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Acklesh Prasad

School of Accounting and Finance The University of the South Pacific


Email: [email protected]

Peter Green UQ Business School,

The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland 4072

AUSTRALIA Email: [email protected]

Jon Heales UQ Business School,

The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland 4072

AUSTRALIA Email: [email protected]

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Organizations today engage in various forms of alliances to manage their existing business processes or to diversify into new processes to sustain their competitive positions. Many of today’s alliances use the IT resources as their backbone. The results of these alliances are collaborative organizational structures with little or no ownership stakes between the parties. The emergence of Web 2.0 tools is having a profound effect on the nature and form of these alliance structures. These alliances heavily depend on and make radical use of the IT resources in a collaborative environment. This situation requires a deeper understanding of the governance of these IT resources to ensure the sustainability of the collaborative organizational structures. This study first suggests the types of IT governance structures required for collaborative organizational structures. Semi-structured interviews with senior executives who operate in such alliances reveal that co-created IT governance structures are necessary. Such structures include co-created IT-steering committees, co-created operational committees, and inter-organizational performance management and communication systems. The findings paved the way for the development of a model for understanding approaches to governing IT and evaluating the effectiveness for such governance mechanisms in today’s IT dependent alliances. This study presents a sustainable IT-related capabilities approach to assessing the effectiveness of suggested IT governance structures for collaborative alliances. The findings indicate a favourable association between organizations IT governance efforts and their ability to sustain their capabilities to leverage their IT resources. These IT-related capabilities also relate to measures business value at the process and firm level. This makes it possible to infer that collaborative organizations’ IT governance efforts contribute to business value.

Keywords: Collaborative organizational structures, IT governance, dynamic capabilities, co-created resources, Web 2.0 tools, sustainable IT-related capabilities


Organizations engage in various strategic alliances to develop new business models for

competitive advantage (Mayer and Teece, 2008). Conventional strategies include hierarchical

relations, joint venture equity investments, cooperatives, cartels, and franchising. Today,

organizations have IT, a dynamic tool, to expand their strategic alliances. New forms of corporate

structures are now emerging. This situation means doing business today is about bringing

disparate collaborative resources together. The result is emergence of new forms of corporate

alliances, and extended alliances with geographically dispersed parties. These new forms of

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alliances are termed collaborative organizational structures (COS), or collaborative alliance,

which are alliances developed with IT resources as their backbone. For example, organizations

venturing into e-commerce initiatives will form alliances with a courier companies for logistics,

and finance-related organizations for payment facilitation.

The relentless march of computing power and internet connection speeds are bringing profound

changes to the business environment. These resources are a major catalyst for the new trends of

strategic alliances. A new group of technology, the Web 2.0 tools, has emerged. Web 2.0 tools

are a new generation of Internet-based collaborative tools that allow users to interact and

collaborate with each other in a social environment (Kane and Fichman, 2009). The Web 2.0

communities are consumers and creators of user-generated content in a virtual community.

Initially consumed by individuals, the Web 2.0 technologies today are transforming conventional

enterprises into enterprise 2.0 (McAfee, 2009). For example, British Telecom has introduced a

huge Wikipedia-style database called BTpedia, a central blogging tool, a podcasting tool, project

collaboration software and enterprise social networking. That is, IT-driven communication and

collaboration are the backbone of the alliances in this environment. Demand-driven supply chain

networks, collaborating on corporate data on social networks, digital supply chains, virtual teams,

mass customization, vendor-managed inventories, and vendor-managed assembly lines are

prevalent forms of business organizations and activities in the IT intensive alliances of today.

Corporate structures are transforming into virtual expanded organizations, which leverage the IT

resources to reduce operational costs. The result is complex digital alliances with increased

dependence on shared IT resources.

These new forms of businesses present new risks and challenges (Kane and Fichman, 2009;

Turban and Volonino, 2011). Organizations make radical use of the IT resources within these

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business models. The dependency on IT also increases in these new forms of business

collaborations. This dependency means new forms of IT governance requirements and guidelines

to manage these risks and challenges. The new structures will have new forms of IT resource

integration, requiring new methods of governance to ensure information flows satisfy the

established control objectives. While there is much conferred about the new forms of Web 2.0-

related business structures, the governance mechanism of their IT-backbone has not received any

resolute attention. It is reasonable to assume that the success and growth of these new forms of

collaboration will be contingent upon appropriate IT governance structures and mechanisms, just

as it has within organizations (Weill and Ross, 2004). Of course, extant literature suggests

various IT governance structures to manage the IT resources in organizations (for example,

Bowen et al., 2007; Prasad et al., 2010; Sambamurthy and Zmud, 1999; Weill and Ross, 2004).

These IT governance structures, however, is pertinent for the use of IT within organizations. The

radical use of IT in COS requires a rethink on the viable forms of IT governance structures

suitable shared IT resources.

The aim of this study is to suggest the effective IT governance structures required to manage the

emerging technology-driven collaborative alliances, and ways to evaluate the effectiveness of

these structures. An initial interpretive research design, using semi-structured interviews with

contacts from collaborative alliance, revealed five forms of IT governance structures for the

collaborative alliances. These structures include co-created lateral IT steering committees, co-

created operational committees, and inter-organizational performance management and

communication systems. Identification of these IT governance structures led to the development

of a model for effective IT governance for COS as described below in Figure 1.

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Figure 1. Conceptual Model

Field survey data confirmed that effective IT governance structures for COS leads to sustainable

IT-related capabilities. These sustainable IT-related capabilities improve the internal processes.

The improved internal processes help organizations manage their external processes. The

internal-external process coordination then contributes to firm-level business value. Overall, the

model infers that effective IT governance structures for COS will lead to better business value.

This paper progresses as follows. The next section presents an overview of IT governance. This

follows discussion of the theoretical framework of this study. This follows the interpretive design

to understand the IT governance for COS, and its outcome. We then develop a model for

effective IT governance for COS. This follows discussion of the research design. We then present

the results of this study. The final sections discuss the results, contributions, and implications of

this study to theory and practice.


IT governance, focusing on information and IT assets, specifies the decision rights and

accountability framework to encourage desirable behaviour in the use of IT (Weill and Ross,

2004). This behaviour relates to the form of the leadership, and organizational structures and

processes that ensure that the organization's IT sustains and extends the organization's strategies

and objectives (IT Governance Institute, 2007). IT governance essentially places structure around

how organizations IT strategy aligns with business strategy. This IT-business alignment will

ensure that organizations continue to achieve their strategies and goals, and implementing ways

to evaluate its performance. One special aspect of IT governance is that it considers interests of

all stakeholders and ensures that processes provide measurable results. This situation is possible

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with lateral IT governance structures, with involvement from all levels of management (Prasad et

al., 2010).

Organizations can follow a few supporting mechanisms to guide their implementation of IT

governance in organizations. The Control Objectives for Information and related Technology

(COBIT) is an approach to standardize good information technology security and control

practices. COBIT provides tools to assess and measure the performance of 34 IT processes of an

organization (IT Governance Institute, 2007). The ISO/IEC 38500:2008, corporate governance of

information technology, provides a framework for effective governance of IT to assist those at

the highest level of organizations (International Organisation for Standardization, 2008). The

standard assists top management to understand and fulfill their legal, regulatory, and ethical

obligations in respect of their organizations' use of IT. The COSO framework, developed by the

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) provides

guidance to organizations on critical aspects of organizational governance, business ethics,

internal control, enterprise risk management, fraud, and financial reporting (COSO, 2009).

