentioned in comment on the bottom of page 109, it's not necessary to write pointer-incrementing code like

while(--argc > 0)

printf("%s%s", *++argv, (argc > 1) ? " " : "");

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if you don't feel comfortable with it. I used to try write code like this, because it seemed to be what everybody else did, but it never sat well, and it was always just a bit too hard to write and to prove correct. I've reverted to simple, obvious loops like

int argi;

char *sep = "";

for (argi = 1; argi < argc; argi++) {

printf("%s%s", sep, argv[argi]);

sep = " ";



Often, it's handy to have the original argc and argv around later, anyway. (This loop also shows another way of handling space separators.)

page 116

Page 116 shows a simple improvement on the matching-lines program first presented on page 69; page 117 adds a few more improvements. The differences between page 69 and page 116 are that the pattern is read from the command line, and strstr is used instead of strindex. The difference between page 116 and page 117 is the handling of the -n and -x options. (The next obvious improvement, which we're not quite in a position to make yet, is to allow a file name to be specified on the command line, rather than always reading from the standard input.)

page 117

Several aspects of this code deserve note.

The line

while (c = *++argv[0])

is not in error. (In isolation, it might look like an example of the classic error of accidentally writing = instead of == in a comparison.) What it's actually doing is another version of a combined set-and-test: it assigns the next character pointed to by argv[0] to c, and compares it against '\0'. You can't

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see the comparison against '\0', because it's implicit in the usual interpretation of a nonzero expression as ``true.'' An explicit test would look like this:

while ((c = *++argv[0]) != '\0')

argv[0] is a pointer to a character in a string; ++argv[0] increments that pointer to point to the next character in the string; and *++argv[0] increments the pointer while returning the next character pointed to. argv[0] is not the first string on the command line, but rather whichever one we're looking at now, since elsewhere in the loop we increment argv itself.

Some of the extra complexity in this loop is to make sure that it can handle both

-x -n



In pseudocode, the option-parsing loop is

for ( each word on the command line )

if ( it begins with '-' )

for ( each character c in that word )

switch ( c )


For comparison, here is another way of writing effectively the same loop:

int argi;

char *p;

for (argi = 1; argi < argc && argv[argi][0] == '-'; argi++)

for (p = &argv[argi][1]; *p != '\0'; p++)

switch (*p) {

case 'x':

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This uses array notation to access the words on the command line, but pointer notation to access the characters within a word (more specifically, a word that begins with '-'). We could also use array notation for both:

int argi, chari;

for (argi = 1; argi < argc && argv[argi][0] == '-'; argi++)

for (chari = 1; argv[argi][chari] != '\0'; chari++)

switch (argv[argi][chari]) {

case 'x':


In either case, the inner, character loop starts at the second character (index [1]), not the first, because the first character (index [0]) is the '-'.

It's easy to see how the -n option is implemented. If -n is seen, the number flag is set to 1 (a.k.a. ``true''), and later, in the line-matching loop, each time a line is printed, if the number flag is true, the line number is printed first. It's harder to see how -x works. An except flag is set to 1 if -x is present, but how is exceptused? It's buried down there in the line

if ((strstr(line, *argv) != NULL) != except)

What does that mean? The subexpression

(strstr(line, *argv) != NULL)

is 1 if the line contains the pattern, and 0 if it does not. except is 0 if we should print matching lines, and 1 if we should print non-matching lines. What we've actually implemented here is an ``exclusive OR,'' which is ``if A or B but not both.'' Other ways of writing this would be

int matched = (strstr(line, *argv) != NULL);

if (matched && !except || !matched && except) {

if (number)

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printf("%ld:", lineno);

printf("%s", line);




int matched = (strstr(line, *argv) != NULL);

if (except ? !matched : matched) {

if (number)

printf("%ld:", lineno);

printf("%s", line);




int matched = (strstr(line, *argv) != NULL);

if (!except) {

if (matched) {

if (number)

printf("%ld:", lineno);

printf("%s", line);




else {

if (!matched) {

if (number)

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printf("%ld:", lineno);

printf("%s", line);




There's clearly a tradeoff: the last version is in some sense the most clear (and the most verbose), but it ends up repeating the line-number printing and any other processing which must be done for found lines. Therefore, the compressed, perhaps slightly more cryptic forms are better: some day, it's a virtual certainty that more processing will be added for printed lines (for example, if we're searching multiple files, we'll want to print the filename for matching lines, too), and if the printing is duplicated in two places, it's far too likely that we'll overlook that fact and add the new code in only one place.

