(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy1 Academic Integrity (New Faculty...

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Phil osophy 1 Academic Integrity (New Faculty Orientation, Summer 2007) Academic Integrity Nancy A. Stanlick Department of Philosophy http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~stanlick [email protected] 407-823-2273 April 18, 2007

Transcript of (c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy1 Academic Integrity (New Faculty...

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Academic Integrity(New Faculty Orientation, Summer 2007)

Academic Integrity

Nancy A. StanlickDepartment of Philosophy

http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/[email protected]

407-823-2273April 18, 2007

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


What is Academic Integrity?

A set of rules and expectations? An example of failure: the “10 Cs”

The UCF Creed What is it?

Look on the wall

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Common Student Reasons & Excuses For Cheating/Plagiarizing

“Everyone does it” Concept of “Community”

Time constraints Work, family, other classes

Difficulty with content “It’s that professor’s fault, not mine”

Fear of loss of scholarships, parental support “I just can’t fail this class”

“I turned in the wrong paper” Unlikely, but possible, cases

“The professor said we could (didn’t say we couldn’t) work together”

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Cell Phones & PDAs

Using IR Ports and BlueTooth, Instant Messaging and E-mail (for text and pictures of examination content)

Source: http://www.magazine.uc.edu/0805/cheating1.htm

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Walkmans, MP3 PlayersOther Ideas from Wikis

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Low-Tech MethodsThe Cheating Bottle

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


The Academic Support Bra

How will you explain how you discovered this method of cheating???

Image Source: http://lexlibertas.com/category/lesson-of-the-day/

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Methods of Plagiarizing

How Ironic is this??

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Some Additional Methods

Multiple Sections of the same course Stealing from roommates File Cabinets Hat brims Chalk/Pen ledges The backs of chairs Mirrors Duplicate Exam Books Leg Fans Phantom Students And the list goes on and on…

Source: http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/p/plagiarism_gifts.asp

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Existing and Future Measures

Syllabus Statements & Clarity, expectations

Library Presentations Use “turnitin.com” Writing Center, SARC Setting an Example; fairness,


(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Existing and Future Measures

Core Commitments: Educating Students for Personal and Social Responsibility (AAC&U Grant for UCF) Proactive seminars Faculty Development Ethics Bowl Competitions Ethics Task Force Committees IPL Research Campus-Wide Dialogues Institutional Integrity Week

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Faculty Reactions to Academic Misconduct

Grade penalties Referrals (Ethics

Seminar) Next slide

Indignation Anger Disappointment Insult From


(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


OSC/Philosophy Ethics Seminar

General Structure & Assignments See

http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~stanlick/OSCSeminarspr&sum2007.htm for Fall 2006 seminar contents and assignments

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy



Callahan, Daniel. The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans are Doing Wrong to Get Ahead .Orlando: Harcourt, 2004.

Dewey, John. “Search for the Great Community.” In The Collected Works of John Dewey, Later Works, Volume Two, 1925-1927. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1984.

Gert, Bernard. “Academic Cheating.” Video Lecture – (competitive conception of education and educational activity – see http://ethics.acusd.edu/video/CEPE2000/Cheating/index.html

Gert, Bernard. “Academic Cheating.” Retrieved January 1, 2005 from http://ethics.sandiego.edu/Resources/cai/webworkshop/Gert/Cheating.html.

Gert, Bernard. Morality: Its Nature and Justification. New York: Oxford UP, 1998. Kibler, W.L., E.M. Nuss, B.G. Paterson, & G. Pavela. Academic Integrity and Student Development:

Legal Issues, Policy Perspectives. Ashville, NC: College Administration Publications, 1998. McCabe, Donald L., Linda K. Trevino, & Kenneth D. Butterfield. “Academic Integrity in Honor Code and

Non-Honor Code Environments: A Qualitative Investigation.” Journal of Higher Education 70(2), 1999: 211-234.

McCabe, Donald L. and Patrick Drinan. “Toward a Culture of Academic Integrity.” Chronicle of Higher Education 10/15/1999, Vol. 46, Iss 8, retrieved through Academic Search Premier, March 11, 2003.

Stanlick, Nancy A. “Individualism, Community, and Academic Integrity.” Selected Papers from the 16th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning. Ed. Jack A. Chambers. Jacksonville, FL: Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (March 2005): 171-184.

Stanlick, Nancy A. “Creating an Honors Community: A Virtue Ethics Approach.” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council. Vol. 7, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2006: 75-92.

Stanlick, Nancy A. “Individual-Centered Collaborative Research: Method and Theory.” Teaching Philosophy. FORTHCOMING March 2007.

Whitley, Bernard E., Jr., and Patricia Keith-Spiegel. Academic Dishonesty: An Educator’s Guide. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002.

(c) 2007, Nancy A. Stanlick, Ph.D., UCF Department of Philosophy


Additional Readings on Academic Communities

Bringle, Robert G. et al., Colleges and Universities as Citizens (Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1999).

McCabe, Donald L. et al., “Cheating in Academic Institutions: A Decade of Research,” Ethics and Behavior, Vol. 11(3), 2001.

McDonald, William M and Associates, Creating Campus Community: In Search of Ernest Boyer’s Legacy (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002).

Tephic, Donald A. and Peggy A. Ertmer, “Building Community as a Critical Element of Online Course Design,” Educational Technology, v. 43, no 5, Sep-Oct 2003, pp. 33-43.

Whitley, Bernard E. and Patricia Keith-Spiegel, “Academic Integrity as an Institutional Issue,” Ethics and Behavior, Vol. 11(3), 2001, pp. 325-342.

Whitley, Bernard E. and Patricia Keith-Spiegel, Academic Dishonesty: An Educator’s Guide (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002).