Current IT resources enable formation of innovative organizational alliances – the COS. Such

alliances function on a cooperative IT platform. Cooperative IT platforms will require different

IT governance structures to monitor and manage the IT assets. Such governance structures

require some aspect of dynamism to capitalise on emerging opportunities to sustain the alliances’

competitive position. That is, IT governance becomes a shared responsibility within the

collaborative organizational structures. This dynamism is possible with some form of between-

organization collaboration. The dynamic capabilities theoretical framework is one possible basis

for suggesting and explaining such across-organisational collaboration to govern the IT

resources. We discuss this framework in the next section.

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Organizations are made up of a bundle of resources (Barney, 1991). Some of these resources are

unique to the organizations, allowing them to achieve distinctive outcomes compared to other

organizations (Mata et al., 1995). Such distinctive outcomes, however, may be of little value in a

collaborative atmosphere, because valuable outcomes in a collaborative environment are those

that benefit all partners of the collaborative alliance. The product of combination of

organizations’ unique outcomes can help them manage the shared resources (Grant, 2008). That

is, the resources would combine to form higher-level resources, which in the case of IT

governance, are the co-created governance structures. A higher-level resource is the product of

unique combinations (co-creation) of organizations distinctive resources and capabilities. The

dynamic capabilities theoretical framework explains this level of resource organization and forms

the key basis for suggesting IT governance structures for collaborative alliances.

The higher-level resources are also dynamic resources with difficult-to-imitate combinations of

organizational, functional and technological skills (Teece, 2007). Dynamic resources are those

that adapt to the changing environments (Thomas, 1996). These resources form the foundation

upon which distinctive and difficult to imitate advantages can be built, maintained and enhanced

(Teece et al., 1997). Organizations that collaborate can renew their collaborative competencies

through innovative responses by appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal

and external organizational skills, resources, and functional competencies (Teece et al., 1997).

Dynamic IT governance structures are essential to achieve this outcome. Organizations past

choices influence domains of competence, and at any given time, organizations must follow a

certain trajectory of competence development (Teece et al., 1997).

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Organizations can improve organization of certain types of economic activities internally (Coase,

1937). Competencies and capabilities, like governance structures, resulting from organizing and

getting things done internally are the key components in sustaining advantages (Coase, 1937),

because internal organization takes place in a more multilateral fashion, with patterns of

behaviour and learning orchestrated in a much more decentralized fashion (Teece et al., 1997).

Processes, paths, and positions are factors that can help determine a firm’s distinctive competence

and dynamic capabilities. These competencies and capabilities embed in organizational processes

of one kind or another. The shared innovative changes between these processes explain the

essence of the organizations dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage (Teece et al., 1997).

The processes of collaborative alliance have a high level of coherence within themselves. The

coherence provides the capabilities, and a cohesive set of inter-organizational linkages that is

difficult to mimic. Shared IT resources across organizations require such coherent governance

structures for their effective management. Partner organizations possess a hierarchy of

capabilities, and general and broadly defined capabilities emerge from an integration of more

specialized capabilities (Grant, 2008).

Governance of IT resources within collaborative organizational structures would require some

form of inter-organizational linkages. The recursive IT governance-related learning is an

important catalyst for continued success of collaborative structures. Organizations, thus, need to

collaborate in various fronts within their collaborative structures to embrace both the sharing and

management of resources. The dynamic capabilities lens forms the basis for exploring various

forms of inter-organizational IT governance structures required to manage IT resources within

COS. This effort must commence with a deeper understanding of the nature of the COS and the

associated IT governance structures.

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The changed conditions of the IT-driven COSs requires new structures of IT governance. The

dynamic capabilities theoretical framework suggests a collective effort in governing the IT

resources. The eventual objective of this study is to propose a model of IT governance and its

evaluation within the COS. To the best of our knowledge, extant literature inadequately informs

the nature and composition of the IT governance mechanisms for the collaborative organizational

structures. A deeper understanding of the reality of the COS is required before we could suggest a

model of IT governance and their effectiveness for COSs.

A common approach to unpacking the diversity of issues involved in governance of IT resources

within COS is to undertake an interpretive case study (Yin, 1994). The interpretive approach

affords an in-depth look at the dynamic relationship that exists between partner organizations in

governing the IT resources. This approach considers the shared meanings and experiences of the

people involved (Walsham, 1995). One interprets these items from the perspectives of the

individuals themselves, given that multiple realities exist in the organisation, shaped by their

experiences and actions. This effort becomes instrumental in making generalized assertions on

the mechanics of governance of IT resources in a collaborative environment.

A large number of organisations today engage in some form of IT-related collaborative alliances

(Turban and Volonino, 2011). Acquiring a deeper understanding of the possible IT governance

structures within the collaborative alliances would mean extracting reality from the organizations

that are at the forefront of using such alliances. Successful operation of the IT-dependent

alliances implies existence of appropriate IT governance structures. We approached twelve

organisations that are heavily involved in across-organization IT-dependent collaboration to

manage their business processes. These organizations collaborate to manage their digital supply

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chain, manage e-channels and logistics, manage tourism and leisure services, and engage in

collaborative commerce. We explained the purpose of the study to the organizations, the

personnel of interest, and the nature of their involvement in this exercise. Five organisations

agreed to participate in the study. These five organizations engage in various forms of IT-related

collaboration to manage their processes.

We conducted sixteen semi-structured interviews, each lasting about thirty minutes. Table 1

presents the demographics of the interviewees. The collection of data from different management

levels permits the elicitation of multiple viewpoints from individuals within the same division to

contrast across divisions. The intent of this approach is to identify common conceptions that

represent key structures for effective IT governance in collaborative organizational structures.

The interviews were mildly semi-structured. The opening question was very general, seeking

opinion on governance structures for collaborative organizational structures. The interviews then

progressed with some focus around the co-created IT governance structures, but with enough

flexibility to capture perceptions on various perspectives of IT governance.

We transcribed all interview data and analyzed the transcribed interview data for its thematic

content, which involved identification of a number of conceptions relating to possible IT

governance structures in COSs. The conceptions related to co-created governance structures and

provided a narrative of the mechanics of such structures. This analysis helped to substantiate the

co-created governance investigative framework. The conceptions emerged using the following

steps (Dey, 1993). First was the establishment of the unit of analysis, which were the concepts

from the interviewee’s expressions ranging from a few words to complete sentences. The second

step was code attachment, which act as labels on the unit of analysis and represent the

conceptions prevalent in that section of text. The third step involved conception categorization

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into broader conceptions. This above steps required numerous read and analysis of the interview

transcripts. We also provided copies of the transcribed notes and thematic analysis to the

interviewees for verification and additional comments to ensure validity of our analysis.

Table 1.

Interviewee Demographics

Interviewee Position Age Industry Experience (Years)

1 IT Manager 36 Retailing 8 2 Chief Information Officer (CIO) 41 Manufacturing 12 3 Manager Logistics 32 Transportation 13 4 Managing Director 55 Retailing 15 5 IT Manager 33 Communication 6 6 CIO 38 Banking 20 7 Department Manager 28 Distribution 6 8 Department Manager 29 Distribution 8 9 CIO 35 Banking 21 10 IT Manager 42 Retailing 8 11 Director Operations 49 Banking 12 12 CIO 48 Manufacturing 3 13 IT Manager 33 Communication 5 14 Operations Manager 39 Manufacturing 16 15 IT Manager 34 Distribution 13 16 Division Manager 45 Communication 12

Four broad conceptions emerged from the analysis of data. Table 2 summarizes the formations of

these four broad conceptions. The following sections discuss these four broad conceptions.