One last point on the pattern-matching program: it's probably clearer to declare a pointer variable

char *pat;

and set it to the word from argv to be used as the search pattern (argv[1] or *argv, depending on whether we're looking at page 116 or 117), and then use that in the call to strstr:

if (strstr(line, pat) != NULL ...

Chapter 6: Structures

page 127

There's one other piece of motivation behind structures that it's useful to discuss. Suppose we didn't have structures (or didn't know what they were or how to use them). Suppose we wanted to implement payroll records. We might set up a bunch of parallel arrays, holding the names, mailing addresses, social security numbers, and salaries of all of our employees:

char *name[100];

char *address[100];

long ssn[100];

float salary[100];

The idea here is that name[0], address[0], ssn[0], and salary[0] would describe one employee, array slots with subscript [1] would describe the second employee, etc. There are at least two problems with this scheme: first, if we someday want to handle more than 100 employees, we have to remember to change the size of several arrays. (Using a symbolic constant like

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#define MAXEMPLOYEES 100

would certainly help.)

More importantly, there would be no easy way to pass around all the information associated with a single employee. Suppose we wanted to write the functionprint_employee, which will print all the information associated with a particular employee. What arguments would this function take? We could pass it the index to use to retrieve the information from the arrays, but that would mean that all of the arrays would have to be global. We could pass the function an individual name, address, SSN, and salary, but that would mean that whenever we added a new piece of information to the database (perhaps next week we'll want to keep track of employee's shoe sizes), we would have to add another argument to the print_employee function, and change all of the calls. (Pretty soon, the number of arguments to the print_employee function would become unwieldy.) What we'd really like is a way to encapsulate all of the data about a single employee into a single data structure, so we could just pass that data structure around.

The right solution to this problem, in languages such as C which support the idea, is to define a structure describing an employee. We can make one array of these structures to describe all the employees, and we can pass around single instances of the structure where they're needed.

section 6.1: Basics of Structures

Don't get too excited about the prospect of doing graphics in C--there's no one standard or portable way of doing it, so the points and rectangles we're going to be discussing must remain abstract for now (we won't be able to plot them out).

page 128

To summarize the syntax of structure declarations: A structure declaration has about four parts, most of them optional: the keyword struct, a structure tag(optional), a brace-enclosed list of declarations for the members (also called ``fields'' or ``components'') of the structure (optional), and a list of variables of the new structure type (optional). The arrangement looks like this:

struct tag {

member declarations

} declared variables ;

Normally, a structure declaration defines either a tag and the members, or some variables based on an existing tag, or sometimes all three at once. That is, we might first declare a structure:

struct point { /* 1 */

int x;

int y;

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and then some variables of that type:

struct point here, there;/* 2 */

Or, we could combine the two:

struct point { /* 3 */

int x;

int y;

} here, there;

The list of members (if present) describes what the new structure ``looks like inside.'' The list of variables (if present) is (obviously) the list of variables of this new type which we're defining and which the rest of the program will use. The tag (if present) is just an arbitrary name for the structure type itself (not for any variable we're defining). The tag is used to associate a structure definition (as in fragment 1) with a later declaration of variables of that same type (as in fragment 2).