Table 2

Broad Conceptions and Themes for IT Governance in Collaborative Organizational Structures

Broad Conceptions Key Themes

Co-Created IT Steering Committee Shared IT Governance, Shared Resource Ownership, Lateral Decision Making, Broader Adaptation of the IT Resource

Inter-Organizational Lateral Communication System

Extensive Partner Communication, Alliance-Based Communication, Leveraging the Web 2.0 Communication and Collaboration Tools,

Inter-Organizational Performance Management System

Broader Metrics for Evaluating Performance, Shared Alliance Responsibilities, IT-Based Alliance Evaluation

Co-Created Operational Systems Committee

Operational Coordination, Operational Alignment, Operational Consistency

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4.1 Co-Created IT Steering Committee

Co-created IT steering committee relates to the concept of sharing the management of IT

resources within collaborative organizational structures. The concept of sharing the management

of IT resources in COS was a prevalent view of the interviewees. The interviewees suggested that

the partners have some level ownership of the IT resources that form the COS. A sense of shared

ownership of the resources was evident in the interviewees’ views. This view persists even if they

do not physically own such resources. One interviewee suggested:

“I think that in a collaborative environment, partners need to come to consensus on the benefit of the acquired IT resources. It is important that all parties are part of the decision-making, and see the value of IT in their organizations. This is only possible if all parties sit together and sort the issues out. When IT tries to benefit all parties in an alliance, individual partner decisions may be of little use.” T3

Another interviewee shared the following:

“I know this may not be easily done but an IT resource in a collaborative organizational structure must be valuable to all. If it is not suitable to one party, then the effort may not be adequate. The only way I see this happening is when all parties discuss the IT adoption strategy together and come to consensus. The way I see it is at all partners have a stake in the success of a IT project, so all need to come together to make sure that a share of their success is justified. Even if it means changing the business rules.” T2

The comments also indicate that organizations will need to establish new forms of cultures and

structures to manage the IT resources that facilitate the COSs. Organizations need to adopt a

liberal approach to IT governance where benefit beyond the organization needs consideration. A

lateral across-organization decision-making structure is critical to ensure that IT resources

provide adequate business value to all parties in IT-related alliances. The interviewees also

shared the following views on this point.

“Look, we have come to a stage in business where our success may only come in an embracive business environment. IT has broken many barriers and we have weaker boundaries between organizations. If we are to survive, we are to work together – not only in sharing resources, but also in making decisions regarding those resources.” T10

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“We need to work together to get the full benefits of IT in today’s environment. We may not get much if we are too self-centered or become too complacent about what it can do for us. We must build alliances and in various dimensions and work for the good of all parties.” T8

4.2 Inter-Organizational Lateral Communication System

Inter-organizational lateral communication systems relate to the concept of expanding

communication and collaboration within the organizations in the collaborative alliance. The

interviewees considered this an essential IT governance structure. Organizations need to adopt a

flexible approach with their relationship management and they should be willing to share their

knowledge beyond their organization. The interviewees shared that an open communication

approach with the will to share views and thoughts on the implications of current and prospective

IT resources to the alliance is essential. This environment will accrue the alliance knowledge base

on how best to leverage a shared IT infrastructure. Many interviewees shared that there is a need

to embed this aspect of IT governance in their process-related interactions. This embedding

requires extensive use of web 2.0 tools, perhaps in conjunction with other stakeholders. Much of

this communication and collaboration may be informal. That is, good governance of IT resources

should include considering their values recurrently in an interactive environment. Below are

some of the views that the interviewees shared on this aspect.

“I think we need to pay special attention to how we share our views here. While we may meet formally to discuss our IT backbone, we need to have a much more open communication channels to share our views in a much more regular basis. Of course this is not going to be easy as each organization would like to maintain its competitive position. But, greater benefit in today’s IT-intensive environment will come from how we share our IT-related knowledge with the alliance.” T11

“I think the Web 2.0 tools itself is a key instrument for IT governance in today’s business environment. We need to think about our IT 24/7 as this will determine how we can strengthen our alliance. We need to engage much more in a virtual context, and be available and thinking all the time about our IT. This too, must not be within us, but much more with others. In fact I strongly feel that we need to make the ‘them’ into ‘us.’” T14

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“Two things must go hand-in-hand in today’s IT dependent environment. One is doing business with others and the other is continually talking about business with others. These two aspects are very important and we must make sure that there is a vibrant informal communication going on all the time. There is no excuse for lack of this with the availability of rich virtual communication tools. We can only manage IT when we know all we need to know about IT.” T3

4.3 Inter-Organizational Performance Systems

Inter-organisational performance systems relate to the concept of evaluating the performance of

an organization in a collaborative alliance within broader collaborative-based performance

matrices. The interviewees considered this as an important IT governance structure for COS. This

requirement is a difficult feat to achieve as the alliances in COS are less formal with no or thin

ownership stakes. However, performance management systems that align the objectives of

collaborative organizational structures with future alliance agreements or reward structures would

ensure the longevity of the collaborative arrangements. Misaligned performances would result in

suboptimal use of the IT resources between the organizations. The result of this action would

affect the entire alliance, despite full commitment by some. Presence of some form of

opportunity cost for suboptimal performance is necessary for the effective use of the IT resources

within the alliances. The interviewees shared the following views on this concept of IT

governance for COS.

“There has to be some way to share the responsibilities. If we do not share responsibilities, we may get into the concept of free riders. This will not be good for the alliance. One of the ways this could be achieved is to evaluate performance of the structure rather than individuals. This could also be done in a hierarchical manner, where the performance of the organizations is cumulated into the overall alliance performance. While I think it is important that IT-related decisions are made with the interest of the organizations, the broader benefit of the alliance must also always come in consideration.” T15

“I think there is a need to review what an organization is doing for others. This is especially important, as in today’s environment, the benefit of IT will only emerge if it is shared across organizations. Motivation for such initiative can only come with parallel performance systems.” T8

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“One important issue that I see for governance of IT resources with shared benefits is shared performance evaluation. There will be issues if performance is disintegrated from the structure of the collaborative use of IT resources. Performance also needs to be considered as one. I think there needs to be a broader metrics for performance evaluations in today’s interconnected business environments.” T11

4.4 Co-Created Operational Systems Committee

Co-created operational systems committee relates to the concept of inter-organizational cohesion

by operational managers at the process level. Organizations consume most of the IT resources at

the process levels. This situation presents an interesting shift from strategic and performance

issues to operational issues. They felt that the operational level management staff are an

important element within the COS. While the IT-related alliances emerge for various purposes,

they all relate to managing various forms of business operations. That is, due consideration to the

processes is essential. The interviewees suggested some form of formal assembly of operational

level management to ensure operational alignment between the parties in an alliance. Some of

their views are as follows.

“I think there needs to be regular meetings at the operational level. This is a must for good IT governance for IT-related joint organisational structures. We may discuss a lot at the top level, but we may not be too successful if we do not coordinate our activities at the lower levels. There is much happening at the lower level that needs adequate attention.” T7

One aspect that I think is an important way to govern IT resources is to focus on aligning the operations of the parties in an IT-related alliance. This is only possible with regular and open between-organization communication and collaboration at the operations level. We need to ensure that we not only makes decisions to get the right IT tools for the group, but also to use it in the right way for the benefit of all in the group.” T6

“One group of people that need to blend well in today’s business arrangements is the low level management. Much of the IT is used to manage and coordinate the processes. We need to have formal structure at this level. Perhaps we need to establish a committee that meets at regular interval and manage the coordination of processes between the parties in this group. This is very important for operational good of the group. One of the reasons we make alliances outside an organisation is because we can do better with them compared to doing things ourselves. But if we do not communicate and share our position with our operations, we may achieve very little.” T15

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4.5 Summary

COSs present challenges in managing the IT resources. A rethink of IT governance structures for

such dynamic and fragile alliances is required. The proliferation of Web 2.0 resources mean that

organizations’ engagement into collaborative alliances will grow exponentially. Similarly, our

thinking of effective ways to govern the IT resources in this environment must incorporate this

environment. A deeper understanding to manage the IT resources in this environment is

important to develop a model for effective IT governance for collaborative organizational

structures. Interpretive interaction presents important industry views on the IT governance

structures required to manage the IT resources. The interviewees provide important insights

based on their experiences with operating in collaborative alliances.

The four structures discussed above embrace various IT-related governance aspects of the COS.

This set includes structures for governing IT at the strategic and operational levels by the

partners. Such lateral IT governance design is important to ensure consideration on IT at

decision-making (strategic) and at the IT-usage (operational) levels. The result of this approach

would be a comprehensive consideration on IT by the alliance as whole. This approach will also

ensure a fit between the IT adoption decisions and the IT usage decisions. A salient issue is that

organizations need to make these considerations in a collective environment – in a co-created

environment. Individual governance initiatives by partners in the alliance may prove futile

because the alliances need to evaluate the success in totality.

An open communication system for managing the IT resources is also important within today’s

collaborative organizational structures because much of the strength of today’s alliance structures

rests with the level of understanding of the mechanics of the collaboration. Absence of

ownership-based alliance, which occurs in the COSs, means that trust and integrity will play an

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important role in the sustainability of these structures. Open across-organization communication

regarding the adoption and use of IT is essential in this context. Indeed, it may be the most

important IT governance structure with today’s alliances. Fostering this form of communication

will require much sacrifice in terms of sharing corporate strengths relating to IT. Accordingly, an

important complementary IT governance structure would be a congruent alliance-based

performance measurement system. Such a system may be a difficult venture within COS, but is

an important IT governance mechanism to ensure continued trust in the alliance.

The interpretive study informs us about the IT governance structures for collaborative alliances.

Understanding on the IT governance structures only, however, is not enough to promote a

representation of IT governance for COS. A mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the IT

governance structures is also required. Prasad et. al., (2010) suggest a capabilities-based approach

for assessing the effectiveness of IT governance structures. This study adopts a similar approach

in evaluating the effectiveness of IT governance structures for collaborative organizational

structures. We argue that organizations IT governance structures should help organizations

sustain their IT-related capabilities.

Sustainable IT-related capabilities will ensure that organizations continue to leverage the

potential of available IT resources. This means that organizations level of sustainable IT-related

capabilities are the ideal measure of the effectiveness of their IT governance structures.

Organizations ability to leverage their IT resources with their sustainable IT-related capabilities

should relate to their ability to improve their process-level performance. Improvement business

processes should then lead to firm-level performance. Figure 2 conceptualizes this approach.

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Figure 2. Conceptual Model


5.1 IT Governance Structures, Sustainable IT-Related Capabilities and measures of Business Value

Prior research suggests the IT-related capabilities, and their nature of relationships to various

measures of performance (e.g., Byrd, 2001; Feeny and Willcocks, 1998; Mata et al., 1995).

Firms’ IT-related capabilities contribute to various measures of IT-related business value (Powell

and Dent-Micallef, 1997; Ray et al., 2005; Santhanam and Hartono, 2003; Wade and Gravill,

2003). IT resources, however, are dynamic and evolve exponentially. These new resources

provide organizations with new opportunities to sustain their competitive advantage.

This aspect is the driving force behind the COS. For example, organizations are digitizing their

supply chains with RFID technologies, and engaging in collaborative commerce with richer

social networking tools. Organizations that are part of collaborative organizational structures

require sustainable IT-related capabilities to leverage the dynamic IT resources. Sustainable IT-

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related capabilities are organisations unique IT-related resources that leverage the potential of the

new IT resources.

A supported way to evaluate the effectiveness of IT governance structures is to understand their

ability to contribute to building these IT-related capabilities (Prasad et al., 2010). This study

extends this notion and suggests that effective IT governance structures in COS should help an

organization sustain their IT-related capabilities. That is, IT governance structures should

contribute towards the development of sustainable IT-related capabilities. Research has identified

a number of IT-related capabilities that are a source of IT-related business value, in particular, the

IT-related management capabilities, and IT-related infrastructure capabilities.

Two IT-related management capabilities - top management commitment towards IT and shared

organizational knowledge between and unit and IT managers, and one IT-related infrastructure

capability -flexible IT infrastructure have featured prominently in IT business value research.

These capabilities focus on the top-level and the middle-level management, and on a firm’s IT

infrastructure. Together, they constitute key IT-related business elements, and their sustainability

will ensure appropriate business value of the acquired IT resources.

We evaluate the COSs IT governance structures against these sustainable IT-related capabilities

and subsequently to processes and firm level measures of business value to obtain a deeper

understanding of the effectiveness of such governance structures. Figure 2 presents this research

model representing the above arguments. The following sections provide detailed description of

the research model.

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Figure 3. Research Model

5.2. IT Governance Structures in COS and Sustainable Top Management Commitment towards IT

Successful use of IT in organizations requires top executives to act as business visionaries and

provide appropriate directions for IT-related initiatives. Top management support is important to

articulate the need for IT and communicate its functionality within the context of the

organization’s strategy, structure and systems (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993). This aspect

of top management support is crucial when organizations are part of the COS. Continuous

support of this nature will enhance the success of IT resources by making IT resources available,

and supporting and guiding the IS functions for the good of the COS. Continuous commitment

of this nature also helps integrate IT with business strategies and processes, and ensures

continuity in IT investments over time (Powell and Dent-Micallef, 1997; Ross et al., 1996; Wade

and Hulland, 2004). The lack of such support may see IS resources having little effect on

performance, even when substantial investments are made to acquire or develop the IS resources

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(Wade and Hulland, 2004). This situation will also see underutilization of IT resources within

COS. Sustained top management commitment to IT-related initiatives is an important IT-related

capability that will ensure the continuity of the COS.

Organizations require timely and quality information to identify and leverage emerging IT-related

opportunities. The suggested IT governance structures for COS will provide information to top

managers with immediate potential to become knowledge for the organization. The governance

structures will channel this information to the top managers. Top management’s ability to create

knowledge will see continuous support for IT-related initiatives that has implications for the

organization and the COS. The common understanding established through a co-created IT

steering committee will galvanize management’s commitment towards the COS. The

commitment will see top management in all participating organizations being more committed to

the objectives of the COS.

Organizations require a coordinated effort in planning, organizing, controlling, and directing the

deployment of IT use within organizations (Boynton and Zmud, 1987; Karimi et al., 2000). Top

management of all participating organizations play a crucial role in promoting this coordination.

Governance structures that promote coordination between organizations at the strategic, tactical,

and operational levels will acts as an important catalyst in sophisticating this IT management

role. These IT governance structures will secure and sustain top management support for various

IT-related initiatives within their COS. We suggest that:

H1: Co-Created IT steering and operational systems committees, and inter-organizational lateral

communication and performance management systems will positively influence the level of

continued top management commitment to IT-related initiatives within the COS.

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5.3. IT Governance Structures in COS and Sustainable Shared Organizational Knowledge

Shared organizational knowledge is the shared understanding on the benefits of IT resources

between the Unit and IT managers. This is an important IT-related capability for an organization.