One thing to beware of: when you declare the members of a structure without defining any variables, always remember the trailing semicolon, as shown in fragment 1 above. (If you forget it, the compiler will wait until the next thing it finds in your source file, and try to define that as a variable or function of the structure type.)

section 6.2: Structures and Functions

In this section, we'll begin playing with structures more or less as if they were ordinary variables such as we've been using all along (which they more or less are). As we'll see, we can declare variables of structure type, declare functions which accept structures as parameters and return them, declare pointers to structures, take the address of a structure (creating a pointer-to-structure) with &, and assign structures.

Notice that when we declare something as ``a structure type,'' we always have to say which structure type, usually by using the struct tag. If we've set up a ``point'' structure as above, then to declare a variable of this type, we say

struct point thepoint;


struct thepoint; /* WRONG */


point thepoint; /* WRONG */

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would be errors.

The above list of things the language lets us do with structures lets us keep them and move them around, but there isn't really anything defined by the language that we can do with structures. It's up to us to define any operations on structures, usually by writing functions. (The addpoint function on page 130 is a good example. It will make a bit more sense if you think of it as adding not isolated points, but rather vectors. [We can't add Seattle plus Los Angeles, but we could add (two miles south, one mile east) plus (one mile east, two miles north).])

page 131

As an aside, how safe are the min() and max() macros defined at the top of page 131, with respect to the criteria discussed on pages 15 and 16 of the notes on section 4.11.2 (page 90 in the text)?

The precise meaning of the ``shorthand'' -> operator is that sp->m is, by definition, equivalent to (*sp).m, for any structure pointer sp and member m of the pointed-to structure.

section 6.3: Arrays of Structures

page 132

In the previous section we introduced pointers to structures and functions returning structures without fanfare. But now let's pay attention to the fact that structures fit the pattern of the other types: a structure is a type, so we can have pointer-to-struct, array-of-struct, and function-returning-struct. (We can also say, following our ongoing pattern of recursive definitions, that for any list of types t1, t2, t3, ..., we can make a new type

struct tag {

t1 m1;

t2 m2;

t3 m3;



which is a structure composed of members of those types.)

page 134

We glossed over the binary search routine on page 58 in section 3.3, so we can skip the details of this one, too. This illustrates another benefit of breaking functionality out into functions, though: as long as you know what a function does, you can understand a program that it's in without necessarily understanding all of it. In this case,binsearch searches an array tab, containing n cells of type struct key,

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looking for one whose word field matches the parameter word. If it finds a matching cell, it returns its index in the array; otherwise, it returns -1.

The sizeof operator

page 135

This may seem like an excessively roundabout or low-level way of finding the number of elements in an array, but it is the way it's done in C, and it's perfectly safe and straightforward once you get used to it. (I would, however, be hard-pressed to defend against the accusation that it's a bit too low-level.)

Note that sizeof works on both type names (things like int, char *, struct key, etc.) and variables (strictly speaking, any expression). Parentheses are required when you're using sizeof with a type name and optional when you're using it with a variable or expression (just like return), but it's safe to just always use parentheses.

sizeof returns the size counted in bytes, where the C definition of ``byte'' is ``the size of a char.'' In other words, sizeof(char) is always 1. (It turns out that it's not necessarily the case, though, that a byte or a char is 8 bits.) When we start doing our own dynamic memory allocation (which will be pretty soon), we'll always be needing to know the size of things so that we can allocate space for them, so it's just as well that we're meeting and getting used to the sizeof operator now.

The sentence ``But the expression in the #define is not evaluated by the preprocessor'' means that, as far as the preprocessor is concerned, the ``value'' of the macro NKEYS (like the value of any macro) is just a string of characters like

(sizeof(keytab) / sizeof keytab[0])

which it replaces wherever NKEYS is used, and which will then be evaluated by the compiler as usual, so it doesn't matter that the preprocessor wouldn't have known how to deal with the sizeof operator, or how big the keytab array or a struct key were.