This understanding determines the strategic use of IT in an organization (Boynton et al., 1994;

Henderson, 1990; Ray et al., 2005; Rockart, 1988). The benefit of this IT-related capability can

also expand to the COS. The shared IT-related knowledge between IT and Unit managers within

an organization, and between organizations in a COS will bind the IT and Unit Managers

(Boynton et al., 1994). This shared knowledge will determine how organizations use IT resources

in support of their processes, and how the processes related to the activities of partners in the


A major capacity of the COS would lie in their ability to exchange knowledge continually on

how to synchronize the business processes of the parties. This depth of this dynamic capacity will

be contingent upon the conjunction of IT and business-related knowledge possessed and

exchanged amongst the IT and Unit Managers (Ray et al., 2005). Sustainable shared

organizational knowledge will enhance the performance of specific processes within the COS,

and increase the operational and service performance coordination of the collaborative teams

(Nelson and Cooprider, 1996). Sustainable shared organizational knowledge will contribute to IT

assimilation within the COS. The result of this outcome will be an enhanced level of IT-business

alignment between the partners of a COS.

The discussed IT governance structures for the COS will provide visibility and transparency of

the IT initiatives (Earl, 1989). The result is a consensus on value of IT across the partners within

a COS. This environment will promote the understanding required to leverage the IT resources

continually. COS sophisticates organizations IT infrastructure because the IT resources must

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demonstrate value beyond the adopted organization. The assimilative capability of different types

of management is an essential commodity in this environment (McFarlan, 1984; Raho et al.,

1987). Unit managers play a critical role in setting high-level architectures and act as advocates

for effective IT governance (Weill and Ross, 2004). The suggested governance structures of the

COS suggest collaboration within an appropriate mix of business and IT executives. This

collaboration will ensure strategic alignment with the partners, a balanced portfolio of IT

investments, and close coordination of business and IT in the COS. The governance structures are

the ideal vehicle to ensure congruent vision of partners of the COS, including the IT and Unit

managers. The result of this congruent vision would be a common understanding of the benefits

of IT to the alliance. The learning from the resultant interaction within the alliance develops a

sustainable capability of a unique understanding between the users and managers of technology

in the alliance. We suggest that:

H2: Co-Created IT steering and operational systems committees, and inter-organizational lateral

communication and performance management systems will positively influence the level of

sustained shared organizational knowledge within the COS.

5.4. IT Governance Structures in COS and Sustainable Flexible IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructures are the foundation for the establishment of the COS. IT infrastructure is a

shared set of capital resources that provide the foundation on which IT applications are built

(Duncan, 1995). Organizations form alliances to obtain or maintain competitive advantage. A

flexible set of IT infrastructures will mean that the partners in the alliance obtain opportunities

continuously to leverage their resources uniquely for competitive advantage. A flexible IT

infrastructure facilitates rapid development and implementation of IT applications for the COS.

These IT applications will enable organizations to respond swiftly to take advantage of emerging

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opportunities (Ray et al., 2005). The shared and sustainable flexible IT infrastructure of the

alliance would be its unique IT-related capability. The path-dependence of the infrastructure

means there can be significant differences across organizations or alliances in the constitution of

this infrastructure. The IT infrastructure differences are long-term because infrastructure

redevelopment is a time consuming and a costly process. Its ability to provide new opportunities

to the members will be contingent upon timely IT-related decisions that give life to the IT

infrastructure. This outcome is possible through sound IT governance structures.

The suggested co-created steering and operational systems committee will blend the

understanding of the operational managers and the top executives. The inter-organizational

performance and communication systems will ensure that the IT-related decisions have prime

value for the alliance. These structures would lead to agility and leadership in exploiting and

managing IT. This agility will result in dynamic resource allocation and exploitation (Thomas,

1996). The result will be a structure, flexible and intelligent enough to identify competitive

opportunities, and capitalize on existing strengths (Thomas, 1996). Importantly, these IT

governance structures promote a shared vision that contributes dynamics to flexible IT

infrastructure. The parties in the alliance will be agile, and vision how current IT infrastructure

could facilitate leveraging of potential opportunities. The suggested IT governance structures will

play an important role in sustaining a flexible IT infrastructure through the alliances cooperative

initiatives. We suggest that:

H3: Co-Created IT steering and operational systems committees, and inter-organizational lateral

communication and performance management systems will positively influence the level of

sustained flexible IT infrastructure within the COS.

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5.5. Sustainable IT-Related Capabilities and Process-Level Performance

Relating IT governance structures of COS to sustainable IT-related capabilities renders an

incomplete assessment of the effectiveness of the IT governance structures. Organizations

acquire IT resources to enhance their core business processes (Alter, 2003; Davenport, 1990).

This means that organizations efforts relating to their IT-related capabilities that benefited from

their IT governance initiatives must be visible in their business processes. IT resources have a

direct and immediate impact on the internal processes (Alter, 2003; Davenport, 1990). The

sustainable IT-related capabilities will ensure the efficient and effective of the use of IT at this

process level.

Sustainable top management commitment will make IT resources available at the right time for

the benefit of the COS. This commitment will also support and guide the IS functions, and

integrate IT with business strategy, and processes (Powell and Dent-Micallef, 1997). These

commitments enhance the influence of the IT resources on business process performance of the

COS (Powell and Dent-Micallef, 1997; Ross et al., 1996). Uncoordinated efforts may bring ad

hoc benefits, but not adequate to create and manage competitive advantage. Sustainable top

management commitment is an important IT-related capability because it enhances IT resources

ability to contribute to business process performance of the collaborative alliance.

Shared organization knowledge between IT and Unit managers also contributes to process

performance (Jeffers et al., 2008; Nelson and Cooprider, 1996; Ray et al., 2005). Ray et al.,

(2005) found a positive relationship between the shared knowledge and the customer service

process. They noted that the level of common knowledge and understanding between the IT and

the line managers regarding the use of IT to improve process performance is a critical factor in

successful utilization of IT in the pursuit of business objectives. Nelson and Cooprider (1996)

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found that an increasing level of shared knowledge between IS and line groups are linked with

increased operational and service performance of the IS groups. Jeffers et al., (2008) found that

the level of shared knowledge is an important IT management related capability, in that it is

positively associated with third party logistics processes.

Flexible IT infrastructure is another capability that influences a firm’s ability to use IT to manage

their business processes (Armstrong and Sambamurthy, 1999; Duncan, 1995; Ray et al., 2005).

The flexibility of the infrastructure makes cost, pace, and value of IT-enabled innovation

different for different firms (Broadbent and Weill, 1997; Duncan, 1995), Ray et al., (2005) found

that the flexibility of IT infrastructure allows firms to implement IT applications to support

customer service more efficiently and effectively, and this explains differences in performance

of customer service. Flexible IT infrastructure allows firms to implement IT applications to

achieve efficiency and effectiveness in their internal processes and improving their performance.

We suggest that:

H4a: Sustainable top management commitment to IT initiatives in a collaborative alliance will

positively influence internal process-level performance.

H4b: Sustainable organizational knowledge between IT and Unit managers in a collaborative

alliance will positively influence internal process-level performance.

H4c: Sustainable flexible IT infrastructure in a collaborative alliance will positively influence

internal process-level performance.

5.6. Internal Process Performance and Improvement in Customer Service

Organizations ability to manage their external processes is contingent upon the strength and

agility of their internal processes. Ensuring customer satisfaction is an important external activity

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for any organization. The relationship between customer satisfaction and firm productivity is an

important issue (Anderson et al., 1997; Liao and Chuang, 2004; Singh, 2000). Organizations

should pursue superiority in both customer satisfaction and productivity. Organizations

sustainable IT-related capabilities will promote automation of internal processes, improve

existing technology, and reallocate resources through changes in strategy, processes, and

organizational structure.

These efforts will refine internal processes and enhance firm productivity (Anderson et al., 1997;

Stigler, 1942). Frontline employees will benefit from these enhancements. Organizations engage

in collaborative alliances to manage two important stakeholders, the suppliers and the customers.

The cohesive environment that a COS provides will also help in managing any tension of

satisfying the managements and customers expectations simultaneously, a common source of

employee stress (Singh, 2000). Advocates of existence of trade-off between productivity and

improved customer service suggest that appropriate applications of IT improves both customer

satisfaction and productivity simultaneously (Anderson and Fornell, 1994). We suggest that:

H5: Internal process-related performance will positively influence improvement in customer


5.7. Process Performance and Firm Level Performance

Engaging in collaborative alliance will mean additional investment in IT, thus consumption of

financial resources. This means the monetary return on the IT investment is always of a concern

for the businesses. IT resources have a direct influence on business processes performance and an

indirect influence on the firm-level performance (Dehning et al., 2007). This means that an

organization’s firm-level performance depends on, amongst other factors, the effectiveness of the

business processes in supporting the business goals (DeLone and McLean, 2003). Improvements

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in effectiveness and efficiency of the business processes will reflect on the firm-level

performances of return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA). Organizations that can

develop and sustain their IT-related capabilities with IT governance initiatives will generate

greater IT-relate benefits at the process level, and this will be reflected in their overall firm-level

measure of business health (Barua et al., 1995; Melville et al., 2004). We suggest that:

H6: Internal process-related productivity will positively influence firm-level performance.

H7 Customer Service Improvement will positively influence firm-level performance.


6.1 A Survey Research Approach

This study uses a field survey to collect data to test the proposed model. This field survey allows

data collection from a broad area and is the best way to reach the geographically dispersed

contacts. This approach was especially important in this study as COS are established to manage

processes with partners over disperse geographic locations.

6.2 Instrument Development and Test

This study employed an interpretive approach to establish the IT governance structures required

to manage the IT resources with collaborative alliances. Accordingly, the current study required

development of new measures for these constructs. Measures exist for sustainable IT-related

capabilities and business value. Because prior research used these measures in different contexts,

revalidation of these existing measures was also necessary. This study adopted the approach

suggested by Davies (1989) and Moore and Benbasat (1991) to validate the measures. The

validation steps included item generation, item sorting and refinement, and a pilot test. Ten

fellow faculty colleagues with interest and expertise relating to this research participated in the

item sorting and refinement processes. The sorting inter-rater scores, the Cohen’s Kappa (κ),

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indicated that the inter-rater reliability for the participants was within the full agreement range (κ

= 0.60 – 0.80) or within the almost perfect agreement (κ = 0.81 – 1.00). Twenty graduate students

from an MBA course representing organizations that engage in some form of IT-based

collaboration participated in pilot test. Preliminary factor analysis of the pilot test data using a

component-based package indicated that the data exhibited normal measurement qualities.

Appendix 1 presents the final measurement items for the constructs in the research model.

6.3. Sampling Frame and Survey Administration

We obtained company details, including their contact information, from the ORBIS database.

ORBIS is a publication of Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing (BvDEP). Our initial sample

selection was non-random as we targeted companies with potential collaborative opportunities.

We then browsed the company websites, and contacted them by phone and email for information

on their IT-based collaboration. Seven hundred and forty one target respondents (companies)

from this database constituted the sampling frame of this study. Dillman’s (2007) methodology

was followed in developing and administrating the online research instrument. We approached

the contacts with the initial instrument package delivery and two reminders. At the conclusion of

the instrument administration process, we received 118 valid responses, a response rate of 15.90

percent. This response rate is comparable to other studies involving senior executives (e.g.,

Jeffers et al., 2008). The contacts that responded represented firms from the major industries

(Banking, Finance, Hospitality, Tourism, Travel, Media, Entertainment, Publishing, Retail,

Wholesale, Distribution, Telecommunications, Transportation, and Logistics). The respondents

included the Director of Management Information Systems, and Chief Information Officers, with

good industry experience.

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6.4 Diagnostics

We tested for the non-response bias with first and the last thirty responses for all measures and

did not find any significant differences on any of the variables. Examination of common methods

variance using Harman’s single-factor test, where all the items were subject to exploratory factor

analysis (EFA), revealed common methods variance was not an issue. More than one factor

emerged from un-rotated factor solutions, and more than one factor explained the majority of the

variance. A small number of responses contained missing data, and Little's MCAR test yielded

data to be missing completely at random (p=0.441). Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE),

implemented by the EM (expectation maximization) algorithm in the SPSS Missing Values

option imputed the missing data.


7.1. A Components-Based Approach to Model Testing

We used partial least squares (PLS), a components-based structural equation modeling (SEM)

program to test the theoretical relationships amongst latent variables (structural path) and the

relationship between latent variables and its indicators (measurement paths). PLS is suitable for

application and prediction (Chin et al., 2003). PLS assumes that all the measured variance is

useful variance, and estimates the latent variables as exact linear combinations of the observed

measures, avoiding the indeterminacy problem and providing an exact definition of component

scores (Chin et al., 2003).

7.2. Measurement Model

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed the factor loadings for constructs load highly only on

their designated constructs. Measurement items have a factor loading mostly above the rule of

thumb of a loading of 0.70, indicating at least 50% of the variance in the manifest variable is

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accounted for by the construct (Hair et al., 2008). Cross-loadings analysis revealed the manifest

variables load highly only on the desired latent variable. There are high cross loadings between

PROP and IOPS, SSOK, STMC and FRMP. Table 3 presents factor loading and cross loadings.

Table 4 presents the results of measurement model assessment, including Cronbach’s alpha,

average variance extracted, composite readability, and inter-construct correlations. The alpha

coefficients of all constructs was higher than 0.70 (Nunnally, 1978). The more accurate

composite reliabilities, which avoid the assumption of equal weightings, were above 0.80. The

average variance extracted were all above the acceptable 0.50 level (Chin, 1988). The square root

of average variance extracted, which represents the average association of each construct to its

measures, was higher than the correlations with the other constructs. This statistics indicates that

the construct closely relate to its own measures rather than to those of other constructs. Table 4

shows the square root of average variance extracted diagonally in bold.