A third way of defining NKEYS would be

#define NKEYS (sizeof(keytab) / sizeof *keytab)

Note that the definition of NKEYS depends on the definition of the keytab array (which appears on page 133), and both of them will have to precede the use ofNKEYS in main on page 134. (Also, all three will have to be in the same source file, unless other steps are taken.)

page 136

Notice that getword has a lot in common with the getop function of the calculator example (section 4.3, page 80).

section 6.4: Pointers to Structures

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The bulk of this section illustrates how to rewrite the binsearch function (which we've already been glossing over) in terms of pointers instead of arrays (an exercise which we've been downplaying). There are a few important points towards the end of the section, however.

page 138

When we began talking about pointers and arrays, we said that it was important never to access outside of the defined and allocated bounds of an array, either with an out-of-range index or an out-of-bounds pointer. There is one exception: you may compute (but not access, or ``dereference'') a pointer to the imaginary element which sits one past the end of an array. Therefore, a common idiom for accessing an array using a pointer looks like

int a[10];

int *ip;

for (ip = &a[0]; ip < &a[10]; ip++)



int a[10];

int *endp = &a[10];

int *ip;

for (ip = a; ip < endp; ip++)


The element a[10] does not exist (the allocated elements run from [0] to [9]), but we may compute the pointer &a[10], and use it in expressions like ip < &a[10] and endp = &a[10].

Deep sentence:

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Don't assume, however, that the size of a structure is the sum of the sizes of its members.

If this isn't the sort of thing you'd be likely to assume, you don't have to remember the reason, which is mildly esoteric (having to do with memory alignment requirements).

section 6.5: Self-referential Structures

page 139

In section 4.10, we met recursive functions. Now, we're going to meet recursively-defined data structures. Don't throw up your hands: the two should be easier to understand in combination.

The mention of ``quadratic running time'' is tangential, but it's a useful-enough concept that it might be worth a bit of explanation. If we were keeping a simple list (``linear array'') in order, each time we had a new word to install, we'd have to scan over the old list. On average, we'd have to scan over half the old list. (Even if we used binary search to find the position, we'd still have to move some part of the list to insert it.) Therefore, the more words that were in the list, the longer it would take to install each new word. It turns out that the running time of this linear insertion algorithm would grow as the square of the number of items in the list (that's what ``quadratically'' means). If you doubled the size of the list, the running time would be four times longer. An algorithm like this may seem to work fine when you run it on small test inputs, but then when you run it on a real problem consisting of a thousand or ten thousand or a million words, it bogs down hopelessly.

A binary tree is a great way to keep a set of words (or other values) in sorted order. The definition of a binary tree is simply that, at each node, all items in the left subtree are less than the item at that node, and all items in the right subtree are greater. (Note that the top item in the left subtree is not necessarily immediately less than the item at that node or anything; the immediately-preceding item is merely down in the left subtree somewhere, along with all the rest of the preceding items. In the ``now is the time'' example, the word ``now'' is neither the first, last, nor middle word in the sorted list; it's merely the word that happened to be installed first. The word preceding it is ``men''; the word following it is ``of.'' The first word in the sorted list is ``aid,'' and the last word is ``to.'')

The binary tree may not immediately seem like much of an improvement over the linear array--we still have to scan over part of the existing tree in order to insert each new word, and the time to add each new word will get longer as there are more words in the tree. But, if you do the math, it turns out that on average you have to scan over a much smaller part of the tree, and it's not a simple fraction like half or one quarter, but rather the log (base two) of the number of items already in the tree. Furthermore, inserting a new node doesn't involve reshuffling any old data. For these reasons, the running time of binary tree insertion doesn't slow down nearly as badly as linear insertion does.

By the way, the reason that the word ``binary'' comes up so often is because it simply means ``two.'' The binary number system has two digits (0 and 1); a binary operator has two operands; binary search eliminates half (one over two) of the possibilities at each step; a binary tree has two subtrees at each node.

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One other bit of nomenclature: the word ``node'' simply refers to one of the structures in a set of structures that is linked together in some way, and as we're about to see, we're going to use a set of linked structures to implement a binary tree. Just as we talk about a ``cell'' or ``element'' of an array, we talk about a ``node'' in a tree or linked list.

When we look at the description of the algorithm for finding out whether a word is already in the tree, we may begin to see why the binary tree is more efficient than the linear list. When searching through a linear list, each time we discard a value that's not the one we're looking for, we've only discarded that one value; we still have the entire rest of the list to search. In a binary tree, however, whenever we move down the tree, we've just eliminated half of the tree. (We might say that a binary tree is a data structure which makes binary search automatic.) Consider guessing a number between one and a hundred by asking ``Is it 1? Is it 2? Is it 3?'' etc., versus asking ``Is it less than 50? Is it greater than 25? Is it less than 12?''

page 140

Make sure you're comfortable with the idea of a structure which contains pointers to other instances of itself. If you draw some little box-and-arrow diagrams for a binary tree, the idea should fall into place easily. (As the authors point out, what would be impossible would be for a structure to contain not a pointer but rather another entire instance of itself, because that instance would contain another, and another, and the structure would be infinitely big.)

page 141

Note that addtree accepts as an argument the tree to be added to, and returns a pointer to a tree, because it may have to modify the tree in the process of adding a new node to it. If it doesn't have to modify the tree (more precisely, if it doesn't have to modify the top or root of the tree) it returns the same pointer it was handed.

Another thing to note is the technique used to mark the edges or ``leaves'' of the tree. We said that a null pointer was a special pointer value guaranteed not to point anywhere, and it is therefore an excellent marker to use when a left or right subtree does not exist. Whenever a new node is built, addtree initializes both subtree pointers (``children'') to null pointers. Later, another chain of calls to addtree may replace one or the other of these with a new subtree. (Eventually, both might be replaced.)

If you don't completely see how addtree works, leave it for a moment and look at treeprint on the next page first.

The bottom of page 141 discusses a tremendously important issue: memory allocation. Although we only have one copy of the addtree function (which may call itself recursively many times), by the time we're done, we'll have many instances of the tnode structure (one for each unique word in the input). Therefore, we have to arrange somehow that memory for these multiple instances is properly allocated. We can't use a local variable of type struct tnode in addtree, because local variables disappear when

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their containing function returns. We can't use a static variable of type struct tnode in addtree, or a global variable of type struct tnode, because then we'd have only one node in the whole program, and we need many.

What we need is some brand-new memory. Furthermore, we have to arrange it so that each time addtree builds a brand-new node, it does so in another new piece of brand-new memory. Since each node contains a pointer (char *) to a string, the memory for that string has to be dynamically allocated, too. (If we didn't allocate memory for each new string, all the strings would end up being stored in the word array in main on page 140, and they'd step all over each other, and we'd only be able to see the last word we read.)

For the moment, we defer the questions of exactly where this brand-new memory is to come from by defining two functions to do it. talloc is going to return a (pointer to a) brand-new piece of memory suitable for holding a struct tnode, and strdup is going to return a (pointer to a) brand-new piece of memory containing a copy of a string.

page 142

treeprint is probably the cleanest, simplest recursive function there is. If you've been putting off getting comfortable with recursive functions, now is the time.

Suppose it's our job to print a binary tree: we've just been handed a pointer to the base (root) of the tree. What do we do? The only node we've got easy access to is the root node, but as we saw, that's not the first or the last element to print or anything; it's generally a random node somewhere in the middle of the eventual sorted list (distinguished only by the fact that it happened to be inserted first). The node that needs to be printed first is buried somewhere down in the left subtree, and the node to print just before the node we've got easy access to is buried somewhere else down in the left subtree, and the node to print next (after the one we've got) is buried somewhere down in the right subtree. In fact, everything down in the left subtree is to be printed before the node we've got, and everything down in the right subtree is to be printed after. A pseudocode description of our task, therefore, might be

print the left subtree (in order)

print the node we're at

print the right subtree (in order)

How can we print the left subtree, in order? The left subtree is, in general, another tree, so printing it out sounds about as hard as printing an entire tree, which is what we were supposed to do. In fact, it's exactly as hard: it's the same problem. Are we going in circles? Are we getting anywhere? Yes, we are: the left subtree, even though it is still a tree, is at least smaller than the full tree we started with. The same is true of the right subtree. Therefore, we can use a recursive call to do the hard work of printing the subtrees, and all we have to do is the easy part: print the node we're at. The fact that the subtrees are smaller gives us the leverage we need to make a recursive algorithm work.