7.3. Structural Model

This study considers the suggested IT governance structures in totality. That is, this study

presents the culmination of the individual structures as a higher order factor. This approach is

consistent with the objective of this study of suggesting a set of governance structures for

collaborative alliances. This approach also reduces the number of path coefficients in the

structural model, thus improving the validity of the findings. The results of the analysis of the

higher order IT governance factor indicates all IT governance factors favorably and significantly

contribute to this higher order factor. The significant path coefficients range from 0.098 (2.824)

(ILCS) to 0.524 (4.953) (CTSC). The four structures share 97.8% variance with the higher order


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Table 3

Factor Loadings and Cross Loadings


COSC1 0.828 0.417 0.467 0.499 0.126 0.474 0.477 0.348 0.548 0.562

COSC2 0.765 0.494 0.714 0.340 0.054 0.363 0.332 0.286 0.179 0.240

COSC3 0.818 0.417 0.371 0.394 0.085 0.424 0.413 0.324 0.269 0.298

CTSC1 0.360 0.885 0.452 0.429 0.120 0.439 0.403 0.368 0.297 0.339

CTSC2 0.365 0.894 0.314 0.340 0.054 0.363 0.332 0.286 0.179 0.240

CTSC3 0.818 0.917 0.671 0.394 0.085 0.424 0.413 0.324 0.269 0.298

CUST1 0.413 0.465 0.907 0.429 0.090 0.498 0.508 0.420 0.316 0.385

CUST2 0.541 0.423 0.847 0.329 0.196 0.364 0.385 0.309 0.278 0.290

CUST3 0.499 0.470 0.851 0.401 0.118 0.411 0.356 0.275 0.291 0.351

FRMP1 0.407 0.389 0.423 0.972 0.224 0.493 0.566 0.324 0.381 0.436

FRMP2 0.489 0.399 0.437 0.951 0.233 0.769 0.591 0.350 0.373 0.421

FRMP3 0.667 0.460 0.413 0.920 0.227 0.785 0.505 0.348 0.316 0.383

ILCS1 0.127 0.093 0.102 0.270 0.819 0.190 0.079 0.225 0.097 0.109

ILCS2 0.081 0.039 0.103 0.169 0.837 0.139 0.113 0.276 0.112 0.117

ILCS3 0.098 0.129 0.174 0.168 0.848 0.102 0.049 0.211 0.080 0.125

IOPS1 0.428 0.417 0.467 0.399 0.126 0.974 0.677 0.348 0.548 0.562

IOPS2 0.321 0.448 0.431 0.333 0.250 0.793 0.519 0.349 0.362 0.402

IOPS3 0.328 0.417 0.467 0.499 0.126 0.974 0.677 0.348 0.548 0.562

PROP1 0.594 0.391 0.353 0.513 0.016 0.615 0.815 0.333 0.555 0.549

PROP2 0.505 0.337 0.401 0.497 0.097 0.546 0.890 0.549 0.534 0.586

PROP3 0.575 0.390 0.495 0.510 0.133 0.616 0.883 0.523 0.618 0.663

SFLX1 0.341 0.297 0.366 0.386 0.274 0.363 0.494 0.904 0.360 0.479

SFLX2 0.294 0.237 0.245 0.235 0.190 0.292 0.444 0.780 0.409 0.449

SFLX3 0.393 0.400 0.381 0.287 0.265 0.306 0.465 0.869 0.333 0.368

SSOK1 0.325 0.184 0.224 0.220 0.046 0.378 0.554 0.292 0.860 0.763

SSOK2 0.434 0.235 0.299 0.380 0.143 0.526 0.523 0.347 0.895 0.619

SSOK3 0.446 0.300 0.342 0.357 0.106 0.468 0.614 0.446 0.814 0.515

STMC1 0.428 0.330 0.368 0.383 0.176 0.445 0.593 0.493 0.592 0.770

STMC2 0.367 0.210 0.260 0.296 0.045 0.418 0.617 0.379 0.568 0.863

STMC3 0.472 0.285 0.358 0.407 0.126 0.533 0.525 0.383 0.566 0.857

COSC – Co-Created IT Steering Committee, ILCS – Inter-organizational Lateral Communication Systems, IOPS – Inter-Organizational Performance Systems, COSC – Co-Created Operational Systems Committee,

SSOK, Sustained Shared Organizational Knowledge, SFLX – Sustained Flexible IT Infrastructure, STMC –Sustained Top Management Commitment, CUST – Customer Service, PROP – Internal Process-Level

Performance, FRMP – Firm-Level Performance

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Table 4

Measurement Properties


COSC 0.646 0.757 0.845 0.804

CTSC 0.808 0.882 0.926 0.626 0.899

CUST 0.755 0.839 0.902 0.519 0.595 0.869

FRMP 0.898 0.943 0.964 0.453 0.437 0.448 0.948

ILCS 0.697 0.784 0.874 0.121 0.100 0.149 0.241 0.835

IOPS 0.842 0.903 0.941 0.634 0.460 0.494 0.624 0.173 0.917

PROP 0.745 0.829 0.897 0.445 0.431 0.486 0.586 0.099 0.686 0.863

SFLX 0.727 0.811 0.888 0.404 0.368 0.392 0.359 0.288 0.377 0.548 0.853

SSOK 0.734 0.819 0.892 0.473 0.284 0.341 0.377 0.117 0.538 0.660 0.427 0.857

STMC 0.691 0.774 0.870 0.509 0.332 0.397 0.437 0.140 0.561 0.697 0.505 0.694 0.831

COSC – Co-Created IT Steering Committee, ILCS – Inter-organizational Lateral Communication Systems, IOPS – Inter-Organizational Performance Systems, COSC – Co-Created Operational Systems Committee, SSOK, Sustained Shared Organizational Knowledge, SFLX – Sustained Flexible IT Infrastructure, STMC –Sustained Top Management Commitment, CUST – Customer Service, PROP – Internal Process-Level Performance, FRMP – Firm-Level Performance, AVE – Average Variance Extracted, CRA – Cronbach’s Alpha, COR – Composite Reliability

The higher order IT governance factor significantly and favorably influences the three sustainable

IT-related capabilities. This higher-level governance structure explains 26.3% variance in STMC

(pc=0.513***), 21.6% variance in SSOK (pc=0.465***), and 20.8% variance in SFLEX

(pc=0.456***). These outcomes support H1-H3. The three sustainable IT-related capabilities

favorably and significantly relate to internal process-level performance. They explain 54.9%

variance in the internal process-level performance with strong associations, STMC (pc=0.365**),

SSOK (p=0.221*), and SFLX (0.269**). These outcomes support H4-H6.

The internal process-level performance favorably and significantly impact customer service

improvement (pc=0.486***), and it explains 23.7% variance in the customer service

improvement. This outcome supports H7. The internal process-level performance and customer

service improvement also favorably and significantly impact firm-level performance. Together,

they explain 37.8% variance in firm-level performance, and they have strong associations with

PROP (pc=0.482***), and CUST (pc=0.214**). These outcomes support H8-H9. Overall, the

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analysis reveals a strong fit of the data to the suggested IT governance model for collaborative

alliances. Figure 4 presents the outcome of all the above associations between the IT governance

structures, the sustainable IT-related capabilities, and business value.

Co-Created IT Steering


Co-Created Operational

Systems Committee

Inter-Organizational Performance Measurement



Lateral Communication


Sustainable Top Management CommitmentR2 = 0.263

Firm-Level PerformanceR2 = 0.378

Internal Process

PerformanceR2 = 0.549



Sustainable Flexible IT

Infrastructure R2 = 0.208

Sustainable Shared

Organizational KnowledgeR2 = 0.216


6* **








Customer Service

ImprovementR2 = 0.237



Co-Created IT

Governance R2 = 0.978






*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

Figure 4. Structural Model


The emergence of web 2.0 tools presents organizations with opportunities to engage in various

forms of collaborative alliances. These alliances present new challenges to organizations in

managing their IT resources. This situation arises because organizations now have to consider the

ramifications of their IT-related decisions in a wider collaborative jurisdiction. Organisations

require new forms of arrangements to mange and make decisions relating to their IT. This study

suggested a dynamic capabilities framework as the basis for possible IT governance structures for

the COS. This suggestion is based on the premise that across-organization IT use requires across-

organization collaborative governance mechanisms at various levels of the organizational


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An interpretive design informed us of the various IT governance structures required to manage

and leverage the IT resources within the COS. Interviews with contacts from organizations that

actively engage in collaborative alliances revealed the need for co-created IT governance

structures. Importantly, organizations require these co-created IT governance structures within

various levels of the organizational hierarchy. These IT governance structures need to focus on

decision making, mostly at the strategic level, collaboration and communication on ways

leverage the IT resources, and across-organization performance evaluation systems. These IT

governance structures present an embracive approach to managing IT resources within

collaborative alliances. This effort of identifying suitable IT governance structures for

collaborative alliances is an important one because the proliferation of collaborative tools will see

organizations continue to engage in various forms of collaborative alliance to obtain or sustain

their performance in the current global economy.