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In any recursive function, it is (obviously) important to terminate the recursion, that is, to make sure that the function doesn't recursively call itself forever. In the case of binary trees, when you reach a ``leaf'' of the tree (more precisely, when the left or right subtree is a null pointer), there's nothing more to visit, so the recursion can stop. We can test for this in two different ways, either before or after we make the ``last'' recursive call:

void treeprint(struct tnode *p)


if(p->left != NULL)


printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);

if(p->right != NULL)




void treeprint(struct tnode *p)


if(p == NULL)



printf("%4d %s\n", p->count, p->word);



Sometimes, there's little difference between one approach and the other. Here, though, the second approach (which is equivalent to the code on page 142) has a distinct advantage: it will work even if the very first call is on an empty tree (in this case, if there were no words in the input). As we mentioned

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earlier, it's extremely nice if programs work well at their boundary conditions, even if we don't think those conditions are likely to occur.

(One more thing to notice is that it's quite possible for a node to have a left subtree but not a right, or vice versa; one example is the node labeled ``of'' in the tree on page 139.)

Another impressive thing about a recursive treeprint function is that it's not just a way of writing it, or a nifty way of writing it; it's really the only way of writing it. You might try to figure out how to write a nonrecursive version. Once you've printed something down in the left subtree, how do you know where to go back up to? Our struct tnode only has pointers down the tree, there aren't any pointers back to the ``parent'' of each node. If you write a nonrecursive version, you have to keep track of how you got to where you are, and it's not enough to keep track of the parent of the node you're at; you have to keep a stack of all the nodes you've passed down through. When you write a recursive version, on the other hand, the normal function-call stack essentially keeps track of all this for you.

We now return to the problem of dynamic memory allocation. The basic approach builds on something we've been seeing glimpses of for a few chapters now: we use a general-purpose function which returns a pointer to a block of n bytes of memory. (The authors presented a primitive version of such a function in section 5.4, and we used it in the sorting program in section 5.6.) Our problem is then reduced to (1) remembering to call this allocation function when we need to, and (2) figuring out how many bytes we need. Problem 1 is stubborn, but problem 2 is solved by the sizeof operator we met in section 6.3.

You don't need to worry about all the details of the ``digression on a problem related to storage allocators.'' The vast majority of the time, this problem is taken care of for you, because you use the system library function malloc.

The problem of malloc's return type is not quite as bad as the authors make it out to be. In ANSI C, the void * type is a ``generic'' pointer type, specifically intended to be used where you need a pointer which can be a pointer to any data type. Since void * is never a pointer to anything by itself, but is always intended to be converted (``coerced'') into some other type, it turns out that a cast is not strictly required: in code like

struct tnode *tp = malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));


return malloc(sizeof(struct tnode));

the compiler is willing to convert the pointer types implicitly, without warning you and without requiring you to insert explicit casts. (If you feel more comfortable with the casts, though, you're welcome to leave them in.)

page 143

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strdup is a handy little function that does two things: it allocates enough memory for one of your strings, and it copies your string to the new memory, returning a pointer to it. (It encapsulates a pattern which we first saw in the readlines function on page 109 in section 5.6.) Note the +1 in the call to malloc! Accidentally calling malloc(strlen(s)) is an easy but serious mistake.