Organizations must also be able to understand ways to evaluate their IT governance efforts. This

understanding is important because it determines the effectiveness of the adopted IT governance

structures to manage and leverage the IT resources. Unchecked governance approaches may

result in ineffective use of IT resources within organizations. This study recognizes the dynamic

proliferation of IT resources, in that organizations continually have access to new and capable IT

resources. Organizations’ ability to leverage such dynamic resources is contingent upon their

ability to renew their IT-related competences to understand and recognize the opportunities

offered by the modern IT resources. Respectively, this study proposed and evaluated the

effectiveness of the IT governance structures for collaborative alliance against firms’ ability to

sustain their IT-related capabilities.

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The results showed that for COS, their IT governance efforts relate to their ability to sustain their

IT-related capabilities. That is, organizations’ IT governance structures set the platform for

organizations to understand and use the newly acquired IT resources effectively. This outcome is

important for the COS because these organizations’ ability to maintain their competitive position

with collaborative alliances will be contingent upon their ability to make innovative use of

collaborative IT resources to refine their across-organization business processes. This study

considered IT-related capabilities of top management commitment towards IT initiatives, shared

organizational knowledge between IT and non-IT manager, and a flexible IT infrastructure.

These IT-related capabilities are essential to form and sustainably leverage the COS.

Ultimately, organizations’ abilities and capabilities must contribute to business value. This study

considered the influence of the sustainable IT-related capabilities on measures of business value

at the business process and the firm levels. IT governance structures do not directly affect

business value. They rather influence the business value through creating and sustaining the IT-

related capabilities. The suggested model, however, allows one to infer whether organizations’ IT

governance structures indirectly contribute to their business value. The results suggest that

organizations’ sustainable IT-related capabilities (STMC, SSOK, and SFLX) improve the

effectiveness and efficiency of their internal business processes. This outcome indicates

organizations that are part of COS are able to leverage the IT resources to improve the conduct of

their processes. The results also suggest that organizations’ improved internal business processes

forms the basis for improving their customer service. This aspect is important in today’s business

environment because organizations value adding capabilities is a major indicator of customer

service improvement. Sustainable IT-related capabilities’ competitive advantage is contingent

upon innovative ways of locking in the customers and increasing their switching costs. The final

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stage of the model suggests that organizations improved internal and external business processes

will contribute to their firm-level performance.

Overall, this study presents a comprehensive model of developing and evaluating the IT

governance structures for collaborative alliances. The model permits making inferences on the

effect of the IT governance structures on measures of business value. This understanding is

important because stakeholders ultimately evaluate the financial ramifications of their decisions.

This impact, however, is contingent upon organizations understanding and their ability to

leverage the IT resources at the intermediate business processes level.


Prior research notes much on the potential of COSs, but understanding on the nature and

effectiveness of their IT governance structures is relatively sparse. An important contribution of

this research is the identification of the IT governance structures for the collaborative alliances,

and a sustainable IT-related capabilities approach to assessing the effectiveness of these

governance structures. The dynamic capabilities framework is an ideal basis for suggesting co-

created governance structures and the need for organizations to possess sustainable IT-related

capabilities. Understanding the relationship between these factors is an approach to evaluating the

effectiveness of the IT governance structures for collaborative alliances. Future research can

capitalise on these approaches to investigate new IT governance structures for COS. There is also

potential for deepening our understanding on measuring the effectiveness of the IT governance

structures for COS. Future research can consider targeted measures of internal and external

business processes, and firm level outcomes.

For practice, this study demonstrates the need for inter-organizational coordination in governing

the IT resources within COS. IT offers possible forms of governance structures that involve

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different levels of management. The study suggests some sustainable IT-related capabilities that

organizations may possess to leverage their IT resources. Importantly, it informs the practice on

understanding the relationship between the IT governance structures and sustainable IT-related

capabilities as a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the IT governance structures. There is

also a need to link these sustainable IT-related capabilities to measures of business value. This

linkage accords practice to make inferences on the business value implications of their IT

management efforts. The result is a holistic approach to developing IT governance capacities, and

ways to measure the effectiveness of these capacities.


A response rate of 15.90% is at the lower end of acceptable response rate. We, however, did

manage to solicit responses from 118 contacts, and detailed diagnostics of the data did not reveal

any issues on data quality and population representation. The data was also adequate to assess the

structural properties of the suggested research model. This study uses a cross-sectional research

design, which allows for assessment of important relationships between IT governance structures,

sustainable IT-related capabilities, internal process-level performance, improvement in customer

service, and firm-level performance in organizations that are part of COS. This approach does not

address the question of causality. Despite the strong internal validity procedures in instrument

development, testing, and administration, the sustainability of this study’s findings is limited. A

longitudinal study strengthens the causality and sustainability aspects of a research.

This study proposes four IT governance structures for collaborative alliances. Organizations size,

experience level, and the representation of business units can also conceivably influence the

effectiveness of these IT Governance structures. While other variables may capture the effect of

these attributes, their exclusion may present some bias in the results. Future research can include

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these factors in this study’s suggested model. While this study makes every conceivable effort in

validating the research instrument, potential demand bias may exist in responding to

measurement. Future research, perhaps by adopting alternative methodologies, could obtain

information regarding size and composition of the IT structures, the times they meet during a

given period, for a better understanding of the effectiveness of the suggested IT governance


To conclude, this study offers insights on the need for co-created IT governance structures to

manage the IT resources with COS. The proliferation of rich web 2.0 tools means organizations

will increase their intensity of commitment into COS. This requires more effort in advancing this

body of knowledge. Future research can add much to this knowledge by suggesting other IT

governance structures, sustainable IT-related capabilities, and contingent factors to strengthen our

understanding of the mechanics of effective IT governance for COS. We envisage our effort will

encourage other researchers add to this body of knowledge to ensure organizations are

continually updated on ways to leverage their investment in the IT resources.


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Sustainable Top management commitment Our top executives have clearly indicated their commitment to IT over the last five years. Our top executives have championed IT within the organization over the last five years. Our top executives have been at the forefront of IT adoption in our organization over the last five years Sustainable Shared organizational knowledge Our IT management team is continually very well informed about the business operations and strategies of each unit. Each unit’s management team continually recognise IT as a competitive weapon. Each unit’s management team continually recognise IT as a tool to increase productivity of clerical and professional employees. Sustainable Flexible IT infrastructure Our organization continues to refine and establish corporate rules and standards for hardware and operating systems to ensure platform compatibility over the last five years. Our organization continues to have a high percentage of standardized corporate data and can access all data pertinent to a customer through a single interface. Our organization continues to have a high percentage of corporate data that is currently sharable across systems and business units. Customer service Improvement The customer service unit gives customers prompt service. Customer service representatives are never too busy to respond to customers. Customer service representatives are empowered to solve customers’ problems. Internal process-level performance Our selling cost per employee has reduced significantly compared to our competitors. Our labor cost has reduced significantly compared to our competitors. Our operating expenditure has reduced significantly compared to our competitors. Firm-level performance Our return on investment has been outstanding compared to our competitors. The increase in our total revenue has exceeded our leading competitors. Our return on equity has been outstanding compared to our competitors.