As we mentioned at the beginning of chapter 5, memory allocation can be hard to get right, and is at the root of many difficulties and bugs in many C programs. Here are some rules and other things to remember:

1. Make sure you know where things are allocated, either by the compiler or by you. Watch out for things like the local line array we've been tending to use with getline, and the local word array on page 140. When a function writes to an array or a pointer supplied by the caller, it depends on the caller to have allocated storage correctly. When you're the caller, make sure you pass a valid pointer! Make sure you understand why

2. char *ptr;

3. getline(ptr, 100);

is wrong and can't work. (For one thing: what does that 100 mean? If getline is only allowed to read at most 100 characters, where have we allocated those 100 characters that getline is not allowed to write to more of than?)

4. Be aware of any situations where a single array or data structure is used to store multiple different things, in succession. Think again about the local line array we've been tending to use with getline, and the local word array on page 140. These arrays are overwritten with each new line, word, etc., so if you need to keep all of the lines or words around, you must copy them immediately to allocated memory (as the line-sorting program on pages 108-9 in section 5.6 did, but as the longest line program on page 29 in section 1.9 and the pattern-matching programs on page 69 in section 4.1 and pages 116-7 in section 5.10 didnot have to do).

5. Make sure you allocate enough memory! If you allocate memory for an array of 10 things, don't accidentally store 11 things in it. If you have a string that's 10 characters long, make sure you always allocate 11 characters for it (including one for the terminating '\0').

6. When you free (deallocate) memory, make sure that you don't have any pointers lying around which still point to it (or if you do, make sure not to use them any more).

7. Always check the return value from memory-allocation functions. Memory is never infinite: sooner or later, you will run out of memory, and allocation functions generally return a null pointer when this happens.

8. When you're not using dynamically-allocated memory any more, do try to free it, if it's convenient to do so and the program's not just about to exit. Otherwise, you may eventually have so much memory allocated to stuff you're not using any more that there's no more

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memory left for new stuff you need to allocate. (However, on all but a few broken systems, all memory is automatically and definitively returned to the operating system when your program exits, so if one of your programs doesn't free some memory, you shouldn't have to worry that it's wasted forever.)

Unfortunately, checking the return values from memory allocation functions (point 5 above) requires a few more lines of code, so it is often left out of sample code in textbooks, including this one. Here are versions of main and addtree for the word-counting program (pages 140-1 in the text) which do check for out-of-memory conditions:

/* word frequency count */



struct tnode *root;

char word[MAXWORD];

root = NULL;

while (getword(word, MAXWORD) != EOF) {

if (isalpha(word[0])) {

root = addtree(root, word);

if(root == NULL) {

printf("out of memory\n");

return 1;




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return 0;


struct tnode *addtree(struct tnode *p, char *w)


int cond;

if (p == NULL) { /* a new word has arrived */

p = talloc(); /* make a new node */

if (p == NULL)

return NULL;

p->word = strdup(w);

if (p->word == NULL) {


return NULL;


p->count = 1;

p->left = p->right = NULL;

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} else if ((cond = strcmp(w, p->word)) == 0)

p->count++; /* repeated word */

else if (cond < 0) { /* less than: into left subtree */

p->left = addtree(p->left, w);

if(p->left == NULL)

return NULL;


else { /* greater than: into right subtree */

p->right = addtree(p->right, w);

if(p->right == NULL)

return NULL;


return p;


In practice, many programmers would collapse the calls and tests:

struct tnode *addtree(struct tnode *p, char *w)


int cond;

if (p == NULL) { /* a new word has arrived */

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if ((p = talloc()) == NULL)

return NULL;

if ((p->word = strdup(w)) == NULL) {


return NULL;


p->count = 1;

p->left = p->right = NULL;

} else if ((cond = strcmp(w, p->word)) == 0)

p->count++; /* repeated word */

else if (cond < 0) { /* less than: into left subtree */

if ((p->left = addtree(p->left, w)) == NULL)

return NULL;


else { /* greater than: into right subtree */

if ((p->right = addtree(p->right, w)) == NULL)

return NULL;


return p;

